Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1902, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Prices Advance
Nearly 20 Per Cent Raise
In the Wholesale Cost.
Macfc Necessary by the Demand,
of Mechanic for Increase of
Wages and Fewer Hour as
Well as the Constantly
Increasing Cost of
Haw Materials.
Especially, is This Truj in the
Piano Manufacturing Districts
Where the Question of
Wages Has Been Ad
justed to the Entire
Satisfaction of the
Fortunately we Placed Heavy
Orders Before the Raise. Con
sequently Are in a Position
to Furnish You a Piano
at a Saving of $75.00
to $ J 25.00 to You.
If You Expect to Buy at All Better
Buy Now.
Home nierrhame would ronslder that If
by reason of their luck nr tmslnes shrewd.
nss t hr had bought tra heavy just
previous to llm advanra of price la tha
aaslern market, that liny were entitled
ti tha difference In factory coat.
We don't look at It In that way. "Aa
we buy, an we sell."
Ws bought on a low market; we ahall
nil accordingly,
We furl confident that we ahall net bo
loaer In the matter, aa naturally people
will buy where they find the largest amo
tion, tha loweat prluea and the easiest
term and tha Increased volume of tumt
nesa will mora than counterbalance tha
percentage we niliht make were we to
advance the prlcea on present atock ao
cording to tha Increaaed factory coat.
Ho lone aa preaent atorka laata we ahall
continue to anil on tha close marglna that
haa eatabllehad our claim to be I eg tha
greatest money saving piano houae la the
Thla week we ahall offr extra Induce,
menta to clear out every odd atyle. Many
of Iheae are from old and moat reputable
factorlea. Mind you, they are not aecond
hand, hut brand pew, Home are aainple
planoa, aunt ua on approval; othera are
of our regular line, but the advance cata
logue for JIM) I ahow tha caae design will
ba anmawhat changed. Theae we want to
aell at one and price and terma will tie
made that will get them off our floor
A number of uaed equare planoa will ba
turned Into money at pr)cea that will help
you make up your mind and that faat.
About twenty uaed organa will ba offered
Von at aitch flgiirea ai III, fid, ii, 121,
fat, 117, etc, on terma of 60s per week.
A Bine hunch of bargalna In allghtly
uaed upright will be found la one bar
gain room. Home are from old well known
factorlea, auch aa Btneraon, "teger A Hone.
Oramer, Knabe, Chtckerlng, Everett, Ivera
I'ond Story A Hark, and Smith A
Marnea. You ran eaally aava one-half on
Then again, If a brand new, high-grade
piano la the only thing that will pleaae
you, think what a selection our atock of
of over SOfl Inatrumenta, comprlaed of more
than thirty different makea afforda you.
Then when y 011 consider that It la an
aay matter to aava ITS to I13S It you buy
one of iheae from ua now, why ahouldu't
wa eipeut to ae you In our atore thle
Kmi't forget that you ran always get
the eaaleat of eaay terma from ua.
Organa and equare planoa, j&o. Wo, 75o,
weekly paymenta.
liaed upright. tiOo. T!le and It per week.
New planoa, l, $160, $$ to $3 f0 per
I'sed orgaua and plauea accepted at their
full value aa part paymenta ou new plain.
Wa would remind you that our taellltlc
for rebuilding, refuriilahlng and polishing
plauoa are unequaled In the weet, est),
walea cheerfully furnlahed.
Ull Karuam St.. Omaha.
(03 Hroadway, Council I) luff a.
Km. try It, If ye m a f j
dalUkMta wine with beautiful f
fcouuueti Nfrethlr., Invtwatlrt, f
karmtaa. The award at i i
Columbian ExpaatOu.
r .
A Shot at Gloves
rr a starter, ivrrlii'a KmI ltu
OUrt, l vx. Amelia in many tiJ.
rl loaaea wa v ar y ar Nittua.
Ihouia. in cvWIrlv.l II a) r , l.uc.s
A a alut llea A Galea.
Thvee makes uM W iil to yvu.
The itW..oit and $i.
Tktr Make blrt.
He nett m -"
tVpWy t revel v lag
itw gHvl vry lUy
thai be iar-fcKi lu
Now Wit, w,lh thee
last ewutn. Yva are
tuvlt4 tv h.
Coining Out Pgrtiei tnd Otier AfTairt Kwp
Ftople Bnij.
