Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1902, PART I, Image 1
The Omaha Bee. t33niv!Xin&i2CnjBiiE 9 PART .1. P WvsylYwgrug unday 4 PAGES 1 TO 12. KSTAKLISIlEl) JUNE 1J, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMHEK 30, 1902 TWENT V-FOUIt PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. IRISH SKIES BRIGHT Indication that the Island ii on Thresh old of Important ErenU. KING COWARD BEINGS PRESSURE TO BEAR Credited with Aiding Balfonr Ministry to Beach Decision. LANDLORDS CONFER WITH TENANTS aunassssnnsnss Eocretarr Wjndham Promises a Land Bill Which is Satisfactory. EDUCATION BILL IS THE ONLY CLOUD Reported Split la Reuk of the Irlah Party HrS4 by Healy !t Credited with Rrlag at All "erleus. (Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) DUBLIN. Nor. 29. (New York World Csblegrsm Special Tele grain. ) Ireland Is on the threshold of great events. If one may trust the oumrmia portents. There re those who believe that King- Edward, who has always shown sympathy with the Irish claims, has ueed his Influence to eon Tin oe the Balfour government that a con tinuance of the present system of governing Ireland against instead of for the Irlih people constitutes a grays menace to the empire. When 8lr Anthony McDonnell was recently appointed under secretary for Ire land the king sent for Viceroy Dudley and McDonnell and had a long conference with them at Buckingham palace. Since then on eTery public occasion In Ireland the viceroy has spoken In the most conciliatory terms to the people. There Is no doubt that owing to the work of the United Irish party In Parliament and the country the Irish question is now entering the most important phase since Gladstone adopted home rule. Viceroy Dudley's recent utterances so clearly point to a big more In the direction of home rule that the London Times, alarmed at the outlook, haa seTerely re buked him, telling him that his duties are ornamental and that he haa no business to meddle with political questions. But of course the viceroy would not make such speeches except at the Instance of the gov ernment he represents. One of the most significant pronouncements he haa made runs thus: Heme Klarnlflrunt Utterances. "I do not hold the view that a gTeat empire should be run as a huge regiment In which each nation should lose Its Indi viduality and be brought under a common system of discipline snd drill. Individual characteristics form an essential portion of a nation's life and sympathetic treat ment would help them to enable her to provide her own constitution and play her own special part In the life of empire. "It Is upon that principle that I ahall try, o far a I can, to proceed during my term .,of offlcebelieving flrmly.jihat any. .national, Lii development lasting and healthy must be spontaneoustnust be promoted with full and earnest regard to the special condi tions of the country which it effects." Equally significant Is the fact that there la a aerlous split in the landlord party. Lord Dunraven and other leading land lords, with Chief Secretary Wyndbam'a aid, have arranged for a conference with their tenants' representatives In spite of the de nunciations of the duke of Abercorn, Lord Londonderry and the Orange landlords, who hitherto have boated the landlord party and the Irlah government. Clreamataaee Is Unfortunate. At the hopeful moment a aomewhat un fortunate question baa arisen to temporarily cloud the prospect. The Irish Catholic blahopa have intimated, through Archbishop Walsh, thst they disapprove the action of i the Irtah party In withdrawing from Parlla ment during the autumn session, taking no part In the debates on the ministerial edu cation bill, which affects the CathoKc schools in England. The reply of the Irish party, through Ita chairman, John Redmond, la thla: 'The party supported thla bill from June to the August adjournment In lta critical stages, and the Mil, being perfectly safe In the autumn session, the party withdrew to Ireland to carry on the work of tha United Irish league In order to resist co ercion and force the government to bring forward Its big land bill at the next aesslon. The Catholic schools In England have there fore Buffered nothing through the party's absence, aa they could have gained nothing by Us presence at Westminster, while the party'a fight against coercion In Ireland would necessarily have been less effective It It had attended Parliament, giving superflu ous suport to a ministry which had grossly abused Ha powers In an attempt to break down the league organisation In Ireland, rarees Wyndhuua ta Aet. The effect of the policy of the Irish party haa been to cause Chief Secretary Wynd ham to promise a land bill for the next session which he says will settle the land question once for all, while the Indomitable stand made against coercion throughout the eountry where the league members, un deterred by heavy sentences ' aa common crlmlnala for making public speeches, are still holding meetings, haa resulted ta con vlnclng Wyndham that coercion la uaeless and la compelling him to undertake to r form the administration at Dublin castle. The action of the Irlah Catholic biahopa la regarded with regret and pain by the Irish party, whose members, however, recognise that ths bishops in their eccle siastical rspaclty could not refuse Cardinal Vaughan's appeal to bring pressure to bear on tha Irlah party to support tha educa tion bill. But the Irish party knowa that the blahopa will give no support to the half dosen discredited factionlsta led by Mr. Healy, who, with tha aid of the English unionist press, Is using ths bishops!' In tervention to hamper the party la Its fight gainst coereUin. Mast Kat Reins Presaare. Mr. Redmond and the Irish party know that if the pressure of the lergje oa the Irish government is relaxed now the value of next year'a land bill a 111 be Icasuaed proportionately and the Dublin caj'le re forms now admitted to be necessary would be dropped. At the same time, in defer ence to the wishes of the bl .hoss. If, when the education bill cornea back to the Rome of Commons from the House of Lords, ths Irish members see any chance of Improving It la respect to the Catholic schools, they will be summoned back to Wrsintns'.er by Mr. Redmond to press amendments. The talk about foriulng a new Irish party la the merest moonshine. The present party la absolutely solid. Even Mr. Healy haa disclaimed any such project, knowing that It would result la a ridiculous fiasco. . AMERICANS STUDY IN GERMANY Sat Oaly the ;rcat I alvrrsltlea bat the "mailer Oaes are la. vaded. (Copyrlsht, 1902. by Prose Publishing Co ) BERLIN. Nov. 29. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) American stu dents are beginning to Invade the smaller universities of Germany. It Is not only In Berlin and Lelpslc and Munich that they are at work. Latterly the small town of I Wurzburg, In Bavaria, has received a con siderable consignment of students from the states, where they sre engsged In studying I Chemistry and vsrious branches of phll- osopny, cnieny menial, marourg is anoioer small university near the Rhine. Hers It is not philosophy but theology which at tracts American students. They work In Marburg before coming along to Berlin to hear the great liberal theologian. Prof. Adolf Harnack. Another university which was not visited by Americana In any num ber until this year Is Glessen, near Frank furt. As In Marburg, so there the students go for theology. The number attending classes in Berlin and Lelpslc Increases from year to year. In Berlin American students are In all departments, but chiefly In philosophy, theology and philology. LEAVES FORTUNE IN JEWELS Dead Actress 'apposed to be Bask. rapt Really Left Valaable Estate. (Copyright, 1902. ay press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. 29. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Wanda De boncxa, the most beautiful actress In Parts and also the best dressed, who died recently severs! thousand dollars In debt to leading dressmakers and Jewelers, hsd a safe at the Credit Lyonnats. This haa now been opened and In It were found a substantial amount of "cash and a splendid lot of jew elry. There Is to be a aale of her effects next month. The catalogue Includes ' 657 Hems, out of which 134 are diamonds, pearla and other precious stones. Among the Jewelry are a superb necklace with 216 brilliants and 224 pearls, seven smaller necklace with sapphires, pearla and emer alds, sixteen brooches, thirty-seven rings, watch- guards, a diadem, a coronet, ear rings, combs and pins. A large number of poor relatives who live in Holland have been agreeably aurprlsed to learn of the contents. DECLARE. WAR ON PALMA Cabaa Nationalists Deride on Ob. stractloalst Tactics Aimed Aaralast Government. HAVANA, Not. 29. A meeting of na tionalists waa held here today and protested against President Palma and his methods used In deposing the secretary of govern ment from office. Senor Portuondo, president of the house of representatives, and Senatora Bravo, Tamayo and Zayaa, spoke bitterly against President Palma and the secretary of atate who waa declared to be an annexationist. The sentiment of tho meeting waa that a IWllst lahauld dnnlare ape opposition- the government and make an attempt to control the senate as It does tho house. The nationalists will undoubtedly adopt obstructionist tactlca, but the republicans expect that with a atrong man In Sec retary Tamayo'a place the party will be strengthened and regain a majority In tha house. KAISER DEFINES FREEDOM Says It Does Not laelade Right to Got. era Badly. BERLIN, Not. 29. Emperor William, speaking at the Inauguration of the Hall of Fame at Goerllts, Prussia, today, criticised the present generation for lta slscknets in carrying on the work of the empl&e which their forefathera had built up at the ex pense of such strenuous exertions of mind and body. He said:' We stand upon the threshold of the de velopment of the empire's powers and our lime aemanas a generation mat under stands this work. The freedom of the single individual la conditional upon his subordination to the whole. May the fen eration to come act with that knowledge. I wish for the German people freedom of thought, religion and scientific research, but not freedom to govern badly at one's will. ARMEHEINRICH IS SUCCESS New Play by Huaptmaaa Pleases VI eaaa Aadleaee aad Will Come to America. VIENNA, Not. 29. Hauptmann'a new drama, "Der Armehetnrlcb," waa produced at the Hofburg theater tonight and acored a great success. Kalnse's lmperaonstlon of Heinrich amply Justified the production of the- play In thla city, rather than at Ber lin, which was necessary in order to secure his services. The story of the play strongly resembled Longfellow's "Golden Legend," relating to the sacrifice of a girl for a leper whom ahe lovea. Herr Hauptmann saya the play haa al ready been translated Into English with a view to Its simultaneous production In New York and Berlin. HELPS THE BAD ONES TO LEAVE Rasslun Police Oflteer Haa Peeallar Way at Improving Morals of Warsaw. (Copyright. 19, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. Nov. 29. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The chief of ths Warsaw secret police, a retired colonel of the Russlsa army, haa been arrested for taking bribes. It la alleged that hs has been receiving 13.000 a year from "white slave traders." He says he alwaya Inter fered when an Innocent girl waa In the tolls, but never otherwise, aa he believed It well to rid the country of those whose repu tation waa bad. KRUGER ASKS FOR A FAVOR Writes to Joseph Chamberlala Re. .nesting Leave to Retara ta oath Africa. LONDON. Nor. 29. -General Schalkherger and Messrs. Wessela and Wolmarana, the former Boer de!rAtes. sailed today for South Africa. The emeriti la the bearer of a 1 Ur from Mr. Kruger to Colonial Sec retary Chamberlain asking (hat he be al lowed to return to South Africa. Measra. Wessela and Wolinrint had bea refused permits to proceed to t!ie Tiar.a vaal colony, but thsy hope the prohibition will be rescinded after their arrival la Cape Colon. KILLED M SCANDAL Malignant Tongues Bespontible for the Death of Frederick Krupp, STORIES ARE ENTIRELY DISPROVEN Rketoh of the Career of Three Generations of a Bemarkable Family. GRANDFATHER WAS A PLODDING MISER Bon Develops a Mighty Industry Out of His laving. CRANDSON FOLLOWS IN HIS FOOTSTEPS Anaaal laeome of the Great Works at Essen Is Placed at Tea Million Dollars, Which He Waa Unable to Speed. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. Not. 29. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Frederick Alfred Krupp'e death in the best period of his life, and with the burden of a shocking accusation weighing upon him which he hsd no chsnce to answer. Is the subject of universal comment here. That accusa tion haa been thoroughly disproved by the official Investigation of the Italian govern ment. In whose territory the scandal orig inated, and la shown to have been the work of malignant or petty revenge. But the vindication came too late, the slander had had deadlier effect thsn ever the cruel slanderer could have desired. The Intimate of kings and emperors, a host of innumerable princes and statesmen, lord of 50,000 subjects who humbly did his will, and the possessor of an arfhual In come of more than $10,000,000 according to the eatlmate of persons In a position to know, Krupp passed away last Saturday morning In a mysterious manner, the last of his dynasty. That dynasty waa not a long one. It began with Frederick's grandfather, Fred erick Krupp, a hard, tough man, unlettered, with a vile temper, auspicious, narrow minded, covetous and saving of bla marka. He hoarded with all the avidity of a miser and died In the early 40' s, leaving to his son Alfred his fortune and the plodding, persistent part of bis nature. Alfred waa a genlua In hla way. Ha be gan life with two workmen and left life with 40,000 workmen hammering and sweat ing in his works, turning his iron Into steel and hi steel Into gold. A man of grim humor waa Alfred. He went to London at the time of the World'a fair of 1851. There he saw a block of steel of 600 pounds. The block waa engraved "Monster Block" In staring capitals. He went home to Eaaen, cast a block weighing 4,000 pounds and in small, almost Illegible letters he wrote on It "little block." Alfred Merer Rested. Alfred's waa a life of uninterrupted labor. Hia experiments were not. alwaya auccsaa tut,, and -the dlMppoiatmoats- he -suffered would have broken an ordinary man's heart. But he tolled on and after years of trial he succeeded In casting huge blocks of the finest steel. He rapidly Improved on the taulta of hia ateel and the fame of hla inventions began to be noised abroad. He borrowed 112,500 from one bank, $25,000 from another, and begun to build forges. He never rested.' One invention and discovery after an other rewarded his labors until almost by accident he discovered how to make ateel wheela without a seam. He waa over whelmed with orders. Three yeara after borrowing the 237,500 he repaid It and bad erected buildings and furnacea valued at $250,000. But, not satisfied with victories achieved in Inventions which were msde for peace and civilisation, he turned his attention to implements of war. German cannon were bursting on field paradea and In practice, while In war they alaughtered nearly aa many behind aa In front. He held a council with able englneera whom he had gathered around him and the result waa that Alfred Krupp began casting can non At first the military autborltlea fought ahy of bis cannon, but when he told Von Moltke that If he could burst one of his cannon he would pay 1,000,000 marka ($250,000) to charity, aa experiment with the new weapons waa made and the result made Krupp famous throughout the world. The victories at Konlggrats, Gravelotte, Worth and Sedan were aa much owing to the genlua of Alfred Krupp aa to the atrategy of Von Moltke or the bravery of the Red Prince'a Infantry. Not only Ger many but foreign countrlea began to pour In ordera. Krupp bought a tract of eountry ten mllea long on which to carry on hia battle between cannon and armor platea. Armor platea alwaya won and up went fresh sheds and fresh furnacea for the manufacture of armor platea. Essen grew black and sooty. Thousands of hard-handed laborera began to center In the town. When Alfred Krupp began, with two work men, Essen numbered 10,000 inhabttanta. When he died he left It a city of nearly 100,000. Son le Shrewd. Up went steam hammera. A big one called "Frits" attracted the attention of the old kaiser, who made a special Journey to Essen to put his watch under it, aa he heard the huge hammer could be regulated to crack the rim without crushing It. But the ham mer waa badly regulated aad It eruahed the kaiser's gold repeater as flat aa a aheet of paper. It waa thla tremendoua heritage which pasaed to Frederick, a delicate hoy. who had to leave every winter to follow the sun. 1 He Inherited $17,500,000 and an annual Income of $1,250,000. Whatever else Frederick may have been, he had a shrewd eye for able men. One after another he collected around him men of striking ability as managers. He did not care what be paid them ao long as they did their work efficiently. At the instigation of the present kaiser, Frederick Krupp turned his attention more and more te ateel platea. and, striking while the Iron was shot, he demanded and obtained prlcea far In exceaa of the market able value of hla commodttlea. He bought a ship yard and laid down Ironclads for the government, aimply coining money. He bought cost mines and Iron mlnea In Ger many and In Spain. They poured gold into his lap. Atl he touched turned to gold. He bought ships to carry his ore and coal and he bought foreata of timber Hs wanted every enterprise. He succeeded In living in luxury, spending fabuloua auma oa himself snd on philanthropic objects. Hs could not keep pace with hla income. When Alfred Krupp began he had two wn: kmen. Whea Frederick Krupp waa bask ing la Capri 150,000 looked to him for their dully bread. lie died under the shadow of a terrible cloud which eves the kaiser's Impassioned (Continued oa Second Page.) ODELL PLANST0 SAVE MONEY Saya Lake - to ea Canal ran Be Ball! for Slsty Million Dollars. ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. 29. Governor Odell proposes a 1.000-ton barge canal connecting the lakea with the Atlantic, and yet save the state $20,000,000. lie Is of opinion that every advantage claimed for an $S0,OO0,000 canal can be obtained for not more than $55,000,000 to $60,000,000. He la in favor of what la known aa the lake route, which the state engineer and surveyor have decided can be built for $42,198,750, making a total, when the other two canals are Improved, of about $60,000,000. The proposed route la 338 miles long, ss compared with 342 by the Inland route. It Includes 112 miles through Lake Ontario from Oswego to Olcott, thence to Lockport, where it joins the old canal. The line from the Hudson river to Os wego follows the general direction of the Erie canal as far as Rome, where It veers off toward Lake Ontario. Rochester and Syracuse are left off the new canal, but It la proposed to connect the It by short lines. It is also claimed for the oute that It will cost less to main than the other route and that the. be a great saving of time In msklny , trips. SHERIFF DEFF V A MOB Gets His Prisoner Crowd Is of Jail While nlng for rk. IRONTON, O., Nov. 29. Shortly before 3 o'clock this morning a mob attempted to take William Glasco, the assailant of Mary Maloney, from the county Jail, but was prevented by an extra force of officers snd the sheriff. The mob was forming for an attack when Glasco waa aplrited away In a carriage toward the northwest. It Is believed he war taken In a roundabout way to the Portsmouth Jail. Glaaco admitted assaulting Miss Maloney and said it was done in revenge for her brother's striking him. The girl Is In a serious condition. Glasco knocked ber down by a blow on the head, but fled when her acreams brought help. He was traced by bloodhounds. Sheriff Taylor and his prisoner reached Oalllpolls tonight. Glasco was brought here in a buggy. The futility of a ptnutt Is generally recognized by leaders of last night's mob, and there la a general dispo sition to await the return of Glasco for trial. All Is comparatively quiet tonight. AMATEURS TRY TRAIN HOLDUP hoot Brakeman, Broome Frightened, Jamp to Freedom and Are Parsned. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 29. Two men msde an unsuccessful attempt to hold up the eastbound Chicago A Alton passenger train which left here for St. Louis at 9 tonight. At a secluded spot In the eastern' sub urbs of Independence, where the train had atopped, tha two- men, armed with rifles, boarded thf rear end df The train."-" Aa It was puttlci but they Covereon'rtTo4-weTe yesterday eflrtoar. vsnrometo a brakeman with their rifles and com manded him to throw up hla handa. The brakeman refused and waa ahot In the lig. The report of the gun waa heard by other trainmen, who hurried up and thus discon certed the robbers, who, becoming fright ened, leaped from the train. The work of the baodlta waa crude and they were evidently amateura in train robbing. They were not masked, and the Injured brakeman was able to give the police a good description. The Kansas City and Independence officers are scouring the country near Independence with every pros pect of capturing the robbers soon. , GUNS , EXPLODE ON TEXAS Sailors Work Well, However, and Save Crew and Shin from t Serlona Damage. HAMPTON, Vs., Not. 29. The battleship Texaa had a narrow escape from being blown up yesterday afternoon. It left Portsmouth navy yard on a trial trip after having been overhauled and went out to the capes, where gun practice was held. Two of the large turret guns exploded, filling the sua room with glycer ine and water, but the gunnera aaved the vessel from serious damagea. The ahlp returned to Old Point, and thla afternoon a apeclal Inapection board la making an ex. amination. WASHINGTON. Not. 25. A report from Captain Swinburne, commander of Texas, Texaa. aaya one of the hydraulic cylinders which returns the gun to the battery," was cracked because It had been left filled with water, when a gun was discharged. MAY HAVE KILLED THREE Maine Womnn Arrested on Charge of Poisoning Her Yeans; Dssghtcr, DEXTER, Maine, Not. 29. Mrs. Hattle L. Whltten, whoae husband died two yeara ago, whose 11-year-old 'daughter, Fannie, died last September, and whoae 9-year-old daughter, Jennie, died yesterday, waa ar rested today on the specific charge of having poisoned the second child. Both the little girls were Insured, the elder for $85. and the lounger for 5S, The arrest followed an autopsy on the body, at which the physicians discovered strong evidence of arsenic and strychnine. The body of the first child waa exhumed and aa autopsy held, but the result was not made public. The death certificates give the cause of Fannle'a death, as men ingitis and Jennie'a as heart failure. PRINCE LEAVES FOR HOME Siamese Heir Spends Day la Port land aad Thea Goes ta VoneouTer. PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 29 The crown prince of Blsm arrived here on hla special train thia morning from Astoria, where he took a drive through the city, visiting many points of Interest. At 5 he left for Van couver, B. C. where he will take ateamer for the Orient. GIVE MONEY TOH0N0R DEAD tadebaker's Relatives Pay Fifty Theesaad Dollars to Aid Hospital. SOUTH BEND, Ind.. Npr. 29. The annl- Tersary of Clem Studebaker'a burial will be made memorable tomorrow by his family preaentlng the Epworth hospital dlreoiors over $50,000 te pay In full fos a $7i.00 hos pital building rscently completed. SEW YORK IS BARRED Cattle from Infected Districts Cannot Enter Empire State, DR. SALMON WILL STAMP OUT DISEASE Goes to New England with Maty Assistants to Begin Campaign. ANIMALS ARE ALL TO BE SLAUGHTERED Epidemic Can Ee Stayed Only hy Killing All Diseased Live Stock. MANY BUFFALO EXPORTERS SHUT DOWN Will Xot Bay at Present la Spite of Lower Prices aad Increased Ship meats from (sssds aad Elsewhere, NEW YORK, Nov. 29. In order that the danger of infection from the hoof and mouth disease now reported to be prevalent among the cattle of Massachusetts, Ver mont, Rhode Island and Connecticut may not spread in this city and atate Dr. Ernest J. Lederle, president of the depart ment of health, la taking precautions. However, most of the meat used here cornea from the western stock yards and the milk from New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Veterinary Inspectors have been stationed In New York, Kings, Queen and Richmond counties. They have orders to use the strictest measures to keep out any cattle which may show any signs of the disease. According to the bacteriologists of the city health department, the disease is new to this country, but is well known tu Europe, especially In Belgium. The mortality from It Is not high, but It Is extremely contagious. It Is due largely to the heat from organic matter and It attacka the hind hoofs first, where the animals stand In their stalls. The disease Is transmitted, to the mouth when the animal licks its feet and la thus called the foot and mouth disease. The germs of the poison enter the blood through the stomach much the same aa those of diphtheria do. The temperature ia elevated and fever sets in. This of course affects the milk of the cow and will naturally Injure those who drink it. A Dutch cow brought pleuro-pneumonia luto this country In 1841. It was called the cow distemper and the government lost from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 worth of cattle in a year, finally stamping It out. Destruction of the Infected antmala la said to be the only way to check It. Dealers Oat of Baalnesa. BUFFALO. N. Y., Not. 29. The order of the secretary of agriculture forbidding the export of live stock from New England porta has had the effect of forcing aome of the export buyers at the local stock yarda out of tha market temporarily. About 1,000 head of cattle and sheep which ar- Boston, have been stopped and placed on ths local market or shipped to New York and Philadelphia. The shipments from Canada have also Increased and the large supply of stock thrown on the local mar ket has caused a slight decline In prices. Dr. Salmon Assumes Command. WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. In pursuance of the purpose of the Agricultural depart ment to spare no effort for the experi mentation of the foot and mouth diaease, Dr. 8almon, chief of ths Bureau of Animal Industry, decided today to go to Boston and take charge of the campaign In per son. He will leave on Monday and re main at long aa necessary. Discussing the question todsy. Dr. Salmon said he had received due notice of the action of Great Britain In quarantining the New England porta, but that the de partment's decision had been Influenced more by a desire to protect thla country than by any fear of losing export trade. He added that the action of Great Britain could not be construed as at all hostile, the con ditions apparently Justifying It. The opin ion waa also expressed that ao long as there waa no general quarantine . the ex porta would not be materially affected, the expectation being that the trade that has left New England ports will find outlet through other cities. Figures showing the extent of Boston's export trade In Amer ican live stock place the value of the busi ness for laat year at about $8,000,000. The cattle ahlpmenta numbered 78,967 bead, the sheep 70,000 and the horses 1,552. In addi tion more than 30,000 Canadian cattle and 1,000 Canadian abeep were shipped from that port. There were also quoted exten sive shipments from Portland. Discussing the work to be done Dr, Salmon aaid he expected to scatter a force of from fifty to 1G0 aasiatants over the In fected district, which will probably be given ordera to alaughter all dlaeased an imals. The department today decided to allow live stock to go through the quarantined states for Immediate alaughter, providing tha cars containing them were aealed by government Inspectors. Cattle Allowed to Land. LONDON. Not. 29. The cattle and aheep brought to Liverpool today by Wlnlfredlan from Boston were closely Inspected by Board of Trade representatives. They were found to be free from dlseaae and allowed to land. OTTAWA, Ont., Nov. 29. The quarantine department haa ordered cattle entering Canada from the eastern states cleaned and thoroughly disinfected at the border, BOSTON, Not. 29. The Cunard atamer Sylvanla, which will be the last to leave Boston with cattle for a Brlttah port until the embargo against their shipment is ralaed, hauled Into the atream about to night and will aall for Liverpool tomorrow with 664 cattle and 700 aheep on board Tha vessel cannot reach Liverpool before December S. when the order of the Eng liah Board of Agriculture forbidding cattle landing from New England porta goes Into effect, but It Is said assurances have been received from the eompany'a bead offices In England that the cargo can bs landed In Liverpool. There were many Inqulrlea today at the offices of Dr. Austin Paters, chief of the State Cattle bureau, regarding the situa tion, aome of them relative to the exporta tion of cattle from New York to Masaa ehusetts. Dr. Peters said he would grant permlta for such exportation. This statement, which seemed to indicate that western cattle might be shipped through Boston, has given ths steamship people a ray of hope, but If cattle cannot be ahipped from this port, the agents of aome of the transatlantic lines may aend their steamers to St. John or Halifax. The Rhode Ialaad State Board of Agrl culture haa adopted resolutions prohibiting THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast fir Nebraska -Fh lr Sunday and Monday. , rnge. 1 Irish kles l.oaklne; Brighter. Krapp Killed by a Scandal. Stopping- Spread of Cattle Disease. Heads Off the I, aad Speculators. 9 i'hlrngn I Ire Htnek Show Opens. Kaiser William n liood marksman. Mnn Who Remembers sinleis, 31 Sews from rbraka Towns. 4 Fvenlng Iter's Circulation I.araest. (I I". P. F.nsjlneera Meet Oftlrlnls. A Past Week In Social World. T Peary Talks thnnl the Pole. Rnssla Must Pay 1 nlted States. 8 Council Tlln'fT nnd loss News. Killed by Faraplast Steam. fl Discuss Omaha Power Project. South Omaha . Fourteen Tien After Konr Jobs. lO port In s; F.vents of a Day. It Weekly Review of sports. 14 Amasementa and Mnsic. 15 llooaler fihnnla In Conrt. Lot of Servants In Old Times. Dainty Gifts for Christmas. IH In the Domain of Woman. IS Kdltorlal. IB Maalp Spars the Appetite. ( heap Power for Omahn. Promotion; Sports In the Army. 22 Story, "Seven Set-rets." 23 Mnrkets nnd Financial. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday I Hour. Den. Hour. Den. B a. m ail 1 p. m St 7 n. m 4 3 p. m K4 7 a. ta R p. m ...... 3l N a. m 1! 4 p. m 7 8 a. m 2(1 5 p. m 3.1 10 n. m 24 l p. in at 11 I, n 2M 7 p. m 83 12 m 21 MAN DIES STOPPING HORSES Climbs on to Pole to Grasp Bridles, Falls aad Fractures Sknll. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29. James Mar- koe waa killed tonight In a runaway acci dent. Clarence Dunbar, the footman; George Tomllnson. the coachman, and Harry Grady, a pedestrian, who attempted to stop the frightened horses, were badly injured. Mr. Markoe climbed out of the carriage and on to the pole to grasp the horses' bridles. In doing so he was thrown vio lently to the ground, sustaining a fracture of the skull. He died on the way to the hospital. CITIZENS' COURT CONVENES Dlsenases Admission of Imllans to Fed eral Rlsihts, Coneernlnn Which Fraud Is Charged. ARDMORE. I. T., Nov. 29. The new cltl- senshtp court recently created by congress will convene at South McAlester next Mon day to review citizenship cases. The federal courts admitted hundreds to clttsenshlp In tha Choctaw and Chickasaw natlona, with privileges to participate In the division of- Indian - lands. Representatives of these natlona allege that fraud waa prac ticed in the federal courts. Congress cre ated a special court to review these cases. About $20,000,000 Is Involved. MACARTHUR LAUDS SCOTSMEN Genernl - Is Chief Spenker at Chl- eaa;o St. Andrew'a Day Ranquet. l CHICAGO, Nov. 29. General MacArthur was the chief speaker at the banquet of the St. Andrew's society held here tonight. Fully 300 Scotchmen were present to cele brste St. Andrew's day. He touched but lightly on the situation In the Philippines and talked for the most part upon Scotland and the work done by Scotchmen in the development of the world. MANY WANT GOLD DOLLARS Offers to Ruy St. Louis KxpositfjfaJ Souvenirs Poor Rapidly. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 29. Subscriptions for gold dollar aouvenir coins are pouring into the Louisiana Purchase Exposition com pany, the largest order so far received be ing for 1,000 colna. Only 50,000 of the 250,000 dollars coined have been placed on sale at $3, and It now aeems probable that the balance of the is sue will be sold at a higher price. CASH FOR FOUNDER'S WIDOW Phi . Delta Theta Pnya Mortsjasje oa Her Home nnd Restows Annuity, NEW YORK, Nov. 29. The Phi Delta Theta convention which cloaed today re moved an encumberance on the home at Fulton, Mo., of Mrs. Robert Morrison, widow of the founder, and granted her an annuity. Robert Morrison, while a atudent at Mi ami in 1848, with five others, organized the fraternity. DENVER MAYOR IS ARRESTED Returns to Face Ceatempt Charges, bat Obtalaa Release oa Ball. DENVER, Colo., Nov. 29. Tbe mayor. R. R. Wright, Jr., who left the city after sign ing the tramway franchise ordinance, ths enactment which had been enjoined by Dis trict Judge Mulllns. returned last night and today surrendered himself to answer the charge of contempt. He was relessed after furnishing a bond for $1,000. Movements of Ocean Vessels, Sot. 2t. At New York-Arrived: Campania, from Liverpool; Main, from Bremen; Norjf'e from Copt-nhanen. Hulled: Graf W alder see, for Hamburg; Kroonland. for Ant werp; Etrurla. for Liverpool; Aller, for Uenoa Mnrt Naples; Calabrlu, for Marseilles ami Naples; Astoria, for Ulagow; Minne haha, for Lomion. At Glasgow Hailed: Ethiopia, for New York. At the Llsard Passed : Rotterdam, from,, .ew SOTS At Uenoa Arrived York Llgurla, from New At I Jverpool Arrived : Lucania, New Vork. Sailed: I'mbrla. for York. At Antwerp Sailed: Finland, for York. from New New At Southampton Hilled: for New Yoik. Philadelphia, At Havre Hailed: La Lorraine, for New York. At Hong Kong Arrived previously: American Maru, from Han Francisco, via Honolulu and Yokohama; Korea, from Ban Francisco, via Yukuhama. etc. At Barry Hailed: Coiuo, from Antwerp, for San c'ranUsco. STRANGER FOR AGENT President Indicates Intention Begarding Omaha and Winnebago Indiana, COULD BETTER COPE WITH LAND PROBLEM Should Be Indepenient of Any Relation to the Speculator Element. TALKS PLAINLY AB0U1 CATTLE BARONS Had a Tear of Oraoe in Which to Tear Down Their Fences. DO NOT APPRECIATE LENIENCY SHOWN Indicates I'Inlnly to Mr. Roaewnter that They Mast Mow Toe the Mark and Will Re Given No .More Rope. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 29. (Special Tele gram.) Mr. Rosewater had an extended conference with the president today over matters affecting western .'nc:eia nd tho question of occupying the public domain by the cattle barons. Incident to ths confer ence the subject of a change in agent at the Omaha and Winnebago agency was taken up and discussed in all lta bearings. In the course of the conversation the presi dent Intimated to Mr. Rosewater that he would like to appoint a successor to tha present agent from a section wholly aepa rated from the Omaha and Winnebago reservation in order to avoid the trouble heretofore experienced by reason of the In timate relatione between the present agent and the land speculators and schemers who prey upon the Indians. Do Not Apprerlnte Leniency. Regarding the cattle barona and ranch men who have fenced the public domalr the president declared to Mr. Rosewatei that after a full hearing of the claima and in consideration of the hardships that j might grow out ot tho rigid enforcements of the law he had given the cattlemen a year of respite to make ready for the In evitable change. But according to tb president the cattlemen did not seem te appreciate his friendly action and sought to circumvent the law by devious methods. Now that the time of trace had elapsed he felt In duty bound to enforce the law as It now stands on the statute booka In reference to the fencing of the public do main without express permission. The president intimated to Mr. Rosewater that he made some recommendations to con gress in his forthcoming message touching upon the subject ot tho Illegal fencing of public lands and had suggested such mod ification of the law as seemed warranted in the light ot experience. . Millnrd is Satisfied. Senator Millard and daughter arrived In Washington from New York thia morning. The senator was in excellent spirits and thought . Nebraska had done nobly tn ths last election. He expressed it as his opin ion that Nebraska waa now a perfectly safe republican atate, as he firmly believed were the states around Nebraska. "We are learn ing wisdom," said the aenator, "from exist ing conditions. We are being benefited In a hundred ways by the knowledge we Have, and my judgment la that we ought to let well enough alone, especially when It cornea to any radical change' in the tariff," Uraalnn on Forest Reserves, The secretary of the interior today Issued regulations governing grazing on the forest reserves in Wyoming for 1903. Sheep will be excluded from all reserves, excepting on tho Big Horn, where north ot the 13th parallel 25.000 head will be permitted to graze between June 1 and September 20. Cattle grazing will be permitted aa fol lows: Teton reserve, 15,000 head; Yellow atone reserve, 10.000 head; Big Horn re serve, 25,000 head, between May 15 and Oc tober 15. Tho superintendent of reserves Is authorized to direct the removal of atock from the reserves If It is found that gras- log Is damaging the forest growth. Stntehood Hills First. With the arrival ot senatora and repre sentatives, there is increasing Interest in the omnibus ststehood bill, the first great measure to come before the senate. The, bouae bill providing for the admission of Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona la pending In the senate as a special order, for December 10. Plainly put the bill provides statehood for three territories, but In the case of Oklahoma It is provided that la adopting Its construction Oklahoma ahall remit to congress the right to add to lta territory any part or all of Indian Territory If it should hereafter be the wish of con- gress to so dispose ot Indian Territory, rather than admit it aa a separate atate. Up to this moment, senate opinion with regard to statehood for those territories Is badly mixed. The democratic senators are ail in favor of statehood for the thret territories, the qualifications being ibat some are In favor ot the admission of Okla homa as a separate atate, leaving Indian Territory to come in later as another atate, while other democrats favor bringing In Oklahoma and Indian Territory as one state. Ths republican senators are still more mixed. Some, like Quay and Elklns, favor the admission of the three territories just as tbe house bill provldea. Some favor tbe house bill amended ao aa to exclude New Mexico and Arizona. Some favor Okla homa aa a separate state, ;avlng Indian Territory to the future, while atlll otbera favor Oklahoma and Indian Territory aa a single atate. Of course there are aenators who are oppoaed to the admission of any of the territories. Plainly the greatest obstacle to any sort ot statehood bill Is ribs variety of vlewa which exist among io scuiur. rur lots very reason n is safe to say that atatehood for the latest applicants for admission rosy possibly fall. Even the differences between the senatora who are favorable to atatehood for the three territories may prove potent enough to defeat the whole measure, to say noth ing of the vlewa of those who favor atate hood for Oklahoma alone or of those who oppose any sort of statehood. Gamble Sees tha Game. Senator Gamble of South Dakota thla morning conciuaea a tittle recreation would do him no barm before beginning his labors in the senste snd accepted an Invitation to go to Philadelphia to witness the foot ball gsme between West Point and the Naval academy. Senator Gamble went over to Philadelphia on a special train bearing a number of government officials and prom lnent officials of the army and navy. p.epresectatlvea Burkett of Lincoln, Burke of Pierre, and Martin of Dead wood arrived today and will make the Dewey their home during the coming aesslon. Im mediately after dinner, the trio linked arma and proceeded to the Cochran to ten der their congratulations to "Uncle Joe" Cannon. , (Continued on Second Page.) 1 V