Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Council May Have to Eeject All 111
fcr Enpplies.
roKi-ii'-fitlr ihv tatlnnrr, Fuel
and ff1 Mir He rarrhnsra' Oalv
ere!eil anil nilU 1114 In
for 1JMI3 Appropriation.
In Th Pe of Thursday msotion was
made rf the fsrt that City Clerk Bhrigley.
in conformity with th rliy charter and th
ordinances In force, had advertised for bids
for -tippUc for the various department.
There la need of stationery, feed for the
fire 1epir-nunt horfea, coal for the fire
holla, the shoeing of horsea belonging to
the city, etc. Bid for lumber for the
street department are also asked for.
Grain, drugs and supplies for the emer
gency hospital are wanted.
The bidders are supposed to file with the
elty clerk their bids by aoon of December
59. h!!e the city reserves the right to ac
cept cr reject any or all bids.
"It 13 more than likely that the city will
reject all bids for supplies," said a mem
ber cf the counrll last night. "Section lfig
of the city charter" says that no contract
shall be entered Into by the city council or
ny committee or member thereof and no
expenses Incurred by any of the officers or
departments of the corporation, whether
the object of the expenditure shall have
been ordered by the city council or not. un
less an appropriation shall have been pre
viously miide."
With this section of the charter In view
the members of the council cannot legally
' pay nny attention to hide received. While
one portion cf the "good book"' says that
hldn shall be advertised for at a certain
time . another counteracts that by saying
that there must bo money on hand. Conse
quently the supplies will most likely be
purchased as needed and the dealers will
remit bills to the city when the 1903 appro
priation Is available.
Illehlnnflers Elect Officers,
Dunoon caatlo No. (3 of the Royal High
landers elected these officers a night or two
ago: C. Chrlstlanson, protector; 8. Clark,
rhlef counsellor; Mrs. 8. Clark, worthy
evangelist; Dr. J. A. Aberly, secretary; A.
P. Madsen, treasurer; A. 8. Horoan, guide.
Talk Aboat Alaska.
'A. J; Meals, whose home Is at Valdes,
Alaska, waa In the city yesterday visiting
Councilman M. E. Welsh. Mr. Meals was
here about a year ago, when he was making
his second trip to the far northwest.' He
says that the' mining company of which he
Is a member is doing nicely and that re
turns will be shown before long. Mr. Meals
ays that survey has been made tor a rail
road from Valdea to Eagle on the Yukon.
The survey will, he asserts, mean the mov
ing of the town of Valdes from its present
location to point nearer the water line,
where the harbor Is deeper. Ae for the
movement of the -town Mi. Meals said that
It would not Incur any great expense, as
the bnlldl'ngs were all "shacks" and could
be easily moved.
Thief Etter Wants Horsea,
Yesterday afternoon Chief Etter of the
, Are . department aent to Mayor Koutaky a
, renneat that he be provided with two addi
tional horses and BOO feet of hose. It has
been known by city officials for some time
paat that -hdraes should be purchased tor
th Use of the department and that mora
hoe waa needed. Just where the money
tlTo come from at this time la what Is
worrying the mayor and the members of
the Are committee. ' Soma shift wilt be
made to provide' for the keep of the Bra
deportment, even though the appropriation
has run out. ;' ' . :
Thompson. Commences Grading.
Frank Thompson commenced grading yes
terday for his buildings to be erected at
Twenty-fourth and H streets. The dirt to
bfl used for filling Is being taken from the
O'Metl property at Twenty-fourth and J
streets. A car of brick and a car of aand
la already on the ground and Mr. Thomp.
son proposes to push the work on hit
store building and his residence as rapidly
as possible.
ca Is netting Thick.
The Ice at Seymour lake and at Jetter'a
pond la reported to be tour Inches thick.