Mar nt lteleete tor ihr rmmm
lirnnm mm4 Mel af Thlaice ta
He HMmlrre4 le I urrr.
pnfidlaalr larrra4.
Again laat week amlety wae railed upon
lo array Itaelf In Ita emarteiil gown and
aweeteat anille to welooine Into Ha ranka
two more debutantea. On Tueaday evening
It enjoyed a truly charming dancing party,
tha aequel to the coiulug-out perty that
iloaed the prevluua weak. On Tueaday
afternoon and again Tburaday were Mra.
Waknfleld'a and Mra. HllchnHk'a recep.
I loin, earh with aupplumfiitary function
almoet aa elaborate aa I be Introductory
affair, and ao aoclely Laa accompllabed
aome .of the moat anticipated pleaaurea of
tha winter.
Nor have Iheae affaire been all, for they
Lava gone through tha formality of being
received, of dining and of receiving enter
tainment of even a wider variety than
uaual, and with It all there haa been more
of really elaborate detail than for many
a aeaaon paat.
Of courae Thaukaglvlng will largely de
termine the character of thla week'a dolnga,
or rather the fact that It will oceaalon tba
homecoming of the college people will, for,
aa everyone knowa, theae very much
(polled membera of aoclety .have a bllaaful
dtarrgard for formal Invitation or affair
and have a way of taking uiattara Into
their own banda and upaettlng tblnga gen
erally that haa given them the reputation
of making people twice glad every time
they come. Of courae, Tburaday will be
the day of daya, and tba foot ball game
promUca to be the feature of that day,
for everybody eipncta to go.
According to goaelp, there la to ba
luncheuu thla week that la lo Include tuoRt
of the girl of tha laat two anaaona, at
which tha engagement of one of their num
ber la to ba announced, llolh young people
are of prominent Omaha famllle and tha
wedding will probably occur In the eprlug.
SMeaaarae I'aat,
Mra. Edwin llaney waa bnatea at laat
week'a meeting of the Friday club.
Mr. and Mra. Henry Clarke, jr., enter-
tallied at dinner on Tueaday evening.
Mr. and Mr. Warren Itogera entertained
the Chafing Dlab club on Baturday evading.
Uthel Itloa entertained about thirty of
her young frlenda Baturday evculng at her
home on Kmmat atreet.
In honor of Mr. John fat rick, Mra. J.
N. II. I'al rick, entertained at luncheon at
Happy Hollow on Haturday.
Mr, and Mra. William Ilayden gave an
elaborate dinner to about forty gueat at
their borne on Monday evening.
Irene Phepherd bud aome twenty of her
achoolmatea aa gueat at her home on
ltlnney atreet on Haturday evening.'
Mr. ID. M. Moramau waa hoateaa of a
handaomely appointed luncheon 011 Satur
day evening lu honor of Mlaa I'rltubott.
Tha Minuet Ilamllu eutertalnod on Bat
urday afiVrnoou In honor of Mra. Loe
Hamlin, at their borne In Kountie Hare.
Mr. and Mra. J. V. Munn gave a game
dluner on Hunday evening for Mr. and Mra.
Ingram of Mluueapolla, and Mr. and Mra.
Charlea Urquhart.
Mra. II. V. Marahall entertained at lun
cheon on Wedneaday for Mra. Aahton, who
la Mra. Ourkert'a gueat, and Mra. Ingram
of Mluneapolla, who I vlaltlng Mr. Charlea
About fifty young people were gueta of
Mia Ulancba How land at a very enjoyable
dancing party given at ber home on South
Thlrty-aecond atreet on Wedneaday even
tug. Mlaa Carrl Iloaenateln entertained the
Wbtat club on Tueaday afternoon, Mra. Eu
gene Levy of Nebraaka City and Mlaa Po
lar of Chicago being the gueata of honor.
The prUa for the afternoon waa awarded
Mlaa Lena llebfeld.
Mr. Ouy Krenoh wae hoateaa at Thura-
day' meeting of the Chariuaot club.
Mlea Mary Llveaey receiving the prlie, a
dainty water color. The next meeting will
be held at the home of Mlaa Mabel Krlra
on KrIJay, leceuiber 1.
