THE OMAnA DAILY BEE: THUnSPAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES tltrrtUratati for Ihrae eel ana as rill be Itkri aatll 13 at. far the ftrnlni edition and anlll 30 a. as. to moralas Sanda? edition. Ratee, 1 l-2o a itnrl Sret Ineertlea, le a Tvnrd thereafter. Sothtna Ukci for Itn Ifaaa 2-.o far the firaf taeer tloa. These an: vartlaesaeate aaast be ran tonirrallf Hf. Advertisers, by reqnestlnsl nana tiered rhrrk, can have aaetrera S flrraeef to a. nnmtrrr letter la eara f Tlia Par. Aoawora eo addressee will t IrllTrrtJ on prticaUUaa f tsa ebeek aalr. WA5I1KI)-SULK HELP. lU'STLINO deputies wanted; men or women; apleiidhl contract. The Garden ers. 415 Ilea Bldj. L 275 WASTED tot V. S. army, ablehodied un married men betwpi n ags of 21 and 35, citizen ot United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, rfai and write ' English. Kof in formation apply to Ret-niltlng; Officers, lth arid Dodge Sts . Omaha, and post office bulldlnf, Lincoln, Neb. B 21 4UOOD rnessentfeiso wanted; . IJ. T. Co., 212 So. 13th Bt. high ealones, B-M9iW WANTKD. t good hustlers. Open mull I p. m. Western Art Co., 1714 Nl holna sr. B M2M WANTED, short order cook; steady, tern peraU, well recommended. W. O. Torrey, Aimon. iNeU. 15 Mt 12- WANTED, men to learn barber trade. leara of a pprentlcesliip ' a ved by our method of free work. Instructions, lec tures, etc. Tools given each student Diplomas grnnted. wages- Hatjrdays, board provided, 1'osltlons furnlrneu. tai alogue and particulars mailed free. Moler Barber College, V&U Douglas Ft. - B Milt 12 WB WANT seven teams and drivers to haul roal; union -wuges and automatic coal loaders. Sunderland tiros., 20th and Hickory ma.. . 11 648 10 WANTED, (rood t'ums to haul coal. C. W. Hull company, 20lh and Izard bts. . .. B 655 13 XV AN' h.O, n eompetent land man to eecure pUi iitKiaers for agricultural lands; state nt i txmnenre and give reference. Ad dress V ay land, box 322, Council Bluffs, la. ... 11 Mj6 WANTED, two actlva men, good writers. Omaha Directory Co., 320 Hamge mug. It S72 111 WANTE'J. exnerteneed bait maker: one who can build and take control of Lie toryw Address, with references, P 4H, Bee: U Ml 1 WANTED, by a leading lace and veiling house of New York City, a salesman to carrv their line on commission In Ne brasKn and ' North and- South Dakota; send references' with application. Ad dress M. J. B.. 108 Froapect -at., Eaat Orange, N. 3. ' '. B-Mfloo 11 WANTKDYhan to tend furnace for board and room at lrai rarnam si. x .uva . . . JJU.i. . .1 . mi WANTED, responsible married man. to live on and act as Janitor and tiight watchman; ' permanent pualtlnn;- write, giving rvfereru'es atid full uurtlcular, to P 61, Bee, ' ' ' BMtKi3 13 WANTED, blacksmith anil two machlnlntSi alao tinsmith accustomed to lrmlde work. Apply 41 N. IJaln au, Counctt Bluffs, 1h. . B Mo68 SALESMEN WAStEDc EVERYAVHEHE, to - Sell . Lambert Type writers. Monroe ft Co., all N. 16th 8t., Omaha. - . v -3! WANTED; active, energetlo custom shirt salesman for Omaha, aud vicinity; must be of good appearance and able to get business from the best, people; must have best references as to -character and ability; to auch a man a permanent poaition Is offered,' wtth opportunity of earning large salary, ltocktord fihlrt Co., Hock ford.- liL MUll 11 WANTE-'E.MALKI. HELP, 100 Olrla. 'Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. , . . . .. . C a-w WANTED. BwediBh -or German girl for general housework; email family; good wages. Call at 12A S. 37th SU . C MJ4b GEN. housework, good wages. 2020 St. Mary's . C 360 WANTED, young girl to tare for baby. Apply 241)6 Leavenworth at., at grocery ature. C M 12 FOIl RENT 110LSES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co. ; otlice, liUVs Farnam, mr.Tels. lito-huj. D Ml uni QCC In all part of city. The O. IlUUOLd F. Davla Co., 60s Bee Bldg. . . ' D iHi MAOOARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel. I486. D H4 EKE PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice houses. 6V1-2 N. X. LUs Bldg. Tel. 1U16. ' d wa FOR RENT, forty, acrea In the city limits of Boutn umana; amau nouae, excellent place for teed yard. The. Omaha Realty . company, uui uougiaa bi., upstairs. D-238 . . 1, ' on,- -- I - HOUSES.' O, Q. Wallace, Brown Block, . ' . i - D--H46 a-ROOM modern, near High school, 127.60. k-rooin housa, 2aut and Charles, $20.1)0. Inq. 264d Cap. Ave. lei,, to. - Uoblaen. - . ' .... ..'.- , .D VI HOUBE8 and flats. Rlugwalt, Barker block. i iij.- T-ROOM modern house, 2317 . Charles, Tele pboua A-k. - . tfm FOR RENT, one t-ropm', house, with gas- water and sewer: Just been placau fn nrst-ciass repair; in good location. C M bachmana, 426-27 Paxiutt block. , D 17 FOR RENT, -room house. Just newly papered and repaired, all modern except, furnace, 22d St. and Popplelon Ave., I Is. Two IKrooHi houses. 3uth and California 81., all modern, city water and sewer, . One 4-room holme, 27th and Cuming Sts., city waier, iu. . . .CM. BACI1MANN, . .. 26-a7 Paxton Blk. ' ' - ' " D 625 NEAR 16th, and Howard 8 ts.. 12-room flat In flret-claaa condition two modern bath rooms, new plumbing: iu tier month. QEOKUE AND COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St ... . . 1 62S Dlt -ROOM house, 823 8. 23d St. D M320 11 X741 8. 