Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
liiners Appear Before Ooramisiion wit
Stories of Porerty.
Slavonians Art Brought In to Take Work
on Breakers.
Offers Local President Better Job to Leare
Should He Sleep ou Duty F"" Would
Stop, Kaa Collect an Men and
Mine Be Blows
RPRANTON Pa Dec 4 At today's'ses- I
Ions of the strike commission practical ; right parties supporting the vice presl
tnlners told their story of conditions In the dent, who ordered Herr Singer to leave the
Hazleton coal fields. The miners tried to j house.
show that the Coxe and other companies j "err Singer, however, defied him and as
ih. .rreement. that the strikers ! he rulrm do not provide for the arrest or
should return to work and be grven their
old places where they had not already
been filled.
The commission decided to Invite the
tnlne inspectors to appear before It, be
cause the miners claim that workmen fear
to mention dangerous or unhealthy places
In the mines because the Inspectors are
usually accompanied by aome representative
of the company.
Rumors of possible negotlationa looking
to a settlement continue. Whatever is
done will ' first be decided upon In New
York, where those In authority are lo
cated. The opinion still prevails here and
rather strongly, too, that the operators
and the miners will agree on most points
before the commission concludes Its hear
ings. Protntftrs Not Kept.
Andrew Matter, a Slavonian, who was
employed at Coxe Bros.' company, was the
first witness today. He was the president
of his local union and was told by the com
pany, he said, that If he quit the union he
would be given a boss Job. He refused and
later was given such bad work that he
gave ttp his Job. He said he was the means
of bringing fourteen Slavonians to this
country at the Instance of a breaker boss
at the Coxe mines. They were premised
(1.10 a day, but received only 65 or 80 cents.
When the witness was asked by Mr. Dar
row how many times he had seen the mine
Inspector In the mines. Commissioner Wat
kins asked the purpose of the question.
Mr Dfctrow said a rule the mine Inspec
tor was accompanied by a company official
and, therefore, a miner was afraid to make
a complaint In the preaence of his boss.
He maintained Inspectors should be unac
companied and their attention not diverted
from bad places In the mines.
In consequence of this allegation all mine
Inspectors will be Invited to testify regard
ing the point raised."?
John O. Strenix. an Englishman, followed
Mattey. He said he averaged about $300 a
year and had worked In the mine for thirty
John Farart, am Austrian, formerly em
ployed by the Coxe company, said he was
able to save only $0 In seven years.
W. H. Dettrey was recalled In the after
Boon. He presented correspondence be
tween htm and the Coxe Co., with regard
to $39 men who struck and were not given
back their places, Borne of these men
were subsequently taken back.
He testified that the mine foreman read
him a letter, a copy of which he fruitlessly
tried to obtain, stating that the other men
would not be taken back until after the
strike commission made Its award. "It
the award." he said the letter stated. "Is
agalnat the men, noae of the United Mine
Workeit will be taken back."
On cross-examination he said he did not
know bow many of the men mentioned were
hfdjl for violating the law, but knew of
sixteen having been dragged fifteen miles
oast Justices of the peace, to Hazleton
where they had to appear before a Justice
whose sympathies were with the company.
Works Twenty-Four-Ilour f)my
Jackson Ansbacb was the first foreman
to appear before the commission. Hs said
he received f 1.67 tor a day of twelve hours
and his assistant 11.3. On every other
Sunday, when he and hla assistant shifted
from day to night work, they were com
pelled to work twenty-four hours straight
without relief. '
This statement caused a buzz through
the room and every commissioner straight
ened up and became more Interested.
He was off, ho said, one day evsry two
weeks, tbus working six days one week and
eight the next.
"Supposing you should tall asleep when
you work in the long shift of twenty-four
hours, what would happen?" asked Mr.
"Well, If I slept long enough the fans
would atop, the mines fill with gaa, and
It an explosion occurred the miners would
be killed: that Is all."
The Rev. James Hussle, rector of St.
Gabriel's Roman Catholic church of Hazle
ton, and dean by appointment of the bUhop
of Lower Luzerne, said he had lived In the
coal regions practically all his life.
"The conditions In this region," he added,
"are deplorable. The mine workers are
barely able to exist. I say this without
any coloring, knowing that I am under
oath. I realize that what I say Is going
to the American people and I want to talk
cautiously. I have ben In their homes.
They are not homes, but merely habita
tions, resting placea. They are frugal,
conservative, reasonable and God-fearing
people. We have eight Catholic churches
In Hazleton and they are crowded every
Sunday with worshipers, and this Is no
doubt true of the churches whose faith Is
opposed to ours.
"Families cannot be kept together," he
went on. "The boys are sent Into the
mines almost as soon as they are able to
toddle about, and the girls to the mills In
the small towns or drift to large cities."
He related Instances of poverty and said
It took one man six years to pay oft a
funeral debt of 1200.
In reply to further questioning Father
Huasle said that he had examined fifty
or sixty tulas workers . and found only
three who were able to save money. One
waa a Scotchman, one an Austrian and the
third Inherited his. He examined the tax.
lists of Hazleton, and only eighty mine em
ployee out of 1.T2J aasessed owned their
owa homes. Hs could set ary whether
they were clear of debt.
The commission adjourned.
SHAMOKIN, Pa.. Dec. 4. The Ninth die.
trlct executive board of United Mine Work
era tonight officially announced that the
.district would not receive any more aid
(Continued oa Second Page.)
Trouble In Caused by Failure.
Reroatalse Member Wkt Ha
Rlstht to Floor.
BERLIN Dec. 4. The Fel'hteg was Ir
a state of wild tumult tcday fir a few min
utes over a slight niUucderstanding as
to who bad the right to the floor. Hcrr
Singer, socialist, had arranged with Pres
ident von Ballestram for Yocognltlon at a
certain Juncture.
Meanwhile the president left the chair,
after explaining to Vice President von
Stollberg-WcrnKerode, who had the next
right to the floor, but the vice president
recognized Herr Spahn, of the center party,
Herr Singer started to mount the steps to
the tribune and the vice president told him
to sit down.
Herr Singer, In some surprise, stopped on
the steps and Herr' Spahn took the tribune
and began his speech, with Herr Singer
loudly protesting, for which the vice presi
dent called him to order, taylnR his turn
for recognition would come later.
The members of the Reichstag? were by
that time In such a state of passion, and
tension that they all sprang to their feet,
the socialists shouting In support of Herr
Singer and the members of the center and
removal of recalcitrant memben. the vice
president was powerless, exc?pt to suspend
the session for half an hour.
At the expiration of that time business
was quietly resumed, with the reading of I
the reports of members of the tariff com
Reply of Venesuela la Regarded a
Only a Subterfuge to Gala
More Time.
BERLIN, Dec. 4. The note of President
Castro of Venezuela, presented to the Ger
man minister at Caracas a week ago. Is
not satisfactory to the German government.
It is deemed Inadequate and as being es
pecially designed to gain further time. Its
partial acceptance of the German demands
was coupled with conditions that are unac
ceptable. The exchange of views with the British
Foreign office has resulted In a decision to
proceed with the Joint action. An ulti
matum will almost certainly be presented In
a few days.
The phrasing of the note la the subject of
the present correspondence between the re
spective governments, whose action will not
await the arrival In the West Indies of the
cruisers Amaion, Nlobe and Ariadne, as
Germany already baa an ample force there.
The departure of these cruisers has been
indefinitely postponed.
A seemingly Inspired article In the Co
logne Gatette today says: "Despite Ger
many's patience with Venezuela, all thought
has been abandoned of a feaceful settle
ment," and that Venezuela has treated Ger
many In a manner almost Insulting be
cause Venezuela published official communi
cations without Germany's consent, coupled
with Improper comments! '."
Memorial aad Faneral Services for
Dr. Parker Are Held la
London Temple.
LONDON, Dec 4. A memorial service
for the late Dr. Parker waa held In the
City Temple this morning. It was an Im
pressive demonstration. The temple waa
filled with flowers and crowded with per
sonal friends of the deceased and repre
sentatives of a score of religious organiza
tions. The streets outside the building were
filled with crowds who were unable to
enter and who waited In the biting wind to
see the coffin carried out for Interment
at Hampstead. The music Included Dr.
Parker's favorite hymn aud Tennyaon's
"Crossing the Bar." Dr. Clifford and Dr.
Robertson Nlcoll officiated.
Dr. Nlcoll, who preached the funeral
sermon, said: '
The Christian church hag mourned one
of Its greatest preachers, and free church
men must feel how rich they had been
and how poor they have now become.
Firemen Fight Fierce Flames for an
Hoar aad Just Saeceed la
Saving; Challenger.
LONDON, Dec. 4. Shamrock III had a
narrow escape from being burned tonight
in a fire which did great damage to Denny's
j shipyards at Dumbarton. Only strenuoua
efforts saved the challenger, now well ad
vanced In Ita construction.
Redhot cinders were blown on the root
and sides of the shed In which Shamrock
III is being built. Tbe fire was fiercest In
the fitter's shop and tbe wind blew In the
direction of Shamrock's shed, whloh is only
thirty yards distant, for an hour. A spe
cial force of men bad hard work to save
the challenger. Eventually the Otter's
shop was gutted, but the fire was got under
All the material parts of Shamrock III
are safe, although the construction of the
yacht will bo delayed for some time.
Man Who latended to Kill Klasr
Alfonso Believed to Bo Fela
las Insanity.
MADRID, Dec 4. Perez Pulgar, the
anarchist, arrested recently at Orent, and
who said be Intended to kill King Alfonso,
Is held in close confinement.
It Is learned that In spite of his claim to
be a citizen of Argentina be is a Spaniard
22 years old.
Ths police are searching for bis ac
complices and It is thought the Investiga
tion will result In unearthing an Impor
tant plot. The officials believe that Pulgar
ts feigning insanity.
Great Britain Does Not Think Sneer
(location Proper Oae for Tha,
Hague Tribunal.
LONDON. Dec. 4 Replying to a question
todsy in the House ot Commons on the sub
ject ot Russia's offer to submit the ques
tion of Russian sugar and all other goods
to ths arbitration of The Hague tribunal,
Lord Cranborne, under foreign secretary,
said the government had Informed Russia
It did not consider the question a proper
one for arbitration, bat that Great Britain
was still ready to renounce the commercial
treaty of 1U ii Russia so desired.
Condition of Former Speaker ii Vow Re
ported Critical
Isnae S Balletln, bat State
Verbal While State
Is Tt
)on Kot
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. At 11:30 tonight
the condition of ex-Speaker Thomas B.
Reed was reported critical.
A few minutes before that Dr. Gardner,
one of the attending physicians, handed
the folio? Ing bulletin to the press:
At 10 r. m. Mr. Reed's condition is as fol
lows: Temperature, 100 2-6; pulse, 88; res
piration, 34.
Mr. Reed suffered from some degree of
uraemlc coma during the afternoon, but
his mind Is again clear this evening.
His appendlclal symptoms are rapidly sub
siding and hie appendicitis is not an impor
tant factor in his condition.
i W. C. (SOODNOW, M. P.
F. A. UAKDN Kit, M. 1).
Dr. Gardner made two visits to his pa
tient during the evening, leaving the first
time at half past 8. Later he and Drs.
Goodnow and McDonald came and remained
at the hotel for nearly two hours, some
of the time with Mr. Reed and the re
mainder of the time in consultation.
Dr. Gardner was not disposed to talk
about the case or to add anything to the
bulletin, saying it contained an exact
statement of Mr. Reed's condition.'
He did say, however, that Mr. Reed's
condition was critical, but that it was bet
ter than at 5 o'clock this afternoon. In
some respects Mr. Reed was better than
last night and In some worse. He
was i
better as far as the appendicitis symptoms j
,' ennral-noil Ik. failnraa
gave the case a graver aspect.
After Issuing the bulletin the doctor
went home for the night, leaving his as
sistant. Dr. Bishop, with Mr. Reed.
Chicago-Omaha Lines Make Active
EsTcrt to Secure Chicago
Great Western.
NEW YORK, Dec. 4. (Special Telegram.)
Wall street Interests well Informed In
Chicago Great Western matters announced
today that within sixty days there have
been active efforts to secure control of the
Great Western property, by other roads.
The extension to Omaha will be opened In
the spring and the road will be a more
Important factor than ever In northwestern
traffic. It is regarded as altogether prob
able that It will not be many months be
fore it passes Into the control of one of
the big systems. It was thought the North
western wag the system after the line, but
this is auhoriatlvely dented today by offi
cials of that road and Wall street Is look
ing elsewhere.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. A. P. Stlckney. presi
dent of the Chicago 4b Greats Western, has
Issued a circular to stockholders requesting
them to send htm proxies ior-.he special
meeting on February 18. This meeting will
vote on the proposition to Increase the
common stock from $30,000,000 to $50,000,
000. In his circular be says:
The company ha arranged with the pro
prietors of the Mason City & Fort Dodge
Railroad company to extend Ita line, in
Omaha and Sioux City and to purchase and
Improve certain branch lines belonging to
this company, together making a system
of about 503 miles, connecting with the
main lines of the Chicago & Great Western
m ueiwein. ia., ana at uaytield, Minn.
Zero Weather Is Experienced, but
Finds Cattlemen Amply
SIOUX CITT, la.. Dec. 4. Today was the
coldest of the season. 9 degrees below zero.
TOPEKA. Kan., Dec. 4. Zero weather Is
reported from a number of localities In
northern Kansaa, but the sudden fall In
temperature Is believed to have caught but
few cattlemen unprepared. In Kiowa
county In the southwestern part of the
state the supply of coal for general con
sumption is scant.
LA CROSSE, Wis., Dec. 4. La Crosse and
vicinity experienced the coldest weather of
the season this morning, when the mercury
in the Weather bureau thermometer
dropped to the zero mark. Instruments
about town showed aa low as 10 below zero.
The Weather bureau promises that the
temperature will rise within twenty-four
hours and that more snow will fall shortly.
JACKSON. Miss., Dec. 4 General rain.
sleet and snow prevailed throughout the
state today
This Is the earliest snow
known here In years. Business is practi
cally at a standstill, telegraph wires are
prostrated and railway traffic has been
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 4. Sleet and rain
fell all morning In the territory adjacent
to Memphis. Telegraphic communication
Is crippled south and west of Memphis.
Western Reflnlnar Company Adds
Forty Cents on All Reflned
SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 4. The Western
Sugar Refining company today sent out cir
culars to all the wholesale grocery houses
In California. Oregon, Nevada and Wash
ington, notifying them that until further
notice the price of all grades of refined
sugar would stand advanced 40c per 100
All grades of refined sugar were advanced
ten points In New York yesterday, an ac
tion which, apparently, caused the Increase
of prices here today.
Local dealers say tbey would not be sur
prised It the western company were to
raise prices again in the near future, as
the market 1 still 30 rents per 100 pounds
less than the rates in New York, which is
Laka Freights Jump from Thirty
Ceats to One Dollar Per
DULtJTH, Minn., Dec. 4. The Pittsburg
Steamship compsny has Just closed a con
tract to bring to the bead ot Lake Superior
this fall 100.000 tons of coal, mostly an
thracite, the freight rats being $1 a ton.
Coal has been carried up sU the year
at $0 cents a ton, but the western shortage
and the urgency ot western shippers led
to this price.
All tbe twenty to twenty-five ships that
bring up th's coal will remain here for
the winter, and all the coal will be de
livered ia tt next fifteen days.
Root Toaaldera Giving; Business to
Seattle Line Instead of Got.
erament Ship.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Secretary Root
had a conference today with Quartermaster
General Ludington and Colonel Pattington,
in charge of the army transport service,
with regard to the transportation of troops
and supplies to the Philippines.
The lowest bid received waa that of the
Boston company, running between Seattle
and Manila. It was below regular commer
cial rates.
The main question to be determined is
whether the rates offered would Justify the
abandonment of the army transport service.
Although no bid was received from San
Frauclsco the business Interests of .that.
city are actively opposing the transfer of
the business.
The officers of the quartermaster's de
partment are said to oppose the discon
tinuance of the army transport service
Although Secretary Root has committed '
himself in favor of private lines, he Is not
yet prepared to act and bee called for ad
ditional data as to the effect of the ac
ceptance of the Boston company's bid.
Quotes Fiaarea showing; Less of Disci
pline Following; Abolition of
Official Bars.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. General Bates,
paymaster general of the army, has written
to Adjutent General Corbln in regard to
the army canteen question as follows:
The War department. In recommending
the restoration of the canteen, claims that
it Improves disc lpllne. lessens desertion and
that it decrease tines and forfeitures by
courts-martlnl on account of breaches of
military discipline resulting from the use
CI intoxicants
This appears to be fully borne cut by the
records of the paymaster general's officers,
which tihow that the paymaster of the
army collected I42,tS8 fcom 7o,000 enlisted
men during the last year In which the
canteen was in force on account of home
dues, fines and forfeitures, while during
the fiscal year 19u2. since the canteen was
abolished, there was collected by pay
masters from about "0.000 enlisted men on
the same account $632,125.
The fact therefore appears Indisputable
by the figures cited that the fines and for
feitures imposed upon and collected from
the enlisted men of the army were vastly
Increased during the year subsequent to
the abclltion of the canteen, which In
crease cannot lie well attributed to any
other cause than the effects of an uncon
trolled liquor traffic in connection with
military posts, which traffic appears to
seriously affect the discipline and morals of
the army. ,
Alfred Buck Taken Suddenly 111
While on Hunting; Trip and
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. The Japanese
minister called at the State department. In
baste today to communicate to Secretary
Hay a cablegram he had received from the
minister of foreign affairs at Toklo, dated
today, atatlng that while Mr. Buck, the
United States minister to Jaaan, was on a
hunting trip this afternoon he was taken
suddenly 111 aad expired.
The service of the deceased minister
covered a critical and Important chapter
of Japanese history.
The State department will take the
necessary steps to see that Mr. Buck's
remains are brought to this country for
interment. If his family so desire. Hunt
ington Wilson, the secretary of legation,
was designated as charge.
ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 4. Hon. Alfred E.
Buck was about 60 years of age aud was a
leader In republican politics In Georgia.
In 1897 be waa appointed by President
McKlnley as minister to Japan.
Authorities Make Move to Stop Illegal
Entry to Country at Land
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. The commission
ers of Immigration who have been In con
ference with Commissioner General Sar
gent, concluded their work today.
It Is understood, the department now has
specific information as to points on the'
., . , , , i
i.uuwu . ... . ........
grants have been crossing quite unmolested.
Arrangements are therefore being made to
close these runways and establish a more
rigid inspection of the frontiers.
The immigration bill now pending In the
senate was also discussed and several sug-
gestlons bearing principally on the admin-
f , . ,,, t. , . .
lstration features will be made to the lm-
migration commission, which meets on
Criirc nnrc I ITTI r uinoi
Receives Bills, Petitions and Resolu-
Considers In Private
and Adjourns.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4 Tbe senate was !
in session todav one hour and five minutes. I
most of which time was spent behind
closed doors. After the reception of a
number of bills and petitions and the adop-
tlon of a concurrent resolution calling on
the president for the .papers in the Plus
fund case. Mr. Beverldge read the resolu-
tlons favoring fhe admission of Oklahoma
and Indian Territory as one state.
The senate then went into executive ses
sion and at 1:50 adjourned until Monday.
President Receives .urses and Sanita
rians la Audience at White
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. President Roose
velt today received the members of the
Spanish War Nurses's association, now In
session. Nearly 100 paid their respects to
r .Uaa. ..a.-.., .. j,-.aa . a-
the president, while h" shook hands with
snd extended a pleasant personal greeting
to each.
Later in tbe day Dr. Walter Weyman
presented to the presld nt about fifty dele
gates to the Pan-American Sanitary con
ference, now being held in Washington.
Washington Man Observes Celestial
Traveler Discovered la France
on Tuesday.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. The United
States naval observatory reports that W.
W. Dinwiddle last night observed tbe comet
discovered by Giacobinl at Nice op Tuesday. I
The comet Is nearly on a straight line
joining Trocyon and Sinus and Is about
one-third of the distance from Trocyon to
81rlus. It is moving northwest.
Contest far Postmaitenhip ia Attracting a
Large Amount of Attention.
Some Talk that ( onbliitlon May Be
Made to Clear Ip the Calendar of
Bills When Site Has Beea
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) While the fight over the Falrbury between Senator Dietrich and
Congressman-elect H.nshaw has not reached
any further than a simple dlsagreemtot
atage as to the relative merits of the two
candidates, Mr. Hlnshaw, recognizing the
power that a United States senator hus,
hmm l.nn tint nnlv I'jmIiii.,!,, Ia n at 1
Payne, but the fourth sssiatant postmaster
general in behalf of bis candidate, Lew
Shelley. He has also gone to the presi
dent with his story, so that when the time
comes to act upon Senator Dietrich's rec
ommendation for the place there may be a
thorough understanding of the circum
stances. Mr. Hlnshaw claims the right of
naming the postmaster at his home town,
even though he is but congressman-elect.
Senator Dietrich, on the other band. Is
carrying out a pledge made to D. E. Thomp
son more than a year and a half ago, and
has sent In the name of B. W. McLucas
for the postmastershlp at Falrbury, and
savs that Mr. McLucas will be appointed.
From an official of the Postofflce depart
ment today It was learned that the prac
tice of the department has heretofore been
to recognize tho right of congressmen
elect to make appointments In their sev
eral districts. Usually senators are only
too glad to rid themselves of these ap
pointments, but there has been ' no case
Just exactly similar presented to the Post
office department as the situation over the
Equities Favor Hlnshaw.
There are a great many equities In Mr.
Hlnshaw's favor, according to the official
above mentioned. The fact that he desires
to maka the appointment at his home town
and a town in which the senator does not
live seems to be in his favor. That he has
changed the complexion of the district from
democracy to republicanism is also regarded
favorably by the department, and as he will
be a full fledged congressman after March
4 the department Is desirous of following Us
usual practice and recognize the right of a
congressman-elect to make recommenda
tions. Of course, should Senator Dietrich decide
to antagonize Mr. Shelley In case bis name
Is sent to the senate for confirmation, Falr
bury being a presidential office, it would go
hard with Mr. Shelley, and should he make
a personal fight against his confirmation it
seems safe to assume that the senate would
stand by a colleague as tt has done on num
berless occasions in times past. It Is not
thought however, that an open war will be
Inaugurated, but that a compromise will be
arranged so that Mr. McLucas may be ap
pointed, and then after March 4 resign and
allow Mr. Shelley to be appointed In bis
stead. This would satisfy all factions at
Falrbury and leave no sore spots behind.