Mra. Marty entertained the member of
the South Bide Whlat club ou Tueeday
afternoon, ulue gaiuea of club whlat belug
played. Mra. Hchoulng and Mra. Crick
more receiving the prlaea. Mr. Bohoulng
will entertalu the next meeting.
Mr. and Mr. Charlea Vrquhart enter-
talued at card on Tueeday wveulug, com
plimentary to Mr. and Mr. Ingram of
Mluneapolla, about thirty gueata being
preaeut. Sis prlaea were awarded, the
evening rloetug with t.'aborat refreah-
1 Mra. Robert Winning. Mr. Howard, Mr.
Prank Kwlng and Mr. Kuox were tha prlae
wlnuera at laat week' meeting of the Har-
luouy rlub, which wa held at the home
of Mr. and Mr. U. . Comeiouk. Mr. and
Mra. J. K. Itole will eutertalu the next
The ineutbvr of the O. O. T. T. club
met laat Tburaday evening at the borne of
Mr. Hoy Solomon. J do J Military avvuue.
Kveryone eeruied to have a very enjoy
able evening, the feature of the eveutng
belug taffy pulling. The club will uext
iuet at Mlaa Ulady MclIU .
Mr. aud Mr, richer, twenty-ulnth and
Leavenworth, gave a farewell party Fri
day to Mr. and Mra. P. J. Mouahan. The
floral decorattona wr elaborate. Card
occupied the eveulng very pleaeantly, Mr.
and Mra. Monahan left for the weet Sun
day and are to go to tlattle free.. Mich.,
te vlilt Mra. Monahan' parent.
Mr. A. Klchardeon waa pleaaantly aur
prleed on Tburaday evening by aome of
ber friend, who remembered her birthday
and prvaeoled ber with a haudume Jar
diniere atand and picture. After aa ea
Juyable evening waa epent la tuualc and
gautva dainty retreabmeala were eerved.
The gueal numbered about thirty.
The Friendly Greeting club waa enter
tained at varda vu Tueaday evenlug at the
home of Mr. and Mr. K. W. Norrla, 421
Grant atreet. The wuinea'a Brat prta waa
awarded to Mr. John Keyeer and the gen
tlvmea' tret prU to Mr. M. IV Hum to.
tVueolailoa prue were awarded to Mr.
Joha P. ixaly and Mr. P. J. Miedtag. After
luacbeaa aotue exevllent laeiruweutal ae
leotiona were ruJrd by Mr. Uueete.
Mr. Keyeer and Mta Mary Cvok and a
vocal aelevtlea by Mr. Hueaie. The club
III next be entertained at the bom of
Mr. and Mr. J. 11 Keilly, nrty-flret and
t'uuilog '.rvi, Tuedy eveaiat, 1Vk-w
ber 1.
The Mlaeea Her were boeteaae of eae of
the amarteat buftvl luacbeoaa gtvea re
eeatly Thureday. when they entertained
abettt 1 wowva at tholr bue o South
Tvaih atreet. Ked aad yellow, their toaea
varjiag ta the different rootae. rwUbed
the rvlor avba. rhryaaatheniuma. rM
aad rejrwatloa bel4 cuplywd. Twe pr-
Kxr. where the Mu Her reoetved. wa ta
yellow. The dining room wa la red. la
the renter t the table a aaower of cr
aattea foraied a to utouad. the tab) b-
U4 Ubld by rvd-a&aied ca4lbft fU4
t rlihr end. Tba Mlneea Her wer at
a'U'd by MAum J. it. Metralf. Charle
Mirth, T. 1. Maboney, Mlrae Hoagland,
Mercedle Ixwe, Coed and Morebead.
The member of tb Ilanfccorn Park Card
club mim very pleaaantly entertained on
Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr.
L. N. Oondon, at Tblrty-flrat and Pacific
atrt;ta, abuut thirty being preaent. It waa
an ununually pretty party, the houae being
effectively trimmed with white cbryeanthe
mum a and abaded by aoft colored llghta.
Kcveral were awarded. .
Mra. K. W. Arthur entertained Tbura
day at alx-handed euchre, nine table be
ing uaed. The bouae waa decorated with
a profualon of amllax and carnation plnka.
The prlr." were: Klrat, for gamea, hand
painted nut bowl, won by Mra. J. Polcar;
aveorid, hand painted plate, won by Mra. H.
