THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, DECEMBEll 7, 1002. Display of Fancy China On Our Third Vloor Scoros of Charming Chrlntnias Gifs Hero Art Needlework l On Our Third Floor Special Display of Holiday Novoltlos 12 ILlgJliNitnl BE Early Holiday Specials in Dress Goods Buy Early and Tale Advantage of These Tremendous Bargains, Umtiade Paris Robe Patterns at $4.98 We have placed on bargain square $20.00 dress patterns. Plain and fancy cloths, panamas' etamines, coronation and Monte Carlo flakes, voiles, pilk eoliennes, crepe eoliennes, doeskins, Venetians, broadcloths, cheviots, unfinished worsteds. Black, evening and street shades. TheB are most charm ing and acceptable Christmas gift. All popular and very awell goods. A very special price for Monday, at ..-.. Black Dress Goods at 69c V DUO.UUO. A LICDO Old LUUB b VUiirLIl $4.98 Great Bargain Chance in Dress Goods "We will place many of the choice patterns that came from the 6th Ave, dressmaking: stock, also $1.00 and 11.60 cloths and suitings, and chev lota, panamas, canvas, tweeds, henrletta, camel's hair, etc., on bargain square. Your choice yard, at. 49c We will place on main counter new weares of $1.00 and 1.25 value, wide goods, best Imported prunelles, arm u res, solells, cheviots, canvas, etamtne, etc.. at . 69c Dress Goods on Bargain Square Waletlngs, wrapper and gown materials, OA- At e $0 7Bo and $1.00 striped wa! stings, ylOri & t , 4 " 39c 49c Colored Dress Goods for Christmas 75c best French Flannel and Chains, at 76o Albatross and 85c Creme Henrietta (46 Inches), at - The most popular weaves, all colors, f 1.00 and $1.50 dress goods, on sale in main dress at, ess goods, on sale in main ess goods department, Cfi Special Sale of Black Silk Sample Pieces Every Piece of Ihk Elegant Silk Contains From Five Yards to Twenty Yards. We purchased from a large black silk manufacturer his entire stock of sample pieces, about 2,6oO yards In all, consisting of black dress peau de soie .'silks, black pure dye dress waist taffetas, etc The finest lot Extra Special Fine Velvets 17-Inch ,blaclt boulevard coat velvet worth $1.25 at, mm ' . rd OC? SO-lnch boulevard velvet, worth $1.60, at, yard .. ..95 80-Inch black boulevard A velvet, worth $1.75, at ....10 SO-lnch Lyons (Martins) all silk coat and Jacket velvet, worth $5, at, yard , r 75c-95c 2.95 Jacket Velvets $1.05 27-Inch Imported Lyons Jacket velvet, beautiful finish, worth A f e $3, at, yard liVO of black silks eyr placed on special sale at Just about ' 60. per cent leas than their regular value. Not a yard , worth less: than $1.89 and up to $2.50 a yard. Nothing , '. more -acceptable, and useful for a Christmas Rift than , handsome black, silk dress, waist, aktrt and petticoat pattern. . W, will lay aside any of the silks In this . grand lot . un til .Christmas- 1.3 lots and 8 . prices,' at, yd... Unmade Silk Waist Patterns 2.98 i We have taken from this department all the odd pieces from SV4 to 4 yards, consisting of handsome printed . warps, . fancy Loulsene silks, polntelle, etc.. In street and evening shades silk that have been selling up to . i $2 yd., all at one rrlce Monday tor the jr. J 4 ' entire pattern at. V-r Silks on Bargain Square ' Over 6,000 yards of. all kinds of plain and fancy black corded silks, yard, wide and 27-Inch taffetas and Japanese silks, etc.,' fine lining taffetas j f and satins,' worth up to $1.5.0, all AiCflC go at Crepe de Chine at 69c 69c .60 more pieces of the fine crepe de chine that created such a furore all last week special Monday at , Extra Special White Silks 69c 69c 69c 69c 69c 69c 69c 69c Worth up to $1.25 yd. New peau-de-chamola, yard ..... New wash taffetas, yard New 27-Inch white taffeta, yard .. New moire antique, yard New Loulsene, all silk, yard , New all silk liberty satin, yard New crepe de Japan, yard M New Armure, solid, yard Imported Lace Collars A New York importer's entire sample line and surplus stork ef the finest lace collars. These are made up especially (or Christmas trade and worth up to $2.50 each. at...... 59c 75c 98c Fancy Laces All kinds of fancy Valenciennes, mechllne, point d'esprtt and torchon laces, worth up to 26c, on bargain square, a yard Ow