Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17
17 mm i THE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER .TO, 1002. rp rvn ir JL fo) lb UJ THE GREATEST EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF TOYDOM HAPPENS HERE TOMORROW. Santa Claus makes his state entry into Omaha and enthrones himself in that most appropriate of headquarters BENNETT'S. His kingdom is on our Second Floor. Santa Claus in giant form smiles benignly on little folks, big folks and all, from his dias on Main Floor. Don't miss seeing the dear old fellow, nor forget his gorgeous retinue and train, his carloads of TOYS of every conceivable charm on Second Flnr Bennett's Holiday Bazaar Fine American Cut Glass... Clear and bright as a sparkling mountain spring, brilliant, lust rous, prismatic, flawless, clean-cut exquisite. Every piece a work of art. Bennett's Holiday Bazaar TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! Every childish dream. Every dear old Saata Claus delight. Things mechanical. Things noiseless or otherwise. Things musical. Everything delightful and the prices sweetly innocent. BENNETT'S HOLIDAY BAZAAR. FINE CHINA WARE. In all its rich and rare varieties, bric-a-brac, pyrography, pictures, picture frames, etc. No new idea lacking. All known ideas at BENNETT'S HOLIDAY BAZAAR SECOND FLOOR. J I 1 1 A. T 1 1 tl toe vaoio west, i opuiar ceiec tions and Reliable Goods are out standing feature? of Bennetts Holiday Bazaar, Second Floor. rn n rr j Lb uvl ll uv. U u i (KAMI I For that Rounded-Out Satisfaction, Which Means the Very Best for the Very Least, Bjy N ow While our Gigantic Stocks are Unbroken and are Free From Gaps. BENNETT'S HOLIDAY BAZAAR, Second Floor. try Hoods Attractions Flannellettes. Ixtra heavy quality (food fleeced back flannelettes, all new and desirable patterns and colon, 27-lnches wide, regular 7ftC l-3c and 10c trade Monday only, at, per yard New Tel vet fleer French walstings. very pretty pattern! and color a worth 35c yard, at, per yard 18c LUSTgR SILK in a choice variety of changeable color a fine O fabrie (or walata, drop aklrta and llninga, regular 60c quality, at .. aWaC Mm Imported fleeced -back French pique. In a choice assortment C of pretty patterns, at, per yard JJC Fin Irish linen walstings. In the popular round thread, etamlne weave, 86 Inches wide, at, per yard Jumbo Size Turkish Bath Towels. Made from the best quality bleached absorbent cotton, the best towel made for the money, siie 28x56-in., regular price 40c on ale, each Extra heavy double warp unbleached turkish towels, 18x38 else, regular mc quality, at, each 40 c 23c 8c Hosiery and Underwear. Boy' heavy ribbed fleece lined cotton hose, spliced heel and double sol, fast black, worth 26c, at, per pair 15c Boy' uadershlrta and drawer, heavy merino, .natural color, nonshrtnkable. Rib finish, full slsea, worth 75c garment, we will sell them yj CjA In all lse at, per garment Handkerchiefs. Ladle' handkerchief, linen and Swiss. plain hemstitched embroidered Initial worth 40c each our pric each scollops, fancy 25c FAQGOTTING, PERSIAN TRIMMING AND SPANGLES value rtg are unsurpassed price from 14.50 down to UW Ladies and Misses' Neckwear. New neckwear for ladle and misses. In stock bows, automobiles, ascot, string, four-ln-hand Windsors and scarf. In silk, satin, velvet, Cupede ehene. Chiffon, Foulard and net, finished In the newest style of French embroidered, applique, lac ends, and hemstitched end. Gloves arid Mittens. LADIES'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HEAVY BLACK MITTENS, ' full regular made, worth 20c pair on Monday, per pair 10c !" Ladle' and misses' golf glove, plain color and fancy patterns. In SSf i wool and silks, at, par pair, 48c, 85c and ,.UW ; : : Great Bargains in Millinery T Many of our fine dress hats will be offered to the public y on Monday at exactly one-half their former price. '.. Elegant hats, handmade, of expensive braids 7 Eaf and velvets, worth 15 Monday at - vJ i Brown silk velvet made hats, draped crowns, trimmed with f the latest effects, that sold for $10.00 ' Cat f f Monday, at U.VV Black silk velvet draped rims, fancy white and black crowns, with trimmings to correspond, that A Cf sold, at fS.OO, now . H:.JJ flats that sold at Five Dollars now 2.50 "HVe'have many good bargains for you. Come and see them whefher ready to buy or not. One lot of new violets, two shades in a bunch, only . . . 19c 7 e l -v V ' TT TT TT TT T ""1 I " "'.i fj '"" I61S & HARNEY STS. MM root deduction Sole of Pianos and Organs Furniture Department EVERETT PIANO It 1 with pardonable pride that we refer to the unanimity with which the greatest artist, brightest critic and beet musicians have accepted the Everett Piano a the new artistic standard of the world. VERS & POND PIANO First-class In every particular; when we eay first-clase we mean all that it Im plies, that no piano Is made better, that throughout, the best material are used, the best skilled labor employed, the best trained talent given to designing the scale and cases of this wonderful piano. STARR PIANO Noted for perfection In tone, touch, dur ability and beautiful case designs. HARVARD PIANO In the selection of a piano the dominat ing object should be to get one which Is pleasing In the sympathetic character of lis tone and of a make which enjoys the reputation of- being durably constructed. These qualities you will find in the many beautifully designed cases of the HAR VARD. SniTH & BARNES PIANO Is well known in this section and Is un excelled in touch, tone and' durability. Nearly "45,000 In use. For the next 10 days, to make room for the Immense stock of pianos purchased for our holiday trade. In this space you will find a description of few of the many makes we handle: MUSIC DEPARTMENT, Second Floor . WILLARD PIANO 8olld hardwood frame, continuous hinge, full iron j.late. nickel-plated hammer rail, over strung base and three pedals. Tine and case designs superb. And many others we have not tiace to describe. A few of our bargains for the next ten days: One new upright piano, sample $127.00 One new upright piano, walnut cao.. 14U.U) One new upright piano, standard make S3 00 One new upright piano 24 () One square piano 22.00 One square piano One square piano 82 CO One square piano 44.00 OROANS One low top walnut organ t J 00 One medium high top walnut organ .. 18 .00 One Kimball organ, 3 mirrors & 00 One Kstey organ, with mirror 22.00 One high top Cottage organ 40.W New organs, I4i. . $65. ttio and 90.00 Second-hand pianos and organs taken In exchange for new pianos. All goods sold guaranteed to be as rep resented. We cannot sell to all the people, but would like an opportunity to explain to all the people our easy payment plan. New pianos sold en $5. $0, $7, $s and $10 per month. All second-hand goods aold on terms to suit the purchaser. flanos tuned, moved and repaired. Full line of small Instrument, musical merchandise and sheet music sold at greatly reduced price. You will save money by getting our terms and prices before purchasing. Call or write. Goods shipped to any part of the state on approval. Call and examine our Chase and Baker piano player the best In the market. Bold on easy monthly payments. This Handsome Jardinere Stand. 48c Plate Rack. Golden oak or mahogany finish,' has very fin finish, neat design, top 11 Inches high, special price 59c JE UELBY! Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry GENTLEMEN'S solid gold fob roee finish, heavy charm, worth fi Q1 $12.S0, tomorrows price VJtztiJ Ladles' or misses' solid gold lorgnette chains, soldered links, beauti-7 Ef ful designs, worth $14, at .... v Solid go'.d link buttons, new French rose finish extra strong Just the light thing for a Xmaa pre- 7c ent tomorrow Emd J And other up to $10.00. Ladle' beautiful set rings, a dosen sttyles to choose from, worth in ex clusive jewelry stores, io. EL nil w our price tomorrow JEUELBYU JEWELRY SYMBOLIZES FRIENDSHIP a a friendship cement It has -always been of lasting quality! We In vite you to He our superb jewelry department Indeed it 1 more than a department It's A LIVE, ELOQUENT, COMPLETE STORE IN ITSELF. SEE OUR CHIC DISPLAY OF ART NOVEAU, "Just too cute tor anything" give play to decorative art. Everybody has a trait of It. whether be know it not ART NOVEAU or the new bronxe and green finish ware tray. Inkstands, candelbra, blotter, bust, figure. Ws want you SPECIALLY to see our Imported nor eltie in colored enamel the varieties are too profuse for talk smoking sets, cigar stands, paper weights, ornaments, race horses and jockeys, hounds, pointers, dogs, THE CHASE, goats, tigers, Hons, eagles, etc., etc. For decorative touches the piano, the mantle shelf, the what-not, the parlor or library table these novelties are "mit-of-Ight" and they're CHEAP, TOO. Watches, Clocks. Diamond Rings, Set Rings, Scarf Pins, Link Buttons, Hat Pins, Sterling Silver Novelties, Silverware, Spectacles, Eye abuses, Bracelets, Brooches, ' Chatelaine Bags, Beaded Bags. LRY"1 LaH D E a Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry The most exacetlng the most fasti ou must surely find "Just the thing" In this exhaust less jewelry stock. Of srilsttc beauty, golden oak, highly finished, brass cup hooks, make parlor or sitting room walls handsome and effective Monday only Combination Book Case and Shelf. Made of quarter-sawed golden oak, five shelves for books, large writing leaf with French beveled plate mirror over top. neatly arranged pigeon holes, extra fine polished finish, a regular $15 Q value our sale price This Pretty Parlor Stand Golden oak finish, haa lft-lnch square top. extra strong legs, braced, with large shelf below stand that Is both atttractive and durable epeclaj sale RBr. price OOW Music Cabinet Mahogany, any flninh, piano polish, neat deaign, five shelt M, door with locks, snd cast brass pull sale A 7f4 price Writing Desk. Bird s-eye maple, highly polished, n icely arranged inside, writing EZ 7 CZ leaf strongly supported, eel-tally a handsome desk our price only e A J Big December Hardware Sale. TO CUT DOWN OUR IMMENSE STOCKS OF VOLLRATH AND ROYAL GRANITE WARE WE OFFER lnconcelveable reduction all along the line, on aome goods that are slightly damaged a circumstance that's unavoidable at times. WE HAVE CUT BIG LUMPS FROM THE USUAL PRICE. We want the room else we would not be quite ao generous in price-cutting. This cut ting of prices begins tomorrow, and YOU ARB WELCOME TO HAVE YOUR PICK AND CHOICE THROUGHOUT. 111, b.'i.xV4' - .. - , . aS" e nmii irnsnsff Preserving Kettles. t-qt., original price 28c, Monday 8-qt., original price 48c, Monday 7-qt., original price 72c, Monday . .18c .30c .56C Coffee Pots, ltt-qt., original price 88c. Monday .54c Z-qU, original price 72c, Monday ..S8c qt., original price 86c, Monday ..04c (- ENGRAVING FREE Jewelry selected now will be preserved until Dec. 23, 1902. Pudding Pans. Wash Basins. 8-qt., original price S2c, Monday ,.24c Original price 83c, Moriday 25c 4-qt., original price 36c, Monday ..26c Original price 89c, Monday 30c 6-qt., original price 48c, Monday ...34c Original price 44c, Monday 35c 82c Henry Diston Buck Saw, fully guaranteed, for 68c 18c Stove Brush, for C Thrashing Meat Chopper $1.08, Monday 88c Picture Frame Department. BRINQ YOUR PICTURES FOR FRAfllNQ. We have the best variety of mouldings frame the picture artistically and correctly for first-class work at low prices, guar anteed. Photo frames, gold plated or elong finish, up from A large assortment of framed pictures from 15c up. Free Lessons Given in Pyrography. 19c SHOE DEPARTMENT-Shoes For Men A HAN'S ENGLISH ENAMEL CALF-SEAL TOP DOUBLE SOLE LACE SHOE. Genuine Oood- AA year welt, very tyllh OeVivJ Men' velcur calf, double lace bluchers, genuine Goodyear welt, up-to- O CA date xx UiUVI Men box call IBilt-well).. I sole. Iac shoes, wide extension soles, extra ood value, 2 30 2.50 2.00 : 1.00 Men' enamel calf (Bllt-well), I sole lace shoes, wide extension soles, at The FRANKLIN SPECIALS (UNION MADE), none better, at $2.50 and i The very best boys' shoes that can be made, and at price ranging frcm $2.00 to Special Lamp and Chin a Sale NICKEL PARLOR LAMP COMPLETE, with $2 Rochester Burner and A A Q 10-lnch shade, only It40 Decorated Parlor Lamp, complete, with No. Decorated Cups and Saucers, set of I Decorated Table Lamp at Glass Celery Dishes, only mm at 42c 75c 9c 2 Rochester Burner, 10-Inch shade or globe, special value, ") ") g" mmmJ SEE OUR SPECIAL TABLE OF IM PORTED CHINA and GLASSWARE, your choice of any article -4 f on table . HJC TO CLOSE OUT AT COST and less all of our Terra Cotta figures and Busts, Cri CRYSTAL WATER SETS, ( tumblers, pitcher and tray, only 7VJC OUR EARLY DECETIBER WOODENWARE SALE Useful Household Articles at Cut Prices, Chair Stepladder 98c Large Clothes Basket 68c Globe Washboard I5c Bread Cutter Board IOC Fancy Towel Rack ........ 