Hopper; third, hartl painted dlnh, won by
Mra. It. Talmagn. The lone hand prize, a
cut-glaaa olive dlab, won by Mr. Fred Tal
mage. In honor of Mra. Lowell of Colorado
Sprlnga, who la ber gueat, Mra. Ilyron II.
Smith entertained a very pretty luncheon
on Tburaday at her home, 1049 tieorgla ave
nue. Five amall table were arranged
through the rooma, three being trimmed
with yellow and whit chryaanthemum
nd two with pink rarnatlona. I'latea were
laid for four at each table. The rooma
were effectively trimmed with yellow and
white chryaanthemum.
Mra. Ram Ingram of Mlnneapolla, who
haa been tba gueat of Mra. Charle Vrqu
hart, ba been tba recipient of a number
of complimentary affair during the week.
On Wedneaday, Mra. Albert Tbompaon of
tha Sherman gave a luncheon for Mra.
Ingram and Mra. Vrquhart. On Friday
evening, -Mr. and Mra. Edward Johnson
entertained at dinner and later a theater
party for Mr. and Mra. Ingram, and on
Haturday evening Mr. and Mr. Reynold
of Florence gaveSi dinner In their honor.
For Mra. Franklyn Grunlnger, Mr. Ar
thur Pinto gave a beautiful luncheon on
Friday. Heating upon a hitndaome lace
center piece over broad banda of aatln rib
bon, waa a large bowl of pink roaea, and
the candelabra were ahaded with ptnk,
dulnty water color of pink roaea marked
the place of Mra. Orunlnger, Mra. Fred
erick Ituatln, Mra. Charlea Dcunl, Mr. Wil
liam Hill-Clarke, Mr. Charle Marah, Mr,
llochaletlcr, Mr. McDanlel and Mr. Tlnto.
A mandolin orchestra dlacouraed awoct mu
ni 1: during a perfectly appointed lunchoon.
Of all the week' affair there waa prob
ably none more replete with enjoyment
for the younger member of aocloty thau
the dancing party given at Metropolitan
rlub on Tueaday evening by Mr. and Mr.
Oeorge Prltchntt, In honor of their daugh
ter. Mlaa Marguerite, who wa brounht out
at th large reception given by her mother,
Hint cloaed tho week preceding. Tho club
wit handaomely trimmed with flowcra and
the large ball room well filled with danc
ers. Mr. Prltchett and her daughter re
ceived their gueata together. Mra. Prltchett
being gowned In black lace over white
atlk, and Mta Prltchett wearing a white
mouaaellnn with Inaet medallon. Down
stair In the dining room aupper waa nerved
rrom amall table, each Beating four gueata
and decorated with tall vaae of Lawaon
Perbapa none of tha rereDtlona of tha
fall have been attended with mora general
Intereat among member of the more ex-
clualve act than that of Mra. Gilbert M.
Hitchcock, given on Thuraday afternoon,
when between 4 and t o'clock ahe pre
sented her daughter, Mlaa Margaret, to
atout ZOO gueata. Few of the young
women to be preaented thla fall will enter
aocloty under more favorable auaplcea. A
daughter of one of Omaha' oldeat families,
mib Hitchcock haa won for hcraclf during
the brief period since her return from
college an enviable popularity with all, aa
waa attested by tho qunntltlna of flower
hat aurroundnd her In welcome on Thura
day. Mra. Hitchcock and her daughter re
ceived In tha eaat parlor, atandlng at the
north end of tho room with a maaa of
American Beauty roaea extending well to
the celling for background. The debutante'
goan was of white batiste over white silk,
with trimming of Insertion and lace. Mr.
Hitchcock wa gowned In black, with trim,
niluga of white and let. In the parlor the
chryaanthemuma predominated, and ber
the punch wa acrved, Mra. II. P. Deuel
and Mr. Oeorga Patteraon presiding, aa.
alated by Mlase Potter, Holdrege, Anna
Hourke, Crounae and Marie Crounae. Out
In the dining room the decoration waa all
In red. On the table wa a low center
piece of red carnations, while carnation
and meteor roars In buurhea and In bang
ing baaketa were arranged about the room.
Here Meadamea Ouy Howard, Lake, Web
ter and Herman Kountie orealded.
Meadamea Kllpatrlck and Whltmor as.
elating In the rooms, lu the evening Mr.
and Mrs. Hitchcock gave a dinner at the
Omaha club for the youug women who
exatated. aud a few men, the party con.
elating of Mlaa Hitchcock, Mlaa Holdrege,
Mlaa Potter, Miss Crounae, Mis Marl
Crouuae, Messrs. Mclntyre. Dodge, Powell,
Doorley, Young and Mr. and Mra. Hitchcock.
Mra. John A. Wakefield was hosteia of
one of the moat Important functions of
the week on Tueaday afternoon, when be
tween I and T o'clock ah received about
ISO gueata. to whom ahe preaented her
daughter Mia Jeanne. Nun of the aea
aon' debutante have shared more fully
aoclal favor aa manlfeated In floral testi
monials, and certainly society haa received
no more gracious or accomplished acqulal
tlon In many aeasous. Throughout the
houae there were quantltlea of flower of
variety and color that mad definite aa-
aertment Impoaatblo, ut the soft red light
ing of the rooms affected by the ahaded
rhaudeller emphaalaed the predominance
of the rarnatlona and rosea of that shade.
In the frout parlor the mantel wa massed
with rvaea. thick buuehea of yellow and
while chryaanthemuma banking the base.
The wall and corner to the right were
almoet a solid mas of American Beauty
roaea. while the epac to the left wa oc
cupied with meteor roaea. In the rear
parlor there wa a prevalanr of pink
varnatloua and roaea, with amllax aud
white bio so tut In acattered cluster, la
the dlnlug room Mis Wakefield' school
colors, yellow auj white, were employed In
ibe trimming of the table aad room, la
the cuter of the lace rover a low mound
of yellow chryaanthemuma was arranged,
aumervua braaa randleatlcka with white
thadea completing the decorattona. Here
Meadamea Klrkendall. C. N. Diet. T. M.
Orr and Hoffman presided, assisted by a
number of young women. Mr. Wakefield
and ber daughter received alone, standing
before the mantel In the front parlor. Mlaa
Wakefield' gown waa of while chiffon, Inaet
with lace and embroidery, and elaborately
trimmed with tucking. Mr. Wakefield wore
a lavender foulard with trtmmlug of lac.
Assisting through the rooma were Mea
damea J. A. M.-Shane. T. M. Orr. Q. W.
Kelley. IV C. Williams. Ben Robidoux. J. S.
MraJy. Prank Cvdpvlter, Charle Branch of
Liucola. Harry Wilkin. A. P. Qulou. Oacar
Hoffman J Moaabaa of Lincoln. K. B.
Bruc. A. J. Beaton. Edmood Kobldoux. L.
M. Kuaeell. T. J. Roger; Mteee KUa Ma
Brow a. Cor. l'.raJy. Janet Ro-er. Hoi.
dreg. Hitchcock, Orvutt. Prltchett. Moore,
Lotuax. Kdii Smith. Potter. Allea. Maybe
of lVr. MtSbaae aad Burke. Oa Wedue.
day evening Mr. aad Mr. Wakefield
gave a Urge dtaner for the member of
the youcter 4. TV a small tsbie wen
arranged through the rooena. each with
trttuujUu of differeat flower that formed
the caierple-e aad were embroidered la
the rkrth. A laU candle of eorreepoad-
leg color rue froca the ceaier of the
J table aad la i'Ucea ncw auarked U
dainty water color cards don in Br" re of
golf, society and ping pong men and girls.
Each of the table seated six. Vpatslr
the rooms bad been arranged for reception
purposet and trimmed with the name
profusion of flowera. Mr. and Mr. Wake
field were assisted In receiving by Mis
Ella Ma Brown.
Voelal Chlt-Caat.
Mr. Joalyn ha returned front Chlego.
Mr. If. T. Lmlt I bom from a trip
Mr. and Mra. Bldwell ar back from their
trip south.
Dr. and Mr. Allison and children re
turned to Denver on Friday.
Mlaa Mattl and Ida Sharp ar back from
a two week' visit to Chicago.
The next Creche luncheon will be. held at
the home of Mra. Herman Kountze.
Mlsa Klrkpatrlck I expected bom from
the east about tb middle of tho month.
Bom of the younger set are planning a
Thaukaglvlng hop at the Country club.