13T11 ST., 1-rMm eottagcNclty water, return numm jv.. oner, receiver, us tirow a oieca. . i M.tjK (4TH AND K 8T8., South Omaha, I nice t roora cottage; rental, $16 per - month. William K. Potter, reeelver, ai3 Brown MODERN 7-room bouse, . near. p.rk 1". so. sain. D 75J t-ROOM house, excellent condition, city water, ii bo. ii6 bawara BU Uemls. Pax ton block. l J04 T-ROOM house, 2423 Bprague. Tel. 8X4. D MB imi ICPC In all parts of the city IIUUOCOh, C. Peter ft Co., Bee Bids. -i . . . u uo WARM, modern house with stable, central location, newly painted: siMclal rancti slona. to reauonsidle tenant H. C. Peters ft Co, , - D Mo27 12 FOR RENT A fine located 6-room cottage iJ 8. 11th St., 12. Also a good 7-rooin house. 1622 N. 22d St.. 115. The Omaha Realty Co., Ml Uougla bt upstair. D iai I-ROOM hauaa, good condition, mod. excepi fr..r.r, barn, pnr IMih. and Ulw cku to right party, bweet ft Headley. T 14T2 r M7 -FOR HKKT FIKNISHED ROOMS. DFS1RABLE raoras wakug distance. 2224 farnam. ,. . tunv w DEWEY European Hotel, 1.3th and Ft mam. ''.-' E Hi 11 PER WEEK-4a 80. aouih of court bouse.' fsth St., one block . E ktt AETNA HOUSE, Kuropean, Ulh and Dodge llOYAX. HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chlcag SM FOB RET-FIHMSIIBn ROOMS. 8TKAM-H EATE1 rooms, $10 per month. llarker Hotel, 1.4 th and Jones Sts. E M'JoZ ROOMS for light houaekefplnf , i24 How. rd. n ul u-uc ROOMS for light housekeeping. ie:3Vt How ard. iv .M-l 1Z" U. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. E M361 UOCM3 for light housekeeping. 1112 Bo. Uth Bt. . E M271 FJtoNT room, modern, 12 pec week. 1717 ELEGANTLY furnished rooma In new modern home; hot water heat; references. Itilt Webster. E M4 la CENTRAL, ateamheated, furnished room. U N. Znl tit. . 10. u FOR RENT Front parlor: steam heat; elegantly furnished, il N. lith fct. B-! 14 LARUE front room, new house, modern; private family. Telephone Douaias st- E MU2J KIHMSHKI) ROOMS AID BOARD. MEKUIAM,. comfortable winter home-. Tel Si KM PRIVATE family. 609 Bouth 20th avenue. F Ml FURNISHED room on first floor and one -on eeond. 2U . 26th Bl. , F X:4 THE ALHIEZ.-lll B. 17th at.; 21 meals, 3; single meats,. lbc. F Mail H FOIl HEX T STORES ADD OFFICES. FOR RENT Store In flrsf-clasa location; rent reusnnaoie. Apply- R. C. Peters dt Co., ground floor, lieu lildg. kWi FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by J he hoe at Viti tarjmm u It baa lour aturws and a basetoeiu which was jormeriy useu as 'lhe lee pret,a room. , 'IhJB will be rented very reasonably. If Interested appiy at ornce to C' C. Rose waier, secretary, room luO, be bulloing. . i. 11 CENTRAL, arrocery. drug, meat market. with fixtures; amo line laundry, with eteam heal aud power. Tlzard, N. &id, 1 Ha STORE ROOM. ISIS Howard be. In good repair, with light basement, fcio.uo pr icunih. Gh,UituK at COMPAN It, . IMl Farnam St. 1624 D14 OFFICES in the Bee building, 10.00 per mnntn ud. Rental orlce inciuaea heat, light ana Janitor service. H. C. Peters it Co., Uenlul Agents, Uround floor, Be FOR RENT, building suitable for whola sate purposes at Kio Farnam, Ux9U, four siorlea and hret-clasa cemented Dasomont, elevMtoe. tin and burifiar Droot - vauit. ortK'e .counter and fixtures-. . i or prloe anal paruouiars inuuire C, c Kusewater, aecre tary The Bea Building Co., room buudlui;. . a; . 1 Mji FOR BALE, complete outfit f furniture' and stove. Call at lit . Kid st. -Jina L 2071. I il6i AGENTS WANTED. T7 WANTED canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to tutu TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, bieauy employment, with assured gouu in come. Agents in the country wltn horse and buggy especially desired.. Canvassers maKe tamly 60 to IliW per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee buliuing, Omaha. 2i2 (XXI. AGENTS wanted to sell, desirable old line Insurance tor the largest company In the world of its age; no special con tract fakirs or leg pullers need , sppiy. Wa sell the best contract ever' written; good territory and commissions given to good, reliable men. Call on or write to Uoorge i. Crane, Superintendent, vVeafern Department, lt First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J-rM,Ca 20 - FOR SALE Fl UNITERM. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410' Dodg., ITel. .2020. New ana .secononano, buugux. .soiu. exenangea. ... o-wi I'Oll SALE HORSES, WAGONS, KTC. NEW and secondhand vehicles for ale cheap, ii. Frost, 14ih and Leavenworth. .... . ' . .Xs GOOD family horse. 1312 Farnam. P-M773 U. HORSES for sale cheap; foar light horses, city broke, baw a. ivrapy, ntn ana Nlcholak. . P--Mtt4 11 . . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib- biitg, combination lauaers. voi juougyia. .... 4 M!(61 . NEW and 2dband typewriters, lilt Farnam . . W ww FOR SALE, phonograph', superior to any other musical instrument, to up. una WiURiann Co., 1621 tanmni. . Cj 9bu INDIAN goods and relics.; Ul Farnam. - ..... Vt M 2DIIAND safe cheap. Delight, Hit Farnam. FOR SALE, good letter copyprees and stand, in nrst-ciass condition, s.ou. in quire Bee business office. . y M5t6, PIANO for sale or trade; want horse and buggy. O 2S. Bee. : t , ,- !-vM 46B17 BUY or sell pool tablea. Kern, u.. 321 8. 12th. 75 LADIES' and genu' watches, 150 dia monds, left in pawn, goou aa new. soiling at half price. Diamond Loan- Office," 14ui Douglas. - . ' ' Q-M261--2a v CHRISTMAS perfuraea.