Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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A. Realization of Christmas at
Open Evenings
Dolls and Toys
In The
Jot only is the holiday tone different from all other stores, but in reality the Boston Store is the only shop in
town that makes a. holiday display worthy of the nam. The spirit of Christmas tide greets you at the door way. The windows display beautiful Christmas
scenes and in every broad aisls and on every counter are happy evidences of the approach or St. Nicholas. Thousands of pretty things to delight the shopping
throngs. The way our goods are priced make Christmas giving a pleasure instead of a burden. You will enjoy your Christmas better if you buy goods at Brandeis.
Christmas Specials in Black Silks
CJV black silk dross patterns, 12 to 14 yards. 500
ijyjyj black silk waist patterns, 4 yards. 500 black eilk one
skirt patterns, 0 to 10 yards, in all the latest fashionable weaves,
at quick selling prices.
H yards silk dress patterns of handsome pe&u do tula, guaranteed 07
quality worth 113.50, at , ".X O
12 yards silk dress patterns of very 14 yards silk dress patterns of the fin
wide peau luxor or peau de f Cf eRt Imported "Bonnet" .Ilk.
ole. worth $18.00. at levlvJ DRESS SILKS In 20 different weaves.
guaranteed for one year, A pj g? f
worth $25 at I A eOCJ
Elegant Furs and Cloaks for Christmas Gifts
No Christmas present could be received with more delight than a selection from our furs tfe cloaks
51bertan squirrel scarfs, Imitation er- Fine Sable and Isabella fox scarfs
mine lining, worth up to fj C f worth ten dollars, gr gQ
111.60, at JL .OU .t O.V O
5able and Isabella fox scarfs, mink, Cluster scarfs, American stone marten,
ton. marten, etc., worth f nj" etc., worth up to 6.00, O fa Q
, Z7KJJ at VCJ
12 yards sOk dress patterns, finest
pure dy. 27 inches wide peau de gant or
"Bonnet" oil broiled taffeta, Habutal H-yard pattern of satin finish crepe de
"Spot Proof worth $20,
4-yard waist pattern of elegant new
whit, creme and black Loulsene silk us
ual selling price $1.25 a yard
at, a pattern
chin. In black and colors, posi
tively worth $1.25 yard, at.
4 yards new glace 27-Inch hair line
taffeta, the latest shirt waist silk In 10
different combinations,
a pattern
2f Q different combinations, O AC
VO .D.ttern 0.40
4 yards new Imported Lyons satin solell Liberty, rery (flossy and AA
durable worth $1.2-5 a yard, $3 a pattern O.VVf
4 yards of our high class plain weaves and fancy silk that have been O Q C
selling up to 11.50 a yard, all go at, a pattern e -J O
10-yard sklrtpattern, all pure silk flel- 6-yard skirt pattern of 36-Inch Phoenix
low finish taffeta, very glossy and rec
ommended for wear worth C C f
$9.00. at O.VVF
8-yard skirt pattern of our celebrated 4"yard sk,rt Pattern of the finest 34
Pur. Dy. Bonnet Lyons Taffeta ,ncn hlack taffeta ever shown over any
worth $12.00 fj CrV counter, positively worth l-J Q-
JL iOU $3 a yard, at J.
mill guaranteed taffeta
worth $10, at
up to $17.60, at
Seal skin Jackets, 22-Inch
at ,
Hudson Bay otter, 22-lnches AQ
long, at PVO
Blended silver beaver, 22
lnches long
Fur Coats and Jackets
Near seal blouse Jackets,
choice of S shapes, worth
$46 and $50 at
Select Astrakhan Jackets,
A f-AV
choice of 80 selected Jack- y.iX .71 1
ets, at
tr, rr. 27 astrakhan and electric .. a oe
$o9 yi2ay-.':.w?.!,...l 4.oO
Chllds' and misses' sets, all new shapes . j tip tO 7 50
Winters Smartest Cloaks and Suits
5CC 30 tailored suits la all th. new
eUvJ styles and cloths, A A.
pleat, satin at 14iOlJ
$10 Mont. Carlo with double
cape, and satin lining, at
$16 Mont. Carlos, Inverted
lining and double cape, Q CQ . , ...
at " Q,yQ $22 Ullored suits, broadcloth, and Vene-
$22.60 Monte Carlos, novelty effects, new tlan, new effects Q Q Q
collar, and lining f SZ( Bt ZS
..t "."" "J ..w . $32.50. 45-Inch Monte Carlos jA AA
$38, 45-ln. kersey coats with Mexican n hout cape,
beaver collar and revers, -f A Q
at 14UO $66 long coats In .xcluslv. and sampl.
$25 new. silk Monte Carlos, 4 fA garments Off ff
entirely new, at 4D J at J JJ J
Wants All the Children to
Call Him Up by Telephone
'PHONE NO. 772
Great Values in Holiday Jewelry
A ladles' gold set ring set
with pearU, rubles and
emeralds, fully guaranteed..
