TIIE OMAnA DAILY BEE: TIIUHSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1002. STATEMENT OF CATTLEMEN Thiir Side of the Graiing Land and Feutirg QuMticn let Forth. LANDS OF NO VALUE FOR AGRICULTURE Denial that Fearing Operate to Ad vantage of the Dl Lire mock Owner and Against the Inter, at of the Small One. ALLIANCE. Neb.. Dec. 10. To the Editor ef The Bee: At a meeting of the Business Men"" club of this city was requested to forward to you tbfl enclosed article for publication, the subject being of national interest at this lime. TUB BUSINESS MEN S CLUB. By P. W. BROOME, Secretary. The reported encroachments of the "cattle barons.' a they have been styled, on the fovernment land of western Nebraska ave ao varied from the truth that It Is deemed necessary by the parties Interested to aet before the public the real facta and the condition of the country to which al lualon haa been made. At the outset we would eay that the articles written upon the aubject have all been founded upon an assumed atate of affairs which the real conditions do not support. These articles have been based upon the assumption that the landa of the west ara agricultural In character. It haa also been assumed that there, has been a great demand for these landa In recent years on the part of eastern farmers, who wlah to locate upon them for farming- purposes. The articles have also been baaed upon the aaxumntlon that the cattlemen have Intimidated aettlera to keen tnem out or thla territory. To prove that these statements above referred to are erroneous la the purpose of thla article. There haa alao been severe criticism on the part of the eastern press In reference to bills that have been Introduced by west ern men for the purpose of affording a practical disposition of the aratlna lands of the weat. and these proposed meaxures have been termed "Innocent schemes of the cattlemen." The object of these bllla was not to retard or check In any manner the workings of the new Irrigation law, or to withdraw any portion of the public domain irom settlement tiy actual Dona rifle set tiers or actual bona tide homesteaders nor to promote any land schemes, but was Intended to further the nuroosea for whlrh these lands arc adapted, and thus assist me natural development or the west. . Only Fit ' for Erasing. That the lands of western Nebraska that are not already Irrigated are only lit for grazing purposes Ms well known to the people who reside here or who know the character of these lands and their history alnca the time that there haa been any attempt made to settle them and bring them under cultivation. The history of og Butte county, wnicn is located in the central part of western Nebraska, fairly Illustrates how these landa have been set tled and time has demonstrated that they ara not adapted to agriculture. We refer to this county aa a fair Illustration, as Its soil ' la better adapted for farming, as a rule, than the majority of landa In tho counties In the western part of the state. In im, 1886 and 18K the farmers from eastern Nebraska and Iowa, and aa far east aa Michigan and Ohio, flocked to th county, and at the outset were entranced with the appearance of the soil, which they believed only needed cultivation to Induce rainfall, which would eventually make it aa productive as eastern Nebranka. These lands were pre-empted, homesteaded and taken by timber culture entries to that extent In those years that tully 80 per cent of the lands In the county were occupied by actual bona fide settlers, who took the land with the Intention of making It their homea and to engage In general farming. Later, when these people became disap pointed with their crop failures they negoti ated loana of from (200 to $400, fully be lieving that nature would subsequently smile upon them with a bountiful harvest and release their mortgages. The railroad companies, by their literature, and the government, by representing these lands to be agricultural, were the Inducing causes which started these people In this direction. They believed they were going to farming landa, but as the yeara rolled by disappoint ment followed disappointment and the set tlers began to leave the country, until Anally, In lS9a.sJt la safe to aay that -of the M per cent of the lands that were originally taken. In the county during the yeara referred to, not more than 20 per cent were occupied, and the people were moving way. Net Ratal Enough for Cropa. And why was It? The principal cause was that there was not sufficient rainfall to raise crops, and the people saw that there waa no hope of ever having these landa brought under Irrigation. Those who have remained have found a living could be had in the raising of live stock, thus utilising the grasses which nature has by time adapted to this country. It was found that cultivation by the early settlers