Ladies' Hosiery at 12k and 15c 12ic 15c ladles' misses and children's fine and heavy ribbed, plain and fleecy lined, all wool hosiery, all sizes, worth regularly 26o, at..... 50c and 75c Aprons at 25c Indies' large slse bib aprons, handsomely hemstitched and embroidery trl mmed, made of the best quality of India lawn, at, each 25c Swellest Winter Styles in Cloaks, Suits and Furs 'TVMOB'ROW nn& all this coming week we will show a great number of the smartest Eastern styles tn cloaks, suits and furs, specially adapted for mid-winter wear. Most of these ideas are entirely new and exclw In this department you will And some of the most desirable Christmas gifts. sive. Sample Coats at $14.85 The ultra swell 45-inch eoata In the long flowing effects that are now so popular, a special early holiday a A Q CJ offer at 1400 Velour Jackets at 917.5 0 Handsome new ideas and a large assortment to choose A Pr T f from, worth up to $36.00, at li sOvl $20 Suits at 19.9b- -Specially tnilored suits of this season's styles, worth up to f fCl $20.00, at "t"0 Silk Skirts at 18.98 Im ported taffetas and peau de sole, made to sell up to $15 , special for Monday. "!.6.98 Monte Carlo Coats at 19.98 Ail the prettiest pat terns of the year and every one 'in model of the latest styles, worth up to $20.00,' 9 98 Jlonte Carlos at 1 5 Made in the popular cloths, with double capes, full satin linings . EJ A A very special offer, at ' Oevlvf Sample Suits at $24.50 Ziboline and cheviot suits from a special purchase, many , ' ' A EfY worth $30 and $40, at ,..;4iUlf $5 and $6 Golf Skirts at 13.75 ' jolf Skirts at 11.89 new cloths The new patterns and the new fabrics of the late aeaaon . nov- eltu.. wnrh s nn worth up to $3.60. with corded and tucked flounces. ::;!!.;.3.75 7:.Z1 "2... .1.89: and $8.00, at GREAT OPPORTUNITIES IN FUR BUYINO. Electric Seal and Astrachan Jackets strictly sty- Near Seal Jackets, with marten, mink or beaver Jihti ana new snapes, wonn up to 1 1 reveres, wortn ol) ana (id each, OA AA 35, at. li.OW at. OV.UU Curty Astrachan, selected skins, ry A PA Alaska Seal 22-ln. tOOQ ORfl tOOK CIIK satin linintrs, worth $4u & 145, kt...4it)U Jackets at pZo0"OZv)U-$ZZ J-IHJ Ooldm HnifJM Bay OHn-, 22 fMC BUver Bearer, blended hidlnf, tAO ''wilinUm, Ilium ten C7C Cfifl laches long, at at 0 marten reveres, at.. 373,oV "..!"..f..frr' 4.98' .12.50, 17.50 up to 65.00 7.50 jM.hcf'-m:r.::.f T:. 98c t 24.50 biberian Sqntrret Htmrft, white linings, at. , Ladies' All Wool Golf Gloves Plain and fancy colored golf gloves, all sites and hundreds of styles, worth up to 76c, on jk barcaln sanara at 2Rn. 3S anil 98c Kid Gloves at 98c One great purchase of fine kid gloves. These are dress gloves, evening gloves, gloves for street wear. Every pair warranted and fitted to the hand as desired. These are real kid and worth up te $2 a pair, in the glove dept. at $1.25 and. S1.00 and $1.50 Kid Gloves at 59 c Some of the fines t grades of kid gloves that ever sold any where near price we offer you. All well known makes, many of them J "V real kid. All at one prioe .... .. Ladies' 50c Underwear at 29c tsvdlee fine and heavy ribbed vests and psnta. all slrea. In pink, blue and ecru, worth. 60c. at.. 29c i To make room for the toys which we will sell In the Basement this year we will close out all the goods now on the Bargain Squares at the MOST SENSATIONAL PRICES OMAHA HAS EVEH KNOWN Drapery Ticking All the balance of our st-wk on hand of drapery tick ing, drapery cretonne, drapery sateen and drapery denim, in long mill rem nants that have been sold at 10c, 12o and 15c, go tomorrow at yard OC Outing Flannel All the balance of our entire stock on band of outing flannel In light and dark colors that we have always sold at Sc . and 10c, go tomorrow as long as they last, at a yard jC Imitation French Flannel All the balance of our entire stock on hand of imitation French flannels, our regular price on these has been sr 1 12Hc, go as I jng as they last, at a yard O2C Comforter Calicos All the balanoe of our entire stock on hand of com forter callces. These have been 6Mc right along, go tomor- 1 row at a yard Closing Out Comforters All the tine sateen and sllkollne hand -knotted and fancy scroll stitched