Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha . Daily Bee
Western Cattlemen Heed Tear Hething
from Disease in East
Wilson Bars Vigorout and Effective Btepi
Are Being Taken,
Inspection of Erery Animal by Army of
Inrgeoni Deoided On.
Secretary of Aarrlcalturo Thinks This
am IDrcnitrr to Wl Oat Fear
I Future Rtftfei laoi
Amerleaa Herts.
CHICAGO, Pee. 1. The west la not to
Buffer on account of cattle and hog die
Secretary Wilson, who arriTed In Chi
cago last night to attend the national live
took convention, aald:
The Indication are that we wilt be suc
cessful In stamping out the disease before
It reaches thla section. My latent report
from the Infected district la that it la at a
standstill. The next report will decide the
number of men that 1 will send to New
England, but a large number will go.
Before many days have paused there will
be several hundred Burgeons in the New
Knaland states and thev will he Instructed
to inspect every cow, sheep and hog. I be
lieve we need three or four weeks to stamp
out the disease.
Congress will be asked for a special ap
propriation to cure the dlseane perma
nently. I Intend to ask lor at least ii.uuu,-
two for this purpose.
Secretary Wilson will lears for Wash
lngton tomorrow sight.
Milk la Cast Away.
i .08TON, Mass., Dee. 1. The cattle bu
reau of the State Board of - Agriculture,
begun a systematic and exhaustive lnves
tlgatlon of the cattle reported aa having
the foot and mouth disease.
The inspectors found fifty cases In Lit
tleton and Westford, In Middlesex county,
and eighty cases at Atleboro, In Bristol
county. Reports of infection were received
from herds In Stowe, Danvera, Bridgewater
and Eastern, and will be Investigated.
Seventy-five hundred gallons of milk have
been thrown away by local officers.
The executive council thle afternoon
adopted an order declaring that all meat
cattle, sheep and swine upon Infeoted
promisee are to remain In quarantine until
the chlef-of the cattle bureau decides that
It la safe to release them, no sales shall
be held In Infected localities, the transport
of cattle over publlo highways Is forbidden
at all timet when the dlseabe appears to
te on the, Increase and that only those hav
ing business there ahall be permitted on
Infected territory.
' Members of the bureau look upon the
order of the Canada government forbidding
steamers from Boaton to load cattle at
Canadian porta as unnecessary, aa there la
no sign of the disease Is the west, whence
cattle come, far shipment to Europe.
Court Plata Editor SaUty aad Jadgre
Reeenameads Mew law Bo
MANILA, Dee. L The trial of the editor
of the Llbertaa, a friars' organ, for libel
ing General Bell, resulted today In the
conviction of Manuel Ravago and the ac
quittal of Friar Tamayo, the paper's re
ligious censor.
At the opening of the bearing the de
fense admitted that the libelous article
waa false.
The trial failed to disclose the actual
author of the article and It Is possible
that another Dominican prteat may be ar
raigned. Judge Ambler, In passing Judgment, sug
gested a atatute requiring newspapers to
publish the namea of their proprietors and
responsible editors In order to prevent
anonymous Journalism.
Cablaet Makes Chances, Glvlas; Csatts
Pleee la Ministry Decrease
la easterns.
HAVANA, Dee. 1. At a meeting of the
cabinet the secretary of Instruction, Senor
Yero, was appointed secretary of govern
ment In place of Diego Tamayo, and Leo
pondo Canolo, formerly secretary of finance
under General Woods' administration,
secretary of Instruction. Senor Canr.lo baa
not been Identified with either political
The report of the aecretary of finance for
November glvea the customs revenues for
Havana at 11.004.833, a decrease of $199,000,
compared with the October returns, and the
total receipts far the Island as $1,166,871.
The cash on hand amounts to 11,743,253.
Salter froaa Malarial Fever, hat Con.
dltloa Is Not Coaaldered
BAN JUAN, P. R.. Dec 1. The auxiliary
cruiser Panther, with 130 marines on
board, nearly all alck, sailed thla after-
poon for Norfolk.
It came from Colon. The Colombian
government asserted that it could protect
the Isthmus, so the opportunity was selaed
to take the fever-stricken soldiers back.
The gunboat Bancroft has left tor Colon
to replace Panther.
Say No Cesablae Exists, hat Nataral
Law Has Forced Prices
KANSAS C1TT, Dee. 1. The case against
the packing houses for the alleged Infrac
tion ot the Missouri anti-trust law, which
has been in progress three months, came up
for Ita second hearing here today.
