Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Children's Leng'asd Short Cos's st a
gtock greater ia quantity aad lea la pri
ehndrwn'a' costs,' fuTl ard lengths,
age 4 to M. heavy rntrTai. two ctpn.
trimmed with Mtin and tea id. high ciorm
collar a lnwtlmi of 1 hen- value. Si 4
Children long rloak. tnde cf heavy
frleae, arta Vehmrton' kersey,
arm. wvlrnblt garment, m reo.. eas
lora. tua. bluet and trorni, worth up to
T . Jot SI.,.
chiiurWa long cloak and hort
Wfk'M. 4- to 34. m-irte ef Washington
Mill kcrs-y and c!-Mnc cloth, a great
many .f there lined throughout with satin,
g nrrwrti said f-v srther n h,g h aa v" and
lxi so SaTurday pne. J,i.f) -
li chitarcii nnplt -costs, including all
the la teal avii.e, risking a bkhi txteo
pive variety, at M.ft. CM and tcm.
nE roars.
Newest styles In Monte Carlos, Auto
Enohlies. etc, ftp.. New a.J-wioi.t received
by American Enpres. Weia-Kargo. United
Stales and purine Express orrr nlm on
very tram, rTlce wit: In eh reach of all.
The best gerrm nta 1"T the trw.nev in Amer
ica Try every tiouee In tnrmha -If you
wih, hut tn -justice u yourself fret our
trices on ttitse garment be: ore you buy.
whether too cow here first or iaat be sure
you see them.
l.ioo fine coats, in Montagnar and Wash
ington Mill a ray. rMcinners satin lined,
early season price li.l. now m.Mi.
IKt coats. In aten. different style. In
Monte Oark. Swagger. In Barry, Kitch
ener, semi-rjght fitting nu6 Zl-inib couta,
all up-to-date. at. each, ..
LOW coats In afi tt Jcw atylea. a (Teat
variety of shades and taaterlai to aelect
Saturday in ihs
Barurday ta will anaar a apeda effort m wool reos srood for children's school
t. in 4. M and M-lnch wide heavy oultinirs, for tailor made eutta, cotton dress
aooda, anderwear, hosiery, boys' cJothinc, eht.
SIM aahlnrs. SiMncto hrtlUanrtnaa, worth
tl-WU and beota worth tl.Mi, navy cheviots
worth tl-Wl, black cheviots and a arreat
many oth aroooa too numerous to men
tion, win be rineed out at ifc.
All wool dcKiMne and wool German benrl-
tta. all wool VrnetiaAM. worth up ta G i
and fl 2i, will be ckveai tit at 41c. i
On one large counter will placed rem- !
nanta from ! to S yard. As 46. M. bC and i
ttt-tneb ide heavy auttlnga.-which aell in;
our recular dreae :oi.ds department at S4.M i
-all n on counter at 4Sc.. - -
We hsve dress roods suitable for rhll- !
dreti s school droasea, at yard. 10c, .
lite MDA 2bc
The beat line of fleeced back goods, a
yard wide. In all the nlceat tm w colorings
and nothing over v and 1 yards, si. id other
wise at iic our price lor Saturday will
be Tac.
3ic fiercale at Be
lc outing flannel at ac.
c canton flannel at be. m
lac ahaker flannel at fcc.
K.X 72-lnch wide table damask, bleached,
for ate.
7nc table damask at 4ftc
lTSc and lhc towela at lftc. '
7l cotton blanket at 4ftc
Ptrlctly all wool blanket at tU.
Kloe large heavy qulita at 7&c
Speciil Sthirdiy In Bargain
0t dosen men's and boya' heavy lined
Euch is BetencisktioB of Colonel ICatbr,
Ear.Vjsl by President -mmt1l
pyoelsJ Acwsit mt lu Osaoc Hsv
Cswawltwtiaav with IMa-triet At
taraer SBBacvs Over La ad
F raw 41 (Vsieistiaim.
Colonel Joh S, Wo by, special
agent of the United States land
ctffioa, had aa extended conference
with United States District Attorney
Bummers yesterday regarding; the illegal
fencing of government land In the state
of Nebraska. Just before the conference
deputy United S Late marshal served
upon him a summons t appear before the
grand Jury December 1.
After tbe conferenoe Colonel Moaby talked
to the i-epoitert Is regard to tbe wot
which be has been dais; la the srtaia, "I
e by a published interview that Special
Agent Leaser Bays that I am to old for
this sort of work that I live ln the past.
I chink that h ahould ha the last man to
make suck a complaint, for alnos I hare
been ln Nebraska 1 hare started to tear
down tbe Illegal fences; - have unearthed
the wholesale illegal omries of land . and
have had him bounood. -The cat tie me a lae
seem ts think that I lire in the present.
As a matter of fact I am t years old and
believe that I am fu'.ly able ta perform the
duty to which I have been aaatgned. I
knew what that duty la.
"1 was la Omaha some month ago, and
at that time wa the guest of Senator Mil
lard at lunrheoa at the bank. The presi
dent of the Standard Cattle company wa
J there. On that visit J had a confer
ence with Senator Millard oe the subvert
of the illegal fences and told him that I
waa going ts have tbe a tcm drwa. He
wanted the fence to remain and deaired
that the law under which I was working
should be suspended. I told him that the
only way ln which the law could be sus
pended so far as I waa concerned was ts
have me removed from tbe state.
4Vte Buy la K'aaktaugto.
H tbea had a telegram prepared ask
ing the commissioner of the land office ts
call m ta Washington, Baying that such
osurae would be agreeable to me. It
certainly was agreeable, for la the short
time I hare bees in Washing-tea I bara
done snore t bring dowa the fence thaa
I could have don la a's month If I had
hot made the trip. Letter are pigeon
holed, but I had opportunity t enaverae
with the officials. I saw the osnrmisaioaer
of tbe land office, the secretary of tba in
terior and finally the president aent for
me, I tcld him the altuauoa and Mr.
Booaeaalt said; Those fence must coma
owa or there will be tretrbl ' I
waa taatnu-ted ta retora to the stata and
carry out the order of the department.
"Ia Chicago J was Interviewed and the
new pipers said that I severely ertUdaed
the oourae of Senatei-a Millard and Delt
rich. This Is not fair to ma, aa I have
never oeea Senator Deltrirh and havs not
criticised aayona. What I did aay waa that
1 had beea told that both the senators
were nresideais of national banks whlrfc
hold chattel mortgages aa largo aambers
sf cattle la the western part of tba state
and that It is ta the internals of ths ban a
ta bar tha fesrea remais aa they are. 1
did aa sis' it aa a tart, bat said that I
had beee told sa.
lallm hart lotrieaao.
Xa re sard to tba tatanaeat (hot ao legal
ftoUoos .had vac been nerved spaa' tha
Children's Day
in Cloak Deaf.
fraction of their value. A ttunlictnrw'i
re' thaa those of last Saturday.
firm mart to sell aa high a 116 ar oale
rrl -e. ".!
w have decided tn clean op anut Tw
aujta Is the next few days, and the aaie
commence atatCTflgj. rnornlnr Pulta at a
lirne over half the urual prlcea. ! $ 7S,
H7&, 112. 7i and UtTf: worth up to t3S.aa.
The balance of thia atm-k on Bale, he
rmntnar at c'clot k. 4' aample aiik akirtp
at t) ! rairv-dar afcirta. the $6 (
Quality, at S3. ST. 4m ralr.r-day aklrta, n-orth
up to r. . at r..f and t: M.
Iadiea atrak.hnn cloak. 1U lnchea Vme.
Skinner aatin lined, on Rale at lli mi.
adieii lieaver .iacketR. very best quality,
lined a-itb ueavlea; kind of furriT aatin,
are aok In thin city ac high as;
price only $. (.
Ladiea' vrixmiuni acarfa. 2T Inches long,
ta-o larsre tails, for Sa.Wt.
LUiep oijum acarfa, with ohirter cf
tails, at til. Wi.
ladles' electric Jacket. 24 Inches le&.
for &.M).
Bargain Room
Boys' aults for
Boys' long pfcnts fur 8fc.
Boj-s knee pants for 6c.
Men pact for Dfc snd tlTL.
Chlldren'a sweaters. In fanrv rolnrs In
aiacs from I to t years, regular price H.S
on sale at Toe
Children's extra heavy fleece lined Teat
and pants at Jlr.. lac. and 25c.
Boya' heavy fleeced shirts and drawera
in all aiaea, regular auc tiualitv on Bale
at 2&c.
Ladies' extra heaw fleece line wt anA
pants. In gray and ecru. In all sites, regular
at: cuamy on sale at znc.
LAUies extra heavy fleece lined vest and
pnt. tn gray and ecru, regular 7Tc Quality
on sale at tc.
Men s and oys' working glove and mit
tens at l"c, 2fc and 3lc.
1- dies' outing flannal gowna. In atrlpes
and c becks, regular tl quality on sale at
Men's extra heavy fleece lined shirts and
drawera. In blue and gray, worth up to
G on sale at 3uc.
Boys' part wool sweaters, in snarooo and
blue, worth TSc on sale at Sc.
EVENING we will give one of our famous
dreos goods sales in extra heaw tailor
suitings and other goods, worth from tlM
to 15 a yard only one pattern to a customer
and for 10 minutes only at 25c
Roca-35c Kittens at 10c
mittens cut sale at 10c
cartlcmea rrtrneting them ts remove the j
fences, as made by Inspector Leaser,
Colonel Mosby said: I
"There Is nothing difficult about such j
a notice and they do not hsve to be long
and intricate, with such a notice as I
have already served upon Bartlett Rich
ard I have removed all Illegal fence la
Colorado. Out there I met with Indiffer
ence oa the part of tbe United State,
attorney, but a way was found to interest
him and he became more zealous thaa I
"Do yon think the fences will be re
moved T
"I do if there Is csvalry enough in the
United State. I don't know when this ex
treme measure will be taken, but Mr.
Roosevelt seem to be determined. Tbe
department allows a notice of sixty days
before proceeding.
"I want it understood that I am making
ne war npoa tbe widows who have made
these entries for a consideration. They al
ready have their money from the cattle
men, and 1' is tbe cattle men I am oppos
ing. They claim that tbe fences cannot be
removed until homestead entries, made in
bad faith, bare beea cancelled. It take,
two years or more to cancel a homestead
entry and at the end of that time another
can be made, as that the cattle men wiU
have practically ownership of the land by
and endless chain of bogus ; entries. It
used ts be that a homestead entry could
not be held up without a special report ia
each case. My shewing has beea such that
hundreds of entries nave been held up
without any investigation, something that
has never before been known. Tbe penalty
for illegal fencing is a fine of 11.000 and
twelve months ia jail."
Neaken oa fries. of rirat Metb
eHst Chare b A'clrsa Rev.
E. riM Saaith.
Despite the inclement weather 300 or
more members and attendant of the First
Methodist church met at tbe church par
lors last night, where a reception was held
in honor of Rev. E. Combie Smith, tbe new
paatcr of that congregation and hi wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith received ln the par
lor of tbe church, assisted by members of
the official' board and their wlvea, there
being oa the reception committee Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Detweller. Mr. and Mrs. CharW
A. Goea. Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Smith. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Brown. Mr. and Mrs. X,
I. Sweeley. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Loarte,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hasrrly. Mr. and Mrs
E. A. Benaua, Mr. and Mr. A. B. Hippie.
Mr. and Mra. John Davia. Mr. and Mrs. E.
F. Magaret, Mr. and Mrs. C C. Belden.
Mr. and Mra. A. T. Austin and Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Rosa. After all had met the
guests of the evening, tbe party went to the
Sunday echobl room, wberr 1ih E. A. Boa
son aa toast matter, a siuoLer pf abort ad
dresses wars made.
Dr. J. W. Jenalnga, the presiding elder,
oa behalf of the North -Xabratk corfer
ence. the minlter of tha district and of
the Methodist church of the city of Omaha,
welcomed th minister ta tbe city and Che
coafrrenoa. Ua behalf of lhc church and
rbe official board, K P. Magaret a poke.
On behalf of the Sunday school. X O. Det
weller spek. Rev. E F. Tsefx waa the
next speaker, welcoming Xh aw tainistrr
ts th city oa behalf of tbe ministers ttt
other denomination. lie aaid that Mr.
Smith would find aa atxceUeat field of
labor ia this city, ahero th relatione he
la ee ths etenominatiana are pleasant, add
that aa would fiad reward lor hla eCort.
aa tha eop of Omaha are not tmrell
g"u and lend aid t all good work.
Mr. Trrfx was lo.'lowed by Mr. tVml'h.
who responded t the word of welcome.
Ha aaid
"Th rarse'.U to tram th various
totp m
i A
SATURDAY w irill nell
lme of Kami'le of men p arid
Special Sils cn Brocks Bros.
Shoes st 52.93.
Mec'a aatla calf con press, varth tl 50,
tt err ta
Boys" and youth' aatin calf, worth t 60,
9S centa.
Mm e fancy leather allrpera. worth tl.SC,
Odd sires In ladles' shoe, worth up to
4.00 a pair, Kc.
Child ficEfola laca. worth 75e, for c
Wotcep felt slippers, worth tl.00, for &
Sheet Music Special
Grand Folio aale tomorrow. "We have
Just received 1,0 copies each of two nice
new Foli(. One is called "The Btar Danne
Folio No. I," containing such popular
music as Josephine, My Joe, two-step; Rip
Van tir.kie Was a Lucky Man. two-rtep; Lee, waltx; Mister Dooley, two
step: I'll wed Tou In the Golden Summer-time;
waltr, and a lot of other pretty
pieces we have not space to mention. On
sale tomorrow at only 4Sc per copy; by
mail. ac; refrular price is .c. We have
juFt been abie to get a nice new march
Folio, called "The Sousa March Folio. "
containing some of his very best sellers,
such as k.1 Cspitan, King Cotton, The Man
Behind the Gun, The Liberty Bell, The
Charlatan. Hail to Thee, Spirit of Liberty,
etc. These marche are all by John Piuup
Fi'usa. the will known composer. We will
place this book on aale tomorrow at only
4 ; by mail, one. Everybody that likee
late popular music should get a copy each
of these book while we have them on
We are headquarters for everything in
the sheet music and book line. Mall orders
filled the tame day we receive them.
Grand Millinery Sale
Saturday morning we put on aale to close
SO doten ladles' fine walking hat in all
styles, excellent Qualities, that have sold at
7nc and n.oo, in two lota, at bc and 2uc.
For Saturday only, end oti'y one to e ci
tomer. Positively none sold In Quantities.
A big special purchase ot taret-t hula.
This lot embraces the newest and swellest
styles and will be appreciated by women
of taste; a splendid variety to select from;
worth up to K..U). on sale Saturday in three
lots at Sc. 75c and Sc.
Special mile on pattern bsts and exquis
itely trimmed dress hata. The most beau
tiful creations of the season. Tou are
sure to find Just the hat you want. The
styles are the handsomest ever shown.
Special reduction for Saturday buyers.
societies of tbe church who hav spoken
in one harmonious key bespeak the unanim
ity of the welcome which this church ac
cord me. The address of Dr. Jennlng
open. he doors of city Methodism, and
that of Mr. Trefx rvidencea the unanimity
of the Christian sentiment and tbe brother,
lines of other denominations."
The speaker then referred to tbe co
operation and friendliness which exist be
tween tbe different denominations and made
allusion to tbe twelve gates to the king,
dom, three of which are oa one side, those
on the north representative of Presby
terianiBm: oa the east, of Catholicism and
Episcopalianism, the liturgical churches;
the west, of the broad and social Congre
gational church, and the south, the genial,
warm, sunshiny Methodist church. He al
luded to the manliness of the preacher
as a prerequisite to his usefulness and
success, and to the expression often beard
among the masse of Britain, that "there
are three sexes men, women and
preachers; but preachers must be mea to
day. be said.
After the addresse refreshments were
served from a table decorated wfth smilaz,
roses and wax tapers. At this table were
Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Wickers ham, ths re
freshments being served by the Misses
Phillippl. Miss Free, Miss Maynard. Mia
Margaret Hamilton. Miss Frank and Miss
At tbe ar.
Ezra Kendal and company la "The
Vinegar Buyer. a comedy in three acts.
by Herbert Hall Winslow, under direction
of Llebler at Co, The cast:
Joe Miller Ezra Kendall
Sandy Talbot .......... ......Charles Bewwr
Aleck Stripe - F.d Chapman
Walter Talbot Walter Thoma
William Henry Stripe... Roy Falrchsid
Bob Bascomb ..John D. Garrick
John Harry lianlon
Jamee, buuer at Mra Arlington s '
mux A. nowson. jr. .
Mrs Arlington Ida Darling1
Mildred Arlington Lottie Alter
Mirandy Talbot Marion Abbott
Janie Rose Norn
Ezra Kendall la hi little curtain talk !
last night said be hadn't come to Nebraska
to Indulge in any oratorical flights, nor to
rise to any dramatic heights, he was merely
here to deliver tbe goods. He spoke of his
first visit to Omaha, twenty years ago,
when be appeared at tbe old Boyd theater,
and made aome pleasant punning allusion,
ta that time and this. Those whs recall
blm ln "A Pair of Kids' will hsve a hard
time reconciling him now with his perform,
ance then. If time has done nothing else
for Mr. Kendall. It ha certainly softened
his methods and broadened his notion.
has mellowed hi bumor and modulated
bis strenuoalty until it better deserves tbe
epithet unnooua Lik DeWolf Hopper and
Digby Bell, Mr. Kendall come bark from
vaudeville much Improved. His plsy tells
a simple little story of life la a Hooaier
hamlet, and Introduces the quaint charac
ter on i supposed to meet ta the place.
Mr. Kendall's character of Joe Miller, tbe
vinegar buyer, wa invented for him. and
naturally he does what h pleaae with it.
j and that 1 all good. But b doesn't try
t monopolize tbe stage aor the laughs.
Miss Abbott as Mirandy Talbot, the di
vorced wit of Bandy Talbot, th vlUage
drunkard, (whs afterwards reform), gives
u a gen nine banka-of-the-Wauaah dialect,
and doe it also with a naaal twang that
aimoet makes one think Mrs. Meaas ha
returned to life. Mr. Bowser's portrayal
of his part ia good, too. while Mr. Chap
man is rich as the blustering, bumptious
keeper of th village grogshop, aad th
father of "cmartaat lawyer la th state of
lndianny." WllLats Hennery Harriaoa
cinpe. ia outer character 11 ia ts
keep th story msriag. Mr. Win slaw call
his work a Uoaaa is aaugh," aad U ocr-
women's Storm Rubbers at this
worrjeri t-Lces on .ale. te Sirt
Grand Hat Sale
The grandest variety of men's fall and
wirier hats ever ahown. In all the new
colors and stales Tou ran always rely
upon exactnws of style and excellence of
goods hen you purchase a hat at Hayden
Bros Our complete stock makes it pos
sible for us 10 satisfy every whim of the
careful dresfer, anfl we can suit you with
a becoming hat at SI M'. ti-'. tl.5 and fc. u.
Great Cap Sale
22& dm. men's and boys' cajw on aale
Saturday at half the regular price., in all
the new rhapes and colors; made of heavy.
ncl.t. ail wool cassimere. in black, blue.
rs? and several other colors, with heavy
pt.ll-down band to protect the ears These
car were made to sell lor 60c, "be and li.OU.
On aa Saturday at 2c 3c and SOc.
Special Kenticn to Schcol Sir!:
we carry all the new fada In CApa, novel
tie in children's caps
We have Just received 150 do, children's
stocking cane, in silk and wooL tn white,, red and fancy coiors of every descrip
tion. They go on Bale Saturday At 2bc, Xic,
toe. 50c, &K- and 7ac
Special Saturday
Bargains in Basement
11-inch Oak air tight, 4 f.
ln-inch Oak air tight, Ife.Ma.
The Universal Oak, beat on earth, r fR.
SJ Steel Cook (equal to any range I, tig.Sa.
No. s Cook Stove, warranted, .!..
Folding Ironing Boards, fide
-loot Step Ladders, 4fc.
Fancy Wood Salt Box. 6c
Double Roasting Pans, 4Sc.
Wood Frame Wringer. II US
No. 6 Galvantxed Waah Boiler. 65c
Hard Wood Towel p.acks. 5c.
Fancy Corrugated Vegetable Slloer, loo.
Coal Hoda. Inc.
!xit Stove Board. 65c.
Ciag Carving Seta, up from Sc.
taicly ta. tor ft kept a large audience at
the Boyd convulsed from first to last, and
by legitimate mean. too. Tbe play will be
repealed at a matinee this afternoon and
again this evening.
Reslsros Pasitls with I aiaa Patriae
to Aeeept Oae with Soothers
Rati way.
The report that M. K. Barsum had re
signed as master mechanic of the Nebraska
division of the Union Pacific as published
in The Bee yesterday afternoon, was con
firmed last night by Mr. Barnum, who,
when asked if the report was true, said:
"Tea, it ia I have resigned, to take
effect December 10. I go to the Southern
railway, headquarter at Washington, D.
C. as assistant superintendent of motive
power under Samuel Higgina. I will aa
sums the duties of my new posltioa De
cember 15.
Mr. Barnum waa out of the city yester
day afternoon and did not return until
evening, so that tbe report at the time it
was published in The Bea could not be
confirmed, as was tbea stated. Officials
at headquarters professed ignorance of any
such action or intention on Mr. Barnum'.
Mr. Barnum ha. beea in the employ of
tbe Union Pacific twelve year. His first
posltioa was at Cheyenne as superintend
ent of tbe shop. He was then transferred
to North Platte, where he held the posi
tion of master mechanic for seven years,
and came to Omaha four years ago a.
master mechanic of the Nebraska division,
succeeding J. H. Manning. Mr. Barnum
enjoys an enviable reputation in his line
of work and baa alway been held la highest
esteem by those with whom he was asao
ciated. Samuel Higgina, whose asiistant Mr.
Barnum becomes oa the Southern railway,
was until recently superintendent of mo
tive power on the Union Pacific He left
about th time the present strike began
and wa cucoeeded by W. B- McKeen.
Who will be Mr. Barnum'. successor is
not now known outside of official circles.
Matt Wilkina, master mechanic of tbe
shop at Grand Island, has beea spoke of
as a possible candidate, but officials who
are ln a position to know refuse to discuss
this phase, Mr. Wilkin, it is said, ha.
brought tbe capacity of the Grand Island
shops up 21 per cent with the normal
force and he 1 said to stand Tory high
with the headquarters men.
The new kind of General Arthur cigars
are bow on sale.
Tkaatkt fo Be CwaJ Tkieraa
Steve Horton. who room ln the Oxford
hotel. Tom Carroll, living at t'4 South
Sever.teei.lh atreet and lnrn f-irown .f
EJJ Bristol street, were arrested last night
on suscion of being engaged in th tbeft
of overcoat, from hotel and public build-
lug Several coats have tee,n stolen lately
and the police think that the trio were the
thieve. One coat waa taken from tbe hall
way ln tii Vienna hotel. Yesterday three
men entered the Victoria hotel ben ne
one but the clerk at tbe cigar stand was
ln tbe office, and she was sitting behind
t tie rase, so that her presence was not
detected. After a giance around one of
the men said. "Well, this s the rbanc of
your life." and they went to where aome
coaia were hanging and took tbe beat one
from the book. At this point the cigar
clerk rose up and ordered the man ta put
th coal down Tbe three fled, but ahe
ha aince identified two of them.
lea4a to Mia Owa Arrest.
Charles Roberts of Crest on, la., is onder
arreat and will be beid for investigation.
Roberta say that be ha been working oa
tbe Burlington extension and tbc police
thttik he baa been engaged in fleecing the
workmen at card Roberts caused hi
own arrest by attempting to sneak into
a ealooa and out tn bach way when he
oaw Driecuvea Savace, Donahue and Heit
teid approaching The oeierm-e were not
looking for him. a be e loraliy feared tbey
were, and his attcztuytad oecane aroused
Utcir suaidua. .
price. A nvat manufacturer's
eeuih street window.
j Worth cp fo $3.50
Boy' aatin calf, lace, worth CTB. tl..
Kiaaca' dcng-ola, lace or button, worth
H tl. ti.a.
The BIGG EFT and IB EFT line of Infanta'
moccasins and aoft aole shoes In the city,
worth J3c and Tc on aale c and tec
Men work ehoes, made to wear. In all
trades, sale price tl.SS. H 4S . c and 36c
Ribbon Sale Saturday
Satin taffeta and Liberty satin ribhone
that sell from 2hc to 4iir per yard regu
larly, on sale st lfr and lTc.
All siik taffeta ribbon worth up to Snc
i per yard. In black, white and all colors, at
ltc jer yara
Ribbon worth JTiC to 60c In this Bale at
IS per yard
Jl.n beBded rhatelain bar at KTc
New coryrigr.ted book by such popular
author a Paul Lelcener Ford. F. Marlon
Crawford, Amelia E. tarr. Max Pemtmr
tnn, i. G. IxoUaod, on aale balaruay at
Jewelry Sale
The bet r bowing in the city of watcbea.
clock. Jewelry and silverware
Now on sale: Gent s 20-year guaranteed
Elgin, Walt ham or Dueber-Hampden move
ment watches at fll.Sa.
Ladles 2o-year guaranteed case. Elgin,
Watt ham or Dueber-Hampden movements
at Ill.aO
Ladles' solid gold case watches, Elgin or
Waitham movements, at IHUrfi
Also a lot of ladies' small sterling silver
and gun metal watches at Slits
Clocks of all descriptions iron. gilt,
china and alarms which we sell at re
markably low prtcea. A large' assortment
of sterling novelties. Jewel cases, mirror,
brushes and comb sets now on special vaie.
Optical Dept.
Our prices are the lowest; our glass
are the bent All corrections carefully
made by qualified refraction's. Frames
properly fitted.
Complete aluminold spectacle, or eye
glfuises. 0c.
Ten-year gold filled frames, the IS.60 kind,
at U K.
GircuntrUooes Earroiuidiiig Death
Kichael Bhisldi Being Investigated.
Oar. aer Ditwwvers that Heavy Ismalo-
tioa of Death DeaJiag Wires Bad
Bee lerasel OsT, Evtdeatly
with Shields Katie.
Investigations made yesterday afternoon
and last night by Coroner Bralley into the
sudden death of Michael Shield, point,
more to suicide than to an accidental
death. At first is was supposed that Shields
hsd gone to the convenor at tbe top of
tbe hog bouse tor the purpose of adjusting
aome wires, and that by accident be
touched live wires and wa electrocuted.
As all of tbe wires entering this convenor
are heavily insulated it looked rather pe
culiar that aa accident should happen.
When the coroner went over the Armour
plant to investigate he found conditions
which give rise to tbe suicide theory. Two
heavily charged wires were found to have
had tbe insulation scraped off, close to the
point where the wires eater the convenor,
la looking through tbe effects of Shields
a heavy Jack knife wa found ia one of hi
pockets. On tbe largest blade there wa
evidence of the blade being used to scrape
a heavily insulated wire.
It is thus presumed that Shields deliber
ately crossed tbe bridge between tbe build
ings and scraped the lnauiaaon from the
wires and then grasped them.
It is aaid about the plant that Shields
had beea drinking some of late and was
really net la condition ts attend to his
duties all of tbe time. Rumor also baa
it that be committed suicide because be
was not able to meet certain obligation.
Thi is denied by friends, who assert that
Ehielda will be properly taken care of and
that be ha. no debts which ahould bsve
worried him. After looking into the ease
Coroner Bralley decided that he would hold
aa Inquest. The Jury was called and there
will be a hearing at Brewer's undertaking
rooms at I o'clock this afternoon.
A oat her Saaltary Order.
Teterdy afternoon Sanitary Inspector
Jones sent a notice through th mail to
Thor. Jorgenson. Twenty-fifth and K
streets, directing him to at once remove
the refuse be bad deposited ln the street
- - k" w . luiuara j; II a BUllBDie gBT
page can it was reported at the health
effios that Jorgenaon ha been in the habit
lately of dumping refuse from hi. bar into
I -ne street. Tbe recent cold snap ha pre-
vented this stuff from reaebina tv,.
.n ,w.f,. .v. '..I
- vvuiiiaiau lUt ueajlA
fffirer pro ta have Mr. Jorgenaon clean
up tbe street la front of his plaoe where he
has dumped garbage.
I alas; UU Slehela.
Dealers all over the city are complaining
about the influx of bogua nickel. These
coin are mostly made of lead and will not
stand a day's wear. At tbe bank, number,
were thrown out yesterday. Tbe attention
of th secret service mea has been called
ta the large number of bad nickels nsw la
Keeper Heaaaa Ui.
The Emergency hospital is without a pa- I
tiect and consequently J. D. Human, the I
bead nurse, is lonesome. Sa tar this year
only throe eases of smallpox have beea seat
to th hospital here. The case w hich came 1
from the south has beea tha cause of coa
siaerabis lsvesuaatioa aad tbe authorities
at Montgomery, Ala-, are writing here for
mora lbiorntauua oa th aucjeck - Tb
Greatest of All in
Underwear SalesUlj
Ladle' tn combed Egy ptian cotton rib- . Ladles' heavy bUrk fleeced lined stork
bed vest and pacta, fleeced lined. Bilk ngs. full seamless, regular c Quality, at
croched heck, aatrn trimmed front, in sliver ' lrc.
gray and white, regular Hc Quality, at 3c. j Ladies' extra heavy fleeced lined etoek
Ladjes' flat knit vcFt and pants, tn the Ings, made by the Wayne Stocking Co,
extra heavy fleeced lined., tape neck and regular Sc Quality, at 2c.
front, rrgular &c Quality, at 3Sr. Children extra heavy fleeced lined stork-
Ladle. Oneita Jersey ribbed union suits. : lngs. regulai c Quality, at irWc
made to button across front and made of
fine Egyptian cotton, regular The quality, j
at 60c. I
Ladies' f.jc half wool union suit, fine
Jersey ribbed, full winter weight, close, Men. txtra heavy fleeced lined shirts and
ribbed cur and ar.klet. In soft fleece drawers, in plr.k. blue and brown mixed,
union suits. nun-shrink;ng, regular H K' . regular li Quality, at 4T.
quality, at lc. Men's rxt-a heavy wool and fleeced JIaed
Ltdies' Jersey ribed union suits, made 1 shirt and drawers, in plain colors, regular
cf V-fine wool worsted yam. full winter , n.s quality, on sale at Tic
weight, made with high rut fror.t. giving One lot of men fine silk and wool -ander-full
protection to the lung and neck, in j wear. In the American Hoslerv Co Nor
whJte and silver gray, regular C Quality, folk. New Brunswick and Ptoneman. Thosa
S1- are three of the beat known brands of
Ladies' sterling union suits, in the silk underwear made and aold at CiO and IS a
ana wotu. or si., to Diue or nesn color,
worth o. at C 60.
Ladles' fine Jersey ribbed vest and pants,
made of fine Australian wool, in black,
worth 11. S. at II.
Boy- extra heavy flat fleeced lined com
bination suits, in all sizes, worth Tbc. at 60c
Girls' Jersey ribbed En fleeced lined
combination suits, regular 76c quality, at
Children s Jersey ribbed union suits, m.fle
of the Vwool worsted yam, full winter
aeicht worth r M at ftfcc
aelght, worth H.W. at "Sc.
Ladies outing flannel gowns, assorted
colora. extra Wrge. worth 76c. at 6oc.
Ladies' extra heavy flannelette gnwna in
assorted cole, siik finish, fancy yolka.
worth K..&0, at lc
Letting Down the Prices
Cm dried peaa. beans, baric,
and ail good.
Navy hand picked g
leans . .... . AC
s barley
homiry .....
Granulated kiln
dried cornmtAl .
)eans Q!
vs nite lima
Marrowfat peaa,
pea .....
Kiln dried
oats . ........
barley . . .
New pack to-
matoea, per can
fl'st berrlea. per
W'l New pack
a sago w
Down the Prices on Canned Goods
. v n.rb At
goose -
berrlea. per can
Letting Down the Prices cn Dried Fruit
Evaporated apples,
very fine
Evaporated Michi
gan peaches ...
E vaporated Cali
fornia peaches
Prime Crawford
peaches ..,
Choice Mulr
Whole wheat
flour .
Good line.
per pound .......
Tea and
B'.g reduction tn tea before the duty 1
Fancy new tea
sifting, only ..
(0c sundrlad Jipan
Ceylon, Java and
Mocha coffee .......
Mondellng Java
and Mocha
(0c lm(orted gunpofJ f
der tea, only WWb
oc English break-
last tea
health authorities here are ln hopes of get
ting through the winter without any spread
of tbe dlaeaae. Every precaution is nsw
being taken to prevent those who have con
traded smallpox from being sent here by
authorities ln outside towns.
Repatrlas; Sldewalka.
The street force wa engaged yesterday
ln repairing sidewalk in the territory
south of Q street. It is tbe intention of
the mayor to make as many repairs as pos
sible before cold weather. Crosswalks are
being laid on Thirty-second street from K
to T street. When this work is completed
the street force will be reduced to a mere
repair gang. Tbe road machine, which ha
done good work for some months, ha. been
laid off tor the winter.
Mair City tWeeatp.
The glycerine plant at Cudahy's continues
to grow.
Cnso council. Royal Arcanum, gave a
social at Masonic ball last night.
Secretary Marsh of the local Toung Men's
Chris linn association is alrtady planning for
the annual New Tear s reception.
C. S. Ward, International secretary of
the Young Men's Christian association, wa
ln the city j eaterday, the guest of becrelary
Miss Eunice Elisor, daughter of Dr. and
Mr. T. H. Ensor. ta still seriously ill. Last
night the attending physicians said that she
Waa Slightly better.
Dr. D. K. TmdeB of Omaha will deliver
an address at the Young Men'a Christian
a sec -ia uon Sunday afternoon. His topic
will te "Walks Around Jerusalem." There
will be special music at this meeting.
Vewag Wssua Tkt H'os Aeewsed of
the Moreer f Her Porsaer
NEW YORK, Nov. 2fL Florence Bums,
the young Brooklyn woman, who wa
accused and later exonerated of tbe mur
der of her sweetheart, Walter Brook., la
a bote ln thi. city aome month, ago, wa.
married last week ts Charles W. Wlld-
The marriage was kept secret until to
day. Wildrlck is a son of Lieutenant
Colonel Abram C. Wildrlck, V. E. A., who
died la 1KS-4.. He was arrested last April
charged with passing a bad check at tbe
Hotel Gerard, where be had been, accom
panied by Mabel Strong, a wealthy young
woman of Cleveland.
Miss Strong came back from Cleveland to
look after h'.m and would not leave hers
while Wildrlck waa in prison. She wa re
moved to 6l Luke's hoapilal, where shs
died shortly after of quick consumption.
Three Beys Meet Their Death While
C'taaalag Oaaae Koasas
KANSAS CITY. Nov. Jg Harold H. Mer
rick, aged 11, a high school student of this
rlty, accidentally tbot and killed himself
today while bunting near Wolcott, Kaa.
James Gist, aged 14, was ahot and killed
at Oxford. Kan., by hi brother wbil they
were bunting.
Th 14-year-old son of H. N. Boyd of
Loulrrllle, Kaa., waa killed while busting,
his gun being discharged while h was
pulling it through a fence.
Receiver Dlreeaeo to Pay Oct So
More Moory Salt la
TRENTON, X. J Nov. II ChaaceUor
Magie today directed tbe receiver of th
National Salt company not ts pay Jay Mer-
toa Ca. of Chicago lil.400 for October
storage of salt belonging ts to company
This arter it goads on th grouad that
Men heavy wwil underwear, ahlrta
and drawers, in ribbed and plain wool also
allk fleeced lined, in plain and fancy colora,
in all slsra. on sale at Rc.
garment, on sale at IliO.
MEN'S SHIRTS One lot of men plain
and colored flannel shlrta, w orth up to SLJUi,
on sue at ir and 11.60.
Children fine worsted sweater. In blue
black, red and white, regular C quality,
or sale at 11 SS.
Sweaters lor nrl. from in to ie t--a - in
! all colors, regular Slfro quality, 'on aale
i , l1-75,- ...
L rie Jot t'f bpJ'" .wearers, slses from I
I to years, in fine wormed, with si k stnpe.
; worth up to C on saie at 5c and Si 3L
Beys' sweater in sixer from 10 to IS
' '",'"r- ln lancy stripes in plain colora.
j ,UVe.v? 'UUolor,
and styles, on sale at Hoc, S bo and SS.
cn Farinaceous Goods
sago, tapioca, bomlcy. oatmeal, cornmeal. grit
.. 5c
.3 4C
Wh'te kfln
dried cummeaj .
Buckwheat flour,
ler sack
Granulated kiln
dried cornmeal ..
can. .....06
t-Ih. can. pumpkin
per can
... 3!c
Malta Vita,
per package ,
Force, per
package .....
per package .
taken off.
Imperial Java
coffee ..............
Family Java and
Mocha ...... ..
Good drink
coffee ...............
.10 c
the market value of aalt has already been
paid ln storage charge ; that the cost of
production 1 much lea than when salt
waa originally stored and that tbe amount
of salt now being produced ln thi coun
try 1 largely in excess of tbe demand.
Library Bea-d Mertiag.
At a regular meeting of the library board
held last night bilis were allowed to the
total amount of SI 77fc .07. The John T. Edctr
branch of the library at Sixteenth tnd
Mn ton streets, which, on account of lack
of funds the board ha for some Time
threatened to discontinue, was again up lor
discussion, and it was decided that Hie.
service be continued there Indefinitely The
board also went over the list of periosteal
and placed lis subscriptions for the com'Ti
year. ' "
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday,
November 3fc:
w'surrmwtr Deeds.
Truman Buck and wife to S M
Thompson. Iota. 2. I and 4. D. L
Holmes' add O.300
D. L. Holmes and wife to aame. lot L
Equitable Trust company to T. Ie W.
Pf Wft et ai, lot a. block S. Park
er's add ;
E. D. Munahaw and wife to A. H.
Murdoch, lot (, block 14. South
Omaha t.aoo
James Nealadek and wife to Mary J.
Meicalf, lot 10. block 10. Kountae's
4lh add., except t10 feet of wbO feet.. t.SOP
Owit Clatn Deeds.
Pbebe J. V or ledge and husband Te A.
L. Scbnurr, lota 4B. 60 and 77, North
Bid add , io
Sheriff to W. E Keeler. lots US, 1ST
and US, North Side add ,
Total amount of transfer. ST.sin
Delicious DrnALJ"
and Dainty Dishes
BB.m tar ttl.rljory,aa Flavor
tba sariag yes ra
m aad
that b baam ear ra aiirt.
Uaeer nw aerann ai tie t. S. Cotuw aa attar
Caoas 1 aautiad 4a as latauad ar aval aa
Waiter Biker & Co. Ltd.
lawahse.. it. DORCHXSTXJL MASS.
W 1 " V1'a4tlT,: I