Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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won tune u m
f J W. P. Bennett
4r Alen's and Yniincr
Alen's Suits
Worth Up to Twenty Dollars.
While ther last, come and s-e the
ralue? we offer at the price named be
low. We haven't room to handle the
stock we haTe. To move the stock
quickly (it is NOW too nt-nl same)
we have made a price concession be
yond fomparisw'n. Come and make
your selections, haTe them laid'
at-ide until YOU ARE READY.
The j come in touts. slims, extra
eire-a. double-breasted, frocks and
all at one price worth tip to ?20.00.
'chance inlaws SUGGESTED
Scperriaon an 3 OommiwicmeTi Hold Jfeet
irj at Beairiot.
Creattaa af laaaatty iaavd Cwasawaed
f Certaia Caaaty eer la Art
Wttaaat Eitr fiy la Alea
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dft. t. ( Special
Overcoit Stock Complete
Sell Br.kaw Bros. Hand
Tailored Clothing
Bennett's Clothing Dept.
Main Floor Harney St Entrance.
are familisr with all of tb routto. Tby
have not talked at? mar than they rouid
trip, bar told little of tbetr whereabouts
la recent iffki and ht v absolutely re
fused to give tbetr namea
Fhteld (aw aeB.a.lte4.
The arpeal of Tbe Bee Publishing coa
paty from tb award by a Douglas couaty
Jury or a Judgment In favor of County At
torney Shields la a civil l:bel rut tu sub
mitted to tbe commissioners la supreme
court No. 2 thl morning.
(aaatlfa Cikmx all
Samuel F. Davia. late canfi.daie for gev
emor vn tb prohibition ticket, has tied
' ' ' " ' V . . iihi.,1 -. - .M, Vila.
'Tf ITl' 'dr " -r" ' BEATRICE, Nrb, I- Special - j rd la tbe sandhill, pouu-ry.
ax l. it rot, ax t a. eaa a. seventh annual ronrenior of tbe I There are great feara that the srboc-1 rtll-(-oi
wm - l-r.rat. f.i;e A.SPCi,tic,B rf Commlsrlon-r, and ' rf, attending district schorls la that sec
Article, of incorporation wer. filed th j. t ,Wrfc in thit cltT j 7
tbe secretary of state for tbe Mother Lee 1 M , KEARNET. Neb, Pec. S (Special Tele-
Good Will M"ioa Home for Fenltent : J"'raay. aaa railed to order by the prea- FIIL )Tbe nrrm ahirh atmck thla tart
Fallen Women. The incorrora:er areijldent. H. W. Wirtera of Maarn routtT. 'of tbe atate lat ulrfct a Terr aerere fo
Joha W. Tbomaa, Haute JC. Eflaaria. U C. I The addreaa cf elctnie waa tnaie by Hon.. ' trrt ot " aeanoti. :be do be'.ni
o,iirt (VlMM an4 R A. L and n u r t ,v. r- lwo trree ipti inira ancre it :.ia
. - - - j u.
E. cerey or inctni j ne rompany eiper; 1
to eeib.itb fcomea at' Omaha and Orleiaea.
The object la to fnraiab honia for fallen
RaJa ta the Harala Tara ta
aaw ail la Geaet-al 0er
LINCOUN. Tc t A warn rain lt
' nirbt turned lato ooa-;onD. and all orer
1 Nebraska today a aoov-TtoriD la ragina
la tbe aeat asd Dortbveat alocg the l!set
of tbe Puilinripn asd Nprthaeateni rcd
tbe telerrarb commutilcaticma are letrt
pprtinua'Iy broken, and If tbe blirtard pen
tltuea train aerrlce U1 be tpptd a-uhin
a f boura.
B. tavik, cbairma of tbe Gae county
rerub!i(n central committee. a?ter ablrh
.Tb ripenioe ,aL J:ne. fra'.t
brinfi to perecuon their juicy
flavor anc food element,
Tbe thorough AGEING of
Baltimore Rye
(Tbe Pure Wy Product)
Auditor Weston Eefuwa BectTue Ee ATaej
it u Sot LtigiUj Lsmei
Xeweater Wl Was m Barllaataa
Traia Bel4 t Partiallr Ideatl
ea avaawta $vw ta 1.1a.
eala JaJL
develops its
Rich Nutrient Quality
and ma.ksa it the
most perfect whiskey.
BoM M Kit am-claa. fmfaa u fcr JoMiam.
a. LaXA& a t.. Iumm. aa.
CitA. OK KUtlCAL ftcALTifiEl
m hi.
kMfe u4 aaia u
. f -r rmaiat. Mock
b ka ml it
t an-a. y-,
u mm
u a
I U.uourUU al -
U0 m IM mmmi
uim a aataauu:
t repom-
" A ou lad.ef ae them.
Boead 'Gul Kil'LTS CKEAlf as tb
fcurmrui aii il akia prfp&rauvui " ur
by an tfruit"' er.d f.ncy foods deal
r tn tbo U. S. ud Euroi.
FEKO. T. HOPkltt. Praa.
7 Grea' Joea t-. v. y. '
f 1 nun rfrnX
8 yV
PCR TbE ec:s
Its aKsolute parity, 1
its delicious flavor aa4 ,
dtfijhtf ill botajcl. Its 1
fFmra a Stan Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 1. (Special.) J. T. Nilea
has filed a salt la the supreme court for a
rrit of peremptory mandamus to compel
Charles Weston, state auditor , ta record a
bond for II 000 Issues' by Doaylas (WOTT
In ifCT. Weatoa refused to record the
bond because, be claimed, tee lav under
a hlch tbe bonds vere Issued -raa uncon-
aUtutloaal. Tbe bonds were issued to the
Omaha 4r Southwestern and the Omaha
& Northwestern Railroad company, bearinc
I per cent Interest. Ia 1B87 the eounty
refunded the bonds and issued others bear
ing S per cent. These were leaned under
tbe law of 1885. which the supreme court
baa declared unconstitutional. This year
the bonda were again refunded and others
Issued beartna; JV per cent. Tha state
holda tl7,000 worth of the bonda.
Sekea'ale far IMS.
Notwithstanding Nebraska's turndown at
the hands of the Big Nine" conference,
the probabilities arc that the Corn buskers
will art some very food games for next
Manager Bear! Is back from Chicago and
haa practically completed arrangemeata
whereby both Iowa and lUlnoia will play
here next fall. Tbe Hawkeyes asd Com
huskers have sot met tor three years, but
Iowa has promteed to come ta Lincoln in
November. Possibly this may be the
Thankagiring day game. Illinois will be
here on November ?. Oa the 14th the
Cornhuskers play Kansas at Lawrence.
The Iowa proposition for Thanksgiving day
is dependent upon the outcome ot the ne
gotlations now on between Wisconsin and
Nebraska. If these go through Nebraska
will play In Milwaukee that day on aa
evea division of receipts. Wisconsin did
not succeed ia getting on with any of the
ether "Big Nine" teams for that day, and
for this reason is willing ta talk business
with Nebraska.
Minnesota, with whom the friendliest
feud af tbe laet three years has been mala
tained. has had enough. It will not play
Nebraska next year, despite tbe fact that it
now lingers under the sting of defeat.
The management thinks the Mlnnesotans
have too stiff a schedule now, and doesn't
csre to add anything more to It. Ne
braska will present practically as strong
an eleven next year as this. Westover,
rnft.lvnu mnA Pinivr three nf tbe strocc.
eat men en tbe team, may drop out if tbe
J tour-year rule ia enforced, which is prob
' able, and Ebedd. the best end ia years.
may never be able to play the garre again.
His spine is believed to be effected. Some
good material for tie vacancies ia pre
sented, however, and Booth has hopes af
being able to round up a winning team
Tb tiaraa ta UsnIb,
wmnen who desire te reform. I
William Meradith. repre3en:atfT-elert
from York count y. was tn Lincoln today j
conferring with friends. Mr. Meradith was
nroute borne from Beatrvre, where he at- j
tended the state meeMr. of the pounty
commissioners. In the next legislature he
will make an endeavpr to have tbe las
in relation to tbe distribution of tbe road
fund changed. "My constituents." said
Mr. Meradith. "are in fsrer cf a change.
They desire a law that will g1T 'ch, temn
shlp as much road money as it pays into;
the road fund." , !
Btaaaell Veralrt Afflraet. 1
Tbe supreme court affirmed the decision
cf the lower court in the case of Charles
Russel, sentenced to twenty years ia the
perltectisry for the murder of Alios F.
Fiandenmal-r. Tbe latter was found dead
about three miles from his home In Sioux
county and about six miles from the home
of Russell. It was claimed by the state
that Russell had waylaid Elandetmairr as
he was going to feed his cattle and shot
him. He waa convicted of murder In the
second degree.
Relative f aa Jltif Bear
Tbe supreme court has declared that the
mother, brother and sitter of the late Ed
Gagney, nephew and private secretary of
tbe late John Fltrgerald. have the rieht to
remove his remains from tbe Catholic cem
etery in this city and them at Platts
mouth. as they have wished to do. Some
months ago Mrs Catherine MtEntee. David
C. McEntee and Marista GagTiey, all of
Plattsmouth. sought ta remove tbe remaina,
but were prevented from so doing by Mrs.
Mary Fitxgerald, Undertaker Walton G.
Roberta and Bishop Bonacum, who. after a
sensational skirmish at tbe cemetery, ob
tained a perpetual injunction from the dis
trict court prohibiting their removal. Gag
ney went to lire with hie uncle, John Fitx
gerald. when be was a mere boy and prac
tically grew up as one cf the Fitrgerald
family. He was burled in Mount Calvary
cemetery here. It is claimed, in
to his dying request.
Keveraea 0?etll Case.
The supreme court today reversed itself
in the ease of Michael O'Neill, against Tbe
Rock Island Railroad Company, which comes
up from Sarpy eounty. O'Neill had foot
caught in a guard rail while coupling cars
and lost it. He brought euit for damtges.
alleging negligence beoauae the guard rail
waa not protected with a block l-etween
it and the rail. Tbe district ude took
the pase away from the jury and directed
a verdict tor tbe defense and it came to
the supreme court, the latter reverstuz tbe
decision. After the rehearing, however. He
court has reversed itself on the ground
that it was imperfectly Informed at the
time of the former -decision. It was then
under the impression that it was a unl
Teraal custom ta use blocks behind gutrd
rails, but it has since learned that rail
way managers are not at all agreed tliat
guard rails are safer with blocks than with
out thrm. It holds that an emnlover is
not liable in damages for the inturies
caused by mere error la judgment la fur
nishing structures, machinery and appli
ances for the uee of his 'servants in tbe
prosecution of his business, unless it is
shewn that such error is Itself the result
of negligence, willful ignorance ot inattention.
two aLd three iect
drifted, asd the tero mark was only ticht
dtrrees to tbe rood The tri'nt nti the
tbe regular business of tbe metlne wa injcm pacific were from three to tn hou-w
thn takent up. and the report of the com- ! j,,.. No aam, it reported br tbe tele
mittee on legislation submitted. Among rhone I nes
the recommendations msde by tbe commit
tee on legiKlstion. is one that the laws
gcverning the constitution of brijges be so
amended that boards may pur'heae ma
terials and ponrtruct bridg. or l uild them
as to them seems best, instead of having
to let the contract by the foot, as under
the present rystrm; another is that an
insanity board be created composed of the
pounty clTk one c-mber of the conctv
beard, county attorney and courty nbrFl-
"u, woa mail act witbout extra rav: an-
EITTE. Neb., 7c. S. rPpecial Tele
gram A furious Mirrard hus been raging,
all day and shows no sicn cf abating.
Tbe weather is warm and the rnew soft,
but If it gr-ts cold stork will suter. Tbe
town Is thort en coal, but not entirely out.
FOFT XrGE. Ia.. Iev t (Special
Telegram Almost a billiard raged here
for aereral hours on Tuesday night. The
sncw was two inches on tbe level and
drifted badly before a sweeping north wind.
Railroad traffic, telegraph and telephone
Tin f Aim nmi'T kiiuvj it
fa W asf !. mm Wm "aW ww "-
-H M : rr
i''t !:it J-i J'l UMf-T? i ,',--i?i-
1 iPiKa
a-T , w
1 mm
other if. to enable county botrcis to rur- service were only slightly impeded by
chase lands which have been cCered at sale.
and upon which there are no bidders, and
foreclosure upon ail descriptions so pur
chased. When tbe pounty has acouired
title to these lands they are to be offered
and ecld to the highest bidders
At the evening session another measure
that was favorably considered, was to give
cities, under certain conditions, 'urisdlction
over the public hichwavt le-talnr to them
a distance of six miles beyond the corporate
limits of said city, and to vcte taxes for
tbe purpose of macadamizing them. Another
measure is to ao amend tbe road law as
to do sway with apecial commissioners and
appraisers In lsjing out new roads, and
to give boards power to do the work and
to shorten the time in which tbe same mav
be done. Mary other matters of more or
less importance were taken up and dis
cussed st the evening seation.
The following are thase in attendance,
who registered yesterday and last evening:
Madieon County H. W. Winters. S J
Hamilton T. A. McKay. L. T. Cudnev,
D. Sunns on.
Caw J. F Faulter. T. Zinck
Jefferson Wiliiam Jacobs, J. D. McCord
6a line W H etaiey.
Johnson L. M. Lavls. J. E. Stutheit
Adums Charles E I'hlllips. M. H Dol
linger. John i.van. W w. Miles
Neme.ii B. F. Mtliunch. Htrman Hall
grew e.
Dawson J. H. O'Kane.
Holt Conrad KramT.
6arpy George W. Youngs. S. "eke
iKiugias titer G. Hoieldt, H. E Os
tr ii m.
Webster W Richard. Fred Garloch
Pierce A. Bchmltchtenbrurg. C. E. Mals-aer.
Lanctster G. W. Velton, Fred Poeck
man. Dodge Joseph Roberts. 6. W. Boyd, C
W. Hepburn.
Seward M. B. Palmer. J P Lwer,
W. I Dickinson. John Daitoti.
Custer G. H. Tbarr.
Gri-Captain Hivens. H. J. Randall. A
C. TLton. G. W. Campbell, J. E. Carmack.
L D. GtaUicr.
The Stats aasciation of Supervisors and
the storm. Work oa a number of Improve
ments about the city has been stepped for
the present.
DAVID CTTT. Neb.. Dec. . (Special.
Yesterday afternoon it commenced anowtnc
and continued until late last night, with
a string northwest wind About three
inches cf snow fell and it drifted badlr.
Tbe mercury registered near the rero mark.
Today It has quit snowing, but the weather
is still cold.
EDGAR. Neb., Dec. S (Special A se-
, vere storm is in progress here this morning.
The wind changed suddenly yesterday afi
ernon about 4 o'clock, from aou.h to north
west, and the temperature has fallen from
0 to C degrees, and is still 'ailing. About
four inches of snow has fallen and is ouite
, badly drifted.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. S (Special.)
! About four Inches cf snow fll last nisht
and as it turned cold a strong north wind
blew, during the night it drifted badly.
Trains were delayed on both roads. The
Bonusteel passenger on the Elkhorn. due
: here at I Id, did not get in until about S
iiu uifrtooii, ana all other trains on the
except the Lincoln passenger were
Westbound traini On the T'ninn
Pacific were also late.
si-HLTLER, Neb.. Ic. I ; Special i
rst stcrm of severiiv Ktmr-k v,-
last tight, beginning with a fall of snow,
which was kept up cn!y until about three
Inches had fallen. A north wind sprung
up and the increasing strength and cold
ness throughout tbe tight had all of tbe
sncw thtt fell drifted and the mercury
was down to within i degrees of sero by
morning. The roads were so blocked lii
places that some people coming to town
were otT.ged to drive through fields.
w earner now clear and moderating
LEIGH, Neb.. Dec. I (Special.) The se
verest storm so far this see son began here
yesterday afternoon with snow and sleet
Commissioners which convened here res- incweasing toward night with more enow
To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Rem
edy, Will Do for YOU. Every Reader of "The Bee"
May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidney are rpnible for more aicknea
and suffering, than any other d;eae, therefore, when through neglect
or other causes, kidney trouble la permitted to continue, iatal results
are sure to follow.
Your other organs nay need attention but your kidneys moat,
because they do most and need attention first.
It you ara sick or --feel badly." begin taking Dr.. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, tha great kidney, liver and bladder retneJy. because as soon as
your kidneys are weii they will help all the other organs ta health. A
trial will convince anyone.
The auld and immediate effect of Dr. 1 cuently night and dsy, smarting or lrrt
KUmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney and ! tatlon In passing, brirkdust or sediment
blsdder remedy, is sooa realized. It stands ! in the urine, headache, backache, lame
the highest for its wonderful cures of the back, dlxxlneas, sleeplessness, nervousness,
most distressing osrs. Swamp-Root will I heart disturbance due ta bad kidney treu
set yeur whole system right, and the beat ble. skin eruptions from bad blood, aeu
proof of this is a trial. ; ralgia. rheumatism, diabetes, blasting, tr-
L - - i nubility, wornout feeling, lack of ambition.
14 Weat 117th St., New Tork City. . . - .... 7,' . s.-,.v,.T
n,B Air- ri-t i.Mh. isiio. -- - - w.
"1 hai been suffering severely from kid- edisease.
ney tr,..iie. All symptom were on hand;
mv ioruier strer.sth ana power had lelt ' "
me: 1 could harciiv arg royeelf along. I undisturbed In a glass or bottle tor twenty-
Even my m.-rtsl canaciij was f'f oul four nourB. forms a sediment or settling or
and often 1 wished to die. It was then I 1 ,
saw an adver-.iwmert of yours in a New , a crouoy appnarance. 11 is evidence msi
York paier. but wouid not have paid any 1 your kidneys and bladder Seed Immediate
your water, when allowed ta remain
attentioti to It. had it not promised a sworn
guarantee with every totue of jour med
icine, asserting that your Swamp-Root is
purely vegetable, and boes not eotitaan any
harmful drugs 1 am seventy years and
tour months pld. and v. ith a good cun-
srienc-e I can recommend Saamp-Hoot to
all Sufferers from kidney troubles, four
Swamp-Root is tb grest discovery af Dr.
Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist. Hospitals uss it lth wonderful
success in both alight and severe cases.
Swamp-Root for four different kidney ois
caees with the same good results."
With many thanks to you. I remain.
Very truly vour,
(agar Cwastaar Pays DiviaVad.
FREMONT, Neb.. Dec X. Special.!
The Fremont Sugar Beet company held a
meeting last evening and rented the Towner
Smith farm of 480 acres, northwest of the
city for a term of yeara. One-half will be
planted to beets each year. This company,
which is composed of a number ot Fremont
business men. haa raieed beets for the past
four years, much of the time with not verv
favorable results. This year the crop has
been good and the stockholders have re
ceived a handsome dividend oa their investment-
The acreage of 1901 will more
than double that of 1902. Beets hart done
exceptionally well ia this vicinity this
terday afternoon., adjourned, at noon today
te meet in Omaha, January A. next.- The
proposed laws submitted by tbe legislative
committee at the sessions yesterday after
noon and laet evening were taken up and
discussed at this morning's session. Mast
of thrm were adopted and the legislative
committee waa instructed to present them
to the coming session of the legislature
About twenty counties were represented
in tbe convention.
The sew kind at General Arthur cigars
will pleass you if you care for good cigars.
and wind. This morning the snow la drifted
badry and the wind is r.lll blowing a gle
from the north weat. The thermometer
stood at icro early this morning.
SHELTON, Neb., Dec. S. (Special.) A
light rain tell almost all d&y Tueaday.
which turned to snow in the evening, anfl
arcrurpanied ty high wind and increased
cold, continued throughout last night, and
It ia still snowing this morning, with tbe
mercury at almost zero. This is the hardest
storm at this early part of the winter
for ten years past, aa there are barks ot
enow two feet deep.
members of my family have 1-een using ! ortor recommend It ta the patient and
use u in tbeir own families, tecauee they
reoognir.e la Swamp- Root the rea,et and
most successful remedy.
Swamp-Root is pleasant t taka and la
for sale the voild over at druagists la bot
tles of two etses and two prices Ifty cents
and one doUar. Remember tbe name.
Swamp-Root. Dr. ' Kilmer's amp-Root,
and tbe address, Binghanaton, X. T., oa
every bottle.
You may have a sample bottle of this fa
mous kidney remedy. Swains-Root, sent tree
by mail, postpaid, by which you may test
its virtues for such dkwrders as kidney.
Uadder and uric add '(Tlsaases. poor diges
tion, when obllg-d ta Bass your water tre-
EDITOKIAL NOTICE. It you have the slightest symptoms of kidney or blsd
der trouble, or if there la a trace of it in your family history, send at once to Dr. Kil
cer A Co.. Binghamtcn. N. T.. who will gladly send you by mcil. immediately, with
out cost to you. a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book containing many of the
thourends epen thousands of testimonial letters received frrm mew sod women rwred.
In writing, be sura to say that you read this generous offer In The Omeba Daily Bee.
Preaaaat F-aet EleeKa Olcen.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec ..(Special
McPheraoa post of the Grand Army of the
Republic, elected tbe following officers last
evening: Commander. J. M. Allen: vice
commander, B. F. French; junior vice com
mander. Ambrose Burtx; chaplain. L. S.
Flint; euartermaater, j. w. Hyatt; officer
of tbe day, J. A. VanAnda: officer ot the
guard. G. S. Mitterling. Delegates to state
encampment. T. D. Black and G. B. French.
After the election a banquet waa served
t the members of the Relief Corps and
their families. Covers were laid for 100.
There was a large attendance and a pleasant
social time waa enjoyed by all.
Takes Arid ay
SHELBY. Neb.. Dec I
I Within tbe reach of all
is a wholesome, palatable, and attractive table
food. Put up in 1 and 2-pound printed paper
wrappers like illustration. Ask your dealer.
tAtauOrr Omaha SLLrah Swift k CttZpZEJ, Chir.gO St Joseph St.ra.oI fL Worth
.i in tnc3owacas and sec, 1
caLe k the moat per-
T-p"V r -T7'! far aaat at tnt ataoaai
tZr ' bar, cak aad aVw ,
-aolcsak) Uqcssr Dsalsn.
to. n
Wkea Writtaf U AtfTcrtiim
JLhrsrs XlesfiM Tbe tec.
The Western t'nlon Telegraph company
was the principal sufferer by tbe sudda
cold snsp and storm of last night. All ot
Its wires save one were dews until J
e'clork. and but one broker's office la towa
received market reports The railroads re
port trains almost universally behind time,
but by morning they expect ta have then
agala oa schedule time. The Weather
hurras gives the lowest point reached as
10 degrees above aero, which was at 11
clock this morning.
A Partial IdeBtlftrattaa.
Express Messenger James Lopton. wbi
waa la charge ot the Adama car thst was
bivaa opea and robbed ia the Burlington
holdup sear here October 11, ea'led at th
police station today and carefully looked
over the three suspects. Mr. Lupton said
he felt sure that they were the men He
had several opportunities t look at them,
and ia build, height and other per all art ties
hey answer the descriptions of the men
van ted
Detective Malone.ts getting more positive
every day that he haa the xnea. It is sus
pected that they skipped out soon after
they made the turn and had but recently
cea bark ta get ike hiddea eora. A
satchel that tkey were sera wlvk aa hour
before their arrest has mysteriously dis
appeared. That tbe asea are experienced criminals
is evident tram their demeanor all art as
though they had been ia pneus betare aad
Special.) Hal-
lie. tbe SP-year-old daughter of John Rath- ',
bun. a merchant of Shelby, had her life !
ranging by a thread for several hours yes-
terday. She arose te build a fire and waa (
dieroeered lster in a chair, partly dressed. ,
unconscious sad her body quite cold. The 1
room was tl'ed with carbolic acid odor and 1
the empty bottle lay on the Hoar beside i
her. Her mouth and throat were bacllv j
burned with the fluid. It at thoucht that I
she mistook the acid tor a cough remedy. 1
aaadera Morta-aare Bteeord,
WAHOO. Neb.. Dec. I. 1 Special V The
following is the mortgage record of Saun
ders county for the month of November:
Farm mortgages filed. "1: amount. tfr.kj;
released, 1; amount, 121. 495.20. Town and
city mortgages filed. I; amount. tl.WKi.
released, ; amount, 14. ISO. Chattel mort- !
gages filed, ri; amount, tS.lTl; released
IS; amount, te 44 M.
....WHY STAY....
Warn Rcoms $10.03 Up
Rental price includes Heat. Light. Water and
Janitor Serv ice,
R. C. PETERS & Co., Ground Floor
Rental Agents. Bee Bldg.
ra -Mill BW Soft.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec ( Special )
A light raia fell here yesterday, which
changed te snow and may keep farmers
aut of tbe corcfieldi for s short time
Huskirg is more tbsa half fin'shed Ssme
felds are reported aa going seventy bushel i
te the acre, while others ara verr light.
Ther will be considerable soft corn
TdtaUtertal Aaaaetatlaav
Dee. .(Special) The
Saunders County Ministerial aaeoriauaa
held a very interesting meeting ia Wahoo
this week at the Methodist Episcopal
church. A number of ministers tram ever
th eousj sere present
blue Ribbon Beer .
is best for you brewed from the best Bohemian baps and
barley it Possesses t&r increoieiita which the sys
tem demands. It not enly quenches your thirst but
renews tour tissue and ti( kHs your palate-"" Fve:
home and family should be s-pphoo
wiLh .lu Bibbun
Brewing Co. Omaha. PhontlZ
On Account of
Many Cures
Has a -wonderful Hold
on thr Gmmuruty
of Jachsonville.
Ko, 151 Eart Fourth
Jars.aomujt. Fiji., Yav 6. 1902.
I look npoa perfect beaJth aa one of the preatest Mwninps that can W
bestowed upon a hurcan being, thouph but few of u fciiv appreciate thiB
nnul we have le sick: then we learn to rrtxe till precious llesituijj at
ita true vaJue. 1 know a nuihter of women in mr nphborh(xd who had
wretcued beaJth. broken down m body, it pr-vecl cpm their minds and
Ujc.t I eoanie fredul. nervoas and irritable and wert reailr unht to take
care of tueir borne and children. Today tier are well nd happv women
and Wine of Cardui prodnoed tint wonderf uritiarpe.
My exjwripnoe with it has been ail that 1 could desire. A few years
apo 1 was completely broken down in bealfi. T.ervous, irritable and had
the srnipatty of no one, but a few bottles of Wine of Cardiii restored me
to perfect beafrh. As on of us would pet l-erter anccjier woman would
feel encouraged to try it and they are ail wemderf aliv k-enehled and this
has f.ven your Wine of Cardai a wonderful bold in this runmuaity aiid
explains why it is such a favorite with weak and delicate women for pe
riodical beada-ies and feei:rlfft ,f lajnitodc mj,d wearinna ia the spr:np
I ounsiuer it a iavonte hounen.jid remedy for jounp cr oid and wtil war jit
of praise and tniarserotsnt.
1TNE OF CARDCI tbe medi
V V cine for women. It Las a rec
ord of curinp over a milium
women of menstrual irregularities,
ovarian pain, beanng'-dowa 'iaini
and bsrrexinettB, and imcause :t ;nsy
be tikketi ia the privacy of the botue
witbout any loss of time and witbout
tbe distressing embarrassment of a
pbyncian. And doctors rueogriiae
its merit by prescribing it ia hos
pitals and in private practice, be
cause of in stioaesa in building op
worn out and nervous women and
riuJcihg the in well and strong and
it for woman!-' duty. Tbe world
arver knows of their" suffering, but
tney are the real Buvtyrs of the xaoe
tbe women who with their owa
efTrtg mane home what it ought to
be fur their ch;'drea. Wine of :ar
dui imparts strength and tone to
the oenxtrua! arrant and never fail,
to lienett any trouble whjti attacks
and weakens women, if any wom
an will take Wine of Cardui just 1
fiire the mentitruaJ tnod sue w ill
gain r-reaifth f her househtjd du
ties bv avoiding all pais and sick
ness caused by irregularity. Wine
of Cardui soothes the pam and is the
finest remedy 1 jr yuung girls, for
mothers and for won en of aJ ages
known to the science of median,
U drugpHU sell 11.00 batiks of
Win of Cardai.
Xavpvty Btata Talart:
Twos' Inspector.
Cr.Ias.tL K-a-a Um HJl. XM9i. Cat
n. l RAuiccioni, d. y. s.
aa lBBrsaary, Sth aa
Omaha. NU " T-" j ' yr-