The state closed lte case three weeks ago
and the defense began the Introduction ot
testimony today r The evidence today lndl
cated that the defense will try to prove
that a combine does aot exist and the htgh
prlcee cited by the etate'e evidence are due
to aupply and demand. Increased acarcltr
of feed and cattle and other natural cauaee.
The packers claim that during mi-02 it
cost 60 per cent more to prepare cattle for
market than the previous year and nearly
twice as ruach as In 1899-1900. and that the
Increased cost to the packere necessitated a
corresponding Increase la the price of the
finished product.
VesriirU Concedes Most of the De-
uii Made by Germany aad
Great Britain.
BERLIN, Dec. t President Castro of
Venezuela handed, probably on Thursday
last, to the German minister at Caracas a
written acceptance of t of Oermany'a
claims, sufficiently cor Mve to dela
the presentation of . , -'turn by
Germany and Great Br It a,.. i-'nrter-Ing
It altogether unnecessary. ff'i
understood that Great Britain' -v.
will be satisfied. "v
Foreign Secretary von Rlchtoffen and tn
British foreign secretary, Lord Lansdown.
are now In correspondence over Venexuela'a
change of front. This government con-
alders that a special settlement of the
questions in dispute Is quite probable and
attributes President Castro's yielding to
the fact that he has become aware that the
United States would not Interpose any ob
stacle to the forcible collection of the
claims of Germany and Great Britain.
President Castro tried by every means to
keep Great Britain and Germany apart In
discussing the settlements. Intimating or
promising first one thing and then another.
Germany, having entered Into a general
agreement with Great Britain to exact a
settlement Jointly, will not make a sepa
rate agreement. Consequently the two
powers may yet conclude It necessary to
disregard President Castro's qualified of
fers and present an ultimatum.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Heir von Hol
leben, the German ambassador, called on
the acting secretary of state today to dis
cuss Venezuelan affairs. He bad no word
of the settlement reported from Berlin.
LONDON, Dec. 1. The Venezuelan dele
gation do not desire the United States to
offer any guarantee for the purchase of
the debt. No such suggestion had beet
made on Its behalf nor Is that idea pal
atable to the interests which set. the
present movement on foot.
Prince Mlrko Criticises Bervla
Writing; to Hla Old Time
VIENNA, Deo. 1. Some stolen lore let
ters may cost Prince Mlrko, second aoq
of the reigning prince of Montenegro, hla
cherished ambition to ascend the Servian
Prior to Prince Mirko'a marriage last
July, with Natalie Constantlnovltch, daugh
ter of the grand uncle of King Alexander,
he had a love affair with a Servian actress
and wrote ber many letters containing
criticisms on the policy of European states.
The czar and German emperor were espe
cially hard hit, while the Servian people
were slightingly and scornfully referred te.
After his marriage Prtnke Mirko sent a
trusted adjutant to buy the lettera from the
actress. She readily sold them, but the
adjutant, who Is a native of Servla, dis
posed of them to the Servian government
for a considerable sum, after having bad
printed copies made.
In the event of the Montenegrin dynasty
making any active move to acquire the
Servian throne the letters will be published.
Traasaetloa Creates No Excitement
aad la la Aecordaace with
Terns of the Coatraet.
LONDOV. Dee. 1. The Morgan payments
In accordance with the purchase of tbs In
ternational Merchants Marine company
are being carried out today without a rip
ple of excitement In the city.
About 800 ahareholders of the White Star
and Dominion lines presented themselves
at the Morgan offices before noon and were
all paid by check. No gold waa specially
(Imported to meet the payments, the whole
transaction naving Deen arrangea weeks
No atatement la available regarding the
proportion bf ahareholders wishing to ac
cept bonda of the underwriting ayndlcate
Instead of cash. No bonds have been de
livered, because tbey will not be ready for
several daya.
Italy Seeks Com pens a Horn far Work.
asea Killed la Ataerlcaa
ROME, Dec. 1. In the Chamber of Depu
ties today the foreign minister announced
that Italy waa opening negotiations with
the United Statea to aecire compensation
for relatives of Italian emigrants killed
while employed In America, and that he
hoped for an equitable Interpretation ot
clause three of the existing treaty.
The Italian government, he added, also
Intended to pay a share of the expenses
of any law suit taken by Italian Subjects
In tbla connection.
Berlin Batchers Paper Invites Advo
rates of Strange Food to
. Baaaeet.
BERLIN, Dee. 1. Members of the So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ant
male have been Invited to a horse meat
dinner on December IS by the Fleischer
Zeltung, national organ ot German butch
The object la to prove the sincerity of
the society In Issuing an appeal to the
publlo to eat more horse meat.