6c Fancy Towel lling 5c Potato Masher 3c SEE OUR TOY DISPLAY 16th STREET WINDOW JUST A SPRINKLING OF SANTA CLAUSf BOUNTY GERMAN FARMERS ARE COMING Delevatlew Is Tlalt Mssr Prtlss f I Bite State la Twwv t Is)Teetls;atlsw BERLIN. Nor. 2. A large delegation of farmer under the auspice of th German Agricultural society is going to ths United State la April for a three months' tour, studying America agricultural methods. The German embassy at Washington ne gotiated the affair with the Agricultural department, which will furs'sh a guide during th entire trip. Hi expense will be defrayed by the Germau. Th trip include stops at Baltimore, where special attention will be given to dairy farms, and Washington, wher the Agricultural department will be studied. The German Agricultural society, though a private organisation, has taken th United States Agricultural department at a model and is trying to do in Germany many things which the department does In the United State. After leaving Washington the Industrie of Wat Virginia will t examined and then the horse breeding snd tobacco grow ing iadustriea of Kentucky will be In spected. Ths tourists afterwards will visit St. Louts, Kansas Ctty and Omaha, where the stock yards wlU he Investigated and wlU SBM Ufctulr Into the Nebraska beet augar industry. They will next stop at the irri gating system of Colorado. Prom Saa Prancisco ths German farmer will go oa an excursion to Los Angeles and study th fruit farm. They will return eastward via T acorn and see th wheat farm f the Dakota and Minnesota. Later they will visit the Chicago slaughter houses and grata elevators, after which the Ger mans will be shswn the beet root Industry of Mlchlran. A number ot agricultural txperliaent sta tions along th. route will be examined. The traveler will embark for home at New York June SO. The German Agricultural society's board of manager will be represented on the trip by Baron von Wallenberg-Pashaly. Besides a number of Important agriculturists the party will Include a dosen students of -the Berlin Agricultural Institute, who will take the trip at their ewa expense, regarding the knowledge to be gained as a valuable Investment for the future great farmer of Germany. Dr. Gerber, th agricultural attach of th. German embassy at Washington, will accompany th delegation. There Is a great rush her of farmer from all part ot th empire to file application for membership la th delegation, hut most of them must be rejected, as it la regarded as Impractica ble to do good work If ths party exceeds thirty or forty. Ths society ha lust completed an Im mense building her coating over $250,600, in which will be Installed the new bureau to be founded upon the researches made during the trip to the United States. SCAiNDAL OVER THE BAZAAR Great Ladles Said t Have Absorbed Treats hr ttig Eiiesit Bills. (Copyrighted. 19C3. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Not. (Ntw York World Cablegram 8peclaJ Telegram.) There are rumor of awkward disclosure about ths financial management of the great corona tion bazaar held In July and opened by Queen Alexandra. The duke of Fife, the chairman of the committee, insist that the balance ehaet be published, though strenu ous efforts have been made to stop him. Many great ladle talked much about the ambunt of money they made for the charity and then sent la big expense bills, nearly absorbing ths amount made. The American stall does not come out best, for every thing la it wa charged for and nothing given to the charity, although the women at this stall Included some of the richest Americans In London. These big bazaars most Invariably end in soms scandal of this kind. The great army and navy bataar was ths last case in point The women who were supposed to be working disinterestedly for charity got heavy expenses from the fund and annexe! soms of ths most valuable article without paying tor them. WIFE MAKES GOOD INVESTMENT Lad T rhrylesmwre Bnilds Hoase la Korta Berwick, Wkieh Is la DeataaA. (Copyright. 190g. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Nov. S. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Lord and Lady Cbeylesmore are now living In Lady Cheylesmore's own pretty house at North Berwick, after having let it for the whole season to the American ambassador and Mrs. Choats. Many people here had a notion that Lady Cbeylesmore had no money when, as Miss Elisabeth French of New York, she married the present baron, but with her own money ahe built Cbeylesmor. lodge, deeming that the best investment and the one likely to bring the biggest profit In the long run. Her judgment has been vindicated, for the ! house has been much la demsnd for ths I North Berwick season and could easily be I rented the whole year round- Slocked with ! priceless old furniture of every known style, I it also contains much magnificent antique j silver with historic associations more ' suited te a museum than a private house. These, as well as the great collections of old pictures, rare engravlnga, prints and wood cuts, which cover the tapestried walla, were all left by the late Lord Cheylesmore. who was oa ot the greatest eonaoiseurs of his day. His prlacely bequest te ths nation will be recognized as the most valuable ot recent years, but unfortunately the national treasure houses ot England are already ao overcrowded that no room at present could be found for them on the walls of the gal leries, so they are stored away In special chambers and are only to be seen by apply ing to the curators. So far back doe the silver date that some of it is ssid to be among the first known efforts made In the chasing of silver. On It rude scenes from the dark sges are de picted and ancient Druid legends, while later examples show stories of the Old Testament and Incidents in ths life ot the anclont Dans. have dashed against the heavy marble bass stsndlng on the landing. The king was much shaken but uninjured. He hand soincly rewarded the servant who saved htm. The next day the king had a broad white satin tape laid along the banisters and ordered the lighting of this and other stalr cass in ths castle improved. Staircase appear to be fraught with peculiar danger to King Edward. While staying at Wad deston with the late Baron Ferdinand Rothschild a few years ago he miaeed hi footing while going down to dinner one evening and broke a knee cap. KING FALLS DOWN STAIRS Badly Shakra l and Wot Berlaatly lajarea by His Fall at Windsor. (Copyright, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Nov. t. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) King Ed ward had a narrow escape from a serious accident at Windsor castle la&t Tuesday evening. In going down the stairway lead ing from his privets apartments bs put out his hand to grasp the bannister, but. mis calculating the distance, loat his foothold and plunged heavily forward. Fortunately, servant who waa juit ahead, caught him and checked a fall which might have had serious consequences, as th king would HIGH ARMY MORTALITY RATE Deatk List la French Service Foar Tlaies as l.o.( as la Germaar. PARIS. Nov. 29 (New York World Cs blegTam epeclal Telegram.) General Andre, French minister of war, makes the startling admission that the death rate among the French soldiers is four times greater than tn the Prussian army. Since : 170 Germany haa lest 13.000 troop from j disease. France. 4.0'K. Consumption and typhoid fever. In General Andre s opinion, ! are the main factor In reducing his troop. I He promises to try to withdraw th garri son from those town which do not pro vide good water. Germany exempts from ai-rvice weakly conscripts, such as ths French doctors paa. BRIDE IS FILLED WITH LIQUOR I.sealea. Bevlc. to Escape the Vl llaace of the C'astoms Officials. (Copyright, 1902, by Ptcbs Publishing Co.) TARIS. Nov. 29 (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) rrench cus toms officials at Avennes. on the Belgian frontier, stopped a wedding party a few days sgo tor the customary Inspection. The blrde's silence and rigid attitude aroused suspicion snd on raising her veil the officer was surprised that the young woman showed no sign of resistance. Ho was about to pursue his inquiry, when the driver of the cart whipped up and their party was soon beyond the official jurisdic tion. It was learned afterward the "bride" was made of zinc and was filled with cou traband liquor. Te Sail far ( alebra lalaad. NORFOIJC. Va.. Nov. 2.-The United States battleship Texas h. left th navy yard after a thorough overhauling, and U ready for any eim-rifency. Th- ship will atop at liumptoii Kuuris lung enough tu be Inspected and will ihi-n snil for ("ulrbr.i tkland. to add strength to the big fleet us kembling thtre. Harder lansea at- Jealaasy. WATlDNER. Idaho. Nov. 29 Incensed by jealousy. Arthur O.jode. fired five shots Into Mrs. James Auberry last night. Th woman died a In minutes later. fSoodu then drew a secend gun and attempted tu turn it on the woman a huua&d but tb latter overpowered him.