Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY "WEDNESDAY, XOVUMHEK 20, 1!K)2. iTTT T says of Pre Wa made cakes with Presto and wera delighted with k. Tbey were delicious, much quicker, very nice indeed, delicious, at B. seta Bt, Hew York Crty. Oct a, lea. (Signed) UlnK. Lyons, la employ of Father Tbomai J. Ones. What does your cook say? sto The H-O oSSI Company m rfrm iTMTWiBBiBir.wraa CHANGE INSURANCE PLANS Committee of Nebraska Modern Woodmen File Iti EeoemmendstionB. GOVERNOR HAS NOT CHOSEN SECRETARY Irtratki lalverslty Faat Ball Elevea Dora Great Work la Praettee aae. la Heaaty for Wortkweet. era Gia. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Not. 26. (Special.) Messrs. M. B. Putney, Ambrose C. Epperson, John W. Bsrnett and Thomas H. Matters, the committee appointed at the annual meet ing of the Nebraska League of Modern Woodmen, to propose a substitute for the readjustment of rates plan of the head con sul, made public today their report. They recommend the following plan: We have thoroughly reviewed the work of the committee appointed by the head consul under the resolution adopted by ihe head ramp at St. Paul, ana as to their find ings in regard to the condition of our so ciety and the Imperative necessity for re arrangement of our plan of insurance we fully Indorse their report. We are not, however. In accord with them an to the plan or readjustment of fered, and beg to submit the following proosltltn. which in our Judgment should govern all benenVlary asfOiiH nonf : 1. The purport of fraternal beneficiary as sociations should oe to furnish Hie protec tion and not simulation or investment in surance. 2. Life protection has an actual cost de termined by the age of the member. 8. Kar h member should be required to pay the actual wost of his protection. We therefore recommend that the laws of our society be so amended as to provide that from and after January 1, J!X4. every beneficial member shall pay aealh benetit assessments monthly ut the rate per Sl.tfO protection carried, determined by nls age from period to period, advancing In periods of five years from IS to 4.i. and thereafter yearly according to tne following table: Age. 51 b: 53 M Era 56 57 5R.... 59. Monthly Kate. ...11.70 ... 1.75 .. 1.8J ... 1.90 .. I. HI .. MO .. J.JO ... 2.30 .. 2.40 60 and over 2.50 Monthly Age. Kate. Ik to 2-4 t .50 25 to 65 SO to 34 W 25 to 9 l.U 40 to 44 1.35 45 1.40 46 1.45 47 1.50 4 .-. 1.55 49 1.60 50 1.85 An analysis of the above table will show that It is a combination of what is known as the natural and level premium plans of insurance. This table is adequate and will Insure the absolute perpetuity of the so ciety and the full payment of all its obli gations to the beneficiaries of its deceased members. With the plan here proposed, twelve monthly assessments per year are contem plated until the amount of money collected shall equal the contract liability of the so ciety, at which time such assessments shall inly be levied as to keep the assets of this inaoclatlon at all tlmea equal to Its liability, thus keeping the surplus payments to the minimum. We recommend that any sur plus funds created by this plan shall be ssfely guarded by appropriate amend ments in our lawa. We further recommend that after Jan uary 1. lf"4, beneficiary certificates Issued by th'n society to sll members adopted after said dale provide that, except In case where -death occurs from purely accidental reuses, the member shall die within the first year of his membership his lene flclary shall receive but 4" per cent of the are of his certificate; that If he die within the second yeur his beneficiary shall re ceive ft' per rent of the face of his certi ficate that If he die within the third year of his membership his beneficiary shall re ceive "st per cent tf the face of his certifi cate; that said certificate shall be paid In full only whenever he has been a member of the society for three years or more. Mickey's Secretary Sot Selected. Governor-elect Mickey, while in Lincoln today, announced his intention of person ally visiting every state Institution before he shall be inducted into the office to which be has been elected in order that he mny be informed of the needs of each and the sort of management they have been and ought to be receiving. Mr. Mickey waa asked concerning the report that his son was likely to be appointed as his pri vate secretary. He insisted that nothing had been determined in relation to the appointment, but would not authorise a denial of the report. Arrested m Bad Maa. Theodore O. Clark, an ex-convict, was arrested here today by Sheriff Dlneen of Fillmore county, and taken to Geneva to answer to a charge of felonious assault. Clark recently finished his term and Im mediately went to Geneva, where his wife, who had secured a divorce from him dur ing bis incarceration, waa working at a hospital. He Insisted upon gaining an en trance, and upon being denied, assaulted Samuel Baumgardner, the man in charge. Ready for the Fray. The at Iff est practice of the season Is being daily indulged in by the Cornhusxera, and they will be ready to. give Northwest ern the hardest game of the year. Coach Booth is very well satisfied with 'he show ing made in practice, the attack of the 'varsity being irresistible, the scrubs find ing It almost Impossible to pierce the line or skirt Its ends. Once at last night's play, Bell broke around right end and be hind a stone wall of interference made a rlxty-yard dash down the field for a touch down. The scrubs played hard, but within five minutes Bender broke through and went seventy yards. Later Benedict, In returning a punt, went sixty yards for the goal line. Tackle masses and line plunges were tried, with sure ground gaining each time. Foot ball men know '.hat when a team dos this in practice it is light on edge. The scrubs always number three or four men who have hopes of outdoing some 'varsity man, and thtir work is as stiff and relentless as any opponents could be. Drops Blsealt Trail Case. The last of the sextet of suits brought by Attorney General Smyth against alleged trusts operating in Nebraska was wiped off the district court docket today, when Attorney General Prout filed a formal dis missal of the action of the state against the National Biscuit company and the Jones-Douglas company of this city. Rehear! a the Bible Case. E. O. Kretzlnger of Beatrice, attorney for the school board, which was recently enjoined from permitting the reading of the Bible, the imparting of religious instruc tion and the singing of gospel hymns in its public school, has filed a motion for a re hearing. The motion was filed October 23, within the time prescribed by the court, end later he was given leave to file a brief in support thereof by December 10. Most of the allegations In the motion are formal, but each holding of the court is especially pointed cut as erroneous. to wind up the affairs and sell the prop erty belonging to the firm of Weber Johnson, owners of the store known and described as the Valparaiso drug store, at Valparaiso. The plaintiff claims that the defendant keeps no book accounts and is converting the proceeds of said partner ship property to his own use, and said defendant falls and refuses to account for the proceeds derived from conducting said business under the terms of the agree ment of May 20, 1902. BANK AT BANCROFT ROBBED Burg-Ian Get Away with fro-n Two to f on Thousand Dollars LEAVE NO CLUE AS TO THEIR IDENTITY ftafe Is Rot Kept la Vaalt Maklaat Its (trail Easy Prey to Ei pert rrarkaaaea. Who Bvldeatly Did Job. and Red Cloud, was partly derailed at Lester, four miles esst of here, yesterdsy afternoon, due to the spreading of the rails. The engine wss bsdly used up. but fortu nately ro Injury to passengers resulted. The train was delsyed about six hours. BRILLIANT CAREERS Blasted By Chronic CATARRH DEATH RECORD. F.aos l Mania. Enos L. Msrtln, a pioneer rltltcn of Douglas county, died at his home. High land Place, near South Omaha. November 24, at the age of fit years. Mr. Martin came to Nebraska In 1RM. and lived here con tinuously since that date, excepting the years he served in the union army during the civil war. He was a charter member of the first Mssonlc lodge organ I red In this stste. and a trustee of the First Meth odist Kplsropsl church of South Omaha. He leaves a wife, one daughter and two sons. The funeral will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal church, South Omaha, at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and interment will be at Bellevue. It Is not knomn exactly what amount was . taken, probably from $2,000 to 14,000. " All the cash on hand last night Is miss- titan, ncd., not. Zo. (Special.) A Ing. except $1.25, which wss found in tho , telegram was received here esrly yesterday wreck this morning. morning inai win maggie mo ran, aaugnier Tso explosions were made, the first one of Mr. ana Mr. J. c. McDermott of Tutan on the outer door, which blew It across t and wife of C. R. Moran, a brakeman of the the room and almost through the brick B. a- M., residing at Schuyler, bad BANCROFT. Neb.. Nov. 25. (Special.) The Bancroft bank, owned by J. E. Turner, was entered by burglars this morning about 2 o'clock. Entrance wss obtained by use of a skeleton key to the front door. The building is a one-story brick. The safe was not kept In a vault, which made it easier work for the burglars. I all. The second was on the inner steel chest and was a clean Job. Several people heard the explosions, but were too frightened to cause any alarm. A shoemaker next door beard the reports i and attempted to get out, but found all his doors bad been fastened. There is no clue to the burglsry, as there has been no suspicious characters noticed around town. died there of typhoid pneumonia. She had been sick about six days. Mrs. McDer mott, who had been called to the bedside of ter daughter, wss present when she died. The body was brought here on the evening trsln for Interment. Eaork Fowell. Nov. 25. (Special. ) Mrs. ATTEMPTS TO SHOOT CASHIER Baaker at Mollea Has arrow Eseape front Death at Haads at a Raacher. MCLLEN. Neb., Nov. 25 (Special.) Theodore Rog.enthin, a rancher living about thirty miles south of here, msde an attempt tu shoot H. O. Eastman, cashier i of the Bank of Mullen. Eastman was working at his desk when Roggenthin entered, broke down the door of the rsiling and. as be started Inside the enclosure he pulled his gun, but Eastman ssw him Just In time and knocked him down and took the gun away from htm. He was placed in jail and said he wss sorry and that whisky wss the cause of it. Mrs. ORD Neb., Enoch Powell, wife of Rev. Powell, the Uni tarian minister here, died esrly this morn ing from heart failure. She will be taken to New York for burial. FIRE RECORD. FATHER MURPHYjFILES REPLY Faaaai Bishop Boaaraaa Case Is Aarala Before the Coart at Seward. SEWARD. Neb., Nov. 25. The answer of Father Murphy, in the famous Bishop Bonacum case against William Murphy, was filed today. It contains twenty-five pages of closely written mstter and alleges aa a defense "the persecution" by Bishop Bonacum and contempt of court on the part of the bishop in failing to obey an injunction granted in a former trial enjoining the bishop from meddling with the church property or bringing any suits until the pope decides the controversy, before whom an appeal is pending. The prsyer asks for damages for such failure to obey the mandate of the court. Judge Good has refused to sit in the trial, having been the bishop's attorney before going on the bench, and Judge Shornberger has been called to try the case. The con test is a bitter one. Give Evldeaee of Gratltade. FALLS CITY. Neb., Nov. 25. (Special.) The members of the various churches in this city have decided on a union ser vice for Thanksgiving day in the Brethren church, the sermon to be preached by Rev. A. K. Myattwsy of the Baptist church. Music by a chorus choir from all the cburcbea will be one of the features. The collection will go to the committee having charge of the Thanksgiving donations. The public schools and churches will co-op-erste this year in the distribution of the donstlons. Depot at Heerrlck. OTTCMWA, la., Nov. 23. (Special.) The Cnion depot at Hedrick burned to the ground yesterday. The cause la unknown. The loss Is $4,000. JUMPS INTO RIVER AND DROWNS Waterloo Wnmii Despoadeat Over Old Ace aad Her Lonely Lot. WATERLOO, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special.) Mrs. Horsman committed suicide last night by jumping into the Elkhorn river. She was 66 years old, a widow, and was keep ing house for her son, Louis Horsman, who lives on a farm, four miles south of town. The body was recovered this morning in the river a short distance from where her tracks leading from the house to the riv er's edge, ended. No cause Is known for the art. Her husband has been dead several years and it is believed lhat old age and worry over her loneliness unbalanced her mind. Mrs. Horsman waa born in Germany and bad lived In the vicinity many years. Odd Fellows Elect Oflleers. BEATRICE. Neb.. Nor. 25. (Special.) Queen City council. No. 187, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, met last night and elected officers as follows: George W. Davis, N. G.: C. L. Reed. V. G.; Dr. Arte Falsom, recording secretary; H. A. Thomp son, financial secretary; W. H. Robblns, treasurer; L. M. Pemberton, trustee. Telephoae roaapaales to Coasolldate. YORK. Neb.. Nov. 25. (Special.) This week the stockholders of 'the many inde pendent telephone companies of York county will hold a meeting and all of the companies in the county will merge into one company, which is being orgsnized and is Incoroprated as the York County Tele phone company. Takes Case froaa Jary. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Nov. 25. (Spe cial.) The trial of the damage suit of John P. Sattler against the Rock iBland Railway company came to a sudden ending by Judge Psul Jessen Instructing the Jury to find for the defendant. It Is understood that the case will go to the higher court MIS ROSA Me A HA OF BITTE. How After Two Years She Foaad a Remedy for Da ait ran. Miss Rosa McAhan of 211 West Qartt street, Butte, Mont., says: "Herpicide has thoroughly cleansed my scalp of dandruff, which was entirely covered; and it nss stopped my falling hair. I have tried many different preparations in the past two yesrs, but none took effect except Newbro's Herpi cide." Dandruff is a germ disease and Herpicide is an infallible destroyer of the germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the dandruff germ. Ask your druggist for Herpicide. It is a delightful dressing; allays Itching; makes the hair soft as silk. il l If "V '? i .r. , , , I A A Prominent Young Vir tuoso Cured of Chronic Cntarrh by Pe - ru im After Years of Suffering. s. . " a .i i i Walter V. Wann. Partaerahlp Sot Sat lafartary. WAHOO. Neb., Nov. 25. (Special.) A petition has been Cled In tbe district court by Sarah A. Johnson against B. R B. Weber, asking that a receiver be appointed asZsals T b a TTK ncmno rail A Sharp Knife Cuts quicker and deeper than a dull one, but either wxfl make a painful, bleeding,. dangerous wound. FinTinTnTHF iFi.iiiDrn V sastvaaayaa Bja- SJ dP V a ajat lVlllf Stops EteedLi? ta Cuts, pi (.vents Sorcncaa, Stiffness, tad bc&l the Wound quickly. PARACAMPH ABSOLUTELY PREVENTS BLOOD POISOXIMCL Ear botlts la your Kmc. yarn mmd It reary atay. Every bottle k fuaraniaal to satisfy. Us Pancaaopb aits sharing. rrsraaU lntartssatPtaiyapi aai baxspa. BOLD ONLY IN 2fto, COa abtd sst.OO BOTTLBO. EVANGELIST DR0PS DEAD Owe of the Ifoted Merrill Twlai of Chicago Eaplres la Streets of Ttkaaaa. TEKAMAH, Neb., Nov. 25. fSpeelal Tele gram.) One of the Revs. Morrill, twins, dropped dead of heart failure on the streets of Tekamah at 4 o'clock this aft ernoon. Tbe Morrill twins are evsngelists and pastors of the Gospel Ship church of Chicago, and were to open a series of meet ings In the Methodist church of this city this evening. They have sung and eon ducted meetings In both this country and England. They carry with them a fine stt reoptlcon, which is used in illustrating their sermons. They were enroute home from a lecture tour In Nebraska. Eatertalaaneat for Workmen. FLATTSMOCTH. Neb., Nov. 25. (Spe cial.) The Plattsmouth Degree of Honor lodge is making great preparations for en tertaining the grand lodge officers of tbe Degree of Honor and Ancient Order of United Workmen here on December 4. Heavy Rata at Beatrlee. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special.) This section was visited by a heavy, rain yesterday morning. On account of the muddy condition of the ground the past few weeks farmers have been unable to husk their corn on the boils ai lands. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Iowa aad Kebraska Will Have Two More Fair Days. WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. Forecast: For Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Kansas, Wyoming, Colorado Fslr Wed nesday and Thursday; warmer Thursday. For Illinois Fair Wednesday and Thurs day; fresh north to northwest winds. For Iowa Fair Wednesday and Thursday. For Missouri Fslr Wednesdsy and Thursday; warmer in west portion Thursday. For Montana Fair Wednesday and Thursday. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER EVREATT, OMAHA, Nov. 25. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899. Maximum temperature.... 42 i9 17 46 Minimum temperature.... 27 25 24 SO Mean temwrat ure 34 37 80 38 Precipitation T .00 .00 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, Normal temperature S3 Excess for the day 1 Total excess since March 1 243 Normal precipitation 08 Inch Deficiency for the day "3 inch Total rainfall since March 1 26. S inches Deficiency since March 1 2.19 inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1901.... 6.67 Inches Bxcess for cor. period. 1900 73 inch Reports from Matloas at T P. M. Child Fatally Baraed. GILTNER, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special Tele gram.) While her mother was out after a pall of water this evening, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nelson of this city, aged 2 years, was fatally burned, her clothing having caught fire from the stove. Dedicate Sew IrkMlaoaie. DAWSON, Neb., Nov. 25. (Specisl.) Tbe new public school bouse was dedlcsted Wednesday evening. Trela la Derailed. RED CLOUD, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special. ) Train No. 173. running between Hastings Walter V. Wann, violin soloist and In structor (Clairevieu). Detroit. Mich., writes: "I suffered with Catarrh of the head and throat to an aggravated decree and had tried many remedies, out my grew worse. "Peruna was altogether different however, as It seemed to take hold of my case the first week. I think I used eight bottles In all, but that Is com paratively little when you consider the many years I suffered from ca tarrh. "Peruna entirely cleared my system of an v trace of It and I am now In ex cellent health and have been for a yer and all due to Peruna. I am pieasea to endorse It as very trustworthy." W. V. Wann. A GREAT many brilliant careers hsve been blasted by chronic cstarrh. Musicians, poets, sculptors, pslnters and artists of all sorts have been doomed to a life of seclusion because of the insidious encroachment of catarrh. Catarrh of the head, producing mental derangement; catarrh of the middle ear, producing deafness; catarrh of the eyes. Interfering with the vision; catarrn oi tne piittlns off sneech and making life miserable with all sorts of throat affec tions; .catarrh of the lungs, catarrh of the stomach, catarrh of the abdominal nri npivir oceans. Anv one or all of these forms of catarrh have laid low many a man and woman who would otherwise have been destined to a useful If not glorious career. Prof Walter V. Wann of Detroit, a mu sician of more than local reputation, would have been counted as one of these victims had it not been for Peruna. He hai taken many temedles for catarrh of th head and throat as is too often tbe esse: he grew worse and worse in spite of tb remedies. Some one persuaded him tc try Peruna. He found, aa thousands ol others hsd found, a prompt and permsnent cure. His own ststement Is: "Peruna entirely cleared my system ol any trace of catarrh and I am now in ex cellent health." Who can compute the value of such i recovery? Who can estimate the wortl of such a remedy Peruna has msde Just such cures thou ssnds upon thousands of times. There li no nook or c?anny In the whole Unltei States but that some one could be fount who owes bis life and success to Peruna tbe greatest cstarrh remedy of the age. Hon. David Meeklson. member of th Fifty-fifth congress, from Ohio, writes: "I have used several bottles of Pe runa and I feel greatly benefited there by from my catarrh of the head. 1 feel encouraged to believe that If 1 use It a short time longer I will bt tally able to eradicate the disease o! thirty years' standing." David Meek lson, riember of Congress. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Perunt write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advlr, gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Z 35 3 c B Omaha, snowing Valentine, clear North Platte, clear.... Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake City, clear.. Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Wllliston, clear Chicago, cloudy St. Louis, raining St. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear.... Havre, clear Helena, clear Himarck. clear Galveston, clear S3i 42 T So 36 .01 S4i 40 T 22 1 26 T 82; 84; .00 S21 86 .00 2i 82: .02 I4 26 T 8V 0 .00 40i 44: .03 34! 36' .00 36 421 ' 42 1 4H .00 841 31 .00 32, 821 .00 20 , 80 . 00 4 64 T T indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. Merehaat Myaterloasly Disappears. TECUMSEH, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special.) Some Tecumseh people who were in the village of Graf, eight miles northeast, today report that the people there are consid erably excited over the disappearance of F. E. Toma, who has been running the "Country Department Store" in Graf. Mr. Toms has disappeared, leaving his family behind. Tbe particulars are not known here, but the people of Graf say that Mr. Toms is financially embarrassed and prob ably owes many wholesale firms. U at a 1.1 j taooo Exruoa i3Xfi U V- 1 J V - a wimw,- 1 a aa M ii km a 1 aaji t tiiU Alto Mlbtll !.. OMAHA. Mill r.acla at Teeaaaaeh Daaaaacd. TECUMSEH. Neb., Nov. 25. (Special. ) The cylinder head of the engine at the Model Roller mill plant here blew out Saturday night, damaging the engine to that extent that a new one will have to be supplied. Mr. G. W. Wirt, president of the milling company, is in Omaha today to buy a new machine. No damage of conse quence was done to the mill building. Beatrice Dally Tinea Saspeads. BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 15. (Special.) The Dally Times, one of the oldest publica tions In the city, edited for the past three years by Colonel W. 8. Til ton, suspended publication Saturday evening. Lack of business is said to be the cause of sus pension. Colonel Tiltoa will continue the publication of tbe Weekly Times. Has Block of Stoao. BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 25. (Special.) The largest atone ever quarried la Gags eountf waa taken from the quarries of Davis at Mayne near Blue Springs. Tbe stons was twelve feet long, eight feet wide and eighteen Inches thick. It cotained M cuble feet, and weighed approximately seventy-five tons, equal to four large care. I "lei tho GOLD DUST twins do your work" -I I j I olvos the problem of easy diab washing. It cuts grease and deans flhaa better than anything els. Dos ha work quickly, well &fid economically. . Chicago, Mada only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Tors, Beaton. St Louis. BULkan af OVAL FAIR J SOAP. in aJ m rn and Back Than!.sgivin n rn glay Foot ball game. Nebraska vs. Northwestern University Leave Burlington Station, Omaha, 8:40 a. m. Arrive Lincoln 10:15 a. m. Leave Lincoln 6:00 p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:45 p. m. a lfc.aaaaj af" aLaasab. Tickets: 1502 Farnam Street 1 Bd Oceans of Sunshine Acres of roses and miles of palms that's California in mid winter. Gather flowers and pick oranges. Reached on a high-class tralu THE CALIFORNIA LIHITEO Chicago to California in W-ss than three days. Why endure disagreeable weather at home? The California tour described in our book; mailed for 10c in fstamie. Address Tastienger Office, Atchison, Torxka & Santa Fe Railway, Des Moines, la. Santa Fe. ILLINOIS CENTRAL EXCURSIONS. DR. McGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms ag ISEASES AND D1S0KDLM Of MEN ONLY 17 Tear. Experlenoa, 17 Tears In Omaha. His reanarfcebse auo caas has never boea oqualed and ovsry oar brings macy flatter in reDorts of tba aooo be Is Aetna, or the relief he has given. Hot Serine:. Treatment for SvuMtls And all BluoA Poisons. NO "BRBAKIMO OUT" oa tho akin or tac and ail eslernei signs of lb a Olsoase oisappoar at onaa. Mi a Usfs, VARICOCELE WiVMTK.-? oiffcR bo.oua oTvisjrs auu.iiu disnharaas, BtrWluxa, Oteet, jUouey aad Bia44er Xta.aa , iijr. arocsia WL'lCaC CL'Kfco LOW CHAROKO. Triuei.t ay uiul . IX iaua . uffloa tir sis at suaet, betasoa ajbaaa asaS (sou SUeaia. WaiA.Ua. fUt, 1 -Jacksonville. Fla. JSZ-aO 1 Themaevllle. Fla 4."' 1 New Orlear.F. La 41 ' 1 Ylrksburg, Miss uO 1 Hammond. Ij. 4i U0 1 Dayloria. Fla bt 10 1 Tampa. Fla . 20 1 Palm Ueat n. Fla 51 Ml 1 Havana. Cuba 1( 70 1-JackKon. Miss im.uo 1 Bt. Augustine, Fla u 4u t ML Clementa, Mich .....$34.10 I Irenth Uck 8pnngs, Ind. u tu t-Chlcago, 111 ,M.7i ABUVU BATES ARB FOR HOI ID 1 Hit IKKKTS FROM OMAHA. ftEB. Column U Tickets on sale dally, return limit June I. lJi Column U--lckeia uo sale daily; return limit W aa. Column Ut Tickets on sale Nov. 30, Dec. 1 aud i, return limit Jec. a Hound trip tickets ou tutie to nearly all points .11 vbe sou in and soutOeaat. toiopwcrb alios. r a ooin going sua re lunung. Attention is called to the "Dials Fler. ' a through train via .Nashvili, Chattanooga, luokoul Mountain, At lanta and Macon, tu Jacksonville, Fla. Homrekrs' ticket, at rate of one fare, plus fcMM. on sale nrst and third Tueadas ot earn montn. Ic points In Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi. Louisiana, Georgia. Alabama, etc. Con espondence invited and Informa tion cheerfully given. Gel copy ot our beautiful uiusixaiou. uwjki, covering do j in or - Hta " Mat. Pass. Agt. 1U Cent. K. R., tuna ha. Neb beautiful iuusixbiwi uwjki, coven ouints of Interest In the Sunny Bou IT 14U2 feruara fit.. Omaha, Neb., "rti. W. H. HRII.L The Bee for All News