- Write for catalog-. bherman at jaccoimeu urag- co., umana. f 1 ' i ' Q M621 26 SECONDHAND billiard - and pool tables: billiard tablea repaired; a -large stock of cheaD bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Urunswlok-Balke-Collender Co., .4o7-9 BO. 10th. , ' . Q-218 20 BUY statuary for Xtnn preaems. ; Our en lira stock must Da sold; out. via b. id. 26 FOR 8AI.E, lot of dak offioa fixtures; coun ters, glass partitions and deaas; in good repair, ana win oe soiu cneap... c as, Havens ft Co., ,1522 FapiAm Bt , IUI-M333 12 FOR SALE- full-blooded- Jersey cow ana heifer 2 months oiu, w;.aiso pnaeion. Call or address 15. Howard. . Kjstl CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, cralrroyant, 1614 Casa street. H iM MM S. QILMER, genuine palmist, 216 B. 15. O ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MM 12. SMITH, baths, 11 K. 16. 3d floor. K. 2. . . X-Li43 Ji MISS DUVAL, manicuring. 2d floor. . 1616 Howard. , i 1( , MME. AMES, vapor baths; 124 N. 16th. R. 7. T 4jo 15 GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky; 720 8. 13th. . 1 4M 17 Miss Iverlng. massage baths, 601 N. 13th BL bl 2an , MME. LAUNDERS, magnetlp treatment, 1H1H jeavenwurib. 2d flat. ' -Mi'.O 14 PERSONAL. DR. 'ROY, rhiropodiat; corns and -superflu ous hunr removed by -electricity. R. u. Frenxer bHc. , . U-7 V1AVI. Womah'e Way ta Health.' Home treatment. Booklet free. 246 Bee Bldg., ; Omaha. U 9ul C RAMOFHQN t'S and supplUs. wholesale i and rUU., CoJlUin Piano Co., 1622 Douglas. - U-969 Rl'lTl'RE Ct'RED No knife, no palri. so detention from buylnesa. Bend for booklet. , etc. EMPIRE RyPTL'RE CURE CO.. 2 . Jf. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. . U-97u lilt. B. M, JACKSON, apeclallat in ehroalq diseases. 1506 Farnam St Conaultation . free. ,. . : . U-971 A YOt'NO mat; with good position and laading. -deaires ta correspond with out. ' of-town young lady with mrana. ' Corre . spoodenca strictly oontl'leatial and all letters auswirad, Addfvas P 46. Bee Omaha. U-661 lo THEY SAY SERVANTS ARE HARD TO GET WHEN THEY WANT A PLACE THEY READ THIS PAGE. YOUR WANT-AD WILL BRING THEM. PERSONAL. ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 18th St., 2d floor. V ISi 1 PRIVATE hoapltal before and daring con finement; DaOles boarded and adopted. Mrs. Oardels, ittJ4 Lake. Tel. Hed-lts4. U D72 TELEPHONE 780 for Ly.M. E. messengers. C ii SOCIALIST headquarters, '619 N. 16th at. Literature of au Kiniu, r treating on an subjects. U 2U Janl ' FREE, a bottle of choice wine. Corkscrew and iold-Edged wbisfcy glass -with every order of Prlmo Rye. at V4.10 a gallon. Charges prepaid. Meyer KR'ln, wholesale liquor dealer, Omaha. U 'Mk PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during conntiement; babies adopted. UTitt ' 8. 18th st. Mrs. Fluher. Tel. F-iUU. s U M J2 ECZEMA SALVE that cured- W. A Paxton. B. J. Scannell, agent, 60w Ware bloca. . NKLLiB M.' PLATTER, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for ' any debts she may contract. U 673 11 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Oerlech, Wis California st. - U MoM ! REFINED, educated gentleman, good repu tation and character, well off, bank refer ences, desires to correspond with lady, who must have some cash, however hmall, to invest in business enterprises with mo: strictly conndentiai; pertectiy honorable lousiness; object, if agreeable, matrimony. Address Box 24, Butte, Mont. U M6U2 11 MONEY TO LOAJf-RBAL ESTATE. 4Vi PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MUlKLKi 401 b. laTli ST. - W 074 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., aw do. idtn. .. . W-;6 wanted, cltv and farm loans: also bonds . and warrants., R. C. Peters & Co., 17V2 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. ? W--eSl 6 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. tri uu onA itv. tnflna 'Inw rA.fesi '. V . TI. Thomaa. Flrsi Nat. Bankldn. TeL 16-18. FIVE PEB CEN.X. loans. Garvin Bros.,l604 Farnam. . v ia WANTED, elty loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith ft Co., 1220 Farnam' street. ... vv a&o PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1624 Douglas, W 7 $2,000 TO LOAN, 6 years 6 per cent. HARRISON ft MORTON. W 697 11 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. .t ftJirir! .WtT.I. 'BTi' VERT TttTST" NEAR XMAS. ' DON T . WAIT. . . . . . . . . . n. w . r. . - . 1 ... . DIP ' WHO. WORKS ". . - ':, ' " WITHOUT .. ", , ' ' ' . , . .. MORTGAGE, ' ;''" - ','.'... 4, EvNDOUWEH i I.- ',.', . .OR PUBHc ITT. TV viva, all -ha lime you ask to repair on easy weeklv -r monthly payments.,.. :i.- n v. . FURN1TUB.E-LOANS. . . . Goods, remain in yow-ndlbturbed posses sion. Discount If- bald before due. , open evenings to $ o'clock, until Xmaa. . reliable credit co get off elevator at third floor, " "'' : ' ' ' " "x-4ii;. EASY TO GET TO PAY Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. or ir you nave a permaueu. position we can make you a SALARY LOAN Wfthout security, except your own STree- ment to repay, uur service is qm. ! confidential and we always try to Please. All we auk la that you give us a call be fore you borrow elsewhere. . . OMAHA MUK1UAUK -y., 119 Board of Trade Bldg.- Tel. 2296, 119 (Established 1892.) 2o 8. 