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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1902)
8 THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. November 30. iov BEAUTY HINTS. GOLD BOND CONTRACTS, Xew mil I p-lo-Dntf lilrnn, lllnta mill Ailvlee, Abnnt the Car of the Skin nntl Complexion. About One Year Ago the management Adopted a (lold Bond Policy and Agents of The Most Expensive. Kxqnl.lle and reflect Toilet Preparations In the World. They consist of A CREAM which Is 3 ,ii it, "A WORD TO OMAHA CITIZENS" Vu wnnt. ? PPTTt malt beverage for your home table? Ho you wnnt a perfect tonic for convnlesccnts In your home? Do you wnnt a perfect appetizer ami revlvlfler ror your worn and tired nerves after busi- In a word, "YES" VR HAVE IT-"nM'K ninnoM iR-irn l?iVlFJ;HT. nd. .a h virtues and l"F urBl mRredients possible uv V V,,,,""" 11 thorough y i1,,Z5,,r,Kl,l,nr a" unhcnlthful germs- JilB n,lltl,ON; made If record Wlnnfnir nr (. . i Tou ran make no mistake, order that which nrr; 1 i"r,K",L.Rna. which i an umi is ciaimea ror it. Storz Brewing Co., DM A II 1 NEH Try a sample case. Telephone 1260, GROSS WHISKEY 4 Full Quarts FOR S3.00 K xi) rest clmrgcH pre paid Recommended by tiie leading physi cians and used In all prominent ho pltala. I'he Red Cros Whiskey enjoys to day the beat of rep utatlona and stand above all In qualltv and purity. References : FIR8T NATIONAL BANK OP OMAHA OR ANT EXPRE88 COMPANY. Western D:stillin Co., 716 So. 16th St OMAHA. Bole owners. Orders from states west of Nebraska will be shipped b freight. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time In The Illust rated Bee. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal price of Jt.OO. On larger cuts, 6 cents per square Inch. They are all In flrat-clais condition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co, Omaha, Neb. BETTER THINK ABOUT THIS There are engravings and en- ravings, but the kind that are really good are the ones t we make. J. Manz Engraving Co. CHICAGO: NEW YOtK: 1 195.207 Canal St 21-29-27 City Hall Place RED J .Mart : ; il c perfect tissue builder, restoring the skin to Its natgral healthy condition. $2. A SKIN TONIC, something entirely new. to be used externally, put up In tablet form. One tablet dissolved In a bowl of water, not only medicates It, but perfumes It with delightful odor, converting It In'o a cool- Ing, healing and beneficial tonic. 11.60. A POWDER for the face which contains no hurtful Ingredients, and Is the finest now der ever manufactured, II. A COMPLEX ION BRUSH made In the form of a wedite the pointed part of the brush being more penetrating as the bristles are stiffer and of unequal length, a new and good Idea. $1.25. A MEDICATED SOAP made of the purest, best and most expensive materials ever put Into a soap, equally good In either hard or soft, hot or cold water, 25 cents. All of the preparations are parked In a box called "THE VALBON BEAUTY BOX," price ). With this box only a.-e given the Instructions of Louise Vanbonne's physician the. most distinguished physician In France. Ills Instructions are worth several times the price charged for all the preparations SPECIAL SAMPLES AND BOOK. To prove that the Valbon Preparations are "THE FINEST IN THE WORLD," we mall for ten cents a sample of the Soap, Cream. Powder, Skin Tonic Tablets and our book, one of the daintiest, prettiest books ever printed, full of up to date ideas about the care of the complexion, the hands and finger nails, the teeth and hair, etc. Ita illustrations are works of art. VALBON CO., 156 Fifth Aye., New York. A BUSINESS DISPUTE Is easily settled when accounts are properly kept. Don't practice falsa economy by trying to save on BLANK BOOKS. Wi will maka you a act ruled and printed to order at such a small coat that yau can buy the beat. A. I. ROOT, Printer, Mia , Mta St., . OMAHA, NEB. Iler's Pure Malt JJ II Rlea tnore pleasure to tnr