The Fleischer Zeitung has not yet re
ceived any acceptances.
Leaders of Recent Iasnrreetloa Are
Sarroanded and Most ot Them
Killed by Tarks.
LONDON, Dec. 1. Private telegrams re
eelved at the headquarters ot the Armenian
refugees In Europe confirm the report
of a massacre. Moat of the leadura In the
recent Insurrection have been killed.
The Turkish troops formed cordons
around villages, cutting off their communi
cations. It la feared that a majority of
the villagera have perished.
Balcarlaa Kewspapers Detail Barharl.
ties Practiced by Bailee's
LONDON, Dec. 1. According to dis
patches received here, the Bulgarian news
papers are publishing storlee of horrible
atrocities by the Turks in Macedonia
Children are reported to' have been
roasted alive and others tortured by red
hot moulds being placed on their heads.
Ordinance aid Amendments Discussed at
Meeting of Oitisena,
Doth Sides of Matter Debated fey
Parties Interested and by the Rep
resentative Cltlseas Who
Were Present.
was a large crowd of Interested bust- i
nets men, capitalists, citizens and a number
of promoters which gathered last night at
the city council chamber to hear a discus
sion of the proposed ordinances governing
power plants. Probably 300 people were In
attendance. The meeting apparently ac
complished little but to enlighten those
present as to the power plsn of Andrew
Rosewater, as his was the only one pre
sented. The opposition was led by I. 8.
Haacall, who was chairman of the meeting.
. In'openlng the meeting Councilman Has
call attacked the ordinance proposed by
Mr. Rosewater, especially in ita failure to
provide a bond for completion of the work
and its unlimited time of existence.
J. F. Carpenter, president of the Com
mercial club, was present, as was Euclid
Martin. Mr. Martin said that he was not
In a position to discuss the matter at this
time, but that the Commercial club com
mittee felt that an exclusive right was not
Mr. Hascall aald that the proposed ordi
nances were published In the papers so the
citizens might be familiar with the terms
of both at the time ot the meeting. The
chairman caused a part of his proposed
ordinance to be read, showing the condi
tions Inserted by him.
la Aid of Enterprise.
In response to calls, Mr. Rosewater took
the floor amid cheers. He said. In effect:
''The great and important question at this
time Is whether a corporation organized by
the people shall have the power to keep
from the people the right to express their
views upon municipal questions; whether
the people or the corporations ahall run
the city."
He then made a brief resume ot the early
attempts of Omaha to secure manufactur
ing and other enterprises, of large bonuses
voted to railroad corporations, to hotels;
and from that time on the citizens have
donated to enterprises large sums of money.
"Only within the last year the city council
has given to the Union Paclflo railroad
valuable atreeta and alleys. Some time be
fore the citizens voted on a proposition to
donate 11,000,000 to a Platte river canal.
Every time a question of this kind has
come up It baa carried with It a proposed
"From the first, I have given every possible
encouragement to all power plana. For the
first time in the history of the olty I come
with a proposition of my own. I do not
ask $1; I do not ask that one atreet be
closed. I offer to give you adequate power
at rates one-third of those now in force
and to give the city the right to get lights
at $86, where they are now paying 195, and
I then propose to pay the city an annuity
from the very atart. Increasing from 15.000
to $16,000. (Cheers).
When this ordinaaoe waa first Intro
duced I expected no trouble, but found
the ordinance was opposed. I did not
know the oppositions, but finally made the
president of the Omaha Electric Light
company acknowledge that he opposed It.
Why should the man who clalma to have
an unlimited franchise oppose this propo
sition? His company already has a fran
chise which permits It to charge 10 centa
per kilowatt hour for power and 15 cents
per kilowatt hour for light. Does it look
aa though he would favor a plan to reduce
this trice by one-third? He has attempted
to have amendments ordered to kill the
ordinance. These gentlemen had introduced
an ordinance crmpelling wires to be placed
In subways. It was drawn up by Mr.
Nash's attorney. I believe, Mr. Morsman.
It was so stated and he did not deny It.
Here Is a copy ' of the ordinance which
passed without the scratch of a pen or the
alteration ot a line. Did it contain any
of the terms proposed as an amendment to
the pending ordinance? No: It is a general
What Is Now Asked For.
Mr. Rosewater then took up the amend
ments, but waa Interrupted by Judge Has
call before he could proceed. In resuming
he said:
"My proposition la that my franchise
shall be granted by a vote of the people,
to be effective under certain conditions.