16th. St. X M664 THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Suite 644 Paxton Block. . ' This company nJoys the distinction pi being exclUBlvely the private nana or me wage earher and salaried' employe. If a clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, salesman or artlHan of any kind, you caTTconfldentlally obtain money on your note of us at a slight discount without aonoying your employer, friends or relatives, and thua avoid extensive mortgagee, uncertain en dorser and questionable collateral. You can obtain: ' ' Betnl- ' ' ' Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. $lRo-return to us. ..$40 0 ,,$20 WM $10 00 oo return te us... m v . 60 retjrn to us... 13 &3 - g' to 25 return to ua... 6 66 ....' 166 .return In n . BO I I - 1 00 Our offices are private and our -business con fidential. From, a. m. io i p. in. .. : X M583 " " BORROW MONEY WHERE you can get it on FURNITURE, PJAINUH, HUKHtJl, HAUUBO, COWS. ETC.t also on SALARIES. WHERE you get it on short notice and without publicity. WHERE you pay for only the time money is in use, WHERE you can return It on easy weekly or monthly payments. WHERR you get the lowest rate. WHERE can vou do better? ; fllUKMA tKlSUIT TO, 633 Paxton, Block. 16th and Farnam Sts. . - . X-9&4 LARGEST- BU8INESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc, without se curity; easiest terms; 4 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg X-965 WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos and diamond Low rates. Any length of time. Private. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK, 1404 Farnam, upstair. Tel. A-2113. X 604 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business conndentiai; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J, A. Hutton Co. X-S68 MONEY loaned on furnttnre. live stock Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., Sue. to Dun Green, I Barker block. X-966 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C Reed, 219 8 11 X 9X7 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE At bargain, splendid prune , farm, also 2o tons beat dried prunes. Ad dress Mrs M. Bruce, Flsuere, Washing ton. . Y M526 U TO GET in or aut of business call on Wil liams. Room 411, McCagje building ' .'.'.. ' : Y 992 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located? if you desire a nuk'k sale send Us description and price. Northwestern . Business Agency.' D- 912, Bk of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. . : "' . - Y-M129 D31 IF YOU want to get in or'out ot businesa , or-buy or sell properly communicate with Northwestern Clearing -Campany' First ! National Bank Bldtf.i -ObJatiit. Neb. . I -.v- . .v . Y-M1T4 .'ii . i r " WHKN you want to buy. Sell -or exchange yuur ouaineaa or property qtot'i sea J. 1 1. JuliMufl. Mi K. V. 11 te.. Y-MWM pEHFL'Mlit. J.Ot klnda'' CataleiMt tiher aiaa ft MoCeuneU Drug Co., Omaha. . X-MoJ D2S DISINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT, 60-room hotel In Mlnden, Neb. isewiy painted ana repaired throughout, steam heat. C. A. Robinson, Kearney, Neb. Y Mio5 22 FOR SALE, complete stock of second-hand furniture; doing a good business; line lo cation; store ran be leased or stock tan be removed; this can be bought at a bar gain; reason for eelllng Is bad health. Ad dress FID, Bee. Y M5K6 FOR EXCHANUE. EXCHANGE: Land and cash for mer - chandlae. Good farm for hardware and implement; farm for livery. T. M. Cline, 123H O St., Lincoln, Neb. Z M560 16 1 plant . P 60. team. Address, Bee. Z 592 1! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; alao acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 652, Bee Bldg RE 994 SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO. for choice bargains. 601 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. 1016. RE 9K6 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAHester, land commissioner, Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 506 W. C. CHIS8ELL for BARGAINS In real estate. 1016 Jones St.. 'Phone 1721. UE M354 15 WILLIAMSON E.8tre 1203 RE 997 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stockralsers about It. The beet way to. reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes of farmers and siockraiaers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought -to find a buyer among them. The cost of an ad ia small 2 cents per word. THfc TWHNT1KTH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, Ntij. ... ' ' ' v. RE 604 HARRI80N ft MORTON, FARMS. RE 623 D17 WE OFFER till sold 6-rooro all modern house, almost new, elegant quarter sawed oak finleh down stairs, . full cemented basement, good furnace, porcelain bath tub, gas, sewerage, permanent sidewalk, on North Boulevard, full east front lot, street cared for by park board, hence no paving t,ax; owner compelled to make a change. ' Only 12,600. HARRISON ft MORTON."' i -'' " RE- ' ' WALLACE BROWN BLOCK.. $1,1002416 Blondo; rents $120 -year. " $1,2003318 Parker, good cottage, 30-fL lot; - -tiear car. 1 $1,409 2619 Chicago, 6 rooms, lot 33x122, il,6oo 8-r., modern. ren,t,s $12; 27th & Be ward. $2,0004 3-r. cottages, hear. 27th1 hnd Patrick, ' rent $2bS, city water, always rented. $2,300 Large, comfortable . home, near 9th ' and Bancroft, large tot, fine view. MOORE'S SUBDIVISION ' atlll takes the lead- In vacant property. These fine lots, ' 40x110, front east on 27th Ave., between-Lake and Grant, high and sightly, good neighborhood, sewer, city . water, gas, car; easy term-,, only $300 $300 $300. " GEORGE G. WALLACE, 311 J. J. Brown Block. RE 693 11 HARRISON ft MORTON offer elegant six room house CHEAP TODAY. See their AD, then telephone 14 or call at 913 New York Life. '. HARRISON & MORTON. RE 696 U EXECUTOR of an estate desires offers on these properties: 125 ft, X 132 ft., 2440 8. 