Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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f Accommodating That Every Worn
a Mar Look Her Beat.
r NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Midwinter styles
bow a wide choiea In hats and neckwear.
In both the models have loit the eccentric
touchea which distinguished them at the
beginning or the season, and so much are
the looks of tbe wearer considered that the
woman must be plain, Indeed, who cannot
be tutted.
The broad flat ban, which, In some rases,
are trimmed In a way to hide totally the
low crown, are atlll prime favorites, but
Jaunty, alde-tllted ellecta are pressing them
close for popular favor, while the creeping
In of other brim styles with the old high
back-lift seems to Indicate that this ex
aggerated flatness Is on tbe wane.
Already a concession to becomlngoesa la
made wltb these plate-like shapes, which
needed to be pushed ao far over tbe face
that they sometimes revealed awkward at tbe side-heed, Thry are now lifted
at tbe back by a crown band so as to slant
them sharply from thla point down to the
front. Trimmings of many aorta overlay
the piece and rest against tbo hair.
tTndcr-brlm trlmminss. niacad at tha urt
alda of tha head, ara tha beautifying
touchea of tba other bat. Short ostrich
feathers and velvet grapes are favorltea for
thla purpose. On big, flat turban of
bright blua velvet and labia a bunchy black
; tip had been employed for tha coquetry,
and another, posed above tba crown on tba
right, balanced. Purple grape, used In tht
fa very beautiful on violet velvet tur
. liana, which may Include laea aa well aa fur
In their makeup.
Lace la High Favor.
Indeed, never waa lace more used upon
.headgear, and In tha delicate blonde and
jbliantlne webs, which are superseding the
I heavier weaves for hat trimmings, one
find tha moat charming decking. Espe
cially la thla tba casa when the fragile laces
are caacaded at tbe back, which effect. If
not the newest In tha world, I atlll sum
clently In demand to be considered by tbe
smartest milliners.
Wire hats, covered entirely with these
cobweb laeea and trimmed with narrow
adgea of aabla and crush roses, are shown
by one fashionable house for evening wear.
These and hats of atouter laces, fur
trimmed, are considered much more ele
gant than those with only lace garnishing.
For morning wear a flat hat of plain or
fancy cloth, with wing or quill trimmings,
la considered a atyllsb top-plcce for tailor
gown. Buch a head covering, when It la
properly made, however, 1 by no mean
cheap. Any price In the 'teena may bo
charged for It even If only cloth, a wisp of
velvet and two quill are ued.
A Arm famous for tallor-mado headgear
ha almost the exclusive sale of these sim
ple hat. The carefulness of thtlr make
aad the good taste of the different atyle
account for their costliness.
Dressy Hals.
For fetching style In both simple and
nesay hat the afternoon parade on the
most fashionable atreet la the new world
New York1 Fifth avenue, la an admirable
object lesson to the woman who Is uncer
tain what to buy. The onlooklng woman
ome time wonder If the paradera cau all
j he princesses, so magnificent I the gen
aral effect of tbe how; and when they hav
all settled down In tome fashionable tea
room where 15 cent will admit even the
Bonfaahlooabla onlooker he 1 at liberty
ta pick them te piece bit by bit.
At all of the place and In the public
dining room frequented by martly
dressed women, a charming continuity be
tween the hat and the neck covering la
, observed. If the former I one of the big
flat turbans with band of sable, as already
deacrlbed. It la matched by a fur set In the
A stylish set In Alaska sable, which U
aa Inexpensive fur. consisted of a Cat col
lar with long stole ends, and a big unstuffod
muff. Nine fox tails, placed In groups cf
, three ornamented the stoles, and the set
waa a atunnlng accompaniment to a long
bos eoat In pale tan cloth.
Long acarfs of white or black lace, or
gauie of some novel description, are some
.tlme placed at the back of a brim hat
with the Intention of muffling the throat
A KaKw la - - . I4 - '
" - prruis mate it This Is ao even ta tha f,raf
atages cf aeatation. .hen. If tha mother ret prowtreYtm! ,7!
baby wUllo. jol.v .uChinir.rood 1
-JwUrVhen ,defbr Mrtkrr; Frund will give a healtnfnchd
T ,Kaif1retL"J, r"? l which U vWeaced la elastic action
of he limbs, clear akin, bright eyes, fine hair. We exclaim 2
Bntanly over auch a creation. "Ho.. k-....i..i " "? ,nv01-
necessarily that tha child ia ptty,
of seeming attractiveness.
