tUml I The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, g 3 PAGES 13 TO 24. samara?1 ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 00, 1902. SINGLE COri" FIVE CENTS. Wilt era? $immm sale Monday will be the beginning We will put on sale 200 pattern price will be the greatest ever QUOTED: LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 1-4 pattern cloth, bleached sstln damask, coir slightly colled, sold regular at 12.50, for $1.10. (-4 pattern cloth, bleached satin damask, nly allghtly soiled sold regular at $2.75, cut price, 11.25. 8-8 pattern cloth, bleached, double satin damask, sold regular at $3.40, cut price, 11.75. 8-10 pattern cloth, bleached, double satin damask, sold regular at $3.60, cut price, L75. 8-10 pattern cloth, bleached, double satin damask, sold regular at $4.75, cut price, 12.60. -12 pattern cloth, bleached, double satin damask, sold regular at $4.60, cut price, $2.50. 8-12 pattern cloth, blrached, double satin damask, sold regular at $5.00, cut price, $2.00. MUSLIN SALE MONDAY 23 cases Hill bleached muslin, regular department. None sold to dealers or peddlers. Extraordinary Sale of Black and Col ored Silks, Commencing Monday. To quickly sell 10,000 yards of fine silks we havo allka must be cleared out at once, for within a few days silks for the holiday trade will commence to airlTe. THE SILKS SELECTED FOR THIS SALE ARE AMONO THE FINEST THAT WE carry and as we will sell them on the basis of about one-half their former selling price NONE CAN AFFORD TO MISS THIS GREAT BARGAIN SILK SALE. MORE BLACK TAFFETAS ON BALE AND AT PRICES LOWER than ever quoted by any house In America on silks of an equal quality. Black taffeta, 18-ln. wide, worth 6Uc, for only Black talTeta. 20-ln. wide. worth $l.w, for only Black taffeta, 27-ln. wide, worth Jl.ou, for only Black taffeta, 27-ln. wide, worth $1.35, for only Black taffeta, SS-ln. wide, worth 12.00. for only Black taffeta, 64-ln. wide, worth $2.75, for only 39c 55c 63c 79c 1.09 I.b9 THE BLACK LAUREL PEAU DE SOTE ARE SOLD IN OMAHA ONLY BY HAY LEN BROS. These silks are the finest In the worlil, and are warranted to give more actual wear and service than any silks that were ever made. These silks are something new In the way of black drees silks, and all who see admire them. Prices, $4.l,$3 W. $3.60. 12.9)4. $2.il, $1.98. 41.75 ,5Q DURING THIS BALE WE WILL BELL TEN PIECES OF EXTRA HEAVY YARD WIDE BLACK. PEAU DE BOIE. real fine grade, all pure silk, and will make a most handsome dress. Just think! 36-1 n. Wide and worth $2.50, In this sale we -offer at only 1.69 Black moire velours, the finest grade'made, full 3fr-ln. wide, beautiful design, worth S3.0O In this great sale BLACK CREPE DE CHENE Crepe de chene, 24-in., worth $1.25, for Crepe de chene, 24-in., worth $1.50, for Crepe de chene, 45-ln., worth $2.75, for US SALE. 69c 85c .1.75 The Fourth Trip. Our cloak buyer ta making his fourth trip to New York for this fall season, brought about by the tremendous business In our cloak department. Few if any western cloak buyers visit the New York market more than once or twice a sea son, it Is well known that the shrewd, economical buyer that goes to the market often secures bargains and atyles that are unknown to the stay-at-homes. The cloak buyer has left positive instructions with us to clear up and sell, regardless of cost, every garment that can be sold, and during the coming week every day, com mencing Monday, we. will cut the prices on every garment In this department from 10 to 50 per cent. A chance of a lifetime for the women and children of Omaha and surrounding country to aecure, bargains in wrappers, skirts, jackets, suits, etc.. etc PRICES FOR THE ONE-WEEK CLEAR ING SALE. 00 women's short Jackets, 21 inches long, 300 half tight-fitting 27-inch coats and 100 Monte Carloa or loose back coats, all In one great lot, every garment lined with ailk or satin, nicely trimmed, worth up to 116.00, clearing sale price, $5.00. 