18th $1,300. I lots, 44th and Dodge Bts. 906 S. 16th St.. lot 25x80. J2413 8. 29th St., 100x125, $1,200. 2517 Dapont Bt., fiOxlkS, ihuo. 227 Francis St., 60x100, $600. 2627 Bristol St., 82x132. $1,000. 2762 Iake St., 25x127, $800. glv3 Foft Bt.. 60x122. 8426 Le-rrlmore Ave.. 96x128. 4726 N. 40th St. Make offers to F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. KE-696 10 FOR EXCHANGE, 40-acre farm within 15 miles of Council Bluffs; Improved, sult- ' able for fruit, poultry and stock; will exchange $1,100 equity for nice Bouth Omaha house. Berula, Paxton block. RE-M608 12 SHORTHAND ASD TYPEWRITING. GREGG B. H.. Touch T. Wt, Bus. Branchea. Teleg Cat. free. Orru Com. Col., 17 ft Doug. M A. a VAN SANT'8 school, 717 N. Y. Life. 999 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N, Y. Life. 1000 NEB Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. . 100 INDIAN BASKETRY. INDIAN BABKETRY easily learned by anyone; a popular, and lucrative .pastime; full line of supplies and books teaching work. STEWART'S. 119 N. 16th; send for ' samples. . M240 Jl WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. CLOCKB, WATCHES AND JEWELRY Repairing promptly done; - satisfaction guaranteed. N. P. Frandsen, 704 N. 16th aL . . ' M246 J5 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN Pleating Co., Room 200, Doug las Block. 746 MASQUERADE COSTUMES. THEO. LIEBEN, 1018 Farnam, costumes. M116 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramga Bldg. 121 STATUARY. . BUY your Chrtatmas presents; selling out. 712 South 16th. Ma75 23 MASSAGE. I FACIAL massages. $1.00. 1711 Dodge. 4.(5 Jan4 tO ST. LOST, a small Open-face gold watch, be tween KUpatrlrk'a and Bee bldg.; a lib eral reward for the return of same to Mrs. Plckrem. at Kllpatrlck's. ! ' Loat-M608 12 SIGN PAINTING, 8CHROEDEP Sign Works. Stt) S. 17th. We alao ship signs. Write ua.- 376 June6 HAND LAUNDRY. FAMILY wishing a specialty. 1211 N. 24th at. isc a u.a. u. vv . nauipsoB. UaK MANl FACTT'RINO. P. MELCHOIR, 13lh chlnist. and Howard, ma- 108 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make) a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Frop.. 102 Bo. lothRt. CABINET making, 116 So. 17th. Tel. L-235S. M301 J2 TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON All work promptly done, satisfaction guaran teed. A. Monroe, 1007 Davenport St. Phone 2011. M314J5 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all dl eaoea and Irreaularliies ot women, from any cauae: experienced and reliable. 1513 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. Neb. M636 J6 SURGICAL OPERATIONS Bee ladles In Omaha who have avoided an operation and been cured after experts pronounced it necessary. See Mrs. E. E. Allen, 723 N. Y. L. bldg. Office hours, from 1 to p. m. . Mb58 14 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Fills are the beBt: safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fees unless success ful. 318 8. 16th St.. Omaha. Tel. 1798. -246 PATENTS Sues ft Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Kl.k n .1 L' . . . 1 1 , .. V. I . Tl 1 .1 j ll .tliltittnn D. C. No fee If we fall, illustrated hand book free. Only western firm having a Washington otlice. Patents sold. M843 Jant LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN ft PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l Bk. Bid. - oi NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors evcry where. 102 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Dertght, 1119 Farnam 107 COAL AND WOOD. HALD ft RICE, 606 8. 16th St, Tel. 1239. 261 J2 BAKERY. THREE LOAVES home made bread for 10c at Boston Bakery, 420 jNortn I6tn street. TYPEWRITERS. WHY Day more? Lambert. $26; superior to $100 machines. Bent on approval, Monroe ft Co., 811 N. I6th Bt Omaha. 39 Ml'SIC. WANTED, choristers for First Presbyterian cnurcn, also oaBs anu tenor boiovbis. Ap ply F. H. Wright, Kaluga Bldg. a2M THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Da vldge " Block. DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORM1CK, private detective. 617 Karbach block, - Telephone A-tvuz. - . i. . M 16 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cetsHpools and vaulis, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices, tul N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 106 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. EGGS. 20C PER DOZ. T. E. Batterton, grocers, 324 N. 18th St ZtlO LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. 8c; collars 2c; cuffs, 4c. 17oO Leavenworth. Tel. A-1J&2 114 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat mg, ail businesa coniiuentlal. lttul Dougms -ill TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 8. 16th. THE DEPOT on time. U M. E. Tet' 780. 1L1 RALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 811 North 16th. us TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets P. 1L Phiibln, Ism Farnam. everywhere, Phone 764. . U9 CUT RATE member Am. Ticket Brokers Asa'n. W. C. Norrls, lu6 Farnam Bt, 1 2W J2 OSTEOPATHY. Mrs. Grace Deegan, 638 Bee Bldg. Tel, 2968. Ill GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616, N. Y. Lite Bldg. Tel. lo64. 