THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, XOVEMBER 25. 1002. 7 SEEKS AID OF TflE WOMEN Sountj CommisEiraer WirU Woteio'i Cnb to Help in Charltj 'Work. HAKES SPEECH ALONG PRACTICAL LINES Iota Oat Sosne (n U lirrt Perallsr (lmi(tm Press tm (all Especially for Worst by the Wnmf. nil makes amsll purrhsse sefl lenders la psrment a cne-dollsr Mil. Ke receives He change and tells tbe cashier that be hsnded bin I li or tlO bill. After con -sldershle argument be describes to the csshler tbe peculisr mark on tbe bill. Tbe rasbier find It In the money drawer. Thief Donahue raid that In nine cases cut of tea the pinir It worked successfully. AGE IS TOO COMMERCIAL Ufa lark Minister Irearhr ftersnaa Aralaat Tr4nrr of Taaaar Men ta Make I osnsataaioas. County Commissioner Jam P. Connolly was before tfct political and social science department of lb Womin'i club yester day with a new anit of rlotbes, a flower In hla buttonhole, aa emergency atock of Addlsonisn Enrlish and a repcrt of come of the work done bv the fount y for the poor. It war the Brut sdflress Mr. Con nolly baa made since hia campaign dosed a year ago and waa aloes a line oiber than political. It brim If a with statistics, for ha la chairman of the commissioners' rhir Ity committee and be wants the valuable aid be belieree the M'cmini club can give In relieving the Inevitable winter distress am one the very poor. "Thoae women, I long ago discovered, have rery practical ideas and methods," aald the commissioner, at be busied himself with the compilation of tabled reports yes terdsy, "and their co-operation would materially assist th!s board !n a great many raaea. I ball recommend la my la'k thia afternoon that they aend a representa tion to the conference of charities here after, for they are entitled to considers-' tlon among the agencies wtrklng along that Una. "And then thera la another recornmenla tlon that I hope to make and to explain aa delicately a the facta will permit. It la that they concern thrmrelve with aome rase where the destitution of the famillea la encouraging the dissolution of the young girls who are members of them. I don't Vnow that such mork la among the aiated objects of the Womu'i club, but it cer tainly la a woman's field, for we of the board bare discovered that any inquiries or suggestions that we men attempt to make are either resented aa insulting or elae are embarrassingly misunderstood. Yoaaar Girls la Da Barer. We have encountered one case whera a drunken father and a mother, made In different by long abuae, are living In a bar and permitting their 12-year-old daughter to contribute to the family main tenance by carrying beer and running other errands for a Chinese laundry, the ex planation for falling to secure her em ployment elsewhere being that abc haa never bad any schooling and sow has no clothing fit for wear In a store or shop. We cannot reach that falher'a sensibilities exoept, perhaps, with a club, wbirh the law forbid but the mother might be made to realise something of her responsibility If another mother talked to her. "Aa even worse case we encountered In a dissolute part of town when the county storekeeper went to a dilapidated flat to In veailgate the circumstances of a woman who had appealed for aid. He found that the woman la living a life of ahame and keeping with her, In their one apartment, girl 7 years old and a boy . Some wo manly assistance In a caae of thia nature would help the beard members to solvs a rather knotty question, for undoubtedly tha children are without even the plainest comfcrts of life. Rightly started, all could be self-supporting." Statistics sta Coaaty Warau Of the charity work of the year Com missioner. Conpolly submitted a. report that Included tables showing the ex tent ta which the needy have been aided by the county. A feature cf thia state ment was tht record that on April SI last there were 1,058 families requiring cither total maintenance or some assistance by the county. That number waa ths high mark, aa, strangely enough, the num ber of needy bad been increasing ever since March 1, when these were only a few mors than 900. With the opening of May avenues of employment the number rapidly decreased again. As an example of what Is required in tba maintenance of the poor. Commissioner Connolly showed the report of disburse ments by the county storekeeper for the single day of March I laat. when thirty ' eight families were supplied with 900 pounds of flour, 15S pounds of sugar, 41 pounds of coffee. II pounda of tea, 160 pounda of beans, 40 pounds of rice, 71 pounda of oatmeal. 195 pounda of corn meal. 1M pounda of aalt pork, SO bars of oap, 17 pounds of salt and 12 tons of coal. NEW GAME OF SHORT" CHANGE It Is Belaar necefally Worked Merekaats la tk Large Cities. Another smooth short (hangs gams baa opened up In various cities of the country and Chief . of Police Donahue desires ths merchants of Omahs to be on their guard. The gams is worked ,by two men. One takes a bill and on one corner; In small letters, writes his laundry mark or some other character. He makes a purchase at a stars where there Is considerable busi ness being done, takes his change and leaves. Presently a second man enter NEW YORK. Nov. 24. In a sermon en bribery Rev. Percy Stlckney Grant of the Church of the Ascension haa characterised tipping as a species of evil. After alluding to the official bribery that prevalla in the Orient. Mr. Grant repeated the story of the recent disclosures in St. Louis and said conditions there and la msny other cities were only ths earliest phase of what New Tork passed twenty or thirty yearn ago. "It would sceni." he aald, "that the older and decaying nations have not a monopoly of tbe civil social vice. The same thing cperates also in business and a young man in bualness finds frequently that he can receive money If he will lend hla influ ence or good name or act in a certain way, and many seem to expect something beyond their salaries. "We smile and charge up surh thing to foreign waya or a heathen religion," he said, "but whom ahail we charge It un to that young men in bualness are not content with the salaries they get, and will take commissions and gifts in a business way from anybody? What Is the state of mind that can sUow it? Can It be absolutely Just aud h'onest to the interest of tbe employer? No. The chief Interest is one's own pc.ket, and what wonder that defalca tion, tirbextlement and thievery take place." He said servants in hotels and restau rants expected tbe tips and Judged and served the patrons according to tbe tips they got. "It is all simply bribery," be exclaimed, "and a part of the maelstrom of money getting and spending. MILES TALKS ON ISLANDS Bare Troops Ivak Well, Teat Satires Are PasTerlaat Iron War ssl Peatlleace. MANILA, Nov. 24. Lieutenant General Miles will lesve here for China, J a part and Russia at tbe end of the week. Discussing the Philippines today be said: I have seen IX.000 of our troops and will Inspect more before leaving I found tbem to be in fair rendition. This Is a hard country for campaigning. 1 inspected the principal natural defense of the islands and some of the harbora which tbe govern-m-r.t may fortify. I found the people gen erally impoveriKhed from the rffwl of the war and the pestilence which folowed it, and 1 fear some may suffer from famine. The dearth of farm animals leavea the people no means of recovery. COAL THIEVES MUST STOP Aran Caarda Will Hereafter Protect Barnes Wklle la Traailt ta lew Tork. NEW TORK. Nov. 14. Coal shippers of Port Reading. Perth Amboy, Port Johnsrn and Ellxabethport have organised a vig ilance committee to protect their cargoea of coal in transit by water to New York. Enormous amounts of coal are lost yearly by shippers owing to the depredations of pirates, who have become sp bold that they sell their stolen goods openly at piers here. Hereafter each barge will have an armed guard, whose orders will be to shoot any one approaching his barge and who fails to answer a challenge. Tea Rtak Xewr Ltie If you neglect plies. They will causa fatal diseases, but Bucklen's Amies Salve posi tively cures or no pay. 25c. For sals by Kuan at Co. BURLINGTON TO SPLIT LINE PrewEt Wyoming Division ta Be Cut in Two Para December 1. SHERIDAN TO BE HEADQUARTERS POINT J. R. Pfcclaa ta Rentals as laserlatea. eat at AUlaac aai E. Gillette ta Take (large at fw Sherldaa Dlvlslaa. An order bas been Issued from the bead quarters of tbe B. M. railroad which will cause tbe creation of a new di vision. The order, which will become effective December 1. 1&02. will divide tbe present Wyoming 4j vision at Newcastle, Wyo. The main line and brancbea east of that point; formerly Included in the Wyo ming division, will be known as tbe Alli ance division and all lines west of that point will be known as the Bheridan di vision. At present the B. M. road is divided. Into four divisions the North ern, Southern. Western and Wyoming. The Wyoming division, which heretofore ex tended from Ravenna, Neb., to Billings, Mont., was originally looked upon aa a branch line which ran through an unpleas ant country of sanahilla and wilderness. Bmee its establishment, however, the coun try has made such rapid progress that with tbe addition of new trains to tbe coast over thst route It became tbs main line of the Burlington, overshadowing the Omaha-Denver line. Tbe new order will make two Important changes among the officials. J. R. Fhelan, who has been superintendent of the Wyom ing division, now becomes superintendent of ths Alliance division. This means that the territory under his control will be cut about in half. Tbe headquarters for hla division will remain st Alliance and owing to the increased business tbe office force there will not be materially changed. . The order also promotes E. Gillette, formerly assistant superintendent of Wyoming divi sion, ta superintendent of the Sheridan division and makes him sn equal with hit former superintendent, Ir. Phelan. Mr. Gillette bas the reocrd of being a first class operating m'.n and haa been with the road for twelve years. The order will also create division headquarters st Sheri dan, Wyo. One result of this order will be to plaoe the two rew territories which the Burling ton is now taking great pains to boom each in a sepr.rate division. The new branch running from Toluca into tbe Big Horn basin will be in the Sheridan division and the Guernsey territory will be under tbe control o! the Alliance office. The Alliance divts.on wilt take in the Black Hills branch rind will extend aa far south aa the old bot.ndartes of the Wyoming fllvl aion. which Includea Sterling, Colo., and the Cheyennt branch. Sew Beak oa Xebraska, A new vo'iume has Just been Issued by the I'nion Pacific railroad entitled "Ne braska." Tbe book contains 106 pages, giv ing a complete and comprehensive descrip tion of tee agricultural, stock raising, commercial and manufacturing Interests of the fc'ats. There are alao statistics In re gard to Nebraska's climate, population, in dustries, finances and much general In formation. The statistics given are ex haustive and are brought up to and in clude estimates of the present year. Among the chapters of especial Interest is one devoted to alfalfa, showing tba preparation of the crop, the market valus of the product, statistics and notes and additional notes for the benefit of ths farmer. Considerable space ia also de voted to the sugar beet industry, re sources of irrigated lands and to tbe edu cational institutions of the state. The fig ures giving the estimated acreage and crop and livestock reports In the different coun ties were prepared with great care and make several chapters of interesting tables. AT THE TOP. It is laudable ambition to reach the top of tbe ladder of success. But many s man who reaches the topmost rung finds his position torment instead of tnumpa. tie has acrificed bis health to aaccees. A man can sue. ceed and be strong if he heeds Nstare's warnings. When there is indiges tion, loss of ap petite, ringing in the ears, dizzi ness, spots be fore the ryes or palpitation of tbe heart : any or all M these symptoms point to weakness and toss of nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures dis eases of the stomach and other organs of di resuon and nutrition. liy perfect and abund ant nourishment dis- organ it enables the co-opera- WJ tioa of all the orga ns to pre- XV I avw uw prnect seaiui Of the body. For aiiiMt tw veara I aaflrred tram a very ohMiaau ew ml 0i;i ' wtun k k taourd. 1--V- a M ttrra Aw . Tormiui. Ontario. "I ln4 a g"aat euubrr of rrmraira wr. howl aue oe. 1 fcMllv luai luth ia ttarta all 1 was as fr aallil I cuuld aut bear acv aolid luut ia viy tuaiuli far ltnig time ; fen urlanthoiv and trprratl Could But al-r w iuUow say acxupT um . fcuiae fc-ur month aro a tnend rrccuaaieaded yoar ' odea IdetitcMl Iicovery Afar a wrfc s irwtaeut 1 Ka4 drrwed ao mack Wm St thai 1 cootiBKcd tbe metucmc 1 bmm lAKra larve tallica abd aai ccjavturrd M aaa Im anv caae accvuxi pitfcrd a pr-rniaDest ewe. I caa conartroujua'y rcuiBinriid a U the man au a at avapruca thmuehuui the land The " Commttn Srnac Medics 1 Adviser," rooo large pages in paper covers, is sent Jrt oa leccipt of SI ooe-crnt stamps to pay expense of (bailing onUy. AoircaS I. K. V. IIck. fla,,. & Y. ItiL vi! n I ELGIN CREAMERIES ARE SOLD One Bsaarra aai Thirty Plaata Ca ta Highest Bidder by Order f Caart, MADISON, Wis.. Nov. M. One bsndred and thirty creameries owned by tbe defunct Elgin Creamery company were Bold today by order of Judge Bunn of tbe federal court to Cobe A McGlbbon of Chicago, the highest bidders, far S45.000. It Is said ths purchase is made for a new creamery or ganization to be effected aoon. Objeetlaaa st fcaJooa. Residents of the vicinity of Twenty seventh snd Leavenworth streets to the number of about 160 have addreeaed a peti tion to the board of Fire and Police Com missioners protesting sgainst the granting of a saloon iut-nae la William Krug to do businesa at Z7U1 Leavenworth street. The petition is based on tbe ground that there ia already one saloon in that immediate vicinity and the residents thereabouta do cot wish it made a saloon neighborhood. Car Warka tar Hrile City. MEXICO CITT. Nov. 24 It Is reported that a car works on a large scale is to be established in thle country, a favorable con cession having been granted. TO PROVIDE FOR THE POOR Oaaaka Central Sflsalaa Wssts Tbaakaglvtaa? Dinners far Tws Haadred Faaalllee. A number of the Methodist Episcopal churches of the city are preparing to dis trlbuts food for Thanksgiving dinners to the poor through the Omaha Central mis sion. 701 South Sixteenth street. It is de sired to provide for about 200 families and a call Is made for 200 turkeys or chickens, 200 quarts of cranberries, tour barrels of potatoes, 400 loaves cf bread, 100 pounds of butter, two barrels of sugar and 100 pounda of coffee. Donations of gro ceries and money may be sent to Rev. M. F. Murphy, 701 South Sixteenth street. REINSTATES BOYS IN SCHOOL Saprrlilratrat Allows Stadeats Ilka Derarated tbe Banakeetark ta Retsrs. Hugh Wallace and Ernest Kelley. those over-enthusissttc high school seniors who climbed to dizzy heights lsst Wednesdsy night and painted tbe emblem cf their class on ths new smokestack, return to their studios today. The stack still stands. The errptlon of a certain vitriolic old gentle man living In the neighborhood has sub sided. Tbe boys have been "talked to" and forgiven. Peace reigns snd the government st Wsshington still lives. The incident rlosed yesterdsy sfternoen when Superintendent Pearse called together all the high school boys except the two of fenders and made the proposition that if they, the majority, would agree to desist from further offenses against the peace, dignity and good looks of the community at large and the high school premises la par ticular, tbe minority would be reinstated. The minority is Immensely popular with the majority snd tbe pledge wss given promptly and enthusiastically In order that tbe two should not be longer forbidden tbe privileges of the Institution. Then Superin tendent Pearae called tbe latter before him snd told about George Washington and a lot of other men who had got to be presi dents because they had been very, very good when they were young, and pointed tbe moral. That ended it. Tbe police will not be called upon to testify nor tbe airltsted members of tbe board to lose any more sleep. Only tke Door Is lajared. One thousand, fiftwn, Capitol avenue, was the scene of a spirited rerareruent at about 10 o'clock lsst night between Jennie Mitchell, s white woman living therein, snd Charley Mitchell, a colored sleeping car porter, which resulted in the arrest of the woman on s charge of shooting with in tent to wound, the flight of Charley for parts unknown, snd the considerable de facement of the doorway to the premises. Charley and Jennie have no longer lived torether since two months past, but last taght tbe man came to ber house and de manded admittance, which waa refused. For half an hour the woman resisted his attempt to enter, locking tbe door and barricading it with a chair. Finally she got a revolver. Charley seeing the weapon through the glass-panelled door, shouted out a threat to 00 lor ncr tne ncxi Time he caught ber out.- Then Jennie fired at his waistline, but the bullet couldn't get through the door any more then Charley could and lodged in the woodwork. lM Broken by Horse KJck. John Targart, who lives st the Intersec tion of Forty-second and Castellsr streets and who is a driver for Robert Smith A Co., lies in St. Joseph's hospital with a compound fracture of both bones of the right leg about six Inches above the ankle, the result of a kick from a vicious horse, received while he was driving at Twenty eighth street and Poppleton svenue about C o'clock yesterday evening. The team be came frightened at something and one of the horses began kicking, striking the driver as he sat on th iwst and knocking him to the pavement. There ia a pontibility cf lockjaw resulting from the wound. Appoints Special Policemen. At a brief meeting last evening the Bosrd of Fire and Police Commissioners spproved Mayor Moores' appointment of Peter Matsa as special policeman for duty aa watchman in tbe vicinity ol Thirteenth and William streets, and H. Larsen as special police man in tbe employ of Farrell 4k Co.. at Eighth and Farnara streets. Osing to pro tests which have been filed. William Krug withdrew his application for a saloon li cense to do business st Fourteenth and William streets. Affidavits of clrculstion were hied by The bee snd ths World-Herald. irrMtas far lmsaltlaa; Wasarm. J. Carleon. who lives at the Intersection of Twenty-second street and Poppleton avenue, was arrestee yesterasy evening and charges wiin insunmg women ou me street. At sbetrc -r ornocK vanson was saunterins alone Sixtctnth street near Davenport, and followed s woman and lit tle girl whom he met, making an Insulting remark to the former. The woman struck Carleon In the face, making hie nose bleed profusely, bergoant cook, wno naa seen the affair, then arrested ths man. Captain Keraaa Geta Post. CHICAGO. Not. 14. General MacArthur, commander of the Department of the Lakea, today issued a special oraer oy which Cantain Francis J. Kernan. Second infantry, is appointed chief signal officer and inspector ot small arms practice of the department, to succeed Colonel Arthur U. Wagner, aaslstsnt sajuiam general, marder In Itecond Degree. ANACONDA, Mont.. Nov. 24. John Mc Oearv. who killed Superintendent John Evans of the Washoe smelter last July, was sentenced to twelve yeara in the peni tentiary today, tbe verdict being murder in the second degree. (talrk Tlaae ta the laatkweit Lesve Nebraska points la the forenoon to take the palatially equipped "Meteor" of ths 'Frisco System, leaving Kansas City dally 7:lt p. m., reaching Oklahoma City 7:20 a. m., Denlson 11:10 a. nv, Sherman 11:20 a. m., Dallas 2:20 p. m.. Fort Wortb 2: 65 p. m.. Wsco 7:25 p. m. Passenger office, 205 South 14th St. Omaha, Neb. :.Ov ' .'.-f?,rnvT v k -- i a; V v-&r J?T-, mi ;-h K I cts piezvsarxtlyi Acts Beneficially. cts Irvjlyas a Laxative. Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured fnd the v t li-irif ormed and tothe healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing fips are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the ivUl Louisvill 5kf"F"rtarciaCO," Cl For Js. by ejl drudiAt-. Mew Pricc fifty ccrt per. bottld. Mrrtrr lajnaetloa DelayeA. NEW TORK. Nov. 24. The order enjoin ing the PrudentlaJ Insurance company of America and the Fid-Uty Trust company of Newark from merging will not be signed for two weeks, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Tony Sadilek came up from Lincoln yesterday lor ahoit visit with friends in Omaha. George Egermeyer of the Cedar Rapids (Ia.1 police department has been In the city for several days visiting friends on tbe local force. Mr. Charles L. Romberger. secretsry of the Leslle E. Keeley company of Dwight, 111., was in our city yesterday on a tour of Inspection of the Keeley institutes of the country Mr. Romberger expressed himself very much pleased with the manner in which the treatment was administered at the Omiiha Keeley Institute. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Saloon Hen and Butcheri to Form Inde pendent Ioe Company. WILL GET SUPPLY FROM JETTER LAKE District Cenit Derides One af tbe Street leser Cases In Favor of MwalelnaJlty Magic City basal p. An Independent lee compsny Is being or ganised In South Omaha. The plans are already laid out and the fletalla, so It is stated, will be worked out this week. This time it is the saloonkeepers snd the butch ers who propose going into the lee busi ness. A temporary organisation has been formed by Balthas Jetter, Frank Thompson and Joseph Dufly. Later in the week a meeting of saloonkeepers and butchers is to be held, when It is expected that a com pany will he formed and articles of incor poration filed. This company, providing the deal goes through, will lease the Jetter lake snd will supply loa to all saloonmen and butchers in the organlsstlon at cost price. One of the promoters of the new concern said that the lake would yield about 4,000 tons of ice. This amount, ns said, would be sufficient to supply saloona and butchers through the summer, providing the tem perature waa not extremely high. As some of tbe liquor dealers have contracts with other companies which carry over for a year. It is not expected that all of the eighty-nine aaloons in operation now will come Into the organisation this year. Wagons and hcrses will be purchased by the new company and lee bouses will be erected soon in contemplstion of harvest ing a large crop this winter. Boston liare Barns. Woman's Work in Club and Charity A meeting has been called of the Omaha rlous charitable, reformatory and Indus- should be at least one woman In that work. Equality club Is the cafe of the Paxtoa trial Institutions of ths state for its winter referring to Mrs. W. R. Adams, superin hoiel oa Friday evening, November 28, at work, tbe political and social science de- tendent of the Visiting Nurses' association 8 o'clock. Mias Laura A. Gregg, stats or- partment of the Woman's club has arranged as one of the most valuable assistants to ganlier. will outline the work fur the win- a series of subjects to be presented at Its tbe county and every other charitable ef ter and an interesting program has been meetings this seaon, which Includes re- fort. He requested that the women throw arranged. A general invitation bas been ports cf some of the national meetings of away nothing In the way of old clothing, extended. societies working ia this Interest. Tbe sec- but that Instead they notify him by postal end meeting af tha department was held or telephone at the county clerk's office. Present indications erexa.ll to Ike effect yesterday afternoon. County Commissioner that be might send for such clothing to that tbs sncusl convention of tbe Nebraska Connolly and Sheriff Power being the help meet the heavy demands for It. Suffrage association, to be held at Tecum- speakera Mr. Connolly spoke briefly of Sheriff Power was the next speaker, eh. liecember 1, 2 and X. will be the laxg- tbe National Conference of Charities and telling tbe women something of the alms est that that organisation has ever held. Corrections held recently in Detroit, but and work of tbs Nebraska Priaon aaaocis- The extensive field work and organising chiefly of the efforts of Douglas county la tlon and giving a brief account ot tbe that haa been done during the fall snd ths behalf of Its dependent and poor. He read national meeting of such organisations held direct aim ef the aaaocistioa at the object a number ot ths items ef expense and told in Philadelphia. In this work, locally, be the majority of ths other women's or gaol- something of ths means of Investigating aald ths women could render valuable aa- xations of tbe stats are working tor mors tbs real needs of applicants for assistance, aistance, tbs object of the association or leas directly this fall, makes its ac- all of which were helpful and interesting to being to aid convicts upon their discharge tlvity of general Interest snd promises to ths women, Hs referred to ths Important from the penitentiary. Investigation has part that women were taking In all na- proven that many men upon their die- tional organisations for the betterment of charge, having only their clothes and a ths unfortunate classes, urging that Omaha sum varying ia different places tram 11 women continue their Interest and nas their ts $5, frequently being tar from friends Influence la behalf of local needa. He said or encouraging Influences, when their that ths morals among the poor ot this money la exhausted and because of their community wars nut all that they might record, being suable to get work, bavs be, relating several Instances of deprsvity Hula choice or encouragement but to go and vice, that had come to bis attention, back to crime. In establishing soma sys- la which children ot the most Impression- tematlc aid for these unfortunates, be able age were, through their environment, asked tbe support af tbe women. Maay receiving their primary achooling ta trios questions were asked about the county Jail, that almost necessarily rendered them EheriK Power regretted that lack of room criminal a. "Only teach these children and prevented the separation and classification give tbem a chance to be useful and boa- of prisoners end frequently made it eat aad you will soon depopulate the prie- necessary to leave boys and petty offenders ons and reformatories," be aald. He urged with hardened criminals. He said that ths club to aee Its possibilities ts such there wss an svsrsge ot about tan boys work and to do tbe things among women snd three or four girls under six tees years that men cafcnoi do. "Women caa talk to of as confined la tbe county jail during womea as men cannot aad aa mothers you ths ysar. Both Mr. Connolly and Sheriff may be able to arouse snd stimulate asm Power recommended Juvenile court law soman's dormant interest la ber children sa a moat valuable preventive measure that will save tbem from lives of degrsds- that would more than make up its expense, tlon and yourselves from the consequences The Boys' and Girls' Industrial achaol ot their misdeeds." bs said. st Kearney will be tbs subject of ths next When asked bis opinion of the usefulness meeting, of wsmea as assistants la tbe county char. liable nark, be eeid bo thought that there. J attract to ths meeting representatives ot all tbe other aaeociatlona. "Property Eights of Women" and "Industrial Laws for Womea and Children." all of tbo wo men are working for this winter. Oa Wednesday evening. December 8. ths pro gram will bs furnished entirely by men and ths association will bavs ths honor of first presenting Governor-Elect Mickey from the platform ef a state convention. His subject will be "Character Building " Tbe other speakers ar Senator O'Neill ot Lincoln. Reus lor Beal of Broken Bsw, Will Waupln and A. L. Blxby ot Lincoln a'ld several ethers. Four new club have re cently been added ta the stale erganlsatica st Palmyra. Hsy Springs. Dunbar, EiuiiA, and a good part of the clubs ever tbs state have been strengthened by visits from Miss Gregg snd lbs state officer. There will be no meeting cf ths mu aical history class oa Friday morning, but ftta music department sill nave charge ot the progTSja at tbs open meeting of the Irluh oa Monday afternoon and aa excep tional program ia promised. Having taken up lbs study af tbs va- At 4 o'clock Monday mort'S-g the Boston store, located in the Vanous block. Twenty- fourth and N streets, was discovered to be on fire. It is expected thst the contents ot the building will be a total loss. The smoke poured Into the fists above the store and awoke ths occupanta. By tbe time an alarm was turned in the goods on the ground floor were all ablaze and it looked as It the block might be burned. Very soon after the first alarm was sent in Chief Etter and three boss companies responded, and it was only by bard work and plenty of water that the building was ssved from being dsmsged to any great extent. William Priesmsn is the proprietor of the tore. He lives in Oman, in speaaung oi the fire Mr. PriesaiaB ssid to newspsper men thst recently bis stock invoiced st 224 000. Hs carried I18.&00 Insurance on tbe stock and $750 insurance on ths fixtures, making a total Insurance of tit, 250. While Mr. Priesman seems to think thst his stock is a total loss insurance men who looked Into the storeroom incline ta tbe opinion that there will be considerable salvage. Chief Etter had to fight the fire from the rear of tbs building and the fact that the Are was not permitted to spread shows ex cellent work on the part of the South Omaha fire department, Tbs chief says thst from an Investigation the fire probably started In tbe office on the tiortbeastern part of tbe store. No rauae is given, as tbe chief said that be bad not completed bis In vestigations. When naked It be would re sume business. Mr. Priesman said thst be would not decide that question until tbs Insurance adjusters bsd completed their lsbors. While ths smoks wss pouring from ths rear windows and Inta tbs fiats above some ot tbe dwellers in tha flats became so ex cited thst they rushed Into tbe street with but little clothing on. As soon as It was found that tbe fire was under control tbs residents In the flat returned to the! quarters. While boas company No. 2 was working st the fire thieves entered the fire hall an carried away aome change tbe men bad left in their clothes st the bouse and a number of articles of but little uae to anyone but firs company. City Wlaa newer Caeee. year ago, they caused a great deal of ex citement In the circles of the city officials. Ths N street sewer Is the only outlet for sewage from almost the entire eastern business portion of the elty. Not slone did the parties desire to stop tbe emptying of the sewer into tbs creek at tbs inter section of N and Twentieth street, but damages, amounting to many thousands of dollars, were asked as well. A temporary Injunction was asked against the city, but this the court refused to grant without a hearing. A day was set when all parties should appear In court, but when tbe day came, tbe attorneys were not quite ready, so another adjournment was taken. Then a number of affidavits from people professing to know all about ewer matters were banded to the court. and the case waa taken tinder advisement, Thore it has rested up until the time Mr. Murdock called bp for hearing ths demurrer to the different petitions. It is ssid that the decision will have tbs effect of all ot the other cases being dismissed. Be tween eight and ten cases were started, and tbe amount of damages asked was between $5,000 and 210.000 in each caae. Jones-Maaehee Caafrreaee. Sanitary Inspector Jones held a confer ence with Manager Manchee of the Swift plant yesterday in connection with the re ports thst the plant of Swift's wss not kept in proper sanitary condition. Man ager Manchee made the assertion that oaorieaa tanas naa been ordered some time ago and would be installed aa soon as possible. By doing this, Mr. Msucbes thinks that aome of tbe cause of complaint HI be removed. Further,- tbe Swift people say that they stand ready and willing to o everything in their power to relievo ths people of South Omaha and Omaha from the disagreeable odors naturally aris ing from packing plants. Ths understand ing with Inspector Jones is that there la to be a general cleaning up at all of the packing plants. Health Otlrera Active The dumping of garbage snd manure within tbe city limits has csused n number of complaint ta be filed with tbe sanitary inspector, yesterday sn arrest was made by the police in order to call the matter to the attention of ths police judge. It is as serted by complainants thst garbage and manure bas been dumped on vacant lots all over the city. Tbe mayor and the sanitary Inspector say that thia must be stopped. All garbage haulers who oporats under ths present city ordinsnce must deposit their losds outside of the city limits. There is, so it is ststed, a place where ths river can be reached st the present time, al though it is by a roundabout way. Tbe City Attorney Murdoch was yesterdsy no tified that the district court bad decided In favor of tbe city la the N streei sewer cases, which have now beea pending for a year. Tbe cases were tried on da murrer, and whils lb decision handed down applies to only one caae, yet Mr Murdock seems ts think that It Is con elusive of all of the rest of ths N street seaer rsaea. Whas tbess cases a ere Instituted about North Bend, Neb., called upon bis old friend, Hon. Devid Anderson. Thirty-eight years ago Messrs. Skinner and Anderson lived on adjoining farms in Plstte county. They hsd not met for more thsn twenty five years. Tbe entire afternoon was spent by these pioneers in talking over the time when the Pawnee Indians made trouble for early eettlers in thst portion of Nebraska. Mr. Skinner will remain here tor a day or ' two looking up old acquaintances. Kisg's Dasghten' Dlaner. ( Tbe Magic City King's Daughters will send out baskets of food to Indigent persons Thursday. These bask sis will be filled by ths women belonging to tbs order at ths borne of Mrs. H. H. Ames. All those who desire to contribute to the dinner for ths poor are requested to send supplies to Mrs. Ames not later than Wednesday forenoon, 'While there is little destitution st this time quite a number of widows snd esses of sickness are being looked after by tbo King's Daughters. Mas-no City be-aelp. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wlllsrd Harrow. Sixteenth and M streets, a daughter. There will be a "hard times'' socls! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frsck Stryker this evening. Zeck Cuddngton is here from Ottumwa. la. He will remain for a day or two and then go back to his grading camp. Genrare M. Lawrence. 1614 North Twenty- sixth street, reports the birth of a daughter. A son has been onrn to air. ana jars. William linker. H street. Funeral werviees over the remains of K. L. Martin will be held on Wednesday morn ing at p. m st the First Methodist Epis copal church. Interment will be at Belle vue. Railroad employes report that brasses from care standing in tbe yards are being stolen end a watch has been eat sll over the yard for ths purpose of catching the guilty partiea. LOCAL BREVITIES. In the suit of Sophia Blbbert sgainst ths Chicago, Mllwsukee at St. Psul Rallrosd. to collect d.W for damages alleged to have been sustained in a wreck near Potter, la., tbe Jury haa found for the defendant, Oscar F. Olsen. stenographer at the Vnlon Pacific headquarters, wishes it un derstood tha.t be is not the Oscar Olsen who wss arrested while trj'ins; to obtain money from a loan company by nslng an other man s name. At the recent ccmoert given by the or chestra of the Omaha Commercial college Director Stelnhauser and J. Ssly rendered splendid violin solos and Miss Mamie O'Brien gsvs several vocal numbers w hich delighted the audience. Tbe sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered st 7:1' a. tm. on Thanks giving day in All Saints' church. The con gregation will I'nite with tbe congregation at Trinity church for the union Thanks giving day services at 10 a. m. Richard Larsen of 21C4 South Twenty- ninth street, sn rmploye of the Wooden manuisciurii'g company or snd M ainut streets, suffered long bsul has caused haulers to violate the . ckcr , .M . . , , . . - 11 wenty-eixm i. w sub uuioau me contents or their wagons a doubts frsoture of the right leg below .mm ins limits prescnoea by ordinance. ' Ins aaee acxroi :su o ciock yesteraay sner- It is understood thst there is going to be a thorough revision of the garbage law aoon and the legislature will be asked to assist in the matter with a view to keeping the city clean at ths leaet cost possibls. Aiken Faseral Services. Funeral services over ths remains of Clyde Aiken were held at tbe HarreU resi dence. Twenty-third and J streets, yester dsy afternoon. Rev. Dr. R. L Wheeler, pastor ot ths First Presbyterian church, de livered a short sermon and Mias Jessl Carpenter rendered two solos. The casket was literally covered with flowers, tb gifts ot friends. At the close of the ceremony tbe remslns were turned over to Undertaker George Breaer and were forwarded to Clarlnda, la . for Interment. Relatives re siding here accompanied ths remains. Old Settlers Meet. Testerday afternoon Z. B. Skinner ot noon wliile he wss assisting to reiee aotnt timbers ta tb root of ths Willow Springs brewery. , A concert reerta under tbe direction of the second division, yVoman's Helping Hsnd society, will be given st the Kountse Me morial r.bureh this evening. The program consists of muKicaJ and literary eelcntnns snd the following will take part: Mlaaes Stapenhorsl snd beedle, Miss Corinne Paul eon, Miss Alioe Fawcrtt. Mrs. J. A. Qulnn, Frank Duniop and George Gellenbeck. The next lecture of the series on "Mod era Social Problems'' will 1 given in tha First Congregational church tonight by I'r. Irs W. liowerth of the I'niversity of Chi cago on "Competition snd Co-Operation." This is the fifth time Dr. Howerth has ap peared before tbs Omaha center, and upon each return his lectures are received with Increasing favor. His lecture this evening promises to be one of (he most interesting of tbe series. Dr. Howerth ia a strong be liever in the co-operative aa contrasted with the competitive system. Among ths questions whic h be will raise Is: "Is cHn petltiun, as the word is us jelly under stood, inseparably connected with our mod em industrial system?" r - 7 it n ii i t ai m t Jf T IITTl lsiiniatsjsssssalll Watch Accidents wiTJ njuppta! Thar wty yoaar watch works should fag protected1 by a strode; case Cdi alooc u soft and bend easily. 1ft t4 lor show onry. Tbe 'AS. BOSS UlWrZKZD COLD WATCH CASE scaasa )ar aai yalU Keeps out tbe dust. PrnWri tbe expense oi rcptar. A44s many yean ta the iiie s4 your walcb, Every IAS. BOSS CASE is ruaxantccd lor 25 year try a ILrystose TraaW-anark srsmrrd inssie. Ye snasst look for this tra4nerk ConsaH the iewrkrr. ru a lus few it TUB KEVSTONB WATCM CAS CUMPAMT. PhUaveaipSia. T