1 2 TIIE'OMAIIA DAILY BEEi SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1002. MERCER FAILS TO REPORT I BtaLment of His Campaign Eipemet Tiled With Oomtj Clerk. QUESTION AS TO PLACE OF RESIDENCE Law Haye Ktatrmrn Must Be Filed la County In "W hich andldate ResMesi Therefore Mercer B1ay Rxempt. County Clerk Pn'inl hns turked away In toe office vault cabinet the financial state ments of tb campaign filed with him by those who wore candidates, or at least thought they were, at tho recent election, and la tome Instances these reports tell tales of coatly disappointments.' The candi date had to make such filing w'.ihln ten days after the election and the treasurers ot the. committee within twenty daya. The time being expired. It was supposed that all had compiled, but this morning In running through the bunch there waa dis covered an Important omission which raises an Interesting question of law for those who can bear to discuss the affairs ot the dead. Section 4 of article III of the corrupt practices act states that "every person who hall be a candidate for election to the office of representative In the congress of the United States or to any office which tjnder tho laws of the constitution ot this state la to be filled by popular election except township, precinct or school dlstrlci, ffloers or Tillage trustees, shall within ten, daya after the election held to All suh fflce, maka out a statement In writing tyiA file the same with the clerk of tho county la which he resides and make out and file a duplicate thereof with the board of tffl eera. If any, empowered by law. to Isjue the certificate of election to such office. Such statement shall set forth In detail each and all sums of money and other things of value contributed, disbursed, ex pended or promised by him and (to' tho best of his knowledge and belief) by. any ether person or persona by his procurement In his behalf." Penalty Is Heavy Fine. The section immediately following reads: "Any person falling to comply with tho third section or the fourth section of this act shall bo liable to a fine not exceed ing 1,000, to "be recovered with costs, brought In the name of the state by tho attorney general or by the county attor ney of ths county of the candidate's resi dence, the amount of said fine to be fixed within such limit by the Jury, and to be paid into the school fund of said county." Notwithstanding these provisions of the Statutes, there Is not In the filing box any Statement from the late David Henry Mer cer nor from any of the eminent counsel ors who spoke and acted for him during hla campaign for another term In con gress. And since these learned jurists must certainly have known ot this law, there la at the court house the Inference that David Henry must have been, as some Insinuated at the time, really a resident of some other section than Douglas county during the late campaign and prior thereto. Tie law question that arises Is as to whether David Henry will have , to file at ail, since Washington Is In a district, not a county, and Minneapolis is In a state whose laws may not be so exacting as Nebraska's. Neither has there been any filing here by the republican congressional commit tee, but that may be because the treasurer la an evanescent being whose location seems as hard to learn as that of the con gressman himself. Mr. Blackburn would be appealed to, but Is out of town. ' Mr. Ourley wouldn't tell; Mr. doss couldn't. ' nitcbeoclc's Expense Aceonnt, Mercer's opponent has filed and so has the treasurer of the democratic committee. Gilbert M. Hitchcock reports that he gave Treasurer Burkley for the congressional committee $200, that he paid $200 more for "sundry" needs recommonded by Burkley and $58 in hack hire and for ward vigilantes, making a total of $458. Burkley's report shows contributions ot (100 from John A, Creighton, $100 from W. S. Poppleton and $200 from Hitchcock, or a total of $400, as against a total expend iture of $395.90 for printing, stenographers' hire and secretary's needs. Secretary Cosgrove reports that bis larg est expenditure was $42 for postage and the next largest $15 for Hebrew circulars, paid Philip Stein. The other disbursements listed were In sums of $1 to $5 for furnish ing "lists of voters." Bernard McCaffery, socialist nominee, re ports that his expenses amounted to "not one red cent." .. A. W, Jefferls, republican candidate for county attorney, reports that be gave the central committee $50 and spent enough more tor printing cards and advertising to make bl total $148.50. J. P. English, fu sion nominee, reports his total as $167.25. Aniens; Legislative Tandldate.. Among the legislative candidates J. A, C. Kennedy, the only fuslonlst who won, re ports $124.50, and John Wallace, the repub lican who lost, $60, ot which $50 want to the county committee. Other legislative emlneei report as follows: F. W. Koetter, $81.76; E. M. Morsmen, Jr., $120; Pat Mc Ardle, none; H- F. Mcintosh, $96; C. U Saunders, $17$. JO, of which $1M) went to the county committer; J. H. Rlggs, $120.25; W. B. Ten Eyrt, $77; George C. Martin, $!; M. A. Hall, $2(9.75, of which ths eommlttee got $1M; W, T. Nelson, $78.75; J. P. But ler, $114.25: .Frank Planck, $10.30; D. W. Gilbert, $121.50; Peter Mangold, $120; R. B. linwell, $197.40, of which $75 was by assess ment. To be cotnmlssloner from the Fifth com missionerdistrict Henry McDonald states that he jld $42 for hall rent and to get his picture1 In a paper and on some cards, but nntblsg for the committee nor to oth ers. C 0 Lobeck. his opponent, reports $50 paid,' the democratic central committee and a fetal expenditure of $10S.50. Peter HofeldtL; successful In the Third commis sioner district, reports a $50 assessment, $26 fori (cam hire and $2.50 for cards, noth ing mtWe. Jurite Read gave the Judicial committee $100 iii Judge Day gave that amount here and 110 in Washington county. ' TO CVIIK DAXDRVFF. It a RrrtMary that the Dandruff Germ J Be Eradicated. rf)estroy the cause, you remove the ef tJJt." Kill the gprm that causes dandruff, fajllng hair and baldness, you will have no mfire dandruff and your hair must grow luxuriantly. Herpiclde not only contains (he dandruff germ destroyer, but it is also ?most delightful hair dressing for regular ollet use. No other hair preparation is on this scientific basis of destroying' the dan druff germ, and none other claims to be, for the simple reason that It la only re cently that a destroyer of the germ has beeij discovered Newbro's Herpiclde, the only hair preparation that actually kills dandruff. , . The prices we make for Saturday will loosen up the purse strings of every per son. Read our ad on page 6. Hayden Bros. Diamond rings, $20 to $500, Ed holm. lU.l.il. jpnnsng"-" Old! Ago ; IS MADE Vigorous . BY TUB USB OP Ca. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. :,r;- "I suffered for sis years with con. stipatiou and indigestion, during which time I employed several phy sicians, but they could not reach my ease," write Mr. U. Fopplewell, of Bureka Springs, Carroll Co., Ark. 'I felt that there was no belD fur me. could not retain food on my stomach ; bad vertigo and would Call helpless to the floor. Two years ago I com menced taking Dr. Pierce's Colaen Medical Discovery and little ' Pellets. 1 and improved from the start After taking twelve bottles of the ' Discov ery ' I was able to do light work, and have been improving ever since. I am sow in good health for one of my ge -co year. I owe it all tu Doctor ncrcc, a meaicinca.- Speetal Eacnrsloa ' . In connection with the COLORADO BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION to Sterling, Colo., December 2, ' ' Leaving Omaha ' 5:10 p. m., ' Special Train via ' UNION PACIFIC. ' Round Trip $15.30. For full particulars call at city ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. ' Announcements of the Theaters. The Orpheum will present a matinee this afternoon which, like that ot the past sev eral weeks, should prove decidedly attrac tive for women and children, as It em braces well-calculated ' entertainment for them and particularly will the Juveniles be pleased for Galettl's troupe of performing monkeys cannot help but strike their fancy with tbjelr many clever "tricks. The" little clown monkey, who pulls: off hie coat to demand1 satisfaction for bis wounded dig nity frm his big companion is a big laugh ing hit. They are the first and onljr monkeys that bave ever been here that play a musical instrument. Two of the nutdber succeed quite well on chimes. alck Time to the Southwest. . Leave Nebraska points In the forenoon to take the palatlally equipped "Meteor" of the 'Frisco System leaving Kansas City dally 7:15 p. m., reaching Oklahoma City 7:30 a. m., Dentson 11:10 a. m... Sherman 11:30 a. m., Dallas 2:30 p. m.. Fort Worth 2:55 p. m., Waco 7:35 p. m Passenger Of fice, 205 South 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Harrison ft Morton advertise a special bargain In today's paper. Read their ad in the special column. We keep step with the pace ot progress. Read our ad on rage S and come Saturday and see. Hayden Bros.. Hawks cut glass bowls, ,$5. . Edholm. WANTS PAY FOR DEAD CAtTLE Quitman Company Snea J. L. Carey to Recover Loss by Texas ' . . ' Fever. . In the United States court ths case of the Quitman Land and Cattle . company against John L. Carey la on trial. This is a suit for $4,580 damages arising from the death of a number of cattle owned by the plaintiffs. It is alleged that the plaintiffs, residents of Missouri, purchased from the defendant and C. J. Hysham of Omaha 304 bead of cattle from Texas, which the de fendant and Hysham said were not contam inated with Texaa fever, but which did communicate the disease to a number ot northern cattle which were placed on pas ture with tbem, so that sixty-eight bead of tho northern cattle and two head ot the Texans died, with a damage to the others amounting to the sum sped for. ' Ths answer ot the defendant Is to the effect that he did not sell the cattle to the plaintiff, he and Hysham having divided their stock before It reached St.- Joseph, where the sale waa made, and the stock sold to the company was the property of Hysham and not ot both; that if any dam age resulted to the stock, of plaintiffs it was due to their1 own carelessness, as they should have known that Immune Texas cat tle might communicate the disease to northsrn stock. r Deposit Vsur Money In 0r lank I. H Books & Stationery From a well known New York retail book and stationery house, retiring from business, we bought nearly their entire stock on hand and will offer tomorrow most Immense bargains In books snd stationery. Saturday we will place on sale over 10,000 volumes of all kinds of books. These are by all the well known publishers and a great many copyrighted titles. Tomorrow In lots: 25c books for, each.. 10c 75c books for, each... 25c 50c books for, each.. 15c A'&.tawffiM TAii is the Biggest Book Event Omaha Has Ever Known Writing Paper at Great Bargains We will place on special sale one big counter of finest quality writing paper. Hurd's and Crane's best papers In all the fancy novelties, such as Hurd's satin wove, Crane's chiffon vellum, Crane's linen. Crane's parchment, linen Swiss, In all the late tints snd new novelties. These papers are put up In one and two pound boxes and are made to sell for $2.00 a box, through a for tunate purchase we are able to offer you these big a class writing -4 ' papers at ISo a box. Never before was there such a bargain IOC One big lot of these same papers, tbe miscellaneous kinds, that Is, the loose papers, we will sell 12 sheets ot the best -f grade, for IC Twelve sheets of mourning psper for 1 cent, envelopes to 1 . match, at, package w2v All tbe fancy box writing papers and envelopes to match from this purchase, and there are thousands of them in all styles, kinds and grades, made for the holiday business, we will sell all tbose that formerly sold d P for 60c a box, at IOC All the $1.00 box papers with envelopes to ' match. These are in handsome boxes and the best quality of paper, you would expect to pay $1.00 for them in the regular way, we offer them tomorrow In this big OC book sale and stationery sale at, a box ,OC Special Sale at Doll Counter An Immense line ot kid body dolls placed on special sale tomorrow. Buy them now and have plenty of time to dress tbem for the boltdsys. 10-inch tall, open and close eye, Joined One big lot of 26-inch tall best grade limb, kid body dolls, with fancy kid body dolls, shoes and stockings, open work stockings, sewed wigs and sewed wigs and long, flowing balr. long, wavy balr. These are Just the Just the kind of dolls that generally kind of dolls that generally sell for sell for $2.98, we will sell them to $1.00, we will sell them C morrow at the doll coun- -4 CS tomorrow for OvC ter In the-basement for .'. 150 One big table of fanoy dressed dolls. These dolls are clothed In silk and woolen dresses, one doll In a box and generally sell for 50o each, OC they go tomorrow at, each , nOC Special for Saturday Only A set of table tennis, just like PIHQ POHQ wia burnt wood raciest, green net This ii equal to any ping-pong tetin Omaha fold g"V for $1.98. We offer thi let for Saturday only, at O VC I Windows LMfWfli3g 1,0,3 Windows We are specialists in the protection 'and adornment of children. Did we not excel, .we would not be specialists. There is satisfaction in fhe use of LILLIPUTIAN Clothe. They're cleverly cut from dependable fabrics and put to gether to stay, made in sanitary work-rooms, and sold on the satisfaction plan money back if wanted. You can get as good at some eastern stores. We guar antee if you get as good elsewhere, you'll pay more money. Just now every table, every rack and every shelf, offers great inducements in the way of special values. Take our word for it, and buy nothing for the boy, girl or baby to wear, until you see the LILLIPUTIAN LINES. Benson & Thome. 1515 Douglas Street. GOOD WILL HOME. FOR WOMEN Iaatltntlon (or Benefit, ot the Pea. teat to bo Conducted by Corporation. There bave been sent from Harlan county. Nebraska, to be filed with tbe clerk ot Doug las county, articles of Incorporation for the Mpther Lee, Good Will Mission for Peni tent Fallen Woman. Tbose who algned tbe articles were John W. Thomas, J. W. Ed ward and Li. O. Chljda ot Orleans. Neb.. and Richard A. Lee and Mary E. Coffey of Omaha. The corporation. Is to exist thirty years from December 1, 1902, with a staff of officers and five trustees. Its business will be' "the helping ot penitent women, to restore them to boms and friends where possible; when not, to provide tbem with a home and employment until such time as the? are able to care for themselves." Also, "to bold any snd all property procured by purchase, donation or otberwlse in trust te tbe use and benefit ot the said . home, the same to be occupied and used as a home tor penitent fallen women for a period of thirty years, and for no other purpose." ' The chief offices and places of business are to be at Omaha and Orleans, and all persons are eligible te membership in the corporation upon the recommendation of the superintendent of tbe home and the approval of the trustees. Tbe Peril at Oar Tlase Is lung disease. Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds cures lung troubles' or ao psy. 60c. $L For salo by Kuhn A Co. Tbe new kind of General Arthur cigars CONTEMPT CASE IS PUT OVER Jid( Manser Continues Hearings of Strikers to Nest Monday Mornlns;. i The contempt case against tbe Union Pa cific strikers, which was to bave been called in tbe United States district court yesterday morning, was continued by Judge Munger until Monday, at which time be will an nounce further orders. When the time for bearing came the court room waa filled by the men under attach ment snd their friends, all seemingly snx- ous to have the hearing proceed. Some of the strikers think that the . continuance means an amended bill of complaint to be filed before the bearing and they would not be surprised to find an attempt made to connect some of them with tbe fire at tbe Union Pad 11 o shopa Wednesday night. A DraaaTlet's Advice, Mr. C- L. Thompson, a druggist of Dan ville, Ind-, gives the following wholesome advice to bis customers: "If you should ever need a remedy for croup or whooping cough, get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It absolutely has no equal for the preven tion and cure of croup, and if taken la time and according to directions. It la a most excellent remedy for whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles. I would recommend that a bottle of this medicine be kept in tbe borne at all times, especially where there ore children in the family." Special Caution Our prices are ao low as to stamp tbem the greatest kind of bargains. Hayden Bros, with a big ad on page 6. Silver salad bowls, $20 to $35. Edholm. Chlcaao and Heturn, aie.TS, Via Milwaukee Ry. On sale Nov 30 and Deo. 1 and S. 1604 Farnam St. King Cole Belf-Rlslng Buckwheat's ths best. Publish your legal notices la Tbs Weekly Bee. Telephone tit. Turn right to page 6. Hayden Bros. Military brushes, $5 to $10 pair. Edholm. DIUU. HUAW-Mn Maude Minnie, at Clarkaon Memorial hnaultal. aged S3 years. Funerul Sunday, November SO. at 1 o'clock p. m. from H. K. Burket's chapel, 411 North ttlxteenth street. liurUl at Cuuncll Bluffs, m " ' -1, ; Mi'u iu. .jn mi 1 1 .i J, 'J BBBTSffiK M Consumers of drugs snd proprietary med icines should use apeclal care to see that the article they, buy la Intact that la, that wrappers have not been removed, corks drawn, numbers erssed or the package otherwise tampered with to prevent Its Identity from being at once recognised. 100 pure -graln Quinine Pills for 2Bo Yfkn Vf annan'a T1nn mm. x) .a Z. - "- a taituui runuer iur lie o-.w "ium: niuuuu uiquor nemeoy, evw Wl JbC doien White Ribbon Liquor Remedy, we sell ...19 00 Ths fihftVsn Mtnaitv nranalil Kms II 1 ' preee y.2& per doxen. a.w marvel Whirunr Spray Syrlofe for t? 09; by mall......?.,!.25 JJ.W Kilmers Bwamp-Root, we sell... 75c 11 On T Jar sktH r sua Wc Byrup of Figs, we sell S4c 6oc 8tuart s Dyspepsia Tablets for R90 - J i i.uiria iur,. IOC One pound Mixed Bird Beed for 4C 25o Brown's Bronchial Troches for.... 19c $1.00 Wine Cardul. we sell zao jistenne, we sell 19c $1.00 , Pe-ru-na, we. sell 62C Write for catalogue. Perfumes, Rubber Goods and Patent Medicines at cut prices. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, CORNER 16TH and DODGE. OMAHA. NEB. A LETTER from A. R. Bremer Co., Chicago, 111., manufacturer of Coke'a Dandruff Cure, which explains Itself: "Chicago. III., Nov. 26. 1902 8chaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, Omaha, Neb. Gentle men: We are in receipt of your order of the 15th insi. for one gross of COKE'S )ANURUFF CURE. We have been In formed that you have been cutting prices continuously on our goods and have been jne cause or MICH Dlsn KUAME in OMAHA. We must therefore decline to Mil your orders. L0 NOT CAKE TO HAVE YOU HANDLE COKE'S DANDRUFF CURE AT ALX Very Truly. "A. R. Bremer Co.." We are nleased to sell the 11. uO size of Coke'a Dandruff Cure (and we have It) at 76c. and we will see If the STATE LAW OF NEBRASKA cannot take a band In this business of Interfering with our style vf dividing profits with our customers. Watch papera or results of a right. OPEN ALWAYS. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PR1CP. BttunsroRK Marvelous - Selling - Saturday! Boys' Overcoats Boys' Overcoats at $4.00 Mads of fine grade all wool cheviots, In medium dark gray and fancy overplald colors, welt made and well trimmed, ages from 8 to IS years values are up to $6.50 Boys' Overcoats at $5.00 and '4.00 Made ot genuine Irish frlese and Cambridge cheviots. with faney overplalds, also fancy gray and other shades, for boys ages T to 16 5.00 Boys' Overcoats at $6.50 Made of the bent Cambridge cheviots, in oxford gray and black colors, lined with the most desirable Farmer satin lining, for boys, ages I to 16 years. guaranteed to be regular $9.00 values, for 6.50 One Lot of Boys' Reefers Made of fine grade blue chinchilla, large storm collar, casslmere lining, slr.es 8 ir 14 years, at 1.50 One Lot Boys' Reefers . Made of a very fine grade steel chinchilla, large storm collar, lined with the best Farmer's satin. sizes 8 to 15 years m4JJ Men's $15 and $20 Suits, Saturday $10 and $15 This store has given many money saving opportunities, but Saturday's chance to buy men's high grade suits will excel them all It's a price that would not be considered low for some suits, but when quality is taken into consideration it is remarkably cheap for the kind that is Included In this sale They are Positively $15 and $20 values, for $10.00 and $15.00 ISO CHILDREN'' S Reefer Jackets Made of good quality all wool kersey high storm collar sleeves with cuffs some plain, some trimmed with velvet piping colors, blue, red and castor a S CC regular $5 jacket Saturday . . . v 175 CHILDREN'S Long Monte Carlo Jackets Made of all wool kerseys and zibelines, in all shades some have cape collars trimmed all around with velvet piping others with inlaid .velvet' collars and velvet cuffs, and plaited, back. Garments ll SZ worth ?7.50 and $8.50, Saturday 125 CHILDREN'S 3-Fourths Length Coats Made of fine quality all wool kersey has cape collar with inlaid stitched velvet new sleeve with cuff some trimmed with satin piping, others with cording garments that are positively worth $ 10 all Qk f go Saturday af . ; UZ7J Women's Monte Carlo Coats Made of fine kersej's, cheviots and meltons, 27 inches long, new, correct back, new sleeve, in castor, black, blue, red and ox ford gray, lined with a guaranteed satin A REGULAR 15 JACKET, tfj SATURDAY 75 WOMENS 3'Quarter Length Coats In excellent quality of kersey, Montinac and H oxford gray cheviots, heavy, satin lined, new, full back and new cuff sleeve ?20.00 VALUES, 1 A 7 ET SATURDAY x. - BE WHY GO TO A GROCERY STORE For shoes when you can deal with an exclusive Men's Shoe Store. W. don't sell groceries, meat or hard ware. We sell shoes. Men's Onlmod $3.U and $2.60 shoes exclusively. We have no fire ealea or bargain days. Our prices are the same always. We manufacture all our own shoes. Ask about' ONIMOD ON AM AN Reacnt OSS? $ ka 205 South 1 5th 8t. is here again, with its long evenings. The Twinflith Century Farmer I. check full of Ih. Id... of tb. biaisi.it men in th. couuuy well knows nu, Mlectcd aiwritaifc bactuu thr know how to mlt. firming WT. Oo. id. xnarb. worth 1 huudxmti dollars teou. t to 49 p.(M. weskly. 1.00 lr r..r. Writ. twin. ImU CT tai ItMkM. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. 1701 FarawDSOaukha.MsBk Asm. aaatoS at mvmrj P. , NO POISON Has Ever Been Found in the Enamel of AGATE NICKEL-STEEL IfltchenUtensils The BLUE LABEL . PrshMta. by Dwli Us if Usn. State Court Pasted on Every Piece PROVES IT. If substitutes are offered, writ us This trade-mark Is on every piece of genuine Agate Ware. I j.rr: iMAKEi . :. 1520 V KINDS gold lr Flr.t-cl.H lJrp.rtm.nt and Houa. (uruUUtc( Storm, tbmd for sew Booklat. LALANCE A GROSJEAN MFC. CO. IV YORK Boavos CSICASO At Last is found to cure sweaty, clamy hands and feet. USE RK-JIO-M AT. never falls. A. MAYER. Us Bee bl1s.. Omaha. N.b. f" ' W J The Day After , Thanksgiving most boys do not care If they have any shoes or not. But to morrow Is Saturday and they'll be in pretty fair shape to bring to our store and have a pair of - our $150 shoes fit upon their feet. These shoes are wonders for their wearing qualities and they are foot-form in shape, so that we can give a perfect fit. . We've sold this shoe for years and stand ready to guarantee them by giving your money back If you're not satisfied. - DREXEL SHOE CO. Catalogue Free for the Asking. Omaha's Uo-to-Date Shoo House, 1419 FARNAM STREET. WOMENls latent, bt, utiuKrtfot, Tit. faulty ruy., not aUutfle ftlure; Uuji. Uiu obwUiul mmi reiiws4 u lew a nr., iw m fine rm to A JdoCoanvll Drug Co., Omatfc. will please you if you care for good clgara. la. t nanas wviiea. Tel. f 4f. a. W. Cor. ls mm CsUve.