Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1902, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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    nrn o 3 la ha datlt bee: sldat. ovembeti 30. idoc.
Barber Catnpanw aUta Timn raaan
fintabla for larawfol ivdda.
Our recent large purchase of seasonable and stylish goods at an unusual price concession has been augmented by still another of no less xm-
portance. Amonj: the mot n"tab! ppecial are black and co'or-d drv roods, silks, srioves. skirts, jackets and uits. Ladie and children's handkerchief of evry decription. fa-.cT liac.
flannel, blanket. and comforts. Theie piods are not only timely, but their companionable indnement price is mmt advantageou.
etwwwVa waaew
A lew rb
L, L 1 L ,
Flni a HiK Cm leatwndeut.)
LTNCOL.N. Nov Special. The
mayor ami city attorney have been in eou
lerenre a: moot ail day ever the question
f whether or sot the city (halt accept
the tili tunrtu ef esoaaut paving just i
MmBlwH on aut O street by the Grwn '
Slver company, which lays rock asphalt.
Agents wf the Bartwr company hava been
active m prayng to the council that the
auuertai dees aot contain the amount at
Mraan rejutrd by the contract or bch
ary for a first -ciass psvtng. and hsve
senviared that body thai the rark brand
la laden In that eseenuBl.
The Gr-ra River wupepy Insists that
$ra pavement ia all right aayway. and oilers
ta Put up a bond amounting to e per cm
eepted by the ommltn. and the council
will b utrd to eon arm this actum Moaday
The "Teh asphalt penple Save eoatracts I
for a dosen man blocks in the dry. but It j
has been decided that they must bring th !
vrn'aao of biuimm in tha material to
aa aanl up to 1 pr rnt. or it t!i not ba
aoraiittwd ta o on with th wor. Aa rork
aapluuc doa not roataio. aa testa har
ahown. mm than pr ent. taa cl'.f will i
tnalat that fcrisn aapbait b mii"d wtth j
it Tbia win inrraaf the roat of the aom
paay alMut 10 eenta a yard.
Tho dry a-jthmtiei ha-rn bin a mm inn
eatttlmiaiy in the matter, aa :hla the 9rat
aanotu rtmieiion the Barter company
Baa had in city contract!, and tbera aa
deaire to drop back to the old days wen
tie Barker people chanted whaleTW the
tralc wquid arar.
Utile 1W raw.
B-r. Rowland P HHla appltratlon Tnr
AlTorce wan diamiaaetl on hia motion tn
diotrtrt ponrt tnday Hllla waa a fnnaer
ehuprh of England r:rrr mma. who laat
kl i ffwrrk heeauae he deaerted hia Enailah
wtfe. He aiway frialmed tha narrun waa
illegal. Be came to America, and at Blair
married the d-uaiiter if a farmer The
woman whom he marred first Anally lo
omed him. and caused ata arceat fir bisaaiy.
U0 pit ay and waa renpiared In Wash
mnton. Tha court gave him four yeara in
atate's prtaon. A few months ago. wnlle
mill an inmate cf the prison, am aled suit I
tor a dlTortie from h a 8rt wife, aileatntl I
dasefiun. He- waa later paroled and ia
bow working Omaha. He will bring full for j
dlTorra ther.
Letviara aw Defeaaaat. !
El-Warden Leidigh la dfeniiant in a roit j
an in diatnrt rourt today. In whlrh
John H. Keerer sties him for Slife for
aei !cea rendered and money leaned.
SirTer had charxe of Leid'gh s Ice btsil
neea tn ."Sebrsska City, when the latter waa
This ia the aecond trial of the case. The
t-n resulted favorably tn Keerer. Lidigh !
rtaima that Keever kept h:a baoka tn such
a way that he cannot u!I head a or tail of
ftetn. hut agnrea out thai Kceer haa re
rrfeed SS.eMa mare than ha arcs tinted for.
The tnai court, the Urst time, inairacted
t"o Jury that IT It waa convinced the en-r-es
were made for a fraudulent purpose
rnd intentionally. It ascnld find fur iim.
