Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1902, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Cou.aiiisioDr CKetfTu Prois Mr. Drake bj
Enterisg Vlgoroui Proteit.
.unti Ofwalia Hoard Member Insist
'"at. TtrMf (oatractor la iil.
'I Ton Mirh Moar;
for III Work.
F.mperar Wishes to Marry Kef
Hah rrlaeess Allee or
BERLIN. Nov. 15. Oue of the objecis of
Emperor William's visit to King Edward
was to discuss the betrothal of Crown
Prince Frederick William and Princess
Alice of Albany, who Is a charming girl 19
years of age.
The duchess of Albany wont to England
on the Imperial yacht Hohentollrrn and
proceeded to Sandrlnthara with the em
nrror. Prince Alice and the crown prince
I are second cousins and are described as
The cannonading at. yestevday's mctt- mutually sympathetic. She has been quite
mi, o, Tne Board of County Commissioners
ome from til quartern when O'Kerffe filed
t formal protest against awarding lo Rob
ert Z. Drake of the Standard Bridge coli
lny tb.e contract for the three new
iTldgca ordered at Monday afternoon's sec
ond meeting of the board. In support
ing tils protest O'KeefTe courted a publln
J'ifestlgatlon of the "railroading" he said
sss reported to Mondsy. Harte protested
against the Insinuation that either Drake
5s a robber or the commissioners are.
Uroks himself declared with heat lhat he
lis.l been maligned and harassed as long
! s he could stand It snd asked that the
lioald relieve him from his jenrly con
raiU revoke alt orders placed with hlra
j.r,i frpn nim from longer suffering at
the hands of political wranglers. Even
Veier the Bllent broke his long reserve
ij reproach his fellow democrat from
oii'h Oinaha. Altogether It was a very
plra-isnt little diversion for the few spec.
alnrw who chanced to be present. Com-iniM-loner
Ohtrom was not present and
.' onmlfiHioncr Connolly did uot arrive until
i ity before adjournment.
Ihiee 1 rid sea In Controversy.
1 he bridges In controversy Includo
a llilriy-two-fooi Iron girder structure over
liol. crvek on the Millard road to cost
:su.4u;' a 20'j-foot Iron span over the Elk
I orn near the Schneider farm, to cost
7.Vf.2(, and a fifty-foot span over too
om branch of the Paplo near Henry
;Jff ., to cost I2.08&.2?.
to the Hell creek bridge O'Keeffe In
tlsis that when the present structuro there
is worn out. which will not ba for a year
or two, It. can be replaced by a wooden
brtiga at one-tenth the cost of the .Irou
tirldgi contemplated by the resolution, and
"which wooden bridge. If built, will last at
least ten years.
To the second he objects "for the reasou
that plans have already been made to build
u large reservoir at the point where it is
nntemplaied building this bridge, which
icsr-ivolr would, when built, occupy the
Identical space selected as the site for h
f-reetlon of said contemplated bridge. And
lor the further reason that condemnation
proceedings will be commenced in less than
one year for the purpose of acquiring said
land upon which said bridge Is contemplated
io be built, for the purpose of using It as a
icHnrrolr, ss above mentioned."
Churn of Kitrivagaai'r.
To the third he objects "for the reason
i hut the wooden bridge now erected thereon
will last at least two years; that the said
) ilclge rrosres a dry gulch; that the con
templated bridge will cost f47 per foot;
ihat v hen the present bridge becomes
useless; which in about two years,
s above stated, a wooden bridge ran be
ii-reted for the sum of $212.50, whilst the
Iron bridge contemplated by the resolution
II I coat the county at least $2,381.75, for
which amount ten wooden bridges could
be erected, each of which would last at
least ten years."
Prussianized by living In Germany and has
been under the observation from time to
time of Iht- emperor and empress. A dy
nastic alliance suc h ns hls Is regarded as
bringing Great Britain and Germany closer
together and from that standpoint would
be unpopular In Germany. Princess Alice's
brother, the prtnee of Coburg, Is a thorough
little German.
Cereal piaat Barns.
8T. LOUIS, Nov. 15. Fire today destroyed
the plant of the Michigan Cereal company
and damaged the building and stock of tha
I'oyer Printing Machine company adjoining,
causing a total loss of $60,000, about equally
divided between the two Arms; partially In
overnmeut Appoints GomtaiMion to Ii
Tertigftte Trade Cembinee.
Home Kerretary Prepares Kshaantlve
tatemeate with at View lo Flnrf-
lag lln, Is for Sabseqaent
ISKKLI.Y, Nov. IS. The government com
mission appointed to Inquire Into the
kartels or syndicates that control or largely
affect so many departments of production
In Germany held Its first meeting yesterday.
The commission Is composed cf four
professors, eight members of the Reich
stag and nineteen business men.
The home secretary, la explaining lb J
duties of the commission, said he would Iff
before them material collected In "ie
United States. He would refer to the re
port of the congressional committee and
to the reports of various German repre
sentatives sent from the United States.
The work of the commieelon will be a
most exhaustive examination Into kartels
aa regards wages, raw materials and for
eign prices. It Is understood the govern
ment will use the report for the purpose
of revising legislation.
Or Yoar Hair Will Fall Oat Till los
Heroine Bald.
Modern science has discovered that dan
druff is caused by a germ that digs up .the
scalp In scales, aa It burrows down to the
roots of the hair, where it destroys the
hair's vitality, causing falling hair, and,
ultimately, baldness. After Prof. Unna of
Hamburg. Germany, discovered tha dandruff
germ, all efforts to find a remedy failed
until the great laboratory discovery was
made which resulted In Newbro's Herpi
clde. It alone of all other hair prepara
tion kills the dandruff germ. With
out dandruff hair grows luxuriantly. "De
stroy the cause, you remove the effect.
Sold by all druggists. Send 10 cents In
Hoscbery'a Faction of the Tarty
Kalna a n anil Powerfal
LONDON. Nov. 1.1. The dullness of tho
atmosphere has been dispelled by the ap
pearance of a new leader, namely, Lady
Colebrook. Not Blnce Disraeli's time has
a woman taken an active part In Inner
oolitlcal affairs. Lady Colebrook Is now
rcenrded as the "dea ex machlna" of Lord
Roscbery's party wherever she goes, ana
she govs almost 'everywhere championing
the cx-Dremler's cause. Society credits
this talented woman with several defec
tions which have occurred from Sir Henry
n'.T, fZ Ha'nP'6 l Hcrplc,d Co- Campboll-Dannerman's section of the liberal
Detroit, Mich
The P. O. 8. society gave one of the best
programs of the year Friday afternoon. A
larac audience was tireaent ami enjoyed
tho following program: Recitation, mips i wh,. , n York viiiln .int Mlun clnvit end 1 vvnnncy vl "tvw
Shaddock, Debate. "Resolved. That Co-Edu
cation is Beneficial In the High School and
College." Affirmative. Misses Hoss and
Hunker; negative. Mioses Godfrey and
Wright. Vocal solo, Mlis C'oburn; recite
tlon. Mrs. Mathewon: story. Miss Cor
ueiiter: uiano solo. Allsa Strawn.
Another I'terary society Is being organised
by n. number of ninth grade girls, under the
party. She Is exceptionally interesting 10
Americans, as she has two sisters-in-law,
who are well known on the other side, her
brother. Arthur Paget, having married Mias
Mary Steven, and her brother, Almlro. hav
ing married Pauline, daughter 01 . t.
tlleyxril Rlarkmallrrs Claim Coa-llra-
tteat Their''
In eaticatloa.
NEW YOllK. Nov. 13. Dr. Benjamin T.
, Whit more and Harry C. Wilson were held
today lo bonds of $2,f0U each on the charge
if attempted extortion.
tier, rue Gordon Rattle, counsel for the ac
cused men, declared today that they were
innocent of any Intention lo commit crime.
1 hey were Investigating matters connected
with the loaning of government tugs and
Iredges for the Rfkcr island improvement
undy had fallen into a trap aet for them
while they were laying a plot for others.
Destroys Hotel In Washliiaton Slate
and One Dies la tUo
EVERETT. Wash., Nov. 15. Hoback's ho
trl at Index was destroyed by Are today and
James Kelly, a will known milling man.
iierlsbed Id the fames.
The financial loss was $2,600.
Mrs. ftlrhar I.oe.
RED CLOUD. Neb.. Nov. 15. (Special.)
- -Mrs. Richard Lee, for many years a reel
dent of this city, died at her borne last
evening after suffering for about twelve
years from dropsy. She leaves a husband
and two boys and two girls. The funeral
services will be held Sunday.
To Kaa Well.
It Is easy to keep well It you only ob
serve each day a few simple rules of health.
The all important thing 14 to keep the
stomach right, and to do this It Is not nec
essary to diet or to follow a set rule or bill
of fare. Siyh pampering simply makes a
capricious appetite and a feeling that cer
tain favorite articles of food must be
Prof. Wlechold gives pretty good advice
on this subject. He says: "I am 68 years
old and have never had a serious illness,
snd at the same time my life has been
largely an indoor one, but I early dlscov.
ered that tho way to keep healthy was to
keep a healthy stomach, not by eating bran
crackers or dieting of any sort; on the eon
trary, I always eat 'what my appetite eravea,
but dally for the past eight years t have
made It a practice to take one or two of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal
and I atrtbute my robust health for a man
of my age te the regular dally use of
Stuart's Tablets.
My physician first advised ma to ise
them because ba said they were perfectly
harmless acd warn not a secret patent mod
Iclne, but contained only the natural dl
gestlves, peptones and diastase, and after
using them a few weeks I have never
ceased to thank him for but advice.
I honestly believe the habit of taking
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after meals Is
the real bee Ith habit, because their tree
brings health to the sick and ailing and
preserves health to the well and strong."
Men and women past tfty years of age
need a safe digestive after meals to Insure
a perfect digestion and to ward oft dlaease,
and the safest, best known snd most
widely used Is Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
They are found In every well regulated
household from Maine to Callforna, and (a
Great Britain and Australia are rapidly
pushing their way into popular favor.
All druggists tell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
i lets, full else packages at B0 eenjts, and
for ft weak stomach a 60 cent package will
Hen do JjO worth of good. ,
Lady Colebrook is gifted with an excel
lent voice. 'She can be seen at race meet
ings and at social gatherings, and the
catholicity of her political friendships can
be Judged from the fact that after a re
cent reception she stayed at the duke of
Devonxhlres for the Derby races. x Lord
powerful ally, whose
p Is more open man uib own.
Sir Edward Colebrook is semom seen in
public, and Is generally known as a bookworm.
J 'fS'iS fSy ft r y S .f .f X
Opportunity and Success
Art- closely related, und the difference
between successful and unsuccessful per
sons is tlmt the out; recognizes, grasps
uua improves opportunities us tney come
the other either fuils to see. or neglects
A .. X .. t. .. .1 . i . t 11
V IO Ulkt HMtUIllUgU VI lllt'Ill.
riiis Is a Golden Opportunity
For buyers of rrKNlTUKK. ('Alt
PETH nnd KTOVKtf. We nre run front
ed by a variety of conditions compel
ling us to force out our slock over anil
above what is usual. A call will con
vince you that this is YOU I! OITOH-TUNITY.
& Stoves!
M A.
f 1
1m Heating Stoves go
on ssle tomorrow. They
are nicely trimmed In
nickel, all castings are
well titted and equipped
with asli pan. guaranteed
in every respect. These
stoves go on sale tomor
row, worth 7 Oil
M.nO. at MmJ
leadership of Miss Klorenee MeMugli. Only I Rosebery has gained a
forty glria will be allowed in us charter 1(,adprHrip is more
will be Riven tlie name us the upper cl.i-9
soeleiles. Next week officers will he elected.
The Alice C-ary society in plunniug a very
fine program to bo given Friday. November
2X. Tne progrxm as It now stands win i?
as fiillows: Karce, "WhHt Our Grand
mothers Did." by ten Junior Klrl; presi
dent's proclamation. Violet Paton: oration.
HesHle Murdnc-k; oelecllon oy nign fciiooi
vocal nuartet.
Adjutant General Davles. I . K. A., in-
nected the guns used by the high school
cadets Inst week.
Among the sponsors who have been
chosen for the various companies are: Com
pany r , Jessie Willis; K, Herniee arnon;
U, lxiuiee rarmaiee; u, Adeline i-iiauu.
Mtaory of Jnnri Mef'abe.
Berlin Firms Vlcllnilsea lr
Instrurtlona to Sell aad
BERLIN. Nov. 15. It was reported on
the bourse today that forged dispatches
had beon sent to New York to influence
Wall street operations.
It seems that a fieri In bank cabled In
structions to buy three times $30,000 of
Wc continue our tit'--ei
tA Six-hole Kunge, with
J jw high closet, guaranteed
Cly ill every way, made of
heavy gauged steel and
worth "f). on sale tomor
row, .'7.B. on a pay
ment of (4 down and your
promise to pay $1 per
M r.-m.j ' ' 'S
Bi; Sale on Dininf
Room Chairs.
Chair like cut
with full sized seat and
back, well constructed
and worth )1.3T sale
price tomor
500 Rockers Go on
Sale Tomorrow
Choice of solid oak -r
Imitation mahogany
wood or cobbler seats,
in many designs, worth
from foar to five dollars,
sale price
Bed Hooni Sets, with leixo
beveled mirror, in golden or ma
hogany finish, substantial draw
er work and very new designs,
worth tatvon, on Hi ni
sale tomorrow -Mtf-tJxf
Sideboards, finish
ed In golden, bevel
ed ede mirror, one
drawer lined for sil
verware, worth $3S,
f 15.00 Couches, tomorrow .... 8. 450
All Wool Ingrain. In many new patterns, on
sale tomorrow at
Mrussels Carpets In many new patterns! in'-"
eluding some new arrivals, for tomorrow
A Wg line of Moquette, Axmlnstera and
Velvets, worth $1.:'5 to tl. 50. tomorrow
I'xu urusseis nogs, in a new line of col- -t -l "
oriiigx and patterns, on sale tomorrow 11 at t
Oil Cloth In many new patterns Jut received. O 't n
worth S5o, on sa'e tomorrow ft (J
J,lD yards China Matting go on Bale to- to
morrow icj
Peninsular liasc Burners at cost. In order
to move our Unge stock of Husw Kurners w
h ive decided to mark every one of these stoves
at cost. This la one of the oportunltles that
that we epoke of above. Prices Ot
range upward from ,mJtjj
No. S Cook Siove. made of heavy smooth
caBtingR, all parts closely ftlted and the stove
V i sure to pleHfe. On sale tomorrow O Kg
at iJ.kJXJ
This resolution has been adopted by tho
I'nltv rluh
Whereas. Purina the. summer recess of Canadian Paclflo and Instead Of mat a isew
fhity club It has sutTerd the loss of one York bank replied that it had sold three
or us mosi vauien memoero m iiie ueatn i , t, id.
..r th M04 h- -..a times oi jbvuiu.
Whereas. This fs the llrst oceaslon upon Another Dang wnicn sent, no oroer was
which we. as a club, are enabled to express notified from New York that $90,000 of
our sentiments towaru nnu appreciation ui . . , tt , . . .,
m.r i;,ie fellow member, be it Canadian Taclflo bad been, sold for Its ac-
Itenolved." That It Is the sense or the I count
members of this club that we recognize In I NEW TORK. Nov. 15. A number of the
the late J a men Met- a be a strong, sincere . - , . . .. . ...
soul, whose place among us will probably Mng nnanciai nousea woea snowa mo
never be tilled. While his active connection above dispatch said the Berlin rumor was
with the club lasted for only about a year aDsurd, explaining that all stock orders
and a half, his talents and training placed I . .., . . .
him at onee in the front rank of lis mem- by cable were given In private code. They
were inclined to tne belief tnat tne rumor
bershlp. His mind was deep, active, well
stored with knowledge, lie was singularly
clear, logical and acute aa a reasonet and
peculiarly ready, forceful and felicitous In
exprnasliig his Ideas. Nor were his moral
qualities less prominent than his Intel
lectual ones. Possessed or a high sense or
Integrity and honor, one ot his most con
spicuous traits was his absolute simplicity
and freedom from all sham and ostentation.
In the midst of a busy professional career
he was always ready to stop ins work and
converse with those who mlht claim his
ttentlon. Desnlte also a lire of almost
continuous combat at the bar. he preserved
a genial, sunny disposition and his soul was
permeated with the milk of human kind
ness. A a club we may paraphrase the
words ol pnaKespeare
"He was a man, take mm Tor all In all.
We shall not look upon his like again. l-kin ... ..... . V. ...... Pnanl
tlons be forwarded to the family of our
departed friend.
Itself was put out In Berliu to cover opera
tions there.
Held for Blooa City OaTeaae.
London Has F.pldrmlc of Murder aad
Salclrie Now Kins; Kdwird
Is Crowned.
LONDON, Nov. 15. The protracted coro
nation rejoicings have been succeeded by i
wave ot crime. Accounts of murder trials
and stories of other tragedies All the col
umns ot the papers and to the long list ot
criminal cases now pending some tragedy
is added almost dally. Suicides are also un
usually prevalent.
Much Interest has been invoked this week
over the recent stabbing case In which a
young woman moBt deliberately killed
member of the Stock exchange on the street
In the busiest section of the city. Another
case that has attrscted much public atten
tion Is the alleged murder by burning and
stabbing of a servant girl by an evangelist
J. L. McMullan of 2821 Thomas street. St
Ixiuls, who has been staying at the Her
Grand, was yesterday evening arrested on
telegraphic Information from Bloux City
rharaliiK him with obtaining money under
false pretences and was held as a fugitive Bt peazenhall. Suffolk
from Justice. The complaint was made by I
T ' - la I ....!.. . t. . i . . a . I
i..ii.. , i.Ta.dV"hT BAD FOR HIS HEALTH
voiver wnicn waa in nis nip pocaei wnen
Ortioer Jackson approached him. I-ast night
J. A. Davenport of the Sioux City police
force arrived with the papers for the
prisoner and will leave with him this morn
ing. McMullan has been selling Japanese
novelties and working up various advertis
ing schemes. It Is not known here the
amount Involved.
Victim of Slnajolar Asaaalt.
About 10 o'clock Friday night Mrs. John
W. Wolf of l South Twenty-fifth street
saw a man pass by the window at the side
of tho house. As she did not bear any
thing from him, she went to the aide door
and stepped out on the porch. Aa she
stood there she was suddenly seised by
the ankle and Jerked to the ground, seven
feet below, breaking away the bannisters
In her fall. She rolled down the fifteen-
foot embankment to the alley. The man
did not further molest her and her cries
Papal Delegate Refuses Appoint
meat Because of India's
ROME, Nov. 15. The appointment ot an
apostolic delegate to Canada to succeed
Archbishop Falconia, papal delegate In the
United States, has been suspended.
Mgr. Zaleskl, wbo has been designated
for the position, said the cold climate ot
Canada would be bad for his health, which
was Injured by his residence of ten years
la India. The most likely candidate Is now
said to be Mgr. Sbarrettl, who Is in Wash
Ington awaiting a new appointment. Arch
bishop Cbappelle wsrmly supports Mgr.
brouaht tha neighbor to her assistance.
Polica Burgeon Habn was called to drees a
badly- sprained ankle.
R. B. OillesDla of 21 Lothroo street waa
arrested yesterday evening on a charge of
abusing bis family. LA PAZ. Bolivia, Nov. 15. Preparations
John Kerrigan of 1628 Burt street wu ,r, actively proceeding for the .departure
arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant I . . h i ,,
sworn to oy alary A. liiractiman, charging i
Sends Larsjo Force of Roldlcra to Pa
Down Rerolatloalats at
him with larceny as bailee.
George W. Wheeler of ZM North Thir
teenth street waa last night Jailed on
ctuu-ae of assault and battery. Mary Clen-
denning of Uui) Uavenport street accused
mm or striking tier on the mouth.
The monthly ulna Dona; tournament will
ha held in the ping pong parlors In The Bee
building on November IK. Fort Crook will
be represented by several crack players.
The. new management has arranged to
give a left-hand tournament the middle of
Bertha Offard, a colored woman of Des
Moines, who has been In this city for two
mull t Its, was yesterday taken to her home
place by Sheriff Matern and lieteotlve
Hardy of that city, she being wanted there
te teotlfy against lrvich, who is on trial
for the murder of Special officer Pinkie-
stelu. The woman disappeared from Lies
Molnea before the trial aud has Just been
F. T. Ileydeo of Kelley & Heyden re
turned Saturday from a trip to Canada.
Theodore Johnson of the Bnard of Educa
tion was called to Chicago by the serious
Ulneos of Bt aged mother, resident there.
Wright wrongs no man. Vrigat. t old
fashioned buckwheat flour Is pure.
illlan revolutionists at Acre.
A detachment of sappers will set out to
day to open the roads and make arrange
ments for the passage of the rivers.
The government is opposed to President
Pando assuming command of tUe expedition
as it would Involve his prolonged abseuce
from tho capital.
I L SsV HI A perfect pure white I
A perfect pure white
diamond weighing
over it karats, mounted
to order, for 3W. Aet
quickly, as Copley will
not have the snap very
ji0 Comforts, well quilted and well
filled, worth 2.50, tomorow at
too pairs Blankets, full i'.zi. In white
and tan, on sale tomorrow at
A big line of Wool Blankets, 11-4,
worth from II to 5, tomorrow
One big lot of Pillows, worth $1.75
per pair, on sale tomorrow
Another Triumph in Garment Pricing;
Tho Correct A2oces Peorlossly lrosontod and Priced at 27igTires Suoh as
you hnvGiiGVor before seen quotodon lileo garmentst
They come to us from the most prominent makers, who have a reputation at
stake, who pay more attention to quality and workmanship than to quantity.
They are made particularly for those who are exacting in matters of dreps, who rec
ognize and insist upon having every feature essential to a garment of character.
It is only such sorts that are really worth possessing. Not the kind that have a
superficial grace losing every apparent merit with the briefest wearing.
Note These. Specials,
Velour Blouses,
Tailor Made Suits. t
rmJ Cf for any suit marked
. JU 85.00 to 45.00.
For auy Pllk Velour
Jacket marked t'25.00
47 Cr Vor any suit marked
25.00 to 30-00:
4 Cf For any suit mnrked
UiOU 20.00 to 25,00.
Walking Suits.
OQQ For any suit marked
ZftJM 17.00
i to 25.00.
For any suit marked
25.00 to 32.50.
s-k r" f For any fllk Velour
XXrsVl Mlouse Jacket marked
Atm$JJ 137,60
e For any 811k Velour
rVlHj Klouse iscket (narked
Fur Jackets.
4 p- rr For any F.lactrln Real
lDfUVj 3&ckot marked 25.0O.
Or For any Near te il
Oj'UU Jacket marked 157.50.
For any Near Seal
net marked j.a.
Monte Carlo Jackets
4 tZr For any Monte Carlo
jacket marked !20-t2
For aay Monte Carlo
jacket marked 12.50.
Fop any Monte Carlo
jacket marked I10-12i
For any Walking PWirt
u fY.OU.
Dress Skirts.
4- 'L
For any Walking Bklrt
markod 18.94
For any Taffeta Bilk Bklrt
marked I15.U0.
For any f Ilk Feau de Hole
bkirt marked 117. vo.
One Hour Sale in
Millinery Department
Monrlav mornlUK between the hours of
10 and it o.clock we will offer every J
trlniined liatlu our millinery department AVi
f..r three dollars. This sale lasts J nA VJ
poatlvely for oue hour oulr. UMII
Kvery street Hat in house goes lor
Syphilis Can Be Cured by Our Treatment in From 10 to 20 Days
Blood Poison in Any Form Positively Cured
We hereby offer to forfeit 1100.00 for say case of SYPHILIS, KHEUMAT IdM or any Impurities of the Blood, Liver
and Kidney Troublea that me cannot cure in SO days front time of taklnc case no matter of how long standing.
WE ARB SO POSITIVE of a cure with our treatment that we are willing for you to DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY IN
ANY BANK, TO BB PAID TO L'8 WHEN YOU ARB ABSOLUTELY CURED. Our cures are within the reach of all, If
you will only accept the opportunity.
We further agree to forfeit 11,0 00.00 to any person or persons finding a ny part ot s grain of mercury in our
preparations. Ws Van furnish you at our office over S00 testimonials of peop le we have cured of the same thing you
are now suffering with. Remember we do not ask you for a cent of your moo ey until we can convince you that you are
cured to stsy cured.
Our physicians will give you every attention and diagnose your case absolutely FREE If you will call at our office.
If you cannot call, write us full par tlculurs 'of your case and we will give you full particulars regarding cur treatment,
snd if desired one of our physlclana will call at your house or office snd In ca se you do not live in the city we will pay
your railroad fare to Omaha If ws d o not cure you.
nrilO Hill Gst1frS fiC Tba H''' 8P'tlflo- although new re medy to the general public, has been In
X Ilw 11111 ijpwwlllv use as a contagious blood remedy f or a great many years In South America,
and used by two of the most successful spe-laltsts In this country. In offering it to the public as a certain cure for
this class of diseases we do so with perfect confc tence, as the remedy wes compounded and given away free for the period
ot one year and notes taken ot each case, and more than 8"0 cases since January 1. 1901, have been permanently cured with
out a single failure making It certain that at last a positive, sate and permanent cure has been found.
Do not waste your time or money experimenting. Come today, for tomorrow maybe
too late. Office hours, 0 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. every day In the year
Rooms 9. 10 and II Patterson Block.
'Pbona 803
1623 Farnam St.. Omaha, Nob.