Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12
omrvi fining? - FANCY CHINA. Grand Sale of Sample Cups, Saucers nod Plates ART NEEDLE WORK. Wo have the finest and most complete display in Omaha ON Tlin THIRD FLOOR. ON OUR THIRD FLOOR. From the Fifth Avenue Stock $1 Dress Goods Remnants of high grade dress goods, not enough for entire robe, in plain fabrics, silk and wool nov elty fabrics, many of the very choicest patterns of the entire stock are here. No matter what the original cost was, goon bar- gain square, at, a yard, 50g $20 and $25 Unmade Dress Robes at $1 yd. The Balance of The Fifth Avenue Stock Must Go. The balance of the Fifth Avenue stock must go tomorrow. Many of the choicest pat terns from the Fifth Avenue stock-that were not shown during the first week of the sale will be placed on sale Monday. This lot includes exclusive high grade dress fabrics that cost originally $3.00 a yard wholesale. The stock consists principally of plain materials, broadcloths in black and all colors, zibelines, prunellas, Venetians, kersey cloths, English doeskins, twilled serges 54-inches wide, voile etamine, Burr etamine, canvas etamine, silk eolienne, Scotch worsted flakes, black and white Monte Carlos, rope cheviots and hun dreds of creme and white materials, now so popular for evening gowns, and$-d almost an endless number of black dress patterns in all imaginable fabrics; each robe or dress pattern contains enough material for entire costume or tailor made suit; on sale on bargain square, at a yard, 00 From the Fifth Avenue Stock $1 Silk Velvets at 49c Yd All the Rilk velvets, in colors, including every shade of the rainbow, in lengths A g from 5 to 10 yards go at, J Q $1.50 Silk Velvets & 69c Aius iot inciuues an exceptional Quality of black silk1 velvets, also colored velvets every yard worth f 1.30 in (T lengths from 2 to 10 yards f" " JC cro at. van! " $3 Block Grenadines $1 1,000 yards imported black and colored grena dines 45-in. wide many exclusive patterns. 1 hey come in scrolls, Mexican nets, L satin stripe and chenille effects worth up to f3.00 all at 1 Waistings on Bargain Square At 39c Novelty stripes,; 75c albatross creme and all colors, Henriettas, French flan nels, plain and fancy challis, plain, fancy and silk stripes all ultra swell waistings on Monday J f at At 49c 46-inch 90c creme and henrietta, creme mohair, brilliantine, silk and wool waistings $1.00 value, at , 49c Black Dress Goods 69c In Main Dress Goods Dept. Melrose, armure, 54-inch cheviot, unfinished worsted skirtings, tailor cloths, brilliantine, prunellas, silk warp, henrietta, etamine, can vas, etc., worth SI, $1.25 and 1.50, and a great bargain oppoif" Vf tunity at Colored Dress Goods at 49c Your choice of any of these 85c and $1.00 prunellas, cheviots, storm serge, minstral etamine, brilliantine, henrietta, etc .Never before priced so low Monday UJlUSlItti 49c Remarkable Sale of High Grade Furs an. HpOMORROW Monday we will show the greatest fur values that the women of Omaha - have ever eeeiu The great sale of a New York manufacturer's stock of furs, which opened with such tremendous success Saturday will be continued and even greater values from latter shipments will be offered. Never such a gigantic cut-price sale in mid-season. Siberian Squirrel Jacket ermine reveres, and collar, tallt trimmed, novelty belt, worth $160.00, at Persian Lamb Jackets with Baum martin collar and reveres worth 1125.00, at. Alaska Seal Jackets ne $98. $69. ka Seal Jackets 22 Inches Ion if with QlitSZ full front, fancy lining, worth 1225, atpliO $39. $15. Electric Seal Jackets 24-1 no h, Skinner l O EZi satin lining, worth 125, at kPlAiOU 80-Inch, worth 117.60, jjQ 93 $75. Krlmmer Jackets 22-Inch, with new reveres and box front worth $65, at. Astracban Jackets 24-lnoh, guaranteed lin ing, worth $30, at ' . . Astracban Capes Sample Scarfs in all the popular furs, at $12.60, $19 and up to .... Single Fox Scarfs a $7.50, Sable and Isabella Fox select skins, large brush tails and small tP " fQ tall trimmings worth $12.60 and $16, at ZpO. "O Fox Scarfs at $4. 