Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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'nm umaiia Daily Bee
tally Iti-e I without Suiic.y), One Year.. $4
Ualiy Dee ana Hunuuy, nu
Illustrated lipf, une yar
Sunday Iter-. One Year
(jaturnay Hie, urie Year
Twentieth Century farmer, One Year
riallv H (without HlllirtaVI. I(T copy.... Zc
Late Information from Ciiba point to
tin? possibility of a grave uilsnndcr
stuntling between the Island republic
and tl.o United Stntcs ls-Tore the rela
tions of 'the two countries are estab
lished on a secure Imsls. There Is being
mnnlfcstcd by a political clement In
Cuba a purpose to antagonize the ro-
l oo. milreuicnts of this country under the
l-uoi ... ... , ...
I i.i i ( nuieiiiiiiH'UL ri'Kitriut'r'B 01 mi)
commercial cnsl'dcrations. This elc-
lily Ree iwithout bunuH.w. per week ... IllP,lt jg represented to be quite Indlf
Dally Hee (intiudinn Bunuuy), per week.. lie Al . .- ,
eunoay Rei, per copy oc , fercnt to the question of tariff regula-
kiven.MB Ree (without Sunday), per we. k Bo hnvlnir regard nnlv for future
tvening Re Unciudlng Sunday), per ; lions, naving rej,ara oniy ror iuuire
week . Pojiticai conmtions. it insists mat uuoa
r w i -
shall not be bound by the terms which
the United States Imposed, but shall
assert Its absolute and unconditional In
dependence and It appears that this ele
ment Is gaining in popular support. t
Another fact In the situation Is the In
fluence which Eu,roppans are exerting
and to which Is said to be largely due
the Indifference which the Cubans are
exhibiting. In the matter of trade rela
tions with the United States. These
Europeans, It Is stated, tell the Cubans
that If they fall to get from this coun
try such terms as they deem to be -essential
to their prosperity, then they
may look to European countries for the
concessions the United States withholds.
This, there Is no doubt, has strengthened
the demand for larger tariff concessions
on our part than were at first thought
of by the Cubans and Incited a spirit of
Independence in this matter that was
not .looked for. a few months ago, or
when the 'pending trade negotiations
were entered upon. One Havana corre
spondent says ' that many Cubans and
many Europeans, both officials and mer
chants, resident In Cuba, think that the
Complaints' 'of ' Irregularities in delivery i
Should be addressed lo city cinuimiuu
Omaha The Bee Building.
Bouih Omaha-City liall building, Twenty-filth
and M Streets.
Council RliifT 10 I'earl Street.
Chicago 1M0 I'nlty Rulldlng. I
New York iSiS I'nrk Row Rulldlng.
Washington 5H Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should he nddresaed: Omaha
Use, Editorial Department.
Business letteTS and remittances should
be addressed;, The Bee Publishing Com
pany, Omaha.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Ree Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment or
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
fitate of Nebraska, Douglas County, fj,
Oeorge B. Tsschuck. secretary of ThS
Bee Publishing Company, being uuly "worn
ays that tho actual number of full ano
,.. i. r.t Th liullv. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month ol MovemDer, was " -
...41. OHO
.. .81.210
10 8I.UOO
11 30.WT0
12 80.TOO
13 SO.KiO
14 80.7UO
16 81,310
21 8U.U30
22 31,410
... ! I 1 J k
3o!ao Unltpd States should cut the existing
25 tariff rates on Cuban products In two
28 31,000 falling a reduction of 50 per cent on
tho piiatnnia Antlna Imrviafwl Vt? tVio
ta 31. ISO
31.4.HO United States .on Cuban products, It Is
30 aa,4T8 the opinion of these persons that Cuba
Tot, 32,vio should make arrangements with Eu
ties unsold and returned copies.... 9,287 ropean nations to secure an equal ad
.22,U73 vantage In European markets
Net total sales ,
-M.t .varan anlna. 80.705
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before m. tU. mn "
"tfieU) Notary Publlo.
