THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1902. 23 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE J T Volume of BusineM Very Satisfactory ia Bpite of Unseasonable Weather. SHAPP ADVANCE IN PRICE OF SUGAR Wlljl AajthlnsJ Like Normal Winter Both Wholrialrm and Retailer Look for Ktcepllnnally Rrlak Urmand. Roth wholesale and mall trade In Omaha and surrounding country as brisk 'usl week In spite of the f hi t that the weather waa unfavorable for the rapid movement of heavyweight good. Merchant who have been In the city during the last few Uuya aay they are Burpi-lKea at the way trade haa held Up during the warm weather. Aa a genera! thing unacasouable weather para lyse both wholesal? and retail trade, but that dots not seem to be the cane thla season. Everyone, of course, looks for a much heavier demand to follow the first cold wave, but atill they or not complain ing about the amount of goods they have old. In view of the liberal demand that haa 'been experienced so far thla season retailers naturally look for a brisk trad; throughout the winter, and for that reason re placing liberal fllllng-ln orders. In aome llneo. there Is quite a scarcity of good and the merchanta who bought light early In the fall are having some trouble, but to far there has been no very sertoua delays. Collections, aa a general thing, continue very, satisfactory, and comparatively few bad accounts have been found. Jobbers any that It looks aa though retailers as a cMnss re very prosperous and able to meet their bills with unusual promptness. The market continues very firm on nearly all classes of goods, and "a number of Im portant advances have taken place during the week under review. The talked of ad vance In freight rates. If put in force, will, of course, cause a corresponding advance on all tinea affected. Inarar Advanced Fortr Cents. The fact ha been mentioned through these columns that augar has been Milling on the Missouri river at considerably less than the New Tork price would Justify. There was evidently an attempt made last week to restore prlcea to their proper baala aa advancea were made aggregating 40 cents ber 100 pound. Jobbers claim thnt the- prlca rs still low enough aa compared with - New York, and aa raws arc very Irons they consider the prospects for still fort her advances very favorable. The cheese market waa also excited and ctlve last week. That was particularly true of, New York stock and an advance of 4r per pound Is reported. It Is thought that tills advance will be followed by higher price for Wisconsin made goods. In farinaceous goods the rice, market shows great strength with advancea on the high - grades amounting to V40 or more. Fancy gradea have been taken very quickly, the market all over the country apparently being short of thla class of goods. Oat meat. tn the other hand Is about 26c per barrel lower than It was a ween ago. There, has . been no change In canned tomatoes except that the late pack of green tomatoes are being offered at lower prices than, they were two weeka ago. It la tated that the ft rat class packers of Balti more are getting 10c per doxen more for their standard brands than the first men tioned class of goods are selling at. Canned corn continues very strong and Jobber ay that" indication are favorable for the market going to $1 per doxen on standard western good. Advices from California Indicate an ad vance of lMi-oc per doxen on standard and extra standard aprlcota, and a scarcity of all kind of canned fruits. There was an exceptionally good demand laat week for the fancy grades of dried fruit. The unfavorable weather Interfered to some extent with the anticipated trade from the country, still the volume of good old was unusually large and Included a greater proportion of fancy goods than the trade ha taken - In former years. The active demand for seeded raisins, a well a the difficulty of getting supplies from the toast, caused an advance of He per fiound. Fancy box raisins are also In very Ight uppjy. and an advance of KXjl&c per dox ia reported over opening price. The fish market Is alao very Arm, with the tendency of prlcea upward. Scaled herring haa advanced W3c per box and still higher prlcea ,are looked for In the future1. The market on K. K. K. herring, round shares and split Labradores, ia very firm,. .wltfi prospect favorable for higher prices.. In ihe near future. The catch of mackerel la now over with and stock are reported inadequate for the large demand anticipated. Local . Jobber predict that present price will look cheap by next spring. Codfish haa been marked up Ho per pound, with every prospect of higher prices In the future. The exceptionally large, consumption of fish and the light sup piles on Irand are aald to be the cause for thes advances. The coffee market ha not shown much change during the week. Price fluctuate back and forth through a narrow margin, but ho permanent changes have taken place. The- tea market Is. of course, very quiet, a retailers are buying In a hand-to-mouth way. waiting for the first of the year to arrive, when the tax will be re duced. 'Dry Good Sot Brisk. Dry good Jobber report business a little more quiet than it haa been and also more quiet than they expected. The reason they give la the lack of cold weather to create n active demand for heavyweight goods. They aay, however, that considering the warm weather the demand Is better than could reasonably be expected. Quite a few merchanta have been In the city plac ing orttr. and without an exception they look for an enormous demand aa soon as winter sets In. For that reason thoy bought, quite freely and traveling men are also picking up quite a few order on the road. Merchant are placing good order for snrlng specialties and traveling salesmen re greatly encouraged over the success they have had so far. There afe no particular changes In the mark to not. I'rlcea are Arm all along the line,, and there in still considerable rarclty of good. Woolen underwear I causing some trouble Just now, us Jobbers re unable to get duplicate order from the mlllajtud local stocks are exhauated. Many retailer claim they have not near enough tockfo carry them through the aeaaon. Certain lines of blankets' are also running shore , Big; Moveinest of Wire a oil Niall. The present low railroad ratea are caus ing wire and nails to sell at a rapid rue. WheMwcr a merahnnt can buy a carloud Of that clans of goods he has done so and takenr)vantagerof the cut rates. Ical Jobw rs aay it has been a long time lnc aa much nf -those lines bus been sold as during the lasl tew week. Thy supply of soft coal stoves Is still far lion of the d-manil, with no prospect of Immediate, relief. , 80 far aa tho market ts'corfferned there la nn quotable changes to report. Prac tically all classes f goods are In a good, firm position, with prospect favorable for theip remaining that way for some time to roiii. The demand Just at present Is a tritld slack, owing to" the unfavorable weather, hut Jobbers are looking for a big Improvement In the. future. Leather Loads In fairly liond Demand The rain and" mud. of last we"k caused q Hi a demand for nhoc and also for light robbers and boots. J. libera pay there are iiuitu a few alaing-up orders Coming in. uud that they have r.o cause fur complaint. Thcro haa, of