100 women'a Monte Carlo coats in reds, castors, blacks and tans that sold up , as high at $20.00, nearly all sample garments, bo two alike, aale price, $9.95. 15) ladles' long cloaks, double ripple case, worth up to $20.00, sale price. $14.90. 100 women's Norfolk and blouse suits, atln lined Jackets, percallne lined skirt, very thread wool, worth up to $18.00, sale price, $8.75. . . 100 suits in blouse and all other atyles, very fibre wool, garments that sold as high as $25.00, sale price, $15.00. (0 sample suits at $18.50, $20.00 and $25 00. ONE-WEEK CLEARING 8ALE PRICES ON SKIRTS. 200 rainy day skirts, trimmed with satin nd several rows of stitching, on aale at 81.60. 400 skirts made In the very newest styles In pedestrienne, slot seams in 20 different tyle, worth up to $10.00, on sale at $5.00. 600 silk skirts worth up to $20.00, on ale at $4.00. $8.00. $10.00 and $12.00. ONE-WEEK CLEARING SALE PRICE ON CHILDREN'S JACKETS. Lot 1100 jackets trimmed with satin hands, for $1.00. Lot 2200 children's Jackets and long cloaks, worth up to $5.00, for $2.90. Women's Storm . v x rouui. ' X Men's velour calf lac A lV Men s work shoes, MM, $1.60. $1.25 and 8c X Men's satin calf cong. worth $1.76 o 1 Misses' and child's shoes, warm llne4 t9c 1 Misses' and child's school shoe. $1.: and Kc Men's fancy leather slippers, worth up to $2.00 9c Men's and women a carpt slippers ...SSc of a great cut in prices on Table Linen, Muslin and Sheeting. Table Cloths, slightly soiled, at less than cost. This cut in made in the city of Omaha. Note a FEW l'lilCES BELOW MUSLIN AND SHEETING Old Glory bleached muslin, regular 7c, cut price, 6c yard. V. S. bleached muslin, regular 8c, cut price, 7c yard. Fruit of Loom, Lonsdale and Hill, regu lar 84c, cut price, 7c. SHEETING 8- 4 Pcpperell sheeting, unbleached, reg ular 16Hc, for 15c 9- 4 Pepperell sheeting, unbleached, reg ular 18c, for 16Hc 10- 4 Pepperell sheeting, unbleached, regu ular 20c, for ISc. 8-4 Pepperell sheeting, bleached, regu lar 184c, for 17c 8-4 Pepperell sheeting, bleached, regu lar 20c. for lSHc cut prices ' In two. These hundreds of pieces of new Twenty pieces of fine black satin rhadame, perfect In every way, and fine pure silk, 27-ln.. worth $1.50, IQft for only I Fifty pieces silk novelties In choice colors, worth $1.50, on sale RQn for only Vm Beautiful moire, both In velours and all pure silk; elegant satin panne silks, in all shades: fancy walstlng silk, all In the most beautiful styles 69c Fifty pleoea of beautiful white silk, on sale Monday. In this lot you find French white and cream taffeta, wash taffeta, mulre, bengaline, brocades, white silks and satins; worth RQc $1.25 and $1.50 on sale for U3 Fine heavy satins. In all the light shades for fancy work, worth 60c, Q$Tr for only ........p3V Monday and all week, fine colored. Japa nese sllK, at following pncea; Colored Japanese silk, 21-ln. wide, on sale Colored Japanese silk, 24-in. wide, on sale Colored Japanese ellk. 27-ln. wide, m maIa 29c ,39c 49c Wash taffetas. In best shades, fine pure silk, on sale at AUi only 45c Many shades n the Wlnslow taffetas that you have been waiting for have arrived, such as navy, brown, preen, tan, grey and too- changeable shade. Wlnslow taffeta Is the best wearing I OH t arret. 27-ln. wide and. yard I UU Great sale on fine velveta. Commencing Monday we offer z&u piece or nne veiveis. in black and all colors, both dark and liht .hades, fine mirror velvets. Tht is greatest velvet bargain ever offered. Best metallic -velvets, in ail colors veiveis worth Jl 25 and 11.60, CD , on sale for UO1' MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION. Lot 3 Your choice of any child's jacket In the house, ages 4 to 14. quite a few long cloaka among them, worth up to $10.00. for $5.00. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. SO dozen $1.25 flannelette wrappers for 69c; fine flannel underskirts at $1.25; 500 silk wsists at $2.90; fine flannel waists on sale at $1.00; 100 children's rainy day skirts at $1.25. Sandals at 27c vli Balance of the manufacturer's floor stock at about one-half the regular price. The whole of these goods will be on the bargain tables in the main shoe department and the bargain worth up to S3 SO PmIm J 4Sa av Mens vit-i kid lace. e. worth up to 13 10 OdlC I III" Men's box calf lure, worth up to $3 & I Um Worn wis vlil kid lace, worth up to U50.... Qn ill Woman's box calf lace, worth up to WW... rllliQ. II WW unwo s ovvrgaiiers, ouc, ana 19C We are sole agents In Omaha for the STETSON and CKO& SETT SHOES for MEN and thu LI'.OOKS filtub'. ULTRA and GROVEK SHOES for ladlae. Stonu ltubbers given away Tuesday ASK TIIE CLEKK. PILLOW CASING 42-Inch unbleached casing, regular 10c, for 8c. 46-Inch unbleached casing, regular 12c for 10c 42-Inch bleached casing, regular 12 Vic, for 11c. 46-inch bleached casing, regular 134c, for 114c. 42-Inch bleached tubing, regular 15c, for 124c. READY-MADE SHEETS 72x90 sheet, unbleached, regular EOc, cut price, 45c. 81x90 sheet, unbleached, regular 55c, cut price, 45c. 72x90 shet, bleached, regular SOc, cut price, 45c. 81x90 sheet, bleached, regular 65c, cut price, 424c. ; Remnants of table linen at cost. 84c on special sale for 5c yard In domestic Wash Dross Goods SILK MULL. SALE MONDAY. 6,000 yards silk mull on sale Monday, plain shades with fancy open lace stripe, worth regular 75c yard; good line of colors (no black); splendid fabric for evening or party dresses (not In remnants), all full pieces. ON SALE MONDAY at 25e yard. EXTRA HEAVY WHITE WAISTINQ (Basket Weave), on sale at, a yd.... 25c Fancy figured mercerized walstings. In full pieces, all new, at. a yd 25c Silk warp Chambray walsting, with em broidered silk dot, all colors, at, yd. 39c Mercerlied striped walstings. In dark colors, at per yard 25c Genuine French Percales for children's dresses, at, per yard 19c 1,000 styles In open stock of the best French flannelette, the extra wide fabric and all fast colors, at, per yd. 124c Fleece lined granite dress fabric, beau tiful styles, at, per yard 10c Dark dress percales (double width), all the new spring styles (fast colors), at, per yard 10c Skirting In black the 65c quality, Eng lish mercerized molreen, best skirting fabric, made for service, on sale In lining department Monday at, yd 39c A Demonstration Will be held In our store Monday of the face cream manufactured by the well known Schneider Sisters of Chicago. This Is a renowned complexion Improver. Ladles are Invited to Investigate. Flannel Dept. " 1 case 34-Inch wide Scotch flannel, fancy trinm and checks, ner yard 25c. 15 dozen wool and all wool plain 'and fancy stripe skirt patterna, each 98c and $1.25 and fl.Sw 1 case extra heavy Shaker flannel, per yard SHc," regular, 15c. All our plain color wool Eiderdown c per yard 33c 7 cases light dnrk and cream extra heavy outing flannel, per yard. 4Ve. Ded Blankets 10 cases 11-4 extra heavy tans, gray and white cotton blankets, fancy border, each 49c, worth $1.00. 2 cases wool filling, extra heavy grey bed blankets, fancy border, per pair, $1.49, worth $2.60. S cases 11-4 wool filling, tan, gray and white, extra heavy bed blankets, per pair $3.75, worth $5.00. 1 cases 11-4 all wool gray bed blankets, they are extra heavy, made from fine se lected California fleeced wool, fancy bor ders, per pair, $5.50, regular price, $8.00. Pianos Sold on Easy Payments Any person thinking of purchasing piano should not fall to write or call on us at once as we are offering the greatest values to be found west of New York. We are showing ever 300 pianos that must be closed out before Xmas. Every piano will be guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. We carry such well known . makes as dickering. Fischer, Decker. Wegman, Conover, Cable, Estey, Franklin, Haines,' Kellar, Jacob Doll, all sold on easy payments if desired. Also a complete line of Estey and Chicago Cot tage organs. Writ for catalogue. Hayden Bros., Omaha, Leading Piano House. Tel. 16S3. Drapery Special prices In draperies and curtains we offer the best line in the city to select from at loweat prices. Specials In ruffled curtains. Ruffled mus lin curtains of all kinds at 39c, 69c. 98c. $ 25 and $1.50 pair. Ruffled net curtains, newest things, at $1.49, $2.00.$2.50 $3.00 and $3.50 pair. In Nottingham curtains we ahow by far the largest range of atyles at prices very much below what others ask. They start aa low as 59c a pair and go as high as $5.00 pair. In whatever piece you want we show you a surprising value. See our line of tapestry portieres and compare values. Carpets Clearing sale of carpets. Closing out all drop patterns and short lengths. All the closing out patterns of velveta and Axmlnsters, worth $1.25 a yard, for 79c a yard. Close out patterns of Brussels carpets, worth up to 75c, at 43c a yard. All the patterns in better quality Brus sels carpet 59c a yard. Ingrain carpet, close out patterns of best all wool, worth 75c, for 49c. All the slightly damaged and remnanU of oil cloth to close out in one lot at 19c a yard. Window shades, regular T feet length, mounted on spring rollers, all complete for 25c. JL To make room for the grand holiday display of fancy roods, tovs. etc.. which the real worth of merchandise In the big bargain room. i.luuu oi meir vaiue. i nousanns upon thousands of dollsrs worth NEWEST. CHOICEST MERCHANDISE AT SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICES. Not a single article or yard reserved. THE ENTIRE IMMENSE BARGAIN ROOM STOCKS WILL RE CLOSED OUT. The whole floor will be remodeled and rearranged and filled with holiday goods. To make these gigantic stocks move more quickly we depend upon the eld Harden method of "LETTINO DOWN THE PRICES." You never saw such astonishing values ss are offered In this great sale. Other big sales will be announced through the day. Positively no goods sold at wholesale in this department. WOOL. DRESS GOODS. We will place 54. M and 5S-lnch wide extra heavy suitings, strictly all wool, sell ing In the high grade dress goods depart ment from $1.50 to $3.98 a ysrd. In patterns lor sktrto and dresses at 49c a yard. All wool si bell net", all wool basket cloth, all wool tailor suitings, all wool Venetian cloth, all wool German henrletta, all of which were made to sell at 76c, Oft , on sale Monday at only O" English henrtettas. Imported black fan cies. 42-Inch wide serge, 40-Inch OEr fancies, at a.31-' Other half wool goods at 10c, 124c, lie and 19c a yard. BILKS. 1.0"0 silk wslst patterns of four yards each, In plain and fancy silks,' worth from 'oc to $1.50 a yard, entire Rfj pattern for lonilay only 3J COTTON DRESS GOODS. Double fold Imitation French flannel. new designs, fine styles, worth loc, only f I1' All wool challls, at 25c Greatest of All Underwear Sales ANOTHER TREMENDOUS SPOT CASH PURCHASE AMOUNTINO TO OVER $25,000. A BIG MANUFACTURER WANTED CASH FOR THE BALANCE OF HIS WINTER STOCK AND MADE A RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE ON THE ENTIRE LOT. HAYDEN'S COULD NOT RESIST THE TEMPTING OFFER AND THIS IM MENSE PURCHASE IS NOW ADDED TO OVR ALREADY GIGANTIC UNDER WEAR STOCK. AND MONDAY THE GRAND UNDERWEAR SALE BEGINS. THE NEWEST. CLEANEST, FRESHEST, MOST STYLISH, BEST MADE, BEST FITTING GARMENTS EVER MANUFACTURED CAN BE HAD IN THIS SALE AT ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICES. Ladles' fine combed Egyptian cotton rib bed vest and pants, fleeced lined, silk croched neck, satin trimmed front, in silver gray and