Icemen tsy that ahould the present cold
weather continue, cutting will cornmenc
on Tuesday. By that time It is expected
the Ice will be six Inches thick. The first
crop will be harvested to make sure ot
some Ice, and then the lakes will be left
open tor thicker Ice.
' .- Chicken Dinner.
The King's Daughters of the First Pres
byterian church will give a chicken pie
dlnoeV at the troop armory in the city hall
building today. This dinner ot the Pres
byterian women la an annual occurrence
and la generally well patronised. The pro
ceed go to forwarding the work ot tha
King's Daughters In South Omaha.
i Prank Elllgaa Burled.
Frank 'Xlllgan waa burled yesterday.
Brief funeral services were held at the
family' resfdenca. Twenty-fourth and K
streeta. and then tha body was taken to
St. Brldget'a church, where aervicea were
held. As. tha doceased waa a member ot
tha local bartenders' union, tha members of
tha order In Omaha and South Omaha
turned out In full force. The lodgea rep
resented -were No. 372 of South Omaha
and No. Hi of Omaha. A march to tha
church waa made. After. the aervicea tha
body waa taken to Holy Sepulcher ceme
tery, Omaha, for interment.
-Maarle City Goaela.
Zack Cuddtngton la back from Iowa and
will stay here a day or two.
A aon has been born to John Irwin and
wire. Twenty-ninth and 8 streets.
A son of John Klynn was quit badly hurt
while coasting yesterday afternoon.
There will be an election of officers of
Caao council, Royal Arcanum, tonight.
B. K. Wilcox Is able to set downstairs
now and will be glad to aee his friends.
Mayor Koutsky has signed the bonds for
the grading of Twenty-seventh street from
U to ' street. The amount Is $1,600.
The Magic City Klng'a Daughters gave
a aoaV t the home of Colonel and Mrs.
A. L vU last night. The affair was well
attended .and tha proceeds will go toward
tha fumlnhlng of a room at the South
Omaha hoapital.
One Tarawa Jockey and Another la
1 Jarea Pelf Before new
Orleaaa Rnres.
NEW ORLEANS .Dec. 11 Options!, Pearl
Finder and Hnlnt Tsmirmny were the win
ning favorites today. While at exerrme
this morning Oronte bolted and threw Hob
olns, breaking his collarbone end wrist.
I.ndy Sterling while at exercise ran nut
two miles and collide! with the fence and
gashed her front legs, bresklng a kneecsp.
Weather rainy; track muddv. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Suburban Queen
won. Fading Light eecona, Verna r onso
third. Time: 1:23.
Second rsce, selling, six furlongs: Op
tional won. Rummer second, Andes third.
Time: 1:17 2-6.
Third race, selling, one mller pearl Finder
won. Swordsman second, Alfred C third.
Time: UA-i.
Fourth rare, handicap, one mile: Hono
lulu won, C B. Campbell second, Ray third.
Time: 1:48 l-i.
Fifth race, selling, one mile and a six
teenth: latson won, Optimo second, Prince
Rinses third. Time: 1:57 4-6
Hlxth race, seven furlongs: Saint Tam
many won, Brookston second, Kiss Quick
third. Time: 1:38 3-6.
Alice KacOtwaa Writei Interesting Story
About a Texu Girl
InaJrslae Favorites Fare Badly, Al
though Aftlcalate Wins the
. Fosrtk Kvent. t
SAN FRANCISICO, Dec. 11. -Articulate
made his first appearance at Ingleside today
and scored a victory In the fourth event.
ior wnicn ne waa ravorue.
The track waa sloppy and other favorites
fared badly. Results:
First race, one mile and three-sixteenths,
selling: Arthur Hay won, Jim Brownell
second, Harry Thatcher third. Time: 1:26.
Second race, five-eighth of a mile;
Deutschlatid won, Irldlus second, Fosoll
third. Time: 1:.
1 hird race, seven-eighths of a mile, sell
ing: Sunello won, Uold One wecond. Im
perious third. Time: 1:32.
