The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE If), 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MOUNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1902. SINGLE COPY TII1IEE CENTS. REPORTS ON FENCES Colonel Moiby Deali at Length with the Troublesome Question. CITES THE LAW IN REGARD TO THE SAME Has No Discretion Except to Compel Cattle men to Kemore Them. TAKES UP ALLEGED FRAUDULENT ENTRIES Van Holding Under Them Not Protected by a Color of Titla. MANY THOUSAND ACRES ARE INVOLVED Parties Who Krect Fences Pay Tfo Attentloa to Xottces to Poll Them Down I'uleae Harked In by Rait. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. (Special.) The question of fences on the public domain ' erected by cattlemen and the widows' cn triei of land alleged to be for their benefit la Just now attracting much attention In Washington as well as In Nebraska. Colo nel John S. Mosby, special agent of the Interior department, has been In charge of the Investigation and was called to Wash ington to make his report and confer with the secretary. Following is his report and the correspondence regarding the same: "WA8HINQTON. D. C. Oct. 23, 1902. The Honorable, the Secretary of the In terior: Sir I haVe the honor to report that I was appointed a special agent of the general land office In July, 1901, and was assigned to duty In the 'McCook district, .Nebraaka, and the Sterling and Akron dis tricts, Colorado. I arrived at Akron, my headquarters, on August 8, 1901. I found .on examination that a large portion of the public lands in Colorado were covered by abandoned and expired entries, or were in closed by fences that excluded the lands ."rom settlement and appropriated them as private property of associations of stock men. A great many such entries were re ported for cancellation, and the way was 'hus cleared for settlers. Ranchers who no fences and desired a free range for I heir cattle made complaint of the grlov ( nca of fences that excluded them from the use of the publtc lands for pasture, and i.egregated them as the personal property uf individuals, while many gave Informa tion, confidentially, who were not willing to incur the hostility of the powerful cattle barons. As such lnclosures deprived cltl ens of their right of pasture on the publlo domain, and were an obstruction to its set tlement, I considered it as much my official duty to investigate and report every case of unlawful fencing as It it had been a . fraud on the revenue, and I had been an agent of the treasury. Quotes His Instructions. "The instructions of February 6, 1902, nyt Toil wm, ' therefore,' give notice verbally r ty letter to all persona maintaining In cisures or drift fences on public lands Vlthout color of title, railing attention to i iHlr violation of the law and advising them nat In the event of their failure to remove thii fences within sixty days institution of ;uit will be recommended. You are directed to use utmost vigilance td activity In examining and reporting ipon unlawful lnclosures or drift fences !u your districts. "The Instructions of October 3, 1902, say: While, Judging from the numerous com plaints received at this office, unlawful Knrlng of public hind by stockmen is still carried on to a gteut extent In the western section of the country, comparatively few cases are reported by special agents, not withstanding exlbtlng instructions Issued by 'he land department with the aim of brenk- iiig up the pructice of controlling public tids by fencing In violation of the act of iVbruary 28, 185 (23 Btat., 821). You will push the fencing matter vlgor CUHly hereafter In order that all the public land unlawfully occupied may be opened o the general public as soon as possible, tlng strictly governed by the circular order of February 6, 1902, and so much of the Instructions to special agents at tached to blank form (4-4: w), etc. "I have endeavored to execute the law and to conform to the instructions of the general land office. Law a Dead Letter. "I discovered that while the act of Feb ruary 25, 1885, forbidding the fencing of public lands, had been vigorously enforced during Mr. Cleveland' first administration, It had been dead letter for many years. As some evidence that the statute had fallen Into "innocuous desuetude," I will state that among the papers turned over to me by the special agent who for many years had been on duty in the Sterling district was a complaint which had never been acted upon, against the Pawnee Cattle compuny for unlawful fencing in Morgan county, Col orado. This company la a wealthy corpora tion, with headquarters at Denver. I Im mediately examined the fence and found that, by cannectlng it with the fences of the B. A M. and the Union Pacific roads and thus forming a perfect incloBure, the Paw nee Cattle company had been for a long time enjoying the exclusive use of about 35,000 acres of public land. I gave notice to the president of the company to remove bis fence, and sent !he affidavit of a cltlien aa to the character of the fenea to the dis trict attorney at Denver and asked him to tiegln a judicial proceeding to compel Its removal. The district attorney raised many frivolous objections to the sufficiency of the affidavit, a copy of which 1 had sent to the general land office, and the special agent volunteered to write me a letter of advice, to which I paid no attention except to tell htm that he did not seem to under stand the law. I forwarded my correspond ence with the district attorney and the special agent to the general land office and suggested that the Department of Justice be requested to instruct the district attor ney as to his duty. I suppose instructions were given, as the district attorney soon afterward discovered that the affidavit was sufficient, and began proceedings that re sulted In the removal of tbe fence. The Pawnee Cattle company also had another Inclosure in Logan county, Colorado, which Was removed tn the same way. "In Phillips county, Colorado, the Witber tee brothers had a fence sixty miles long that formed a complete Inclosure. There were a few homestead entries Included in It, but those were well known to be under tha control of the Witberbees. The fence bad stood ten years, and the special agent bad several times been in the neighbor hood examining abandoned entries. The Witberbees were notorious whltecappers aud a terror in the community. I gave them notice to remove their fence in sixty days. They pulled it down without a murmur. My correspondence with them is on file in the general land office. I rite these raits as examples of the way the law has been en forced by my prtdceore and myself. While on duty in Colorado a great many complaints of unlawful fencing came to me from outside the territory where I was a- Continued on Second Faf.) EXPLAINS VENEZUELA DISPUTE Itepablle's Minister of Interior I)r rrlbes Aliened British In friendly Arts, CARACAS, Nov. 23. PIbc" Jng Venezu ela's relations. Dr. I.oprz i.n " minister of the Interior, said: C '''j , Toward the United PtntesV, tertulns the kindliest feelings fli. " bers with gratitude the attitude - 't great republic in the past. . The Krlil!h sloop-of-war Fantome V tered the Orinoco without permission nno I'rrsidtnl Castro his directed n protest against this Infringement on Venezuelan sovereignty. It hus been recognized that the principal foreign ships shall ask per mission to enter the river, and we cannot understand the disregard of this rule. A similar protect has been sent regard ing the artion of the (Serman warship panther, whieh also entered the Orinoco. Another act which has provoked aston ishment was the hoisting of the Hrltlsh flag on tne Island of Patos. Venezuela's rijnt to this Island rannot be questioned, (leofrraphlcally, historically nnd politically, It Is Venezuelan territory. With the Island of Trinidad, it Is reeoanized as forming part of the old Spanish colony. Hy the treaty of Amiens, Trinidad was red.-d to Ureat Britain, but Patos re mained nnd was recognized as an integral part of Venezuela. The Kngllsh claim to Fatoe Is In no wise based on the act of the former Spanish government, and was not recog nized by Spain. If further recognition of Venezuela's right Is needed, the fact that the Island Is situated scarcely three miles from the mainland, while It Is ten miles from Trinidad, Is sufficient. Venezuela's position Is rnnwn by the facility with which we have replied to every argument In support of the Urltlsh contention. MANILA WANTS GOLD MONEY Silver Drops Again, Iqnerilng Busl neas and Government Mea Together. MANILA, Nov. 23. Silver has suffered a further decline and the government has Issued a proclamation making the official rate $2.60 for $1.00 gold. The former rata was $2.50. The possibility of Mexico and the Straits Settlements adopting a gold stand ard have greatly weakened the Indian and Asiatic silver market. Large quantities of Mexican' silver are coming from China, as it is believed that much gold la being cir culated here on account of government ex penditures. Native officials are beginning to petttlon for salaries to be paid in gold. The secretary of finance says: There la nothing to indicate a more hopeful future for the currency question. It will probably be as bad as now. If not worse, until congress acts and gives us a stable cutrencv. MEXICO, Nov. 2S. The heavy advance in the gold premium has caused great excite ment In financial and business circles. The premium has been rising all the week and has now reached 171. It Is generally con ceded that a gold standard cannot long be delayed. INGALLS FLOATS OFF REEF Spanish. Skipper Asks One Hundred Thousand Dollars Salvage for Aid. ' MANILA, Nov. 23. The transport In galls, with General Miles aboard, which struck on a reef on Saturday, floated at high tide the same day and will arrive here tomorrow. Captain Bruglre has explained that he was trying to save twenty minutes by run ning through the charted channel between the reefa In the center of the Gulf of Albay instead of following the usual course. A Spanish vessel which was asked for as sistance demanded $100,000 (Mexican) salvage, but the terms were declined. The crew pumped out the water ballast and the ship floated without aid. PUBLIC FIGHTS SOLDIERS Anti-Military Sons; in French Theater Precipitates a Nasty Riot. TOURS, France, Nov. 2S. A violent riot broke out this evening In the Alcazar music hall owing to antl-milltary songs be ing sung. A party of officers belonging to the garrison, hissed while the public ap plauded and threw missies at the officers, wounding several of them. The occupants of the galleries then Invaded the floor where a free fight ensued until the police cleared the building. An antl-milltary demonstration in the streets followed, a crowd escorting the singer, the cause of all the trouble, home, and attempting to mob all the officers they met on the way. RIVAL ARMIES DISPERSED Colombian Revolt Ends Completely with Slanatorc of Peace Treaty. PANAMA, Nov. 23. Troops are already being sent away and nearly 1,000 will leave tonight for Barranquilla. As soon aa the revolutionary gunboat Padllla arrives the soldiers in the Cauca province will ' be sent to Buena Ventura and General Sala tar, governor of Panama, has set all the political prisoners at liberty. The commander of the British cruiser Phaeton offered to communicate the news cf the treaty of peace to Captain Marma duke, the commander of Bogota. The offer was accepted and Phaeton sailed last night. CHICAGO PIANIST TRIUMPHS Paris Audience, Rowdy at First, Ends Performance with Tumultuous Applause. PARIS. Nov. 23. Mrs. Bloomflcld Zelsler of Chicago, the pianist, scored a notable triumph at the sixth subscription concert given by the Lamoureux orchestra at the Nouveau theater Ibis afternoon. When Mrs. Zelsler appeared a noisy anti foreign demonstration occurred, necessi tating the intervention of the municipal guards. In spite of the demonstration, how ever, the audience rose in enthusiastic approval, with the composer, MosikovskI, leading the bravos. ' POPE TO WAIT THREE YEARS Says He Mill Sea Archbishop Bra. cheat Asjala la that Time. ROME, Nov. 23. The pops today gave a farewell audience to Archbishop Brucbesl of Montreal. His holiness afterwards went to the throne room, where Monsignor Brucbesl presented all the Canadians now In Rome, Including several Protestants. On leaving Archbishop Bruchesl said: "I hope to see your holiness on my next visit to Rome three years hence." The pope promptly replied: "I will wait for you." MOVE MILLION TONS IN DAY Pittsburg Linei Relieve Blockade bj Super human Effort. NEARLY ONE THOUSAND TRAINS START Forty-SIa Thousand Cars Are t'sed to ' Send Frelaht Ahead and Enable . Mills to Resume Work -. , Aeala. 'J PITTSBURG, Pa., Nor. 23. After thlrty- rlx hours strenuous activity the Pennsyl vania railroad has made a comparative clean up of Its congested terminals. It is estimated that during twenty-four hours, 929 trains, consisting of 46,225 cars were moved in and out of Pittsburg as follows: Pennsylvania, 294 trains, 14,700 cars; Fort Wyne, ISO trains, 9,000 cars; Panhandle, 245 trains, 12,025 cars; Balti more ft Ohio, ninety trains, 4. 500 cars; Pittsburg & Lako Erie, 120 trains, 6,000 cars. The estimated tonnage Is 1,756,550, Tonight the yards are freer than at any time within five months, but the receipts destined for Pittsburg shippers will fill them again tomorrow. Tho work accomplished in the yards of the Allegheny Valley , and West Pennsyl vania division of the Baltimore ft Ohio was equally great. In the yards of the Pittsburg ft Lake Erie and Baltimore ft Ohio, good work was also accomplished. The number of accidents to trainmen during the day was high. Before 6 eight men were taken to the hospital. PITTSBURG, Pa., Nov 23. One man waa killed and seven others seriously injured by the explosion of a locomotive boiler at Thompson, on the Monongahela division of the Pennsylvania railroad today. Tbe men were gathered about the pilot of tha en gine when the explosion tore out the en tenslon front, catching the group, who were directly in its track. ARRANGES LIVE STOCK MEET Secretary Moves to Kansas City and Pushes Convention Arrange, ments. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 23. C. E. Martin, national secretary, has removed the head quarters of the National Live Stock asso ciation from Denver to Kansas City and is making active preparations for the an nual convention which is to be held here from January 18 to 16. Among the moat Important subjects which will then be discussed are plans to oppose tha contemplated packing house merger, tbe contemplated removal of tha tariff on wool, hides, meats and live stock, to urge . the Grosvenor anti-shoddy bill, the amendment to tbe census act so aa to provide tor a classified census of live stock, and to amend the Interstate com merce act by extending the time limit for unloading liva atock in transit from twenty-eight to forty boura. Among those Invited to address the con vention are President Roosevelt, " Hon. James Wilson, secretary of the Depart ment of Agriculture; Hon. William M. Springer. Washington, D. C.,; Governors A. V. Cummins of Iowa; De Forest Rich ards, Wyoming; A. M. Dockery, Missouri; John Sparks, Nevada; E. P. Savage, Ne braska; A. G. Leonard, Chicago; ex-Gever-nor D. R. Francis, St. Louis. RAILS TO CROSS CONTINENT Grand Trunk Will Provide Third Canadian Railway from Oeeaa to Oeeaa. MONTREAL, Nov. 23. Canada Is to have a third transcontinental railway, extend ing from ocean to ocean. The announce ment was made today by Charles M. Hays of the Grand Trunk. Construction will be gin as soon as necessary legislation can be obtained. The Grand Trunk Is behind the new road and will operate It, but it will be con structed under a separate corporate name, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway company. The new line will be about 8,000 miles long and cost from $75,000,000 to $100, 000,000. According to the present arrangement the new system will almost parallel the Ca nadian Northern, now in course of con struction, through New Ontario, starting from North Bay or Gravenhurst, Ont., and extending through Manitoba, the Northwest territories and 'Urltlsh Columbia, to Butte Inlet or Port Simpson. Mr. Hayes added that the lino would probably be tn full operation within five years and that steamship lines on the Pacific would come aa a necessary adjunct. Warn Lad rones Before Haaflag, MANILA, Nov. 23. The government has Increased the constabulary In the Island of Leyte and has ordered a careful Investi gation of the condition there. Tbe ordi nance making highway robbery a capital crime has been translated into the various dialects of the Islands, and tha constabu lary is circulating coplea of the law throughout tbe districts Infested by lad rotilsm. Build Mexlcaa Hallways. MONTEREY. Mex.. Nov. 23. Tbe Na tional Railroad of Mexico has decided to at once construct tbe proposed road from the main line to Metamoraa. Two routes have been surveyed, one from Cemarge to Sa linas, Just north of Monterey, and tbe other from Metamoraa to Monterey. Object to Bishop Spalding. ROME Nov. 23. The appointment of a new archbishop of Chicago has been post poned principally on account of objections received concerning the doctrines held by Bishop Spauldlng. The question will be dis cussed at a meeting of tne propaganda on December 15. Takes Malaria Prise. LONDON, Nov. 23 It is stated that Major Roes, the principal of the Liver pool school of tropical medicine will be awarded the Nobel malaria research prize of $15,000. He conducted several expedi tions into the mosquito breeding districts of West Africa. Turks Torture Peasaats. CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 23. According to advices from Monastlr the Turks are in flicting terrible tortures on Bulgarian peasants In order to extort confessions which may lead to the discovery of revo lutionary bands. Kitchener Is at Adea. ADEN, Arabia. Nov. JU. Lord Kitchener has arrived here on his way to India and has conferred with the commandant. Gen eral Maltland, concerning tha campaign which la proceeding against tbe Mad Mul lab. y PLACE OFFERED TO PECKHAM lllll Desired Soted Jurist te Be the Caadldate for Governor. NEW YORK, Nov. 23. Colonel W. O. Rice, who was United States civil service commissioner under the last Cleveland ad ministration, sa'i today: "It may interest fellow democrats that ad distinguished a fellow of the party as Justice R. W. Feck ham of tbe United States was offered, so far as any one but the' convention Itself could do so, tbe last nomination for gov ernor At Mr. Hill's request I went to see Justice Peckbam the middle of August at Saranac lake, where be was spending the summer, and informed him that while it was not within the power of any one to tender a nomination, it as Mr. Hill's de sire that he should1' a'low his name to come before the convention; that Mr. Hill and others believed there was a probabil ity of tbe election of the democratic ticket; that Judge Gray was te be renominated; that the other names on the ticket would be those of men of high character and ability, and that If elected governor he (Justice Peckham) would te Inevitably the most prominent democratic candidate for the presidency In 1904, and that he would have, so far as . Mr. Hill could promise It, the ardent support of New York state In the national convention. Justice Peckham replied that even the certainty of an election as governor and after that .the assurance of the nomination for president would not swerve him from his determination not to be a candidate for political office. Personal reasons compelled him to this decision." MAD ELEPHANJJOLLS KEEPER Gypsy Loses Reason la Trala Smash, Crashes Attendant aad Escapes. SAVANAH. Ga.. Nov. 23. Gypsy, the big elephant belonging to a circus which In jured its keeper at Chicago several years ago, went crazy yesterday afternoon and killed its keeper, James O'Rourke. The circus train had been. In a wreck at Tlfton early in the day, when several of the animal cars were wrecked and two or three trained horses killed, Gypsy wsa In a highly nervous state when the train pulled out to Valdosta, the next show point. Six miles from that, town she became so noisy and restless that O'Rourke en tered her car to try to quiet her. The mad brute attacked him and crushed his life out against the aide of tbe car.. Afterwards Gypsy escaped to the woods. Her absence waa noted before the train left the sta tion and a hunt was organized. She was abot a number of times before ehe auc cumbed to rifle bullets In tbe brain. ROBBERY TROUBLES BROKERS Chicago Mall Thieves Make Off with Stocks aad Bonds. CHICAGO, Nov. 23. Chicago's mall wagon robbery of last night will cause cer tain New York stock Brofr. considerable Inconvenience, aa bne'oYfb.r-to4en ' mall pouches contained several packages of atocks, bonds and similar securities, which were being sent to New York for use- when the Stock exchange opens on Monday. One man, a member of the Chicago Stock ex change, Ir, said to have lost a paper of the face value of $100,000. This paper is not negotiable, but its loss may cause much annoyance, aa the brokers affected will probably have to furnish a bond to cover the temporary lack of the security. As near aa can be estimated the robbers secured between $12,000 and $13,000 In cash, certified checks and other negotiable paper. Of this $2,900 belonged to the postofflce, tbe receipts of one of the sub-stations dur ing the day. JOHN DILLON IS TAKEN ILI Catches Chill While In Chicago and Cannot Address Irish Meet ins;. CHICAGO, Nov. 23. John Dillon, th well known Irish leader, who came to Chicago to address a meeting here tonight in celebration of the Manchester martyrs anniversary, was taken suddenly ill today and was unable to appear. While driving be caught a chill, which waa followed by a high fever and tonight his temperature is 104. The attending physician says, how ever, that he is not seriously 111. Michael Davitt, was the principal apeaker at the evening meeting. Among the other speakers was Colonel John F. Y. Blake, commander of the Irish brigade that fought for the South African republics during the recent war with England. Nearly $10,000 was secured for the Irish cause. DYNAMITE WRECKS SALOON Noaunloa Miners Tbrowa from Bed by Explosion, but Escape Vnlajared. MAHANOY CITY. Pa.. Nov. 23. The most destructive dynamite outrage that has oc curred in the coal regions since the strike began was perpetrated here this morning. The dynamite, with a fuse attached, waa placed on the bar of a saloon. The front part of the building was blown across the street and the adjoining buildings on either side were badly wrecked. Windows were broken in every house In the square. The saloonkeeper and his family were sleeping on the third floor and escaped without serious injury although all were thrown from their beds. His two sons are nonunion men and worked during the strike. ACHELE MUST STAND TRIAL May Appeal, However, If District Court Decides Against Him. DENVER. Nov. 23. County Clerk Julius Achele must stsnd trial for contempt. The supreme court will tomorrow an nounce its decision that an appeal for a writ of prohibition is not a- proper pro cedure. After Judge Johnson has given Judgment the case may be taken to the supreme court on a writ of error. MUST FACE SECOND JURY Oklahoma Marder Maapect Mill Be Tried Aaala, as Jury Falls ta Asjree. LAWTON, Okl., Nov. 23. The second trial of B. H. Howie, on the charge of shooting Robert Gore, has been called for bearing. Howie was formerly a political leader in Alabama. Tbe men quarrelled over a tomn lot. Tbe Jury disagreed at the first trial. INDEPENDENTS ARE RESTIVE Fear Arrangemeat of Strike Difficulties Will Fress Hard on Them. big companies dominate small ones Have Swallowed Many In Two Years and Can Most of Others When They Want to Have Them. 8CRANTON, Pa., Nov. 23. The position of the Independent coal operators with re gard to the attempt to settle the strike dispute without arbitration has not been definitely derided. They held a meeting last night, at which twenty-six compa nies were represented, and ap pointed a eommittee of nine to meet the presidents of the coal railroads and learn what they are to expect providing they adjust the labor dispute without arbitra tion. The independent operators will make a firm stand for some recognition In the set tlement with tbe miners. They feol that If An increase Is agreed upon they should want some concession from the coal-carrying railroads In order to compensate them, as they do not sell their product directly to the consumer, but turn it over to the railroads, who give them, generally speak ing, 65 cents on every $1, retaining 35 for hauling and selling the coal. This sum they will try to get increased to 70 or 75 cents. They say they can complicate matters if they desire to, but feci it would not be fair to the public or themselves. A common remark heard in the anthra cite region is that "no matter what the big companies do, the smaller concerns wilt have to go along." but they do not see It In that light. The large companies have been gradually absorbing the Inde pendent companies and it Is only a ques tion of time when they will have control of moat of them. In 1900 Independent companies mined 25 per cent of the entire output, but now they control only 15 per cent. In the meantime matters stand much aa before, 'though it is said with more or less assurance that the men will receive in the nelghborbood of a 10 per cent Increase, a nine-hour day, the weighing of coal to be adjusted aa best It can and agreements between the men and the company by whom they are employed. These agreements, it is expected, will run for two or three years from Novem ber 1. A representative of the miners said it was possible the men employed by each company will be given a committee to deal with officials and. the privilege of calling into the conference the national president of the union. Operators Made First Move. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 23. The public Ledger tomorrow will publish -a public statement by Wayne MacVeagh covering the efforts that have been made to bring about an amicable adjustment of the dis pute. Mr. MacVeagb says: The parties were contesting-evefy'tricTi of ground when the great railway corpora tions volunteered an advance of 10 per cent to their employes. As soon as such an advance was an nounced, It seemed to be taken for granted that, notwithstanding the advance made two years ago, a like Increase would now be granted the miners and the question of wages Deing out or me way, tnere was a general feeling In favor of trying to adjust the other differences. While I was examining Mr. Mitchell I was asked to meet him and his counsel in conference to make an effort to reach some adjustment of an amicable nature. We dlscutsed the matters In dispute on several occasions and at great length, and at last, by the invaluable assistance of Mr. E. 13. Thomas, the president of the two companies I represent, the basis of a fossthle adjustment was reached, and when t was submitted to the other gentlemen, who, with Mr. Thomas, h.W signed the let ter requesting the appointment of the com mission, they all concurred in approving it as a basts of negotiations. GIRLS' UNIONS FIGHT SELVE? Clothing: Organisations In Chicago Struralc for Supremacy and May Strike. CHICAGO, Nov. 23. Strike that will par alyze the clothing Industry of Chicago Is expected tomorrow as a result of tbe de cision of the American Federation of Labor on the controversy between tbe United Garment Workers and the Special Order Clothing Makers' union. The fight for supremacy, which tied up the clothing business in Chicago a few weeka ago, will be renewed with more vigor than ever. By the decision of the convention the charter granted the Special Order union is revoked and the Garment workers given complete Jurisdiction. The union is com posed entirely of girls and ia the largest in the city. RUSSIAN CHURCH IS OPENED Gorgteas Scene of Barbarle Splendor Marks Services ia New York. NEW YORK, Nov. 23. With Imposing ceremonies, to which extraordinary splendor was lent by the presence of many gorge ously attired ecclesiastics, members of the Russian embassy in brilliant unlforma and a guard of Cossacks fully armed, the new Russian orthodox church of St. Nicholas was consecrated today by Archbishop Tlk bon of San Francisco, assisted by Archi mandrite Raphael. The church was thronged, so great being the crush that guards at the doors were swept aside by the crowds. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Speaker Hcndrraoa aad Other West era People Arrive la Washington. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. (Special Tele gram.) Among the prominent arrivals to night were Speaker Henderson, Senator Allison and E. Rosewater. Henderson ex pects to confer with the president tomor row concerning impending national legisla tion. Senator Dietrich accompanied the party from Chicago to Harrisburg for Phil adelphia, where be will spend Monday with bis daughter. LABOR OPPOSED TO MURDER Union Mea Coadema Aasasslaa of Colorado Mine Man aaer. TELLVRIDE. Col., Nov. 23. The Tellu rlde Miners' union has adopted resolutions condemning tbe cowardly assassination" of Arthur L. Collins, "as being wholly op posed to the spirit and policy of organized labor." I CONDITION 0FJHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday, Coolei in Northern Portion; Tuesday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Dea. Hour. Dear. ft a. ni i p. m (in O a. m u. it p. m R7 T a p. m US Ha. m. MH 4 p. m 5H 4t n p. m fltl in a. m 4 1 p. m M t 4 T p. m Rl 1! m B X p. ni no t p. m no WYOMING PRELATE INSTALLED Sew Bishop Is Formally Inaugurated with Imposing Ceremony at Cheyenne. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 23. Pontifical high mans was celebrated at St. Mary's cathedral this morning when tho Right Rev. J. J. Keane, formerly of Minneapolis, assumed the bishopric of the diocese of Wyoming. The Rev. Father Walsh of Cheyenne waa celebrant; Father Gegcnett of Omaha, dea con, and Father Cummlskey of Laramie, assistant priest. This evening a reception was tendered to the new Bishop Keane. All citizens of Chey- enne, regardless of rellglou- beliefs, had been Invited, and a great many renpondnd. Mayor Murray presided. . Governor Richards welcomed Bishop Keane warmly and tbe bishop responded gracefully. SECOND MURDER IN YEAR Accountant Dies In Cincinnati Factory Where Another Man Waa Killed in Spring. CINCINNATI, Nov. 23. Edward Saat kamp, accountant and acting superintend ent of the Robs Machinery Tool com pany, was killed today at the factory here. His body was found tonight in a pool of blood and surrounded by every indication of a struggle, but no clue to the deed can be found. The only other person about the build ing was the colored Janitor, but the moet vigorous "sweating" by the detectives has failed to bold him. Last spring John Slefert, one of the old est employes of the company, was found murdered in the engine room of the same factory and tho mystery of that deed has never been solved. SHOOTS AT RUNNING GIRL Michigan Eagllshman Makes Proposal aad Plres When she Refuses. CHEBOYGAN. Mich.. Nov. 23. Eva Featherstone, 16 years old, was shot in the back today, probably fatally, by one of a party of five riotous fellows who passed her