ruined the lands for graxlng by destroying the grasses, leaving a few weeds, and on re count of the loose nature of the soil It was blown about by the wlnda, leaving It In auch condition that no benefit could be derived for several years thereafter. As the mortgages matured they were fore closed and the landa were bid 'n by the loan companies or the mortgagees, and In many Instances these lands when aold only brought the amount of taxes that had accumulated against them during the time since mortgaged. Ninety per cent ot these lands In this county changed owners for a few hundred dollars and passed to the hands cf others who attempted to farm them, and who later by force of circum stances became stock growers. These peo- le are now thriving to a certain extent ecause they have found the purposes for which these lands sre adapted and are using them for that purpose and have wholly abandoned the farming Idea. It Is safe to say that thla experiment has cost the people of Hox Hutte county ll.CT.OOO, which haa been thrown away because of a misconception of the adaptability of these lands. The people wbo came Into western Ne- ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Garter's Little Liver Pills. Uuit lur Signature f fee fee Bills Wrapper Bate. FCt REABACRL rci eizzims. rci!uoumti FCI TO END UYtt. . rot ccnstipatioi. res t allow n. rct m com rituai aft slaav. ma . i I . mt CVXt WOK UCADACMS. HAND SAP OLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Flaxr roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hopclm dirty. Haod&spoUo removes not only the dirt, but also, th loosened, injured eoticle, and mtortt th tiogtrt to tbl msturtl bsmty ALL OKOCIM AND DRUGGIST IYsHy assail nam aa to tea M CARTER'S t'taska during the great rush of 1S4. 1$ end 1W loated upon and homesteaded those lands which Irom tnlr outwsrd ap rearanre were lielleved to be the best earl cultural, and the lands whlrh are now left "in to settlement are those which thev did not think were farming lands, but which 'he eastern people now have bwn led to re lieve are adapted to farming. These lands of western Nebraska that are still open to settlement are not farm ing lands, and we rhallenge the denial of this statement on the part of any one who may wish to know the truth, and we In vite and urge that congress send a commit tee to investigate three conditions and de termine the character of these lands and the truthfulnets of these statements. Decrease In Population. The vote In Vox Butte county In 1S8S was 1.32S, while the number of votes cast at the iast election, on November 2, 1!2, outside of Alliance, which has come Into existence Ince li. Is now but . Even this latter number Includes many people who are rail road or other employes ami not engaged In agricultural pursuits. At the time the vot ing population was greatest there was not an Incorporated village in the county, and settlers were almost entirely engaged In tilling the soil. If these people coula have supported their famines and made a living tiy farming they would have been there today and irstead ot having a rural vote of only 407 In a cnunty containing l.mo square miles, which Box Butte county contains, with natural growth the vote would have oeen above i.fxo. r'or the eastern press to now assume that these lands are agricultural and fit tor other purpose than grazing Is not borne out by experience, and to a resident of this section Is simply a ridiculous statement, 'i'lme haa shown that the homestead laws passed In ItK'i, which were Intended to se cure actual, bona tide settlers upon the gov ernment lands for a period of five yeara for the purpose of developing and Improv ing them from an agricultural standpoint, were very good for the middle west, but are not applicable to a particle of the lands remaining subject to entry at thla time, for no man can go upon a single quarter sec lion of government land In the west today without irrigation and support himself, o sav nothing about supporting a family. A new set of conditions and circumstances haa arisen, and the sooner the eastern peo ple and the government recognizes this tact and amends the laws to meet the present requirements of the west that much sooner will development and progress pro ceed in accordance with the laws of na ture and existing condltlona. Congress has already, in a measure, recognized the fact that some of the old land laws were not practical, could not be enforced and were a mere farce. 6uch was the final fate of the timber culture law, which was repealed by congrevs in 1M1. The law which was In tended to encourage the growth of timber on the western prulrles did not grow any trees or Induce any rainfall, and as applied to the western lands at that time was of no force and effect. It la Just matter of time that congress will see the homestead law Is equally as Impracticable as a means of settling the range lands of the west, ex cept where there are small tracts that might be brought under Irrigation. In Favor of Irrigation. The. people of the west are not opposed, but are very much In favor of the new Irri gation law, but there are Immense tracts of land that this law does not reach and which cannot be Irrigated and which ia only fit for stockralslng, and which must be disposed of along some line suitable to the adaptability of these lands. As to these land laws, tho aame as any other law, you can frame them which way you will, but their enforcement and tenure depends upon whether they meet the conditions, necessi ties and requirements of the people, and whether they are supported by the masses. By this we do not mean to be understood to advocate the repeal of the homestead law, but we do asu tor tne pumnjo o some equitable act providing a method whereby the government may lease the range lands at some price commensurate with their worth and under such regula tions as the department may deem practic able and suitable to the country. 'Ihere are millions of acres of the pjblic domain that are worthless except for pasturage pur posies and at present there la no law suit able to carry out such objects. The leasing of these tands would bring a large and ner ptual revenue to the government and at the same time does not In any manner con flict with the existing homestead law. What Fences Are For. Much criticism has been made against men who have fenced pastures from the public domain, and to this we would aay that the fences have grown out of the necessities of the business and have been constructed not for the purpose of keeping out settlers, but for the purpose of each man keeping his stock aeparate In such a way that he may care for It, both winter and summer, and by the use of the best breeding animals In the past few yeara he has made wonderful Improvement In the nuaiitv f his rattle, which improvement never would have taken place had his cattle been allowed to run at large, inai inwt fencea arc an absolute necessity to the business Is welt known by all the people ot the range country, and are Indlspenslble to the Improvement of the herda and for the further purpose of preventing the range being overstocked and ruined. The govern ment lands thus fenced are utterly useless for any purpose other than graxlng. It Is a well known fact that since the lease law went Into effect In the state of Tmm nH th leaseholders have a pro prietary Interest In the land, that they have guaraea against wie uwumiwii vi Ratural grasses and the quality of forage as Increased fully 100 per cent, and where six years ago It took seventy acres to sup port a steer It now requires but twenty acres. The snme would be true of western Nebraska If the parties who used the lands had a future Interest In them. They would not be permitted to be overstocked, auch as Is the case where the range Is open to all. Not for Big Cattlemen. It has been stated that this agitation Is that of the large cattle grower only, who Is seeking to force out the small cattlemen, but thla statement Is not true' and Is not supported by the conditions and the true facts. If the fences were removed the large cattleman could afford his range riders and pursue the old-time roundup, with his mess wagon and branding outfit, and would thus claim all the mavericks of the little fellows or small cattlemen, who could not afford so expensive a method of looking after his stock, as the returns from his small herd would not warrant the ex pense. Besides, the small cattleman must borrow the money for his business from his home bank, which will not make the loan with the fences down and the range being gradually ruined. The statement that this Is the move of the large cattlemen ia not true, as It Is the small stock grower who has his all at stake and who Is most vitally Interested, lie knows that should the fences be entirely removed It means his retirement from the business. It Is proposed by the new Irrigation law to put farmers In the valleys thst are susceptible of irrigation In the west, and let ua ask at this time what will become of the products of their farms and rough feed if they cannot sell It to their near neighbor, the cattleman? Increased farm ing of the west should be supplemented by the business of the stock grower, as the distance of the farmer from the markets of the east Is such that unless his products can be conaumed at home the cost of 'transportation would be equal to their value at tne mantel. The eastern press Is also mistaken In Its suggestions that the present unoccupied government landa of the' west poimess great value. Dr. Peters, state veterinarian of the University of Nebraska, whose knowledge on the subject has bten acquired by travel and actual experience In the west, made