Fourth race, Futurity course: Articulate
won. Corrlgan second, Halnault third.
Time: 1:1.1.
Fifth race, one mile, telling: Btuyve won,
Dunblane second, Autollght third. Time:
Sixth race, thlrteen-slxteentbs of a mile,
aelllng: Hednenr won, Oolden t'ottage sec
ond, St Sever third. Time: l:24fe
Drag are Prohibited and, Starting;
. Gat May Do Abandoned
by Consent.
NEW i YORK. Dec. ll.-Several amend
ment to the racing rules were adopted by
the Jockey club today.
One provide for the ruling off "of any
person who shall have administered a drug
or stimulant Internally r by hypolrmlo
methods prior to a race, or who shall have
used appliances, electrical or mechanical,
other than the ordinary whip and spur."
It waa decldea that whenever nusuana or
wife Is in the forfeit list all disabilities
shall apply to both. Another amendment
decrees that "by special permission of the
stewards of the Jorkev club, or In case of
an emergency, the stewards of the meeting.
or a atarter, a race may oe siariea wun
out a gate." :
i ne rule tnue amenaea aiso provmes ioi
whenever the horses are started by a flag
there shall 'be no start until and no recall
after the assistant starter has dropped his
ting In answer to the nag ol tne starter.
National and American Usgsei Try
Again to Settle Base Ball
War. . .
NEW YORK. Dec. 11. The members ot
the committees appointed by the National
and American lcaguea to settle the -base
ball, war will meet here tomorrow. Ban
Johnson's reply to the request for a peace
conference sent out on weanesnay evening
by the National league waa delivered to
Nettle niaachan la the Aataor of a
Xew nook oa BirdsHenry T.
Coatea at Co. Fahllsh a
Book oa Whist.
"The Word," by Alice MacOowan.
Is a novel just published by L. C. Page
Co. It Is a story of a Texas girl, who,
having done some writing which attracted
attention to her work, was Invited by a
New York publishing house to Join its
staff. Carrlngton West, so the girl la
named, starts for her new field of labor.
On, the train she falls In with a man, and
after some hesitancy condescends to talk
with him. The two fall on love, and later
Miss West discovers that the man la the
president of the publishing house with
which she ha just made arrangements for
the publication of her mrnuserlpt. He Is
a Randolph of Virginia, chivalrous, haughty,
honorable and dictatorial, who entertains
the medieval vlaw of women. Upon this
rock the ahlp of their hopea suffers some
thing akin to destruction and la taken oft
the reefa and put In seaworthy condition
only as the result of much spiritual labor,
the detail of which may be left to the
persuasiveness of the author, who knows
how to say what ah has to aay In an en
gaging if somewhat selfconaclous manner'.
One of the beet chapters in the book 1
that In which the cowboys of Texas take
leave of Carrlngton West, she being, evi
dently, a heroine in their eyes, though why
and how Is not explained.
"Harper's Cook Book Encyclopedia" Is
the cook book of the Twentieth century.
It Is made like a dictionary, ao that you
can turn Instantly to what you want with
out going through a maze of Indexes and
tables of contents. It contain a compre
hensive number of approved recipes by
which the most famous cooking authorities
of the world are represented. Some of the
contributors are: Marlon Harland, Mary
J. Lincoln, Annabel Lee, Christine Ter
hune Herrlck, Mary Stuart Smith, Mrs.
Blay, Ysagulrre, Margaret Sangster, Jo
sephine Grenler and numerous others.
There are contributions by every cooking
expert and the book la edited by the editor
of Harper's Bazar. Published by Harper
& Bros.
