Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1902, PART I, Page 7, Image 7
4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SOVEMBEH 30, 1002. OMMlnoU Coses Cur. does sot fut fawn. weJy tnto th aomack. but Mrren la th throat, rlita J taws, prodarir, ,h fo'lcwtrt result: (1) P-Kares th ccut. (I) Make th braMhnc r. (3) Cuts on: th tM-rro. 4) Drm out th toflammarlan. ii Knt, t rermi (microbe) of d;saa. IS) Straagtaana tk mucoo membrane. (71 Clears th head. () Rcllevej tha few eordniors. ) Ramorea entry causa of tba coat and At arain oa tha hr- ra. tlO EnaMea tha hrts to aontrfbala m Rf. fltMliie-auitirlrtoi7fpatothebtooa. Curaa Cratnj and all Couth. Lure -J Bronchial Arecttona. COUGH CURE by E. O. DeWITT OO., OHIOAOO FREE SAMPLE ECZEMA GAN BE CURED Call at tha below named drua; stores and reVelv a free sample of REMlCK'S E( ZEMA CURB, the great remedy for Ec aema. Pimple. Dandruff. Skin Eruptions and Piles. In cases of lone atanding. pu rify the blood by taking Kemlck a Fepeln Am raeollclted Teotlaaoalal. . . I har been a constant sufferer from ec cema for twenty-fire years and have spent many dollars for the cur of It, without receiving- any benefit. I was Induced hy n. N. Robertson of Wlnsboro to try a box of Remfck'a Ectemi Cure, and It has cured me. I would advise every sufferer from skin diseases to try It. Penn, Ttx. REV. H. C. SOLOMON. For sale by bihaeler's, Jth and Chicago Sts. Kuhn Co.. Uth and Douglaa Sts. J. H. Merchant, 16th and Howard 6U. Sherman dt McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sit. C. A. Melcher. 1461 N St., South Omaha. George S. Davie, 200 Weat Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Dr. Borkhart's Wonderful Offsr. CrVWt)i .impound. tn the spring the system undergoes a templet change and requires medicine. Dr. Xurkhart's Vegetable Compound Is the best ier preventive. It cures catarrh, rheu matism, livtr, stomach and kldnely dlaeaaea palpitation of the heart, atlffneas of llmbe,' ate. 10 days' treatment free. All druggists. LR. Vt. a. fit HK HART, Claelaaatl, O. RIlEULIATISn NEURALGIA AXD ALL KIXDHED DISEASES Swsnson's 'S-DROPS" will cur Rhea raa tiara In any of Its forms or states of development. Applied; eitemally it afford instant relief from pain. Takes internally it rid the blood, tissues and joists of the uric acid and other poisonous matter, which are thacanaesof thedisease. "5-DROPS" sever fail to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica or Lambago. It has e fleeted more cares of the above named ailments than all other remedies combined . It will car the most obstinate cases. Neural tic Pslns ceas at ones when 6-DROPS " Is usad. la neuralfia the nerve are inflamed, they throb and shoot treat congestion and arrested circulation. DROPS " baatena circulation, quiet the nerve and the pais stops. No other remedy is the world will stop neuralgic pains so quickly ss "5-DROPS" and so difier eocs how severs the case mar be "5-DROPS." it saed ss directed wUl oaks s permanent curs. COUPON Xa. SIS. ,ie-"" U1M ft iauaa KkM . ' XX, W Hi taiaf. It u5.DROPS" i sot obtainable is roar locality order direct from ss and ws will send it prepaid oa receipt of price.' fl.OO par bottle. For sals by druggists. Larg Ms tVrttt (M0 De) tIAft. WlVr RUFIlf-llTIR PlfRP r.n u iiniKwii iiiaw wrt v weia,wwi I IdO Uks Strwst. CHICAGO. Tpity atsas Vvti Wsdl tsepectsc. n. L BllUCCIQTTI, D. V. s. crrr vrTiRiNmUM. Omasa. Kv ' Ttiaoasas saV u Im lisa La PEARY SPEAKS OF POLE Esyt jtsgoetic Cralw Till Oertainly B Mscked Bsoa. WANTS AMERICA TO WIN GREAT PRIZE rfata Oat that tatteS La4 Thlas sad fhwalal Rival Colambes by Dlaewrerlaic Laat Oeegrapklcal Secret. WASHINGTON, Nov. t Lieutenant Rob ert K. Peary, th Arctic explorer, delivered an address tonight before the National Geo graphic society on the subject of Arctic n ploratlon. role Caa Be Reaches'. After discussing the Arctic explorations of the paat Mr. Peary, speaking of the future, aald: In epite of the amount of work which naa been done In the north polar regiona during the rst few year the work la net romplete. Ih3 archipelago oi frt7.M Joaef Iand haa. It Is true. bn delimited and Its northern terminus removed from the field of uncertainty. The lands north of the prth American erch'.pelago and west of Klleemere land hsve sleo been delimited a to their northern coast. The northern coaet of the Greenland archipelago haa been rounded, and America holds the rec ord for the moat northerly land In the world, the northern point of the largest of the north polar land group. But there are still several gaps to be Ailed before north polar exploration can be considered fin ished. And the head of the Smith sound "gate way to the pole" is the central point from which to close thla work. It Is the point from which can be reached and determined that stretch of still unknown coaat on the eastern shore of Greenland, reaching from Cape Bismarck to Cape Parish; the point from which can be reached and determined the Interior ramifications of the great fjord syatema of northern Greenland; the point from which can be reached and de termined the gap In the coast Una on the west coast of UrtnnellHnd, between And rleh's farthest and Sverdrup'a fartheet; the point from which the prnctlcsllv unknown land along the eastern side of. Kennedy and Robeaon channels can be reached, and the point from which the pole Itself can and will be reached. It may aeem to Indicate overconfldence to state boldly that the pole can be reached, and yet It la a fact, even though the etrug- fle for It has been glng on unaucceaa ully for years and years. Each time we have come a little nearer; each time we have learned a little more and I say to you here today that It is not an Impossibility mat it can pe cone; mat it is no more CM- nrun man many oi ine great projects which we see being pushed to completion every day'and which require money, per sistence, hard work and some ability to bring to full fruition. Great Geographical Prlae. The man who haa the proper party, th proper equipment and the proper experi ence and can tart fresh from the north ern coast of Ortnnelland with the earliest returning light In February, will hold within his graap the last great geographical prise that the earth haa to offer, a prlae that ranks with the prlae which Columbus won. and will win for himself and his coun trymen a fame that will last as long as human life exists upon the globe. Granted this, shall we let other win the prise irom us? Within the past five years the United State leaped to the front among nations. Our Industrial bounds startle the world today. Our influence In diplomacy was never so great. Our men of science hold the attention of Europe. Our battleships show the highest percentage of effective ness. Our yachts win race after race from the highest foreign talent. If there are any other prises to be seclured or any other race to be won. shall we be untrue to our Anglo-Saxon birthright and love of ad venture and let someone else capture the trophies, or shall we win them ourselves. The north pole Is the biggest prise the world haa yet to offer. The race for It Is the greatest race on earth. The winning of the International yacht race la for todav only; the sinning of the pole Is for all time. it ahould and must be won by American dollars, American energy and American ability. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Carriers Appelate for Iowa Free De livery Reatee Baaas Reaerve (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. . (Special Tele gram.) Rural free delivery letter carriers for Iowa routes have been appointed as follows: Dickens, Fred 8. Ives snd Ever ett Fraaer, regular; Pearl Ives and Charles Herrlck, substitutes. CastJtna. Linn Cutter, regular; C. P. Cutter, ubstltut. Linn Grove, I. B. Catlln, regular. 81oan. J. O. Salisbury, regular: Bengerman Salisbury, substitute. Hartley. Valorous A. Wheelock, Andrew 8. Hoist and D. C. Maas. regulars: Fannie E. Wheelock. Charles Lapole and Frank Albright, substitutes. Peterson. A. G. Davis, regular; Frank Brown, substitute. George, C. P. Denuel, regular; Bensy Eilers, substitute. Southland, Fred Conway, regu lar; Clifton E. Bryant, substitute. Maple ton, E. A. Lynn and J. B. Smith, regulars; William F. Pershing and W. A. Watson, substitutes. Wall Lake. Otto A Sherwood, regular; George Sherwood, aubitltute. Reserve agents were approved today as follows: National Bank of North America, Chicago, for Merchants' National of Eagl Grov. Ia.; Chase National of New York and United States National of Omaha for First National of Atkinson, Neb.; First National of Buchanan county, St. Joseph, Mo., for First National of Beatrice, Neb.; Bankers' National of Chicago for First National of O'Neill. Neb. Postmasters appointed: Iowa C. B. Robinson. Morley. Jones county; Wlllard S. Maxson, Sprlngdale, Cedar county. South Dakota Harriet M. Kriba. Colum bia. Brows county; Sarah Baker, Creabard, Faulk eounty. MAY BUY VENEZUELA'S DEBTS Kow Tark rtras Waste Oaaraatt (rem laltrS Statee Gev. ' traaeat WASHINGTON. Nov. z. The appearance In Washington of I. Sellgmaa, a member of a New York financial he us, which has financed many Industrial syndicates, taken In connection with the reports relative to Venexoelan flnances, was viewed In offi cial circles here today as Indicating the existence of a syndicate to float all of Venesuela's dsbta. Tha I'nlted State government Is desirous that Venetuela settle Its troubles with Great Britain and Germany without th seixue of sny of Its ports, for It Is realised that, while the United State could not consistently object to the aalxnr of cus toms houses as a mesas of collecting just RHEUMATISM CURED Dea't gaxTer Whea a Faatal Card Will Brlaat Relief. Read What Mr. Theaaaa Warrea, Kataaaaaaa, Mtralsaa Saysi Sevan yar ago I wa a perfect cripple from aclatlc Rheumatism, so that I could not dreas myself or walk. I took one bot tle of Dr. Jebb'a Khaumatlara Cure and have never had the least trouble since. I have recommended Its uae In hundreds of eases and do not know of one that has not been s perfect and permanent cure." The Jrbb Discovery la entirely different from any other remrdy. both In Ita compoal. lion and app.icatlon. Rheumatism cf every form ylelua to ita potent force quickly. Kach case receives Individual treatment from our Medical Director, who waa a suf ferer for yeara with Rheumatism, orig inated thla great treatment, cured himself and thousands of othrra. Remember th Jebb Discovery Is positively guaranteed to cure or you So not pay on cant. Two of the beat banks in tha state of Michigan vouch for tha reliability of our company. A trial treatment la aent ab solutely free. Simply send a poets! card aeklns for the books P, which tell of Rheu xuatUsa, JebbS ltacvry, with treUnuMUaia and the free trial treatment will be aent to u at once. Addrvaa. The Jrbb fteaaedy Co.. IASV. itatUs Creak. Mica. , ArSits. as what might be tnmrdy a tnm -poraj-y orvurnulim at first might end by s claim of permanence, which tha Untied Slatra) would bars to contest. Therefore, If any responsible financial body was willing to pay off Venesneas'l tm-dgs debts and so relieve It from danger of occupation, tha fltsts department would he Induced to support th proposal, but tha C lifted States would not guscanlea any Uutn. Mr. BeU groan Inwt no t'm fa brtnglna; his bnslnaa to the attention of ths gov ernment and before noon appaarsd at the exncutlT a filers with Renstar sad was promptly admit Led to ths ontaldent. It is understood that he stranded ths presi dent snd was told that Mr. RonsrvsU con Id not see his way clear to Urrotva the Csltcd Stales is the financial difficulties of ths American rcp-nbllcs. Mr. Be 11 (man afterward said another con. f error would be held tomorrow, at which Secretary Bay will be present, ssd that at Us concluaioB he would probably glv out a statement. MAY NOT MILL IN TRANSIT Grata Shippers Mast Expect ta Pay More fer Stopping; Cee slarmaaCBta. WASHINGTON. Nov. Ths Interstate Commerce commission today announced Its decision in the case of the Diamond mills against the Boston Maine Railroad com pany. The complainant brings grain from western points to Buffalo, where It la milled and ships the products to points In New England. The case involved the right of the railroad to impose an arbitrary charge of ( cents per 100 for grain milled la tran sit. The commission holds that the shippers sre not entitled to mill grain In transit and forward the product under the through rate In force on grain from the point of origin to the place of ultimate destination, but that milling In transit Is a special privilege for which extra compensation Is usually exacted, and that the railroad acted within Ita right In refusing to permit that practice. The milling company Is awarded I35S, rep resenting the difference between charge exacted above the sum of eatablisbed rates on grain to, and on milled products from Bunaio. WASHINGTON WANTS COAL Coanmlaaloaers Appolat