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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1902)
t Jslephones, i-t4. . ' Ws close Saturdays mm ticket that tells exactly the quantity, regular price and special remnant price. Xew Persian stripes, wool crepe de chine, in fig ured and striped effect, dainty Dresden striped novelties, poin tilla stripes, black and white, white with dainty black stripes, etc., all on sale on dress goods counter, Monday morning at 8 A. M. llelow Ave mention a feAV prices selected at random from the many hundreds of remnants. STRIPED WOOL CREPE tE CHENB, regular 7Se per ysrd, 2 yards in remnant, for lie. PAISLEY NOVELTY, regular 75c per yard, 3 yards In remnant, for 84c. CORDED NOVELTY, regular $1 per yard, i yards In remnant, for $1.49. PARISIAN and RIBBON STRIPED NOV ELTY, regular TSc per yard, I 1-J yards In remnant,, for $1.0). STRIPED NOVELTY In LACE EFFECT, regular 76c per yard 1 yards in remnant, for 9c. NOVELTT DOT WAI8TIN0. regular 75c per yard, VSL yards in remnant, for 9o. BASKET ETAMINE NOVELTY, regular 75o per yard, 2 yards In remnant, for 16c. SATIN FINISHED CORDED NOVELTY, regular $1 per yard 2H yards In remnant, tor $1.39. NOVELTY FIGURED WAISTTNQ, regu- Thompson, Belbeh &.Co. Y. M. O. A.. BUILDHfO, COR. 1ITU AND DOUGLAS STS. CHICAGO CATTLE SHOW OPEN Visitor! Are Admitted, Though Formal Inauguration U Tomorrow. OBsassasaM PRIZES TOTAL FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS Champion Live Stock from All Parts la Collected la Wlady City for Aaaaal Exhibition and Competition. ' CHICAGO, Nov. 29. The third annual 11 ts stock exposition opened its doors to the public today, although, the formal open ing will not take place until Monday. The exhibits have all arrived and are rap Idly being placed In the pens allotted for them. '.' Among those to arrive this morning was James H. Bigger of Glasgow, Scotland, one At the judges of grades and cresses; Andrew Montgomery, one of the largest cattle rais ers of England, and Governor Van Sant of Minnesota. A conservative estimate of the cash prizes and trophies offered at the exposition brings (he value of awards to cloae upon $50,000, which is said to be the largest aggregate of premiums and substantial Inducements over made by a live stock exhibition In this country or abroad. Some of the trophies are .magnificent works of art. One of the arrivals today was the famous Angus bull. Blackbird, 20th, owned by H. O. .illea of Georgetown, K,y., and winner of he championship goltt medal. and first ITlie at the Pan-American exposition. The Brookalde farm of Columbus, O., wrought a herd of thirty-two Galloway cat ile. Swift Company exhibited six-horse rraft team, with an aggregate weight of 0,700 pounds. McLaughlin Bros, of Colum bus, O., twenty draft horses, Including Orsglste and Pyrrhus, championship vlnners at the French horse show at Mon taigne. Among the late arrivals la the sheep department, Richard Gibson of Del ware, Ont. brings forty-one Shropshlres, Including the famous Gibson 708, which von the championship at the X901 Interna tional exposition. I. T. Gibson of Danfleld, Pat., exhibits forty-two Lincoln, Including rix winners at the Royal in England. TOTAL COTTON CROP IS VAST Brewers Sell Mora Than They Batae OsHag the Year Jast . Ended. ' ' WASHINGTON. Nov. 29.-The final re part of the statistician of the Department of Agriculture shows the actual growth of cotton In the I'nited Stataa for the year .1901-1 to have been ,96,47S oommerclal tales, of which 116.650 balea were marketed before September 1. 1901, and 9.J96.J36 bales between September 1, loi. and Au gust tl. 1902. 154.691 bales being carried forward to the year 1901-3. The commercial crop of the year amounted to 10.683.224 bales, thus exceed- A PL&A5ANT SURPRISE In Store for Tki Who Donbt. When yon read that" a sufferer of many year standing ha been completely re stored to health by using Smith1 Cure all yoa are - inclined to doubt the state ment ataa, in tact, bar bo belief In' It whatever. Tb reason for this la that so sible for anyone to believe It; If the ad.j vertlseronflned his claims to the eurin. of One' disease, as do the proprietors of Pyramid Pile Cur readers would have much more faith' id published testimonials. 'These familiar with thla great remedy knew that testimonials aa to It merit mar be relied npon implicitly; also that ' the cures brought about by its use are little short of marvelous. ' The genuineness of the testimonial here given Is vouched tor and is but on of thousands received: " "I bad a friend who bad. used on box of 60-cent Pyramid Pile Cure that entirely cured her. I saw the good effect on her and thought I would try It, aa I had got o I Muld not sit down without extreme pala aad getting up was Just a bad; the first box nearly cured me; I got the second box and have had no trouble sine. Pyra mid Pin Cur does all that It claim to do aad I nvr miss aa opportunity to tell Its merits. I speak from .observation and persoaal benefit. Two bexe cured me ver a year ago aad a return of the trouble since." Mrs. M. Mocney. aooo Sangamon street, Chicago, III. Pyramid Pile Cure Is sold by druggist tor fifty cants a package or will be mailed to any addreaa upon receipt of price by Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich. Write thl firs for their book dea.Vg tb suss and cur f pile. at t'V. M. Bee, Nor. JO, IMS. Special-Day s II oif Remnants Hundreds and hundreds of pretty waist lenprths are to be sold Monday morning. IJecaiiHe fhe-lots Lave been so popular that, all but the remnant ends are gone. We make every remnant , a derided bargain. Each price bears a lar 75c per yard, t yards In remnant, for 83c. STRIPED WOOL CREPE DE CHENB, regular 75c quality, 2 yards In remnant, for 84c. GRANITE STRIPED NOVELTY, regular 75c per yard. 3 yards In remnant, for 7o. IMPORTED PRINTED NOVELTY, regu lar 75c per yard, 3 yards In remnant, tor 88c. PARISIAN WAISTINQ, regular 7So per yard, 2T4, yards In remnant, for S7e. PARISIAN NOVELTY, regular 76c par yard, 2 yards In remnant, for 83c. BEDFORD CORD NOVELTY, Jn pink. 42 Inches wide, regular $2 per yard, 1 yards In remnant, for 87c. IMPORTED BEDFORD AND LACE STRIPE NOVELTY, Nil green, 41 Inches wide, regular $2 per yard, IH yards In rem nant, for 98c. NOVELTY WAISTINQ, regular 75o per yard, 2 yards in remnant, for 97o. Ing the amount actually grown by 69,746 bales. This excess was due In the main to the marketing of cotton held over. With regard to lintera, the report saya the enormous growth of the seed crushing Industry resulted In an important addition to the crop. The tojal purchase of cotton by southern mills during, the year ending August 21, 1902, amounted to 1,281,632 bales. Minister Will Live In Havana. WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. Senor Rafael S. Lopez, the new minister from Salvador, presented his credentials to President Roosevelt today. Benor Lopes represent his government not only in Washington, but also at Havana, where he intends to re side the gi eater part of the year. NEW 'YORKIS BARRED (Continued on Second Page.) any traffic In cattle in that state or be tween' that and other states, It deemed necessary by the executive committee. Dr.'W. F. Huntington.' government cattle Inspector at Portland, has received no In structions to stop the shipment of cattle from Portland to England and It Is not likely that an embargo will be placed on that port. CHICAGO, Nov. 25. Arthur G. Leonard, general manager of the Union' Stock Yards company, says a quarantine order in New England will have but little effect on the beef industry of the country. The only particular effect Is the closing of the New England ports to shipments of western live stock and changing the points of ex port to other ports. The principal part of the beet going out Is dressed and goes right through the quarantined district to export. The same opinion -was given by John A, Spoor, prealdent of the Union Stock Yard company, and O. M. Skiller of the Interna tional Live Stock exposition. Experiments with Texas Ticks. QUANAH. Tex., Nov. 29. For the last fif teen days a series of exDerlments with South American cattle dip have been. going on here. The government ha sent men here to report on the experiments. About 100 head of badly Infected steer. and cows were dipped In the solution and aner seven days, during which there were four days rain, onlv about 1 er cunt nt ft ticks were found alive, and after ten days tne cattle were Inspected and permission was given by the state officers to move the cattle Into a dialnfected pasture. It la thought that In the nrln-hn th. weather la warm and the cattle begin to thrive that after seven dava the! rttl win be clean and allowed to be moved into dis infected territory. Should this be the case It will mean mil lions of dollars to tho Texaa Panhandle and all the territory along and below the quarantine line. The dip has no bad effect on the cattle whatever. WANTS L0UBET AT FAIR Coaa-ressmaa Tawsty Will Ask Con areas to Invito French President. ST LOUIS. Nov. 29. Congressman Jamas a, Tawney of Minnesota.,, who conferred reeeatly with the exposition management, will Introduce In congress a joint resolu tion Inviting President Loubet of, Franc to visit the United Statea In 1904 and be come the 'guest of the World's fair man agement. . ' As chairman of the house committee on t,he exposition Mr. Tawney Is the proper person, (o. offer the resolution. DISMISS NEGRO LAW SUITS Federal' Jadaree Decide They Have No Jurisdiction In Franchise , - Cakes. RICHMOND. Vs.. Nov. M.-iChlef Juattr Melville W. Fuller of the. United Statea supreme court, and Judge Waddlll. sit ting la the United States cireult court here today, dismissed the suits brought to In validate the new Virginia constitution, hold ing that the federal eourt bad no Jurisdic tion. An appeal will be taken. UTAH MURDERER TO BE SHOT Nathan Haworta Derides that He Will Face Hides When Esplatlna , Crime. SALT LAKE CITY. Nov! 29. In the elr cult eourt at Farmlngtoa, Judge Relapp to day pronounced aenteace of death on Na than Haworth, convicted of tho murder of Thomas Sannall la Laytea three yeara ago. Haworth chose shooting as the mesas of death and will thus be executed. THE. OMAHA DAILY BBK SUNDAY, NOVEMTlKn 30. 1002. RAISER EXPERT MARKSMAN Has Been Knows to Kill Thirty-Six Out of Forty Ghancs at Wild Boar. ALWAYS MANAGES TO BE THE HIGH GUN Coart Etlqnrt In Fart Prescribes that It Should lie So Enjoys II I ni sei! Brat While In the Woods. (Copyright, 1902. by rress Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Nov 29.(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Emperor Wll llam'a joking to Ambassador White about President Roosevelt's bad luck In hunting bears, while he himself was having rare good luck slaughtering gsme In England, calls attention to a passion which is remarkable when one considers that (he emperor can use but one arm tn shooting. The emperor Is one of tho most ardent huntsmen in Europe. He Is the happiest when living In one of his six hunting lodges, by prefer ence Romlnten or Hubertunstock. In his hunting lodges he never appears In uniform. He wears a gray-green bunting suit and a soft felt hat of the same color, with a chamois beard stuck Into the band. Affairs of state he cannot absolutely Ignore even In a hunting box, but his ministers in Berlin know they are not to bother him with use less details when he Is hunting. He has Just completed thirty years as huntsman and sportsman and celobrated the event by sending to every gamekeeper on hi numerous estate some token of his re gard In presents ranging from gold watchea and Jeweled scarfpins to the right to shoot a hare at Christmas. It Is a pleasure to see his majesty on a hunting expedition. It Is a mistake to sup pose that he Is spared sll the fatigues of hunting or that he wishes to be spared them. He takes bit stand among the hunts men add rejects all privileges, and all ad vantage offered him. . . At a recent wild boar drive he shot thirty-six out of forty which rushed past his stand, a total which was not reported by any other of the huntsmen. This touches a sore point, for unerring shots on other occasions become shocking bod shots when the emperoi is present. It Is court etlquet not to make a bag approaching in bulk that which the emperor makes. For big game the emperor uses a six or an eight millimeter rifle. It seldom hnp pens . that wounded game escapea him. What he shoots either tall immediately or falls at a distance of from thirty to fifty yard. At his side he wear a dagger and on hi hip a revolver In a rod leather case. Behind his majesty in constant at tendance 1 Baron von Helntze, the court huntsman, and behind the baron are two rifle carrier whose duty it is to load and hand the weapon to the emperor. It-the