Tlius It Is that we have not only to
deal with a political element in the
Island, said to be growing steadily
stronger, which is organized In opposl
tion to the Piatt amendment, giving the
a between foot ball and coasting, eml- United States an Important voice in
pnt nreons irive the preference to Cuban affairs, but also with a foreign
coasting by all means. influence that Is evidently being effect-
ivt'i.v exeneu iu a. cuiuiuerciHi way. ii
,.t for the Monroe doctrine those Is manifest, therefore, that the situation
iwh American sovereignties would last MS or a nature mat promises to oe per
about as long as a snowball In August PS and disturbing. The political
eiemenc wnicn aemanus a large measure
Tho first thing the British and Ger- of freedom for Cuba has obtained con
man commanders did was to send out a trol of one branch of the Cuban con
few cutters to capture the Venezuelan gress and Is likely to secure control of
fleet" I oiner Drancn. it may men attempt
to Ignore the conditions Imposed by this
The demand for local self-government country and In that event the course
In Colorado has now been enlarged so to be taken by the United States would
ts to Include home rule for counties as I become a very serious one. As to the
well as for cities and towns. I future of trade relations nothing Is yet
assured. Negotiations are ' In progress,
With 285 skimming stations Nebraska I but no one can say what, the result will
ought to be able to supply all the "blind be. Very little has been said on the
pigs" that may be established In the no- subject at Y ashlngton since the assem
license towns and villages within the bllng of congress and there appears no
boundaries of the commonwealth. reason to believe that there has been
any Important change of sentiment on
Shakespeare's or Bacon's Richard III the question since the-last session,
when hard pressed offered a kingdom From every point of view the situation
for a horse. We shall not be surprised In regard to Cuba Is unsatisfactory,
If the Union Pacific should off?r sev
eral townships for a stancn locomotive. TALKING FUR C J HAD a.
Governor Cummins in his address be-
tnsy be necessary for Canada to show a
dlsjiosltl'in to settle fairly and equitably
some otlnT mutters before she can rea
sonably expect this country to give seri
ous consideration to the question ' of
closer trade relations.
vrrosn ty 10 vi ihacitt.
It Is clear from the attitude of the
recognized organs of trusts and trade
combinations which would be affected
that they will employ every means In
their power to resist the enactment of
a law requiring publicity of their cor
porate operations. This may be taken
as a valuable sign that publicity Is a
most favorable remedy, from the stand-
jwlnt of practical legislation, as a first
step toward control of Illegal combina
tions, since public sentiment is ready
to accept and support it, and also that In
the judgment of their managers it would
really be effective In a substantial way.
Obviously publicity could not be In
jurious where the object of a corpora
tion or combination of corporations Is
egitinmte. It would rather be advan
tageous where the capitalization of an
enterprise represents actual Investment,
where profits look to actual earnings or
are based on an economy arising out of
consolidation of many concerns sep
arately weak and wasteful. That there
are many legitimate enterprises of this
character is admitted.
But actual, enforclble publicity would
be an invaluable protection, not only
to the general public but also to the
great body of the stockholders them
selves, as against Innumerable schemes
of Illegitimate gain through abuse of
corporate powers. The most notable
evil and Inevitable result of these
schemes Is fictitious capitalization. The
typical promotion Involves thft securing
of options on several Independent com
panles, whereupon the merger goes. to
the financing bank or syndicate who fix
the stock, not on any legitimate relation
of actual value or probable earnings,
but arbitrarily on the limit of Imposi
tion upon a public kept In Ignorance of
the facts. At the same time the manip
ulators, appropriating an unknown, ar
bltrary share to themselves, take good
care to retain control In their own
It Is unnecessary to enlarge upon the
evils of thla practice. They are wide
spread and' aggravated. Those who
thrive by them and would perpetuate
them are alarmed at any serious effort
to dispel by publicity the darkness and
mysteries which envelopes their methods
and will seriously Imperil of their sue
cess. V
Rfpplea oai the Correct of life In the
A' notable Instnnce ,of the unprecedented
growth of New York City Is the demolition
of a modern steel frame structure to ninke
man. lien it Is borne in mind tuat tne
jobliers have Incessantly clamored for
un Increane of fire protection to bring
alniut a reduction of Insurance rates, and
In view of the fact that the city now
expends $l22r,sr a year for fire protec
tion, a forced contribution of from $1,0)0
to $2,500 a year from jobbing houses
that carry anywhere from $100,000 to and Forty-second street. It was one of the
$.-.00,000 of stock Is surely not unreason- nl riveted buildings erected in tne
-t.i .1 a ..,.,.. e.,t !,. ,.lt, . "tsnas nine stories nign, ami is oniy
...... ....,1,,. ui .om, .... v.., f0l!r yRrg old
levy upon jouoers win luny onset uie ..w, ., ga thr0URh ,he, c,d ,tyl(, p,Rln
decreased cost of Insurance brought 1 brick buildings like so much cheese," said
almut by Improved fire protection. If one of the contractors, quoted by the Trlb-
Champagne wafers so largely used In
American society. In the main, they are
sweeter than the latter and a trifle fuller
flavored. NotleeaMe are the graceful
baskets In which wine, oil and vinegar are
put tip. They are of the same general type
as the t'hlantl flank, and differ chiefly In
the style In which they are ornamented
way for a larger one. The building Is known ; hy straw wrapping foil, label, and tasselled
as the Thorley, or Pabst, hotel, Proadway cords.
Speaking of changes In the language, It
will he noted that nowadays every snow
storm Is a blizzard.
Ahlal Dean. ft5 rears of age. the last sur-
there Is an actual increase In the city un' "nd w don,t mlnd lron "am"' hel(1 vivlng veteran of the Mexican wsr, is dead
l W V.nll .. W..s - -
tas It Is more than offset by the de- . . ungcrew nutg 0
creased insurance premiums.
cause there Is no nut to get off. These
bolts were .heated white hot, then put In
place and headed down. All we can do Is
During the past six months the tempo-
rary school fund has been credited with oft the bead and then drive the bolt
417 HI VI rt Intoroat iinnn atntA Vflrrnnta I D--CK i
.,.IU ...!. t.ll. e,!lVrVIU1 .-"-l.lT-. M ...W...
uuu wuuiu u.v win ?.nnV u., w ,t , , b , .12.000
of irredeemable warrants are held as an to take this building down. We could take
at his home In Boone county, Ky
A New Jersey Justice has given his opin
ion, officially, that there Is no law to stop
a woman talking In ber own borne.
Mrs. Agasslc. widow of the famous geol
ogist, Louis Agassli, waa 80 years old on
December 6. She is tho president of Rad
cllffe college. ;
tlr. Cutler, composer and musical conduc
tor, who died In Swampscott, Mass., a few
davs aco. Is credited with Introducing
In this work, you see, everything will be vested choirs In this country in 1860.
total loss. These bricks are laid In cc- That Philadelphia gentleman who tolled
ment, and these floors are laid on .concrete, hard as a reputable business man and ex
down one of these ' old style bricks for
about one-fifth of that and save. the bricks.
Investment In other words, more than
$00,000 of the state's floating debt is
credited In the permanent school fund
as an asset when In fact it Is a liability.
To put It more tersely still, the state has Everything has to be chiselled apart; there emplary head of a family by day and la-
taken over $600,000 out of the school I Is nothing we can save. I bored diligently as a burglar by night was
"Look there; Isn't that a shame? But . not afraid of that modern bugbear, over-
what .can de do?" and be pointed to the work
celling and walls of the costly hotel bar one of Senator Lodge's small stock of
room, where the removal of chandeliers and , stories relates to a member of the Massa-
fund and replaced the money with
I. O. TJa.
Among the sensational disclosures
brought out In the Union Pacific con-
electrlo wires had left great gaps In a
series of big paintings on burlap .done by
tempt case was the testimony of Strike I F. K. Marscball in 1899,
cbusetts legislature who was much lm
pressed with the dignity of bis position.
One night his wife woke him and whispered:
"John, there are burglars In the bouse."
"You must be mistaken, my dear," said
her husband. "There may be a few In the
senate, but In the house oh, no; the Idea Is
simply preposterous."
Ceorge J. Gould Is one of the numerous
rich men belonging to the Are department
Its snow during this winter. It Is to be , o i,kc-. ood. N. J. v The other evening
done by contract and the street commls- there was a fire In the borne of Mrs. Robert
Ion expects to save $43,000 over what ; F ve8tcott and Fireman Gould failed to
was paid last year. Another advantage resrond when the alarm was sounded. Be
ts that the contractor will lurnisn nis own . ,t. -nria. phtrm wore nre
r . - . . r. . , . . I - ' ci n n v. . " " ' n ' ' " . r. .
ine people or ooioratio ana tne west horses and wagons, thus leaving the city fPrred aealnst him. The millionaire pleaded
are to be congratulated on the failure I force free to keep at Its regular duty of , that he na(1 Decn kept at home by a cold,
of the Gates campaign to capture con gathering refuse and ashes. This will bo but thls wag not accepted as sufficient ex
Breaker F. Szczepanlak, who declared
that several men had come to his house
last Sunday and sought to induce him to
leave his job as a benchman in the em
ploy of the Union Pacific. In what lan
guage his visitors tried to decoy Mr,
Szczepanlak was not drawn out by Mr,
John N. Baldwin's patent contempt cork
"Each one of these was worth $500," he
commented; "there are four of them."
The building originally cost $225,000 and
the Interior decorative work about $60,000.
It will cost the city of New Tork 2o
cents per cubic yard for the removal of
a great boon to the residential portions
which have suffered whenever the force
has been set to hauling snow.
General prosperity has had one effect
which has not hitherto been noted. It has
abolished the middle-weight overcoat. The
seeker for such a coat the other day, after
The unexpected often happens, but the
expected happens very much oftener.
It was to have been expected that the
managers and attorneys of the various
railroads subject to taxation in Omaha
would resist and obstruct the attempt
to tax the property of those corporations
upon the same basis of valuation for
municipal purposes that is applied to the
property of all other corporations and
individuals.' But the protest filed for
the Burlington railroad with the Board
of Review simply caps the climax.
The keynote of the argument of the
Burlington attorneys before the supreme
court was a plea for uniformity in taxa
tion. In their protest to the Board of
Review the same attorneys plead for the
most rank discrimination. They point
to the fact that the State Board of
Equalization has assessed all the main
tracks, sidetracks, right-of-way, terminal
trol of the Colorado Fuel and Iron com
pany, which If it maintains an Inde
pendent management will be in a posi
tion to serve as a competitor of the
United States Steel company. And It is
not doubted that it was on behalf of the
latter that Gates undertook to aelze con- being told that bis hunt was useless and
trol of the Colorado company. there was no such thing to be bought, was
i treated to the following philosophical dis-
According to the report of the state cussion.
" " . i economlie and tho easiest way to econo
naimers, rormeny runerai airectors. or- mll!e ,n a cnmate like this was to make
iglnally undertakers, have contributed I one overcoat last through the winter. At
tha munificent sum of $1.33 to the tern-1 that time we made a coat which was a
pofary school fund for general dlstrlbu- mu too' warm for February thaws and not
.... I oulte warm enough for blizzards, but
tion among the 374.304 children In at- :verB.ed UD oretty wen at the year's end.
tendance on the public schools of the I That was a very popular garment for Bev-
state. Fralse God from whom all bless-1 era! years. But now things are different.
lngs flow. Everybody owns two coats now, a thick
one and a thin one and there Isn't any
Are the people of Omaha competent Particular demand for something between
t- J i j- ii i .t.ii ,x . I luai uauuui m -
t uwiiub iur mBriv wuemer n is heavfer ot OUP faU and spring coats."
to their Interest to vote a franchise that I Thi u verv illuminating, but in the
will enable Omaha to secure cheaper seeker's Judgment It lost some of Its force
power and cheaper light through the when he found the suppbsedly obsolete
a.. . , . . . middleweight coat still for sale In a shop
construction of a power canal? That Is "I"I,w.,th. flown. However, this
precisely the question that confronts the pIace probably catered to the needs of
city council, is tne Council Willing to I those unfortunate few on wnom, even in
... I .. .. i . - .miia
cuse and he was fined $1.
"What kind of coal
trust the people?
these times, prosperity has not smiled.
Asking: Veto Much,
Indianapolis News.
President Castro assures everybody that
he ts doing the best he can, and when he I wnicn established in New York each
has a full complement of these establish
ments. The largest and best are in mui
Just as German Immigration has made us
familiar with the delicatessen shop, the
Italian Is doing with his grocery, relates
tho unnlnr Post. In the six colonies
Is acting so unselfishly he thinks It rather
hard that he should be expected to pay
his debts.
berry Bond; next are those In Little Italy
on the Harlem esst side, and in the settle
ment near Catharine Ferry In Brooklyn.
These shops are neat and interesting.
Brooklyn Life: First Doctor How many
An r,t that now HlAnjlA of TOUTS?
Second Doctor None. But, then, It Isn't
generally known yet.
Philadelphia Cathollo Standard: JUter
I'm a shorthand reporter, now.
