10 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER fi, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL SSaaaaaagfaSSBa. UirkeU in AU Oommoditiet Art Dull and Id active, WHEAT OPENS STEADY, CLOSES LOWER Cera Is Dalt, Fair Cask Demand, with mall Sales, Keea Oata Steady, Wall Provisions Evlace llroig Toae. CHICAGO. Dec. R Inactivity reigned su preme on the Hoard of Trade today and after a ateady opening In wheat a weaker tone w manifested and May cloned Wil hc lower. May corn wan unchanged, g also waa oats. January provisions closed unchanged to 10c higher. The wheat market was extremely dull and price had a downward tendency. There waa no disposition to trade. Outside of Ar gentine advices, which were construed as somewhat bearish, there was nothing In the way of news to Influence values. What little trading there was came from locals, the poor coudlilon of the telegraph wires keeping back many orders from outsiders. id ay opened a shaue lower to ',Wc higher at 75Vj.76c, and alter celling olf to lac there waa a rally to TVg i'6'ic, but another decline followed, the price touching 'io',c. Tha close was lower at iirt,c. Clear ances ot wheal and flour were equal to lil.uuo bushels. FrtTiary receipts were 9UK, if bushels, against l.ltu.Ow bushels a vear ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 6s 1 cars, which with the local receipt of 62 cars, none of contract grade, made total receipts for tha three points of M.l cars, against 2,1 ,6 cars (two days) last week and 3uu cars a year ago. Corn waa dull and easier, the clear, cold Wtaiher being more favorable for the move, ment and grading and thla feature, which caused scattered selling by pit tradera, was the main factor In creating a bearlah tone to thu situation. ' Tha opening was lirm on , .. . . 1. 1 K m maWjkfl. f i n m innn developed and continued throrghout the day, there being no support from the In-1 fluenceg. The close was about steady, with , Mav unchanged at 4JVu43Hc. atter selling I between So and 43e. Local receipt were li cars, with 6 of contract grade. A fair cah demand continued the domi nating Influence In oats and the undertone waa llrm, but trading waa light. There waa some selling of May on the part ot commlnlon houaes, but the offerings were well taken and the market held steady. May closed unchanged at 32Hc, arter rang ing between 32o and 32V4c Local receipts were 184 cara. Provisions were active and there waa a trong tone to the market, commission houses being good buyers, ooth In the way of short covering and also for the account of longs. Packers were also moderate buy ers, but profit-taking tended to check the advance. The close was strong, January pork being up 10c at 116.45, while lard waa also 10c higher at 19.10. January ribe were unchanged at $8.37V4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat, 80 cars; corn, ISO cars; oats, 180 cara; hogs, iw.OOu head. . The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.j Yea'jr. Wheat ' Dec 72H-8H ' 734 72 May 7576 7 76 July 73 73 73 Corn Dec. K C6H 64H Jan. 47 47 47i May 43ft 43 43 OalS tDeo, 80 80 30 May 32 Sl' 82 Pork Jan. 16 85 It 47 If 25 May 16 87 15 47 15 39 Lard Dec. 10 85 10 60 10 35 Jan. 9 77 9 97 75 May 02 07 8 97 Ribs- Jan. I 85 8 42 8 82 May 8 20 8 80 8 20 72'S78V4 7&SI 75 73 &,73rH M 64 47 47 43&43'& SW30H 32 32 18 45 15 32 10 55 9 90 8 92 1 35 II 40 10 35 9 80 8 02 8 87 8 25 8 37 8 22 No. t. tNew. Cash quotations were aa follows: K LOUR Market slow: winter patents. I3.50vj3.60; atratghts, 83.10(93.20: clears, 82.70 1(3.10; spring specials, $4. 40514.20; patents, Cl.VV63.70; straights, $3.W)3.20l bakers, WHEAT No. 2 spring. 734i73c: No. 3 spring, 67(&71c; No. 2 red, 73&74c. CORN No. 2, 55c; No. i yellow, 65c. OATS No. 2. 31131Vc: No. 2 white, 40c; No. 9 white, S03lc. RYE No. 8, 49C. BARLEY Good feeding, 8639c; fair to choice malting, 4558c. SEED No. 1 flax, $1.14; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.20; prime timothy, $3.65; clover, con tract grade, $10.86. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $18.75. Ird. per 100 lbs., $10. 66ft 11.60. Short ribs Idea (loose), $8.7&g9.00. Dry aalted should ers (boxed), $ft.87(39.00. Snort clear aides (boxed). $8.7569.00. Following wen the receipts and shipments of the principal gralna yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 16.800 30,000 Wheat, bu .' 76.100 124,600 Corn, bu 112,600 187.900 Cats, bu 216,000 196,901) Rye. bu.. 20.800 2.000 l'.arley, bu 62,300 191,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creameries, l&t2sc; dairies, 17624c. Eggs, ateady, loaa oft, cases returned, 24c. Cheese, quiet, 11b12c. SEW YORK GBKEHAL MARKET. 4)aetatloaa af the Day aa Varleai Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. S.-FLOUR-Recelpts. 19,000 bbls.; exports, 17,000 bbla.; moderately active and well sustained; winter patents, $2.60&3.26; winter straights, $3.46if3.56;- Min nesota patents, $3.90$p4.16; Minnesota bak ers, $8.203.40; winter extras, $2.86(3.10; winter low grades. $2.6542.90. Rye flour. quiet; fair to good, $3.0wj3.40; choice to fancy, $3.6069.66. Buckwheat flour, . quiet, ga.svxB3.36, spot ana to arrive. t'OKNMEAL Steady; yitllow western, $1.25: city, 81.22; Brandywlne, $3.40(33 U. RYE Dull; No. 3 weatern, 68c. f. o. b., afloatt No. 8. 64864c. On track: State, B A RLBY Steady; feeding. 8940c, c. . f.. MUtraio; mailing, wgwo, c. 1. 1., uutiaio. WHUAT itecttluta. 102.U00 bu. 1 exuorta. none) spot easy; No. 8 red, 7o elevator and 77o f. o. b, afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, Hvio f. o. b. No. 1 hard, Manitoba, K4c f. o, b. afloat. Optlona had a vary alow day, with ateadlneas a feature up to 1 o clock, when a bear attack weakened tha whole list. Wire trouble checked bus ineea; receipts were small, but cablea proved disappointing, the weather better ana export iraae nam. nut numri ciosea easy at o net decline; May, 7SW79 11-1 be, closed at ,9c; July. JsislMsc, closed at 7o; CORN Receipts. ' 64,600 bu.; exports. 1,322 bu. I spot firm; Ho. 2, 64c elevator and 64c f. o. b. afloat: Nc 3 yellow. 66c: No, 3 white, 7c. Options opened steady, but declined moderately during the nay because of tm Vroved weather, the wheat decline and closed. Irregular at a partial n net ue .line; January closed at 64c; May. Mt' bc, closed at 4c; December, M6t closed at 60o. OATeV-Receipts. 133.500 bu.; exports, 11,- 614 bu. I spot llrm; No. 1, 3&c; standard white. XTVtftJTtic: No. 3, S.c: No. 1 white, k70ac; No. I white, STtcjtfTVtc; track, mixed western, nominal; traca wnue, j.j-i-c. up. tlons neglected and barely steady; Decent' tier rloaeU at 87-kc. UAY-Hteadyi ahlpylng, 66ij70c; good to choice, nk'UU MOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1uJ crop, 2l3kc; lDul crop, 24u2ho; olds, 7 if '12c; Paclllu coast. 1K-C crop, 24 Jic; IM oroi, nwiiv, uius, mii-nc lilDhrt Steady; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs. lie; California, 31 to lbs.. 19c; Texas dry. 84 to lbs., lc. I. HATH ER Steady ; acld,-S4ti2t,c. PHUVISIONH Uerf. ateady; family, $16.00 (ilt.uo; mess. $lU.6ull u: beef hams, tM SO 4J-2J.U0; packet, I14.WOKI l.tM); city extra ln.llu mess. $Js.ouC6.M. Cut meats, easy; pickled bellies, lOHlc; pickled shouluera. Svec; pickled hama, 11 v 12c. IJtril, nrm; west ern steamed, $11. 4v, December closed. $11.20, nominal: refined. Arm; continent, $11' South America. $11.76; compound,, $7 frtig T.76. Pork, steady; family. $is 19 o; ahori clear, $21.0UUr2.Wi raiwi. u uwgii.iiu. TAILOW Steady; city ct2 per pkg), c country tpkgs. free). 86o. Sc: country tpackages freel, ifi(e. RICE Fl em: domastlL. fair to extra, 46 6c; japan, 4rc. Hl'TTKK Receipts. 4.837 pkga.; dairy, 201 27c; creamery, extra, 29c; creamery, remmon to choice, b'tiZHc. CHEESE Receipts. 4,935 pkgs.; Arm fancv lam new state full cream, colore. and white, September, 13il4c; colored, late .made. 12Vc; white. 12lJo; small, colored and white. September, 13yi3c; late made 12.fclJe. EGGS Receipts. 14.443 kgs.: firm; state and Pennsylvania, average best. 2y jc weatern nnitr tn fancv araded. 3oef27c POULTRY Alive, quiet, unchanged; dressed dull and unchanged. METALS Tin advanced la M In 1-ondon today, with closing firm at 118 17a 6,1. and fnturea at 113: tha local market ruled dull. with spot quoted at $24 8704 96. Copper wua nnlet. with spot la 3d higher in Lon don "t to 12 M. and future unchanged at 50 l&a 9d, and wis also dull and un changed here; standard cloaed at $10TS; lake $11 as. ana eieciroiywc ii cmaung 1U.4A, all nominal. Lead waa quiet and uri. changed, the London . price remaining at LV 12a d and the New York quotation at 4"2ri. Spelter was unchanged at London, closing at 19 15s; the New York market was weak, but without quotable change at $5.10. Iron closed at Ms 3d In Glasgow and at 4Ka M in Mlddlesbnrough : lew ally I he market was Inactive and nominally un changed; No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at 12.' o,i2n.uo: No. X foundry, northern. No. 1 foundry, southern and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at $22. Oo 23.00. OMAHA LK.s.ALE MARKETS, Condltloa of Trade and Qaotatloas staple and Kaaey Prod are. F.GG8 Candled stock, 23S24c. LIVE POl'LTRY Hens, 'V(c; old roos ters, 4c; turkeys, lcfgUc; ducks', bfp9c; geese, 8(pSc; spring chickens, per lb., 8 1 UHESSKLi I'OlUl Hi Hens, l"c: young chickens, 11c; turkeys, 12fyl4c; ducks and geee, li ijjllc. BUTTER Packing stock, 1616c: choice dairy. In tubs, a-B-'lc; separator, 2'29c. FRESH CAITUMT FISH-Trout, c; her ring, 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike, Vc; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed 7c; suntish. 3c; bluertns, $c; whltetlsh, lot.-; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish. 12c; redsnapper, 10c; iobsters boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2c; bullheads, 10c; cattish, 14c; black bass, 2wc; halibut. 11c. t'UHN New 40c. O ATS 32a RYE No. 2. 45c. BKAN-Per ton. 813 5a HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association : Choice No. 1 upland, $8.&; No. 1 medium, $7.50; No. 1 coarse, $'.0U Rye straw, $6.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality, te mand, fair; receipts, light. OYSTERS Standards, per can, 28c; extra selects, per can, 36c; New York counts, per can. 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gaL, $1.75; bulk, standards, per gal., $1.30. CHRISTMA8 DECORATIONS. TREES 4 to 6 feet, per dosen, $1.75; 7 to 9 feet, $3.60; 6 to 7 feet, $2.60; 9 to 10 feet, $4.50; large. for school and church purposes, 12 to 14, leet, each, $Mkh1.60; extra la.Ke, 15 to 20 feet, each, $2.0O"a4.00. EVERGREEN WREATHING In colls of 20 yards, pr coll, 90c; live-coil lots, h&c. WREATHS Magnolia and galsx wreaths, per dosen, 1.50'!t2.oo; evergreen wreathe, per dosen, $1.602.00; holly wreaths, per dosen, $l.Wt2.U.- HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 8x2x4 feet (about 60 lbs.), $4; per1 barrel, $L50. IX)NG NEEDLE Pits" ES Per dostn, $2.50 f3.W. mistletoe bkaikuiisb-per id., soc VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamaaoo. ner dos.. 15c: Utah, per dos., 45c; California, per dos.. for stalks weighing trom 1 to 1 lbs., each, 4oi 6c. POTATOES New, per bu., 60c. SWEET POTATOES Kansaa. per bbl.. $2.25. TURNIPS Per bu.. 30c: Canada ruta bagas, per lb., le. Utt 1 S-Per basket. 40c CUCUaLBERS Hothouse, per dog., I1.6C, PARSNIPS-Per bu., 4oc CARKOTS Per bu., 40c. OKEEN ONIONS Southern, rer dos. bunches, 45c. RADISHES Southern. Der dox. bunchea. 46c. WAX BEANS Per bu. box. $3: string beans, per bu. box, $1.60. CABBAGE Misc. Holland seed, ner lb.. lc. onions New noma rrown. in sacka. per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate, $1.75. NAVY BEAN 6 Per bu., 2.0. TOMATOES New California. Der 4- basaet crate, 82.76. CALijiLOWEK California, per orate. 1160. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2.00; Colorado, per box, $2.25. APPLEb Cooking, per bbl., 83.25; eating, $3.60; Jonathans, H.Ou; New York, stoca, $3.26; ,'a.iiornla Belltlowers, bu. box, $1.(0. UltAftH catawnaa, per Daaaet, ic; Malagas, per keg, $6.0v7.00. cranberries Wisconsin, per ddi.. $9.60; Bell and Bugles, $10.u0; per box, $3.26. TROPICAL FRUITS. , BANANAS Per bunch, according to slxe. J2.uwj-i.oO. LUMurxa cauiornia iancy, frt.vuwvbu; Choice, 63.76. ORANGES Florida Brlghts. $3.76: Cali fornia Navels, $3.76(4.00. DATES Persian, in 70-lb. boxes, ner lb.. 6c; per case of 3o-iu. pkgs., $2.26. FIGS California, per to-lb. cartons, $1; Turkish, per 3o-lo. box, 14'tflSc, UlUfb rnU 1 X r iorida, $6. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah. Der 24-frim pass. $3.,o. ciOER New York. 4.6o; per -bbL. 82.76. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin. er M.am .. $2.ai; per bul., $3.75. iliiEo no. i green, 7C; No. z green, 6c; No. 1 salted. He; No. 2 salted, c: Mo. I veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 13 to 16 lbs., be; dry hides. tfi2c; sheep pelts, 2utc9c; hone hides, rurt.uBn-rer id., zc; sneiied, 4c NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, ner lh 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 3 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c: lilberia. per lb. i;r: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; pecana, large, per lb., I2c; small, per Id., 13c; cocoanuts, per dog., ouc; cnestnuls, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6o; toasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per, iu., , iiii;nui7 uuu, per DU-, ll.w; cocoanuts, per 100, $4. OLD METALS, ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country, mixed per ton, $11; Iron, atove plate, per ton. H: Nvnn,, ner In Hki hr, k.,.. K 1 L r r - i r - ., m - .. v . , yvr JO.. c; brass, light, per lb., 6e; lead, per lb.. c; xlnc, per lb., 2c; rubber, per id., o. ST. LOUIS, Dec 6. WHEAT Steady; No. 2 red cash, elevator, nominal; tra-k. ac; uecemner, c; May, 74c; No. 2 nara, siW'ic. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 4545ic; track, 46-S-46c; December, 46c; May, Me, OATS Firm: No. 2 cash. itiWc. nominal track, 33(5 33c; December, 314c; May, 31c; RYE Firm at 48c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 83.80 BJ au; iancy ana siraignt, ti.iMjai.eb: clear. 2n2 96. SEED Timothy, ateady, $2.903.4O. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.40. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 707?e. 1IAY Scarce, higher; timothy, $10.00 IRON COTTON .'. 1ES-$1.07. BAGGING 5-164j7 l-16c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork: Lower: jobbing. standard mess, $11.90. Lard: Higher at $10.78. Dry salt meats (boxed), ateady; extra shorts, $9.75; clear ribs. 850: short clears, $10. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra snoris ana ciear riDS. in ; snort clear, $11.26. METALS Lead: Quiet; $4.00, sullera. Spelter: Dull: $4.70, sellers. POULTRY-Bteady; chickens, 9c; springs, 10c; turkeys, lullc; ducks, 12c; geeee, uC. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23Q29c; dairy, 1Mh23c. EGGS Steady at 22c, losa off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls lO.OuO 8.000 Wheat, bu 64,000 8o8,00o Corn, bu 110,000 3.(00 Oata, bu 12.OU0 . 37,000 Liverpool Grata 4 ProTlsloaa. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 6. WHEAT-Spot: Firm; No. 2 red weatern winter, 6s lod; No. 1 northern spring, no stock: No. 1 California. 6s ld. Futures: Quiet; De cember, 6s lld; March, 6a l)d; May, 6a ll-,d. CORN Spot: Quiet; American mixed. 6s 4d. Futures: Quiet; January, 4a 6d; March, 4a 3d. FLQLR St. Loula fancy, winter, quiet, 83a. HOPS At London, Pacific coast, firm, 6 1541 7. PEAS Canadian, steady, 6s 7d. PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India mess, 116s Pork, strong; prime mess, west ern, 9os. liamH, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 64s id. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 2( to 30 lbs., dull, 4m; shjri ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., dull, 64s: long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., quiet, 64s 6d; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., easy, 64a; short clear backs. 16 to 30 lbs., quiet. 66s: cluar bel lies, 14 to 16 lbs., dull, 63s. Shoulders. 110 to 130lbs., dull, 4is. I.ard, American refined. In pxtla, firm, 60s; prime western. In tierces, steadv. &fs. P ("ITER Nominal. CHEESE Strong; American finest whits !- ci'lorl, TAIJX)W Prime city, firm, 28s Id; Aus tra.i.iii. in lonoon. firm. 34s 3d. Receipts of wheat during the fast three days, I. -9.000 cents!. Including 202. 000 Ameri can. Receipt of American corn during the past three days. 23.2UV centals. Tha Provision exchange here will be cloaed on December 26, 36 and 27. Kaasas City Oral sad Pravlalaas. KANSAS CITY. Dec 8 WHEAT De cember. 63c; May, 69c; cash, No. 2 hard. 6.c: No. 8, 64c; No. 1 red, 63c; No. 8. 6itJ-i4C. CORN December. 89c: May. $7Hc; essh. No. 2 mixed. 4o(41c; No. 8 white. 4oa 4lc; No. 8. 8c. OATS No. 2 white, 8334c. RYE No. 2. 44c. HAY-Cholce timothy, $10 50611.00; choice prairie, 8.aU. KUTTER-Creamery. 244126c; fancy dairy. LGGS-Freah, 21c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 73.810 36.1100 Corn, bu 62. mo .imo Oata, bu $.000 10, OX) Dalatta Grata Market. DULUTH," Dec 6.-W1LSAT Cash. Na. 1 hard. 7?c: No. 1 northern, 71c: No. 2 northern, .c; No. 3 spring v; to ar rive. No 1 hard, 72c; No. 1 northern, 71c; May. 74c. , Mllwaskee Grata market. MILWAUKEE, Dep. B WHEAT Easier; No. 1 northern, 7Mr75c; No. 2 northern, 74,i'574c; May, 75c. RYE Steady; No. 1, 61'gc. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 64gjc; sample, 36ffft7e. . . , CORN May, 4343c. reorla Market. PEORIA, Dec. 6. CORN Firm ; new No. 3, lr. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white, 2132c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. City la Isolated by Broken Wires and Baslaess Coasrqaeatly gaffers. NEW YORK. Dec. 5. The various re strictive Influences which have brought down the volume of activity In the stock market had an addition today In the stormy weather. The attendance of the brokers at the board was meager and the small number of room traders had the market much to themselves, as they were almost isolated by the cutting off of wire com munication with the outside world. As a consequence the net result of the dity's trading was extremely small. The selling by room traders during the early part ot the day made some considerable Inroads upon prices, but In the absence of outside response and not desiring to remain un covered over night, they rebought the stocks sold early, cauxlng a general re covery. So far as the action of the market was manifest, the excitement over the condition of money was still evident. The forecast of the weekly bank state ment fully justified this feeling. The banks have lost apparently $7,000,000 from their cash reserves during the week. It will be remembered that last week's losa was un derstated In the bank statement by nearly $2,000,000 by reason of the working of the average system of computation. The move ment of currency has been In favor of the Interior again to the extent of nearly $900,000, Including the deposits at the sub treasury for telegraphic transfer to the Interior. The balance of the loss Is made up of customs and International revenue payments and the $l,oo0,ouo exported to South America. There Is the usual obscur ity regarding the changes In the loan Item of the banks. There has been nothing in the stock market to Indicate extensive liquidation of loans. The change in that Item Is likely to depend on syndicate oper ations and on movements In the foreign ex change market. Tension In the money market haa apparently grown during the week, but during the week call loan rates showed a tendency to relax during the day. This was partly due to the lightness of the demand. The week's exports of grain show a rising tendency, promising some re lief from that aource for the foreign ex change situation. The bond market was dull and Irregular. Total sales, par value. $l,715,Ouo. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison to pfd Bl. Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific.... Canada 60 t'hu. A Ohio Chicago A .Alton... do pfd Chicago, Ind. A 1. . M Bo. Pacific . H 80. Railway . do pfd . 3 Tri A Pacific .117 Toledo. St. L. at W. .71 1 do pfd . 46 Union Pactfio . U do pfd . 7 .Wibaah . 7lt do pfd (2 32 41 H 44 tl 2S, 43' 32 25 1 do ptd 98 Wheeling 4k L. B.... Chicago A K. III.... 210 I do td pfd... Chicago A O. W 24-4 wia. Central do -1st ptd do 2d pfd Chicago N. W.... Chicago Ter. A Tr.. do pfd C. C. C. A 8L L... Colorado 80... do lat pfd do 2d pfd 4 no pfd soft -uttAuama g,x ztio 22U nuimcMn El..., 230 1 t'nlted Statea Kx 12T Sl'i Wella-Fargo Bx 210 Amal. Copper 6t 2 Amir. Car A T M 7 Si do pfd 89 424 Amer. Lin. Oil 14 1H84 do pfd 41 Del. Hudaon.. Del. L. A W 241 American 8. A R.... 88 Denrar A R. O do pfd to do pfd 8 Ante. Mining Co kr.'i Erla 83 4 Brooklyn K. T 4 do lrt pfd 4Vt Colo. Fuel A Iron... HA'., do 2d pfd 44'4i Cona. Oaa 211 Great Nor. prd.. Hocking Valley . do pfd Illlnola Central lows Central ... do pfd Lake Erie A W. do pfd L. A N Manhattan L.... Met. St. Rjr Mex. Central ... Mex. National .. . 187", Com. Tobacco pfd 118 7 Oen. Electric .171 .. Kt Hocking Coal .. ..142 Inter. Paper .... .. t 1 do pfd .. 47 !lnter. Power .... .. 50 .Laclede Oaa ..11S National Biscuit ..126 National Lead .. ..147 No. American . . . 1H . 17, . 71H . 4 . SO . 45't . 24 .112 .100-, . 61 1 .228 . iH . 77V ..129; People' a Oaa .. 12 Pressed 8. Car . UW do pfd Minn. A St. L 1M Mo. Pacific 1M Pullman P. Car Republic Steal do ptd Sugar Tenn. Coal A Iron.. Union Big A P do pfd M.. K. A T 26 do ptd 5t N. J. Central 165 N. Y. Central 1H Norfolk A W Tin .lit . SI . 12't . 78 . 12, . S8 . 18 . 50 . . 83 . 7i . 27 . 1 . am . t . 414 . !! do pfd !' U. 8. Leather Ontario A W 81 1 do pfd pennylTnla 15ft V. 8. Rubber .. Reading ! do pfd do lit pfd do 2d pfd St. L. A 8. F... do lit pfd do td pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd ... IS .0. S. Steel ... 74 I do pfd ,.. 71 4, Weatern Union .... ... 80 .Amer.. Locoraotlre. ... 70 I do pfd ... tH K. C. Southern do pfd Rork Inland ...1W do pfd If ew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec. B. MONEY On call, firmer, VibHaHhi per cent; closing, 44t per cent. Time, firm; aixty and ninety days. 6 per cent, plua H per cent commission; six months, $ per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. STKRLiING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4.8725 for demand and at $4.83.tiM(74.8.1n6 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.84'4(8'4.88; commercial bills, $4.8iW.M. SlLVEH Bar. 47c; Mexican dollars, 3714c. BONDS Government, steady; state, steady; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. 8. ret. 2i, reg....l07ib. A N. nnl. 4s 101 V do eocpon lOi'ulMex. Central 4a 77 do ti, ret 1CT7V do la inc 24 do coupon 10 Mlnn. A St. L. 4a.. 10.14 do new a, ni 1.16'VM., K. A T. 4i 81 do coupon l,' do 2a 82 do old 4a, reg lom N. Y. Central li.,..1024 do coupon ..107 '4 1 do gen. lt 104a, do aa. reg lnaV'N. J. C. gen. 6a. ...134 do coupon 103t No. Pacific 4a 108" Atclileon gen. 4a 101, I do Sa 1f do adj. 4a N. A W. con. 4a. ..100 Bal. A Ohio 4a loo Reading gen. 4a 84 do ma... .. 84V 6t L A I M e. 8I....11SU ..KM", Rt. L. A 8. r. 4a.. 87 ..107t St. L. g. w. is N ..106 do 2 16 .. 78 S. A. A A. P. 4a.... I ..1041 80. Parlfla 4a anfe. do conv. 4a Canada 8n. 2a Central of 0. 6a.. do la Inc Cne. A Ohio 4e. -VDI,:au A. a.. 1 -NO. KlOWa? 6B 118 C. B. A Q. a. 4a.... K Texaa A Pic l no Ii...u7 C, M A 8t P g. 4a.. 113 T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. t C. A N. W. e. 7a. ...184 Union Pacific 4i 104 , ., . or r. i....n'ni ao eonr. w... C C C A Bt L g. 4s. tt", Wabaih la X'hlrago Ter. 4a w. do 2l Colorado 8o. 4a "' do deb. B. ... Denver A R. O. 4a.. 101 Writ Shore 4a.. Erie prior lien 4e ... tn. Wheel. A L. E. do general 4i 84 Wis. Central 4i .1051 ....115V ....108 .... '! ....Ill 4a.. tl F. W. A D. C. la... 108 Con. Tobacco 4a il -MO"Hing vai. f'a.UT Bid. Boatoa Stark Qnotatloas. BOSTON. Dec. cent; time loans closing of stocks Atrhtaoa 4a Ou la Atchlaoa do pfd Boston A Albsar... Boitoa A Me Boston Elt rated ... N. T.. N. H. A H.. FlU.bburg pfd t'nloa Paclne Mix. Canlral Amerlcaa Sugar . . . do pfd Amerlcaa T. A T... Dominion I. A B... Gen. Electrto Mao. Electric do ptd United Fruit f. g. Steel do p'd Weatlngh. Common. Ex-dlvldend. 8 t all loans, 6hi8 per on per cent umclal and bonds: ,101 .Adventuro , 4j Amilximited , 81 binxhAia , s Calumet A Hecla... ,267 tentnnlal ,lv2 Copper Ranee ,153 Dominion Coal .22 III! Horalo .142 Mokjwk . '- Old Uoinl lion . tiU Oaneola .1164, Parrot .lit1., Quinc7 .168H fU.it Fe Copper..., . Timarmck , .I75S Triiutj . X United Slates . 84 Utah .108 Victoria . 3t!'t Wtaona . 834, Wolverine . 87 Daly West . M . 84 48V . 16 , 6.. .127 . H . 17 , 15H , 4U . a .103 . i'i .142 , 81 . 21 . 66 86 Loiios gtoclc Market. LONDON. Dec. . Closing quotations: Conaot for money. 8 T-Ui New Tort: Central.... 167V, do count l 11-16 Norfolk A Westers... 72S Anaeonaa ao pra Alchleoa 64 Ontario A Weatern. do pfd 101 iPeaoirlirania Baltimore A Ohio KW'VHind Mlnea tanidlaa Pacific 131 Reading t'heeaneake A Ohio... 444'. do 1M sfd . 63 . ao . 1 . 20V . 44 . 16 Chlciao O .... 21 -ao 84 ptd ....17k,, Southern Railway.. X2V do ptd .... 4" Southern Pirtfic... .... 14 Union Pic I 64 do pfd .... 66 United States Steel. 47 do pfd C . If. A Bt P PeBeert (a.(.) ... Denver A R. O.. do ptd Erie do lat pfd do 8d pid . 8JV, . 64V, . 63W .101 U . 63 V . S6 . 2 . 44 Illtnota Central 147 tWibaih Louisville A Nun 111 I do pfd Mlaaourt, K. A T ... 4l BAR SILVER Steady at C 11-lSd ounce. per MONEY 3434 per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market tor snort Mils Is ii-l per cent and lor tnree months bills is J per cant. rsrelga riaaaclal. LONDON, Dec. . Money was fairly plentiful In the market today and rates were harder. Discounts were firmer. On the Stock exchange business waa dull and uninteresting, the uncertainty aa to the Bank of tungland s rate or discount check ing business. Consuls were weak. Home rails) war quiet Americana reacted and were stagnant on account of fesrs of money pressure In New York. Rio tlntos Improved. , 1-ARIS, rec. Frlces on the bourse today oiened ateady, with business Inac tive. Later they weakened, but sule quently recovered. Foreigners were sup ported. Industrials were unsettled. Tilo tlntos were firm. In sympathy with cooper. Kaffirs were more active and Arm. Three per cent renter, wf o for the account. Ex change on London, i&f 15c for checks. Mr-.HL.IN. lec. 6. Trices on the bourse today, particularly mines, weakened on New York advices. Homo funds were maintained, t'hlnrse were easier. Canad an 1'arlhcs declined. Exchange on London, 2m 46 pfgs. for checks. WKKKLl CLRARISG HOUSE TAHLB. Sammifr of Baslaess Transacted bt the Associated flanks. NEW YORK, Lec. B.-The following table, compiled by Kradstm t, shows t:i't bank clcuniigs at the principal citiia for the week ended December 4. with the per centage of incrt'uae and decrease as coin pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIEa Amount. Inc.! Deo New York , Chicago llocton I'hlladelphia St. I.oula Pittsburg San Kranclsco Hnltlmore Cincinnati Kansas City Minneapolis New Orieaue Cleveland Detroit LoiiiHVllle Indianapolis Milwaukee OMAHA Providence Buffalo St. Paul k... St. Joseph Denver Richmond Savannah Salt Ike City Albany Los Angeles MemphlH Fort Worth Seattle Washington Hartford Peoria Toledo Portland, Ore Rochester Atlanta iH s Moinea New Haven Worcester Nashville Sprlngtleld, Mass.... Norfolk Grand Rapids Scrunton Portland, Me Slotix City'... Augusta Syracuse Dayton, O Tacoma Spokane Topeka Davenport Wilmington, Del Evansville Birmingham Fall River Macon Little Rock Man&tield, O Helena Knoxvllle lowell Akron Wichita Springfield, III LexinKton New Bedford Chattanooga Youngstnwn Kalamazoo Ul.62C.118.7Bt! 2.21 ,.... 3.8 .... 13.2 3. S; 27.4; 9-7 11.7....... I 3.5 ..... 5.7 l.W.',iO. 14.tvi;.4Kgi lLU.U.!.!t!t 6o.;2t.il. 41.9MU4K 3A.3Kj 27,7,bVi!'i 22.(4J .3.o 21,lil.:Bl . 21.2itMi'i . l.4W,i.i. l.l.U,7:tt) ll,7i"4,5..2;. lt,W7,3M 14,0-:i.511i 8, 770.077 1 7.4,.'7.44l. l,3M,Vi9 6.8 .K92 . 7.4iU.4Sii. 4.ntr..6L'ii . 4,7Xl,U6i 26.0 "21 lo.u 4.0 1.3 .9 31.2 84.3 4.8XX.274 4.275.925 i4J.;il 4,:'H'.m! 5.SI8.247 3.M,10a 4,8W,7:, 4.2,7i 6.7 30.7 3.3 67.2 4.1 59.7 25.4 2.7 7.6 2.941. KM i 3.4t;9,770 S,49o,fi"2 4.W.f! 12.0 30.0 9.0 3.;W,237' 2.6.(4,4 1 G 1,8111, "02. 2.208,118 2,10.4.'8 1.748,981 l,9,o6;tl 1X7.427I 1.2-J6 94l 1.546.0111 1.779.806! 6.9 20.8 2.6 23.7 20.9 7 18 31.31 31.9 1-91. 1,521,MH. 14.4 I,3.i9.14; 1.805,606 23.9 2.W,Mi7 92.1 2.2X1,750 1,621,690 1,1S,116 30.1 10.8 25.1 2e!i 1,410.5991 779.3o4 8.3: "i'.il 1.793.470 1,1X1.691 9),0OO 1.1 19.4 's'.i 1,268,7461 1X7.5021 729.6S6I 845,592! fv!8.32X; 778,000 8:14.500 10.3 18.0 4.4 98 1.2 15.7 ii.4 671.6KH 7:iO,9t 662.802 8.7 'i'.i 633,1261 642.434 661.026 894.012 445.9O0 338 .9S0 416,000 Fargo Blnghamton Hock ford 31.21 14.3 13.0 Canton 17.0 Jacksonville, Fla..... 368,421 19.2 Springfield, O Chester Qulncy 415.0951 4KI.7MOI 9.71 14.81 296.954 392.981 liloomlnpton Sioux Falls Jacksonville, Ill..r... Fremont 314,4681 188,8721 174,833 1.6 17.6 32.5 14.3 t Houston tOalveston ...t tColumbus, O.. IWheellng ... 14.093.870 10.832.000 10.S74.90O 6.1 18.9 804.031 19.6 j Wllkesburre .... L0O1.814 67 Decatur, in Utlca 265.9S3 3,026.097 486,401 Greensburg, Pa.... Totals. U. S 22,630.244.9981 1.8 Outside New York.., 908,126,244 1.1 CANADA. Montreal 20.013.531 1.7 18.162.571 ..1... 2.1 6.840.316 8 1.829,916 11.8 1,007,169 10.8 1.011,781 2.8 974,701 2.9 638,773 38.3 1,756.663 8.6 864.493 61.260.087 1.0 Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Vancouver, B. C... Hamilton St. John, N. B Victoria, B. C Quebec London, Ont Totals -I- -I- tNot Included In total becauae containing other Items than clearings. 6 Not included in totals because ot no comparison for last year. New Yrlc Mining; denotations. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. The following are tne closing pi ices tin lima, Adams Con.. . is : Little Chier .... . la 'Ontario , 4U jOphlr . s Phoenix , . 4H Potoal .110 Savage .126 Sierra Nevada .. . 80 iSmall Hopes ... ,. 2 Standard ,. t .600 .100 . i . 12 .. 10 . 24 .. 30 .226 Alice ; ttreece nrtin.wlrlr Cnn. Comito'-k Tunnel.. Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leadvlile Con Bank Clearlags. OMAHA, Dec. 6. Bank clearings today, 11,141,161.20; corresponding day last year, ll.ltS.151. 58; decreane, $7,O0O.S8. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 6. Clearings, $20, 261,691; balances, $3,479,942. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. Clearings, $224,113, 904: balances, (9,704,866. HALT1MOHK, Dec. 8. Clearings, $3,874, 623: balances, $562,643. BOSTON. Dec. . Clearings, $22,490,144; balances, $1,468,6X8. CHICAGO, Dec. 6. Clearings, $39,329,269; balances, $1,650,334; New York exchange, loc premium; foreign exchange, sterling poBted, $4.95 for sixty days and $4-8tH4 for demand. , CINCINNATI, Dec. 6 Clearings, $3,447. 6i; money, 616 per cent; New York ex change, 10c premium. ST. Ill'IS, Dec. 6. Clearings, $8,137,467; balances, $su7,379; money, eteady, 5i per cent; New York exchange, 2oc premium. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. COFFEE Spot Rio, quiet. Futures opened steady, with tirlceB 5 points hlsher. Higher European markets were responsible lor the early ad ance here. On the call and later parties rumored to be operating for European In terests were free sellers of July and Sep tember, but good buying developed from scattered sou rem, chiefly covering of shorts. Prices mulntalned the gain until mid-day, when an Increase In the Interior movement checked the demand and caused a partlul decline of i points. Following upturn In iho French market prices here again turned ..m.,f in crlv uOcrniion and aaln eaaed t ff at the close under realising, the closing tone being barely steady, with prices net unchanged to a points higher. 8dles. o6.'J l.ujiH, inciuning: iwriuiirj, ".. 4 6 &4.6c; February, 4.7ac; March. 4.8ofc4 Xo; May. 4.8Wi.c, July. 5.1ic; September, 6.2ac; October, &.3ix:; November, 6.3oc. i:vaporated Apples aad Dried Frait. NEW YORK. Dec. 6.-.EVAPORATED APPLK8 Maintain their recent advance and are firm, nwlntf to the leas pressing or ferlnKS and large demand. Common are quoted at 4ii .; prime, 6tf5l4c; choice, 5V &,U.r.r funrv. 7Vi7ttc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes nre arriving more freely, but continue firm, particularly on the large aises. Quotations range from 3c to 7W for all gradea. Aprl cote are firm at 7'-fnl2c for boxes and "HfjC luc for baR Peaches are quiet, with peeled at l:lSc and unreeled at 6'trl0c. Dry Goods Market. x'TTW YORK rw S. DRY GOODS Spot trade haa been alow today, owing to bad weather, but there haa been no change otherwle In the general market for staple or fancy cottons. Tone quiet and prlcea un changed. Print cloths dull and unchanged nt first handa. Linens are firm, with mod erate demand. Burluns scarce In weights and nrnt. Heavy weignis auii. MANCHESTER. Dec. 6 DRY GOODS cloths lirm, but not active. Yarns rather easier. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 6 SUGAR Strong; open kettle, 2 Il-16i3 -lc: oien kettle, centrifugal. $ 7-laa'iic; centrifugal rrannlated (i-wLc whltea. 3"i4'c: yel- lows. I 7-1664c: seconds. 2 l-lhji S-ltkr. Mo lasses, steady: oiien kettle. 2uj34c; cenlrl. fugal. "ii22c. Syrup, 21(j27c. NEW YORK, Dec. 6 Bt GAR Raw firm; refined, arm. Molasses, firm. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Corn Ted 8ten Acte and Itrong, btt Oowi Blow and Wek. HOG MARKET IMPROVED A LITTLE Fat heep aad Lambs In Active De mand at Stranger Prlrea, bat Feeder Trade t'ontlnacd Doll with Prlrea Rather Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 6. Receipts were. Came. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday i.006 ,,o., jc.jU t-Mlicial luc.-uay t.uuo lv.ki.i ... . otiHiHi Wfinesrtay o,.-J .i ., t'fticlal Thuratiay S.otxf ,,j,io i.inw Otliclai Friuay t.vwd 8,916 ti.iPil Five days this week. ..21,284 42,233 45,406 Same days lust week 1622 .U19 4i.t44 baine weea before ail k im h.i fm-i Same three weeas ago....4..,4 2.M M.42 cmne lour weeas ago 23.JIU Z.i.jw iu.-J' Same uays last year Jo. 1 16 bj.il 22.5.M Rn-vJlilPi S fUlt THE ,aH 1U DA t E. 1 lie loliowing table shows tne receipts of tattle, hogs ai,. ancup at botnh Onuiia for nie jear, iu uate, and compuriaons w .tn last year: lktl ami. Inc. Dec. Cattle 944,207 76'.5v4 1"i4,io3 Hogs 2,u4.ei6 2.lJt.ui rd2.65J bhevp l,b2d,HKl l,24,itu 34A.791 iiiu lotiowli,g i a olo allows ilm averagu price ot liogs sold on the South Oman market the last several days, with wum patisuns will, former years: Date. 1902. 19Gl.l!ri.jl.l9$.jlS7.llW. Nov. 17., Nov. Nov. l. Nov. 20., Nov. 21., -Nov. 22. Nov. 2J. Nov. 24., Nov. 25. Nov. 2., Nov. 27., Nov. 28. Nov. 29. Nov. 30., .1 t 41V I 21 . U . 0 2J i k 24 .1 3 s7 8 t I 3 t 3 Ml 4 St OJ 2 V; 3 79, 3 73 3 61 4 71 3 74 i 3 76 3 8l 3 80 3 36; 3to 3 2 I 3 31 1 3 3i 3 44 1 3 4t 3 32, 3 11 3 -ti 3 14 3 34 3 1 3 e4, 3 13 3 lj 3 39 3 2i 3 21 3 27 3 a 3 W 3 14 t 3 s tU $ i Ml I 4 7$ 4 ia 4 is 4 74, 4 7s 6 06 I 4 87 4 96 4 71 4 74 4 69 ,j.2k , .6 15 .1 0 WHI I 99v ! a mi t 6o I 6 76 6 79, 6 7i I 5 851 6 001 5 95 6 SS 6 92 6 05 3 3S 3 2o 3 24, 3 24 I 3 2 3 2o 3 im e 3 38 3 19 3 20 3 19, 3 211 3 2o 3 2K, 31 3 3t1 3 30: 6 09 I 6 OsHl 6 13,, 6 22, 24i 3 2 Dec. 1 4 bJ e 4 64 4 6S 4 77 3 23 Dec. Dec. ic. Dec. 2.. .. 4.. 6.. 3 2,i 3 09 3 19 3 16 3 211 3 16 I 3 U Indicates Sunday. Holiday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following Hat shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination: Cattle Cars. D. Bagart, Mllford, Neb. B. & M 1 Howard Emerlne, Atlanta, Neb. B. & M. 1 J. ii. Tlnney & Bros., Pllger, Neb. F. E.. 1 Henry Ellis. Pllger. Neb.-F. E 2 Percy Spence, Stanton, Neb. F. E 1 Jacob Kraft, Stuart, Neb. F. K 1 J. W. Malone, Pender, Neb. M. & 0 1 L. A. White, Pender Neb. M. oV 0 1 H. E. Miller, Tarklo, Mo. K. C 3 Brown &. N., Hamburg, la. K. C 3 J. A. Barr, Burlington Jet., Mo Wab.... t Frank Giump. Oakland, la K. 1 1 C. E. Galbralth, Oakland, la. R. 1 1 H. L Gregg, Oakland, la. R. 1 1 P. J. FreLnen, Jansen, Neb. R. 1 1 W. O. Gregory, Tabor, la. Q 1 Wm. R. Gay, Tabor, la. Q 2 Warren Oregory, Tabor, la. Q 4 Sheep D.D. S. B. Scace, Wayne, Neb. M. St 0 4 E. Perry, Lennon, Mich. R. 1 6 The official number of cara of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle.HoKS.Sh'D.H'ses. i ., ra. at Bt. f i Wabash Missouri Pacific 16 Union Pacific 82 6 1.. 1 2 8 9 1 30 1 27 4 It). 2 1 19 7 9 4.. 1 10 2 4 129 28 2 C. & N. W 4 F., E. & M. V 14 C, St. P.. M. & O.... 24 B. & M 36 C, B. & Q 13 K. C. & St. J 2 C, R. I. & P., eaat.. 12 C. R. I. & P.. west.. 1 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts 157 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 699 1,029 125 G. H. Hammond Co 76 Swift and Company 866 Armour & Co... , 1,409 Cudahy Packing Co 240 Cudahy, from K. C 472 Armour, Sioux City 105 Vansant A Co - 90 l)bman At Co 91 Hill & Huntzlnger 4 William Uunderwood.... 133 Livingstone & Shaller.... 127 Hamilton A Rothachlid.. 38 Wolf A Murnan 10 B. F. Hobblck 107 Dennis & Co 11 Werthelmer 'S Other buyers 156 2.044 2,182 2,049 2,696 2.354 717 256 'iio 1.537 Total 4,452 9.400 6,099 CATTLE There was a heavy run of cat tle here this morning for a Friday, but prlcea held up In good shape and trading waa quite active on most klnda. A good, liberal proportion of the receipts consisted of cornfed steers, as there were right around 40 cars on sale. Packers, though, took hold In good Fhape and the market could be quoted stronger. The more quality the cattle snowed tne easier tney were to dispose of. and In a good many cases the better grades sold a little higher. The common stuff did not show much Im provement. The cow market waa a little slow this morning and no moie than steady. In some canes oalesmen thought they had to take off a little. The weakness waa not confined to the common kinds, but, on the contrary, the market seemed to be a little uneven, so that the better grades aa' well aa the com moner stuff occasionally had to sell a shade lower. The market could probably best be described by calling It slow and barely steady. Bulls held about steady If of good quality, but otherwise they were weak. Veal calves did not show much change. There were comparatively few atockers and feeders on sale this morning, so that the market ruled fairly active and steady to strong. The better grades showed tho strength and the common stuff waa slow and asteady. There were not enough western beef steers In sight this morning to make a market. The few cars that did arrive were of Inferior quality and they sold in about yesterday's notches. Range cows were slow, but right close to steady, "and desirable grades of stockers and feeders were active and strong. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. N. A. 1 T60 t) 10m II 3 4 47 4 1146 14 10t 10 12" I H4 WW 1 1044 44 f.S ;4 1046 40 2M 60 10H 4 10!0 14 1610 144 1 , 1J4I U K'24 8TEE Hr. No. AT. Tr. I 60 60 1136 4 64 I 60 16 1121 4 (0 I 76 1 1161 4 60 I 60 10 1241 4 66 I 60 40....,.' 1147 4 60 6 66 II 1176 4 60 4 00 II 1261 4 70 4 06 10 lim 4 76 4 00 tl 12ol 4 16 4 U 10 1177 4 66 4 16 40 1168 6 00 4 25 6 1224 6 00 4 SO M 120 6 00 4 16 11 1171 6 00 4 la 117 12L8 6 10 4 16 1266 I 16 4 16 40 131 6 60 4 40 ' 41 U47 t 4 4 60 ' R8 AND HEIFERS. 4 60 lu7 4 14 COWS. I 76 4 t!00 M 1 76 11 1164 I 00 1 76 1 1160 I 00 I 00 I Ill to I so I lint ot I 10 14 640 I 06 I 10 I I 10 I 16 1 Uit I 10 I 23 1 1000 I 10 I 66 1 10M I 1 I 16 4 lilt 1 I 16 II Ml III I 60 14 1011 I 16 1 16 1066 16 t 40 1 II SO 10 I 40 II 1W7 I 10 t 46 10 K.t 10 I 60 IftM I IS I 60 1 1070 I 16 I 6 4 1142 I 16 t 60 1 14170 16 5 60 681 I 16 I 60 1 1U7'I 13 I 60 II 1060 I 40 t 60 1 1016 I 40 I 0 1 111.6 I 4 t 66 ' 1171 I 4 I 66 SI 10 I 46 I 66 1 1040 I 46 I 66 t tM I 46 t 76 1 UliO I 46 I 76 I IUO0 I 46 I 76 I-.. Ill I 4 I M tl 1261 I 46 I M U 110 I 6 I 6 11 l'77 6 I 1 120 I 60 1 M 1166 I 6 I 60 1 1140 I 64 I SO 1 1160 I 60 I 6 1 1010 I OU I M 610 I 60 I 0 I Ill I U I Ml 1 106 I 60 I ne HEIFERS. I M K4 I 46 I 16 1 07o I 60 I 10 1 121 I 76 I 40 BULLS. I W 1 10 60 t St 1 lt0 I 6 I 6' 1 W I 64 I 66 t 1660 t 6 14 t I 1 1 1 1 iS 1 16 H 14 6 1 I I I 6 It t t 1 .6!.'.'.'.' 1 16 1 I I 4 It 1 I t it It 16 1 II 1 I 6 16 1 I I 16 16 I 1 1 1 1 1'V'J .. 676 .. 626 .. t0 .. 600 .. 660 .. 710 .. .. 620 .. 6.1I .. 616 .. 6-6 .. 611 .. 620 .. .. fiO .. IK6 .. 626 .. 6k! .. K7 ..1066 .. 616 ..1I .. 6M .. 611 ..1016 .. 646 .. 636 .. t .. 640 ... 60 ..ins .. 777 ..1011 . ai: ... 61 .. 6o4 ...646 ..lit,! .. 616 ..li'W ...1146 .. 67 .. rn .. 736 .. 60 ..11W ..111 ..lleo .. 60 .linn I Oft 1 Iill I M I SKI S 16 I irto I n ..lttO I 16 1 IHItU I 60 CALVES. I4 no 190 I 7S I 4 i 4 4 60 1 6 0" ' , too 1.16 . IN . Kl I 00 00 6 60 I 60 STAGS. 1440 4 to STOCK CALVES 4lii I lu 1 240 4 i 6 . 1 . 1 . I ISO loo I 60 1 M 4 7.S STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. Ill 1 no 4 l t 60 1 I 6 cows 18 cows t cows 10 cows, 63 cows, 11 cows. 13 bulls. .1 cows . 7 1 14 6 6'3 I 60 I J. 710 NEHRAPKA. 2 40 2 ftecrs....1'7r 2 90 3 steers.. ..1M" 2 25 2n cows,... 9" 2 9 68 feeders.. 7C9 WYOMING 1 35 8 : 90 8 70 4 35 3 (' 4 3i . M.S . 8,6 ..1129 ..1H'6 4 00 10 steers. ...10M ... 9t ...1240 3 no 1 steer... 2 50 2 steers.. COIAJRADO. ..1319 2 W. Hristol-Wyo. 3 no 24 rteers. . s :0 23 steers.. 1 iter, .lit.,' 931 67 S 85 3 So 2 steers..., k.i 1 steer 8mi J. W. H feeders.. M2 3 "i Zimmerman Utah. 3 5S 65 feeders.. 520 8 X i 70 32 feeders.. S6 3 9.i 3 feeders.. 723 J K. Ivlnc:iidColo, 31 ff edcrs. . H 3 6o S6 feeders.. 7S5 3 SO 1 feeder... 630 3 K 15 feeders.. 7a6 3 im HOGS Receipts of hoge were fairly lib Cal .oilr.y. out the market opened fully 2Sc higher than yesterday morning, or about like yesterday afternoon. The bulk ot the early hulcs went right around 6.2i, with prime heavy weights selling mostly at t6.27Va and 6 . Lightweights sold irom 6.i2i down. 'iradliiR waa not very active on the rtart. as sellers were aeklng good, strong prlcea and puckers were not willing to raise their hands. Later in the noruitig the market became active, but wit Hunt material change in prices. In about the middle packers tried to bear the nnrket a little, but sellers I. (Ul 011 and the close was about like the opening. Representative sales: No. 21..., 7... M... ... 64... At. tin. .107 ... IT. 6 Ml 4 uo 16 16 J.J 221; 4 221, No. 61... 61... 6u. .. 69... 62... 64... IM.. "... 66... 69... 7. . . 64... 69... 42... at. 8b. I'r. .. 140 4 26 IK .323 tl) I 26 .lit! .I'M .218 .2X0 .1 .126 . .2.11 ..113 ..246 too I 26 26 6 2 Is 26 I to 26 26 I 26 I 2i I 26 I 26 I 26 I 26 26 I 25 I 26 I 16 26 I 26 I 25 I 26 16 16 I 26 26 4 29 26 26 26 I IS 16 26 I74 174 I'1 I 17 V, 27", 17 I tl 17S 7 30 ti..... 43 40 76 120 . . 2.l ..273 ..290 .214 . .318 . .20 40 ltill 160 2411 40 ...IKO ...I. ...2 ...27 ...221 ...2MI ...326 ...2.6 ,...2t6 ...2. ...215 ...116 ...226 ...171 ...2X8 ...271 ...ls4 ...271 . .. 2f. ....261 , ... Sli ....269 ...241 ,.. 23f ...267 ...210 ...276 ...276 ...241 ...269 . . .292 ...261 ...278 ...25 ...2J ...267 ...264 ...2AI 120 I 22 Si 0 22', 120 4 22'j 120 I 120 4 1. 6... 66... 69... 61. .. 42... 17.., 47... 42... 14... 76... 66... 64... 41... 10... 10... 71... 81... II... 61... 64... 60... 63... 71... 62... 60... 70... 60... 64... 70... 72... 61... 16... 41... 61... 66... 22 V, 42 262 120 12U 22 'j tl ill I 22 s 41. U2 40 2- t 86 iell 4 2JVi 76 221 120 40 120 2oo 120 itn 40 I2 tl K4 I 22V, v :i$ I 22', 64 290 22 61 1H9 22i, 70 287 22 V, 2 2'l 25 II 217 26 77 20 ( 26 (3 lu 10 60 40 roj; 140 60 so iio 4 to 620 "0 120 60 I 26 6 261 I !6 49 321 26 47 273 25 47 633 26 62 299 f 26 61 271 240 120 120 120 26 70 !. 26 46 244 25 67 170 4 26 71 161 25 43 121 26 67 Ixi 25 61 i9 16 7 271 26 67 166 25 0 270 25 (7 241 25 II 242 200 100 120 80 160 too 80 160 "0 60 140 26 SHEEP There was only a fair run of sheep here this morning and the ruarket ruled active and stronger on all desirable grades of killers. As high as $4 10 was paid for fed western yearlings, which is the highest price in some little time. The same stuff sold last Monday for $3.7o. Kwes and wethers also sold at good, strong prices and some sales looked quite a little higher than yesterday. Good fat lambs were again scarce, and, as packers had to have a few, they took the kind that were offered at strong prlcea. The feeder market was slow, owing to a scarcity of buyers, and the sales that were made looked lower. Commleaion men nave been sending word to their customers that feeders can oe bought now at bottom notch nrlcca Quotations for grassers: Good to choice yearlings, S3.6oi&3.8j; fair to good, $3.253.jO; aood to choice, wethers, t3.251t3.50: fair to good wethers, $3.00(83.25: choice ewes, $3.00 it.2o; fair to good ewes, x2.2b472.10; good to choice lambs, J4. 60(6 4.70; fair to good lambs, $4.0O4H.50; feeder wethers, $2.7d3.1s; feeder yearlings, $2.90g3.25; feeder, lambs, $3.00 4.ou: cull lambs. Jl.wxa.'.uo: feeder ewes, 11 5o2.26. Good fed stocK sells about 23c higher than choice graasers. Represents tlve sales; No. 6 cull lambs... 101 Montana cull Av. , 65 , 84 , 74 , 87 , 85 , 44 , 88 , 88 , 96 , H , 150 , 108 , 92 , 70 , 97 80 , 106 68 105 , 110 106 70 Pr. 1 00 1 50 1 65 1 76 1 75 2 26 2 25 2 65 2 65 8 40 3 50 3 95 4 10 4 25 2 UO 2 00 3 10 3 25 3 25 3 45 3 95 6 00 816 Mexican feeder ewes. 1d4 Montana feeder ewes I11O Montana feeder ewes 25 cull lambs 12 cull ewes 136 Montana ewes 192 Montana ewes 2o2 Native fed ewes 3 native fed ewes 119 native fed wethers (48 western fed yearlings 12 native lambs 2 cull ewes 4 cull ewes ISO native ewes 27 cull native lambs 26 cull native ewes 244 western fed yearling o36 native wethers 1 native lamb CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Cattle Are Irregularly Lew, bat Hogs and Sheep Stay Steady. CHICAGO. Dee. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 4,000 head; market Irregularly lower; good to prime steers, J&.oTKii 1.20; poor to mwiium, $3.0035.70; stockers and feeders, $2.00fj4.75; cows, $1.40674.6); heifers, $2.0Ofi6.00: esnners, 1. 40412. 40; bulls, $2."a4.75; calves, $3.606.75; Texas fed steers, $3.0O(&4.75. HOGS Receipts. 33,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 1,800: left over, 7.000; market steady on good kinds; mixed and butchers, $6.0OM.46; good to choice heavy, $6. 406.70; rough heavy, $6.Kij.35; light, $5.806.20; bulk of sales. $S 20?.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,000 head: sheep steady; lambs higher; good to choice wethers, $3.75(a4.25; fair to choice mixed, $2.503.76; western sheep, $2.75f3.85; native iambs. $3.605.50; western lambs, 13.7515.00. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. 9.477 3.174 32.967 t,K66 12,666 8.198 Cattle Hogs Sheep Kansas City Live Stock Market. KAN8A8 CITY. Pec. S. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5,6."iO head natives, 350 head T?xans 15 head Texas calves. 100 head native Tex- ans; heavy cattle, 25c lower; light, lOfftl.'ic lower; culls, steady to strong; Blockers and feeders, ateady to lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.35fc8.25; fair to good, $3.2;i'!'".30; stockers and feeders, $2.754.00; western fed steers, $3.1i4jitt.4); Texas and In dian steers, $2.5"Kii4.35; Texas cows. $2.1"tft 8 00; native cows, $1.7oM 35; native heifers. $2.50454.26; ennners, $l.wj2.60; bulls, $2.15 4.25; calves, 12.0ti6.00. HOGS Receipts, 7,400 head; market steady; top. $6.30: bulk of sales, $6 154i4.3o: heavy, $6 17'Aj 30; mixed packers, $6.12Vj 6.27H; light. $6.H6m.l74; yorkers, $6.1j4j 6.174; pigs, $5.001 6.02H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.000 head; market 10W15c higher; native lambs. $4.0Oj.25; western lambs, $3.755.15; fed ewes, 83.00(03 75; native wethers, HlJH.1o: western wethers, $3.003.90; stockers and feeders, $2.(4ku'3.2j. Kew Yerk Lire Slock Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 2.734 head: steers. 25c higher; bulls steady to 10c higher; steers. $.' loLi4j.40; bulls. $3.00 tj-4 10; export bulls. $4 60; c.ws. $1 4"a3."; cables quoted live cattle higher at 12Vlle per pound; refrigerator beef, higher at . . . , . . . . J. .klnnt.hl. InmnWAW ll,(fl llt4C per injiuiu. r ,i,,. 1.403 cattle, 2,521 shoep and 6.7U0 quarters 01 Deer. . , . CALVES Receipts. 184 head: ateady; veals. $5.0Ib9 25; graasers. $3.0n3.75; west ern, $460; city dreased veals, steady at 11414e. IlOGS-RecelDtn. 1.156 head; ateady; state hoes, $6 70; live pigs. $6..V). SHEEP AND t.AMii iwceipm. i. head; heep firm: lambs, lOtfjir off; sheep. 12.751-3 9): export sheep. $4."fi 4 12V ; lambs. $44oi0.s0; one car. $.; culls. $4.0ufe4.; Canada lambs. 15.1543 t.w. tt. Joaerb l.lve Mae Market. BT. JOSEPH. Dec. 6 CATTLE Receipts. 2 813 head; natives, $3.50i6.35; cows and heifers. x2.0tKrj4.Z5; stockers and feeders, $2.Vj4 35. HOGS Receipts. 6.647 head; medium snd heavy. 86.2vj6.30; pigs. $3.66436.05; bulk, $ti. 'sHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6T7head; native lambs. $5.50; yearling, $4.25; weth ers, $4; ewes, $3.76. t. Loots l.lve stock Market. BT LOUIS. Dec. 8 CATTLE Receipts, 8 GOO head. Including l.tssj Texans; market steady to strong: native shipping and ex port steers. $ 75i5M. with strictly fancy worth tip to $7; dressed beef snd butcher steers. $4 2W6 DO; steers under 1.' It., $3 75 i5 00; stockers ar.d feeders. t2 75fcJ: cow and helf-rs. $2.2S64.iu; esnners. 12 701 Sir. bulla, $2.3j3j3.&); calvea, $4.tM;7.G0; Texaa and 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 lndlnn steers. $2.7ofM.0; cowa and heifers, 2 T. i 25 HOGS Receipts. 4.500 Ihail; market firm to 5c higher, pigs nnd lights, S 9076.21'; packers. $6.I.Vo6.0; bntchers, $i;.2iti 65. 8HKKP AND LAM lS-Receipts". 54 liCv.l; market steadv: native muttons, $1 .: t Innibs. $3.ft'i.Y3i'; culls and bucks. $2.00.0 l.onj stockers, $1 5t1i3.iV. Ion City l.ir Block Market. SIOUX CITV, la., Dec. 5 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 3i; nvirket steadv; breves, $3.7iVti.Yni: cows, bulls stul mixed. 11 :Vii3 75; stockers and feeders, $2.50 i4.25; vearliims and rnlves. IJ.Mi 'l.flo. HOGS Receipts. 4.71V; sternly; selling at $5.9t"4.l6.J0, bulk. $.li.S. trk In Sight. The; following were the receipts of live stock at tho six principal cities yesterday: t attle. Ilo'is. dlircii Omaha Chicago Kansas City. St. Inils St. Joseph.... Slou.r City... 4.i"iS R 915 6.'l 33.000 7.400 4.600 S.547 4,700 14 0l 4.0') ;7 Totals 19.766 61.062 30.08.S WKARR COMMISSION rOMPlKY. 1IO-1H Hoard of Trnde, Omaha, XeH Telephone 1.11(1. CHICAGO, Dec. 5. WHEAT Market has been dull and quiet and close! rather weak, although the news was bullish, tor mar ket declined more than the outsl.lo mar kets, but the range of prices was small everywhere. Primary rtcelpts were Siw.O'iO bu., against 1.165.ono last year. Primary shipments were larger thnn the receipts, being 9."3,0r bu. Northwest receipts were 5M cars, agalnat 754 a year sgo. Duluth expects nil Increase In Its stocks of 1.400.oo- bit., against 2.6on,0i)0 Increase last week. New York reports 165.000 bu. of wheat and 66,000 bbls. of flour passed by custom house for Australia, and there are rumors of IM loads sold ut th seaboard. Duluth rv ported 2"0,oo0 bu. sold from there for shipment and . that the demand Is good. There wore de liveries to the extent of 600,000 bu. Argen tine shipments were !8.l0 hit. The weather In Argentine Is reported ns favorable dgaln. The Modern Miller snld colder weather and rain had checked the Hessian fly, but that there was some anxiety ot freexlng where wheat was rank. Ibcal receipts, 62 cars, with none contract. CORN Estimated receipts for Saturday, 60 cars. Corn has been rather easy for futures, but firm for cash, with new rorn V'llc higher In tho sample market. Tho mood has been Influenced mostly by the colder weather. The crowo thinks that the Comstock line bought yeMerday has heea sold out tonay. Cables were ft'ld higher. I,ocnl receipts were 139 cars, with six con tract. Estimated receipts for Saturday. ISO cars. Clearances, 44,000 bu. Argentine ship ments, 431,000 bu. Prlmurv receipts, tl9.t0 bu.. against 5s,ooo Mst year. There were 25 cars and 33,000 bit. of contract out of prlva'e houses. OATS A feature In the market has been the withdrawal of December offerings and the narrowing of the December discount from 2c to lc. December was a fraction higher and the May was n little lower. Cash oats were firm. Trade hus been small. Clearances, ll.ooo bu. Local receipts, ISO cars, with 16 contract, listlmated receipts for Saturday, ISO cars. Out of private houses, five cars standard. PROVISIONS-Market opened strong. Packers bought lard and ribs. Market has been active nnd broader. Shorts tovered freely. Offerings huve been moderate. There were 32,000 hogs here, with prices firm. Estimated receipts tomorrow, 26.0O0 head. Receipts of hogs In the west, 80,000 head, against 74,000 lust week and 84,000 last year. WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. Wool Market. BOSTON. Dec. 5. WOOI The Commer cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report on the wojI trade In the United States: The market la distinctly quiet so for aa tine wools are concerned. No large lines huve been sold of these, thoujh Ohio de laine haa advanced to 33Vc. Tho whole line of medium wools, however, has ad vanced about le a pound. South American greasy crossbreds that could be landed In bond here a year ago at 11c now coat 15c, and the same Geelong C4o combings that were landed here and sold at a profit at 63c, scoured, now cost landed from Aus tralia 80c, scoured. No good American quarter blood Is soiling Cor leas than 24c In the grease. Medium scoured Colorado and New Mexico wools and all varieties of low A, B und C superfine, anything, in short, that can be picked up for less than 45c scoured, has) ruled highly active. The receipts of wool in Boston since January 1, 1902, have been 299.979.806 pounds, against 261.729.408 pounds for the same period In 1901. The Boston shipments to date are 265,171,403 pounds, against shipments of 245, 5S6.198 pounds for the ame period In 191. The stock an hand In Boston January 1, 1902, was 77.340,46.1 pounds; the total stock today Is 112.148.865 pounds. The stock on hand December 7, 1901, was 82,119.836 pounds. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 5. WOOL Steady ; me dium grades and combing, 150i20c; light tine. 13(gisc; heavy One, 114?15c; tub washed, 17(3284o. NEW YORK. Dec. 5.-WOOL Steady ; do mestic fleece, 25i30e. LONDON. Dec. 6.-WOOL The Mincing Lane sheep skins Bales were concluded to day. The offerings numbered 167,572 skins, most of which were In good condition; tne best gradea sold well to the home trade and the continent. Prices advanced aa follows: Extra long wooled. '.i&'d; long and short wooled. V5ll4d; short and shorn Lincoln, Hd; coarse gradea were unchanged. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 6. COTTON Steady: quotations revised: sales, 3.46) bakj; ordinary. 6 II-I60: good ordinary, 7 3-16c; low middling, 71ic; middling, 8c; good middling, 8 7-16c; middling fair, 94c; receipts, 13,745 bales; stock. 307,643 bales. Futures, quiet; December. 7 907. 91c; Jan uary. 7.9K917.99C; Februarv. 8.03'aS.Oic; March, 8.0M?!8.09c; April, 8.111i8.12c: Mav, 8.13rttU4c; June. S.16(n.17c; July. 8.17'8.l9c; August. 8.024iS.04c. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows the total visible as 3,463,243 bales, of which 2,942.243 Is American cotton. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. COTTON -O-iened steady at 1 point advance to 1 point decline, ruled generally quiet, orders from the coun try at large being more or leas restricted by weather Interruptions to the telegrsph!c service. Trading was almost entirely of a local character throughout the session. In the absence of public support the more pro fessional element depressed the market, hut waa cautious. In view of the disappointing movement and the possibility of some dam age to late cotton, the continued unfavor able weatner prevailing over much of the cotton belt, with some leportltig ruination to any further chance of lop development, while the rains and flood following frosts have done much toward degrading the quality of ;ate cotton. The demand came principally from partlea who had sold pre viously, although there was some buying for Wall street accounts early In the ses. slon. It was a local market most of the time, with 'ong Intervals between transac tlons toward the close of business. Tho toiul sales did not amount to more thnn 2j,- Ooo bales, representing the smallest business done since tne season commenced. 1 ne market was finally quiet at a net loss of ! 2 polntfl, the entire variations following the opening having been within a range of 6 points. ST. I-Ot'13, Dec. 5 COTTON-Spot In fair demand; prices steady; American mid dling. 4.4HC. The sales of the day were 10,- OiiO balea. of which 500 were for speculation and export and included x.tuu American. Receipts, 7.400 bales, all American. Fu tures opened quiet and closed quiet and steadv. American middling g. o. c; De cember. 4. 43114. 44c; Deccmtior and January, iff Jnnuarv and February. 4.41c; May and June. 4 . 41'S 42c: June and July, 4.41W 4.42c; July and August, 4.41c. Oil and nonla. ' T. r ,11, .4 1 l.n 1m w. r.m m Ull, I.-I I 1. I'fC B.-iinr-i inui uoinnx-. $1 45; certificates, no sales; shipments, 83.078 hales; average. Hit. 912 bbls.; runs, 97,841 bbls.; sverage. 92.195 bbls. SAVANNAH. Dec. 5 OIL Turpentine, Arm. Rocln. Arm: A, B. C, D. $1 40; E. $1.45; K. $1 60- O. $1 -.; H. $1.80: I. $i; K. $2.65; . . . A. ii- o -r. . irttr A 1C w nnn pi. e.,. mi, .., , . vi-," v l-il' von w Tie... r, ol r Cot tonseed. steady: prime yellow. 36i36U.c. Petroleum. nrm. I urKrimiie, uuu, . v- Steady. TOLEDO, I'ec. 6. 1 1 1 1. ;n i iiuMRe. i iiuiuiv lu. R Oil, Petroleum. Amer- Ica'n refined, 6 13-16d. Turpentine spirits, 2Ss 4d. ii'irnDoni r, s Oil, Cottonseed. Hull refined, spot, easy, 21s 6d. Whisky Market. CHICAGO. Dec. S.-WIIISKY- -Steady at $1.32. ST. tt LOUIS. Dec. 6-WHISKY-8teady at PEORIA. Dec. $. WHISKY On the basis of $1 32 for finished goods. CINCINNATI. Wee. .-wniBM-inmii, lt-rs' flnlched goods, Arm on basis of $1.32. P. B. Weare. Pres. C. A. Weare, V-Pres. Established 1S61. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Mt.nbers of the Principal Exchanges, private Wires to All Points. UltAlK. fHUVItiUM llOlkt, BONDS , Bought and sold for cash or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH. 110-111 Board of Trade. Telephone :."1 W. E. Ward. Local M-nsger.