Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Closiig of LaVe Navigation Nearly Shuti
Of Shipments to Wett
Tee ef MliF-nm Prerlnet by Many
Western Railroads Greatly Rf
dare the anpply on the
1oral Market.
Th local coal situation la apparently
worse now, from the standpoint of the
dealer In hard coal, than It has been at
any time since the resumption cf work by
tha miners In the anthracite fluids. The
navigation of the lakes has been closed by
tb cold weather and all anthracite ccal
Trfll now have to be brought to Chicago
ntlrery by rail. It la aeldem that any
considerable amount of coal ts aent In this
-way to the went, the greater part coming
try water from Buffalo to Chicago.
It was hoped by western dealers that
oaI from the mines could be ahrpped to
Chicago In large quantities before tbo clos
ing of lake navigation, and that from that
city some coal would be shipped to the
Missouri ftveT by January 1. This hope
lias failed and with It has (tone. In a great
measure, tha hope of any coal from the
antuee thts winter.
Added to the usual difficulty In getting
coal to the west by the all-rail route la
tha condition which exists In the pas'.. At
the present time all of the coal that Is
mined la required In thn eastern cities. In
inany of which there 1b practically a fuel
famine. All of the ears available for
handling coal from thn mines are engaged
3b hauling to the east, and local dealers
say that It Is doubtful If any of three cara
-would be doflected to the west under any
, Strain Coal Oeta jlearee.
There la considerable complaint of a
sfhortage of steam coal. The greater part
ejt the nteam coal used to Omaha cornea
from Missouri and eastern Kansas. Until
last year the railroads la that territory
Insisted upon being supplied with
creenefl Inmp coal and there waa const-
truently a great amouat of ateam coal on
the market. Thia stork lacreased faster
than 11 could be used and a shortage of
steam coal was considered beyond the pos
alblTIUea. About a year ago the 'Frisco
railroad started to experiment with coal
a It came from tha mines, unscreened.
At th reduced price made by the miners
It waa found that the mine run coal was
cheaper than tha acreened and other roads
began to use It. With the difficulty In aecur
Ing fuel which all roads have experienced In
the hut alz months, other roads have
Lse4 mine run coal, so that practically the
full output of tha mines could have been
old as mine run. The result la that the
output of ateam coal haa decreased to such
ft degree that It la now scarce and the out
put la limited almost exclusively to the
product which la acreened for domestic.
The local stock of soft coal for domestic
use is as large as the dealera desire and
there la said to be little danger of a short
age In this line this winter.
'What Thrv Oemnad.
Headaches, liver complaints, bowel dis
orders demand Dr. King's New Lire FlITs
They are gentle, but cure or no pay tit.
Wot sale by Kuhn ft Co.
Recreation and good exercise In Ping
Pong. Tablea are 30 cents an hour. Bee
Building Parlors, 214 South 17th atreet.
King Cole Pancakes fit the mouth,
holiday Ratea Via Wabash Itallroad.
Oa December 18, 19, 20 and 21 tha Wabash
Will sell round trip tlcketa from Chicago
to many points In Canada at half fare.
Tickets good returning January 10, 1903.
Call at Wabash corner 1601 Farnam atreet.
r eddresa Harry B. Moorea, Q. A. P. D.,
, Omaha, Neb.
Card of Thanks.
We extend thanks to State lodge No. 10,
I O. O, P., members of tha Hungarian so
ciety and friends for their kind aaatstance
and sympathy shown ua In our bereave
ment In the loss of our beloved wife and
mother. Their kindness will never be for-
gotten. JULIUS RICH,
Recreation snd good exercise In Ping
Pong. Tablea are 30 cents an hour. Bee
Building Parlors', 214 South 17th street.
The Follow lar Telegram flaa Jaat
Beea Received I
"Utopia, North Pole.
"To Harden Bros.,
"Panta Clrtus Headquarters, Omaha.
"Will arrive Saturday at your etore and
will make my headquarters with you only.
I find I can carry more pretty and useful
gifts and distribute them better through
you than anywhere else In the whole wide
world. Have all the good children meet
me Saturday. Be aure to tell the children
to come to your store, as I will not go
anywhere else this season.
Hayden Bros, have made arrangements to
receive Santa Claus aa he dlrecta and will
be all ready for him when he comet here
Saturday. The children are Invited to
come and meet him Saturday and talk to
him about their Christmaa gifts. A great
treat fcr them. firing the little ones to
talk to the real, live 8anta Claus Saturday
I .fi i-Brest Shoe Hoase In the World..
The Hamilton-Brown Shoe company of
St. Louis, Mo., has Just passed lta $7,000,
000 mark in aales. Since they opened up.
thirty-one years ago, with capital $23,000
and first year's sales $215,000, tt haa ibeen
their custom to sot a certain mark and
work up to tt. Ton million ts the next
atatton and tha world ts invited to watch
them reach it. Their sales lu exact figures
are weekly posted In the windows of their
store and factories and each month every
actual or prospective customer receives a
letter from them, giving a comparative
statement of their sales tor tha current
month and year to data.
The secret of the marvelous growth of
thts house seems to be in the fact that
they have no secrets at all. Their business
is run wide open, the outsider knowing as
much about it as the lnaldnc, and this
straightforward, open way oX doing has
won for them the confidence and friend
ship of the trade an over tha United
No panic, business depression or other
calamity has ever retarded their progress
a day. They have gone through such
things Invariably with their usnal large
gains and auch years" to them have been
aa prosperous as any. Their factories are
alwaya open for Inspection and anyone I
terested la .welcome to go through and in
spect for himself the quality of the ma
terial and workmanship of which their
ahoes are made.
word, and the president of the company,
Mr. A. IX Brown, Is a man of temperate
habits and simple mode of living, devoting
his entire time to the oompany and min
gling with the employes in all departments
In such a way as to Indues them to fol
low his example.
January 1, 1903, the company Increases Its
car-Hal stock from $1,000,000 to $l,5C0,00O.
They are about to begin erecting a new
factory near their present one at 21st and
Locust Sta., making two factories at thla
point of equal size, one to he called Amer
ican Lady and tha other American Gentle
men, to manufacture their ahoes which
go by these names and which have a world
wide reputation. This, together with addi
tions they are building to their other fac
tories, will give them a total capacity of
31,000 pairs per day, and their employes
will number 5.000.
They are the largest shoe advertisers la
the United States. . .
IT Ttflsll
Ysor Moaty
la Our laak
m IV tl-ORe" Infected
Only 12 Shopping Days
'Till Christmas
Don't put off your holiday buying until next uxeJc, do it now
Choice Cluster Scarfs at $2.98
200 scarfs of American atone marten, Canadian marten, near
seal with streamers, etc. Many In thla lot worth up to
$11.00 at
Fox or Squirrel Scarfs A special lot of floe soarfs In iheaa
two popular fnrs, many odd prices in lot, actus uy worm
up to $12.60, at ,
Holiday fluffs Muffs tn tha popular electrhj, near seal, imitation stona
marten, nutria, astrakhan, etc-. i25l 98-2 98
Astrakhan Capes Special SO-Inch astrakhan caps, with Ruar&ntBd
satm lining of rich glossy curly astrakhan, -actually worth r QQ
up to $20 each-. ."e"0
For Tomorrow Only Extra Special
Seal and Astrakhan. Jacket We offer you your choice, tomorrow only of
any of our One electro) seal or astrakhan Jackets, that - bava sold up -to
$29.00 each, during thts big fur sale, 28 and 3-tnch long, i T K f
With guaranteed satin lining, at ..rr... -1 -J. Ov
Silk Waists for Christmas Presents
Harlr.f purchased a sample line of sillt waist, comprising everything
that is new and up-to-date In taffetas and peao. de sole in principally
plain colors, such aa cre.mes, bine, pinks, castors and " "V
black, all aiaes and worth up to $70 each, j Qy
on sale on main floor,, at,,,.,,,.,,,,,.........,.,,.,,...
Short lengths Dress Goods Short length pieces l dress goods in henH
ettas and cashmeres in pinks, blues, aad creams, also an wool aovelty ma
terials In lengths from 2 to ( yards, suitable for children's dresses odd waists
and doll drees, on sale on bar gain square -in the
basement at 2S a yard every yard worth
up to $1.00 go at ..-......... h-. -
Holiday Gift Handkerchiefs
Ladles4 All Linen Hndkerchiefj-H width -hccnaUtchtnc,
10c quality, ax
Hen's All Pure lines Hand kerch lefs all width hams, 20o
quality, at ,
Plain and Fancy Silk Mufflers black, whitei and all colors,
worth 7oo, at .. ,
3 Ilk Embroidered Handkerchiefs over 50 styles of white 4
and fancy silk embroidery, worth up to 60o, at.........,.. 1 0
Hen's Large Size All-Sllk Handkerchiefs with hand embroid
ered alllc Initials, worth 5tlo, at
Ladles' Sheer Linen Hand Embroidered Initial JiaodkBrch lets
worta 2uo. at ..
Ladies' and children's plain and fancy colored bodnred hand
kerchiefs, Ho quality, j?o-at .
asaui' waaatgwaai jam .uu i !BHWiiihiji"mi.hs. .hii.ijuiij m jh m i .niimi' miwhi m sw.wm ajsj
Prices have btcn reJnced on every wo
man's jacket in our entire stock. Since we ad
verdscd diis gigantic clearing sale of women's
jackets lust Saturday, the selling has been ter
rific Monday and Tuesday were banner
days in our cloak department We stilPhave
a large assortment of very beautiful garments
that will be sold at reduced prices, as we are
determined to dispose of all our women's jack
ets before January 1st
1 ,. U . 1BBMSW;
VBrrP!C Our
QU2 Windows
Wmiieu's $10 and $12
Jackets Thursdaj, $7.50
About 250 Wonwnl Jaoket
Made of fine cheviots and kerseys, In all shades
some Zl-ln. long, made with new start seams, new
back and new sleeves others Mn. box coats
mnde of the finest materials, lined with guar
anteed aatln linings, all this season's new up-to-date
garments and positively worth $10 to $12
all on one table
Take your choice 7
Women's $15 and $16.75
Coats, Thursday $10.00
This Is positively the best lot of garments ever of
fored for the money, they are all made of the very
finest materials, In box, 3-4 length and 27-inch
Monte Carlo etyles, all Sklnnnr satin lined gar
ments, that we havB sold at $13.E0, $14.75 and $16.TS
ail on one table,
Take your choice "tf f
Thursday IKJ.KJKJ
Aaacmnti of the Theaters.
Tonight the Oordon-Bhay Orand Opera
company, alnglng grand opera In English,
opens at the Boyd In "Faust." Miss Rose
Cecilia Shay, said to be the beat dramatic
soprano before the public will be seen In
th role of Marguerite, and John Dunamuf,
the basso, late of tha Bostonlans, will sing
the role of Mephtsto. Others of note In
Miss Shay's support are) Achilla Albertl,
Helen Noldl, James Wheattay, James
Stevens, J. 'Frederick and Elolse Bishop.
At the epeolal matinee Friday "II Trova-
tore" will be sung and at the next per
formance "Carmen." The oompany num
bers seventy people and each opera la
given with lavish acenlo and costumlo em
bellishment. Carmen Is Mies 8hay'a best
role. She la said to he quite as good In It
aa anyone who haa yet essayed It, Mr.
Albertl's rendition of the torreadsr's song
is said to be magnlflcant.
