THK OMAHA DAILY BEE; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1002. If i- ay jum- Jim Damp was lather of a lata Who, by her brightness, led her claaa. Tfa teachtr asked Miss Dumps tha question : M Mew can 700 best assist digestion " By eating Force.' " When told to him, This stary tickled M Sunny Jim." 46 Force The Roadr-to-ferr Cereal the A B C of good health. 99 45 Sw ef, crisp flakes mt waeat and malt- aWr bU s.nd HeeUtKy. "V HtOa boy was tot) t?k and wmild bo u mnj Bmr1.hmnt I got a package f ' 1 .r nil fcrl him on It, and am piss- dtso.rb.ta UirlTtne. I will bo pu ! braid, soy boy of bit tee, h is tr and healthy. All 1 fettl him om Is r STATE OFFICERS REPORTING Superintendent of Industrial Echool forBoji , Explains Its Purpose, OIL INSPECTOR TURNS IN A SURPLUS ; NOT SO BAD AS PAINTED Sensational Stories About Nebraska City's Water Supply Injare the City. NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. Dee. 11. (Spe cial.) The people of this city take excep tions to the sensational stories sent to some papers regarding the water situa tion. The. truth Is that a change in the rhannnl of the river tendered the supply short snd made It necessary to dig a ditch to the main channel, but at no time has the city been without wster end at the present time this difficulty has been reme died. The stnrl?s that every man who could handle a shovel had been pressed Into service and that they were working lay and night, while the women encouraged thorn by carrying coffee and food while they workea, are ridiculous. These exag ferated stories have brought Inquiries from Insurance companies, who bsve threatened to rslse Insurance rates. While the condi tions have been aanoylng, there has been nothing to cause a panic or undue alarm. 22 and continuing throughout the week. A splendid program la being prepared for the occasion. The Jeffrey twins of Wymor have been secured for one of the attractions. UNION PACIFIC IMPROVEMENTS Large Additions to Be Made to Shops and Other Facilities at Sidney. Parallel for MeCormaek Case. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Dec. 11. (Spe cial.) Considerable Interest is manifested by the local attorneys on the opinion of the supreme court In the MeCormaek case. In 1875 there was almost a parallel de cision rendered. W. H. Dodge of Chase county, then unorganized, was tried here, convicted of murder and sentenced to be hung. On error to the supreme court by tho defendant the precise Question as In the MeCormaek case was raised and the prisoner was remanded for notification of the verdict and sentence. In this case, before judgment of the court was executed, the prisoner was shot In the Jail by un known parties, supposedly friends of the murdered man. Killed by a Trala. SiaUW-jNeb,. . Dec-ll. (Special.) John Thompson, a Polander who' has been work ing as a farm hand In this county for the last ten years, was killed at midnight last night by a train on the Elkhorn, one mile west of Blair. He was in town last night, badly Intoxicated, and It Is supposed that he was making his way to his brother's, a half-mile from where he was killed. His head was split open across the back and most of the bsck part wss gone. Sons Surprise Their Father. MEAD. Net., Dec. 11. (Special.) Wll lard Williams of Ashland, who has been at the Mead hotel tor a few days, was sur prised last evening, while seated at the desk, by his sons, Herbert and Albert, whom he had not seen or heard from for fifteen end twenty years respectively. The boys, or rather men, are located In Cuba, N. Y., and are prosperous and well-to-do residents of that town. Contest for Prise at Crete. CRETE. Neb., Dec. 11. (Special.) The Sanborn prise declamation contest of Crete academy occurred at the Congregational church last night. There were seven contestants, the successful one being Vf. E. Jlllson, jr. For second place there was the unusual spectacle of a tie between three persons. R. U McMillan. R. B. Douglas and A. K. Shedd. Beatrice Property Chances Hands. BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 11. (Special.) C. H. Calkins, a prominent farmer of east ern Qage county, yesterdsy purchssed the Clemmer property In this city, for which he paid $3,000 rash. Mr. Calkins will take possession March 1 and will make Beatrice his home. Barned by Explosion ef Stave. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 11. (Special.) Miss Gertrude Eolow. a teacher la the public schools of this city, had her face and hands badly burned yesterday after coon during school hours by the explosion of a coal stove. lea Five laches Thick. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 11. (Soeclsl.l Ths Ice on the Blue river at this point is live inches thick and It the cold weather continues our local dealers expect to begl harvesting Ice soon. Beatrice Firemen's Fair BEATRICE. Neb.. Dee. 11. (Special.) The firemen of Beatrice will bnM thalr fair here tola year, beginning December SIDNEY. Neb.. Dee. 11. (Special Tele gram.) President Burt, Superintendent of Motive Power McKeen, Superintendent Ware and Chief Engineer Berry of the Union Pacific were here today Inspecting the shops and roundhouse. Orders have boen Issued for the Immediate building of an additional ten stalls to the roundhouse, a new boiler bouse with a battery of three boilers of 250 horse power, a large new well near the ice house and electric light ing plant, a large sandhouse, an addition to the machine shops and a complete re modeling of the T'nlon Pacific hotel to be modern in every particular. H. E. Cos of North Platte has been ap pointed chief dispatcher and train master from Cheyenne to Sidney, Including the yards here, with three assistants. The business at this point has become so large as to necessitate all these Improvements. The stsnd taken by the people here during the strike has done much toward the cor dial relations existing between them and the railway officials. DIES FROM AN OLD INJURY Abeess Forms In Drain of Man Who Was Shot Three Yearn Age. ATKINSON. Neb.. Dec. 11. (Special.) While working in hla cornfield yesterday Clark Ouy suddenly dropped to the ground In a spssm snd in a short time was dead. Other men working near hastened to him and found blood and pus running from his mouth, esrs and nose. About three years ago Mr. Ouy was shot through the brain, and his remarkable recovery at that lmo created great Interest in the medical fra ternity. Death resulted from the bursting of an abscess Inside his head, caused by the old wound. Governor Istbi Explains How the State Happened to Raise the ' Price on Thirty Carloads of Coal. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 11. (Special.) In his biennial report to the governor of the In dustrial School for Juveniles (boys) at Kearney Dr. J. V. Beghtol, superintendent, desires to correct the Impression thst the Institution Is a "reform school." It Is an Industrial training school, the report said, "and It Is an unfortunate error that the Idea exists that an odlom attaches to tho name of the boy who Is sent there. Boys are not sent there for punishment, but for guidance." "Some ambiguity of the law exists which renders commitment Irregular In certain cases and it Is hoped the legislature will mske the law7 plain," Dr. Beghtol adds. Of the religious training at the school the report ssys the services are conducted by five chaplslns, who are residents of Kesrney snd who alternate. Sunday school Is held each Sunday morning and tho church service each Sunday afternoon. At present there are 145 boys in the school. On February 1, 1897, there were 225 boys and on February 1. 1901, there were 125 boys. The superintendent ac counts for the decrease by Indiscriminate parole, regardless of demerits cancelled or home environments. The total appropriation for the two years was $92,700 and the amount expended from April 1, 1901, to June 1, 1902. was $62,572.67. The average monthly expenditure was $4.- 469.47. The balance on hand to pay ex penses from June 1, 1902, to April 80, 1903, Is $30,127.33. Dr. Beghtol estimates that it will cost $99,000 to conduct the affairs of the in stitution during the next btennlum. Norfolk Asylum Report. Dr. Frederick F. Teal of the Norfolk Hospital for the Insane In his report filed with the governor calls sttentlon to the success of the homeopsths snd their treat ment of disease at that institution. The death rate since homeopathic treatment has been Introduced, said the report, was the lowest In tho history of the institution, being only 8.05 per cent. TheTe were 265 Inmates in the hospital December 1, 1901, and sixty-nine new ones admitted during the year. A total of 369 cases were treated during the year. The report contains a complete history of the fire and to that attributes the In creased cost per csplta to $236.02. At pres ent on the roll of the hospital there are three names and these persons are at their homes on parole. The disposition of the patients has been as follows: Lincoln hos pital, 128; Hastings, 135; discharged as cured, 84; died, 19; home on parole, S. Dr. Teal reports the value of state prop erty at Norfolk to be $125,000, and he rec ommends the hospital be rebuilt to accom modate 250 persons. The appropriation received was $174,000; expenditure from December 1 to April 1, 1901. $18,521.71; from April 1, 1901. to De cember , 1902, $36,709.35. garplas from Oil Inspection. State Oil Inspector Hayes hss filed his We are Manufacturers We own 34 Retail Stores We are the leading Credit Cloth iers of America. Competitors cannot quote lower price. (TrADING. CREDIT CLOTHIERS OF AMERICA nutiuiuli uuu j Credit that is Liberal Convenient, Honest Credit that doesn't make you pay extra for the accommodation-Credit with out security, without red tape. f " Helpful Store for Christmas Buyers j The advantage of having a charge account at this tore becomes doubly apparent as Christinas draws near. First: You want yourself and family to be comfortably and stylishly clad. Second: You want to give each member of your r family a Christmas gift. You can buy everything here if you choose have it charged and pay conveniently. We sell Clothing, Hats, Shots, Umbrellas and UnderweaMor VVom;n. Men and Children. Store open every eveirnj until Christmas. Sale of Working Pants Timely Cut Price Sale of Ladies Some Fine Furs Monday next we shall sell 100 pairs of . We aell all kinds on Credit- Isabella men's working psnts. Every clothier's Fox Boas. Imitation Bear Hois. Inltatlnn &"&......49c Suits, Silk Waists, Alillinery Jsrkpu 7 ' AT LOW PRICES Suits Suits Suits Millinery Waists Waists Waists . Indies' Tstlor-msde Ladles Tai:or-made Ladles1 fine Tailor Exactly one-third Pretty Bilk Waists Fine Silk Waists trinPf,t Silk Waists Suits were $15. At Suits were $1. At made Suits were off on price of ev- were $5. At this wcro $S. At this Vere JtO. At this hl" Mle tnls $.. At this sale ,ry trlmmed hat 6' sale Snle $11.98 $13.48 $14.89 1"" $2.98 $3.89 $5.48 I I nnanMsnnnnnnnsnnannnnn Men's Overcoats No store in this city can give you better overcoat value than we. We carry a large and well selected stock for Men and Hoys Styles are strictly proper, materials the best Work manship of highest character Cash or Credit. v $6.50 to $25.00 Monte Carlo Coats The reign of Monte Carlos is in full control of coat fashion Elegance, smartness, grace, are all combiued in those we sell. Monte Carlos for Ladies and Misses in all lengths made in popular materials and tai lored by skillful and accurate hands. $12.00 to $25.00 -a- ji j- v 0 i 5 Ik. " I w 3EOT1 o 1508 Dodge Street y r 3 V'.. '1 .u' M v v semi-annual report wltb the gofernor, showing the receipts and expenditures of bis office monthly for the last half year. The report shows a decided Increase In the matter of receipts over the last re port. It Is as follows: Receipts. Expenditures July August September October November ..$1,063 00 1,312 l 1.M1 HO 1.926 80 , 1.2&; io $ 896 94 920 07 21 89 970 SJi 860 38 Totals $9,616 00 Frotects the Coal Dealer. $6,642 83 The buying of thirty cars of coal as an emergency at a rate greatly in excess of the contract price for the various state in stitutions by three members of the Board of Purchase and Supply, at a called meet ing, Insofar as the price Is concerned, was a matter of sentiment and not necessity, according to the statement of Governor Ssvsge this afternoon. The Wbltebreast Coal and Lumber com that he objected to taking the coal at a price lower than that which the com pany had paid for It. but In view of the scarcity of coal the thirty car loads should pany, which haa tho contract to furnish j b" Purchased. at the price paid for It by coal for a majority of the state lnstltu- j Jhe company. The coal was bought, and tlons, through Its representative, stated ln tho meantime tho Whltebreast company that it was getting to bevnore difficult to ePt to " "s contract Ju.t the same, secure coal, and the conditions would be ! Governor Savage said this afternoon that wnm after the ft rut of the vear. He. uc V"""'" mo in- however, was willing to 011 hla conttact with the state and Informed the board that he would do so if he had to search the United States for the coal. The rep resentative of the company then said he had thirty car loads on hand which he had purchased at prices sbove the con tract price, but which he was willing to furnish the board at the contract nrlce. Oovernor Savage stated this afternoon ILLINOIS GEf.Tf.AL EXCURSIONS. Woman's Work in Club and Charity Telephone Company Prospers. YORK. Neb.. Dec. 11. (Special.) At a meeting of the subscribers of stock to tha Consolidated York County Independent Telephone company the following directors and officials were elected: Captain George Holdeman, president; C. N. Beaver, vice president; J. M. Bell, treasurer; Edwin Bell, secretary and manager; George Holde man, Alfred B. Christian, W. L. Klrkpat rick, J. B. Erwlne of Waco, Dr. Straight of Benedict, J. M. Bell and C. N. Beaver, directors. The new company starts out with a paid up capital of $20,000 and has a network of wires over the north and northeast part of the county. The new company la a consolidation of the York Telephone company, the Waco Telephone company and the Benedict Telephone com pany, which have large exchanges and at present can scarcely build lines as fast as telephones are wantsd. The next meeting of the local chapter P. E. O. will be held at the home of Mrs. A. W. Buchanan, 3862 Charles street, on Satur day afternoon. The business session will be followed by a literary session, "An cers of the Women's Christian association was held on Tuesday morning In the par lors of the Young Men's Christian associa tion and was well attended by members and interested friends. The effort of the asso- delegates and even committee women who will. In spite of their obligation, allow outside attractions to interfere with their being ln the meetings. This nuisance has always been sufficiently great to make the Afternoon with Mary Wllklns." Miss Lucy elation Is now being concentrated upon thd experienced ones tearful of an attraction Ana Iain red In Corn Shelter. FREMONT, . Neb.. Dec. 11. (Special.) Rufus Hook, a farmer living near Glencoe. had his arm caught, la the cogs of a corn shelter yesterday and sustained serious Injuries. Hook was worklug about the sheller when ln some way his coat sleeve caught in the cogs. He called out to stop the machine, but before It could bo done his arm was drawn lato the cogs and the flesh torn off to the bone. His arm Is so badly Injured that he will never re cover the full use of it. Fair Association Electa Officers. TECUMSEH, Neb.. Dee. 11. (Special.) The annual meeting of the Johnson County Fair association was held la Tecumseh res terday afternoon. The reports of the sec retary and reasurer were read and then officers elected for next year as follows: President, Israel Carman; vies president, A. C. 8ullivan: treaaurer. T. J. Pierson; secretary, E. H. Grist. The Indebtedness of the association was somewhat reduced during the last year. (Seta VIOO.OOO Tear Because be has a keen, dear brain In a vigorous body. Electrro Bitters give both, and satisfy or bo psy. Try them. 50c. For sale by Kuha Co. Roys will read a paper on "Mary WllklnV and Miss Laura Brunner will read selec tions from her work. Old People's Home, formerly known as the such as the exposition promises to be Old Ladles' Home, the organisation having recently re-incorporated to Include this broader work. The report from the homo showed 143 applications tor admlueion- dur ing the year, three deaths, ten regular In- Among the chief matters considered by the first annual convention of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs, held last month in Winston-Salem, were rural The following announcement has been made for the meeting of the law depart ment of the Woman's club December 18 at mates, two of which have come In as life schools and village Improvement, j o'clock p. m. Mr. F. H. Gaines will members, and a number of transients shel- .. speak on "The Law of Real Estate." This tcred for a few days. The treasurer re- It nM been left wUn Mrg May bright will be followed by a review of the pre- ported $3,000 In cash toward the proposed geweJi to decide whether the next meeting vlous lectures by Miss Boss, Mrs, A. K. new Dulldlng ana ii.uou ror current ex- of tne international Council of Women will penses. The election rollowed, resulting in the re-election of Mrs. George Tllden as president; Mrs. P. L. Perlne, first vice president; Mrs. G. W. Clarke, second vice president; Mrs. Edward Johnson, recording eecretary; Mrs. C. S. Lobtngler, correspond ing secretary; Mrs. Frederick Clarke, treasurer; trustees, Mesdames L. L. Bolts. Csdet Taylor. O. H. Pratt, Isaac Carpenter. W. B. Taylor. Chetwood Hamilton, David Cole, 8. V. Fullaway and T. V. Moore; hon orary vice presidents, Mesdames J. B. Jsr 1ln T T MnPUIn M. R. Klllntt Horace Luddington and L. O. Coman. The regular lU8t enterert 00 ,u twentieth year of work meeting of the board of directors will be Gault and Dr. MUlen. The library com mittee will furnish for the use of the de partment Miss Msry A. Green's Woman's Manual cf Law, which has recently been published. Mrs. Hannah O. Solomon of Chicago has again been elected president of the Na tional Council of Jewish Women. Again