re Il People than any other wliis- II 5.?XonAhe market. It Is pre- 11 scribed by more physicians II on account of its high medi. 11 J,nalquaUUea, and partlcu- 11 lardrlnkersagrrethatof all II malt whiskies Iler's is the II purest, smoothest, mellow- II est and best. This whiskey II has been on the market for fl II thirty years and more peo- If II 5 arr drinking it every fl II day. If you will try it once, if II you will begin to realize how If II really good and satisfactory II n whiskey cau be II The Willow Springi Distillery fl Omaha. KBSA U. S. A. Jf I W (mm wj I t wm I THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE That no Mfe Contrite.' In the Klelil la no Popular or ho Profitable. "U1,ul one year ago we bcenn wrltin the form of policy we denominate our Bond policy," said Mr. Rohlson nr.i,in or the Bankers Reserve Life Association or umana. 'It Is a twenty payment life nnllrv wii ii me modern features so attractive Investers and in addition it is a bond bind ing me company to pay in gold. yjur underwriters tell us there Is nnth Ing In the field which pleases business peo pie bo moroughly and they declare It more easily sold to Insurers of nil cIasbi. than any other form of contract offered by nuy company. "The year has been a most satlsfactorv one. The western people are awakening to me necessity or loyalty to western Instl- utions. They are giving us a magnificent support. "It Is becoming apparent to well in formed financiers that the great combines i tnon I il cauitai. nomimriv knnan na trusts, are largely dependent upon eastern life Insurance companies for the capital with which to finance their enterprises, popularly called trusts. in otner words the resources of the great life Insurance trust are the basis for uceessfully exploiting nearly nil the nihr trusts of the country. - - - As a matter of self-interest and protec tion to local enterprises, therefore it be comes necessary to build up fiduciary Insti tutions of strength In the west. "This explains why the Bankers Reserve Life will go Into the year 1903 with a mag nificent Increase of volume of business and assets. It explains also why this vigorous Institution Is the favorite western llf. company. It has led the fight for home In stitutions. It Is dally receiving applica tions ror insurance on the lives of the leading citizens of the west. Tlio best life underwriters are Joining Its field staff, are rapidly taking the positions to be filled In Nebraska and outside states on the liberal terms to be secured for handlin the superior policies and plans of the BANKERS RESERVE LIFE, OMAHA." Coburn What "I'm glad to hear of the srowiiui r AKM Eft's ciicula am con wonderinK are able to vether tiun. and stantly how you pull to- each week such a fund of illterest- inn. valua' ble infoi are surely mation. Vou making a paper worth much more asked for it." Kanias Stiite than the money F. D-Cofiurn. Sec'y rd of Axruulturt. More money is spent for articles by the prominent men and for the handsome and interesting illustrations than by any other farm journal. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER.. t an urn Hu. Omaha, rb. Stl r h'RF.F. SAMI'l.E COPY. WE WAIST A 0 JOB AO NT AT EVERY P(IS TOFFICE. Dogs for sale of all kinds. Fancy pig eons, Relgtan hares and ferrets. Send C cents for catalogue. LAND1S, Box O, Bowers Station. Berks Co., Pa, He Didn't Guess It Brooklyn Eagle: "Oh, I have such a lovely conundrum for you," she exclaimed, delightedly. "I know you'll never guess it." "Oh, I don't know," he replied, confi dently. "Let's have It and we'll see." "When Is a gown not a gown?" she asked. He looked dubious. "I know an answer," he said, "but per haps you'd better give me yours first." "When It's a dream," she exclaimed. "I never would have guessed It," he ad mitted. "What waa your answer?" she Inquired. "When it's an extravagance," he ans wered. Wise Marriage Broker Cleveland Plain Dialer: "Frislelgh act ?d as a marriage broker once. Yes. He was engaged by an impecunious German count to secure an American heiress for him. Frislelgh was to get 10 per cent of the girl's estate for arranging the match. He did better tjian that. He took It all." "Eh! How could be do that?" "He married the girl himself." Chicago Man in Greece Chicago Tribune: "And now," said the guide, having saved the best for the last, 'I will show you the ruins of the Parthe non. The sallow-faced man of the party the man with the goatee demurred. "Durn the ruins," he exclaimed. "Show us somethln' fresh. Where's the midway?" ' iioa GROCERS' LIGHT TOP WAGON, P. J. Karbach & Sons, flanufacturers, 13th and Howard Streets, Omaha. Ask for price. Sole agenU for the MOFFETT ROLLER BEARING Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado. DIAMONDS We have a large stock of well selected Diamonds best cut, color and bril liancy, both loose and mounted, In rings, brooches, lockets, etc., end we cannot suggest anything more acceptable for a birthday or Christmas gift than a diamond. Gentlemen's Solitaire Diamond Kings from $25 to $500. Qentlemen's Diamond Lockets from $5 to $300. Ladles' Solitaire Diamond Kings from $10 to $500. Ladles' Diamond Brooches fr m $15 to $400. When you are ready to buy Diamonds come to us. Our business standing iind imputation is your safeguard. Write us for anything In the jewelry line. We have the largest stock and lowi st prices. Mawhinney & Ryan Co.. Dept. b, isthand Douglas Sts., Omaha. papal ifTUm - Interna- ( Wr M?M - . tional LSI iWrritr-rrfki H 'Aj Dentifrice fl '. HnwU iVl'i i'-Vs fi I : . Maktha teeth beautiful, the V. 9 l-UlJUlilllUtll 1 ty. Preserve a Well aa beautlflea 9 f teetu. OvBrcomwt all the ohjectlon. (Jl . IS ' ' i i iy , I nl.ln featurea found In powders and H !." V b tiiSlt Sr ll'PildH. Convenient to uiw and carry. Tl:; J2: - la WtEXm. At ull drumUlt. 1 -L" ' Chicago. U.S.A. I J Want Is the mother of Invention." when soft coal was discovered It was neces sary for some one to invent a heating stove o ourn it in. ur. lien lam In Kranklin in vented the stove shown In our cut. it ombined the cheerfulness of an open flre- ntce, gave perfect ventilation and radiated eat in a way that surprised evervone who sed them. It was the onlv stove made In he eighteenth century that was a perfect uccess rrom tne very start, and practically remained unchanged from 1775 to the pres- ni time, covering a perioa or over 1J5 ears. It Is the oldest stove we carrv re pairs for. Should you need repairs for our stove, and If made prior to 1775. it would hardly pay you to visit the Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1207 Douglas street, where over 2,000,0(10 pounds of stove, range lid iiirnaee repairs are carried in stock. vxsc- For 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curing Catarrh Tba Oldest Remedy, him a national rep-itation and hita never been equalled for the inatant relief and pxrmunent cure nf Catarrh, Colila in the head and th :tenriant fieariarhe and lleafnraa, Htv atorea a Hrua of Kuiell, Immediate relief guaranteed. Ou irauteed p.'rfectlt harmleaa. Ak our dealer for It. Hi fuaeall autiet itutea. Price PS .enta. All drunm.ia, ar bj mail boat l id. Circu art fret. P. C. KEITH, (Mfr.l. Cleveland. Ohio And 1 AXLES for Easy to Play, Easy to Buy Victor Talking Machine No Home Complete Without a riachines from $15 to $50. Sold on weekly payments of $1.25, Send for new catalogue. A. HOSPE, 1513 Douglas Street, Omaha. Western Distributor. The "Big Four" A Railroad Of the People Operated For the People And Recognized By the People As the standard passenger Una of the Central States. 2,500 miles of railway in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Kentucky and Michigan Write for folderi. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe. GenJl "'I- At. Gen'l P. Tkt.Agt. AT. A.' CINCINNATI, OHIO. ISP