110 DANCING SCHOOL. ATTEND Morand'a school or Wed. assem biles and learn the latest waits fad of the eastern cities, the most graceful walls ever Introduced. Claes for beginners now forming. Adults, . Tuea. and Frl. ; children, Saturday afternoon. Private lew sons. 'Phone 102. -47 J6 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lesaor.3 In bookkeeping, etc (1. R, Katbbun, Room 15, Com 1 Nac bank 1JU LIGHTNING MODS. OMAHA Lightning Rod Co, 1512 Webster bt.. manufacturers of and wholesale and ra . tail dealers In copper cable lightning rous. 2i9 J -! STORAGE. OM. Van 6 tor. Co.. 1511 It Farn. Tels. 1669-863. , 966 VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. list. FUR DRESSING. O. R, GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 8. 12th. . h J. E. WALLACE, 60S 8. 13th St. M778- CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. AU kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. X, Ochiltree, 2uth and Lake streets. 476 TAILORING. KANSAS CITY TAILOR Suits' e loaned and J.reased. $1 So; pania, 40c; pan la preaaed, oc; nrat-clasa work. 602 N. 16th st, (down- tairsj. Ma VPHOLSTERING. OMAHA Turnltura Repair. Wks.. SOT Far- nam. Tel. Z4JU. 4 rfani rETERSFN ft LINDBL'RO, 115 8. 17th. Tel MT J7 SHOKMAKINU. SHOES mad for lama folk. J. T. Miller, MR57 J 6 N. lth. 11 AIR OR ESI NG AND M ANICl RING. ADROIT Hair Hataar. 1620 Douglas St. $44 Jsn7 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. CM. PLATING CO.. Bee bldg. Tel. 2&3S. 257 FLORISTS. BULBS, cut flowers and plants. Hender- ron. let. las, loin farnam at., omana. 113 HORSE BLANKETS. HARNESS, saddles, auit cases and valises, Cornish, 1210 Farnam et. Tel. 2314 ITS D2 MILK DEPOT. MRS. II. FILLEY, 1310 N. 24th at. Mbiu jnnn POSTOFUCK NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested chungca may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending De cember 18, 19U2. will close (PHOMP'liA in all casea) st the general pogtoitice as fol lows: PARCEL8 POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time ahown be low. Parcels 1'oat mails for Germany close at 6 p. in. Friday, per a. s. ivroiipruia Wilhelm. Rccular and supdU mentarv malls' clo at foreign station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that supple mentary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colcn, clone one hour later at foreign statiop). Transatlantic Mails. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QI'EZ, per s. a. La Lorraine, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "pers. s. La Lorraine"). SATURDAY At 7:20 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per a. a. Rotterdam (mail must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam"); at 8 a. m for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Finland (mall must be directed "per a. s. Finland"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 11 a. m.) for IRELAND, per s. s. Umbrla. v'a Queenatown (mall for other parts of Europe muat be directed "per a. s. Um brla"); art 10:3o a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Kronprlns Wilhelm, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This ateamet takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany onlv. The aamo id ass of mall matter for other parts ot Europe will not be sent b tuts ship un less si eciaili directed by it. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mails named above, addp tlonal supplementary mails are opened on the piers ot the American, English, French and German stehmers. an-1 remain tpen until tvlthin ten minutes of the hour of sailing ot steamer. - Malls for South and Central America, West Indies. Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE, ' TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Monterey (mall for other parts of Mexico muat be directed "per a. s. Monterey"); at 12 m. for SAN TIAGO, per s. s. Clenfuegos. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. . Niagara, via Tamplco (mall must be di rected "per a. s. Niagara"); at 7 p. m. far, NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. s. Sl- berlan, from Philadelphia. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. ru.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a. Caracas (mall for Bavanilla and Cartagena must be di rected "ier s. a. Caracas "): at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE .JISI.AIVU. JAMAICA. BAVANILLA and I CARTAGENA, per js. st Altai (mall for costa Rica must be directed per s. a. Altai"); at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 i a. m.) for Haiti and SANTA marta, per s. s., Athos; at-10 a. m, tor CUBA, per a. a. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for- NEWFOUNDLAND direct. per a. a. Rosalind; at 12:2o p.-m. for CUBA, per s. a. Olinda, via Matansas (ordinary mall only, which muat be dl--ected "per a. s. Olinda"). Malls for Newfoundland, by tall to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, vloae at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting tloee here every-Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Miqueion, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, cloe at this offtca dally at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla and thence by steamer, close at this office dally, except Thursday, at S:30 a. m. (the connecting clotcs are made on Mondavs, Wednesdays and Saturdays). Malls tor Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch, by uteamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, st 1.30 p. ra ard 11:30 p. m.. Sundays at 1 p m. and 11,30 p. m. .dalls for Coata Rica, Belli-. Puerto Cortex and letter mall tor Guatemala, by rail to New Or leans, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:20 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at i p. m. and 11:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays at 11J0 p. tn. for Bellse. Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala, -md Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. for Costa Registered mall closes at p. m. previous day. Transpacific Mails. Malia for China and Japan, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to lie cemoer 8, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Duke of Fife. Malls (or Australia, (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe) New Zea. land, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:80 p. m. after December "6 and up to December 13, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Si erra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this dispatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., t.2o a, m. and 6:20 p. in.; Bundays at 4 30 a. ro,. 9 a. m. and 6:3o p. m. will be made up and forwarded until tha arrival ot the Cunard steamer.! Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December 14, Inclusive, tor dispatch per a. a. Nip pon Maru. Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China, and spe cially addressed matter for the Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at o:ao p. m. up to uecemner .22, In clualvo. for dispatch per s. s. Peru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Franciaco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Zealandia. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to December 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must be specially ad dressed. Merchandise for U.. B. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). - Malls for the Philippine. Islands, via 8an f ranciaco, close bete oauy at 6:20 p. no, up to December "27. inclusive, (or dis patch per U. b. Transport Mails for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco) spd Fiji islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here dally at 4:30 p. m. up to January "3, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Moan a. Mall for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at P- m. up to January , inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Mariposa. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port ot sailing daily and tha schedule of closing la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Regi tered mail closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUb VAN COTT, Postmaster. Ppstoflice, New York, N. Y., December (, 19U2. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER raaater. Fort Leavenworth. Kanaaa. No vember 29. ISol Sealed propoaala, n tripli cate, will be received hire until 11 o'clock, a. m., Central time, December 12, 1902, ami then opened, for furnishing and delivering, in good condition, F. O. B. cars, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, approximately 620 tons castlron water pipe 660 tons 12-Inch and SO tons 10-inch together with Dtllngs, valves, lead, oakum, meters, tools, etc.. (or same, uiuaers mut state in their proposal the time in whtth they will complete deliv ery, as time will be an important Item tn maklg award, lul Information blank forms of proposal and specifications furnished on application to thla office, btperirtcalions ran also be seen at office of Depot Quarter master at Chicago, Be Louis and Omaha. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes to be Indorsed "Pro- Kiaaui for iron pipe, etu," and addreaaed to aior D. E. McCarthy, Quartermaster. U. b. Army. N29 dtt DU-U IAII.WAY TIME CARD. I'NION STATION I OT II AND MARCY. Ctilcaao, Rack Inland ft Paelfle. EAST Leave. Arrlva Chleago Daylleht I.'rl .a 6 ' am a 41 am Chlraen Daylight Ioeal a 7:00 am a : pm Chlraao Expreaa 1)11 1". am a 6 6 pm Ies Moines Fxpre. . . .a 4 :i pm bil :50 am Chicago Fast Express a 6 . 15 pm a 1:26 pre WEST. Rocky Mountain l.'t'd. .a 6:50 pm a 4 56 am LI'icoln. Colo Poring. Denver. Pueblo and West . . a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm nd .. a 6:20 pm al2:40 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal. Oklahoma Flyer l aloa rarlflp. Overland Mmltrd. The Fast Mall ... a 1:40 am a 7:.i pm .a s:i am a .i pm California Express a 4:2ft pm Pacific i:xpresa all :30 pm r.asiern r.xpreaa The Atlantic Express.... Tha Colorado Special.-. a 7:10 am Chicago Special. , Lincoln Beatrice and a 4:3R pre a 7: am a t:40 am a 1.40 am Stromshurg Express. .b pm M2:50 pm Grand Island Locai b 6:30 pm b 1:36 pm t'hleaarn ft- Northwestern. The Northwestern Line. Fast Chicago.. .a 3:40 am a 7?oft am Man , I.oea.1 -fllo'ix City.. Daylight St. Paul,. Daylight Chicago.. Local Chlci.go Loral Carroll....... Vum , 1.. h -n ' ..a 7:50 pm a 8:,V ant ..a r:10 am a 3:50 pm ..a 7:SS am , a.V:J5 pm ..a 8:00 am all:M pm ...at0:55 am a 6:10 pm ..a 1:00 pm a 9:50 am ...a , w (Pin a t:m pm Limited Chicago. ...... ..a 8:10 pm . a t:20 am Fast St. Paul ,..a 8;10 pro a 8.16 am Fast Mail a 2:40 nm .a 4.6S pm 4:06 pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm b 9:60 am Wabaab. St. txvnle "Cannon Rati" 1 Express a 6: pm h : am St. Louis f,oral, Coun cil Bluffs ...a 9:15 am alO;SO pro Illinois Central. . ,. Chicago Expresi- a7:20am a B:10 pm ChksKO, Minneapolis ft St. Paul Limited. a 7;50 pm a 1:01 am Mil neapolla ft St. Paul Express b 7:20 am bl0:S8 pm Chit-ago Express alO;36 pat . C'tilcnftn, Mllrvnnkee ft St, Peal, Chicago A Oimht Ex..b7:40am b 8:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex a 6:00. pm a 7:60 am Missouri Pacific St. LouU Expre8r.....i...al0:00 am a 6:2$ pm K. C. and Bt. L. Ex al0:60 pm a 6:16 era BURLINGTON STATION-IOTH A MASON Bnrllnaton ft Missouri River. ... ,, . , . Leave. Arrlv. Wymore, Beatrice and .,LdncoLn a 8:40 am bll:Hm Nebraska Exprest a 8:40 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 6:46 am Black Hills and Puget ' Sound Express aU:10 pro a8;10pm Colorado Vestlbuled , . Flyer j:in Pm Lincoln Fast Mall b S:62 pm a 1:17 ana Fort Crook and Platta- . mouth .............. .b:20pm bllrOlam Rellevue & Pacific Jet. .a 7:60 pm a S:I7 asa Bellevue ft Pacific Jcta 8:00 am Kausaa City, St. Joseph ft Canncll Bluff. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 1:45 am a 6:06 rm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all:OS am Kanaaa City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 am Chicago, HarJInsrton ft Unlaor. Chicago Special a T:00 am a 46 nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:30 am Chicago Local a 9:30 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited ...a 8:06 pm a 7:80 am Fnst Mall a 2i46 pm r WEBSTER DEPOT 10TH ft WEBSTER Fremott, Elkhorn A Mtssoarl Valley. Black Hills, Deadwood. XT Iad. Hot Bprtngs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e K pm Hastings, York, David , City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward.. ..b 1:00pm b 6:00 Dm Bonesteel, Lincoln. Nlo- brara and Fremont. ..b 7:80 am bl0:26 am Fremont Local o 7 JO am Ihieaara. St. Paal, Mlaataaalli Omaha. Twin City Passenger... a 4:80 am . a 9:10 pro Woux City Passengei...a :00 pm all:20 am Oakland I-ocul b 6:45 pm b 8:45 am Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping WateV .......b 4H0 pm alO:2B am a pally. b Dally except Sunday." ' d Daily except , Saturday. e Dally except Monday e Sunday only. ., STEAMSHIPS. DOMINION LINE . ..SPECIAL NOTICE . ?oamp.t of ,r'P" by ,he mammoth popular twln-sor w steamers Common wealth and New England, to the Mediter ranean from Boston, direct to Gl oral tar. Algiers, Genoa, Naples and Alexandria. Egypt. "New England" Jan. 17. Feb. 28 Commonwealth". .Jan. 3. Feb. 14. March 26 To Aaores, Naples and Genoa. Vancouver'1. Jan. ja feb. a Cambroman" Jan. 81. karch U Proceeds through to Alexandria on tha January and February voyages. Also sailings Boston to Liverpool; Port land. Me., to Liverpool. For rates, book let, etc, apply to Local Agwnt or COM PANY 4 o FICE. 69 DearboFn St.. Chicago. RAYMOND tour & WHITCOMB B Uth annual , OF OLD MEXICO. will leave January 81 and a Second tour viKltlng the MARDI URAS, also leaves February 21. Entire trip la made fn spe cial private vestlbuled train of finest; PULLMANS. Private car tours to Cali fornia frequently during winter. Parties' to CUBA. PORTO RICO, FLORIDA, WEST INDIA CRUISE January 16. 1903. Annual tour to Egypt and HOLY LAND January 31. -Write for booklet mentioning tour. 232 Clark at., Chicago, ,- -M60111. PLEADS FOB COOLIE LABOR Frnlt Grower front Callfornlst Thlnka Exclusion Law Should Bo Aneaitd. .- "We need coolie- labor. We should nave . more liberal laws governing Chlneea ItatnW ration. Let the exclusion let be .amended. It Is unjust and injurious-to iramense In terests ot our state and other states on tha Pacific slop to refuse to open the door wider to a certain number of laborers from the Orient.' Bach is the view of John D. Farley of Baa Francisco regarding the rigid exclusion of Chinese from American ports. Mr. Farley, wbo la In Omaha and will be In other mid dle west and eastern cities lor several weeks on business, Is extensively engaged In fruit culture -In California.' H says ha represents tha kentlments of nlne-teataa - of the fruit ranchers bt his stats In advo cating mora liberal Chinese Immigration laws. ''.- "Why, .only a few" tjays ago tha fruit growers ot . California held their . annual convention In Ban Francisco and adopted a resolution forcibly demanding that the ' door be reopened to a certain number of ' Chinese evoollea. I have no doubt that our action is misunderstood in this section of the country and further east, where coolts labor Is less of a factor and where the de mand for It does not exist. This year R waa almost Impossible for fruit and raisin growers to get enough help to care for their crops. In many instances heavy losses weaja sustained simply for a lack of laborers. ' "I expect'to sea strong pressure brought to bear on tha next congraaa from tha Pacific coast against this tightly sloaad door proposition." Known tba Werl urr, For Its wonderful cures Dr. King's Nrw Discovery ., for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. It cures or no pay. For sals by Kubn ft Co. Mortality Statistics. 1 The following birth and death were re ported at the office of the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending at noon Wednesday: Birth Peter Csaplek, 1725 Dupont street, girl. Death Mrs. Emma M. Smith, ) North Twenty-fourth street, aged 18 years. The funniest fun Is Pine Pong. Tables ars 14) cents an hour. Bea Building car ters, 214 South Seventeenth street,