emperor kills a buck with a fine head of horns he hangs a small silver plaque on the antlers Inscribed "W. II. If the antlera are especially fine he pro duce a larger plaque. The head of beasts distinguished In this way are specially pre pared for his collection. For the big court hunts there is always a kitchen tent on the field and the emperor love to have some of the game be ha hot prepared for an outdoor meal. After luncheon he smokes a couple of cigarettes, using a, long meerschaum mouthpiece. At evening he smokes a pipe. For the servants and buntamen there la alwaya plenty of hot grog and a much gam a they can. eat. both grog and food being prepared on the spot., His1 ihajesty always come along to see, how the men are enjoying themselves. He has even been known to taste the "bunt grog," a it. I called. Honors for Ambassador Tower. LONDON, Nov. 29. The ctar has con f erred the grand cordon of the Saint Alex ander Newsky order on Ambassador Tower and the French government has made Mr Tower a grand officer of the Legion of BRONCHITIS Duffy's Pure rialt Whiskey Cures Bron chitis, Clrlp, Consumption and All Dlseasej Of the Throat and Lungs. If your throat is weak, or If you are troubled In any way with grip or bron chitis; If you have consumption, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey will cure vou. It aids digestion, stimulates and enriches the blood. invigorates tne Drain, Duims nerve tissue, tones up the heart, cures malaria, ague and low fevers of any kind, fortifies the system against aiseasa germs ana prolongs lire. SURE CURE FOR BRONCHITIS.1 Oentlemen; Early last spring I was taken with Chronic Malaria. I began to lose flesh. Bronchitis set in and catarrh of the air passages followed. I tried most every thing, but found no relief, till I took Puffy's Malt Whiskey. 1 commenced gaining strength and after taking fifteen bottlea 1 had gained 40 pounds which I had lost be before I began taking your whiskey. I would advise all who have similar trouble to take Duffy's Malt WhlsKey. It has cured me from troubles when nothing eise would give me relief. . i B. C. HENNINQ. Sept. 7, 1902. Coraopolls, Fa. ' Be careful and see that "Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey" Is on the label, and that it la our own patetnt bottle with the name Mown In the bottle. This la the only way Duffy's Pure Malt WhUkey la sola. If offered In bulk or In flasks It Is a fraud. Beware of so-called Malt Whiskies, which ars sold cheap. They Injur the system. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the only pure medicinal whiskey which has stood the test for fifty years, and always found absolutely pure and free from fusel oil. It contains medical proper tiea found In no other whiskey. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has cured millions of rases in the last U years. It Is prescribed by over T.OuO doctors and used exclusively by 2.U0O prominent hospitals. (.'nation When hnylnar Daffy's Pars Mall Whiskey be s a re yon act the Seisin. I'nacrnpnlons denlers, mlndfnl af tho execllenoo of this preparation,' will try to sell yoa ehenp Imitations and sn-ealled Malt Whisker snbstltntos, which ar pnt an tho market lor proat only, and which, (ar from relieving tho sick, ar pasltlvelr harmfnl. Demnnd Uilf'(" and b aar yoa Set It. It Is tb aalr abslately par malt whlske) which contains medlciunl, bealtB-alvlaa; aaalltles. - Look lor the trade-mark, "The Old Chemist," oa oar label. The genuine at all druggists and grocers or direct, a bottle. It Is the only whUkey recogntiod by the Government as a medicine. This is a guarantee. Valuable medical booklet containing symptoms and treatment of diseases and convincing testi monials sent free to any reader of The Bee who will write, Duffy Mall Whiskey Com pany, Rochester, N. T. Honor for bis book en the Marquis of La fayette la the Amerlcaa revolution. castro Takes Barcelona Venesaela Fnrrra Defeat Rebels, Lib erate Prisoners and Captare Town. CARACAS. Veneiuela. Nov. 29. A force of government troops numbering 8.10(1, un der General Velutlnl and Ollvares, re occupied Barcelona on November 2. The revolutionist abandoned the city before the arrival of the government forces, tak ing with them their leading prisoners. They also removed their ammunition ami a gun, which they took six miles, when they were attacked, by a government force, which Inflicted a severe defeat, liberated the prisoners and obliged them to escape in smsll bands through the mountains. The recapture of Barcelona, which the revolutionists have been representing as Impregnable, Is taken here as further proof of the demoralisation of the revolution. The government forcea continued tholr march upon Cludad Bolivar. kaiser will go to church Promises to Attend Dedication of American Place of Worship In Berlin. BERLIN, Nov. 29. Rev. Mr. Dickie, pas tor of the American church here, sailed for the United States today to aecure a library and other things for the new church which he la building at a cost of S 100,000. Emperor William Inquired about the church when Mr. White, the retiring am bassador, held his farewell audience, and said he would attend Its dedication. MRS. DILLON IS TO COME Wife of the Irish Leader gammoned tc Chlcaa-o, Where Her Him bnnd Is 111. LONDON. Nov. 29. Among the passengers who will sail on the steamer Vmbrla from Liverpool today Is Mrs. Dillon, wife of John Dillon, the Irish leader. A dispatch from London under yesterday's date announced that Mrs. Dillon had been suddenly summoned to Chicago, where her husband Is lying ill. . TRIBESMEN ARE PUNISHED Twenty-Five Killed and Many Taken Prisoners by tho British In India. PESHAWAR, British India, Nov. 29. Twenty-five Wazltrls killed, 202 taken prls oners, two wounded, fifty-nine tdwers and three villages destroyed, 6,000 bead of cat tle and forty-eight guns captured 1 the net result of the British expedition recently sent against the rebellious tribesmen. The effect of this punishment upon the of fending tribes IS said to have been salutary, HAS BOMB FOR LEGISLATORS Former Italian Policeman Arrested on His War to Blow tp Parliament. ROME, Nov. 29. A former policeman named Flnelll, having In his possession a loaded bomb, was arrested In tb neighbor hood of the Chamber ot Deputies.' i . Flnelll confessed that he meant to threw the bomb among tha deputies. It 1 be lieved he 1 Insane. ' Olive Schrelner's Hnsbnnd Elected. CAPETOWN, Nov. 29. Cronwlgbt Schrel ner; the candidate of the Afrikander Bund, baa been eieoted member of the House of Assembly from Coburg, Cape Colony. He 1 the husband of Ollv Scbrelner, the writer. Troops of Saltan Attaeked TANOIER, Morocco, Nov. 29. The sultan of Morocco's forces have been attacked by the Semmour tribesmen not far front Tan gier. .The sultan dispersed the rebels, put his advance on Rabath was checked.' Snspeetcd Anarchist Arrosted. SOFIA. Bulgaria, Nov. 29. A supposed anarchist was arrested in the park of Eux Inograde castle today on suspicion that he Intended making an attempt to assassinate Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria. Yerkeses Are Cenlag Home. LONDON, Nov. 29. The passenger list of the steamship Deutschland, from Hamburg tomorrow, via Southampton and Cherbourg, December 1, contains the names of Charles T. and Mr. Yerkes. Withdrawal of Baalish Gold.. LONDON. Nov. 29. The withdrawal of gold from the Bank of England today were 150,000 for shipment to South America and 192,000 for Egypt. STILL SQUABBLE OVER GOLD Bankers and Merchants Wnnt to Abol- lah Silver Standard, bnt Farm ers Aro Satisfied. MEXICO CITY, Nov. 29. Fluctuations of silver keep exchange continually -varying. Opinions are still divided as to the advis ability or adopting a gold standard. . The largest business men and most bank er Incline to a gold basis, while farmer are disposed to regard the' agitation aa a mere outcry on the part of Interested for eigners. Business men ars marking up prices to ths proportion of t to 1 ."Banks are all prosperous and business Interest report excellent trade condition.' JAIL FOR STRIKE RjOTERS Kow Orleans Men Sentenced for Cat- Una Wires aad Dentins; Konanlonlsts. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 29. Judg Par- lange. In the United State circuit court, today handed down a decision In the case of the linemen of the Cumberland Telephone company who bay been on trial for con tempt in connection with the recent strike. Six were found guilty and given heavy sentence In prison and flv were dis charged. The men violated an injunction and were arrested at various time for cut ting wires and beating employe of the company. BANDITS DYNAMITE . BANKS ncceed In Illinois and Kentucky, bnt Only Get Seventeen Dollars front Latter. BLOOMINOTON, 111.. Nov. 29. Safe blow er mad a successful raid last night on ths Bute bank at Stanford, a village tea miles southwest of here, snd $3,000 wa taken. Ths thieve escaped. CAIRO. III., Nov. 29. The First Nstional bank of Wycllffe, Ky., was dynamited last night by four robbers. While the vsult waa sompletely destroyed and the bank building considerably damaged, the rob ber only secured 1T. REUEHBERS CREATNAPOLEON Danish BtaUiman Who Visited Pirii When the Oofiioan Was in Ascendant. NOW AN OLD MAN, BUT IN ACTIVE LIFE Kaloys the Opera and Takes His Re, rcntlon Alonar with Work nt the Age of Or Sends Ills Re. (tards to Americans. (Copyright, 1902, by Pres Publishing Co.) COPENHAGEN. Denmark, Nov. 29. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) "Give my respect to the Americans," said Senator Thygeson to the World corre spondent, who called to Interview the old est living statesman In active work, now 97 year old. "I hope they will not be too angry with me because I voted not to sell the Danish West Indies to the Vntted State. Tell them the United State Is grand and big enough without these smsll Islands, but Denmark It Small and cannot afford to get smaller. "I ahall be glad to tell a little about my self If you think tb World cares about It. "Well, I was born In Norway in 1S05, several year before Norway and Denmark were parted. My father wa a sheriff up there. When I wa 7 years old my. par ents mad a Journey to Paris. That was quit an event In those day and we trav eled all day In stage coach. I think the Journey from Copenhagen to Paris took about three weeks. I remember we were upset by th stage coach losing a wheel snd my father scolded the coachman dread fully. "When wc arrived in Pari the city was filled with soldier. I stood with my par ents at a window of our hotel and looked down on the' place. All of a sudden my mother picked me up In her arm and aid: 'Look down there. Do you see that small gentleman on the white horse T He I Emperor Napoleon.' "I remember as plain as anything how the small man was gesticulating in froat of his soldiers, but I could not hear or understand what he was saying. It seems quite funny to have seen the great em peror, don't you think so?" asked the old man, smiling. Sudden he shouted to bis old servant: "Christian, I want to go to the Rdyal Whit $20,000.00 Post says that furnishes more nour Ixhmi-nt than tho sva one pound or teiu will absorb thun (Iran Nuts tin Hounds of meat, urapertuu nt,.nr i,rpnd. He has a reaBon for the statement. The wblte flour makers Issued millions of cir cular denouncing him for the statement Tost further says the exc'wslve ue of white bread causes disease of the bowels frequently ending in peritonitis and ap pendicitis. Close under the shell of the wheat He the phosphates, potash and other ele ments absolutely demanded by the body for Its proper feeding, particularly for the nerve centers and the brain. Also close under the shell He the elements of the diastase required by the body to change the starchy part of the wheat In to TJrape Sugar during the process of di gestion. . ' But tha white flour miller throws out these Important because they dark en the flour.- The white flour of the present day Is al most entirely coin posed of .starch, a n rl tit a dlutnnlu elements . that wlu . help dU gest tlint starch are left fut; therefore when much starch, even In the shape of white bread Is put into the stomach it passes into the Intestlnul tract where. Instead of being digested it ferments and causes trouble. see It was to remedy was Invented, for practically the this trouble that same methods' that (Iran Nuts Nature used to dl- urape nuts geflt tha itarch are used in the manufacture of Urape-Nuts, so that the famous food goe Into the body In the form of Grape Sugarthat Is the starch has If en changed and the first act of digestion has taken place The result is thst the human body Is furnished with valuable food elements In the most perfect form. ' j see ' Now comes along to question Post's , claim regarding tberUlnoEx- tlie vaue vt om pmeotSUtlOB rLA?. edly discuss the subject and produce a statement showing more calories pf food value In ten pounds of bread than tn one pound of Grape-Nuts. ' ' That is not the question at Issue. I.Ik many other pseudo-scientific dabsters they befuddle themselves and become lost tn the niase of scientific effort. theater tonight What ra they pisylng?" " 'Csrracn.' but there la aot a ticket to be gat." . . , . . , "Hang it, then, we must go to some other place. A fellow hss got to hav some fun while he I young or. at any rate be fore ho gets too old." RAVAGES OF THE SMALLPOX Method of Vaccination Cmpleyed preada th Disease la th ' Ore-ek Arehlpelaaro. VIENNA. Nov. 29. A shocking story I published by tha Neues Weltier Journsl to day of the smallpox acdurgo In the Furnl Islands near Samoa, Greek archipelago. According to the report more than 1,000 persons are dead at the, Furnl Islands, which are inhabited by 800 Greek families. When smallpox broke out the Turkish authorities quarantined th Island aad the people, being without doctor, resorted to the expedient of vaccinating the healthy people with lymph from the sufferers, and the disease spread rapidly In all direction. There 1 no confirmation of the story. N0RD GAINS IN STRENGTH Camps One Day's March froat Port an Prlace with Many Followers. TORT AU TRINCE. Hsytl. Nov. 29. Th president of the chamber of commune ha left tor St. Marc, where be will rejoin Gen eral Nord. HI absence ha caused great difficulty lb the work of the chamber. General Nord appear to hav the better of th situation. Accord btwen the Sen quiets and th Fouchardlsts Is said to be Impossible. The advance guard of Oeneral Nord Is encamped one day' journey from Port au Princ,- WILL TRY HUNTER IN SECRET Guatemala Officials Do Rot Intend to , Call Era Witnesses of Affair. OUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, Nov. 29. If there 1 any hearing of the charge against W. Godfrey Hunter, jr., it will be hold In secret and by official-of the gov-J ernment. N evidence will . b -asked for by tb Guatemalan oOlcers. from eye witnesses. e Flour How much food ... absorb, take dpi make use of. vaiuewiu tne thnfs the flvestlon. . . fcuimose you feed ajsie-m a uan 10 pounds sugar, twblch is nearly rail -pure nour Ishment). Would -his System absorb 10 pounds? He would probitly be made sick and really lose weight and strength. Hut suppose 'you prepared the sugar so he could quickly digest and assimilate It and absorb luto bis system the nourish ing properties of It, Is It not clear that H pounds of such food would furnish him mora nourishment that his system would absorb than the 10 pounds, or even &0 pounds of raw sugar? That is exactly the case with Grape Nuts. The element of wheat and bar ley are sc'entlfiially treated In exactly the way t . human body treats them to accomplish the first act of digestion, that Is the change oi starch into Orape Sugar, see The makers of '; lu order to keep ... ' . the flour white. A white flour eacri- rtan fed on wWta flee the most ... bresd alone i will gradually ' become valuable part Of a shattered nervous the wheat . wrek and can't possibly live unless be is furnished with the food ele ments required by nature to sustain life, and some of the moat -powerful are en tirely absent In" white bread.- Every element In the wheat and barley Is kept lu Grspe-Nuts, and man or animal can live Indefinitely on that perfect food. 'We hare records of several thousand cases where people bave been unable to main tain health, weight and strength on meat, wheat, oats or bread and bave been able to Increase weight, vitality and strength on tho little portions of Grape-Nuts taken as a portion of each meal. ... see We will place .. against $10,000.00 . to be deposited by $1,000.00 la $hy tlje .Maine Experl- A-.i.n.t.A K.r.1, ment 8cleutists (?) designated bank a.d the total $20.