Coaaaatttee) to Iavestlgate Prevalllaa; Pael Paaalae. WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. The coal situa tion In Washington will be made a subject of inquiry. The commissioners of the Dis trict of Columbia today appointed a com mittee consisting of ten, who are member either of the Board of Trade or the Busi ness Men's assoclstion, to take up the sub ject. The city Is now practically suffering from S fuel famine, which. It is believed, would prove Intense in case of extreme cold weather. CUBANS BUY IN EUROPE Flad Machlaerr fa Cheaper Thai that Bold la tatted tate. WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. Informntlon has reached ths State department that Cu ban dealers la machinery havs a decided advantage by buying in Europe Instead of In the United States, because they get front 1 to 30 per cent lower prices, lower ship ping rates, quicker delivery snd more ad vantageous terms of payment, European manufacturers being willing to sell oa time, where American demand cash. GEORGE BAER MUST HANG Prealdent Rsoeevelt Refaaes to Par. da Seat a Dakota ladlaa Marderer. WASHINGTON. Nov. 29. President Roosevelt haa denied the application for clemency made on behalf of George Baer. the Sioux Indian, who murdered hi step son snd s Mr. Tayloe, the agency farmer, on th Rosebud reservation in South Da kota. Baer Is under sentence to be banged on Deoember i. A New Ceaapaay. The well known real estate snd loan com pany of R. C Peters Co. has been reor ganised with R. C. Peters, F. J. Fitxgersld of this city, who hss been sssoclated with R. C Peters Co. for a number of years, and M. D. Cameron, vice president of the Schuyler National bank of Schuyler. Neb. Mr. Cameron has been a resident of Schuy ler for the past thirty years. Is well known all over the state and will be a valuable man to the Arm of R. C Petcra A 4 Co., which Is recognised as one of th leading real estate and loan companies in the west. Special Law Rates ta Chleagrs November 20, December 1 and 2, $14.7 round trip via "The Northwestern Line." The ONLY double track railway from Omaha. I TRAINS DAILY. Route of the electric lighted "Overland Limited." Company's offices. 401-140! Farnam St. A. B. Hubermann, only direct diamond Importer In the west, cor. 12th and Douglas. HYMENEAL earsoreagh-Klrtley. ALBANY, Mo., Nov. 29. (Special.) Rev. W. L. Scarborough, formerly of Albany, and Miss Laura Kirtley, one of the most popu lar young women of this city, wers mar ried Thursday evening. Rev. Scarborough has charge of the Methodist church at Lin vllle, la. The bride Is the daughter of C. C Kirtley. a wealthy resident sf this county. McLaashlla.PsellBBer. WEST POINT. Neb., Nov. 21. (Special) Charles McLaughlin and Mis Lens Foellmer, children of pioneer settlers of Burning county, snd born snd reared here, were married st St- Mary's church. Very Rev. Joseph Ruesing, rector, officiating. They will occupy th farm of ths groom north of ths city. Ftsker-DIUe. BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 29. (Special Th marriage of Miss Carrie Dill of thl city to Mr. Arley E. FUbcr of Clarlnda. Ia., waa solemnised st the bride's horns In this city yesterday. Rev. E. L. Barch officiating. Immediately following the eeremoay the young couple departed for Clariada. where they will reaids. laasalarrattea Three h Bwetea. PLATT8MOUTH. Neb , Nov. 2.To th Editor of The Bee: Pleas inform m through th columns of The Bee how many Immigrants arrived at the port of Buaton aince July L lHut Yours tru?y. U A. TYSON. Answer Inoulr of surveyor of the port of boston. The Bee has no figures os this subject. Chicane aad krtara, S14.TK, VI Milwaukee Ry. O sals Nov. M ssd Da. ad f. Us Farnam BU DECIDES FOR UilTED STATES Eugtig Moat Firth Tains sf American WWersCscfjicattd. NO RIGHT TO PURSUE THE "VESSEL ptaloa ( Prof, laser, ta Wheat ths Aseatl Waa ahanltted. t a- Thls Oetersaest THE HAGUE. Nov. 29. Prof. Asser. the Dntch Jurist wha haa been arbitrating the claims sf Americans for the seliure of their vessels by ths Russian government, about ten years sgo. has delivered his sward tn fsvor of the United Ststes. He appralaes the damages in the rase of the American schooner C. II. White at $32,444. in the case of James Hamilton Lewis at IZS.6S8. Kste snd Anns st $1,481 ssd Cspe Horn Pigeon st $38,760. In giving his