Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1902, Page 10, Image 10
TITE OMATIA PATIiY HEE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMnETl 20, 1902. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Bnbstittits for City Engineer Eoeewater! Original Franchi'e ii Introduced. INCLUDES AMENDMENTS BY MR. HASCALL On Provision Soaaested by the First Wtrl romrllman, However, Is Kirt Urrpomrd la the . New Ordinance. Afl otherwise dull snd uninteresting ; meeting of the city council last evening wee enlivened by the reappearance of the ordinance to grant Anirew Rosewater rights In the atreeta and alleys of the city for the distribution of electricity, and dis cission aa to the temporary disposition of the ordinance. The document submitted last evening la the aubatltute for the original ordinance, and Into it bave been Incorporated all of tha amendments suggested by Councilman Haacall, except the one which Mr. Rose water baa refused from the flrst to ac cept, as waa stated by him at the general meeting of Monday afternoon. The sub atUuts ordinance was given its first and ecoad reading In due form and the dis cussion waa then opened by Councilman Haacall'a motion to refer It to the Judiciary committee, of which he la chairman and to which other documenta In this matter had -previously been referred. Mr. Zlmman moved to amend Mr. Haa call'a "motion In such manner aa to lay tha ordinance over under the rules. The members addressed themselves to the ques tion of proper procedure, but diverged fre quently . from that line of argument to contemplate other phasea of the queetlon, Mr. Zlmman contending that the ordinance ahould not be tied up In the committee, but should be before the council, where it could be taken up without prejudice for discussion at the open meeting to be held next Monday evening. Mr, Haacall received the remarks of Mr. Zlmuan and othera who favored Mr. Zlm man'a motion as Implying that It was his purpose or the purpose of the committee to get posaeaalon of the document for the purpose of delaying It and defeating It In that way. Ha contended that If the ordi nance were In committee It could be con sidered at any time. After considerable argument Mr. Zimman'a motion to amend waa loat and Mr. Hascall'a motion to refer to the Judiciary committee was passed by a bare majority of one. Several of tha membera who voted for the reference to tha committee atated, however, that they did so with the understanding that tba committee should report at tha meeting i of two weeks hence. Among . the communications presented early In the evening waa one stating that the executive committee of the Commercial club had adopted a resolution setting forth that It opposed the plan aa set forth in the ordinance above referred to. Without com ment the communication waa referred to the Judiciary committee and later in the 1 evening Mr. Rcaewater, having been granted the privilege of the floor, atated to the council that . the so-called resolution waa adopted at tho requeat and under the In fluence of the president of the electric light company of thla city. and that it dl3 - not represent tho Commercial club aa a body, or even the committee from which It purported to come, aa there were only a aelect tew of the membera of that commit tee present at the meeting referred to. Pnblle Will Be Heard. - By motion it was provided that the aub atltute ordinance presented last evening and the amendments proposed by Council man Haecall shall be printed In the official papers for tba remainder of thla week and that the Commercial club, the business men of tha city and the public generally are In vited to attend the meeting of next Mon day evening In tba council chamber and to discuss the ordinance and proposed amend ments. The city clerk was instructed to publish proper notices to property owners that