Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    ttr.i.... The Omaha. Sunday
Rujaiaa Grand Dukt Buiea Society at
. .' Cubm u Autocratic liAnaer.
Baftta ' to B-Dct Him Prwideat n
Aooount of Autocratic Maaaeri.
Bankkf oa Eii Irieadihip with liiif
Edward of England.
rlaalaaed from Coert la Hie 0i
Ceeatry He Fair
Be Ostracised at tbe
Cm Krt.
(Copyright. 1. by Press Publishing Co.)
CANNES. France, Dec. New Tork
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Oread Duke Michael, eoueln of the eier.
who lost h!a p!tton at the Russian court
early twelve yeara ago, when be mergan
atieally teamed Coua?ee Torby. has
tsurped power snd nuthority in the cos
raopolltsa colony here for many years.
Tola he bae been enabled to do chiefly
through hie Intimacy with King Edward.
rnmlstakable eigne cf the rebellion
agatnet the pretensions of the grand duke
and hia wife had been plainly visible lor
him time and the finishing stroke ram a
abort time ago. when the grand duke waa
denied re-election as president of the
fashionable Cerele Nautique (nautical
club). Thia la the most exclusive yachting
club In the world. The other member.
American. French and Brltiah. thought It
time to put a atop to Countese Torby taking
social precedence over their women folk.
Therefore they elected as president Count
Castes Chandon of Briallea.
The grand duke Is going to start a rival
club next door to the Nautique and tor
that purpose he has rented a new villa In
the garden of the Grand hotel. Through
hia followers he announces that It will be
an extremely select affair, for "Michael
did not like meeting tradesmen at the
Nautlqne." Those desiring to Join this
exclusive set hare to get an Invitation
before they can become members of the
new club.
King Edward, who Is one of the share
holders of the Nautique. Is exceedingly
annoyed at the grand duke's action la
starting a rival club. The king's omitting
to visit the grand duke ia October, as had
been his Intention, Is accepted as proof
of displeasure. Unless the greed duke gives
tip his project he may forfeit tha king's
friendship. Witt kaa happened at the
Nautlqua Is almost certain to be repeated
In the Oolf club one of these day, for, al
though th graad duke has let sold an
extraordinary somber of shares, ho reigns
supreme, behave Ilk an autocrat 0d la.
Diets the etiquette cf hi priest house oa
the embert who frequently ar kept
waiting' tor luncheon because .. countess
Torby has not turned up on. time. -Kam-bers
most aot rise np from the table, even
thoagh the meal Is finished.- until the grand
duke give .the signal. The golfer are
getting tired of this tomfoolery,
' Cannes cannot support the Nautique an 4
Michael's new club. . .
Th scandal caused by Michael's latest
action has caused a most unpleasant feel
ing la the aristocratic rricles la Cannes.
Every ewe la wondering whether King Ed
ward will recognise him when he comes to
th Riviera later.
Cheated Ceadltlea la
(Copvrleht. 1C by Press Publishing Co )
PARIS. Dec . (New Tork World Cs
blegram Special Telegram.) Tte opening
of the schools In Saroonne for the winter
eestloa haa impressed a London newspa
per man with the lncreaaing Invasion of
the Latin ouarter by the American stu
dent. Thia correspondent has prepared an
article for his paper In which he writes:
"American bars. American boots and ha
berdashery loops are beginning to give the
Boul' Mich' almost the appearance of
Broadway. New Tork. I am assured that
there are at least 4.000 students In 'the
quarter" following the various courses cf
art and architecture, music and medicine.
This army of young men and women has
a apecial chaplain to look after Ha moral
welfare and a students' church, which over
flows every Sunday, at services specially
designed xS attract.
"If the Increase In American studenta Is
noticeable la 'the quarter.' no less re
msrkable Is the growth of American Influ
ence tn Paris generally. The American
trader ia becoming more and more con
spicuous, as a wider and wider field ia
opened la France to hit goods. . While
American prestige la on the upward trend,
that of Great Britain shows a tendency to
"American predominance ia also apparent
In the world of society. There Is a larre
and continually increasing American
Eoa Haunt of Indianapolis EnpprU lev
Xonetarr Bjitem.
Machinery Seeded to Maintain Parity
Between Precioui Metals,
Sot Eqinl to Ten Per Cent f Capital
Might Be Iaroed First.
Sew Tork Paster Steal Be Wart a as
Mark la Warier Markets as that
Emaaatlaa from Lob
eea Heweee.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dee. . "Whst
further steps should be takes at thia time
for the betterment of our monetary sys
tem?" ass asked of Hugh H. Hsnna today.
Sir. Hanna was chairman of he executive
committee of fifteen ereaied by the Na
tional Monetary conference held at Indian
apolis In 1&7, and ever since has been
Am Rassell and bis fellow
' 4; i eblig-d to quit France.
colony here, which has installed itself In ' formers.
the best quarter of the town and whose hos
pitalities are led by General Horace Por
ter. On the other hand, the English
colony can hardly be said to exist. It has
gone on dwindling alnce the war and now
It doea not beast of half a dozen lmDortant
lis Waa Haa Waa Fartaae Remem
ber Theae Wk Ar Less
(Copyright. iC by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Dec. . (New Tork World Cs
blegram Special Telegram. ) Alfred
Boucher, on of Paris' distinguished sculp
tors, began his career at the very bottom
round of the ladder. He waa a peasant
ant his first statuettes were fashioned of
the mud of the fields he roamed as a shep
herd. With the memory of his own hard
ships la the early days of his career, he
has decided to build a house tn a good
location, with plenty of sunshine and a
view of trees, suitable for poor young
artists and sculptors' who Bow have to toll
at artistic work In the most wretched
lodgings, almost without light, because
hey cannot pay for a studio.
This house will provide' studios at the
rate of M to 10 a year a third - or a
fourth of the amount ordinarily paid. Mr.
Boucher aays it would be a misnomer to
call k a charity.' tor the artist will pay
for their studio. He had noticed that
phllaathropists were Utereetlng them
selves la better lodgings tor workmen and
he had asked himself why there should
not be more comfortable quarters tor work
men with the brush and chisel.
"First," he replied, "our gold standard
law of 1&00 should be strengthened by
mschinery tor maintaining parity between
gold and ailver. The public mind Is pre
pared for aa perfect a gold standard as
can be established. A law providing for
the psyment of gold tor allTer at the
treasury on demand Is the one remaining
step necessary to secure sbsolute psrity of
all our moneys. Both the Overstxeet bill
and the Hull bill, and the bill Introduced
at the last session, make full and wise
fteesety at Phtlaathreplsts Bands a.
Ledalaa Haas for
. Their tee.
(Copyright. 1. by Preas Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Dec . New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Sixty-five
young working girls are already estab
lished la the cheap but hygienic lodging
boose opened by a society f
plsta. headed by th baroaess of Bully. Th
boos, which haa accommodations for loa.
Vers a dormitory UT to it occupants.' or,
should they wish t pay a little more, a
private room. Th rate for th former
with board, are f l a moat and th latter
111. Each room la th dormitory is sea
anted from the adjoining one by a partial
partition and contains aa IrOa bed. a
wooden washstaad. a wardrobe and a chair.
Particular rare has been given to the ven-
t'.laiio aad eieanlloess of the hoaee. There
is a common drawing room. The girls can
talk axtll l o'clock at night aad the din
lag roots is likewise opes t them all. Th
aoclety proposes to raise an endowment
fund to sustala the work.
Goraaaa TeU 1st Galas a Wast
ladle aad Will
tha Athaataav
BERLK. Dee. - The admiraltr ecrw
taxy, Voa Tlrpits. has voluntarily Informed
a membe- of the Cnlud State embassy
that th Or man cruisers Amasoa. Ariadne
and Nlobe are positively not going ta ta
West lad:. aad semi-official asateaeeata
la Kiel andWilhelmshavea paaer have eg
plained tha the craUera ar aot sroiag
across th ..lantie eecaua th aaval law
t ISO requres that six small erwisers
shall remata .ttached ts th first squadroa
of aatlleship.
Therefore, tk re three cannot he aoat a
foreign aenrioti til the completion at ar
era! cruiaers wieh ar now ba'.Mtag.
All the aewaupers ar especially tater
salad ta the asf news aad ar urging the
goweramea! ta fcud saore cruisers tar ar
vi abroad.
Haa Xsaer ar Aallltr aad KiasT
Oppaaee Hia Gelaa lata
(Copyright, ISte. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Dec . (New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Prince Fran
cis of Teck, a brother of the princess of
Wales, who has no visible means of sup
port, has been offered a partnership in
the firm of Panmure, Gordon Co.. stock
brokers, with a salary of 115.000 a year.
He can only be useful as a bait for snobs,
for he haa no business capacity or experi
ence. King Edward Is opposed to having a
brother of the future queen Interested in
the Stock exchange aad has so far with
held his consent. Prince Francis would be
of little as to the firm If he were on the
king "Black Books." It is a difficult
position for Priac Francis, who recently
resigned hi commission in the army.
Sfritailr til aa a Besalt af Eatlaa
Flak at a Jeaaaaitkarg
Baa art.
(Copyright, 19(6. by Preas Publishing Co )
LONDON. Dec i. (New Tork World
Cablegram 8peclal Telegram ) Alfred Beit
la lying seriously ill at Johannesbura with
ptomaine poisoning, contracted at a din
ner party, at which Lord Milner also was
present. Indeed, It was thought at first
that aa attempt had been made to poison
the governor general and tha Rand mag
nates responsible for th war. but the
ptomaines were located in fish.
Belt Is now building a great block of
offices oa aa eighty-year leas ia th city
af London which will concentrate all th
big Sowth African companies uader one
reof. Taw purchase money, eonstmetioa.
KTTcrd rent and maintenance of the build
lag (or eighty year ts estimated at 11.20.
006. while the investment will return to the
Belt as tats Ui.CjC.OOO.
Islroaaee Elastic Carreaey.
"Second, an element of elasticity In our
national bank currency should be provided.
A small step, equsl in amount to, say, 1
per cent of the capital of th bank. Is
sufficient for demonstration of efficiency
and safety.
"If its desirability is proved, a gradual in
crease within term of years to. say, M
per cent of the amount of the capital, with
full and '-questioned provision for the
redemption of notes of Insolvent banks as
afforded in the Levering aad other bills,
might also be regarded aa Immediately
"The general subject appear complex and
our people are therefore disinclined t
study it. Th principle are simple. The
humblest citizen is interested la the per
fection of money laws.
"Only the absolute assurance of parity
will make a New Tork bill of exchange
a acceptable ia the commerce of the world
aa a bill of exchange oa Londoa-
"Assured parity of th metallic curren
cies and scientific provision . tor alaaUe
Naak carreacf without risk of redemption
will not only strengthen the fiber of our do
mestic commercial Interests, hot will do
more to snake poasible the sale of products
of Asserlcaa labor than any other oa act
of legislation
' "That the president, secretary of the
treasury and the comptroller of the cur
rency should also courageously, at thia
time, advocate such legislation indicates
the growth of public opinion favorable to
lawa In the interest of all of our people
talaelle rbwrek Where Ther Warship
la Paris May Be Coaaaellea
(Copyright. lc by Pre Publishing Co )
PARIS, Dec. . (New Tork World Ca
biegram Special Telegram.) Americans
now at home who have been In the babit
of worshiping when In Parla at the little
church of the Passionlst fathers, will be
sorry to leae" thst there Is a likelihood
of Father
Coder th relations law only five re
ligious f .J,t111 be recommended to the
Chamh .deputies foe favorable conaid-
eratir ' the Pasrionfsts are not among
the -'T are not a teaching body and
ba , even a Sunday school. The Pas
si time Is spent la ministering to
f jgltsh and Americans all aver Paris.
tending to the wants of numberless
k 'g women, governesses and aunts, and
In visiting the English hospital. They
have nothing to do with politics.
Mrs. Ksckey is one cf their most gen
erous friends. Had she aot gone to their
rescue last year and paid the tax of 14.00
demanded by the French government, in
all probability the church woUd have beea
sold then. Other regular American wor
shipers in thst church are Mrs. Rene de
Coetlagon, Mrs. Msy, Mr. Orenough, Dr.
Bull and Mrs. Lord.
Following the example of Ambassador
Porter several Influential Americans have
united in an effort to save the church. The
ambassador wrote to M. Delcasse, the
French minister of foreign affairs, that the
services of the Passionist fathers are in
dispensable to Americans residing or visit
ing in Paris. The British ambassaaor ns
done the same thing.
Father Russell said today to the World
correspondent: "American money in a
treat measure helped to build this church.
I could show you documents signed by all
the American embassadors who have ever
represented the Vnlted States in Paris
stating emphatically that this ediSce Is
partly American property. So we hope
that when the authorities ar made ac
quainted with the facta that we aever med
dle ta politics and are willing to suonut te
the laws and authority of the French
government, we shall be allowed to con
tinue a work which tor forty years has
been a comfort to thousands of American
Catbolica in Paris.
Worki ia afark'Vi M:ns to Fay Father i
Dtbti to tha Firm.
Die Owing Money to Eii Employers Which
Ban Hu to Eehiad.
Mother Aocenuoodatea Kiae People in Fou
loom Boarding Htaie.
Swears He Haa Oalr Oar Received
Aetaal Cola tor Jfearly Elgeteea
Tears Toll fader Greasl
la Aathraclte Pita.
SCRANTON. FH-. Dec 1 Th miners
having finished their attack oa the Coxe
mines today turned to those of Q. B. Mar
kle A Co.. the witnesses scoring whst ap
peared to be telling points with regard to
wages and other conditions.
The attorney for the compsny waa not
prepared to croea-examlne the witnesses
F"re-ft r-r Nebmk R!ti : Much Colder
Futvlsy, with a Cr.'d W-ve. Monday.
Fair in EM. Sncw in Wert.
1 Oblert to Graad Pake's Way.
Offer elatloa af w,osfey Treble.
Oaeratars Keea By' Pay.
Es-"reaUer Reed la lead.
S Kaaeka Oat ladlaa Aeeata.
Praklag lato HI ah Grata Rates.
S Vwi of Xtknika Tawas.
4 F.veats la the astlral World.
Echoes af the Aate-Ronaa.
5 Law to Paalsh 'Alfe Deserter.
Lesser Talks Akoat Mosby.
Past Week la Oaaaha Society.
T Talk af Traffic Alllaaee.
Treable for Itakata atorksaem.
Twra Hose aa Trarklayera.
Caaaell Blasts aad lawa ewa.
