Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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i i
AaWertlaemeate fo tfceee aolasaas
will be takea aatll IS m. far aa
events edition aad aatll 8 30 a. a.
tor morilai an Bandar edltloa.
ftatea, t l-3 a ward arel laaertlea,
la ward thereafter. Nothla takes
far leas than 85o far the drat laser.
Iloa. These advertlseaaeats mill
vaa eotiseeetlvelr.
Advcrtlaers, hr reaasetlasr a
fcered cheek, ( have aaewara ad
dressed a namavrad letter la
at Tha He. Aaswers aa sddreseed will
a delivered araaaatatlaa of taa
aheek aalr
BITUATION wanted by an all round union
printer; 20 yfars' experience; country lob
preferred. Address O i2. care Hee.
A-M,'s Dl
SCHOOL for the winter by male teacher
with lirst-claes certificate and an experi
ence of 30 terms. Address J. 1. perron,
U!4 Pierce Bt., Council Bluffs.
A 125 80
HUSTLING deputies wanted; men or
women; aplenaid contract, ina uardrn
ara. 4U Bee knag. B ai
WANTED, for U. 8. Army, able-bodied un
marrleu men between ages of XI and j,
citizens of United Slates, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
apeak, read arm write English. For iu
turmatluii apply to Recruiting Otttcais,
loth and Douge Sis., omulia, ana posl
Qthce uuilumg, Lincoln, Neb. B D-31
GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries.
A. L. T. Co.. -iil a. lain at. B M4ue
TAILOR wanted at once, carl P. Llnde
vrants, Hoiurege, Neb. B Miiilf W
WANTED-A aollcltor capable of present
Ing au attractive land investment; must
be tirat-ctaas. bhlmer at Chase, oA uee
Bldg. B 7bo .
.WANTED A boy with a horse to deliver
'ihe Evening Bee, weist aiae. Cull at
The Bee omce, circulation uepartinuiit, 8
V. m. B iu D-l
WANTED, two Hrst-class harnessmaKers,
lor steady employment. Address Jvnox
vllle baUuiery xiouse, Knoxvlile, la.
B Al4 Dl
WANTED, machine ahop apprentice and
two snbp uoys. Apply 41 n. Main t..
Council wiulTH. B-M7W
WANTED, middle-aged man; good address;
Urge acquaintance. City havings uatik,
litu and Dougiaa. B MilH
BEE what we have to offer men to learn
barber trade; yeara saved by our meinod
of tree work, expert Instructional toola
presented; wages Saturuuys; board pro
vlued; cull or write. Muter Burner Col
lege, 1302 Douglua at. B M819 4
.WANTED, reliable person In each district
to manage business tor old house; salary
llt weekly; expenses advanced; perma
nent immtiun: inclose selt-uuuressed en
velope. Manager, S42 Cuxton Diug., Chi
B Mall ao
120.00 PER WEEK and traveling expenses
paid salesmen for Baking Powder and
Extracts. Experience unnecessary.
Purity Co., Chicago. B
BE A PROOFREADER Salaries from 15
to 14 a week; prootreauers In demand;
send for free booklet, "Practical Proof
reading;" telle how. The National Proof
readers' Association, The Baldwin, No.
72, Indianapolis, lnd. B
WANTED, men and women to make good
wages In spare time at home; no can
vassing. The work la elevating and can
. be done by any person. Eikhurst Insti
tute, Tyrone, Pa. B
CIVIL, service government positions; 14,983
appointments this year. This Is 4,602 more
than laat year; excellent opportunities for
roung people; cutalogue of Information
ree. Columbian Correspondence College,
Washington, D. C. B
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to . tack
algns, distribute circulars, samples, etc;
no canvassing; good pay. Bun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 887 30
22 WEEKLY and all expenses for men with
rlga to Introduce poultry compound;
straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
54, Parsons, Kan. B 885 90
WANTED, live men everywhere to dis
tribute circulars, tack algna, etc.; no can
vassing; good pay; stamp for Information.
Star Distributors' Union, Chicago.
B 878 30
WANTED, ambitious, trustworthy man to
travel In Nebraska; yoang roan over 21
preferred; experience unnecessary; til
weekly and expensea; permanent; promo
tion; solf-addrcssed envelope. Manager
Olllla, Pontlac Bldg., Chicago. B 872 So
WANTED Energetlo men In every city In
United State to earn $50 to $HK weekly
by selling high class dividend paying
stocks. Address, Secretary, 580 Bourse,
Philadelphia, Pa. B 896-30
WANTED Men, fair education, to visit
towna In western Iowa and eastern Ne
braska; advertise, collect, etc.; $600 and
expenses; no book proposition. Address,
O 61, Bee. B-9c 30
WANTED, a registered pharmacist to take
charge of drug store.- Call on or address
Ir. C. M. Headrtc-k, 3U8 New York Lite
building. Omaha. Neb. . B MS41 1
rOUNQ men everywhere, copy lettera home
evenings, $7 week; semi addressed en
velope for particulars. Filbert, Dept. 8
t 131. Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa, B 79
WANTED, local brarah office manager; 375
and com.; eend atamp. Godfrey Co., St.
Louis, Mo. B 90 3D
WANTED, aaleamen. local and traveling, to
handle our advertising calendar simples
for ltH; our line la extensive and we
manufacture, Import and control all our
designs; experienced men only. Active
men make 150 to 31(H) per week on com
mission. References must accompany ap
plication. Gibson Art Co., Cincinnati. 6.
B-b63 30
MECANICB qualified for advancement; our
free booklet "Are Your Hands Tied?"
tells bow thouaanda have doubled- or
lara-aly Increased their earning capacity
through our spare time instruction by
mall. Write to the International Corre
spondence Schools. , Box 1S, Br ran ton.