Scribbles I didn't know you understood
niter I don't, but the city editor said
the only reason he hired me was because he
was short-handed.
Indianapolis News
do you use?
"How do you buy It?"
"By the dozen."
Chicago Tribune: "I am sorry to have
to refuse this," said the head of the pub
lishing house. "It would be too risky.
There are subjects that can't be dealt with
In books."
"Thev can on the stage, by Jove!" replied
the author, fiercely. "I'll make a society
drama of It!"
Erooklyn Eagle: "Horace Oreeley ones
said that a man with more than a million
dollars is a nuisance."
"Well, I'd rather be that kind of a nui
sance than the other kind."
"What other kind?"
"The kind that wants to borrow a V."
A. Hospe's Closing Out Sale of
More Than Fifty Good
The Best Pianos, Organs Bnd Piano-
Players, Some Less Than Half Price.
Extremely Easy Payment, $5 flonthly
Up, or Cash, No Difference Open
1813-1515 Douglas. St.
extraordinary price reductions, at least
once a year, are quite essential to tho
proper conduct of any large retail business.
This applies more forcibly to tbe piano
business than In other lines, on account ot
the accumulation of odd styles, odd makes,
chsnges In Ckse styles, and pianos returned
from rental, etc., etc.
Actual sacrifices must be made, and wo
are making them at this great "end of the
year closing out sale," hut these prices
and this sale lasts only ten days, positively
bo longer.
New pianos of various high class makes
that retail regularly at $360, $400, $450 and
$500, are plainly marked to close out at
$190 $215, $245 and $285. Terms, cash or
payments, no difference; $10 to $25 cash,
$6 to $10 per month.
Several good tprlght pianos, thoroughly
first class Inside, cases Inexpensive, stand
ard quality throughout,' former prices $225,
$280, $200 and $300; sale price, to close,
$135, $160, $175 and $185. Terms, cash or
time; $10 to $20 cash, $8 to $8 per month.
Tlano players:
The Angelus, Kimball and Apollo am
the Tery best piano players In the market.
We are offering special price Inducements
at this sale on piano players. We offer a
combination of first-class $400 piano,
slightly used and a $275 player, complete,
for, both. $385. Terms. $30 cash, $16 per
month. This Is a snap. See them.
Great bargains In slightly shopworn and
returned from rental high class pianos.
Cabinet Grand upright Ilallet & Davis, $500.
sale price $200;, Chlckerlng upright, small
size, $400 style, $160; Llndeman upright
mahogany case, $400 style, $170; a $350
Brlggs, $150; a $450 Kimball, $225; a $323
Dunham, $140; a $560 "Knabe," $250; a
$300 Guild, $120; $200 Cable, $!0; $175 Hale.
$80; a $300 Jewett, $140; a $260 HInzle, $140;
another $160. These complete the list ot
shopworn pianos, and they are going
quickly on terms to suit, $5 to $8 per month,
or for cash.
Good square pianos for $25, $35, $40 anl
$50; $2 to $4 monthly payments.
Organs for $10, $15, $25. $32. $43 to $61,
new and used, guaranteed. Terms, 2 to
$5 per month.
Only seven mora days of the sale. Open
Philadelphia Press: "Doctor." said the
fussy Invalid, "I understand the only
proper way to breath Is through the noee.
Now, some times I wake up and find my
mouth wide open."
"Well?" said Dr. Gruff.
"Well, what shall I do?"
"Get up and shut It. of course."
L KEf,
1513-1515 Douglas St.
What President Itoosevelt said In his fore the national reciprocity convention
message about the need of preserving Bald that "every student of the subject facilities, depot grounds and passenger
order In the South American republics knows that we can make a treaty with and freight depots and property of every
applies with equal force to some of the Canada that will give us more work to description of the Burlington svsteru
North American colleges ana univer- da in the United States than we now within the city of Omaha, exclusive of
sltles. . have." Perhnps he was correct and yet headauarters. for S2S.925. or about 1 rr
the sort of reciprocity treaty wnicn rent of actual value. And thi u xt-hnt
The house of representatives has c d . under8tood to desire would the Burllnirton artorneva Insist ahnii iw
passed a bill to relieve the owners of tea hardly lnorea8C our work to any ma- the city assessment for the year 1903.