One. Boy Gomel Oat of the General Mix-Up
with Serious Injiries.
that any sane person will believe our prices
are not the lowest of ANY DRUO Bf ORB
zim hbhasA7. we don't give anybody
a chance to ClCfJSS about thia. but give the
We don't give anybody
Connty Commissioner Ostrom, Eye-
Witness, Gives Graphic Descrlp- ,
tlon of Accident, with Observa
tions on Possibilities.
DoaarlM O. 'Welptoa Haa Appendicitis,
bat Hcsssga Does Not State
A dispatch from Sioux City says that
Douglas B. Welpton of Omaha was taken
suddenly 111 with appendicitis while at tha
Vonaamln hotel In that city yesterday.
Tha telegram aaya he Is being attended by
Dr. John Bailey, but does not stste whether
his condition is considered dangerous. Mr.
Welpton. who Is tha agent of the Royal In
surance company, went to Sioux City to ad-
Just tha loss at the Armour packing house
(Ire. n was a democratic candidate for the
laglalatnTo at the recent election.
Aa Inevitable as the changing seasons of
tha year is the change which comes to
every woman. And just as one antici
pates the changes of other seasons it - ia
this change of sea
son and prepare for
it. In thia way me
discomforts and
disasters suffered
by many women at
the period of
change can be
avoided or over
come. Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription,
a medicine for
every season of
woman'e life, will
entirely meet the
needs of women at
this period of
change. It cures
the pbvsical ills
and relieves tha
mental anxioaf and
J depression usually
associated with this critical period. II
tranqiulises the nerves, encourages tn
appeuta ana inciuces reiresmus; siccp.
J ft. Carlisle E"1.. ' Manchester, CuSrt Cb,
else )br th hut sixteen or txhtrrn years ia
say poor-bouse. I sin supenutrodent of th
Code Countv foor-houa aud Aavlura camuined.
Vun ' Pavorite Preacnpiwa.' 'Golden MeUical
Iwmrr' and 'ricasast Pellet 1 ' fceot
sae.bOBa fcr the dweaca for wtich thry aia
--- itut I ever uacd. They Mved
bit wile s ai at the time of 'change oflifc' I
nova been recommend lag your medicine U
tnat it a did not car i would pay boc th
rr event Sur tt. 1 ase teta obt anni
it the peap cmn bock sod vid lMctor
sedinnco did not give numann. m
1 s .ii not Met been colled upon refund. I
ban omit bannd snything to equal lh ' r'svorita
In, i ' tut diwsw of woolen
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser ia aent ret oa receipt of stamps
mn n nwsai of mailing imiy. bena
I uist tsat stamps iur the paper cavatred
book, or j I stamp tat tha cloth bound.
AsUmm hu . V. rvsaca. SaJalvN. y,
Commercial traveling men usually make
their arrangementa for the ensuing year In
December. A half hundred first-class sales
men can be profitably employed by the
Bankers' Reserve Life association during
1903. Men who want to Improve their
financial condition and aeoure permanent
profitable employment In an unlimited field
should see B. H. Roblaon, president Bank-
era Life association, at. the McCague
building without delay.
Last season's toys will he closed out
Saturday at half price. Orchard A Wll-
A Lone; Joaraey
Means extra money for meals and
Harold, the 12-year-old son of Charlea L.
Molander, a painter at 2715 Blondo atreet,
Is In bed with two puncture wounds in his
left side and a alight fracture at the point
of the hip bone. The Injuries were received
In an accident which spoiled the fun of a
coasting party on the Parker atreet hill
Tuesday evening.
The Molander boy was steersman for the
dozen children who started from the crown
of the hill at Twenty-ninth and Parker on
a long "bob" to make the trip to the bot
tom. Just aa they were approaching the
Twenty-seventh atreet crossing a delivery-
man from a grocery store at Sixteenth and
Corby drove onto Parker street.- There
waa little light and be did not appear to
notice the coming aled until It waa very
near. Then, In hla surprise, he half
checked hla team, which cauaed Molander
to steer his sled to pass In front of the rig.