Ladies' or mlsHos' beautiful
enameled chateline watch
with pin to match, in
morocco box, 75
Th. g.nuln. Lamler opera glasses,
trad, mark th. "Fly," In morocco,
Jewelers' price $16.00
our price,
ft mam aMw.wvw,
An endless variety of children's toys and dolls In the basement. Every plaything this year Is brand new.
This season we are showing a
large line of trains and tracks, like
cut. These are the most perfect
mechanical toy made. They will run
for a long time and do not get out of
oider. We have them Hr
up from OOW
China tor dish s R
eta. n n from........ W
This season we are showing an
endless variety of Iron toys, such as
hook and ladders. Are trucks, fir.
towers, hose carts, engines, trains.
etc., all ranging In price 2C
11 n from .
CrORtnole Boards,
V0kre..?.u.V. 59c
Others ranging In price
up to $3.60.
60 pair opera glasses with achromatlo
lenses, In pearl and morocco, at
Gents' solid gold 14k link
buttons, in O Q ft
rose gold, at .
Ladles' solid gold 14k Tiffany rings set
In pearls, rubies,
emeralds anf sap
phires, at .
The finest stock of leather goods ever
shown In Omaha, wrist bags, purees,
chatelaine bags In walrus, real
seal and ,
oags in wairus, real
Magic Lantern,
like cut
nmmi. W. hav.
anare drums and the reg
ular military drums,
ranging In price CQc
from 98o down to...-
Tin horn., bugles,
trumpets, etc., In an end
less variety, ,
up from
Tool Chests, in all
sixes, ranging in price
from U.26 down rOCn
Floor Chimes. Al
ways an entertaining toy
for little ones. We are
showing a sample line
of them this year which
we bought from a New
York manufacturer, in
prices ranging tCin
from 49c down to a
Sleds. Boys' and
Qlrls' 81eds. Coantera,
etc., every oonceiv- OCn
able kind, up from..
Kid Body Dolls. Th.
largest line ever shown in
Omaha, ranging In price
from $5.00 down 25C
Wo" have them with
cork stuffed bodies and
Kestner heads, no better
doll is made; these rane
In price from $6 OS
down to.,.
Rocking Horses.
Good, substantial, well
built rocking
horses, like cut, j.25
Others' ' u'fi to"$2.60.
Holiday Unmade Dress Patterns
Full Dress Pattern at $2,98
We will sell in main dress goods de
partment the remaining dress patterns left
Irom the great Fifth Ave. dressmaking
stock, consisting of the highest grade
French novelty dress goods, silk and wool
English cloths, cheviots, twine etamine,
mistral at $2.98 a pattern.
To these we haye added values worth twice the price we
ask, in serges, cheviots, suitings, fancj V 3
weave, mohairs and etamines, all colors j Jw
and black, all at, per pattern
Waistings on Bargain Square
All the finest 75c French challies and flannels, IQc
plain, fancy and silk stripes, at -7v
Albatross and waistings on sale
White mohair, raindrop mohair and all our 85c A Qp
striped waistings and Scotch flannels, at TT iw
A large line of' Go
Carts and Doll Cabs, In
price, ranging up O-Xri
from apiece -JW
Doll Heads, with
short curly hair. Ilk. cut,
-or with long flowing nat
ural hair and boautlful
wavy sewed wigs, In all
sites, from th. smallest
to th. largest, prices
ranging from $2.00 Hr
down to 'u
Ten Pin Sets, now
the popular game, in all
sizes from $1.00 Er
down to tow
Pianos. We hare
them In white and Imtta
rose wood, ranging itr
In nrlce uo from IW
Pretty Christmas Neckwear
Imported Lace Collars
Imported t ample lac. collars In white, eream and
cm, also black allk, many styles, worth as high a.
$3.00 each, go In lota at
59c, 75c, 98c and $1.50
Lace and Mull Ties
A New York Importer's samples ui surplus stock of
lac. and mull tie., only t or S of a kind, and over a
hundred styles, all go on bargain counter and worth
up to $1.60, go In lots at
15c, 25c and 49c
Fancy Silk Neckwear
Ladies' fancy silk neckwear. Including tab stocl f sfa O
collars, silk Osu. and Jabos, go at 0"C OUC, VOC
$ 1 .00 and $ 1 .50 Kid (Moves at 59c
Som. of th. latest styles of ladles' high grade kid gloves In black, whit, and
all colors, many well known makes, plenty In th. lot worth CO
from $1.00 to $1.60, on bargain square...... JDyC
Ladles' Underwear
Ladle.' fin. and heavy ribbed fleeoy lined vest, and pants, all Ofi
Ises, worth 60c, go at
Ladle.' Australian all wool camel's hair vesta and pants, -v
$1.00 quality QVC
Ladles' $1.60 woot union suits, Oneida Sm O
tyle. at
Misses' and children's medium weight, fln. and heavy ribbed underwear, all
sizes, worth up to 40c each, go on C
bargain counter at...