"How to Attract the Birds," by Neltje
Blnnchan, Is a new hook on birds by the
author of "Bird Neighbors" and "Nature's
Garden." One of the most Interesting chap
ters In the book is entitled "What Birds
Can Do for Us." Neltje Blanchan ha a
pleasing way and she so delights In her
topic that reader cannot fall to love all
tha better God's creatures. The volume
Is singularly attractive, the Illustrations
being entirely novel aud taken In larger
part from life. Published by Doubleday,
Page ft Co. 1
Mr. Herrmann just before the members of
the National leamie nnmnen tneir ar
session at the Hotel Victoria today.
Those who will take nart In the confer
ence are: Ban Johnson, president of the
American . league: Charlea Sommers of
Cleveland; J. F. Klltoyle, president of the
Cleveland club;"August Herrmann of Cin
cinnati, James. Hart of Chicago and Frank
I Haaa Rnblaon of St. L,ouls, the three
last named representing the - National
league. ji ' ' ' '
At tha National league meeting today
matters of minor detail were discussed, in
cluding the Manhattan field difficulty. To
morrow officers will be elected.
Missouri Valley Boy to Ran the
Iowa Eleven Dnrlag Next -
IOWA CITY, la., Dec. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) George Harry Coulthard . of Mis
souri Valley was tonight elected, captain
of the Iowa fot ball team for next year.
The ballot stood: Coulthard, ; ttrlggs, 6;
Jones, t. Coulthard played right tackle,
right end and fullback on this year's team.
He has played In parts of games for Iowa
for three years past. He is a heady player
while he lasts, but as -yet has played
through but two of the games he has en
tered. His position on next year' team
cannot be toretold.
Hastings Oatbowla Mlnden.
HASTINGS. Neb,. Deo. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Haatlnga bowlers took the Mlnden
team down the line this afternoon and won
out by 8 pin, ueore:
1st. id. Sd. Total.
Hoagland 147 147 147 441
Charle Adam ........165 lf.$ . law 443
Lustlg 17 M m 6uS
Vlll Adama 1&4 , Kl 143 469
Hansen 162 ITS 161 iiti
Total ,...1.2,348
E. E. HASTINGS, Receiver.
In Our Mammoth Tuiusic Dept.
v This enormous stock of Pianos and Organs must be sold by January 1, 1903, regardless of cost
On of the greatest opportunities ever ottered the people of Omaha and vicinity to secure a strictly firsNclas Piano or Orjtan at prices unheard of until
this sale. Remember that all these roods are new and up-to-date In every way, and fully ruaranteed by the different factories and ourselves. Visit
this money-sarlnjr sale and be convinced, as these roods must be moved by January 1, 1904. ALL Q00D5 SOLD ON EASY PAYflENT PLAN. Your
opportunity of a lifetime to select a piano for Xmas. Pianos marked, set aside and stored free. DELIVERED WHEN DESIRED. .
Price t225;
our price,
Price $250;
our price,
Price $275;
our price,
Price $300:
our price
Price $325;
our price,
Price $350;
our price,
Price $375,
our price,
Price $400;
our price,
Price $425;
our price,
Price $450;
our price,
Price ,$475;
our price,
Price $500;
our price,
$750 Square;
our price,
$800 Square;
our price,
$1,000 Square;
our price
$850 Square;
our price,
$900 Square;
our price,
Price $50;
our price,
Price $55;
our price,
Price $60;
our prioe,
All theae goods sold on BAST PAT- Price $99 J
MENT9. ' Sheet Muslo and Musical ... ..
Price $65;
our price,
Price $70;
our price,
Price $80;
our price,
Merchandise (old at a great saorlflce.
fhrlstenson .
Rodgers ......
I Peterson .....
1 t-ronln
McKerahan .
Total ....
M. 8d. Total.
178 169 f,26
127 3W
lt 4X1
l.H , 412
163 486
' With tha Bowlara.
In a league game on Clark's
night the Oertnans lost two to
sons. Scores;
let. 14.
Uenman ..u'.l!7 !7 '
Tlrunk 21 218
Vowler I06 17
U b. bcnneiaer i l.i
Clarkson 14S 167
E. zitsman
C. Conrad .
Al Krug ...
alters laat
th Clark-
Sd. Total.
1M . 6
173 m
l-H 460
2ul (70
168 408
843 sTeis
861 23
1st. Id. Id, Total.
177 - 1;
11 , 2
164 182
..H '. 1M
207 141
883 837 738
Th beat In ths world tor Cuts, Corns,
Bolls, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, lore. Ulctrs,
Salt Rheum. Cure pile or no par. !So.
For sale by Kuhn a Co. - .
America's Beit
"Shakespeare's riots, a Study of the
Dramatic Construction ot'the Plays," by
William H. Fleming. "No one ot Shakes
peare's plays Is more popular than 'The
Merchant of Venice.' None la more misun
derstood. The opinion Is almoat universal
that the main action is the loan by Shy
lock to Antonio and the consequences there
of, i The opinion Is wholly mistaken. The
error Is 'the result ot two causes: Ignor
ance of dramatic1 construction and ' tha
conventional, method. ,f .staging the pray;"
The -opening paragraph of Mr. Fleming'
tudy of "The Merchant of Venice" Indi
cates the character of hla work. Tha au
thor proceeds in an Interesting manner to
analyze the famous play, both In It me
chanical construction 'and in Ha aesthetic
qualities. In like method Mr. Fleming
makes a comprehensive study of four other
plays, "Macbeth." "Julius Caesar,"
"Othello" and "The Twelfth Night."
The method followed is extremely help
ful to everyone who reads Shakespeare.
To the playgoer and atudent th book is
of value in giving clear Insight to play
writing In general and to an appreciation
of Shakespeare'a masterpieces in particu
lar. Jn this respect Mr. Fleming has un
dertaken a phase In tha study of Shakea-
pea re that has not heretofore received It.
proper attention by writer and editors.
The author insists that tha plot is the
Important thing, and show how a well
constructed plot ,' Is built by aa definite
law as an arch ot masonry. Numberless
are the commentatora at the master, but
few have approached the analysis of the
plays with better effect or with better
result than Mr. Fleming.
Two chapter of tha book, by way of In
troduction, ar devoted to explain how
the drama 1 a work of art founded on na
ture and nature'a laws. Tha art of com
position, the evolutloa ot a drama. Ilk
movement and growth In - nature, la in
strict accordance with law. A drama,
like a house, t butlded. Ita architecture
obey certain fixed rulea ot construction.
These may be classified iqto Ave general
divisions: Introduction, where most of
tha main characters are introduced;
growth, where tha real action of the play
begins; climax, where all the complicating
and revolving forces of tha play meet in
a point, for the climax la the crest ot
the dramatic arch up to which the action
ha moved, from which point ithat action
changing Ita direction moves , toward tha
conclusion of th play; the fall prepares
for the end; tha catastrophe Is tba final
event In a drama. All or Shakespeare'
playa are bullded on this scaffolding, and
for that reason hla playa are models of
dramatic construction. The - playgoer or
reader educated to understand these prin
ciples finds In Shakespeare delight and
Mr. Fleming, having clearly explained to
the reader the rulea ot dramatic construc
tion, resolves each of the Ave playa Into
Ita constituent parts and leads -tba reader
step by step through -each of tha divisions.
The various and numerous parts 'of which
ach play is composed ar reduced to
order the significance of each la given its
proper value. Out-ot the variety ot char
acter, ot paaslon, ot action, of incident and
scens, there Is developed unity. The sep
arate details ot the play ar seen to bs
eorelated, each having ita proper place and
accent in the development of the plot.
The connection and harmony of all the
parta become apparent. The full force and
value of the play Is mad evident, and
each play becomes aesthetically intelligible
aa a beautiful work of art. To. the general
reader no less than In the workshop of
8hakeapearlana, "Shakespeare's Plots" hi
an Invaluable companion. Q. P. Putnam
Sons, Philadelphia, publishers. Megeath.
v "'JJj
"QOLD SEAL" la made by the Franoo prooesa from tha
oholoeat f rapes, growe In oar oara. vineyerde, cla may other
Aaiartoea wine ae equaie en imported:.
