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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1902)
w i: 21 Members of Xebraaka l.aa, . 1, A. r. anil A. M., and all Master Masons of other lodges are Invited to assemble at Masonic hall, 3608 Capitol avenue, Omaha, at 1 o'clock Sunday, November 30, to attend the funeral cf our deceased brother, J. J Monell. W. H. HANCHETT, W. M. Having aold his Interest In the firm of Myers ft Afterword, he wishes to thank his customers and frlenda for their liberal patronage. SAM J. ASTEROORD. Have Root print It. There'! only one 8tonecyphcr. He prints, We give nothing free, but you will re ceive better value for your money than at any place In Omaha. Many new atyles to choose from. Bandberg A Allen, Thotogra phers, 107 8. 16th. Trjr the Chicago laundry. 'Phono 206. pedal Low Kate to Chicago. November 30, December 1 and 2, $14.75 round trip via "The Northwestern Line." The ONLT double track railway from Omaha. 6 TRAINS DAILY. Route of the electrlo lighted "Overland Limited." Company's offices. 1401-1403 Farnam St. King Cole Self-Rising Buckwheat' the best. H. E. and E. Huberman. Furs remodeled and repaired. 118 Bouth 15th street. Monroe Coal A Feed Co., 807 N. 16. Tel. 971. Card of Thank. To the Cavalry commandry No. 1, the B. of It. E., the O. R. C. and the many kind friends and neighbors, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the many expressions of kindness and sympathy In my recent bereavement. MRS. CARLTON H. PIERCE. Gorham silver teaspoons, set of six, $3.60 to $10. Edholm, Jeweler. See Burns' ad on society page. We wish to extend our most sincere thanks for the kindness shown by our friends, and the many beautiful flowers sent, during the late sickness and death of our dear wife and mother. MR. FRANK DYMKE AND FAMILY. 8. E. Gibson, piano. 316 Ramge block. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. Wonder Why? It's no wonder at all we are rapidly coming to the front when wo make the clothes wo do at the price. Everybody knows how well we make and trim all our garments. We said and we say It yet, we make the best clothes of any tailor In Omaha for the price. All our garments are carefully fitted before being- completed and made by Omaha's best tailors. Salts, fza to 40. Troasers, 8 to f 10. DRESHER 1515 Farnam Street Open Evenings. Grand Pants Co. saaaaiaBSj Pants 83.50 If More No Less, Goat and ' Vest $12.60 Ho More No Less. Have Yea Sean Oii New Quarters? We Invito you to Inspect our goods, that ara selected with the greatest of care. And we want to Impress on your mind that ur goods are strictly all wool and posi tively made In Omaha In our store. Our Price Is f3.5 FOR TROISERS, NO MORE, KO LESS, AND COAT AND VEST M.BO, NO MORE, NO LESS. We guar antee our trousers to be equal to any 35.00 or 7.W trousers In Omaha, or any $20 00 coat and vest In Omaha. We gladly refund your mory if you are not entirely satis fied. Grand Pants Co 205 N. 16th St. New Location. ICE TOOLS! SNOW SCRAPERS. It won't be long before you will ( need Ice tools and snow scrapers. Remember, we are sole agent for the celebrated Wq. T. Wood & Co.'s Tools, And carry the only stock In the west. Send for 1S01 catalogue. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Dndfo Street Hardware and Tools. Ike readier Ladles Tailors. If. M. Llebenthal and II. Runnel have formed a .partnership and opened at 1607 Farnam street the most complete rsrlor for ladles' tailoring In the west. Ibclr exclu tlve line of winter novelties comprises all the season's new and swell styles and the ladles of Omnha are cordially Invited to look over the new fabrics. Mr. Russet was formerly cutter and Utter for Miss Tcrrlll Genuine Imported beer on draught. Ed Usurer's, 1306 Farnam street. Solitaire diamond rings, US up. Edholm. Kntahta of Pythian. ' Brother John J. Monell of Nebraska No. 1 Is dead. Funeral private from residence, 2025 Dodge street, 3 p. m. Sunday. JOHN W. FYFE, K. of R. and 8. Diamond lockets, $10 to $76. Edholm, J'w'r. OVERCOATS The $20.00 overcoats which we now have on sale are fully as good ss you pay $25.00 and $30.00 for, to high priced stores. If you pay more than $20.00 for any ready made Overcoat you pay for something for which the Intrinsic value Is not there. If a $20.00 Overcoat Is above your reach wa have splendid ones for mit 11 no We also have on sale a black and white speckled coat, lined with serge body lin ing and guaranteed Skinner satin iIpac lining, at $10.00. The cloth In this coat Is worth more money. There Is no store In town that shows better and is on Overcoats and Ulsters than we do. Even at tne tow price of $5.00 we give you a de pendable carment. An nur mnltn la "n shoddy good at any price." The Guaran tee Clothing Co., 1619-1521 Douglas Street. If In need of a business or every day suit take a look at what we offer for $760. You pay considerable more monev for tha Identical goods elsewhere. Two For Five Cents ! ' CHILD'S CIGARS, CREMO CIGARS, LILLIAN RUSSELL C1QAH3; the kind which have been sold for 5c each we are soiling at 2 for Sc and the STOCK IS AB SOLUTELY NEW! We have no old stock; don't get a chance to get old; didn't Fair child's Essence of Peosln man sav bo? SMOKE UP NOW, YOU PIKERS. zoc enraaer s r ig fowaer zoc $1.00 Peruna (genuine) sin $1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 64c i.w fierce a uoiden JJiscovery 64c $1.00 Herpiclde (If you want it) 75c $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic (guaranteed) 75c A can of 25c shampoo free with each bott of Parisian Hair Tonic and this ad. $1.00 Iler's Malt Whiskey 1 6J0 $1.00 Canadian Malt Whiskey '(guaran teed 7Ro $1.00 Palne's Celery Compound 75c 11.00 VlNOb (IF XUU WANT IT) 75C $1.00 Lofoten Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil 75c (Lofoten Emulsion has the pure oil In. It; not a lot of cheap wine and a little morrhuol.) c Ornulne Cawtoria 2(c $2.00 Cheater's Pennyroyal Pllla $1.00 OPEN ALWAYS. SGHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUGS TOR Tel. T4T. S. Vf. Cow. IHtfc aaa Chloaga. F. M. Russell Reading Lamps, Electric Oil and Gas. Electric & Gas Fixtures. JU S. 15th St. Telephone SOJ Peyton, Ph. G. Is the Cutting Cutter of Drugs We are making a big slash for cash only. Lillian Russell Cigar, two for 60 60c Colgate's Pansy Blossom 26c $1.00 Magnet Pile Killer ' 26c $1.00 Peruna 62o $1.75 S. 8. 8 $1.14 $1.00 Wahoo. for Blood and Nerves.. 25c 25c Cream of Dew 10c 26o Cutlcura Boap 20c 10c Shaving Soap 6a $2.00 Abbott's Lost Manhood Cure.. .$1.00 $2.00 French Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 26c Alleock's Plasters ;.. 13c 1-quart Fountain Syringe S9o S-quart Fountain Syringe 4c Hot Water Bottles 39c, 49c, 79c 98o $3.60 Spiral Spray Vaginal Syringe. .$1.49 25c Bromo-Qulntna 15c $1.00 Newbro's Herpiclde 800 S5c Castorla 25o Over 40 per cent saved on prescrip tions and family recipes. Mail orders promptly dispatched. 24th and Leavenworth Streets. We Sell Toilet Paper And Lots 0! It, Too. We have two specials, one In pack age and one In rolL We sell them at 10c each, 3 for 25c, or 90c a doten, and they can't be beat for quality. They each contain l,0uO sheets pure, fine tin sue, free from Injurious chemicals. Call us up by 'phone and we will be glad to deliver at your house either one or a dosen rolls or packages. We also have Be packages and rolls, which are good for the price. In fact, we have had customers tell us that our 5c roll la aa good as they have paid 10c for at aome stores. . S. E. HOWELL, Park Ate. and Leavenworth St. Two phoaes. and F-i;i7. Call us up. I V) " JL e i 4 in tir,i $400 to ll.GuC.OO. b Lrutu-j $0.00 to W.'S.UX TIIE OMAIIA DATLY HEE; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1902.' Get What You Ask For The public should. Just at pre-wit, ue extra care to w that thev GET WHAT THKY ASK FOR. A!so to see that the package you buy has not been tampered with by removal of corks, wrappers or labels. The market la full of Imitations and simulations. Read These Gut Prices $3.60 MARVEL WHIRLING SPRAY SYRINGE, we sell $209; by mall. ...$2.25 jMfiiiit-11 b lairuin I'owuer 1UW Kilmer's Bwamp-Root $1.00 Lleterlne, we sell 2!ic Listerlne, we sell 6"c Syrup of Figs, we sell 6c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets $1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets HO pure 2-grain (Julnlne Pills for $1.00 Newbro's Herpiclde, we sell $1.00 Wine of Cardul, we sell 1 pound package Mixed Bird Seed for 5c Wllliame' Pink Pills, we sell , 6c Malted Milk, we sell , $1.00 Sipiibb's Sarsaparllla , $1.00 White Ribbon Liquor Cure , 74o I 6fiol lite I 840 Z'Jo 74o 25c 740 66c 40 390 4o 75o 75o tone aoien lor WRITE FOR OUR CATALOGUE OF DRUGS, PERFUMES AND RUBBER GOODS AT CUT PRICES. 26c Laxative Bromo-Qulnine 15c 25c Orangelne, we sell 19c $1.00 PInkhRm's Compound, we sell.... 69c $1.W Pe-ru-na, we sell 62c $1.75 8. B. S., we sell $1.14 $1.00 Pierce's Medicines, we sell 6!io Alleock's Porous Plasters, 2 for 25c Calder's New Tooth Powder for 0c 6cc Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream. 2c Sherman &McConnell Drug Go. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Cor. 1 6th and Dodge Streets, OilAHA. VP About Fabrics, " Cloths that take hard twists, sewlnsrs thnr mnml tha ot-in buttons that won't break off! linings tnnt last that's what goes under the good looks ui. good fit of our clothing. Like that 'sort of thing? If you do, will be glad to make your clothing. If you like careful, competent service you'll like our fitters, our tailors. If you like to get things "on time," you'll like us still more. It's well worth coming "up the hill" to . get what we'll give you. Suits mar) A to nrrloi. .OK 4 850: Trousers $Q bo 14- MscCarihy Tailoring Co. Phone 1303. 1710-12 Farnam Sf Bee Bldf ., Omaha. 5at. foot Comfort for Men It isn't necessary to wear un comfortable shoes In order to wear stylish shoes. Many men think they must sacrifice com fort If they would have style. Wo can give you both style and comfort in the same pair of shoes. We carry the shoes that fit best and that have the most style and we fit them to the foot as they should be fitted; then they are more stylish, mora comfortable and more durable. Let us show you what style and fit and quality can be put in a shoe for $3.60 and $5.00. FRYsnoEf? fc&DQKUcCU AND '"iPSBiniri 1 0 UliiLJ S84.TS The Rock Island System will sell tickets on Nov. 30th, Dee. 1st and iui to Chicago and return for $1475. good for return until December 1th. TICKET OFFICE, lill Farsam St 0.HAHA. NEB. Foil? f r' Do Arc Solo Agonic 1 STOVES SOLD New Hardware Our new Builder Hardware stock la complete and up-to-date EVERYTHING In HARDWARE Machinist's Tools We are. agents for Brown A Bharpe and Sawyer Tool Mfg. Co. Carpenter's Tools A full line of standard goods at reasonable prices. ri I i.uiion nugers LI Emm Acorn Daso Burner 'V w The little storm of Friday nfght warned people that .winter Is really coming and base burners moved quite lively Saturday. We would like, to have prospective buyers see our line while It la complete. We are Just a little proud of our base burner ex hibit. It so far outclasses competition that we feel that we are 'justified In boasting a little.- Then our prices are within reach. The recent advances in the market have not changed ours; $25 and up for Acorns. JOHN HUSSiE HARDWARE GO. 2407-2409 Cuming St. "If you buy' it of Husslo It's right." WINDOW GLASS PLATE GLASS We Sell It. We Set It Fuller Drug & Paint Go 114 S. Uth Street. TELEPHONE 840. Good Candy for Lit tie Money Peanut Brittle, lb 10c Pure Lemon Drops, lb 10c Cream Caramels, lb S0e Buttercup, lb SOc Chocolate dipped Caramels, lb SOc Cream Wafers, lb S5o pipe Stems, lb...... 40o Baby Curls, lb B0o Imported Candled -Fruit, lb too imported Candied Pineapple, lb 60o Imported Candled Cherries, lb COo Genuine Crackerjack, box (a When shopping remember our regular dinner 25o I r, ... .'-V'0. I a..t -CO.' c; 2 - -ipa-p-Tw, --0 FOR THE CELEBRATED Genuine Round Oaks Garland Oaks Germsn Heaters ALSO FOR " Monitor Malleable Quick Meal Steel J flanges OAK 8TOVES from AIR-TIGHTS from 2-hole LAUNDRY STOVE STEEL RANGES . $5.45 up . $2.75 up . $4.05 up .$27.75 up ON PAYMENTS Cutlery CARVERS We carry the largest variety of guaranteed steel carvers In the city. ROAST CARVERS BIRD CARVERS BREAKFAST CARVERS STEAK CARVERS 2-plece sets from ..... Beautiful display of .$1.40 up POCKET KNIVES COOKS' KNIVES CLEAVERS SLICERS VEGETABLE KNIVES o o n Uth and Farnam Streets. w aims uo ITTsTiW Iv n& THE 99 CENT f STORE" 1513 Podge St. - Middle of the Block This Great Holiday Store is Ready. . . Complete in every detail. We are pre pared to serve you to your entire satis faction. Christmas means more dili gence' in purchase, more care in selecting, more economy in individual expendi tures. You 'want to' niake your Christ mas allowance go as far as possible and get the best for the money spent. ' You get the best from our line and enjoy the giving because the recipient enjoys the receiving. Come while assortments are complete. Purchases may be made now and laid aside until wanted. By Tomorrow The streets will be slushy and you will begin to think about dry shoes for your boy. ' Our "Drexel Special" is a dry shoe, for It's made as near watertight as a shoe can be made and the leather and the coles are of the very best quality. Heavy grain calf uppers, sailcloth lined, extra thick, rock oak sole, leather' soles: Boys' sixes, 2hi to 5, $3.50. Youth's sizes, 13 to 2, S2.25. Little gents' sixes, 10 to 13, $2.00. DREXEL SHOE CO. Catalogue Free for the Asking. Omaha's Un-to-Date Shoe House. 1419 FARNAM STREET. MEtZ You may prefer wine to beer, but If you like the latter there's no better beer brewed than Mets. We do not make as much per bottle or barrel as some others, perhaps, but we sell more of It and everybody Is satisfied. METZ BROS. BREWING CO. Telepkaa lift, Omaha, Or Jacob Neumayer, Arrnt, care Neumayer Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa. XVCOLLAR sMtat)! n mi lw No matter what your needs are find ! here Just right. Tcrfcct fitting tree of charge. Prices one-third to HAY HsrtSchiffrterlL' fcl V Marx i " HndTjiioitdi. rfS II T . V 0;. -iT if mm . . l l.!" rand Overcoat Sale A ".Pl.e.n.'!!d Iarlety of ,he ' bfst stylo and fabrics iu winter overcoats t Aft . t $18.00, $15.00, $12.50, $10.00, $7.50 and UiOO the labe8lfCtl0n N6W ' M' ' OvVwoa'til" Look for SPECIAL SALE BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS- Snecial ,, . Z ; ..m, ucwcbi. una Desi styles on sale Mon- aay. The greatest variety and at most as tonisWngly low prices. Hfinrl tSAfaW salt nrAnl Tl nk . . .v , .. ml 'ii ino reeiers. uimureB, nuea wun tne most durable ages 8 to 16; regular $4.00 values: sale Just received a lot of pretty novelties in T.k v ... Z T v""'" oly'-8. maae up in Russisn pleated back and front, with belt to match; single and double breasted Cossack and the long cut swagger style; made of the best Cambridge, cheviots, kerseys and finest frlexe In medium dark gray and brown mixtures, checks and overplalds, worth m up up to $7.50 special price only $5.00. $4.00 and . V N Boys' suits In very desirable patterns In buu i ueviuiu, maae in vestee and double breasted styles; Just the thing Boys' suits In blacks, and blues, gray vooiincie, m uouoie Dreastea ana 3-plece styles, sale price CbIWU Boys'. suits, made in double breasted styles, ages 8 to 16, In gray and brown mix- , VCT .uu bwiku uueviois; fui uinuo wun aoume seat ana knees reinforced, taped seams; th ese suits would be great values at $5.00 special sale price Read great sales on page 13.. mm Selling the Most DRESS SUITS You'll .get the proper material and have it If you buy from llelgren $5 Gradmann, UNTIL JAN. 1ST torIll LAST CHANGE By request of a large number of patients who we were not able to wait upon, we have decided to extend the time to Jan. 1, so as to give all a chance to get their work done at free clinic prices and to have the professors examine your teeth. PAINLESS EXTRACTING by. one of the most careful extractors In the United States. Work done here by old, experienced, reliable,' accurate, expert dentists, who have come to learn our painless methods. ', Work; , Done TEETH EXTRACTED FREE FILL.IXGS, FROM SUe Work guaranteed 10 years. Established for years. Incorporated under state laws. Call early and avoid the rush. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE, OF PAINLESS ROOT! 4, 1522 DOUQLAS. Open One Way Colonist Excursions at Half Rate Plus S2 ' December 2d and 16th to many points in Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories,. New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Arkansas and Louisiana. lVTV- j 11 I ITT M W il ills it t- 1SSTEAD OF JC Bern fUn' (a a. Ui, Ml Ra RE-NO-MAY POWDER with directions how to cure sweaty and painful feet for 60 cents. CONSULTATION FREE. A. MAYER, 518 Bee Bid.. Omaha, Neb. WHEN YOU BUY A Vols a re not paying for CUKOMOd. sCUiiMt s fUEE. DEALS, ETC, but lor PIKE QUALITY HAVANATOBACCa EQUAL to IMPOHTEOC1GARA, Jf, SU &ICJ0 MBRCAWTIUP ClUAJl OO. MtuOy Si. Louis. Unioa Ma4, Special Sale Men s Suits and flvnrnnats or for what occasion you want clothing you can gua rantecd. All necessary alterations made one - half less than usual quotations. FOR $5.00 Wo have the greatest assort ment of suits ever shown In the city, msde of cbeviots and casslmeres, In nest checks, plaids and mixtures; also plain blarks; all have reliable linings; stylishly trimmed and tailored In a most careful manner, perfect titling, worth $8.00 C 411 Monday UlUU Over Forty Ilnrent Patterns to Select From. AT $7.00 These suits come In all tha latest shades and fabrics; such as Mack, blue, gray and fancy mixed cheviots, fanny worsteds, casslmeres, meltons and black unfinished worsteds; all lined with good heavy serge and Farmer satin linings; these suits are worth $12.50 T C(l Special sale price Monday f sOU AT $10 This Is our special and will com pare with any $15 suit In Omaha. These suits come In all the popular fabrics, blue and black cheviots, casslmeres, worsteds, Thlbets and unfinished worsteds; In any stylo of pattern desired; padded shoulders, hair cloth fronts, suits worth f fifa 115.00 Special Mnoday at lU'UU FOR $12.60 AND $15 We can show you fifty different patterns. In all styles and fabrics. n fancy cheviots, unfinished wor steds and fancy worsteds, all well tailored, with stylish and dependable trimmings, hand padded shoulders, hair cloth fronts worth $18.00 to $22.50; sale III PA price $15.00 and laCsOU w un storm collar, In dark gray and brown Farmer satin lining, for boys t flf" nrice J.vH overcoats for the little fellows that we want oxfords, gray and brown mixtures.' cssslmeKS . for school suits, soeclal sale nrlr. . I.UU and brown mixtures; In cheviots 1 pg coats imea wun a very line satin lining; vna. Clothing in Omaha. Tailors gggggyffl ,6th s ffi. JJ None but Skilled Union Labor Employed. Free SMAcTHEffiLs F0R 1 SET OF TEETH, FROM .'I.OO I GOLD CROWNS, FROM ftt.HS DENTISTRY. Dally Till 9. Sunday 10 to 4. Ticket Office 1323 Famam Omaha, Neb. Sal ISNRICUIU A (OH DOCTOR FOR SO C l'RE hulldlnr. Omaha. Neb., for a box of w 1 a: