OMAHA DA1IA BEE: SATURDAY, DJl"ia.niKl H, IMPS. i TTTT ., - . , Tiie omaha Daily Bee E. ROSE WATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dallv He. (Klthnut Rnndnv). Ons Year.. 14 ) ljallv lip nnl HnrtrlHV. (na Year 6M Illustrated bee, Una lfir 2"U Sunday Uee. One Year ' Saturday Den. Uni Year 1 Twentieth Century Farmer. One Year., DELIVERED BY CARRIER, n.llv (without Runtlav). oer cony.... 1c Daily le-e (without Sunday), per wpik....l!c Daily Bee (Including feuniid), per week..liO Bunday Km, per copy Jc Evening Uee (without Sunday!, per week So ivening tie (Including Bunday), per week ...........IOC Complaints of Irregularities In delivery should ba addressed to City Circulation De paxtment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee tulldlng. South Omaha-city Hall 13uljdlng, Twen ty-nfth and M Streets. Council HI u IT s 10 Pearl Street. Chicago live) Unity Huilding. New York I'ark Row Building. Washington Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Ilea, Editorial Department. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business letters and remittances should be addreseed: The ilea I'uousning y.m pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, ..i.i.. i Tha I'lii.iUhlnii Company. only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of mall accounts, personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not acceyicu. THE 11EI3 PUBLISHING COMPANY ' STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Di.i. Vul.raeWa llnnirln fVmntV. SS. J Menrce H. TzHchuck. secretary of Th. . pir,liahlnv ( Vim nan v. belnK duly sworn. says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Daily, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of November. I)l. -was as follows: 1 S1.4TO r 18., I 2,40O 17.. t ... 81,000 U., 31,3ftO 13.. t 41,o5 20., 34,850 21. 7 81,210 22. 1 30.S4O 23. 39,BTS 24. 10 81,300 25. II .......... S0.9TO 28., 12 80,700 27. It,820 28. 14 ......B0,T80 29. 14 ........81,310 W. JJS,.t ao,uK ..... 38,3 to .8i,i:to Total ' oaa.ttio Lesa unsold and returnes copies.... ,l37 Net total sales aa,T8 Net average sales 80,70o GEORGE B. TZBCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before m. this win Yk"HUNQA (Seal) Notary Public. The Jokes at the Mark Twain banquet were evidently too much for Tom Keed, No matter how late the first cold snap cornea, It la alwaya too early for 1m provident people. In the list of measure! that are no likely to get through congress at thla session, that anbaldy bill can be placed near the top. Congressman Llttlefield baa not an' nounced bla withdrawal from the apeak ership contest, but ,lt la not necessary that he should. (governor Oummlna heartily approves the president's message ,on the tariff question, although he notca that It does not go aa far as "some of us hare gone." A. point for druggists and liquor deal ers: No applicant for a liquor license who has advertised hla notice in The Bee baa ever been refused a license on account of defective publication. Governor Mickey has given It out that he will not remove present appointees in state institutions unless there Is some good reason for a change. Governor Mickey haa the right Idea In this. We thought the World-Herald would finally come to the point of admitting that Its chief objection to President Roosevelt's message comes from the fact that the message had elicited favorable comment from The Bee. . Postmaster Hammond of Fremont cannot refrain from throwing himself a few bouquet In his letter of resignation. The fact that this is the season when cut flowers come high seems to be no deter to this piece of extravagance on, his part And now It Is proposed to cut off the graft of the clerk of the district court as member of the insanity board. The law fixes the salary for this official at $3,000 a year, which ought to be ample to command the most competent service without side lines tnd perquisites. Many boles have been found In the South Omaha city charter that want patching by the coming legislature. If our memory serves us correctly, when the South Omaha charter was originally enacted those who claimed paternity for it' insisted that It was perfection Itself. On no other point are regular army officers so unanimously agreed as that the .abolition of the canteen has been in Jurtous to the military service and to the morals of the men. So unanimous and emphatic is their Judgment that it will surely modify public opinion to a. con siderable extent Nebraska county commissioners will endeavor to have the legal requirements for full value assessment enforced on all property in the state subject to the Jurisdiction of local assessors. When ever the grand assessment roll is put on a full value basis make sure that the people will not stand for the railroads being taxed on a mere fraction of their market worth. The old line insurance men