the statement at a recent cattle convention that the natural grasses of the west must be protected, and that the range lands should not graze more than one cow to twenty-five ' acres of land, which usage would make the land worth not to exceed 50 centa per acre. The facta are that the value of these landa has been misjudged, and all that the people of western Nebraska ask Is that congress send a fair and unbiased commission to tnve 'gate their valuta, de termine . their adaptability and ascertain that they are not agricultural lands and the people here will be satisfied with their solution of this question. SOUTHERN PACIFIC SCALE w gchednle for Iwltekmes, in , M'hlch Pay Is to Be by the Hoar. OAKLAND. Cal.. Dec. JO. The Southern Tactile company has granted a new wage schedule for switchmen, which establishes a straight rate per hour Instead ot the former wage rate of $75 per month for day men and 18) and $00 per month tor night men. The new rate Is as follows: Day help ers. 21 cents an hour; day foremen. II centa a hour; night foremen. 33 centa aa hour. The schedule provides for "no Sunday off," but( there Is a rumor at the West Oakland yards that the switchmen wtll en deavor to have the company allow two Sundays a month, with full pay added. The engineers and Bremen have presented a demand for Increased pay and It la re ported that an Increase ot I per cent will he (rafted. THE CHICAGO - KANSAS CITY LOS ANGELES - SANTA BARBARA SAN FRANCISCO Newest, finest and most luxuriously equipped train in America. Only 53 hours Kansas City to Los Angeles, 57 to San Diego; 59 to Santa Barbara. Everything to make you comfortable electric lights, electric fans bathroom, barber-shop, booklover's library, compartment and standard v sleepers, dining, library and observation cars. Runs over the El Paso-Rock Island Route and Southern Pacific. Easiest grades, lowest altitudes and most . southerly course of any line across the continent the map shows. Leaves Kansas City at 10:40 a. m. daily, and makes as fast time as any other train to Southern California. JUDGING FRUITS AND CORN (Continued from Eighth Page. Ina- this Judging pavilion. Other Improve. menu are needed on the state fair grounds. The buildings are now nearly all about sixteen years old and made of wood and many repairs are needed and much re building. To make the state fair still more popular Secretary Simpson would nave tne society publish a catalogue of the stock exhibits so that visitors might know the pedigree and other facts concerning every animal on exhibition. Ha would also abol ish the penalty of 10 per cent ot the pre mium money exacted from every prlie win ner. Iowa Is the only state which does this now. With that removed the only ex pense to exhibitors would be an exhibitor's ticket. Preparing the Year Book. The work ot preparing the year book for this year, the third one ever Issued. Is now under way. It is hoped to hare it printed In three months or lets. Last year although copy was furnished the state printer by the first of the year, yet It was not delivered until In May, owing to the legislative work, crowded upon the printer. The year book will be improved over Its predecessors. It will be handsomely illus trated. Several pages will be devoted to farmers' Institutes, which under the new law, must report to the secretary and which may now send delegates to the state meetings. The report of the weather and THIS DLUE SICNATUKE GUARANTEES 3EWARE OF 'JUST AS COODS" GOLDEI STATE LIMITED fR1 ' MM sf , SSSnSBBBjQsB'll II H 1 crop service will be Included. In rddltlon there will be some special papers from J farmers on the relative value ot wet and dry : seasons as shown by the experience of 1 the past two years. B'ome papers on the silo will be Included, also some informs- j tlon in regard to alfalfa in Iowa, on both ot which subjects there appears to be con siderable fresh. Interest.- The work of the school of live stock Judging and school of corn Judging at the State college were warmly commended by Secretary Simpson. The attention of the department was called to the exposition at St. Louis and member urged to co-operate in securing a fine agrt- pultural exhibit for the state. The report ot President J. C. Frasler of Bloomfleld was brief and to the point, com plimenting the department on it work. Mr. Frasler wa not present, but W. M. Morrow ot Afton presided. Later la the day Mr. Morrow waa elected president and Mr. Simpson was re-elected secretary with out opposition. The Park and Forestry association re elected the old officers. Prof. MacBride of Iowa City, president, and Prof. U H. Pammel ot Ames, secretary. The state agricultural department elected W. W. Morrow ot Atton president and J. C Simpson ot Knoxvllle necretary and C. E. Cameron of ' Alta vice president. This election made It necessary for him to quit the directory board, and H. A. pike of Monona count" was elected to represent the Eleventh district. All other director were re-elected. CroSord Case Appealed. The paper in th appeal case ot Dr. J W. Crottord of Decatur county were filed with the supreme court today. The case ha been before the public a great deal In recent month. Dr. Crofford owned and managed a sanitarium at Lamonl and Miss Maud Stone went there for treatment. 8he died sooi after leaving the place. Crofford and one Hammond were Jointly Indicted tor causing th death of the girt Crofford en eoovlctloa was sentenced to thirteen years in the penitentiary. When it was de cided that he should PPl the case the discovery was made' by hi attorney that the law wa defective' In not allowing bond in such cases. The law waa changed and Crofford gave bond. Then he sought the privilege of continuing th practice of medicine pending appeal and second trial and th Btat Board of Health was ap i cv Berths can be reserved at any ticket office in the United States, or by communicating with C. A. RUTHERFORD, Division Passenger Agent. 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. pealed to. The board decided that in view of the fact that Crofford bad at one time been convicted of connection with counter feiting in Missouri the revocation ot hi certificate should itand. Crew4 mt golsUers Hons. Th Iowa Soldier' bom I bow reported to the atate board a overcrowded, - though there will . be some slight relief when a few of th new building ar occupied, which wtl be soon. Thar ar at present in th botp III persons, of whom' eighty. fonr ar woman. At thla time at th year th home Increase in population rapidly, as many wbo hav spent th summer with friend on furlough return there and the hospital become crowded with the lck one. At present there are nlnety-two la th various wards of th hospital and mors of them should be there and would b it tbero wa room. Aa additional home for th female help will give room for sixty more In th hospital. Coatl Operators Employ Reese. Th coal operator of district No.' 13, embracing Iowa and Missouri, turned th table on th coal miner by th employ, ment of John P. Reese to represent th operator In their settlement ef dispute with th miner over wage and other thing. Reese wa until last tall th pre. ! ident of th mine worker' vnlon for the district. H resigned when he wa nomi nated for eongres la th Sixth district, for h confidently expected to be elected. But th miner did not stand by him at th poll. This left him without any em ployment and when the operator found he could be had be wa employed by them at a salary ef $2,000 a ysar as commis si on sr for th dlitriot In settlement of disputes. Th operator also named a scale committee, which will meet with th miner In March next to decide on a seal ot wage for next year. Weald Try Damage Case Aval a. A motion tor a new trial In th damage cas of Tat against Clarkson wa filed to day. Th Jury decided la favor Of the de fendant, refusing to give damage for th alleged libel, as published. The Instruc tlon were atrengly la th direction of a verdict thst th dstense expected a Judg ment against them. It Is alleged on be. half of Couaty Clerk Tat thst th ver- , diet wa so contrary to th evidence and .JaL.nBnW- T. "L- A A T am. th Instruction that a new trial should bo bad. If a new trial is granted a change win be taken to some other county. MISSOURI LAWYER IS DYING Bnel Very Hear for Jad John W. Henry. Prominent .lariat of State. KANSAS CITY, Dee. 10. Judge John W. Henry Is dying at hi residence In this city fter a long illness. At 1 o'clock this aft. ernoon dissolution wss expected momen tarily and the family bad gathered around the jurist' bedside. Judge Henry formerly waa chief Justice of th state supreme court and for several year ha been Judge of th circuit court It outsells I IV Trvr V f i I owl Jersey Butterine More Jersey sold than any other Butterine, because it ex- at at at . m t Ice is an otnero in quality and appearance. Put up in z and 2-lb. prints in printed paper wrappers like cut. Ask your dealer. I CuuiQtr OmaJu Stlaub Swift & Compmy.GllCigO St. Joseph St.fiol FLWorta - -T-1 t Kansas City. ' He Is on of the most emi nent member of the bar In the west. Hetr to Fortnne. hi?"0010- -D'5- 19 William Parr. 'J hare f timbering at dtratton-a Independence mine hnB bten notified by Thomaa P.tkln. in England. Parr is one of i f, El,r,jt "mon whom the estate, valued at $7,au0,00Q, wm be divided. , Mere Gold for Soots America. NKW YORK, Dee, 10.-Th local agency of the Tondon and River Plata bank. Urn-' te1, will shin &o0.000 gold to Buenos Ayres tomorrow. The transaction ! a special one and makes a total of $2,000,000 shipped by this bunk nines August last. Last season's toys will be closed out Saturday at half price. Orchard A Wll helm. all others 0 P A 9 e mr -k