At the same Instant the driver, recovering
himself, decided the beat thing to do waa
to whip up and get out. of the way entirely.
Accordingly he lashed the horses and they
sprang forward. Just In time to bring the
wagon directly In front of the aled as It
was then headed.
County Commissioner Henry Ostrom, who
chanced to be a witness of the accident,
"When that driver whipped his horses I
saw what waa nouna to nappen anu
actually I felt the hair stand on my head.
There were at least a dozen children on
the sled and It waa going ao fast that tt
couldn't possibly be stopped nor the chil
dren roll from It in time unless they all
rolled at once. I felt as certain that some
of them would be killed as I over felt of
anything In my life, and as I supposed at
the time that a boy of my own was In the
party I came nearer praying than I have
tor some time. .
"Ia lesa time than It takea to tell It the
crash came. The sled struck the rear
wheels of the wagon, -and Instantly every
thing and everybody was In the air In a
black tumbling mass. I ran to the spot
and found the children ac&ttered about la
a . circle, some of them several feet from
the place of the collision. Both rear wheels
of the wagon had been torn completely off,
the vehicle had been overturned aad tha
driver given quite aa aerial Journey.
"Every child, of course, was frightened.
but when wa began 'sorting them ever' we
SILK SKIRT BABY IS JOYCE'S tound none rerr rtou1' tDjoPRd, tf!?1
Itig, and there were two holes la his left
side, made apparently by contact wtth
something sharp perhaps the end ef a
wheel spoke. I get Dr. Iajpey and ws took
blm home. The doctor aaya the hurt la
aertous, butVnat recovery eeeaaa probable.
dentals and a waate of valuable time en-
route. Why incur unnecessary expense and
delay In traveling via clrcultoua routea
when you can tide In the finest tralna on
perfectly ballasted track, over a direct
route? The fast tralna of the Union Pa
cing reach Ban Francisco and Portland
from Omaha alxteen hours ahead ef all
eompetltora. City ticket offloe 1324 Far
nam atreet. 'Phone 116.
TYPE aa proof, .and another thing we
FULLY guuratitee every single article we
sen to De genuine and will refund
the price to anybody and give them
the goodH too, IF THE V WILL.
SSc Genuine Caatorla 2J0
$1.00 Pe-ru-na Certainly Peruna 61o
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies Discovery or "
Prescription etc
Genuine Allcork's Plasters J2o
11.00 Paine s Celery Compound 74a
$1.00 Miles' Nervine Ho
Compare this whole list and If you can
get aa cheap In Omaha we will give them
to you and we are not Jollying either,
60c Wizard OH 8!)c
76o Moeller e Cod Liver Oil 64c
26o Pierce's Pllla J90
liurkhart's Vegetable Compound,
. lc, 89o and 71c
$1.00 Warner's Kafe Cure Ho
Tel. Tdl. B. W. Cor. Jta ana Calcaajo.
All onr hicli trade novelties in 27-iDch and 3.1 lenirth Monte Carlo Coats
dueed from 5.00 to $10.00 on everj garment
Great Waist Purchase
We bought from the Princess Waist Co. 75 dozen wo
made high grade waists at f0c on the dollar. They are
mande of the finest French flannels, Sicillians and Test
ings, slot seams, and ping pong effects, not a waist in the
lot worth less than f3 and up to $5. Don't miss this op
portunity to get a waist for less than what the 4 Q A
material wonld cost you. Your choice Thursday IU
Women's Walking Skirts
450 women's walking skirts, bought from a manufac
turer at about half their actual value, will be on sale
Thursday. They are made of meltons cheviots and fancy
mixtures, in ail the new up-to-date styles skirts in this
lot worth from ?7.50 to flO.OO, i QH
, Ul V V. A 1 kv..j ------- ------
have been re-
You Cannot
Duplicate These
Drug Prices
Wast of Chicago. .
