Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Grain tit Prices Adance, Though Bunnell
Volurij ia Light
Government Report anil Unff Cabin
Affect nHrl-ltr(ia Demand
Offsets These Element and
Sends Valoes I P.
CHICAGO, Dep. 11. Prices In the grain
pits were higher today, although trading
waa only moderate. May wheat closing V'f
',ic higher, May corn ic higher and onu
Vc lip. Provisions were easier, the January
products closing at from 17',o to Zi'Vf lower.
Lower rabies and a b tinsh government
report caused an easier feeling In wheat
at the opening and there was considerable
hort selling early. The small receipts and
a (food CBBh demand brought out g neral
buying by commission houaes, part of
which waa reported to be for the leading
long. Offerings were rather limited through
out the dav and a strong tone prevailed,
the close, being; at the high point for De
cember, with a gain of )c at 75'Ac May
opened a shade to rac lower at 7ii
7e, and advanced steadily up to Tic.
Thi. rinse vai iii4e htither at 77'vif7iNc.
Clearances of what and Hour were equal
to 430.00) bu. Primary receipts were 787.0.K)
bu., against 1.107.o a year ago. Minne
apolis and Duluth reported receipts of
685 cars, which, with local receipts of 63
cars, six of contract grade, made total
receipts for the three mints of 636 cars,
against 779 last week and 7X1 a year ago.
Corn was moderately active throughout
the entire day, the feature being renewed
covering by a prominent short who covered
heavily yesterday. Offerings were not
heavy at any time and with a good demand
a strong tone was manifest d. although
considerable liquidation prevented any ma
terial advance In May, which closed c
higher at 44H444'So. but December showed
a gain of c. closing at 57'c. Cables wero
lower, but the prospects of unfavorable
weather overcame the bearish Influence of
the foreign news. Local receipts were 212
cars, with four of contract grade.
There was a fair trade In oats, and after
a little depression at the start, the market
ruled firm, the strength In corn being the
main factor. Commission houses were good
buvers and there waa but little for sale,
which was partly responsible for the better
tone to the situation. May closed V(i
higher at 33Vxfe 3c, after selling between
Xi e and 33Va&J. Local receipt were 100
v.eakness In the hog market caused
lower prices In provisions at the start and
liquidation by outsiders added to the de
cline. The volume of trading was light
and the market lucked any special features.
January pork closed 27MsC lower at $16 66,
lard was 17H(fi20c lower at 13.80 and ribs
avere down lfMjc, closing at $8.42'4j.
Est mated receipts lor tomorrow: wneat,
40 cars; corn, 175 cars; oats, 65 cars; hogs, I
It, MM head.
The leading- fiturea ranged as follows:
Articlei. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae.l Tea'y.
'"leer1 7474-H 76T4 74 75 754
May 76W 77 76 77H,17T4'a77
July 73-!ii74 74H 73i 74Vi74 Q
Dec. 56 6714 66V 67 MH
Jan. 4MH 49 48 S 49 484
May 44 W UWW
Oata '
tIeo. 814 S2 31 32 81S
May S3mk33'aM 33V.33V,!B 34
Jan. 18 0 1 85 16 90 1 66 IS 92V4
May 16 66 15 60 15 46 15 67 16 67'
Dec. W 47H 10 47V4 W 2H 10 S2H 10 60
Jan. 874 90 774 9 80 9 974
May 10 15 074 124 20
Jan. I 60 60 S 424 4 8 60
Mar 324 35 80 30 40
No. 1 tNew.
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FLOUR-Market dull, but firm: winter
patents, $3.6tij3.60; straights, $3.1093.20;
clears, $2.7(W3.10; spring specials, $4.40?H.20;
patents, H.4"ft3.70; stralgnts, $2.9003.20;
linkers. 15 2frf''..5.
WHEAT No. 2 spring, 74g75c; No. 8
aprlng. 973c; No. t red, 74Tr75,4e.
CXJRN No 2. 67c; No. 2 yellow, 6758c.
OATS No. 2. 52c; No. S white, S24'836c
RYK No. 2. 49c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 5a39c; fair to
choice malting, 46rati6c.
SEED No. 1 flax, $1.14; No. 1 northwest,
ern, $1.23: prime timothy, $3.66; clover, con
tract vrade. $10.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $18,874
17.00. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $10.40(80.45. Short
nh aldea (loose) $8.604il.75. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $H.2b&8.60. Short clear
Ides (boxed), $8.759.00.
Following were the receipts and shipments
of the principal grains yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 21,000 18,700
Wheat, bu 65.000 1,800
Corn, bu 99,900 63,700
Oats, bu 96.700 162.500
Rye, bu 2,700 2,900
Barley, bu 86,100 21,800
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa steady; creameries, 18
29c; dairies, 17025c. Eggs, steady, loss off,
cases returned, 24c. Cheese, steady, HVi
124c -
Qoot.tlon. f th. Day on Taria.z
NEW TORK. Deo. U FLOUR Receipts.
21,fj bbls.; exports, 22.199 bbls.; market
very firm and held higher; winter patents,
$a6o33.90; winter straights, $3.46C(p3.55; Mln
neenta patents, $3.SX(i'4.1n; winter extras,
$2.8D113.10; Minnesota bakers' $3.20i'3.35; win
ter low grades, J2.S5W2.90. Rye flour, quiet;
fair to good, $A06p4O; choice to fancy.
$3 50ft3.55. Buckwheat flour, quiet, $2,804
2.35; spot and to arrive.
CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western,
$124; city, $1.22; Brandywlne, $3 40Q3.65.
RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 6c, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 2. 64ir644c, track; state, 5i80c,
C I. f. New York.
BARLEY Dull; feeding, 3940c, e. t. f.,
Buffalo; malting. 4i3ti0c, c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts. 66.675 bu. ; spot, firm;
No. 1 red. 834c elevator and 79c. f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 85Sc f. o.
b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. 86V: f. o.
b. afloat. In face of the bearish crop re-
rort, wheat was generally active and
Igher today; the crowd being short, took
alarm at the small Interior movement, ru
mor of rain In Argentine, a cash trade and
a light offering, and bought freely all day.
The close waa firm at Viic net advance;
May. HO ll-16y SI 7-lSo, closed at 81 c; Julv,
7SStf79c, closed at 79c; December, 837i
44c, cloned at 844e.
CORN Receipts, 27,300 bu ; exports, 64.
168 bu. ; spot quiet; No. 2, 64c elevator and
Slo f. o. fa. afloat; No. 2 yellow, new,61c;
No. 1 white, new. 614c. Option market
was advanced moderately by smaller re
ceipts, unfavorable weather, the wheat
strength and the covering and closed firm
at a partial a net advance; January,
aad-tc. closed at bbWc; May. OV'n-WSe.
closed at 494c; July, 44c, closed at 484c;
liecember, bi4'i(tc. closed at 61 'c.
I w
Options fairly active and nrm all day; De
cember closed at iwc.
HAY VJulet; shipping, 66970c; good to
choice, ikx t7l.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
19i2. 29'3)c; 1901, 24m2SC; olda, 7il24c; Pa-
cinc coasi, iu., oiu6ic; isui, .'Jjj-.c;
1IIDE8 Qjlet; Galvecton. ) to 25
19c; Texaa dry. 24 to 3u lbs., 14c.
DEATH EH Firm; add, 24a264c
PROVISIONS Heef. dull: famllv.
f 1 18 00; mesa, tli).5tKiill.00; beef hams, $20.50
2 00; packet, (M.OtHKj 16.00: city exlra India
mess. t2S.WKi28.tA. Cut meats. dull;
pickled helllea. $9.75ifri0.50; pickled shoul
ders, $8.60; pickled hams, $11. TMj 12w). Lard
easy; western steamed, $11. a); refined,
dull: continent. $11.40; South America,
$11.75; compound, $7.5iKfr7.76. Pork, steady;
family. $18.00; short clear, t21.Wj23.00; mess.
1. ..,.1. iLil
fin wti iuv.
TALIX)W Easy; city, 6Tc; country, 6c,
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4'i
PEANCTS Steady ; fancv hand picked
Vi": other domestic, 3k4;5i;c.
CABBAGE Steady ; domestic, per 100,
white, ti.t-ouz ao; rea, i wvja uu.
Bl'TTER Receipts, I.Wa pkgs.; firm;
state aairy, ?u-.c; extra creamery, sue
common to choice creamery, 21(ii29c.
CHEESE Receipts. 1.436 pkas. : firm
fancy large state, colored and white. Sen.
tember, 13 4c late make, 13c; fancy small,
colored and while, September, 134c; lata
make, lie
EGGS Receipts, 8.078 pkgs.; quiet: state
tnd Pennsylvania, steady; western candled,
sue: western, poor to fancy, 301 29c.
POCLTRY-Alive: Weaker: chickens. 12c
turkeys. 11412c; fowls. UV. Dressed
Finn; western chickens, l!ai)134c; western
fowls, l.'!!'; western turkeys, iw.
METALS The Ixindon tin market ad'
vanced 17a 6d today, spot there being
quoted st 111 2s aVl and futures at 113
1j d: irJluenced by this advance, the local
market also was higher, with spot at
$24 u2S 121 Copper was lower In Ixn
dun. spot closing st 60 Is Id. snd futures
at as las Sd, but remained dull and nom-
eceipts. 18.0U0 Bu.; exports, 455 V'. X. V. "' ."Z 'e A.:: .: Z! '
; spot, firm: No. 2. 37c; No. 3. S7c; No. ' " vi. K
hlte. awiJ8Ac; track white. S7H43c; f" I . - ' "r ' T"v .",VT.
ard white. asn'ovMnc: No. r white. L""'"rKV."A"i"r""
c: track, mixed western, nominal 1 "- v.urrn .iu torn wu. cunni
Inal In the local market. whcr standard
Is quoted at 1 .75; Inkc. f!1.5.V, electrolytic
nnd casting. Ill 4i wn- dull and un
changed her at $4.12' and In don at
11" lis ?d Hr'lter alfo wa oiilct find un
changed In lndnn at 19 17s Sd. while here
It was cns. hit likewise unchanged, at
$4.9".. Iron In l)laK"W clc s d at 5,s (VI and
In Middle sbornugh at 47s 7Mrd ; locally Iron
wes qhlet end nomlrslly unchanged. War
rants continue nominal; No. 1 foundry,
pnrthern. Is quoted at $?3.ok",i 3.00; No. 2
foundry, northern. No. I foundry, southern,
and No. 1 foundry, southern, aoft, $22.0ir
rondltlon of Trad and Quotations an
Maple and Fancy Produce.
KHOfU Candled stock. ZVg24r.
LIVE rOULTRY -Hens. 7Vq8c: old roos
ters, 4c; tirkeye, ioijllc; ducks. Si&'Sr; geese,
81ic: spring chickens, per lb., 8V'C-
PRESSED Fll'I.THT-H"i. W- yung
chickens. 11c; turkeys, 12$i4c; ducks and
geese. 1' (?i 11c.
BITTER Packing- stock. 1616",e: choice
dairy. In tubs, zorrf.'lc: separator. 2!fS29c.
FRESH CAtT.HT FISH Trout, He; her
ring. c; pickerel, 8c; pike. c: percTi,
c; buffalo, dressed 7c; suntlsh. 3c: blueflns.
3c; whlteflsh. 10c; salmon. 16c: haddock. 11c;
codfish, 12c: rrdsnapper. 10c; lobsters boiled,
per lb., 30c: lobsters, green, per lb.. 2c;
bullheads. 10c; catfish. 14c; black bass, 20c;
halibut. 11c.
CORN New 40o.
OATS 32c.
RYE No. 2. 45c.
RRAN-Per ton. 813 SO. . ,
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay pp-ilers' association: frmlce No.
! upland. $8.50: No. 1 medium. 17.50; No. 1
coarse. $7.0). Rve straw. $6 00. These prices
are for hay of good odor and quality. De
mand, fair: receipts, light.
OYSTERS Standards, per can. 28c: extra
selects, per ran. 85c: New York counts, per
can. 42c; bulk, extra selects, per sal.. $1';
bulk, standards, per gal., $1.30. i
TREES 4 to 6 feet, per dozen, $1.75; 7 to
9 feet. 13. CO; 6 to 7 feet, $2 R0, 9 to 10 feet,
$4.50; large, for school and church purposes,
12 to 14, feet, each. $l."ol.50; extra large.
15 to 20 feet. each. $2 00.
HOLLY RRANCHES Per ease of 2x2x4
feet (about 50 lbs.. $4: per barrel. $1 60.
LONG NEEDLE PINES Per doen, $2.50
B3 (.
20 vards, pr coll. 90c: flve-coll lots, 85c.
WREATHS Magnolia and galax wreaths,
per dozen. $1.50(2. 00; evergreen wreaths, per
dozen, tl.502.00; holly wreaths, per dozen,
NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, per dot.. 25c;
Utah, per doz.. 45c: California, per dos.. fcr
stalks weighing from 1 to V,i lbs., each,
45'u 75c.
POTATOES New. per bu.. 60c.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbl.,
1 iiKNifS rer du., aoc; wanaoa ruta-
baras. per lb., lc.
I1EETS Per basket. 40c.
CCCT'MRERSHothouse. per doz., $1.6t.
PARSNIPS-Per bu., 40c.
CARROTS Per bu.. 40c.
,urlrn 4sP
per dos.
RADISHES Southern, per doz. bunches,
WAX BEANS Per bu. box. $3; string
leans, per bu. box, $1.60.
CABBAGE Misc. Holland seed, per lb.,
ONIONS Nw home srown. In sacks, per
bu., 75c; Spanish, per crate, $1.75.
NAVY BEAlSb rer DU.. 82.60.
TOMATOES New California, per -
basket crate, $2 75.
CAUFLOWEn California, per crate,
PEARS Fall varieties, per box. $2.00:
Colorado, per box, $2.25.
AFPLUS cooking, per ddi., 12.20: eating,
$2.50; Jonathans, $4.00; New York stock,
$3.25; California Bellflowers, bu. box. $1.60.
OKAf to (.aiawnae, per Dasaei, jac;
Malagas, per keg, $6 W37.00.
CRANHKKH1KS Wisconsin, per noi..
$9.50; Bell and Bugles, $10.60; per box, $3.26.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size.
lemons caiirornia rancy, sf.vwfpi.oo;
choice. $3.75.
ORANGEa r lonoa isngnts, 3. ta; Cali
fornia navels, $3.75fr4.00; California sweet
Jaffas, all sizes, $3.00.
tc; per case of 30-lb. pkgs $2.25.
FIGS California, per io-id. cartons, n;
Turkisn, per 30-10. pox, iiso.
CKAFE FRUIT Florida, ss.
HONEY New Utab, per 24-frame esse,
CIDER New York, $4.60; per 4-bbl., $2.78.
SAUERKRAUT Wksconeln, er 4-bbl.,
K2.2b; per ddi., j. 10.
POPCORN Per lb., tc; shelled. 4e.
No. 1 salted. 8c: No. 2 salted. 7c: No. 1
veal calf. 8 to lzvt ids.. 8'4c; mo. z veal calf.
12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. S12c; sheep
pelts, 2u(g'oc, norse niaea,
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 sou shell, per lb..
15c; nard snen, per id., 11c; ino. z sort sneii
per lb., uc ino. z nara sneii. per id., lie:
Brazils. Per lb.. 12c: filberts, per lb.. 12c:
almonds, sort snen, per id., ibe; hard shell
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 124c;
small, per lb.. 11c; cocoanuts, per dos.. 60c:
chestnuts, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 6V4c:
toasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts.
per id., n; nicKory nuts, 'sr du.,
enr-ns mi ta. tlCT 100. 14. -
ULD METALS, ElU.-A. U. Alplm quotes
tne louowing prices: iron, country, mixed,
Der ton. $11: iron, stove plate, per ton. $8:
copper, per lb.. 8Wc; brass, heavy, per lb.,
84c; brass, light, per lb.. 54c; lead, per lb.,
tc; zinc, per lb.. 24c; rubber, per lb., 640.
HO-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Nek-
Telephone 1S16. "
CHICAGO. Dec. 11. WHEAT The onlv
weakness wheat showed today was at the
opening, when there waa selling on the gov
ernment report wiiicn came out yeaaeraay,
announcing a large area ana nigner condi
tion. The market early sold oft 4c but all
the loss was recovered and prices advanced
4c to c over Wednesday's close. The bull
news came mainly from tne northwest and
their markets were up more than ours. It
ia rumored that Duluth will not have over
a third as much wheat as last year, Jan
uary 1. nouses mere reported all their
manltoba wheat sold, but was even an In
quiry as to what It would cost to ship
wheat all rail from Duluth. Receipts were
small everywhere; primary points had 757.
000 buehela, against 1,107,000 last year; In
tne northwest bNo cars, against w-' a year
ago. Locai receipts, '63 cars, with 6 con
tract. New York reports 60 loads taken for
export. Clearances, 430.0U0 bushels. The
Price Current said wheat Is maintaining a
higher condition. Argentine reports favor
able weather. Snows reported In Russia,
affording wheat protection. Weather on
this side favorable; rain In middle west and
colder coming. Armour supposed to have
been the best buyer. .Estimates for tomor
row, 40 cars.
CORN Market has been strong. In
fluenced by the unfavorable weather. There
nas been a continuation of the Pattenbuy
Ing, who took the May through brokers
and commission people In a moderate way.
There has been a demund for December
and It haa been for sale, presumably by St.
Louis longs. Local receipts. 212 cars, with
4 contract. Estimates for Friday, 175 car.
There was about 40.0U) bushels contract out
tiATS Market hss been oulet but firm,
1th only a scalping trade. The May at Its
best wjis up Sc. I.ocal receipts, loo care,
with 9 contract. Katlmates for Friday, 6i
cars. Clearances, ls.oco busneis. New York
reports 12a, uuO bushels taken for export.
There were 7 cars standard and 7 cars No.
i out of private houses. There was very
little Interest in the old December today.
PROVISIONS Market nas been easy, in
fluenced bv a smaller cash demand, larger
hog receipts than expected and lower prices
at tne yarns. rraae was scattered. An
easier feeling existed for nearby futures.
The May products were in good demand by
commission nouses on tne break. 1 nere
were 43.000 hogs here; estimates for tomor
row. Hi.Ou) head: hogs In the wert today
sf,(iu head, against 69.200 last week and 123.
4a) last vear. Private estimate) lor stocks
oarrela; lard, 8.750 tierces, and ribs, 4.600,000
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Flrni. good demand: extra western cream
erv. Wc; extra nearby prints, 22c.
EtMJS l nch:naed; fresh nearby. Ic. at
mark: fresh western. 2bc. loss off: fresh
southwestern, 2j27c, loss off: fresh south
ern. 2oc. loss on.
CHEESE Firmer: New York full creams,
nrime small. 13tilSc: fair to good small.
L',u 13l.c ; prime large, 13'c; fair to good
large, I2uuc,
Mllsvaukeo Grain Market.
No. 1 northern, 77Sc: No. 2 northern. 7M
,c: may, (tniiv.
RYK nrm: No. 1. tiiti3vtc.
BARLEY Steady: No. 2. 64c; sample. S53
CORN May, 44tJ-MSc
Liverpool Grata aad Prorlslons.
LIVERPOOL. Dec, 11. WH E AT Soot :
Firm; No. I red western winter, 6s lid;
I aF ifo la l-i m lata ta n ri m a rr raralnla U7 in ail
No. 1 CaK'ornia. 6s 7Ud. Futures: Firm;
December, s Vd ; March. s Pad; Miy,
CORN Spot: Quiet; American mixed,
old, ;"! 2d, American mixed, new, ns Id.
Futures: Firm; January, 4e 6d; March,
4s a ,d.
1 KAS-Canadlan, steadv. 6 7'yl.
PROVISIONS Beef. Itrm; extra India
mess, llf.s. pork, firm; prin.e mess west
ern, 92s tid. Hams, short cut. 14 to IS lbs.,
quiet, 64s. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26
to 30 lbs., quiet, 48a; short ribs. 16 to 24
lbs , quiet, 61s; long clear middles, light, 22
to 20 lls., quiet, 6.1s; long clear middles,
heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., quiet, 6;s 6d; short clear
backs, 16 to 20 lbs., quiet, 5:: clear bellies,
14 to 16 lbs., dull, 61s. Shoulders, square.
11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 44s. Lord, prime west
ern. In tierces, firm, 69s; American rcllned.
In palls, quiet, K's 6d.
RI'Tl ER Nominal.
CHEESK-Strong; American, finest white
and colored, 59s.
TALLOW Prime city, steady, 2fs 6d;
Australian In london. Arm. 34s 3d.
Receipts of wheat during tne last three
days, 92, two centals, SS.oco American. R"
clpts of corn during the last three days,
t. I.onls tiraln and PrnTlslons.
St. IIUIS, Dee. 11. WHEAT Higher;
No. 2 red cash, elevator, nominal; track,
Ti'alihtc; December, ' 71 bid; May, 76c;
No. 2 hard. Sr'a72c.
CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 carh. 47UM74c;
track, 471(47V4c; December, 48c: May, 41c.
OAT8 Higher; No. 2 cash, 344c bid;
track, 35c; December, 33c bid; May,
327t.c: No. 2 White, 36c.
KV E Firm; 4.'.tc bid.
FIJCR VJulet; red winter patents, $3.30
(53.50; extra fancy and straight, $:l.Wq3.25;
cleir, $2.86fi2.9n.
PEED Timothy, steady at $2.903.40.
COHNMF.AI Steady at $i 3i.
BRAN Strong; sacked, east trncK 70S72c.
HAY Higher; timothy, $10.50i 11.50; prai
rie, $ll.B0i-12.50.
BAGGING 5-16! 1-16C.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing and
standard mess. $18.50. Irfird, lower, $10.50.
Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra
shorts, $9.25; clear ribs, $9.12'4; short clears,
$9. 62V Bacon (boxedt, steady; extra shorts,
$10 50; clear ribs, $10.50; short clear, $11.
METALS Lead, firm, $4; spelter sold at
POULTRY Steady ; chickens. RHe; eprlng.
8M.9c; turkeys, HVfil2c; ducks, lc;
geese, 9c.
Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, 23f30c;
dairy, lSHVSc.
EGGS steady at z.'C loss on.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 8,010 9,000
Wheat, bu B3.0HO 64.0)0
Corn, bu 12.00 M.fltrt
Oats, bu 34,000 23,000
Kansas City ra! and Prorlslons.
cember, 63Se; May, 704fi70c; cash, No.
2 hard, 67fc69c: No. 3, 644f8jc; No. 2 red,
67i?i'ic; No. 3, 6t;ii66c.
CORN December. 41Ml"4c; May, 38
SHr; cash. No. 2 mixed, 414c; No. 2 white,
414'8'(2c; No. 8. 414c
OATH NO. i wnue, 3c; no. 2 mixea,
RYK NO. Z. 4opC.
HAY Timothy, S10.50iffll.00; prairie, $i000.
BUTTER Creamery, 2o(i27c; fancy dairy,
EGGS Fresh, Z14c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu eo.ww
f.'nrn. bu 76.200
V)ats. bu 14,000
Toledo Grain and Meed.
TOLEDO. Deo. 11. WHEAT Dull.
higher; cash, 77&c; December, 77;c; May,
CORN Migner; uecemDer, ic; may,
OATS Dull, steady; December, S34c;
May, 844c, asked.
rl K IS o. z, 0.'iC.
DKi-n mover dull, higher: December.
$6.65; January, $6.60; March. $6674. asked;
prime timothy, $1.75; prime alslke, $8.25.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
cember, 74c; May, 76c. On track: No. 1
hard, 754c; No. 1 northern, 4"c; No. 2
northern, 73Hc.
FLOUR First patents, $3.85g3.95; second
patents, $3.703.80; first clears, $2.90f3.00;
second clears, $2.30W2.40.
BRAN In bulk, $12.25.
Dolath Grain Market.
nTTT.TTTH. Dee. 11. WHEAT Cash. No.
1 hard, 744c; No. 2 northern, 714c; Decem-
Der, fou, ranji iuS.
OATS December, 314c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Dec. ll.-CORN-Steady; new,
No. 8. 45c.
OAT8 Steady: No. 8 white. $14e. track.
New. York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 11. MONEY On call,
firm, 6ifr9 per cent, closing at 9'10 per cent;
time money, firm, accommodations small.
ith siTtv davs at 7H Der cent, ninety days
at 7if74 per cent and six months at 6 per
cent; prime mercantile paper, o per cent.
tual business in bankers' bills at $4.8725 for
demand and at $4.'1376i4.S350 for sixty days;
posted rates, $4,844 and commercial
bills. $4.R24.834.
SILVER Bar, 47c; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government, weak; railroad,
The closing quotations on bonds are as
U. 8. ret. la, nf.
do coupon
do la. res
do coupon
do 4a, res
do coupon
do old 4a. rag..
do coupon -
do ta, rec
do coupon
Atchison fen. 4a...
do adj. 4a
Bal. Ohio 4a...
do ma
do conv. 4a
Canada 80. la
r.nlnl nf fl. la
...10741,. ft N. uni. 4s HUH
...10S4 Mn. Central 4a 76S
,..10"4 do Is lnc 23
,..1071.5, Minn, at Bt. L. 4i....lot4
...136 M , K. T. 4s
...13o', do 2s 1114
... 1 N. T. Central Is 102
...109 do gen. ! 104
.. 10,- N. J. C. tn. l-4
. ..1j-h No. PaclBc
...101', do as
... so N A W. eon. 4a.
...100'i Heading fen. 4a...
... M't 8t L A I U e. (a
..AM', St. L 1 S f. 4a
...101 ,Bt. L. 8. W. 1..
.. 17
.. k.11,,
.. .1
.. toi
...105 do la
do la lnc IS 8. A. A. P. 4a.
