Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Light Trading at Higher Prcea Marki Dsj'i
V lril tine l Nearly llalf.Cent, t orn
Ob and One-Half, bat Oat Drup
Oae-Klabtk for Decem
ber Delivery.
CHICAGO, Nov. 26-Trdlng on the
Iioard of Trade today i l'gni. but price
were higher, Deeetnoer wheat
Vac hither, l)ffemr,fr corn Jc higher sua
oats He lower. January provision closed
from i'4foc lo lc higher.
Quietness prevaliru In wheat, but prices
had an upward tendency, Influenced by
mailer receipts In the northwest, strong
Liverpool cables and further buying by the
Wad I hie longs. commission house were
the best buyers, with longs taking prom,
the trade being of an evening up ensracter,
prior to the holiday. The close was lirm
and near the lop, December being Vvc
higher at HWibc. after opening "wo to vc
higher at 74-tkWioc and selling between i44c
and 7oc. May cloned Stic higher at 76vtf
i(ic. Clearances of wheut and Hour were
"equal to Ml.ouo bushels. Primary receipts
were 1.176,!"0 bushels, against l,085,i"J a
year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth repoi ied
receipts of 73a car, which with local re.
celpta of car, 18 of contract grade, made
total receipt for the three points ot 8-9
cars, against 857 cars laet week and l,0t
cars a year ago.
Trading In corn was quiet, but the
iMnolh In hHl TBS A hllll fSCtOT. CaUS-
ing aome anxiety to shorts, who covered
quite freely and In doing ro advanced the
price of December me. May held steady
throughout the day, closing 144'SiC higher
at 4ZVn 427te. December opened unchanged
to Vic higher at 53c lo bJic and ranged oe
twern ii3c and 64'.c, closing 1'ic higher at
frUic, the high price of the day. Local re
ceipts were If car, with 13 of contract
grade. ,
Oata were dull and featureless, with
Trices firm on the strength In other gialns.
A good cash demand and smaller receipts
were also strengthening factors. December
closed 'tc lower at SlVa-Hc, while May
was Nc higher nt 324c. Local receipt wera
126 cars. . .
Provisions were strong throughout the
day, the small stocks causing an active de
mand, especially for lard. The poor condi
tion of hogs arriving at the yards, which
fact Is attributable to the oft condition of
the corn being ted them, la restricting the
Output of lard. The ciofe wa strong, with
January pork Wc higher at 115.724, Jan
uary lard iHi&lOe. higher at $9.45 and ribs
IVfac higher at tft.liiV?? 15.
Estimated receipt tor tomorrow: Wheat,
90 cars; corn, 175 cars; oats, 136 cars; hogs,
2V,iieO head.
The leading futures ranged a follow:
2rtlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Clone. Yesy.
.7444778 78
T44174W51 744
E3Vi MHl 63
53 544 53
42Vi ; H
5343 '4
15 724'
32 4
15 624
14 674
10 374
9 86
9 374
8 724
8 10
7 874
15 65
14 67Vi
IS 75
15 62H1
14 67V4I
14 82Vt
14 80
10 SO
10 62V4
10 60
9 90
10 624!
V 90
8 10
9 93
9 45
8 80
8 15
7 921
9 Bo
9 45
8 80
8 15
7 90
9 874
8 7241
8 10
7 8741
7 87m
No. 2. tNew.
Cash quotations were a follows:
FLOUR Market teady: winter patents.
f3.50fr3.60; straights. $3.10(ff3.20: clears, 82.70
3.1ii; spring specials, $4.4tiH.20; patent,
83.4)3.70; straights, t2.903.20; bakers,
82.31 ii 2.76.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 74c; No. 3 spring,
714?'74c; No. 2 red. 74475c
CORN No. 2, 644c: .No. 2 yellow, 55c.
OATS No. 2, 31vMiV; No. 2 white, 84
86c; No. 8 white. 324336c.
RYE No. 2, 44c.
BARLEY Good feeding, S57c; fair to
choice malting, 4468c.
SEED No. 1 flax 81.15; No. 1 northwest
ern, 81.20; prime timothy, 83.65; clover, con
tract grade, $10.25.
PROVlSION8-Me pork, per bbl., $16.78
l 16.874. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 310.504jl0.624.
Bhort rib aide (loose), 88.KT4rp4.i24. Dry
salted shoulder (boxed), $9.374o"9.5u; abort
clear sides (boxed), 8S.769.00.
Following were the receipt and shipment
of the principal grain yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls... 88.300 26,300
Wheat, bu 243.000 96.500
Corn, bu 313.800 86,100
Oat, bu 3411.3(10 228,700
Rye, bu 32.400 2.100
Barley, bu 96,600 20,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, lVff27c;
dairies, 1803c. EggB, firm, loss off, case
returned, 24c. Cheese, steady, 11(6 12c.
Quotation of th Day on Various
NEW YORK. Nov. 26.-FLOUR-Recelpts,
21.535 bbl.; exports. 3,719 bbls.; moderately
active and Arm; winter patents, 83.6Otij4.90;
winter straights, 83.463.55; winter extras,
82.K5ft3.10; winter low grades, t2.ttftj,2.90;
Minnesota patents, $3.DU'o4.15; Minnesota
baker, 3.25(3.40. Rye flour, dull; fair
to good, t3.u&y3.40; choice to fancy, 33.50
a 55. Buckwheat flour, quiet, $2.302.35; spot,
and to arrive.
CORNMEAL Easy ; yellow western, 31.26;
city, $1.22; Brandywlne, 83.40itfS.56.
RYE Quiet; No. 3 western, 68c. f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 3, 64W544c; track slate, 549644c,
c. 1. f . New York.
BARLEY -Easy; feeding. 891 40c, c. 1. f..
Buffalo; malting, 48ijj60c. c. I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipt, 65,975 bu. Spot, steady;
No. 2 red, 794c, elevator, and 77c, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 834c, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 844c. f. o. b.,
afloat. Options ruled generally firm all day
in spite of a Blow tiade, due to the holiday
tomorrow. Lea favorable Argentine newa
buying by the Chicago bull leadera and
mailer northwestern receipt were the
stimulating factor. The market closed SW
4c net higher. May. KK8S0 5-lc, closed at
oc; December, 80 7-16j-u4c, cloned at )ic.
CORN Receipt. 17.S60 bu. Spot, weaa;
No. 2, 61c, elevator, and 14c, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. 2 white, 67c. The
option market waa- exceedingly dull all
day. but a shade higher, with the west,
where December shorts were squeezed. Re
ceipts wer light again and grading un
aatlafactory. Th close waa at 4(fr4c net
advance. January closed at 53c; May, 47
474c, closed at 4i 4c; July, 46VtfH64, closed
at 4t4o; December closed at 6c.
OATS Receipt, lo,) bu. Spot, dull;
No. 2, 3tir; standard white, 3Sc; No. I, So4c;
No. 2 white, 3c: No. 3 white, 374e; truck
mixed western, nominal; track white, 37ft
42c. Options were steadier qn the small
movement and strength In coriT. December
cloned at 374c.
HA V Steady ; ahlpplng, 55g70c; good to
choice. 96'(ill.
HOI'S Firm; tnte, cdmrrton to choice
1902 crop, 293o; lad crop. 2462; olds, ti
164c; 1 acme coast. i:2 crop, 26ii22c; laul
crop. i27c; olds. 7fi 124c.
HIDES Dull; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs
l!c; California. 21 to 25 lb., 19c; Texa
dry, 24 to 30 lb., 14c.
, LEATHER Quiet; acid. 24S254
l'KOV18lONH-Keef. steady; family. $15 50
tjlS.fO; roes. tlO.Obtj l) 6t; beef hams $2U 5.)
4U22.UO; packet. 14.i ltoO; city extra India
ineaa, $26.ooti 3.0o. Cut meats, Irregular
pickled belllea, $io.75Hi tl.75; pickled should.
,r, 88 2o(&!l.50; pickled ham, $12. 0ui 12.25.
Lard, lirm; western steimed, $11; refined
easy; continent. 811.15; Suuth America, $11 75:
comi.ound. 7.60ti7."5. Pork, quiet; family'
$192o; clenr, $2iuft28 00; mesa, $11 r'
TALLOW-iulet;.cUy. 64c; country, (4
KICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra Vi.
gjSSc; Japan, 4ii6c. '
Bt'TTEHr-Rectlpla, 8.132 pkgs.; firm;
late dairy, i;c; extra creamery, 28c
common to choice creamery, 2uti.'74c
CHEESE Receipt, 9.S61 pkgs ; 'firm'
fancy, large, new, state, full ci am, colored
and whit, old. 13c; new. 124c; fancy, small
colored and white, old. 12(&13c; new. 124c'
EUOS-Kecelpta. 7.3W pkga.; steady; state
and Pennsylvania, average best. '-'(ffUc
western poor to fancy graded. 2lij27o.
POL'LTRY-Allve, Irregular: chlckena,
12c; turkey, ISc; fowl. 124c; dressed,
weak; western chickena, 12fr,34c; western
fowls. 124Q13c; western spring turkey.
15)1 164c.
METALS Tin again experienced a ewvere
break In the London market, finishing the
day at a derlin of 1; or 11 15 for apol.
Ihe local market shared In the weaknesa,
but to a lesaer extent, quotation here lna
Ing only about 20 point, with spot closing
t r-'4cq24u. Copper shared in the tin
w.aknuxs both htr and at London. The
latter market reported a decline of Is id.
wiUi apol at 49 5s 9d and future at 50
s VI. A sale waa reported on the local
exchange of SO.UoO lbs. of electrolytic at
$11 2X4. Lead wa steady and unchanged
both her and at London, th domestic
price remaining- at $4,124, while London's
quotation wa 101 8a 9d. Spelter wa un
changed In London at 19 17 7d and locally
at 8V2S, nominal. Iron In Ulaagow closed
at (Ms Sd and In Mlddlesborough t El. The
local market continue quiet, but fairly
leady t unchanged price. Warrants are
1 quoU
, No.
at 323 nu&lB.ort and No. 2 northern,
souihern srd No. 1 southern oft foundry
at $22.W'a23.(0.
Coalition of Trad aad 4)atloa oa
staple and Fancy Prod nee.
EflOS Candled stock. 22c.
LIVE HOI LTRY-Hens, 7c; old roosters,
4c; turkeys, llfil24c; riucka, K'aOc; geese,
Mi!c; spring chickens, per lb., f4'i9c.
young rblckens, Htll4c; turkeys, lw4;l6c;
oik k and geese, loil2c.
HI TTER Packing stock. 16164c: choice
dairy, In tubs, fc-tfuc; separator. 2!ifi27c.
KKE8H CAt'OliT FISH Trout, 9c; her
ring. 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch,
6c; buffs In, dressed 7c; sunftsh, 8c; bluerlns,
3c; whiirrish, lc: salmon, lfcc; haddock, 11c;
t-odlioh, 12c; redsnapner, loc; lobsters boiled,
per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2c;
bullheads, loc; catfish, 14c; black bass, 20c;
halibut, 11c.
CORN ..4c; new corn, 42c.
OATS 32c.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 65c.
H YE No. 2, 42c.
BHAN Per ton, 313 50.
HAY Price quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No.
1 upland, 8H.dO; No. 1 medium, 5W.00; No. 1
coarse, $7.50. Rye strak, 86.00. Th?e prices
are for hay of good color And quuilty. w
mand, fair; receipts, light.
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 2xc; extra
selects, per can, 35c; New York counts, per
can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.76;
bulk, standards, per gal., 31.30.
NEW CELERY Kalamasoo. Der doa.. 25c:
t tan, p r do., 45c; California, per dux., for
stalks weighing from 1 tu 14 lbs., each,
tU C.
POTATOES New, per bu.. 35S40e.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbl.,
TCRNIPS-Per bu., 30c; Canada ruta
bagas, per lb., lc.
faEETS Per basket, 40c
CI CUMBERS Hothouse, per dog., $1.50.
WAX BEANS Per bu. box, 83; string
beans, per bu. box, 31.50.
CAbbAGE Home grown, new, lc
ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per
bu., uo'jjboc; Spanish, per crate, $1.60.
NAVIf BEANS Per bu., 42.60.
TOMATOES New Caiitomla, par 4
banket crate, 32.75.
CALIKLOWEK California, per crate,
PEARS Fall varieties, oer box. 22: Kle-
fers, per bbl., 33.76; Colorado, per box, $2.26.
APPLES Cooking. Der bbl.. 82.25: eating.
$2.50; Jonaihunn, M.ia; New York stock, 83.2
UKArLH iatawba. per basket, 18c;
Malagas, per keg, sii.Uu07.OO.
CKAiNBe.RKlES Wisconsin, per bbl., $9;
Bell and bugles, $lo; per box, 84.26.
UANANAS Per bunch, according- to sirs,
LEMONS California fancy, $4.004.60;
choice, 33.76.
ORANGES Florida Bright, $3.75; Cali
fornia Navel. 84.UOiy4.50.
DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes. Der lb..
6c; per case of 3u-ib. pkgs., 32.2a.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $1;
Turkish, per Xo-lu. box, 14(&18c.
uiufu KLiT-x lorida, 8.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case,
CIDER New York, 34.50; per 4-bbl.. 32.76.
SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, uer U-bhl..
32.25; per bbl., 33.75.
hides no. 1 green, 7c; no. s green, 6c;
No. 1 salted, 84c; No. 2 salted, 74c; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 14 lb., 84c; No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 lbs., tic; dry hides,' 8 12c; sheep
pelts, 2o'idc; horse hides, 31.50ii2.50.
POPCURN-Prr lb.. 2c; shelled, 4c.
NUTS Walnets, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Braxils. per lb.. 12c: Albert, oer lb. 12r:
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 124c;
small, per lb., 13c: cocoa nu is. Der do.. 6uc:
chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 64c;
luasieu peanuts, per 10., ic; dibck walnuts,
per lb., 31; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50;
cocoanuts, per 100, 34.
OLD METALS, ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes
the following prices: Iron, country, mixed,
per ton, 311; iron, stove plate, per ton, 38:
84c; brass, light, per lb., 54c; lead per lb.)
8c; line, per lb., 24c; rubber, per lb., 64c
St. Lnnl Grain and Provision.
OT TJ-lTTtQ XT.w nriTVIir , r i ,
No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 684c asked; track.
ivi,y74v, iAcruiun, ooTm:i may, ifc asKea;
No. 2 hard, 6671c.
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 44Ue: track.
444&"54c; December, 4340 asked; May,
oats Higher; No. I cash, 414c bid;
track, 32c; December, 30c May, 3040 bid;
No. 2 white, 34ti344c.
RYE Higher at 44c.
FIX)UR Steady: red winter natentu 1.1 rt
63.50; extra fancy and straight, 33.0uif3.26:
clear, $2.8o(t2.9a.
SEED Timothy, steady, 32.9063.25.
CORNMEAL Steady, 32.40.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 9fl70e.
HAY Firm: timothy. 211.00014.00: nrairt
$10. 0O& 11.50.
BAGGING 6 6-167 I-I60
PROVISIONS-Pork. higher: 1ohhln.
standard mess, 317.45. Lard, higher at 310.40.
Dry salt meats (boxed), weaker: niin
short and clear ribs, $10; short clears, 310.25.
tjacop looxeai, weaker; extra shorts and
Clear ribs, 311.26; short clear. 311.60.
METALS Lead, steady at 34.00. Spelter,
dull at 34.96. '
POULTRY Firm: chickens. 8c: inrin.r
8(6-9c; turkeys. 12c; ducks. 114c; geese, 74c
18 ' creamery, atQaci dairy,
EGGS Steady at 22c, loss off.
RecelDts. Shlnmenta
Flour, bbls 6,000 17,000
Wheat, bu 93.000 wiom
Corn, bu 104,000 &6,0uo
Oat, bu 28,000 42.000
Liverpool Grain and Provision.
No. 1 northern, spring, no stock; No. 3 red
weatern, winter, firm, 6s lOd; No. 1 Califor
nia, firm, 6a 7d; futures, stead v: December
5s 114d; March. 6a Sd; May. 6 4d.
CORN Soot, quiet: American mlH K.
6d; futures, steady; January, 44d; March,
FlAJUK St. Louis fancy winter. nn!t
8 3d.
i-ttjpB ai Lonaon (pacino coast) firm.
6 15rft7.
PEAS Canadian, steady, $7d.
PROVISIONS Beef, strong: extra. India
mess, 115s. Pork, strong; prime mess, west
ern, 95a. Hams, short tut 14 to 16 lbs.,
quiet, 65 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26
to 30 lbs., quiet. Us; short ribs, 18 to
24 lbs., quiet. 6Xs; long clear middles, light
cr, 10 o io., uuii, obb, long clear middles,
heavy, 35. to 40 lbs., dull, 67s; short clear
backs, 16 to 20 lbs., steady, 5A6d; clear
bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., dull. 65s. Shoul
ders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 62s. Lard
sti-ons. prime weatern. In tierces, 60s;
American refined, In palls, steady, 60s 6d
CHEESE American finest white. 69s-
TALLOW Firm; prime city, 29s 8d; Aus
tralian, In London, 34s 3d.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
cember, 644ft644c; May. 6c; cash, No. 2
hard. 6D4?i66c; No. 3, 624i3c; No. 2 red
664c; No. 3, 664c '
CORN November, 47Tc; December, 3S4i
S9c: May. S6i;f4c; cash. No. 1 mixed
41442c; No. 2 white. 414c: No. 3 3S4c
OATS No. 2 white. 32b33c: No 1
30c. '
RYE No. 2. 444c.
HAY-4 holce timothy. 310.50611.00; choice
prairie, J9 5041 10.00.
BUTTER-Creamery. 24J25c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Fresh, 2u4c '
RACelnta 'flhlnm..,-
Wheat, bu 56.S00 78.6116
I'orn, nu 74oO 64 800
Oats, bu 14.000 15,000
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO, Nov. 26 WHEAT Dull and
higher; cash, 7S4c; December, 784c; May,
"ORN-Dull, higher; December, 444c;
May, 434c '
OATS Dull, higher; December, 324c:
May. 334c.
RYE No I. E2c. "
SEEDS-Dull and higher; November, 36.8b-
January. 86874. March. 8S.874; prim
timothy, 31.75; prim alslke. 38.5a
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO, Nov. 26 -WHISK Y-8teady at
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 26-WHISKY-8teady at
PEORIA, Nov. 24.-WHI8KT-On the
basis of $1 32 for finished good.
finished good, steady on bast of
MllwaskN Grain Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern, 76jr74c; No 2
northern. 7444754c; May. 764c
RYE Steady; No. 1. 514c.
BARLEY Firm; No. 2, '?; sample. (5
tiATB Firm) No. 3 white, 34c
CORN December. 424,U424c.
Philadelphia Prndae Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 28c; extra
nearby prints. 30c
EUUS Unchanged; fresh nearby, 9c, loa
off; freh western, 28c, loss off; fresh south'
western, 26j'.7c, loss off; fresh southern,
CHEESE Firm, fair demand: New York
full cream, t.rlme smill, 13l'9134c; fair
to good small, 124(0 13c; prima large, lSa
134c; fair to good large, U4'l-c.
Wears Comnalaalon Company Ontllne
Condition In Leading; Grains.
CHICAGO, Nov. 26.
WHEAT Has kept Arm all day at a lit
tle above Tuesday close, Influenced mainly
by foreign news. Liverpool cables were
S'u4d higher and London unchanged to
nd higher, brnomhall reports too much
rain In Argentine, and this was considered
significant, with the Argentine harvest Just
beginning. We hear a good many advices
from Red river valley and South Dakota
that 80 per cent of their wheat Is marketed
and that receipts Irom thtre are getting
very light. Armour ha been on the buy
ing slue. There has been wheat sold at
7tA,c and sbove. Northwest receipts were
733 cars, against 97 last year. At primary
rolnt i,17n.( bu. were received, against
,w6.0H) a year ago. Clearances were mtl.OW
bu. New York reports 22 load taken for
export. Duluth reports loo.uoo bu. sold for
shipment. Cables reiwrt Argentine surplus
as promising 63.00u.0no bu. Estimated re
ceipts for Friday, 90 cars.
CORN Has bt-n lirm, both for cash and
futures, the samples up 4'alc and the fu
tures 4'14c higher. The bent advance
has been In January and Decemlier, al
though the trade In these months has not
bwn large and the pit at times only half
filled. The professional element Inclined to
be bearish on the May, but poor grading
and weather have been against them so far.
Primary receipts were 617,tKW bu., against
344,000 last year. Local receipts were 1.8
curs, with. 13 contract. Estimates for Fri
day, 175 cars. Clearances 25,000 bu. Cables
were weak. The unsettled weather and
pronrcts of mild have helped prices.
OATS Have been strong for the May
option, but have rather lagged for Decem
ber. The market has acted somewhat as
If the crowd was afraid of December de
liveries. The strength of May has been In
sympathy with corn and on the weather.
Cash oats were lirm and 4c higher. Local
receipt were 125 cars, with 20 contract.
Estimates for Friday, 135 cars. Clearances,
15,000 bu. There are 21 cars standard out of
private houses.
PROVISIONS The market opened steady,
but trade was scattered. Local shorts
covered. Trade has been fair, with a de
mand for May pork and lard. Nearby fu
tures of lara have been somewhat stronger.
Cash demand not so good. There were
3i,000 hogs here. Prices closed Be lower.
Estimated receipts Friday, 29.000 head. Re
ceipts of hogs In the west today, 80.200 head,
against 96.500 last week and 126,500 last year.
Private estimates of stocks In store: New
pork, 1.250 bbls.; old pork, 15,500 bbls.; lard.
7.000 tierces; ribs, 8,750,000 lbs.
Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran.
cember. 724c; May. 744c; on track, No. 1
hard, J4c; No. 1 northern, 734c; No. 3
northern, 724c
FLOUR First patents, 33.663.86; second
patent. 33.464)03.65; first clears, 32.904j3.10;
second clears, $2.30472.60.
BRAN In good demand and prices firm;
In bulk, 3U 5011.75; in sacks, $12.0012.75.
Market Is Irregular, with Extensive
"Trading; in Manhattan.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26. With few excep
tions today's stock market was virtually
a repetition of the first days of the week.
There was the same Irregular tone, with
many Issues under Increased pressure. The
only Important development was the offi
cial announcement of the Manhattan-Inter-borough
lease. Manhattan was again very
extensively traded in and made an early
rise of 14 per cent, later advancing to 1574
and closing at 1564, a net gain of 24 points
on transactions considerably In excess of
one-fourth of the entire day's business.
There was much liquidation of Manhattan
on the old theory that a stock Is a sale
when the good news is out. The only
stocks that opened with a show of strength
were Colorado Fuel, which continues to be
the center of a fierce controversy, and
Rock Island preferred, which, after a brief
period of heaviness, advanced 1 per cent,
and which closed with a net advance of 1
point The International list was gen
erally lower, and the material decline In
Itei'ding was ascribed to disappointment
over 'l.e culrome of the more recent coal
settlement negotiations. Early dealings
also reflected much pressure against Union
Pacific. Southern Pacific, St. Paul and
Baltimore & Ohio, while the industrials
wera very Inactive, with pronounced, heavi
ness in the United States Steel stoTks. As
on the pievicus day, the move In Manhat
tan brought slight Improvement elsewhere
In tnc list, but the rally barely covered
Initial losses, save in St. Paul and Read
ing. Tho mf.rket became duller and more
irregular, with operations altogether pro
fesvlcnal Co'otado Fuel, after a further
gain of a point, reacted 14 per cent, and
closed uncharged. Amalgamated Copper
seemed to have some support and Sugar
was about steady. There was nractlcallv
no news to explain the course of other
leading stocks, except In the railroad
group, where some unsatisfactory traffic
return were reported. On the other hand,
certain other standard railway Issues
showed good Increases. Several purchase
of Manhattan In 5,000-share lots came out
before noon and score of 1,000-share lota
were traded in. Manhattan's price crossed
Pennsylvania for the first time In some
days. St. Paul. Southern Pacific.. Union
Pacific and Atchison were bid up fraction
ally et times, but it was observed that
thtro stocks sold off at the first exhibition
of weakness elsewhere. As the day wore
cn tnu professional element showed less
Incili t tlon to make commitments over the
holiday. Commission buying was nominal
throughout, and much of that was west
ern l'quldatlon of the Steel stock. Little
chanfc In these condition resulted from
the Manhattan-Interborough announce
ment. The weakness of Texas & Pacific
waa supposed to result from the Idea that
that t ad might be most affected by any
agrrecclve operations of the anti-Gould In
terims. The tone of the market at the
cioce was weak. Trading for London ac
count amounted to about 15.000 shares,
evet'ly divided, and of an arbitrage char
acter furling exchange relaxed slight I v,
oemand sterling being quoted at $4.872o
4 872.
fcoine cf the active bonds declined today,
but thtrc were also Issues which advanced
slightly. Tctal sales, par value. $2,085,000.
Uulted State bonds were all unchanged on
th" last cai:.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
do pfd
Canadian Paolfto .
Canada Southern .
tbaa. at Ohio
Chicago Alton..
do pfd
Chicago Ot. W.
do lit pfd
do ii pfd
Chicago T. A T..
do pfd
C. C. c. a St. L.
Colo, southara ...
do ll pld
do Id pld
Dela. a Hudaon...
tla.. L. a W...
Denver A k. u...
do pfd
do let pfd
do !d pfd
Ot. Nor. pfd
Hot-king Valley ..
do pfd
Illlnota Caatral ...
Iowa Central
do pfd
L B. A W
do pfd
Laule. NaeB....
Manhattan L
Met. St. Rr
Meilcaa Central .
Mexlcaa National
Minn. A 81. L ...
Missouri PeclBG ..
M . K. A T
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central
Nor. A Weet
do pfd
Ontario A W
Reading -.
do let pfd
do Id pfd
st u a . r....
do let pfd
do Id pfd
t. U 8. W
do pfd
St. Paul
da pfd
Southern- Partfle .
noutbera Railway
do pfd
.. 14Txas A PactSc...
.. ' T.. 81. U. A W..;
.. 7v do pld ,
.. ! I'nloa Pacific
..IM4 do pid
.. ' Wabaih
.. 44 do pfd
.. W. L. E
.. 7tt do Id pfd
.. tt4Wls. Central
.. do pfd
.. Adanu Kipntsa ...
14 Anier. Kxprma ...
.. "4 t: 8. Expraas
.. H Walli-Fargo K...
v Amal. Cipr
4 Amor. C. A f
.. 4 do pfd
. .1614 Amer. Lin. Oil
do pfd ,
.. Amer. 8. it R
.. wt lo pfd
.. 144( Ana. Mm. Co
.. Ilrk. Rp. Tr
.. 464 Colo. P. a I
..13 Cob. O..
.. Con. Tob. pfd
.. 4 General Eloctrlc ..
..1U Hocking Coal
.. lnt'n'l I'or
.. tl do pfd
.. 41 Larltrf !
..116 National Blwutl .
..1234 National Iad ....
. .1W No. Aaurlcan
..U: Pac-lnc Coaat
.. 11 I'atlSc Mill
.. 1 peopla'a tics
..10 Prcuad Steal Car.
. .11K.4 do pfd
.. 44 Pullman Pal. Car.
.. M k.mblic SumI ...
..13 do pfd
..1614 8uar
.. (Taiin. O. at I
.. U. B. A P. Co....
.. UHk do Did
.. 41
.. 4
.. 444
.. 8'
.. K14
.. JSNl
.. 42
.. 14
.. W,
.. 24
.. 4
. .11)0
.. t.4'4
.. 44
.. M
.. U
.. 41
.. &84
.. M
.. 0
.. 87
.. 20
.. 174
.. 714
.. so
.. 444
.. 164
.. t
.. i
.. t4
.. 41
.... 1D4
.... 76
.... (4
.... 1IS
.... (a
.... H',
.... 624
.... 4
.... at 4
.... 74
.... 1:4
.... K14
.... 314
.... 664
.... 44T,
.... (44
lb li. g. Leatbar
do pfd
.. Si
.. u
.. It
.. a
.. t"S
C. I. Rubber
da pfd
V. I. Steal
do nfd
Weatern Vnloa .
Am. Locomotive
.. ii
.. 42'
.. JI4
... at
do pfd
K. C. Houthern..
do pld
Rork leland
do pfd
Foreign Flaaaelal.
I.ONDON. Nov. The demand for
money was active today and rates were
easier. Dlacounta ware Arm. Kuslnesa on
the Stock exchange waa dull owing to fear
that the l'.ank of Lngland rata of dis
count would be tncreuaed from 4 to 6 per
rent tomorrow. Thla depreaaed consul.
Home rail were easier, though the tr' (lit
re! urn were fairly aatlafactory. Ai 1
cana opened weak. The movements were
erratic. Price were slightly atove parity,
bit they subsequently aagged and rloaed
Irregular, with buaineaa quiet.' Hlo tlnto
were weak on th decline In copper, which
closed at la-li. The Bum of i 00, 000 wa
withdrawn from the Bank of England today
for shipment to South America. India con
sol bills were allotted today at la 4Vd.
I i'AKiS. Nov. 2.-Prlcs on th bourse
tonAjr were weak In expectation of the Ixw
don hank rate being raided tomorrow.
Smith Americans soon recovered snd there
was a generally Improved disposition, ex
ceptln the case of Spanish 4s. Afterward
large offers, especially of Spanish 4s. Ar
gentines, Brnsillnns and Bio tlnloa. In an
ticipation of failures, for Ilelglanlare,
caused prompt sales and a feeling akin to
panic. At the cloee price were very weak,
except rentes, which were firm. Foreign
ers and Industrials reacted, and especially
Metropolitans. The private rate of dis
count waa 2 1.1-i.y,,3 p.r cent. Three per
cent rentes, Rxr Kic for the account.
HERLIN, Nov. 26. Home funds were
firm on the bourse todav and foreigners,
chiefly Spanish 4. were weak on Paris ad
vices. The general tendency was unsatis
factory, partly due to discouraging news
from New York and unfavorable western
reports. Iron shares were depressed on
realisations and contradictory rumors from
Ihe manufacturing districts. Canadian Pa
rities were easier. Kxchange on London,
20m 454pfg for check.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2.-MONEY-On call,
firm, 44'o5 per cent, closing at 4if5 uer
cent. Time money, steady; sixty days,
per cent; ninety days, per cent; six
months, 54 per cent. Prime mercantile
paper, b4i per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.87125
tt4 Ri2o for demand and at $4.83o0iH&'lK25 for
sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4. 844.844
ann w commercla bills. i4.H2Ma 4.8326.
SILVER Har. 47VC: Mexican dollars. 37c.
BONDS-government, steady; state. Inac
tive-, ranroaos, irregular.
The closing quotations on bonds are as
U. 8. rat. la, reg....lflS4 L. A N. anl. 4s 101
do coupon in&4 Mex. Central 4a 74
do In. reg I'm do let Inc 154
do coupon 10S Minn. A St. L- 4....10I4
do new 4e. rrg V;64 ai., K. A T. 4a 1004
do coupon 1RK4 do la S14
do old 4a. rag b, N. T. C. Is 1(4
do coupon 1094 do gen. 14 Itf6
do te. reg K3 N. J. C. g. 6a 137
do coupon loi No. Paclno 4a 10S
Atrhlaon gen. 4a 1014 do a 714
do ad. 4e 114 N. A W. e. 4a 100
B. A O. 4a 6 Reading sen. 4a MU
do 14 1014 St. U t IH. a. BB..1144
ao ronv. ee it gt. u. ft p r. 4a. ...109
Canada 80. la 1' til. L. 8. W. la N
C. of O. 6e 107 do Is (5Mj
do li Inc 7k 8. A. A A. P. 4a.... 844
C. A O. 44 104 80. Paclno 4a 1
C. A A. 84a 7h&t so. Rellwav 6a 1114
C, H. A Q.. 11. 4e.... SS4Teiae A P. Is 1204
C, M A 81 P g 4a. ..Ill T., 8. L. A W. 4e... 714
C. A N. W c. 7i....i34 I'nlOB Pacific 4a 104
C. R. I. A P. 4l....l"S do conv. 4a li4
CCC. A St. L. g. 4a..ini4 n-abaeh la 114
Chlrago Ter. 4a a do la 10
Colo. A 80. 4a 9141 do deb. B 764
D. & H. O. 4a lc Wert Shora 4a Ill
Krle prior lien 4a 7 4 w. A L. B. 4e
do general 4a 4' Wle. Central 4a 14
T. W. A D. C. la. ..Ill Con. Tob. 4a (44
Hocking Val. 44a. ...10a 1
Boston Stock 4)jotatloa.
BOSTON, Nov. 26 Call loans, 64f4 per
cent; time loans, 5 per cent. Official
closing of stocks and bonus:
Oaa la Amalgamated (44
Men. Central 4a 774 Blngbam 1
Atcblson iial. A Hoc la 450
do pfd 1H Centennial It
Boston A Albany 254 Copper Range (4
Boeton A Me 191 Dominion Coal lit
Boil on Elevated 154 Franklin
N, Y., N. H. A H..1234 Mohawk 14
I'nlon Pacific (9 Old Dominion 1(4
Mexican Central ..... 524 Oeceola io
Amer. Sugar 114 Parrot 11
do pfd 1174 Qulncy lot
Amer. T. A T U Santa Fa Copper 14
Dom. 1. A 8 f34 Tamarack 145
General Electric 1784 Trlmountaln tl
Mesa. Electric 354 Trinity a
do pfd M4 United Btatea 194
I'nlled Fruit 10S t'tah 124
V. 8. Steel 14 Victoria a
do pfd k2 Winona 24
Weetlng. Common ...100 Wolverine (74
Adventure It Daly West 274
Allouea 14
London Stock Market.
LONDON, Nov. 26. Closing quotations:
Consols, money 42 1-14 New York Central.... 151
do account 12 1-14 Norfolk A Weetera. .. 71
Anaconda 44 so pfd S3
Atchison Nit Ontario A Weatern... 0
do pfd 1004 Pennsylvania 804
Baltimore A OMO....100V Rand Minaa 104a
Canadian Pacific 1314 Reading J04
Chesapeake A Ohio... 47 I do 1st pfd 44
Chicago O. W. ....... 2441 do Id pfd SsU
C, M. A St. P 104 Southern Railway.... 124
DeBeera 22 do pfd 944
Denver A R. 0 404, Southern Pacific 3
do pfd 92 Union Paclno 1014
Erie 314 do pfd 34
do 1st pfd 64 United Btatea Bteel... 37 4
do Id Dfd 48 I do nfd KB
Illinois Central 144 iWabaah 19
Louisville A Naah...l2 do pfd 444
at.. K. A T w... 2(4
BAR SILVER Dull, 2744 per ounce.
MONEY-3&34 per cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills Is
84ft34 per cent and for three months' bills
$44 per cent.
Bsik Clearing;.
CHICAGO. Nov. 26. Clearings. l2S.191.Hu2:
balances, $1,493,578; New York exchange, 40c
discount; foreign exenange, unchanged;
sterling posted, $4,844 for sixty davs and
$4.K84 for demand.
NEW YORK, Nov, 26.-CIearIngs, $272,875,
(74; balances, $9,248,032.
BOSTON, Nov. 26. Clearings, $22,546,562;
balarces, $1,674,543.
BALTIMORE, Nov. 26. Clearings, $3,753,
058; balances, $579,134; money, 6 per cent.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 26. Clearings,
$22,605,724; balances, $2,686,434; money, 6 per
CINCINNATI, Nov. 26. Clearings. $3,004,
400 ; money, per cent; New York ex
change, par.
ST. LOUI8, Nov. 26. Clearings, $7,696,043;
balances, $9:15,938; money, steady, 686 per
cent; New York exchange, 10c premium.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 26. WOOL 8teady to
strong; medium grades and combing, 15W
194c; light tine, l.liyi8c; heavy fins, 12016c;
tub washed, 1828c.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26 WOOL3ulet.
BOSTON. Nov. 26. WOOL There Is a
quieter tone in the local market thla week.
Dealers are busy on the deliveries of the
wool previously sold, and while there la
not quite so much new' business In sight,
the market Is by no means dull. There is
a great deal of inquiry from manufacturer
and a good deal of wool Is going into con
sumption. Price are very firm and the
tendency I higher. Territory wools have
been fairly active during the week and
prices are stronger, though perhaps not
quotably higher. Pine staple territories,
66G7iOc; strictly fine, tjOig-ioc; fine and tine
medium, 60fru3c; medium. 454j47c. While
Texas wools are rather quiet the market
continues very firm at unchanged prices.
Fall, cleaned basis. 4548c; twelve months,
BSfcoOc; six to eight months, spring, 5.i
60c. California wools continue in fair de
mand at fair prices. Northern counties,
cleaned basis, 62gj6oe; middle counties, iXttf
50c; southern cojnties, 45ra47c; six to eight
months, 134ft 14c less. There Is a very strong
market for fine fleece wools, sales being
made at full outside quotations. Ohio and
Pennsylvania XX and above, 91 31c; Michi
gan, X, 2l4-4c. The position of delaine
wools Is a very strong one and sales have
been made at the extreme prices quoted.
Ohio and Pennsylvania washed delaine, 32
fiitto; Michigan, S04j3)c; No. 1, 30(t;31c; No.
2. 2M:ioc; Corase, 2o27c. There Is little
iking lu Australian wools In this market,
though at prices considerably lower than
the wools could be duplicated for. Comb
If g, choice scoured basis, 75ifto0c; good, 73
t!",0c: average, 72ii74c.
LONDON. Nov. 26. WOOL The offerings
at the auction sales today numbered 11.748
bales. There was a spirited demand from
home and continental buyers, but the ten
dency of prices, especially for Queensland
slock, wa In buyers' favor. Merino sold
well. Croembred were In large supply and
were readily absorbed, principally by York
shire buyer. Coarse grades of crosaqreds
cauaed keen competition and price ad
vanced 20 per cent, t ape of Good Hope
and Natal stock wa in good general de
mand. America bought a few good Port
Philip greaalj-a. Following are the sale In
detail: Nen South Wale, 1,100 bales;
scoured. 74d(&l 104d; greasy, Kdlald.
Queensland, l,3o0 bale; scoured, lslld;
greasy, 64 ft lid. Victoria, 1.4o0 bales;
scoured, 64dfnl S4d; greasy, 34dfi!s4d.
South Australia, 4oo bales; greaay. 64(fi)4d.
Weil Australia, I.60O bales; scoured, ls44d;
greasy, 64-Bl"4d. New Zealand, 5.5u0 bales;
scoured, 5-d&l8d; greasy, 34d(l. Cape
of Good Hope and Natal, 5u0 bale; scoured,
ls2d(ul84a; greasy, 3s4d.
CosTee Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. COFFEE Spot
Rio. steady; No. 7, Invoice, (4c; mild, quiet;
Cordova. il-'c. The market opened Ir
regular at a decline of 6ry l5 point and con
tinued active and excited during the ea
stern, fluctuating erratically and finally
closing net toilO points lower, with the total
sale footing up 174.250 bag. The chief
eaue of the decline was the issuance of
December notices, which were cut out. It
wa said, to the amount of about 70.0 0 bag.
This caused the local lores, who desired to
avoid accepting the coffee called for by
their contract, to throw over their nearby
holding, liking in their place the later
option. The weight of thl liquidation In
connection with the ahort sales Induced by
the speculation of rather heavier receipt
at Brazilian point In the near future and
the generally weaker tone of foreign mar
ket held values down to the low point
during the forenoon session. Shortly after
midday, when it waa supposed that the best
notices were taken care of. there was a
momentary rally, which shortly gave way,
however, before treat) liquidations. The
sales Included November at 4 4oc; Decem
ber at 4.&4H.50c; January, 4 4iy4⁣ Feb
ruary. 4 xi4 7oc; March, 4.7544. sou; May,
5 0tou.0nc; July, i. l.v(ro 2ic; BeplemUir. -2i
6.3:, October, t.2pi&c.
Fat Cattle Sold Eeadilj at Steady Prices
bat feeders Lower.
Fairly Good Demand for Pat Sheep
and Lamb a at Steady Price aad
Feeder Lamb Held Steady, bat
Feeder Sheep Rather Slow.
BOUlal OMAHA, Nov. 26.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Alonuay ,-4 la,5c
Olliciai Tuesuay a.oie txl t.wv
Official W ednesday D,oaS 7,tA s.ouO
Three days this week.,15,2o 22.711 27.5W
Same days lust week. ...10,118 21,e75 41,043
bamn Wvlt li. fnrn ' . . .tt 1 . , At ..I
oaine three weens ago...W,ouv 1j,(m1 bi.4i
bame lour weea o....2o,4o,' la,4i2 57.31 J
eaiue aaya last year la.uis 8,120 10,5m)
The loilowing table show the receipts of
caltie, hotfs and sheep at bouih Otuaiia for
the eai, 10 uate, and comparisons wttn
lust year: ,m2. Lsji. inc. Dec.
V"u' 918.5.4 74d.ttoS lt,to3
Iw'i.itt 2,lu.,il K6.176
blleep LtKU,j l.M.vsn 313,842
The following table shows the average
pries of nogs soid on the South Omaha
niarKet the last several uays, with com
parison with tornier year:
Date. I 1902. 1901. l900.l.l!9ii. 1897. IlKai.
Nov. 1..
Nov. a..,
Nov. I...
Mov, 4..
Nov, $..
Nor. ...
Nov. I..
Nov. 8..
Nov. ..
Nov. 10.
Nov. 11.
Nov. 12.
No.'. 13.
Nov. 14.,
Nov. 15.
Nov. 16.,
Nov. 17.,
Nov. 18.,
Nov. 19.
Nov. 20.,
Nov. 21.,
Nov. 22.
Nov. 23.,
Nov. 24..
Aov. 15.
Nov. 26.,
I ( 5441 6 73
4 51 1
4 W
4 b
4 66
4 b4
4 .
4 71
4 e
4 84!
4 74
4 6i
4 82
4 9U
4 83:
4 01
4 b!
4 u
4 Oil
4 01
4 20
4 W3
4 uoi
4 03;
4 02)
$ 94
1 2
1 V)
3 84
t 861
3 63
a ovi
$ 4o
i al
3 b2
I 06
3 4o
3 4. 1
t 46)
3 IM
3 35
3 3b
S 35
3 Z9
3 4i, 3 II
3 431 1 it
3 43, 3 31
3 44 3 21
$ 4, 8 1!
I 8 33
3 54
3 41 I ii
3 311 3 2i'
3 32 3 17
I 88 3 21
8 34 3 23
1 8 2a
a 11
6 4 1 5 82)
0141 71
Si- 1 711
be 1 I
6 25
1 & a,i
I 741
I 6 73
I a f3i
6 10
6 214.1 6 5M,
2avi 6
6 31, 68
3 t,
3 311
3 3j
3 32
3 34 1
3 34,
3 18
3 11
3 14
3 18
6 28
6 26
5 63
6 63
6 33
b M
5 75
6 65
4 78
4 75
4 7s
4 76t
4 78
6 06
3 891
3 13
3 311
I 8 15
3 86
3 371
3 39
3 27 3 24
3 27 1 3 21
3 301 3 16
3 24 3 24
3 o ;
a 44i
IE I I 6 06 3 821 3 46
6 0341 8 761 I 3 77 S 38,
Mil 5 79 4 87 I 3 23
Indicates Sunday.
The following list shows the number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their destination:
Cattle Cars.
W. R. Lohr. Merna, Neb. B. & M 3
Rudolph Hobra-Schuyler. Neb. B. & M.. 1
Q. H. Thude, Mai mo, Neb. B. & M 1
J. W. Larson, Axte), Neb. B. & M 2
L. P. Southworth, Ravenna. Neb. B. ft M 2
John Lunsford, Lakeside Neb. B. & M... 3
W. A. Robblns, Grand Island, Neb. U. P. 2
c. foiaa, scnuyier, Neb. u. P
Henry Laur, Howell. Neb. F. E
S. Smlthberger, Stanton, Neb. F. E
Herman Monnlch, Hooper, Neb. F. B....
R. C. Morall, Creston, Neb. F. E
N. P. Nelson, Washington, Neb. F. E...
G. W. Ayers, Union, Neb. M. P
D. Rankin, Tarkto, Mo. K. C ,
W. F. Rankin, Tarklo, Mo. K. C
Dillon Bros.. Nora, Neb. R. I
A. Gaylor, Atlantic. Ia. R. I ,
Clans Lumberty. Panama, la. R. I
O. W. I. wis. Woodbine, la. I. C.
W. A. Fltzslmmons, Dunlap, la. I. C 2
William Tate. Logan, la. I. C.
G. A. Clappsaudle, Galva, la. N. W
A. Armstrong, Glidden, la. N. W
John Melnts, Grand Mound, la. N. W...
Smith & Son. Dunlap. la. N. W
V. o. ri;ci, v iiiisuia, ....... A
D. W. Longacre, Kellerton, la. Q 1
Sheep D.D.
E. D. Howard, Janesvllle, Mich R. I.... 2
E. D. Howard, Mashervllle, Mich. R. I.... 1
C. E. Lockwcod, Romeo, Mich. R. 1 1
Payne tk S., Luton, la. Mil 1
K. M. Meredith, Gravity, la, Q 1
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
1 a t- . . T1111 r 1 1 1
C. M. 4 St. P. Ry... 1
Union Pacific system. 61
C. ft N. W. Ry
F., E. ft M. V. R. R.. 21
C, St. P.. M. ft O.w. 1
B. ft M. Ry 24
C, B. ft Q. Ry 2
K C. ft St. J 4
C. R. I. ft P., east.. ..
C. R. I. ft P.. west ..
Illinois Central 2
3 1..
24 12 1
16 18
7 2..
22 1 1
8 1..
is !!
134 35 2
Total receipts 116
The disposition of the day's receipts wa
a follow, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated
Omaha Packing Co...
Cattle. Hogs. Bhe'p.
Swift and Company
Armour ft Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour, from Sioux City
Carey ft Benton
w. 1. utepnen
Hill ft Huntslnger
William Underwood
Livingstone & Schaller.
Hamilton ft Rothschild..
L. F. Hubs
Dennis ft Co
Other buyers
Total 4,362 9.457 9.483
CATTLE There were fully a many cat
tle here today as expected, but still the
market on killers was active and fully
teady. The feeder market, though, wa
about as near dead as it could be and the
sales that were made were very uneven and
The few cars of comfed steers that ar
rived this morning sold readily at fully
steady prices and some sales looked quite
a little higher. As compared witn the close
of last week the average price seems to
be a little higher, but receipts are light and
prices so uneven tnat it la nara to tell
much about the true situation.
The cow market was quite lively this
morning and the prices paid were strong to
a dime higher. The greatest strength waa
on canner and on the better grade of
graaser. Comfed natives did not show
much change, but still they sold fully
well a they did yesterday. A compared
with the close of last week grass cattle
of all kinds may be quoted, a little stronger
and comfeds about steady.
Bulls, veal calve and stags were fully
steady today and for the week a little
The stocker and feeder trade was ex
tremely dull today and price at the low
point of the season. A good set of feeders
can now be bought at $125 and pretty decent
cattle at $3.00 and 83.10. Cattle have been
accumulating In the yard all the week
owing to the scarcity of buyer and a a
result prices have been going down at a
rapid rale. What few sales wer made to
day were very uneven and common cattle
were almost unsalable.
There were not enough western beef
steers In the yard this morning to make a
good tent of the market, but It I safe to
say that anything desirable would have
old fully steady. Packers claim that com
mon western are not killing out to good
advantage a they were a short time ago.
Weatern tange cows were active and strong
to a dime higher this morning, but the
stocker and feeder market was very dull
and a good deal lower. Representative
No. A. Pr. No. At. Pr.
1 ; 104V I n tl 1H7 4 aa
It I06S 4 to 11 114 4 as
II 1301 4 u i nu 4 a
1 1SOU 4 40
1 140 I H 1 lilt t DO
1 iMl 1 16 It B14 J go
1 tlO I 4 , lbs I ot
i 11U I 40 t M IN
t 1140 i M 4 1111 I it
1. . U I M 1 mo I ,
t 1 eO t )t4T It
1 1140 t It 4 I1 t M
1 Mo t 14 1 1S44 t SO
11.,.., 1011 I It 1 M 110
W ' -BULLS.-" W
t 114 1 t 1 ljno t 4
1 t41t I Ot 1 lift t 40
1 lata 8 it 1 law t n
1 114 t M
I MM t 14
1 too I te 1 1st 1 ti
1 no 1 at lit in
1 too 1 to 1 sin 1 Tl
I Ill at T t7i 1 it
4 75 15 cows 893 2 95
2 40 2 cows 9oS J 75
2 1 bull 1490 2 45
2 25 1 bull 1410 2 00
4 oO .2 cows 830 2 !5
2 86 I cows 842 3 26
2 ao 1 cow 8no 2 )
3 60 1 bull 1570 2 00
2 96 1 cow 940 2 95
26 1 ateer 7m is
1 15 16 steer.... 912 t 15
a ao
3 60 1 cow 840 2 35
2 5u 1 heifer.... 630 2 50
2 90
3 80 1 steer 850 a 50
3 25 4 steer.... !) 3 50
tea 4 steers.. ., 990 80
13 calves...
60 cows
9 rows
1 stag
I htlfers...
7 cows
1 cow
22 cews
. 917
, 938
1 row
21 steers...
12 feeders.
1$ feeders.
1 steer....
16 cows....
23 feeders.. 1173
1 feeder.. .1040
1 heifer. ...1110
17 teer....1214 4
1 bull 1530 2 25
1 bull 1440 2 25
1 bull 1 3 25
2 bull l. 2 26
I bulla 1363 3 90
1 bull 1400 3 2.i
12 calves... 1.16 4 50 2 calves
250 4 00
1 23U 3 W-
J. W. "tetter-Neb.
t cows lo.O 3 SO 1 cow 1010 S 30
I cow soo a 90
C. O. Plerson Colo.
II steers. ...1130 4 25 69 cows 877 3 20
87 steers. ...lnn 4 00 7 cows 1026 3 15
8 steers.. ..llol 3 50 67 cows 858 2 70
115 feeders. 7SI 3 75 34 calves. . . 1S6 5 60
13 heifers... 613 2 70 21 calves... 418 4 50
13 heifers... 670 3 00 12 calves... 3K2 3 25
feorge Ernst Neb.
24 Steers.. ..lni 3 65 21 cows 1023 3 00
Walter Mann Neb.
13 steers. ...H O 3 90
W. R. Day-S. D.
27 heifers... 633 2 50 2 heifers... 630 I 00
Swan Land and Cattle Co. Wyo.
65 cows 974 3 35 3 cows... r. 974 2 76
HOOS There was a fairly I'beral run of
hogs at all points today, and the market
took another drop. At this point the mar
ket opened 2Vg5c lower, with the bulk of
the sales going at right around $6.00. The
choicer light snd butcher weights sold
mostly at $ 02H snd 6.u5, with the heavy
packing grados at $5.95 and $5 97. Trading
was not very active at the start, as packers
were not bidding the above prices on the
start, but sellers held on and forced buy
ers to raise their bids. Arter the bulk of
the early arrivals was disposed of and
packers had their more urgent orders Ailed
the market weakened a little and the close
was rather slow. The late sales were mostly
at $5.95 and $5.7Vi.
Today's decline carries the market back
to the lowest point reached since last
March, when the average cost was ti.91.
Representative sale:
No. At. 8h. Pr. No. At. a. Pr.
to ... t 60 70 li to t ao
tl "7 ... I 40 17? till 1 so I 00
z 121 ... t lo tl Id lto t ov
1 164 ... I tO ti Ml ... t 00
it n ... i to tu 7 ito t 00
t4 tt 120 I to 46 1.14 ... 4V0
46 11 lM 8 1 tl 1st 120 I 00
II 1J ... 6 71 2ii ... tOU
H 3-4 ... at 4t 271 120 I 00
64 144 40 4 at ) am til t 00
44 lit ISO B tfi t 270 tO 4 00
47 lf 120 I 5 HI 134 ;0 t 00
46 947 120 8 US 41 71 110 4 00
4P 27 so t 74 41 Ill 120 4 00
4t 2M 2u-l t 7Lj 6, ;31 ii0 t00
41 147 110 t 171, t 4t 40 t 00
14 tnt to t 7't 12 72 10 t 00
'i 71 241 ... t 00
t 2"ii to 6 tn i ra to t 00
64 2t 110 I tiv, 0 lit 120 4 OH
41 177 UU B t7S 41 27 Mn I 00
4C 244 . 0 6 47V. 62 292 80 t Mi
74 1.11 'W B 7S 6t 260 R0 t On
66 11 140 6 4t 26 40 t 00
12 !M KD t 7S, a, 2M . t m
61 1 f B B7Va to 27 240 I 00
64 ! 40 t IT, M 245 a) Ida
40 176 to I 171, 66 121 ... t 00
228 110 t 7 64 2W 40 t M
6 2" 40 t 17', to 22t 10 t On
6 26 ... B r7i ti 2JW, ... t 00
7 H4 120 B t7i, ti 20 10 t (10
I' 4 7S 72 113 40 4 Ov
61 114 140 t !7'4 tl 246 10 I on
in ! 7'a 44 in to I 00
' e7'i ft 277 to 00
I H1 67 271 120 t on
1 " 140 t 7' 60 280 M I 00
"4 0 t 47 61 181 ... I 02ii
"I ... B 17 61 MO ... I 02U
7 11" B 17V, 26 241 80 t fttij
64 1 !0 IN tO 2.11 120 I 0214
'1 t'7 120 t 00 70 16t 100 t OlVi
41 Ml 100 t 00 tt 241 to a Alt?
64 170 ... 00 tl 161 ... I 0I
..176 140 00 to 141 100 4 02W
..24t 40 4 00 Tl 241 tO t 02H
41 304 10 I 00
14 1st SO to
w ee ziu lzo 021
80 141 80 I 02 U
61 sia a na
ia ao a 00
43 2X 80 I 00
48 1SB 40 t 00
B7 240 120 4 00
1 141 ... I 05
71 12S ... tot
14 171 40 06
SHEEP There was a moderate supply of
sheep and lambs here today, and as all ths
packers wanted a fresh supply the market
was quite active snd fully steady on de
sirable grades of killer. There were not
very many, though, that were fat enough
for packer, so that the market soon came
to a close.
The feeder market was also In prettv
good shape considering the fact that to
morrow 1b a holiday. Commission men had
quite a few orders on hand, and besides
that there were several huvera in from h
country. The orders, though, were mostly
for lambs. Feeder wethers and yearling
were not very active, and unless they were
good they wero a little weak.
Quotations for grassers: Good to choice
yearlings, $3.50tf3.i5; fair to good. $3.25to3.50;
good to choice wethers, $3.25&3.60; fair to
good wethers, $0.0O(&3.25; choice ewes, $3.0M
3.26; fair to good ewes, $2.262.76; good to
choice lambs, $4.504.75; fair to good Iambs,
$4.0064.50; feeder wethers, 12.754(3.15; feeder
yearlings, $2.9U'tj3.25; feeder Iambs, $3.00
4.00; cull lambs, $1.6O&2.00; feeder ewes,
$2.6003.00. Good fed stock sells about 25o
higher than choice grasser. Representa
tive sales:
No- Av. Pr.
Ill western fed ewes 106 3 25
119 western fed ewes lu 3 25
204 western fed ewes 10S 8 40
138 western lambs 60 3 90
4H0 Wyoming feeder lambs 41 2 40
380 Wyo. wethers and yearlings. 8S 3 25
42 Wyoming feeder lambs 48 8 35
361 Wyoming feeder lambs 48 3 35
115 feeder lambs 67 3 70
130 fed western lambs 73 4 75
182 cull ewes 70 1 25
298 cull ewes 74 66
13 cull ewes 70 1 75
247 feeder ewes 74 1 90
16 cull ewes 90 2 25
801 Wyoming feeder lambs 49 3 00
366 Wyoming feeder lambs....... 49 3 00
145 native ewes uo 3 25
2 native cull lambs 55 3 25
65 native ewa 115 3 51)
23 native lambs... 77 4 so
42 native lambs 73 4 50
6 native lamb 80 500
Cattle Active, Hogs Are Lower and
Sheep and Lamb Hlgfher.
CHICAGO.' Nov. 26.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
12.0110 head, Including 200 westerns; market
active to 15iftZ5c higher; good to prime
steers, $6.0fX(i (.20; poor to medium, $3.0ott
6.00: stocker and feedere 1) r.Vr, A 7ft.
$1.40(64.75; heifers, $2.0O(fj6.25; caniier's, $1.40
iu..u, hums, a.wri.w; caives, 83.btXftG.7b;
Texas fed steers, $3.0041-4.25; western steers,
HOGS Receipts, 35,000 head; estimated
tomorrow, 35.0u0; left over. 4.000; market
closed fully 10c lower; mixed and butchers,
$5.80Si6.15; good to choice heavy, $6.10Vfi6.40;
tough heavy, $5.656.00; light, $5.654i6.00;
bulk of sales, $5.90436.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 26.000
head; market strong and higher; good to
choice wethers. $3.6o(i-4.10; fair to choice
mixed, $2.503.60; western sheep, $2.75j3.80;
native lambs, $360(85.50; western lamb.
Official yesterday:
Recefnta Rhlnm.nt.
Cattle 6.871 .11. is
Hogs 38 179 1 li
Sheep 23,198 h.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 7,6tiO natives, 600 Texans, 50 Texas
calves and 300 native calves; corn cattle
Bteady to 25c higher; native cows stesdy
to higher; western cows slow; Blockers snd
feeders steady; choice export and dressed
beef steers, $5.36416.40; fair to goed, $3.003
6.30; Blockers and feeders, $2.10ft4.35; west
ern fed steer, $3.15a5.5o; Texas and Indian
steers, 23.uOdi4.on; Texas cow, $2.OO(3.0n; na
tive cows, $1.6uri4.35; native heifers, $2 753
4.2S; cannera, $1.0ma2.26; bulls, $2,0043.50;
calves. $3iXi6.00.
HOGS Receipts. 6.600 head; opened strong
and closed 60 lower, top, $6.16; bulk of sales,
$6.00416.12'; heavy. $6.07Vi6.15; mixed pack
era. 4ti.O0416.lO; light, $5.856.10; yorkers, $6.06
4j6tO; pjga, 16.40446.86.
SHEEP AND IAMRS-Recetpts, (.600
head; market Bteady; native lambs, $3 61
6 20; western lambs, t3.00ff5.15; fed ewes
$3.uOt3.70; native wethera, t3.uwQ4.0O; west
ern wethers. $3.004j3.S6; Blockers and feed
ers, $1,904(3.26.
No market Thanksgiving day.
Sew York Live Vtoek Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 28 R KKVE8 Re
celptB, 1.953 head; steers active and 15o
higher on light supply; bulls and cows
steady to strong: BteerB, $4 25475.75; bulls,
$2 5o44 00; cows, $1.3o4j3.60. Cables steady.
Exports were 81 sheep and 3.96 quarters of
CALVES-Recelpts. 1.397 head; steady to
lower; veals. ao.O1X79.OO; tops, $9.26; little
calves, $4.0434.60; graasera firmer, $3 0043.50;
good westerns, $4.12V; city dressed veals,
lO'tttlS'tc per lb.
HOGS Receipts, 5.301 head; about Bteady;
state hogs, $6.30; no western hogs on sale.
SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 12.604
head; sheep slow and luul5c lower; lamba
leas active and 154)25c lower; sheep, $2 25f
$50; culls $2. lambs, $4 87 S4i00; general
sales at $5,1646.26; Cunada lambs, $S.6fj6.9u.
t. Joaepk Live Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 26CATTI.E -Receipt.
2.314 head: natives, $3. 604 6 60: cow
and heifer. $1.5t$4.60: veals, $2.26416.00;
Blocker and feeders, $2.5044 60.
1KMJB Receipts, 1.771 head; medium and
heavy, $6 lti6.15; pigs, $3.86436.00; bulk of
sales. W lot 124.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1 Out
head; market firm; nallvs lambs, $6.26'
wethers, $3.85; ewes, $3 60.
1. Loot Live Block Market.
ST. LOC1S. Nov. 26. CATTLE Receipts,
4.610 head. Including 3.5o Texans; market
Bteady; native shipping snd export steers.
$4.7&l.25. with strictly fancy worth up to
$7; dreased beef and butcher steers, $4 3f"t
6 40: steers under l.00 lbs., l3.76'o6.26: Block
ers and feeders, $2.754.60; cows and heif
1 heifer.... 2 0ft
2 cow lnon 2 75
1 cow linn 2 n
17 cows ;j 3
2 cows l2i 2 25
49 stsgs 1415 3 9o
ers, $2 2MT5M; canners, $150fil40; bulls.
$2 2fr3 25; calves, 84 0O4j 7.0ft; Texas Snd In
dian steers, $2.7064.80; cows and heifers,
2.iT. 25.
1HHI9-Receipt 4. Soft head: market weak
snd lower; pigs and lights. $." .9(1 6.06; pack
ers, $S 0)i6.IB; butchers. $1(W S5.
SHEEP AND UM IIS Receipts, Yt head;
market stedy; native muttons, $.Tnrff4 0;
lambs. $4 2"i6 4: culls snd bucks, $2.00414.011;
Blockers, Il.5oif3.00. .
"loa. t it l ive stock Market.
SlOfX CITY, Is , Nov. 26 (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, ti; market
stendy; beeves. $4 6oi6.t4); cows, bulls and
mixed, $2 (Haft 4.00; stocker and feeders, $2.50
4.4.25; yearlings and calve, $26(n4.rtO.
IHG8 Receipts, 4..V0; market 6tj 0c
lowrr; selling, $5.75t6.n6; bulk. $5 90-J5.9T..
toek In aaht.
The following were the receipts of live
stock at the six prlnclpsl cities yesterday;
I 1 1 1 a Itrtea flhp.1,
Omaha 3 0x4 7.9?o' s.iv.i
Chicago 12.00 35.0m 25oi
Kansas City 7.5cO 6.500 io
St. Ixuls 4.600 4. SOI r
St. Josenh 2.314 1.771 1.005
Sioux Clty...v. 61) 4.500
. .30.012 69,6"! 42.1"5
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta.
APPLES Are offered freely to arrive and
the market accordingly continues easy,
with price displaying a declining tendency
on all save the best varieties, which are
nluiiil at4.. 1 .'J,
-""l r- . V. . . v DUMIIMI MITT ,,,,ieU t e''C
6Vc; prime, 6.&5,c; choice, 6if6V.c; fancy.
,45 its-
prunes continue firm because of a good de
mand, which is particularly noticed In con-
liui I a'ilh , 1. I ........ .- -I .,..a.Ia-
range from Hc to 7S,c for all grade. Aprl-
v r. KIC III III, wiiii vimiii r riuih in llglll
supply; boxes are quoted at 74ifjl2c and
k u. a. 7 -.. I,,., I . . L. . ... - 4 . . I. . . t
.. .. . i'u 1'. tni ii' at 1 n d 1, n'i 1 , i. u i
quiet, at I241I8C for peeled, and 6Vi10c to..
,iiiji ciru.
Dry Goods Market.
Spot market slow for dry good here today
unuer oau weatner and holiday Influence.
Mail order demand wua about average and
price showed no change. Regular nrlnt
cloths were firm. Wide greys sold outside
of Kali River at lower prices. Men's wear
wcclt ns and worsteds were firm and ad
vancing. Woolen and worsted dress goods
were quiet but steady.
n-aar and Molaaaea.
V1TTC nptciva xt.. Oil oitnlo. ac
tive, firm: onen tettle.' ;l 3-liic: onen
kettle, centrifugal, 3Va3 3-16v; centrifugal
white, 3T4j4 l-16c; yellows, 3'.4j'4c; seconds,
2Mti3 6-16c. Molasses, steady; open kettle,
204t3.',e; centrifugal, tvd22c. Syrup, 20'fl25c.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-8UGAR-Raw,
firm; fal refining, 3 6-16c; centrifugal, 96
test, 3 13-16c; molasses sugar, 3'c; refined,
Arm. Molasses, steady.
Chicago, Rock Island at Pacific.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Daylight tt'd..a 5:00 am a 6:45 am
Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:35 pm
Chicago Expres bll:loam a 5:05 pm
Des Moines Express a 4:30 nm bll:50nm
Chicago Fast Express... a 6:35 pm a 4:25 pro
Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 6:50 pm a 4.55 am
Lincoln, Colo. Springs,
Denver. Pueblo and
a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm
a 6:20 pm a 12: 40 pm
Colo., Texas, Cnl.
Oklahoma Flyer..
tnlfn Pacific.
Overland Limited
The Fast Mall
California Express...,
Pacific Express
Eastern Express
The Atlantic Express.
The Colorado Special.
..a 9:40 am
..a 8:50 am
..a 4:25 pm
..all:30 pm
a 7:30 pm
a 3:25 pm
a 4:36 pm
a 7:30 am
a 8:40 am
a 8:40 am
bl2:50 pm
b 9:35 pm
1 7:10 am
cmcago special
Lincoln Beatrice and
Stromsburg Express. .b 4:06 pm
Grand Island Locai b 6:3u pm
Chlcasro A North eetern.
"The Northwestern Line.
fast cmcago a 3:40 am
a 7:00 am
a 8:30 am
a 3:50 pm
alO:25 pm
all:20 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 9:50 am
a 4:05 pm
a 9:20 am
a 8:15 am
a 2:40 pm
b 9:60 am
.a 7:60 nm
Local Sioux City..
Daylight St. Paul..
Daylight Chicago..
Local Chlcgo
Local Carroll
Fast Chicago
Limited Chicago...
Fast St. Paul
Fast Mail
Local Sioux City...
..a 6:10 am
..a 7:35 am
..a 8:00 am
..a!0:55 am
..a 4:00 pm
..a 4.55 pm
..a 8:10 pm
..a 8:10 pm
..b 4:00 pm
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
St. Louis iocal. Coun
cil Bluffs .
a 6:66 pm
a 9:15 am
a 8:20 am
al0:30 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 1:05 am
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 70 am
Chicago, Minneapolis &
St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm
Minneapolis & St. Paul
Express b 7:20 am
Chicago Express
bl0:35 pm
al0:35 pm
Chlcaa-o, Milwaukee St. Paul.
Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 3:40 pm
Chicago Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a 7:60 am
Missouri Pacific.
St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm
K. C. and St. L. Ex al0:50 pm a 6:16 am
Bnrllncton 3fc Mlsaonrl River.
Leave. Arrive.
Wymore. Beatrice nd
Lincoln a 2:40 am bll:55 am
Nebraska Exprest, a 8:40 am a 7:45 pm
Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 6:46 am
Black Hills and Puget
Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:10 pm
Colorado Vestlbuled
Flyer a 2:10 pm
Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:10 pm a 9:17 am
Fort Crook and Platts-
mouth b 3:20 pm bll :05 am
Bellevue & Pacific Jot. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am
Bellevue A Pacific Jet. .a 3:00 am
Chlcaaro, Bnrllneton A Qulncy.
Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4:06 nm
i nicago vesnouiea ex.. a :uu pm
a 7:30 am
all:00 pm
a 7:30 am
a 2:46 pm
a 6:06 pm
all:15 am
a 6:15 am
Chicago Local
.a 9:30 am
.a 8:05 pm
Chicago Limited
Fast Mall
Itassaa City. St. Joseph A
Kansas City Day Ex..
St Louis Flyer
Kansas City Night Ex
.a 9:20 am
.a 5:10 pm
.al0:30 pm
Fremont, Elkbora A Mlssoarl
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills, Deadwood,
Lead. Hot Springs a 2:00 pm a 6:00 pm
Wyoming, Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 pm 6:00 pm
Hastings. York. David
City, Superior, Geneva,
Exeter and Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm
Bonesteel, Lincoln, Nio
brara and Fremont. ..b 7:30 am blO:2S am
Fremont Local o 7:30 am
Chleaa-o, St. Pant, Minneapolis
Twin City Passenger. . .a C:30 am a 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passengei...a 2:00 pm all:20 am
Oakland Local b 6:45 pin b 8:45 am
Mlsaonrl ParlSc.
Nebraska 1-ocal, Via
Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:26 am
a Dally. b Dally except Sunday. d
Dally except S-turday. Dally except
Monday, c Sunday only.
Resumption of trip by th Mammoth
Popultl Twin Screw Steamers
aComanonweallhn "Itw England."
114 -T at-a sat h -- IM.-a4
From no ton Dlroctto
Ths Now England and Commonwealth will
sail through ti Alexandria on th January
ard February voyaaes.
"New England," Dec. 6; Jan. 17; Feb. 28
Commonwealth.'' Jan. 8: Feb. 14; Mch. 28.
Vancoaiver." Nov. 29, Jan. 10, Feb. 21.
"Cambroman,' Dec. 20, Jan. 3U March 14.
Also sailing Boalon to Liverpool, Port
isnd. Me., to Liverpool. For rates, book
leu etc., apply to local agent or
COMPANY'S OFFICE, 69 Dearborn St..
P. B. Weare, Prea. C. A. Weare, V-Pre.
Established 1W.
Member of the Principal Kychange.
Private Wire to All I'Unia.
Bought and sold for cash or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH, 110-111 Board of Trade
Telephone ;.'ilH.
W. & Ward, Local Manager.