My ratea are all lower than those in MIn
neapolla or St. Paul. I am still subject
to the laws. The amendment puta in er
roneous figures, which were given out by
mistake, and were put there to make It
impossible for me to capitalise the com
pany. I am not a capitalist, but I have put
time and money into the problem and be
lleve that It can be capitalised. The op
pooente also believe that It can be, and
therefore they are opposing It. If they
thought I could not they would not be so
greatly interested.
"I ask for a franchise under conditions
that I secure the plant, they make a prom
lse to give me a franchise after the plant la
constructed, and then I may come before
a council dominated by the enemies of the
plan. The present company holds a per
petual franchise If it has any franchise at
all, although It proposes to go before the
legislature and have illegal acts made legal
"Is it fair to place roe under a limited
franchise, when the present , company holds
a perpetual franchise. The people at Fre
mont cannot expect to build their plant
unless they can make arrangements with
the company that supplies Omaha. They
will be offered what I have been offered,
$25 for horsepower, which they can then
sell to the people at their own price. If
the electric company has a franchise It
does not need another to build another
plant. It Is not a franchise they want
but the right to force power company to
sell to them at their own price.",
Councilman Hascall here attempted to
Stop the speaker, but the crowd would not
stand for It. Hascall was called down by
crjea of "Rosewater ' and even other coun
cilmen were forced to protest. As Haacall
continued there were cries of "alt down
and "Rosewater."
After the chairman had subsided, Mr.
Rosewater resumed.
Some Proposed Anaendmeats.
Touching upon the proposition to require
the company to change grades of conduits
on streets be said be was willing to ac
cept it, but that such a provision la not to
be found In any other franchises. As to the
restoration of streets and pavements there
Is no objection, but they are unnecessary
as they are provided for In general laws.
"Then the names ot the capitalists must
be submitted to the mayor or the council
before they are allowed to purchase the
rights. In other words, the mayor and
(Continued on Second Page.)
Petitions to Wind tp Business Show
Steady Decrease for Three
Yeare, '
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. A report on the
practical operation of the bankruptcy law
for the last yar hae been submitted to
the attorney general by B. C. Branden
burg. The aggregate number ot. "voluntary peti
tions filed during the year waa 16,734,
against 17,000 in 1901 aad 20,000 in 1900.
During the same period 2,100 involuntary
petitions were filed.
The states showing the greatest number
f voluntary proceedings were: New York,
90S; Illinois, 1.814; Alabama. 1.436; Mas
sachusetts, 1,408; Maine, 860; Ohio, 770,
and Iowa, 625. A year age Illinois led the
list, with 2.266.
The smallest number filed were 1 In
Alaska, 6 each In Arizona, New Mexico
and Porto Rico, 7 In Nevada, 11 in Hawaii,
20 in Delaware and 29 In Idaho.
Ot the cases called during the year 1,320
were on behalf ot farmers, 6,859 wage earn
ers, 2,585 merchants, 236 manufacturers,
631 professional men and 1.758 contractors,
hotel and saloon keepers, real estate men
nd others of a miscellaneous character
not Included within the classes enumer
Receipts Exceed Expenditures by
Nearly Thirty-Three Millie a
Dollars. -
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. The monthly
comparative statement ot the government
receipts and expenditures shows that for
November, 1902, the total receipts were
$43,009,001 and the disbursements $43,040,-
257, leaving a surplus ot $558,744. Last year
the surplus was $5,518,860.
The November reocipts are given aa fol
lows: Customs, $22,489,286, an Increase aa
compared with November, 1901, of $3,000,000.
Internal revenue, $18,847,680, Increase, $4,-
202,145. Miscellaneous, $2,262434, decrease,
$877,500. ," "j
The statement shows an increase of $1,-
800,000 in the expenditure on account of the
War department and an Increase of $169,-
000 on account ot the navy.
Pensions show a falling off of $326,000.
For the five months of the present fiscal
year the receipts are $32,878,830 in excess
of the expenditures.
tate Department Well Pleased with
Neatral Position 'Assumed
la Venesuela.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. The State de
partment is perfectly satisfied with Min
ister Boweu'a neutral attitude respecting
the blockade of the Orinoco river by the
Venezuelan government.
According to the department reports
the minister has not been accorded an
audience, nor has he made, an issue with
the government by refusidg to .recognise
the blockade. I
The 8tate department has! Been no occa
kion yet to make that lasVf for . Its-reports
do not indicate that .American com
merce has yet suffered from '. the block
It Is believed that what are supposed
to be American vessels plying on the Orl
noco are vessels sailing under the Venez
uelan flag, and, therefore, subject to the
lawa of the country.
