V THE "'OMAHA' "DAILY II EE: TUESDAY, KOVEMHEIt 25, 1902. 9 f SPECIAL NOTICES iiMftlMUMIl for these 1111 bo taken nntll 11 as. for the rtac edition and til : 8. sn. ' Mrils( and Sander edition. Mates, 1 1.3a a ward rat Insertion, la ward thereafter. Rathta taken far lees than 2Se far the flrat loser Hon., These advertisements aanst naeeatlvely. AdTartlsrra.br reqaeatlaer i m. 1 L. he red efcek, raa bar anewem ad arraaad to a aambered Irttrr la rara at Tbe Bee, Answers addrraaad will ba delivered as frrooeatntlea at tba tbrali only, t MTfJATIONS WANTED. 'RAVELING, salesman wants position Kith implement, mutgy or winumiu r.rm; n vert In renalrin lmDlements and wind mills: good reference. Address N 27, Hps. WANTED, situation, registered druggist, U years' experience, country and city; good wall nwper man; competent to take charge; reference former employers;- fiii gle. Address O 39, Bee. A-569 24 WANTED MALE HELP. IUBTL1NQ deputies .wanted; men or women; splettoid contract, The Uarden- ra, 415 bee B.ug. B 2,a V ANTED, for U. 8. Army, able-bodied un married mt-n between aaea of. 21 and v HI p ns ot United tttates, of good char acter, and temuerate habits, who can sneaa. read anu write' r.haliBh. . For forroatloif appiy to Recruiting officers. 14th and Douge Sis., Omaha, and post office uullaing, Lincoln, Neb. B D-31 . - . ' KJOD messengers wanted, high salarlea. a. u. x. co 'tut a. win oi. " IOOK SALESMEN Three experienced men to sell a uew edition ot'jonn ivrnanca Bungs, s, ' In right volumes, Willi iarper WeeKly or itiagnsine; a nrnDoMtlon. linruer & uius.- building.- ''. riUS ad will prove salary and expenses xivancea lo salesmen, au.c.v..-. irlumph Co., lalias, Tex. B MU 2o 5AIX Oil "lllTE-Moler Barber CoUege, W Douglns ft., aooui special orrcf tor mert to team barber" traoe; comparatively no expanse; more expertem: In one monto than years by other methods; boaru vr viued: waiSts BatUrdays; teois piesunieui I positions pientiiul; uo not uo fntuiw. cneap iraiuii- ..,, """"r ',.7 what we haVe to oifer. B MMi I rVANTED, good specialty salesman:-. Ad-. dress o 4, nee. .. . . TAILOR wanted at-ence; trail tx, Holdregfe, IieB, : Carl P. Linden iAIlCgMliN VA!NTE1. SVERYHBRfi. to sell Lambert Type writers. -Monroe at .., oii m si., Omaha. " WAM KU-I'KMALK UULl'. . 100 Girls. Call Canadian olflce. 16th Dodge. ..; - ' C . '. - . ' WANTED, student nurse at South Omaha hospital. - .' ym. WANTED, ' Swedish or .Wei man girl for general housework;-smau iauill ; . good wages. Call at U j-a,ta st. - aunt WANTED,- a" -good girl 4or general house work Appl JLt i'opieton . avo, . - f . .; i.. ,. - , C 458 WANTED Qirl to do. general houaeworlt In tanuiy ot ttiree; , ooa wages, airs; bimerai. 7I N. attt ave. c M4.1 GOOD girl, for general housework. 66a Bo. stn bi. ; gooa wagear v w WANTED," competent ' girl for general housework: wanea. 6: no laundry worn. 1KJ2 DaVcnpor C !) to WAITED, head dlnltigroom girl, 2tt per mo. ' Fare aovancea. J. U. velio, Vaien une. Neb. C Mi3 1 A GOOD cook wanted for the Lange hotel, upstauran i t. " ' vww WANTED,' fine appearing lady pianist; also ballad singer, to feature with om nlght stand company. Address O Bee FOR RENT HOISES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co. ; office, .luuia f aruaiu, or inw, iJu-Aj. , . - tiAIICCC In all parts ot city. The O. nUWJUJ t Davis. Co., rus Bee lildg. 9-ROOM modern, near High school, $27.60, ' ' -room nouse, shin ana t.nariea, uj.uv-. lnu. MH Cap. Ave, Tel. 6i. ttotiiaon. BEE PAYNB; BUBTWICH CO. for choloe ho usee. vl-3 f. mug. iei. iuio i ,.' - - . ' . D 461 MAOUAB.D Van Storage Co. Tel, 14K6. D tuS 1520 BURT, rooms, modern, nice lawn. barn. . 221s is. 19th, s-room, -modern, $20.00. ' UM N. ISHh, 9i'om, modern, $al.uu, W. FARNAM Sail I ti CO.. ' XiM Farnaui Bt. HOUSES ana flats Blngwalt, Barker block. D w HOUSES. Q. a. Wallace, Brown Block. D is FOR RENT 44 ROOMS. , 101 and ioU liuward.sts.4 .has Just been put in nrst-clasa repair, including toUr new bath rooniav; desirable location for mail hotel; Uu per mouth. GEORGE at CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. ... ... .. D MU99 30 FOR RENT, one 9-room house, with gas, water nd kewer; Just been placed In ' tirst-claas reiialx; iu good, location. C. M. Bachiuaun, 4Je-37 Paaton block. D 179 $515 K. 18th st,. 7 rooms, all modern. $18.00 tvSl Jackaon St., r . all modern, $18.00. -iM N. 2sth aw. 10 r., all modern; ele gant, la.w. $215 Burt at., $ r., medern, except furnace. $J5.0u. tath and Taylor sts., 4 r:, 'well water, $10.00. 436 Harney St., r., all modern, fl2.lt. oi7 N. 2"th St., r., all-modern flat, seoond floor, $16.00. ". ' We have others. Come and see us. Last your houses with us for rent W have the - tenanta. Payne Inveatment Company.. 1st floor N. V. L. bldg. TeL 1781. .. . '.. . D 475. 004 MAPLE STREET Eight rooms'. $2oT D Lis ELEGANT s-room moflVrn house, every thing: keys, southwest corner 26th and Capitol Ave. . D 614 2t FOR RENT. 9-rojm house. Just newly papered and repaired, all modern except furnace, ltd Bt. and Poppleton Ave., lis. Tw 9-room housea, 30th and California Sts., all modern, city water and sewer, 1K. One 4-room house, 27th and Cuming bt., city water, $10. . C. M. BACHMANN, T 4rf-3 paxtorLBPjt. LOW rent for, good s-room house, 22d and California atreeta. If taken soon. Inquire at mi tofltl 19ltt treet, D M706 2f $30 S-roorp modern house, 2248 N. 19th Bt, tA 9-room modern house. 4J2 N. Kuh St. $il 4-rOom raodern house, .47.1 Farrta.m- 8L . . A Bvi. Uth Bt. .P . ' ' -D-M701 29 MODERN -room hiiuae. south front, lust palmed;. two months' rmt frve to desirable tenant, uanneii, an drown Block. D-MBTS. 25 FOR RENT, forty acres In the cltv Im1tl of South Omaha; small house, excellent place ior reta yard, vine Omaha Realty kompajiy, ut foogiaa ou.. upslairs. ' t i D-SJ FOR RENT, -s-reora modern cottage.- S4!$ t annul AVit. Xhe U. f. Davis Co.. Bee Bldg. ....... , D-6642 FOR RENT 7-roora house, 14 Center Bt $9 U. s-ronm house. 2525 S. 11th Bt.. $12. 1 ne umana rteaity t--e., ljoi uougias Bt. upatalra. ' D 73 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Farnam. $1 PER WEEK CI B. Uth Bt., one block owa 01 cuurx nouse. - s o AJCTNA HOUBJC. FuropMai uth gnd Dodge. FOR RENT FtRNISIIED BOOMS. DKSIRARI.K rooms: wslklng distance; -nrst-ciass location. Z.-t Farnam. E Mt96 I ROYAL, HOTEL. European. 16th It Chicago. HANDSOME steam heated room. 1909 Capl- ROOMS for light housekeeping. II"' ara. ju Mill u-ii- M. E haul trunks. Telephnne ". K MtM) THE FARNAM 19th and Farnam streets. bi Man 8TEAM HEATED rooms, 110 month; uaraer Hotel, 13th and Jones Hi". E M4) ,inr.Yr3ee(r "Kht 11th street. E-M..1 FRONT room, modern. per week. 1717 v e biter. E to Dl ROOM for gentlemen In private family, new nouse, . not water niaL flrarnn u 3. Bee. . E 624 24 FOR RENT, two nicely furnished rooms; one sitting, one bedroom; modern, .private bath; gentlemen preferred. 814 Bn. 2Mb Bt. E 500 2n FIRMSHRU ROOMS AXD HOARD. MERRIAM, comfortable winter home. Tel ti F 489 rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago. y PRIVATE family. 60s S. 26th ave ' F M1W FOR RENT-ITORUI AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class 'ocatlonj rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peter A Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1246 run nr.n i, me Dunning i u i itir- r m.-vu- plod, by The Bee at 816 Farnam Bt. It ha four stories and a basement -which was formerly used as The Bee press room. I This will te rented very reasonably. If Interested annlv at office to C. C. Hse- water, secretary, room 100, Dee building. WANTED, tenant to share large offices on the ground floor ot m. X. uie mag. in surance man .preferred.: Apply U01 Doug. ins St., uprtalrs.' ; . 4240 flpvTRAI.l iroMrv. d 3 rug meat marltet. ..with fixtures': also fine laundry. with Steam Dat ana P , fl , Ti Tlsard, Zit N. 23d. ' I 44 AGKITS WA,lTBO. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to ina TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. hipu.iv mnlnvment. wlth'assured aood In- come. Agents in tne couniry wmi uuio i and tiugsy especially desired' CahVasser - ----r - ' . .' . , . , 4 make laVllv I6u to llutt per' mohth. Ad- ,dreH, Cenury-Karmcr Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, umana. . tu - 1,000 AGENTS wanted t,o sell desirable old- line insurance lor tne largest company In the world of Its age;, no special con tract fakirs or leg pullers .need apply. We sell the best contract ever, written; good territory and commissions given to good, reliable men. , Call on or write to Ueorge J. Crane. Superintendent Western Department. 319 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb, . i M123 Di 150 WEEKLY and. expenses. Sample free. Greatest money making invention or tne age. Automatic Wnstver does a hashing In 30 minutes without labor or attention: cheaper' tkan . any other; jndestruotlble; everybody buys agents coining money; thousands - of testimonials. . Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. - , J M7S3 AGENTS wanted. Man or woman of good aduresa wantea to can on -cosiness mentis Very profitable position for competent I PCIBUM, .uvu U'Uft., i . " ' ' J-M7S9 25 &.!nnnn 1 a -n n..n STOHAGE. OM. Van Stor, Co., 1511 Vi Farn. Tela. 1559-963. 933 VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. UK, -tit WANTED TO BUT. ! , , - ii i ' WANTED To buy or location for bank: about iiu.uuv capital. Lincoln Hate De posit & Trust Co.. Lincoln, Neb. . ' : N-621-29 WANTED, dirt hauled one-half mile to 2M h and Farnam. inquire at 607 N. T. Life building. N-M707 2$ FOR SALE FIR.MTIRB. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020 New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. ' ' : O 471 ; 1 ' , ' .'!! i r ' '. FOR 8ALB HORSES, WAGONS, ETCi NEW and secondhand vehicles for sale cheap, li. 'Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. - . A ' P 471 FOR SALE 'or trade, thoroughbred white Arabian stallion, weight l.lou pouiias, agd ' 1 years. Ogden Livery, Council BluXs. P M23o FOR SALE MlSCELLANKOlg. NEW and 2d-hand typewriters. 1111 Farnam . .- g 4i FOR SALE, pbonographa, superior to t.iy other musical Instrument , $i up. The Wltunana Co.. 1621 Farpany q 474 FOR SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican hairless dog a. Address, ii. a. tiea. . 4J-M917 FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, comuiuauuu tauuera. - wot iuugius-. ; ... - e-M473 'ND1AN goods and rellca, 1119 Farnam. .1 1,S 100 STYLES Musses: catalogue free. Sher man St Mcconnell Drug Co., 1st b and Doage. Omaha. J -477 FOR BALE, fine Jersey cow; extra milker; a snap for some one. ca-uurae s Darn, South Omaha. y M546 2 2DIIAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. J 4,8 ..... 1 n I T . XT hllK.nl . n tmUimt billiard tables repaired; a large stock of 1 rhD bar hxtures. cigar counters, etc The Bruliswlt'k-Balke-Collender. Cq.. 4"7-9 8. 10th. , W Mov mt HIGH ORADE piano at bargain by party leaving the city; casn or part casn. u so Bee. W Mais PIANO for ssle or trade; want honse and buggy, u 23. uee. y 3iu un BUY or sell pool tables. Kern, $21 S. 12th, , W W FURNITURE of small flat. Inquire n 8. 2bth st. w Aim jd ELECTRIC-1 outfit, consisting, of I' Edison dynamos, one, an anu one u jv. iv., a Ideal engines, 40-horse power each, and one small water pump, for sale at a very reasonable price, as. It la entirely too mull for our ul ant. Cauaclty. 700 Hghta: machinery In first-class condition. Caa- 1 -1 f I V. i ' . . ....... . W .m ' , uer Electric IJaht Co.. Caaper. Wyo . Q M734 V ; r ClJilRVOYANTaV MRS'TRlTZ. calrvOnt; 1414 Cass Bt. - D h 480 MMB. GYLMER. genuine palmist, 91$ . U. b txi ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH. -baths. 11$ N. 15. Id floor, R. It : . ' T Sj9 ua MME. AMEB, vapor baths, 14 N. 16th. R. t . T 01438 LU GRACE tTBRYAN of Kentucky. 72 8. 13th. T 454 D17 PERSONAL PR. ROT. chlropodlt: corns md uperflj ous hair removed by electricity. H. It. Frenser block. . U 881 VIAVI. Woman's Way to Health. Home treatment. Bouklrt free. 14 Bee PWg , Omaha. U 4&J - RUPTURE CURET-No knife, no pain, bo detention from business rVnd for Kkiat. etc. EMPlRtC Rl PTURE CURE CO . 933 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha., . U Ui PERSONAL. GRAMOPHONES and supplies, whnleaale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 163 Douelas. V 43 DR. B. M. JACK BON. specialist In chronic diseases. I5u6 Farnam Bt. Consultation free. ' U-43 ELITE PARLORS. CIS B. ltb St., M floor. U-437 D15 PRIVATE hospital before and during con flnempnt; bable boarded and adopted. Mrs. OardeN, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-ViM U-48S PRIVATE hospltat before and during con finement; flrt-clas In every respect; babies adopted. Dr. I L. Miller, 2V4 Blondo Bt. "Phone F-1192. U-M429 N2S BARGAINS entire alnrk diamonds, irstch price" Drnon'd" VorUO. U--M548 N29 e, jewelry. In pawn mortgaged, hair WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per week. We repair and sell parts for any machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 'Phone 16B3. Corner 15th and Harney Sis 834 Broadway. Council Bluffs. 'Phone B-618 611 isorth 24th St., So. Omaha. 'Phone t.tba. U-JS26 Dl TELEPHONE 790 for L. M. E. messengers. U Mai MONEY TO LOAK REAL ESTATE. 4Vt PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or psrt any time. V 489 ... i i . i- MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha, real estate. urennan-Love Co., 9J9 B. 3tn. - 490 4 TO 6 P.' C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 41 FARM "'J-S AVJK.Y: Thomas W 492 . . FIV E PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1904 amain. . - y . " ' - r"v Air. money. . u. eaa. 1W4 JJpugias. W ti WAVTFD rltv lnnna and warranfa W Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam street. W 493 WANTED, city and farm loana; arsd Ikonds and warrants. R. C. Peters Ic Co., 1703 Farnam. m., Bee Bldg. 'W 4W . . . . i . . i - WANTED. 15,000 load on flrgf vHass real ea- . late security. Inquire Blixt 4 Lovgren, room l-iiton OlocK. vv M126 MO.tET TO LOA V "H.TTfcl-Sl 4 MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to borrow Hlv. i, M trial hfnh - tU ' K, . " - lair treatment, attempt to retain you give ua a trial, arter wnicn we will, by lair ireaimeni, attempt to retain your patronage. We loan front HO up on fur niture, pianos, Uve'stock, etc We also make loans to -- SALARIED PEOPLE Without mortgage or endorser. We, do not deduct Interest In advance; we charge nothing for making or tiling papers and our service Is quick and confidential. V always try to plesse our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., lit Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. Established Uiii) South 16th Bt. A. 4V9 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)$$$$$ DO YOU NEEDIONEY? $ , MONEY TOsliiAN $ ON ... $ FURNITURE AND SALARIED . $ $10 to $500 loaned on FURNITURE, $ PIANOS. ETC.. and to salaried oeoule 1 $ at very lowest rates and for any length $ Of lime, witnuut puuui-ujr ur removing 9 the Droperty. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. uau ana act uur iciuu vciure kuiiik $ elsewhere. , I HtLl A BLK4 wnLiril LUarAn A. I I JtOOm oAA, Aiuru iwi i iwu skkk. 9 ! $$$$(tS4 RORRO.W MONEY WHERE you can get It on IfURNITLRE, PIANOS, HORSE8,. WAGONS, - COWS, ETC.; also on SALARIES. WHERE you get It on short notice and without publicity. WHERE you pay for only the time money la in use. WHERE you can return it on easy weekly or monuiiy payments. WHERE you get the lowest rates. WHERU can you do better? 1 nUt.. 1A tlJ,JJ14 V.U., 633 Paxtoo Blk. 16lh and Farnam Sts. X o8 largest Business in loans to SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, . team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without sa- puriiv: easiest terms: 40 offices in prin cipal cities. . Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. '..' -tw' MftKCT loaned on furniture, live, stock. Jewelry, -to salaried people. Foley Loaji Co . Buc. to uun uretn, uaraer diock. , . X-6ug MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew-J elry, horses, cows, etc. C. jr. tieea, 319 a.u. .... A,-t MONEY losned oh plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest ratea. 614 raxton diuck. ine j. a. iiutton o. X 4H7 . BISIXESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick see j. 11. Johnson, bt in. x. Lilt x MjOS wnR i,.-m h ' ,"k7 T BALE Rooming house, 38 rooms. heat, nne location: a snap this St.. Ullxie, O St., Lincoln, Nb. WANT to buy, sell or trade a business Go .see wiiHon, waroes ,co., 41 T to 419 Paxton block. Y-933 FOR . BALE Hardware and Imulement tock; Invoice $3,vo; well located in eaat . Nebraska. T. M. Cllne. 1238 O St., Lin- . coin, ieo. X JilUi 3a TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, Mccague building. - Y-504 GENERAL repairing rhop for sale. Very gooa opportunity ior a gooa, au-arouna mechanic; the only repair hhop In the cltv: also a bicycle repalrlnc shoD in con nection; smau capital necessary. Aauress to P. L. Krleboom, Lead, o. u. Y-M546 28 FOR BALE, coal yard, with 300 feet track- . aae. Peter LenaKh. South Omaha. Y M544 28 NO. 1 bowling alleys In Kanaas, Nebraska nd Iowa. Pool hall In Omaha. Cheao. Address O 42, Bee. X MT1S J FOR SALE The best paying bowling alleys In tne state, at Aioion, neo. t wo aueys; big business, owner going to leave city. Investigate quick. Address, Box 537, Albion, ieD. 1 saj z WANTED, a good location for a stock of . general merchandise; give full particulars abojt tne town, etc.; American locality preferred. Addreas . W. B. - Codington, Nemaha, JeD. X Ma.t, a FOR BALE, three-chair barber shop In good county seat town; reason for selling, failing health. Address O 17, Omsha Bee. X Md, I STEAM laundry In. live Nebraska town, I 1 . . ..II A M .111., t. n cheap; great railroad facilities. C. E. Adams, Jr., 604 Bee Bldg. Y MTU 25 BOWLING, alley and bulldiag for sale cheap. O. ii. OllUs-ple, Madlbon. Neb. Y M741 25' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A. P. Tukey & Son.' House and 5 Acres. Offer ' 6-room house, barn and outbuild ings, wun nearly acres of ground, la one solid body, for $3,250. This would make an excellent location for some mi who la moving Into Omaha. or who bow lives here and wanta to keep a horse, cow and chickens, and who wants a tract of land for garden purposes. It on the street ear line and close to one of tae beat acnooir in tne city. A. P. TI KEY AND SON 444-446 Board of Trade. 'Phone Office, nsi; Res., F-25.90. HE 731 24 LOT i, block 143, ntr. su oy 133 reet. on eoutbwest corner of 19th and rarnam. win do sota oa partition aeue to tne nig ti es I bidder on Wedntsday. November 84. Terms, one-half cash. Inquire of W. T. Nelson, lvla N-w York Life, or W. M. ttiilvr, V4 .Sw i wxg JUIe, HJ-47s-t FOR gALK REAL ESTATE. ONLY 12 an acre for 4S0 acres In the finest wheat country In Canada; fine terming land, 6 mllea from the thriving town of Killamey. Manitoba; gently rolling prairie, 246 acres cultivated, bal ance good pasture and hay land; good water, fine, Urge, frame house; Urge granary; stone stable; 42x72 feet; soil heavy, black loam; cl;y subsoil. Myron R. Hasting). 12 B. 14th St. RE-M7U 26 W. C. CHISSELL for BARGAINS In real estate. W16 Jones Bt. 'Phone 17"J1. RE MAi4 D15 HOUSES end lots In all parts of city; also acre proierty and farm lands. The e. Davis Co.. Room 652. Bee Blug. RE-10 BEE PATNE. BOPTWICK ft CO. for choice bargains. 601 N. 1. Life Bldg. Tel. 101. RK-uS FOR SALE, t Ton 6 ft.. No. front on Jackson, near lath. I 700 N. V. cornet 34th and Jackson, 66x132, I (K 46 ft., E. front on Lowe ave., nr. Burt. KpiON. V. Cor. Lowe ave. and Burt; 47x140 1 hm 48 ft., west front, on 14th, near Dorcaa. t 375 N. E. corner 16th and Decatur. H5i 60 ft. N. front on Blondo, bet. 35 1J. I K10N. E. Cor. Franklin and 32d.; 42 by 127 1 6o0 6) feet. K. front on tn. near tsancroii. OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 DOUOLAb. RE-M547 29 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa ciflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb.- RE S0 WILLIAMSON ?"ARn1E.free1: 1203 Km us WELL built g-r house, on fine lot ana beautiful location. Inquire mi vinioii. KE 223 N24 KEL8ET'S wall paper, 17th and Douglas. i none iwo. '" DO YOU WANT TO btLL A r-AKivir tf vmi m-ant to apll a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stocktalsers about-It. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 35,000 homes of farmers and stockraisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you Ought to find a buyer among them. The cost ui n ad la small i cent per word. - . , - THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER . OMAHA, NbfcJ. , RE-fi04 HARRISON & MORTON, FARMS. . , , . RE 28 Dlt LOT 38, block 8, Orchard Hill, all clear taxes paid, complete abstract Of title, $150; 15 caah. and 15 per month, without Interest, Thia xt Is C0xl40 ft, fronting north on Franklin, 100 ft. west of 38th. Handy to. street car and good school -and has sidewalk and city water. Three lots previously advertised this week on same terms are sold. , Act quickly. Har rison & Morton, N. Y. Life. R E M506 FOR BALE Fifty-acre farm, five miles north "Council Bluffs on- Crescent road; fruit and good Improvements: a bargain. Address C. F. Miller, 723 Mynster street, Council Bluffs , .HE M744 30 I A FINE 480-acre farm In eastern Nebraska, , hear Central City, In Merrick county, one of the finest Improved farms In the state, at a snap; $8,uuO Worth of improve ments. Bend for Illustrated description of It. Payne Investment Co., New York IJfe bldg., Omaha, or Heaton & Stone, Cen tral City. RE M73s 1 MAGNIFICENT residence In Irvtngton-on- Muason. xx. 1., ik roouiav baths; hand somely furnished; 2Vi acres ground, stable and cottage; 200 feet above river, H mile from R. R. station; will be sacrificed to anake quick sale. W. M. Wstrander, North American building, .Philadelphia, Pa. .. .--1 e HhMTfl 25 . 11 1 ' ill , 1 1 - SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING. GREGG S. H., Touch T. W., Bus. Branches. ieleg. cat. tree. urn. com. col., 17 ft Doug. 612 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life, - ei3 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. XV X. .Life. 614 NEB. Busineas St 8honhand College, Boyd's i neater. oi GARBAGE,. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools ana vaults, removes garbage .and dead animals at reduoed prices, tui f. itttb lei. luti - i MANl'FACTl'RING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma chinist el OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka. makea a spe cialty of ure escapes, snutters, aoors ana sales, u. Anareen, rrop., ius bo. luin ot. , - . car ' THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP.. 'Phone 0.717. 608 B. 16th. t THE DEPOT on time. U M. E. TeL 780. M 849 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILL MAN St PRICE, 2J U. B. N'l Bk. Bid. J4 NEB. COLLECTION CO., u6 N. Y. Life. li Dl NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO., 401-40$ N. Y, Mil UiUM'i aTiiiWIUVjral uu (.uutJU iWt a v j where. -433 LOST. LOST red cocker spaniel, dog; liberal re ward fer Information at 11 a. tn or phone B-20u3. . Lost 725 25 LOST Monday morning, somewhere down town. Interchangeable mileage Dook $77048. Finder please return to Marshall Denial Mig. t,o.a uu ravxtuo woe. 732 14 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 61a, N. x, Lite mug. ieu loot. -918 Mrs. Grace Deegan, 538 Bee Bldg. Tel. X Mi MEDICAL. 1-iA DIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal mis are tne best; sate; renaois. iake do other. Bend c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. PRINTING. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 611 Bo. 12th. u PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL NO fees unless success ful. 818 B. 15tn St, UmUL iL 1798. TYPEWRITERS, WHY pay more? Lambert, $25; superior to (MM macnines. nent on approvau Monroe Co.. 811 N. Klh St.. Omaha. 844 FLORISTS. BULBS, cut flowers and plants. Hender- sou, i t i. io. laiv raruam di., umana. -929 LAVNDHY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: hirts. 8c: collars 1c; cuffs. 4c 17M) Leavenworth, Tel. A-17&3. DETECTIVE . AGENCY. CAPT. THOU. CORMICK. ptivaU deteetlve. all axAJTbaca iivvk. i Bicnone . A-ava. AtTOJIOBIl.ES. ELEC. automobiles. Dertght, 1119 Farnam. .u STOVES REFLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2M5. S31 Ft R DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 S. 15ih. PA Wit BROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. HOI uougias. BALE) TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., SU North lAth. 1MO TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, 15o5 Farnam. Phone 7H. 922 EXPERT ACCOl HTAJIT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. G. R. Rathbun, Boom 16. Com ) Nat. bank. 9A) ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. THOS. DURKIN. Tel. 2448. electMo light wiring. 83 D6 STAMMERING AND STl'TTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 9"6 TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled. Joe Yousen, 1411 Farnam Bt. M910 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of csrpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J; T. Ochiltree, 'th and Lake streets. 370 MASQTERADE COSTUMES. THEO. L1EI3EN, 1018 Farnam, costumes. M4M4 LF.GAL NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR THE OMAHA AUDI TORIUM BLILD1NU. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until U m., December 11. 1902, for the brick work and cut stone or terra cotta work for the superstructure of the Omaha Auditorium bulldlnc. In accordance with drawings, specifications and memoranda t be seen st this ollice or at the office of John Latenser architect. Each bid must be dccomnanld by a certified check to the i-mount of $250 as a & aaranty ot . good faith. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, proposals must be on blanks furnished. JUK1'H rt. l.hllMt.K, Secretary Omaha Auditorium company, Office, bin floor Boara oi iraae mug. N23 d3t m-e GOVERNMENT NOTICE. FORT RILEY. Kan.. Oct. 25. 1902 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m. isovcmoer za. iwk. ior con struction of Two Double Sets of Non. Com. Staff Quartets. Information furnished upon . . . i l! i ft , application lieic, msu i viuttra ui Lnpvv Quartermasiets. Chicago, 111.; Bt. Louis, Mo., nd Omaha, Neb. Right reserved to accept o reject any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed "Pro posals for Construction of Buildings," ad dressed "Captain G. O. Cress, Q. M." eta io ii zs a m. a POSTOFFICB NOTICE. rKhould be read DAILY by all interested. as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails tor the week ending No vember 29, Wu2, will close (PROMPTLY In .ii, nuji at the eem-rsl Dostothce as fol lows; PARCELS POST MAILS close one. hour earlier than closing time-soown be low; Parcels Post mail for Germany close at 5 p. m. weanesuay, per a. s. reaencK der Grosse. Reeular and supplementary malls close at foreign station half hour later than clos ing time shown peiow (.except mat supple mentary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colcn, close one hour later at foreign statior). Transatlantic Malta. TUESDAY At 8:10 a. m. for ITALY direct per s. a. Blcllla (mail must be directed 1.. 'ner s. s. Blcllla ). WEDNESDAY At 6:10 a. m. for EUROPE. per s. s. Bt. Paul, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. a. St. Piul"); at 8: 30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per Majestic, via Queenatown. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. (SWITZERLAND, 11AL.X. BfAlIN, fUK TL'QAU TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR (jLEZ, per s. s. La Uascogne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Oaacogne"). FRIDAY At 6:30 p. m. for AZORES ISI ANDS, per a. s. Vancouver, from Boston. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m, for NETHER LANDS direct, per a. s. Potsdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Potsdam"); ' at 8 a. m. tor BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Kroonland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kroonland "); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Astoria (mall must bo directed ' per s. s. Astoria") ; at 10:30 a. m. laupplementary 12 m.) for EU ROPE, per s. s. Etrurla, via Queens town; at 12 m. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Aller (mall must be directed "per s. a. Aller"). 'PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class of mull matter for other parts ot Europe will not be sent b IMS ship un less fc).eclall directed by It. After the closing ot the supplsmentary transatlantic maila named above, addi tional supplementary malls ara opened on the piers ot tho American, English, French and German steamers. an-J remain cpen until within ten minute ot tho hour of sailing of steamer. Malls fox- tooth and Ceatral America, West ladles. Etc. TUESDAY At 9:10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. a. City of Wash ington, via Colon (letter, mall for Guate mala must be directed "per a. a. City of Washington"): at 13 m. for CEARA and MA HANI I AM. per s. a. Gregory (mall for other parts or tirs.su must do aireciea . "per s. s. Gregory"); at 12:30 p. m. (sup elementary l:3o p. m.) for BT. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, BRITISH, DUTCH anil FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. 'Ma dlana (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed ' per s. a. Moia,na ); at a.SO p. to. for Jamaica, per s. a. Ad Tniral Farraa-ut. from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 12 m. for CUBA, YU CATAN, CAHrbctit,, tauahlu na CHIAPAS, per s. s. Esperansa (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed trt s. a. Esneransa"): at 12:10 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. ra.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, yer s. s. New York; at 6:80 p. m. for AMA1CA. per g. a. Admiral Schley, from Vhiladelohle. THURSDAY At 11 m. for OUANTANAMO and BAMiAUU, per a. a. .iemuegoa; at 1 d. m for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. , Carthaginian, from Philadelphia. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. a, Santiago, via Tamplco (mall must be directed "per s. s. Santiago"); at 8:30 P. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. 8ATI RDAY At a. m. for PORTO RIOO, ri'RACAO and. VENEZUELA, per a. a. Philadelphia (mall for Bavanllia and Car tagena must be directed "per a. a. Phila deiphia"); at 1:30 a. ra. (supplementary 10:90 a. m.) for foktlkb island, JA MAICA, SAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, ter s. s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica muH be directed "per a. a. Alene"); at 9:99 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Adirondack; at 10 a. m. for CL BA, per a. a. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per a. a. Maraval: at 10 a. ra. for YUCA and CAMPECHE. per s. s. Dajtary at 11 m. for PERNAMBUCO, SANTOS mr,A RAO PAULO, per a. s. British Prince i mall for other parts of Braiil must be directed "per s. s. oniisn rnnce'); a i2:xo n. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Curltvna via Matansas (ordinary mall only, wh'.rh must be directed ptr s. a. wurityt Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Bvdney. and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 9.80 p. m. (connecting rli here every Monday. Wednesdar and Saturday). Mails for Mlquelon, by rail to Buityn, ud theaca by aleisr, clos 1 roSTOFFICB NOTICE, R ' at this ofTIr dally at :' p. m. Malls for ' Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Kla., and thence by stesmr, close st this office dally, exce.pt Thursday, st &:.TO a. m. (ths connettlng clofes are made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Baturdays). Malls for Mexico Cltj , overland, unless specially a (JO rested for dispatch hf steamer, close st this office dally, except Sunday, at 1.90 p. m and 11:30 p. m , Pundsys at 1 ?m. and 11:90 p. m. flails for Costa tlca. Bellst. Puerto Cortes and letter mail for Guatemala, by rail ts New Or leans, and thrnee oy steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, st M SO p. m. and 11:3) p. m , Sundays at i p. m. and '11.30 n m. (connecting closes here Mondays at '11:30 p. m. for Bellae, Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala, and Tuesdays at '11:90 p. m. for Costa Rica). 'Registered mall closes at p. ra. previous day. Transpacific Malls, Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and ictorla, B. c, close here daily at 9.30 p. m. up to November 25, Inchislve, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China (reglKtcrea mail must be specially ad dressed. Merchandise for I . B. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Mails for the Philippine Islands, via San r rancisco, close n, r uany at p. m. up to November "2b, Inclusive, for dls batch ter U. h. Transuort, Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close Here dally at :30 p. m. up to iso vember "2, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. losa Aiaru. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Fhlllp pine Inlands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at (:30 r. m. up to November "28. Inclusive, for dlsuatcn ner s. s. Chinrt. Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December "1. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Ala- mens. Mulls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally st :30 p. m. up to December "1, inclusive. ior oispatcn per a. s. atanposa. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacomu close here daily at 6.3o p. m. up to 1 cember "2, Inclusive, for dispatch pel ' s. Olympla. Malls - for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, snd New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI llands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here dally at 8:3u p. m. . after November "22 and up to December "8, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorangi. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December "6, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Doric. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe) New Zea land, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. 1 aftir December "6 and up to December , "13, inclusive," for dispatch per a. s. 81 rrra. (If tho Cunard steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra mails closing at 5:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 8:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4-30 a. m 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of closing Is arranged, on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis- . tered mall closes at 6 p.'m. previous dsy. CORNELIUb VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y., Nov. 21, 1902. IAILWAY TIME CARD. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "T09 Burlington Route" Gen eral Offices, Northwest Cor n.r Tenth and Farnam ism Streets. Ticket Office, 1502 ra.no m Street. Telephone, LoBtr'lCnrn Station. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone L. Arrlve. .. Lincoln Hasting. - a l:40 em g 7:45 pm McCok .... v.i. n":lnV,..UKe",.rrfrnla:.a 4:25 pm a 8:10 pm J.7. ' v.nrsim . ... 25 pm a 1:10 pm r a-k Hills. .all:10 pm a :4a am Ueatr,C6 " bU:56 tm Lincota i u Denver, cpioraau. .. . l,.pn a lu pm bll:05 am ,.in. tunctlon.. ....... V" " Bellevue, Ilattsmouth & Pacific Junction a $:00 am Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ,-WM-AOO. BURLTNGTON Sl Oulncy Railway "The Burlington itoute iicaet Office, 1602 r arnam street, Teleuhone 150. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. .Telephone 128. jjeave. Arrive cial a 7:00 am all :00 pm Chlraeo Veatibuled F.x..a 4:00 cm a 7:30 am Chicago Local Express. a 9:30 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Limited ....,... 8:06 pm Fast Mall a pm a Daily. RAILW AY ( TIME CARD Continued KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph Sc Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office. 1502 'Farnam Street, Telephone 250. Depot. - Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone izs. T MT, A rrtvo Kansag City Day Ex. ...a 9:30 am a 6:06 pm Kansss City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 ara pi. iouis lyer, ior Bt. josepn ana Bt. ixuis..a 5:10 pm all:15 am a uany. FREMONT, ELKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Offices. United Statea National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Far. nam sis. licxet umce. I4ui Farnam k Telephone 561. Depot, 15th and Webster Bis. leiepnone itoo. i . . Leave. Arrive Black Hills. Deadwood. Lead, Hot Springs.... a 1:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 1:00 pm 6:00 pm riasmig!, jura, uavia city. Bupenor, ueneva. Exeter and Seward b 1:09 nm t 8 -no nm Bonesteel. Niobrara. Lincoln and Fremont. b 7 JO am blO:2S am Lincoln Wahoo and Fremont b 7:90 am blfl:H am Fremont Local e 7:80 am a Dally. B Dally exceot Bundar. e Run. day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAGO NORTH weetern Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Bt, Telephone (xU. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Tele phone 629. Leave. Arrive. Fsst Omaha-Chicago. ..a 9:00 am allrSOpm Local Carroll-Omaha. ..b 4:00 pm a 9:50 ant Local Chlcago-Omaba..alO:Ej6 am a 1:10 nm Fast Omaha-Chicago.. .a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm rut j.maoa-t.nicago...a ceo am a 7:00 am Fast Mall a (:U0 pm a 1:46 pm Omaha-Chicago Lmtd..a 8:10 pm a 9:20 am r aat Bt. rau, a i:m pm a 9:15 am Daylight Bt. Paul a 7:35 am a!0:25 pm Fast Mall a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 6:10 pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm b 9 $0 am Local Bloux City a 6:10 am a 8:50 pm a Dally, b Daily except bunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis St Omaha Railway "The North weatero Line" General Oftioea, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster bis. tJity Ticket OrHr.a. iwi rurnair dl iciepnune 001. JJepot, 15th and Webster 81a. Telephone 1459. - Leave. Arrive. Twin C4ty Passenger... a l:3o am a 9:10 pm Bloux City Passenger.. .a 2:uu pm all. 10 am Oakland L0C4I b 6:46 pm b 6:45 am a uany. u uany except Buuuay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road General OfBoes and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Dia. eiepnone i04. Depot, . Liiwu Diauun. Leave. Arrlv Bt. Louis and Kanaaa City Express a!4:09 am 1 I M nm K, C., Bt. L. Express. ..aid .50 pm a 8:15 ata uriT irum ibiu ana Webstrr btreets: Nebraska Local. via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:46 am a uany. o uany except eunaay. WABASH RAILROAD Tic ket Office. l01 Farnam Street. Telephone 12X De pot, lento sua Marcy ote. leieonone 13. Leave. Arrive. SL Louis Express. tiw a 8:20 am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluff jj a 9:16 am al0:$0pm a Daiiy. Fort urooa, o'" ...TV .wi Louisville. Plattsm th b 8.30 Bellevue, Plattsmouth 4. DayllKht c'hlcaao Gpe V 1ILWAY TIME CARD Ctltied. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND A Pscillc Hntlroad "The Great Rock Island Route" City Ticket Office. 1323 Farnam street. Teltphore 428. Depot. Tenth and Mirer siracia Telephone 829. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Chlcsa-n Dayllsht I. Id. a B OO am a f 15 am Chicago Dayilght Local.. a T:) am a $ 35 m Chicago Kxpreaa bll:lSsm a 6:iS pm i'-a iuiii- r.xprves. . . i;a pm bli:rt am Chicago I(sst Express a 6:85 pm 1:25 pm WE8T. Rocky Mountain Itd...a 1:60 am a 1:59 am Lincoln, Colorado Bp gs. lenver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colorado, Oklahoma A T'ss 1 Fyei a $: pm U:40 m Dally, b Dally except Sunday. V . ' ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad-City Ticket Of fice. 140$ Farnam Street. Telephone, 246. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Leave. Arrive. ChlcagoKxpress 7:35 am a 6:10 pm Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm 8: am Fast Man aiv: pm Minneapolis A Bt. Paul Express b 7:35 am bl0:38 pm Minneapolis 6t Paul Limited a 7:5f pm a 1:0$ am Fort Dodge laical from Council Bluffs b 4:60 pm al0:O0 am Fort Dodge lxicsl from Council Bluff's $ 00 am a Dally, b Dally except SunJsy. UNION PACIFIC -"THE Overland Route" -General or Jlces, N. K. Corner Ninth rnd Farnam Streets. City Thkt Office. 1324 Farnam Bt. Tel.- phone 314. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Bis. Telephone tiJ9. leave. Arrive. The Overlanrl Limited., 9:40 am a 7:30 pin The Chicago-Portland ciclnl a 1:40 am a 7:30 m .tic Fast Mah A 8:50 am a 1:25 pm The Mall and Express. .all : am a 1:40 am he Colorado Special.. ,a 7:10 am i 3:40 am .liifoln Beatrice and atromslnira Express.. .b 4:08 nn. M2:35 nm The l'acltlc Express. ...a 4:26 Dm The Atlantic Express.... a 7:90 am Urana isiana i.orai o o:su pm o :& am a Dally, b Dally except Bund aay. CHICAGO. MITWAUKFB 'ar2tV 8t p''1 Rallwsy-Clty rrrarYnrrft ' if Farnam . JILWAUKU. p. Tel. Phone 2S4. Denot. StHtlt I Tenth and Mason Streets. iei-pnone 0AUJV 'tAtT Chicago Otnaha Ex..b 7:40 am b $:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex. ...a 1:00 urn a 7:60 am a Dally. D uany exceyi. ouiir. DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE. Resumption of trips by the Mammoth Populat Twin Screw Steamers "Commonwealth" A "New Baa-land." to McniTcnnAncAFi THE LibUI I kllllMltftaiMIt From tioston Direct to GIBRALTAR. GENOA, NAPLES. Tho Now England and Commonwealth 1II sail through ti Alexandria on the January ard February voyages. New England, Dec. s; Jan. 17; Feb. 28. Oommonwealth." Jan. I: Feb. 14: Men. 1A Vancouver," Nov. 29, Jan. 10, Feb. n. Cambroman,' ueo. 20. Jan. 31, March 14. Also sailings Boston to Liverpool, Port nd. Me., to Liverpool. For rates, book let etc., kpply to local agent or COMPANY'S OFFICE, 69 Dearborn 8L, CHICAGO. ' FAWCETT WILL NOT RESIGN District .' Court Jndgro Insists that Resignation Rnmors Are Wltn ont Fonndatlon. Judge Jacob Fawcett of the district bench Is In Omaha for a day or two, after which he will return to his mining Interests, fif teen miles from Whitney, Ore. The fact that he was soon to return to Oregon re vlved the rumor that he proposes to resign hie place on the bench, tmtr this the Judge emphatically dentea, saying: "Within three days after I return to Oregon I expect the mill we have built to be put Into operation and I go there again only to make sure that everything starts off right. ' I shall return to Omaha about tbe holidays to rearms my place on the bench here and all talk of '-ay resigning can be discounted as unfounded rumor.". The Judge'g chair in courtroom No. I will ' be occupied during hie absence by Judge J. P. Boyd of Nellgh, who was eleeted to the bench on the republics ticket by nearly 800 majority In a Judicial district -which had previously been populist by 1,100 majority. The first case, to occupy his attention here is the suit of J.' I. Tamlhoilan Co. against the Northwestern road for $1,200 damage, alleged to have been sustained by plain tiffs when the company failed' to make prompt delivery of goods shipped from Sioux City to Cedar Rapids, la., to bo sold there as a sale which had been advertised, but which had to he called off because the goods were not on band. HI IIO All This for Yon. Dr. King's New Life Pills pats vim, rigor and new life into every nerve, musole anf organ of the body. Try them. I5e. For sale br Kuhn It Co. Seasonable Fashions. 4211 Zoj'i Suit, t,aod.vrg. Boy's Russian Blouse Suit 4.S8 ': made in blouse etyle are much won: little boys and are comfortable and sa;'.: ing to the young wearers as they are sma. The stylish model shown Is of Scotch twee. in mixed browns and tana, the collar, cuffs and belt being of plain tan colored broad cloth, the stitching being done with brown Ilk, but all suiting materials are appro priate and braid may be uaed to trim if a more dressy effect, is desired. The suit consists of knickerbockers and coat. The knickerbockers lit snugly and smoothly about the hips, but are draws up In the usual baggy style by means of elaa tle Inserted In the heme. The coat has loosely fitted fronts and le arranged In box plaits at the back. The long ends of the sailor collar extend to the lower edge of the fronts and give the effect of revere. The sleeves are full and are gathered Into deep cuffs and the neck ie finished with a stand ing collar. The closing ie effected Invisibly beneath the right edge of revere and at tbe waist Is worn a belt. The quantity of material required for the medium else le I yarde 44 laches wide, or 1 yarde 6$ inches wide, with 1 yard of either width tor collar and cuffs. Tbe pattern 4288 la cut In sixes for boys of 1. and years ot age. - For the accommodation of The bee read ers, theae patterns, which usually retail at from 16 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covere all expense. In order to get a pattern encloeo 10 cents, give number and name of pattern ata Died and bust measure. 1