Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, FI.IDAY MOKNIMG, NOVEMBER 28, 1002-TEX PAGES. ilN(JLE COPY T111JEE CENTS. COLOR TO BE SO BAR BoowTelt Will Hot Consider . Eaoe in staking Appointment. SAYS NEGROES ARE ENTITLED TO OrriCE Good Oitiwnihip and Sterling Worth Ln Sole Oonriderationi. DOMINATION OF BLACKS NOT AN ISSUE Seal Question it Whether African! Have Iqttal Eights, TROUBLE ARISES IN SOUTH CAROLINA Prealdeat Glvea Color Mas Port Which Whites Object to aa Bf eelve HI Relotader front White Hoaac. WASHINGTON', Nor. 27. The president lias aem the following communication to a citizen of Charleston. B. C.t "My Iwar Sir: am In receipt of your letter of November Id and of one from Mr. , under (late of November 11, in reference to the appointment of Dr. Crum aa collector of the port of Charleaton. In your letter you make certain specific chargea againat Dr. Crum, lending to show hi unfitness In apteral respects for the office Bought. These chargea are entitled to the utmost consideration from me and I shall go over them carefully before taking any action. "After making these chargea you added aa a further reaaon for oppoaitlun to him that be la a colored man, and after re citing the misdeeds that followed carpetbag rule and negro domination In South Caro lina, you aay 'that we swore never again to submit to the rule of the African, and uch an appointment aa that of Dr. Crum to any such office forces us to protest unanimously- agatnst this insult to the whits blood,' and you add that you un derstood me to aay that I would never force a negro on such a community as yours. Objicts to Colored Mam. "Mr. puts the objection of color first, saying 'he Is a colored man, and that of Itself ought to bar him from the office.' In view of IheBe lust statements, 1 think I ought to make clear to you why I am concerned and pained by your making them and what my attitude la aa regards all such appointment!. How anyone could have gained the idea that I had said 1 would not appoint reputable and upright colored men to office when objection was olaly on account of their color, 1 confess 1 am wholly unable to understand. At the time of my visit to Charleston last aprlng I had made, and slnoe that time 1 have made a number of such appointmenta from several states in which there Is a considerable colored population. For ex ample, I made one auch appointment In Mississippi and another la Alabama shortly before my visit to Charleston. I had At that ileoe appelated two color meat aa judicial magistrates In the District of Co lumbia. 1 hav recently announced an other such appointment for New Orleans and have Just made one from Pennsyl vania. Will Recoarntae Nrarroea. "The great majority of my appointments In every .state have been of white men. North and south alike, it has been my endeavor to appoint only men of high char acter and good capacity, whether white or black. But it haa been my consistent policy, in every state when, their numbers warranted It, to recognize colored men of good repute and Btandlng in making ap pointments to office. These appointments of colored men have In no state made more than a small proportion of the total number of appointments. "I am unable to see bow I can legiti mately be asked to make an exception for South Carolina. In Bouth Carolina, to the . tour most important position in the atate I have appointed three men and continued In office a fourth, all of them white men- three of them originally gold democrats two of them, aa I am Informed, the sons of confederate soldiers. I have been In formed by the citixena of Charleaton whom I have met that these four men represent a high grade of public service. "1 do not Intend to appoint any unfit atan to office. Bo tar as I legitimately can I shall always endeavor to pay regard to the wishes and feelings of the people of sach locality, but I cannot consent to take '.he position that the door of hope, the loor of opportunity, is to be shut on any man. no matter bow worthy, purely on the grounda of race or color. Such an attitude would, according to my convic tions be fundamentally wrong. "It. as you bold, the great bulk of the tolot-ed people are not fit In point of char terer and influence to hold position it leenia to me that It is worth while putting premium on the effort among them to tr.hieve the ciaracter and standing which rill fit them. N rare Dosalnatloa Not la kaeatloa. "The question of 'negro domination' does lot enter into the matter at all. It might is well be aBaerted that when I waa gov trnor of New Tork I sought to bring about legre domination in that stats because I (ppointed two colored men of good char acter and standing to responsible positions ine of tbem to a position paying a salary Alee aa large aa that paid in the office sow inder consideration, one of them aa a llrector of the Buffalo exposition. "The question raiaed by you in the tatements to which I refer Is simply f better it Is to be declared that under to circumstances shall any man of color, as matter how upright and honest, no natter bow good a citizen, no matter how air In his dealings with all hla tellowa, permitted to hold any office under our government. "I certainly cannot assume su.