You can get the goods and the prlcea at
2Tc Mfnnen's Talcum Powder' for llo
H.25 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. .$2.09
$1.00 Swamp-Root (Kilmer's), we sell 74c
$1.00 White Ribbon Liquor Cure, we sell 6c
(Special price In full dozen quantities on
above remedy).
50c Neat's Catarrh Tablets, we sell 40c
$1.00 Newbro's Herplcide, we sell 74c
6rtc Syrup of Kiga, genuine, we sell .... 84o
25o Mistletoe Cream, we aell 10c
fioc Agnew'a Catarrh Powder for 40o
$1.00 Wine of Cardui. wo aell 6So
60c Wakelee'a Camelllne for 40s
These are Sherman & McConnell's prloea
Oarlield Tea for 1
Vn Pure 2-graln Quinine Pllla for 26c
$1.00 Pe-ru-na for 2
The above la the genuine, bearing top
strip label.
$1.00 Liaterine (Lambert'a) 6Sc
6oc Colgate'a Pansy Bloom Perfume, os. 25o
&c Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets for .... S9c
26c Bhrader's Fig Powder for 2)c
$1.00 Pierce's Medieines for 66c
Read our ad In Cathedral Chimes.
One pound mixed bird Reed for 4c
25c Graves' Tooth Powder for 12c
6)c Mull's Grape Tonic for 40c
$1.00 Hostetter's Bitters for 74o
$1.00 Coke Dandruff Cure for "oo
6oc Coke Dandruff Cure for 40o
26c Krauae's Headache Capsules for .. 20c
25c Kirk's Juvenile Soaj) for 10c
Read our ad In the News-Reporter.
25c Linterlne, we sell 19c
True Violet Soap, box 8 cakes for 25c
26c Brown's Bronchial Troches 19c
6oo Rlcksecker's Golf Queen, per ox... $6o
Read our ad In Church and Home,
60c Williams' Pink Pills for J8c
25c Oranaelne for Is0
26c Brandreth'a Pills for lc
Write for our catalogue of drugs, per
fumes and rubber goods.
Sherman &Mcioin3ll Drill Co.
Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha.
107 North 16th St. Opp. P.O.
maif purses and leather wrist bags, $3.00 to $10.00. Bead shopping bags,
$1.50 to $6.00. Silver hatpins, thimbles, sachol tags, hat markers, coat
hanaers key rings and bonnet brushes, some low as 25c up to $2.60. Link,
Net&le ind Medallion head bracelets. $1.00 to $5.00. Handsome slhrer
bVckedcombs, 6 patterna, $1.00 each. The kind that often aell for $1.60.
Tomorrow suggestions for men's Xmas.
AND Aak run
For sale by all druggists. Price 25o and 60c.
Brush and comb for the dresser is the proper gift for
a lady. We are showing them In ebony, sterling silver
and silver plate, ranging from $6.(10 to $20.00. We have
hundreds of other nice pieces for Christmas gifts. Spend
a few minutes at our store. Look for the name
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler
1516 Cojgiaa Street.
A Christmas bazaar and musical enter
tainment will bs held oa Thursday even
ing In the Crypt of St. Matthias church un
der the auspices of the Daughters of the
King. Hr. Jo Barton aad Miss rays Cole
will render a few choice vocal aelecttena.
After the program Is rendered refresh
ments will be served.
QmI taitta omi.
Good opening tor a Bewspaper ar ansga-
aine solicitor, permanent position far a
competent maa. Address Tw sat lath Cea-
tury Parmer, Bee Building, Omaha.
Publish your legal aotlces la The Weekly
Bee. Telephone lit.
Ping Pong ta good exercise for otBce mea.