would like to name the new deputy Insurance audi tor for Auditor Weston. We presume the Fraternals' would be willing to make a few suggestions, too. The la urauce auditor, however, is really ex pected to look after the interests of the policy holders rather than the policy writers, and. while be should have ex ptrlence In Insurance matters, he should e a man known to have the stamina. to itand up against the Insurance com panles whenever necessary. ItAlLROAD riWFlTS ASD CHARGES. The only ground alleged on Ixunlf of tlie transportation companies In Justlfl- cntton of a general advance of rates Is what a prominent rnllroud president de- i-rilMs bs "the Inm-nsod cost of living for railways." No doubt wages and the price of material have advanced, but the officially verified fncts regarding rallrond earnings do not give warrant for a general advance of charges. The following figures taken from the reports to the Interstate Commerce commission chow the gross and net earnings and net Income of 1le railroads of the United States for five years preceding and including 1901: Gross Net Net Earnings. Earnings. Income. 1H97. . . .J 1,122,0&9.773 $369,665,000 S 81,257,606 1S!8.... 1,247,325,621 429,352,345 140,319,421 1S39.... 1,813.610.118 456,641,119 164,154.813 1900.... 1.48T,04,814 525,616,303 227,260,447 1901.... 1.588.526.037 658,128,767 241,611,318 Thus the net income over and above fixed charges and taxes lias Increased within five years almost exactly 300 per cent. It is nowhere claimed that the average advance of wages to railroad employes during the same time has ex ceeded 15 per cent, Including .the ad vances that have recently been made. But whatever the increase may have been, and whatever the advance of prices In all the elements comprising "cost .of living for railways," they have not prevented the corporations from ac tually trebling their net Income cer tainly a rate of profit to magnificent that It ought to satisfy every legitimate demand. This statement, however, does not comprehend the entire profits on trans portation, for in a very important sense the amount of earnings Invested in per manent Improvements may be consid ered aa profits since their effect Is to Increase profits for a long future period. The amount of earnings devoted to maintenance of way grew from $115, 000,000 In 1805. to f220,0O0,0O0 in 1901, and for maintenance of equipment from $108,000,000 in 1895 to $184,000,000 In 1901. Notwithstanding these and many other appropriations, the companies were able to declare devldends In 1901 $29,834,090 greater tlian in the preceding year. The enormous profits demonstrated by the reports of the roads come from gen eral prosperity, from the Increased .ton nage which active Industry has pro duced, and there should be a fair appor tionment of the benefits. Certainly the employes of the roads should have their share In Increased wages, which upon the whole they have not yet secured. But they are not more entitled to such advance than the general public Is en titled to its share in decrease of rates. The astonishing result of a 300 per cent increase of net Income In five years is sufficient to provide both for Increase In wages and decrease in charges, and yet leave a remainder of benefit to stock holders many times greater than that of either, the employes or the patrons. yOT ACCEPTABLE TO BERSdAHT. The .proposition submitted to the Ger man government by President Castro of Venezuela not proving acceptable, it is stated that steps will be immediately taken by Germany to collect the debt claimed to be due German citizens by the southern republic. It is understood that Castro represented that it is im possible for Venezuela to pay the debt now, no matter how much she may de sire to satisfy immediately the claims against her, and suggested an agreement providing for deferred payments. The proposition, it appears, the German gov eminent regards as inadequate and being especially designed to gain further time. There is no doubt that Venezuela is not in a financial condition to at once pay this debt, said to be, about $2,000, 000. That country Is practically bank rupt and its revenues are less than its expenditures. This is undoubtedly well known to the German .government which there is reason to believe would be dlRposed to be lenient were the Ven ezuelan government to fully acknowl edge the obligation and show an honest intention to settle It. This, however, Is not President Castro's way, though per haps he will change his tactics when be receives an ultimatum and finds Ger man warships at the ports of Venezuela for the purpose of collecting customs if satisfactory arrangements are not made for the payment of the debt within a reasonable time. The coercive measures which Ger many threatens to tako will not be In terfered with, it is safe to eay, by the United States. President Roosevelt evl dently had this matter In mind when he said in his message regarding the inde pendent countries In this hemisphere "It behooves each one to maintain order within its own borders and to discharge Its Just obligations to foreigners. When this is done they can rest assured that le they strong or weak, they have noth lng to dread from outside interference." There have recently from expressions of opinion abroad, elicited by the Ger man and British claims against Ven ezuela, that lu regard to the conduct o the various American republics the United States should accept 'the respon slbllity. It is argued that this country cannot properly enforce the command to European nations of hands off in re gard to affairs in this hemisphere with out holding Itself ready to answer fo the good conduct of its wards the other republics. The United States, however, has never Interposed any obstacles to the collection of a Just debt from any of its sister republics w hich were disposed to repudiate their obligations to the citi sens of foreign powers. Our protection to the independent countries of thl hemisphere applies to their territory, but does not assume to shield them from the payment of their Just obligations. If Venezuela persists in her attitude regarding the German and British claims she must take the consequences, her only guaranty so far as the United States is concerned being that her terrl tory shall remain Intact The proba blllty Is, however, that President Cas tro will conclude that the wiser and U't- ter way is to come to terms and effect an amicable settlement. KXt.VPTIUX LAWS t titBRASKA. The retail dealers of Omaha and throughout the various Nebraska cities and towns will endeavor to secure from the coming legislature a modification of the present exemption laws In those pro visions which they think unfair to them. The exemption laws are designed to protect the wage worker and salaried clerk upon whose earnings a family de pends for support, but not to stimulate and encourage deadbeatism and Impos ture. ' The safeguards of the law should be thrown around extreme cases on both sides the merchant who hos been Im posed upon should le considered equally with the unfortunate customer who by stress of circumstances is unable to pay his bills promptly. The honest man should not force a merchant to take re course to legal enforcement of a Just and undisputed claim any more than . . a 1 . II 1 an honest niercnaut snouiu oo coiupeuuu to suffer by dishonesty hiding behind legal exemptions. It is to be hoped that whatever changes may be made In the law aa It now stands will look to both parties to the contention and that a solution fair to all may bo arrived at MKRITSrSTCM FUll CO.VSPXS. The president said that it is much to bo desired that our consular system be established by law on a basis providing for appotntmeut and promotion .only in consequence of proved fitness. Two bills are now in congress providing for re form In the consular service and It is reported that the State department is engaged in drafting a new bill that will probably be presented during the pres ent session. The measure now in the senate was framed by .Senator Lodge nd Is based largely on civil service regulations. It is apprehended that this would prevent Its acceptance by the house of representatives, in which there Is considerable opposition to the classl fled service. Another consular reform bill was Introduced In the house at the last session which Its author, Repre sentative Adams of Pennsylvania, be lieves will be more acceptable ,to that body than the senate measure. The civil service commission. In its last report, urged the application of the merit system to the consular .service. It pointed out the importance which that service has attained and said that n order to maintain and increase our industrial pre-eminence we ought .to have by far the best consular service in the world. "We should have the quick est and most reliable information as to our opportunities, as well as business representatives who are able to Improve them. This can only be done by a con sular service which is uniformly in structed and alert" After indicating some of the defects in the service as at present constituted and which are in evitable under the existing system, the report says: "Good men can be secured even for the smaller places when faith ful service in those places becomes the appropriate portal for entrance to higher positions. The service will then be more uniformly filled by men of Intelli gence, .while the Wither qualifications of integrity, fidelity and energy will be enhanced by the prospect of promotion for good service. It is to the competitive system, which has so greatly Improved the other . parts of the service, that we must look for the permanent betterment of the consular branch." Unquestionably the consular service of the United States is now more effi cient than ever before in our history. There are in it many capable and faith ful men, as the consular reports attent Our manufacturers and merchants are kept well Informed as to commercial conditions abroad and very generally the consular officials are attentive to their duties. There are some defects, how ever, that need to be corrected and It is especially desirable that the efficiency which has been reached shall be main tained. The country wants a consular service as nearly perfect as it is possible to make such a service and In order to attain this it .must be divorced from politics and proved fitness be made the basis and only test fo appointment and promotion. That Is the principle ob served by European countries in regard to. their consular service and there is no sound reason why it should not be ap plied here. Opponents of the power canal project are trying to confuse the public mind by setting up contesting claims to the water rights. This game is so trans parent that anyone can see through It, Its object being by delay to prevent any action on the franchise ordinance. The people of Omaha have been discussing a power canal so long that they will have no patience with mere obstruction lets. If Omaha is to have cheap power tho sooner It comes the sooner will it be in position to build up its manufacturing enterprises and expand in every direc tion. The hotel catastrophe at Chicago was obviously due to criminal disregaid of the simplest principles of safety in con st ruction. The hotel was built of highly inflammable materials, the escapes de' fective and the general arrangeiueut that of a. fire trap. The responsible au thoritles utterly failed in their duty. It was a building In which fire was likely to occur and in which. If it did occur, there was. certain to be terrible loss of life Such carelessness is a high crime in fact, and It ought to be made so In law. . Druggists and liquor dealers are dis covering that tbe holdup practices of piratical newspapers have no limits when once encouraged. The Bee's posl tlon as the newspaper of largest clrcu latlon in Douglas county, entitled under the law to the publication of notices of liquor license applications, has been re peatedly upheld by the courts against all competitors, but that does not stop other newspapers from trying to shake down license applicants by threats, savoring closely of blackmail. Instead of one holdup, liquor deBlers are now threatened with two holdups. The only thing fW them to do Is to advertise In The Uee and refuse to be bled by the pretenders. I-ct them remember that no applicant for n, license who has adver tised in The Bee has ever been refused a license on account of defective appli cation. If the object of President Stlckncy Is to sell to competing companies his new Chicago-Omaha line, it looks as if be might secure a handsome price. How- ever, it Is due him to any that lie de clares that the object Is not to selL One Wise Kicker. Philadelphia Press. The Pennsylvania railroad management Is wise ! opposing a general advance in freight rates. There has been no good rca. son presented for any such general In crease and It Is to be hoped that It will not take place. The Slogan of Optimists. Indianapolis Journal. When President Roosevelt wrote ot Amer icans as "men with Iron in their blood" he could not have intended to include those lit tle Americans who distrust the abilltv of the people to solve great and difficult prob lems. He did not refer to calamltyltes and pessimists. Labor Wants a. Dividend. Indianapolis Mews. The representatives ot 170.000 railroad men, who are in session in Cblcaco. evl dently believe that the prosperity resulting from increased freight rates should not be restricted in its beneficial effects f and we who pay this tax, perforce, are rather In clined to agree with them. Looking- for Tronbla. Buffalo Express. The sultan of Bacolod, who calls the American "hogs who eat hogs" and chal lenges them to fight. Is a great man of the island ot Negros. Formally he was a friend of the American, but Just now ha haa turned the light of his countenance away from them. There Is a postofflce and money order office at Bacolod. and It is easy to Imagine the sultan going to the office within a few days and writing a new letter to the Americans, telling them toat tbe last one was all a mistake. May Become a Lost Art. Kansas City Star. One of the things in this changing world that ought to be preserved Inviolate against the touch of Innovation la apple pie. Properly constructed, with an ingen ious regard for hygiene and for pleasing taste, an apple pie is the very apothesls of cookery and no token ot modern de generacy Is more mournfully apparent tban the great scarcity of the sort ot In telligence and discrimination necessary to the production ot apple pie, pure and un defined and divested of all adjuncts and appurtenances which vitiate the palate and impair the digestion. Ofllceholdlna; aa a Bnslnesa. Detroit Free Press. As a rule the officeholder works mors hours for less money than almost any other private In the great army of the employed. For every hour that he spends in the per formance of his' public duties he must spend at least another hour in keeping his fences in repair. If he Is elected by the people he must begin his. work for a re- nomination as soon as he is elected. If he holds a subordinate position he must retain his Influence In his precinct or his services will not be In demand at the city hall. It is Bard work and expensive work and the glory of It all is sadly tarnished. Hands OH a Good Policy. Detroit Free Press. 1 President Rooeevelt is right in refusing to recommend that this government mix up In any way with Venezuela and its Eng lish, German and other foreign creditors. If the moneyed men of Wall street want to discharge the obligations 'and accept pledges of future payment from Venezuela they will be doing a favor to the country, and probably a greater one to themselves, for It is disturbing to have foreign war ships in western waters and foreign offi cials in charge of western customs offices. There la slight chance for permanent harm, but it has a perceptible effect upon timid capital, which Is absolutely essential to speculative operations, particularly when they are carried on at the present stu pendous scale. OXE FOR THE BEEF TRl'ST. Downfall of Populism Traced to the Packers. Washington Post. Probably no man who pays so much for his beefsteak that he feels he is guilty of extravagance every time he buys a porter house will admit that the beef trust can give any good reason for existing, except that it persists in doing so. We are Inclined to view every doughty "trust buster" as a champion of the plain people and an eco nomic hero. We could view the aggres sions of the vast combinations of capital with equanimity so long as they confined their operations to making steel rails, or carried terror to the other side of the At lantic by tbe vaunted "American invasion." But it Is different when the American citl- ten is forced to pay as much for a lump of liver as he used to expend for a Juicy sirloin. But the fact remains that the beef trust can be accused of one public-spirited deed, although, perhaps, the motive was not purely philanthropic. Ever since the settlement of Nebraska and Kansas these states have been af flicted with lean years in crops and favored by others equally fat. But the trouble was that during tbe lean years, when the hot winds bad scorched the fields and destroyed the crops, the farmers disposed of their stock at famine prices, gave away their cattle or allowed them to starve. If bounteous crops came In the following year they found the price of corn so low that they burned it tor fuel, and the sum realised on one-half the produot would not build a good crib around the ntber half. To feed the corn to stock was out of the question, for the output of five acres would not buy a calf. This state of affairs re sulted in poverty snd populism. Here is where the beet trust came to the front. Three or four years ago tbe Ar mours and their brethren in business of fered to sell cattle on credit to farmers who gave evidence of having sufficient ability to feed them. A mortgage was taken on the cattle, which were to be delivered at the stock yards at Omaha and Kansas City when fattened. The farmer ran no risk, and his investment was merely the corn he could not sell. The beef trust likewise ran no risk, barring exceptional dishon esty on the part of the farmer. la this way the farmers west ot the Mis souri river have been aided in playing the lean years against the fat years. It is re sponsible for much of the prosperity for which the republican party has taken am ple credit. Populism has practically died out and largely on account of beef UuaC In the mines, upon the ranch, in the woods, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder can be trusted. Keeps fresh and of full strength through rough usage, in damp and heat, until used, and always turns the food out just right. Dr. Price's Baking Powder renders the food more eatable, wholesome and nutritious. These great qualities are peculiar to Dr. Price's Baking Powder and make it valuable and best for use in the household everywhere. PRICE BAKING POWDER, CHICAGO, U. 8. A. POLITICAL DRIFT. The prise pussle In Chicago is to tell whether Mayor Harrison or Bob Burke runs th. city machine. Ferry Belmont is willing to make an other run for congress in a New York dis trict two years hence. Perry needs the ex ercise and the district needs the money. Kansas republicans paid out (13,136 to elect their ticket In November, according to a