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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY IlEE: TIIUKST1AY, DECEMBER 4. 1002. ? ..1a,e- NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIXOU SIF.STIO. Dsvlg olla drucs Stockfrt sells carpets sn1 rugs. Elegant new Xmai photos at Schmidt'. Expert watch repairing;. LefTert, 4' 9 H'wsy Picture framing. C. K. Alexander & Co., &3 Uroadway. Tel. CM. Dr. F. P. Bellinger has returned from Waima, Neb. Muffn tins, ho'da nine muffin, only 10 cents each at Howe , ili'i Broadway. J. M. Ermerlna of Des Moines, state commander ol the Maccabees, Is In the city. For rent, nicely furnished front room, reasonable price, inquire 3w North First street. Wanted, nt once, carrier with horse for route on Tho heo. Apply at the otllce, No. lu Pearl atreet. We are headquarters for glass of all kinds. See us beore you buy. C. 14. Faint, Oil and Ulass Co. Mrs. Wllmansey took out a building per mit yesterday tor a one-story frame cot tage In Mornlngslde to cost SxK). Charles R. Hannan Is home from De troit for a short visit with his family, but expects to return east In a lew days. Court of Honor will meet tonight In Woodmen of the World hall for the elec tion of officers and other important busl nona. Kev. O. W. Snyder will Rive a Hible reading Friday evening at the-, residence of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam. Cozad, 710 Har rison atreet. William Wallace Mace of Omaha Bnd Lula Hweetman. both of Omaha, were mar lied In this city yesterday afternoon by Justice Carson. Ella Huas, lfi" High street, and Chris tina Johnson, 89 South Miln street, were reported to the Hoard of Health yesterday as suffering from diphtheria. The Board of Park Commissioners has closed a contract lor the removal of the Elks' carnival arch from First avenue and Pearl atreet to Falrmount para. Leon Lozler has been released from the county Jail, the S3.UU0 bonds furnished by his brother, a wealthy banner of liremer county, having been linally approved. There will be a regular meeting of Council Bluffs DodKO ot Elks this evening, at Which eleven candidates will be Initiated. Lunch will be served after the aotwlon. George Hoffman, who has been studying .for the Catholic prlexthood under Father 'Burke of St. Peter a church, left yesterday tor Portland, Ore, .where he will enter college. I have many new style photos and offer thla month my S4 photos for $2.50 and to photos for H and Call and examine the work. Stlgleman, 43 and 45 South Main street, upstairs. Mark Williams of the . Broadway mill complained to the police yeateraajr that kn place had been broken Into Tuesday flight and a quantity ot cornmeal and other stuff stolen. Saturday, Decomber S, will be the last of the special candy sales at the Purity Candy Kitchen, 646 Broadway, All fresh candies will go on this day at lu cents a pound. Get there early. For sale, a good house and lot, No. 212 Fourteenth avenue. Price very reasonable. Will take one-half of the purchase price In grading and dirt hauling. Apply to Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl street, Council Bluffs, la. IW. Wt Lansdon. over whose head a twenty-day sentence on bread and water was hanging during good behavior, was arrested aaain late Tuesday ntxht on com plaint ot his wite, He will have a hearing; in police court, th.a morning. Wanted, man to take contract to haul 2,(W0 yards of dirt to a lot on Pleasant street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth avenue. taking dirt from High street. Haul about two tllOCKS STORM HARD ON THE WIRES Telephone and Telegraph Companies 8evere Sufferers oa Account of Sleet LINES LEADING WESTWARD ARE ALL DOWN Temporary Repair Made During the Day, hot Some Time Will Be Br quired to Restore Nor mal Conditions. faculty. The program will consist ot a variation of solos, choruses and jokes, the latter all original and up-to-date. The snowstorm and accompanying drop In the temperature Tuesday night following the fall of sleet earlier In the day proved most disastrous to the telephone and tele graph companies. For the greater part of yesterday Council Bluffs was practically cut off from communication with Omaha by telegraph or telephone. The Western Union and the Nebraska Telephone com panies were the hardest hit, the Telegraph suffering but little damage west, although its eastern connections were