Motttr i trun.i la a liniment for external application. Women'a
own pretty ; fingers rub it pentlv on the part, ao severely taxedaad
It Is Instantly aborted au J ao lubricates tbo part.
Your drugvi.t salts II for $1.00 par bottle
u may have our book " Motherhood " fmtt
with the ends. Thla new detsil was lately
displayed In pale gray blonde net, a ma
terial which also formed the outside trim
ming of the gray felt hat.
Keck Adornmeata.
Unquestionably the smartest neck adorn
ment of the season are of fur, but sines
these new must Hi very flat the rough Imi
tation furs are not always good purchases.
Better every time a minute neck piece In
real skin than three yard of boa In Imita
tion; and It this cannot be managed, get
the Imitation In ai small quantities es pos
sible. A neat little neck scarf In an unclassified
pelt, Is a short flat piece, divided at the
ends Into two tails. Reddieb brown. In a
very becoming shade, Is the color of this,
and $7 will buy It. Longer neck scarfa, -n
black bear, In the very flat shapes, can also
be bad at reasonable prices.
A fsd with all large collars la to wear
them loosely about tha shoulders. Some
tlires, Indeed, they are disposed In a man
ner to euggest the ancient period when
women wore tbelr scarf and mantilla ends
looped over the arms. Tha effect Is charm
ing when the ehoulder piece Is In pelerine
shape, In which quaint cape style there ara
many bewitching effeota In lace and chif
fon. ' A Model Oowa.
Turning from these all-absorbing details
to entire costumes, there was a costume
seen the other day on a fashionable atreet
which In charming originality was perfect.
Nothing could have been simpler than Its
materials, and nothing could have been
more unpretentloua than the model of the
gown whose delicate attractiveness did not
entirely Ignore conventional ethic.
Deep plum cloth with narrow ribbon
velvet In tbe same shade made up this
masterpiece, with glimpse through a bar
red treatment of tbe new brownish-yellow
lace. In the skirt this barring took a
curving acallop at the aide of an over
drapery, which fell over a plain apron.
The bodice waa of lace covered by a round
Eton' nf tha ninth nmA t 1. -
- " " WWVU, UJHU V IHU Hm K IQUl j
eiuurve punea sieeves. A novel
band of the transparent barring over the
lace also showed on the sleeves, the top
of which were ornamented by a cap effect
made by the collar. Shoulder straps of the
velvet, ribbon seemed to support the little
Eton at this point and the fronts were
held together by three tie string which
were attached to the garment by amethyst
With this went a hat which one might
describe as "squashy" In shnna a ar,r
puff of plum velvet with blackish shading
nupeo. a orim rolling slightly away from
the face at each side. The low broad crown
and the fall at the back were made of
atln grape leave in vivid shade of green.
IadlTldaallty In Dress.
Taking this unusual style a one example
of tha growing taste for Individuality It
Is quite evident to the student of dress that
the best costumed women think out their
own clothes.
Tha time has passed when the dress
maker and the milliner may command
everything, and. If the woman of elegant
pretension haa any aptitude for dresa. she
can cultivate the gift to tbe highest point.
It should be the duty of the tasteful to
et the fashion and not to follow them
even if the venture may at time require
a little courage.
"I am so poor," said a clever New York
M7"enia rl",b"t 1 haV 10 make my n
tyies. So from material that the shops
mark down aa old-fashioned she sometime,
compound, the bewitching creation..
A handkerchief bodice that .he wear
l.r"'ued 'k,rt ln m"uve "h !
lth the aid of a sewing woman at UM
!.iu i' cDcoci from three of the
Ilk handkerchiefs, with Persian colorings'
. . .
but that It, garal Tff'c ; fl on.