Pa., or call day or evening. Omaha orflce,
647 Paxton block. B 137 3o
DETECTIVES, every locality, good salary;
experience unnecessary. International
Detective Agency, Milwaukee. Wis.
B 815 Jb
TOUNG man to travel, IK0 month and ex
penses; experience unnecessary; send ref
erences. Williams Co., Chamber Com.,
Detroit, Mich. B 918 Su
MANAGER wanted In every large county;
Game o' Bklll" nickel-slot machines for
drinks, clgara or money, taka a place of
forbidden elot marhlnea; strictlv lawful
everywhere: rented or old on easv pav
menta: ,0"0 now In us. Cunningham
Furniture Co., Department S6. Chlc;o
111. B 932 3')
WANTED Reliable man or wrtman experi
enced In selling subscription to ks for po
sition as general field manager. D B
SUmmer Co., suite 5a New York Life
Bldg., Omaha. Neb. B-M151 D6
WANTED, men. fair education, to visit
town In western Iowa and eastern Ne
braska to atvertlsa, rol'eot. etc.; no book
pn.imsiiion, salary auv ana commissions.
Address P 3, Bee. B 195 3d
WANTED, men everywhere, good pay 1
distribute circulars, adv. matter.
signs, etc. No canvaaklng. Natlouul Adv.
duu'hj, imiaau. 1!3 Jii
WAMtu, I experienced watch and
Jrweiry salesmen. Appiv at once. Mr
look. 2d floor, BENNKTT 8.
. B-2D6 30
WANTED, bright young man for Interest
ing liolldav work. Apply at once. Mr
Flooii. 2d floor. BENNETT'S.
B-163 30
WANTED, experienced furniture Bales
man; good salary and permanent posi
tion to rlht man. Apply at once, Mr.
r ioog, Zd iioor, ic.l l u.
B-lbO 30
IMO TO IE. 000 to go In any business for
yourself mav be obtained through me.
no matter where you live. Send full par
ticulars, and be sura to elate how much
money you need. W. M Ostrander, It!
ortn American biag., i-nuaaeipnia.
B IK 3o
GENTLEMEN r boys, copy letters at
home, nothing to buy. 12 per thousand.
fxild weekly; send addressed envlupe for
c opy ana instructions, i nitea ren t o.,
issseau st., new xorg. uin jv
The Recognized Headquarters
Shorthand in Nebraska,
has gained Its prestige In Omaha and th west by keeping strictly up to date and
giving Its patrons, both business men and students, exceptionally good service.
Extract from letter by John Rush, U. S. Nat. Bank Examiner.
Boyles Commercial College. City; Gentlemen The rapid advancement of my daugh-
.... ... .i,., .mu iiciiugiiun; ine tact mat your system of edu
cation Is productive of most satisfactory results. I will deem It a pleaant duty to
bear testimony to your excellent teaching. Yours truly, JOHN RU8H."
Letter from the Superintendent of the Pacific Express Co.,
SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, OMA HA. Neb.. Sept. 1. 1902 -Mr. H. B Boyles
President Boyles Commercial College, Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir: Your favor of the 8th
Inst, at hand, and I take pleasure In saying that during the past several yeara I
have had occasion to call on you several times to supply us with stenographers and
clerks In various capacities, snd hare found them Invariably to be well drilled In
Superintendent Pacific Express Co."
This is the most desirable season of the year to enter. A
large number have already made their arrangements to begin
this week Join them.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, English,
Apply for
Boyd Bldg., Cor. 17th and Harney Sts.
A. C, ONG, A. N., L. L. B.f President
Never before have we had a finer body
thuslastlc over the progress being made and
Indication every seat will be taken. The time
people to f o east for a thorough business
Many compliments have been passed
Pfltnrnlahad V. . fsim m j..! a 1 n.n. mn I ,
" i iii -...nin.ii.1 m i j ' uu. ..ii' ii v " i.ii cicn.ii, i ui i lu ji urnn. B nil pftiru Willi
revolving office chairs, the Shorthand Department with elegant Yale lock Oxford desks,
biiu ine xypewrning jrpanment wiin Dtanoara macnines. n.verywnere tne reeling pre
vails that all are preparing to get a start In life, to become Independent and make
their own way In the world.
The following are a few of the kind expressions of callers:
"You Commercial Department looks like an Immense counting room."
"I never have saw a finer body ef students."
"Your discipline is simply perfect."
"With such surroundings and elaborate furnishings the students rertalnlv must
enjoy their work."
-xour catalogue truiy illustrates what you have and what you are doing. It
certainly is the finest and most elegant prospectus ever put out by a business college."
Auther of Gregg shorthand, has glv
make a specialty of teaching
Pure Gregg
As set forth In the revised edition.
records In this system under the princlDalshlD of Prof.
of the author's school for teachers.
The Commercial Department
Under the aurjervlslon of Prof. Lovrr. la maMfnar fine headway alnna- the line
of buslneea training. A large class will soon enter the Banking Department. Stu
dents may enroll any time. Send for our catalogue "A work of art."
Visitors always welcome.
WANTED, young man to take dictation
ana operate Remington; good penman:
chance for advancement; state salary and
references. Address P 4, Bee.
B 204 30
DISTRICT manager In each district at sal
ary or xi&.uu per week and expenses, pay
able weekly, to represent large manufac
turing establishment known to every bank
in the United States; a man of good habits
and energy required; experience unneces
sary. Apply, stating age and qualifica
tions, to Manager. Dept. E-l, P. O. Bos
Philadelphia, Pa. . B 128 SO
WANTED, inventors, patentees, mechanics
ana everyone interested in patents ana
inventions to send for our Inventors'
Guide. This 60-page book sent free, con
tains full information about patents, how
to obtain a patent, what to invent for
profit and how to sell a patent This
elegantly printed book sent free to any
address. O'Meara St Brock, Patent Attor
neys, 20 Eleventh St., N. W.. Washing
ton, D. C. B 817 (0
EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type
writers. Monroe 1,0., su m. ltitn Bt.,
Omaha. 483
For Nebraska, one with an established
trade on whiskies or slgars preferred;
give full details as to experience,, ate;
all correspondence will be held strictly
confidential. Address O 66, care this
office. MS18 SO
SALESMEN, automatic copying book, new.
neeaed oy every Dusiness man; bonansa
for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co., South
Bend, lnd.
WE MUST have more saleamen, apply at
once. Geo. A. Baker at Co., South Bend,
WANTED, aaleamen, by manufacturer of
grocer s specialties; give experience fully.
Good salary to hard workers. Address
Box 617. Chicago, 111.
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; no
technical knowledge, but active .all-round
hustler;' established, high-rated house;
references required. Address Sales Dept.,
21 W. Atwater. Detroit, Mich. 92S 30
WANTED, saleaman; Mg money to sell
largest and best ILne signs and advertis
ing novelties; biggest and most complete
house In United Slates; only men meaning
businets need write. Scioto Sign Co., Box
HO. Dubuque, la. ittl Jo
WANTED, traveling salesman to carry our
aide line to general store and kindred
trades; samples lit coat pocket and easily
earn II, Coo a year commission; December
Is best month; give full address, also
present employer, snd we may send sam
ples Immediately. The Standard Ring Co.,
k La Salle Bt.. Chicago. -420 30
BOOK salesmen, It will pay you to Invest!
fat our uew propositions, never before
offered in this territory; 150.00 per week
easily made for a hustler. Ilarper &
Bros., 611 Bee Bldg. M7 30
WANTED Salesmen can make from $30 t.
fl'O per week selling whits lead; fine si J'
Hue. Merchants White Iad Co., Hi
Louts, Mo. -e 30
A CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebrask:
with staple line; high commissions wit
sdvsnce of $100 monthly; permanent poa
tlon to right man. Jesa H. Smith Co
Detroit, Mich. MS 30
SALESMAN to sell two strong proposition
of necessities; good salary and expenst
to right man. Address O 63, Bee.
34 I0
UV Girls. Call Canadian office, lath Doda
C 11
WANTED, student nurse at South Omar,
huapltal. C 761
WANTED Swedish or German girl fo
general housework: small famllv; aix
we set Call at Ui S. JUh st C M24a
LADIES, writing at home evenings. $7 pt
week; particulars free to all; send sd
dressed envelope. Filbert, Dept. S II
Box. H1L Philadelphia, P
New York Life Building,
Thorough. "
of younar neoDle enrolled. All are en.
the possibilities ahead. From every
Is past when It Is necessary for young
education. .
of Visitors.
by visitors since both floors have been
V. &Iaam .nil .. n -1. n n .1 ...... 1 I .
en the school his highest endorsement. We
of our students are making exceptional
Outhrldge, who is a graduate
WANTED, a good glr. for general house
work. Apply 8124 Poppleton Ave.
C 458
WANTED dirt to do general housework
in family of three; good wagea. Mrs.
Bimeral. 976 N. 28th ave. C M471
GOOD girl for general housework. 568 So.
2Mb. St.; good wagea. C 663
WANTED, a good girl at once at the
Creche, 19th and Harney. C 904 30
WANTED a refined young girl to do sec
ond work in small family; good wages
paid. Call at ZM Dodge street between
I and lp. m. C 806
WANTED, a girl for general housework.
1134 3. 30th Ave. C 807 30
WANTED, one second cook, fig per month;
one laundress, 118 per month; one chamber
maid, 116 per month; board and lodging.
Commercial Hotel, McCook, Neb.
C M820 SO
LADIES, Dr. Strickland's Monthly Remedy
relieves in i hours, safe and sure; box
free. 6end stamp for particulars. Crown
Chemical Co., Box S3. Milwaukee, Wis.
WANTED, head dlnlngroom girl, $20 per
mo. Kare advanced. J. C. Webb. Valen
tine, Neb. . c M735 1
BE A PROOFREADER: women receive
same sslary as men, SIS to S25 a week;
? roof readers always In demand. Send for
ree booklet, "Practical Proofreading;"
tells how. The National Proofreaders'
association. The Baldwin, No. 72, Indian
apolis, lnd. c
LADIES wanted to 0o embroidery and Bat-
i in -ir iiuiiiev; iieaay WOra.
Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, III. C
LADY with good Judgment of business af
fairs to nil vacancy. Address D 68, Bee.
C M863 D2
LADIES to embroider dollies and center
pieces at home; all materials furnished;
highest prices paid; no canvassing. Send
stamped envelope to Ely Novelty Co., Ely
Bldg., Chicago. C-vOB 30
WANTED everywhere, writing, copying
at home evenings; steady work; no
mailing or canvassing; good pay; for par
ticulars send addresned envelope. Mana
ger. Dept. 8 1SL Box 1262, Philadelphia. Pa.
c m
PLAIN sewing at home, ft per week; ma
terials sent everywhere free; steady
work; send addressed envelope for par
ticulars. Du Pont, Dept. 8 121, Lock Box
13S?. Philadelphia, Pa. C sM So
LADIES or gents, copy letters at home;
no names to supply or sddresslng en
velopes; nothing to buy; $20 a 1,000; paid
weekly; aend addressed envelope for copy
and application blanks. Practical Mfg.
Co., m Market St.. News, N. J.
O 894 30
LADIE8. new home work, making sofa
pillows: $8 to $15 weekly; materials fur
nished free, no canvassing; steady work;
aend stsmped. addressed envelope. New
Textile Mfg. Co., Erie St., Chicago.
C-7 80
PLAIN writers, home employment, copying
small blanka; rate, K$ per 1.000; two
stamps for particulars. Occidental Com
mercial Agency. Desk 23, Chicago.
. C-867 30
CTIVE Catholic lady to work at home
$34 paid for 12 days trial; permanent if
satisfactory. John t-ngwall, Lakeside
Bldg.. Chicago. ' C 865 So
ENERGETIC woman to travel and collect
In Nebraska; $26 for first 13 days work;
150 per month and expenses tureafter;
position permanent. Send addressed en
velope. Manager McBrody, Star Bids..,
Chicago. C 864 30
ADIES, copy letters at home, $20 per 1.000;
send stamped envelope for application.
Leslie Novelty Co., Dept. 71, Chicago.
C 654 80
ADIES or girls, ropy letters at home,
nothing to buy. $11 per thousand, paid
weeklv: send addressed envelope for cony
and Instructlona. United Pen Co., 7
Naasau at.. New York. C 132 So
VANTED. experienced Jewelry aalea-
laillea. Apply at ouco, M. look. Id noor
About the
Omaha Commercial College.
17th and Douglas Streets.
POTNTER Kn l-Trnnnrrnw. Tteremher 1. new rlsaaea will ba orcanlxed in all
departments. This will be a splendid time to begin your work.
POINTER No. 2 Our Night fechool hat the largest enrollment In its history.
We have had the largest and best classes In all branches we have ever had. Students
have done remarkable work thus far. Tomorrow night several new students will
enter for the balance of the year. It Is not teo late to reap much benefit from Night
8chool. If you cannot attend the Day School, by all means Join our Night School.
POINTER No. 8 Numerous calls were made last week for stenographers and
bookkeepers. The demand Is constantly Increasing. We know of three or four ex
cellent positions still unfilled. If you want to fit yourself for a mercantile position
me umn commercial college is tne place to oo it.
POINTER No. 4 Our Telegraph Department still Increases In nufciber. We have
had several rnlla for oneratnra. Thla department Is the best eautuped of its kind
In any western school. Telegraph operators are in great demsnd.
POINTER No. 6 It is often a query why the most prominent stenographic and
bookkeeping positions in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs are filled by our
students and why the leading bualnesa men always look to the Oman Commercial
College for their help. The following reasons may ba assigned: 1. The work done
for years In all departments has been thorough. 2. The equipment in all departments
nave Deen tne Dest. a. inexperienced insiruciors nave never ueen empiuyeu unu
advertised as experts. When old students return they find the same old teachers in
their places. Prof. Moaher has had charge of the Shorthand and Typewriting
Department foe seventeen years. Mis. Mosher has been his assistant In this de
partment for eight years. Prof. Savage has been Identified with the institution for
more . than Ave vun. Mr. draff haa had charge of Teleerauhv for more than
four yeara. M. O. and O. A. Rohrbough have been permanently connected with the
Institution for eighteen years. The efficiency of teachers, like lawyers, doctors and
ministers, Is increased by long yeara of experience.
f uiin i h.K wo. t To tnose desiring a course in onormana ana lypewnuns; we
want to make a few suggestions. 1. The system of shorthand you learn Is all-important.
2. The rirMtlflre n f the school ought not to be lsnored. 3. It will pay you
to place yourself under teachers of long experience. 4. If you desire to secure a posi
tion when through, by all means attend a school navtng tne recognition or tne Desi
mercantile establishments and whose training Is so thorough as to warrant your
holding a position when obtained.
pointer Kn 7pnmn rim hum. Munsnn and Gregg Shorthand are not the
most modern and up to date systems. This we can prove. Pitman. Munson and
Graham are all extremely difficult to master, becsuse of being encumbered with
shaded strokes, different positions, many slants, hundreds of rules and thousands
of word-signs. While the Gregg system is free from these objections. It Is In
sufficiently developed to Justify students in learning It, at least so long as something
better may be had. Brevity In the Qreg system Is only obtained at the expense
of legibility. Gregg writers are compelled to drop terminations, In order to acquire
speed, thus rendering their notes extremely difficult to read. We have something
better to offer our students, namely: Moiher Shorthand, or, as often called, "Im-
f roved Gregg." It differs from all other aystems In the following particulars:
, It Is easy to learn, eay to read, Is extremely rapid and possesses the legibility
of long hand. If you want to make a stenographer out of yourself It will pay you
tn Investlaate. Those who write the Mosher system are having phenomenal suc
cess and are rendering such superior service
paid. Artnur K. Lee, wno spent Six montns
the Mrmher svstem. accented a nnsltlon with
Cheyenne at 870 per month. lie has been with the company about three months,
but his services have been oo superior as to Justify the company In raising his
salary to $!30 per year. If ho had undertaken to learn a Pltmanlc system he would
still be In school memorizing word-igns, learning hundreds of rules and their excep
tions. Our sympathy goes out to the poor, unfortunate J'ltmanlc student. Before
selecting a system of shorthand it will pay you to investigate. It will save you
both time ana money. A catalogue oi the
Rohrbough Bros., Omaha, Neb,
About the
The Gresc system has comDletely revolutionized shorthand and In the past three
years It has been adopted by more schools than are teaching all other systems
combined. Gregg Shorthand has gained Its pre-eminence by the force of Its Intrinsic
value bv Its suoeriorltv as a uractlcal reporting Instrument and by the enthusiastic
advocacy of its writers.
At a recent convention of shorthand teachers a young man of 21 wrote 225 words
on new matter in one minute In Gregg Shorthand and read back his notes correctly;
and at the medical convention in Cleveland two young men one 22 years of age
and the other 26 were engaged as official reporters and their work was declared by
the doctor in charge to be superior to that
employed In recent years. From this it will
do as good, and sometimes better, work than
from twenty to forty years.-.
Referring to some notes which appeared in the Phonographic, World, Messrs.
Rohrbough. brothers in their advertisement in last Sunday's Bee say:
"The Gregg notes were written by Pearl Power, assoclste author of the Gregg system
and principal teacher of the Gregg school, Chlcsgo." The statements contained In
tnis sentence are as accurate as mtgnt De expected, miss rower , is not associate
author of Gregg Shorthand and is not principal teacher In the Gregg school In fact,
she is not employed in teaching. She Is a young lady, 21 years of age, who Is em-
f toyed in tne omces or tne uregg r-UDiisning
he Stenographer an Independent shorthand
the editor of the law department describes
off-hand, easy-flowing characters JUST
IN A (JO U Ki KtrUHI tK Ii IN U I t. 3 UN A KArill-r iKr, UKUOO-tAAMISA-TION"
We eladlv Invite comDarlson of Mlsa Power s writing, or the writing of
any other capable writer of Gregg Shorthand,, with the carefully drawn and cramped
outlines or Mr. Mosner, wmcn are manifestly written wnn an enon io crowa aa
much as possible Into a small space without regard to ease of execution.
Messrs Rhorbough state that several writers of Gregg Shorthand have bought the
Moeher book. Well, if Messrs. Rohrbough continue to use Gregg Shorthand to
bolster up the pretentions of "Mosher Shorthand" we will have great pleasure In
printing aome quotations from the many letters received from Gregg writers and
teachers who have seen the Mosher book. They will make very Interesting reading.'
Here Is an extract from one received yes terday. which may serve as an example:
"I have taken the time to go through th e Mosher book pretty thoroughly and am
greatly surprised to think sny one who had taught the Pltmanlc system as long as
Mr. Moaher has would go back to the old impracticable ways. It is worse than
.v.. r.i idcririal Pitman in mv mind. It aeema to me that if the student were
successful in getting those hooks and circles and diphthongs flattened and rounded
and lengthened, just as moaner gives in em in m o uuivi nu.tij .
wonder. I doubt If Mr. Mosher can do 1 1 himself. The exercises for students
prattles are very limited and his explana tlons of the exercises are even more lim
ited than the exercises." ,
If you decide to study Gregg Shorthand, attend aome reliable school teaching
It from the "REV18ED EDITION," which contains all the latest improvements of the
system, endorsed by thousands of practical writers snd teachers. Above all things,
do not waste time, money and effort on a clumsy, inefficient imitation of Gregg Short
hand which has been repudiated by experienced and practical writers and which, by
the nicety of execution required to execu te the Impracticable expedients Introduced
by the "author," will limit your efficiency to the lowest grade of stenographic work.
The Gregg Publishing Company, Chicago.
WANTED, girl for general housework;
WANTED. an experienced girl Mrs.
Marsh. 804 Pine at. C-M183 2
WANTED, t experienced young ladles for
stationery department. Appiy i uuun,
Mr. Flook, 3d floor. BENNETT'S.
C 161 SO
WANTED, a good girl for general house
work; gooo wages; nu ""'"a. " o
fayette, ave. C 203 8
WANTED, experienced finishers on pahls
and shirts. Apply Byrne sY Hammer Dry
Good. Co.. 13th and How.rd
A BRIGHT young woman, energetic good
. i ... . u. nr. - nnultlnn In
aaareas, wm., vn .. . -
Insurance department (tire and accident),
must ba capable of canvassing buelness
houses and offices for Insurance business.
Address O 44, Bee. C-ltifl 80
CANVASSER Man or woman, to conduct
a magaalna route; a chance to work up a
monthly Income regularly; anyone now
canvassing will find thla a profitable aids
line. Address at once Circulation Depart
ment Woman's Home Companlan, Spring
field. Ohio. ! loe 8
DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Ftrniim.
$1 PER WFEK 422 S. 13th St.. one block
. u . v - 1(.
AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge.
ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th at Chicago.
JL ft
HANDSOME steam heated room. 1903 Capi
tol Ave K Mloi
ROOMS for light housekeeping. 134 1 How.
ard. B M231-D-12
U M. E hauls trunks. Telephone 780.
E M&sO
THE FAR NAM '.th and Fa rna in streets.
STEAM HEATED rooms. $1 par momh.
Barker Hotel. 13th and Jones Sts.
E Mu
$ ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 So.
11th street. E-MI71
FRONT room, modern. $2 per week. 1T1T
Webater. E 4ii Dl
ELEOANTLY furnlahed rooms In new
modern home; hgt water heart; references,
ltut Webster. E-Mt&i 8
FURNISHED room, steam-heated, good
sUe, 21s N. 23d 8U B-IUV
as to command the highest salaries
in our onorinann uepanmem, siuuyins
the Union Paellle Railroad company at
college win De sent iree 10 any auuress.
of congressional ana otner reporters
be seen that young Gregg writers can
men who have used old-time methods
company, in ine novemwr numotr oi
magazine published in Philadelphia
Miss Power's writing as "wide-space.
B 856 30
FURNISHED room, new, modern house,
furnace heat. Telephone tn house. 210 N.
23d St. E-S48 30
WILL rent until spring, three-room flat,
furnished complete for housekeeping. $23
per month, heated; no children. 403 S. 26th
Ave. E 636 30
FOR RENT, furnished rooms, one or two
connecting rooms, modern, centrsl, pri
vate family. Address O 69. Bee.
E 186 80
FOR RENT, three furnished or unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping; modern;
private bath. 814 6. 28th at. . EM184 2
TWO furnished rooms, light housekeeping.
2603 Dodge st. .- E M176 1
ROOM Nicely furnlahed, private family,
for gentleman only. '. Telephone B-'i.i'i.
E M154 D2
WELL furnished front room, 2213 Dodge.
E 150 JUT
FOR RENT, to gentleman, elegantly fur
nished, steam-heated front room, gaa,
bath, telephone, fine location, seasonable.
1623 Douglas. E 1W Ho
TURKS rooms, furnished for light house
keeping, steam beat. 313V N. 15th st.
Flat L. E-llt8 2
MERRIAM, comfortable winter home. Tel 85
F 4ii
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board,
rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, 18th and
Chicago. F 470
PRIVATE family. 608 8. 2&th ave.
FOR RENT, nloely furnlahed room with
board; house modern. Including te'e
phons; convenient to ear lino; also within
walking distance. Price reasonable. ivA
Case at. Tel. AiWSL F-M130 2
FOR RENT, store tn first-class 'oca tlon:
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters It
Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg, I 3es
FOR RENT, tbe building formerly occu
' pied by The Bee st 1 samara St. It has
four at or tea anU a basement which was
formerly usd ss Tba Bee preaa room,
l'bla will te rented very reasonably. If
li.ltrested apply at office to C. C. Roae
water, secretary, room loo, Bcs building.
CENTRAL, grocery, drug, meat market,
with fixtures: also line laundry, with
steam heat and power. TUard, ttO N. 23d.
I t
TO YOUNG attorney, desk room in real
estate omce, where rent can be paid In
legal services. Address O ti. Bee.
1-1T1 30
1618 Howard St., In good repair, with light
basement. per month.
I S24 D14
FOR RENT Store, 601 N. llh. Gnrvln
Bros., lfl4 Farnam. 1155 30
FOR BALK Flemlh sideboard, walnut
dining table, oak bedroom suit. Call Mon
day and Tuesday at millinery dept. 1M0
TMiiglns Pt. 1-H7
WANTED, canvassing agents In every
county to solicit subscriptions to TllS
Steady employment, with assured good In
come. Agents In the countfy with horse
snd buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make hbI1- t to $100 per month. Ad
dress, Centjry Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Bee building, Omaha. 213
1.000 AGENTS wanted to sell desirable old
line Insurance for the. largest company
In the world of Its age; no special con
tract fakirs or leg pullers need apply.
We sell the best controct ever written;
good territory and commissions given to
good, reliable men. Call on or write to
George J. Crane, Superintendent Western
Department. 318 First Nat l Bank Bktg.,
Omaha. Neb. J-M123 D.M
AGENTS to sell Texas Oil and Mining Co. 'a
siock; nrst-cinss investment; good com
missions; liberal contract. Texas OH and
Mining Co., Box 92, Lawton, ukl.
J-M7S9 4
MAN OR WOMAN of good address wanted
to can on Dusiness men; very profitable
position for competent person. Zlegler,
Monon bldg., Chicago. J Mail 30
AGENTS wanted to handle our goods;
needed everywhere; we trust you; estab
lished In 1VB. We occupy three buildings.
Gavltt Manufacturing Co., Topeka, Kan.
BANITARY COOKER, no odor, no steam
practical, durable; salary or liberal com
mission to agents. Pease Mfg. Co., Box
w. vmnnnau, unio. j
WANTED Lady agents wanted for the old
established "Hygela Corsets and Skirts,"
the agent's best friend and money makpr.
For particulars apply to Western Corset
io., Mt. Louis, Mo. J-
WANTED. local agents In every city and
village in United States, male or female.
Two good specialties retailing at 25c and
6oc each; 100 per cent profit. Address F.
M. VanEtten & Son, 617 Main St. .'Buffalo,
N. Y. J-
AGENT8, don't work for others; learn a
profession In ten days that will pay $10
to $26 per day. Prof. 8. A. Weltmcr. Ne
vada, Mo. J
AGENTS, automatic washers, sell them
selves; one agent writes, "Exhibited
sample to ten women; took ten orders;"
time required, 45 minutes; profit, over $50:
guaranteed to do washing In 30 minutes;
furnishes Its own power; requires
neither labor nor attention; costs less
than any other machine; free sample and
exclusive territory furnished; $50 week
guaranteed; thousands of testimonials.
Automatic Washer Co., Station, U,
Chicago. J
LAMP that makes its own gas, costs 1 cent
a day; no oil, wicks chimneys, small
model free to those wishing to work for
us. Eastern Gas Co., 130 Fulton St., New
York. J-
AGENTS WANTED A lady or young man
to take orders In their home town for our
line of shirt walstlngs, suitings and skirt
Ings; an elegant line; low prices; big pay
to the right party. Address, Shirt Waist
Dept.. Buckley Shirt Co., 2623 Olive Street,
Bt. Louis, Mo. J
GENTS, start In mall order business; busi
ness of tho future made easy; we furnish
plans and goods, start you at home and
share profits; particulars free. Hall Sup
ply Co., Dept, 12, 225 Dearborn St., Chi
cago. J 886 30
LADY, we pay $18 cash salary weekty and
advance expense money to start; position
permanent; traveling in Nebraska; self
addresned envelope for particulars. Ad
dress American House, 360 Dearborn. Chi
cago. J 871 30
BORROW 10 CENT8. Send to . .Begin
good paying business by return mall.
Hldney Supply Co., Dept. 6, Kansas City,
Mo.. Reference, First National bank.
J-869 80
BIG profits; learn painting and manufac
turing portraits; particulars, 2c; picture
agents wanted; sample, 16c. F. Pierce,
1420 Monroe, Chicago. J 861 80
AGENTS novelties, 400 per cent profit; hun
dred articles, 18 cents. Manufacturing
Center, Elco, Pa. J 814 80
WANTED, manager in every city, county
to handle best paying business known;
legitimate,' new; exclusive control. Phoenix
Co., 15 W. 2th St., New York.
J-913 30
WANTED at once, oil agents, good, re
liable, energetic men to sell our high
grade line of lubricating oils, greases,
etc.; also roofing and metallic paints, es
pecially to the threshing and farming
trade, on commission. The Industrial OH
and Supply Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
J 610 30
AGENTS wanted; fountain pens; easy
sellers for Xmas; 100 profit; sample by
mall, 45c, Busy Bes Supply Co.. Jeffer
son, Iowa. J 897 30
AGENT with some means, prepared to open
branch office to sell Medicated Toilet
Soap through canvassing agents with free
samples; $25 a week easily made; your
own permanent business. Bradford &
Co., B. 182, Cincinnati, O. J 904 30
WANTED Agents to sell "The Business
Man's Friend," or "Collections Made
Easy." Just out and will sell to every
man who does a credit buelness. Would
make an excellent side line. For In
formation and terms address, P. O. Box
60, Wood River, Neb. J M902-1
OUR salesmen make $10 dally. Crayon por
traits. 4Ec. F.-.mllv records. 8c. Pictures
snd frames, wholesale. Catalogue free.
Frank W. Williams Co., Dept. 8.. Chi
cago. J 856 30
WF START vou selling diamonds, also
klnrts watches: don't, accept work until
ettlns ctalnarue llbersl offer. Carbon
Diamond Co.. Syracuse. N. Y. J 853 90
CMP'nV )it I'ni cleaner or linen nnl
lhr; He; rller foe seer'a; S"mnle. io-'.
15e. Junior Mfg. Co., Den, ts ot.
Louis. J 893 80
$15 Pr.B inn for "our nlsh"nra' nnmes snd
fuMrpHaa.. ptav irfrtr. thr ev ex
nerlenee pcesrv: HroV and f"t! latre--to-
foe 10c. Columbia Deslgnlp" ft.. it.
Louis. Mo. J-88 30
$.Vfl0 WEEKLY and evnensea: sample free.
Greatest money tasking Invention nf the
see: Automatic Washer does a washing In
SS mlbutea without Ishnr or attention:
rhesner than any other. Indestructible.
Vvervhodv buvs. Aaenta coining money.
Thonssnf'a. o' testimonials. Automatic
Washer Co., 8tatlon V, Chicago.
J-873 80
AGENT" M0 to tV weeklv easily made: we
nrove this; lumlnou" nameplatea. num
bers, elans sdab'a darkest n'ht: s,m-t-'s
free. Right Supply Co., Enr'owood,
III. J-Si$n
SOI TCITORS to secure advertising snd
subscrtntlons to a pew and nonular
monthly publication. Apply 924 Fenm
St. J 9.15 30
WANTED, an energetic, trustworthy and
permanent agent, with good refrncea.
In every city and town, to renresnt us
In the aale of high-class securities of
corporations whose nftlners sn directors
are i"n of commercial prominence, we
psy liberal enmm1lnna: write 'nr full
ra'tleulirs. "now. Fsrlow Cv. Rankers
at Brokers. 26 Broad St., New Yrk
J-133 SO
WANTED. $ to 5 modern, unfurnished
miw"i. steam heat preferred. rldr o
82. Bee. K 937 30
WANTE-Tn rent a modern furnished
house for five months by small family;
ran give flrt-clien references,
ran a-lve first-class referencea. AWwi
P V Ttee K-1o V
a .. .. i j. . . . . i
OM Van Btor. Co.. J51U4 Farn. Tels. 1W-1
VANS and baggags wagons. Tel. 1195.
ceaapoula snd vaults, removes garbuge
and dead Vnlmals si reduued prices. .'l
Si litb. Tel. 1178. -81
DR. ROY. rhlropodlst; corns and superflu
ous hnlr removed by rlectstclty. R. It,
Frcnier block. U 881
IAVI, Woman's Wsy to Heslth. Home
treatment. Booklet tree. 348 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. U 4.1
ORAMOpHONES and sjppllea. wholesale
and retail. Collins llano Co.. 1522 Douglas.
U 4S.I
RUPTURf? CURED No knife, no pain, no
detention frcm business. Rend for booklet,
N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U-485
DR. B M. JACKSON, specialist In chronlo
diseases. 15o5 Farnam St. Consultation
tree. u-su
ELITE PARLOR8. 06 B. lth St.. $d floor
U 4J7 Dli
PRIVATE hospital before and during con
finement; babies boarded and adopted.
Mrs. Oardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-lsS4
WE RENT sewing machines st V5c per
week. We repair and sell parts for any
machine msnurscture1.
I hone ISta Corner 15th and Harney 8ta.
,i roadway. Council plufts. 'Phons B-dH.
613 North 24th St., So. Omaha. 'Phone 48.
v-m vx
TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers.
YOJ J for,ne free, send me your blrthdste
with 2 stamps for postage and I will send
your life reading free. Matters of love,
heslth and speculation made clear. AU
?yll!'i,'onA51."we,J'c'- Address Prof. Aeolia.
1H16 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. U
Particulars and 8-tmge, Illustrated paper
FRbE. Address. Nat'l Institute of Palm
Istry, Orsnd Rapids, Mich. u
IT COSTS more to do business In a palace
than In a cottage, being located on the
second flror, our rent Is only one-tenth of
some of the palatial stores; we give tho
customer the benefit of this saving: $8.00
snd $10 000 hats we sll at $3 95 and M 'JO.
Pennell, the 2-floor Milliner, 1514 Douglas
St. over the Singer Mfg. Co. U
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per
manently removed by electricity; consul,
tatlon free and confidential ; all work
guaranteed. Muss Allender, 1813 Douglas.
. ' U
AMERICAN lady, wealthy, good apnea r
ance. 28 years of age, widow for past three
years, unencumbered, will give full par
ticulars of myself and what I am worth
also send photo, to sincere, respectable
gentleman, who desires early marriage.
Ellen Marlon, Grant Works, III.
U-870 30
YOUR fortune told from cradle to grave;
what I tell you comes true; send dime
snd birth date. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer
i04, Chicago. U 8u9 30
PROSPEROUS business man, worth $50,000,
desires a good, true, honest wife. Address
Mr Otislst Nat. Bank Bldg., Hammond,
Inl. U-907 30
MATRIMONIAL. Bachelor maid worth
$xo,000. will marry an honorable, true, af
fectionate man of good habits. Address
Miss Raymond, 1st Nat l. Bank Rldg.,
Hammond, lnd. U 906 80
PRETTY girls and lonely men want corre
spondents. Orange Blossoms gives full
particulars. Copy for stamp. Address
Orange Blossoms, Tremont Station, New
York City. U 141 30
for prescription for wash that never falls.
Lock Box 23, Council Bluffs, la.
MARRIAGE paper. 22 pages, 10c. SEALED;
600 bona-flde descriptions; 3,000 members
worth $100 to $100,000. R. L. LO V E. Den
ver, Colo. U 133 8u
The same quality piano never sold for less
than $a50 elsewhere. For particulars ad
dress F R. Walter, factory agent. 3113
California st. , U 911 80
I WAS saved from consumption after my
case had been pronounced Incurable and
hopeless by eminent physicians. If you
are suffering from this dread disease and
will write me I will gladly tell you how
It was -done at home. My sols object is to
be of some benefit to humanity. Rev.
Melvln L. Peden, pastor Church of Christ,
144 Stone St., Glbsonburg, O. U 854 30
BISTERS, I will tell you without cost how
I wss cured at horns without drugs; pains
In my sides, dyspepsia, nervousness and
sleeplessness. Address Miss Tena W.
IfQand, Elllston, O. U 851 30
E. U LOVEJOY, 2016 Spruce St.. will re
pair your sewing machine and warrant It.
Send postal ,card. U 1S5 80
One new upright piano $136
One new upright piano, walnut 17
One new upright piano, oak case J:'
One fine sample piano i '
Ona square piano, ebony 1
One square piano, ebony 22
One square piano, mahogany 28
One square piano, mahogany, good 48
One low top walnut organ T
One medium high top organ , 9
One high top, walnut case 12
One high top, walnut case 22
One high top, oak case 27
One high top, oak case 32
Call early and get first choice. Write for
catalogue and terms. All pianos and organs
U-167 30
WEALTHY, lonely, kind-hearted gentle
man, with elegant heme, recks wife to
share his home and wealth. Addresa "Mr,
Roberts," 917 Hollarfd Bldg., Bt. Louis, Mo.
U 931 30
i i I.
A WEALTHY, attractive ladjr, unhappy
and lonely, seeks husband to share her
wealth and affections. Address "Amiable,"
62 Koken Bldg., Bt. Louis, Mo.
U-930 30
WE RENT sewing msehlnes at 76e per
week. We repair and sell parts for any
machine manufactured.
'Phone 1&3. Corner IBth and Harney Sts.
831 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 'Phone B-618.
612 North 84th St., So. Omaha. 'Phone 4366.
HEADQUARTERS for Edison phono
graphs and Victor talking machines snd
records. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor, 15th
and Harney Sts. U-M844 I
CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel.
20J0 New and secondhand, bought, sold,
exchanged. O 471
Buffet-Anilque Oak;
Oak combination bookcase and writing
Cheffonler and washstand, birds-eye maple;
Music cabinet, mahogany;
Rugs. 9x12; Wilton, 6x9; Smyrna hand
painted chinu.
Everything almost new. Address or csll
for runner lniormauon J. a. nenurics.,
2812 Sherman ave.
O 197 80
FOR SALE, furniture for 12-roomed house
at a bargain; must be sold In 10 days.
Address F, Bes office, Council Bluffs.
O-30J $
FOR SALE, large slss, fins oak sideboard,
large French plate mirror, almoat new,
cost $..9: will sell for 8.10. Csll today st
210 8. 84th St., or 'phone A2236.
O 138 30
NEW and secondhand vehicles for sals
cheap. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth.
; P-472
FOR SALE My all-purpose horse; young,
sound, city broke, tine looker; weight,
1,200. See him at Club stables, '3014 Leav
enworth. J. B. Blanchard, 1111 Georgia
Ave. P 75o D-l
GOOD family horse. 1318 Farnam.
P-M77J D23
I FARM teams, 3 double set of hsrness, 3
farm wagons. 10-horae power engine and
separator. Albert Peraglle, 64th St. and
Underwood Ave., West Dundee.
GENTLE bay mare ran be had for cars
and keep. Addreaa O o5, Bee. P 171 30
My pacer, harness snd runabout; no rea
sonable offer rafuaad. Root, 718 tth ave
nue. Council Bluffs. Pbons L-711 or 611
P-M1M 1
'- ft
iiiuJ "