the Chicago Woman's club has fallen under the disfavor of the other cluba of the state and this time for no other reason than that It happens to Include in Its membership two women whose ability be held in Berlin or in Dresden. It is thought the meeting should be held in Germany, as the qulntennlal convention is to be held in Berlin, and taking advantage of this fact some contention has arisen be tween fsclions. The Omaha Equality club will meet Fri day evening, December 12, at 8 o'clock, In the assembly room of the public library. . ' The Woman's Christian assoclstion has It Is tho oldest charitable organization that has conducted Its work continuously In Omaha. Many of Its members have been with it since its founding and are well known women. Beginning in three small rooms and caring only tor transients, the has made them 'valuable te the General nc,a " lu ""''"'" Federation to the extent of occasion- tne YouD Men' Christian association ing their appointment to positions en parlors. national committees, an, honor that the . . . . . . Th tinuaa rnmmlttea of the Youna Adams and Mrs. Lydla Avery Conley Ward are tha honored women, and, while there Is no question of their ability, the fact that Mrs. Wiles, also of ths Chicago Woman's club, was appointed to the program com- r'"'"r.T.. ... r usually Interesting and profitable, in fact charge feel this to be positively dangerous It, .....on ... ... branches ha. a. many member, of the sr. feeble offered unu.ual Inducement, this year that and ought not to have the care of fires or It hopes to extend to at least 2,000 young lamps, besides being helpless In case of women. to furnUh a membershlD Darlor where aemanaing eignieen rooms anq giving members may go and be away from the oth- permanent home to many dependent, or era when they desire. The present plessant partially dependent, aged people. The house creased price because the coal company was doing its best to 011 Its contracts, and because of that he saw no reason to take advantage of the company and cause It to lose money. Candidates for Adjutant General. I Among the men who would be willing to spend most of their time looking after 1 tiie duties of the office of the adjutant gen- I eral. friends of Dr. R. W. Olden of this j city have added bis name. Dr. Olffen dur- j Ing the Spanish-American brush was ap- pointed by - President McKlnley as chief surgeon of volunteers, in which position he established a good reputation among military men. Among the other candl-' dates who have been announced some time sre: Msjor T. F. Wilson of Geneva, Major Lyons of Norfolk and Frank Ringer, cap tain of Company F, Second National Guards. And ln the meantime Governor Mickey Is saying nothing. Plans (or Federal Building. L. L. Llndsey, custodian of the federal building, has received the plans and speci fications of the new federal building, to be erected If the plans to buy the present structure do not materialize. The pioposed new structure will comprise two additions to the present building, oue at each end, running in tbelr longest dimensions north and south. They will be twenty-five feet wide, so that they will Increase the present length of the building about fifty feet. Each w'.ll extend back some thirty-five feet be yond the present north well, and the spsce enclosed between their northern extremi ties will become part of the main work room of the Each of these now wings will extend upward four stories, the height, of the present building. As con structed the federal building will bo 138 feet and 8 Inches long esst and weft and 100 feet and 8 Inches deep. It will com prise four stories and a basement. Labor Commissioner's Iteport. The report of Labor Commissioner Wat son is being placed in the bands of the printers as rapidly as possible and it Is expected it Vlil be published by tho first of the year. It will cover, about 400 pages, being smaller than the report two years ago j ana not one-third as large as the one four years ago. I -Jacksonville. Kin. 1 l rcrmsvllle, 1 la !-; Orleans. La ! Vlokshtira. Miss............ I Hammond, La..;.' 1-Daylona. Fla..... I Tunipa. KJn., 1 Pfilm Hearh. Fla...... 1 Havana. Cuba 1 Jackxon, Alius.. 1 St. Auiiur.Une, Fla If- Ml. Clements, Mich........ 2 trench isck Springs, Ind. H Chicago, HI ... 4H."'I 43.00 ..... ax. ' I...: 43 L'J.10 4.20 71 M 100.70 U8.U0 f-,1.40 $34.10 au.tki Change In Xewspaper Proprietors. M'COOK. Nob., Dec. 11. (Special. )- parlors are,to continue open to all. The now occupied at 2718 Burt street has few ' r ,n9 Ha entertainment series outlined by the edu- conveniences. Each room Is heated by a Ccnt R.publlcan for e,ghteen yeara. catlonal committee for the winter Is un- small stovo and lighted by lampa. Those in Spaulding S Co. CHICAGO Goldsmiths, Silversmiths and Jewelers Importers of ' Diamonds, Precious Stones Watches and Art Goods Producer, of Rich Jewelry and Silverware Our patrons will find here thepportunity for deliberate selection which is only possible in shops having an unlimited range in variety. Special and artlatt. Correct aad latest forma designs rurataasd. la Fla. Stationery. Our "Sugge.tloa Book" mailed oa application. Spaulding & Co, Jackson Blvd Corner State St, Chicago. esty for the occasion and call attention to the fact that there are aeveral score, of other large clubs In Illinois among which aa occasional woman might be found cap able of representing the federation even ln the national committees. The Sunshine club at South Branch Is planning a Christmas party for December Mrs. William Todd Hlmuth of New York "nd the mothr re t0 be the gueU- has returned from her summer's trip . . abroad and will take up her work a. prc.l- Mr' , Robert Burdet te of Los Angeles, dent ct the National Council of Women. " ' ',1 Mrs Mary Wood Swift of Sa. tlon ot Women's Clubs, was in the city this has been acting president during Mrs. Hel- muth's absence. The South Omaha members of the Home accident or fire, which may occur at any time. The association has been considering for some time the plan ot securing more desirable quarters, but has' not as yet had anything very desirable offered. There should be three or four acres of ground and a house that can readllly be converted into one suited to the needs ot the growing work. The placo should not be more than a block from the car line, as the aged ones cannot walk far, but must be able to get out at times. It should be within walking An organisation said to be the qldest womsn's club In America has recently cele brated Its eightieth anniversary In Bald wlnsvllle. New York, and its name the Female Charitable association, would seem to Justify Its claim of continuous work since 1822. The reform department of the Chicago Woman's club has projected the building of a hospltsl for children and a meeting, of the entire club haa been called to arrange the details of the enterprise. Queen's Circle club entertained at a card distance of a church, have a nice lawn, with plenty of shsde trees, garden and poultry and cow yards. Some of those living ln the home are anxious to do some outdoor work and with large grounds this can be encouraged. The association has never been ln so good a financial condition as at biennial In 8t. Louis Is being discussed present, having about $3,000 on hand for a party on Wednesday afternoon, ths pro ceeds of which are to go to the circle. The announcement ot the decision of the executive committee of the General Federa tion of Women's Clubs to hold the next with satisfaction not unmixed with severe criticism. Ordinarily St. Louis would af ford exceptional advantages as a meeting place, owing to Its location, facilities and Its strong local clubs, but with an exposi tion oa In the city at that time the wisdom of the board's decision is to be questioned. As a matter of fact, the exposition Is the new buildlcg and $1,000 for current ex penses. The property on Burt street is free from Incumbrance, aa are the two lots ln Dundee belonging to the organization. These can be tOrned account in securing another place It necessary. Is there not some lib eral hearted man or woman who will either donate In full or in part the property A large number of women wha did serv ice as nurses In the Spanish-American war were In attendance last week in Washing ton, D. C, at tha annual convention of the SDanlsh-American War Nurses' association. The meeting was held ln the red parlor of In It will a reduction of rates thst will dent of the sssoctatlon, Mrs. George Tllden bone ot contention. It Is pointed out by needed to carry on this good work? Will some that the fair will only be an addl- aome ons willing to sell ground answering tlonal attraction and advantage, occasion- these needs communicate with the presl- ths Ebbltt House and Dr. Anita Newcomb make the convention possible to hundreds McGee presided. In addition to tbe women clubs and delegates who could not other there were a number ot distinguished vis, lse aord the trip, snd will ensble tbe I'ors representing the srmy snd navy, women to embrace two great educational Greetings were received from the Daugh- feature.. Instesd ot one, while the mis ters of tbe America Revolution