" ono
a ii 1 sai I a. aL m Lf H HI.. m 1 1 - M aw SWA Ti'1i . s JlJ I
that were fashionable for waists several
aeaaons ago. Violet, apple green and a rich
golden brown are the predominating colors,
and the old-fashioned look of the stuff la
bidden by an outlining In black be be vel
vet. Following a very handsome scrolling,
a border of this material runs completely
around the shoulders, with a V point back
and front. This border Is repeated In a
band around the sleeves. The yoke of the
waist Is made of tbe violet borders of
tbe handkerchiefs, laid in unstitched tucks.
A band of tbe scroll work edges the stork,
and another tbe wide sleeves, which fall
short over puff of cream lace. There la
also a narrow-tucked vest of thla lace,
which la set off at the throat by a cocky
little cravat of the silk. MARY DEAN.
Simple Cake-llaklBB- Pan Proved a
Gold Mlae.
Small and seemingly unimportant con
trivances are frequently the means of
starting their Inventors on tbe high road
to fame or fortune. There are a few clever
women who have wooed and won affluence
by the exercise of their talent for In-
genulty U Uttl matters. One of these
quiet little women ha within the last six
year roads a fortune from sailing cake.
Of course, It Is homa-mada cake, and,
furthermore, the baksr cling to oertatn
varletiea In the preparation of which aha
1 particularly sklllod. She Is a country
bred woman and lived In a little village
la New York atat until seven or eight
year ago. Eh was known a a good
cook la the dlstrlut whore It I considered
almost a disgrace far a housewife not to
be a good eook. Hor specialty was cake,
aad as she la endowed with more than
average allotment of intelligence and not
a little talent of Invention, ah devised a
cake tin that was aa tmprovamsat over
anything that had been producod before
la the vicinity. 8he w. shrewd enough to
patent hr lavoatloa, thsn the .et ab:ut
getting hor patent beforo tho publlo.
Usr husband corso to her assistance her
and a trial waa made with the village folk.
The new cake tin took. Then the large
town, in tbe vicinity were tried, with an
encouraging degree of success, and the
county fair gave another opening. After
a year or so the woman wa. advl.ed to
go to New York, and luckily secured a
good cpening. She ha been there ever
since. Just making and selling cake and
exploiting that patented tin. She em
ploy several assistants, her husband finds
It profitable to give all his time to man
aging the details of the business, and
trade 1 constantly Increasing. If anyone
doubt that there I a demand for home-
made cake In a large city, a visit to the
little shop of thla cakamaker will convince
him or ber to tha contrary. Half a doten
varletiea comprise the output and the
cake are not cheap by any means. They
ara good and they ara In demand, and It
Is not unusual during the middle of tbe
day to find a double row of women around
tbe counter In the little shop waiting te
glva orders. It la a wise woman who
knowa wherein ber talents He these days
and In most cases she reapa a profit from
the understanding of ber talenta and ber
Precautions by Which Chapping May
Be Avoided.
On of tbe minor Ills to which human
flesh Is heir when winter's chilling blasts
search out and discover weak spots la
roughness of the skin, particularly of tha
The chief reason of this common, but
annoying accompaniment of cold weather
1 that our skin losing its elasticity because
of a lack of natural secretion at a time
that atmospherelc conditions do not induce
perspiration, becomes unduly dry and
contracted and so Is liable to crock. It la
a tender akin that will do this, because
tender skins are tbln and delicate and can
not stand what rougher ones will.
Another cause Is carelessness In drying
the ekln after washing it,, particularly If
It Is washed Immediately after coming In.
Very many persons In cold weather dare
not wash their bands either before going
out or Immediately after coming in, for If
they do, even though the water they use
be warm, their skin will burn ao as to be
painful, and it will look red beside..
They may avoid auch an annoyance If
they will rub on the hands a little cold
cream or camphor Ice, allow It to remain on
a moment or so and then remove it with a
oft old handkerchief, either .Ilk or cam
Another delightful emollient for tbe
hands, arm. and neck Is fine oatmeal. Put
It Into a flannel bag, boll it, and then place
It ln the water Intended for ablutions, or
It may be kept dry ln a jar on tbe toilet
table and some rubbed on the hands when
ever they are washed. Honey rubbed Into
the skin, while still wet, drying It ln as the
kin Is dried, is also a preventive of chap
If hands were dried more carefully there
would be lesa roughness of tbe skin. A good
plan la to dry the hands well, after using
the towel, with an old, soft, silk handker
chief, which will absorb any moisture left
Glycerine is an old friend, but as alone
It la Irritating to most skins It should be
diluted with rose water or pure water: one
part of glycerine to three part of rose
water. It about one dram of acetic acid I.
u.ed to one ounce of glycerine It help, to
remove any stains from tbe hands.
If a woman is wise she will take the pre
caution to wear glove when dusting a room
or doing any kind of work that will .oil her
Not every woman can have a perfect
band, but every woman ran have a tieautl
fully kept hand. The perfect band, accord
lng to Flreniuola, an Italian author at the
sixteenth century who wrote a "Dialogue
on the Beauty of Women," bss Angers long,
slender, tapering somewhat toward the
tip. The nails should be transparent. Ilk
pale rubles among pink roses and leaves of
the pomegranate flower; not long, not
round nor altogether square, but of a fair
shape and with a very little boss, uncov
ered, clean and well kept, ao that, at the
base, the little white crescent Is visible
Above, beyond the flesh of tha finger, an
edge should be teen aa wide aa a small knife
Is thick, without the smallest suspicion of
black at the tip. And tbe whole hand must
be of a tender, firm aurface, a though it
wera of Cna silk or of tha aoflest cotton.
Thlnara for tha Hoasehold.
There are tea sets of all styles and sliet
and in extremely pretty designs.
Chinese candlesticks In share of bamboo
stains, mounted on old brass, are novel
lime decorative pieces.
Among the prettiest things are tha little
marmalade Jars In colored glass and nickel.
Austrian glass flower holders In the new
est designs are beautifully Iridescent.
The newest shaped wine glass I of much
more generous proportions man rormeriy,
so they need not be filled to the brim.
The tall champagne glass Is also newer
man me usual saucer-shaped one.
Perfectly plain pottery pieces, more par
ticularly the Japanese, Chinese or Dutch
makes, are best In keeping with the pre
vailing i num i rans inrnisning scnemea.
The plain Rookwood effects. Gruebv and
Kewcomb, ara also admirable for the same
Cut glass candelabra and candlestick ara
much favored at present for dining table
adornments, a they are so very effective
ulntlllatlng ln the light Many of the
fine old candlestick forms, hitherto obtain
able only In metal, are now to be had In
glass. In their various heights they lend
themselves readily to simple or elaborate
Brhemaa f nr tahla riAfnrattnn
I There are trays for everything. Egg cups
uumo m dcis oi ino mei&i, khi iinea, wun
spoons, and all on a circular tray. There
are liquor sets, with the tiny glasses and
bottlea on a long tray, and a set of wine
glasses Is ln another tray, bars across the
upper part making It Impossible for them
10 oe anocicea ore.
Any number of thlnn of all ahanea and
kinds are out In the nlckol ware, which la
to do seen everywhere. Everything; that Is
o do round in sliver la made In nickel,
mere are or course the nickel chann
dishes, for they have been seen for a Ion
time. There, are the nickel travs for them
and the long-nosed alcohol bottle which
everyone who ubps a chafing dish should
nave, mere are also cnanng dish spoons.
Frills of Fashion.
Pearls are employed on everything from
suppers to nais.
Cloth applique on handsome lace marks
many a new dress.
Gray fox Is used wfth success to faca a
new broad tall coat.
Old fashioned English wheel embroidery
Is aa modish ln black and colored silks as
in lawn.
While not new, there' always something
noticeaoie aDout a lace garment trimmed
wun rur.
Narrow silk strapping Is the latest adorn
ment for tinely tucked flounces on silk
petticoats. ,
Square necks, the corners digging down
deeply, are noted on some of the newest
evening dresses.
Strapping on fur, though It seems Ilk
overdoing the matter, is to be seen on
modlsn garments.
Gay things are the carriage shoes. They
are tan. or velvet, in ugnt or aeep snades,
edged with fur. with the hlKh velvet tonsue
showing between the front row, and are
tied serosa with ribbons that form two
Sheer, soft, turnover collars are becoming
deeper ana deeper. A preny set among
the new things from Paris la nf the finest
lawn, the edges finished with Valenciennes
lace, wun small mollis of the lace ln the
bodies of collars and cures.
Small favors of the season are clears,
each opening In the center; tiny, black, tall
nais mat nave wnue ana to draw up In
the center, and silver horseshoes, in natural
size, but something more than natural
thickness, thai can be taken apart, one
siae irom me otner.
Every one Is Interested In bonbon boxes.
and it Is necessary to speak of them fre
quently in tne Holiday season, when new
things are coming ln constantly. Some of
the moat Interesting are baskets or fruits,
nuts and mushrooms. The baskets are of
good else, five or six Inches across. The
contents are or natural size and color.
There arc baskets filled with raspberries,
with two kinds of nuts, with small mush
rooms, with grapes and with the larger
fruits, xne bottom takes out and there Is
a round pasteboard box lor the bonbons.
For and Aboat Wsaea,
Bishop Potter unveiled a statue to the
memory of Mrs. Kebecca Salome Foster,
The Tombs Ansel.- in Nw York Cltr
last ween.
Miss LJzzle Sherman, the only unmarried
daughter of the late General W. T. Sher
man, will not return to Washington thla
winter, dui win remain in fans.
Miss Emma D. Begwlck. ln the office of
the quartermaster general at Washington.
has just celebrated the fortieth anniversary
or ber entrance in tne aervtoe or tne war
Miss Nora Stanton Blatch. a srranddauch
ter of the late Elisabeth Cady Stanton, will
take up the work of her grandmother. She
waa the first and only woman to enter the
civil engineering department of Cornell uni
Mr. Chamberlain, the American wife of
the noted English statesman, la credited
with having immense Influence on her bus
band, though she la by far the most femi
nine and retiring of the many distinguished
women who nowadays play a certain Dart
In the political life of Great Britain. Bo
great an Interest doea she take ln tbe secre
tary s public anulrs that she determined
to accompany him on his trio to South
Africa oi. tbe warship Oood Hope.
Miss Lucy Kemp Welch, the animal
painter, poaaesaes a small menagerie of pet
creatures, which serve ber as models. At
her capacious studio she Incessantly nliaa
ber brush ln the delineation of equestrian
studies. In which she excels. She combines
pluck with genius, for one day a spirited
horse, serving as a battle model In her
studio. eacaed Into the street, but, nothing
daunted, the artist rushed after and cap
tured the runaway, brought him back and
continued her work.
Mrs. Roosevelt's preference for white is
evident In her choice of gowns for tha com
ing winter. She has elKht new toilets In
white. Including silk, satin and velvet. One
of the handsomest of these Is sn elegant
court train of panne velvet elaborately
trimmed with old lace, heirloom In the
Carew family. Thla gown will be worn
upon the occasion of the New Year'a recep
tion should tbe alteration In the remodelad
White House be completed in time for the
annual function.
Michael Kissane. One of Omaha's Daring and Fearless
Officers Tells of the Wonderful Results He
Has Had From the Use of
OMAHA, June 20, 1900. I take pleasure In writing this let
ter to you, telling you the benefit I have received from taking
Cramer'a Kidney Cure. From the continual change of food
and water my atomach refused to perform It. work and th
severe pain in my back convinced me that my kldneya were also
affected. My doctor prescribed for me, but failed to give me
any relief. I aaked him what he thought of me trying
Cramer's Kidney Cure. He said he knew of several patient
who had spoken highly of It, so I took several bottle and waa
benefited Immediately. I am Indeed grateful to you for placing
auch a valuable remedy within the means, of the poor and
ealthy. MICHAEL KISSANE, Police Officer.
Froo Sample for All Kidney Sufferers
In order that those who wish can ea for themselves the truth of the assertion
that Cramer's Is the greatest kidney remedy ln the world today, if they will send
their address to the Cramer Chemical Co., Albany. N. Y.. they will be sent, absolutely
free of cost, a sample bottle. If you cannot get Cramer' Kidney Cure from your drug
gist, send $1.00 to the Cramer Chemical Company, Albany, N. Y.. and they will send
you a bottle by express, prepaid. Insist on having Cramer' Kidney Cure. Take no
substitute. Comes In two sizes, 60c and $1.00. Sold by all druggists.