85 Genuine Sable and Isabella Fox two large brush tails worth $8.00 and ? A nr 9-00, at ij4.85 Neck Scarfs at $2.98 Double tall trimmed near seal Imitation stone martin etc. Many worth f ti up to $7.00 Neck Scarfs at $ 1.50 300 Neck Scarfs electric seal American stone marten, river mink etc. rf -4 r st worth from $2.60 to $4.00, at J 1 O U A FINE DISPLAY OF flUFFS Black Coney fluffs Fine Coney Muffs worth mm easily $1.50, at 7Sg Large fluffs at $1.50- 175 muffs of American stone marten, near seal etc. worth $4.00 and CP e? r 5.00, at , $2.O0 vnoice i-ur nuns - All the new popular furs and worth -uo yi iuu aanou Bfc vt.BO, vi,OU ana 19. and up to rZ.a,-ril SMART WINTER COATS Our srrtjr of winter cloaks hs brought thousands of aoDreciative nmk. . such a variety of th. swell est style, be found We are" ZXil L?b?!! M 0U 't0r!: Nowhere else can coats. We have the long loose coats with double and 1JL - 1 01 ,WeU noyeltT triple French capes coats with the Dubarry and kimona Unmade Silk Waist Patterns $2.98 r 1 . a . . . ... u isiuiu uumaue wani patterns, each containing t to 4 yards of material, II to 24 Inches wide, Including all the latest hair line atrlpes, glace taffetas, check Loulsenes, 27-ln. wash iunB ana a nn. 101 or wntte for plain and g- fancy wear and black novelty waistlng J. KJ 7 special Monday S KJ $1.25 Crepe de Chine at 69c yd. We have received another grand lot of those 24-Inch all silk crepe de chine, so much In demand for gowns snd waists at presentthey come In about 86 different colorings inciuaing wnite, creme and black this Is the best lot we have ever offered at this price, at . Sale of Black Silks "69c sleeves. We have very special values at. THE PRETTIEST $19, 24.50, $29, $35, $39 SUITS FOR DECEMBER - - ' " 1 luHBuuibcuk Blio BQOWi We mention particularly our silk-Ilned suits at V.......' - mwruguiy up-io-aate pattern ana material, i nnd our ultra rtr o c? l.iDU ii1.. p-JD Over 100 pieces black dress and lining taffetas, guaranteed to wear, woven on Selrege, 27-lnch, 24-Inch and 22-Inch wide, and especially made for fine trade. We bought the entire lot of these high grade taffetas at about one-half their regular value and will sell them Monday at 59c, 75c, 85q Black atid Colored Silks Over 6,000 yards of all kinds of black and cblored silks, dress silks, waist silks, silks for linings, silks for fancy work. In cluding a fine 4ot of wool and silk poplins, etc. A.Qc ,69c yard wide black taffetas, yard wide Japanese silk satin worth up to 12.00 a yard all go at Metallic Print Velvets at 69c 69c IS pieces new metallic print velvets In navy, black, cardinal, greens, browns, grays, with metalllo dots, guaranteed fast, special Monday, at, yard .. J$7y BARGAIN I SQUARE 1.59 IN BASEMENT 1.59 Men's Working; Shoes. A big lot of working shoes, heavy aole and heavy upper, t QVC $2.50 Calfskin Shoes at $1.59 1.200 pairs of men's calfskin shoes. heavy soles, box toe and plain toes, lace and congress. all sixes, at Vlcl Kid and Calfskin Shoes 900 pairs men's light and medium aole vlct kid and calfskin shoes, mad. to retail at $2.60, -4 f o at l.oy Women's Slippers 1.000 pairs women's plain kid skin slippers, felt slippers, lined leather slippers and warm high cut leather, fur trimmed slippers at 40c, 50c, 59c, 75u Women's Kid and Box Calf Shoes 1800 pairs women's kid and boxcalf shoes, made to retail for up to 12. CO, 89c, $1.15, $1.39, $1.50 Boys' and GJrls Shoes 1,000 pairs boys' and girls' shoes, mad. to retail for up to $2 50, go 69c, 89c $1.25, $1.59 Christmas Dolls An Early Display In Our Oreat Basement Section. An immensA line of kid body dolls placed on special sale tomorrow. Buy them now and have plenty of time to drtas them for the holidays. Kid Body Dolls at 50c-15-inoh tall, open and close eye, Jointed limb, kid body dolls, with fancy open work stockings, sewed wigs snd long, wavy hair. These are just th. kind of dolls that generally sell for $1; we will sell them, to- f morrow for OUC Kid Body Dolls at $ 1 .25 One big lot of 26-lnch tall best grade kid body dolls, shoes and stockings, sewed wigs and long flowing hair. Juet the kind of dolls that generally sell for $2.98; we will sell them tomorrow at the doll coun ter In the basement, for .. Fancy Dressed Dolls Ono bistable of fancy dressed dolls. These dolls sre clothed In silk and woolen dresses, one doll In a box and generally sell SCZ for 60c each; they go tomorrow at, each OC .1.25 Fine Table Damask Loom Ends Tomorrow we place on sale one big lot of loom ends of fine imported Scotch, German and Irish table damasks. These are loom ends and warehouse samples. They are used in the old country for the purpose of taking orders. They are bleached and unbleached and positively the best damasks manufactured. They come in lengths from 2 to 3i yards. They would be called, in this coun try, drummers' samples, over in Europe they are called warehouse samples. There are many very decided da mask novelties in this lot. About four years ago we had lust such a lot of table damasks and ever sine, then thousands of people have asked us, "when are you going to hav. another lot of those sample pieces of One damask T" It was one of the big gest sales that we ever had. This Is a bigger lot and finer gooda and Monday at our linen counter there will be the biggest sale of damask samples and loom ends that ever took place In the west. The goods are in most Instances at about half their regular price. Sale of Cut Glass Monday Bowling Green, Ohio, rich cut glass will go tomorrow at the very lowest figures. We buy this glass directly from the cutters. You have no middleman's profit to pay for. That is why you can get cut glass here at just one half jewelers' prices. 69c 4.75 4.39 2.98 1.69 5.00 10.00 Full slse tumblers, with sunburst patterns, at .' Large celery dish, ' chrysanthemum and sun burst cut at.'.......' Large size water, bottle, beautifully cut, In chrysanthemum design,' at ........ " Olive and jelly dishes with heavy cut handles, ' at 6-Inch bon boa dishes with sunburst designs, at Sugar and cream sets with sunburst snd chrys anthemum designs, for-seta of 2 11-lnch admiral bowl, handsomely cut In sun-1 bursts, at We also have a very large assortment of decanters, champagne and claret glasses, whisky bottles, cigar Jars, vases, puff boxes and butter platters. New Winter Millinery SOUTH AMERICAN fllNK HATS price, should be at leut K anil M same hats ar. being sold at these figures In millinery stores generally our price We have lust received from one of th. high class designers twenty-nine doxen of selected Bouta American mink turbans, French sailors, shepherdess and side ef fects. These hats ar. very popular in New York and Chicago where fur. of several kinds as winter millinery reign supreme. Some of the hats hav. the mink on the under part and top of th. brims, while others have th. fur on th. underbrlms and crowns. It require, very Uttle effort and tast. on the part of any woman to deftly use velvet, silk or other materials In com bination with roees, foliage, fruits, wild berries, grapes or a pompom to produce a splendid piece of high class, millinery through the use of one of thnee hats. Th. and the 2.49-3.49 Grapes With Velvet Foliage at 63c Bunch THE LATEST NOVELTY Handsom. clusters of natural color of ripened grape, with silk velvet follaga. In pink, light blue, cardinal, green, black, wine and other shades. Orapes ar. usea very largely ror trimming the .mart winter hats and toques and the price we make Is exceptionally low for tin. goods. The right prlc. Is tl.uo our price, per unch 63c Satisfaction and Economy in Clothing f 1 fJJ tock of men' 8 clothing offers a perfect fit at a perfectly satisfactory price.. The best kind of - tailoring and the best kind of trimmings tells the story of our matchless stock. Suits as low as $5 and as high as $25. Overcoats as low as $5 and as high as $35. Sulta and Overcoats at $10 Garments you'll be proud of la any company or on any oc casion. Th. styles are above criticism. Thousands of suits and overcoats at on. price in every popular fabric shown this sesson tomorrow only n on. price $10 Suit and Overcoats at $15 These are high grade foreign and domes tlo fabrics. A wide rang. Is her. for Inspection, with prices from $10 to 115 lea. than your tailor would furnish similar garments to erder , $15 Hen's Custom flade Trousers at $3.98 A wonderful exhibit of men's high grade no c a torn made trouerj. mde of the finest Imported woolens, on sale tomorrow OiVO Agents for ROQERS, PEET dt CO.'S Suits St Overcoats Best In America Prices $ 17.80 to $35. WONDERFUL VALUE-GIVING IN BOYS' CLOTHING 1 KiH Peat. a,t 43. All wool, double seat and $3 Boys' Overcoats at l.5U $7 Boys' Overcoats at 3.90. ilM? tomon-ow ...45C Lon ras' overcoats, made About 800 more of those fin. SO. KiH Pant, at tffo Strong and well made to morrow. In base- OHr roent "Ov of durable cheviot cloth and well worth $3.00 on sal. tomorrow at .1.50 sample overcoats, ages 6 to 13 only worth up to $7.00 on sale tomorrow 3.98 Boys' Suits t $1.98 Wsrranted te give th. best satisfac tion and sold elsewhere f Q at $4, tomorrow only Ii70 ideal Patent Kid. J3 In the J tS'. -SHOE r& DEPT. 1 1 SEC0N Much lighter, and more flexible than patent leather At 2.50, 1.98 and $3 . Ladles' New Street Shoes and Dress Shoes in plain kid and bright leather in light, medium and heavy soles in plain and patent tips all slgos and all widths. Special Tomorrow. In our special exclusive 5 SHOE DEPARTMENT HAMJ made: shoes. en the Sccsnd Floor We show tomorrow four more new styles Ladles' Street and Dress Shoes in medium, low, full military um full Louis heels, dull n!l and brlehtahd mat kid V Children's & Misses' foot form shspe shoes. In exten sion edg. sad welt soles and flexible hand turn soles The best lines of Infants and children's shoes tbst money can buy. 8tsea 1 to 6 60c, 75o, 89o Sixes 6 to S....75C. 89c, $1.25, $1.50 Sizes SVi to 11. ...$1.39, $169, $1.75 Hlzes HVs to J. $1. 69,$1. 98, $2. 25, $2.50 INFANTS BOFT BOLES and MOCA88INB OvJO , Display of Fine Holiday Books From a well known New York book house, retiring from busi ness, we bought nearly their entire stock on hand and will offer tomorrow most immense bargains in books. ' , Tomorrow we will place on sale over 10,000 volumes of all kinds of books. These are by all the well known publishers and a great many copyrighted titles. Tomorrow in lots: 25o books, for, 1AP 75c books for, OK- each lJS each i50C 60C bOOka, for, - C And a larjf. Une of ll.OO A C each. itc. eich'.r:1.1! 4v)c This is the Biggest Book Event Omaha Has Ever Known. tai Opening Sale Holiday Handkerchiefs The holiday handkerchiefs are here Monday we will show the prettiest display that has been seen in Omaha. These dainty handkerchief $ are intended particularly for qiftt. 'Many of them have hand em broidered initial and a great number corns n pretty boxee. Thousands of styles will be on display tomorrow. Ladles' and children's handkerchiefs whit, hemstitched snd fsncy colored border at Sic Ladles' hand embroidered Initial handkerchiefs, 10c quality, at 0c Ladles' On. Imported lac. Insertion and embroidered handkerchiefs 7fc Ladles' all pur. linen, with narrow hemstitch, handkerchiefs at . 10c Ladles' hand embroidered handkerchiefs, sheer linen, with Initials, st I2ic Ladles' sheer linen handkerchiefs, with all widths of hems, worth I5p 124c Ladles' embroidered handkerchiefs, all linen, worth 25c, at 15c Bom. of th. spoc'.sl men's styles are: Fancy colored border, all width of hems, at .....Be Pur. linen, with corded berder, worth 10c, at 5c Plain whit, hemstitched, worth Te at '.T 3ic Strip, border,, drawn thread hemstitched, worth 16e at 10c Oenuin. Irish Unta,' worth ZOc, at Special gift handkerchiefs are: Children's colored border, three la a fancy box, at . 1 2c Children's hand embroidered Initial, $ la box, at.... 23c Misses' fsacy border. I In a box, at 25c Ladles' hand embroidered Initial. ( la a box, at 99c Special Bargains for Monday IN THE BA5EnENT. ' ' A set of table tennis, just like Ping Pong, sX 50c. This is a very , fine set, the rackets are of burnt wood, green net. This is equal to any ping pong set sold in Omaha, today for $1.98 very special offer for the CSfpr opening of holiday month, at V-'V We also have Ping Pong Sets from $1.50 to $5 BOSTON STORE. J. L. RRANDEIS & SON& BOSTON STORE. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE. BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS.