Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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to your holiday shopping now. Goods selected now reserved for yon until you want them.
ft y
Greatest Purchase and Sale Ever Attempted by
Omaha House-
Cohn, Wampold & Co., the Noted Manufacturers Close Out
to Hayden Eros, their Big Surplus Winter Stock.
Over 2,003 Men's Suits Go in this Gigantic Sale at 50c
on the Dollar
For Style, Fit and Workmanship, These Su1t3 Have Never
Been Surpassed. Saturday This Entire
Stock, Including the Very Best Will go on
Sale in Two Lots, Giving you your
Choice of Suits worth up
to $13. OO at
S7.50 and $5.00.
A 1 A
Lot 1, 1,100 Men's
Fine Suits
Nc4 'MS?
m i
These coata com In all shades and sty
.weavers and vlcunaa, handsomely made u
ble and dressy, regular value up to $18.00,
go In this sale at
from this purchase. In strictly all wool
cheviots and casslroercs, in all the new pop
ular shades and styles, handsomely made up
lined with the strong and neat serge or
Farmer's satin linings, silk sewed through
out, perfect fitting, manufacturer's regu
lar price flO.OO, your choice in this grand
surplus stock sale
Lot 2. About 900
Hen's Elegant Suits
In fancy cheviots, caaslmeres, meltons and
worsteds, 35 different styles to select from.
In a great variety of handsome patterns, In
all shades, light and dark colors, round
corner, single or double breasted, square
cut and all the new styles, all regular aizes,
and In stouts and slims, artistically tai
lored, dressy, dependable and fashionable
suits, such values have never been offered
In Omaha before at less than $12.50 to $15,
your choice In this grand
surplus stock sale
Saturday, only
Attend This Big
Overcoat Salo
Specials for "atarday at flO.OO and
91a.RO la thU srsnd sale at Harden
les, In medium and full lengths, In kerseys.
p, comforta-
Boys' & Children's
Clothing Sale
A big new purchase of boys' and chll
dren'a sutta and overcoats at one-third to
cne-half the regular prices. Extraordinary
sale Saturday at Harden Bros.
Boys' suits. In double-breasted styles,
made up to wear, correct In style, In cas
simeres and cheviots, gray and brown mix
tures; regular $2.50 values; I EfY
special sale price liJU
Boys suits In a great variety of black,
blue, oxford gray and brown patterns. In
checks and Scotch mixtures, made with
extension waistbands, double seat and
knees, reinforced tape seams, many of the
pants lined throughout, In vestee, double
breasted, Norfolk and three-piece styles;
suits worth up to $5.00; sale O (IK
price only anlvM
Children's latest attractive novelty suits
In Imported Sotch cheviots, homespuns,
English worsteds, caaslmeres and cheviots,
all this season's latest colorings, in Rus
sian blouse, sailor, Manly and Norfolk,
with sailor collar effect; sizes 2H to 8
years; sale prices from Q "f C
16.00 to Oa I U
Grand Hat Sale
Fashionable hats at the popular prices of $1.60 and $2.00. These are In all the
new and approved shapes Panamette, feddora and Derby, In all the late winter
tutors, sold everywhere at $2.60 and $3.00; sale prices $1.60 and $2.00.
Great Cap Sale Saturday
Saturday we place on sale 300 dozen men's. and boys' caps at one-half the reg
ular price; heavy silk and satin lining, wide turn-down band to protect the ears;
all the new shapes and colors, made' to sell at 60c, 75c and $1.00; sale prices 25o,
Sfic and 60o. .---'s ..V.v V .
I oys' $150 Sweaters at 50c
50 doz. boys sweaters, fine alt wool, in
fancy stripes, for boys .from 3 to 8 years,
jeguiar $l.bO quality, at COc
S00 doz. men's fine colored laundered
shirts, made with separate ruff, all the
newest colors, not a shirt in this lot worth
less than II and a great many worth up to
$1.60. On sale at 48c,
In the High Grade Dress
Goods Dept
In the high grade dress roods department
we will have special sale In winter suiting.
Everything must go now in order to make
room for spring goods which will arrive
after invoicing. Me sure and examine
Priestley and Lupin before buying a dress
Just Received, a Lot of
Pretty Novelties in Over
coats for the Little
These are very popular styles. Let us
put one on your boy and It will make him
one of the best dressed boys In town. Made
up in Russian pleated back and front, with
belt to match; single and double-breasted
cassocks and the long-cut, swagger style.