- 000.00 less cost of experiment, to be paid to them for their trouble and work if they prove our claim untrue. If they fall, the amount to be paid u for our time and labor of demonstration. Common earth snd air contain the raw elements necessary for, man's food but even if a scientific state official should ti ll you that,, would you therefore eat 10 pounds of earth an A rnect to extract its nourishment? It requires the curious snd wonderful manipulation of the laws of the vegetable kingdom to select and Combine and prepare ' these food ele ments of the soil in such a way that Experiment KILLED BY SCANDAL (Continued from first Page.) Vindication failed to altogether dispel.. Tho socialist Vorwaerta, taking Its Information from the Neapolitan Independents, painted a revolting picture of unnamable orgies si-, leged to bave been organised by Mr. Krupp oa the beautiful Island of Capri, In th bay of Naples. whr he had built himself a palace. The Vorwarrts accused him of set tling In Italy because the Italian penal rod does not regard this particular moral leprosy as crime. The Italian government ordered an Inqnlry Into the matter and tbn result was a complete clearing of the dead man' character. It I understood that the, Italian government will now criminally prosecute the Italian newspapers which . printed the defamatory articles. REICHSTAG AGAIN SUSPENDS Racialists Denounce Altered Traitor and Then Walk ,Oat of . Chamber. BERLIN, Nov. 29. In the" Reichstag -day Hefr Bebel alluded to Herr Rlchtef as having formerly participated In th tariff bill obstruction. "He Is a traitor to the minority," cried Herr Bebel, whereupon Herr Rlchter Sprang to hi feet In a great rage and shouted: "That Is Infamous." Th president called Herr Bebel to order nd the socialists hastily left the ball and th president closed the sitting. The cabinet ha kept discreetly away during the stormy scene of the last two ' days, but the chancellor 1 holding confer ence with the majority leader between ' ittlng. MAD MULLAH ; IS DEFIANT sends Back I'seless Stores and Prom. '.Ises to Whip British Aa-aln. ADEN, Arabia, Nov. 29. The Mad Mullah recently sent Into the British ' camp the train of aupply. camels captured from Colonel Bwayne. He previously rendered all the stores unfit for use and accompanied his present with d defiant message, promising to whip the British again. men and animals can absorb and mnkv use of them. Iience we have vegetables and grains. Bo It still further requires the Intelligence and skill of man to cook -and prepare the vegetables and cereals to make them digestible and fiti o The greater the " 'in preparation and' , A . the more nearly Intelligence and thft jawt of aiges- .k. displayed perfect the result. We have the true scientific facts for the basis and the practical every day results with feeding million of people for our proof snd the statement stands on the solid rock of fact one pound of Orape-Nuts will aupply more . nourishment that the system wilt absorb than 10 pounds of. meat, . wheat, (at snd bread. ., .., We are st home every dsy, come and see us. If you are a cleutl?t (?) from Maine bring your wallet, '' Tbe "London '.The'D'adi's of ' " ' . ' nomenclature of Lancet," one of this preparation Is tbe tM test mod- . eviaenuy an Amex . . lean pleasantry, leal aethorlttes ,lnCor Grape-Nuts' ;' In the world derived solely int&ewona from cereals. . The ; baa to say: preparatory pro-' cess undoubtedly converts the food con stituents Into a much . more digestible condition than' In the raw cereal. This , Is evident from the remarkable solubll-' Ity of tbe preparation.' no leas than one- ' half of it being soluble in cold water. The soluble portion contains chiefly dex- . trio and no starch. In . appearance GraDe-Nors' . resembles fried bread crumbs. The grains are brown and crisp.' with a pleasant taste not unlike ' lightly burnt malt According to our analysis th following Is tha composi tion of .'Grape-Nuts': moisture, 6.02 per cent; mineral matter, 2.01 per cent; fat, 1.00 per cent;- pro tela s. lo.OO per cent; soluble - carbohydrates, Ac, 49.40 per cent; and unaltered carbohyd rates (insoluble), 25.(17 per cent Tha features worthy of note In this analyst are the excellent proportion of proteld. mineral matters and soluble carbohyd rates per cent' Tbe miueral matter waa rich In phosphoric add. 'Grape-Nuts' 1 described as a' brain and nerve food, whatever that may mean. Our analyst at any rate, shows that It Is a nutritive of a high order, since it contains tbe con stituent of a complete food In a very satisfactory and rich proportion and In an aaslly assimilable state." Rostum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. A