Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells drugs. .
Stockert sells carpets anil runs.
Elegant new Xmns photos at Schmidt's.
Expert watch repairing. Leffcrt, ffl B way
For rent, modern 6-room residence, 719
Sixth avenue.
Picture framing. C. K. Alexander A Co.,
133 Broadway. Tel. iffi.
Three quart 25c saucepan Saturday only
JOc. A. A. Howe's. 81') Broadway.
George Treynor of Onceoln, Ia.. Is In the
City visiting friends for a few days.
For rent, nl-ly furnished front room,
reaannable price, inquire 306 North First
Taul Lorenzen of the postofflce force left
J'esterday tor Chicago to enter Rush Med
cal college.
Wanted, at once, carrier with horse for
route on The Bee. Apply at the olllee. No.
10 Pearl street.
We are headquarters for ' glas of all
kinds. Bee tin .Ix-lure you buy. C. B. I'alnt,
011 and Glass Co.
The eldest Hon of City Auditor Fred
Evans whs yesterday reported seriously 111
with typhoid fever.
Lee Evans will leave this evening for a
week's vl8lt In Chicago. Ills mother and
later will accompany him.
A marriage license was Issud yesterday
to John A. Krkman, aged 46, and Krlstlna
Gwanson, aged i, both of Omaha.
Mrs. Mary L. Everett took out building
permits yesterday for two one-story frame
cottages on Pleasant street, to cost fiuu
Good lot on North Eighth street,' one
block from school. Clear and up to grade.
A bargain If taken soon. Inquire at ii6
Fourth street.
Asslntant County Attorney : Kimball re
turned yesterday from Chleiigo, where he
avent to take the evidence of a wltm-M In
the rase of the State of luwa against
Bheldon and fihoop.
, Having refurnished my gallery tip-to-date
1 offer this month H photos for 11.50 and t4
photos for Ki.a) per dozen. Have your
L'hrlxtman photos taken now. Hllnleniun,
43 and 45 South Main street, upstairs.
Judge Mary will hold a'seaslon of dis
trict court here today to henr the motions
for new trluls In the case of the Mon
arch Manufacturing conrpnny against the
motor company-and the Omeg contested
will caae. .
Basil Dacotlon and Arthur Beulleu, two
Indian youths from the Stntee Indlun res
ervation, were picked Up by the police lant
night, It tnilng suspected that they are1
wanted for running away from one of the
vlndian schools. I
Mrs. Mary Axford, who was placed on a1
bread and water diet by Judge Scott for
drunkenness, was released from the city
Jail yesterday, Mrs. Miller of the I'nton
mission having-offered to care for the un-i
fortunate woman. , -
Will Beasley the 14-year-old son of Mr. 1
and Mra. William Beasley ot. South
Eighth street, who ran away from his
home last Saturday, turned up again at
a late hour Thursday night. He said he
bad been visiting a friend in Walnut, la.
H. L. Shepherd of Duluth arrived yester- I
day on a visit to hia brother-in-law. City!
Clerk N. C. Phillips and family. Mra. !
Shepherd, who has been the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Philips for the last month, will
return to luluth. Sunday with her hus
band. The funeral' of .lohn'M. I.lttnn. son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Litton, l3 Turley ave
nue, will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock
and will be private. Mrs. George Groner
and Mrs. W. H. Canler of Boone, la., and
Mrs. J. Jackman of Industry, Pa., arrived
yesterday to attend the funeral.
The commissioners for the Insane yester
day decided that Mark Holder was a lit
aubject for the Insane asylum, but as there
Is a question a to the man's legal resi
dence, he has been placed temporarily in
St. Bernard's hospital until the State
Board of Control passes on the case.
Holder has made ' his home In Seattle,
Wash., for a number o; years and the
board Is of the opinion that 1 his legal
residence. ' . . .
Mrs. Mary. F. Hart, wife of Augustus
Hart, 615 Bouth -Rlghth street, died yester
day morning at the Woman's Christian As
sociation hospital from nervous prostra
tion. Besides her husband, she Is survived
by on, daughter. . Miss Lilian Hart, a
teacher In the city schools, and one son,
Holland A. 'Hart. The funernl will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
residence wnd burial will be In Walnut
Hill cemetery. The services will ho
ducted by Her.-James Thomson of thel
im vungreKBi'onai cnurcn.
James Lester, whose home Is In Jefferson
county. Kansas, and who has been honking
corn at Avota, was at the city Jail lata
night bemoaning the loss of J 110, the sav
ings of his summer wages. He had Hanhed
his roll l.i a number of saloons on South
Main street with the result that som5 of
the light fingered gentry succeeded In get
ting It away from him. He cried like a
child when he dlacovercd his loss and
would not he consoled. He said he had
been compelled to quit work because he
was sick and now that he had been robbed
f all his savings life had no further charms
(or him.
Beiidents in Vicinity of Lidgett Property
Object to Use for that Purpose.
aaeaanBeaaasaea i
Officials Think Objection Should Have
Been Filed Before City Had
Purchased Instead
of How, I
The Board of Health, having completed
the purchase of the Lldgett property on
Oak street and Washington avenue for a
female Isolation hospital, residents In thai
section of the city are now up In arms
and are making vigorous objections to bay
ing a pest house located there. It has
been Intimated that an attempt to burn
down the place might bo made and the
health authorities have been compelled to
place a special officer to guard the prop
erty. Residents and property owners in that
section of the city have gotten up a pe
tition which Is now being circulated, ask
ing the city to refrain from using the
Lldgett property as a pest house or Isola
tion hospital. The protestanta contend
that the placing of smallpox patients there
would endanger the health ot tho rest
dents In that neighborhood and It Is also
urged that the location of the pest house
thero would not only Impair the valuo of
the surrounding property, but make It
practically worthless.
It has been reported to the health board
that the persons now circulating this pe
tition will In the event of the city ig
noring It, take the matter Into the courts
and seek to enjoin the city from using
the . property for the purpose for which
It was purchased. Charles Claar, a former
member of the police force and owner of
property on East , Washington avenue. Is
particularly active In circulating the pe
tition, which has been signed, among
others by ex-Alderman Lewis Hammer, who
owns property In that neighborhood.
Members of tho health board at are sur
prised at the objections being raised now
that the property has been purchased and
the money paid over to Mr. Lldgett by
the county auditor, as the persons now ob
jecting made no protest during the time
that the board bad the question of the
purchase of this property under consider,
atlon. Mayor Morgan yesterday gave it as
his opinion that the property secured by
the city was an Ideal place for an Isola
tion hospital, as the premises stand alone
In a hollow, without a building within a
block of them.
It Is understood that the petition of
the protesting residents and property own
ers will be presented at the meeting of the
city council Monday night, but that the
aldermen will decline to take . any action
on it.
1, 198. and which he failed to fulfill. The
attorneys for Miss Macklnson have in their
possession and which wilt be offered as
evidence In the evant of the esse coming
to trial, 128 letters written by Dr. Frailer
to the plaintiff.
Cancels Pate with Donne.
Mauager Rutherford of the Dodge Light
Guards' foot ball team yesterday cancelled
the game with Doane college for Thanks
giving, sa owing to Doane's recent defeats
the soldiers did not believe the Nebraska
collegians were up to their standard. Man
ager Rutherford has secured in the place
of the game with Doane college one with
the Iowa State Normal college at Cedar
Falls, which will be played here Thanks
giving afternoon at Lake Manawa. The
normal college team is said to be one of
the strongest In the state.
Scientist Chaif h Incorporates.
Articles of Incorporation of the Second
Church of Christ, Scientist, were Bled In
the office of the county recorder yesterday.
The officers are: Directors, Mrs. Mabel W.
Hypes, Mrs. Julia Munger, Mrs. Nettle L.
Woodrlng; trustees, L. R. Hypes, Earl
Beardsley, C. K Hesse; clerk, Mrs Elanore
M. Brooke; treasurer, A. P. Falk. the church
will for the present hold Its service In
Hughes' hall, corner Broadway , and Park
Bibles Now Heady.
Those who are entitled to the Bible, given
as a premium by The Bee, can get some by
calling at the Council Bluffs office. Kindly
call as soon as possible.
Sustains Objection to Venire.
Judge Green yesterday sustained the ob
jections of Attorney Sims to the three
special venires drawn to fill out the trial
Jury panel of the district court for this
term. Ho held that the venires had not
been drawn In the manner pre
scribed by law and ordered the Jurymen
so drawn discharged and a new venire of
fifteen jurors drawn.
Eureka Fountain Pen, 10c.
Cut this out and present It on or before
Saturday, November 22 and you will be en
titled to one Eureka Fountain pen complete
for 19c. Only one to a customer and pos
tively none without this ad. DeLong The
Printer, 307 Broadway.
Bibles Now Ready.
Those who are entitled to the Bible, given
as a premium by The Bee, can get same by
calling at. the Council Bluffs office. Kindly
call as soon as possible. , - : ..-
Special Effort Bel nor Made to Bun
Down Slayer of Sheriff
ONAWA, la., Nov. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) W. . 'Richards, deputy L'nlted
States marshall of ttra southern district
of Iowa, was In Onawa today to gather
something of the history of Ed Corns, the
murderer of W. E. Strain, Jate sheriff of
Monona county. -Mr. Richards has been se
lected by the State Sheriff association to
capture Ed Corns if possible and propose i
to spare no efforts in that direction. The
stato association has taken up the matter
In earnest, each sheriff has been assessed
$5, which will be used for expenses in try
ing to round up the murderer. The state
and county also offer a reward ot $700 for
the arrest of Corns and It Is b6lleved his
capture Is only question of time.
Fresh Lemon Drop,'"' '
Angel food taffy, peanuc candy,; chocolate
taffy, horehound, Yankee peanut and other
delicious fresh home-made' candles will
be on sale all day Saturday at only 10
cents per pound. Brown's Candy KUchep,
648 Broadway."
Davis sells paint.
Operetta Draws Blar Audience.
The Juvenil operetta, "Dame Fire Fly,"
given last night at the New theater under
the auspices of, the Women's guild of 8t.
Paul a Episcopal church, attracted an au
dience which completely filled tho house.
The operetta was prettily staged and cos
tumed and the young people scored an un
qualified success. The adult parts were
taken by Mrs. Nolllo Haworth Reed, Miss
Noan Forsyth, . Miss May Caldwell and
Clyds Aitchlson. Among the young folk the
more Important roles were played by Dar
win Bradley, Rob Bender. Harry Kerney,
Horace Greer, Henry Jennings, Nellie
Gross, Alme Walk, Ada Fuller, Haiol
Hannan and Cora Buckrnan.
Besides the above there were nearly 100
little girls and boys as dancing leaves,
cuplds, fulriea.and imps who equally con
tributed their share to the success of the
performance.' There will be a. matinee per
formance of the operetta (his afternoon.
'Let the GOLD DUST twin do your work."
Gravel roofing. A. H. Reld.541 Broadway.
City Council Haa a Hard Time of it
Providing; a Place for Them
to Stand.
The city authorities have as yet failed
to arrive at any solution of the vexed
question of providing the expressmen a lo
cation for standing their wagon and team
but Mayor Morgan stated yesterday that he
had hopes the matter would be settled at
the meeting of the city council Monday
night. The ' present ordinance governing
the expressmen Is said to be defective and
Mayor Morgan is In favor of a new one
being drafted.
Conditions of which complaint was maJo
by the owner and occupant of the prop
erty at the corner of Main street and
Broadway have been improved somewhat
since the last meeting of the city council.
Chief of Police Tlbblts baa given the mat
ter his personal attention and many unde
sirable loafers at that corner have been
given to understand that they must seek
another location. The fish wagon, of which
complaint was also made, have besn made
to move elsewhere but pending tho action
of the city council, no effort has been
made to remove the expreaa wagons.
While Mayor Morgan Is hopeful that a
solution of this question will be reached
at the meeting of the city council Monday
night, several of the aldermen are not so
sanguine. The question of providing a
location for the expressmen Is one of long
standing and there dots not seem to be
any available place today more than
when the question first arose several years
ago. It has been suggested that part of the
expressmen stand at the market back of
the city hall and part at the hay market
at the lunrtloii ot Pearl and Main streets.
but this Is said is not agreeable to the
expressmen who want standing room on
the streets.
Chaae Buy Back Old Paper.
ATLANTIC. Ia.. Nov. . 21. (Special.) A
deal was consummated yesterday' b which
Charles F. Chase, tho former proprietor
of the Cass County Democrat In this city,
again assumes the property. Mr. Chase
was for a number of years editor of the
paper, but for several years has lived away
from here, ergaged in newspaper business
at Denver and later at Hamilton, N. D.
The consideration was $7,000. '.Mr. Chase
will take possession on the first of the
year. A Gardner & Son are the present
A Special November Sale
The extreme backwardness of the cool weather, and the damp, rainy condition of the entire month of November, has
creatly interfered with business, and we find a great deal of merchandise on our shelves that should have moved some
time ago. AVe shall endeavor to make the few remaining days of November do the work of the first three weeks of the
month, and to do this we shall offer you special inducements in nearly every department in the store.
November sale In Silks, 100 pieces of Black 811k, Peau de Sole, Moire Fran
cols, Taffetas,, Peau de Cygne, etc. These are strictly new goods. Just put on
sale, and wo are enabled to make the sale price only through a most fortun
ate purchase In which we cleaned up the stock of one of th leading manufacturers.
-Special Values In Women's Coats $10.00
For this sale wo have marked three lot of wool kersey, Monte Carlo coats,
SO and 82 Inches long, lined with good quality satin lining, at $10. These are
exceptional value and the shrewd hopper will not fail to take advantage of
this offer. A good wool kersey Monte Carlo coat, all satin lined, at $10.
November Sale
Ladies' Silk Skirts
Choice, $10
Another leader. Your choice of any taf
feta or Peau de Sole Oversklrt In our stock
for $10.00. Any of these skirts are worth considered. Look at these prices
i.uuu.c, iiiiuo suiu uigu a. U.1 II fSUltS. IZ.50 tO 15.00
November Cloak and Suit Sale
Basement Section
For this November sale we have brought down to the
basement section a number of our women's suits and short
jackets, l ormer prices and actual values have nor Wn
$25.00. Your choice
Former prices, to $18.00.
Jackets, $1.00, $2.50 and $3.00,
Former price to $17.50.
Millinery Dcpt
Sale of Street Hats
We expect to close out entirely during
this sale our felt street hats, and to thla
end have put them all on sale. Any street
hat In the stock, up to $1.60 each,
at .:
November Sale Ladies
Wrappers, 69c
Here I an opportunity to buy your com
fortable house wrapper at less than the
cost of material, to say nothing of making
them. A big line, nicely and well r: r
made. $1.00 to $1.50, at v) "c
From the Linen Sec
tionTowel Specials
Extra heavy, all linen, buck towel, hem
stitched, 24-45, regular 40c, 26c.
Hemmed buck towel, 20x40, 15c each, $1.65
Hemmed huck towel, 18x36, 12V4c each,
$1.35 dozen.
Hemmed huck towel, 17x34, 10c each, $1.00
H. 8. tray cloth, all linen, 18x27, 25c each.
H. S. Sideboard scarf, all linen, 18x54, 60c
Ladies Kid Glove
Sale, 50c
The kid glove section will show some spe
cial vaiues at 60c and we trust every lady
will avail herself of this offering. Not a
glove offered at this price but should retail
for 60 to 100 per cent more.
Scotch Gloves A Biff Line.
Men's gloves. 25c, 40c and 60c.
Women's gloves, 23c, 60c and 75e.
MlsseV and children' 25c, 35c, 40c, 45c
Black Goods Special
A line of. Fancy Black Goods,
including Soliels, Figured Etamines,
and others in large and small bro
cades and figures. These goods
have been marked at 1-2 and. less
for quick selling at, yard - - 39c
and 50c
Charsred with Einbenlemmt.
AMES, la., Nov. 21. (Special Telegram.)
F. L. Meredith, insurance agent and col
lector of Ames, was arrested today charged
with embezzlement. The charge is pre
ferred by the Heydlnger Map company,
which recently published the Story county,
Ia., atlas. Meredith had the collections of
the Ames claims for them and is alleged to
be short on final settlement.
Strikes at Their Knot.
Many dangerous disease begin In Im
pure blood. Electric Bitters purities the
blood and cures or no pay. Only 50c, For
ale by Kuhn ft Co.
Ho Soap, Borax, Soda or Ammonia Is needed with
with ttul water and less effort you can clean any
thine about lb bouse better, suwsr and chaaoer than
with soap or any other uaenaar. One try It, you'U
always buy a.
CtJcin. Maw York. Boston, SL Louis.
Tnoss uek uTirui,
Anbnra Tint", M ottoaabl moot hah.
luutila woman, aa produced only by
'JfA Imperial Hair Regenerator
' r" e'aaraat and Kat Uatlng Hilr Col.
.ring. 11 aaaur appiiM!, abanioirly
harmloaa and fiSI APPI.K ATION
LASTS MONTH . Kuinli at kJr u
orwl traa. baud lor l-fcu.yhlt.
Imperial Chemical Co. 135 '.V KM 8t.. N. X.
feuid by bhcrman a McCounell Drug Co.,
Omaha. No.
Council Tlii(f
'.r .In Vr. .
Tatr. haaarnijai. bui a wufi, failure; rL. nul
WUiia oaaaa raliafaa in a (aw dj; aU al
Eharmas A MeConnsll Drug Co., Omaha.
Neb., Nov. 21
Charles A. Lund and Miss
Krogh, both of this city.
In Omaha Wednesday and
last night. Mr. Lund Is
Martha Marie
were married
arrived home
the proprietor
of the Oakland pop factory and is well
and favorably known- here. Miss Krogh Is
a graduate ot the Oakland schools and
very estimable young woman. Mr. and Mra.
Lund will go at once to housekeeping In
their coxy little home near the factory
Mclwty re-Black.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 21. (Special.)
J. W. Mclntyre and Miss Jeasle May
Black were united In marriage yesterday,
Rev. TV B. Cannon officiating. The young
couple expect to make their home In this
city, where they are well and favorably
Bibles Kow Ready.
Those who are entitled to the Bible, given
as a premium by The Bee, can get aame by
calling at the Council Bluffs office. Kindly
call as soon as possible.
N. Y Plumbing Co., telephone 266.
Dr. Lelan.4 Lcrtwrca.
Th audience which greeted Dr. Samuel
Phelps Leland at the high school last night
wss not what the Interesting lecture given
under the auspices of the local chapter of
the Daughter of the American Revolution
deserved. Unfortunately the lecture hap
pened on the aame evening a the chil
dren operetta at the NJew theater and
this counter attraction undoubtedly had ab
effect on the attendance at the high school.
Dr. Leland'a subject waa "The Land of
Scott and Burna." The proceeds ot the
lecture will be devoted to th historical
reference library which the Daughter of
the American Revolution are endeavoring
to provide for th high arhool.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft Son.
DavU Mil glasa.
Th petition of Mis Leooa Macklnson of
Qulncy, III., In her f 10,000 breach of prom
ise sul against Dr.J. W. Frailer ot Honey
Creek, la., was filed In the district court
It Is very brief and does not go Into par
ticular beyond th allegation that the
defendant entered Into a contract of mar
rlago with tho plaintiff oil or about January
A Timely 8ua-;eat Ion.
"Now that winter with Us bad weather
Is with us, I would advise every family to
provide themselves against sudden attacks
ot coughs and colds by keeping at band
good cough medicine like Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, which Is the beat among
the many preparations for these allmentn
that I have on my shelves," say Mr. L. C
Neaville, the well known and popular drug
gist ot Plttsboro, Ind. "I recommend this
remedy and guarantee It to be without an
equal for coughs and colds, also a a pre
rentlv and cure for croup." Buy it now
Karat 'Phoaea tor Gas.
WYMORE, Neb., Nov. 21 (Special.) W
Q. Francis and C. W. McNeel of Kansas
City, and Charles Blakely of Beatrice, were
In th city thla week looking over the town
with a view of securing a franchise for an
Independent telephone company. They
propoae to organize and place a share of
the stock in the bands of local capitalist
and the purpose will be to connect all the
towns and farms In Gage. county.
Farm' Attacked by llosa. .
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Nov. 21. (Spe
clal.) While feeding hogs, Robert Spencer
a young farmer residing near the city, was
attacked by a vicious boar. He was
knocked down and severely Injured before
a younger brother came to his reacue. and
with a club drove the animal away. While
he was severely bruised and gored by the
tusks of the animal. Spencer' Injuries are
not dangerous.
Bealaa at Bed Hock.
Health, strength and vigor depend
ilgeatlon. Dr. King' New Life Pills makes
It perfect or no pay. Only iio. For sal
by Kuhn Co. , .
' '
Exceptional Dress Goods Values
We have sorted out short
ends, odd pieces and discontinued
styles in our dress goods stock and
put them in one big lot to close.
There are all wool, silk and wool
and mixtures, suitable for dresses,
skirts and house gowns. All at
one price; yard - - - - gc
: 4
Lawyers Get Decidedly Personal in Making
Their Arguments.
I '
Button Makers Are Avltatlna; Question
of Adopting; Mean to Keep t'p
the Supply of Mussel
. Shells.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE3 MOINES, Ia., Nov. 21. (Special.)
The Levich murder case reached an . end
so far as the testimony and the arguments
are concerned this evening. . The attorneys
in the case spent the entire day making
arguments, and these were Interesting
largely from the fact that the attorneya
followed the line of the entire trial and
indulged In fierce attacks ne upon th
other. The case has been fought out on
factional lines and according to local prej
udices and commanded the attention of
the entire people of Des Moines more than
any recent case.
At 10 o'clock there was no Indication ot
agreement and the presiding Judge went
home. ,
The murder of Isaac Flnklestein, ex-
policeman and prominent as a politician.
active in the Hebrew Republican elub
and possessed of 'considerable wealth, cre
ated a great 'sensation August 6 last. He
was waylaid at an alley and atruck over
the head with a singletree taken from
Harris Levich's delivery wagon two blocks
away. This occurred about 10 o'clock p.
m., and the dying man was found a few
minutes later. 1 Levich was arrested at' S
o'clock the. next morning and John Walker,
a colored man, was arrested an hour later.
The city officials believed that Levich
planned an assault on FlnkekUeln and em
ployed Walker to do it, not Intending he
should be killed. - This was supposed to be
the result of business rivalry and political
antagonisms. The general Impression when
the murder was committed was that It
waa the result of Flnkelsteln's activity la
compelling the elty . police reluctantly to
proceed against the gamblers and bla open
accusations that the city administration and
the gamblers had , an understanding and
agreement. Flnkelsteln had been prom
ised a position with the administration
and out of revenge bad been making It
uncomfortable for the administration. He
asserted that the gambler were paying
th city official money to be allowed to
run tbelr houses and caused frequent
raids and finally closed up the houses. At
the time he was killed it wss known he
had prepared Impeachment papera against
the mayor In connection with this matter.
Levich haa been out on bail most ot the
time, but Walker haa been In Jail and is
still awaiting trial. Both men have been
discreet In tbelr conduct. The Levich case
developed very contradictory statementa a
to what was seen and done the night ot
the murder, but there was no direct evl
dence against either of the defendants.
Federal to art Work.
The grand Jury, in the federal court to
day reported and waa discharged, only on
Indictment of consequence being brought
and thai against B. Bernstein of Oklooaa,
for perjury In connection with alleged
concealment of goods under a bankruptcy
proceeding. The petit Jury was discharged
also, the court taking the damage case ot
Taylor against Wabash railroad from the
Jury and Instructing a verdict for the de
fendant. . Killed by the Cars.
Mr. George White, colored, wa run over
by a Rock Island freight train this morning
and one leg waa cut off. Mrs. White died
soon after' she was taken to her home.
She was picking up coal along the Burling
ton tracks, and failed to see the approach
of a freight car that was being backed
toward her by a switch engine.
Bonaparte Dam Caae Appealed.
An appeal haa been taken by the attor
ney general of Iowa In the case of the
award of damages for the proposed con
struction of a fishway over the dam in the
De Molne river. at Bonaparte. The sher
iff' Jury awarded $40,000 damage for th
tate to pay. - It waa proposed to merely
build a fishway without Interfering; In th
lightest degree with the dam. which had
been offered to the state a few years ago
for' $25,000. The award, wa ao large that
an appeal ha been taken to the district
court and a change of venue will be asked
that It may be determined in some other
county than th on In which the dam ia
located. Unless a reasonable award can
be secured there will be no fishway con
Quarantine Caae Appealed.
An appeal to the supreme court haa been
taken In the case of Dr. S. C. Klrby of
Grand Junction, who waa convicted In
Greene county of violating a quarantine or
der against him. He Insisted he did not
have the smallpox and made trouble for the
local Board of Health. Dr. Adams of the
State Board of Health pronounced bla case
smallpox and the local board ordered the
quarantine, which it la alleged be violated.
The supreme court will be given a chance
to pass on it.'
Endorse Llavhtnlna; Rod.
The Iowa Mutual Insurance association
yesterday elected the following officers for
the ensuing year: J. E. Brooks of Green
field, president; Swan Nelson of Manson,
vice president; J. A. Swallow of Shenan
doah, secretary and treasurer. The associa
tion unanimously adopted resolutions en
dorsing lighting rods, and making those
buildings which are equipped with rods pre
ferred risks.
Preserve the Button Crop.
The most extensive factories for th
making ot pearl button In the country
are at Muscatine and the mussel shells used
In the manufacture ar gathered all along
the Mississippi and ita tributaries. Some
alarm has been occasioned recently by the
fact that a member of the Arkansas legis
lature has proposed a bill to prevent ship
ment of the shells from the rivers of that
atate to Iowa to be made into buttons, but
It 1 learned now that all that 1 proposed
In Arkansas Is a law tor a closed season, so
that the mussel may not be entirely
cleared out of the river of that atate. There
Is also some talk of an effort to get con
gress to legislate along thla line tor the
Mississippi river, and tbua preserve th
mussel beds and th button Industry.
Hoaaeatead sad Baakraptcy.
' Th matter ot th bankruptcy of A. O.
THE HILL IIEDICAL, CO. has the servioes ot the ra.t
skillful iparlallna In America. Thy unhMitatlngly alala that lb. rt
form of Blood Poiaonln can b. cured. They liml. all persons who luva
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Wa have treated with marked auccess hundreds of esses. If you cannot
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Note Our Guarantee. Call today for tomorrow may be too late.
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Write us today full particulars of your caae and matter will be aent In plain eneelopea, at once.
Master Specialist
la Prlvats Dlsea
of Man. i
Private Diseases
of Men
la th treatment of Private DISEASES OF MEN, to which
our practice 1 limited and to which our exclusive thought
and experience ha been devoted far more than 28 years,
PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every cent
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to consult us at offlc or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE,
and If you take treatment charges will be entirely satisfac
Cook Medical Company
113 South 14th St. Over Dally News. Omaha.
(Continued oa Ninth Pag )
t ruuiotea the growth of the hair and
gives It the lustre and slllclneas of youth.
When the hair is gnr or faded it
It prevents Dandruff and hair falUng
and keep th scalp clean and healthy.
J. P.
Thoe sufferlnf from weak
nesses which sap tb pleasures
of life should take a dollar bot-
tie of Juven Pills. On bottle
will tell a story of marvelous results and
create profound wonder. Tbla medicine hiM
more rejuvenating-, vitalising forr than has
ever been offered, bent by snail in plain
package only on receipt of tbts adv. and It. '
Thla is as worth of madlelne for on dollar.
Made by lta originators C. L Hood Co.. pro
yrietors Hood's tiafsaparUla, Lowell. Mass
Charter (tek Siove&R&nseGa