Mr. and Mra. E. H. Sprague have taken
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Black' house for the
Mia Marie Crourwe will go to Hannibal,
Mo., thla week to b tb gueat of Mis
Mra. F. H. Oalne will go fo Dea Motnea
thla week tor a fortnight' visit with
Mra. Charlea Oreen ba Issued card for
a reception from I to 6 o'clock on Wedne.
day afternoon.
The Myatlo Kensington club will ba en
tertained on Tueaday at tb bom of Mr.
W. D. Nlcholi.
Mr. and Mra. Johnson will entertain the
member of the Bon Ton Card club at Its
meeting on Monday evening.
Mlaa Josephine. Levy will entertain the
members of A. C. T. Howling club at
Metropolitan club on Tuesday.
The Et-A-VIrp club will give It next
dancing party on Thursday evening, No
vember 27, at Chamber' academy.
The member of the Gulp Cnop club have
formed a dramatic aoclety, but will con
tinue to play ping pong betweon tmca.
Mr. B. W. Nash and Mr. Fred Nash
returned from the west on Monday, Mr.
E. W. Nash going to New York on Thuraday.
Mr. Frank A. Ewlng haa sent out cards
for a card party to be given on Tueaday
evening at her home, 3116 I'oppleton ave
nue. Senator and Mia Millard will leave on
Tueaday for Washington, having engaged
apartment at tba New Willard for the
Mr. and Mra. Arthur F. Smith have
taken the McCormlrk house at S526 Har
ney, where they are at home to their
Mr. Jam Paxton will entertain a theater
party on Monday evening In compliment to
Mia Msybee of Denver, who I Mis Al
len' gueat.
The member of the Metropolitan club are
contemplating a Thanksgiving function,
though the nature of it baa not yet been
definitely decided.
Mia Peck will go from Chicago, whero
ahe attendod Mlaa Blanche Eatabrook'a
wedding, to Hannibal, Mo., where ah will
visit Mine Wessclls.
Mr. J. P. Lord returned from Chicago
on Wednesday, accompanied by ber sister,
Mlaa Gortrude Swinglcy, who will remain
her for aome time.
Mr. W. R. Baxter will give a luncheon
at the Millard hotel on Monday In com
pliment to Mr. New of Indianapolis, who
I Mr. McKeen guest.
Mlaa Anna O. Shult leave this week tor
Coronado, Cal., to returns ber old position
aa cashier of Hotel Del Coronado, aftor
two months' visit at her home.
Mr. J. II. Eva na ha Isaued card for
a large reception to, bo given at her home,
Summit Place, on Weat Farnam atreet, on
Wednesday, December 8, from S to 6 o'clock.
In honor of Mr. Grunlnger of Chicago,
Mr. John V. 0. McDanlel will give a large
reoeptlon, from 4 to t o'clock on Tuesday
afternoon, at ber home on West Farnam
Tha member of the Caaerol club expect
to attend tha foot ball game on Thnnka-
giving day and will make up one of the
dinner partlee at th Omaha club that
One of th moat anticipated function
of the week 1 tha cotillion to be given
at the Country club on Wednesday evening
by Mra. Luther Kountte and Mra. Harry
The many frlenda of Mtas Margaret
Pratt are much Intereated in the an
nouncement of her marriage, which Is re
ported to have occurred In Swedeu on
Mr. and Mr. Samuel Rec will celebrate
their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary
with a reception on Saturday evening at
their home at Twenty-Brat and Leaven
worth streets.
Mr. Victor Whit and Mr. Harry Jor
dan will cloae th week with a luncheon
to be given on Saturday, at Mr. White'
home, 2S06 California atreet. In compli
ment to Mr. 8cobte.
Mm. Hartman will entertain aa Informal
dancing party at the Normandle on Thanka
giving evening In honor of Mra. Lowell
of Colorado Springs, who Is the guest of
Mrs. Byron H. Smith.
Mr. and Mi. Louis Rothschild will hold
a reception at their home. 3408 St. Mary'
aveuue, on Thanksgiving day, In honor of
their daughter. Mlsa Elm Rothschild,
whoa uagement tu Mr. Harry Hlesch of
De Molnea haa recently been annouueed.
Movemeals aad Wkrrnktsls.
Colonel Pratt la expected horn today.
Mr. Uould Diets returned from Chicago
on Thuraday.
Mra. W. K. Martin I back from a trip
to Mltalealppt.
Mli Faith Potter went to Kanaaa City
on Friday morulng for a fortnight's vtalt
with friends.