statement recently filed. .Two years ago th. same kind Of an undertaking cost them $2S.X5.7I. Senator . Clark of Montana is slated to succeed Senator Jones as chairman of the democratic national committee. Senator Clark is well heeled and the committee needs th. money. Congressman Orosvetior of Ohio, the emi nent political prophet, is exercising his prophetic talents on th. ship subsidy bill. Th. weather bureau looks with envious eyes on th. Ohtoaa't marvelous prescience. Prtncs Jonah Kunia Kalauiauole, who represents Hawaii In th. next house of rep resentatives, is the first royal person to en ter the congress of the V'niled States. Al ready there Is much speculation as to Just how ho will b. addressed. Is the course oi his prayer the other morning Chaplain Couden of the house be sought th. dlvlB. blessing on "th. depart ment of Justice." Congressman Bbattuc of Ohio said: "The chaplain probably meant t. say th. suprem. court, or els. b. remem bered that th. attorney general Is from Pennsylvania and needs ail th. help h. can get." Negroes of Alabama have called a meet ing, to be held in Belma, December 11, to or ganise, It is d.clared, a new republican party, int. which they h.p. to attract some of th. whit, men of th. state. Th. negro leaders say that th. 1.000 registered segroes Js th. state wlU b. the ana whit. men who do not believe th. negro should be discarded entirely after so many years ot affiliation will help. At tho opening of congress last Monday the man who received the most floral stten tlon was Senator Piatt of New York. His desk was smothered with floral remem brances, while that of his colleague. Senator Depew, was conspicuously flowerlesa. It was a delicate way of testifying to Senator Piatt's talent at the pie counter. Speaking of the question of presidential candidates in 1904 the St. Louis Republic (dem.) says that "this is the year for dis cussing the impossible possibilities." And it adds: "Old Missouri is calmly, modestly, waiting for the ripeness of time. Out her. w. have two or three possibilities war ranted to stand any kind of weather." LINES TO A lll'OH. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Her.", more trouble. There's been an overproduction of 7 "oo.OoO barrels of salt." "Well, you can't call that fresh trouble." New York Sun: Jinks Who was Walt Whitman? mink1-! think he was the fellow that suid, "I'll write It out in this Una If It takes all the paper." Philadelphia Press: "I was thinking of having the ushers offer my picture for sale at, Hay, II each," said the conceited actor. "Why not sell them at their face value?" suggested Mr. Crlttlck. "Make it 34 cents." Washington Star: "Dar I. two kin's o' friends," said Uncle Eben; "dem dat wants to do you favors and dem dat expects you to do favors fob dem. I kin tell you In one guess which kin' you has da mos' of." New York Sun: Mum da Styla lie bet her a kins Yale would win. MIfs (Junbuma And how did It come out? fie Style A tie. Miss Uunbusta Is that so? MIhs de Style Yes; I was at the wedding. Chicago Tribune: "No." said Mr. Wu, aa he stopped pacing the deck of tha vessel ajoit u4roa lA ax mm - V lea, now fast receding from his view. "I' can't say I was really a popular man In that country. No brand of cigars ha. var been named after ma." Philadelphia Press: Casey (th. stone mason) I hwat's the row below? , Casaidy (the hotlrarrler) Bhura', Engllxli Jim just fell from the second dure t the basemlnt. Casey That's an Englishman fur y. Shure, it win two hours ago I told him a Joke, an' 1: . took him all this tolm. to tumble. TUB TOP OF TUB MORNIIT." Chicago Tribune. Oh, Gentle Reader, kind and good The while you muorn your Breakfai Food- Just when the sun con to begem The world with Joy It ihe a. ra. While you beguile your wppetlte My reading who was kll.ed last night. This bard of alabaster orow And streaming locks b. makes his bow And bids you '"1 he top ' th. mornln'." II. takes the strap from off hla grin, And shows his line of Jest and quip. And bits of nonaense, such as men Are aald to relish now and then; A song, perchance; and sermona, to.; And divers other stunts to do Hut. first of all, as has been Mid. He bows his deferential head. And bids you 1 "Th. top o' the mornln'." Th. morning has a top, you know 'Tis where tha best Impulses grow Where goldenest of sunbeams slant Across the gorgeous good-lu'k plant; And If you're at tha morning's top Then you may pluck that lucky crop. So, first of all. and from the heart, permit him, at the very start. To wish you "Th. top o' th. mornlnV Oh, Gentle Reader, good and kind. To brava an ante-breakfast mind That mind cold, calm, dlapasHlonate With which you view your cup and plate Require, a courage without allp: Keguirea an ooseleas finger tip. Your humble servant haan't that but beaa you'll note hla lifted hat. And bids you "U'ia tan th. nuarnla' x