cut off. The main lean of the Nebraska Teleohone company between Council Bluffs on Ninth avenue, west ot the Union Pacific trans fer, has about seventy-two wires and when the sleet commenced to freeie on these the poles were unable to stand the addi tional weight and one by one th"y collapsed beneath the strain. A large force of line men was placed at work a early as pos sible and In a few hours the company had one cable working between the two Miles, but It will be several days before ihe dam age can be repaired and the service re stored to its normal condition. The Western Union, whose main lead con tains about the same number of wires as the telephone company, suffered even more damago than the latter. Its poles, which are located along the Union Pacific dumo came crashing to the ground with their heavy loads of. Ice burdened wire. Bv 1 o'clock In the morning, communication with the west was cut off. Early yesterday a gang of linemen was at work, their first effort toeing devoted to secure connection between the two cities. This was effected by connecting the wires as they lay along the ground over the prostrate poles, no attempt being made to raise the poles until the western connection was secured. The company also suffered from breaks in the line east. The Postal Telegraph company has cot as heavy a lead west as the Western Union and consequently did not suffer so much. Its pole are new and were better able to bear the strain. East, however. Ibis company, suffered considerable damaae and with the exception of the Sioux City line all communication east of this over the Postal was at a standstill until 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The linns of the Electrlo Light company did not suffer to any great extent, and i.nt locks. . Apply to Leonard Everett, 18 one wire of the cltv's flr mn nriin. Pearl street, Council Bluffs, la. hrn. ., . ,. 1, ...o nun ui lue Union Paclflc transfer and City Electrician Cleaning; Oil the Sidewalks. Chief of Police Tlbblts was familiariz ing himself yesterday with the provisions of the city ordinance relative to the re moval of snow and Ice from sidewalks, which be sated he Intended to enforce as far as practical. Following the sleet of Tuesday the sidewalk yesterjay were al most solid sheets ot Ice, and in but very few instances bad any attempt In tbe busi ness section of tbe city been made to clean tbem. Tbe ordinance governing the matter pro vide "that tbe occupant ot each and every , basement or building in said clfy fronting j upon any street or sidewalk, or the owner I of ary unoccupied lot fronting a afore- : said, shall clear tbe sidewalk of enow and JUDGE RULES ON INJUNCTION Holds Action Growing Out of TV.o:hone Boycott is Improperlj Brought. WITNESS IN LIBEL CASE AN EX-CONVICT Illinois Man Convicted ot Swindling; in Wimhlna; Machine Uenl Wants Rehrarlng-lona Con tributes Little. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Dec. 8. (Special.) Judge McPberson of the federal court today made a ruling In the suit for injunction against ice by 9 o'clock, and every person omitting the Ubor assembly officers In regard to the to clear off said sidewalk shall forfeit and telephone strike: At the time of the strike ..... , v.. . ,,. .hon tin tnr aRalnst the Iowa Telephone company In every twelve hour such sidewalk shall re- lbiH cU 'ast summer a movement was In mato encumbered after notice from the ugurated to induce business men to take Mayor, any alderman or any police officer , out thelr Phones and the labor union peo of said city " I p were tealous In carrying on this niove- Annth.r .'.Minn t thn .me nrdlnanre ment- Thp Illinois Savings and Trust com- provtdea for Hie cleaning of snow - from gutters by occupant of abutting buildings, but no attempt ha ever been made to en force It and Chief Tlbblts says he will be content If people will only clean off their sidewalks. The patrolmen will be ln- pany, on behalf of the telephone company, on which It holds a mortgage, secured an order for a temporary injunction In the United States court at St. Paul signed by Judge Sanborn. The injunction restrained , all persons and especially the officers and structed to notify occupant, of all business Kts of the Des Trades and Labor house to comply with the ordinance. Children's Hooks, One Cent. Jack and tbe Beanstalk, Three Little Pigs, Babes In 'the