Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1902, Page 8, Image 9

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Oata and Provisions Show Rite, bat Other
Gommoditisi Drop.
Corn Roles Firm Ihroaghoat, Intlo
tarrd by Weather Reports front
Illinois, ladlana and the
CHICAGO. Nov. 24.-Tradtng In the grain
gilts was rather Inactive today and altera
slight bulge at the opening prices weak
ened and ihe close was eany.wlth Decem
ber what fc-S.c lower and December corn
;e lower. December oata cloned Sc
higher, while January provisions were
inim 2c to 12c higher.
Wheat was quite early and prices ad
ivanced about c over Saturdays clone,
with food buying by cominiimlon houses,
some of which was supposed to have been
for the leading long. Large receipts In the
northwest and a heavy Increase In the
visible supply caused a weaker feeling
toward noon and lower prices prevailed
the remainder of the day. Tie close being
easy. Cable were also rather disappoint
ing, not showing much sympathy with the
recent advance here. December opened
tr'o. higher at 7fy4c, advanced to 7oc, but
on heavy realizing declined to 74c, rlos
lng at the bottom with a loss ot 'i-ic.
.May opened He lower to i'ri4e higher at
7Mc and 767yf77c and ranged between 76o
and 7bc, closing V'fSe lower at 76N'a
7c. The visible supply showed an In
crease of 3,640,K bunnelH, compared with
n Increase List yer of 8.2:i.tniO bushels.
The amount on paesage decreased 464.0O0
bushels, against a decrease the same week
last year of ltW.'KO buBhels. World's ship
ments were 9,517,000 bushels, compared
with 10.151.ii00 a year ago. Clearances of
wheat and flour were equal to HkS.Ohii
bushels. Primary receipts were l,998.2i0
bushels, against 1,647,800 bushels a year
ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported re
ceipts of 1.712 cars, which with local re
ceipts of 212 cars 23 of contract grade
inude the total receipts for three points of
1.924 cars, against 1,430 cars last week and
L430 cars a year ago.
Corn ruled linn for the May delivery. In
fluenced by wet weather throughout Illi
nois, Indiana and the southwest. IxJcal
traders were disposed to buy that option,
as were also elevator Interests. December
was erratic, being subject to the slightest
'influences. Shorts were the best buyers of
December and caused a sharp advance soon
sfter the opening, the price going up to
6bc after opening tflc lower at Mirtttc.
General selling caused a decline In the lat
ter part of the day, the price touching 53e
and closing lc lower at 63c. May opened
HC'fVlo lower to a shade higher at 42Sf
42e. selling between 42c and , and
closing H4-ic lower at 42c. Local re
ceipts were 237 cars, with 21 or contract
'"The" feature to trading in oats was the
covering by December shorts, which held
tl-.o market firm. The Improved cash de
tnand was also a strengthening factor.
.There was a fair volume or trade and the
close w.-is Arm, with December c at SI1
81c, after ranging between 31c and Sl'Uc.
Way closed c higher at 82c. selling be
tween 81t32c and 82c. Local receipts
were 216 cars. , .
Provisions ruled strong, with lard lead
ing the advance and with a "good demand
from foreigners. The steady tone to the
hog market was also a bull factor. The
cloe was firm, with January pork up 5c at
i$16.67. January lard closed 12e higher
at 69.42. with ribs 2c higher at $8.12.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
170 cars; corn, 686 cars; oats, 195 cars; hogs,
82.0U0 head."
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlfh. Low. Close. Sat'y.
Wheat Li '
Nov. I... 75
Deo. 7514 To 74 74 75(875
May 76H76T4OT 76 76 76
Nov 63 65
Dec. 54S54 65 63 63 66
May 42rj? 43 42 4242'
tDecT $1 1 81 31W4 80T4S31
Mar 31-2 32 311832 32 31
PJanT 70 15 75 15 66 15 67 15 2
May 14 75 14 75 14 67 14 70 14 67
Nov. 10 87 10 87 10 67 10 67 10 75
Dec. 9 95 10 021 S 92 92 t 87
Jan. 85 60 9 36 9 42 9 80
May . 8 72 80 72 8 77 8 70
KJan7 8 12 8 17 8 12 8 12 8 1Q
May 1 92 7 92 7 87 7 90 7 65
No. I. tNew.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FIXUR Market steady ; winter patents.
33.WU3.W. straights. J3.1O5-3.20; clears, 32.70
(i3.1o; spring specials, 4.4.Ku420; patents,
e3.4of(f8.70; straights, $2.904,3.20; bakers,
W H ISA T No. 2 spring, 747r.c; No. 3
spring, 72(Ef73c; No. 2 red, 74(&75c.
COKN-No. 2, 63c.
OATS No. 2, 81 c; No. 8 White, 81i834c.
RYE No. 2, 4&50c.-
B A KLE Y Good feeding, 8638c; fair to
choice malting, 44&68c.
SEED No. 1 flax 31.15; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.21; prime timothy, 33.60; clover, con
tract grade, $10.60.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl 816 .87
617.00. Lard, per HO lbs., $10.6710.70. Short
ribs sides (loose), $9. Was. 25. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), $9.879.60; short clear
sides (boxed), $9.609.75.
Following were the receipts and shipments
of the principal grains Saturday:
Keceipts. smpmenrs.
20.800 23,600
Flour, bbls.
Wheat.' bu.
Corn, nu. .,
Oats, bu. .,
Rye, bu. ..
Barley, bu.
. 19,800
un the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, 1827c;
dalrlts, lliS23c. Eggs, firm; loss off, 23c
Cheese, steady at llifUc.
and rennsylvanls, average best, JS12c:
Wfstern, poor to fsncv grade, 21T27c.
POl.'LTRY Alive, firmer; dressed, firm;
wrnffrn chickens, 12j4o; western fowls,
lluiilSc; spring turkeys, 1,'JTiKe.
MKTAIJ4 Tin was weak sgsln tortiv,
with th- local market rlnnlng st $i.'4.76j
24.9.1. while London declined 12s d to 111
17s fnl lor spot and to 112 2s6d for futures.
London reported unrhanged trices for cop
ier, the Closing quotations being 50 7s6d
for spot and 50 12s 6.1 for futures. The
local mnrket was null and weak. Standard
cloned st $lu.R2, nominal; lake at $11.40
11.6", electrolytic at tll.2fi 11.40 and ranting
at $11. 2i' II 4ii. I,ead wan quiet and un
changed here at $4 12 and at 10 ISn In
Ixinilon. Spelter, was unchanged at Lon
don's '(notation, remaining at 19 liis, sn.t
New York's at 8V20. Iron In Glasgow closed
at 6118 and at Mldillenbnrough st bin M. The
lorn I market was quiet and unchanged.
Warrants continue nominal. No. 1 foundry
northern Is quoted at $23.QOri25.00; No. 2
foundry northern nnd No. 1 foundry south
ern solt at $22.00(823.00.
Condition of Trade and (Quotations on
staple and Fancy Prod nee.
EGOS Cnnrtled stock. 22c.
LIVB POULTRY Hens, 7Sc; old roost
ers, 4c; turkeys, 12f13c; ducks, 8t&1ie;
gwne, 77c; spring chickens, per lb.. 9
tjioc. I
young chickens, 115fllc; turkeys, lBiglHc;
ducks 'and geese, K'il2c.
ni.'TTEH Packing stock, l&516c; choice
dairy, In tubs, 2iij21c; separator, 2627c.
herring, 7c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch.
6c; buffalo, drenned, 7c; eunflnh, Sc; blueflns,
3c; whlteflnh, 10c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c;
codfish, 12c; rednnapper, 10c; lobsters boiled,
per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2Sc;
bullheads. 10c; catflsh, 14c; black bass, 20c;
halibut. Ho.
CORN 64c.
OATS 32c.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 66c.
RYE 43c.
BRAN Per ton, $14.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No.
1 upland, $10.60; No. 1 medium, $9.60; No. 1
coarne, $.'). Rye straw, $6.50. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand, fair; receipts, light.
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 28c; extra
selects, per can, 3ftc; New York counts, per
can, 42c; hulk, extra selects, per gal., $L76;
bulk, standards, per gal., $130.
NEW CELERY Kalamaioo, per dos., 26c;
Utah, p t dos., 45c; California, per dos., for
stalks weighing from 1 to 1 lbs., each,
POTATOES New, per bu., 35340c.
SWEET POTATOEH-Vlrginla, pf bbl.,
3; home grown, per bu., $1.
TURNU'S Per bu., Hoc; Canada ruta
bagas, per lb., 1c.
BEETS Per basket, 40c
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., $1.60.
WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $LM; atrlng
beans, per bu. box, $1.60.
CABBAGE Home grown, new, 1c
ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per
bu., 60t6uc; Spanish, per crate, $L0.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.60.
TOMATOES New California, per 4
basket crate, $2.76.
CAULIFLOWER Long Island, per bbl.,
PEARS Fall varieties, par box, $2; Kle
fers, per bbl.. $3.76; Colorado, per box, $2.26.
APPLES Cooking, per bbl., $2.26; eating,
$; Jonathans, $3.60; New York stock,
GRAPES Catawba, per basket, 18c;
Malagas, per keg, $o.0096!&0.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bbL, $9;
Bell and Bugles, $10; per box, $3.
QUINCES Per box, $1.60.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to alxe,
LEMONS California fancy, 84.0O&4.50;
choice, $3.75.
ORANGES Mexicans, any site, $4;
Florida Brights, $3.76; California Jaffas,
$3.25; California Navels, $4 60.
DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, par lb..
c: per case 01 t-io. psgs.,
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $1;
Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 14(tflc.
UKAPtt r rlUl l r ionaa, .
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frsma case.
L'lUBK-ivew York, 14.00; per m-ddi.,
SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, uer -bbl..
$2.25; per bbl., $3.75.
hides mo. 1 green, yc; no. 1 green, sc;
No. 1 salted. 8Uc: No. 2 salted. 7ic: No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8 12c; sheep
pelts, 2&376c; horse hides, Jl.6CK-a2.faO.
wruuKN-rer id., c; snenea, ,c..
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, tier lb..
15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shell.
per 10., 12c; XMo. z nara sneu, per id., 11c;
Braille, per lb.. 11c; filberts, per lb., 12c:
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c;
small, per lb., 13c; cocoanuts, per dot., 60c;
chestnuts, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb., 6c;
roastea peanuts, per id., c; disck wainuts,
per lb., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.36;
oocoanuts, per 100, $4.
OLD METALS, ETC. A, B. Alplrn quotes
the following prices: Iron, country, mixed,
per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $;
copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb.,
8c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb.,
8c; sine, per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c.
full eresmnj prims small. ISc; fair to good
small, U'H'dlSc; prime Isrge, i:13c; fair
to good targe, 12 a 12c.
Ksrtes City brain and Provisions.
December, 63'oti,ic; Msy, HjS'c;, No. bard. .9c; No.
3, o'-ijCrc; No. 3 red. 6Vci7c: No. 3. 6:ie.c.
CuK:f November. 42c: December, 39-1sc;
May, SflVase'fcc; cash, No. 3 mixed, 42c;
No. 3 white, 42c; No. 3, 3fco.
OATS No. t white, 33W33c; No. 1 mixed,
RYE No. 2, 45c.
HAY Choice timothy, $10.6offll.00; choice
prairie, $. ;y 10 no.
BUTTER Creamery, 24&25c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Freah, 20c.
Recelnts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 136.000 49.6.10
Corn, bu i:),4"0 59,200
Oats, bu 31,000 16,000
(notations of the Day on Varlons
NEW YORK. Nov. 24.-FLOUR Receipts
24.204 bbls.; exports, 33,100 bbls.; fairly
iiiv uu nrai; winter patents, J.OUa.ilu:
winter straights, $3.46u3.o6; winter extras.
2i5in3.10; winter low grades, $2.6o&2.90;
Minnesota patents, $3.9ofc4.15: Minnesota
bakers, $3.25a3.40. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good, $3.oi,.'u3.40; cnoiee to fancy $3.buu)
S.55. Buckwheat flour, Arm, $2.302.35, sput
Kim 10 mriive.
CORNMEAI-Steady; yellow western,
81.26: city, $1.23; Brsndywlne, $3 40(33.55.
K YE Easy; No. 3 western, 68c, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 2, M'uo4c; track state, 64S54c,
. I. f.. New York.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 41c, c. I. f,
Buffalo; malting, 48atxo, c. i. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT ReceiDts. 190.076 hu .i..,r.
233.173 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 78c, ele-
ir; fvo. 1 reu, ii-c. 1. o. D anoat; No.
1 northern Duluth. M'.o. t. a. h eti,f Kn
1 hard Manitoba, 84v, f. o. b., anoat. Op
tions opened tlrm and were well sustained
owing to bullish foretun aLaiimi,' an.l
Uk'ht offerings, until mia-day. when a big
visible supply increase and Intimations
that the Chicago bull Interest was selling
led to reactions. The late market was
weak under talk of large receipts, and
closed c net lower. Miiy, 79 7- 16c, closed
at 7!c; December, 80HjM S-16c, closed at
CORN Receipts, 89.250 bu.; exports, 234
bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2, 65c, elevator, and
Wc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, exc; No.
2 white, 6Sc Opiums at first reflected wet
weather In central corn states, together
with decreases on passage and In worlds
shipments, but eventually eased off on
prospects for larger receipts and closed c
net lower. January closed st 53c; May,
47iHk'c, closed st 47c; December, biHt
VUTfcl , I Kl OiTJiC
OATS Hecelots. 1S4 fiDO hll arnnrli IU
179 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 36c; standard
3c: No. i. 36c; No. 2 white. SHc: No. 1
, whits. 37c; track mixed western, nom
,lnal; traik wnlte, Si42c. Options, after
showing considerable early firmness on the
twet weather, reacted In the afternoon with
wheat and corn.
HAY Steady; shipping, 6670c; good to
cnoiee, km'vi.
HOPS Firm: state, common to choice,
lmrj crop, snw iaui crop, ni;ic: olds 741
16c; Pacitic cosst. 1!'3 crop, a32c; 19ul
crop. 2o(t27ej olds, 7fil2c.
HlDEt Steady : Galvston, 20 to 26 lbs..
I 1H-; California, 21 10 26 lbs., lic; Texas
dry. 24 to Do lbs.. 14c.
LEATHER Steady; acid. St?2Sc.
PROVISIONS Heefj quiet; fan.ll, $16.60
pis wi; mens, iiu.uu'3 10 mi; Deer tiams, $i 50
4i2.00; pHck' t. $14.1 16.00; city extra India
nas. $2t 0t-.u2ii.0w. Cut meats, uuiel: Dlckled
bellies, $11. 1W1 12.00; pickled shoulders. $ 26; plcklea liama, 3120UI225. Itrd
easy; western steamed, $11.15; refined.
easy; continent. 111. 4"; South America, II'.'
compound, $1 w'47 7n. Pork, steady: funnily
$19 60: cleer. $'.'l.(KMi 23.00; mesa. $ls 004M& So.
TALLuW Steady; city, c; country, 6
RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 4
43'j'N.-; J span. i(ic.
hLTTER Peielpts, 4.84 pkgs ; steady
tats dairy xm-x-; cresmerv, 28c; crsara
try. common to cnoiee, zi'j.sjc
CHEEdR-Reielpts. l,uS ikgs.: firm
. fsiiry. isrgs, new, state, full cream, colore 1
and white, old, 13c; new, 12c; fancy, small
colored and whits, old. 12ViilSc: new. 12Wc.
MiUS Recelpta, 6,624 pkgs.; steady; stats
St. Loots Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Nor. 24. WHEAT Lower;
No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 6fcc: track, 69
70c: December, 68&c; May, 736730;
Mo. z nara. axa ivc.
PADU T Va S Mask A1t mmmImsI
track, 4545c; December. 44c; May, 39c.
OATS Lower; jmo. z casn, soc; tractc.
Slc; December, 80c; May, S0c; No, 2
white, 83o.
bye Lower at 4c.
FIX5UR Steady; red winter patents, $3.40
6.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.00a3.26;
clear. 2.toB2.5.
SEED Timothy, steady, $2.9033.40.
CORNMEAL Steady at $2.40.
BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track. t6&
HAY Steady to firm; timothy, $10,509
13. bu; prairie. .uoa'ii.uu.
IKON COTTON TlfctS 11.111
BAGGING 6 6-16I&7 l-l&C
PROVISIONS Pork. higher: fobbing
standard mess. $17.40. Lard, unchanged at
$10.62. Dry salt meats (boxed), unchanged:
extra shorts and clear ribs, $10.26; short
clears, $10.50. Bacon (boxed), unchanged;
extra snorts ana ciear riDs, 111.(10; snort
clear. ll.7&.
METALS Lead, firm at $4.00. Spelter.
1 . . . l QC I1.N
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 6c; springs.
Mine; turkeys, ioc; aucka, iic; geese,
BUTTEK--steaay; creamery, vmziw.
dairy, 17c.
euus mgner: Z2C. ions nrr.
Receipts. Bhlpments.
Flour, bbls 10.000 12,000
Wheat, bu 175,oo0 77.000
Corn, bu 212.000 62.000
Oats, du tw.uuu S4.0U0
Liverpool Grain nnd Provisions.
f irm; no. z rea western winter, m un
No. 1 northern spring, tie 7a: No. 1 Csli
fornls, 6s 7(1. Futures: Quiet; December,
6s lid: March. 6s Nil; May. 6s d.
CORN Spot: uulet; American mixed. 5s
en. futures: eieauy; January, 4s l4d;
Marcn, s -u.
FIXJl R St. IajuIs fancy winter, quiet.
8s 3d.
HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm.
6 lui-WJ.1.
PEAS Canadian, steady. 61S7d.
PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India
mess, 116s. Pork, strong; prime mess, we.
rn Ub Hun.. ahnrt cut 11 t. 1ft 1 1, a
quiet, 66s 6d. Bacon. Cumberland cut, 26
to 30 lbs., steady, 63s; short ribs. 16 to
24 lbs., quiet. 6s; long clear middles. Ileht,
28 to 34 lbs., dull, 6Xs 6d; long clear middles.
heauy, 35 to o log . null, b.sw; short
clear tacks, 16 to 20 lbs., firm, ta't; eieiir
bellies, 14 to 18 lbs., steady, 67s. Shoul
ders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 62s. Lard,
strong, prime western. In tierces, kus;
American rellned. in pails, firm. 61s.
CHEESE American finest white, 69e;
American linwl colored. 59s.
TALLOW Firm; prime city, 29a 6d; Aus
tralian, in Iondon. S4a 3d.
The Imports of wheat Into IJverpool last
week were 70.500 quarters from Atlantic
porta, none from Pacific and 83,0)0 from
other porta. The Imports of corn rrom At
lantic pcrts last week were 6,0u0 quarters.
Toledo Grain nnd good.
TOLEDO. Nov. 24 WHEAT-Dull. lower;
cah, 7bc; December, Vjc; May, 80c.
CORN Dull, lower; December. 44c; Msy,
OATS Dull, higher; December, 82c, bid;
May. 83e. .
RYE No. 2. 62c. ,
PEED Clover, dull. lower; November,
K.72: January. $6 82: March. $6.80; prims
timothy, $1.75; prime alslke, $8.60.
Visible lapply of Grain.
NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-The visible sup
ply of grain Saturday, November 22, as
compiled by the New York Produce ex
change. Is ss follows:
Wheat. 41.731.too bu. ; Increase. 2 649 0C4 bu.
Corn, 2.J7,(pO bu. ; increase, 182.0UO ba.
Outs, 7.007.l bu.; Increase, 6I4.OU0 bu.
Kye, l,lf,4.iio bu.: Increase, lll.two bu.
Barley. 3,616.0X1 bu.; decrease, 7S.O00 bu.
Philadelphia Prwdneo Market.
Quiet but steady; extra es.crn creamery,
.Sc: extra nearby prints, Ijc.
EOviS Steady. fair remand; fresh
nearby. 2 loss off; frsb western, '2c,
! off; fresh southwestern, 26(27c, loss
off; fouthern. 25c, lusj off.
CIIELdlb Firm, fair demand; New York
Minneapolis Wheat, Floor nnd Bran.
cember, 72c; May, 73074c. On track:
No. 1 hard, 7sc; No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 2
northern, i2c.
FLOUR Steady; first patents, $3 RT..M;
second patents, .1.4C!M ".; first clears, $2.90
4J3.10; second clears, $2.302.60.
BRAN In bulk, $H.a0(j 11.75; in sacks,
Mllnaskee Grain Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 2 north
ern, 74f75c; May, 76c.
RYE Steadv; No. 1. 51m52c.
BARLEY Firm; No. 2, tc; sample, 38
CORN May, 42c.
Elgin Batter Market.
ELGIN, 111., Nov. 24. BUTTER Ad
vanced another c In price today, the mar
ket being declared firm at 27c. There were
no offerings, although buyers offered 27c
for sny that might be placed. The sales
of the week aggregated 602.600 lbs.
Peoria Market.
DULUTH. Nov. 24. WHEAT Cash. No.
1 hard, 76e; No. 2 northern, 72c; No. 1
northern, i,1c; November, 74c; Decem
ber, 72c; May, 74 c.
Dnlnth Grain Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 24. CORN Steady; No. 8,
OATS Steady; No. I white, 81c.
WHISKY $1.32 for finished goods.
laereased Strength tn Foreign Ex
change Makes Market Irregrolar.
NEW YORK. Nov. 24. Movements of
leading stocks In today's market were Ir
regular for the part, this condition being
due In a great measure to the Increase of
strength In foreign exchange. Demand
sterling was quoted at $4.87. the advanco
resulting largely from further selling of
stocks her for London, together with heavy
purchases of exenange Dy prominent in
ternational banking houses. While the high
rate puta this center nearer the gold export
point, It Is still the opinion of experts that
pressure will be brought to bear to pre
vent an outflow of gold even should ex
change reach the level where transactions
of that sort could be profitably made.
Nevertheless It Is doubted that exports can
be delayed much longer If London con
tinues a heavy seller of securities here, in
asmuch as the local market also has to
provide for Important payments maturing
this month. Time money was comparatively
easy, most loans for ninety days or longer
being made at 6 per cent. it is Known
that considerable outside money not held
by local banks has been loaned at this
figure In the last few days. Receiving no
encouragement from London, where the
market for Americans was dull and spirit
less, opening prices were generally lower,
though a tendency to Improvement was
soon shown. Trading In such stocks as
Reading, Manhattan. Metropolitan, St. Paul,
Sugar and Colorado r uei ana otner active
Issues was at a lower level, put some oi
these stocks, notably St. Paul and Read
ing, soon recovered. Rock Island Issues
made early gains of 1 and 2 per cent for
the common and preferred shares, respec
tively, on heavy transactions. The strength
of these stocks Drougnt a snarp recovery,
but the list soon developed another reac
tionary tendency, pressure being soon
shown against St Paul, Missouri Pacific,
Southern Pacific, Reading and New York
Central, all declining a point or more, with
greater losses in Canadian Pacific and
Hocking Valley. Louisville 4 Nashville
was decidedly erratic, starting with a one
fiolnt decline, rallying ly, ana men aeenn
ng almost as much. The strength of the
Rock Island was meanwhile well sus
tained. During the early period there were
few movements of Importance In the In
dustrials, Colorado Fuel displaying further
heaviness on reports of a renewal of the
contest for control, but in the later trans
actions recovered, with a net gain of 3
points on moderate transactions. In the
special class Pressed Steel Car was higher,
while a single sale of New York Air Brake
was recorded at a decline of 8 points.
Trading continued dull and largely profes
sional until the afternoon, when a new
movement In Manhattan advanced that
stock to 158. which It declined 5 points,
closing with a net gain oi z points on very
large transactions. The great bulk of Man
hattan buying was by Goula brokers. The
movement In Manhattan stimulated buying
In New York Central and Pennsylvania, but
Metropolitan and Brooklyu Transit were
little affected either way. The bear fac
tion traded cautiously, but took courage
from the absence of any news regarding
the so-called Manhattan "deal," and made
a successful attack on that and other
stocks. New York Central and St. Paul
were forced down, while attempts to move
Amalgamated Copper met with Boston sell
ing. Short covering in the final dealings
was hardly of sufficient volume to prevent
an Irregular close. London sold fully 20,000
shares, a tctal of about 116.000, In the last
four days, and bought nothing. The lack
of London buying was attributed partly to
the approaching fortnightly settlement
Bonds were Irregular and rather dull.
Early losses were largely recovered when
the stock market developed strength. Total
sales, par value, $2,000,000. United States
2s and the 6s declined per cent on the
last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exenange:
Atchison so. Railway
So pli ook do pti
Baltimore A Ohle....luv4k Tx Psclfto....
do std I T., St. U W....
Canadian Psclflo ....12 do pfd
Cnd Bouttaors .... Union Ptclfio
Cbos. st unlo do pfd
Cliloaso Altos UVa Wabssh
do old 10 do pfd 1. L It W. a L.
do pfd M do td pfd
Ctaleaso A B. 1 Vis. Central
Chicago a ut. W.... I do pfd
do 1st pfd U Adftms Express ....
So td pfd 40 Amftr. Kipress ....
C. N. W V. 0. Eiproaa
Chicago T. A T II Wollt-Fsnto Ex
do pfd ISs Anil. Copper
C. C. C. a St. U..,. 1 Amar. c. F
Colo. Southern noli do pfd
do 1st pfd 11 Amor. Un. Oil
do Id pfd 40 '4 do pfd
tXls. a Hudson IWUllw. 8. st R.
Dolt., LAW..
Denver a K. li
do pfd
do 1st pfd....
do Id pfd....
Ot. Nor. pfd
llocklus Vnlisy
do pfd
Illinois Contra! .
Iowa Contra! .'. .
do pfd
do pfd
Loula. a Nash-.
Manhattan L ...
Met. St. Rr
Moilran Central
.tM do Pfd
40 Ana. Mln. Co..,
w Irk. Rap. Tr....
S4'4 Colo. r. at 1
tVa ( ou Oaa
4i Con. Tob. pfd ...
Ia4 Oeneral Elertlie ..
Hocklns Coal
to Int'n'l Paper
14 do pfd
ut Inl'o'l Power
w National Blarult . .
44 National Lead
116 No. American
114 Pacific Coaat
1U1 Pa.'IAc Mall
14u People'! Oaa
W1 Prrsaed Rteel Car..
.. 24
.. 43V,
.. 41
.. n
.. "S
:: 2
.. X
.. 28
.. (0
.. M
.. M
.. to
.. 14
.. 41
.. 43
.. 2
.. 1
.. 4241
.. 85
.. JO
.. I
.. 71
.. t
.. 45
. . 2
.. 70
1"0; money. 641 per cent; New York e-
change, per.
ST. IOI IR. Nov. 24. Clearings, $9.2M.71;
balancen, $ii.&;.!; money, steady, Mi per
cent; New York exchange, oc premium.
N err Vork Money Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 24.-MONKY On csll.
Armor, 4 per cent, cloning offered at 4 per
cent; time money easy; sixty days, per
cent; ninety days, b8S per cent; nix
months, l per cent; prime mercantile
paper, fVff per rent.
actual buslncns In bankern' bills st $4 s?26
for tlemsnd snd at M.Wi'i for sixty dsys
hilln; posted rnten. $1 X1'n4.M and $4.33;
commercial bllki, $4.KI'n4.KiA
8ILVKR Bar, 48c; Mexican dollars. 37o.
BUN DM Government, weak; state, inac
tive; railroad. Irregular.
The cloMng quotations on bonds are as
follows: i
t'. 8. ref. la, rrg. .. .lftfc L, A N. ttnl. 4i 101
An rnunnn luKU Un I entral 4a 0
o it. r(..; in do la Inc...., f
Minn. St. I e....iJi
do coupon
do new 4a, reg. .
do coupon
do old 4a, reg..
do coupon
do 6e. reg
do coupon
Atrblaon gen. 4a.
do ail J. 4e
Bal. ft Oblo 4a...
do coot. 4o
Canada So. la....
C. of O. (
do la Inc
C. o. 4
C. A A. 3e
c, 8. a d
.135 M . K. a T. 4a 10.'
..l.C do la l
..1"K. Y. Central . I0-
..Kit do gen. 30 Kin
..Hu-v N. J. C. g. a 1J
. .lu lNn. Pacific 4t lt
..101 do la "
.. il N. A W. c. 4a lw
..101 Reading gen. 4a
.. t St. L a I. M. . Is. .113
..107 gt. L a 8. r. 4a. ...100
..1077, St. L. 8. W. la M
..1071a do la , &
.. 7 ,8. A. A. P. 4s....
..104Vs. Pacific 4a 3
.. 7 Bo. Railway 6a 11
.. .',4. Teiaa A PacHc la. ..IK)1
C. M a 8t P g. 4a. ..Ill IT.. St. L. W. 4a.. do
C. ft N. W c. 7a. ...134 ll'alon Pacific 4a lu4Tt
C. . R. I. a P. 4a. ...10)11 do eonr. 4a 104
Ct'C. A 8t. L g. 4a.. 101 IWabaab 1 11
Chicago Ter. 4a hi do la 1
Colo, a Bo. 4a 1U do deb. B 7
A(X Went Shore 4a Ill
. W. A L. B. 4l 3
. M Wla. Central 4a II
.114 Con. Tob. 4a 4
.lot I
P. A R. O. 4a
Erie prior Hen 4a..
do general 4a.....
r. w. a n. c. ia.
Hocking Val. 4a.
Bostoa. Stock Quotations.
BOSTON, Nov. 24 -Call loans, Bf3 per
cent; time loans, b'(ji per cent. Official
closing of stocks ana bonds:
Atchison 4s t4 Adventure
Oaa la H4 Allouea
Mex. Central 4a " Amalgamated
Atchison 3 Illogbam
do pfd ' Cal. A Heels
Boston A Albany Centennial
..192 Copper Kangs ....
Dominion Coal ..
late Rorals
S3 Old Dominion ...
..120 Oeeeola ,
..111 Parrot
Santa Fa Copper
...171 Tamarack
...14 Trlmountaln ....
... M Trinity
...110 United States ...
... 30 I'tah
... M Victoria
... Winona
...101 wolverine
Boston A Me.
Boston Elevated 154
N. Y.. N. H. A H...t1
Pltrhburg pfd 141
I'nlon Paclno 101
Mexican Central .
Amer. Sugar ....
do pfd
Amer. T. A T....
Dom. I. A 8
General Elactrlo
Maaa. Electric ..
do pfd
United Fruit
United Copper ...
11. 8. Steel
do pfd
Westing. Common
... 1
... 1
... 14
... !
... 14
... M
... 11
... 39
... IS
... 10
... It
... 1
... l
... S'
... 11
... i
... H
Lssdsa Stock Market.
LONDON, Nov. 24. Closing quotations:
Consols for money.... 2 New Tork Central. ...1M
do account II u-ll Norfolk a western... K
do pfd.
4: do pfd..
. K Ontario A Western.
.101 Pennsylvania
Baltimore A Ohio.. ..1024 Rand Mines..
tanaaian racioc 133 .Reading
Chesapeake A Ohio..
micago o. w..
471 do 1st pfd
17 do td pfd
Chicago. M. A St. P.182'Bouthern Railway..
DeBeera 11 do pfd
Denver A R. 0 414 Southern Pacific....
do pfd.
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
flllnole Central..
Louisville A Nash
. It
, SO
. 10
. 44
Mexican National ... )" do pfd
Unto. A St. L 107 Pullman Pal. Car. ...2:4
Missouri Pa.-lne KM Republic Steel la
M . K. A T do pfd 7
di eusar 120
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. V. Central....
Nor. A West
do Pfd
Oniarto A W
do 1st pid
do Id pfd
81. L. A 8. P....
do let pfd
do 1 Pld
St. L A 8. W...
do pfd
St Paul
do pfd
Ss. Pei'lna
...145 1
... 70',
... au
Tenn. C. A I....
V. B. A P. Co..
do pfd
V. 8. Leather....
do pfd
U. 8. Rubber 14
IS 4,
do pfd
4 U. . Steal
16V do Dfd
lltlWesteni t'nloa .
so As. Locomoilvs
70 do pfd
1 Ik. C. Southera..
... 44 , an pfd
...177- I turk Island ....
...If) I do pfd
... tl
Xeer York Mlnlaa Oaotatlons.
NEW YORK. Nov. 24 -The following are
tns closing prices on mining stocks:
Adeems Cos
Brunswick Cos ..
Cumetork Tunnel
Coe. Cal. A Va..
Hm Silver
Iran Sliver
Leedvllke Cea
... eO
... 4
... I
.... li
... a
l.lttle Chief ..
Ontario ........
Hhnenls .......
iSier.-a Nevada ,
Small liopea ..
Bank ('learlsaja.
CHICAGO. Nov. 24 Cleaiings. $27.84S.Sfil
tsluncts, $2,o26: New York exchange,
2tc discount; foreign exchange unchanged;
sterling posted at $4.34 for sixty days and
at $4 Mi for demand. -
NEW YORK. Nov. 24. -Clearings. $135,.
e.s.i'.i: caiances. et,iw. 114.
BOSTON, Nov. 24. 4.'learlngs, $1,85223
ts lances. tl.l77.17.
I HII Al)tl.PHIA. Nov. 34. Clearlncs.
H4.fcl.Sji. balances, $2,477.tu3; money, t per
L BALTIMORE. Nov. 24.-Clearlngs. $3 242,
44; baiacrea. etic.lll; money, f per cent.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 2i.-learlng, $5,138.-
last year
Cattle ...
Hogs ....
Sheep ..,
The following table
price of hogs sold on the South Omaha
market the last several days, with com
parisons with former years:
Nov. 1...,
Nov. 2....
Nov. 3...,
Nov. 4...
Nov. 6...
Nor. 6....
Nov. ?...,
Nov. 8...
Nov. ...
Nov. 10..
Nov. 11..,
Nov. 12...
Nov. 13..
Nov. 14...
Nov. 15..
Nov. 18...
Nov. 17...
Nov. 18...
Nov. 1..
Nov. 20...
Nov. 21...
Nov. 22..
Nov. 23...
Nov. 24...
IV Union Pacific.
to ao pta "J
T lUnlted States Steal., n
4 do pfd M
14 Wabaah 10
121 do Dfd 44
Missouri, K. A T.... 17 Spanish 4a 13
BAR SILVER Uncertain at 22d per
MONET-28 per cent The rata of dis
count In the open market for short bills Is
3 11-16413 per onnt and for three-months'
bills 3 per cent.
Foretgra Financial.
LONDON, Nov. 24. Money was In brisk
demand today. Discounts were firm. On
the Stock exchange Interest was centered
In the carry-over of mines, which is ex-
V . V. LU uo UllllUUIlj iuvuiu a)Jll CI1T.1I
slons of Important failures are apparently
unfounded. Consols were dull, owing to the
firmness- of money. Home rails were sup
ported and Inactive. Americans opened
dull on unencouraglng news from New
York and subsequently strengthened, par
ticularly St. Paul. Erie and Reading. Busi
ness, however, was narrow and Americans
closed Irregular". Spanish's 4s and Bra
zilians were flat or) Carls selling. Kaffirs
were heavy. Klo tlnlos were easier, uold
premium at Buenos Ayres, 127.40; bar gold,
77alod; American eagles, 76s 6d.
PARIS. Nov. 24, Prices on the bourse
today were weak early in the day and
there was a general' decline, but favorable
advices from London regarding the settle
ment Imparted steadiness. Later prices
again eased, but they closed steady, though
Internationals closed wltn a slight decline.
Industrials were agitated, Metropolitans
receded. Rio tlntos were offered st the
opening, but recovered at the close. Debeers
were weak. Kamrs opened weak, Dut fin
ished with a better tone. The private rate
of discount was 2 3-16 per cent. Three per
cent rentes. Wt 92c for account. Exchange
on London, 2&f 31 c for checks. Spanish 4s,
BERLIN. Nov. 24. Business was quiet
and irregular on the bourse today. Span
ish 4s were weak on Paris advices and
Canadian Pacific reacted on news from
New York. Locals had a somewhat better
tone, especially iron shares on bear covering.
MAUKiu, inov 24. ins weekly statement
of the Bank of Spain shows ths following
changes: Oold in hand increased 174.0AI
pesetas; sliver in hand, increased . 2,011,000
pesetas; notes in circulation, decreased 14,
196,000 pesetas.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK- Nov. 24. COFFEE Spot
Rio. quiet: No. 2 Invoice, fc. Mild, quiet;
Cordova, 7&12c. Futures opened steady.
with prices unchanged! or quite In keeping
with flat early cable news. For the first
half hour business was devoted strictly to
"switching" accounts out of December and
January options Into the later months. At
mld-dav the regular Santos cable advised
of Interior receipts for the day of but 18,867
bags, wnich was far Deiow local expecta
tions and started active covering and in
vestment demand, raising quotations t
lolnts before bear offerings couia cnecs;
ne savance. a reaction occurreu near ins
close, with prices finally quiet at 6 points
net decline on near months to 6 points ad
vance on distant options. Including the ex
changes today's total business reached 78.-
600 bags. December sold at $4.65&4.70- Jan
uary, 4.80c; Marcn, stji.ooc; May, o.ibi&o.toc;
Julv. 630a.i5.3iic: Aueust. 6.40c: September.
6.4oi.46c; October, 6.60c.
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Nov. 24.-OIL Credit bal
ances, $1.29: certificates, no ssles; ship
ments. 87.1)90 bbls.; average. 89.629 bbls.;
runs, 159,4:12 bbls.; average, 78.618 bbls.
SAVANNAH, Oa., Nov. 24. OIL Turpen
tine, firm, 6ue. Rosin, Arm; A, B, C, D,
$1.3-;; E. $1.4; V. $1.47: O, $1.67; H.
11. Bu; 1, a.tiu; rv , a.uo , At, ao , a, vj-w, v(
7S- WW 14 15.
TUIjrJl-HJ, t , rvnv. 24. iMl-uncnangeu.
NEW YORK. Nov. 24. OIL Cottonseed,
ojlet: rirline yellow. $6c. Petroleum, firm;
rennoa ivrw lorn,; r-niiuueipnm aim
Baltimore, $7.35; Philadelphia and Balti
more, in bulk, .. Turpentine, steaay.
Renin, nrm.
LONDON. Nov. 24. OIL Calcutta linseed,
f pot, 42s d. Linseed, 23s.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts.
APPLES Still arriving in liberal quanti
ties and therefore show little or no im
provement, prime In particular being weak,
while tne fancy siock is rainy steaay; com
mon are quoted at fyySVae; prime, &6c;
choice, tf(i'ic; fancv. 7fi7c.
prunes are attracting a fair Jobbing trade
and continue Arm, with the larger sixes
din playing a hardening tendency, thojgh
without quotable rhacge, prices ranging
from 3e to 7c for all grades. Apricots
are. in eiteadv demand, with nrlces un
changed at 7&12c for boxes snd 7tV10c for
baga. peacnes also sre unchanged at UQ loc
for pteled and wvwjioc for un pee leu.
agar aad Molasses.
tive and firm: open kettle. Ttrsc: open
kettle, centrifugal. 3nS 11-lSe; centrifugal
white. 3Vo4c; yellow, 3fr3c; seconds, 2
Civ! 5-16C.
MOLASSES Steady; open kettle, 204736c;
centnrugni. iorssc; syrup, vmnc.
XJIW V 1J L' X- 41 GlT,laT DeM,
, ... , . ....... , u . . . 1 . . 1 . , " ,
firm; fstr refining, 16-lnc; centrifugal, M
test. 3 13-16c; molasses sugar, 31-lbc; re-
nnea nrm.
MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 30ft 38c.
urr Goods Market.
market allows ths same quiet general con
dltlons today as prevailed Isnt week. The
demand for all descriptions of cotton goods
has been of an averugs character at pre
vious prices tu this market and print
cloths are quiet and unchanged. Ths mar.
ket is steady for cotton hosiery and under
wear, with fair trade in progress.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUI8. Nov. 24 WOOL Higher
medium grades snd combing. 1619c; light
fine, 1443 lc ; Heavy nne, ll&Uc; tub-washed,
NEW YORK. Nov. 14- WOOL Firm,
Cattle Receipts Liberal and Trading Slow
at Prices a Shade Lower.
Active Demand lor Fat Pkeep and
Lambs at Fnlly Steady Prices,
ant Feeder Trad Was
a Little 'alet.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 6.31 6,uU 15.2
Same day last week 4.99 4.66 22.U12
Same week before 9.846 !. I.7u3
Same three weeks ago... 7.677 3,b:n 33,M4
Same tour weeks sgu.... 9,719 2.X90 Ki.vo
bima day last year 4,zx n.l.i 4,:o
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
tne year, to date, and comparisons wun
Wl. 1w.11. inc.
.. 910.4.(6 739.1iil 171.26
.. 1,660,940
the average
Date. I 1902. 1901.1900.1899.1S98.1S97.1896.
6 6
I 61
S 49
6 61
( 35
f 10
6 214a,
6 28
B 81
C 31
6 24
a 16
6 73)
s u
6 82
t 71
b 71
I 69
6 7
6 74
6 73
6 63
& 69
6 69
6 68
6 64
6 63
6 63
i 73
6 81
6 76
4 61)
4 80
4 66
4 66j
4 64
4 67
4 71
4 69
4 741
4 84
4 74
4 67
4 S&
4 90
4 78
4 76,
4 7si
4 76
4 78
4 01
4 04
4 061
4 02
e !
4 0l
4 20i
4 U3
4 00
4 03
4 02
I 94
t VI
2 901
3 84
3 87
I 86
S 88
a 89
3 m
t 861
a 82
3 63,
3 60
I 46
3 61
3 62.
I 06
3 6a
a 46
3 41
a 46
a 41
a 6
a 36
3 86
a s&
a 2i
a si
a 37
a 44
a 4si
8 2
3 4
3 44
a 4tu
3 31
3 33
a 3S
a 34
a 271
a 31
3 t!
a 82
3 34
3 34
a 27
a 27
a 21
a m
3 31
a 17
a si
3 28
3 27
a 17
a 2.
a 23
a 26
a is
a 11
a 14
a 16
8 13
a u
a 24
3 21
Indicates Sunday.
The following list shows ths number of
cars of feeders shipped to ths country Sat
urday and their destination:
Cattle Cars.
John Sandsford, Lakeside, Neb B. M.. 1
J. O. Corple, Bancroft, Neb. M. 0 2
L. A. White, Pender. Neb. M. A 0 1
W. E. Bates. Sprlmrfleld. Neb M. P 1
Thomas Madden, Chadron, Neb. F. E.... 2
John Blake, Phelps City, Mo. K. C 1
George Crandall, Dow City, la. I. C 1
A. Armstrong, Ulldden, la. N. w a
R. W. Oerlaw. Uarlaw. 111. Q 1
Frank Ramsbottom, Creston, Ia Q a
Bneep u.u.
B. S. Rlngsby. Thedford. Neb. B. 4 M... 1
The official number of cars of stock
brought la today by each road was:
Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'see.
C, M. A Bt, P. Ry.. 1
waDaan ky
Missouri Pacific Ry.. a
Union Pacific system 67
C. ft N. W. Ry 1
F., B. ft M. V. R. R.. 77
C, St. P., M. ft O.... 7
a. & m. Ky w
C, B. ft Q. Ry 6
tt.. c Bt. j. ?,, s
C, R. I. ft P., east..., 6
u., it. 1. ot f ., west
Illinois Central By... 4
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 701
... 102
... 131
... 80
... 7
... 8
Total receipts 269
The disposition of the dsy's receipts was
ss follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of nead indicated:
Omaha Packing Co....
Swift and Company...
Armour ft Co
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour, Sioux City
Vansant ft Co
Carey ft Benton
Lobman a: uo
W. I. Stephen
Hill ft Bro
William Underwood
Livingstone ft Schaller.
Hamilton ft Rothschild.
Wolf ft Murnan.l
B. F. Hobblck...;
Other buyers 493 4,617
Totals 6.861 6,722 12,645
CATTLE There were more cattle here
today than arrived a week ago. and also
more than were generally expected. As a
result the tendency on the part of both
packers and feeder buyers was to pound'
the market. As a general tiling, however,
the desirable classes did not show much
There was about the usual number of
cornfed steers Included In the offerings, but
most of them were of Inferior quality, ihe
market was slow and very uneven, the
same aa it was last week, and while the
market could not be quoted much of any
lower It was certainly no higher. Buyers
seemed to be very indifferent and did not
take hold ot even the better grades with
any life.
The cpw market was also slow and weak.
It was noticeable, however, that the can
ners sold without much trouble at stesdy
prices, while the choicer kinds were the
ones to be neglected. In some cases sellers
were calling the market Just about steady,
while in others they were calling It a shade
easier. It waa very evident that the snap
and tone of a week ago were lacsing.
Bulls, veal calves and stags, while not
very sctlve, brought about steady prices.
With the exception cf a few of the very
Choicest loads of Mockers and feeders the
market on stock cattle was lower today.
There were a good many cattle carried
over Sunday in the hands of speculators,
and comparatively few buyers arrived this
morning, so speculators were naturally
bearish. The market was very uneven, so
that while some sales were not over a shade
lower, others were runy a dime lower.
The better grades of western beef steers
sold without much trouble at about stesdy
prices, but the commoner grades were slow
and lower. nHiJBO wwai weiv aicaujr lU a
little lower, the decline being mostly on
the better grades. All but the best grades
of stockers at.d feeders were also slow and
lower. Representative sales:
14 cows..
16 cows.
41 tecrs....l!!4
1 bull l7't
3 bulls 1473
IS cows 10.72
15 cows 916
SO cows..
66 cows..
65 steers.
23 cows.
IKS t 09
a m
a to
N. Worlev-Neb.
3 70 20 cows 1W5
2 15 1 cow 1070
2 15 11 feeders.. 1013
B. Rrookn Wyo.
3 15 38 feeders.. 656 4 OS
f oe
F. A. Hsrmon Wi'o..
1000 J 95 2 steers.. ..1010 4 00
M. Donlan -Colo.
978 2 !K 8 cows 906 2 SS
B. Siimpe 8. D.
109.1 3 90
Wood L. ft fl. Co -tdsho.
43 steers.. ..1218 4 00 107 feeders.. 10V
20 steers..
a 00
3 cows
22 feeders.
1 feeder..
11 cows....
19 cows....
47 cows....
6 cowu. ...
7 feeders.
6 feeders.
2 feeders.
1 cow
1 cow
2 cows..
23 cows.
1 cow..,
11 cows.
26 cows 913
bulls 1516
111 $ 25 6 feeders.. 10.")
M. H. l'almore Neb.
.1141 2 85 20 steers... .1113 8M
. 941 3 40 1 steer 1460 4 00
.1320 i 00
A. M. Carr Neb.
Mo 2 25 1 bull 1400 2 15
. 914 8 10
R. A. Sanderson iolo.
. 882 2 90 & calves... 190 4 TS
. 7X4 2 60
A. C. Stratton Colo.
.S 1 00 7 cows MS 2 65
.' 676 2 50 4 cows 870 2 10
. 860 2 70 1 cow 720 2 10
W. H Gerdtn Colo.
. 940 2 35 15 steers.. ..1088 3 25
. 601) I 00 1 steer 840 3 26
.175 2 75 1 steer 960 3 25
1 cow 10.10 8 25
Clnrk Cattle Co. Colo.
. 878 2 80 2 stags 1060 2 25
. 770 2 15
W. A. Ripley Wyo.
940 2 ft) 1 steer 1W 2 25
3 15 2 steers... .1070 4 00
2 30 1 star; 1150 1 75
Pratt & Ferris wyo.
18 steers.. ..126b 4 15 40 cows 1026 ISO
94 steers... .1192 8 40
HOU8 There was a heavy run of hogs
here today for a Mondsy, but twenty-seven
cars were consigned direct to packers snd
not offered on the market. The market
opened just about steady with Saturday's
average, but before a dosen loads had
changed hands trading came to a stand
still and for some time nothing was done.
Buyers claim that they have been paying
too much for their supplies here as com
pared with other markets and must get
this market down In line with others.
Sellers, however, were not willing to make
any concessions ot that character, so that
the morning waa well advanced before
much was done.
The situation, however, kept getting
worse Instead of belter and finally packers
were only offering $6.10 to $6.15 for the
same kind that sold on Saturday from
$6.20 to $6.30, so that their bids were 104116c
lower. The top today waa $6.80, with sales
all the way from $6.10 up to $6.30. Repre
sentative sales:
No. At. so. Pr.
teT 600 4 it
II VI 1M 10
OA ,
47 ,
Av. Bh. Pr.
til 110 I 10
I 10
I 10
4 10
1 11
I 12
I ir
1 12
1 12
1 12
4 1JV,
4 11
...114 1M
4 20
4 10
40 4 20
... I 20
....144 40 4 M
,...444 40 4 12
..,.211 too 4 IS
....144 ISO 4 le
...17 00 4 It
,...M4 40 4 It
....114 SO I IS
....M0 M III
....174 ... 4 10
SHEEP There waa not a heaw suduIv
of sheep and lambs here today and be
sides that the proportion of fat stuff to
the tbtal receipts was not large, packers
all seemed to have liberal orders, so that
the market opened active) at fully steady
prices as compared with the close of last
week. Fed wethers and yearlings mixed
sold as high as $3.76, native ewes brought
$3.60, fed western ewes $3.20 and some fed
lambs $4.86. Anything at all desirable In
the way of killers sold at a rapid rate
and everything waa disposed of In good
There were not very many feeder buyers
on band this morning, so that the market
on that class of stock was rather alow.
Sellers, though, were holding for steady
prices and the bunches that changed hands
looked about steady with last week.
Quotations for grassers: Good to choice
yearlings, 33.60ig3.75; fair to good, $3.253.50;
good to choice wethers, $3.2603.60; fair to
good wethers, $3.003.26; choice ewes, $3,009
2.25; fair to good ewes, $2.252.76; good to
choice lambs, $4.60f(i4.75; fair to good lambs,
$4.004.60; feeder wethers, $2.75(&3.15; feeder
yearlings, $2.903.25; feeder lambs, $3,004
4.00; cull lambs, $1.60(2.00; feeder ewes,
$2.6063.00. Good fed stock sells about 26c
higher than choice grassers. Representa
tive sales:
2 cult ewes
4 cull ewes
3 cull ewes
36 Wyoming ewes
460 Utah ewes
60 Wyoming wethers......
220 fed ewes
431 fed ewes...,
429 fed ewes
261 fed ewes and wethers..
1 fed ewe..........
39 fed ewes
369 Wyoming wethers
294 wethers and yearlings
2i Wyoming lambs
8 native wethers
46 native lambs
298 Wyoming cull ewes
276 Wyoming cull ewes ,
229 Wyoming ewes
259 Wyoming ewes
457 Wyoming feeder lambs
36 native ewes... -
18 native lambs
22 native lambs
177 Wyoming wethers
6 bucks
24 native ewes
128 South Dakota ewes
11 native ewes
6 native ewes and wethers..
444 native ewes
260 western feeder wethers....
44 native ewes
200 Colorado wethers
6 western yearlings
633 western lambs
43 native wethers
$1.6004.76; veal, $2 264)100; stockers and
feeders, $2.6ovt4.7R.
HOU3 Receipts 1.771 h'sd. Mnrket
steady to ntrong; medium and hravy, $4.12
j.17; pigs, . i&
SHEEP AND IMnS-Relpts, 1,005
hend. Market active snd firm; nntlvc
Ismbs, $5 26; yesrllngs, $4.00; wethers. $3.75;
ewes, $3.40,
New York Mti "took Market.
ceipts. 4.117 head; steers 10ffl5o lower: bulls
Arm to 15c higher; cows slow to 10c lower;
nstlve Heers. $3.75ff.90; westerns. $.8.Vr4.0;
oxen and stngs. $3.3ix"i4.85; bulls, $2.4HqS.t;
cown, $; cables quoted live cattle
at 12-t?13c per lb drenned weight; sheep
steadv at ll(f13c; lambs 14c, dressed weight;
nhlpnients tomorrow, 810 cattle, 1,615 sheep
snd 4,119 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 1,389 head; veals. $5 00
08.25; granners, $3.25i3.75; westerns, $2.75ff
4.00; city dressed veals, firm at 10tfl3c
per lb.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 14.WO
hend; nheep steady to strong; lambs IfMrJSc
higher; cotr.mon to choice sheep, $2.26-172.75;
extra. $4; few export, $4 25; culls, $2; lambn,
$6.4i.W; choice, $6. 106.15; culls, $4. On!
4.25: no Canada lamba
IIOOS Receipts, 10.979 head; market
lower; state hogs, $8.30; few outside ssls
at $6.50; westerns nominal.
Stock la Sight.
The following were the receipts of live
stock at the six principal cities Msturday:
l attie. iimts. onreo
6,301 8,062 15,25:
IO.61 0
....... 2.814
Omaha ,
Chicago ....
Ksnfas City
St. Ixtuln ...
St. Joseph ..
Sioux City .
1,00 i
Totals 48.515 66,833 63,957
. 90
. 76
. 113
. 102
. 102
. 91
. 99
. 106
. Ill
. 87
. 130
. 124
. 130
. 83
. 95
. 91
, 65
. 66
, 87
. 72
, 102
. 88
. 6$
, joa
2 00
2 00
2 60
2 50
a so
8 00
3 20
8 20
3 25
$ 40
3 60
3 60
3 60
3 75
3 90
4 00
4 85
1 60
1 60
2 40
2 60
3 60
8 60
4 00
4 00
3 40
1 25
1 60
1 85
2 00
2 60
2 75
2 90
a as
a 40
a 60
a 70
a as
AV. ft.
.1101 4 a
A, fr.
. 140
. 40
. 420
. I4
. 120
. ttil
. Mi
1 71
I 00
I 26
I 40
I (0
i to
I to
t f.5
I. ...
II. ...
, 1120
1 4
I 0
t M
I 00
I 2t
I to
I 44
441 I 45 1 4M I OS
171 I 4t 1 770 I 00
MO 3 It -" 171 I U
BUI. 1 A
IStO 1 74 1... 1400 I M
1120 I 40 1 440 I 26
1210 3 10
n 1 to
u I s
470 I M 1 140 t 7$
100 I 40
Wo I to 1 e0 I 14
1260 I 06 t Rt I 40
lino I Of 1 771 I 00
, Hi I II IS 10CJ I tl
16 cows.
4 cows.
2 cows.
6 cows.
$2 cows....
21 cows....
60 feeders.
51 feeders.
12 cows....
1 cow .....
4 cons....
t heifers..
I heifer...
1 heifer...
2 heifers..
$ feeders.
$ feeders.
62 feeders.
21 feeders.
13 feeders.
16 feeders.
1 bull....
146 cows.,
4 cows...
... 896
, 738
, 690
2 90
a 35
a 16
2 30
a so
2 90
a 05
a 30
a 2o
3 20
1 65
2 66
2 66
t 76
a 60
4 25
a 00
a 30
a 66
a 00
a 20
a 15
1 bull....
1 bull....
1 bull....
1 feeder.
. 920
. 650
. 860
4 cows.
62 feeders.. 893
17 feeders.. 968
1 feeder... 961)
6 feeders.. 782
1 feeder... 840
1 feeder..
1 steer....
1 steer....
3 calves..
3 calves..
7 cows..,.
9 rows....
7 cows....
10 cows....
1 cow
7 rows....
. 876
a 00 a cows.,
a 00
. 960
. 210
. 145
. 648
. 912
. 7k6
. 870
. 942
a rn
a 00
2 00
a 60
a 90
a i6
a ao
a so
a 60
a 20
a 00
4 26
a 76
5 00
S 76
a 76
2 20
2 20
a 20
2 45
2 45
.1000 a 00
23 cows...
13 feeders
1 feeder..
4 feeders.. 432
8 feeders.. 6"0
1 row
34 cows....
19 cows....
1 cow
T cows....
1 cow
1 cow
7 cows....
32 cows....
36 cows....
, 924
, HU
, e.s
, 814
a 25
$ 26
a 26
2 85
2 86
2 S5
a 60
2 26
2 25
a 26
a 60
2 16
a 26
a 45
a 4
17 cows..
$ steers..
$ steers..
1 steer...,
1 steer...,
3 steers..
! steers,.
1 steer..'..
2 steers..
2 bulls...,
2 calves.
2 feeders
14 cows...
4 cows...
10 cowa
10 cons.
14) 4
.. M3
.. Ilk
a so
a m
2 66
2 65
1 25
2 26
2 26
2 65
t 25
2 25
1 00
2 85
2 76
2 26
a 75
Cattle Slow and Lower Hogs Drop,
bat Sheep Rensala Steady.
CHICAOO, Nov. 24. CATTLE Receipts,
23,000 head, Including 1,000 westerns; mar
ket slow 'and 10c lower; good to prime
steers, $5.76416.90; poor to medium, $3.0O4y
6.60; stockers snd feeders, $2.0i4i4.60; cows,
$1.40to4.60; heifers, $2.00.00; canners, $1.40i
2.40; bulla, $2.0064.60: calves, $3.607 00;
Texas fed steers, $3.00j4.00; western steers,
HOGS Receipts, 36,000 head; estimated
tomorrow, 80.000 head: left over, 6,000 head:
bulk steady: closed 6c lower; mixed and
butchers, $o.90ifj6.80; rough hesvy, $6.9o6.20;
light, $5.606.16; bulk of sales, $6.00(j6.2O.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 88,000
head; sheep, best natives, steady; lambs,
best nstlves, steady; good to choice weth
ers, $3.&04.00; fair to choice mixed, $2,504
8.50; western sheep, li. iwys la; native lambs,
$3.6056.26; western lambs, $2.75t.7S.
omclai uaiuroay;
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 243 1,064
Hog 17.67 806
Sheep 1,377 1,622
Kansas City Llvo Stock Market.
ceipts. 10.600 natives, 1,400 Texans; calves,
2u0 Texans, 1,460 natives; corn cattle steady
to 10c higher; native cows, slow and weak;
western cows, steady to strong: stockers
and feeders, aulet but stesdy: Quarantine.
slow; choice export and dressed beef steers.
$5.6b&6.2&; fair to good, tJ.ooiuo.oo; stocsers
snd feeders, $2.7064.26; western fed steers.
$3.105.60; Texas and Indian steers, $2.75
4.60; Tsxss cows, $1.7Vu3.O0; native cowa,
$1.60(54.25; native heifers, $2.4kq3.90; can
ners. $1.08(.40; bulls, $2.0o4i4.60; calves,
$2.76fc.00. m w .
liOtia rieceipis, ,' neaa. juaxsec
steady to firm; top. $6 20; bulk of aalea,
$6.1ih6.15; heavy, $6.104i.20; mixed packers,
$s.0fyii6.16; light, $6.07yU2; Yorkers, $6.16
fc.12: pigs, $6.2cr-00.
head. Market sctlve and Arm; native lambs.
te.6uro5.2o; western lamDs,; red
ewes, $3.0Ofr3.70; native wethers, $3.004.00:
western wethers. $3.0O3.6&; stockers and
feeders, $1.90o3.26.
Bt. Lonls Llvo Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 24. CATTLE Receipts,
$.000 head. Including 2,000 Texans. Market
stesdy for natives to strong for Texans;
nstlve shipping snd export steers, $4,759
7.00, the top being paid for fancy grades;
dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.766.80;
steers under 1.000 lbs., $3601(16.00: stockers
snd feeders, $3.6iiH 60: rows and heifers,
$2.2626.00; canners. $1.6&fi2.40; bulls, $2.50
4 26; calves $4.O0df7.O0; Texas and Indian
steers, $2.7004.80; cows and heifers, $2,000
$ 26.
HOGS Receipts, 4.600 head. Market
strong: pigs snd lights, $6 106.40; psckers,
$6 16'i6 So: butchers, $6 2O1&6.S0.
SHEEP AND LAMHH Receipts, 1.200
head. Msrket active and firm; native mut
tons. $3 Ji$ 86; Ismbs. $4 $"65 60; culls and
bucks, $2.uu-a4.00; stockers, $1.6oV$.00.
Slons City Llvo Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Nov. 24.-flpecial Tel,
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, $. head; best
stockers steady and cows week: beeves,
$4 6o4V60; cows, bulls and mixed, $2 26&4.00;
Blockers and feeders, $2,609-4.60; yesrllngs
snd calves. $2ifAo4.0O.
HOOS Receipt, 4 500 heed; lor. lower
snd quality poor, selling at $6.06434 26; bulk,
66 Ki 15.
SHEEP Receipts, 600 head; steady.
St. Joseph Mr Stock Market.
Receipts, 2.214 head Market steady to
strong, natives, $3.76446.60; cows and belfsra.
Cotton Market.
Flrm; sales, 7,750 bsles; ordinary, 61-ltic;
good ordinary, 7 3-16c; low middling, 7c;
middling, 8c; good middling. 8 7-16c; mid
dling fair, 9c; receipts, 20,129 bales: stock, .
347,723 bales. Futures, steady; November.
8.02c bid; December, $.12518. 13c; January..
8.22(ft.23e; February. a.2Mf8.26c; March.
8.82c; April, 8.34ct8.36c: May. g.36'o8.37c;
June, 8. 87iS. 39c; July, 8.39fi8.41c.'
ST. LOl'IB, Nov. 24. COTTON Firm and
c higher; middling, 8c; sales, 331 bales;
receipts, 4.918 bales; shipments, 4,718 bales;
stock, 23,071 bales.
NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-COTTON-Opened
firm st an .advance of 8 to 11 points. The
advance was increased to IS to 19 points
"for the day on the more active positions.
this being a net rise of w to w points
within a little more than a week. Today's
Improvement wss largely on strong cables,
Liverpool reporting sn sdvsnc of 7 to 8
eolnts. Later tn the session the weather
ecame a factor and buying was upon an
enormous scale and from all classes of
operators. At the opening ths shorts were
particularly heavy ouyers. uontriouiing 10
the Improvement were strong advances
from the cotton msrkets of the country,
the south In genersl reporting an advance
of 1-1633-I6c, and large activity on the part '
of the exporters and spinners, especially
the former. Texas reported large areas of
lowlands more or lens wsshed out. with
heavy rains still falling. Other parts of
the cotton belt reported killing frosts. At
the same time the movement of cotton was
of disappointing proportions snd not In
keeping with the larger crop estimates cur
rent a few weeks ago. Total transactions .
today are estimated at not less than 600,
000 bsles. The publlo gsve pr fer.-ce to
March, May and July, while spot houses
and the larger shorts bought the nearer
positions very rreeiy.
moderate demand, prices 6 to 8 points
higher; American middling, fair, I. ltd; good
middling, 4.68d; middling. 4.6Hd; low mid
dling, 4.48d; good ordinary, 4.86d; ordinary,
4.24d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales,
of which 800 were for speculation and ex
port, and Included 6.500 American; receipts,
23,000 bales. Including 9 Soo Amerlcsn. Fu
tures opened firm and closed stesdy; Amer- :
lean middling, g. o. c, November, 4.621$
4.53d; November and December. 4. 48inM.49d;
December and January, 4.434.47d; January
and February, 4.454.46d; February and
March. 4.45d: March and April, 4 46d; April
and May, 4..45d; May and June,'4.45d; June
and July, 4.44fi4.46d; July and August, 4.4ld.
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO; Nov. 24.-WHISKY-Steady at
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 24. WHISKY Steady at
PEORIA, Nov. 24. WHISKY On the
basis of $1.32 for finished goods.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 24.-WHISKY-DIS-tlllers'
finished goods, steady on basts of
Official Vote of Wisconsin.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 24.-The of- :
flclal vote for governor In the recent state
election Is as follows: Rose, democrat,
146.818; Drake, prohibitionist, 9,657; I .a
Follette, republican, 193,420; Seldel, socialist-democrat,
15,907; Purk, socialist-labor, -787.
The total vote waa 365.676 and tiov
erner LaFollette'a plurality 47.602.
Argument for New Trial.
DETROIT, Nov. 24. Argument on the
application for a new trial for Frank C.
Andrews, former vice president of the
wrecked City Savings bank, was begun to
day before Judge Murphy. The application
Is bssed on several affidavits that Juror
Bock was prejudiced against Andrews when
he was sworn In as a Juror In the case..
To Be Barled la arliagnoa.
HOUSTON. Tex., Nov. 24. The remains
of Captain J. D. McBlaln, U. 8. A., have
been sent to Washington, where tbey will
be Interred In Arlington cemtery. Captain
McBlaln was the first officer to obtain a
commission under the act of congress per
mitting enlisted men to apply for examina
tion. 1
Aimed at the Jews.
BUCHAREST, Roumanla, Nov. 24. Ths
disciplinary council of the Roumanian bar
has published a decision that only Rou
manian cltlsens may hereafter practice
law or act as clerks of lawyers. The de
cision is aimed directly, at the Jews, who
form the majority of the lawyers and law
Dillon ts Improving;.
CHlCAtjO, Nov. 24 John Dillon, who was
stricken with the grip yesterday and un
able to plead the Irish cause at the Man.
cheater martyrs' memorial, for which pur
pose he came to Chicago, Is reported to
day to be improving and with prospects
ot being able to leave his room within a day
or two.
Bids tkfO Kin Good Byo.
LONDON, Nov. 24. The king .of Portugal
bid farewell to King Edward at Windsor
this morning and proceeded to Blenheim,
where he lunched with the duke and duch
ess of Msrlborough. The Portuguese king
will remain in England for some time on
a private visit.
To Erect Wireless Stations.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Nov.
24.-A bill
has been prepared for Introduction in ths
local legislature next year providing fur
ths erection of wireless tslegrsph stations
Yates Passes Qood Right.
SPRINOFIELD, 111., Nor. 24. Ths con
dition of Oovernor Yatea ts quite encourag
ing. He psssed a good night and his tem
perature today was 99.
The new kind of General Arthur cigar
are now on sale.
IN8TRITMENT8 filed for record Monday,
November 24:
Warranty Deeds.
W. IL Strain and wife to Charles Col-
len, lots 1 and 8, Diooa s, v. at-
Mayne's 1st add to Valley.
Adolph Genius and wife to Ethel L.
Genius et al, aw 241-11...... ........
J. F. Helln and wife to Helln ft Co..
in. 1 4 7 8. 10 and 14. Marshall
ft L's .division; lots 1 and 2. block
a. Solomon, sdd; lot 4, Jeffries sub.. 10,400
C. F. Fshs and wife to O. C. Byrton,
n lot 4, Ol OCX. BO, Kiyia vfuimuev, h
7 and 8. Fahs' sub......... ..............
H. 8. Thomss to C. W. Halier, lot
a and 4, brock 82. Florence
L. M. Fredrlckson and husband to
Anna L A. Blomqulat. lot 9 and n28
feet lot 8, block 6, Klrkwood add....
Bessie B. Metcalf and husband to
Katls 8. Metcalf, middle 60 test of
s lot 6. block 6. Orchard Hill
South Omaha Savings bank to A, L,
. Bergqulst, lots I to 4, block 3. Al
bright's Annex
4talt Claim Deeds.
T. B. Fret ter. trustee, to Mutual Oil
Tank IJne company, lots I and 2.
block 9. McCague'a add
Mary Barret et al to E. 8. Flor, lot
7, bloc k 88. Florence
Annie Schroeder to W. E. Somes, s
no 18-16-11
Sheriff to Backers' Bulldlna and Loan
association, lot 6, block 6, Corrlgan
Sheriff to Bankers' Bjlldlng and Ioan
association, lot 12, block 26, First
add to Corrlgan Place
C. F. Harrison, receiver, to Betty
Tumqulat, lots 1 and X. bloc 4, Ames
Place .
Total amount of transfers $19,934