Turner Resolution to Die.
Senators Gamble and Dubois, who were
appointed a subcommittee on Senator ;
Turners resolution directing an Investiga
tion of the conduct and character of In
dian schools and reservations as to Immo
rality and disease growing out of charges
which ex-Governor r MeConnell of Idaho
made against the management of certain
Indian schools, had a meeting today with
the committee on Indian affairs, and after a
full conference decided to make no report
on the Turner resolution and to allow It to
die a natural death. Gamble and Dubois
conducted an investigation with a view of
ascertaining whether a public lnvestlga
tlon, such as was contemplated by Senator
Turner's resolution, was Imperative, and
after hearing a great many witnesses they
reached a conclusion that there waa more
smoke than fire in the charges made by
MeConnell and the whole thing will prob
ably be dropped.
Appropriation for Yankton.
Giaaia'.tB Cftmhta tnitov I tl t pnrl lliP Kill
, ,,nnnnn . ,K. ,
appropriating $100,000 for the erection of a
in. 1. . . j 1 j i O Ta aaaa . V. a
fjuui.i; uuiiuiug ai iBiinivu, a. u-t uu iw
site recently selected by the Treasury de
partment at the southwest corner of Wal
nut and Fourth streets.' Senator Gamble,
speaking of the bill, said that there was a
decided feeijng growing In favor of bring-
In. In -n nmnlhn. nihil" t.ntlrilntr Kill In.
. . . ..,.,,
the purpose of appropriating money for
. .., , .,., k,.ii. -,
i . . . ... . . . ,
I publls building question at this session. If
! an omnibus bill Is not agreed upon Senator
; Gamble will form an offensive alliance with
j a number of other senators and members
i of congress who are similarly situated and
j an effort made to get bills of a character
such as the senator introduced today
through congress before the close of the
Committee Mahee Call.
! Captain Hull, chairman of tbe military
aKalr,, committee of the house, together
',h hls colleagues, called today to pay
thelr 'fPect President Roosevelt. The
P","ldp'.t was exceedingly gracious and
ald t0 the members of the committee that
i Captain Hull was one of three men who
had made posnlble a republican majority
In the Fifty-eighth congress, to which the
captain gallantly replied that It was tbe
president who brought about the election
of a republican congress and not tbe men
of the national congressional committee.
Beyond a mere exchange of formalities
nothing of an Important character trans
pired. Later the committee called in a body
upon Secretary Root, who also spoke of
the Innovation, and said he expected to
see the members of the committee Individ
ually later on and would take up subjects
in which the War department was inter-
' ested.
Cantain Hull was Informed today by the
j secretary of the interior that the name of
R. P. Clarkson. former editor of the Dea
! Unlna. n.riil.r trmiM Haa aiant t r tha un.
ate as pension agent at Des Moines at the
first meellnc of that body after the tern-
porary recess. It was expected that the
name would be sent to the senate today,
but it probably did not reach the White
House In time to be sent up with a large
batch of nominations which were sent In.
Collector Holds lp Laces.
Assistant Secretary Spauldlng today wired
Surveyor Lafayette Redmon at Des Moines
for a report as to why be has held up a
certain lot of laces consigned to Lederer,
Straus V Co. ot Des Moines. The con
signees have written to Representative
Hull stating that tbe consignment of laces
held up by Redmon are simply samples,
having no commercial value. On the other
(Continued on Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Snow Friday;
Colder In West Portion. Saturday, Fair.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday i
Hour. Dra. Hour. Pea.
(V a. m it 1 p. nt...... ia
a. nt o 8 v. n i:t
T a. m 1 fl p. nt 14
H a. n o 4 p. m It
a. m 1 Bp. m 14
1 a. nt 3 ( p. m 14
11 a. m 5 T p. iti 1"
11 m It H p. n IS
t p. m 1U
Conciliatory labor Court Formed la
Chicago Which May Avert
Overt War.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4 Under arrangements
which have Just been perfected by the as
sociated teaming Interests a clearing house
for labor troubles has been formed.
Ever since the teamsters formed Into
unions their co-operation haa been sought
by Watly every other labor organization in
the time of trouble. The most serious case
was when the freight handlers were out last
summer and the commission drivers and
truck teamsters struck In sympathy wtth
In the fuutre when teamsters are re
quested to take up the grievances of an
other union they will refer the troubled
union to the advisory board of employers.
Here the matter In dispute will be taken
up and the employer requested to appear
and state his side of the case. An effort
will be made to settle the matter In this
hearing, but It this is not successful both
parties will be requested to submit the rase
to the teamsters' arbitration board and
agree to abide by Its decision.
Any union which refuses to take such a
course,, will be deprived of the support of
the teamsters, while if the employer shall
prove unwilling he my be boycotted by the
John C. Drlsroll, the secretary-treasurer
of the associated teaming Interests,
by virtue of the new arrangement, will be
come a sort of labor commissioner for Chi
Louisiana River Hlscs Rapidly and
Overflows Black Men's
SHREVEPORT, La., Dec. 4. The Red
river continues to rise at Shreveport and
points above. It will go above the danger
line here tonight. The bottom lands, in
habited principally by negroes, are rapidly
filling wtth water. A number of families
have been forced to leave their homes and
as a further rise of five feet Is predicted,
hundreds are preparing to move to higher
The gap in the levee at Belcher, twenty
miles above Shreveport, Is reported to be
widening. There appears to be no Imme
diate danger to life, though there will be
considerable suffering and heavy crop and
live stock losses. Relief measures are
being taken.
Snow and rain continue to swell tbe
waters. . No fesr Is entertained for the
safety of Shreveport, except In those hol
lows Inhabited by negroes, into which the
water Is already backing.
Captain Potter of Mempbla, United States
engineer for tbe Third district, with a
government relief boat is expected to ar
rive tonight.
Claims She Got Letter Returned for
Murdered Aunt Indorsed by
BOSTON, Dee. 4. The trial of J. Wilfred
Blondin on the charge of wife murder Is
beginning to take definite shape. It was
established today that Mrs. Blondin was
! kllled etrangulation and her head was
cut off after death with a sharp instru
ment, probably a jack knife.
The attorney general proceeded to Intro
duce evidence to prove the Identity of the
woman and to show that a letter written
to her by her niece, Miss Casey, subse
quent to the alleged murder was returned
to the writer, bearing the Indorsement,
"Gone to Canada," in Blondln's handwrlt-
Some details In the life of the murdered
woman were given by the niece and many
articles of clothing were identified by her.
Tbe cross-examination of Miss Casey was
searching and the questions of counsel for
the defense gave an Inkling of a possible
defense. He tried to shake Miss Casey's
positive Identification until It seemed as
If he meant to show that Mrs. Blondin was
etill alive.
Prof. Hetlprelrht Honored for Ilia
Archaeological Research at
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 4. Prof. H. V.
IUilprcicht was toDlgbt awarded the Lucy
Wharton Drexel medal for his excavations
at Nippur and his publications on tbe sub
ject by the University of Pennsylvania.
The fund for the medals was established
last month by Lucy Wharton Drexel, who
donated $2,000, tbe Income of which Is to
be expended for medsls to be awarded
once a year for the best archaeological
excavation or for the best publication
based on archaeological excavations by an
English-speaking scholar.
Cannot Attend Reciprocity Convention
Called In Detroit at Hla
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 4. Governor Stan
ley has cancelled his engagement to ap
I pear at the National Reciprocity League
meeting in Detroit next Wednesday, where
...a.......,, a- -a--
! be was to make an address
! He la a candidate for the United States
' senate and the campaign for that office
Is Kvunlnr nn In ant'h an Ih.l b. ,.
1 cannot well leave the state at present,
though be issued the call for the meeting
that resulted in the organization of the
Movements of Ocean Vessels Dec. 4.
At New York Arrived Teutonic,
Lixerpool; Zeeland. from Antwerp.
At Liverpool Arrived Majestic.
New York; Komun, from Montreal. Sailed
Bohemia, for New York; Pretorlan, fur
Halifax and t. John; Khnland. for Phil
adelphia, via Queenstomn.
At London Sailed Minnetonka, for New
At Cherbourg Balled Kron Prlnx Wil
li 'ni, from liremen and tiouthumplon, fur
:.w York.
At Queencitown Sailed Oceanic, for New
At St. Vincent. C. V. Arrived Clumber
nVrN7v"A7Avd-Trav.. from New
Guests Perish in
Chicago Holocaust
Hotel Crowded with Sightseers, Who Bush
to Street in Nightdress,
Smoke Overcomes Many and Others Leap to
Death from Windows.
Protecting; Walls Ordered, but Propri
etor Falls to Build Them, Claim
ing as Contractors Saw Struc
ture Ha Caanot Be Blamed.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. Fourteen persons
among the scores crowded Into the Lincoln
hotel at 176 Madison street, met death
shortly before t o'clock this morning In a
fire. Death came suddenly to a few, but with
awful slowness to others, who were penned
In the death trap and suffocated or burned
to death. Some died In their rooms, some
chanced all In jumping and lost, while oth
ers were found In the hallways, where they
had expired with their fingers dug Into the
cracks of the floor.
All the bodies were recovered, as the
hotel was not destroyed.
List of the Victims.
M. M. HANDY, Janesville, Wis.
H. K. WOOD. Lebanon. Ind.
SAMUEL L. YOCUM, Davenport, la.
J. C. YOCUM, Davenport, Ia.
F. L. EWINO. Marietta. O.
A. B. COON. Marengo, 111.
T. V. SLOCUM. Waconda, 111.
WARD LOWE. Sechlersvllle, Wis.
F. W. CAREY, Bucyrus, O.
ED TONER, Milwaukee.
B. F. BOSWELL, lived nt hotel.
THREE PERSONS. Including one whev
died on the way to the hospital, bad not
been identified up to noon.
Among the injured was William M. Sny
der of Loom City, Ia., bruised by filling
The victims were taken to Ralston's
morgue, and all day the place was filled
with anxious people interested in the dead
or seeking to assure themselves ot the
safety of friends or relatives.
Building; Is Fire Trap.
The building was a fire trap of the worst
kind, according to experts. There were but
two exits, a narrow stairway leading down
the four floors of the building and an In
complete fire escape In tbe rear.
The fire started on the second floor, pre
sumably from a lighted cigar dropped on
the carpet. Guests occupying upper rooms
in the front part of the hostelry, aroused
by the screams ot a woman, were able to
escape down tbe stairway, and about thirty
people reached safety by means ot the fire
escape. To add to the horror, however, this
gave way whtle otbors were attempting to
escape and three men were dasbod to death
on the pavement of the alley below.
For the people In tbe rear there was no
escape save by Jumping. Tbe stairway wa
in flames and tbe fire escape gone. Horror
stricken faces appeared at the windows and
cried for help. Firemen cried back to them
to wait until nets or mattresses could be
brought, and those who did In most cases
escsped with slight injuries. But gome,
crazed with fear. Jumped to the pavement
and were either kllled or badly hurt.
Fire Subdued With Difficulty.
With great difficulty the fire, although
comparatively a small one, was subdued,
but it was some time before rescuers could
penetrate the dense bank of smoke which
filled the place.
It was an awful scene which met their
gaze. The dead or unconscious lying
stretched on the floors, and In some cases
on their beds. Some had attempted to slip
on a garment before making for the street,
but they had been overcome, although most
of them were In their night clothing.
Every store and hotel in the vicinity was
filled with men and women who had escaped
with only their nightgowns.
Hotel Not Badly Damaged.
Little damage was done to the hotel, but
the smoke was so dense ihat many were
overcome and died before assistance could
reach them. Manr Jumped from the fourth
story windows or tried to sava themselves
by climbing down the fire escape In the
front of the building, only to lose their
grasp ou the cold Iron bar and fall to the
The persons sleeping In the rear of the
building ou the top floor had no chance
for their lives. A narrow stairway leading
to all floors of the structure was afire and
the escape of the lodgers In the rear of
the building was cut off.
Firemen end policemen were not reticent
In speaking ot what they witnessed at the
ecene of the catastrophe. They con
demned the building as a "fire trao."
Ambulances and patrol wagons from all
parts ot the city were called to the olace
and the dead and Injured were oulcklv at
tended to. All but fourteen of the guest
at tbe hotel were out-of-town persons.
Most of them came to Chicago to attend
the International live stock show.
House Filled with Guests.
Up to 10 o'clock last night persons were
taken In at the hotel and in every room or
place where a cot could be erected guests
were accommodated. At that time a large
number of stockmen, with their families,
were turned awsy.
Shortly after the fire broke out the fire
men rushed up tbe stairway and began the
work of rescue. Men, women and children
were curled down ladders, fire escapes and
smoke-filled halls In one Instance a fire
man of engine company No. 2 saved a
woman from running to the rear of the
building to certain death on the fourth
floor, only to be forced to drop her from the
third floor to the root ot the building at 17$
Madison street.
The woman held her 7-year-old son in her
arms. Eha waa Mrs. J. Sheppard and her
son's name Is Frederick. She was then
carried from the roof of tbe building to
the Brevoort house, where a physician was
summoned. It was found that their Inlurle
were alisht.
j Tbe buldiBir a constructed of brick, with
i but one stairway leading to tbe , upper
floors and a fire escape In the front ot the
building, but a fire wall around ths freight
elevator and other precautionary altera
tions which bad been ordered bad not been
carried out.
E. C. Weber, the night clerk, was on of
tbe first to discover smoke on the
second floor. It Is believed that tbe Or
tuapan In thla itApttnn nt fhm VmlMlnfr
V'ebre,u"4 't'tem"1t ?
j after be bad secured possession of tha