Tablea are $0 cents aa hour. Bee Build leg
parlors, zU South Seveateeata street.
Ws have Just received an elegant 11ns of
Reading Lamps suitable for Xmas gifts.
Electric, Oil and Gas.
Electric & Gas Fixtures.
F. M. Russell
il S. IStb St Telephone 101
lafatat Gate tm CbUd garta laatltata
svadL Fakiker Ge ta
In the police court yesterday morning C.
A. Joyce, waa was charged with karlag at
tempted to carve his wife, after -having
succeeded In cutting her clothing, was seat
to Jail for sixty days.
Joyce claimed that his 1 -year -old baby
bad been neglected by lta mother and took
the little one to Joe Welaner'a aalooa, 1M1
Webster street. Wails the parent was en-
route to the aaloon occurred the apbtcda
cu the street car In which Mrs. Cartas dis
played, her charity by wrapping ths child
In berstlk skirt. Yesterday Welsner placed
the child in the custody of the Child Saving
institute, where tha mother journeyed to
regain pcsavnlon. Sha was refustd both
the child and th silk aklrt which accom
panied the Infant Welsner says bs will
Bght the mother In the courts, as bs con
siders bar unfit for the cara of the little
Even children driak Graiu-O .
because they like it and tha doo
tora aay it ia good for them. Why
not? It contains all of tha oooruh
ment of tha pure grain aad moo
cf the poisons of caffe.
AifTooersevasrwaetsi Uo, aad per package.
Ganymsda Ctiocohtss
The Plneet Boti of Assorted Choco-la-tea
parked In Amerl-a, Plain pack
agea, flic per lb.; Bouvenlr pack
aea, 75c per Q.
lMk a m4 Doasitava Sta..
CUK& 1
J .I
111 da it
Pries SlCests
1S Bee Dldg-.
Omaba, Neb,
XWauQr Otsakt Tatacti
rood mspecto'.
IL L lULL'CClOTT., D. f . s
city varraaiKAaiAW.
a t xatti and Msaaa atts
Omaha. Mob. ' Xaievhoao Ua.
Profit Shar
ing Shoes.
When you purchase a pair of
Oulrood" $1.50 or $2-50 shoes we
share the profit with you.
We manufacture our own shoes
and sell them direct to the wearer
at factory price.
Only men's exclusive shoe store In
Kemember tha price 'and name Is
the same always. It's
is the
f r5! Reeent !
iiirrT rift,1:,1, n .MimiTi i1 .. IJ '. . . 'lasl i
: t!
It has attained perfection In
the only way perfection ever
can be attained by the slow
and careful elimination of the
linperfecilona found in the
earlier forma. Kor
It stands alone.
It gives separate control of
the biiu and treble and Is the
only player capable of the
elastic, human touch so
much desired.
Ca.ll at our Parlors.
Hear It play.
Play U yourself.
$u0 worth of tn twite and
$r,.u) bench free with each
player until January L
Piano Player Co.
Arltaartea Block.
ma i s . Over Morton's Hartiwars
-. ', I and Hardy's So Stone.
Is a lolly fellow with rare good Judg
ment as Is shown by the elegant line
of Christmas slippers, ha has sent In
advance to Drexel's.
There sre all kinds of slippers. Cute
little ones for the children, elegsnt
ones for mamma, comfortable opes for
papa and warm ones for grandma and
Too many different kinds to tell
about and quote prices on, but we'll
be glad to show you every one of them
If you'll but come to the store. It will
be aasy for you to pick out what you
We exchange them after Christmas
for the right size.
Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House.
,. , . '
You are n4 payiant for CI1KOMOS. aCllliMfc., t UEE DEALS, ETC., twil
far FINK QUALITY MAYA HA IUDu,u, rui,is iwrur- .mMmmm
, b, ac - SUCS atXBCAMTXUB C3AAK OOv Ms aft. W Louis. Vatoa Ua4a