Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Expect! Methtdist Laymen to Es ai Gaod aa
The; Eipect H m to Be.
11 Combats the Thforf tlmt It Im
poverlnhea or that a Xrr Frln
dpi Moat Re Erolved to
.are the World.
From the prophecy of Ezeklel. xlltl, 12,
Her. E. Comble Smith, pastor of the First
Methodist Episcopal church, chose the text
for bin morning sermon: "I'pon the top of
the mountain the whole limit thereof round
bout shnll be most holy."
There were two thought an suggested
by those words, he said, which he wished
to Impress upon his hearers the exalted
standard and the extended range of Chris
tianity. The Old Testament, he said, treated
cf Christianity as being for the few and of
Christians as bJng apart from common hu
manity. Even In Inter days it had been
customary to consider that there was one
Christianity for the pulpit and another for
tha pew, and that the pastor should lead
more exalted life than the layman. These
Ideas Rev. 8mlth could not accept, as he
believed that there was one Chrintlanlty for
all alfke and that all should have the same
lofty Ideals and strive unceasingly to live
up to them. .
A well known writer had said that to be
ti greater than to do, and those words
bad appealed to the speaker with great
force. He believed that In becoming a true
Christian one's mind and heart and disposi
tion must first be made clean and pure.
Religion Should Enrich,
Dr. Smith, In speaking of the extended
range of Christianity, said that It did not,
as some persons were. Inclined to believe,
Impoverish or circumscribe life. He be
lieved that religion should enrich and en
hance one's life and should become an es
sential part of that life.
One writer, the speaker said, had ad
vanced the theory that some new principle
must be Introduced Into Christianity, and
that when that new principle had been
found morality would sweep like a great
wave across the universe. With this idea
be waa not In sympathy, the alphabet bad
become pretty old and it had been used a
long time, but still it was found to be suf
ficient. The notes of the staff, few as they
were, bad also done service for a long time,
but In their various combinations the pos
sibilities of music still remained unlimited.
Bo be believed the old principles of Chris
tianity to possess possibilities still undis
Declares Him Greatest Power (or Good
In Eighteenth Centory,
The first of a aeries of lectures was de
livered Sunday morning by Rev. Newton
Mann at Unity church en Voltaire.
"My subject Is far too large for the pur
pose of a lecture or two," said the speaker.
"James Parton wrote on it 1,275 octavo
pages, still omitting much that he would
like to have said. Voltaire's own volumes
comprise 60,000 pages, in over 260 separate
publications. And all this mass of writ
ings retains to this hour, as has been re
marked with astonishment, 'a certain vl
tallty and interest.' Where be does not
instruct be at least amuses. Of all men
ho ever wielded a pen he was best able
to say Just what he wanted to say In the
best possible way; but if his way of say
ings won him attention. It waa the things
he bat) to say that gave him bii lasting
vower. Prodigious genius. It was his glory
eften to stand alone and single-banded
contend with the church, or the state, or
tbe world, never stopping abort of victory.
He was not In all respects model to be
followed; be was a power to be felt, doing
Immense service to the world. His mode
of life waa not above criticism, but com
pares well with that of contemporary abbes
and cardinals; and, all deductions made on
certain scores, he was the greatest power
for good In the eighteenth century."
Rev. Mann went over the salient fea
tures of Voltaire's life in an interesting
manner and carried the great man's history
to the time of his flight from Paris as a
result of the untimely publication of his
"Lettres Philosophlques."
The tenor solo, "Angela Serenade," by
Braga, was well rendered by Matthew
Chauncey Brush, and tha effect was height
ened by the violin obllgato of Mr. Lovel
Ttemlnds Trinity Attendants that Ad.
rent Seaaon la Here.
Robert B. Lee Craig, at Trinity cathe
dral Sunday morning, observed the inau
guration of the season of Advent with a
sermon which, briefly described, was an
admonition to watch.
He began by reading from St. Mark
the account of the fisherman disciple who
marveled at the grandeur of the temples
and then of the reply that Jesus made,
saying: "Seest thou these great build
ings? There shall not be left one stone
upon another that shall not be thrown
down." Also of the subsequent trip to the
Mount of Olives and of the lesson that
Jesus there taught.
"He told them they were to live In a
time of test and trial," said the speaker,
"and that their conduct during these tests
would be for consideration when He sheuld
oall than boms; therefore, that they should
be watchful for Ilia summons, for His
kingly coming. And this Is a lesson for
the first Sunday of . Advent."
Continuing, the speaker said: "The first
coming of Christ is no longer In the fu
ture. It comprehended that earlier period
of Jewish history. But the day of the
second coming to the Individual, no In
dividual knows. Surely, then, the church
la doing well In warning its children that
the King may be near. For centuries the
church has waited and watched for His
coming, as did the wise men of old. Who
knows how near is the King; bow soon
He may reach some of us individually?
Then watch your speech and keep It pure;
watch your conduct and keep it righteous;
watch for tha coming of your Lord and
be ready,"
Art simply ferfeef.
Dr. King's New Lite Pills are prompt,
safe, gentle and always satisfy or no psy.
Best for stomach and liver. 25c. For
sale by Kubn Co.
Diamond lockets, $10 to $75. Edholm, J'w'r.
J i
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
Thia questiou arises in the family
very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling I no
taking; I add boiling; water and set to
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry, Get a package
at your grocers to-day. 10 eta.
lovena, Awsolcloaaly Beajaa at tha
Chnreh of the Barred Heart
l.aet Sight.
At the Sacred Heart Church Sunday even
ing was begun a novena In honor of the
Immaculate conception, the chapel of that
church having been dedicated last Sunday
to Our Lady of the Immaculate Concep
tion. The novena will continue for eight
days, there being rosary, benediction and
Instruction each evening at 7:45 o'clock.
The initial sr-rmon of the service wss
preached by Father Theobald Kalimajl,
who took as his theme, "The Devotion of
the flleesed Virgin Mary," his text being:
"Beloved, from henceforth all of the na
tions shall call Me blessed."
. "Catholics have been reproached," he
said, "for devotion to the Blessed Virgin
Mary, and It la charged that we, by this
devotion, obscure the glory of Jesus and
derogAte the honor and glory of Ood by
worship of the mother of God. These
charges are made in spite of all explana
tion of the Catholic position. While we
most earnestly repel the charge of adoring
the Blessed Virgin, we plead guilty to the
greatest veneration for her. We pray to
her for her intercession for us In life and
in death. The Blessed Virgin is the most
exalted lady on earth or In heaven. If
saints on earth and in heaven have power
with God; if sinners may have their prayers
for others answered, why should not the
Blessed Virgin, the mother of God, have
more power than others? She was without
the ataln of original sin and sin came not
near her. She had the fullest measure of
sanctifying grace, and as the loweBt meas
ure of this grace lifts man above the an
gels, what must be the position of one who
has the full measure? She was possessed
of all the Christian virtues. If we honor
wisdom and virtue In men, why should we
not venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary?
"Mary Is as truly the mother of Jesus
as our mothers are mothers of each of us.
Jesus Is our God the God of might by
whom all things were made. Is there an
honor more exalted than that of being the
mother of such a Ood? God could not
create a greater mother than Mary. As
she was never separated from Jesus In life,
let her name ever be united with His In
our prayers. In honoring her you only
honor Him who has adorned her heart."
Next Sunday evening the sermon will be
preached by Father Blackmore, S. J., of
Crelghton college, who will take as his
subject, "The Immaculate Conception."
The service was well attended and gives
promise of creating much interest among
the members of the parish and others who
are attracted by this beautiful devotion.
They Are Each Caused by Pestller-
ona Germ,
Ring worm and dandruff are somewhat
similar in their origin; each is caused by
a parasite. The germ that causes dandruff
digs to the root of the hair, and saps its
vitality, causing falling hair, and, finally,
baldness. Without dandruff there would
never be baldness, and to cure dandruff it
is necessary to kill the germ. There ha
been no balr preparation that would do this
until the discovery of Newbro's Herplctde,
which positively kills the dandruff germ,
allays Inching instantly and makes hair
glossy and soft as silk. At all druggists.
Take no substitutes. There Is nothing "Just
ae good."
Large Orders Poarlna- In One for Two
Thousand Covaes.
The Pleasant Valley Wine company of
Rbelms, N. Y., makers of Great Western
Champagne, is having an unprecedented de
mand for its superior product from every
part of the world.
Probably the largest order ever given tor
an American champagne or any other for
immediate shipment by any one dealer has
just been filled by this company, being an
order for two thousand cases received from
one dealer In Boston.
Since winning the gold medal, the high
est award, at the Paris exposition of 1900,
at the very fountain head of foreign cham
pagne production, the public's attention has
been directed to the merit of this American
product, and, like everything else Ameri
can, it has rapidly taken the lead and as
serted Its supermacy on all occasions.
Great Western Champagne is the ideal
wine for banquets' and the home, and Its
popular recognition la thoroughly mer
ited. Annonneementa of the Theaters.
Two splendid playa will be given by the
James Nelll company, beaded by Mr. Nclll
himself, at the Boyd tonight and tomorrow
night. Tonight Stanley Weyman'a splen
did romantic story, "Under the Red Robe,"
will be given. Sol Smith Russell's last and
best comedy, "Hon. John Grlgsby," will
be tbe offering tomorrow night. Both plays
will be given splendid productions.
Edythe Chapman Is Mr. NeiU's leading
woman this season. In the part of Gil de
Berault In "Under the Red Robe" Mr. Nelll
Is said to have a part that eminently suits
him. He possesses all the vim and fire of
youth and Is in excellent swordsman. The
production will be seen to be the best ever
made of this absorbingly interesting atory.
Chleaaro and Return, 914.75,
Via Milwaukee Ry.
On sale Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 and 2.
1504 Farnam St.
Solitaire diamond rings, $15 up. Edholm.
Perhaps because of that alleged "relation
ship by descent," the average man always
considers that he understands the average
monkey pretty well and could train him
any old trick In an hour or two If he had
the time.
Charlea Galettl, whose troupe of four
monkeys gave such an Interesting and
amusing exhibition at tbe Orpheum theater
last week, discounts this theory. He says
he has been training monkeys ten years, and
that his father has been training them for
twenty years, and that both he and his sire
are learning something more every day,
with never a "monk" that will "pick up"
a set of stsge tricks without long and per
sistent handling and schooling.
"With ons or more rehearsals every day,
It took me a year and a half to teach the
monkeys that trick of playing the chimes,"
said Galettl aa be was packing tbe fussy
little animals up to their cages In his
dressing room after a matinee. "The trick
of pulling off his coat for a fight kept 'Baby'
and I in each other's arma most of the time
for three months. A monkey never gMs so
well drilled in a trick that you can rely
upon him In less than a few weeks.
"How are they trained? Well, all train
ers have a few secrets In their methods that
they don't tell, I suppose, but In a general
way I may say that it's done by example,
with each trick gone through so methodi
cally that Its performance becomes a mat
ter of making a number of separate move
ments In a certain order. A monkey may
be guided, too, with the eye. For Instance,
If one of mine graspa the wrong chime and
sees me looking hard at another, he will
leap over Instantly and grasp the one I
am looking aL
Oitiseni Anxious to Bee What Knbat Will
Do Tonight.
In District Fonrt Will Try to nave
Some Other School Board Mem
her Pat Tbroaah Before
He Is.
This Is the date set for a meeting of the
Board of Education. Bls for euppllss
which have been In the hands of Member
Kubat for about two weeks may possibly
bn opened, providing Mr. Kubat feels In
clined to make the bids public at this time.
Bids for laying permanent sidewalks around
the proposed high school site and also In
front of the high school annex are In and
possibly the board may find time to open
these. It waa reported on the streets yes
terday that the bids In the possession of
Kubat for supplies might be contested. A
rule of the board Is to the effect that bids
shall be delivered at the office of the secre
tary of the board at tbe high school build
ing. Instead of following this rule, Kubat
had the bids sent to him at his store. As
quite a number of business men are inter
ested In selling supplies the talk yesterday
was that the board would be requested to
throw out all bids, readvertise and have
the bids delivered te the board according to
"The action of the board in relation to
bids for supplies has been decidedly pe
culiar," said a member of the Taxpayers'
league during a conversation with a Bee
reporter last night. "Ever since the pres
ent board has been In power it has been
rumored that bids for supplies had not
been handled properly and for this reason
the league has been watching' matter
pretty closely. Of course, everything may
be all right, but It certainly does not look
well for a member of tbe board to carry
bids around In bia pocket for a couple of
weeks when such documents should be de
posited in the charge of tbe secretary at
the high school building."
More than usual Interest will center In
the meeting tonight, as It Is understood
that the case against A. V. Miller, president
of the board, will be called In the district
court today. Mr. Miller, through his at
torneys, will plead for a continuance. Mil
ler does not like the idea of going on the
rack first. He wants to see Kubat brought
to trial before hie case Is called. In order
to ascertain Just what line of testimony
the state will produce. Kubat Is alert to
the situation and naturally wants Miller's
case called before he Is brought up for trial.
It Is understood that the schools here
will close for tbe usual holiday vacation on
December 23.
Council Meeting: Tonlarht.
The monthly meeting of tbe city council
will be tonight. Quite an amount of rou
tine business will come up and possibly
there may be one or two special features.
The question of removing sidewalks laid
by the city In front of property where the
owners have contested the payment of spe
cial taxes may be discussed with a view
to ordering the street department to tear
up the walks. Should this be done the
property owners who have opposed the
tax will then be compelled to lay walks
of their own or submit the action of the
courts. In the committee meeting to be
held at S o'clock this afternoon tbe queetlon
of appointing a committee to see about
a revision of the charter will come up
and arrangements to this end may be made.
Regret Bnahnell's Death.
Tbe report of the killing of A. M. Bush
nell, assistant purchasing agent for Swift
and company In the boiler explosion In
Chicago Saturday, was a shock to the many
friends of Mr. Bushnell here. For a num
ber of years Mr. Bushnell was associated
with Swift In South Omaha and-resided
on Missouri avenue with his family. Some
six months' ago he removed to Chicago,
taking his family with him. One of the
employes of the plant. In speaking of Mr.
Bushnell last night raid, "He was one of the
best-liked employes at the plant as he
was courteous and kind to all. He was
conscientious and performed his duty to
the very letter. His death Is deeply re
gretted by his many friends - la the two
Street Car Stoves.
A great many patrons of the street ear
lines are wondering why stoves have not
been placed in the cars thia winter. Gen
eral Manager Smith of the Omaha 8treet
Railway company was seen yesterday by
a Bee reporter in regard to this matter.
Mr. Smith said that the stoves used in
the street cars were bul't express'y for
burning chea nut coal. As there Is ao anthra
cite chestnut In the west now, there is
no telling how soon the stoves will be
placed in service. Mr. Smith said that he
hoped to procure a shipment of chestnut
coal before long, but he could not say Just
how long before the stoves would be placed
In operation.
Low Death Rate.
During the month of November seventeen
deaths were reported at the office of the
city clerk. Of this number, two were ac
cidental, leaving ' the deaths by natural
causea fifteen. Considering that South
Omaha claims a population of 28,000, the
death rate last month was decidely low,
Maaio City Gossip.
Crosswalks all over the city are being re-
A meeting of the Saloonkeepers' Protee-
tlvs association has been called for 1:30
as Actors
"Male monkeys learn taster than do the
females and all make bsst progress between
the ages of 3 and 8, their normal Uvea be
ing not more than fifteen or twenty years
duration. 81nce the African war monkeys
have been even harder to get than they
formerly were and all regular trainers have
standing offers up now. My father, brother
and I have rented a building at 804 Maple
wood avenue. Chicago, and fitted It out with
thirty-two training cages, each 4x6x8, In
addition to the arenas in which we work the
animals after we get them somewhat In
hand. When an importer announces the ar
rival of a batch we go look over his stock
to make sure we bid on no diseased mon
keys, for a diseased monkey finishes his
earthly career very promptly. Not mors
than 10 per cent of all monkeys Imported
to this country survive. The baboons are
subject to kidney trouble, the mandril spe
cies to lung trouble and the apes to plain
consumption of a kind that carries them off
quickly. All are subject to constlpstion
and an emulsion Is part of my regular trav
eling outfit. We have to diet them, too, to
prepare them for the American climate.
Mine get malted milk for breakfast, vege
tables for noon dinner, their big meal, and
greens, such as lettuce, for their supper.
Food for the four costs ms an average of
$1.50 per 'day.
"The unfortunate thing about a monkey
Is his viclouk treachery. He never gets
so you csn trust him until he Is dead. It
Is wroog to suppose that ha has no sense
of humor, for he has. If 1 laugh, mine
fairly tear things to pieces In their exuber
ance; If I am downcast they are the sama
way. 'Baby,' who ia three years old and
ths youngest, as well as the smartest of
ny four, cries every time I leave the room."
o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Hibernian
hall, Twenty-third and N streets.
Walker Clark of Lincoln was In the city
yesterday visiting relatives.
Providing the' temperature Is sbove the
freeslng point todsy, work on the street
will be resumed.
The King's Daughter of the Presbyterian
church are preparing to give a chicken pie
dinner at the troop armory on December 12.
A special meeting of the Woman's Relief
corps of Phil Kearney post No. 1 will be
held at the home of Mrs. J. O. Eastman.
The department president will be present.
Cltlsens Will Have a Chance to De
hate the Franchise Asked
The Platte river power canal project,
which In one feature Is now before tbe
city council, will meet Its first battle at
the mass meeting in the council chamber
In the city hall this evening. Inasmuch
as this new project. If completed, will
mean the reduction of the city's aro light
bill 31 per cent from the present rates and
to consumers a reduction of 300 per cent
for lighting purposes, the proposed fran
chise has an enemy In the Thomson-Houston
corporation which is directly Interested
and' which will naturally bring all Its
forces to bear la an effort to stifle so dan
gerous a competitor. The means by which
they hope to do thia Is to secure tbe pass
age of tbe Hascall substitute ordinance,
which Is so hedged about by restrictions
and clauses as to make It an entirely
worthless proposition snd one which no
one will find It to advantage to accept.
It Is expected tbst with so much st
stake the Thomson-Houston company will
be well represented at the mass meeting
tonight. An example of what may be looked
for in this direction was afforded by a
meeting of the South Side Improvement
club Saturday night, where City Engineer
Resewater was present to speak on the
subject of his proposed franchise and Coun
cilman Hascall answered blm, at times the
debate becoming ,eo exciting that four mea
were talking at once.
At the meeting tonight City Engineer
Rosewater will explain in detail the plans
of the proposed power plant and will tell
the methods he will adopt to bring 'to
gether the Waters of two rivers, the Platte
and Elkhorn, to form a lake larger than
any now la the vicinity of Omaha, for the
storing of water. He intends to take up
clause by clause both his own proposition
and the substitute offered by Councilman
Hascall. ' He will ask the people, not that
they give him unusual privileges, but that
they allow him to enjoy tbe same privileges
as the present electric light company, while
In return he binds himself to furnish the
city light and power at greatly reduced
Ho Time to Fool Away.
Coughs, colds and lung troubles demand
prompt treatment with Dr. King's New
Discovery. No cure, no pay. 60c, $1. For
sale by Kubn A Co.
The Jflobrara Line Completed.
The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Val
ley railroad has completed Its Niobrara
line. Trains dally except Sunday between
Omaha and Bonesteel, South Dakota.
Leave Omaha 7:30 a. m. Leave Bonesteel,
eastbound, 1:35 a, m., due Omaha 10:25
a. m. -
The opening of this line enaoles people
to reach the eastern border of the Rose
bud reservation'. ...
Watch next .congress and see what la
done about opening this reesrvatlon to
settlement and In , the meantime examine
the land. Homeseekers' rates first and
third Tuesdays ' each month. - One fare,
plua S3; minimum, $9; round trip limit, 21
days. .
- Ask any agentKorthwestern Una.
' Special Low Rates to Chicasro.
November SO, December 1 and 2', $14.75
round trip via "T.he Northwestern Line."
The ONLY double track railway from
6 TRAINS DAILY. Route of the electric
lighted "Overland Limited."
Company's offices. 1401-1403 Farnam St.
Good roaltton Open.
Good opening for a newspaper or maga
tine solicitor. Permanent position for a
competent man. Address Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha.
Gorham silver teaspoons, set of six, $3.50
to $10. Edholm, Jeweler,
King Cole Self-Rising Buckwheat's the
Publish your legal notices In The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 231.
Small Boy in Trouble.
Ivory Oakes, a small colored boy. Is under
detention at the city jail and against his
name on the docket Is entered the serious
charge of burglary. It appears that the
little fellow was found yesterday morning
in the quarters of the Colored club at Thir
teenth end Dodge streets and could give no
satisfactory reason for his presence there,
which taken In conjunction with the fact
that some of the property of the club, con
sisting of printed copies of the ritual and
clubroom utilities, . waa missing led to the
charge of burglary. None of the property
was, however, found In the boy's posses
sion. Ivory says he Is 13 years of age and has
no home, his mother being dead and his
father having left the city without making
any provision for hie maintenance.
Sequel . to a Spree.
Michael Lynch was arrested In a saloon
yesterday morning at the Instance of John
Nelson, who says that on the previous
nlgbt Lynch and tvo other men held him
up on the street and robbed him of about
M- On the other hand. Lynch says that he
and the other men merely took Nelson to
his home because he waa too drunk to go
alone, and this story the police say they
have verified to the extent of finding that
the -men were all drinking together and
that Nelson was taken home by ths others.
Trainer Galettl Talks About
His Faur-Handed Treupe.
In proof of this Mr. Galettl atepped out
side the door and Instantly there waa wall
ing that waa almost human in Its plteoua
ness. "I never dare strike them or they would
scream right out and the performance
would come to an abrupt termination, In
stead, I rule them with frowns and stern
words and threats. "Continued the trainer."
"They seem to understand these perfectly
and mind them Instantly. But you never
know when they are going to turn on you
and make a savage attack. During a tour
abroad one of the monkeys got slok snd
to sava blm I got the best doctor In. the
city, on a pretext that It was a man who
was 111. and when we got to Germany that
monkey dashed at me one day and with
a single bite left a gash that required
nine atltchea and three months' time to
repair. Twenty monkeys will tackle an
elephant with a good ahow of killing him
or putting him to flight. After a siege
that Is as tad as any toothing time In a
nursery, monkeys get their second teeth
at five years of age, and after that you
have to look out. for they get their full
growth at about tbe same time and then
they are mean and bard to handle. The
baboon will lungs straight at the throat
every time for one quick bite, but
the mandril will setss hold anywhere and
work with a shaking motion of the head,
as though to tear off tbe flesh he holds la
bis mouth."
To Illustrate Mr. Galettl permitted 'Baby,'
who la of the mandril apecles, to seize his
shirt sleeve. Instantly tbe aon of your
ancestors worked like a dog tearing meat
from a bone, and tbe Interviewer was sud
denly reminded of a press of duties elsewhere.
At the Ilnyd.
Boyd's theater was well filled last night to
witness what Mr. Morrison says wl be
bis last performance of Mephlsto In Omaha
He Intends giving over afier this season
the play of "Faust," with which bis name
has been associated for more than thirty
years. This decision of Mr. Morrison was
not reached because the people had vtred
of him In the part he hae made ao familiar,
for the patronage accorded blm has been
most flattering since he began his annual
tour some six weeks' ago. He has given
bis play a new setting, and to all outward
appearances has arranged for a long lun.
Instead of Intending to abandon It after the
present season. Personally, he has lost
none of his vigor, but enacts the role of
the devil with all his old-time lest snd
sneering cynicism. His rending of the well
polished lines that fall to his lot to recite
Is one of the real delights of tbe perform
ance. It Is not an attractive devil he gives
us, but a devil who fascinates by his very
The supporting company Is passably good.
Miss Frances Whttehouse brings to the role
Marguerite charms of person sufficient to
enamor almost any old Faust, but lacks
somewhat in ability as an actress. Mr.
Leander de Cordova suffers somewhat In
the same way. He Is personally good to
look upon, but In rejuvenating the learned
doctor, the scheming Mephlsto failed to
endow him with any wonderful histrionic
ability. The Incidental vocal music Is welt
rendered by a sextette of four male and
two female volcea. New scenery and the
addition of some new mechanical effects
add much to the attractiveness of the per
formance. The engagement was but for
one performance.
At the CrelKhton-Orphenm.
Of the program at the Orpheum thia
week it may most Justly be said that It is
uniformly good, for there is no number
which stands out conspicuously, and that Is
due only to the fact that all are merito
rious. Morris Alburtus and Jessie Millar
op?n the entertainment with a rather un
usual combination of accomplishments, be
giving an exhibition of club juggling and
she playing in a mustclanly manner on
the cornet. Baby Lund, who Is not a
stranger In Omaha, sings as prettily as
ever and has added several of the new
eongs to her repertoire. Kelly and Vlo
lette, who are announced as the "fashion
plates" of vaudeville, do a singing and
dancing specialty which serves to demon
strate that Vlolette possesses an extensive
and costly wardrobe. Berol and Berol
display great ingenuity In fashioning pieces
of cloth of various Bites, shapes and hues
Into very natural looking pictures, and
have Improved upon this act as It was pre
sented in this city last season. Carver
and Pollard are two young women, whose
specialty certainly possesses novelty, and
except for the fact that at one or two
points their comedy Is rather startling, as
coming from women, although it la very
funny and up-to-date. The Athos family
of six male members present a thoroughly
enjoyable acrobatic act, in which tbe young
est of their company, a small boy, plays
the most conspicuous part and acquits
himself with credit. Mark Sullivan con
tributes a monologue, consisting chiefly
of Impersonations of well-known actors, and
in most cases his mimicry Is very lifelike.
The Children's Favorite.
One of the greatest difficulties encoun
tered when children are 111 Is the objection
they have to taking medicine. The remedy
must be pleasant or the patience of the par
ent is exhausted before It is successfully
administered. Mr. G. O. Wagner of -Spring
Grove, Pa., overcomes this annoyance by
using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He
says his little boy always asks for It when
ever he catches cold. This remedy has be
come the children's favorite, aa It ia pleas
ant to take and it always cures and cures
Speelal Low Rates to Chicago
November 30, December 1 snd 2, $14.76
round trip via "The Northwestern Line."
The ONLY double track railway from
6 TRAINS DAILY. Route of the electric
lighted "Overland Limited."
Company's offices, 1401-1403 Farnam St.
Some Good Low
Drug Prices
Customers at our store have long since
found that we have all the articles we
advertise and sell them when asked for
TIONS as to "something which Is better.
Also that the goods we sell are fresh and
LK89 GOODS. Look out for such articles
11.00 Steams' Wine Cod Liver Oil 76c
$3.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe,
WE SELL $2.09
$1.00 White Ribbon Liquor Remedy,
we sell 75c
25o Groves' Black Root IJver Pills, we
sell 20c
25c Mennen's Talcum Powder, we sell. Ho
100 pure 2-graln Quinine Pills, we sell.. 26c
60c Kilmer's Swamp-Root, we sell 3c
tl.OO Listerlne, we sell 66c
60c Syrup of Figs, we sell 34c
60o Stuart's Tablets, we sell 39c
tl.OO Newbro's Herplctde, we sell 74c
tl.OO Wine Cardul, we sell 66c
26c Brown's Bron. Troches, we sell.,.. 19c
tl.OO Hoatetter's Bitters, we sell 74c
25o Brandreth's Pills, we sell lftc
25o Merchant's Oars. Oil, wre 'sell J8c
50o William's Pink Pills, ws sell 3c
26c Orangelne, we sell 19c
Cnt Prices on Perfumes and Soaps.
50c Colgate's Pansy Rlossob, ws sell, ox 25c
5(c Golf Queen (Rlcksecker's), we sell,
ounce S5c
50c Colgate's Violet "Water, we sell.... 37c
Mo Long Oreen Violet Water, we sell.. 26c
Juvenile perfumes, per box... 10c and 25c
Fine Perfumed Violet Soap, box I
cakes for 25c
Kirk's Juvenile Poap, cake lOc
Benzoin and Buttermilk Soap, box t
cakea 12c
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co.
Wholesale and Retail,
Cor. 16h and Dodge at a., Omaha.
Two For Five Cents !
which have been sold for 5c each we are
Sflllng at 2 for Sc and the STOCK IS AB
SOLUTELY NEW! We have no old stock;
don't get a chance to get old; didn't Fair
child's Essence of Ppsln man say so?
25c Shrader's Fig Powder 20c
tl.OO Peiuna (genuine) 61c
tl.OO Pierce's Favorite Prescription trie
tl.OO Pierce's Uolden Discovery 64c
ll.iiO Hcrpk-lde (If you want It) 75c
$1.00 Parisian Hair Tonlo (guaranteed)
A can of 25c shampoo free with each
bolt's of Parisian Hair Tonlo and this ad.
$1.00 Iler's Malt Whiskey tie
tl.OO Canadian Malt Whiskey (guar an
il. uO paina's Celery Compound 75c
$1.00 VINOL (IF YOU WANT IT) 76c
$1 oo Lofoten Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil 75c
(Lofoten Emulsion has the pure oil In It;
not a lot of cheap wine and a little
3&o Genuine Castoria 24c
t2 00 Cheater's Pennyroyal Pills $1.00
TL 747. I W. Cor. ltth and Chicago Bu.
WHEAT Rich in Phosphates for the brain;
Nitrates for the muscle; Carbonates for heat.
Ml ALT The life of grain; nature's tonic; digestive
"The Perfect Food."
Wheat and Malt Combined.
Thoroughly cooked, ready to eat.
Delicious with Warm ..ilk or Cream.
The ideal food for old or young, sick or well.
will be
Apply for terrai to
R.C.PETERS & CO., Ground Floor.
F6lks 25 cents aBottleT
cant be I 1 krv5TVs it is a
As a guarantee of ABSOLUTE
the Libel below printed on 'BLUE
'PAPER Is posted on every
Kitchen Utensil
A full SMortment of time rooHi for tale
by.ll the leirtini DKPAKTM ENT nd
(Sustained by U. S. Circuit Court.);
rah It 1806.
Aaalnai No. Hsw Toss. TMe T. I
W. aar a4 a enful .iimio.ttoa of a irU Nickel MmI War. " woarrf
tnm TM Uuot S Oruiui Hit Oo.. o SO.
las miarl ooatioff It fcoaMfaosoui of sztia
thtcaoeM, and f ratt purlt.
It aimtiratv frt from orMt4e, to end anj.
OkaauM W las K.w York Produos bohanta.
mm a, MHa SaUrVB. a -,JJ-
Aaaiat. No. ll.leu. Ksw Voaa, Uaf It WW.
Abhiuhbjo AaraquMtrd or oo, wa sua.
lhawil la tlx opo market a sua pi. of Asmta
Mkik.l HomI War. " and hm mad. is oarrui
eaaaaMaU aualaaiof ta. .namal owvartnf uc las
" thhaaasaal la swnwil twy pw and frea
frm Armmu. A mwmot. Ltod and otr ua
tow . naw " m ,jm
It far ail aullaarr aud anaaiu.
uu V frii It BANES.
rirHI- -LT f r.Matal Kaoaaata.
lurutm Dtiut Cauti ut l&'tt'J tut
Out of Print Numbers
aaa of
ssmr V at osual pries 7 apply
tec at Us publics tloa sffios la ss tar
as) ta. supply Is aasqaata.
vacated on
1, 1903, in
I rtrT&rrttrrci Remedy i
wimni&mv with
It is
Real Cozy
That Is what ladles sy of
The California Limited.
Private compartments, ample
dressing rooms and obaervatloa
parlor, all daintily furnished.
Perfect dining car meals.
Chicago to California In lees than
three days.
Why stay at home?
The California tour described in otq
books, mailed for lOo in stamps.
Address Passenger Office,
Atchison, Topeks Santa Fs Rail
way, Des Moines, Ia.
Santa Fe.
Tha only double-track railway netwt.n
in. Missouri Rlv.r and Chicago.
Tbo routo of the famous train
equipment and Tlmt tht Btrt.
Pullman Compartment and Drawing
Room Meepirir Cars; Bullet-Smoking
and Library Cars; Dining Cut; Pre.
Hecllnlng Chair Cars, and modern
Day Coaches.
6 Daily Trains to
For tickets and Information apply
to office of General Agent,
1401 and 1403 Farnam St.