Wood, Diamonds and Toads and many other children's books, cno cent each. Other lithographed books from three cent up. Book with board covers from 5c to 11.60. DeLong The Printer, 307 j Broadway. Memorial Fund is Small. J The movement to raise a fund of $10,000 from this state for the benefit of the pro posed McKinley memorial at Canton. O.. did not succeed very well. Stale Treasurer Ollbertson, to whom all the money was turned over, report that he has received up to date only 11. Tbe movement was taken ' up by Governor Cummins, who appealed to j Another sensation turned up today In the Individuals In the several counties of th mte-ciArkRon lihel suit in the district state to solicit for the fund and for a time courti tne discovery being that the person ' many contributions were received, but on whom the entlro action was baaed Is ; nothing nas been done recently. assembly from removing telephones with out authority, or from urging or advising that they be removed, or carrying on the boycott which had been declared. The la boring men moved before Judge McPherson to dissolve the injunction and the taking of testimony has been in progress here for a long time. Today Judge McPherson de cided that the case as brought by the Illi nois Savings and Trust company Is not under the jurisdiction of the court, but he permits the injunction to stand for fifteen days, pending which there may be another suit brought or an amendment which will confer Jurisdiction. He decided that the case should be brought direct by tho tele phone company and not by the mortagee, hence the Injunction was not in proper form to stand. t hief Witness nn Ks-ronvlrt. an ex-convict. The trouble all arose over w . , , the publication of an editorial comment on Maaraalnes mt DeLong s. an BffldftVt or ,w0 affluavltg made by one We have added a new department to ; l, A. Gray relating to corruption at a prl our book and stationery store. Magazines mary election. Yesterday Gray could not purchased here trimmed free. DeLong The be found. This morning he appeared at an , Printer, 307 Broadway. Hlsrh School Seniors Oraranlae. Charles O. Fitch of 1124 Fourth avenue left last evening for Glen Falls, N. Y., where he has accepted an Important po rtion with an electric railway company. Mr. Fitch for a number of year haa been electrician for the Cudahy company In Bouth Omaha. .-. Mr. and Mrs. John Filllus of Redding, Cal., stopped over in Council Duffs sev eral daya while enroute to Boaton and New York to spend the winter, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cars. They were accompanied east as tar as Iowa City by Mrs. A. K. Daniels, mother of Mrs. Carse and Mr. Filllus. The Dodge Light Guards foot ball team I planning to organize a basket ball team for the winter months. A meeting will be held Tuesday night, when It is expected a .captain will be chosen and the team or ganised. Games are promised with the Omaha and Sioux ' City Young Men's Christian associations. Myrtle Hlgglns, the 1 18-year-old girl ar rested on complaint of her father, who charged her with being an inmate, of a disorderly house, was turned over yes terday by order of Judge Scott tn Mrs. Miller, who ha recently established a "Kefuge home" In connection with the Fifteenth Street mission. Bradley had It in working order by noon. A Free II eat Ins; Store. Before you buy your coal see Wm. Welch at 16 North Main, street and he will ex plain to you how yon can get a fine Round Oak heating stove without costing you a penny. 'Phone, 12S. Dlblea Row Ready. Those who are entitled to the Bible, given a a premium by The Bee, can get same by calling at tho Council Bluffs office. Kindly call a soon a possible. Gravel roofing. A. H. Rctd. 541 Broacway. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire,. 