He Is Aathorlsed, However, by His
Government to Proceed with
Treaty Negotiations.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 1. Senor Cencha
has been relieved as minister for Colombia
by order from Bogota and It Is believed
that Thomas Herran, the present secre
tary of the legation, will be the minister
to succeed Senor Concha in the course of
few days. Meanwhile Dr. Herran has
been clothed by bis government with
formal authority to prosecute the negoti
ations looking to a canal treaty.
Minister Concha having stood fast
against several strong representations
from his government favoring a treaty,
he later decided to place the matter in
the hands ot Dr. Herran. It is, of course.
assumed from this change that the chances
ot the treaty have been bettered.
Leading Republican Senators Favor
the Admission of Only Okla
homa at This Time.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 1. The contest over
the omnibus statehood bill began upon the
meeting of congress.
There was a conference in Senator Hale's
room attended by Senators Allison, Al
drlch, Hale, Piatt ot Connecticut, Cullom
Lodge, Hanna and Beverldge, the latter
chairman of the committee on territories.
These gentlemen reported that they were
opposed to the bill, but favorable to the
admission of Oklahoma only. The friends
of ths omnibus bill claim to have the namea
of fifteen republican senators pledged to
support the bill, which, with the democrats,
will Insure its passage.
It le probable that a republican caucua
upon the aubject will be held.
Naval Officers Say Adder Stood Trials,
bat Will Nt Prophesy Sea
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. The board of
officers appointed to conduct the trials ot
the submarine torpedo boats Adder and
Moccasin today submitted their report on
Adder and recommended the acceptance
of that vessel after certain defects and un
finished work are completed.
The board adds, however:
On account of the extremely novel char
acter of the vessel It is impossible to pre
dict from its performance in the smooth
waters of a land-locked harlior an opinion
as to its behavior In a seaway.
The report therefore recommends that
when the remaining vessels ot this class
are tried one ot them should be g'.ven sea
Cannon Introdaees Bill Providian for
Appropriation-ef Fifty Thou
sand Dollars.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1- Representative
Cannon today Introduced a bill appropriat
ing $50,000 to defray the expenses ot the
anthracite coal strike commission appointed
by the president. The bill waa referred to
the committee on appropriations.
Congratnlatiens and Cemmiserations in
Order at Opening of Congress.
Senator Millard Speaks Lightly of the
Trouble Over Occupation of Public
Land by the Western
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Good feeling generally prevailed in
and about the capltol of the nation today,
and as members of the two houses ot con
gress began to appear in the legislative
halls interest increased and the galleries
began to grow animated aa well known fig
ures of victors and vanquished came Into
view. Congratulations were many, com
miserations were fewer, but as these re
vived unpleasant memories "the Joshing"
over failure to secure re-election was gen
erally abandoned. There were several well
known figures, however, esoeclally In the
house, who had to explain many times how
it all happened. Including Representatives
Mercer. Loud of California, Corliss of Mich
igan, Bull of Rhode Island, Joy of Mis
aouri, all republicans who went down In the
November battle of ballots. While the
ecene at the opening of the two houses was
animated it by no means compared with
the splendid picture presented when the
present congress wse born. There was less
of a crowd present in the capltol when the
gavels ot the presiding officers fell than on
former occasions, while the floral display
was distinctly more modest than in other
The republican members of congress from
Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota were all
In) their seats, with the single exception
of R. O. Cousins of Iowa, who is 111 In
Chicago. A number of the Iowa delegation
came In this morning in time to Join their
brethren in breathing hallelujahs over the
substantial victory.
For western senators and members there
were few floral offerings, congressmen
Burke of South Dakota and Mercer of Ne
braska being, however, among the favored
Senator Millard, who occupied his old seat
In the "Cherokee strip." will tomorrow take
the seat occupied by Senator McCumber ot
North Dakota in the rear row on the re
publican side of the chamber, the Junior
senator from North Dakota occupying the
seat of the late Senator McMillan.
Millard Calls on President.
Senator Millard waa an early caller upon
the president today and according to an
evening newspaper, stated to a group ot
newepaper men that he did not regard
the encroachments of western cattlemen
upon the government lands as a matter of
much consequence. "AH we have neara re
garding these outrages are contained In
reports of Colonel Mosby."
Senator Millard atated that the term ol
District Attorney Summers would expire
on December 20 and he hoped to see him
Among others who paid their respecta to
the nresfdent today were Senator Gamble
and Representatives Martin and Burke
of South Dakota, to whom the president
waa particularly complimentary, in view
of the fact that every one of the fifty-three
counties of South Dakota gave a republican
majority lr November. Representative
Burkett of Nebraska also called for no
other Dumose than to congratulate the
president upon the endorsement which he
received at the last election ana aiso re
ceived congratulationa of the chief execu
tive on the Lincoln member'a return to
Senator Millard, speaking of the North
Platte land office situation and the tempo
rarv suspension of business by reason
of the death of Frank Bacon, stated that
he expected to take up the question ot
Mr. Bacon's successor tomorrow and inti
mated that a recommendation for a nomi
nation would be agreed upon by the two
senators not later than Wednesday. The
senator was noncommittal as to the ap
polntee, bufc from talks had with those
who understand the situation, it is not db
lleved that Mr. Kelley. editor of tLe Tele
graph, and who Is one of the candidates
for the succession, win oe appoiuieu.
Judge Smith Is Lacky.
Judge Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs
arrived in the city late last night, the de
lay in his arrival being due to a wreck
on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. He said
that the wreck occurred early Sunday
morning and the result waa appalling to
him. He had been In a number of collisions
during hla lifetime, but none were so de
structlve. He said he was profoundly
thankful that he came out of it well.
Senator Dietrich today announced the ap
polntment of H. O. Smith, formerly Lin
coin correspondent of The Omaha Bee, as
bis private secretary to aucceed Adam Mc
Mullen, resigned.
The request of John F. Piper of Lyons
Neb., for the establishment of a atar route
six times a week from Tekamah to De
catur, Neb., and which was in turn trans
mined to the Pobtofflce department, by
Senator Millard, has been turned down by
the department on the ground that the
present six times a week service from
Onawa, la., to Decatur answers all the
purpose which Piper seeks to secure in the
establishment of the new star route. It
Is further asserted by the department that
the establishment of the Tekamah-Decatur
route would advance the local exchange ot
mall and that the department would be
compelled to Incur an additional expense
ot from $350 to $600 a vear.
Not Mach Legislation.
Representative J. A. T. Hull of the Dea
Moines, la., district arrived in the city thla
morning and today stated that the name of
John McKay, sr., would be sent to the sen
ate tomorrow for postmaster at Des Moines.
Iucidentally Captain Hull said that after a
talk he had with the leaders ot the party
he felt safe in predicting that there would
be little general legislation during tho
present session of congress. He thought
there might be some anti-trust legislation
the disposition beiug to follow the presl
dent's recommendation, which it was un
dei-atood would be a proposed amendmen
to the Sherman anti-trust law. As to tariff
legislation, he said there would be nothing
done at this session. "The people of Iowa
would like to aee the steel and Iron sched
ule of the present tariff bill revised. We
would also like to see the plate glass
schedule modified. Aa to free lumber, I am
not at all satisfied that that would meet
with the viewa of the majority of the cltl
sens of my state," said Captain Hull. I
view of tbo captain's interetts In the Phil
Ipplneo, and as he represents a compan
engaged In the lumbering business, his con
servatlsm la regard to the free lumber la
accounted for.
Congressman-elect E. H. Hinsbaw of the
Fourth Nebraska district, and Mrs. Hln
Forecast for Nebrntka Main or Pnow and
Colder TliP!"dHV In Wen Portion mid
Probably In KhM Portion. Wednesday,
Fair; Colder In Kut Portion.
Temperature at Omaha Vesterdayi
. T
. SU
. Hit
. 34
1 .
a. p.
S n.
4 p.
R p.
l p.
T P.
a p,
9 p.
B a. m
6 a. m.
T a. ni ,
H a. m.
O a. ni.
l a. m,
11 a. ni ,
12 m.. . .
in .
in .
ni .
Barry Johnston Shoots Kate Hassett
la Philadelphia Tender
loin. PHILADELPHIA. Deo. 1. Mrs. Kste
Hassett, aged 28, leading woman in Keith's
Eighth street theater stock company, wss
shot and killed tonight by Barry Johnston,
formerly a member of Richard Mansfield's
company. After the murder Johnston at
tempted suicide.
The murder occurred at Darlen and Wood
streets in Philadelphia's teudorloln. John
ston fired at his victim five times. Two of
the bullets took effect, one in the left
breast and the other in the left arm.
Johnston shot himself through ths breast
and 1b not expected to live.
Johnston was well known throughout the
country among theatrical people. He had
been taking the part of Castlus in Richard
Mansfield's production of "Julius Caesar"
In New York and left the company on Satur
day night.
Ponca Postmaster Identifies Stolen
Stamps by Writing; oa
CHICAGO, Dec. 1. Three Bets of figures
written carelessly in pencil on the paste
board back of one of the packages of
atampa taken from Erwln and Edward Ful
ler have led to the Identification of the
tamps as those stolen from the postoffice
at Tonca, Okl.
The postoflice in that city was entered
on November 15, the safe blown open and
ita contents and nearly $1,500 worth of
stamps taken.
Today Inspector Stuart received the fol
lowing message trot the postmaster of
Ponca City:
Figures on cardboard and sIId ours.
made by my assistant. We all Identify
them. Hold robbers and all their cash. I
want it.
Bis; Combine Absorbs Fonr More In.
dependent Factories In New
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Dec. 1. Develop
ments during the week Indicate that the
American Screw company la seeking to
absorb all the available Independent screw
making concerns In New England.
Following the -purchase of the 'Boston
Screw company and the Massachusetts
Screw company, comes the announcement
that the Wright and Cot top Wire Cloth
company of Worcester .has sold Its Iron
wood Scw company.
The screw making department of the
Southlngton Cutlery company of Southing-
ton, Conn., is also understood to have
passed to the American company.
Baltimore Wants to Mall as Feonom-
Ically In Country as to
Foreign Parts.
BALTIMORE. Dec. 1. The Baltimore
Board of Trade today adopted resolutions
asking tor the passage by the senate of the
Ray bankruptcy bill, already passed by the
Other resolutions adopted pray for as low
a rate of postage in the United Statea for
commercial papers In writing, in unsealed
wrappers, as when aent abroad; the passage
of a bill by congress necessary to make the
currency more elastic and -more responsive
to the demands of the business interests ot
the country, and the creation of a new de
partment of commerce and industries.
Court Finds Advertising; Crook De
frauded Papers Out of Two Hun
dred Thousand Dollars.
CHICAGO, Dec. 1. In the United States
district court today John H. Dalton, a local
politician and saloonkeeper, was found
guilty of fraudulent uses ot the malls. In
volving a scheme to swindle newspaper
publishers on sdvertislng contracts for the
International Aural Clinic.
The claims against Dalton amount to
more than $200,000. Sentence was withheld
pending arguments for a new trial.
Independent Concern Will Flht Old
Combine la Same Line
of Trade.
PHILADELPHIA, Deo. 1. Announcement
was made today of the proposed formation
of a large combination in the rubber indus
try to bo known as the International Rub
ber company, with a capital of $25,000,000.
Incorporation papers havs been prepared
for filing at Trenton.
The new combination la said to be backed
by Pittsburg, St. Louis, Chicago and Phil
adelphia capitalists. It will be operated
Trade I'alonlsts of Great Britain
Will AdOpt Amerleaa Labor
NEW YORK. Dec. 1. The British trades
union delegates to this country have unani
mously determined to establish in Great
Britain a civic federation similar to the
National Civic Federation ot America.'
Movements of Oeeaa Vessels Dee. 1.
At New York Arrived Lahn, from
Genoa, Naples and Gibraltar: I .a Cham
pagne, from Havre; Kyndam. from Rotter
dam. 8a I ltd Maine, for Bremen.
At Yokohama BailedEmpress of India,
from Hong Kong, etc., fur Kan Francisco.
At Gibraltar Arrived Truve, from Now
York, fur Naples and Genoa.
At Liverpool Arrived Hernia, from Bos
ton. Hailed Peruvian, for St. Johns and
At Houthampton Sailed Deutschland
for New York.
At Naples Sailed Perugia, for Near
x ora.
At Plymouth Sailed Patricia, from Ham
burg aud Boulogne, for New York.
Senate and House Both Convene at High
Noon in Capitol.
Resolutions Resetting Deaths Are Adopted
and Adjournment Taken.
Brilliant Crowds Throng Galleries Watching
Initial Proceedings.
Many Bills Designed to Restrict
Trusts Are Presented, bat Admin
istration So Far Reserves All
Criticism oa Them.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. The second ses
sion of the Fifty-seventh congress con
vened at noon today.
Long before the gavels fell In the two
houses large crowds thronged about the
doors of the visitors' gallery seeking ad
mittance. A bright sunny day brought out
ninny women, who were conspicuous among
the visitors.
As the hour for the opening approached
the crowds gathering about the doora ot
the galleries Increased, but many were
necessarily disappointed, as the capacity
of the space allotted to outsiders waa
claimed early.
There were many out-of-town visitors to
be seen in the corridors and lobblua and
on both sides were many public officials
who left the departments for the open
ing. Correspondents weer early en the
scene, preparing for tbo three months
work ahead of them.
Former Speaker Thomas B. Reed was a
visitor at the capltol today. Prior to the
houra of convening he visited among the
members of the house, where he once
served so many years, then among the
members of the senate. He was greeted
on both' Bides by friends and former as
Frye Presides la "eaate.
Senator Fry opened the session in the
senate aud the galleries were filled.
The floor of the senate was a veritable
garden of flowers chrysanthemums, roses
and violets spreading their fragrance
throughout the chamber.
Many of the floral plecea were magnifi
cent and completely hid the desks from
view. Without distinction of party, sen
ators moved from one aide of the chamber
to the other and renewed old acquaiolancea.
The old sores which had been made In the
laBt session seemed to be bealed and every
where It was noticed that the best of feel
ing existed.
Senator McMillan of Michigan, who was
beloved by hla associates, was missing, and
universal sorrow waa again expreased over
his demise.
Instead of the customary black drapery
there waa placed on the desk formerly oc
cupied by the late Senator McMlllaa a sheaf
ot bridal roses and patma tied with white
satin ribbons. A number ot the diplomatic
corps occupied aeata in the gallery reserved
for them.
Mr, Frye ascended the rostrum at noon
and a hush fell upon the assemblsge while
Rev. F. J. Prettyman, who took the placo
of Rev. Dr. Milburn, pronounced the Invo
cation. The clerk called the roll and sixty-
eight senatora responded to their names.
The customary resolutions were adopted
by the senate that it waa ready to protend
to business, appointing a committee to Join
with one from the house to wait on the
president and ' inform him that congreas
waa assembled and also fixing the hour of
meeting at 12 o'clock.
Mr. Burrows of Michigan then announced
the death of his colleague, James McMillan.
He spoke with great emotion and briefly
referred to the life and services of the dead
Resolutions of regret were offered and
unanimously adopted, and as a further mark
of respect the senate, at 12:12 p. m., ad
journed until 12 o'clock tomorrow,
la the Hoaae.
The hall of representatives presented a
brilliant scene for the opening ot the ses
sion today.
During the recess the chamber bad been
re-decorated. The old color scheme ot gold
and carmine was preserved, but the fresh
colors served to lighten the general effect.
The famous paintings ot Blerstadt, "The
Discovery of the Hudson" and the "Land
log of the Verbaln Expedition at Monterey,
Cal., in 1861," which formerly bung tn
panels on either side of the speaker's ros
trum, have been removed to the lobby ot
the hall and In their places now hang the
full length portraits of Washington and
Although the gavel was hot to fall until
noon the publlo galleries were packed soon
after they were thrown open at 10 o'clock,
and the sections reserved for the families
and friends ot members also filled early.
Society aad Political Brest.
The opening of congreas Is a society as
well aa a political event, and In tho gal
leries were many handsomely gowned so
ciety women. There was the usual flower
display, although It was perhsps not aa
elaborate aa upon soma similar occasions
in the past.
It wub noticeable that the victorious
party in the recent campaign did not mo
nopolize the entire flower show. By 10
o'clock the air was heavy with the odor ot
perfumes and the hall burred with the
steady hum ot conversation from the
throngs In the surrounding galleries.
Shortly after 11 the members began to
Flowers for Defeated Members.
It waa generally remarked In the gal
leries that the most elaborate floral pieces
were on the desks of Mr. Connell ot Penn
sylvania and Mr. Loud of California, the
members who were defeated for re-election.
The leaders on both sides were sur
rounded and greeted as they found their
way to their desks.
Mr. Cannon, whose election as speaker of
the next house la already assured, waa
besieged by hli colleagues with congratula
tions and members could only with diffi
culty force a way to his desk.
Three minutes before the hour of nooa
the doors irom the lobby swung open and
Speaker Henderson entered. He was Im
mediately surrounded by members and held
a reception upon the marble steps of ths
rostrum until the hands ot the olock met.
Then, exactly at 12 o'clock noon, he as
cended to bin place. .
A great outburst of applause greeted
him as be faced the house and galleries.
With several vigorous whacks of tbs gavel
the speaker stilled the demonstration. la
the hush that followed the blind chaplain
offered prayer, Invoking the divine blessing
upon the president, the goyernmeat, ths
(Continued on Second Page.)