No Christmas dinner is oomplate without it. .
"OOLD SEAL" may be placed oo the table ef the most fa
tldtoua eoaaolsseur without fear ol criticism or eemparlsoa with,
any tmpurted champagne. Why pay taloa aa unuoh for (orel-a
"OOLD SEAL" la sold everywhere end served at ell leading
olabe eed cafea. I -
Henry T. Coatea k Co. have Just printed
the third edition of "Bridge Whist: How
to Play It," which Is revised and enlarged.
Beunard Leigh, who aa editor af Whist
Opinion and by hla contributions to nu
merous Journals, has established refuta
tion tor masterly work, is th author. Tb
book contalna a concise and lucid descrip
tion ot the game, r with a comprehensive
enunciation of ita principles. In tb tactical
portlona of the book th text is copiously
illustrated by examplea and specimen deals.
The need for special leads adapted to tha
peculiar and varying conditions of bridge
la supplied In a new system which haa been
subjected to the test of analysis" and ex
perianal. Th book presents (or the first
lima to th general public a cod of law
for bridge whist, tha need for which haa
hitherto been the chief drawback to the
practice of the game.
"On an Irish Jaunting Car," by Samuel
O. Payne, is an amusing and interesting
Journey taken by the author and his friends
from New Tork to Londonderry and thence
through' the beautiful Irish country on a
Jaunting car. The good-humored peaaanta
driving their pigs, - the old women and
children on tha sturdy Irish donkey going
to the bog for turf, the men at their coble
fishing, humorous incident by the way,
and exploration ot wonderful scenery, com
bine to make a thoroughly delightful and
entertaining volume of travel. The book la
richly Illustrated from photographs. Pub
lished by Harper A Bros.
' "
i ... '
"Cecilia' is a new i novel by Marlon
Crawford and published by the Macmlllln
company. Tha cen of Mr. Crawford'
latest romance, which deals somewhat with
telepathy, the transmigration of souls, and
with a great friendship between man and
man. Is laid in modern Roman unofficial
society. The plot Itself concerns a young
woman In whom tha author has evidently
attempted to produce the Hellenic perfec
tion of Intellect and beauty; a man who
loves her In the usual, commonplace sort ot
way, and hla friend, a commonplace sort of
man,, who loves her In a most extraordinary
sort of way, on the assumption that they
had been lovers in ancient Rome she as
an exiled Vestal Virgin and he as a Roman
convert to Christianity. When they meet,
in the book, in the saletto of a modern
Roman matron, she recognizes him at once,
whila that very night he dreams of the cir
cumstances of their supposed former exist
ence, and the next morning tbey meet un
expectedly at the ruined Temple ot Pallas,
each evidently being drawn hither by some
curious dominating force. There aro sev
eral character in the book, together with
an artful auxiliary plot.
The December Issue of Will Carleton's
magazine, Everywhere, 1 one ot the beat
number of that progressiva monthly that
haa coma to hand. The editor contributes
the principal feature, "A Christmas at
Sea," a poem, and Margaret K. Sangster
has a page of new verse in her best style.
A unique feature Is "A Trust ot Buyers,"
by Amos R. Wells, the well known editor
of tha Christian Endeavor World. Among
many other entertaining features Is an
especially Interesting article on snow
crystal, illustrated with photomicro
graphs. Fifty cents a year. Everywhere
Publishing company, Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Noll and the Fairies." by Henry White,
is a big atory of a little boy In a little
book, and there is very much mors la It
about Noll than tha fairies. Noll is a boy
who begin life in the book a a tiny
b(owa baby, born at th end of a rain
bow, which is said to be very lucky, and
th fairiea and tb gnonira bad a great
deal to aay about him and hi future lit.