in Dona rrom paying uuty. lueum.u ter,,Mtent What the Canadians want Here we have uniformity in taxation
erder should be the bill to relieve the ls a free American market for their with a vengeance.
parties woo own u.-r m umrc.a i rum naturai products and they have not pro- Everybody in Nebraska knows that
Stamping the bung. nosed to make any important tariff con- the Burlinirtnn nassenirer ilonor inn.
cession to our' manufactures. They I represents at least half a million dri?irs
If It cornea to the worst, Omaha people ld XAy be willing 'to reduce the Anv real estate exnert familiar with
who are short of fuel can go out into dIfferentlal In favor of British manu- ground and bulldln covered hv th..
the streets and pick up the remaining facture8. but that ls of no great conse- freight denot of the Burllnirton would
wooden paving blocks that have not ol,ence. Ince ,t na9 not interfered to amjraise it for no less than srft ftno nA
yei Deen scorcueu ujr w. .uu ur material extent, If at all. with our no reputable railroad expert would value
away Dy tne irost. exDarts to the Dominion. Canada ls the depot exounds and terminal fartilH
anxious for reclDroclty chiefly In the in-lof the Burlineton In the clrr f rtmnbn
If $700,000 .will enable, the Agrlcul- terest of her agricultural producers and I at less than $3,000,000. And all these
iuri urpsmurui 10 Biuu.p uui iuC i.i- does not contemplate any arrangement properties returned bv the state lKard
te plague In New England It will be that wouid be detrimental to her manu- as the Omaha & Southwestern railroad
money well spent The appropriation factUHng Interests. It is not with a are assessed for city taxation for less
asked for will doubtless be promptly vlew to giving us more work to do than $18,000, while unimproved lots with
passtni ty congress. tuat fihe wants closer trade rela- 66-foot frontage adjacent to the BurUnir-
tlons, but for the purposo of securing ton freight depot are assessed at from
The list of property filed by the secre- t. epeat market for her agricultural I $10,000 to $20,000.
tary of the United States senate, Includ- producer8, as she had it under the treaty The terminal facilities of the Burllng-
lng 2U4 packs or cams ana rony-one of 1854 Tlint kind of an arrangement ton west of the Tenth street viaduct
corkscrews, Indicates that that august would not be acceptable to American within the city limits could not be re-
body Intends that there sb.aU be some- flirraers and we think It would not re- placed for less than a million, but that
thing doing at this session.- BUit m any considerable benefit to Amer- portion of its main line between Omsha
lean manufacturers. and Lincoln ls returned for city taxation
The National Civic federation has de- Another speaker before the convention, In the name of the Omaha & North
elded to establish local organizations in a xew England advocate of Canadian Tlatte railroad for a fraction over
the principal cities of the United States reciprocity, urged that our policy toward $11,000. Uniformity of taxation indeed!
for the purpose of carrying on the edu- the Dominion had alienated Its good I Now suppose that the Burlington had
catlonal work of the federation. Why WM and that It Is trying; to ignore us Its way. How much would It contribute
not establish a local brauch In Omaha? and divert Its trade to foreign mar-1 toward the expenses of city govfrn-
kets. He said the next step to be ex-1 ment? On an assessment of $28,02;
The Associated rress is getting to be poeted on the part of Canada is the with a levy of 10 mills, its total cou-
nore enterprising every day. Formerly raising of . her tariff to the prohibitive trlbutlon to the city treasury would be
It confined Itself to obituary biographies ,H)lut against us. This simply repeated $280.25. If the levy for 1003 is fixed at
of eminent men. Now the biographies tho threat which a few Canadian states- 12 mills Its total contribution would lie
are telegraphed as soon as the patient men have been making for several THREE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN
shows d disposition to shuffle off this years, but which has commanded no DOLLARS AND TEN CENTS, or about
serious attention. It ls doubtless true I seven months' salary of a janitor in the
that most of the Canadian manufac-1 city hall or five months' salary of an
turers would like the tariff made pro-1 ordinary policeman. If any member of
hibitlve. but their Influence ls not con-1 tbe Board of Review, city council or
trolling. It is' the agricultural pro-judge In equity will say thut such an
ducers who exert the greater Influence 1 assessment would represent uniformity
and they will not have a tariff that I of taxation, wa want to see tlie color of
would increase tbe cost of all manu-1 bis eyes,
fnctures and thus make their condition I
far worse than it now ls. It need not I Some of the Jobbing bouses of Omaha
be apprehended, therefore, that the Do- appear to regard the Increuse In their
minion government will Increase tbe assessments for municipal taxation as a
tariff to a prohibitive point, or that it sreat hardship. Ujon second thought
wijl attempt any other discrimination they will find that they are reasonable
against American manufactures than I If the railroads pay their just share of
now exists. I the taxes the levy for '.K)3 will not ex
Reciprocity with Canada may come In ceed 10 mills and may te reduced to 0
time, but not utoa any basis Which that mills. A 10-mlll tux on $100,000 of stock
country has ' proitosed sine the treaty Is equal to $1,000 of tax. or not much
of 1854 waa terminated. Meanwhile It I mora than the annual pay of one fire
Claws Beneath the Far.
A Shlnina- Example.
Detroit Free Press. -
The Missouri river has been Jumping its I Their stock ls somewhat like that ot an
channels again. Tbe fact Is not generally I American atore. but full of articles uma
known, we believe, that the trusts derived miliar to Yankee eyes. One of the notlce-
thelr notion of complete Irresponsibility 1 .hie dlanlava ls in macaroni. Of this goodly
from the Missouri river. edible forty varieties are shown, ranging
from a hair-like vermicelli to nuge, ciumsy
chunks called comartnl. Tomatoes ana
Chicago News.. I cheese are near. The former appears in a
Some of the European powers think the tinned nrnnaratl'on of tomato paste. This
British lion's paw would be just the thing u the vegetable, plain or spiced, boiled
to rake chestnuts In the shape of 8outh Ann until It is a solid. The long cooking
American coallns stations and naval bases tVi flavor, but Increases ine
out of the Venezuela Are. acidity. II la used for tomato sauce and
t, favorites In cheese are Parma
Think ot the Walt. I f .. - n.K, vnrletles. Italian
i ana uursuu&uiB.
, Washington Fost. .na French, are in stock, dui oo noi :uui
The fact that President Palma's official with these in popularity.
compensation Is larger than that of the Almonds and Lombardy chestnuts are al-
president ot the United States seems to ,vi in demand. Besides tbe sweet, outer,
worry some of the Cubans. But think of nd paper-shell almonds are paste and flour
how long the gentleman was waiting for made from the kernels, ana at times iu
the lob. rich rake known In Engllsn as marenpauo.
rirled chestnuts and chestnut meal are
employed In thickening soups and making
Indianapolis Journal. nurees and various kinds of breads and
' Deliverance of a Solomon.
It has been decided by a Maine justice I hnlled nuddinss
that since a man and his wife are legally The sausage exhibit ls worthy ot Ger
one the wife cannot be accused of theft many. The Italian sausage ls usually
when she abstracts money from his pocket harder and drier than German, and posst-
In the silence of the night; that is, a per- bly higher flavored. Tbe oldest is tne
son cannot steal from himself. This de- Bologna, In which the pepper corn and
clslon opens vast possibilities in Maine garlic add zest to the meat. The Italian
households, but the situation will vary ac- salami comes second, and then follows a
cording to Individual cases and be depend- long series, all of which are nutritious and
ent upon whether tbe husband or the wife
Is the "one,
annetlzlng. Occasionally the famous Span
lsh dainty, the Vlch sausage, ls offered
for saVe.
In the better stores In Mulberry Bend
may be procured the delicate wafers and
blsrulU of Florence, Venice ana. Milan,
Soothlnar Effect ot a Salary.
Chicago Chronicle.
Advices from Manila occasionally allude
to Don Emlllo Agulnaldn as among those I which are the originals of the Vienna and
present at an official function, disporting
himself as the gayest of the gay. This
may be taken to Indicate that Don Emlllo
ls on the pay roll at a comfortably higher
figure than our good friend and brother
Hadji Mohammed Wolomol Klrara. what
ever the falling of Emlllo, he Is not by any
means a cheap article, and bis acceptance
of the status quo undoubtedly Involves a
big bole In tbe "miscellaneous expenses"
of tbe Insular government.
H. R. Vynne In tha Inter Ocean.
CJoodby, Tom Reed!
You were .Indeed,
A stout man and a true;
You had the strength
Thnt brought, at length.
The love of men to you.
Ooodby, Tom Reed I
You paid no heed
To ways of little men.
Rut In your might
Did what was right.
The -Jove of men to you.
Goodby, Tom Reed!
Tou sowed the need
Of manhood where you passed!
Your way was long.
Your hand-grip strong,
Your heart strong to the last.
'Mid heat of hate.
In the debate.
You saw hate take the lead;
Your brain was sound,
You stood your ground
You ruled them all, Tom Reed.
They called you Czar;
They cursed you far,
And cursed you near and nigh;
Rut not a foe
Who cursed you so
But mourns you, now you die.
For as you fought
Your soul was wrought
By no mean thought or slight.
And with your brain
And might and main
You wrestled for the right.
Rut when 'twas done,
At set ol sun,
The foes who fought you fair
, Fougnt race to race
To gain a place
Beside your roomy chair.
The world has ends
Few men have friends.
But you. Tom Reed, God knows,
Have at the last
No friends more fast
Than those who were your foes.
mortal colL "
Superintendent Wood, whose duty It Is
to keep the national cupltol building
and who has been complimented 'by
scientists for his success In wardiug off
disease germs, will hardly deny that the
presidential bacillus still lurks In hid
den places In both ends of tbe building
In spite of his efforts.
The aggresslous of Germauy and
Great Britain in Venezuela, embittering
the people of thnt country, oujlit to
operate to the ultimate commercial ad
vantage of the United States. For a
long time the Germans and English have
bad a long lead in the Venezuela u mar
ket, although American trade has been
Sailors' Hlchta Abased.
Baltimore American.
In strange contrast with the praise ot
the country for the men behind the guns
It the report that United States sailors
are made to work st digging canals In
swamps In Culebra. to the great danger
of their health. If not their Uvea. This Is
not tbe sort ot service which the people
expect from the men of the navy. Tbey
are too much needed in their proper place
to be endangered In tropical swamps at
hard labor not contemplated In their con
tract with Uncle Sam and whlcb would
be severe for unaccllmated convicts.
' Prosperity In 1'orto Hlco.
Philadelphia Record.
, American troops were greeted In Porto
Rico by brass .bands and mayors with tbe
keys of their clUes snd. delegations of
citizens with addresses ot thanks to their
deliverers. After a few months, with no
particular change In the condition of the
Island, tbe affections of our fellow citizens
grew cold. Then there was a tidal isave
ana loss or the coffee crop, and bad bus!
nees, and the American conquerors were
denounced as the authors of the island's
misfortunes. Now tha tidal ye has
been forgotten, a free United States market
for sugar and tobacco makes) tbe island
prosperous, and the Porto R leans are re
ported to be extremely proud of tbsir
relstioa to the Ualted Stats.
Therefore you go, , Yk
Bans pump or show, f T
YoAunrdfrfi5.Uwe WtV"'' W The only double-track railway
YAUr!dr6rry.yToZ Reed. U the MiSSOUfi RlVOf tO
0 rr 7"jIJ )r Splendid service and direct
jp cPi v connectlon for a11 polnts on tho X
T J Chicago & North-Western q
ft i vlty V A railway i
::::" lf1?' I S0UTH DAK0U K
;y V Vr sSll' jL For tickets and Information apply
--.XYf'T Fi! .vJf A to offics of General At-ent, P)
r ffl7 V NV-r y 1401 anl 1483 Femam Street V
r- r ' v a
Why Not
You have been to Europe.
You have seen California and
Colorado. Why not try Mex
'co? It Is worth while.
. The curious architecture;
the vast plazas, where the en
tire population of the city
gathers nightly to listen to
the stirring strains of a mili
tary band; tbe rare beauty of
the women; the picturesque
attire of the fiien; the primi
tive methods of agriculture
these are only a few of tbe
scores of things that can be
seen snd enjoyed in Mexico
Cut out this ad, send It to
us, and we will mall you a
book about Mexico. Tells
Just wbst you want to know.
Ticket Office, 1323
tfStr Farnam St.
OflAtiA, NEB.
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coughing I
There's nothing so good for
cough as Ayer's Cher
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A cough means a great deal to a young person, when there
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Your doctor will explain, for we give all doctors the formula.
" i. C. AjrOTOe., Lowell. Baas.
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"Man wants hut
little here below"
Said it morbid poet
long years ago,
I'm prone to doubt
that ancie nt eaue
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Bee's great "Want
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steadily gaining.