and other aionary work In the cause of women will prominent women's organizations. The nurses were received at the White House and were taken tor a number of pleasant sxcurslons about the city. .4 Tha annual so eel. g and election of offi- be Invaluable. All of this Is true enough, but there are those who are viewing the matter from another side. There are few who have attended tbe previous conven tions who are not familiar with the Incon venience and annoyance occasioned by those 124 South Nineteenth street, or with the chairman of tho Old People's Home, Mrs. P. L. Perlne, 1920 Dodge street, and It will be considered at once? Donations toward a suitable building are solicited, so the trustees may know how valuable a property they can purchaae. As this Is for a perma nent home the association will not con sider anything but desirable property, ln a good neighborhood. epubllcan for eighteen yeara, Judge M. J. Abbott has been compelled to relinquish the paper to tho mortgagee, H. May of Hayes Center, who will run the paper until he can realize on his mortgage. STAR WITNESS GETS TERM Gives Perjured Krldencc Morrison Csm and to Jnll. In Fa moo. Goes ELDORADO, Kan., Dec. 11. J. C. Brown field, convicted of perjury in the Jessie Morrison murder case, wrs today refused a new trial and sentenced to seven yesrs in the penitentiary. Brownfleld waa the stsr witness for Miss Morrison, who was found guilty and given a ten-year sentence. .$14.16 ABUVK HATES AUK PUR ItOLXD ''RIP 'IICKHTS FH091 OMAHA. Mill. Column tl) Tickets on sal. dally; return limit June 1. 1903. Column Ht nckeia oil sale dally; ituirn limit (W ttays. Column U Tieitets on sale Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and i; rcluru limit Dec. K. itounu trip tickets on Jaie to nearly sll puintk .11 tne south :iU soutneasL mopuJera uilutveU both, suing aim re turning. Audition Is called to the 'Dixie Flyer, ' a ihrougii train via Nashville, i.liauaruiofcu, Lookout Mountain, At lanta and Macon, to Jacksonville.. k'U. iiomeaeekers tickets, ut rule of onu tare, plus U-W, on able first snd third Tuesdays ol each month, to points in Tennessee, Kentucky,, llissib-jippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, etc. CorieHiiondcncu invllutt and mtonna tion cheerfully iclvet. Uet copy ot our beaut'.fu1. Illustrated booklet, covering points ot Interest 111 tns Sunny (South, t 1402 Karnam St.. Omaha. Sab., or Difct. Pass. Agt, III Cent. R. R,. Ilmnhll. Nfh. California Excursions In Pullman sleeper, on fast trains, tri weekly, personally conducted. New cars, courteous employes, satis tying meals. The cheap and Com- - fortable way to go. Chicago to Los Acgeles and Ban Francisco. Why stay at home? The California tear described In our books; mailed for 10c In stamps. . Address Psssenger Office, Atchison, Topeka ft Santa Fa Railway. Des Moines, la. Santa Fe Rant Fe Meeting Delayed. TOPEKA. Kan.. Dec. 11 The annual meeting of the directors and stockholders of the Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Rail road company was not held at noon, as scheduled. No. 5, containing President 1 Klpley snd other directors, Is very late, ix-ins; aeiayea east 01 iansaa v ity dv orna engines." A special trsln will bring the directors from Kansas City to Topeka for the meeting upon tne arrival of no. . What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in tha family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try 3e;fT a delicious and healthful dessert. Pro pared In two minutes. No boiling I no baking I add boiling water and et to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocer, to-day. 10 ct. Specialists In all UlSEAata nod DISOJKDURj of MEN. 12 years of atiJ ccsslul practice In Omana. CHARGES LOW. MUCOCELE HYDROCELE and II rp cur4 , j esrs, oaauki . uuu., f,u ILLO !om ef ilia lsi srDia la mm foil or inonsr rfus.4. CVOUII IC "' "4 u rot" dlrfllLid taaroashlr 1mi:4 (ram tk nUat. Seoa 'n " symptom 4iipia aaawiMslr tss ( Ms "BHEAKINO OUT' Us sis sn ths skin sr Us. Trwuissot contslss ss Ssossrau ims UlKas nsdlclass. IMP IF lirtl 'ran Kcssrs at VICTIMS T lit AH lilLll NIHVdt tfcUlL.lTY OH r.x. WAUSTloV WASUNO WKAKNICbi. lk JCAKLT bBCaT is VoLN'i ss4 sUDUUt AC.aU; l of .. titot ss strsasth. wtU srasss tststcA sua sus. faxes ftisranlsse. CTnlATIISC sareS Hh s bsw fcsm trsst. srlnlulwilX sk ri. so teumiise If rOQ b tal LssrSJSJi. JIUNAHV. KlSa sb Blsatst TssnWss. JTsaa sa.k. biu-uIds Unas. Vm" VriBsiias. Vnam Miak Colors, or wtta s:ikjr sslsjl sa suis luasaltatlon re. Treatment l.r ftiall. Call sr aiiarrss. 11 a, 14th St. CR- SEARLES & SEARIES. 24