Captain and Mr. William Mason Wright
ar expected home from a few day' stay
In St. Loula today.
Mr. W. I. Kleratead ba (pent th past
fortnight vksitlng relative In Chicago, re
turning horn on Friday.
Mr. Daltoa Rlsley left on Thursday for
New York to attend the funeral of her
brother-in-law, Mr. Nelson Hersa.
Mra. J. E. House returned on Friday
from a two wetka' visit In Denver. Mlaa
Mildred. House will return la about two
Mrs. Thorn a J. O'Brien and Mia Teas I
Magutr have returned from Rapid City,
S. IV, where they wer called by the death
of their brother.
Mrs. Prank Bacon, accompanied by her
little daughter, Lucille. U at home after
a month'a abaence spent v tailing frlenda
in Memphis. Teun.
Mr. and Mra, J. B. Perry. Mrs. R. R.
Huntley. Mr. Sievena and Mlsa Alice
Parker weat to Denver last week to at
tend the IV Bevard-Mareh wedding.
Rev. L M. Kuan ha returned from the
eaat. where he waa railed oa business of
lb Lutheraa church. He was accompanied
by Dr. M. J. KUa of Baltimore, sovretary
of Ibe Board of Pvrelga Miatlon of th
Mr. John 8. Knox has goo to St. Laul
to Join Mr. Knox, who as boea vutlln
there for th past Ihre week. They ex.
povl t leav thera ooa for Florida, where
Mx. Kao wUl syead U w later lor her
Introduces this
New Velvet Blouses
New Fur Blouses
New Monte Carlo Coats
Ladies New Top Coats
New Grecian Dress Skirt, new Walking Skirt, Ladles' Suits, New Waists, new Dressing Sacques, nw Elder
down Robe, new Petticoat and new Fur Scarfs, Muff and Fur Coats for thl week's celling.
If you car to get the latest style and best values In Omaha you cannot afford to spend your money before
looking here.
V ; erw
You find them
No Where Else
Kranich &
llallet -Davis
Thoae pianos stand for quality,
price and safe Investment easy to
buy, aa term are made to suit.
We save you money on every pur
pianos and organ are lower In
price and easier terms than else
where. Seeing Is believing.
1613-1615 DOUGLAS ST.
. The universal verdict of discrimi
nating shoe wearer la. that
are tha best shoe for women, no
matter what price Is asked for th
other kind.
They come every day In direct com
petMon with shoe for which 15.00 and
10.00 la asked.
The difference la the retailer' profit.
Sorosis Shoe Store
303 9. 15th St., OMAHA.
Send for Catalogue.
Crockery, Qlass and China, 1318
Farnam St.
Old Uluo Drift
Breakfast, i Ma
nor and T e a
art, forma rly
$12. lo thl
sale $8.00
1 2 real cut Turn
Nera "Straw
berry and Fan,"
formerly fS.UO.
In this sale $5
Real Cauldon"
Meat Coursw-
Formerly ta.00.
In thl tale, $6
Genuine Old
"Willow" Din
ner Set Form
erly 111). In thl
sale $6.75
Visitor and Purchaser Equally Welcome.
health. Mr. Knox will be abaeat indefi
nitely. alia Orcutt went to Chicago on Saturday
to attend th KohUaat-Jacquea wedding,
which Is to occur at Centennial Baptist
church, on Tuesday evening. Misa Orcult
will be the gueat or Mia Jacques until th
Oat ( Taww Uaesta.
Mis Katherln PoUck is visiting friend
tn tb city.
Mlaa Mabel Bennett of Toronto. Canad.
1 the uet of Mis Janet Marriott.
Colonel aud Mr. J. A Cebbe of Huron,
g. I). re vliliua Mr. William Eaatman.
" Mr. aud Mr. E. A. Mueller he aa
their gueat tk week. Mr. Warrea Q Noua
of St. Lout.
Mis Barrett and Mlsa Sulllvaa ct Moa
ns. ar gvieita ef Mr. aad Mr. Frank Mc
Ginn. Mr. aad Mr. McOlaa and their guest
(Continued ea Ninth Page
Sllx Julia Offlcar, pianist. Him block.