-h as at Itude end you must permit me ta aay that a my view It 1b an attitude no bould assume, whether he looks at it from he standpoint ot the true Interest of the ralta man of the south or the .colored man ( the south, not to speak of any other aec- Ion of the uuioa. "It seems to me that It Is a good thing torn every standpoint ta let the colored las know thai, if be ahuws to .marked de res the qualities of good eitisenship, the uallties of which la a white we feel are c It led to reward, then he will not be ut off from all similar reward. "Without any regard as to what my 4 In leva may be oa the merits of this par k'ular applicant far thla particular place, feel that I aught to let you know clearly ly attitude oa the far broader question Used by you, an attitude from which I ave not varied during my term of office, hlthfully youra. "THKODOEJE R.OOEIVELT." NORD IS MASSING AN ARMY Han Tea Tknmtal Wea la ramnl aad 'Will Declare HI atari f Prealdcat of Hartl. KINGFTON, Jamaica, Nov. 27 Letters received here from Haytl say there la rill considerable exrttement In that rrpublic, especially at Goualves, whir -general Nord, the Haytlen war minisf -nssRlng a large army with the Inn glaring T has himself president. It Is ati. ' 10. win men under his rommano ' ft ' to advance on Port au Prince . fortnight. "'. PORT AC PRINCE. Nov. 27. While t situation here today Is calm, serious dis turbances were apprehended yesterday in the Chamber, which at the request of the president waa surrounded by government troopa. On the demand of the provisional gov ernment General Alexia Nord. the war minister, recently left Gonalvos at the head of 8,000 men from the capital and arrived last night at St. Marc. He can reach Port au Prince early next week. There is no confirmation here of the re port that General Nord has the intention of proclaiming himself president, but the rumor is much discussed and the people here are awaiting his arrival with interest. In order to learn his exact intentions. CAPE HATTIEN, Hayti, Nov. 27 It is Impossible to ascertain the real Intentions of General Nord. At present he la march ing on Port au Prince, with about 10.000 men. He declares that he is not an as pirant for the presidency of the republic, but that he will Insist on the election of his candidate for that office. The Identity of the general's candidate Is not known. The press of Cape Haytien is in favor of General Nord. SAN DOMINOO, Nov. 27. The political situation in Santo Domingo haa been com plicated by revolutionary disturbances which have broken out In the northern part of the republic. The government has taken severe meas ures to suppress the movement and many arrests have already been made, including General Wos Gil and J. D. Pichardo, a for mer minister. RULES CAUSE REICHSTAG ROW Motioa ta Tote on Tariff aa Whole Usli to Mark I proar la that Body. BERLIN, Nov. 27. Scenes of great uproar and disorder resulted In the Reichstag to day from a motion introduced by the leaders of the center, national liberal and the two conservative parties, providing to take a vote on the tariff aa a whole. Baron Kardorff offered the motion, which was greeted with laughter by the socialists and radicals, whereupon the baron re marked : "Gentlemen, you have driven us to this course." The socialist speakers, Herr Rlchter and Barth, contended that the motion waa contrary to the rules of the house. Von Vallestrom admitted that he waa in doubt on the question raised and declined to de cide on the admissibility of the motion, leaving the matter for the bouse to decide after full discussion. During the debate OB the rules tbe oa. eisllsts created great disorder. Herr An trtrk and others shouted "pickpockets" and Herr Ulrlch. who repeatedly Interrupted the speakers, waa called to order three times, the conservatives shouting: "Put him out." Further discussion waa postponed until tomorrow. ILLEGAL TO SIGN NAMES Frearh Eccleelaat leal Petitioners Are Fonad Gallty of Breaking; Law. PARIS, Nov. 27. The government recently submitted to the council of state the ac tion of the greater part of the French eplacopate in signing a manifesto last month for presentation to the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, which urged a return to the principles of the concordat as the only means of securing religious peace in France. The question submitted to the council of state was whether the signing of this mani festo was not contrary to the article of the concordat forbidding the episcopate to act in concert. The council has decided that the signatories committed an abuse of authority. This decision may lead te the suspension of the salaries of all the French cardinals, archbishops and bishops, save five who did not sign the document. BRITAIN ANNEXES ISLANDS Shells Native Heat a" ea Vlllaarea Order to Paalsa FUlaa Marderera. VICTORIA. B. C. Nov. 27.-According to advices received from Sydney by the steamer Aorangi, - H. M. S. Sparrow bas returned from a protracted cruise through the Bouth sea group. During the cruise the warship's officers annexed Sparrow, 1' Babel and Cboi seul islands for Great Britain. At Malieta five Tillages of the natives were shelled to punish the islanders tor having killed a Fijian woman because she embraced Christianity. With a view to impressing the natives with the aeriouaness of the crime committed by them and of ' warning them Ma recurrence of auch acta Sparrow visited five places in the Island of Malieta. namely Aukia. Scio. Tras Ewai and Port Diamond, and at each place the villages were Bhelled and partly de- atroyed. CLEARS KRUPP'S CHARACTER Itallaa Government Finds 8 load era Orlarlaated with DlaaspeartBa; Gorsaaa Palate. ROME, Nov. 27. An inquiry instituted In the scandals concerning tbe late Herr Krupp at Capri Island 1b said to have com pletely cleared his character, and in con- : sequence the government will prosecute the j newspapers which made the defamatory statements. j It Is stated that the accusations againat J Herr Krupp have been traced to a German ' painter, resident in Capri, whose arrest I was ordered. The painter haa disappeared. CATTLE LAWS ARE CHANGED Arareattaa Coatornme with British Lcaal Live Stork Ursa, latlaaa. V LONDON, Nov. 27. In the House of Com mons today Mr. H anbury announced that tbe Argentina government bad Introduced a bill making tbe live stock law of Argen tina correspond with tbe British law gov erning the inspection ot cattle. ROOSEVELT DINES QUIETLY Only Mtoben of Tamily and few Pergonal Friends Presant WHOLE WORLD KEEPS THANKSGIVING DAY lsls aad Other Earopeaa Capitals Have Impost a a; Dinners at Which America Is Lastes by Dte tlBaralshed Caesta. . .7NGTON. Nov. 27. President and . Aoscvelt bad at their Thanksgiving dlntiv. only members of the family and a few personal friends. The table waa Bet in the state dining room. Those present were: The president anil Mrs. Roosevelt, Senator and Yrs. Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Adams. Mrs. C. H. and Miss Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson, Captain and Mrs. Cowles, Theodore Douglas Robinson, Miss Helen Roosevelt, Miss Roosevelt, Miss Robinson, J. K. Oracle, Robert Ferguson, Theodore Roosevelt, jr., John Elliott and Miss Ethel Roosevelt. All Sects I alte. DETROIT, Nov. 27. At a union Thanks giving service In the Detroit opera house loday Rabbi Levi M. Franklin of Temple Bftbel, Judge A. J. Murphy of the record er's court, a Roman Catholic, and clergy men of the Episcopal, Congrrgational, Bap tist, Methodist, Christian, Universalis! and Presbyterian churches occupied seats on the platform and took active parts. The mayor, who is a member of St. Peter's Episcopal church, made an intro ductory address, In which, alluding to the union service, he said: In all the ages religious thought has run on parallel line, sometimes converging and sometimes crossing. We cun see the paral lel lines when, in recognition of a common faith, we came together this way to give thanks. Attend Two Services. MANILA. Nov. 27. The first general ob servance of Thanksgiving day by the Roman Catholic church in the Philippines took place today. Bishop Gracla issued a letter calling attention to the proclamation of the president and Governor Taft directing the observance of the American holiday. A solemn high mass waa held In the cathedral, the apoBtolic delegate. Arch bishop Guldl, giving his benediction to the worshipers. Governors Taft and many Americans were among those present. The other churches held a united service. Bishop Brent delivering an address and Rev. George Pentecost reciting the prayer. Governor Taft and a majority of the Amer ican colony also attended this service. In the course of his address Bishop Brent said he had opposed the United States assump tion of responsibility in the Philippine Islands, but he added, "Now we must re turn and face our duty." Iiae la Old Lonaea. LONDON. Nov. 27. Nearly BOO American citizens and a sprinkling of distinguished Englishmen participated in the annual Thanksgiving dinner held at the Hotel Cecil tonight. The company included Mr. and Mra. Choate. all the members of the embassy staff, Robert MoCormtek, American am taasador. H. H. Asquith, Lord Keay. Lord Fairfax. Lprd Roberts and Sir Henry Norman. The speeches were numerous and abounded in good feeling and reciprocal compliments. Toaata in honor of King Edward and President Roosevelt were drunk with equal enthusiasm. Mr. Asqulth. proposing Mr. Choate's health, jokingly alluded to the "dreaded American invasion," and then referred to I the long line of distinguished ministers I and ambassadors that the United States had sent to England, each of whom, he said, had largely contributed to the pres ent happy relation of the two nations, and none more than Mr. Choate. In responding Mr. Choate replied to Mr. Asquith'B references to the "dreaded Amer ican invasion and combines" and said: There is one combination which meets the approval of the peoples of both nations, that unites the neople of bath countries. America finds itself now the happy re cipient of good will from all nations. Co- lambia finds herself in the enviable but embarrassing i.sition of hsvlng suitors from all countries in the world. Columbia does not mean to give herself away. She means, like your (Treat yuoen Elizabeth, to maintain her independence to the end; at the same time it cannot but be conceded that she betst understands the overtures from her own race and kindred. President Roosevelt, be said later, was so strong, brave and true that he might have been the leading spirit of the May flower. It was his influence and example that was responsible tor the Interest that young Americans were showing in politics, and the vigor, courage and human sym pathy with which Mr. Roosevelt brought tbe coal strike to a successful outcome was the admiration of all countries. Day aigsallsea Peaee. PARIS, Nov. 27. Thanksgiving day was quietly observed here by the American Mnlnnv . finAPlal Borvt km wm In - enl churches. Rev. Dr. Thurber. pastor I of tbe Americas church, said that the "cause of the world's thanksgiving is that tbe nations are beginning to completely accept international arbitration in place of tbe arbitrament of the sword." BERLIN, Nov. 27. Three hundred Ameri cans celebrated Thanksgiving day by dining together tonight at the Kaiserhof. Henry White, the retiring ambassador, who pre sided, proposed the healths of the German emperor and President Roosevelt, who, he aid wr in mnnv renitenra alikA Th propoit!(j . toaBt to the ; mnA .i. , ,v. , ... h f AtV.. , . j .' , . - . ., , , ,Mn. ...-!, VIENNA. Nov. 27. la the absenoe of tbe ambassador, Mr. Hale, the American charge d'affaires, and Mrs. Hale gave a Thanksgiving reception at tbe Hotel Bristol this afternoon. Nearly 200 Americans at tended . the function. Old Cilorr Flies la Manse. ROME, Nov. 27. Hundreds ot Stars and Stripes hanging from the houses of Ameri cans announced Thanksgiving day to the people here. A special service was held in tbe American church, Rev. Dr. MeCracken of New York officiating. Mr. Francis Mac Nutt, a papal cavalier of the Cape and Sword, and tbe highest American layman at tbe Vatican, gave a magnificent dinner In honor of the day. The guests Included Archbishop Chappelle of New Orleans. Fret. Norton, director of tbe American School of Classical Studies, gave an enter, tainment to his pupils. CITY OF MEXICO. Nov. 17. A Thanks giving ball was given tonight by the Ameri cas colony and waa largely attended. Presi dent Diax being among the Invited guests. The reception at the lulled States em bassy was a brilliant function. Five hun dred guests attended. Including tbe whole diplomatic corps, the court officials, sev eral members of the government. Including the foreign minister. Moos. Be ton ot Su (CuBtlaued oa ascend Pace.) DOES NOT SEEK OFFICE Booker T. Waahtaertoa Is Only Inter ested la roll lira to Raise Irsrs Bars. BIRMINGHAM. Ala. Nov. 27. The fol lowing letter has been received by the Age-Herald from Booker T. Washington: 1 notice that several newspapers have recently connected my name with polit ical matters in such a manner as to show that my position is not understood. 1 desire, therelore, to make the tollow ii p statement. My life work Is the promotion of the education of my race. W'hBt conferences 1 bawe had with the president or with any public official have imwn out oi my xisiucm. uch as m poli tician, but as sn educator. It should be borne In mind that there are about H.flOn, ( cf negroes in the United etates, who are liable under the law for taxes and mill- tary service, and who are ounlshable lor pre-VntUh.v,f JTtT in homestead entries, particularly those the national la wmuktng 'tody, and it Is of subsidized soldiers' widows- If District riht that these rhargd 'h making Attorney Summers is lndiBerent in the mat ana executing the laws nl the land should i . , . ,, . . at times seek information Wctly from the j ter 1 "hall report so to the attorney gen members of the negro face, when the:r eral, as I have once before reported. As interests and relations aim the while Ior the inlervlew recently given out by among whom they live are concerned. I ,, . , , , .i i nder no clrcumeiancei could 1 swk to j 6iecial Agent A. M. Lesser, conoerning the promote political cuncli tate -or volun- charges against htm, it Is simply an evasion leer information regarulna; men or mess- of lb , chBrge vbich u obtaining ures, neither have J done so in the jiajft, ... . but because of the importance I have al- I money from the government by the use of ways sought to place upan education and ; false and fraudulent vouchera. Senator Al- lnausiry among my pei.if.e. aa tne nam , for friendly relations between the races. there may be occasions fn the future, as there have been in the Bast, when, if I am so requested, 1 caa give information about men and measure, which would tend to promote such friendly relations, fueh it is my duty to givt when it Is asked for. ' At every proer opportunity I ssy to the youth of our people that they will make a muuake If they Seek to succeed in life by mere political" activity or the hope of holding uoli.i.l ofhee. Now and then, however. pubUc questions af- frdantal W transcend the domain of! politics. When such questions present tra-msei ves. in jus- ! started the present agitation in Nebraska. tiee to my race, I make my position known I v. . , ,K Ki,, and stand for what 1 see to t.e the right, j No he con,e" to pursue the (subject still We cannot elevate and make useful a ' further, on instructions from President race of people until fliers is held out to , Roosevelt himself. This morning he will them the hope of reward .for right livina. . tvery revised constitutioij throughout tne!vlBU district Attorney W. B. Summers, dis soutbern states has put a premium upon I cuss the situation. Bee what the attorney intelligence, ownership off property, thrift taB done or 1b planning to do in the mat and character. i i ; . . . , ,. . ,. As an educator, and not as a politician. I ter- submit to him the names of many wlt I strive in every honorable and rational j r.esBes who should be called before the wayto encourage the w;iw and enduring : preBent federal grand Jury and then go on progress of my people!, fer If all inspira- ' . , I . tion and hone of reward t to be denied I t0 Nonh riatte. At North Platte he ia them, they will be deprived of -one of the and righteousness. On it he other hand. If they are encouraged in Sensible and con servative directions they will grow year by year into rontentedness and usefulness. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. LAKE STEAMER SIKS IN GALE Coal Ladea fhlp Plnnarea ta Bottom, Carrylas; Crew 1 Deatrae tloa. DETROIT, Nov. 27. In a furious gale on Lake Erie on Sunday eight the Bteamer Sylvanua J. Macy sprue alaak off Port Burwell, Ont,, and plungaja ta the bottom, probably carrying Its entire crew with It. The barge Mabel Wilaofe, which was be . .. L , L- . . I uig iowiu oy macy, oroe away m me ui burn auu nuuucvuru i m inurug ujj uic lake to AmnersiDurg, wnere it arrived tnis afternoon. The first newa of the ftiaaster waa re ported by tbe steamer. V Jhrlght, arblch 4 passed-a p Ae. tisft'-'-ani ttia'tuonrtngT. It reported having passed through five miles of wreckago yesterday thirty miles southwest of Long Point, parte of the cabin, life preservers and doors of some vessel. The vessel was painted white, but there were no distinguishing marks to tell what veaael it was from. The arrival of Wilson, however, leaves no doubt but that the wreckage is from - Macy, as the last aeen of that steamer was in the near vicinity. Macy, with Wilson In tow, left. Buffalo last Saturday with a cargo of coal. When half way up Lake Erie the gale was encountered and when abreast of Port Bur well tbe tow line of tbe barge was thrown off by the crew of the Macy, leaving tbe schooner to shift for itself. When last seen Macy was laboring heavily in tbe sea and was evidently making for shelter. If the crew had time to leave their ship be fore the plunge to the bottom it Ib not . ,. . . ... -,,.n k..,. ,,,. v. be"' that the small boats could have lived long in tbe terrible sea running. That nothing has been heard of them has convinced the owners that all are lost. Macy was owned by P. J. Ralph Co. of Detroit aad was insured for $16,500. It is one of the older type of wooden steamers. STEAMER IS PROBABLY LOST Marine I'nderwrtters Rave No Hope fer Safety of Baaaoekbara oa Lake feperlor. CHICAGO, Nov. 27. Marine underwriters are inclined today to give the Canadian ateamer Bannockburn up tor lost on Lake Superior. It was reported to tbem that the missing steamer had been passed last Friday by the steamer Algonquin, about fifty miles southeast of Passage island and northeast of Keweenanaw point. That would bring Bannockburn well out into Lake Superior and right in the track of vessels. Since that time nothing has been heard of the ateamer. It was supposed the steamer had stranded on Caribou island. Tbe government discontinued that import ant light about a week ago for tbe season. With tbe stormy weather prevailing it is supposed that the crew could not have got word to the shore. The Montreal Transportation company, owner of Bannockburn, sent out tugs from Sault Ste Marie this morning to search the north shore of Lake Superior in tbe hope of getting some trace of it. Ban nockburn carries a crew of twenty men and abip and cargo are worth $200,000. CHICAGO CATTLE SHOW READY Half Hillioa People Will Sec Ethi bltlea la I nlon Stork Yards. CHICAGO, Nov. 27. Everything is in readiness for the informal opening Saturday of the third International Live Btock ex position at the stock yards in this city. The exposition this year will be one-third larger than last year, making it tar ahead of any other exhibition in the world In point of entries, general interest and edu cational influence. Many foreign countries have named spe cial representatives or notified their diplo matic and industrial representatives to at tend and make a full report. Railroad officials and the exposition man agement estimate an attendance of 00,000 people from outside of Chicago. Wednesday a new $100,000 building, pro vided by tbe Union Stock Tarda company as permanent headquarters tor the pure bred live stock record associations of tbe United States and Canada, will be dedi cated by tbe secretary of agriculture aad tbe governors of a number ot agricultural suites aha bve accepted Invitations. 1I0SBY BRINGS HIS BROOM Bean from VTathington XnBtrnations to Bweep A wiy Illegal Penoea. WILL VIST DISTRICT ATTORNEY TODAY Tbea Goes oa to Isveatls-ste Leaser's Case and Evrntaally Will Reaeh North riatte aad Bearla Operations. "I have come out here with Instructions from the government, from President Roosevelt down to the landoffice, to clean : out all the fences on government land and ' incident all in riui nm oil the frauriu- ,.. . -.BOI.. instance he waa orielnallv appointed, has not yet spoken in his be half. Senator Millard has requested his reinstatement, but that is because those cattlemen up there want Lesser kept. I haven't heard anything from Senator Diet rich." Mosby'e Itinerary. Such were the declarations of Colonel John B. Mosby, special inspector of the land .office, shortlv after bis arrival in Omaha -enlng. He it was who cleaned out j j the illegal fences of Colorado and then instructed to investigate the transactions , of Special Agent Lesser, now under sus pension. Will Hearts with Standard Company From North Platte he will go to Alliance and there "commence pulling down the fences in the legal way," to quote his own words, beginning on those of the Standard . Cattle company, which has secured tracts next that of Bartlett Richards and which is, tbe colonel says, an even greater of- ! fender than Richards, who has fenced in a single strip sixty miles long and seventy i miles wide. How long be will be detained 1 at the various points Colonel Mosby does2.40 Btated lmu aU avallabI(. physiclana not know "I saw Senator Millard in the depot at Chicago as I was coming out, but only " " k" - , remark or tw0 ai to ur respective destina- i tiona added Colonel Mosby. f ,. I "The senator wants Lesser reinstated. but tnt in oecauB uauaw, navittj leoo r r' tw mtnee-withmrt a al-nrV tence being torn down, stands in with thoae cat- i necessarily be heavy, tlemen up there. I .have aeen Leaser's in- ) Th" wrecked train left the Union ta terview in reply to my previous remarks, ' n this city tor St. Louis at 12:D0 this but I observe that in that interview the morning. It consisted of one sleeper from issue be raises is wholly a false one. He Cleveland, which came in over the Big talks of the frauds in the widows' filings, Four about tbe same hour, another whereaB, while Lesser winked at thoee, sleeper from Cleveland, which arrived they are not even mentioned in tbe depart- j earlier in the night, four cars from Cin ment a letter of removal, nor did he men- j cinnatl, two of which were express cars, a tion thorn in his reply to the department, combination and baggage car and a day I would sugtjst to Lesser that he publish coach. that correspondence if he wants the public : The train was almost filled with paBsen- to know just why he is under investiga tion. I have aeen It and 1 know what was written. Thoae Postmarks Aarala. "The facta are. as I have previously re lated, that after Lesser sent in his weekly report for tbe week ending Saturday, Oc- i tober 26, last, the commissioner of the land- office, noting that the letter was mailed on a Northwestern train Instead of at the post office at North Platte, where the re- port purported to have been made out, wired to the register at North Platte and ascertained that Lesser had not been there tnrougn tne wees, investigating turtner, u was learned that Lesser had been at North Platte Juat nine days in tbe interval be tween March 1 and July 1, and not at all during July. Thla information was cor roborated by the statement of the post master at Tama, la., which is Lesser's real home, that be spends 60 per cent of his time there. Lesser bad been reporting himself as working In this state and in his land district because if a special agent falls to account tor each day of the week I be loses pay tor that day. Tbe land de partment now has thirty envelopes which enclosed correspondence from him and which bear tbe Nortbwestern's postmark. He Will Ask gnmmera. "As to plans and procedure in the matter of getting down the fences and prosecuting those who fall to beed the notice given tbem, I do not care to speak further until j I see Attorney Summers." "What if Attorney Summers Bhould be Indifferent In the matter?" was asked Colonel Mosby. "Then I will report the facta to the at torney general, I made such a report once before and be was given Instructions by tbe attorney general that were based upon tbe report of tbe land frauds that I provided the attorney general with. Colonel Mosby was Interviewed in Chi cago as he passed through there and in that Interview is credited with severely criticising Senators Millard and Dietrich and with making "the explicit charge that these senators are Interested in tbe fencing of the lands by tbe cattle barons, because as presidents bf national banks they hold mortgages on cattle running on the lands under the control ot the cattlemen." ENTIRE TRIBE IS ARRESTED ladlaas Whs Starved Bewitched Coaa- trysaea Arc Chsrgei with Harder. TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 27. United States Commissioner Folaom, United States Mar shal Hepburn and Prosecuting Attorney Lions have returned to Juneau from Hoo nah. where they held inquests over tbe re mains of the starved Indians. Tbe red skins had been starved to death by their tribesmen because tbey were thought to be bewitched. One was tied to a tree and compelled to stand eight days and nights without food under heavy rains, the object of this treat ment being to exorcise tbe evil spirit of which be was thought to be possessed. The officers placed tbe entire tribe under arrest during the investigation. Four mem bers found directly responsible for the bar barities were takes to Juneau under charges of murder. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nbrnska Fair Frldav and Saturday; Comer Katurflny. Trnsersttrr at Omaha Vcstrrdaj I Hoar. Drs, Hoar. Keg. 1 a xi l p. m :ci a. nt Itt 2 p. m HR T a. ns i a p. an l Ma. an IT 4 p. m .Hit a. m IK R p. m 84 It) a. m S'J p. m :i 11 a. m iH 7 p. m .'12 12 m a p. nt .12 p. aa !ti! REMITS O GR1HIROV Nebraska 12. Northwestern . Mlrhlaan 1C.1, Mianrsota tl. Creiahtoa IT, Iltahland Park Grand Island 11. Hellevnr .. t'hleaao 11, 'Wlsrousia O. Kansas 17, Missouri ft. Pennsylvania 12. Cornell 11. Podge 1 G. Itt, lovra Normal 11. Illlnnl MO. Iowa tl. Drake 47, Grlnnrll O. MlM-hell fto, Nebraska Medics O. inrk 41. Aarora . Lincoln H. S. Zl. Fairbnry 12. Kramer 11, Grand Inland V. Ohio 41. Indians ti. i olnmbia ti. yrnene i. Haskell Indiana IK Waablnartoa O. Stanford aft. I tan 11. Carlisle Indians 2C. Georpretowa O. Ames IK. Mmpsoa 11. Onawa SI, Missouri alley O. BIG FOUR TRAIN WRECKED tt. Lonig Flyer Tumbles Over Steep Em tank meat in Elmois, CARS AND ENGINE ARE HEAP OF RUINS Many Doctors Are Summoned In Horry to Tend Injnred Who lie Tsilh shattered roaches In Cornfield. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 2S. The Bt. Louis Flyer on the Big Four, which left In- dianapoliB this morning at 12:0u, is reported to be a total wreck. At 1:30 the train struck a broken rail one-half mile west of Avon and five and a half miles east of Danville, Hendricks j county, thirty miles west of here, where lhe rofcdB rung alnng , nlgh ,m The cn tire train plunged down the fill and is now in a cornfield, a pile of ruins. A message was reoelvcd here from Dan ville at 2:20 asking for all possible medical aid and eight or ten hyBicianB were sum moned. They, with Superintendent Van Winkle of the Big Four, left fur the scene on a special train at 8. A telephone message from Danville at . from there had been called to the wreck . w . . rpiv11, tur,hBr thm that the enUrf traln wa ,n a corn. flpifl . ,h, hnttnra nt a HTeen embankment . ,v .,,,, . nit tttnr m'DB tin rinnht a crna f mnnv were i injured. It was not known there whether .1.1.. . Vl , I inJre- k j iiwunu vhual-o . unna-i. t i was general mat me loss Tir nie must-t ..... m . gers when it left, the travel from this city being unusually heavy. The first word of the wreck was received from the trainmaster at Mattoon, 111. The Brightwnod wrecking train was ordered out and two special cars were msde up to fol low. As Superintendent Van Winkle was board- j Dg the train to leave for Avon he received , this message from Danville: j "Four sleepers derailed. Send three j sleepers to transfer passengers." From this be thought the wreck was not . bo bad as be feared at first. j At 8:10 the wrecking train arrived from Brightwood and immediately left for the scene of the wreck. General Surgeon Ford of the Big Four and a corps of physicians were on the train. OPEN SWITCHCAUSES WRECK Peasiylvsals Train Smash Kills Twa Persons aad lajores Four Others. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 27. A passenger train on the Pennsylvania road which left : here for Louisville at 6:15 this evening, ran into an open switch at Stafford station, six miles south of here, where the 'Greenwood j Interurban line crosses the railroad. The engineer, George H. Frazier, was killed ! lnslantly and LoU Grant lhe flreman, waa falaUy ,nJure(1. John K. Clayton, baggage- master, was seriously injured. Three ot the passengers were slightly injured. The engine crashed into a stonecar on the siding and was wrecked. A relief train brought the dead and injured to this city. GOLD MINE SALJERS IN JAIL Two Are Senteaeed aad Oae Is Arrested After Sevea Months' Freedom. NEW TORK. Nov. 27. William H. Mc- Vnrt m'Yin at r va Via is an elfr trir tan at f Via RoBsmere hotel, arre.ted here today at the request of the Chicago police. McNutt was indicted in April last by the Cook county grund Jury, together with Daniel Kelly, James Lonergan, Edward Schultx and William C. Martin, for swindling William T. Block out of (13,000 by selling him a salted gold mine. Kelly and Ecbultx were sentenced to four and six year respectively. Lonergan and Martin are aaid to be in Europe. Movements af Or ran Vessels Nov. ST. At New Tork Arrived: Celtic, from Liverpool and Queenstown; Pennsylvania, from Hamburg, btiled: Sardinian, fur Glasgow, but returned: Frladrlch der, for Bremen; La Gaacogne, tor Hn vrt . At Liverpool Arrived: Westernland. from Philadelphia; Pretorian. from Montreal. Balled: Lancastrian, for New Tork; Cor inthian, fur Halilax. N. B., and Bt. John, N. B. : Marion, lor Boston via Queenstuwu. At Hamburg- Arrived: Deutachland, from New York. At Queenstown Arrived: Cymric, from New York, bulled: Teutonic, from Liver pool, for Nw York; Nordland, from Liver pool, lor Philadelphia. At tienoa Arrived: Auguste Victoria, from New York, for Naples. At London sailed: Manllou. for New Tork. At Gibraltar Passed: Hesneria. from New Y ork, fur Marseilles, Leghorn, etc. At Glasgow Arrived: Mongolian, Irora New Y'ork. At Havre Arrived: La Touraina, from New Yutk. .NEBRASKA UNBEATEN Winds TJp Toot Ball Eaaon with a Victorj Over Konh western. GOAL NOT CROSSED DURING THE YEAF- Only Team in the Vest Which Oan Boast of Such a Eeoord. FINAL SCORE IS TWELVE TO NOTHING al! Was on Forth western's Twenty-Two-Tard Line at the Closa. 0.NE TOUCHDOWN THAT DOES NOT COUNT Enalehart Goes Over Sort It western Line, hat Is Called Rack Ne hraska'a Coal Only Onre In Ussier. RECORD OF KRRRtMk Nebraska 2, 1,. II. .. t. Kebraaka Kl, Ioaae n. Nebraska 12, t tiloradn ' Nebraska 17, t-rianell '. Nebraska , Mianeaofi'. Nebraska 12. Missouri ' Nebraska iW, Haskell '. Nebraska HI, Kansas ti Nebraska 7, Knox O. Nebraska 12, Northwelrriv (From a Staff CorrcBpondent.j LINCOLN. Nov. 27. (Special Telegram.) The foot ball season .of 1H02 at the Vnl vcrsia,' of Nebraska was terminated today in a blaze of glory. Before 6,000 people, the greatest crowd that ever assembled about a Nebraska gridiron, the unbeaten Cornhuskers administered a decisive defeat to the Northwestern university eleven, scoring twelve points and emerging from I the contest with their own goal line atlll j uncrossed, a record not achieved by any other college aggregation in the country, j Nebraska, not having lost a game this ' Beason or even being scored against, , on the record claims the championship 1 of the west. It defeated Minnesota, which . In turn defeated Wisconsin and Chicago. s.H'iHi wqilu jeursssa uiu nuv piay. Michigan today also defeated Minnesota, and while it was by a larger score than Nebraska's victory. It was scored against in this game, as well as several other dur ing tbe season. Nebraska's victory, however, was not easily bought. Profiting by their superb tight against Illinois laat week, tbe Method ists entered into the play today with the spirit of demons. Tbe transformation wrought in Hnlllster'a men was surprising to behold. They charged with spirited de. j termination, contesting every luch of terri- t ' "'" '"' -- "- rled the CornhUBkers to the limit. Once I 'he Methodists spurted and carried the oval from the middle of the field to win the coveted shadow of Nebraska s eoal posts. i but vhe wh,tl, blew for the end of tbe ' r . Ur.1f a..1 tanata4 UalUataa'a ntaa t r .... ,. i lliriL auu uvux a tau luiiiiotDi aa aucu ui the onf chance they hfl It euHf tit Cornhuskers' goal. Cliarre I in pi re with rafalraeaa. Booth, the Nebraska coach, and his pupila charge that Hall, tbe umpire, ex-captain at Illinois university, was grossly unfair in his rulings. Eleven times the Corn huskers were penalised, seven of which were for holding, the punishment each time being the loss of tbe ball. Most of tbe penalties came after Nebraska had carried the ball far into their opponents' territory and the surrender of tbe oval absolutely precluded any possibility of piling up a score on the Methodists. One of tbe penal ties was particularly exasperating. Ne. braska had smaKhed its wsy aixty yards by Bteadv plunges, a single spurt by Half back Bell, accounting tor a third of tbe distance. Tbe ball was finally carried over by Fullback Englehart. Umpire Hall, bow ever, ruled that Guard Ringer was guilty of holding. He refused to allow tbe touch down and turned the ball over to North western on its one-yard line. Balrd im mediately punted ont of danger, tbe Ne- j braeka warriora capturing the ball and instituting another onslaught toward tha Methodists' goal, but the final whistle called them to a halt. Nebraska la Paar Shape. Nebraska went into tbe game in a rather weakened condition. Captain Westover limped from tbe effects ot an abscess which had confined him to bis bed for the last week. Quarterback Benedict waa crippled by a badly wrenched knee, and to add to his Injuries he received a blow In a scrim, mage which deprived him of his senses. He recovered, but played the last After minutes almost in a trance, scarce! v know ing the algnala. The absenoe of Ehadd at left end weakened Nebraska's defense. Follmer, who substituted lor the cripple regular, was much too light and North western directed its chief attack around and against tbe left wing. A summary of the gains scored by both teams shows that Nebraska advanced the boll 336 yards aa opposed to 124 tor North western. Twice the Methodists held Ne braska for downs and compelled a punt, while the Cornhuskers' defense was of suffi cient virility either to capture the ball on downs or force Bslrd to punt on seven different occasions. Northwestern'! chief reliance on the at tack waa a tandem formation, tha backs plunging straight ahead into the line or else swinging around the ends. Fullback Fleager found himself baffled in most ot his attacka on Nebraska'a center, tbe Corn busker guards refusing to give way. Around tbe ends tbe Methodiata had bet- I ter success, although Cortelyou, at Ne braska'a right extreme, threw most at tha rushes that came his way. Around Folk mer and his successor, Thorpe, Northwest ern found little .trouble In gaining. Vun ruyper, behind a solid wall of interterenoe, once spurted twenty yarda and Rogers In the second bait repeated the performance. Nebraska's Attack Cloek-LIkc. Nebraska'a attack la the main worked with clocklike precision. Tackle masses, with the halfbacks carrying the ball, yielded aatisfactory gains, but tbe line plunging of Mlckel and Englehart, both at fullback, waa responsible for most of Ne braska'a advances. Nebraska'a superiority is the center position was one of the strik ing features, the Cornhuskers' forwards opening boles in the Northwestern liaa, which netted five and ten-yard smashes on almost every effort. Booth's proteges varied their attack by using the ends to carry the ball, Cortelyou onca breaking loose for a fifteen-yard dash. A quick Hue opening yielded twenty yards, with Bell carrying the ball. Nebraska's longest single gain. Fake plays were attempted at this by both teams, but with poor auoceas. Benedict, who does Nebraska's punting, waa unsteady, from the effects of a vrsAcuad knee, and ia tha cmbaaga of