Every now and then tbey go to hi as
sistance while h 1 growing from a llttl
baby into a llttl bigger baby, and than a
llttl man, but the grown people never
knew this, so the fairies really do not
count, and Noll Is without them. Gradually
the tact appears that Mr. White had a
definite baby In mind, and he proved to
be no less a person than Oliver Goldsmith
Mr. White's fancy alao runs ever In a
number of quaint liuln lyrics, and ap
propriate illustration by Elizabeth
Krysber. Published by Herbert S. Stone
""Insurance and Clime." by Alexander
Colin Campbell, i a study of the effects
pn society ot certain abuses of Insurance
with, historic instances of such abuses.
This work is a sane and timely discussion
of the temptations to wrong doing Incident
to the otherwise beneficial system of In
surance. The author does not In any way
antagonize that system, but points to a
formidable array of abuses of lnsursnce
(life, marine, fire, infant and other forms)
by th weak and the depraved. HI work
I by no means iconoclastic, but suggests
remedies, Mr. Campbell deserves pralsi
for the publication of a work that must,
interest thoughtful persons. Published by
O. P. Putnam's ons.
Tba Christmas Outing Is full of color and :
is of absorbing interest for alt out-of-door
people. Henry McCarter haa aupplled
powerful drawings In his inimitable style,
while E. W. Kemble. Frederic Door Steele,
Martin Justice, Charles Livingston Bull,
Philip R. Goodwin and others have co
operated to make this number ot Outing
th most artistic of tb season. Much ot
th illustrating is dona In four colors.
Very human ar th "Little people of
th Sycamore." as animal study by Charts
No matter how you want to go, "Southern" or "Scenic" route, in a tourist
sleeper or aboard the finest train in America, the Rock Island is the line to take.
Don't make any mistake about that,' Thro' tourist cars daily from Kansas City
and once a week from Omaha to Los An geles and San Francisoo via El Paso.
Tourist cars three times a week from Omaha to San Francisco and Lou Angeles
via the "Scenic" line, through Colorado and Utah.
Golden State Limited leaves Kansas City dally and offers unrivalled serv
ice to all pointsin Southern California. Berths, tickets, and full information
at all Hock Island ticket offices, or addressing,
D. P. A., 1323 Farnam Stroot,
Omaha, Neb,
P. S. Write for "The Oolden State, " a beautifully illustrated booklet de
scriptive of California. Interesting, Instructive,, Practical sent free on request.
G. D. Roberts, while there is humor and
tjualntness about "Jack Mason of PenJe
moy." "The Bustards" is a striking story
of adventure in tha southwest.
Of technical artlclea tha Christmas num
hr of rtut In contains an authoritative
summing up of the tennis lessons growing ;.
out of th recent International contest, Dy ;
J. Parmly Paret; Francea C,Qrlcom, tha,
former woman's golf champion of Aroer- ,
lea, oomparea English and American J
women golfers, while Arthur F. Dully, the
world's champion sprinter, tells of experi
ences in Great Britain. There are other
bits ot adventure, wild life and fiction of
mora than passing value.
The above books are for ssle by th
Megeath Stationery Co., 130S Farnam St.
Ping Pong Tables
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7irm Rooms $10.00 Up
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Traata all forma eg
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Vu.ti, ti4wh,aai diavwUavrM, UL
Uimi, iLiaumjf .vod bisaasr l 'Uasi, ii
Truuaut t m. lU . U. bwa it.
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lttu WaWUaaa J4V
appreciated by every smoker a a box Of
VHITl DOVR CUftKftvrluiutrur eraw
lug for (,rti.j drtuk, the appfjllt fur whii b CAAuuf
Tat after isi3g tttlt rniJf. i1 in any Unuie,
lib or without tuowlaaai of ptuiimii tuiajiras; $1 r
BbariuaQ A McConaell Urug Co., Omfcfc.