MU liUaca Snuoii, vok. &o Rani
TIME and MONET can be saved by coming- direct to our store for all drug store,
merchandise. TIME because at our store you always And what you want (don't hav
to wait till they lend to our atore for It) nor do you hare to wait to be "talked" lnt
buying something else "WE GIVE YOU WHAT YOU ASK FOR." MONEY can b
aved at Sherman A McConnell's because o ur TRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST,
v 1 r 1 tv
V If 1
it (vyv'nV
r". A V Jr-V"j
We sell elastic anklets, knee caps and full length hoes, for sprain, weak points
and varicose vein. Take measure from out abov and writ for price.
skerman & McDonnell drug company,
Headquarters for m
Women's Stylish Headgear j
The largest exclusive retail millinery hous In th weat. Our business
success rests mainly on the fact that wo aell only new, clean, atyllsh, high
grade Individual millinery and give Juit what we advertise. Interest yourself
and investigate. You will find It possibl t buy th original pattern from na 9
tor lea money than competitors who barter In a little of everything. Can
quote you price on copies of our style. All w ask Is: See ours before
you buy. Extraordinary cut price als arranged for Monday. a
The Latest
jf) Corset Invention
fis Nemi Curve-Mould Umbrella Corset
VvT calculated to round out the alender figure price, $3.00.
Aj'vV The Habit Hip Corset, In all the leading make prlcee
1 JUUA Whalebon filled, long alp Corset, $150. $5.00 and $7 60.
IV fl Olrdlee 60c and $L00. 811k. $3-50.
ivt V A 0ur Arl Necd,e Work DePartment ls Ful1 of
fUlwA beautiful novelties to make up for
rJjJWn Christmas presents, pillow tops, table
UHgJ covers, centers, laundrj bags, tie holders,
1 handkerchief holders, etc
iThere's a Jeuelry
In Omaha
Where you ea and will alway find iut what you wnt-th 1 kind of good
JHour Watches for Everybody...
n Are Surprises to Everybody....
k m u a amall prtca for a GOOD,
r bue an elant la.Jie enamel.!
I'.S buia an eWaant ladies' soiid 14tC
bu an elant ladie' enamel.!
12 u an eWstant gent' Hri aol;4
irou monogram.
liuy iur Cbriauna present of ua.
Tutnember. w employ more watch
and 1520 Douslas-st.
t3.SA Marvel Whirling faaray Byrlnge.
WE SELL $2.09
$1.00 White Ribbon Liquor Remedy,
we sell
Sic Menen'a Talcum Powder, we sell..
'W Pure 2-graln Quinine Pills, we sell..
Site Kilmer's Swamp-Root, w aell ....
11.00 Llaterlne, we sell
60c Syrup of Figs, we sell
60c Stuart's Dynpcpsla, wo sell
tl.00 Newbro's llerplclde, we cll
11.00 McEltree' Wine Cardul, we eell..
25c Brown's Bron. Troches, we sell ....
$100 Hostetter Bitters, w sell
23c Brandreth' Pills, we sell
25o Merchant's Garg. OU, we sell
00 William s Pink Pills, we ell
25c Oranglne, we sell
25c Perry Davie; Pain Killer, we sell ..
$2 Chlchester'a Pen. Pills, we sell
25c Cascarets, we sell
iEo Bromo Seltser, w aell
$1.00 Pinkham's Comp., w sell
Hoc Carter Pills, we sell
$1.00 Ayers' Hair Vigor, we sell
25o Chamberlain' Cough, w sell ......
25o Packer' Tar, wo sell
25c Pluo's Consumption, wo sell
$1.00 Mother's Friend, we sell
. 19a
. 74a
. 19o
. 13c
. 39a
. 19o
. 19a
. 20a
. 20o
. 69o
. 15o
. 75o
. 20a
. 15a
, 20a
. 75a
. 75c
. 650
. 30a
. 75a
, 85c
$1.60 Fellow Syrup, wo aell
760 iiaSVtt Catarrh, wo sell ,
850 JL,ne' Vermlfug-e. we aell .,
L0 Hall Hair Renewer, we aell ,..
New aire Calder Tooth Powder ...
Squibb' Saraaparllla, best for blood
W tet your ye free and never charge
fancy price.
fully warranted watch for boy or girl.
cratiine w
cnsiciun. iia ana pin us una case.
'-ld ",ch- with your monogram.
goia ur naiiaam waicn.
. . ,
our catalogue. You'll
anakera than any firm ta Omaha.
1 a