TUe avpresm eaurt saws tirta lnatnctM ia
arong heeauae It does aof mat tor ia law
yhether a bookkeeper wflf-aU-z. or mis.
t-.kenly faila ta) make proper ereflta, no m
responsible tar all ahortaLgea.
rtaai mt Ta
John Rerson wants a rehearing in su
preme court of Uw case wherein ha waa
tld ta nava been Justly con dieted af the
rutting of trees aa state land. Hia artor
nay aaya that the attorney general pre-
ailed ipsa the supreme court ta render a
favorable deciaioa by "the beating af torn- j
tnma. the blowing of buglea and the use af
r"VhaJ fripperies.' He eoanplaiaa that tha I
court paaaed r hia assignments af error
witaout giving them any attention, i
"What." ha demanda. "la tha nae of mak- I
lng a laiMsred effort to cite authorities j
when tha court igneres tha work of;
Kversoa cut omner aa a piece af land he
atate got by levying exerutioa open the
farm af Jamea Whitney, ex -county rnsa
r"vr af Hartaa county, la payment af the
fine ha received at the same time he waa
sent to the penitentiary. Everaoa a eon
rentloa is that Whitney having paid the
penalty for hia offense by serving a term
ef tmucleoament cannot aiaa be deprived
of hia farm in the way that waa attempted,
rod that being annaaatble. therefore, be.
rveraoa. did aot rut any Umber
IfeitiM veaaesrere :
Land Commissioner Failmer today aa
anunoed the anomtmsat of Re ben Harvey
of St. Paul to take the place of draagata
oan tn hia a (Bee. made vacant by the resig
nation of Ales SchlegeL Mr Harvey ta a
rTirveyor of many years' experleame. Be
aase this sfteraooa to go over the surveys
with Mr. Schiegei sad familiarise himself
with the work. Be waa aa assistant to Mr.
Sv-hiagel when the latter waa chief clerk
wf tha CnttJ-d Statea survey ta Nebraska
aad Iowa. Ha hi at present county sur
veyor of Howard county Mr. achiegel
appointment ta Idaho, it tranapirea. was
made by tha secretary of the Interior oa
the penommeadaiiaa of the Civil Service
-ammieaiae and ia simply a 11 iiisish innai
!nta the civil service Mr. Schiegel volun
tarily keft osase years ago.
Mr Harvey waa connected with the sur
veys made by the aid surveyor geaerai's
iffiee ac rTat-.amonth from IMS to laM. He
aided ta Bsaay of the sw-aeya ass is ia tats
state aad la therefore familiar- wtth the
reeorda. aad aa haa doae government work
frooa Nebraska aad South Dakota aa far
Dr. AJma Chapi
physician at the Haotiage asylum far the
lacaraale loaaaa. has aaaated ta her reatg
Barina vs the awveraor aad tae suu bob
beea accepted. This swlaatary wtthdrawai
Seat her poettioa waa made asranae of tae
fact, that most of the aadeata ta the aww
wing ara malaa. aad it has beea taooght
bast that they ahooid ho stteaded by a '
nhvaieiaa. Geveraor Savage said today that
Travelers TTrse Saver
auaaaar oa saio ac all
Fuaitaaed by Traeel-
Gin as
24 Faraaai aueot.
and Comforts
Our stock of thew jrnods i
now immenf and jou can onJj
appreciate the price advantazi
bj ctmparta them with other
tore prices.
Best and Heaviest Fleece
A: pair. tl-Sa. SX-2. TUW.
Mtc. T5c aad.
All Wool FLaid Blankets
Good heavy weight and gi ueroua sua,
pT.." 3.50
White Woolen Blankets
Bound wtth one-inch silk blading, va
ahrlnkabla and worth C(W. T rj
at pair JtO J
AJI Wool tilxer Gray Blaorkets
Sxrra large aise aad would be i QT
called cheap at M.75, Bow, pair . . i ZJ 3
White-Row Blankets
Ail pure wool and twilled, inswlag
good wear, worth at
SU Mary! Carrtngtoa. V Bremer. Dav
enport. Princeton aad Bay-new
miUa. at pair. K.So ta.
Lary Comforts r-
ery fluffy, hand knotted. atlkoUae eov
ersat aad filed with aanltary oocton.
worth from C.M to C5 each; aur
apetnal sale pnea. eaca. C51,
tZ.3. K.SZ. 113 aad
Wool Comforts
la extra sise. beaoufal waal
abie covering, at eaca ....
Linen Department
Entire sample line of pillow e-"" aad
bureau scarfs, bought from large im
porter, no two alike.
ISris-tnch bureaa ocarfa aad CxS-iach
pillow ahaaaa la tambour embroidery,
honttoa lace inaertioa. bomaett tounda
uan. mounted ia tambour effecta aad
many ether beaatlfnl styles, worth up
to tL.M a piece, on oaia at each. S3-04
Cj. tSLM. C.3, Cat tLM.
ST.M. 75e. txt. Sc. 3c
and .........