9 Grip la severe la Eaalaad.
Talk af l.enaaa'a Smart.
10 Heaver Mayar Goes ta JalL
Peaslaa Bill Pastes Haaae.
11 Averages of Americas Lesgae.
aslk Omaha Sews.
14 Amasemeats.
15 lasaalty aad Its Phases.
A Campalaa Geatae.
1 Editerlal.
IT Worklaa; the Holiday Graft.
rhrlstmaa Gifts far Me a.
Riant Irelaad Has I.oat.
lf Weekly Review of porta.
21 Flads Mlllieas af storks.
Will ftaaport Omaha Mock haw.
I alea Labor oa Eaemptlea Law.
t aal Famlae la Prospect.
Former f paiet Eaoonmb to Uraemia at
Arlitftoi HouaI, Washington.
Doctor SnTTonsd Him and Do All Fotxihl
to Preserve Life.
i-1 Starr, evea Secrets."
27 Markets aad Flaaaclal.
Temperatare at Omaha lesterdavt
Hoar. Dec.
S a. as 1!
a. aa !
7 au m
8 s.
a. as
10 a. a
11 a. aa
Hoar. Dca.
1 . m ito
a p. a :
3 . a
4 p. SB SI
5 p. SB KO
p. aa 1
Aasletr Displayed Ceseerslsg the las-
BBOdiat Patera at tha (!
(Copyright, IK, by Preas Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Dec 4. (New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Although
outwardly a better feeling prevailed In the
Stock exchange this week, there wer llttl
Increase in activity and much ana-acute
disquiet. Indeed the exchang has beea
in a panic humor all around. The verv
heavy ball commitmeat on console which
began oa th declaring of peace still re
main ta be dealt with and th blah rat
that tha- bank exacted, tafmrrrtaui owmv
Thi week there was plain indication
of the aervous feeling prevailing as to tha
Immediate future of the consol market.
Extremely sensational report concerning
thia specalatloa have beea prevalent la the
city during the week, but no representative
financier can be Included to cav aavthlna
about ihem.
Another report going about was that a
big combination of European millionaire.
Including the Rolhichild'a. was belnc
formed to checkmate J. Pieroont htor-
without preference, the importance of which gan's schemes on this side. Bnt M or ran
should aroosw the business men of the bs become such a bogey to the European
country to determined timely rapport of the
effort being made to aecar congressional
Tartar Chiefs Ar Iseessed
etloa af th aaali
at the
Ussy aae art pjlt Was Brwackt
ta J a ha sfgtsaataaarg
F arras;.
(Copyright. 158. by resa Publishing Co.)
, PARIS. Dec. . (Na York World Cable
gram Special Telegraa.) Emparor Wil
li am'a favorite Jewel kik mascot ring of
Jils ancestor. It Is aoueer eld ring set
with a stone withoat Uriaale valua. Ac
cording t the legend. frog entered th
chamber of th elector.! aha af Braadaa.
k.i,. . W mmA At.xJ - 1 1 . . 1 . I
a. " - y m UUIV IMM
on the bed. thea diaappe4 myateriously.
The Utile stone was rereiily preaereed ta
th archive of th Hhiallera. Th
father af Frederick the Gsi had It aet la
a ring aad since that tie, tks nag haa
always beea wara by th a f th boas
aa a sort t a mssret,
(Copyright. Wtt. by Press Publtshing Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG, Dee. . (New Tork
world Cablegram Special Telegram,)
The Ruaalaa government has set about
regulating th age at which girls shall
marry la Turkestan. It has been cus
tomary for Moasmmedaa girls te marry
bet seen the age of It aad U years, hat
orders have beea Issued aw that aa hla
hammedsa shall marry under 14. The Tar
tar aad the Turcoman chiefs ar much In
censed, aa all seek to obtain brides as
youag aa possible. Ruaalaa oacisis report
that TS per cent of the'glria wh marry
under 12 die before they ar Ml
Aa-rlealtarel llascats Take ttar
Prise e at CleelaaT Day af
Ckleaere Shew.
CHICAGO, Dec t. The third anaual In
ternational Live Stock exposition came to a
successful close this evening. During the
week 150.000 persons passed ths gates, a
much larger number than attended either
of th two preceding shows.
The feature of this, the closing, day was
the awarding of prlies la the stack Judging
contest. Thia contest was participated In
by students af agricultural colleges and
farmers' son, the latter being admitted
this year for the first time.
The Spoor trophy, awarded to the agri
cultural college whoae three students mad MADRID, Dec. King Alfonso todsy
the highest aggregate standing la Judging I charged Senor Silvela to form a conaerva
markets that auch rumors are inevitable
There haa been very little dealing on thia
side In American securities, the chances
In quotations being solely due to New Tork
sdvices. Again the strength of Louisville
A Nashville has been s prominent feature.
These shares at one time rose five points,
but closed at m rise. On Friday Baltimore
A Ohio preferred. Denver Rio Grande.
Norfolk A Western, Illinois Central and
Southern Pacific all rose, bat owing to
fears of an unfavorable bank statement In
New Tork they weakened at the close.
It is believed that tbe situation is not
now likely to improve much until the new
and the commission accoriingly granted the 23 la the Demala of Wemasu
privilere of recalling them later.
A IJ-year-old breaker boy said be was
working ia the Markle mine to pay off a
debt incurred by his father, who was killed
In tbe mines eighteen months ago.
He received no pay, but waa given due
bille, showing how much his mother owed
the company. These bills showed thst the
debt his mother was incurring for house
rent was growing taster than be could re
dace It, as be was only getting 4 cents an
He drew a pathetic picture of family fi
nancial struggles and the poverty-stricken
state in which he lived. His mother was
aiding as beat she could the apparently fu
tile task of paying off tbe company. To
further thia end she even crowded nine
persons Into her four-room house.
Meaey a.r-e with Misers.
The next witness waa Jamea Gallagher,
who worked In the Harkle mines for thirty
years. He claimed thst wages were so low
that ha wss always in debt to the company,
and In seventeen years only once received
actual money, a sum of L0. He had to desl
at the company store, the only place where
the miners could get credit and where
prices were from 10 to 20 per cent higher
than elsewhere.
Sometimes he had done well and wiped
out his debt, but the company then gave
him such bad work that he immediately
got Into debt again.
He waa evicted from hia bouse and re
fused work. bt be did not know why.
The witness, who 1 about 60 years of age
and a native of Irelaad. kept the court con
stantly laughing by bia wit and aharp an
swers ta thrust by tha lawyers.
Ho said a man ia never called hurt la th
mines until he 1 half killed. He was half
killed twice, he said, which led Judge Gray
ta remark:
-If you were twice half killed, then you
are new dead."
The court roared at this, and was con
vulsed again when witness drily replied that
the first half was healed before the other
halt was injured.
The Isst witness was Prank Day. a con
tract miner. He wss explaining coadltlona
In the mines with reference to tbe impure
air vhen the commission adjourned.
Jrini Eoth Itaiie loos Befora Estmr-g
Katiccal Oongrata,
Theagh Demoerala, gttll Ther
Love Stera Wielder of Gavel. Who
Sever Loses Ckaace ta Jest
Evea Whea Hit.
Meed t Breaelearr.
lsxv-Otober It, Thomas Brackett Reed.
born In Portisnd. Me.
I Graduated fr-.m Bowdoin college.
lfr'4 Joined the Vnlted States navy as act
ing arslFtMnt paymaster.
lM-i-.lfiiiUr of the Maine legislature,
lov f-r houc
1""-Merpler of the Maine senate.
l-Ok-T; Attorney --ners state of Main.
l"t-. . loUciU'r city of Portland.
1. .-!! Keprrerntatlve In congress.
l.v-Sl-Speaker of the hojs.
lts-i -Aanin ;aker cf the house.
Promintntiy mentioned for presi
dent. Retires from congress.
Oae Feet Ball Player Recovers, bat
Aaother Is Sot Expected
te Live.
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Dec. . Mldshipmsn
Hugh Aiken, who was Injured in the Buck-cell-Navy
foot ball game three weeka ao.
ass so much improved today that he waa
permitted to walk aiout his room. It
la thought by hia physicians that he will
entirely recover from the paralysis and
brain concusaion received In the rime.
Aiken has been granted a month s leave of
absence and will leave shortly for his home
in New Orleans.
Midshipman Reginald T. Carpenter, also
a strong member of the team, who has
been Buffering for three weeka with ty
phoid fever, is said by hia physician to
night to be in a critical condition.
It is doubtful whether he will live
through the night.
Cttlseas Fled Robbers Werklaa as
ate Csslslalag Mack .
BLOOMINGTON. Ill, Dec. . The gang
of four bank robbers which has been work
ing In this vicinity attacked the bank at
Cropsey, twenty miles east of here, laat
night, but secured only tO.
They were discovered while at work on
the inner cafe, after having dynamited the
-n. ,Ai,i. , at th Lhlh i vault door, but escaped with a horse and
Valley company's mines will be taken up buggy ttolen from a nearby stable. They
tllvela Farms Spaalsh Mlsvlatrr Pre
paratory te DtsselBtiea ef
ft eel Caaaaeee ef Be Ik Irk Jewela,
TklsUag They Maea Taeee at
MUe Aatae.
(Copyright, lklt by Preas Publishing Ca.)
LONDON. Dee. . (New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) -Th count
ess at Selkirk haa had aa unfortunate x
perienc af the aiaadvaatage of being a
chapereae ta Paallae Aator. Jewel thieve,
wh taougkt th ceuatea was th gustediaa
of Mis Aster's Jewel, stols her Jewl case,
bat Its couteets wer eeanparaurely value
less. The ceuatea estisaate lb valua at
th atelea gem at too.
all c Usees of stock, again went to tbe Iowa
Agricultural college.
According to the conditions of this con
test, ths contestants' reports ar graded on
the basis of 100 points, divided as folio wa:
Correctness of placing, hi, reasons for
placing, 4S. Twenty-flv minutes was al
lowed each contestant to place th animal
and writ reasons substantiating their
The average la th Spoor trophy contest
were aa follow: low Agricultural eol-
leg. 1.401: Minnesota colleg. 1.1SI; Wis
consin, 1,24 1-1; Ontario. 1.1281-1; Mich
igan. MSll-C
Th highest three students for tha Iowa
college wer Charles Gray. 1571-1; W. A.
Liakater, . 717 1-1; and Wayne Dlasmore,
T7 -1L
The three highest scores mad for the
Clay and Sanders prise, awarded to Indi
vidual students Judging classes of fins ani
mals each of horses, cattle, sheep and
swine, were:
Charles Gray, Iowa, who won 1100; W. B.
Guilford. Wisconsin. 75; D. A. Gaumnitx,
Minnesota. (60.
Other winners in ths Clay and Sander
contest were: J. B. McCallum. Ontario; W.
A. Llnkater, lows; E. H. Raid. Ontario; A
R. Ketcbem. Ontario; R. B. Johns, Wiscon
sin; W. B. Richards. Wisconsin, and Earl
Cleveland, a farmer's son of Rocbelle. I1L
The grade Hereford aieer Prince Edward
shown by George p. Henry ef Goodnow, I1L,
and winner of the second prize tn the class
for fat grades aad crossbreds, was sold to
day to a Halatead street butcher, the an
nounced price being M cents a pound, which
the Hereford men say la the record of the
cext. Tne miners nave a tais? uumun i
witnesses and there is no indication when
the hearings will be concluded.
MacVeach Sees Morgaa.
NEW TORK. Dec. . Wayne MacVeaxh
called on J. P. Morgan before leaving for
Washington today. He did not meet anv
of the presidents of tbe coal roads and the
purpose of hks call waa not made known.
WASHINGTON. Dec . Wayne Mac
Veach arrived her tonight from New Tork.
He said he would continue bia efforts to
bring about a complete understanding be
tween the miners and operators. At no time
had aa effort beea made to settle the dif
ficulty outside the commission. He was
striving to effect aa agreement which could
be incorporated in the decision of the com
mission and would therefore he Binding on
all parties to the controversy.
Mr. MscVeagh will not return to bcran-
aere pursued thirty miles by s crowd of
deputies and armed citizens, but made good
their eacape near Sibley, where the trail
waa lost.
Tbe safe contained $5,000, and thll sum
would have been taken had tbe robber
been undisturbed fifteen minute longer.
Immlaratloa Aatborltles Depart Self-
' roafesaed Itallaa Baadlt Who
Speat Year la reaatry.
NEW TORK. Dec Lavore Lavorl,
aged 67. a self-confessed Italian brigand.
was deported today.
Hs came here on June 1 last and ha
been living In the Brooklyn Italian col
ony. Recently the Immigration authorities
were notified that he bad served nine
ton unleaa the interesta of the companiea j JrAr9 jn n)t 0wn country for murder Just
represented by him flemnna us turtner ; be(ore coming here.
tlve cabinet to succeed tbe Ssgaata min
istry which resigned on Wednesday.
The Cortes will be dissolved, the king
having consented to issue a decree to that I
effect before Christmas.
Later la the day the following new min
isters were swera tn:
Premier Senor Btlvela.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Senor Aba
ruca. Minister of Justice Senor Data.
Minister of Finance Senor Vlilaverde.
Minister of the Interior Senor Maura.
Minister ef War General Linares.
Minister of Marine Senor Sanchea Toca.
Minlster of Instruction Senor Ailends
Minister of Public Works Marquis Ta-
Railway Compear Bees far Dasaaaree
aa Aeeeaat ef Strike Belaaj
(Copyright, 1M. by Press Publishing Co)
LONDON. Dec. . (New Tork World Ca
blegram Bp -tal Telegram) A suit vital to
the exl'tenc ef trade unions aad all asso
ciations la now being argued In the supreme
court. Th Taafvale Railway company la
Wale ae th Amalgamated Society of
Railway Servant for tils.OO damages for
Injury alleged t have been sustained by
the company through a strike recommended
by the lender of tbe Amalgamated aoclety
la 10. If funds of trades uniona can be
mulcted la tbaa way nothing but new legis
lation can save them from ruin.
Will Baal Three Head red Beet Segar
Worker (ram Mleklaaa at Lees
Tkaa Half the Rrsslar Farea.
CHICAGO. Dec . (Special Telegram.)
Charges are being made that the Chicago,
Milwaukee St. Paul 1 creating rat
disturbance in territories where it la not
th atrong line. In this connection It is
stated that th Milwaukee has secured
100 beet sugar workers for transportation
from Michigan points to Lincoln and Heat
ings. Neb., by making a cheap rate. Mil
waukee officials, however, say that the
rates, which are $5.50 to Lincoln and I
Treasury sgents looked up his record and
after locating him had no trouble in get
ting him to acknowledge tbe charges against
him. He waa taken to Ellia Island, and not
having been in thia country a year, waa
Immediately ordered deported.
Lereaa Sets Girl's Hip After Twa Cs
saeeeesfal Operatloaa fey
BALTIMORE. Dec. g. Eight hundred phy
sicisns and students assembled this morn
ing at tbe Maryland University hospital to
witness an operation by Dr. Lorenx on
(-year-old Ethel Goldman of P.oanoke. V.
With tbe assistance of Dr. Mueller, Prof.
to HaaUnga. wer offered before a propoel- I " w " '
v rxesuu". , .. ' Loreni set her hip bone and expressed eon
tloa to put In ouch rates was made to th
Oeveraar aad HI Tire ateeaver
treae Meeeat Ulaeee
SPRINGFIELD. IU-. Dec, C Ooveraar
Tate la so Unproved ia health that he ex
pect ta leave aext Maaday tor Miami.
Fla.. to apend part of th wiatcr. Mr.
Tate will accompany him.
Lleateaaat Governor Northoott haa re-
iioe i pwl i Tt,. r.. ! "ence a the reault of th operation.
i'....H Dot aan awaar aa. mtATI SI lflfl. I B ri af - 1 r
. r,,' ... 14..tJ HM.I The child had been operated on with
ZV, 117 IS The low rat. ha. been ten- i klllf tor "thout beneficial
dered to the Pere Marquette road and ac- J
. k. . umuiif It la nrMnmH
... , TJnrnlB will Vw. h. ! to the hospital for treatment wer decided
lUl in. mav.m - -
th way of Omaha and th Union Parifie and
t Haatlngs by th way of Kansas City and
th Grand Island road.
, results
Two other patients who had beea taken
by Dr. Lorenx to be too old.
Mevemeats ef Oeeaa Vessels Dee. C.
At New .Tork Arrived La Lorraine, from AiinrP Tlllinso rnnui'ivou, iron doui nampion.
HOT WATER CURES TUMORS Sal.l-Marquette. lur London; Norg, for
Copenhagen; Phoenicia, for Genoa and
Naples; la t nampitgiie. tor Havre; Cam-
Remarkable Aaaeeaeeaeeat Made fey
Jew Tork Pkyslelaa After
Test at Twa Tear.
NEW TORK. Dec After a test cover
ing two vears a physictsa f thl city has
Aastrlaa Prtaee aad His Frleada
Make a Meowed for
(Copyright. 18. by Pre Publishing Co.)
VIENNA. Dec . (New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Prince Nich
olas Esterhary has Just had a record shoot
at hia estate, Esterbolxa. Whea tha tale
t ta day sport waa told It was found
that th party had killed several bare of the tiaeves immediately, but it should
and weur-ded forty-three beater. Hundred 1 aot be forced la so extremely hot and
of beater bad beea employed and th 1 under uca pressure as to scald and pro-
WASHINGTON. Dec. . Thomas Brackett
Reed, former spesker of the house of rep
resentatives, died here tonight at 11.10 la
bis spsrtments In tbe Arlington hotel. Th
Immediate cause of death was uraemia.
A change for the worse was noted in Mr.
Reed's condition early this morning. At
1:10 he wss given a subcutaneous satin
transfusion in order to stimulate hi kid
neys, which were falling to perform their
proper function.
At & this afternoon saline solution wa
again administered, .about three-quarter
of a pint of fluid being uaed.
The heart became weaker and weaker, but
the patient teteined consciousness until 11
tonight, when a complete coma supervened.
Wife with Him at Ess.
At the bedside were Mrs. Reed and Miss
Catherine Reed. Dts. Gardner. MacDonald,
Bishop and Goodnow, and the nurses.
Dr. Goodnow, who had been In consulta
tion with the local rhrstclana on Thursday,
waa again summoned from Philadelphia thia
afternoon, and arrived at 1:30.
Mr. Reed's mind wss in such a state dur
ing the day that he did not realixe the seri
ousness of his condition. He was cheerful
snd conversed with those about him. When
it became apparent that he would not sur
vive, the wife and daughter were notified
and they remained constantly at the bed
side until tbe distinguished patient breathed
his last.
With only a faint hop of aeriaa: his ilf
oxygen waa administered throughout' th
It was stated tonight that Mr. Reed had
been suffering from Brlght'a disease for
some time, which resched ths acute stage
today, and thia furnished aa additional
cause for alarm. Mr. Reed passed awar
peacefully and without pain.
No arrangements have beea made for tha
111 Jaet Oae Week.
Mr. Reed reached Washington on Sun
day, having come to attend to some mat
ters in the United 8tates supreme court.
He was at the rapltol Monday visiting
friends and former associstes In congn-s
and witnessing the convening of the second
session of the Fifty-eighth congress.
Apparently he waa enjoying good health,
but later in the day be called oa Dr. F.
A. Gardner and complaining of gastric dis
tress. Tbe following day his physician
compelled him to remain in bed while a
diagnosis was made. Mr. Reed waa strongly
adverse, but a rise In temperature made t
imperative that he remain quiet.
Eymptoma of appendicitis appeared,
though his condition was not considered
alarming. A trained nurse remained with
him throughout Tuesday nlgM and th
patient ahowed signs of improvement
Mrs. Reed and daughter, Mis Kittle, ar
rived on Wednesday and have remained
with him ever alnce.
On Thursday the physicians announced
that tha appendicitis symptoms wer abat
ing, but that, kidney trouble had developed,
giving a more serious aspect to the case.
Dr. W. C. Goodnow was summoned from
Philadelphia for rousultation. An attack
of nausea Friday night distressed the pa
tient considerably, because of his weakened
The annual gridiron dinner, attended by
members of the cabinet, many prominent
and representative citizens and officers ef
the army and navy was about t close whea
the announcement wa mad that Mr. Reed
was about at death door. He had beea
an honored guest of the club during all
th year of It existence and every mem
ber was his personal friend.
The entire assembly are and drank a
ailent toast to his memory and Joseph G.
Cannon paid a handsome tribut to th
man h had knowa so long aad so well.
It wa now past midnight and aa Mr.
Reed was passing awaj, Mr. Herndoa Mor
sel was singing a song ths statesman loved
and had often heard. The Song that
Reached My Heart." Its touching melody
being a refrain from "Home, Sweet Home."
The situation waa atrangely dramatic.
Before the gavel fell Mr. Reed's death be
came knowa and gloom succeeded ta tbe
mirth and festivity of th banquet hall,
a silent and sincers tribut to the dead.
Pan lead Mearae Dead Sea.
PORTLAND. Ms.. Dec L Ths news ef
th death of Thomas B. Reed waa received
here wila anjversal sorrow. Mr. Reed waa
bora la Portiaad. waa educated la tha
achoela of thia dry and retained hia real
deaca la Portiaad. after he resigned his
seat ia cangreaa. H was personally knowa
to a great a amber ef people aad ther ar
core living her today who hav been hi
lifelong friend.
Mr. Reed spent much time here last sum-
snnounced a new method for treating j New Tork, for Liverpool; Liruria, from
pania, for LJer)ooi. Mt-aaba. for London;
elKr.d. for Antwerp; Canadian, for Liver
pool; Pennsylvania, for Plymouth. Cher
bourg and Hamburg: Lahn. tor Naples and
Genoa: Rnttrrdam. for Amsterdam.
At Prawl Point Passed Cambrian, from
Boston, for London.
At brow Head passed Cevte. from New
Tork. for Liverpool; Philadelphia, from mer aad one of hia last pubUc appearances
tumors. It is by the use of boiling water.
He uses a syringe with a metal cylinder
aad adjustable piston, with needle of vary
ing sis. I'slng th ordinary asceptlc pre
caution, water ts take directly from a
cauldron and Injected into the substance
of th tumor. Th water must be at a
temperature of from 1M to 211 degree
rahrenhelt, or evea higher.
The water, he says, should be hot enough
to coagulate the blood aad th sJbumenoids
covered his health aad will arriv her I priac haa had to compeasat th Injured. due a aacrasi ef th ski a. During th
Monday to asaum tua dutiea aa
j (svara-.
actlag Thia achievement ia iaciuag very much 1 treatmeat th pattest la put under th in-
I aaiuseraeat ta Vicaaa,
Sumo of aax ouca.
New Tork. for Liverpool.
At Liverpool Salied Lucania. for New
At Antwerp Sailed Vaderlacd. for New
At ths LUard Paased La Gascogne, from
New York, for Havre.
At Cherbourg Sailed St. Paul, for New
At S'illy Paused Friederich der Gross,
frum New Tors., for Bremen.
At R tterdim Arrived Amsterdam, from
New York.
At Havre Sailed La Touralne, for New
At Yokohama Arrived Tndraaamaha,
from Port.and. Jar Hong Kong
At 8t lr.cent, C- .Arrived Polam-
nail, from Portland, re.. and Tacoma. !
At 6u-a Arrived Ping Sue-, from Ta-'
coma, vu Hung Kong etc . for Liverpool 1
At Southampton eaiiei hu faui. for
New Turk, via Cherbourg.
was whea be delivered aa oration la June at
the celebration of the hundredth annivers
ary of Bowdoin college, from which hs grad
uated ia IteO.
ketek af HI (sraer.
Thomas B. Reed was almost as wU kaowa
for his humorous after-dlansr peaches aad
th happy knack b poea eased ef el says
saying th right thing at the light time,
a for hi d.atinguisbed political career,
which began in the Mala legislature and
was continued throughout the local senate
to the cocgreas where he ended aa speaker
and a general favorite.
Mr. Reed was born of aid New England
stock, claiming direct descent froa George