1C1 Pearl street: Receivers of Officer aV Pu?ey to Thomas Bowman, lot 29. block 34. Ferry, add. r d S County treasurer to . C. G. Saunders, e of n40 acres lot 1, in 2-15-13. t d.. Sheriff to Ovide Vien. Interest In lot ' 2, block 14, Stutsman's 2d add. s d.... First National bank ot Council Bluffs to Q S. Cobb, lot 19. block 22. Ferry add, w d '. Patrick J. Ratlgan and wife to Patrick Katigan, w& n"4 34. except railroad, and nwl awVi 34-76-43, w d 7.809 20 102 140 100 N Bibles Sow Ready. Those who are entitled to the Bible, given a a premium by Th Bee, can got same by calling at the Council Bluff office. Kindly call a soon a possible. Cloth Bound Books, 15c DeLong The Printer, 307 Broadway. N. Y Plumbing Co., telephone 25. Matters In District Cosirt. The trial of the suit of Petrus Peterson against the Des Moines Fire Insurance company 1 tll! occupying tho attention of Judge Green Bnd a jury In the district court and Is expected to do so for the balance of the week. The defense Is attempting to show that It was induced to place the insurance on ti stock and building by al legea raise representations as to their value. The personal injury damage suit of Bes sie a. woodruff, a minor, against the Evans Laundry company was settled out of court yesterday. The plaintiff sued for 16,000 for injurie received to her hand In a collar and cuff lroner In April, 1901, and In full settlement yesterday the company confessed Judgment In tbe sum of $110. The motor compauy filed a motion for a new trial In the suit in which Chris Pe terson was awarded $13,600 damage for personal Injuries. In addition to the usual grounds the' motor company allege that the attorney for the plaintiff should not have been permitted to make a tabulated statement on the blackboard to th Jury, by which he presented what he claimed the plaintiff could have earned in the next thirty year had henot been disabled. By his calculations the plaintiff' attorney fig ured out to tbe Jury that hi client would have earned at least $18,601.1$ In the next thirty years and claimed this amount a actual damage, the balance of $35,000 asked being figured in a compensation for the mental anguish, pain and suffering Peter son had undergone. Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son. Marriage Licenses. ( License to wed were Issued yesterday to th following: Name and Residence. Age. W. W.Mlnnard, Council Bluff.... 28 Bessie Reed, Davenport, la IS Leonard Muirlll, Ida Grove, la 30 Vabel Penrleld. Ida Grove, la 29 William W. Mace, Omaha 44 Lulu oweetman, Omaha 24 Wllford B. Martin. Council Bluffs !1 Clara I. Wllklns. Council Bluffs 21 ' - DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE, THE ORIGINAL. A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, eo xema. akin diseases. Makes burns and scalds painless. We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. The best salve that experience can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently De Witt's is the original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for the name DeWlTT on every bos. All others are counterfeit. rurAtxosr BV. C. PsIVTTT A CO., CHICAGO. attorney' office, but disappeared again and was arrested this afternoon and fined ' for contempt of court. But the discovery The senior class ot the high school or- wa8 also made that Gray, since he signed ganlxed yesterday afternoon by electing tne affidavits, was arrested and convicted these officers: President, Arthur Han- 0f the crlmo of breaking into a store in chett; vice president, Mlgnon Maynard; xhn county and was given a sentence of secretary. Phoebe Judson; treasurer, Merle , months in tbe penitentiary. He has Warner: Bargeant-at-erms, Albert Trey- Bflrved his time and Is home again. But nor. The class at its meeting next week he was Bent up under an assumed name expects to select the Class color end other ani tne identity of the man as tho arfl- offlcer. ' davit maker was not discovered until to day by the court or the county officials. Papers were filed in the supreme court Acqnlt Hector of Mnrder. The Jury In the district court at Avoca I today asking for a rehearing in the case returned a verdict of not guilty yesterday fa the Btate against Hubbell O. 8oper, con- In the ease of Carl Hector, charged with the murder ot Fred Johnson, son of Court Bailiff Johnson. The ease was given to the jury yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock and the verdict of acquittal was returned at 4:30 p. m. LIVES WITH BALL IN BRAIN lows Boy Accidentally Shot Sow Seems on tbe War to VHI mate Recovery. FORT DODGE, la., Dec. 8. (Special Tele gram.) Edwin Olson, a 14-year-old boy, Is living and seem on the high road to re covery with a bullet In hi brain. The boy was shot a week ago while hunting. Death was at first expected In a few hour, but be has grown stronger and there now seems no obstacle to ultimate recovery. Physicians fear that an operation would cause death and the bullet Is left where It lodged In the upper part of the brain. The boy is a son of Stewart Olson of Thor. No Word of Elopers. WATERLOO, la., Dec, 8. (Special.) No word has been received from Miss Carrie Hue and her lover, Mr. McOood, who eloped a week ago. The child la under age, and will reach her 16th birthday this month. The father ha somewhat relented bnd ay It she will return all will be for given. At present thereN1i a warrant out for McOood, charging him with abduction. The young man's parents live at Silver City, la., and are said to be highly respected. vlcted at Washington, la., of conspiracy to commit the crime of cheating by 'alBe pretenses. He as one of a company ot persons selling'' patent washing machines and was convicted and sentenced and the sentence affirmed. He is living in Dixon, III., but want a rehearing. Application for rehearing has been made in the case of Boland V. Tierney, from Plymouth county, a case attracting a good dead of attention, because Involving a tract of land and prominent persons, and because of the peculiar conditions of the case. The Oliver Food company of Marshall- town has been incorporated with a capital of $10,000 by H. D. East and others. Tho adjutant general ha received notifi cation from tbe captain of the company In the Iowa National guard al Hampton that the company has been brought up to th requirements at.d will continue. Form Insurance Company-. The State Implement Dealers' association today decided upon the formation of a mutual Insurance company for the members. The entire business session wa taken un with this. Two year ago a committee was appointed to form the company and it was decided that pledges for $100,000 worth ot. business wa deemed necessary. Today It wa announced that nearly twice this much bad been secured and the committee wa Instructed to form a company. The remainder of the day wa spent in com mittee work. The reports of the officers were read. lllbles How Ready. Those who are entitled to tho Bible, given a a premium by The Bee, can get came by calling at the Council Bluffs office. Kindly call as soon as possible. Lodge Elections. Fidelity council. Royal Arcanum, has elected these officers: Regent, A. T. El well; vtco regent, Lee L. Evans; past re gent, George H. Nlcoll; orator, M. May nard; ilecretary, W. E. McConncIl; collec tor, John T. Tldd; treasurer, H. C. Hatten hauer; guide, Harold McNitt; warden, Charles Lefferts; sentry, George U Flnley; trustees, C. A. Beno, A. E. Brock, A. T. FUckinger; delegates to grand council, George H. Nlcoll. J. H. Arthur; alternates, J. M. Flagler. W. A. Groneweg. Park City lodge. Independent Order ot Odd Fellows, has elected these officers: Noble grand, R. A. Bacbman; vice grand, William Gall; secretary, W. H. Mullan; treasurer, I. K. Parsons. These officers have been elected by Palm grove. No. 11, Woodmen circle: Guardian, Mrs. F. M. Rue; advisor, Mrs. E. J. Clark; banker, Mrs. Kate Madden; magician, Mrs. Vsoetta Brown; clerk, Mrs. Eva Hitchcock; attendant, Mrs. Minnie Moore; inner sen tinel, Mrs. Margaret Corlies; outer senti nel, A. C. Lane; manager, Mr. Mattte Pe terson; phyilolas Dr. M. C. Cbrlstensen; musician, Mr. Claudia Dahl; delegate to late convention, Mr. Eva Hitchcock, Mr. Rue; alternate, Mr. Carrie Lane, Mrs. E. J. Clark. LEWIS CUTLER t p.r1 nt MORTICIAN. !IIb School Minstrel Show. Twenty-two members of the High School Cadet and Athletic associations will ap pear on the stsgs ot the high school au ditorium Friday night In a black face min strel show, which promises to be a red let ter event. Tho embryo minstrels have been asslducutly rehearsing under the direction of Miss Lucille Porterfleld. supervisor ot music, and Mis Caslell of the high school SURPRISE FOR THE OIL MEN Decision In Favor of Railroad Cona paay Takes Them Off Their Feet. ETVAN8TON, Wyo., Dec. 8.T-(Speclal.) Had a bomb exploded In Evanston no more curprlse could have been caused than br the announcement from Waihlngton that the secretary of the interior Had di elded tbe Spring Valley oil land contest case. which was brought -by the American Con solidated Oil company against the Union Pacific railroad to prove that the land lu question was more valuable for oil mtnlna than for other purposes. In favor ct the railroad company. Tho character of the ground, and the undtsputable proof of tho existence of oil in paying quantities for the oil company, and