CI any lacs and hand embroidered dailies
aad center pieces at each. CTj. CLM.
CL50. cm. n.7n. tu-a. na. r. rs.
cae. tuc. 75c, ac sa.
AH Remnants of Table Linen
Accumulated during Tiankagtvtng sale
win be aold at greatly radncae. pnoea.
Ail ockt t.k aaasa aapktna wilt- aa aold at
Embroidered bach dotha ia ZX-iaca. M
iach and ss-iacfe at each, 4 -j e
Ctf. Cfi and lej J
the appointment of Dr. Chapman a sttrces-
sot is left entirely to Superintendent Kern. I
but thst Dr. 3. J. Stewart will undoubtedly
be appointed, if he has aot already been, j
Dr. Stewart's hams is ta Lincoln.
-i 1 7 ai .ui up, loubu ss uaui nu uieo
ia supreme court his petitlaa in error in
the saas whereia Judge Baxter granted a
writ of mandamus requiring the city coua-
cil to make aa appropriation for the pay-
mrat ef the, -salaries of the sew Are and
pollfB com mission aad excise sad license
soard. aad requiring the mayor to approve
It. The papers were docketed today.
Benjamin T. White, Jamea B. Saei'aa aad
McNaaa A Olwana. aa attorneya for the Elk-
horn railway, save filed a brief in the suit i
ef George Gaytoa s gainst the Sioux City
A Paclflc Bailroad egmpany. which cornea 1
to the supreme court with the railway com
pany aa plaintiff ia error, ta which they
deal with the apposing counsel. F. W. But
Laa ef Frenssnt, without gloves. The brief
la ia reply ta oae filed by Button.
Cess seast Tl
FALLS CITY. NetL. Nov. 29 Special. )'
Aa interesting faatare af Thanksgiving
- a UWa a. the Cenual a,hooL S.x
suih grade girla took tao amrmaxive and
six boya the negative af the question
"Should Women Be Allowed to Vol I
The judges decided in iavor of tha girls. ;
Appropriate exercises were held in the !
ether grades.
Thanaagivtag charity work waa earned
oa largely by the arhoola. Denaxiona were
tret taaea to the schools aad then ta the
. . , .
""1 ...I JTT
church, wtero they were dl.rnbed by a
onnmttloe to the bum-if ady paa.
wltoM semes were faralsaed by the
asissik aisisoa.
FALLS CITY. Nee, Nov. 29. .Special.)
-A day or two ago Mrs. M yea way.
wtfs ef the pastor of too Baptist church,
ta taking a ara
bottle aad (owl
It almost proved
sailed at once aaai
A payalcisa
aTatiiarwqr4 aatarsT.
Bv. A. BL
Myattway renamed
staring that hia
living at Coraing, law waa
petal of death.
WACNETA. Neb.. Nov. 29.
Special Tel-
BL Thmaas. a colored bar-
aad aa aid resident af Waaaefa. was
ta bed thia Bsormaa. Ha had
sea aiaea Tharaday evening aad
being ai aassd rsaardiBg ata
hia dear waa toroed a pea aad
hia body fooad. Hia reiauvea. if ao has
aay. are aot kaowa hare. Tha soreoiir haa
I NORFOLK. Nesw Nov. 29. 1 Special Tel-
egram. ) This aftsrsaoa. whiia skating oa
I the Narta Pork with severs! companions,
! Shelly Liatteum. aged IX ventured oat too
Sap mm the ram imm arf mmm li us T.
after aaeut aa aouw-aad
It waa sense
I Hat aerora he aould hs Uleaufiod. thssa
I wna aim knowing saiy hia ttrat ssiao
wish's. Misses', teays' Ctnirtrs
Winter Indenvear
and Hosiery
We-imI Iteiti tmtr wWMaaT raslew.
-' a. Jepsrat.
,""" '' Mew'a. aVsvW mm CmU
drv-w a
cottoo, fleece Uaed. sliver gray linen
tops and pearl huttuaa; warm, eoft
underwear. n '
Special 4COC
LADrES- VE3T A-TD PA-VTS-to heavy
weight fleer, lined Egyptian cotton, atlk
crocheted trimming, guaaeted r fs
aleeve. special UUC
I-adiea' Caion Salts la heavy fleered eot
fci aaT 77 P"1 fr'rat aJ
Special 60C
Ladies Mtmaing Union Suite la heavy
silk, fle-cetl. silver gray and arm. open
front and open acmea bust, a perfect
lltting garment, warm and A ff
comtortsiiie. Special 1UU
Ladiea- Mmslng Taion Suits Medium
weight, cotton. One ribbed, ecru aad
cr-am. soft and light weight to the
hody. Special U . fj
Ladiea' Muneing Pleated Caton Suite Two
Lhirda wool, the only garment flnlshed
wlta flat sesma. and 3ts well, hair open
fronts and open acmes tha buat. medium
and heavy weights, .