white, regular SOc quality, at 25c. Ladles' flat knit vest and pants, in the extra heavy fleeced lined, tape neck and front, regular 65c quality, at 39c. Ladles' Onelta Jersey ribbed union suits, made to button across front and made of fine Egyptian cotton, regular 75c quality, at 60c. Ladies' fi.io half wool union suits, fine Jersey ribbed, full winter weight, close ribbed cuffs and anklets, in soft fleece union suits, non-shrinking, regular $1.50 quality, at 98c. Lcdlea' Jersey ribbed union suits, made of V-nne wool worsted yarn, full winter weight, made with high cut front, giving full protection to the lungs and neck, in white and silver gray, regular $2 quality, at $1.60. Ladies' sterling union suits, in the silk and wool, or silk, in blue or flesh color, worth $5. at $3.60. Ladies' flno Jersey ribbed vest and pants, made of fine Australian wool, in black, worth $1.39. at $L Boys' extra heavy flat fleeced lined com bination suits, in all sizes, worth 76c, at 60c Girls' Jersey ribbed fine fleeced lined combination suits, regular 75c quality, at 60c. ... ... . . ' . Children's Jersey ribbed union suits, msde of the V-wool worsted yarn, full winter weight, worth $1.60, at 98c Ladles' outing ' flannel gowns, assorted colors, extra large, worth 76c, at 60c Ladles' extra heavy flannelette gowns, 1n assorted colors, . silk' finish, fancy yolks, worth $1.5". ,U 96c ..... x'f'if-. i v . v-i,,i;VKW,"'--",,'.v " ' Prepare How for the Holidays What ia more lasting, appropriate or acceptable than a nice piece of furniture? Hayden'a line of fancy furniture Is now all In and ready for inspection. You will be more than pleased with the grand showing of exquisite new designs. In best qual ity and finished furniture. A splendid display of children's chairs and rockers at SOc up. A magnificent variety of couches in be st velour covers, at $3.75, $4.00, $4.75, $5.00 and up. Parlor suits in aa endless assortment and at all prices. A fine solid oak, spring cushion, five-piece parlor suit at $19.95. Elegant sideboards, all size and designs. In this sale at $10.95, $15.00 and $17.50. Odd parlor pieces, bookcases, etc., at special low prices. Make your holiday selections NOW and we will keep the goods for you until you want them delivered. - You get best choice now and avoid the hurry and dissat isfaction of the big rush later on. SELECT NOW. China Dept. Special sale of French China dinner sets. 100 piece beautiful decoration, new shade, these sets sell everywhere from $25.00 to $35.00. Tomorrow we will sell these sets at $14.69 per set. Fancy china sugar and creama for 25o a pair. Fine Ore pellahed wine decanters for 69c. Fancy china decorated cups and saucer for 10c Jsrdenlers from 39c and up. Fine line of beer steins with white metal cover from 25c and up. Fine china decorated bread and butter platesfrom 10c and up. Something new, the PEERLESS FLEXO MANTLES, these msntles are guaranteed for 60 days. If they break inside of 60 days, will replace with a new one. Sheet Music Special Grartd Folio sale tomorrow. We have just received l.OuO copies each of two nice new Folios. One is called "The Star Dance Folio No. 2." containing such - popular music as Josephine, My Joe, two-step; Rip Van Winkle Was a Lucky Man, two-step; Jennie Lee, waits; Mister Dooley, two- step; I'll Wed You In the Golden Bum' mer-tlme; waits, and a lot of other pretty pieces we have not space to mention. On aale tomorrow at only 48c per copy; by malL 6uc; regular price Is 75c. We have luiit been able to get a nice new march Folio, called "The Sousa March Folio, containing some of hla very best sellers, such as El Capltan, King Cotton, The Man Behind the Uun. The Liberty Bell, The Charlatan, Hail to Thee. Spirit of Liberty, etc These marches are all by John Philip Sousa, the well known composer. We will place this book on sale tomorrow at only 4&c; by mail, iic. Everybody that likes late popular music should get a copy each of these books while we have them on sale. We are headquarters for everything In the sheet music and book line. Mail orders filled the same day we receive them. I? A. SELLING OUT the 0 The Immense stocks of drew goods, silks, Silk stripe challls, regular 75c grade, at .. All wool French flannels, plain and colors All wool imported Persian style, French flannel LINENS. 75c half bleached all linen damask, at 39c 25c 38c .39 i2-lnrh extra heavy all linen bleached damask, worth II. w a yard, 59 The nicest mercerized damask made, looks Just ltke the Z.i linen damask, and has never sold for less than 75c anywhere, Monday only .... ... Napkins to match. 19o linen towels, Monday only 19c huckabuck towels, Monday at Handsome email lunch napkins, o"c a dozen, one dozen to a customer, at 'm v .4Sc . 10c 10c worth ..15c 100 napkins, all large sizes, handsomely designed, Monday OQ, only 09 Ladles' heavy black fleeced lined stock ings, full seamless, regular 20c quality, at 12'c. Ladles' extra heavy fleeced lined stock ings, made by the Wayne Stocking Co., regular 35c quality, at 25c. Children's extra heavy fleeced lined stock ings, regular 20c quality, at 124c. Men'a $1.50 heavy wool underwear, shirts and drawers, In ribbed and plain wool, also silk fleeced lined, in plain and fancy colors, in all sizes, on sale at S9c Men's extra heavy fleeced lined shirts and drawers, in pink, blue and brown mixed, regular $1 quality, at 45c. Men's ext-a heavy wool and fleeced lined shirts and drawers. In plain colors, regular $1.26 quality, on sale at 75c. One lot of men's fine silk and wool under wear, In the American Hosiery Co., Nor folk, New Brunswick and Stoneman. These are three of the best known brands of underwear made and sold at $2.50 and $3 a garment, on sale at $1.50. MEN'S SHIRTS One lot of men's plain and colored flannel shirts, worth up to $2.50, on sale at 9Sc and $1.50. SPECIAL SALE ON SWEATERS. . LADIES'. MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S. Children's fine worsted sweaters. In blue black, red and white, regular $3 quality, on sale at $1 39. Sweaters for girls, from 10 to 14 years. In all colors, regular $2.50 quality, on sale at 31.75. One lot of boys' sweaters, sizes from S to 8 years, in nne worsted, witn sua: stripe, worth un to 32. on sale at fee and 11.25. Boys' sweaters in sizes from 10 to 18 years. In fancy stripes, in plain colors, worth up to $2, on sale at 98c and $1.25. Men's heavy wool sweaters, all colors and styles, on sale at 4c, $1.60 and $2. GRAND FURNITURE J) OAI C SALE Fine Art Dept, This department has recently been re arranged and furnished with the latest pro ductions in fine art and novelties sultabi for holiday gifts. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. We make a specialty of framing. We also have a complete line of mouldinga in the newest designs. In gilt and gold, etc. A splendid assortment of gold frames in all alzea, which have been cut In prices for the holiday trade. We will reserve pic luresand frames selected now and deliver them any date you say. Remember, third floor. The New Lining Yama-Mai Is all silk. It is the best All Silk article that can be sold for the price at which we offer it. Yama-Mai has many Imitations. Please look for the name on the selvage. It Is put there to help you get the best value for your money. Yama-Mai Is used for foundation lining to gowns, etpecally for the skirt part. It adds materially to the beauty of these fabrics and makes nice drop skirts . for others. Yama-Mai U better in every way than a cheap taffeta. Yama-Mai Is sold In Omaha by Hayden Bros, at the lining department. Price 45 cents per yard. Send for free booklet. Optical Dept. Our prices are the lowest; our glasses are the beet. All corrections carefully made by qualified refractionlat. Frames properly fitted. Complete aluminold spectacles or eye gtaottes. tec. Ten-year gold filled frames, the $3.50 kind, at 11.85. fo) Cm UU ARGAIN live Santa Claus will soon hrlnv to Mav.len Ttroa.. v must Mnan nut .Inlia' underwear, notions, shoes, etc.. will be closed Stand covers, all colors, handsome goods, made to sell for 11.25, two to Ofr a customer, Monday, at saM" UNDERWEAR. MEN'S $1.60 8HIRT3 AT 23C. Jofi dozen men's laundered shirto. with stiff bosom and separate collars and cuffs. Every shirt warranted new and perfect. The colors of these shirts are not of the newest style, but every one Is sr. made up to cell at $1.50, on sale at...s.3t-' Men's extra hesvy fleece lined under wear, regular 75c quality, in blue and grny, all sizes from Si to 46, suit QCr to match, on sale at 03 Men'a extra heavy Jersey overshtrta. In urown, black and blue. This quality la usually soiu at il.uu on rale nt 49c Boys' part wool sweaters In red and blue, regular 7.'c quality, QQr on sale at 03 Ladies' extra heavy fleece lined vest and nants. In all sizes. In gray and 0(lrl ecru, regular 6oc quality, at fiUJ The Leading Dress Goods House of ihe West. Over 30,000 atyles always on hand. More high grade dress goods than the combined stock of the other Omaha merchants put together. Now Is the season of year when we commence reducing our stock, and closing out all heavy winter dress goods. Every thing In heavy kerseys, heavy broadcloth, heavy skirtings, heavy tailor suitings, must be reduced at once, and In order to do thla we will have to Introduce the old and well-, tried rule of cutting prices In two. COLORED DRESS GOODS In Broadcloths, Venetians, Kerseys and Tailor Suitings, in colored, no black, you can buy on Monday for exactly one-half the price, any samples sent out In the country and returned during this week will be filled at exactly one-half the price. Remember the samples are to reach us before Saturday, December 6, and It only holds good In the city for Mondav. 50 pieces of $1.50 Etamlnes, AA. will sell at, a yard 5lQC 30 pieces of $1.98 Etamlnes, Velours, I sp Mistrals, etc., we will sell at, a yardlsCtf 25 pieces of Etamlnes, Velours, Mis- ICC trals, etc., we will sell at llUU Other sweeping; reductions In our dress goods. Monday's Under Cost Prices on House Furnish ing Goods in Our Basement essm? feyi - .' SafitosSisSar No. t Cook. Cr.. Nickel . piate"d Crumb Tray Jfl & Brush for..r 51 Embossed Tray and Scraper 7 for I' Nickeled 13 Inch Boy, very Q nice 3 Nickel plated Tea Strainers (,-, for a Engraveid Copper Nickel Plated Tea or Coffee QF. Pots 03 C No. 8 Copper Hot- 69c 8.95 g " t I f u 1 Cast Range, 20-Inch oven j-xtra top a re- RagefotZZ'OS No. 13 Oak Heatlnr ?re 5.9$ A nice Oak Stove for one l ap room tsl3 No. 8 Laun- 1 ft m dry Stove... L'sO Hix-inca Pipe 9c No. 8 14-oz. Copper Nickel Plated ktttle 79 Folding Ironing .??.: 69c 6-ft. Step- MCn Ladder.:. 40 Fancy Wood En Salt Box 3 Hardwood Roller Towel f Rack 0 Wood Mix- O. Ing Spoon s) Six department Spice I En Cabinet 13 Copper Nickel Plat ed nance 59c Kettles Tin AVash Basins 5o 14-quart Dish Pan No. 8 Steamers. retlnned ...29c 19c Nickel Plated t'hatlng Dishes 1.95 Great Clearing Sale of Groceries Before Invoico LETTING DOW THE PRICES O KARI ACKOl 9 GOODS. On dried pess, beans, barley, sago, tapioca, hominy, oatmeal, cornmeal, grits and all farinaceous goods. Navy hand picked beans Michigan beans White lima beans Marrowfat peas. ..4c 5c 54c 34c 3ic 34c 34c 34c Premium barley , Challenge barley , Pearl hominy Flake hominy Coarse hominy , Oranulated hominy Oranulated kiln dried cornmial . Fine sago small Split peas Klin dried oats Pearl barley Bago pearl LETTING DOWH THE PRICES Ol CAXXED GOODS New pack black berries, per can... New pack to matoes, per can 84c New pack berrlea. per LETT1SO DOWS THE Evaporated apples, A. very nne IUC Choice Mulr peaches Whole wheat flour Oood rice, per pound .... Evaporated Mlchl- ni . Kan peaches O'G Evaporated Call- fl for nla peaches IUC Prime Crawford Ti peaches I " C TEA AXD Big reductions in teas before the duty is Fancy new tea sittings, only .. 10c 60c sundrled tine imported unpoiQf. der tea, only 03 C i leyion. Java and ne: Mocha coffee s0C Mondeling Java na. and Mocha wuC sue .nglin break 35c fast tea HAYDEVS LOWKRISQ PRICES OS MEATS. Fancy Lean Bacon, per lb No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams, per lb !54c 122c Fresh Pork vr puuim Jew Bologna Bau- M l sage, per lb 1 w GRAND Kill IT SALE. Seedless Oranges, per doz...,r 19U3 Mixed Nuts, per lb 10c 124c .. 2c ..54c Cartoon Figs, each Fancy Lemons, ttn per dos 1 4 FISH SPECIALS. Fancy Fat Her- Ing, each Family White Fish, per lb Brick Cod each Hmnked Chunr liallbut. per lb. ROOM out In this grand clearing sale at a mere Tjidles extra heavy fleece lined vest and pants, all sizes, the regular Tic ft, quality, on sale at wfu Indies' outing flannel underskirt, re(ru Ut sec quality, 25c Children's heavy fleece lined vest and pants. In all sizes up to 34, OC on sale at LQ Bli 8URE AND ATTEND OUR FAMOUS 30-MINUTE SALES. FROM 9:30 TO 10 O'CLOCK A. M. we will sell unMesrhed muslin a yard wide regular t4c grade, only Oir 10 yards to a customer, at fs FROM 2 TO 2:30 P. M. we will sell all wool dress goods 54, M and 5s-inch wide, brought from our high grade dress goods department All goods are worth from $1.50 to $o.0) a yard, are extra heavy for tailor suits, for rainy day skirts for receptions and other gowns, only ono pattern to a customer, 9Cr at, per yard 3 Other grand sales during the day will be announced during the day. BLACK DRESS GOODS Our stock ic still complete of all the lead-' Ing black dress goods made by Priestley, Courtauld and Lupin and other drape manufacturers, and the prices of these high-grade goods are not as high aa other merchants are charging- for these good. In our waist department you will find Etamlnes, Velours, Mistrals, Panama Cloth, Lansdowns, Sublimes and Fancy WAISTINGS ' Made for the fall of 1902, In cream, Pink, baby blue,' Nile green and all the delicate shades. We will put on ile 6u waitings patterns. These are em broidered and appllqued and in all the leading shades, that sold from $7.50 to $15 each. Only one pattern to a I Ifj customer, per pattern Mtf Economy Outfit, In box Cobbler .43c Round Western O Crt Washer CsUl The best Rotary Washer C IC made......... 3 1 "fw 20c Wash- l boards Gal. Wash OC Tubs 03 Spring? Handle Mop fj- Stick yc 4-section Clothes Rack, the best made for drying 39c The Fireside, a complete outfit with 3 pair OCr soles.... 0DC The Complete, with harness mender and tinner's outfit .ntb..r. 1.10 Extra good Half Soles, per pair Shoemak er's Ham mers I5c 10c Wood Frame Wringer. 1.09 The best OH Heat er made, will heat any ordl- Q QF nary room. W. 33 Good Shoe Brush Good Scrub Brush Good Scrub Brush All bristle Brush, regular $1.6u. for.... Vegetable Bruohes, two for ...9c ...9c 3c Floor 95c .....5c 1 burner Oil, Stove. 43c Alcohol Stoves handy.. 23 28x28 Stove Bosrds, lined 69C . 5c 54c 34c .5c 3ic 54c ..3c ..5c White kiln dried cornmeal Farina ...5c ...5c ...3c 50c ...5c 31c ...5c Hominy grits Buckwheat flour, per sack Oranulated kiln dried cornmeal .., Tapioca, fluke Pearl tapioca 84c 3-lb. cans pumpkins, pi. per can O'C goose - Qlm can 0"C FHICKS O DRIED FRI IT. I2!c 3'c ...4c Malta Vita, per packaice Force, per package ..... Neutrlta per package 10c 10c fOc COFFEE. taken off. Jtpan 35c Imperial Java coffee Family Java i Mocha Uood drink I7!c 22 c ...10c ind coffee Sausage,' :74c Snow ririft Lard. 3 lbs. for 29c 10c New Dates. i per lb f JC Cape Cod Cranber ries, per qt , 10c Fish. f 1 0c Holland Herring, per keg 98c 20c r Coal IC Hods 13 New Stock Fish, eta