with this belief, not only tbe American company, but many other con cerns have gone ahead with development work and have spent thousands of dollars In the vicinity of Spring Valley. Just what will be done In this matter is not known. At present tbe oil men are simply paralyzed at tbe unexpected decision against tbem. But much will de pend upon the action cf the Union Paclflc. It the railroad chooses to sell its lands, or permit the development of tame far an in tereat In the product, the trouble may be settled amicably, but on the other hand. If the oil men are crdered away they will continue the fight tor what they tetleve is rightfully their own by virtue et lo cation under tbe mineral laws cf the United States and will carry the contest to tho United States supreme court It need be. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of ee PabSintls Wrapper Mow. CAPTURE PERRTS ASSAILANT Strike Breaker Price, Who Assaulted Machinist Perry, Is Located la I tab. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Dec. $.-(SDeclal Telegram.) W. E. Price, tbe strike bresker. who made a murderous assault upon B. F. Perry, president of tbe machinist' union, on night In October, was captured yester day in Parson, Utah. Requisition papers were Issued by Governor Richards today and a deputy left to get Price. After as saulting Perry, Pfice jumped Into a hack In waiting and was driven to a point south of tbe city on tbe Denver Pacific, wbsre he bosrded a freight train. He was arrested at Eaton, Colo., but agaia escaped. Tatiy small as May rtake aa segn 'CARTER'S T I. ' tUUy rOR IL4BJLCM. rift DIZZINESS. FOB BlUCUSXEtf, FOB TOIPIO LIVER. m CONSTIPATION. HI SALLOW SKIN. rORTNECOMPUXICI I 1l x ' 1? IV ' w ' ' ..... mi 1 "PPS! ANNUAL SALE OXES Greatest in the World The most wonderful record In all history merit made it. Advertlsinjr haa aerved to make OASCARETS known, but the greatest advertiament ever printed oould do no more than gt a person to try OASOARET3 onco. Then comes the teat, and If OASCARETS did not prove their merit there would not be a Bale of nearly a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Thla auooeea haa been made by the kind worda of our friends. No one who trlea OA80ARETS falla to be pleased and talk nicely about them. OASCARETS are easiest to buy, to carry, to take, to give, THE PERFECT HOME MEDICINE. They are a perfect cure for Constipation, Appendicitis, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Bad Blood, Pimplee, Piles, Worma and all bowel diseases. Gonuine tablet stamped COO. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. All drusarista, lOo, 25c, 60a Sample and booklet tree. Aaaroaa Bierimg itemeay ug., vmuagu ur rw xuia. m irfi V ' -'wjbi TV'ianmVir '-' .. , t ,i. 1, ... , QMRt HIQtC HEADACUC CLEANLINESS" Is the Watchword for health and vigor, com. fort and beauty. Mankind is learning not only the necessity but the luxury of clean liness. SaPOLIO, which has wrought such changes in the home, announces her sister triumph HAND S APOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH A special soap which energize the whole body, start the circulation and leave an exhilarating glow. A Urtun and di ugiiii. U longest KstnhHslied, Most Successful Rtid Kpllnble Specialists in DIseusfH of Men, as Medicul Diplomas. U- censeH und Newspaper Records Show j?-:- r ri- fii' l.j urn. r.. '.w. hvnrj man mil rinn mi in 4 Tw kiuil iiiuii niliivtvu Him SKViU-sV , 'V'A-M VIUIIMIlUk U A U 1 1 III'M l- o i uiu i wiihi iniiiuuvLbk NERVO SEXUAL DEBILITY BLCCD POISON (Syphilis) KlO.iEY AND URINARY DISEASES or any iseH or weakness due to Inheritance, habli, excesses or the re sult of speellic diseases, owes It to himself nml his posterity to get cured palely anil puHitively. without leaving any bllKlit or woukm ss in his system. You lo not want to be mutilated and maimed for lite In trying- to be cured of Varicocele, Stricture and kindred troubles by surgical procedures In a, few days. We make no misleading utatementa or unbusinesslike propositions to tho aflllcted In order to secure their putronage. The many years of our successful practice prove ".hut our methods of treatment are safe and certain. Our Combined Klectro-Medieal Trtatment has many friends and few ene mies. lt friends are those who have tested Its merits and have been cured t-fter all others have failed. Its enemies are those DoctorB or Specialists who fire envious of all other treatments that have proven more successful than their own. Call at our office or write, and if we accept your caBe for treat ment we will guarantee a SAFE AKD POSITIVE CURE in the shortest possible time without Injurious after-effects. Our charges will be t?8 low as possible for conscientious, skillful and successful services. We will Bpare you the penalties associated with Nervous Debility, Self Abuse, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Weakening Drains, Wasting of Organs, Lss of Sex ual Power, Premature Proline, Loss of Mtmory, Knergy and Ambition, Nervousness, Pimples. Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Ureath, Appre hension of Calamity, the Chagrin and Mortification of Weaklings, the Fright of Contemplated Matrimony, etc. We will render you robust and strong men tally and physically. Special Home Treatment for patients who cannot call. Call at our office today or write for our book, FREE, which will explain the diseases we cure and how we cure them to stay cured when others fall. Hefereucea Brat Hanks und I.e...nuu liufclnena Men of 'Mils i'ltr. Cons tilt at Ion at office or t letter free anil strictly confidential. OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m. to p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m to 1 p. m. State Eleciro-Eiled cal Institute. 1308 Farm St-, til 13th and 14th Sis., 0m3ha, Neb. Longest Established. Thoroughly reliable. Authorized by the laws ot the state. 333 SHE 'D. D. D.f" the astonishingly effective new Skin disease presoripfion Eczema, Salt Hheum, Barbers' Itch, Erysipelas all eruptions, scaly disease and parasitic aflections of the skin positively cleared away in a hurry. A clean, pleas ant liquid (non-greasy) externally applied sponged or sopped over the parts. Instantly stops all irritation. Soon clears out absolutely all aflected conditions. (Itre U a cat cltared auav with two bottlei.) (Com of dauohtrr of Mr. lint ITartman. rrmanntli tvrtd of abed H OfrMM afttr two boUUi only of Ai D. V, V. prttcriptio.) V e vouch for these facts. They have been proven to us beyond the possibility of doubt. Sherman & McConnetl Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, . Some weeks aso the astonlsblni record of this prescription proven to us by Indisput able evidence lndui-ed us to give It our ungualined reoowmeodailon to tbe public. Since thenD. l. 1). hag cured so many who obtained it from us that lis record wltb us haa been fully equal to Its previous history. We imve rot seen a single Instance of disappointment. It seeius to do Hie work every lime, lo nine cases out of ten, niunifettuilons on the akin ars tlin diseases not blood diseases. Many purchasers formerly miserable, tbinklns they bad a )nd blood disease, have found U a merely a skin aflooUoo and cava cleared it all away witn this prescription. . ..... . Among all the known reliable specific medical Influences for different ailments we know of very few discoveries so certain in effect as this D. D. D. prescription In it qulok conquest of skin diseases of all kinds. A FEW CURES OF WELL-KNOWN PARTIES. "I have rva trmitiltd for yar with Frcm of th fffctn and trteU khmI Ym-(v of riuell and cum, with no Apf"" rUef. 1 nt tor fifi unftMa to lt-iifflt mm tu muy av. A frirnd of mine r i((.ol uur 1. 1 IV rriitrdjr to 4r . be-f-iro III rlitt-OU of 111 flrtt bMlle r3 COtitUllie-d 1 aift Wm(i lo Mi v your rt mtI htl prvtftl cutirlj wtUlMKorjr jitt had cimii me. 1 titkv iri-ftc pit-arai In romrand1nr H to tl nd evoryuue tuifferinsf mm aujr 4uonl ih ktn fc.utfri'lv yiptira. JHNl lM.tT. (A wi-fl kiinonn Chicago UuiOdcm uisvn. Chlrati-o.ApHIT.190t "Ahont ill ranth atm mr tlui'(r Im hm ,n nrt'sail over her iiy anil irisuiunny letting feorw. Kuthinir ieuml to do brr auy alttioiigh tried nutrient inelK-tnf l-nt witlioiit ami't-wi. fcha would p-rati'li outniuail atxl u tight W link at. 1 wit ak.d t try ttlie ol vur 1- r meiy. hu h 1 did, and to my urpn H wud kt-d uilen on l.i-r the b-s d day. atid Iwiui tha hoitit W Beiiikt t-Le w istLU4- oiirt-ti. The i id txiUle rumpieteiy cured hr. I 1 II highly te-oiiioend your reined v to anv ma MtifTerinir iih kiu du-.jj Un fft u I rami-it luty fiiniitrh mr It." Wiathihtf vim cvci'v ' ( I aiii, your Tory truly, ., yu)l FiaiuoivbLiMU t am frtad to mr that the bottle of mMlotna fHirn tUed yuu In July lt Iims Imh-ii f k'reei lMneiit tu me. 1 m n w tree lioiu th ainnvJU.e her Uilorv aU ed frin KeEt-ma on my juikltn. I hnte- aio roied a frteud oi mine imiiniiKuur thm Mt on In face." W.J. HM-lstl! hi. r'auit Minn i 1' real riant a d tieuuial ilaua:r of Orcal hortiitria i.iire Co. Tht wonderful d acovery, tlia D. D. T. remedy, etirtti me itt n itud i'in of ina of Ic-Df atniKiintr, vtili h the iiliifl tu rou tl ri'-t eure 1 taheerfmy i-MftoiniriMl li to all person afflict 4 wi'h anv kind of kin Liauc." C H WiHUiWAr.U. (Ex Mayor (.Cairo, 111. The prpftn In beMujr used by most of th nkln sin-lalKts. It is compounded for drugglnta solrly by tbe D. D. I Corm-an v, 7U Dettrliorn Stre't, nlcafcro. It i utilised by ev-ry iceuerul family iUyiciuu wti'j lias Un tbe trouble to inyetigTitJ the Work it la m'coniphhirii.'. It in nttfU in the CooU kuntv Hospital. ChieHco. It uill clear off any iaraiUe brewk In th akin in from I day' to 60 days' time. If vou have a akin viait the tove agciita fchJ tee j too fa thai will make you bapnler human being. ti.oo DM thU prescription already marie on In aealed bottlei with aathcotle label oa each. The above coooern will nil urni! ordoi a un receipt of irice. Tht D. D. I remoriy eired me of T,lchen-Buher la two afkK. 1 hfld DutntHi and tieatett at Hot hirliiir. Ai k.'ffor ix wetka. Tue hf-t aiera Irritated ma ana inude me wmiw. Hy hody waicoveied wiin aiupi on livui head to fMit lio. GEUKUT, No. VjC Urd fit., Chicago. Cliieatro, April lftt. I rt aoma kind of a kln dlaent-a m a barWr U p and 1 trle-d a halt hoctle t-f your 1. l li hemrdy ana 1 niUfty itruaiwl ny kn An. I aa-ed tna dnitf gil for a aaive and be ay t . I 0 It would h ilia i et Itiin. lor me. 1 I -onirht th pi to w a 1 tlia too inu h. but it 1 ever hat any kind f a kiadlaeaea atfain I aiu tMliinr to ar tn timva an much. I think it tne boat rvmeuv In tu World for any kind of a aaui dUrttM. Yuiii t-ti v. KKAMC W k"l.l K, W H et irrlng 1'ai k lloiik ard, Chicago. U Business Stimulatars BEE WANT ADS MORPHlNEiMiS TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER llrsl AgrleBllural Weefclr. ILLINOIS CENTRAL EXCURSIONS. 52 50 I ,.. 4H.SU 43.00 1 88.U0 43.00 66.20 l-Joksonville, Fla. J Thomisvllle. Kla. 1 New Orleans, La. 1 Vlcksburit, Miss... 1 HammonU, l.a 1 Dayiona, Fla 1-Tnmna. Fla 1-Palm Uearh, Fla " W 1-Havana, Cuba U-?0 1 Jackson. Mlas iW. 1 St. Aug-iietlne. Fla M 2- Mt. Clements, Mich 134.10 i trench Lick Sprlnas, lnd HUM i-Chicago, 1U 114-Tt AUuVb MAlEtl AHE FOIl HOtNU TKIH 'I'lC'KUTV ritoM OMAHA, MiU. Column (U-'lltkeis on sals dally; ltlu.ll .illUl JUIW a. wo. cuiumu a au ! daily; .t.uiu .luni iw uas. Coiumu uj iicmiJis on sals Nov. JO, utt. i uuu roiuiu limit lc. k. imjui.u !rti uuki uit to nearly mi uuiuta .u IUM suulu auu auutuoaai. alU,u.ei aiiOVeu uoiO soma ana I. "UAu"Siion is called to tna "Dials fciitji, a iniuuaii train via Nasuvuu, iialiaiioOfca, t,ooul Mountain, At ii' titt. una rfiacou, 10 jacaauiiviuu, Jria. xlouiBet:is lica!i, al rata ut oils iaie iua n am mat anu ttnra i utilutt oi acn niontn, tu putnia n 'l'nnekei. i.(lltucy, Miasis-ilt.pi. iTountina. Oeoisia. Alabama, etc. l orieauoaaencB inviiea anu iuior;na tloii cnttrtuii tuven. Uei copy oi t.Ur nikutitnl Hiuatrated bouklei, covering uolTita ol interest in tna ounny, Boutn. J, 11 t arnara du, ouiaua. Ann., or trite v- ". Uiat. Pasu. AgC, ill CsnU R. R., ( imahH. Neb. The only double-track railway batwain ih Missouri River and Chicago. The route of the famous train Tho Overland Limited Equipment and Tim tha Bast Pullmm Compartment and Drawing. Koom bleeping Cars; Duflet Smoking' and Library Cars; Dining Cart; Free Keclinlng Chair Cars, and modera Day Coaches. THE BEST OF EVERYTHINQ 5 Daily Trains to CHICAGO For tickets and information apply to office of General Agent, 1401 and 1403 Farnam 8L CHICAGO I NORTH WESTERN RT. THE WABASH IS J M0DEI ( XINB ALL POINTS SOUTH Lv. Omaha, Daily, 5:5$ P. M Ar. St. Louis 7:00 A. M NEW STEEL RAILS, NErV EQUIPMENT. SOLID ROAD BED Fractal rates dall.' to all winter re sorts. City offlrt, 1D1 Farnam Street. HARRY E. MOOREH. O. A. K D., Omaha. Neb. S v rvouDa. i ruau iu ot abuM, failtna umuiiucid. dralna. Itittri. kkrrkrd nica ana ma luUndtna li niarry cboutd iaki a b..ii aauntatitua retulUi vniall tu r" mn4 W"- cirtsr ruir4. SUA. at Cherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha MEN