course, not been cold enough weather to create any demand for heavy rubbers, and retailers are naturally getting a little hiixIoii to unload some of .their Stock, but liny say a few days of wlnfr will go a long way toward clos ing out lhiv pisfeut supplies. As ha been previously mentioned, the leaiher market la very tirm. and tho. who ought to know say that present' values are 011 u good, tlrm .ounitat'on. and that alios St pfeent price ro a safe purchase. . Krolta aad I'roasfr. Fruit and produce men felt to ome extent the ai'proacli i.f Thanksgiving In their laat week a trade, but at the same time the de mand alii nut really act in uaill the nrt of this avwk. According lo the advice they have reivivetl to far they will do a lie.ivler buMneea ih m ever before. New Yrk j nil Tokay grapes are now out e! the nuarkel. Uu 4'alawba aid Malaga are atill to be had. California Jaffa and navel oranges arrived last week, and are ailtl to be in good condition. Cranberries advanced considerably and prlcea now range from $ to 111' per barrel. There waa not much change In the prices ruling on vegt iaoies except an n.ivame on i"U.uea. vihk-h carried the market to pea- per huahel. New California tomi- .toes alao arrived Ian week, and are quoted at -. .i pit lour-BasKet crate. The eti market rirmed up a little last Week ami so alao did the butter market. r"oultr -a 1 1-0 iield up In good shape, al though rtxxlpt toward the end at the eck .were fully aa. heavy a anticipated. Com mission turn My, however, that It Is cer tain that turkey will command unusually nign prices, liit quotations now ruling on the direereiil lines will be found In auuth r column. ' Coadltloa of tko Trtatsry. WASHINGTON. Nov. . Today s state- tneut-.4t(. lae treasury balance la the goa 'STrsT' shows: Available cash bala tISO.nnfi.fKO a-nld of redemption, ince.; gold, $ll!t,41.!r?6. WHOI.GSAIK MARKETS. Condition of Trad and daotatloae oa Maple aad Fancy Produce. Kong randlefl tock, 22c. I.I VK POI IrHY Mens. 7Hc; old roost ers. 4c; turkey. U'HftMHc; ducks, 8'dSc g"ee, T'o'Hc; spring chickens, per lb., tft DRESSED POCLTR Y Hen. 10fiin',c; young chickens. Utilise;, turkey. Ibc; duck and geese. lmlSc. W'TTER Pack In c stork. ItVfJlijUr: choice dairy. In tut, fcL'lc; separator, 2tVtT27c. FRESH CACUMT FISH Trout. i10c; hiring, "c: pickerel. Sc; piae. 10c: irch, c; buffalo, dresseu, 7c; sunrlsb. Ic; btueflns, 3c; whlterir, Vic: unlmon. lc; 11c; codfish, l!c; tednapper, 1"C; lobster, bol ed, oer lb., Joe, lobsters, green, per Id., !Hc; bullhead!', 10c: catfish. 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut, ile COBN-M.!. OAT8-S2C WHK.vr-No. i hard, tte. It YE 43c. HRAN-Pet ton, 114. HAY Prices quoted br Omaha Whole sale Hay Pealtrs' assoc. atlon: Choice No. 1 upland, 19.60; No. 1 medium. MM; No. 1 coarse, til. Rye straw. H 60. These price are for hay of good color and quality. De mand filr: receipts light OYSTER8 Standards, per can. V-c: extra electa, per run. Sic; New York ceunts. per can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gxl., $1.75; bulk, standards per gal., tl.8. VEGETABLES. NEW CE1.EKY Kalamaxoo, per dox., 25c; Utah, per doz., 5c; California, per dox. for stalks welshing fro.n 1 to lVi lbs. each, 44 POTATOE8-New, per bu., 25340c. BWKET POTATOES Virginia, per bbl.. (3, home grown, per bu., tl. TURNIPS Per bu., JOc: Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. PEET8 Per basket, 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per do., tl 50. WAX BEANS-Per bu. box.; string beans, per bu. box, Jl 50. CABBAGE Hone grown, new. lc. ONIONS New home grown, in sack, per bu., 6060c- Spanish, per crate. 11 W. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. tJ.0. TOMATOES New California, per 4 baeket crate, t2.5. CAULIFLOWER Long Island, per bbl., t6.o0. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box. 2; Kie fera, rer bbl., 3.?5; Colorado, per box, U ii. APPUES Cooking, per bbl.. U 2s; eating t2.2rjrj:2.60; Jonatliane, 13.50; New York stock. X3 26. GRAPES Catawba, per basket. ISO; Malagas, per keg, S6.M5t.6o. CHAN BERRIES Wisconaln, per bbl., 19. w; Bell and Buglea, tlf.UU; per box, 13.0U. gclNCEt Pet oox, tlou. UANANAb Ptr bunch, according to six. t2.uc.iu 2.5U. , LEMONS California fancy, $4 0034.C0; choice, a.71. OHANOES Mexican, any sire, $4.00; Florida Bright, 14.76; caliiornla Jaffa, la.iu; California Navel, tt.bO. DATES PersUn in tO-lb. boxe. per lb., Ic; per case o( S'J-lb. pkgs., l.Zo. F1US California, per 10-lb. cartons, tl; Turkish, cir Jo-lb. box, H&llc. OKAPE FRUIT Florida, . MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 4-1 ram case, 13. 5. CIDER New York, 4.50; per H-bbl., 13.75. SAUEH KRAUT Wisconsin, per H bbl., 'i-J; per bbl., H A, " HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. t green, (c; No. 1 salted, ic; No. 3 salted, Jc; No. 1 veal calf, t to UH lb., KVic. No. I veal calf, U to li lb. 6c, dry hides, 12c; ahecu pelts, 267bc; hork hide, POPCORr;-Pe ib., 'lc; shelUU 4o. NUTS Walnut. No 1 salt snell. per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft hell, per lb., liQ, No. 2 hard shell, pur 10., iic; Braxll. pel lb., 11c; filberts, per lb.. tic; almond, sofuhell, per lb., i$c; hard hell, per lb., 16c; pecans. Urge, per II)., U'c; small, per lb., Uj; cocoanuts, per dfx., 60c; chestnut, per lb., 10c: peanuta, per lb., tiVic; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black wal nuts, per bu., tl, nkaory nuts, pr bu., il.ife; cocoanuta, per 100, 14. OLD METALfa-A B. Alpirn quote the following price. ron, country mixed, per ton, til; iron, tova plate, per ton, W; cop per, per lb. (('Ac, bra, heavy, per lb., 8Vic; bra, light, per In , 6Vc; lead, per lit., tc; sine, per lb., 2ftc: rubber, ir id.. iVic NCVY YORK GENERAL MARKET. (saotatlona of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Nov. 22.'-FLOUR Receipts. 28,774 .bbls.;- exports, 20,036 bbls.; market quiet, Dut nrm; winter patenta, 3.o3.iH); winter straight. !3.46g3.(6; winter extras, 13 8663.10; winter low grades, I2.66ii2.9u: Minnesota patents, t3K34.15; Minnesota bakers, S3.2633.40. Rye Hour, quiet; fair to good, t3.Ob3.40; choice to fancy, t3.60 3.66. Buckwheat flour, t2.3k3.36, spot and xo arrive. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western,; city, n.ia; uranuywine, .i Wtf3.t4, RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 6Vc, f. o. b., afloat; No. i, 64j64ftc; track stale, 6464ttc, c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Steady; feeding 41c, c. I. f., uunaio; malting, i.vowc, o. 1. I., .Buffalo. WHEAT Receipt. 91,660 bu.; exports, 72,476 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 79c elevator, and 78c, f. o. b., afloat; No. northern, Duluth. 83Hc, f. o. b.. afloat No. 1 hard, Manitoba. s4Vc. f. o. b.. afloat The wheat market developed considerable strength on a scare of shorts prompted by a good demand from western sources, credited to the leading bull Intereata. The close wss nrm and partly Vo net hla-her. May, 79 9-1637Ttc. cloaed at 79c; Decem- Der, suwta wic, cioaea at suo. CORN Receipt. 114,450 bu. Spot, dull; No. 2, c, elevator, and 6Hc. f- o. b.. anoat: iso. 2 yeuow, mc; ro. i wnite, ssc. The option market wa easier, belna af. fected by clearing and colder weather, lower cable and some Increase in the movement. The close wa weak at 'Sl,,c net decline. January, 63Vfl54c. closed at 6Jc; May, 47& 4tVtc, closed at 47 vie: July cloaed at 467tc; December, 6tVi4&Hic, closed at 69vc. OATS Receipt. 183.000 bu.; exports. 75,077 du. epoi. suany; mo. x, ssc; standard white, 3)c: No. 3. 35Vc: No. 3 white. 2Hc; No. 3 white. 871c: trnok mixed western. nominal; track white. 36V942c. The option mantei was ouu ami earner, wun corn December closed nt StiAic. HAY Steady; shipping, 570c; good tq cnoice, e,. vi. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice 1902 crop, 2!iaSc: lsul crop, S4&28c; olds, Vb lt',c; I'acltic coaat, 19o2 crop, Kf32c; 1901 crop. 2v'o.iO; olds, iHV-'c. HIDES Steady : Ualveaton, 20 to 25 lbs. lc; California, tu ;j iu., isiu; lcxja dry, 24 to So lbs., 14c. 1 LEATHER Steady: acid. 24f62o'i PHOVISIONS-Iiecf. quiet; fuinlly. tlj.50 (TlS.uo; mess. 10 5; beef hums. tJ 60 22.0O; paeKet, sit.uNi m.uu; city extra Iniila meas, M . kj 2J .no. Cut meats, quiet; pickled lielller, lll.u912.ut: pickled shoulder. W.25 fH-H.6ti: plckk-d hams. tl2 001 U 25. Lard steady; wet'tern stemmed,; retlned steady; South America. 112; compound, 87.50 4j7.75. Pork, eteady; family, IS.; cleur, 821 .rtKfi 23 l; mesa, 18.0oti 18.50. I HI ITER l'irm : extra creamery. 22c: factory, liTlHc; common to choice. flVuKc; iniltatlun treamery. 17ri21c; (tale dairy, 26c; renovated. l'iVi$2lc. CHEESE Firm; new tate full cream. fancy small white, old, l-'Vul3c; new, l'-'jc; small colored, old. lJHUc; new, lJHc; large while, old. 13u; new, 12'KI largo colored, old, lite;; i.ew, 12'c. KOUS Unlet; stale and Pennsylvania, average best, 28A2Mxc; refrigerated, lt4!r Jlc-; wMtern tancy graded, au.'r; wtattrn, pour to prime, .'lwaxr. TAL1AJW steady; city, 6'ic; country, 6 Lc. ' POULTRY Alive, firm and unchanged. Dressed, fli m ; eatern chickens-, lie; west ern fcula. lJVu'ic western ititkeys, 15c. RICE Firm, domestic, fair lo extra, 4' tiSc: Japan, 4i5c. , . . . MOLASUS-Steady; New Orleans, opeu kettle, good to choice. SDtMc. M ETA 11 Slow, trade wu reported In II metals today. Full supplies of tin and coppr kept these markets lit a morn or lets depreFged condition, and while yes terday's rlgura were quoted. It waa under stood that conce.-iona would be made In order lo close business. Tin was quoted nt f25, bid. mil l;.i.l.V asked. Standard copp 'r. tl0.62'x, nominal; lake, U 4'D 11. so; electrolytic nnd Custing. til!. S5. lad as dun and unchanged at for spot. 8ieltcr waa euny lit tone, with spot ut to. 20. Iron was in good demand and scarce, with prices Arm. . Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22-BCTTF.R-Dull and weak: extra western ireamery, ildc: extra nearby prints, inc. I't le' Firm but q ilet; fresh nearby, 28c, loss off; fre.'h western, 2Jc; frexli south western. fl 2Tc ; fresh southern. 2Tc. CHF.ESE -Steady; New York full creams. prime smsll, I3'c; fair to good small, 12if IM , prime iHigc. iiia-u, tiur 111 guoa large, l2Hfjl24c Duluth (irala Market. rrLCTH. Nov. tt-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hsrd, 7lc: No. 1 northern. TJSe; No. 1 rorthirn. 71Sc: November, 4Sc; December, jtc; May. J4c. OATS iJecember, Ke, Tearla Market. PF.ORIA. 111., Nov. t2.CQRN-8tady; No 3 new. 44HC OATtV-Buady; No. t whits, 30&31e, billed tnrouso. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Strengthens on Northwest Bujinp and Export Demand. CLOSE HIGHER AFTER WEAK START Cora Drop Nearly Two Cents, with a Fair Trade, Due to a Variety of Caases Oats ttalet ad Steady. CHICAGO. Nov 22.-There was 4 fair trade in wheat today and the market was strong, December closing H'Sc higher, with May up 45 December corn closed 17c lower, with oats V4iiC higher. Jan uary provision closed italic higher. Wheat ruled strong after an easier open ing, due to weak cables, liberal receipts and favorable weather tor the movement. The chief suDPortina Influences were buy ing by the northwest and a good export de mand, ixicai traders were unaDie to De termine the attitude of the leading long and in consequence many of them kept out of the market. Selling at the opening caused a slight decline, but buying which waa credited to a big long started an up ward movement and the market waa strong throughout the day, especially May, which closeu c higher at 7S1c. December opened Vtc lower at 74c, sold down to iic, but rallied to io'c and closed 'n-tc hlKher at 7aAv76V4ic. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 418.000 bushel. primary receipt were l,Z3o,suu DucneiB, against 1,018,000 bushel a year ago. Min neapolis and Duluth reported receipt of ko8 cars, which, with local receipts of 72 cars 9 of contract grade made total re ceipts for the three points of 1,030 cars, against 867 car last week and 937 a year a 20. 1 here waa a fair trade in corn, but once dropped under the IntTuence of Increased receipts, better weather, lower cables and weakness of the cash article. December and January were offered with especial lib erality and in turn affected May. The de cline brought out numerous stop-loss or der. What demand there wae came chiefly from shorts who wished to play even over Sunday. Receipt were W) car. December old between 6tHxC arui 63c and closed l7c down at 65c. The oats market, while quiet, waa steady. Elevator Interests bought December and traders sold It against purchases of May at lc and lHc difference. On the rise In May there was considerable selling of mat delivery. Receipts were 1K3 cars. Decem ber closed at 3o'ii31c and May at 317c. Provision were steady on light hog re ceipts, but trade was quiet. January pork closed 124c higher at tl'o.tttVi, January lard 15c up at and January rib 1 wc im proved at Estimated receipt Monday: Wheat, 145 cars; corn, 260 car; oats, 185 car; hog, 39,000 head. The leading futures ranged a follow: Articles. I Open.j High. Low. Close.lYeet'y Wheat I I Dec. I 74') May "STiSii 75 761 IA 6Mi 744 75ev tVal 74 76 M 56 42 30V t urn I Nov. Dec. May I 56 427-eVil II 30Hl' 63 55 65 6t Hi42Hj424i I I Oata tDec. May 3m!30H'9,Hf30S-31 Pork- I .1 .1 I Jan. May Lard Nov. Dec. Jan. May May 15 62V.I Li 65 I 15 62SI 15 62A 15 50 14 62 14 67Hl 44 hlhtl 14 67Vi 14 52 10 80 I 10 80 9 87H 9 9 9 so 1 8 60 I 8 70 10 75 f 10 75 10 80 I 9 87 9 824j 9 87 22Vx b 30 8 tw 1 8 70 9 15 8 60 .1 I 8 05 I 8 10 I 8 02H 8 10 J 7 82H1 1 87V4! 7 821 7 85 8 02H I 80 No. 2. tNew. Cash quotation were follow: FI.OITR Market steady: winter patents. t3.504j3.60; atralghts. I3.lixii3.20: clear. 32.70 tiu.10; spring special, Mt"9i.'i paieni, tX40(a.7o; straights, t2.90itJ.20; bakers, V2. 9(02.10. wheat tspring mo. 6, whsc; ino. x red, 76(&'76c. CORN No. 2, 65c: no. J yeuow, 6btbc. OATS No. 2. 33KC; No. 2 white. 29"ac; No. 3 white, 8u36c. Ktlfi-No. i, OlIl'MC. BARLEY Good feeding, S8c: fair to choice malting, 66JjoJic. . SEE1J NO. 1 nax; o. 1 norniweoi ern. 81.23: prime tirriothy, .-13.80; clover, contract- grade, 811.00. PROVISIONS Mess porK, per ddi., in C17.00. Lard, per 100 lba., tl0,754j'10.80. Short ribs sides (loosel, t.25fi.50. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), Vkdi&bc; short Clear sides (boxed), til. 50 9 .75. WHISKEY Hasls of high wine, tl.32. Following were the receipt and shipments Of the principal grains yeatcrday: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbl I6.O00 12,000 Wheat, bu W.000 14,000 Corn, bu 166,000 lB.ouo Oat, bu 213,000 251,000 Kye bu 20.000 22,000 Barley, bu 61,000 8,000 On the Produce exchange today the bi.i ter market was firm; creameries, 8'fr27c; dairies, 1823c. Cheese, steady, 11(8 12c. Eggs, firm; Iresh, 23c. NHW YORK. STOCKS A.D BOXDS. Coal Strike News Help the Market, bat Cloe I lower, NEW YORK, Nov. 22. Further Improve ment was shown by the stock market at the opening, a number of active issue rising to a higher level. The latest news regarding the coal strike situation was doubtless a contributing factor. Business was active and fairly Weil distributed, with more covering by the short Interest. Commission houses were prominent throughout the seaslon. Moderate buying was reported for out-of-town accounts. Bt. Paul, the feature of yesterday a mar ket, made an advance on heavy trading and the Gould stocks were fractionally higher, with a 1 per cent advance in Denver & Rio Grande. Reading was act ive and strong, while a better tone waa shown by New York Central, Illinois Cen tral. Southern Pacific and Pennsylvania. Gains of 3 and 3S points were registered by Delaware & Hudson and Illinois Cen tral. Rock Island waa llrm on western buying order, tiugar and Steel stocks were the conspicuous Industrials. Realis ing in large volu:ne wiped out some of the early gams. tit. Paul and Illinois Central making material declines, as did also AniMlnanuited Copper and several other lssuee. The lift kh a whole was falrlv strong, especially the hard coal group and the Gould stock. There wa also a umart advance in .'.inneapolis, 8t. Paul & Sault Ste. Mjt'le preferred. Com paratively little wu done hi Manhattan and the other local tractions. Kor in ap parent reHHon, the n.arKft went tiff on the puDilcanoii r w 11:11 w.i ii'siruco as a rainy kooii nana aiau'inrm siui ine clorlng was generally lieiow yesterday s final quotation, bave 111 me matter of loans. where a greater oecretse win looked for, the brink statement about met popular expectations. The iiiiparutpvcly small contraction of loan wu due. it is thought, to the fact lliat mucn of the money called In bv the bunk during the early week waa reloaned later. The ag gregate of loHtia now outstanding Is $siV. uMl.Oiu, or about $l!i,noO.oo less than when the laat slump In tne market began. The btreasurv made artner transfer of to Sau r'rauclucu and fluU.OOO to New Orleans. The bond market clotcd steady: fluctua tions were not pronounced either way. Uuninep wa concenlrateu in the acini- speculative issue and the rise in the closing day Imparted a etronajcr tone to the market, l ulled Slates old and new 4 declined 1', aa compared with lost week, closliif call. 1 lie .New nine financier tnis weeg ays: The statement or tne associated banks last week t-howa an Increase of .i3..H) in caeh, an amount very closely correspondlnj witn tne estimated gain, which waa fVo: the specie decreased Irj2.. while the legal tender lncrcaed H...cVi. The loans were reduced 12,30,, vm. making a contraction of ti.&MOO for the fortnight, a much smaller amount than waa looked for considering the enormous llauidation of speculative account on the Slock exchange on the previous week. It la probable, however, that the small ions laat aeek waa chiefly due to the loas of fund which ha. I accumulated for pending syndicate payment. The deposits de creased $2,613,300. which sum is greater by H.6.U.70U thsn that called for by the re duction In loans, leg the gain In cash; hence the statement waa technically largely out of proof. The required reserve mas reducsd Adding this sum to th net gain in cash make Il.fil'5.o6S aa th increase in surplus reserve. 1 his item is now sgalnst fl4.58S.VJ5 at th corresponding date a year ago. Computed on 1 hi basis of deposits less those of . Is3.ii of the government the surplus Is (.'9.570. 800. The circulation was Increased 1731.(00 durlnj the week, making the amount now outstanding At the beainninc of July it was Kil.6K3.guO. The average clearing of the banka for the week were L.o0o,0. while those for (Saturday, rrflectliu; Friday bualneai, were l-ii3.591.743. Comparisons of change in th item of loan by the larger bank show that elaht instltutlona increase this Item by (.VO.iiiO net. the reduction being more .than offset by gain. The specie movement by flv banka show a net in- crea of taoO.uuu. Hank condition seem likely to Improve in the Bear future a the renult of the return movement of cur rency, which appear to have begun at least from distant western and north wester points, Tha money, however may be expected to show some tlernge meni this week because of syndicate pay ments, to be followed at the end of the week by preparations lor Decern oer set tlement. The following are the closing price on the New York Stock exenange: Atcbisua ou flU bai. m utuo.... dtt pis CanaUiau faciBc t.siimua bu Cbel. St Ohio... llm'ago 4k Alton Bo. RiiIoet It'i do pld Teias a Pacific 4J Toledo. 81. L. W. t Ut do pfd 4 1 .viVnlon Pacific 10 i X 4X d" P,a ,l kJa Wabash Sv 1. do Jld do pla Chlisiu, Ind. L. 1, Whaallnf A L. C (1 ' do 2d pfd ' L'nlr4 .. 29 .. X .. lo .. k1 ..100 ..134 ..110 .. n .. IS .. II .. 1'4) .. 41 .. 4i .. lii .. ? .. 4214 .. M ..II44) ..117" do pi ChM'Mo K. '" Lhuiio tt U. W... ww e,u Adams Ex Amencaa Ez l ulled States Kx. tYalls-Karxo Ex.. Amal. Copper .... do 1st ptd do M Bid . H . 40 .Ho . It Chlrsgo Si N. W .. (hno 1r. Tr. do pid C. C. I . tt St. L. .. Colorado 80 Amar. t ar tt F... Oil... do IK pld U Am.r Lin. do pfd A marl ran 8. do Id pld Dl. Sl Hudt.00 A R Del. L. a W... Ixnrsr A H. O. ..131 do pfd Anac M:nlng Co. 411 do pfd HrooXlrn n. T. v lolo. ruel A Iran Erl -Va . 11.. do lit pfd.... do td ptd ''Cont. Tobaecai' sfd 4 ...17s ... tOVs ... is ... 714 ... ii ... DO Great Nor. pfd. 1M it 89 H uan. bltciric .. Hocking Coal .. Inter. Paper ... do pld Inter. Power ... Laclede Uas .... National biscuit Hoiking Valla? do pfd Illinois Central lows Central .. 144S 40 do pfd Liks Brls sc W.. do pfd 1. L N Manhattan L Uri. St. Rjr Mx. Central .... Met. National ... Minn, a Bt. L... Mo. Psrlflc M.. K. T do pfd N. J. Central ... N. Y. Ctntral ... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania .... Reading do 1st pfd do Id pfd St. L. A g. r... da 1st pfd do Id pfd Bt. L 8. W do ptd Bt. Paul do pfd Bo. Pacific , 8H UV Natlnnal Lead 110 126 No. American ::::.v: 120 Paclflo Coast ... 71H tfl Paclflc Mall ... ...19 ...101'., ... t ... tl ...t2t 1.. !' ... 7 140 PeoDle'a Uaa ... Pressed 8. Car. lav' d mi ...lOHi Pullman P. Car -""i Republic 8tae ... '4i do pfd . .. f8 Sugar ...168 Tenn. Coal tt Iron ...lb4 Union Bag It p.... ... '1 do pfd ... o It'. 8. Leather ... I0H do pfd , ...lf U. 8. Hubber ... 2V, do pfd ... m V. 8. Steel ... U do pfd ...71 Western I'nton .... ... aZ!4 Amar. Locomotlva ... 71 do pfd ... IH K. C. Southern.... ... s4V do pfd ...m Rock Island ...ll do pfd ... M 120S, SSMJ 124, 77 12 w 17 62V, J 7 4 . 2 t 45', Siew York Moaey Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 22-MONET-On call, nominal; no loans today; time money, easy; thirty, alxty and ninety day. per cent prime mercantile paper, 6V(f6 PT cent, STERLING EXCHANGke- Steady with actual business In bankers' bills at 14 87125 Si4.8725 for demand and at $4.KH!5ft4.8375 for olxty day; pouted rates, $4.84t4i-;!4.85 and 14. Mi: commercial bills. H.8275f4 .8360. ?,lLVER Bar- 48c; Mexican dollar, BONDS State, Inactive; railroad, firm; ftovernmem, eteady; refundins; 2a, regis tered and coupon, 107V4; 8, rexistered and coupon, 108; new 4, registered and coupon, 13iV; old 4s, registered and coupon, 109V4: 6s. registered and coupon. 104. The closing quotations on bonds are as follow: U. B. nf.' Is, re., do coupon do Is. re do coupon do new 4a, reg..., do coupon do old 4a, reg.... do coupon do 6a, reg , do coupon Atchison gen. 4.., do adj. 4s Bal. a Ohio 4a.... do 3'4s du conv. 4s Canada 80. la Central of Oa. (.. do la Inc Ches. A Ohio 4Ws ..NWViiL. A N. unl. 4s 101 ..10ri Me. Central 4s 10 ..109 do Is Inc 26 ..10s Minn. A St. L. 4....103- ..135Vi M.. K. A T. 4a 100 ..lao1. do Is 81 ..10H,1N. V. Central la 103U ..luDVli do gen. 3'js 10ft ..104 iN. J. C. gen. 6s U"i ..104 No. Paclfio 4s 10314 ..WU,! do Is 701, .. Wli'K. A W. con. 4s 100 ..101 iKeadlng gen. 4s (7 .. sa Bt. L. A I. M. c. ts.114 ..107 St. L I f. 4s. ...100 ..107 Bt. L. 8. W. la 1754 ..1074 do la gr.v, .. 7 8. A. A A. P. 4a 8V ..ll 80. Pacific 4a an Lhlcsgo at A. IViS... 79T4 Bo. lUllwsy As 11KW c B. A Q 4s... IjH rem A Pacific ls...l20.a C, M A Bt P g. 4s. ..Ill ,T.; Bt. L. A W. 4a c. at w. w. c. 7a.... 134 ll'nlon Pacific 4a. C, R. I. A P. 4a....l(lH4 do conv. 4a C C C A Bt L g. as. . 101 Wahaah la 109 ..l'Mli ..1164 ..lout, .. ..111 Chicago Ter. 4s. 81 do 2S Colorado So. 4s.... Denver A R. O. 4a. Erla prior Han 4a.. do general 4a . ! ,.101 . l . 84 .114 do dab. B , West Shore 4a Wheal. A L. E. 4a Wis. Central 4s 2Vi 'V, S4S r. W. A I. C. la. Cons. Tobacco 4a... Hocking Val. 4ta....l08H Doito Stock Qaotatlon. BOSTON, Nov. 22. Call loan, per cent; time loans, o(B per cent, umclal closing or stock and bonds: . Atchison 4s 100 Allouas t'i Mrs. ('antral 4s.. 78 Amalutnatad (7 Auhlaon ..84 Dlngham J',4 oo pia calumet Mecla....4tw Boston A Albany 26, Centennial 1I Boaton A Me 191 Copper Rang te w iicnnurg pin iu v uomtmon tjoal Ill t'nlon Pacific 101 Isle Royal 12 Mei. Central 2.1" Old Dominion U American Dufir uuit nrn ................ zj do pfd 118'i Qulncy lo8 Amarlcan T. A T..tfll Santa Pa Copper 1 Lwmmion i. as b umtrari , i Oen. Electric 180 Trlraountaln 14 Maaa. Elactrio M4i Trinity 8 do pfd H United Statea mu United Fruit Ill Utah 21U Daly Waat Ui Victoria is j. o. Biaai 4j inona l do pfd 84 W'olvarlna 88 Wastlngh. Common.. 99 il'nlted Copper 1054 juvcaiun jai Kerr York Mining Quotation. NEW TORK. Nov. 22 The following are tne cioeing price on mining atocxs: Adams Con Alice Breece Brunawlck Con.... Comstock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Silver iron Silver LeadTtlla Con .. 15 .. IS .. 60 .. I .. i . .ion ..125 .. 80 .. S Little Chief ., Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Savaga Sierra Nevada , Small Hopaa .. Standard .... 1 ....TOO .... M .... I .... 14 .... 4 .... It .... 10 ....tog Bank Clearing;. OMAHA, Nov. 22. Bank clearing for the week a compared with corresponding week mat year: 1902. 1901. Monday Tuesday .11. 472,563 S3 91.451.989 S3 l.Ml.oiu uo 1,108,436 06 Wednecday 1.270,&8 32 Thursday 1,231,447 75 Friday 1,217.259 85 Saturday 1.228,647 45 1.028.2ft 30 1.142,104 28 1,047,34 4 43 1.100,283 09 Totals .i.. $7,757,537 27 36,880,414 09 Incretife 877.123 18 CHICAGO, Nov. 22. CTearlnga, 327,3S9,590; balance. 32.301,813; New York exchange: rar; foreign exchange, sterling posted at 11.81V, for sixty days and at $1.88 for de mand. NEW TORK. Nov. 22 -Clearings. $203. 891.743; balance. $11,400,111. BOSTON, Nov. .'. Clearings, $23,829 913; balance. $1,670,448. PHI I. VDKI.PIIIA. Nov. 22-Clearing. $21.449.S9; buliince. S2.2c5.t70; clearing- for the wt ek, 13,6jai,7ti3; ha lances. $16,807,208; money, 6 per cent. CINCINNATI. Nov. 22 Clearings. $2,666. 300; money. .VoC, per cent; New York ex chMnge. pur and 10c premium. ST. let, Nov. 22 Clearing. $6.i27.38j; buluncea, $am.6Ws; money, eteady. Mi A per cent; New York exchange, 25c premium. Liverpool 4ralu and Provlloa. UVKRPOOI, Nov. 22.-WHEAT-Spot, firm: No. 2 red. western, winter, 5s 10d; No. 1 northern, spring. 6s id: No. 1 ('Hllfornlu 6k 7d; futures. Inactive; December. 5 lid: March, b ad; May. 6s ed. t'OK.N Boot. Qult-t: American mixed . 6.1 : futures. Inactive; January, 4a 4d; March, 4 6d. HOl'K St. Loul fancy winter, oulet. S 3d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast) firm, a lwfi7 PEAS Canadian, ateady. 67d. PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India mens, 115. Pork, strong; prime mem. wesi em, 9.'. Hams, ahort cut. 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 008 6d. Bucon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady. 53s 6d: ahort rib. 16 to 24 lba., steady, 69a; long clear middles. light. 28 to 84 lba.. dull. 69s: long clear middle, heavy. 35 to 40 lbs., dull. Ht: short clear backs. 16 to 20 lba., tlrm. 69s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 67s 6d. Should ers, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 628. Lard, strong, prim western. In tierce, 60; American finest white, 59s; American fluent colored, S!m. TALLOW Firm; prime city. 29 6d; Aus tralian, In Loudon, 24 3d. Kansas City Grala aad Provision. KANSAS CITY. Nov. !! WHEAT De cember, fi4oHc; May. 70fi70c; cash, No. I hard. eTHilO'fc; No. I, 6l&fi:Vjc; No. 2 red, 67c: No. 2. 63'uo4c. CORN November. 44c; December. 414c; May, 37c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 42c; No. 2 white. 42c; No. S. 4o43404c. OAT&-N0. 2 white. 32$!33c; No. t mixed, 30c. RYE No. t. 4Xo. HAY Choice timothy, 110,5011.00; prairie flO 50. BUTTER Creamery. 21625c; fancy dairy, 21e. EOGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas tock. 20c do.. Iota off. case returned; new No. 1 whitewood case included, 2uc. Recelot. Shipments. Wheat, bu M.onO M 0o0 Corn, bu 73,000 b'.hti Oata, bu 17,000 H.OuO Mllwaakee Grala Market.' MILWAUKEE. Nov. 22-WHEAT-Weak; No. 1 northern, 76j76.ic; No. t nr.rthern, 75&'75l4c; December, 7uc. RYE Quiet; No. 1. ilW462c. BARLEV-Steady; No. 3, 66; ampl. I5jic. , CORN December, Mo. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light for the Week nd Frioee a Little Higher, HOGS A TRIFLE LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Fairly Liberal Baa of Sheep aa Lamb All the Week aad Price oa Both Feeders and Killer De cline Tea to Fifteen Cent. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. a. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs, sheep. .. 4.9.'9 4.u.' ZiMi ... 6.23 S.945 .07S .. 6.6JO a. H4 10.SW ... 6.310 9.W3 13. t U ,.. i.2f 6.MS4 ,4"S ... 83 4,9314 761 Official Monday Official Tuecdav Official Wednesday . Official Thursday ... Ullicial Friday Official Saturday Total this week 25.137 4S.043 56.4S Weekending Nov. 15. ...34.429 34 ii5 - 64.047 Week ending Nov. 8 36.37 TO.tWI Week ending Nov. 1 30,279 39,736 74.730 Week ending Oct. 25 36,644 24, 97 68.36 Same week laat year 23,544 73,322 40,726 KKCEIPT8 FOK THE YEAR TO DA I c.. The tollowlne- tahle Hhowa the receipt of cattle, hosa and sheerj at South Omaha for the year tu date, with comparison with last year: woz. isui. inc. aeu. Cattle 903,978 735.879 168,009 Hog 1.9S0.&9 2,069.435 84.204 bheep I.i36,75 1.240,410 295,375 'ine following table snows me avemse price of hog sold on the South Omaha market the last several day, with com parison with former year: Date. i 1902. 1901. 1900.1899.1898. 1897. 1896. Nov. 1 C 54T4I S 731 4 Ell 4 01 I Eii 3 2i 4 041 1 E0 411 3 tl 4 U 3 45 8 43 3 M 4 U2 1 61, I 43, I 31 3 621 8 44 i 21 4 01 3 46.3 11 4 20: 3 061 I 4 03 1 3 B4 4 00 ! 3 46 3 41 3 38 Nov. U 4 U Nov. I.... Nov. 4.... Nov. .... 4 fi 5 8! 7l 4 66j Nov. .... Nov. 7.... 4 4 t7 4 71 Nov. 8 Nov. .... 4 69 Nov. 10... 4 74 4 03i 3 47, 3 31 I Zi Not. 11... Nov. 12... 4 021 3 45 3 33; 8 17 8 44 8 4 3 92i 3 41 8 38, 3 22 8 23 8 a a 3 18 3 11 3 14 Nov. 18... 3 34 Nov. 14... Nov. 15... Nov. 1... Nov. 17... Nov. 18... 3 iJ 3 3 2- 4 90 1 3 84; 3 35 3 31 I 4 tSi 3 87 1 3 6 8 32 3 35 3 32 3 34 Nov. 19... 4 78 8 29 4 751 3 88 4 78 8 89) 3 SV 3 16 Nov. 20.. Nov. 21.. Nov. 22.. 3 44. 3 13 I S 15 3 39 6 76 4 76 8 86 3 37 Indicates Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought la today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. C. M. & St. P. Ry 8 Wabash Ry ., 2 union pacific system.... 1 1 1 C. & N. W. Ry 8 31 1 r ., E. & M. V. Ry 1 12 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 1 4 13. & M. Ry 2 8.. C, B. & U. Ry 6 K. C. & Bt. J. Ry 22 C, R. I. & P., east Illinois Central 2 Total recelptii 81 80 The disDosition of the day's receipts was as follow, each buyer purchasing the num ber oT head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hog. Bheep. Omaha Packing Co I 1 49 IE S'i tU' O 11 I 55 t 68 44 5 67 6 74 s a e 25 1 73 6 10 ( 63 4 84 6 21 i 69) 4 74 ( 2a4 6 6 4 67 I 6 31V 1 I 68! 4 82 a I I 64 I 31 5 63 6 29 15 63 6 28 6 731 I 6 24 ill I 6 26 I 676 617 27 1.874 78 1.254 13 ES7 608 8 .... 1 .... 8 .... 335 623 4,928 426 O. H. Hammond Co Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Cudahy from K City.... Armour & Co., from 8. C. Livingstone & Shaller.... Other buyer ) CATTLE Most of the cattle that arrived today were consigned direct to local pack er and were not orcereu on ine maraet, an that a teat of values waa not made. For the week receipt have shown a de crease of nearly 10,000 head as compared with lat week, but a compared with the same week of last year there ia an Increase of a few hundred head. The market on cornfed teer ha been very uncertain all the week. On moil days there were not over Ave or six loads, an that it ia verv difficult for either buy er or sellers to tell anything about the true condition of the market. The most of the cattle have been ahort fed and have sold largely from $4.50 to $5.25, though as high at $6.00 wa paid tor cattle that had been fed about six months and were In Drettv good condition. An extra fancy load, however, ought td sell up to $6.75. As compared with the close of last week there does not seem to be much change In the prevailing prices. Owing to the unevenness some sales look a good deal higher than others, but the market could not well be quoted either higher or lower, it Is very evident that packers are not at all anxious for theae half fat cattle, as they do not kill out satisfactorily. . The cow market advanced sharply the first of the week, but eased off a little to ward the close. The best gradea of both cornfeds and grassers are but little. If any, higher than they were a week ago. It is a difficult matter, seller say, to get over 13.00 for anything and the grassers seem 10 be selling to better advantage than the cornfeds, for the reason, buyers claim, that the cornfeds do not make as good a per centage as the grassers. It may safely be said that the pricea that have been paid this week for the cornfeds have been very disappointing. Canners. however, have been in big demand and have advanced fullv 25c and In some cases as much at Soc. The medium class of cow are also a little higher for the week, Bologna bulls may be quoted fully 15 25c higher for the week and feeder bulls or good quality are aiso a nine stronger. Veal calves have not shown much change and choice veals are selling from $5.50 to $6.00. Stockers and feeders were considerably higher the first of the week, but the market eased oft a little on Thursday and Friday. As compared with the close of last week, however, prices on desirable stuff look 10j2'20c higher. Common stuff haa been neglected ail the week. Western beef steers also advanced the first of the week and lost some of the gain later on. The quality of the offering to ward the close of the week, though, was very Inferior, so that desirable kind would probably have sold a little better than they did last week. Range co are all the way from strong to 2oc or 36c higher, the greatest advance being on the canners and the least on the best grades. Western stockers and feeders art) also loj30c higher than a week ago. HOGS There was Just a fair run of hogs here today, and the market opened fairly active and steady to strong us compared with yesterday. As the morning advanced the feeling improved so that the market averaged a shade higher. The bulk of the sales went at $t.25 and $6 27V, with choice loads mostly at $6.30. and the heavy packing gradea sold from $6.25 down. The later ar rivals sold at good strong prices, and as trading was active from start to finish everything was disposed of In good season. For the Week receipts show an Increase over last week of about 9,000 head, but aa compared with the same week of laat year there Is a decrease of about 30,000 head. The week opened with an advance of about a dime, but since that time, with the ex ception of today, the tendency of prices was downward and the week cloaed about a nickel lower than the close of last week. Representative sales: No. 41.... 64 in 44 IT 17 11 12 tt II At. So. Pr. No. At. 8b. Pr. ni to 1 16 .211 40 I 16 .2711 40 I 26 .141 40 I 11 .Ik 10 4 26 .2S0 40 I IS .174 110 I 16 i 16 40 64 II 61 11 12 II 62 Tl 10 II tl tl 70 6T II 14 It II t7 II 4s 14 II 41 106.... lu .... ..140 .Ail ..232 .. I HI .. 4 10 10 I 10 10 , SO 12V B0 I 11 '1 ...sua iso 4 M'4 ,..t6 44 I la 10 16 ...m luu 1 as ...2g 140 4 26 ...171 120 I 16 ...1.41 10 I 15 ...nt 40 1 w ...1ST ISO 16 ...If. 120 4 IS. ...V 40 4 16 ...fc.1 W I 15 ... tu ...t 140 tt ...140 ... 4 16 ...110 140 I 16 ...171 loO 4 IS so' 4 ts ...141 1U III ...t4 10 14 ...IS ... Ill ...IKI ... (16 ...24 M 4 16 ...124 40 4 ...1S4 120 4 a ...170 ... 4 It ...104 140 4 16 ...!'.0 140 I 15 ....ti ... I to ....270 110 4 16 ....277 200 I IS ....SOO sO I 16 ....171 1M I tl ....271 40 I U ... Intl SO t 17S, ....16T 110 4 n't ....261 120 I 17 V, ... 26 SO 4 rtvt ....i7t 40 I nvi ... i 40 I nv, ... 21 10 4 27 V, ,...1MI 40 4 ITV, ....21 110 4 17V, .....266 too 127 V, ....140 124 4 27V, ....221 10 4 17 V, II ... I nv, ... 271 40 I ITV, 141 It I !7V ....! ... 127V, ....t ... 4 17 V, ....lil ... 4 17V, ....111 100 I 10 11 44 4 IS 21 SO I 10 141 120 I 10 4T U 14 71 40 44 6 4 7..... 14 IT 7 14 61 M 44 44 IS 61 66 14 II 41 Tl 41. TO., J it. II. 41- 144 40 4 16 14. .224 ... lit SHEEP There wer three or four car of fed cheep and lamb her thla morning, and they sold readily at Just about steady pricea with yesterday. Fed ewe sold a high aa S3 60; wethers S4.2S, and lamb, (4 ib. For the week receipt have bein quite liberal, a a gain I noted both over last week and the correanondlnc week of last year. Owing to the liberal receipt price nave eased off a little, though the decline la not at all serious. The general run of both sheep and lamb ar not over loSul&c lower for the week, and on:e of the choicer grade are not that much lower. Medium gradea of cwea have probably suffered the moat, but 15c would cover the decline on those In the majority of cases. These fluctuation apply equally well to fed stuff and to graasers. Th feeder market also cased off lOtjl&c a the demand from the country wa lim ited. Common kinds in particular were slow sale but still very little tuff will be carried over Sunday In first hands. Quotation for graspers: Good to choice yearlings. $3.5o4i3.75; fair to good. $3.2FWU.50; good to choice wether, $3.24iS.60; - fair to ;ood wetners, x.i on-u.t 2ft; choice ewes. M.i'nr .25; fair to good ewe, t. 2Va2.75: good to choice lambs, 84 5i"fi4.75; fair to good lambs, $4.0li4.5; feeder wethers. $2.if'n3l6; fcciler yearlings, $2 li3.25; feeder Limbs. $3.iii 40: cull limbs, $1.5'ii2.W; feeder ewe. $2 60163.00. Oood fed stock sells about 25c higher than choice grassers. Representa tive aa!es: No. Av . 68 . 100 . 81 . 139 . . 162 . 96 Pr 75 1 6 1 75 3 60 4 00 4 25 4 75 12 culls 6 buck S36 western ernes 81 native fed ewes 1 native fed lamb 16 native fed wether $0 native fed lamb CHICAGO LME STOCK MARKKT. Hogi aad Sheep Steady, with Liberal Receipt Cattle omlnl. CHICAGO. Nov. 22-CATTLE-Hecelpts, 200 head; market nominal; good to prime leers, $B.755b6.KO; Poor to medium. $8 OoiiS.oo; stockers and feeders, 82.00iH.6i; cows. $1 40 &4 50; heifers, $2.0uji560; canners. $1.402.e; bulls, $2.no7 4 50; calves, $3.5oS7.00; Texns fed steers, $3. 004. 00. western steers, $35o'fl4.7.i. H Otis Receipts, ncaa: estimated Monday. 15.000: left over. 6.500: market steady; mixed and butcher. $5.9(ti6.So: good to cnotve heavy. w.swotMo: rougn neavy. $5.906.20; light, $5.966.15; bulk of sales. $6.1(Vn 20. SHEEP AM) LAM HS Receipt. l."W head; market steady; good to choice weth er. 13MW4.0: fair to rholce mixed. $2.50 $ 60; western sheep, $2.75133. e: native lambs. 3 Was. in; western lames, xa. i&!j4. 10. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 3.042 4.6IH Hogs SI 4:o Sheep 14.52 8.019 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 22 CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head; market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steer. $5.ixu6.25; fair to good,; stocK'rs arm iceci- er. $2.6Mi3.90; weatexn-fed steers, xz.&'fr 5.50; Texas and Indian steers, $2.65'o3.9; Texas cow. $2.00fi2.85; native cows. $1.50 i4.80; native heifers, $2 004.10; earners. $l.O0f?3.25; bulls. $1.9itfi3.25; calves. $1.0off 6.00; receipt for week, 60,000 cattle, 6,2i0 calve. HOGS Receipts. S.ono head: market tin- chanaed: ton. 16 20: bulk of sale. $6.103' 6.20; heavy, $6 106.20; mixed packer. $6.00 frfi.20: bzhts. I8.0i?).16: yorkers.; pigs, $5.ti54j6.w; receipt for week, b,4w head. SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipt; mar ket nominal; native lambs, $3.6fl(.2ti; west ern lambs, $3.0ti'ii3.i5; fed ewes, 3.0"i3.i0; native wether, $3.00i4.00; wentern wethers, $3.0iK'(i3.85; Blocker and feeders, $1. 9ofy3. 25; receipt foi weelt, 22,000 Mead. New York Live Stork Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 22. BEEVES Re ceipt, none; dressed beef, steady; city dressed native sld ., 7c to llc per lb.: Texas beef, 5tye to 7c. Exports today, 622 beeves, 1,414 shjep and about 5.700 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 68 head, 66 on sale. A few grassers sold at $2.50, a few veals at $8.50: a car of western calve unsold. Veals. 104i 13c. HOGS Receipts, 3,062 head; no sales re ported. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.075 head; sheep In good demand and steady; lambs in light supply; some sale of me dium grade stronger. Sheep sold at $3.25 t3.50, a few culls at $2.00; lambs, $2.W 6.87H: dreiwed muttons, E&6V1C per lb; dressed lambs, 7A&94c. St. Loals Live Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS, Nov. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 2.000 head, Including 1.500 Texana; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4. 75411. 00. the top being paid for strictly fancv when received; dressed beef and butcher steer, $3.75'6.60: ters under 1,000 lbs., $3.26186.26; stockers and feeder. $2.8ti 4.50; cow and heifer, $2.76go.OO; canaers, $1. 5042.40; bull, $3.26(fi4.25; calves, $3.00 7.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.804.80; cows and heifers, $2.003.20. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady to lower; pig and lights. $6.oora.10; pack ers, $6.066.20; butchers. $6.15(f.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300 head; market ateady and dull; native muttons, $3.25fU3.85; lambs, $4.0O(g5.6O; cull and bucks, $2.004.00; tockers. $1.50(83.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 22. CATTLE Re ceipt. 1,391 head; market steady. HOGS Receipts, 8,060 head; market steady to strong; mixed and heavy, $6.06g6.20; light and light mixed, $6. 05&6. 15; bulk, $6.10 4J6.15; pigs. $4.25&6.00. SHEEP Receipt, 300 head; market steady. Sloox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Nov. 22. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta, 100 head; un changed; beevea, $4.5tXn 50; cow, bulls and mixed, $2.0O4j4.0O; stockers and feeders. $2.59 4(4.50; yearlings and calves, $2.50fi4.00. HOGS Receipts. 4.200 head; average about steady, selling at S.1(X&3.30; bulk. 6.15&6.20. Stock In Sight. The following were th receipts of live stock at the six principal cities yesterday: came. mors. 13 nee p Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... St Joseph .. Bloux City .. Total.... 843 4.938 751 Soo 600 2,000 1.391 100 19.000 3.000 2,000 3.060 4,200 1.000 "916 800 6.034 36,198 2,351 Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. COTTON Future opened steady at a decline of 2&6 points, chiefly under adverse cables? the Liverpool market having cloed at a net los of 4(&4 points. The early weakness here wa alao to aome extent due to bearish weather new. IJght estimate on Houston recelnt turned the market oon after the opening call, when covering became very heavy and Investment demand waa also large. Private advice from the south Indlcute thnt oot cotton Is still very firmly held. with exporter and spinner competing for supplies. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 22.-OOTTON-Futures steady: November. 7.95c; Decem ber, 7 ftoflS.Oiic; January, .0Mi1l.09c: Febru ary, S.U((o.izc; aiarcn. a.iic; auoi, a.i?'(. 8.20c; May, K.21&8.22c; June. .233S.25c; July, 8.25(68. 27c. Bpot. quiet and ateady : ale, 2 650 bale; ordinary. 9-lt5c; good ordinary, 711-lftc; low middling. 7Hc: middling. 77e; good middling, tb-isc: miauling tair, c; receipts, 15.M6 bale; stock. 3.13. fW4 bale. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 22. COTTON Spot, dull; price eaay, American middling. 4.54d. The ale of the day were l.ouO bules. of which 200 were for uecuiaiion ana export. and Included 4,300 American. Receipts were 8.000 bale, including !." American, f u ture opened quiet and closed ateady. American miniiung. g. o. c. iNovnmocr, 4 44ir4.45d; Novembcr-D cembcr, 4.t'34.41d; December-januarv. iai..wi; janunry. HVhruarv. 4S7'ii4.SKd : February-March. 4.37 4x4. 3d: March-April, 4.37'(i4.isd; Aprll-M.vy, 4.37i4 8id; May-June. 4.37'Ji4 3vd; June-July, 4.37&4.38d: July-August. 4.37d. BT. LOI IH, Nov. . tui lua-nteauy; middling, 7c; sales, 606 bale; receipt, 7.764 bales; shipments, 7,164 bales; stock, 22.871 bale. QALVK8TON. Nov. 2Z.cui-rt.rN Mar ket easy at 8 l-16c. St. J.oiil Grala aad Provisions. ST. T.OTM8. Nov. 2i WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red. caah. elevator. 6Mc; trark. 70iic: December. tstttsvic; May. (o-WiVjc; No. 2 hard, ..& wc. CORN Lower: No. S cah. 4o'4c; track. 4Sty?j4iSc; December, 457c; May. 394c. OATS Weak ; No. r casn. mw; tracK. st p'JliAc; December, Mfcc; May, JOHc asked; No. 2 white, 34c. RYE Steady at 4R4c. FLOUR Dull: red winter patent. $3.30 (11.50; extra fancy and straight, fct.0u3.26 clear, v. &'aiMa. BEEP Timothy, teady. $2 9003.40. COKNMEAIy Bteady at 82 40. BRAN Firm; Backed, eat track, 68A70C. HAY strong; tlmotny, io.omai.!.tjo; prai rie. l fln;ill 00. IRON COTTON TIES 8107H. HAOOINO b-WSt 1-16C. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, atandard mea. 117 35. Lard, weak at 810 &2W Dry salt meats, easier; boxed, extra shorta and clear rit, 110.20: anon clear, Macon, easier; boxed, extra short and clear rib. J) 160; short clears, 111.75. M ETAL8 Iad. ateady at $4.00. Spelter, dull at $0 0l. sellera. POULTRY Hteady; chicken, 8c; springs, SfiSc; turkey, 10'tc; duck, HVic; geeae, 7V.C. liCTTER Bteady; creamery, SKJOTjc; aaine. 1.11-zic. EOO8 Higher at 20c, lose off. Receipt. Shipments Flour, bbl 8.0t 12. (mo Wheat, bu V2(f Corn, b J Kift.Oial (3.000 Oats, bu W.uuo 41.000 tsiar aad Molasses. NEW YORK, Nov. a.-BCOAR-Raw firm; fair refined, 8&-16c; centrifugal 96 teat. 13-16c; molasse augar, 2 1-liic; re- A a M . UA . , I . V . m I ,b - . Hiiro. iv. v, i.iw, iu, I, a. otic,. fu. 8. 4 25c: No. . 4 20c: No. 10. lite: No. 11 4.1fc: No. 12. 4.06c; No. 13, 4c: No. 14. I5c; Confectioner A. 4 30c; mould A, 6c; cut loaf, 6 35c; cruehed. 135c; powdered, 48oc; granulated, 4.75c; cube. 6c. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. J2.-8UCIAR Active and firm: open kettle, SSSc; open kettle centrifugal. SVci 111-lfc. . cen trifugal white, 341 c; yellow. iViMV'; seconds, 213 5-1kc. Mol.ASSKS-Steady; open kettle, 2tjj33c; centrlfunnl, l"'n.'2c; syrup, 2'u27c. I.ONiiU.N. Nov. 22. SI'OAR-Raw, cen trlfugul, Ms- Muscovado, 8Sd; beet, No vember, 7s li'Vd. I: vnpornteil Apples and llried Frnlt NEW TORK, Nov. 2:.-KVArORATEP APPLES The market Is still weak, owing to the free offering, but prices are not qiiotably changed. Common are quoted at 6ii5'4C. prime at 5'ii6c. choice at 6'u6'v and fancy at 7ji7'c. CALIFORNIA LiRIED FRllTS-fpot prune continue steady to firm, with price ranging from 3'ic to "i:c for all grades. Apricots are In steady demand, with bones at 74j12c and bag at Ttj Kc. Peaches arv. tlrm. with ix eled quoted at 12tl.c and tin peeled at 6'tSlOc. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 22 WOOI Strong; me- 1 dlum grades and combing 16'(il:c; light fine. 13'cilc; heavy fine. Uiilic; tub wished. 175 2Sc. IAN DON. Nov. 22. WOOIe-Slnre the closing of the fifth serle of wool auction a good buslmsa ha been done In cross breds at Eft 10 per cent advance. Medium grades have been quiet, owing to the high price demanded. NEW YORK, Nov. 2 -WOOL Market quiet; domestic fleece. 26iii3tV. Kxporta and Import at Meiv York. NEW TORK, Nov. 22 -The totnl Imports of dry goods and merchandise at the port of New York for this week were valued at $13,316 671. The total exports of specie from the port of New York to ali countries for this week were $743,365 silver and $24S,!t50 gold. Th total Import of specie at the port of New Yors: for this week were $44,568 allver and $4o5,!i'3 gold Whisky Market. CHICAGO, Nov. I3.-WHISKY-8teady t $1.32. . ST. LOUIS, Nov. 22-WHISKY-Steady at $1 32. PEORIA, Nov 22. WHISKY On the basis of $1.32 for finished goods. CINCINNATI. Nov. 22.-W H I3K Y-Dls- , tillers' finished goods, steady on basis of $1.32. Dry Cooits Market. NEW YORK. Nov 22.-DRY OOODS-Ths week closed with generally quiet condi tion prevailing. Demand for staple cot tons moderate and price unchanged. Fair business in prints for spring. Print cloths steady, but dull. Cotton yarn were very Irregular, hut a better Inquiry wn notice able at the close; worsted yarns firm: wool yarns steady: linen and lute yarn firm. .7. Farnam Smith a Go. STOCKS. BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. Wc offer $18,000 Krug Brewlnj: C: 6 per cent 1st Mort. Bonds. $2,000 6 percent First Mortf. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 tchen Gtm ntock ta tip tn the dollars per share, you will wonder why you did not buy a good sized block of it when it could haoe been bought for 60 cents todiy't price. Where is there another stock that equals it in promise and act ual results? Just send for the prospectus and learn tijhat a well equip . ped producing mint looks like,. . Between 8,000 and 9.00Q feet of under ground work, with thousands of tons of ore blocked out and in sight. JOHN E. McMANUS & S ON MIXERS' BROKERS, FISCAL AGKNTS, SEATTLE! WASHIXGTOX. SUCCESS In speculation may be possible sometimes without expert advice, but it Is out of the question In marketa like the present. And yet there never wa a better market to make money on If you know how. WE KNOW Try our service. Dally forecast on grain and stocks only $50 a year (trial week $1.00.1 If unable to devote your time to speculat ing it will pay you to Join our trading syn dicate and get the benefit or our skill and experience. Write for particular. if doubtful of our ability, let us "how you." Send for our booklet, which tell all about our method. We have no "get rich quick" scheme, but a BOlld. legitimate business. MARKET CHART CO 4 Oft Mailer, anllding. CbioatTO. BIG iilONEY $20 make $."00 by our sure and cafe system of Turf Inves'siient. 100 day of racing In New Orleans and big things to come off. Entirely new and originul plan. Expert handicapping and price furnlahed to book-maker and pool rooms. A limited amount of stock for aale ut $100 per share. Thla stock pays 24 per cent per annum and In the near fuiure I exacted to pay even greater dividend. Partle looking for gimd In vestment wou'd do well to consider. If you have idle mony. money to In vest, money that should be earning .money, write for ll quick. Coats you onlv a postal card. 'the (o-Overatlif Torf Aaa. New Orleans, I. a. Inrnrported. Capital Stock $100,000. ONE. CENT POSTAL CARD WILL BIIIN8 YOU OUR BOOKLET, "The One Way" Olvlng full particular how to mak your money earn a regular monthly income without rik or ions. We Lave never had a dirsali8fjed customer. Wa make good incomes out of modest In vestment. LET TOUR UONtr MAKE M0MM. Write at once to amirican Finance & mortgage Co. 113 WaU Street. New York. 3 MONTHS FREE Vp-to-date mining paper (fully Illus trated, containing ali the Uieat news from famous gold camp, In cluding - Thunder Mountain V. S. Mtalua Journal, I no .Nassau t.Vl. GRAIN - - STOCKS. We have private wire to New York, Chi cago and Kansas City. All orders receive careful aud prompt attention. BOYD & MERRILL ROOM 4 N. Y. I.lfrfc! Ml. DC Tel. 10UU. OMAHA. XEB. MINING INFORMATION Bend two tent stamp for copy of WEST ERN MINER AND FINANCIER; giving more mining news than any other western publication; or 2& centa for 3 month' sub scription; or $1.00 for paper every week until January 1st. 1H04. Including cabinet box of gold, silver, lead and copper ore and bottle of gold concentrates. WEkTEHNi MIfV aad KIS ANCIEaJ, Denver Colorado. mm DOT