ax CT5. C-3 and l.OU
Lad'-es' White Wool Swiss Bibbed Vest aad
Pkota Warm, comfortable and non
shnnkabie. A df
Speclsl. each laUU
Ladles' Vercertxed Starling Cnien Suits
Flesh and bine, new front, buttoned en
annul der. a warm garment to be wrn
Instead of wool. Q C f
Special, each. 4jeDU
CBlldraa'i Heavy Fleered Vest and Draw
ers Aiso fleeced Jeise? ribbed vest aad
pants. oera and gray. Bar beys
and girls. f)r n
Hpecla-. each
Children s Stunalng Union Suits Two-thirds
wool aad fleece lined, open and drop
seat, easy and eomfortaliia to 7
wear. each. C38 and I OC
Ladles' Black Wool and Fleece Luted Hooe
Double heei and too. elastic top. Q f-
a good black, per pair 0C
Ladies' Black Caanmere Hose IT'ne gual
tty. spliced heei and toe, azfnrd foot: also
oat sixes, large and elastic
tops. Special, pair.... . UUC
Cluidren s Black Wool Hooe Double knee,
heel and toe. fine ribbed, aiaa fleea
lined hooe: ail naoa. OfZ
Special a-OC
Boys' Heavy Woal School Hose Wide rib
bed, double kaea. heel aad toe. warm
and eomfnrtaaie far school wear; also
heavy sad medium weights, Q T
cottaa hose aCOC
Children s and Infants' Wool Drawer Leg
gins Wlii and without feet, mack aad
nayr DltT rYfTTIVr TIlfTs
DUl J QA I L LAlllLll 1 LAL
Hold Up bv CamTttZUasg Vflila BeaCaf
1 - wr et
( " " i"atiJ'
, Foe seal tw Jmmtm frwea Traiat WhUe U
as Mwwtaai aaiel
i alias d. Tka(k ac
IT Iajwswsl.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. Nov. 29. 1 Special, r
Elwond Ki&iSmaa aad Fred Brown, two
Fills City bays, had an exciting and daa
geraua expenenca a few evenings ago. The
boys had been to Wymore. where they se
cured work on the raUroad and were on
their wsy hams ta get their beiongtnan.
Tb'5' wm bU!nnn" "" fret j
, mu . u WW UI - V Win nU.
or revolvers ami robbed them of every-
h , , . '
. , w-k - , 1 ,v "
lump from the tra.n. which was going at
; a high rate of speed. The boya were badly j
1 Fine swaear mt taw liaaao Ftaata
taw Whs taw.
j DA VTD CITY. Neb.. Nov. 29. (Special.)
; About ana inch of enow fell yesterday and
' last night. The mereurv fell tat a few de-
- -
h""" ' farm-
m through with am husking, but aot
mora tftsa oa-keUf of the earn husked.
The crop ao far aa iwnoru ia of bettor
, qilMUlf aUXU TlVtlXgl KatsTV PT gUTTf TAU WU
YORK. Neb.. Nov. 29. Special. About
one sad a half laches of snow fell yester-
day aad ssaigat UtUo af It Is left. Ths
awe flurry will aot atop tha farmers from
gathertag their large eras cf earn. Winter
ia taw heat of condition. Good
use tais year aseaa
taurry-five to fifty auaheia to the acre. A
barge acrsage of alfalfa waa put ta this
fail sad promises ta be a first -class stand.
York eoanty farmers are seeding their
j farms to alfalfa, nmothy aad clover aad
are each year lawnweatag their
eat lie aad Bogs.
h0 of
Saow bsgsa faHiag yuoioi lay afternoon.
and today there fully ass half of aa lack
oa the ground- The ai'n nry otaada at IS
dogi use aaeeo asro thia Bsoraing. with the
aua shining brightly. The gatasnag of tha
sera area is weU advaaced. sease farmers
being through wtth this wars. The yield
generally la a great diaamias" -reel ta the
aa few fields produce ever forty
Iowa ta twenty
hnskeia. Cera piaatasd befure May 10 is
aaually rtpo, but much of tha ears was!
plaated after Uua date owing to rains about
that tune aad will he of poor quality.
aCHUYLEH. Neb.. Nov. 29. iSoeriaL
vrw a . . - lull -
lorday afteraooa aad last night, eavenna
the ground aureiy aad koavtna the auaav
apaore snta a ciearaess aad rnopnaaa of
ataiar. Cwsass af Simrada are oat today
Holiday HandK'r'f's
The holidaj aean is mw ap
priaxrhinj: and handkerchiefs
will be in great demand- An
ticipate tout wants and take
advantage of tie special valnes
we are offerinjr.
Ladies Hemstitched Embroid
ered Handkerchiefs
warranted every thread linen,
dainty new deal ans compare Thee
handkerchiefs offered at 25c
each special each..... .... ..
t with
Ladies" Pine Embroidered
F?ne Iran and SWss embroidery work
aarTrrw hemstitched and acailaped bor
ders, every thread linen, wonderful
values at each. 75c. 50c Q
3tc and &uC
Ladies French and Swiss Hand
Embnndereti Handkerchiefs
an very flne sheer lines, very dainty de
signs, at each, from 18 down A Cf
to C.5s. 1X75 and- leOU
Ladies French VaL Mecklin
and Lhichesn Lace Border
at earn, from down tn Qn
ZLM. $-j0. IT. 75c. See aad OUC
Latiies' Hand Embroidered In
itial Pure Linen Hemstitched
Extra vaiuee, at each. Sc.
lie. lac aad JO
Ladies Hemstitched Sheer
Linen Handkerchiefs
Harrow hemstitched border, eiei j thread
linen actual value 4 CXrt
15c special 1UC
Novelties in Laces
as. Silk tjsfr.iaerel1 Appliqaes
it Very Reasssable Prices.
Novelties in Fancy Trtredo
and Hemstitched Chiffon Veils.
?ovelties in Wrist Bars
ta an the sew leathers. Persian and Aa
wgue Taneacry, with all the la t sot mount
ings, at each, from S12.5S down a ff
to C5i. C C-7E. r5 laUU
Novelties in Neckwear, Auto
mobile and Fancy Stocks
In taffeta, gauss, crepe de china, etc.
neatly tarkwd. knotted; novel ee
mgsa; wonderful values, at eaca. from
CM down ta tLS. CM. Cfj.
T5C, MaeC aatdae w r W
All Silk Brilliant Satin Taffeta
Ribbons at almost half price
Full ass sr I ef aew. aright
Bee what yea caa buy far a
IfiC X2c Uc Sc 7c tc sod..
after tha rabbits, which are reported ta
be unusually aiunerana. Thua far this sea-
son hunting has been very poor sport, there
having been but few dncka at any rime,
aad what few geeso there were naaeed
quicauy on to ue botls. apparently quau
exist ia great numbers through tha tnflu-
once of the game law.
LXVWQOD. Neb.. Nov. 2S. Special.
The flrst snow of tha season fen last even-
lng. II ia melting off rapidly tooay. Corn
ta nearly all husked.
j PAPTLLION. Neb.. Nov. 71. (Special-)
. Four-fifths of the farmers of Sarpy county
will have their com in crib this week. The
imailrv 1b Imt-m tSin nwrl Tr will
average from farry ta fifty bushels to the
Csad Deiatyw Fieiiasdloaa
that r
Nov. 29. The Biabop
.... ,. .
j Bonacum-Father Murphy lit lgstina over the
1 church property and diapoaitioa of mission
1 ary funda in tha panah has been carried
agaia to the seat ef the chur-ih ia Rome.
Judge Good thia morning ordered that a
t depcaitian be taken before the United States
i ambassador there, eatabilaoing the suthea-
ticity cf the purported decieraa of Pope Leo. 1 snd received better profit thaa waa anutu
j This nostnonea the ease forty days. 1 paxed. There are now two elevators ia
VAT.K7CTTNE. Neb.. Nov. 29. Special.)
John and Barry Juaod were sent raced ta
five yeara ta tha penitentiary for 'i-g
aaeut (.Mai aouada of wire from David A.
; Hancock,
1 , .
large ranchman. They were
. jiuuj caarwea mzim l aciaiaa 4. wesson,
wh. ... mmnlm
; court convened after a few auaui-.
I wu rwn 9nlKmlm
uiwti. When court convened he did aot
diacovored thai. I
horse from
livery bars and j
j wi !T in the dlrertmn mt 9euth r-m
f,w allies distant. The sbenff reported
' xm the eourr. sad tha eoart ordered kirn
trv emtek him. Tk. tart n kl.l
; a day. aad then dlocharged aad the bond
. mt aefraoaat. which waa laM. waa declared
tmrtmtmm av rh nn
Crew taw eo WaM a Shaw.
TECTMSE-H. Neb.. Nov. 29 ( Special.)
"Sea F. E Jones, tae merchant at Graf,
i thia eeunry. left the country aa gave his
; taather-ia-iaw. W. C Corrtngton. to whom
I he was !adttd. a bill of sale for hia
I stork of merchaadlae amaununa ta Beariv
B.SM. Numerwos whiinas luri aow soma
iato taa Johnaaa osuary court aad no-
deever to have tha bill of aaie aet aside !
that they aiay eolleet their ciaima Mr.
Joaaa woo oaee a Methodist preacaer aad
he departed from Graf suddenly ktst Sua
day. leaving hia wife and child behind. It
ib aot kaowa that ho in aay oay iaerua
tsatod himself.
liarBMC rrln
7 Lastw.
BEATRICE. Nebv. Now. 29. (Special.
1 The Alfred Cearue farm of 2at acres, near
j thia ary. was aold Thursday for per
taa top price oe tar paid tor Hmjfa
I w.. '
! Henuiae. waa tha same tu aeid hia tu.
mt 3ka acres ia Bum uvimi. tm wti.
j liam Pardoo ear C4 per acre. Aaothxr
mrnrn that day waa tao Wioho quarter asa-
This Week Comes
the Climax of the
Season's Ready-to-Wear
HundresL of perfectly fash
ioner! garments selected from
recent heavy purchases, arrayed
for speedy selling. If yon have
a single need for Cloaks. Furs,
Skirts or Tailor ilaJe Suits,
dont mii this opportunity.
for R2. 27-inch
Special offering of 2D gar
meata. Made ef very line
kersey. heavy eatln lined, aemi-flttlng
back. All colors.
for nS.J" rr-tnch half
flttmg aad 30-tnch
Xonta Carina. Soma
with yoke back, some with double capes,
all eoiora. ail wool kersey aad heavy
satin lined.
ley rr for 6. '
l.UU !!. CaT!
tnr 3 and AG-inch
o; a most
aleennt snowing of
these faahionabie garments: materiaia.
kerseys, monCaca aad seoelinee; lined with
guaranteed linings.
mm " f tmr S40.M Veiour
a O ij Blouse Jackets. For
urea wtw ijMxrr im
nothing as fashionable as a veioar jacket.
Our line la complete tn every detail. They
are trimmed with beautiful silk and let
t s r C3.00 Walking
Suits. Elegant suits of
Scotch mixtures, invis
ible piaids and snowflaka matenaia: Nor
folk jackets Uaed wtth heavy taffeta atlk:
akirta. aiot s warns aad suited.
furs! Furs!
for Slt-M Sable and
Isabella Fax Scarfs: 50
tacaea loag, trimmed
two large, boshy tails aad tear sawn.
for CS.M Squirrel
carfa: S laches ksag.
trtSBased wtth four sil
ver fax tails. Uned wtth ermine.
Other special valnes la Squirrel Sta. fa
at ES-M. CM. O.N.
' Hon, tn Lincoln township, far S.M0, tha
parehsser being 34 r. Martin af OdelL this
ai tVytwar asa a Traeaa.
v.&.i.jui. liii, .-kd,,
Now. 21. (ape-
ciaL ) Henry Heal on. nolloe judge of thia
; city, was found oa the Colon Pacific tracka
Wednesday night ia aa unconscious etmill-
tion. with a wound over the right eye aad
bruises aa the back of the head. Ho died
Thursday afternoon. Aa Inquest waa held J
and the verdict waa that deaxh waa caused j
' by wounds received to a manner unknown ,
ta the Jury. Some think he waa struck by 1
a Doaslns train while mlieee hellevw Hot
i was waylaid. There were ao marks of vio-
leace ether than an the head.
TORE. Neb.. Nov. 29. i Special) Tor
some time the business men of York kave
been agitating the building of a new pas-
senger station here. This week they were
informed that tha Burlington contemplated
building a fine depot that would be a credit !
I to the city, and that in all probability the
. . ' ., , . 7- .
work of building would commence tn the
i spring.
ss tau Fs
Nov. 29.-
TH-AYEB, Neb.. Nov. 29. Special.
The Farmers' Elevator eamnaev at Tlievape
made its first shipment of grain this week
York oounty operated by the farmers and
nearly every tows ia agitating a farmers'
j elevator eompaay.
IWt-i Voaaiow.