Chea. A Ohio 4HS...104 80. Pacific 4a
r-vur...n a A. IWa... 711 'k Bo. Railway aa...
C. B. A Q n. 4a.... 4Vs Tezaa A Paclflo la
C, m a o r s- ... m.
C N. W. e. 1a....l334) Union Pacific 4a.
C . F. I. 4a lola o eonr. 4a....
C C C Bt L I. 4s. 9 IWanaah la
Chlcaso Tar. 4a do 2d
4a.. 71
.... n
Colorado Bo. a o"o.
Denver A B. O. a..loi eai nnora aa...
Erie prior Ilea 4a.... tl Wheel, tt L. E.
. ti
. ti
do general aa - v rnirai
F. W. A D. C. la. .. 1104 uon. looacco aa.
Hocking Val. 4V,e...lo4
Boston Stock Oaofntloas.
BOSTON. Dee. 11. Call loans, 6V4& per
cent: time loans, 6Vs'a per cent, umciai
closing of stocks snd bonds:
Atchlaon 4a
.100 Allouea 2'4
. Wt Amalzamated 1444
. 7S Blnsham 2a
. Calumet A Hacla....440
.tl.l Irentennlal lt4
Mei. Central 4a...
do pfd
Boaton A Albany.
KiHii.m A Me
Rmtoa Elevated .
.11(1 Copper Range
.11.1 lllomlnluu Coal 126
N. Y., N. H. at
H..Z24 Franklin ... I
I'nloa Pacltto ola Mohawk ZT'l
Mcz. Contral w.i exa. n
American Sugar Ill Parrot 21
tin nfd dn uuimr lua
Ameiiran T. A T....1&I Panta Fa Copper IV,
Oen. Klectnc
.ill :ianiaraca in
. II iTrlnlty I
. U il'tah 22 "4
.107 Victoria 4
. 2'4l Winona 34
Maea. F.lectcrtO
do pfd
Vnlted Krutt .
V. S. Steel ...
do pfd
got wolverine ta
Waatlngh. Common., to
Adventure 1
tnlted Lopper II
London Stork Market.
DONDON. Dec 11. Closing quotations:
Conaola, money 2 t-ll.
New York Centra
do account n iv
Anaconda 4S
Atchlaon M'
do pfd
Raltlmora A Ohio.... t7l
Norfolk A Weatern -do
Ontario A Weatern.
Rand Mines
. . . s a
... l'a
... 2x'
... 43 U
... a
... 31 '
... t4
... K'i
Canadian Pacific
Cheaapeaka A Ohio... 4f,
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Southern Railway..
do pfd
Chicago O. W 241,
C. M. A 8t. P 174
IleReera 22
Uenver A R. O i
do pfd 91l
do 1st pfd U
do 2d pfd 4
lltlnole Contra! 144
Loulavllla A Nab...K
Southern Pacific,
t'nlon Paclnc...
do pfd
I'nlted States Steel
do pfd
do pfd
Mleaourl, K. A T. ... 244
BAR SILVER 8teady at K5(,d per ounce.
MONEY 31 3 per cent. The rate of
discount In the open market for short bills
.New York Mining; annotations.
NEW TORK. Dec. 11 The following are
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adams Con
Brunswick Cos...
Cornetork Tunnel.
Con. Cal. A Vs..
Horn Silver
Iron 8llver
LeadvUle Cos....
... 20
.... It
.... 4u
.... )
Little Chief
..15 Savage
..Ill Sierra Nevada
.. ee Small Hopes ..
.. JVi Standard
. IS
. IS
. ao
Dank Clearings.
OMAHA. Dee. 11 Bank clearings todsv.
$1, 261. lib tie; corresponding day last year,
$1.2'2. K91.97; Increase. f4K.23.71.
NkW YORK, Dec. 11 Clearings. 8J37.
177.81); balances. 110.050.213.
BOSTON, Dec. 11. Clearings, 826.630.SO7;
balitnces. 12.675.767.
BALTIMORE. Dee. 11 Clearings. 83.515,
828; balances. 1371 62; money, ( per cent.
CINCINNATI. Dec. 11. -Clearings, H.Sij.-8-iO:
money. per cent; New York exchange,
part to 10c premium.
CHICAGO, Deo. Ji Cfsarings, I30.287.8ot;
balances, $2,4'.9.711; New York exchange.
premium; f.irelgn exihane, liti
changed; stir.lng pusteo at H.M'j lor sixty
de.ys and at $4 tor demand.
r!T. LOl lS. Dec. 11 Clearings. $7.(60.161;!'. ,,.,. til; moncv, sieady at n'o per
cent; New YorK exihunge. premium.
Haver I alnadlna; Regardless of Price
Leads to Violent Decline.
NEW YORK. Dec. 11 The stock market
had a demorallred appearance at times
today, when an eager unloading of securi
ties was In provress wlCmui regard to
prices. The volume of dealings rote to
over l.OKM"".! shares, or about double thosa
of yesterday, which were again more than
double those the day before. The throwing
upon the market of this greatly augmented
the volume of liquidation met and with poor
adsorption and violent declines were tne
result. There were points in the market
where belter resistance was shown than
In others, notably among the Pennsylvania
group, HeHdlng, Amalgamated and Sugar.
The last named closed the cay with 011 ac
tual net gain of a small fraction. On the
other hand the Rock Islands, the I'nlted
States Steelers and Pacitlca generally
proved easily vulnerable. The extreme de
cline In Rock Islimd common was 41 nud
In the preterred 4;4. The final prices were
respectively 4 and I points higher than the
lowest. Steel Irwt 3 pi Ints and the pre;errej
24. and their tinal prices were only a trac
tion better than the low points. The un
supported condition of these stocks had a
strong rentlmental effect on the whole mar
ket. The Venezuelan situation exerted
only a sentimental Influence. The real mo
tive lor the precipitate selling was the
growing conviction that a further exten
sive loan contraction will be necessary to
meet the requirements for money between
now and the first of the year. There was
more or less forced liquidation from the
refusal of lenders to extend maturing
loans, but many holders were moved by ap
prehension that the same conditions would
shortly become effective In their own case,
so thut they threw over lurge holdings.
There were some of the largest lenders In
the street, who withheld their funds from
the time loan market, with the avowed In
tention of waiting for higher rates on time
loans, i nls process servea to keep some
supply in the loan market, as high aa 9
per cent waa paid, however, for call loans.
Time loans for fhort periods were prac
tically unobtainable and rates were very
tlim for the lonaer period). The rates
quoted were purely nominal and all sorts of
devices were resorted to to increase tne ac
tual rate of return over the nominal rate.
such as commissions nnd Implied agree
ment on the nart of the borrower to with
draw only a certain portion of the account
loan. Time loans maturing at tins time
were the immediate cause of the emDar-
ruiRment of holders of Stocks. KUltlorS
were current of the liquidation of a loan of
several millions to a single bank, which
necessitated heavy realizing on collateral.
A curious feature of tne inciaeni was inai
. ni co In feral included nany nunarea
snares of the stock of the bank calling the
loan, which were sold In tne open market.
Money brokers reported that there was not
mnfti fniiinv in nf monpv nlaced on call.
and they aleo reported that where maturing
time loans to the local nanks naa to oe
paid off they were unable to secure a con
vention for norrowers irom interior utmim.
TIsr rate paid In such ciises was consider
ably above tne nominal rate, wnere me
local banks are lending at all It Is simply
to supply the urgent neede of their regular
customers for business purposes.
It was expected that more gold would be
sent to South America. The retention of
the 4 per cent discount by the Bank of
England is believed to be an indication of
confidence that the South American de
mands on London for gold can be diverted
to New York.
All rumors of relief measures by the
Treasury department met with denials. To
day's extreme declines reached from 1 to I
points quite generally and in some of the
less active specialties ran from 4 to 12. The
tone at the close was feverish and unset
tled, but quite materially above the lowest.
Bonds were weak In eympathy 'Rn
stocks. Total sales, par value, $4,340,000
United States 3s and 4s, coupon, declined
4 on the last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
do pfd
Dal. A Ohio
do pld
Canadian Paclflo . .
Canada 80
Chea. A Ohio
Chicago A Alton..
do pfd
Chi., lnd. & L. pfd,
Chicago A E. III.
Chicago & O. W...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Chicago A N. W..
Chicago Ter. A Tr
do pfd
C. C. C. A St. L. .
Colorado Bo
do let pfd
do 2d pfd
Del. A Hudaon
Del. L. A W
Denver A R. O....
do pfd
do lat pfd
. 7tH 80. Railway pfd 10
. n1 Texaa & PaciSc
. M Toledo, St. U a V. 26
. 02' do pfd 43Vk
Union I'aelflo H
. 7b I do pfd SO Si
. UH Wabaah
. 30 Vj do pfd 40V4
. 70 .Wheeling A L. B XI
.It do 2d pfd tl
.tit Wla. Central 13
. 23V do pfd 4a
. Ilti Adama Ez zoo
. 34 Americ an Ex 220
.214 United Htatea Ez 121
. liVt Wella-Fargo Ez 216
. 80 Amal. Copper MT4
.. W4 Amer. Car F la's
. Si, do pfd U
. Ca Amer. Lin. Oil 14
. 4i do pfd 1
,.1H American 8. R 174
.240 1 do pfd tlVa
. U Anar. Mining Co (2i
. t Brooklyn K. T 1
. soH Colorado Fuel A I... Il'.a
. 61 ' Cona. Oaa 2iK
do 2d pfd
Great Nor. pfd.,
Hocking Valley
do pfd ,
Illnola Central ,
Iowa Central
do pfd
Lake Erie A W
do pfd
43 1 ont. Tobacco pfd. ..114
.... Jhd'j Oen. Electric 174
1 Hocking Coal .17"i
86 Inter. Paper 17
M"'i do prd 71'i
W Inter. Power 49'
iw Laclede Uaa 7t
47 National Blacult .... H'4
115 National Lead 244a
1201 No. American 10a
1434 Pacific Coast 65
US faclflc Mall 7
21 People'a Oaa 9e
15 iPreaaed 8. Car (7
105 do pfd 0
101 V Pullman P. Car 226
23'a Republic Steel 18 '4
MV do pfd A 74
ISO I Sugar lit
Manhattan L. ..
Met. Bt. Ry....
Mex. Central ..
Mex. National
Minn. A Bt. L..
Mo. Pacific
la.. K. & T....
do pfd
N. J. Central...
N. Y. Central
Norfolk AW...
do pfd
Ontario A W...
Pennaylvanla ..
do lat pfd....
do 2d pfd
St. 1 8. F
do lat pfd....
do 2d pfd
St. L. 8. W....
do pfd
Bt Paul
do pfd
So. Pacific
80. Railway ...
149 Tenn. Coal A I...,
H ,1'nlon Bag A P...
92'il do pfd
27H V. 8. Leather ...
151'! do pfd
Kht V. 8. Rubber
al do pfd
724 V. 8. Steal ,
4714 do pfd ,
77 Weatern Union ..
t7 Amer. Locomotive
2f I do pfd
l 'K. C. Southern..
1V do pfd
1 .Rock laland
Mttl do pfd...:
, mt
, 77
, us
. a8
. ID
, 4H
. iSVs
. 7'
. 24H
. II
. 2"i
. Ma
. 77
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. Dec. 11. Money was much
wanted today In connection with opera
tions on the Stock exchange, the market
being largely dependent on the Rank of
England. Discounts were quietly firm. On
the Stock exchange the features were the
depression In Americans, which were
wholly subject to the New York market.
They were firmer at first and gained a
fraction, but later they reacted and closed
weak. Consols were steady. Canadians
were erratic. Rio tlntos were lower.
Kaffirs had a hardening tendency snd
were quiet. The weekly statement
of the Rank of Enerland shows the follow
lng changes: Total reserve decreased 376,
Ooo, circulation decreased 247,000. bullion
decreased .!2,118, other securities de
creased 1,443,000, other deposits decreased
l,70t,(i00, public deposits decreased 1,628,
Owo. notes reserve decreased 384,000. govern
ment securities decreased Cl.5oO.OO0. The
proportion of the Rank of England s re
nerve to liability, this week la 44.64 per
cent, as compared with 42.34 per cent last
week. Rate of discount is unchanged at
4 tier cent.
PARIS, Dec. 11. Prices on the bourse
today oened firm. Rio tlntos weakened
and rentes advanced sllehtly. Kaffirs wero
animated and hardened. Later Spanish 4s
reacted and depressed the whole list. In
dustrials were weaker. Kaffirs closed firm
but the highest prices of the day were not
maintained. The private rate of discount
was i 13-16 per cent. 1 nree per cent rentes.
9:f 70c for the account. Kxchange on lxn
don. 2',f lnc for checks. The weekly state
ment of the Rank of France shows these
changes: Notes In circulation decreased
41 uMimiO franrs: treasury accounts, current
increased 8.175.000 francs: goin in nana oe-
creased 4;i0.iJ( francs: bills, discounted, ae
creased 45.ft'iO.( francs; silver In hand de
creased 1. 2.o. ihiO francs.
HER DIN, Dec. 13. Business on the bourse
imlav whs dull and uriccs were fairly firm.
Internationals were well maintained. Batiks
and lorals were steady. Canadian facitui
reacted on New York advices. The Vene
suelan situation had no effect on the mar
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITY. Pa., Dec. 11. OIL Credit bal
ances, $148: certificate, no ssles: ship
ments. 117.519 bbls.; average. 95,6X5 bbls.
runs 84.714 bhls. : average. 75.4jO bids.
SAVANNAH. C.a.. Dec. 11 OIL Turpen
tine, firm at 51c. Rosin, firm; qaite: A
B. D, tl .45; K, $1 5ii;. F. 81 56; O, 11.60: H
$185; 1. $2.10: K. $2 60, M. $3.06; N. $3.55
V(1. 83.80: WW. $4.20.
NEW YORK. Dec. 11 OIL Cottoseed
firm: prime yellow 37ii3sc. Rosin, fi-m
straintd, common 10 good. $1.77 Wn 180. Tur-
oentlne. Meadv at 5..4.4'e. i-etroieum
firm: New York. $S2o; Philadelphia and
Baltimore. 1H15; Philadelphia and Haiti
more In bulk. $0 66.
TOLEDO. Dec. 11 Ol ly Urn-hanged.
LONDON, Dec. 11 Oil, Calcutta lln
seed. spot. 45s 3d: llnsned. 24s loWd. Pe
troleum, 6fcd. Turpentine spirits, 38s PSd
Whisky Market.
tillers' finished soods on active basts of $1.32.
CHICAGO, m-c. 11. WHISKY Basis of
hlah wines 81. 3-'
ST. liOLlS, Dec. ll.-WHISKY-Steady at
PEORIA. Dec. U.-WHISKT-$1.32.
Fricet (or Fat Uat'.le Snfferei Another
Sharp Deal in?.
Receipts of Sheep nnd l.nmbs I.lht, Ho
that Prices Held early tend,
Althoaah Other Markets
Quoted Lower.
8OUTH OMAHA, Dec. 11.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hons. Sheep.
Official Mommy
Ofhclal Tuesday
Oltictal Wednesday
Official Thjrixluy
Four dayu this week.'J.t.iVl 37.611
Same uays 111st week li,M ; ;I1S
Same week before li.ido 14,'SJ
Same three weens ago. .l!l,(is Hl.L'll
Same four weeks am- r.i.sJ.i ;l,i44
Same days lat year N.MH 4i.ilJ
Z 1 ,o.U
1 4.:1
The following table shows the average
price 01' flu soul on In. 90u1.11 oiian
market the List several days, with to:u
parlsans with former years:
Date. I mi. 1901. 11900. ilS39.lls9S.llS37.llSM.
Nov. 17...
Nov. IS...
Nov. 19...
Nov. Uu...
Nov. 21...
Nov. 22...
Nov. 23...
Nov. 24...
Nov. 25...
Nov. ilti...
Nov. 27...
Nov. 28...
Nov. 29...
I el. S M7 .1 36 3 3.' 1 3 11
5 63 81 S; 1 821 1 H
I U I ill la 2K 3 34 1 18
i 731 4 7b 3 88, 3 34, 3 11
i M 4 ia 2 t 3 3!; i U
5 75, 4 76, 3 S61 3 31 1 3 39,
t bo I 4 7s 3 So 1 44 3 ii: 3 24
I 6 0t( 3 Mi S 4 S 27 3 21
6 70) I 8 771 3 38, a :W 3 1
6 79, 4 S7 1 3 2J, 3 24i I 24
6 n 4 9S 1 791 ; 2 3 u
I 4 711 3 3 2uj 13 33
h 8"l 4 7t: 3 f 3 191 S 30
6 21
( 23
6 15 1
Nov. 30...
6 00!
4 69
4 G3
4 71 3 21 3 27 S S3
3 74 3 2i 3 23 I 1
3 761 3 2i 3 2o 3 t9
I 3 2 3 19i 3 16
3 811 13 21 3 16
3 801 3 371 IS "9
3 861 3 H5 3 25
3 XI; t 2M 3 23; 3 00
3 SS! 3 M 3 171 3 19
3 9 l 3 29 3 13 3 21
1 S 31, 3 13! 3 21
1 IPC.
S 09
0SH S 9S
13T, 6 eX;
4 64
6 Z2W 5 9;
I 6S
6 24-,j 8 061 4 77
6 I6H1 6 (' 4 84
I 6 o I 4 all
8 0731 I 4 78 1
6 Oa-t 8 11 I
8 12 I 6 13i 4 8.i
6 07 I 14 4 Ii2i 3 92
i 3 15, 3 17
Indicates Sunday. Holiday.
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, for
the year to date, and comparisons with lust
year: 190J. . lsiul. Inc. Dec.
t'attls 967.3W 7K2.712 184,668
Hogs 2,111,6.'; 2.2iiK.76.i 147,109
Hogs 1.664.671 1,286.871 377,800
The official number of cars of stock
brouaht In today by each road vias:
Cattle. Hum Sheen H'r'a.
m. c or. f 13
Wabash 2
Missouri Pacific. 2
Union Pacific system 84
C. & N. W 19
F., E. & M. V 41
C, St. P., M. & O.... 21
B. A M 68
C. B. & Q 10
C, R, I. & P.. east.. 4
C, R. I. & P.. west.. 1
Illinois Central 6
Total receipts 209
.1.'3 1.. ill
5.1' s.7:.l
6.:th2 U.u.'o
8 9..
31 1
4 1..
24 1 1
6 8..
9 1..
130 . 16 "l
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hon. Sheen.
Omaha Packing Co 775
775 1.434
832 1,820 1,139
745 2,101 1,203
771 1.89S
2M6 1,603
351 .... 1,264
uwirt and company
Armour St Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour, from Sioux City
Vansant & Co
Carey tc Benton 877
ixioman & Co ,
W. I. Stephen
William Underwood....
Livingstone & Shaller.
Hamilton Sc Rothschild
Wolf & Murnan ,
B. F. Hobblck ,
Dennis & Co ,
Werthelnier ,
Other buyers
4,918 8,856 8,676
CATTLE There was another heavy run
of cattle here today, which makes the sup
ply ior tne week to oate consiaeraDiy in
excess of the same days of last week and
as compared with the same days of last
year there Is an enormous Increase, as will
be seen irom tne table above, other mar
kets have also been receiving much more
stock than usual at this season of the
year, ao that prices have been going down
ward at a rapia rate.
The beef steer market opened very slow
this morning and unevenly lower. Sellers
differ somewhat as to the amount of the
decline for the week, owing to the un
evenness of the prices paid, but as a gen
eral thing prices have declined fully 25c
and in some cases 35c. The break effects
all kinds, though perhaps the commoner
grades have suffered more than the cattle
good enough to sell from $5.00 up.
The cow market was also slow and lower
again today. As compared with the close
of last week the decline may be put at
fully 35ff40e. As Is generally the case when
prices have oeen going aown as rapicny as
tney nave tnis wees., mere is a goou oeui
of unevenness, ao that some sales look
much better than others. It was very
late In the day before the I c of the
offerings was diaposed of.
Bulls nave taken a arop 01 uiu.oc aunng
the week, but veal calves have held right
close to steady.
The stocker ana reeaer maraei was a
little lower today also. Up to today the
market held ud In Kood shape and the de
cline this morning was confined largely
to the less desirable grades, etrictty gooa
feeders have been scarce, so that they are
not much over a dime lower, but common
stuff and lightweights in particular have
been hard to sell at any price.
Western range oeci steers were in ngnt
onnlv. but sold a little lower In sympathy
with the break on cornfeds. Range cows
may be quoted ikKBtoc lower ror tne weea
and stockers and feeders are fully WW loc
lower and In some cases more. Representa
tive sales:
Av. Pr.
.. M5 I TO
. . 127 1 76
..1104 III
..1010 I 76
..1194 4 40
..1210 4 85
No. A. Pr.
6 1124 t K
42 lOf.'l 4 10
21 1270 4 20
20 1174 4 20
11 121.2 4 30
1 ISM I 10
11l 4 "6
II 14l ( 10
64. ...1
1041 4 75
1061 I 10
110 1 00 1 1S20 t 70
ant 1 76 lXii I 70
Ml I 10 1 100 I 76
170 I 10 1 131 i 76
1&0 1 10 10 looi s m
106 I 10 t 104 t 65
'M I 10 11 131 I 86
SIM 1 10 1 1031 I M
177 I 16 1 100 t SK)
1(192 I 26 M 105 I 90
1120 1 26 26 1011 2 96
112 2 30 1 1000 2 00
1 60 4 .. 97 I 00
996 I 60 It IHf, I 06
11211 2 90 12 10-1 I I
, 1101 I 26
1 ....
I. ...
II. ...
624 t 26
660 3 26 1
1220 i 25 1
1730 I to
110 4 76 1
120 00 t
, 140 6 25 1
126 I 25 1
...... 120 6 50
194 I 25
I'-'O t 15
.1730 I 25
170 I 60
13 6 60
I'M) 5 75
240 00
170 I 00 24 955 I 65
9u7 1 25 I IkO I 75
.... 150 I 25 I t"4 I 75
.... "i t 25 II 124 I 76
....and 1 30 22 "..1055 1 75
141 I 60 20 1011 I 10
(2 calves..
5 feeders.
Ji feeders.
197 4 25
W 11 8 feeders.. 578 8 00
6H0 3 70 14 feeders.. 862 3 25
743 1 75 19 cows Mri 2 15
13 cows.
3a feeders.. 578 3 60
Mrs. K. Haynes Neb.
15 corns 8i8 2 00
11 cows lo3S 2 9u
J. Shlnbcrger Mont.
60 feeders.. lKTS 8 60 63 cows 1019 8 10
63 feeders.. I0:il 3 60 65 cows 1035 3 10
26 feeders. . I'i'j 8 60 27 cows 1015 2 70
9 steers.. ..V.'2 3 In 1 cow I35u 4 25
1 steer Idle 3 10 1 steer I'i20 3 10
1 stetr 10"0 8 10
A. Coolldge Neb.
65 feeders.
. 73 3 i 5 feeders.
T. W. Campbell Neb.
734 3 oft
13 feeders.
9 feeders.
3 feeders.
19 cows....
.1020 2 85 1 cow 730
.Icl4 3 75 1 bull 1270
.1180 2 S-i
2 00
2 10
U. C. Dougherty Neb.
. 970 2 85 1 steer 1130 3 60
. 787 1 50 1 cow 1130 2 25
4 cows
HOtiS Receipts of hoes were not oulie
as heavy today as they were yesterday, as
will be seen from the table given above.
The market waa lower at all points and the
decline here at the opening amounted to
tuxt about a ni( krl. Packers started in
Vididnc around $r7', for the general run
of hogs, with the heavier grade selling
at $6 in, snd us high as M 15 was paid for
a prime load wt-itihliig A pounds. By
the time about thirty loads naa cnsngel
hands the market weakened a little and
then buvers wanted to get tnelr droves at
$iua. Sellers ere holding f"r the earlier
prices, so that for a time little business
was transacted. Packers, though, finally
iMitighi them up at right around ln morn
ing price, mi mat the uiiik ot all me oai.H
wiiu irom . 0(110 I".
Kcpreseniauve euive.
u 1 1
. .--h I i
IM! 07',
120 I 97',
... a v. ,
... I Hi',
... I vi '1
90 I 97
240 1 1'N
... 4 07',
91) 9 071,
J 4 071,
90 I 07',
V. I 97',
120 4 0..,
44" I 07',
Ml 4 07',
40 I 07.,
... I 07 ,
... 4 07",
6 ol
6 K.
I 00
. 1S2
. I4
. ,:'(7
, . 2;n
. . ...
. . .254
. .. !'
.. Jl
.. .US
. . 2 i
. . .KM
.. .244
.. .231
.. .304
,1 .
au. .
4 Us
4 I
... a (1.1
l: (
2O0 06
. . nr.
07 'fc
or ,
t 07'a
I ('I'-
64 ...
69 ...
62 ...
Ut . . . .
,. .213
. ..2'4
. . . a 1 7
. . . 2S1
, . .Ho5
. . 29 I
.. 291
. . . IM
. . ao.i
. . . 29.T
. . 22
.. .222
. . . 2(2
. . . !9
.. !4
. ..2S9
. . . 2S0
. . . 2.r.n
.. .2.14
. .1264
.. ,2,',9
. . . 2(19
. . .3.11
. . . 330
I 10
I 19
I 10
I 10
I 10
I in
I V,
I 07,
2d. .
Ji .
.". . .
so .
f,4 .
10 .
120 I 10
... I 10
90 I 10
190 I 10
217 400 I 10
. .. I (7'
40 01i
40 I 07U
229 40 I 10
9 I 10
240 I 10
... I 10
30 I 10 ..
40 10
220 10
07 '1
07 u,
. .
I .
"7S, .
K4. .
4 07',
40 I 10
I 10
I 10
I 10
I 10
10 I 074
... 10
... 1 10
... 1 10
... I 10
10 I 10
120 I 10
... 110
40 I 10
i 07',
07' .
I 071,
I 071,
ISO I 07'i
90 071,
251 190 I 10
I 07',
I 07',
t Of,
i 071,
( 07',
I 07',
.276 40 I 10
.106 90 I 10
. .953
... 110
40 10
240 I 10
... I 10
90 121,
... I 124j
.. .27
I 0714
....209 200 I 121,
....331 ... 115
light supply of
211 120 I 07ta
SHEEP-There was a
sheep here this mornlnar
but psckera re-
celved messages from Chlcsgo quoting ths
market there considerably lower, so that
they were naturally a little bearish here.
At the same tlmca they nil had to have
fresh supplies and the limited offerings
prevented much of a break In prices. The
market could probably best be described by
calling It steady to a shade lower. The
weakness In most cases was confined to
the less desirable grades.
I .am ha were scarce and there was very
nine cnange in prices, oood lambs, in
particular were In light supply.
ine reeaer market did not show any
change. The demand was not heavy, hut
supplies of good stuff were limited, so that
vanrcn remained just about steady.
Quotations for fed stock: Choice lambs,
$4.76(56.00; fair to good lambs. $4.00(.75;
choice yearlings, $4.10t?4.26: fair to good
yearlings, $3.7iV&4 10; choice wethers, $.165(9
3.90: fair to good, $3.40i23.6o; choice ewes.
.:4r,'S3.6S; fair to good, $3.00ili3.36; .feeder
lambs. $3.00(&3.75: feeder yearlings, $3.0013.25:
feeder wethers, $2.75(33.00; feeder ewes, $1.5010
- vrass terj stock z&(('3oc lower than
rornieas. representative sales:
20 native ewes
26 native ewes
15 native lambs
14 native lambs '.
20 cull ewes
J58 native ewes
2o5 fed western ewes
230 native ewes
77 native wethers
121 native wethers
1 fed western lamb
297 fed western lambs
225 fed western lambs
.101 fed western lambs
130 native wethers
84 native lambs
Av. Pr.
132 3 80
125 8 80
70 4 60
83 5 00
94 1 75
95 2 76
107 3 00
117 8 60
86 8 75
107 4 10
70 4 60
69 4 60
6.8 4 60
66 4 90
88 3 60
73 4 75
Cattle Are Dnll, Hogs Lower and
Sheep Fairly Steady.
CHICAGO. Dee. 11 CATTr.TT!tt...ln.
17,500 head: market 15(S20c lower and very
dull: good to prime steers, ' $5.606.60; poor
to medium, $3.0(Ku5.5O; stockers and feed
era. $2.Kit4.60; cows. 81.664.60; heifers, $2.00
i6.00; canners, $1.25i2.4fl; bulls, $2.004 50;
calves. $3.0(S7.00; Texas fed steers, $3,500
4.75; western steers, $4.00(&4.50.
HOGS Receipts, 38,000 head; estimated
tomorrow, 30,000; left over, 20,000; market
10ft 20c lower; mixed and butchers, $5.80&.20;
good to choice heavy, $6.301J6.b0; roukh
heavy, $5.906.20; light. 5.66iy6.00; bulk of
sales, $5.956.20.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 28.000
head; sheep steady to 15c lower; lambs
steady to 25c lower; good to choice wethers,
83.7aili 4.50; fair to choice mixed, 32.75iS3.60;
native lambs, 84.00ii5.60; western lambs,
Official yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
26.883 8.377
47.2W1 4.473
35,785 8,158
Kansas City Lira Stock Market.
ceipts, 11,450 head natives, 650 head Texans,
400 head calves; good grass beeves, 60c
lower than last Thursday; good native
rows- and heifers, 50c lower than Monday;
stockers and feeders, slow, weak; choice
export and dressed beef steers, $o.3iKn.75;
lair to good, $.10("ii5.25; stockers and feed
ers, $1.7514.65; western fed steers, $3.00Crio.25;
Texas and Indian steers, $3,OK(f4.25; Texas
cows, 82.00fj2.7o; native cows, $1.76ti'4.25; na
tive heifers, $2.9JCf4.00; canners, $1.00(32.50;
bulls. $2.0(3.25; calves, $2.506.25.
HOGS Receipts, 8,500 head; market 6rl5c
lower; tip, $6.224; bulk of sales, $6.10Ca).15:
heavy, $6.10ii6.22; mixed packers, $60iV(ji
b.2(i; light. Jo.9rKa6.10; yorkers, $6.06(6.10;
pigs. ;.f(,ftJS.0(l.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000
head: market .active, steady; native lambs.
$'t!'5.35; western lambs, t3.85(8s5.25: fed
ewes,; native wetners, $3.iosp4.50:
western wethers, $3.OO4.10A stockers and
feedel-s, r2.tKXg3.25.
Kerr York Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, 669 head, mainly consigned direct:
about 14 cars of rough butcher stock sold
at steady prices; sales Included dry cows at
11.6.jt'3.uo; dressed beef steady; city dressed
native sides, 7ViU HVsc per lb.; Texas beef,
6(i , "Ho. Cables quoted American steers st
12"jl3V4c, dressed weights; refrigerator
beef, U'Vc per lb. Exports today, 159 head
CALVES Receipts, 655 head; veals,
steady; grassers and westerns, easier; veals
sold at $5.0:39.26, a few at $9.50; grassers,
$3.00(&3.75- westerns, $3,504(3.60; city dressed
veals, lliQHc.
HOGS Receipts, 7.970 head; about steady;
reported sales Included state at 86.35.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.296
head; sheep, steady; lambs, ti8c lower;
sheep sold at 82.50(34.25; iambs, $h.l2rt(.10,
one little bunch at $6.25; Canadas, $6.75:
dressed mutton, &U7VsO per lb.; dressed
lambs, 7Wy Wc.
St. Lonla Live Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS. Dec. 11. CATTLE Receipts,
5.000 head, Including 3.800 head Texans; mar
ket active, steady; native shipping and ex
port steers, $4.75ft5.70. with strictly fancy
worth up to $7; dressed beef and butcher
steers, $1.26(i'5.Go; steers under 1.010 lbs., $3.75
tit. 25; stockers and feeders, 82.&b4.Ui; cows
and heifers. $2.25r4.75; canners, $1. 502.50:
bulla, $2.5tKl3.75; calves. $4.O)Cu7.00; Texas and
'Indian steers, f2.ucoj9.00i cows and heifers,
HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; ma: ket 10c
lower; pigs and lights, $5.90&6.10; packers,
(6 0 416.20: butchers, $6 10i6 40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts', 2.500
head; market steady; native muttons, fi 25
i3.m; lambs, $4.0ixj5.6o: culls and bucks,
2.00.(4.00; stockers, fl.5Oj3.00.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
eelnta. 2.2(iO head: natives, 83 504(6.35: Texas
and westerns, 13.MKijo.65; stockers and feed
err, $.).OxM 40.
I loG 8 Receipts, 4.000 head; medium snd
heavy. $6.106 30; pigs, $4.0O6.00; bulk, $610
4i6 22V
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.200
head; top lambs, $5.75; top western year
lings, $4.50; top native ewes, $4.25.
Slonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOV'X CITY. Dec. 11 (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 5o0 hesd;
steady; killers lower; beeves. $3.75tfit.75;
caws, bulls and mixed, $1.6()4i4.00; stockers
and feeders, $2.5'."i(4.26; yearlings snd calves,
Hi G8 Receipts. E.2O0 head; 10c lower, sell
lng at $5.76(116 15; bulk. 6.fcVnG6.
SHEEP Receipts, luO head; steady.
Stock In Slant.
following were the receipts of live
Hoa. Sneep.
8.60O 4.001
38. OH) 25,09)
,&"0 8.00
4. OK) 2,5"0
4.0KI 2.3")
6.2(A) I'M
68,200 86.800
... S.000
...11.4 V)
... 5.OI0
... 2,2"0
... 500
'Karsas City
Hi. Iuls
'St. Joseph
Sioux City
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 11. COFFEE Spot
Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice. S"c. Mild, dull;
Cordovn, 71,tjl2c. Futures opened steady,
with price 5 points lower, the decline being
the Immediate result of siles here for the
account of leading Importers, though the
easier tendency was encouraged by the
tabus. '1 lie i-aies during Itie lotenoon were
rtadllv ai'Miroed by p.m li.ieina tor the ac
count of European Interest. aiM loo short-
and siii'itiy after tnis class, or
mixing lietume the dominant iHctor. with
i.rlcrs t onKcoicntiy Miowuig a conslderat,.e
improvement. the close v.ra steady ami
uiu hatiKi'd to 5 points higher. Sales were
reported amounting to j.i,z.u nam, inciuu.
lircember, tfnal.wc; January, asm
February. 4.7oc; March, 4 8"ifl9,v,
6c; September, 6.25c; October, 5.3.c.
4 6,1c;
Cotton Market.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 11. -COTTON -Firm:
sales. i bales: ordinary. 1.1-I6p:
good ordinary, 7 4-lhc; low middling, 7V .
middling. sc: sood middling, 8 9-ltc; mid
dling fair, 9'c; receipts, I3.3M bales; stock.
(sob biles. futures sieany; iircrainrr.
809c; January, 8.16'q8 17c; February, 8 li'o
8 20c; March. 8.27'(i8.2c; April. 8ij'v32i;
Mav. .34,iS.35o: June, 8.3741 8.39c; July. S.SHd
8.41c; August, 8 .1.7(1. 18c.
NEW lt'ttrv, 1JCC. 11. v 1 1 1 11 .- 1 o"
market oncned firm at an advance of 2'utl
points and ruled steadily upward on active
covering and broadened Investment denritul
on continued ngnter receipts ana otnr
bullish features. The demand was the
most active since the bureau report of De
cember 3 and wss largely stimulated hy
evidences of stronger spot markets In th
south and abroad. The IJverpool m:irket
advanced 4 points on spot cotton and :(ii
Ut on the future market. Buying was fur
ther Increased by large clearances ami
claims that heavv frelcht engtgenicnts
forecasted large outward movement for th"
remainder of the month. All cl:ises of
buyers boucht In a large way in tne local
market, which, however, was led much of
the time by New Orleans, where May cot
ton was selling at 8.34c, while 8.31c was the
price here. New Orleans buying orders
were a large factor In the activity here.
The nrivance In nrlces was in the face of
unsettled Wall street conditions, on account
of which there was a good deal ot selling
bv Wall street parties who held cotton and
wished to realize in order to take care of
their .ecurlty Interests. But for this phase
of the situation the advance In the local
cotton market would have been greater, as
the buvlng was very heavy throughout the
session. Total sales reported 50u.(i(i bales
and the market was finally firmer at a net
advance of 3til7 points.
ST. LOl'18. Dec. 11 COTTON Quiet ;
middling. 8c; sales, 2?3 bales; rece-.p .
4.237 bales; shipments, 3,8.17 bales; stock, 26.
4.'6 bales.
good business done; prices 4tf6 points
higher; American mlddlli.g fair, 5.12d; good
middling, 4.64d; middling, 4..Vd: low mid
dling, 4.38d; good ordinary, 4.26d; ordinary.
4 14d. The sales of the day were 12. 000
bales, of which l.o were for speculation
and export and Included 10,000 Americans
Receipts, 17,010 bales, Including 16,000 Amer
icans. Futures opened and clospd steady:
American middling g. o. c, 4.47(1; December
and January. 4.4od; Janutry and February,
4.44('u4.4.'xl; February nnd March. 4.444H 45d ;
March and April, 4.44r4.4nd; April and May,
4.44fc445d; May and June, 4.4!f4.4t;d ; Juno
and July, 4.4t&j4.46d; July and August, 4.4.Vn'
Wool Mnrket.
ST. IX5UIS, Dec. 11. WOOT,-8tronar: me
dium grades and combing. 15ii0c; light fine.
;Vp-18Vsc; heavy fine, lirjt 13c; tub washed, 17
BOSTON, Dee. " 11. WOOL There Is n
very strong and active market for all
grades of wool, with a decided Improve
ment in. the price situation. Dealers re
port an Increased business, with an ad
vance on many kinds of wool of Mile per
pound. Fine wools have been especially In
demand. While In some cases the ndvanco
Is perhaps more In the asking price than
in actual sales, yet there can he no doubt
that there Is really a high level of values,
with sales being made at substantially a
hlgner range than a week ago. Territory
wools continue in a very nrm position, with
an excellent movement. Fine staple terri
tories, 66(ii0c; strictly fine, EiOJrnfic; fine and
medium fine. 60(&53c; medium, 4:4i-l7c. There
Is a very firm market for Texas woql. with
prices on the lower range. Fall, cleaned
basis, 46(i48c; twelve months, 68gjvi0c; six to
eight months, spring, 6:J&55c. California
wools are steady in price, with a good
movement. Northern county, cleaned busls,
62(ft55c; middle counties, 48ff60c; southern
counties, 454tM7c; fall, free, 44C(f45c. The
market for Oregon wools is steady at re
vised quotations; eastern staple, lK'alflr;
choice, 14((j'lic; average, 12130. The market
for fleece wools Is firmer and prices are
advanced full lc per pound on XX and
above wools. Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX
and above, 81 ft 32c; X, 27fc28c; Michigan X.
25H(&26V4c There Is a very strin g market
for delaine wools, with quotations ad
vanced. Ohio and Pennsylvania wanned de
laine. 3334c; Michigan. 3tx?i31c; No. 1. 3Ki
32c; No. 2, 3031c: coarse, 2tV(i27c. The local
market for Australian wool Is quiet, with
prices firm, but not quotably nnchaiiKid.
Combing, choice, scoured basis, 75$fSuc;
good, 73Ca76c; average, i2C'74e.
NEW YORK, Dec. 11. WOOL Firm.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit.
APPLES Continue firm, with common
quoted at 4'44tvi14c; prime, 6'-4ij'c; choice,
6yi'iViiC; fancy, 7C(j7V4c
prunes show no change from the conditions
recently noted, being firm at S'ra'c lor all
grades. Apricots attract a fair Jobbing de
mand ard are steady at 744il2c In boxes
and TH'c'lOo In bags. Peaches also are
fairly active and steady, with peeled quolcj
at 12gl8c and unpeeled at 6Vj1iic.
Sugar add Molasses.
Steady; open kettle. 2 13-10773 7-16c; open
kettle, centrifugal, 3 7-16ii'3 13-16c; centrifu
gal, granulated, 4 3-lrVii4''c; white, S'tfi IVc;
yellows, .'I'V'sc; seconds, 2'4'(3 5-16c.
MOLASSES Steudy; open kettle, 2K335c;
centrifugal. 7423c; syrup, 23(&iiSc.
NEW YORK. Dec. 11. BUG AR Raw,
firm; fair rellrJng, 3 7-16c; centrifugal, 96
test, 3 15-16c; molasses sugar, 8 3-ltic; re
fined, firm.
Dry Goods Market.
Wlde sheetings and made up sheets con
tinue very firm, with some other mskes ad
vanced 5 per cent. General demand on
tiome account of moderate proportions.
Nothing doing for export. Tone of general
market without change. Print cloth market
Merger Hearing- Continued.
ST. PAUL, "Dee. 11. The case of the
state of Minnesota against the Northern
Securities company, known as the merger
case, was given a further hearing today in
the United States district court at the
federal building. The attorneys were
rather slow In gathering. The morning
was largely taken up with the Introduction
of statistics relating to the securities com
pany and the Great Northern and Northern
Pacific roads.
Will Leas Engines and Crews.
ST LOUIS, Dec. 11. A temporary adjust
ment of the difficulty between the world s
fair management and the three railroads
directly interested In the switching of cars
on the site has been announced. The
world's fair agrees to Icaso from the rail
roads as many engines and switching crews
as It neeas
Sngar Strike Is Settled.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. The strike
at the Spreckels sugar refinery has been
amicably settled, all of the men who
walked out returning to work. The em
ployes whose discharge caused the strike
will be reinstated,' some at once and the
others as soon as there is work for them.
Capital Stock Increased.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Dec. 11. Secre
tary of State Cook today Issued to the St.
Louis Bridge and Terminal Railway as
sociation a certificate of Increase of capital
stock from $12,OO0.0uO to $50.000.nu0.
Prominent Politician In Trouble.
BUTTE, Mont, Dee. 11. George Cassy,
former chairman of the democratic county
central committee, and C. E. Alsop, who
was a csndldate for the legislature, hava
been bound over to the district court under
bonds of $1.000.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs
day, December 11:
Warranty Deeds.
William Byrne snd wlfs to F. J. Morl
arlty, e45 feet lot (. block 2, Jetter'S
add fl.M
W. J. Connell and wife to Michael
Kulskofsky, nH lot . block 1,
Kountze's 4th add 2.(25
Omaha Realty company to T. A. Fry,
e22 feet lot 6, block 101, Omaha 2.500
8. M. Smith and wife to Hilda and
Clara Anderson, lot 23, block 1, Mon
mouth Prk 750
Total amount Of transfers $7,375
P. B. Weare, Pres. C. A. Wears, V-Pres.
Established 1862.
Members of the principal Exchanges.
Private Wire to All Points.
Bought and sold for cash or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH. 110-111 Board of Trad.
Telephone IT.l.
W. E. Ward. Local M-lcf.