in a wagon. John Riordan, who recently came here from England, ia under arrest. V The-girl's assalUae jumped from the wagon and it la claimed made an improper proposal, the shot being fired aa the girl waa running away. Miss Featherstone has Identified Riordan aa her assailant. MASONS LAY CORNER STONE Start Work on New Hundred Thou sand Dollar Hospital la Ohio. AKRON, O., Nov. 23. The Ohio grand lodge of Masons today laid the corner stone of the new Akron city hospital. Dr. W. A. Bolt of Kenton, grand master of Ohio, was in charge. Promlent members of the order through out the state assisted. The hospital will cost $100,000 and Is the gift of two wealthy residents of this city, O. O. Barber and Colonel George T. Perkins. KILLS SELF WHILE"ASLEEP Kentucky Somnambulist Shoots' Him self In Bed with Pistol He Slept I'poa. LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 23. George S. Shelby, aged 26, great grandson of Isaao Shelby, first governor of Kentucky, killed himself today with a revolver as he lay In bed. He was subject to somnambulism and It is believed that he fired the ' fatal shot while asleep, bis custom being to sleep with a pistol under his pillow. WILL NOW ENFORCE THE LAWS Clevelnnd Police Close All Saloeas Tight In Accordance with Orders. CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 23. In compliance with strict ordera from the chief of police the saloons were closed today. Chief Corner has stated that the Sunday closing law will be enforced from now on. The reason for its non-enforcement hereto fore was the alleged overruling of ordera by higher officials. HOLD JAILER JVHILE FLEEING Teanessee Prisoners Tell Off Oaa of Number to Keep Officer la Custody. KNOXVILLB, Tenn., Nov. 23. While one prisoner held tbe Jailer six others escaped from jail at Dandrldge late thla afternoon. John Perry seized the Jailer and In the struggle was unable to escape himself, al though tbe othera successfully got away. Officers with bloodhounds are scouring the country. PRESIDENT BACK IN CAPITAL Remains la Car I'atll After Daylight aad Thea nepalrs to His Home. WASHINGTON. Nov. 23. President Roosevelt and hla party who visited Phila delphia yesterday returned to Washington today. Their train reached tbe outskirts of the city at an early hour In the morn ing, but waa sidetracked until 7:30, when it was brought to the city and tbe mem bers of tbe party repaired to their homes. Movements of Oeeaa Vessels Nov. 23. At New York Arrived Etrurla. from Liverpool snd Queenfctown; Potsdam, from Hotterdam, Laguscoxne from Havre, Georgian from Liverpool. At Movllle Arrived Columbia from New York for Glasgow, and proceeded. At Plymouth Arrived Blueiher from New York for Cherbourg and Hamburg and proceeded. At Liverpool Silled Georgia for New York. At Queenstown Sailed Campania, from Liverpool for New York. At tj3UlhHm)ion Sailed Moltke. from Hamburg and boulogus for New York, WATER SUPPLY FIRST fecrettrj 0f Interior Saj$ Irrigat:on Ma, Go Slow to Succeed. NO USE HAVING RUINS OF ONE FAILURE Better Wait for Permanent Successful Damj to Be Built. SOON DEFINITE WORK CAN COMMENCE Data it Being Secured j Corps of Trained" Men. PROTESTS ONCE MORE AGAINST FENCES Says Publlo Domain Must Be Protected at All Hasards So that Actaal Set tlers Slay Have Rights Ac corded Them. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nor. 23. (Special Tele gram.) The annual report of tha secre tary of tho interior for the fiscal yeai ended Juno 30 was made public today. Tho year has been characterized by a great Increase in volume of business, nota bly so in patent office, general land office, geological survey and secretary's office. Probably the work of most interest tc the west Is that In connection with th irrigation laws. The report says: It ftas been considered wise at the out set not to create separate irrigation ot reoliimatlon bureaus with new bilkers and untried regulations, but to permit a steady growth and extension ot work which may bo conxldercd as having beer initiated in 1888 under Major Powell. Oreal credit should be uKlgned to this far-seeing and fearless nclentlet who, througt) nib muture lite iiraed lit public and before I'onareHs the importance of national re clamation worka. The work, which was oegun under Ills direction fourteen yean ago, has, by process of evolution, be come part of the hydographlc investiga tion of the United Htates. The engineers starting us young men In this work have gained broad education and experience, particularly In western or arid lands, and many of them, between intervals of ser vice for the government, planned and constructed much Irrigation works. Taking, therefore, thla body of men as a nucleus, and with the guidance of well tested rules and regulation of geological survey, an cnKlneerltig corps has been formed, UeslRitHted as the reclamation service, and being for admln.atratlve purposes, a branch of the geological sur vey. The data already at hand concerning the amount of water available, the locatlun of reservoir sltea and the altitude and area of catchment baelns has proved Invaluable In beginning the work cf reclamation. These fuels have been collected by men now constituting the reclamation service, who are familiar to them and Immediate prac tical work Is thus possible, leading up to the construction of definite plans and speclticatious for reservoirs and main line canals. Although there Is thus available a great mans of Information concerning arid land and opportunities of leclamatlon, yet when it comes to definitely recommending any project great caution must be exercised, and conaequent delay, especially with first works, mubt be expected. Few persons appreciate (tlfflcultles Insep arably connected with aucUsstul hydraulic construction. The construction of water storage and Inlgatlon works of magnitude Is in many respects still a matter of ex periment. In nearly every part of the country where large works have been com pleted they have offered a series of sur prises. Kven though carefully planned, one part or another has had to be replaced or changed. In government works It la of prime importance that all designs should be considered with unusual care, so that errors may be avoided and the confidence of the people in the finished work be fully Justified. The intense public Interest In the irriga tion law is voiced In the popular desire to see the water tunning oer the dams be fore another season passes. No ona la morn desirous than myself and my assistants of bringing about such conditions, but it is far more Important that water should be run ning over well-constructed works for an In dennlte number of years than through ruins of a single failure. Illegal Fcaclua; of Land. Another matter of Interest which at pres ent haa Its storm center tn liie United States court at Omaha ia tbe prosecution ot tboso who have illegally fenced public lands. Upon tbia subject tbe secretary says: The unlawful fencing of publlo lands for grazing purposes haa greatly Increased In some sections of tiis west and grown so flagrant as to cause much concern. Vig orous measures, nowever, hsve been pur sued regarding thesu unlawful occupants of the publlo don.uln, unu prompt steps have been taken looking to the Institution of civil or criminal proceedings against them. The avowed policy of the government to preserve the publlo domain fer homes for actual settlers hus no more implacable and relentless foe than the class that seeks to occupy public lands for grating purposes by maintaining unlawful fences thereon. There is now pending before congress a bill to provide for leaning, for grazing pur poses, of the adjacent public domain and reserving all rights of homestead and min eral entry, the rentals to be a special fund for Irrigation. Should that bill become a law the pub lic domuln in sixteen statea and territor ies, aggregating &2S,U00,o0u acres, practic ally all the vacant publlo domain west of the Mississippi, would be subject to lease at i cents pr acre for ten years, -with the privilege of renewal for ten years more. During the last fiscal year there were made within that area M,8G4 original homestead entries and 27.904 final home stead entries, embracing over ll.Oou.OoO acres and affecting K5.5o persons, and during the present fiscal year indications are that more entries will be made, affect ing more people and embracing a greater area. It is needless to say that such bill, if enacted, would place the last acre of deslrablo public land out ot reach ox" hoineseekers and defeat the purpose of ths fovernment to preserve the public domain or homes for actual settlers. It would also defeat the corporations of the re clamation act and make possible ths form ation of a land monopoly never contem plated by the public land system, but which, on the contrary, It Is one of the purposes of that system to prevent. During last year there were reported to the general land office 153 caees of unlaw ful fencing ot publlo lands, embracing 8 'J52.844 acres. In one case one man waa shown to have under fence over 80, (no acres of lands subject to disposition uivler the publlo land laws, but which he with holds from such disposition In defiance of the law he Is openly and notoriously vi olating, and of the rlghta of those who are entitled to the benetlts and protection ot the publlo lands system. There were also reported as having been removed during the year. In compliance with notice, nine enclosures, embracing an area ot 24,564 acres: 144 cases were re- fiorted as In process of removal or were aid before the United States attorneys of various states and territories for action under the act of February 23, lxso, embracing 3.92fc,280 acres. Peasloas Still lacrease. The report of the commissioner of pen sions shews a total number ot pensioners on the roll of 1,041,687, a net gain over the previous year ot 1,711, and exceeding In number any former year. Tbe disburse ments for army and navy pensions during tbe year were tl37.B04.267.99. The expendi ture for navy pensions waa $3,849,022 24. The disbursements for pensions by tbe United States from July 1. 1790. to June SO. 18C5, were $58,440. 444. 23. Since 1865 the dis bursements were $2,804,408,857 22. and for cost of maintenance and expenses $91,634, 717.92, or a total of $2.96.03.S7ll2. Tbe commissioner suggests laws prohib iting tbe payment of pensions to widows w ho married old pensioners, finally deciding disputed points, finding better method of examining applicants, provision for aged