Neb.. Nov. 29. (Special.)
per month, with CG ,
. wees pay. saw juk dtcs granxoa m jooepa
l G. U atl-sr af a Coming couary j
toy who . a. killed tn tA. charge at fO
Caney. Cut-. Two young men of Cumin, '
county loot their Uvea ia the Cubea war. I
! Yirrrriw Nee. New -iiioHl i I
The Hitchcock Cennry Teachers' asoacia- !
I tin la trailed to meet at t rat tun. Decern- !
. W t a mi .etsr. v.. mm l i
I A Joint BMetina with Bed Willow win he I
; held at McCaoa Decern ber IX a aweclMj I
Moral Aswa
BEA THICK, Nea., Now. 29. Special.) I
Livtagstoa chapter . No. 10. Koyai Arch Ma-
sens, met aad elected sffl iters for tha oa- '
i suiag term
tollews: a A. GilUUad. '
high ariest; J. E. Fiahor, king: Ben A.
I Jsmim mmmm- o a liuu i .r.r--
I 6. L. Csie. letoi 'lei1.
TaTXMSEH. Neb-. Nov. 29. t Special.)
The Chariea M. Chamneriaia aosse uiopei tj
here waa aold this week ta Judge Joaa !
Wilaoa ftar a eonaideratiua of K0m. Mra. I
ChamBeriaia aad Laa children will abort ly '
remove ta Cltaoia.
Wlater Wkast U
BBUTaUCE. Neb.. Now. 19. I Special.
sauauaily largo amoaat of wi
! beea sown ia Gage county thia
j farmers report that it ia ta splendid
I r-rv n n. .
taraeg aaoot. three aulea
jastrrlsT. Bliaa aUnaaa, a
Special.) At i
south of towi
a af
A pension of I
program has beea arranged.
id Gloves
for Street as Lveaiarj Vear
Tf efeusoe
T.":. 2.CX)
Sbelbura mtraea.
1 -clasp
Trefousee Delorms suedes.
Perr-n s La Mure Giace.
Dent's EngUsh Walking dove
2- ciap
White piques, self and black
Arachae. beat dollar glove
The above Unea all come in the load
ing eoiora. black, white modes, "-aa. bro-. a
and gray.
Evening and Full Pre Cloves
12. It and 2s-button lengths.
Street Gloves
Uniined Morhaa. 2 large pearl
eiaap v. ..
C alined reindeer. 2 large
pearl eiasp
Beat waiking and driving
gloves made 2-ciasp
Black, modea aad grays a large ae-
sortmest of children's gloves.
Golf Gloves
Aa endless variety. Black, biack and
wbita fancy mixtures and
plain colors, 75c, 50c and
Glen's Gloves
Complete lines of the most desirable
styles in silk lined and uniined kid gloves
and golf gioves.
311k lined kid glovea at CM,
C5 and
Dress snd walking gloves at
CM. 11.50. and
Golf glovea ia the newest colors and
rs and
stripes for men and boys.
CM dowa to a pair ......
The Art Department
Is showing all the latest novelties la
For French and Mount Meillck Em
broidery. New Colored Stamped Licen Center
Pieces snd Table Covers.
la the Little Dutch Queen. Nebraska
Cnreerairy, Elks, floral and conven
tional designs.
co v Ens
Queen and silk dowa sofa pillows ta ail
Sofa pillow cords and ribbons in all tha
new colorings.
Arabian aad point lace braids.
Large variety of novel designs.
Ia an the bow shapes and colorings.
"Columbia Shetland floaa, hiack. white
and ookrrs.
"Columbla" Shetlaad wool, biack, whlta
and colors.
Brainard a ArraaTronga embroidery silks
' la holders.
nan. waa shot ta tha back of the head
while tending the trap.
The aeddrnt waa'
caused by the premature dlaeharga of a
run ia the hands of Mr. Dattoa. About
thirty soot lodged in the young
head. It is believed the injury win
, prove fatal.
j rvns-' ur n- "wlnu1
NewaIy taw atmcxrw Vnt
WASHINGTON. Nov. 23 Forecast :
For Nebraska, Iowa. Misaouii. g - - - and
South Dakota Fair Sunday and Monday.
For North Dakota Fair and warmer Sun
day: Man day fair.
For Montana. Wyoming and Colorado
F"r Sunday and Monday.