comforters, worth $2.60 each, to c lose out the entire stock of them, at, each Our entire stock on hand of fine blankets in white, gray, tan, plaids. regular price up to $5.50 each, to close them out quick, Sy t Q tomorrow, each JO Closing Out Lace Curtains Our entire stock on hand of American made lace curtains we offer the biggest sale tomorrow that we have ever attempted. All the curtains that we formerly retailed as high as $2.98 a pair, go tomorrow at 98c a pair. These are all fine and heavy American made lace curtains of every description. Think of it! $2.98 lace curtalna for , 1.25 etc., Fine nnsllns All the balanoe of our entire stock on hand of fine muslins long cloths, plain nainsooks, etc., worth up to 12c a yard, go at a yard Drapery Swiss All the balanoe of our entire stock on hand of colored drapery Swisses, regular price 16c; to close them out tomorrow. we will offer them at a yard , OC Upholstering; Velours All the balance of our entire stock on hand of upholstering velours. These have been sold at 76c, to close f g them all out we offer them at, a yard Canton Flannels All the balance of our entire stock on hand of canton flannels and double faced domet flannels, worth up to 12Hc, go tomorrow at . , )C Misses' $2.50 Skirts at 98c One bargain square of misses' skirts, in ages from 12 to 16 years. In black, blues and browns, all trimmed with moire 'silk bands, lined and Interlined, go in this closing sale in basement, at each 50c and 75c Dress Goods at 25c Beautiful Display of Christmas Handkerchiefs The holiday handkerchiefs are on display on the main floor. These dainty handkerchiefs are intended particularly for gifts. Many of them have embroidered initial and a great number come in pretty boxes. Thousands of styles. Ladles' and children's handkerchiefs, white hemstitched and fancy colored border at . ..O.C Ladles hand embroidered raltlul handkerchiefs. 10c quality at 5c Ladles' fine imported lace Insertion and embroidery handkerchiefs 7Jc Ladles' and men's all pure linen, with narrow hemstitching, handkerchiefs at 10c Ladles' hand embroidered handkerchiefs sheer linen, with initials at 124c Ladies' sheer linen handkerchiefs, all widths of hems, worth 25o 121c Ladies' embroidered handkerchiefs, all linen, worth 25c at 15c Special gift handkerchiefs are: Children's colored bor- 2c mt, of the fancy oolered Kc der, three In afancybox, at border, all wwm or hems, at w Children's hand embroidered Initial, 3 in box- 25C at .....!.'. T...7... .TT...?...T..";..t7.. T ':";,."",ln m- Plain whit hemstitched .worth 7o- iMIDDCSi SSS B-va at Ladles' hand embroidered initial, 6 in a box 98c 98c Etrtotly all wool cashmeres, henriettas and albatrosses, In light shades, being especially adaptable for children's dresses, ladles' waists and doll dresses; every yard in this lot is strictly all wool, goods on sale on large bargain square in basement, at, a yard 41 ij 2gg Pure linen, with oorded border, worth loo Plain white hematltohed .worth 7o 3C ROc Batln Stripe border, drawn thread hemstltohed, IOC - - wonn iuu tti. Men's'hand embrokiered Initial' 'handkerchiefs, 6 In 59c Ladl""' and men's genuine Irish linen, worth 20c- jQc a box, at 1 Ladles' and Men's Silk nufflers-Ladies and men's plain and fanoy all silk brocaded mufflers la white, black and fancy colors, worth up to $2, in three lota, on bargain square- OC, 09C CLtLU. 9oC at. DC i Special Selling of Christmas Dolls Buy the kid body dolls now and have them dressed In time for Christmas. a special sale tomorrow of open and shut eye, Jointed limb, sewed wig, shoe and stocking, kid body dolls that generally sell for $1.00 at , The same dolls as described above in the IT-inch slse. These are mammoth dolls and of the best German makes and generally sail at $2.60. We offer them tomorrow at, each.. One table of sample dressed dolls. These Include all kinds of dolls, dressed In both silk and woolen materials; regular 60c dolls, go to morrow as long as they last at, each We have 50c 1.39 25c Holiday Books at Special Prices We will sell all the $1.00 Elsie books, published by Dodd, Mead & Co., at We will sell the regular $1.00 publications of Little, Brown Co., that generally sell for 75c each, at, each .We will sell one big table of very best $1.00 and $1.60 books, many copy righted books at, each " All the COo books go 1 AU ths TSo beakl 4Cr O C .IVt at 59c 25c 49c at Books on Bargain Square One big bargain square of children's books. You should lay in a supply new far the holidays while the assortment I E s 1 D Is complete. We have books at. each ... OC"l UC- 1 OC" 1 VC'SOC Sale of Table Tennis-Just Like PINO PONd Has burnt wood rackets, and is equal to any table tennis or ping pong set sold anywhere at ll.SS on sale tomorrow at 49c Sale of High Grade Silverware The greatest sale of high grade silverware ever held In Omaha at these cjt prices. Wm. A. KoKers and Jennings Kros. full quadnj pie plate, every piece fully guaranteed. The lot cumiirUea tea pots, coffee puts, sugars, creamers, pickle castors, etc., etc. All made up fur the holiday trade, positively 75 flQr. 1 Ifa worth up to M each and will be sold at - iOt yot'l.iJV Wm. A. Rogers' I knives and 6 forks in fancy box. sale price for f 72 twelve pieces t00 dosen table spoon, trlr'e silver plated, tale price for O CI t Of 6at 5"0 dnxen tea spoons, triple liver plate or nickel silver, set of AOW Great Sale of Carpets and Rugs Ji Our JSUu Carpsi Department Third Floor $1.50 Carpets for 98c Newest styles and best grades of Smith ai minster and jnoqustte carpets, borders to match special prioe at . per yard ,,,,,, 98c $1.25 Carpets 80c $1 Carpets for 65c Best quality of Smith, Hartford, Best quality I and 18.wlre Brussels carpets, Btlsson Wilton carpets, new pat- suitable far parlors, dining rooms, ball, terns for parlors, hll, etCi ate., latest designs, net a pleee worth leas special price pep QO than $1 a yard- special tEZn uuw yar4 price e yard 89c 90c Carpets for 49c 75 rails ef strictly all wool Ingrain carpets, the product ef the best mills, la every imaginable coler and design, special price per yard 49c eyfsttv s speaM 50c Oil Cloth far 25c 1,660 yards of the very best Ne. 1 flooc oil clath la big variety ef a oral and geometri cal designs, In all widths, 1x4, 6x4, 8x4, 18x4. These are the best grade and. worth '68c a yard special pries tWtC pur Jr ,,,,, Made-Up Rugs at Less Than Half Price We have still about 68 ef those nade-np ruga lalt. All the best grades of Brussels and Wilton velvets and la every sixe. Bring the slxe of your room and we will promise you one of the biggest bargains you have ever eea. Great Price Reducti-tis In Ladles' & Men's Watches Ladles' ( else Deuber Hampden cases. warnntrd to wnr yeura, cigiu and Waltham movement f 2 OR jeweiers price l". t S Ladles' 14 karat solid gold, fine Elgin movement Monday's 14..7S l,rlr -- Gents' new model Deuber Hampden Wm. McKinley movement-H Jewels 21,75 Jewelers' price, $30.00 our price.-. - Ladles' tine enameled chatelaine watches with enameled pins to A OH match Monday's price r- Ladles', gun metal odd slse fine Jewelled chatelaine watch, stem wind, O fQ Monday's price v Wjifr- V'' K'i ft-". ?t. iH v- M CDsniton m I Most Important Clothing Sale Tbeftatlre Wholesale Clothing Stock of NATHAN BROS., 698 to 702 BROADWAY, NEW YORK f Who Retired From Duslnoss Sold at Peremptory Sale. On Sale Tomorrow at 8 O'clock Sharp Every suit and overcoat In tho stock a most remarkable and sensational bargain. Ifs the greatest sacrifice of fine clothing ever placed before the public. tSSf Men's Suits and Overcoats Their entire stock of men's swell overcoats and suits, made to retail for up to thirty dollars go on sale in three lots at $5.90, 9.90, $14.90 This gives you the choice of all the latest and newest styles In men's wear at half price and even less than half their actual worth r V 4 1 T Men's $4 and $5 Fancy Vests at 98c, $1.98 and $2.9? ' " r" Smoking Jackets and Hause Coats at $3.98, S5 and $7.50 Bath and Lounfin; Robes at $2.98 to $12.00 Boys' and Children's Clothing the4dolul 01 , 1 1.00 Knee Pants all wool materials, at. 39 C Boys' 5 and $6 Overcoats at. .-..-...h.... 3.98 280 boys' reefers made of handsome red, blue and brown kerseys with plain and storm col lars, worth up to f3, at.. J. L. BRANDE1H & SONS. BOSTON STORE. J. L. BRANDEI8 & SONS. BOSTON STORE. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE.