Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY I1EE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2i. 1002. MARRIED 65 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Adam Livingood, of Elverson. Pa., who have been married 65 years, say Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has prolonged their happy union many years beyo id their golden wedding. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA. '.'Si- I COUNCIL MIJOM MKXTIO. jlsvls sells drugs. fitockert nils rarpels nnd riiRs. Elegant new Xmat jhjtos at St'hm lilt s. Kxpert watch repairing Uftort, lOB'way For rent, modern 6-room residence, 7 il Plxth avenue. Rest clnthesrnrk made only 1'c at A. 15. Howe's, 310 Hroadway. Picture framing. C. R. Alexander It Co., I'ii Hroadway. Tel. '6. For rent, nicely furnished front room, ronabl price, inquire 246 North First street. Hljff City Masonic lodRe will hold a apo dal meeting thin evenlr.K for work In the third decree. Wanted, at once, carrier with horse for route on Tho live. Apply at the office. No. 10 Pearl street. We are headquarter for gla of all klnila. See un before you buy. C. B. Faint, 011 and Glass Co. The gas will be shut off the entire city Friday morning; from 8:30 to 11 o'clock to make pipe connections. The dunce to hHve been given tonight by muffs company, Uniform rank. Knights of Pythias, has been postponed until Decem ber 17. County Treasurer and Mr William Arnd and Kobert Arnd left last evening for Orand Island, Neb., to attend the funeral of a rele.tlve. Orand ball given by the Foresters of Hale I camp 171, Modern Woodmen of Amer ica, at It. A. hall Wednesday evening, No vember 26. Come. Mrs. Ahles took out a building permit yesterday for the erection of a two-story frame cottage at the corner of Sixth and Mynster streets to cost $3,UU0. Clinton, the young son of Pr. George Brown, who la at the Woman's Christian association hospital suffering from typhoid fever Is reported to be much improved. Judge Wheeler has overruled the motion for a continuance In the cose of Carl Hoc tor, charged with killing Charles Johnson at Avoca, and the trial will be begun Fri day at Avoca. The remains of M. E. Clayton, who died at Wenatchee, 'Wash., arrived yesterday afternoon and were tBken to the family home at Macedonia! where the funeral .will be held this afternoon. Reuben Russell, who has been stopping at the Revere house on Hroadway, became violently Insane last evening and was taken to Bt. Bernard's hospital. He will have a hearing before the Commissioners for the Insane this morning. Elsie Elizabeth, the 10-year daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K F. Husz, 16"6 High street, died Monday of diphtheria. The funeral, which was private, was held yesterday morning from the family residence. Inter ment being in Falrvlew cemetery. A Burlington switch engine struck a de livery wagon or Stewart Bros. Monday evening at the Main street crossing. The driver, AJva Fenn, was thrown from his seat and severely bruised. The team es caped Injury, but the wagon was badly damaged. The remains of Pearl Short, the young man who died Monday at the Woman's Chris tian association hospital from typhoid fever, were taken yesterday to Blggsvllle. III., by his father and brother. Deceased had been employed as clerk at the Revere house on Broadway . Levi P. Heyden, foreman for the McCor mlok Harvesting Machine company, died yesterday morning at the home of his par ents, Mr, and Mrs, Detlef Heyden, 223 Seventeenth avenue, after an Illness of two weeks, aged 82 years. Five of his brothers are aesldents of Omaha and one of Gretna, jtb. Ed Haden, who was charged with cruelty to animals by leaving tils team stand out In the streets the greater part of Monday night, failed to appear when his case was called tn police court yesterday morning and his cash bond of 115 was declared for feited by Justice Carson, who was acting for Judge Scott. The receipts In the general fund at the Christian Home last week were $2S0.99, be ing tso.w above, the needs of the week and decreasing the deficiency In this fund to date to nj(i6.30. In the manager's fund the reclpts were 112, $23 below the needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency to M.U In this fund to date. The remains of E. TV. Miller, who died at the Woman's Christian association hos pital last Wednesday, were Interred yes-. icruay aiiernoon in wainut mil cemetery In a grave provided by the members of the First Congregational church. Short serv ices were held at Hodgson's undertaking rooms by Rev. James Thomson. Mrs. Etta Conyers, against whom her husband had filed an Information, charging her with maintaining unlawful relations with Ed Heaton, appeared In Justice Car son's court yesterday and gave bond for her appearance In court this morning. She denied having left the city with Heaton as had been reported to the police. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Hawkins, wife of Oeorge J.. Hawkins, who dropped dead at her home, 1710 Avenue F Monday morn ing, will be held at o'clock this morning from St. Francis Xavler's church. Rev. Father 8myth, conducting the service. In terment will be In St. Joseph's cemetery. Mrs. Hawkins was 35 years of age and was a sister of Mrs. Cavanaugh of South Omaha, the Misses Minnie and Delia Bren nan of Omaha, Mike Brennan of Platts mouth. and Anthony Brennan of South Omaha, The big term at both day and night school of the Western Iowa Business col lege begins Monday, December 1. This school has been gradualy increasing in at tendance since September 1, until now al most every seat is occupied at both ses sion Should the school continue to grow "during the next few months as It has of late, which Is certain, its present large Quarters will be Insufficient to accommo ate those who wish to attend. A thor ough course In the commercial, stenogra phic and English subjects Is given. Bibles Now Ready. Those who are entitled to the Bible, given as a premium by The Bee, can get same by calling at the Council Bluffs office. Kindly call goon ai possible. N. T. Plumbing Co.. telephone 256. Darts sells paint. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to ths following: Name ana Residence. a Richard P. Purcell. Council Bluffs ..30 norma,, council Bluffs ia Royal B. Felton, Neola. la 23 Mabel Clare Rlshton. Neola, la 21 Charles E. Stroop, Council Bluffs 23 I Maude Payne. Council Bluffs 21 Payl O. Rohwer, Waterloo, Neb 2 Myrtle Mayhew, Waterloo, Neb 2 Always tho Samo Good Old Tha Prlda of Mlwtukea Bend Postal Card for New Brochure which tails why PLATZ DfeER IS WIGHT DLATZ MALT-VI VINE (NON-INTOXICANT) TONIC FOR THE WEAK All Druggists or Direct VAL BLATZ BREWING CO.. Milwaukee OSIAIIA HRAMl'H, 1411 Dflsa St. Tel. tostl. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. Pearl ft . Council FlufTa Pho'a f Mil o) R fo) BLUFFS. QUESTIONS TITLE OF CITY Owners of Abutting Property Laj Claim to What Was Onoe Bed of Big Lake. CITY RELIES UPON GRANT BY CONGRESS Contestants Assert That Congress Had So Power to Make the Orant as Title Was In Trlvate rartles. The right and title of the city of Coun cil Bluffs to Big Lake and the land which originally formed the bed of the lake are to be attacked In the courts by owners of the adjoining property. The first of the suits attacking the city's title will be filed In tho district court today by Oeorge H. Maynn and George R. Wrlrht. tnint rnr. of a considerable tract of land adjoining the lake. The piece of land Is known as "The lsiano. The action will be to quiet In the plain tiffs, as against the city, the title to the middle of the lake on the rrmmda that the owner of the adjacent property owns me Deo, or an inland lake to the center thereof. If successful In this action Mima and Wright will secure the title to a large iraci 01 iana Detween their property and the lake which formerlv formed nnrt nt k. bed of the lake and which the city now claims ownership or. In the event of Mayne and Wright wfhnlng the suit. It Is under stood that the other owners of nronertv ad jacent to the lake will bring similar ac tions. The piece of water known as the Big Lake formerly was a part of the bed of the Missouri river. It became an Inland lake when the river changed Its muru. n June 9, 1880, an act of congress granted to the city of Council Bluffs the title to the meandered lake, known as the Big Lake ior puDiic use, resort and recreation." It Is from this act of enncrrtt that iw lays claim to the lake and the land origin ally forming the bed of the lake. Since the city acquired the title to the lake by act of congress the piece of water year Dy year become smaller until today there are nearlv ion . land, which originally formed the bed of the lake. Big Lake and the adjoining prop erty la classed as one of the city parks and is under the control and management of the Board of Park Commissioners, which has for several years maintained a watch man to look after the property, part of which has been protected with a fence. The value of the land is problematical. Messrs. Wright and Mayne contend that congress had no authority to give the city title to the lake, at in fact it belonged to the owners of the land adjoining it. They will also bring a separate action to restrain the city from collecting muni cipal taxes on their tract adjoining the lake, and which la tint inM. .v. limits, on the grounds that it is held solely niitimurii purposes and receives no benefit from the cltr uimiiiuir.ii.. m... ... .null, X UKJ win also sue to recover the amount paid """" luo '"" nve years as city taxes. Big Lake is a Donular re.nrt - . . men and for picnic parties In summer and "u" w tns uit to be brought by Mayna and Wright will be watched with much Interest, Bibles How Ready. Those who are entitled to the Bible, given as a premium by The Bee, can get same by calling at the Council Bhiffs office. Kindly call as soon as possible. Plumbing and heating. Bixby & Son. Retail Drug-slats Organise. At the meeting of the retail druggists of the city last night a Dermanent nrnni... tlon was effected, with these officers: Presl- aent, uell a. Morgan; vice president. John W. Camp; secretary, Oscar H. Brown; treasurer, George C. Hansen. The organi zation will be known as the Retail Drug gists' Association of Council RliifTa iH the regular meetings will be held the second weanesaay night In each month. For the present the meetings will be held in the office of Mayor Morgan in the city build ing. As It was found that July . 18 and 11, the dates fixed for the meeting of the State Pharmaceutical association in this city next summer, would clash with the annual meeting of the Knights Templar at Spirit Lake, it was decided last night to change the time of the meeting to July 1617 and 18, providing the latter date would be ac ceptable to the state association. Plans for entertaining the state associa tion were further discussed, but nothing definite arrived at. Sues Ex-Official. The suit in which Harlson county seeks to recover $8,326.89 from J. O. Pugsley, a former member of the Harrison county Board of Supervisors, will bs tried In the district court of Council Bluffs, having been brought here on a change of venue secured by the defendant. The defendant, J. O. Pugsley. was a mem ber of the Harrison county Board of Su pervisors during the years 1899, 1900 and ! 1901. Recently he and several other mem bers of the board were indicted on charges I of misappropriation of publio funds. In his answer Pugsley asserts that soon after the expiration of his term as super visor he made out a complete itemised statement, tendered the board a full set tlement of all his accounts and asked It to accept the accounting, but that ths board Ignored his request, as he alleges. without any reason. Bibles Blow Heady, Those who are entitled to the Bible, given as a premium by The Bee, can get same by calling at the Council Bluffs office. Kindly call as soon as possible. Gravel roofing. A. H. Reld. S41 Broadway. 1 I Postpone Sale of Stock. J The Udell-Samson Woodenware company or St. Louis caused a restraining order to be served on Trustee Muse yesterday morning enjoining hlro from disposing at public sale the stock of Whltelaw t Gardiner, proprietors of the Boston Store The sale of the stock tn bulk had been ' advertised for yesterday morning, bu owing to the action begun by the 8t. Loui firm Trustee Muse had announced before the order was served that the sale would be postponed Indefinitely. A number of I Whltelaw A Gardiner's creditors have not ; yet been heard from and. for this reason Trustee Muse decided to postpone the sj or the stock. No further action will ba taken by either side until Friday, when the aistrict court will be la aesslon aialn and by which time it Is believed a satisfactory settlement will be reached by which ths stock can be disposed of. Mlalaera Braachlagr Oat. The Ministerial association of Council Rluffs Is planning to widen the scops of its work by invltlnaihe pastors throughout ths country to join the association and lake part In Its meetings. Commencing In Jan uary the meetings of the association will be hold the first Monday In the month, in stead of on the last Monday, as heretofore. Rev. Harvey Hosteller, pastor of the Sec ond Presbyterian church, has been elected president of the association to succeed Rev. E. W. Erlckson, who recently resigned the pastorate of the Fifth Avenue Methodist church to move to Washington. John A. Robinson Missing. The police have been asked to assist In locating John A. Robinson, who has been missing from bis home at 123 West Wash ington avenue, since Saturday night. Mr. Robinson, who is 40 years of ago and single, Is employed In the Union Pacific freight office at the Transfer depot. Saturday even ing he went cn an errand to the grocery store and failed to return. Davis sells glass. Real instate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Mary J. Colo to William T. Cole, 4 acres In ni se4 ne4 27-75-44, w. d...$ 1 Same to same, lot 6, block 8, Jackson's add, w. d 1 Same to same, sVj lot 1, block 8, Jef ferls' subdlv, w. d 1 Same to same, lot 10, block G, Park add, w. d 1 Varlck A. Chittenden and wife to Lawrence A. Chittenden, seVi ne'-A, except e 10 acres; se1 seVi and that part nei sei4 Z7 situated w and nw of railroad; eV4 ne4 34 and that part swv4 nw'4 do, s and w of road; "S-44; nw4 sW4 18-75-43; part neVi se'4 14 and 5 acres in nw'4 seSi 13-7u-44; lots 8 and 9, block 11, Mynster's add; lot 1, block 4, Mullln's eubdlv, s. w. d... 750 J. W. Squire and wife to John B. Long, lot 3, block 1, McMahon, Cooper & Jefferls' add, w. d 1,000 James Wlckham and wife et al to Oeorge W. Koberts, lot 2, block 3, John Johnson's add, w. d 300 Henry Kllnilt to Fred Tlessen, lot 6, block 3, Avoca, q. c. d 1 Leopold F. Heyden and wife to Mason City & Fort Dodge Railroad com pany, lot 7, block 1, Casady's add, w. d 2,650 William A. DeBord, receiver, to same, lots 9 and 10, olock 10, Williams' 1st add, d 700 C. J. Stilwell and wife to J. W. Colt, 3.49 acres In sw nw 5-74-43, w. d.. 349 John F. Sllnfer and wife to John Wortman. lot 6, Auditor's subdlv, hw'4 sei 18-75-43, w. d 1,900 County treasurer to A. J. Seaman, lot 4, block 4, Evans' bridge add, t. d... 3 Same to same, lots 22. 23, 30 and 31. block 9, Wright s add, t. d 6 Total fourteen transfers 87,562 UNCONSCIOUS AND ALONE Avert and Friendless Woman Stricken with Apoplexy and Not Fonnd for Honrs. WATERLOO, la.. Nov. 25. (Special.) Doomed by the loss of her husband to sup port herself, her hands her only capital, after reaching the half century mark through toll and poverty, to be called upon to die forsaken and alone, tells the story of the life of Mrs. S. Bradford, who was discovered almost dead in her lonely cot tage in this city. She had suffered a stroke of apoplexy and In this condition had Iain on the floor of the cottage all night. The work of the day caused her to retire early every night and by 9 o'clock no light was ever visible in the house. The light burning after daylight was what attracted passersby, who entered the unlocked house and found her in an unconscious condition. Physicians were called and many who had never thought to call upon her when well hastened to make her comfortable, but it was too late and she expired without regaining consciousness sufficiently to rec ognise her benefactors. She was given a respectable burial. OFFICIAL VOTE OF IOWA Only Ten Counties In State of the Ktnety-Xlna Give Demo eratlo Majorities. DE3 MOINES, Nov. 25. The state can vassing board is canvassing the election re turns and has completed the head of the ticket, the vote op which is as follows: Republican, 229,225; democratic, 150,011; prohibition. 9,816; socialist, 6,360; scatter ing, 784. Republican plurality, 79,214, which is 8,906 less than last year. Tho prohibition vote last year was 15,659, show ing a heavy decrease, while the socialist rote shows a heavy Increase over last year, when 8,463 votes were polled. But tea counties of the ninety-nine went democratic. Judge M. J. Wade of the Sec ond district, the only democratlo con gressman elected, had 1,158 plurality. Of the other close districts Hedge, republican, was re-elected In the First with 1,923 plu rality and Lacey in the Sixth had 1,813 plu rality. Birdsall, republican, who was nom inated to succeed Henderson, had 5,539 plu rality.' CHILD EATS COLD TABLETS Physicians Hard Work and Prompt Vse of Stomach Pamp Sara Boy's Life. FORT DODGE. Ia., Nov. 25. (Special Telegram.) The 10-year-old son of Lars Haglund picked up on tha street several sample packages of "Week's Breakup a Cold'; tablets. The pills were sugar-coated and appealed to the juvenile appetite. As a result, a few hours later doctors and a stomach pump were all that saved young Haglund's life. Pills, harmless when taken properly, had been taken in such quantities as to place the boy's life in danger. MR. ADAM L1VINQOOD, 91 years old. DUFFY'S PURE MALT IS THE TRUE ELIXIR OF It has prolonged many thousand lives as It has Mr. and Mrs. Livlngood. and there Is no other medicine in the world which will keep the system In normal condition, prevent the decay of the tissues, strength en the heart action and enrich the Mood like Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It Is an absolutely pure stimulant and tonic, free from fusel nil and other rianpernua ingre dients so common In most whiskies. It cures grip, consumption, bronchitis, ca tarrh, asthma, malaria and all low fevers, dyspepsia; It Invigorates the hraln. It makes the old young; keeps the young strong. Do not till your body full of drugs and medicines which poison the sys tem. It Is absolutely pure and contains no fusel oil. It Is prescribed by over 7,0u0 doctors and used exclusively In over 2,(i0 hospitals. It Is the only reliable and ab. solutely pure stimulant and tonic. It has saved the lives of millions of people the past fifty years who have used It as their only medicine. j VaJ'U.-,h' modica.' booklet containing reader of The Bee who will write. Duffy WORRIED ABOUT TEACHERS Superintendents Appealed to to Eelai on Examination and Inorease Supply. STATE OFFICIAL OBJECTS TO THE PLAN Says School Boards Shonld Pay Wages Sufficient to Keep Competent People In the Ranks of Teachers. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Nov. 25. (Special.) The problem of how to supply the schools of Iowa with teachers who are competent has already become as important as the other problem of how to secure to the teachers wages that will Induce them to stay In the profession a reasonable length of time. The complaint is general In the state that there are not enough teachers available to keep the many schools going. County superin tendents are importuned to Invite teachers from other counties or other states to fill out the quota The fact is that the Induce ments ara ao -ailght that teachers are al ways ready to, get out and engage in other labors more remunerative. Miss Elsie Perry, county" superintendent of Howard county, wrote the superintendent of public Instruction asking what her rights and duties were In a case where there are not enough teachers in the county certificated to teach, and the demand is that she Issue certificates to persons known to be Incom petent In order that the schools may be filled. The reply of Superintendent Barrett applies as well to all counties and Is as fol lows: We think the statute does not Impose upon the county superintendent the duty of firovidlng the required number of compe ent teachers. It Is officially required of him that he examine applicants at stated tlmea as to their "competency In and ability to teach," statutory subjects, and "If the examination Is satisfactory and the applicant Is of good moral character," a certificate to that effect shall be issued. In view of this plain provision of law, we think the county superintendent should positively refuse to license the Incompetent. Teachers to Get Rates. The State Teachers' association has been having trouble getting reduced rates from the railroad companies under as favorable terms as usual. At recent state meetings the Western Passenger association bat granted the reduced rates on the certifi cate plan on condition that holders of cer tificates pay the joint agent 25 cents for signing each certificate. In other years the association had paid the Joint agent directly, paying him about $17 for two days' work. Under the plan proposed tha teach ers would pay him about $400 for two ar three days' work. The committee ia charge objected to this. State Superintendent Bar rett and Superintendent Sheakley of the West Des Moines schools, went to Chicago on Monday and Interviewed the railroad men, aBklng them to advance the time for the sale of the regular holiday excursion tickets so they could be bought on Decem ber 30 as well as on the two or three follow ing days. If this could be done there would be no need of special rates tor the teachers' association, which begins In Des Moines the 31st of December. Their conference was successful. This will obviate the necessity of having the certificate plan for the teach ers. First Parole from Cherokee. Governor Cummins todsy signed his first PAB New Malt Beer Our new malting process requires eight days at an increased cost of 20 per cent, over other methods of four and five days. Mr. Uvlngood Is 91 years old and his wife Is 84. They are both hale and hearty and feel vigorous ss a couple 50 years of sge. Reading, Ta., Feb. 15, 1002. DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester, N. Y. Oentlcmen I take great pleasure In writing to you tolling the benefit I mi de riving from the use of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I have been taking It In emrjll quantities every morning and evening for a number of years. I am 91 years old and In excellent health, good appetite, and am doing all my own farm work. 1 know your Whiskey is giving me renewed strensth and prolonging my life. I feci as well to day as ten years ago and I feel as If I will yet pass the centurv mark. 1 would earnestly recommend it to all old people. It was recommended to me, and has prov en a blessing. My wife Is M yenrs old and never falls to take a dose of this Whiskey on retiring. She Is also In perfect health. ADAM LIVlNUiXU). Elverson, Chester County, I'a. symptoms and treatment of diseases an Malt Whiskey Company of Rochester. N. Private Diseases of Men In the treatment of Private DISEASES OF MEN, to which our practice la limited and to which our exclusive thought and experience has been devoted tar more than 25 years, WE GIVE A LEGAL WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO CURB PERFECTLY AND paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE. IMPOTENCY, BLOOD POISON OR REFLEX DISORDERS it will pay you to consult us at office or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE, and if vou take treatment rhfiri will b entirely satlsfao- W. A. COOK. tory o you. everything strictly private and ' CONFIDENTIAL. inrivat,89.. Cook Medical Company of Men. 112 South 14th St. Over Daily Nvrs. Omaha. parole from the dipsomaniac ward at the Cherokee hospital, releasing therefrom N. O. Hoyer of Fayette county, who had been In the hospital about two months. The Vail Telephone company has been In corporated, with $10,000 capital, by J. M. Glynn, Henry Stuck and others. SWALLOWS POISON IN COURT Iowa Farmer Says All of His Neigh bors Have Testified Falsely . Airalast Htm. DES MOINES, Nov. 25. Joseph Koskuba, a farmer, was the center of a dramatic scene In the court room at Marahalltown this morning, when he swallowed a big vial of morphine. By heroic means a physician saved his life. He was on trial for the attempted murder of William Brande, a neighbor. He alleged as a motive for his attempt on bis own life that all his neighbors had swor.t falsely. STUDENTS TO BE PROSECUTED Grand Jury Takes Up Investigation of the Recent Riots at Iowa State t'alreralty. DES MOINES, Nov. 25. Tha grand jury at Iowa City has taken up the Investiga tion of the recent student riots with a view to Indicting about twenty ring leaders, if the evidence can be produced. The faculty is co-operating with the Wmmmv MRS. ADAM L1VINGOOD. $4 years old. WHISKEY LIFE. Caution. When yon ask for Daffy's Pare Malt Whiskey be sore yon Bret the arennlne. 1 narrnpnlons dealers, mindful of the excellence of this preparation, will try to sell yon cheap Imitations, and so-palled Malt Whiskey anhstttates, which are sat on the market for profit only, and which, far from rellerlna; the sick, are positively harmful. Demand "Duffy's" and be sore yon aet It. It la the only absolutely pure malt whiskey which contains medicinal, health-arlTlnar qualities. Look for the trademark, "The Old Chemist," on the label. It Is the only whiskey recoanlsed by the Uovernment mm m medicine. This Is a arnarantee. The srenalne Is sold by nil reliable rtrna islata and Grocers, or direct. fl.Utl bottle. d convincing testimonials sent free to any Y. PERMANENTLY or refund every cent county attorney and President MacLcan himself Is said to have appeared before the jury today. He was In conference with Mayor Stebbins today and declared that he was determined that students guilty of destroying property be prosecuted. At a meeting of deans resolutions wero adopted to this effect. FIND TRACES. OF BANDITS Rilled Express Baa;. Jewelry Boa and Dynamite Show Where Rob bers Have Been. ( DAVENPORT, Ia., Nov. 25. Search for the bandits who held up the Rock Island train has resulted In the finding of a rifled express bag, some jewelry boxes and dyna mite In the barn of William Rohwer, where the robbers stole the team with which they made their escape. Earthquake Shock Frit. OTTUMWA. Ia., Nov. 25. (Special.) Early thle morning an earthquake shock was distinctly felt at Frederic. It was of such force as to shake dishes from shelves and create a mild reign of terror. It Is somewhat mysterious aa It was not felt In nearby localities. So far as can bo learned, however, there was no explosion In that vicinity. I A Champion Hmrt. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best In the world, cures cuts, corns, burns, bolls, ulcers, sores and piles or no pay. 25c. For sals by Kuhn ft Co. LL-'. -j"- ECZEMA. FREE SAMPLE ECZEMA CAN BE CURED Call at the below named drug stores nnd receive a tree sample of HKMK'K'H K'" V. E M A t'L'HE, the gret remedy for Kc icma, rimpleH, Dandruff, Skin Eruption and I'llcs. In canes of long standing, pu rify the blood by taking Kcmliki lVpshi Blood Tonic. From London. Knaland. I have used your Remiek's Kczemn Ci:re nnd KemUk "s 1'epsln Blood Tonic f..r treatment of u very obstinate chsc of er semn, after huviiiK consulted the very be-t of physicians In this city without surreys, and can consclentloislv recommend them to anyone of my friends afllirtcd with this dreadful disease. 1 have been bII1Ui.nI with ecsema for nearly four years, and Remlck's Ki remn Cure and Kcmlck s pep sin Blood Tonic have been the only reme dies) that 1 have been nble to obtain relief from, after uHng many other preparations. SAMl'KL HAHNKS, M. K.. K. K. 10 Woodstock ltd., London, England. For sale by Schnefcr's, lfith and Chicago Sts. Kuhn & Co., loth nnd DoiirIhs Sts J. H. Merchant, lSth nnd Howard St. Sherman t McComiell Drug Co., ItSth and Dodge His. C. A. Meleher, 2401 N St., South Omaha. George 8. Davis, 200 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. The only.double-track railway h) from the Missouri River to Splendid service and direct connection for all points on the Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY IN IOWA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA AND SOUTH DAKOTA The Best of Everything For tickets and Information apply to office of General Agent, 1431 and 1403 Farnam Street Specialists In all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. 13 yearg of auo ceastul practise la Omaha. CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE and Bll EC cur4 I. - r. without cuulna, pals at rlkbd loaa of tInM iurmla to eura ou or oiunor rafundod. CVDLill IC rurad for Ufa and tba Dolaol OlrnlLIO thorouhlr elranaad from tho uitam. ecu j overy Hgn and arrapton dlaappooi omplouir and toraiar. No "BRBAKINO) our' of tbo dlaooao on tho skin or taoo. Traatmant oonUla so dufaros draft or tnjiutoua BMUInaa. lACllf IICIJ from iai or VICTIM. TO lit AH 111 tall NKRVOl'g DEH1UTY OR EX. hluSTlON, WASTINO WBAKNBBS With BARLT DKCAT In VOUNU and Ml DDLS AUCDi Uok of vlav Uor and snnita, with, organ unBolxod nd woak. Turao gunrmntaod. STRICTURE "aat palVeVaKaa'aoo fcltlNAHT Kldnor on Bl.dd- TfoMblao, WooS JoS-I Burning Crlno" frwioncr ot Orln.lln.pr4M lUgh Conrad" or wllh BBllkr oodtiaost sundln toaaultatloa Frst, Trsatmcat by Malla Call or address. 11 ! OR- SEARLES & SEARLES, Dr. Burktiart's Wonderful Offer. 'SixMomfcTrflwj EETAEIE tJMPnuNn. Dr. Hurkhart s Vt-sitaLln Compound ouret all ruses of kidney, stomaih nnd llvi-r troubles nlKht sweats, ouzsIiik sounds In ths head, Hleeplesf nei-a, heHdHi lu-, dizziness, rheumatism, catarrh and miliaria when other remedies fall. It purines lhn blond and rleanxes the system. 10 days' trtul free. All druggttits. Un. W. H. Ill It K II KT, Cincinnati, O. AND Tbs Rook Island System will sell tickets on Not. 10th, Dee. lit and Snd to Chicago and return tor $14.76, food (or return uatll December Itk. TICKET OFFICE, U2i Firn.m St. j OMAHA. NtB. 1 WOMEN! f Ffc-HALC Bf K' l ItioUHi i - ' Tssu'r. h'-iiuyri-yai . uoi iut"T Mire; ' ' 819.76 Ehrmaa MoCcaaell Drug Co. . 1 1 1 :