the city council will alt as a board of equaliza tion on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, December . .10 and 11, to adjust special taxea proposed to be levied to cover the cost of Improvementa, aa follows: - Grading the alley between Twenty-sixth and Twen-ty-aeventh atreeta from Poppleton avenue to Wool worth avenue; grading Dewey venue between Thirty-eighth and Thirty ninth atreeta; grading William street from Sixth atreet to the Omaha 4 Southwestern railway right-of-way; constructing per manent sidewalks; constructing sewera In districts 268, 272, 273. 275, 277, 27S; paving and curbing .Twenty-fourth atreet; paving and curbing, Cuming atreet; paving and curbing Hawthorne avenue; paving and curbing Seventeenth atreet. The city comptroller submitted tha fol ' lowing department atatement of November 25, Including appropriation ordinance No 233, pending: Appor- Ex- Bal tloned. pended. ance. Mayor t 4.0O) I 3.878 t 0 City council 8.1 6.750 t.HfiO Comptroller IO.OiIO 8,448 1.6-3 City clerk .S .W8 1,476 Treasurer .ot0 2.831 Tax commissioner.... ll.SiO 10.0'S 1.773 8.44S 0. tutS 10,02 15.4 id k.444 1.316 a.t44 1.187 . 1,370 1.25M 1. M too 1,041 ,7W 19.6.V5 13.156 Z.1M Engineer 17,E 15.4 id 290 lgal department li.atiu IM4 i,tn Electrician 2.VX Building Inspector.... 1,7 Boiler Inspector 1.4'M Plumbing Inspector... 1.76') Oas Inspector 1.33rt lacense Inspector t.ZbO Weights and measures lnvpector 1.124 Advlnory board 1.4) Board of Public Wka l.f"0 Street department I2.0c0 Maintaining city hall 14,000 police court t.BnO Market house M.(M Btreet signs I.ouO One-halt the cost of grading Thirtieth St. from Leavenworth to Mason 175 fee 342 7 44 1,74 2.344 844 278 15, 00 J.uuO 175 Total. .1176,436 1134.UI $39,178 e. . , 1 A grain and fruit Coffee SOLO BY Yf yon are doing anything la art needle tha new dealgna and handsome places wa and Tinted Pillow Covers, Center Plecea a ground. Stamped ' Noveltlea for embroidering, 1 dry Lists, Calendara, Necktie Holders, Sho Mount Melllck Pieces, to be worked la lahed plecea to show how they look. Art yard. In all colors. Wa have tba prettiest Una of Llthograp Madeline, Black Cat. etc. - A large and beautiful Hum of Cluny La Table Covers, etc. Fig prune 1NTERESTINQ FACTS. Par Nearly Every Mas, Wtais er Child. A abort time ago we published an article recommending to our readera the new dis covery for the cure of Dyspepsia, called Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta, and the clalma then made regarding the wonderful curative properties of the remedy have been abund antly sustained by tba facta. People who were cautious about trying new remedlea adveTtllod in the newspapers and were finally Induced to give Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tableta a trial were surprised aad delighted at the reaulta. In many cases a eingle package costing but 60 centa at any drug atore made a complete cure, and In every Instance the moat beneficial reaulta were reported. From a hundred or mora re ceived we have apace to publish only a few of the latest, but assure our readers we receive ao many commendatory lettera that we ahall publish each week a freah list of genuine, unsollcted testimonials and never publish the same one twice.' From Jamea Temmelsler, LaCroes. Wla.: Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets are doing ma more good than anything I ever tried and I waa so pleased at reaulta that I gave away eeveral boxes to my friends, who have alao had the aame benefits. From Jacob Anthony, Portmurray, New Jersey: 1 have taken Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta With the best results. . t had dys pepsia for six years and had taken a great deal of medicine, but the Tableta seem to take right a hold and I feel good. I am a farmer and lima burner and I heartily recommend to everyone who has any trouble with his stomach to use these Tableta. From Mra. M. K. Weat, Preston, Minn.: I have received surprisingly good effects from using Stuart'a Dyapepaia Tableta. I gave one-half of my laat box to a friend who also Buffered with indigestion and she had the aame good results. From Mrs. Agnes K. Ralston. Cadillac. Mich.: I have been taking Stuart'a Dys pepsia Tablets and I am very much bet ter and feel very grateful for the great benefit I have received In ao ahort a time, Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tableta are a certain cure for all forma of indigeatlon. They are not claimed to be a cure-all, but are prepared for stomach troubles only and phyaiclana and druggists everywhere recommend them to all persona suffering from nervous dyspepsia, sour or acid atomach, heartburn, bloating or wind on stomach and similar disorders. MICHAEL DAVITT IS COMING Will Visit Omaha !et Saturday, hat Not for Pobllo Appear ance. . Michael Davltt will arrive In Omaha on Saturday next. Ha Is coming to this city to visit hie friend, Thomas Brennan, and will not make any public appearance, aa all his public meetlnga have been abandoned for tba present, owing to the serious Ill ness of his associate, John Dillon, M. P, Special Kaenralone in connection wjth. tha COLORADO BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION " , . : to Sterling, Colo., " December, 2d, . Leaving Omaha 5:10 p. m. ..' Special Train UNION PACIFIC. .... ' Round Trip,, $15.80. For full particulars call at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street. Beautiful broochea, 15. Edholm, Jeweler. The case of J. H. Rohra against the Western Travelers' Accident association waa on trial in Judge Eatelle'a court yea terday. Rohra brought suit against the association to recover $76 for Indemnity for three weeks' disability due to accidental Injuries. The aasoclation contended that Rohra wss not entitled to this benefit for the reaaon that when be received tha In Jury hia certificate of membership waa in auapenslon for failure to pay tha assess manta levied agalnat blm. The caae waa appealed to tha district' court by Rohra be having been defeated In tha Justice court. Judge Eatelle ordered the Jury to bring In a verdict for the association hold lng that a member in suspension for fail ure to pay asBessmenta Is not entitled to benefits for accldenta which occur after his suspension and before bis ' reinstatement, The amount Involved waa email and the aaaoclation conteated aa a mattefc of prin ciple and the membera and ofllcara of tha aaaoclation are much pleased at tha out come of tha case. , Special Low Rates to Chlcaa-o. November 10, December 1 and 2, $14.75 round trip via "Tha Northwestern Line.1 The ONLY double track railway from Omaha. B TRAINS DAILY. Route of tha electric lighted "Overland Limited." Company's offices. 1401-1402 Farnam St. King Cote Poultry Seasoning for your Thanksgiving turkey. Ask your grocer for it TJmbrellaa, $5 to $25. Edholm, Jeweler, tlalck Tina to tho Boothweat. Leave Nebraaka points In tha forenoon to take the palatlally equipped "Meteor" tit tha 'Frisco System, leaving Kansas City dally 7:16 p. m., reaching Oklahoma City T:lu a. m., Denison 11:10 a. m., 8herman 11:10 a, m., Dallas 2:30 p. m.. Fort Worth 1:65 p. m., Waco T:15 p. m. Paaaenger office. 205 South 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Carving Bets, $1 to $16. Edholm. nourishing and invigorating. ALL GROCERS. Cereal MRS. J. BENSON.... Art Needlework work or Interested In It, coma In and aea ra showing. A great variety of Bumped nd Table Covers, In white, ecru and linen Pin Cushions. Handkerchief Caaea. Laua- Bags, Laundry Bags and Collar Caaea. allk or electron, with commenced and fin Linen Denlma, Ticking aad Caavaaaby tha bed Pillow Tops la tha city Florodora, ce, Irian Crochet and Embroidered CeAtera, SHOWS REMARKABLECROWTH Circular on Resources, of Citj and Btata Issued by Commercial Club, ERA OF UNPRECEDENTED PROSPERITY Risk Deposits Grow. Crops Make Heavy Galas, Manafactorlaa, Joh-blaa- aad Live Stock Interests lacrease with Rapidity, Secretary Vtt of tha Commercial club has Issued a circular abowlng the growth and financial condition of the city of Omaha and the state of Nebraska, coplea of which are to be aupplted to membera of the club who will encloaa them with let- tera to correspondents. The flrst page of the circular la devoted to banking atatistics and is as follows: Banka of Omaha: Deposits, Jul? 18, 1W $ 17.BM.474 Deposits. July 29. 1900 Deposits, September 15, 1902 26,ii;,W8 National barks of Nebraska: Deposits, July 18, 1890 KMH.Kt Deposits, Juno 29, 1S0 43.496.117 Deposits, July 16. 1901 49.6fi2.70S Uepoelts. September 16, 1902 80,283,766 State banks of Nebraska: Deposits, March 4, 1896 10.227,537 Deposits. March 4. 19... 2S.RW.0t Deposits, July 17, 1901 80.470,776 deposits, September 1, 1902 ss,u,Z27 Total deposits in all banka In Nebraska $.3t,592 Clearlna-n Omaha banks: Tear ending August 31, 1890 146,062,4! year ending August 31, 191 K4,2ff7,8l Year ending August 31. 1902 361,&A,76 The second page shows the dealings of the Omaha poatofflce and school statistics aa folio we: Postal Receipts Increase. Sales of postage BtamDS. wrannera and envelopes. 1MK 1254,101 8iij9f0 409.058 08 1899 368,642 2011901 456.6S 64 ' 1MUQ 1Q.W luol Money orders is sued I 293.607 I 329.771 I JH5.266 Money orders paid.. I,6u9,sx2 l.Mti,618 2,222,611 Kemlttanc-es 2,763,172 2,917,177 ,017,SU School atatistics: 1890. 1902. . Persons school age (5 to 21) It city 24,620 . 80.569 Enrollment, total 13,279 19,7o4 Enrollment. High school 633 1,626 Average dally attendance, total 9,096 14,861 Average daily attendance HiKh school 407 1.272 Number of teachers, total.... 283 418 Number of teachers. Hlch school 18 47 Total general fund receipts.. $371,352 $614,948 General fund, expenditures.. 344,394 647.720 increased enrollment (48 per cent) ,4Zb The third paga deals with lobbing and manufacturing aa follows: The following is a comDaratlve statement of the jobbing trade for twelve months: 18.10, value of trade..... $ 47,000,000 1900, value of trade 70,000,000 1901, value of trade 80,000,000 19H1-1902, value of trade 85,000,000 The following Is a comDaratlve state ment of the value of the products of fac tories. Including: packing: houses and smelt er, for twelve months: imo, value of products .....! 68.000,000 19ii0. value of Droducte 110.000.000, value of products 120,0W,0U0 19H1-19U2, value of producta 160,000,000 uv atocK receipts for 1890: Hors. 1.702.723: cattle. 615.337: sheeo. 153.873: horses, 5.0S9; total, '2.477.002. Live stock recelDts for ten months. 1902: ; Hogs, 1,866,303; cattle. 819,667; sheep. 1,364, 808; horses, 39,411; total, 4,080,189. . Resources of tho City. Resources of Omaha The city doea not Bolelv depend on Nebraska, but. bv virtue of the construction of railway lines, Omaha nas oetier accesa to tne traoe or ins northwest than any other city. The west ern half of Iowa, northwest Missouri, South Daxota. nortnern Kansas,. Montana., wyo mina. Utah. Idaho and beyond, with their rapidly developing agricultural, mining and stock interests, an contriDuie airecuy to the trade of tne city). k . The fourth page, devoted to crop, and live stock statistics of the state, la at follows: Resources of Nebraaka The state has 48.- 000,000 acrea of land. 18.000,000 acres are under cultivation. The east two-thirds of the state Is subject to the raising of large crops of grain. The remainder affords ex cellent grazing, and the lowlands are avail able for fanning by Irrigation, the magni tude of which la Indicated by the fact that there Is now In the western part of the slate constructed ' and applications made for 3.924 mlU.s of canala, cost of construc tion, 14.773,984. and covering 1,698,831 acrea. Value of Nebraska crops; Corn 210,000,000 bushels $ 63,000,000 What 60.000,000 bushels 80,000,000 Oats 30,000,000 bushels 7,600,000 Barley, rye. etc. 10,000,000 bushels 4,000,000 Hay 6,000,000 tons 20,000,000 Butter and cheese 12.000,000 Poultry and egga 4.0U0.000 Potatoea, fruits and vegetables.... 8,000,000 Total $148,600,000 The value of Nebraaka crops for the last three years exceeds per capita any state in the union. Nebraska feeds and fattens not only the sheep and cattle raised In the state, but the stock bred In states west where grain ia not produced. .. There will be fed In Nebraska thla year the following head of live stock: 1.000,000 cattle. .Present price, 16.00 per 100 lbs. 2.000,000 sheep.. Present price, 8.75 per 100 lba 3,6u0,otO hogs... .Present price, .2o per 100 lbs. Ends Turtar. Lazy livers and sluggish bowels canse headacBes. Dr. Klng'a New Life Pills re move the causa or no pay. . Only 25c. For aale by Kuhn a: Co 'Annoancemeats of tho Theaters. Primrose and Dockatader'a minstrels open at Boyd'a tonight tor a three-performance engagement, A special matinee will be given Thanksgiving day. Primrose and Dockatader have tha beat company of minstrels they ever had. It Includea the sensational Young brothers, who do mar velous things with rolling hoops. Mr. Dock atader'a monologue thla aeaaon ia aald to be , Irresistibly funny and Mr. Primrose's dancing act, entitled "The Sunny South," la credited with being a moat novel and atrlking thing. Tha clientele of women and children who find tha Orpbeum midweek matinee ao at tractive will be entertained well with thia week'a varied program. Those who like good music, and really everybody doea, can enjoy the performance of Klein, Ott Brothera and Nlckeraon, especially - their trombone and cornet quartet and the chimes, which are very pleasing and ef fective. Thla week. Ilka laat week, baa a great atar magnet for tha children.. Gal etti'a . monkeys and doga are proving a great delight for the Juveniles. Tomorrow a apeclal Thanksgiving day matinee will be presented, aeata tor which will bo reserved In the parquet and tha first row In dreaa circle, and the gallery will be open. The advance aala for tha matinee and evening Thanksgiving performances Is unusually large and indicatea a tremendoua attendance. HERE THIS IS IT. Know by tho sign ST. JACOBS OIL Cures . . Rheumatism, Mauralfla. . 6cUtiea, Lumbago, Sprain. Bruisea, boroocsa 6tiffaMa FIFTH AVENUE DRESSMAKING STOCK The Interest of Every Fashion able Woman in Omaha is attracted by this Sale, UNMADE DRESS ROBES, $5.98 The Choicest Patterns of the Ele fant Fifth Avenue Dressmaking Stock at the BrandeU Store. Unmade Dress Robes $3.98. Here are tha finest . and moat desirable dreaa robea and. dreaa lengths from the Mfth Avenue dressmaking es tablishment, consisting largely of plain materials, broadcloths, Vene tians, English doeaklna, twilled aergea, can vaa ataminea, . Scotch wor atel flakes, eto. - There are hundreds of creme and white materials. Only one of a kind. Regardless of former value, we will aell an unmade dreaa pattern, .constating of 5 to E OA 7 yarda....... OaVO High Grade Velvets. An entire etock of black and colored allk vel vets, such as la only need In dress making establishments, together with a purchase by which we aecured 10,000 yarda of line materials. Here are many shades that are very scarce, and all that are specially popular thla aeaaon black velveta that are specially - adapted for tailor-mads suits, shirt waists, or walking suits . every yard worth 1.25 to $2; on tha bargain squares KT-49v69c In two Pretty New Waistlngs. Plaiq al batross, he'nrlettas, ' French flannels and brilllantlnes. In creme, bluea, . reds and helloa, alao atrlpea and Per sian pattern novel l;.39o49c - tiea, at per yard Jfol tlQJIf 3? U n ar ifraon n n r'"fMMii ? . Thorsday, MAIL CARRIERS LIKE CLAMS They Are Hot Talking for Publication About Loud'g Defeat. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD INVESTIGATING CemmWsloaera W.t to Aeeertala What Part Mall Carriers' Asso ciation Had la Defeat of tho Callloralan. rvm.h mail carriers are not talking for kiitin theaa dava. An order waa li med from the Civil Service eommlaslon at n-..kin,(nn Mondav ealllnc upon the proper authoritlea to discover what part the preal- dent of tha national association 01 uui carriers had in tha defeat of Congressman Laud in California at the laat election. fTh. rnnvreasman waa the Chairman OI the committee on poatofflcea and poat roada and aa such had opposed the efforta of -the mall carrlera to aeeure a readjuatment of pay aad classification. When he waa re nominated the prealdent of the national aa aoclation made a trip to California, and at Ban Francisco, at a banquet given In his toaor, referred In terms of criticism to tha action of Congressman Loud. Com plaint was made to the Poatofflce depart ment and tha president waa ordered to re turn to duty or resign from tne service. He returned to work, but Loud waa de feated. Hla defeat occasioned considerable pleasure among tha carrlera In all parte of the country, and the Omaha carrlera were not behind othera la rejoicing. They hope that a change In tha head of the committee will result ia a favorable report on their pet meaaure. Yesterday morning a number of them were aeea in regard to the Inquiry of tha eom mlaslon, and while all aald they did not believe tha matter waa one In which tha commission ahould go, aa each carrier ahould have a right to command hia own opinion and action ao long as that action had no bad effect upon hla work, none of them would conaent to be quoted. I'soral Book lor Travelers. The Traveler's Time Baver la the title of a new Omaha publication, the first issue of which appeared yealerday. It is a book of over 1X pagee, containing complete local time tables of all the railroads entering Nebraska, a directory to the principal hntela of the northseatern states and much other Information of use to tha traveler and general business men. The eomplla , i ..n HkllM r mi.l.i. MnA mmDrhnMiva. is presented in Uto tuuat avu4cat Ittrin tor r-rs n nn r-r WW QETURD BOSTON STORE buys nmooii REntlAHTS A Six Months Accumulation of a Great Eastern Ribbon Mill Secured ftr this Store. SALE BEGINS TODAY WEDNESDAY. The Oreat Ribbon Event of the Year In Omaha. No Ribbon Val ues Like These Ever Offered. From a well known Patereon (N. J.) ribbon mill wa bought a alx months' accumulation of ribbon milt enda. Thla mill manufacturea only the beat grade of all allk ribbon and we have a contract to use all of their mill enda. When a loom weavea less than ten yarda It goes In the mill end lot. A aala of these mill enda la an event much looked for by the ladles' of Omaha, who have ever attended one. Our aalea come only once In alx months. Tou ahould lay In a aupply tor tha holi days aa they are aold at about one fourth of their real value. . $1.00 Ribbons at 23c All the rib bons up to 12 inches wide In plain and fancy, in metalllo taffeta, double faced aatln, fancy shaded pillow rib bons, fancy woven and print warp ribbons, worth $1 a yd, go aa C long aa they last, at yd alaOC 50c Ribbons at 15c All of the plain and fancy, wide, all allk taf feta ribbons in all the most beau tiful ahadea; would be a bargain at 60c, long mill ends at a -a C yard IOC At 5c and 10c a yard. All of the all allk taffeta, double faced aatln, ' cord edged, satin and fancy printed warp rlbbona that generally aell at 15o and 25c a . yard, at OClUC lc and 2tc All the narrow rlb bona that generally aell tor 6o and 10c a yard. They are In atrictly all allk aatln grosgraln, fancy gauie, In wide all allk taffeta, you generally. K5.?r!l.xfr.?..:.lc2Jc. These rlbbona are going to be on. our main floor bargain aqarea with plenty of salesladies to wait upon you. There la .bound to be a big ' rush and we recommend an early call. iS 11 Qou. 27th i- Ticket Office 1323 Farnam Street and Union Station if ready reference. A feature of the book ia an alphabetical guide to Nebraaka towns, showing every station In the state at which any regular train atops, name of the rail road or railroads reaching the towns, the time of arrival and departure of tralna and the Arat-clasa passenger farea to and from Omaha. Special Law Hatee to Ckleagro November SO, December 1 and I, $14.75 round trip via "Tha Northwestern Line." The ' ONLT double track railway from Omaha. 6 TRAINS DAILY. Route of the electric lighted "Overland Limited." ( Company's offices, H01-H0S Farnam St. Oood fosltlon Open. Good opening for a newspaper or mags sine aoUcltor. Permanent poaltion for a competent man. Addreaa Twentieth Cen tury Farmer, Bee Building. Omaha. Diamond rings, 116 to $50. Edholm, Jew eler. Publish your legal soticea la The Weekly Bee. Telephone 23S. DISMISSES KIDNAPING CASE Rssbibi Jallasesv Decides Mat to Proseeate Mra. Johasoa. aad Mr. Gastafaoa. Thm enmnlalnta aralnst Mrs. Johanna Johnson and Peter Ouatafaon, charged with kidnaping the lour aaugniers 01 nasmus Juliusen, were dismissed In police court yesterday morning. Juliusen decided not to prosecute and tha charges were withdrawn at hia requeat. Juliusen believes that the experience through which the two have Just passed will result in mem snowing him a rnndurt hla own household aa be aeea fit. The children are still In St. Louis with their aunt and It ia likely tnat juuu aen will Join them there and make that place hie noma. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family very day. Let ns answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling I no baking! add boiling water and set to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. lo eta, SPECIAL PRICES On MEN'S FURNISHINGS For THANKSGIVING... ON SALE WEDNESDAY. Men's Hats, Wednesday we will show s large number of new styles in Men's Stiff and Soft Hats. They are the latest (all shapes on the market and will beaeeninour hat dept. Wednesday $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Men's Shirts. We will offer a great variety of Men's Shirts in stiff bosom at 75c and II. The Madras in these shirts are very fine and the ooloringa are rich and tboy are made by the best shirt makers in America. Wednesday 75c and $1 1 .tMsfajSm 6fes bBs5bMbsmT!ib55b3bibmb Scg VhoIosalo Prices on Staple Drugs An lntr?BUn feature or the prlcea we f worn 1 1 than 1 1 v- n wnnlasnla nrlneasi W WIT T. TUM. AT T. ATirilTT IV Sherman r.kGonncll Drug Company, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. FREE TO ALL UNTIL DECEMBER 10. Owing -'to the ' number of patlenta whom we were unable to wait upon, we have decide! to extend the time until Dece mber 10. We will make a full aet of teeth for Work Done FILLINGS from.... ... 2Be A3.O0 2-8.1 SET OF TEirni from GOLD CROW 9 from I.IMIMM PLATES from 8.00 5 Ob GOLD KILLINGS from TKKTH EXTRACTED .FREE Work araaranteed tea years. Here BE SURE YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE, ROOiU, 1322 DOUQLAS. Open Dally Till 9. Sunday 10 to 4. . CLOAKS baa them for Thanksgiving day wear. Today (Wednesday) will be the day to buy one. Wa call attention to new cloaka at $15.00 OlOtUU Nooete -v-v V equal them 1 I I 11 I f la Omaha. $25.00 Received today black and castor ahadea, medium and three-quarter lengths. - We have lower priced and higher priced cloaka. We can please you no matter how much or how little you wish to pay. COMB AND LOOK. . I Tl VaonmuiTca ARE YOU ONE ARE TOU ONE of the many who have been charged more for an article 'cause It waa written on a prescription blank than you have paid foi the SAME ARTICLE IN THE BAM K PLACE. WHEN YOf CALLED FOR IT? We have had many complaints from patrona of other stores In thla particular, and we wish to state l'O-AlNl.Y that THAT KIND OF BL'BI NEBH 18 NOT OL'R STYLE! If you have a prescription calling for 1 dosen Antl kamma tableta, for Instance, filled here, you aet ANT1KAMMA TABLETS and you ray foe for them on your prescription, and f you come to the store and aak for 1 dosen Antlkamma Tableta, you will get them and pay 2t for them! SEE THE I'OINTT And this system appllea on all roods known aa prescription stock, auch as Thlalkm, Aletris Cordial. Neuroame, Cele rliia. Oray'a Glycerine Tonic Compound, Iodine Vasogen. Malttne and Its prepara tions, Essence of Pepsin (Kalrchlld's. Kutnow's Powder, and MANY, MANY others- ONE PK1CE. ON OK OFF of a prescription. OPEN ALWATB. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUGSTORE TeL f ST. a. W. Cet. it aad Ckioaajo. Men's Gloves. A apeolal lot of Men's French Kid Gloves, in browns and tans, these are gloves that ordinarily soil for 11.50. Wednesday Your Choice for $1.00. Alen's Neckwear. Wednesday we will sell Men's Stylish Neckwear at 3."c. They consist of strictly up-to-date styles, made from silks and satins used in making the 60o lines.) In trie as sortment are the latent styles tecks, four-ln-hands, atrings, clubs, im perials, and everv one a O CS 60c lie for '. OOC make on drugs to that our prices are Unn DTTB tVU AITD a T a w sxs-v t w -... aaav, "vVE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR RUBBER GOODS. " Syringe shown In cut warranted for 60c, by mall, Sue. 100 Pure -grain Quinine Pills, we sell.. t."c 26c Oraves' Tooth Powder, we aell 12o ALL TOU WANT OF THINGS WE AD VERTISE. 11.00 White Ribbon Liquor Remedy... $3.60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe.. 25c Orove'a Black Root Pills, we sell . Calder's new style Tooth Powder Zac Mistletoe Cream, we sell 25c I'utzlne, cleans wall paper, we aell. 60c Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream. 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder, for ... Fine Violet Soap, box, 1 cakes, for... 2 cakes Cocoanut Soap for 50c Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, we sell ... 11.00 Lliiterine. we sell for 2."c Brown's Bronchial Troches for ... Quart bottle tine Port or Sherry ...... $1.00 Wine Card at, we sell for 76o .t2.0 2Co lOo Wo 12o 29c 11c 2fo Bo 3c 6fic l!c SBc So Cor. 16th and Dodge, Omaha. . $3.00 Double Suction, Inserted Free. In order to increase our cllnlo, we want every man, woman and child to have their mouths examined free by the professors of this college. Free SMALL CHARGtS MATERIAL You set RELIABLE. PAINLESS DEN TAL WORK. Established tor years. Peraiauently located. Incorporated under state laws. No students, bat old, experienced, reliable, accurate, expert dentists. Skilled specialist la each department. F. M. Russell Reading Lamps, Electric Oil and Gas. Electric & . Gas Fixtures. JIJ S. ISth SL Teiephont 0J Everything Good for-ThanVsglvIng All the floe table wlnea and liquors. Repsold wlnea Repaold aec. and Burgundy. Del Prado Winee Escaperong Piper' Heidslck Champagnes Mumm's S x t ra Dry and othera. ' ' Cohasset Punch stuffed Olives, etc Fine Brandies and cordlala we give you quality best quality. Old mellow, ripe Wblsklea, Old Crow, Hermitage, Old Elk, Old Taylor, IcBrayer, Yellowatoaa, Jamea E. Pepper, Oacar Pepper, Overbolt Rye, Hunter Rye, Wilson Rye, and our brand of 12-year- old Maryland Rys "Jackdaw." Everything' good. Cackley Bros., Ops. FoBtoflee. 'Phono 1148. City orders delivered promptly. MANY f THE BEAUTIFUL HALF TONE GUTS USED IN THE ILLUSTRATED BEE from Urns to Urns are for aala at tha aubllcatlss office all la good eondl Uea lew prices. FOR