In best Cambridge cheviots, kerseys and
friezes, in medium dark gray and brown
mixtures, checks and overplalds; worth up
to $7.50; special sale
price, $5.00, $4.00 to
13S reefers, made in good, heavy, all-wool
Irish frieze, in dark gray and brown mix
tures, lined with a very fine flannel lin
ing, for boys aged S to 8; regular $5.00
values; special sale
185 boys' and children's reefers, made of
fine grade blue chinchilla and friezes, some
are made with large storm collar, cas-
simere lining; worth $2.50; I OR
pedal sale price llfeU
Underwear Sale
5,000 epot cash purchase best made un
derwear. On sale Saturday at Hayden
The newest, freshest, most stylish, best
made, best fitting garments ever manufac
tured can be had In this sale at one-third
to one-half the regular prices.
Ladies' fine combed Kgyptlan cotton rib
bed vest and pants, fleeced lined, silk
croched neck, satin trimmed front. In sil
ver gray and white, regular 60c quality, at
Ladles' flat knit vest and pants, in the
extra heavy fleeced lined, tape neck and
front, regular 5c quality, at 39c
Ladles' Unelta Jersey rlhhed union suits,
made to button across front ami made ot
tine Egyptian cotton,, regular 70c quality,
Ladies' fine half tol union suits, fine
Jersey rlhhed, full winter weight, cloee
ribbed cuffs and anklets, In soft fleece
union suits, non-shrinking, regular $1.60
quality, at Itfc.
Ladies' Jersey ribbed union suits, made
of V-tine wool worsted yarn, full winter
weight, maile with high cut front, giving
full protection to the lungs and neck, lti
white and silver gray, regular U quality, at
Ladles' sterling union suits, In the silk
and wool, or silk, in blue or flesh color,
worth $o, at $3.50.
Ladles' fine Jersey ribbed vest and rants,
made of fine Australian wool, In black,
worth $1.39, at II.
Hoys' extra heavy flat fleeced lined com
bination suits. In all sizes, worth 75c, at 50c.
Girls' Jersey ribbed fine fleeced lined
combination eulls, regular 75c quality, at
Children's Jersey ribbed union suits, made
of the -wool worsted yarn, full winter
weight, worth $1.50, at 98c.
Ladies' outing flannel gowns, assorted
colors, extra large, worth 7;c, at 50c.
Ladles' extra heavy flannelette towns, in
assorted colors, ellk finish, fancy yolks,
worth 31.50, at 9Sc.
Ladles heavy black fleeced lined stock
ings, full seamless, regular 2uc quality, at
Ladles' extra heavy fleeced lined stock-
Ihbs, made by the Vnyne Stocking Co.,
regular 35c quality, at 25c.
Children's extra h'-avy fleered lined stork
lngs, regular 2ue quality, at 12jc
Men'e SI. 50 heavy wool underwear, shirts
and drawers. In ribbed and plain wool, also
silk fleeced lined. In plain and fancy colors.
In all sizes, on sale at S9c.
Men s extra heavy fleeced iinofl snirts and
drawers, in pink, blue and brown mixed,
regular SI quality, at 4oc.
Men's extra heavy wool and fleeced lined
shirts and drawers, In plain colore, regular
11.25 quality, on sale at 75e.
One lot of men s line sua ana wool unner
rrar. In the American Hosiery Co.. Nor
folk, New Hrunswick and Stom'man. These
are three of the best known brands of un
derwear made and sold at j:.W and 3 a
garment, on sale at 31.50.
MEN'S KH1KTS One lot of men's plain
and colored flannel shirts, worth up to $2.50,
on sale at 8Sc and $1.50.
Children's fine worsted sweaters. In blue
black, red and white, regular $2 quality,
on sale at $1.39.
Sweaters for girls, from 10 to 16 years. In
all colors, regular $2.50 quality, on sale at
One lot of boys' sweaters, elzes from $ to
3 years, In fine worsted, with silk stripe.
worth up to on sale at ssc ana si.zo.
Bovs sweaters in sizes from 10 to 13
years, in fancy stripe. In plain colors,
worth up to $2, on sale at 98c and $1.25.
Men's heavy wool sweaters, all colors and
styles, on sale at Use, $1.50 and $1
Saturday in the Bargain
Saturday we will still continue the great
cut plaoh sales In order to make room for
the toys. $:.cni worth of merchandise will
be sacrificed, In fact, almost given away.
In ordrr to close out the stock, as we must
have the room. Dress goods, silks, cotton
dress goods, ladles' ana gents' furnishing
goods, boys clothing, winter caps, every
thing In the room. Do not miss the sale.
Men's extra heavy Jersey overshlrts, In
brown, black and blue. This quality Is
usually sold at II. On sale at 4c.
Hoys' part wool sweaters, in red and blue,
ruguinr ioc quality, 3Wc.
Ladies' extra heavy fleece lined vest and
pants, in all sizes, In gray and ecru, reg
ular 600 quality, at 25o.
Ladies' extra heavy fleece lined vest and
pants, all sixes, the regular 76c quality, on
sale at i'Jc.
Ladies' outing flannel underskirts, regular
&ftc quality, at 25c.
Children's heavy fleece lined vest and
pants, In all sizes up to 34, on sale at 25c.
54-lnrh all wool plaids, 64-lnch all wool
suitings, 64-Inch black serge, 64-Inch black
cheviots everything that sold up to 11.00
will go at 49c.
Unglieh henrlettas, all colors, 19c.
4c black fancies, ut 19c.
S'c ihullls, at 19c.
75c French flannel, at 19c
Men's laundered shirts, with stiff bosom
and separate collars and cuffs every shirt
warranted new and perfect. The colors of
thi'se shirts are not of the newest style,
but every one Is made up to sell at $1.50. on
sale at ioc.
Men's 75c underwear at 25c.
3ii0 doz. men's heavy wool fleeced lined
shirts, in all sizes and all colors, regular
i5c quality, on sale at -So.
Men's l'JO wool overshlrts. In dark and
medium colors. In all sizes, from Uh to 17,
on sale at -'.
All the Indies underwear mat sold up to
1.(jO on ale at 25c.
FROM 10 TO 10:30 O'CLOCK A. M.
We will sell 10c outing flannel. In light and
medium colors, only 10 yards to a customer,
at 2tc a yarJ.
FROM 2 TO 2:30 O'CLOCK P. M.
We will sell short lengths of all wool
dres goods, silk and wool henrletta, serges,
silk wool and cotton novelties everything
worth from 25c up to $1.00 a yard only one
pattern to a customer, at 8 l-3c.
FROM 8:30 TO 9 O'CLOCK P. M.
We will give one of our famous dress
goods sales, containing the 64, 5t and 68
Inch wide extra heavy suitings, 46-lnch all
wool Prunellas, 64-lnch Cravenetted suiting,
In length from 3V4 to 6 yards, not a yard
worth lesa than 1.50 and up to $5.00, and
only one pattern to a customer, at 25c a
Saturday we will have 15 different other
sales, which will be announced before they
Big Sheet Music Sale Sat
urday We will place on sale some of our very
latest sheet music at only 19o per copy.
By mail, 2oc. Regular price, 2So and 36c.
Such popular pieces as Please Let Me
Sleep, A Rose With a Broken Stem. Love
or Uold, On a Sunday Afternoon, The Good
Old Days Gone By, Think Once Again Be
fore We Part, Actions Speak Louder Than
Words, Forever and For You, Eto.
We have purchased 1,000 copies each of
ten different new folios for our holiday
trade. These are all new books thst have
just been put on the market this tall.
No. 1, Wttmark Dance Folio, contains
such popular pieces as Stay In Your Own
Hack Yard, Abstnce Makes the Heart
Grow Fonder, When You Were Sweet Six
teen, Sing Me a bong of the South, My
Wild Irish Rose.
No. 2, the Pioneer Ragtime Folio, con
tains such hits as The Palms, CavalleriA
Rustlcana In ragtime and 20 other original
ragtime pieces.
No. 3. the Star Dance Folio No. 1, contains
such favorites as When the Harvest Days
Are Over, Jessie Dear; Bird in a Gilded
Cage, Down Where the Cotton Blossoms
Grow, When 1 Think of You. etc.
No. 4. Star Dance Folio No. 3, contains
Josephine, My Jo, twostep; Rip Van
Winkle Was a Lucky Man, twostep; Mister
Dooley, twostep; Jennie Lee, etc
No. 6, the Popular Ballad Folio, a collec
tion of ballads and sentimental songs from
the pen of the best writers, such as Baby's
Prayer, After All, Because 1 Loved Her
7oo. The Village Choir, etc.
No. ., the Drawing Room Vocal Folio,
contains 30 late popular ballads such as
F.very Day at the Station, Suppose Bhe
Were a Sister of Your own.
Another Silk Stock for Hay
den Bros.
This message from our New York buyer
will explain:
NEW YORK, Nov. 20. Messrs. Hayden
Bros.: The wholesale silk stock of Ashley
& Bailey on sate at auction. Have made
large purchases and shipped same at once.
Yours, MURRAY.
These silks are now In and we are arrang
ing as quickly as possible for Monday's
sale. Look for full particulars of this great
silk sale In Sunday's papers.
Waterproof Shoes
Are what you want for this weather. We
have them with cork filled and vlscollzed
soleo, every pair warranted to keep your
feet dry and warm.
Men's velour calf bals. worth S3, at tl.M.
Women's velour calf bals, worth 13, at
Men's vlci kid bals, worth $3, at $1.86.
Women's vlcl kid lace, worth S3, at $1.96.
Men's box calf bals, worth :i, at $1.96.
Women's box calf lace, worth S3, at SI. 96.
Chllds' and missee' school shoes, $1.29 and
Boys' and youths' satin calf bals, worth
up to $1.75, at 89c.
Ladles' fur trimmed slippers, worth $1.25,
at wc.
Special sale on Brooks Bros.' shoes.
Fine vlci kid shoes, worth S3. 50. at 12.98.
Women's vlcl kid cork filled shoes can be
worn without rubbers. 12.48.
Special sales on boys' and youths' canvas
legglns and ladles', misses' and children's
Jersey wool stockinette leggings at 85c, 76c,
60c and 89c.
Saturday night In the bargain room will
have a special sale on men's working: shoes
at II. $1.75, $1.60 and $1.19.
Basement Money-Savers for
13- Inch oak airtighta, for $5.96.
14- Inch Star oak. best on earth, for 311.60.
Extra lame 17-inch alrtiaht Oak. worth
IJ0. Will heat a whole house. For $14.60.
Economy Hot Blast, 18 95.
The best double heating baseburner made.
14-lnch, large size, for I2&.&0.
A great big nne cast range, witn zo-incn
oven, nicely nickel plated, worth $27.60,
warranted, for 123.50.
Steel snow shovels, 43c.
14x21-ln. photo holders, 70.
6-ln. stovepipe, 9c.
Good shoe brushes, to.
Fancy wood salt boxes, to.
Double roasting pan, 49c.
Set 3 knives, 15c.
8 boxes wax tapers, 10c,
Dover eggs beaters, 6c.
6-ln. elbows, Co.
Wood coat hangers. 4c
Hardwood towel rollers, 6e,
25c butcher knife, 10c.
Steel frame wringer, 95c
The Book Sale
The opening book sale of the season at
Hayden Bros.' Saturday. Holiday books
for sale for the first time.
Trices thst will put Hayden Bros.' book
department in the front of all competitors.
Remember we sell the newest copyright
books at the lowest price, ll.os.
All the regular 26c books on sale at inc.
Books published to sell at 15c on sale at
Children's Joe books on sale at Sc.
We haven't space to quote prices on
books, but will merely say that Saturday
will be the greatest opportunity to buy holi
day books that will be offered this year.
Hooks selected now will be held for you
until Christmas week It you wish.
The Jewelry Sale
Greatest display of new goods ever made.
Make your selections for the holidays now.
Will be reserved for you until you want
them delivered.
Just received a big lot of ebony and
ebnnold goods. Ebonold mirrors, hair
brushes, clothes brushes, hat brushes and
military brushes on sale at 25c.
Another lot of the gold shell rings, In
band chased and set style, a written guar
antee to wear with each ring. On sale at
60c and 26c.
Sllverwear of all kinds, both flat and
hollnwware, In greatest variety at astonish
ingly low prices.
The best showing of 25c articles In the
Call and make your selections of holiday
Jewelry now.
Great Cap Sale
250 dozen men's and I oys' caps and chil
dren's tam-'o shantens and stockings.
Sti cking caps on sale in the bargain room.
This lot of caps was secured at one-third
the regular price, from 36c to 75c. On sale
In the bargain room Saturday at 10 and
Optical Department
Of up-to-date frames gold, gold filled and
alumlnold; both spectacles and eyeglasses,
fitted with finest quality crystal lenses, at
one-half price. No charge for examination
by experienced ooiiclan. Ten-year guaran
teed gold filled frames, $3 value, in this sale
at $1.69.
Grocery, Candy and Provision Sale
Now is the time to buy your Christmas supplies.
Inir fnr I'hrlnimAi vnu cannot afford to bu v your good
Bros. We carry everything you want. Hayden's is the
plete line of high grade goods.
If you want to do any oook
i anv nlace but at Hayden
only firm that carries a corn-
Cleaned Patros "I If
Currants I u
Cleaned Acropolis A,-
Currants IU
Cleaned Acme
Imported French
California Loose
Muscatel Raisins..
California Seeded
Raisins ,
Fancy California
Raisins ,
Imported Sultana
Citron In all grades-J A
from 15o to .HU0
Lemon' Peel J C,.
from 121o to.
Orange Peel QKr
from 12VsO to 03u
Choice Evaporated f r
Fancy Nile
Apples, 10c, Utto.
All Ma
Peaches 1
only Blackberries-only
only Apricots-only
Tea aid Coffee
Basket Fired
Japan Tea
Ceylon Java and If In
Mocha Coffee I I
Family Java and
Meat Sale
No. 1 Sugar Cured Cs
Brk. Bacon
Salt Pork
per pound
Fresh Pork Tip
Sausage I a
4-pound rails 9 TV
Compound Lard .... ft 1
Fancy Fat Her- lf
ring, each ft-1
per pound ,
Fruit and Cheese
New Crop Oranges-each
per quart
New Hollow'een ri
Dates per lb QtO
Fancy Nuts
19U2 crop
Brlck Cheese
at i5c ex. ,
iowa Cream
Neufchatel . Al.
Cheese each ftu
Candy Sale
Delicious Pur Sugar
Mint ixizenges
Dainty Assorted 10 if.
imperials pound.... I ft 1
J'ure Sugar Hoar lfl
nound Drops, only..,IU
Pure Sugar Star ltroken
Mixed Candy oifly tln
pound IU
They Tell Board of Review About Vglua of
. Tbair Shares.
1 ! Ml l
Very Few Wllllas; to Have Stock
Assessed at Ite Fall Book Valae
or at Rate of Most He
- eeat Bales.
The unusual spectacle of a group ot
tankers engaged In an earnest endeavor to
depreciate the stock ot their own res pec
tlve institutions was presented yester
day to the Board of Review and a small
gathering ot casual listeners, and In the
course of the proceedings some highly
Interesting and at times surprising In for
nation regarding banks and banking was
disclose. All of the national banks, with the
exception of the Commercial, were repre
sented officially, their representatives
being Qu'rdon W. Wattles, president Union
National; C. P. McOrew, vice president
Omaha National; Luther Drake, cashier
Merchants National; M. T. Barlow, presi
dent United States National; Henry W.
Tates, president Nebraska National; F. H.
Davis, cashier First National.
On behalf of the board Chairman Rose
water stated that It was the purpose to
secure from the gentlemen present such
Information as possible, to the end that an
adjustment of the bank assessments might
be arrived at that would be equitable In
relation to one another and fair In relation
to the other Jbuslness Institutions.
Bankers Have Their Say.
Each of the hank representatives In turn
was questioned a's to the capital stock, sur
plus, undivided profits and real estate hold
ings of his Institution, and the value of
stock and time and amount of the last divi
dend. Nearly every one of them, in an
swering these questions, presented in some
form or other a protest to the effect that
the quotations on bank stock could not
Justly be taken as an Indication of the value
ot the bank property, and that the banks
bad for some years been paying taxes from
50 to S00 per cent greater than any other
class of business institutions employing the
same amount of capital.
Ourdon W. Wattlca, president ot the Un
ion National bank, was first called UDon
and in response to questions stated the cao
ltal stock of that corporation to be $250,000.
the surplus $26,000 and the amount of real
estate $6,000. The latest sale of stock ot
which he was Informed waa at 75 cents, and
the highest at any time at $1.15. that being
before the panic. The latest dividend was
$ per cent. Mr. Wattles said, in sneaking
of the value of the stock ot bis bank, that
he would consider $0 per cent a fair valua
tion for purposes of taxation. The stock'
quotations as presented in the financial pub
lications, he said, could not be relied unon
In any way as Indicating the true value ot
Talks for Omaha National.
C. P. McOrew stated that the Omaha Na
tional had $1,000,000 ot stock, $100,000 sur-
Wishes to pay something about his vast assortment we
have not Raid before and our ad man has struck a snag
no words to express their goodness We are pleased when
our nhirt tomes under the critical eye. Perhaps it's be
cause we know all the good points about them and are a
little modest in speaking of them; cuffs attached are the
strictest good form of dress, but there are plenty of the
other kinds and our lines of $1.00. $1.23, $1.50, $2.00 and
$2.50 shirts, of the best' .manufacture and fit, you will find
hard to equal.
R. S. Wilcox, Mgr.
plus, $50,000 of undivided profits and real
estate valued at $328,000. There had been
no sales of stock, he said, for three years,
but the book value of the shares was $1.15.
He believed the stock would sell for 100
cents. He said he would consider $400,000
a fair assessment of the property of his
bank. The most recent dividend had been
declared in 1898 and the amount Daid waa
1 per cent.
Mr. Drake gave the capital stock ot the
Merchants National bank at $500,000; sur
plus, $100,000; undivided profits, $25,000, and
real estate, $200,000. The real estate, he
said, was valued too high by $50,000 or $75,
000. The book value ot stock, he said, was
$1.22, but that he did not consider a fair
valuation for purposes of taxation, and he
thought the assessment should be fixed at
70 or 75 cents. Some discussion as to real
estate led to the statement on the part of
the board that the real estate would be de
ducted from the amount of the stock In
the assessment of banks, but that no bank
would be permitted to put one valuation
upon Its real estate tor that purpose and
a lesser one for taxation as real estate.
Mr. Drake stated further that his bank had
on October 1 last paid a quarterly dividend
of 1 per cent. In tbla connection he ob
served that the bank had regularly paid 60
per cent as much tax as it had dividend,
which caused a general laugh.
Mr. Barlow and His Bank.
On the part of the United States National
bank Mr. Barlow acknowledged $400,000
capital stock, $100,000 surplus, $10,000 of
undivided profits and real estate amount
ing to $15,100. He said the book value of
atock was $1.28, but a sale had been made
recently at $1.10. The last dividend was
ten years ago. Of the real estate mentioned
In his statement Mr. Barlow said that
$15,000 was carried In another corporation,
and the board then Informed blm that that
portion would not be deducted from the
amount of- the bank's capital stock. When
asked what the bank wanted In the way ot
a reduction Mr. Barlow said he desired to
have the amount fixed at $200,000 If It was
to be on a sliding scale and subject to
further manipulation, but If It was to be
fixed by agreement, as last year, he would
consent to $276,700 as representing full val
uation In relation to the 40 per cent valua
tion ot last year. Mr. Barlow said that
the banks had agreed to the assessment of
luet year, although at that time convinced
that they were being required to pay from
30 to 60 per cent more iban any other class
of business houses operating on the same
amount ot capital.
Nebraska National Statement.
Mr. Yates of the Nebraska National
bank said his Institution had now $200,000
of capital stock, there having been a re
dueticn of 50 per cent since last year.
The surplus, he said, was $50,000, the un
divided profits $3,000 and the real estate
$61,000. He said there had been no sales
ot stook for many years, but the book
value was $125 or $1.26. Of the $50,000
surplus, he said $26,000 was premium on
bonds and should be deducted. He said
he expected to be merely treated as
the rest of the banks and assessed on the
showing made.
The capital stock of the First National
was given by Mr. Davis as $500, OoO, the sur
plus $100,000, undivided profits $71,0U0
and real estate $135,000. He 'said he was
willing to have the stock put in at the book
value and that a small sale had been made
a short time ago at $1.60. The last dlvldsnd
ot the bank was one of S per cent in July
last, which would indicate 10 per cent a
year, but the average for ten years past
had been but 6 per cent. He said he
wanted the assessment ot the bank reduced
to 100 cents, but that as it bad been placed
by the tax commissioner it represented
$87,000 more than there was Involved InN
the business.
Mr. Davis said It was fair to presume
and it waa true that any bank's assets
were not worth 100 cents on the dollar.
The banks of this city, be said, bad been
paying five times as much In taxes at they
Mr. Drake, speaking on the subject of
over-assessment of banks, said that last
year Mr. Fleming bad said the assessment
was to be made on the basis of 40 pes, cent
ot the true value of property, and after
some negotiations with the Board of Re
view at that time the banks had agreed
to a certain schedule of assessment. It
was then found that the hank assessments
were from 200 to 800 per cent higher than
thoBe of any other class of business con
cerns. He referred to the double liability
upon bank stock as one important detrac
tion from its desirability as an Investment,
which was greatly Increased by heavy
Mr. Wattles Expresses Regret.
Mr. Wattles deprecated the tact that
under the present method of taxation the
banks were placed in the position of be
ing compelled to submit quietly to an un
just standard of taxation or to come before
this board and disclose for publication facts
which would make it appear that their
stocks were not worth the values placed
upon them.
Mr. Yates aald that the plan of assess
ment followed by the tax commissioner In
fixing the bank assessments was one which
be himself had suggested some years ago
and he still believed It to be the most
practicable method ot dealing with the
question. He felt that the banks were the
victims of an Injustice which was due to
force ot clmcumatancea rather than to any
unfairness on the part ot the tax com
missioner or fault in the method of assess
ment.' Mr. McGrew pointed out that the banks
were compelled to make a complete disclos
ure of all their property of whatever sort
and could conceal nothing, while mercantile
houses might make Just such statements
as pleased them.
Mr. McGrew Inquired it in case the banks
were to unite and file aworn statements as
to the value of the stocks those statements
would be accepted by the board as the
basis of taxation. This proposal the board
Mr. Barlow spoke at some length In an
effort to explain the unprofitable features
of the banking business, setting forth that
a great proportion of the undivided profits
were still to be earned and that there was
a percentage of lose on the bills receivable.
Mr. Davla also argued that there ahould
be som reduction for the lasses on bills
and Mr. McGrew said that the amount
would run as high as 3 per rent at least.
At Its afternoon session the board adopted
the following resolution:
Resolved. That for the remaining days ot
its session the board will give no more
hearing to complainants asking reductions
of assessments, but will online Itself to
the work of review and hearing those cited
to appeal and hiiow cause.
The new kind ot General Arthur cigars
are now on sale.
A century of legislation for Ireland that
appears to have been solely designed and
framed to cripple or obliterate the indus
tries of the country has had its Inevitable
effect. The mills that stood as late as
fifty yeara ago by almost every artery of
the great waterways ot the country are
idle and desolate, the looms that were
dally plied in every village from Cape
Clear to the Giants' Causeway and from
the Hill ot Houlto to Galway bay are but
aad memories of a generation now within
measurable distance of the grave, and the
many handicrafts that distinguished the
economy of the Emerald isle are now like
the baseless fabrics of a vision of the
In some districts In Ireland, not only In
Cork and Limerick, there has been a par
tial revival of industries, with a result ex
ceedingly gratifying. Under the patronage
ot the Countess of Abercorn and other Irish
ladles the making of laces, hosiery and
tweeds has been largely revivified, and of
the excellence of the work turned out the
many prizes secured at the Cork exposition.
Just closed, very forcibly attest. The
gratifying results ot this revival, circum
scribed though it be, Indicates that there
Is. a wide field for larger endeavor, tor the
industries of Ireland have never, even In the
palmy days ot the past, been anything like
fully developed.
It Is a far cry from the present date to
the year 1911, but already some of the per
sous who are Interested In such matters
are begiuning to discuss the chances of an-i
other great world's show being held In"
Tarls then. After the last big world's
show, with which a certain amount of dis
appointment was mingled, the fashionable
cry was that there would not be another
for a very long while. But prediction In
one direction would be a very risky busi
ness Just now. Those, however, who are In
favor of a repetition of the venturea are
pointing to the fact that during 1900 on
and a halt milliards of francs, or $300,000,
000, more than in ordinary years are de
posited In banks by means of letters of
credit was then withdrawn and spent In
Paris by foreigners visiting the exhibition.
The inference that all or most ot the money
was spent In Paris seems fair enough, at
such statistics go. The last great world's
show did not altogether meet all the glow
ing anticipations which had been formed
of it, but If the figures which are now given
are really accurate, It will be aeen that
there was some compensation ot a sub
stantial character.
The budget tor India, which was recently
presented to the House ot Commons bv
Lord George Hamilton, the secretary for
India, shows that during the last three
years there was a surplus of Income over
expenditures of $13. 500. COO. In that time
there were spent $100,000,000 on rall-vaya.
$10,000,000 on Irrigation and $39,000,000 on
famine relief, while $19,000,000 was laid
aside from profits from the mint to form
a gold reserve. All the sources of Income,
except opium, showed steady Improvement,
and the Increase of revenue was particu
larly noticeable In customs, which Includes
the tax on drink and railways, most of
which are under governmrnt ownership.
There are now 25, $40 miles cf railway ooen
in India, with a capital ot $1,175,000,000. Tha
government Is annually taking money from
railway revenue to open new productive
lines, and by terminable annultiea and a
sinking fund it will acquire all. except one,
of the old guaranteed linea. These repre
sent from $400,000,000 to $500,000,000. and
will belong to tt givernment In fifty years.
The black spot In the country's progress,
though the Indian secretary did not men
tion that, Is the Increase In the drltk
habit. It is stated that within the cast
few years the consumption of liquors baa
Increased 125 per cent, though the popu
lation has lncreaaed by only 17tt per cent.
An effort is to bo made in Parliament to
allow local option In India, the belief be
ing that the better class of Mohammedans
and Hindus will support any effort made
to prevent the spread ot alcoholism. But
the sale of liquor in India Is a government
mnnnnftlv anil It 1ft llnitht f Ul . that the DOW-
ers that be In Parliament will permit the
passage ot any measure that will diminish
profits In that direction.
The Austrian empire has been so fruit
ful in political disturbances that the oc
currence of another will not excite great
attention, except, perhaps, for the reason
that Its source Is unusual. The private
fortune of the Austrian emperor, which,
however, he regards as the fortune ot hit
bouse rather than of himself as an indi
vidual, has, it appears, been heavily drawn
upon during the past ten years. All the
minor princes and grand dukea receive al
lowances from this source, and their num
ber has been steadily Increasing. This has
made it necessary for the emperor to ask
for an Increase ot $800,000 a year In the
I annual amount aet apart for bla civil list.
As half of this sum, or $400,000, must be
voted by the Hungarian Diet, tome of the
more radical Hungarian members are ac
cusing the court of extravagance and are
denouncing it for spending the money out
side ot Hungary Itself.
The stories of the awful barbarities prac
ticed upon Macedonian peasants by Turkish
soldiers were to have been expected. They
have followed inevitably tbs recent no-
rising against Turkish authority In that
part of the Balkan peninsula and were
doubtless anticipated by those who planned
the revolt.
Those Macedonian agitators are wild and
Ignorant men, but they know bow to ap
peal for sympathy throughout Christendom.
The Macedonian committee Is constantly
planning waya and means of arousing the
ferocity of the Turks and leading them to
the commission ot atrocities. More than
once the murder ot Mohammedans baa been
resorted to by the Christians In the cer
tain belief that they would be followed br
reprisals to horrible that they1 would at
tract the attention of the powers ot Europe.
Recreation and good exercise In Ping
Pong. Tables are 30 cents an hour. Bee
Building Parlors, 214 South 17th street.
Kltehea Brothers' Attorney Dismisses
His Appeal From Lower
Coart's Decision..
The suit of the Kitchen Bros. Hotel com
pany against J. J. Philbln. ticket broker,
formerly offlclng in tba Paxton hotel build
ing, which suit began as a proceeding In
forcible entry and detainer with the allega
tion that Philbln was holding his office room
a year longer than ho had right to under his
lease, was conluded yesterday, when
the attorney tor ths hotel company, during
the proceedings before a Jury In Judge Bla
bangh's court, dismissed the appeal be bad
taken from the decision Of the county court
that Philbln should pay $600 rent for the
room during the time In controversy. Be
cause of a decision In a Justice court that
liquidated damages were collectable, ths
suit became a much complicated affair and
fever got beyond the point of argument.
Phllbln's attorney bad Just moved that the
jury be lnatructed to return a verdict for
the defendant when the plaintiff's at
torney dismissed the appeal on which the
case bad been carried Into the higher court.
Nature's SWeet
U th nam appttad to Ms)Up.M
, ftlssp of tho most regtorativo
Kind follow tho uao of
w Vw v xaaan mabm.
Recommended by leading physi
clans as a pure tonic with
wonderful building-up properties.
Not a 4idarK beer," but a real
matt extract.
AH droggisti fit it. Prtportd onlg bp
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
, t. Louis. U. S. Aa
Brewer 4tt famous Bvdwelser, Mlchelob,
Alack e Tan, Pale-Lager, fiutt, Aaheuser
Olaadard, tert rale and Caaalslto.