reasons for the award Prof. Asser held that the schooner C. H. White was seized outside Russian territorial waters and that the Russian contention that a warship of one nation was entitled to pursue beyond the boundaries of It territorial teas a ship of another nation guilty of Illegal action within these waters was untenable. The arbitrator declared that the Jurisdic tion of the state should not extend be yond Its territorial water except by pe dal treaty. The selxure and confiscation of C. H. White snd the Imprisonment of Its crew was therefore illegal and Russia was con demned to pay C. H. White $32,444, with Interest st per cent. The esse of James Hamilton Lewis Is governed by the same decision, while in the case of Cape Horn Pigeon, Prof. Asser, In fixing the damage of $38,750 and the Interest at per cent, held that the gen- eral principle that damages should Include the prospective profits of which the victim ! had been deprived applied equally to inter- j national litigation. In the case of Kate and Anna the arbi trator decided that the captain could have continued seal hunting and that therefore Russia was not responsible for the pros pective profits. Both James Hamilton Lewis and Kate aad Anna are gives per cent Interest on ths amount swarded. Th dispute was the subject of pro tracted negotiation resulting In sn agree ment, la 1900, between Count Lamsdorft, sctlng minister of foreign affairs of Rus sia, and Herbert H. D. Pierce, United States charge d' affair at St. Petersburg, designating Prof. Asser, a member of the council of state of The Netherlands, an ar bitrator. Prof. Asser decided, June 20, 190, that the average annual catch should form the basis on which damages should be awarded, which was exactly the contention advanced by Mr. Pierce, who was the advocate for the United States government. The decision carried with it the opinion of the court that Russia must pay dam ages and only left for further argument ths sum dus in each case. SOCIETY IN HOLIDAY GARB (Continued from Sixth Page.) her new home, Summit Place, on West Far nam street. A daughter was born to Mr. snd Mrs. Jsck Cudahy at Kanaaa City on November 11 Mis Mabel Fries will be hostess at the meeting of the Charmantee club to be held on December 19. The Friendly Greeting club will meet on Tuesday evening at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rellly. The next meeting of the Thursday After noon kenstngton will be held at the home of Mrs. Wilkinson. The first dancing party of the Creigbton Medical club will be given on Thursday evening at Metropolitan club. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kountxe will en tertain at dinner on Wednesday evening for Colonel and Mrs. McClernand. Mr. and Mr a. Arthur F. Smith have taken Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCormlck's house on West Harney street for ths winter. Miss Mary Lee McShane and Miss Ada Kirkendall will return from New Tork to spend the holidays with their parents. The meeting of the Bon Ton Card club has been postponed until December 8, when Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson will entertain. Mrs. W. J. Burgess will entertain at luncheon on Tuesday for her guests, Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Fairman, of Kansas City. Mrs. J. B. Berry snd Mrs. J. J. McMullen will hold a reception from 8 until o'clock on Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Berry's home. , Mrs. Harry P. Whit more has issued cards for a series of luncheons, to be given on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gulou have returned from their wedding trip and are at the Her Grand until their new residence Is com pleted. Mrs. H. Hopkins will entertain the Ladles' Aid society of the South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal church at her home, 2229 Bouth Tenth street, Thursday SPECIAL omeseelcers' Excursions..... December 2nd aud 16th. To points in Oklahoma and Indian Territories and Texas and to many point in Arizona, Oeorgia, New Mex ico, Arkansas, Kansas, North Carolina, Alabama, Ken tucky, Tennessee, Colorado, Louisiana, Utah, Florida, Mis sissippi, Virginia. rf ii sftersooa. December 4. atetreahsieats served. ATI Meads ssd asmsess tartced. Mrs. A. Clark Colt win hat a reorsUes tram t is I o'clock sa Toeaday, December I, la honor of her guest. Miss Champlala sf Chicago. Ths members of ths Chafing Dish club st tended the foot hall gaas sa Thursday aft ernoon and later mad as a dinner party st th Omaha dob. Among th anticipated event of th week 1 s dinser to be glvea ts the de butantes on Friday evening by Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith. Conspicuous among the affairs scheduled tor December is th charity bail ts be gives at the Metropolitan club oa December 11 for the benefit of Wise Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Oulou. Miss Jackson, Miss Hoagland. the Misses Pullman and Mr. Paul Hoagland attended the hop gives by the officers at Fort Crook oa Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Whit will spend th next fortnight with Mr. White's parenta at 2424 Jones street, previous to their depart ure for Falls City, wber they will task their home. Mr. and Mrs. K, C. Barton snd Mr. snd Mrs. J. E. Market will give a dancing party at the Millard hotel on Thursday evening. December 11. tor Miss Wadleigb snd Mr. snd Mrs. Partenbelmer. The first cotillion hss been announced for Friday evening, December 12, at Metropoli tan club. The committee la charge this sea son are Mr. N. P. Dodge-, Mr. Frank Has kell and Mr. Thomas Cretgh. Chanellor and Mrs. Andrew and Desa and Mrs. Henry B. Ward have Issued cards for a reception to be given at the Millard hotel on Friday evening, December I, from 8 to 11 eleven o'clock, for the faculty of the College of Medicine of the University of Nebraska. Cards were received In Omaha on Sun day announcing the marriage of Mis Mar garet Pratt, daughter of Colonel J. H. Pratt of Omaha, end Mr. HJalmar Olsson. which occurred on, Wednesday, November 19, ta Sweden. Mr. and Mrs. Olsson will be at home In Berg, Sweden. Marrlasra Lleeaees. Marriage license were Issued yesterday to: Name and Residence. Age. Joaeph Korb, South Omaha 34 i. a ml la Kopecky. South Omaha 21 Bert Smith. Omaha Fannie Cohen. Omaha 18 BIT Plaraltty la Kaaaas. TOPEKA. Ksn., Nov. 29. The secretory of state tonight announced the official vote for Kansas at the last election. The total la ;7.1. w. J. Bailey, republic n, for gov ernor, received lt,24S, and W. H. Craddock, democrat, 117,14k. Bailey's plurality 1 4S. 04. CHANGE OF CUrtATE Kat Reressary la Order ta Care Ca tarrh. Th popular Idea that the only euro for chronic catarrh Is a change of climate, I a mistake, because catarrh Is found In all climates in all sections of the country, and even If s change of climate should benefit for a time the catarrh will certainly return. Catarrh may be readily cured ta any ell mate, but th only way to do It Is to de stroy or remove from the system th ca tarrhal germs which cause all the mis chief. The treatment by Inhalers, sprays, pow ders and washes has been proven almost uscleas In making a permanent cure, as they do not reach th seat of disease, which is tn the blood and can be reached only by an internal remedy which acts through the stomach upon th blood and system generally. A new discovery which Is meeting with remarkable success In curing catarrh of the head, throat and bronchial tube snd tlso catarrh of the stomach, ia sold by druggists under name of Stuart's Catatrh Tablets. These tablets which are pleasant and harmless to take owe their efficiency to the active medicinal principles of Blood Root, Red Gun and a new specific called Oualaool. which together with valuable antiseptics are combined in convenient, palatable tab let form, and as valuable for children as for adults. Mr. A. R. Fernbank of Columbus, O., says: "I Buffered so many winters from catarrh that I took it as a matter of course, and tha nothing would cure It except a change of climate, which my business affairs would not permit me to take. "My nostrils were almost always clogged up; I had to breathe through the mouth, causing an inflamed, irritated throat. The thought of eating breakfast often nauseated me and tha catarrh gradually getting into my stomach took awsy my appetite and digestion. "My druggist advised me to try a S0-cent box of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because he said he had so many customers who hsd been cured by catarrh by the us of these tablets, that he felt he could honestly recommend them. I look his advise and used several boxes with results that sur. prised and delighted me. "I always keep a box of Stuart'a Catarrh Tablets is the houss snd the whole family use them freely on the first appearance of a cough or cold in the head. "With our children, we think there Is nothing so safe and reliable aa Stuart's Catarrh Tablets to ward off croup and colds and with older people I have known of eases where the hearing hsd been seriously impaired by chronic catarrh cured entirely by this new remedy." One Fare Plus $2.00 for the Round Trip Ticket Office 1323 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. jttgggflliU-., ..) my1 in J r lull K7 1 Take lime by the forelock Anticipate your hol iday wants, and bo make it easier for you later on An exceptionally large T&riety of divan, Morris chairs, parlor sets, fancy rockers, center tables, music cabinets, parlor cabinets, writing desks, combination desks, book cases, tabourettes, piano stools, carpet sweepers, rugs, dra peries, etc., will make it easy for you to select. Buy Substantial Gifts. Belect them now and we'll deliver them at any future time. A largs assertmeat of couches go on sal tomorrow, six rows of tufts. handsome frsme, new sanitary con structionworth 114.00 on sals to morrow st 7.50 RNottlnj-hsm Lac) Curtains full ...... A iAMV,K kiitlnn linU It.UUl RUU ' " ' - - rennalaaaace pat- -W syr ternsworth 14.00, t m on sale --- XT Smyrna Ruta 36 Inches wt4a beautiful patterns and il patterns and .w aar f"v is-, worth i yj Je tomorrow colorings on sale tomorrow Larj-a assortment of Rockers la all finishes and many patterns- worth from H 00 to 16.00 on ssle to morrow 1.98 Solid Oak Center TaMas 24-4nxh tops, shelf underneath, well fin Mes-24-tnch ith. well fin- 98c ishedworth 42.50 on sale tomorrow at One Hundred-Piece Dinner Sets under glased patterns, guaranteed not to crackle or "fc aar r-v crate,, worth O- JT J on sale tomorrow ... V,"iv French China Dinner 5ets decor ated in natural colors, toeautlful designs worth e aar" 151a & fABNArt SrCCCTS. OMAHA. (TBI TtOrt.X' TVUKtTVB AMD CA.BPET CO.) A Timely Hint for Shrewd and Economical Buyers to Buy Their Cloaks, Suits and Millinery Now. We are not waiting for the season to be too far advanced, but making such prices now that will clean out our entire stock before Ladies' ths sew that ws sold st 120.00 to 122.50 marked down now to . sold from 125.00 to ltt.00 marked down now to Ladies' 0-inch long, I ors ana mack, tnrerted or circular Uned throughout with best quality Aq. -wane- satla. with shoulder cape, high storm or cost collar effect sold st 118.00 marked down now ts Raglan Coats 45 to 50 Inches long. In castor, black or tan, lined throughout or half lined with heavy satin loose or three-quar ter tight Itting backs, sold for $20.00 marked down now ts 12.56 Fur Coats Electric seal, 22 snd 24-lnch long lined with Skinner's guaranteed lining Bell sleeve, high storm nolle eeptional value at 3S marktd down- sow to (M s norrls Chairs In assorted finishes and assorted cushions, worth fif teen dollars on sale tomorrow, at Three-Piece Parlor Sets, frames I mahogany finish, upholatered tn taieatrie snd velours worth 130 sale price.. Davenports In assorted, frames, , upholstered In small chocked velours tn reds snd greens worth W5 tomorrow- A Mf sale ef Reed Rockers begins tomorrow, and go at the following i mm Tnnowina; 225 pricesworth dou ble Si. 80, HE and Big- sale of Coral Oak Stoves - guar anteed In every respect, all parts well mounted and nicely trimmed tn nickel, sale price 7.50 Steel Range with high c:oset 137.80 sold on s payment of W down and your promise to pay fl.OO per week. January 1st. Walking Suits-in all materials and styles Is blsck snd solsrs Is blsck snd solsrs 10.98 8.90 ets, frames In upholstered tn 19.50 sTl eT -r r r r .iff j 5 Handsome up-to-date ladies' Dress Suit In blsck, blue, brows, oitord gray made ef all th choice materials, tlbellnes, char iots, homespuns, etamlnes, etc, either blous or tight fitting effect, drop or unllned skirts m.95 Monte Carlo Jackets eery best quality kersey, la all col effeet back. of Skinner 9.98 Millinery Monday morning we will hare the lat of our hourly sales. Between the hours of 10 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4 in the afternoon we will place- on sale every hat in our Millinery de- 2.50 All our Street Hat go for . . . iSUUlaJJSSBSSSBSSSl .25c