Use Cramer'a Vegetable Pills. '
Genuine, fresh Cramer's Kidney and
slxe for 40c, $1.00 size for 75c, at
Schaefer's Gut Price Drug Store '"""MAriAf051''
All goods delivered free In the city. Open all night. 1
Shrader's Laxative Fig Powder
the only Laxative that prevents appendicitis sold in 10c
and 25c boxes at all druggists.
Manufactured by W. J. Shrader Med. Co,, Omaha & New York.
r?SL "inntia Tan. Plranlaa.
Pa JJfTl Freeklaa. Vnth Patrha.
Haaa and skla Dla.
sua. and f1
J,' blamlah on baauiy.
anA aafles aateclloa.
It baa stood tho taat
et attr-aie
ant It Ik
taste 11 - a
sure U proparlj
mada. Acoapt a
eouularfalt at simi
lar nama. Dr. X
A. tajrra sal te a
lad al tba haul
ton (a patlant):
"As you ladles will use them, recom
mend 'OOUKAUD'S CREAM' aa th least
harmful o? all th akin preparations." for
sale by all druggist and fancy goods deal
ers In the U. 8. vad Europe.
FERD. T. HOPKINS, Prop's-,
' !7 Great Jonea St. V. Y.
Splendid Service. Fast Time
5 Trains Dally.
The only double-track railway
to Chicago.
Pullman Compartment and Drawtnr-
2m ?.l,epln?. c,rli Wnlng and
Buflet-Llbiary Cars, Free Reclining
Chair Cars, aad nne Day Coaches.
For tickets and Information
apply to
General Agent's Office,
101 and U03 Farnam Street
Tcnr Fcrtons Told Free
HI1!?!.1"1'- iiwKsa
JrokT. raa tut Uia aaia of yw bWTaSa au.t
MaJAam or gmnag, a tnuu. at , g t. aty.
Onthl V Ra-arulsatAr tit
FREE. tr. Jf. MAY. Bloom.
tattoo UL
Liver Cure may be found ln two aixaa uni
No taste. No odor. Can be given ln glast
of Water, tea. or coffee without patient i
White Ribbon Remedy will cure or de
stroy the diseased appetite for alcoioll
stimulants, whether tne patient is a con
firmed Inebriate, a "tippler," aoclal drlnltei
or drunkard. Impossible for anyone tc
have an appetite tor alcoholic liquors aftn
using White Ribbon Remedy,
laaursetl toy Juciubers ui W. c. T. V.
jurm. jnuore, press superintendent of Wo
Goaus Christian Xemperanoe Union. Veil
tura, CallxoruU. wriiss: "1 have taatai
White Ribbon Remedy on very obstina"
drunkards, mid the cures have been many
la mio.f es the Remedy was given i.
ISO?"11 commend and indorse
White Ribbon Remedy. Membeis of out
Union are delighted to find an economical
work"1 to aid us ln our temperanc
Druggists or. by mail. fL Trial paokart
free by writing lire. A. id. Townsend
years secretary of a Woman's Chrlstlai
temperarce Union). 21J Tremont 8t.. Bus
ton. Maae. Sola in Oman by
Every Woman
to miswstfa aaa ahoala .now
. ekout la waraarfn!
If b ranntiTi uim.i th.
eforlf. '
Mu iiTat
d atraotiorij In.
tuiiarex, DOOk eew
Oil PemtrulaUl aVld t
em 22 11 mm Bid.. N. -
knr Mia I ah Bv..
w.u. BUU wuicago bis.. Omaha.
One Mile Square oi
Land for S500
safe, aalaase thlrtr-Sra kaaoraa 4sllam
to yams time.
aaraw r. Coltna. ltU Cons. Ara., Waahlnfi
D. C, tor laaerlsUoa.
- IB W '. W I, '
liWOrVVl "H. Whlrtina Spray
VV'O i UavM UmauT
Best Aarrlealtwral Weekly.