' rar niinois Fair and colder Sunday
' aaaday fair; brisk aorthwest wiada.
pf-rturv guiil pr-vcipitaiion eomparttl wt a
1 tne corrMponouigf day of tn last thr
' aWi- AVL jJeW. A-.
aaT issues-..--. 1 a T raa f 31 -r
Maximum X9 niptira V xt J7 al
Minimum remperacire
V 2S Jb AZ
Record of temperature and precipitjion
st Oma&a far taia day and since March 1.
Normal temperature
Pcaa for the day 4
Total excess since March L W8 2M
"v7e ire rtrr
prosd cf the 1
fact tiixt doc
tors so jrrner
tHy iadorse
Ayer's Cher
ry PcctoriL
reasons for pi
this: t-irsr,
we send die
formula to
any physician
upon request;
and, second,
the physiciaa
sees for himself that the medicine is all we claim for it.
v7e male no extravagant clsfms. we raise no false hopes.
Cherry Pectoral
Sixty years cf experience make as believe that this is the
best medicine hi the world for colds, coughs, croup, bron
chitis, and iH other throat and lung troubles. And the doctors
asree waa as. rano s:
Trench Flannels
W sr aow showing more str'es than
e-r and the prre of these genuine im-pnn-d
goods never was so low. 73c
and .'- kind, now r- r
-an bUc
Outing flannel
That ia sold Sv ail wholesalers in oaae
lots ac 7"-v". can be hau
hers in any cpiaatitr. at yard ."DC
Beth tw-iled and fleeced, smtabla
wrapper, saques. kinmnas and
-rsista. ail eoiors snd every conceivable
design, a', yard. lie. IZe
Marcella Waistings
A beautifal imitation of impor-rd French
novelty gocda. ail washabie and -y
all fast colors, only yard C -DC
White Skirting
We are enabled ta give the vry best
vaiuee ever seen in skirting flanneia. no
matter what price you want e pay, be it
2ic C 2Tc. SOc. c or 73c yard. We
save you from 10 to e yard on your
White Fleece
Lined Pique
We believe our assortment of these very
popular waistings is the largest and our
prices for quality ia the lowest, 22-tach
wide. yard, at e We. iuc A r
aad 40C
Mercerized Oxford
In white wtth black stripe and
white, worth CiW yard, spe
cial price, yard .,
Great Remnant Sale
Co I arc Dress GcaJs at Ose Half
BctjaUr Price.
Ail remnants high class dreks
pools, one-half price.
Zibelines, canvas cloth. cheTi
ots. sno-aTflaketi, broadcloth.
Venetians, etc AH
of black dress jroixls inclmled in
this sale.
Nrrrmal precinitarion
I T-i . . " "
i-'"7"T aay n men
" ' nm- JliU -III i. ..JS.SS incites
j since Maim 1 3 mcties
J-enciency for cor. pen 1 id :sl i. 79 Inches
xc-v lor tie cor. period ti men
Dseraser Aten.
The following data for rtie mourn of t-e-crmoer.
covering a pertml nt thirty-cwo
years, have oven compiled rtim the
Wa,lier burenu r'ord at umalm .
Temperature Mean or normal tempera-rjr-.
The warmest month waa that of He, with
an average of J'.
The cot (lev? month waa that of 1X79 with
I an averag of 17.
I The hienesr temperature waa 7T, on De
1 cemoer ki. Ue.
The inweer temperature waa IT, on De
cember 3. 179.
Average uate on which flrsr "killing''
frost e-currel tn s jrumn. Octoner 7.
Average dute on wmrn iat "kliiing" froat
occurred in spring. April ii.
Precipltiuion train ur melted snowi Av
eraae for uie miintn. i SC men.
Average nuroner of nays with -IE of an
inch or more. 7.
The greatest ironthiy precipitation was
2.! lnrnm, in 1K7".
The least montnly predpitatlna was .01
of an sncn. in ihi.
The greatest amount of precipitation re
torted m any twenry-foir conswrutlve
hours waa I.JU Inches, on Decern oer 4 and
7, 1ISC
The greatest amount of snnwtiJI recocted
In artv twenty-four consettuttve hours re
I .. mw 4. ..av ,
' aiaaj us wuun 1 iiP"9 Bw THiy WKgl
! - ,n..h4 r,, r-i-mn.n- - -u,,
r.n ... H a L l m
Wind The nrevailing wtnds have been
from tne nnrtaseit The biiclumt veiucttv
of tne wind was ait miles, from tJie aorta-
1 west on DecemDer 4. UsW.
L. A. tTELgH.
Local Forecast oAcial.
ss,xsl.mjb. icitbcl.
9 I
n n 1 1 1 1 r y.tut i i
mmfmmmmtf '