Boys' and girls' heavy camel's hair wool underwear, 4 g
worth 85c, all sizes, at J Q
A dainty
makes a
charming gift
Holiday Handkerchiefs
Ladles' All Linen Handkerchiefs, all widths hemstitch- fic
in-, lOo quality
Ladles' Fine Lace and Embroidered Edj-e Handkerchiefs, C.
wnpfh until KWv Aunh ....... KJm
Ladles' Hand Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, sheer linen,
worth 20c, at.
Ladles' and flea's Sheer Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
worth 0o, at
Ladles' All Linen Embroidered and Lace Edged Handkerchiefs,
2io quality, at
Ladles' Lace Edged Embroidered Inserting Trimmed Handkerchiefs,
over loo style,, worth up to 60c, goau
Ladlea' Fine Plain Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs, In plain white
and fancy colors, worth up to 75o, at, each.....
Ladlea' Sheer IJnen Embroidered and Revered Handkerchiefs,
worth up to il.oo, go at, ench
Children's Fancy Handkerchiefs,
3 in a box, at
Children's Embroidered Initial Hand
kerchiefs, 3 in a box, at
stored Bordered Handkerchiefs,
6 in a faucy box, at
' and Hen's Hand Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, six In a
txx, worth $1.00, tro at
JVn'saad Boys' Fancy Brocaded Silk Handkerchiefs QUCl
Fancy Silk and Wool ilufflers In stripes, pi aids and checks, f
worth 75c, ro at , aj"C
Larg Si Plain Silk and Brocaded fluffier Great wrj- jt fQ
variety of styles, go at iOC OHU yOC
ilea's Large Size White and Fancy Colored Bordered Silk Hand
kerchiefs, large size, wor.h 50c. go at.
Clothing for the Holidays
lit Suits and Overcoats at $10
Tomorrow we place on sale all our f 18 and $20
Suits and Overcoats for $10. This includes clay
lined kerseys, rough cheviots, Meltons and Irish
Frieze Overcoats. The suits are made of the finest
domestic and imported fabrics, which no custom
tailor could duplicate
for less than $33.
We offer this entire
purchase for
tomorrow, at
House Coats and Smoking1 Jackets
We have every style that can be sought for.
Uandsome gifts that carry comfort to the wearer.
Don't wait until the last day. Make your selection
now. Prices $3.98, '$5.00, $6.50. $8.50
Bath and Lounging Robes
Bath and lounging robes of every sort. The
most comfortable garment for a man at home
Sfc.. $2.98 to $12
Boys' Suits and Overcoats at $2.98
Your unrestricted choice of the highest and fin
est grade of boys' suits, overcoats and ulsters,
bought from the receiver, sizes and ages 3 to 15
years, that sold in
New York for up
to $7.00, on sale
12k r- i
..IOC Jri
49c p'tSi''
ii: ,
:'"...'- - 1
.59c :T-v. J? 1
ver, sizes ana ages 6 to 15
See our elaborate Holiday Slipper Show
nothing to equal it ever seen in Omaha.
Dolls given away free with every pair Girls'
shoes sold on second floor.
Ladles' Bench
Made Shoes
Ws'show for th. first tlm. In Omaha ladles'
bench mad. shoes. Th.s. ar. of th. yerjr finest pat
ent coltskln, with a fln. hand bottomed hand sewed
sols. They represent th. Terr highest point In th.
shoemaker's art. On sal. In th. special
$5.00, $6.00 and 18.00 sho. department on
the second floor.
At 16 we .how tomorrow a num
ber of high grade novelties In la
dles' street and dress boots In hand
lurnea ana nana weit soles in low.
medium and high heels
These are all exclualv
New York styles and con'
trolled by us in Omaha..
oies in low,
Dr. Reed's Men's
Cushion Shoes
W. ar. sol. agents, for Dr. Reed's Celebrated Cushion
Bho. for men. W. bav. them in a doien different
styles In vlci kid, velours calf and box calf, in all
width, and all sites. These are th. only shoe. mad.
which will positively cur. tender feet, corns
and callouses and At th. sam. tim. pre
serve all the .Sect, that the latest style,
dictate '. .,
Th. Dr. Reed's enameled Dlucher for young
men U the swellest street shoe ever made.
Th. price is ,
Our Own To-order-riade Shoca for
rien for Street and Dreaa Wear at
2.50, $3, 3.50, $4 ,$5
For those who desire a first-class shoe making for less
money, we show 180 styles of men', shoes from t!.6u to
tS.OO. These prices Include the very latest of footwear
worn today by men for street wear, for work and for
In oar exclusive
children's depart
ment, on th. sec
ond floor.
W. hav. th. larg
est variety and th.
best mad. shoes for
Infaats, children
and growing girls
and boys ever
brought to Omaha.
All of these ar.
mad. on perfect
lasts, which lit th.
foot. We guaran
tee th. wear of
every pair and as
sure you that no
better ahoemak.
ing U possible,
nor can there be
any better leath
er put in than
that of which
thess shoe ar.
made. P r I s . a
range from 50o te
I 25 for children's
and from $1 19 to
$2.60 for the girl,
and boys.