Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1902, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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tir. Edward Schubarth and I1rs. II
C. Alllngton, Whom the Doctor
Said Mad Incurable Con
sumption, Were Per
manently Cured
Gentlemen: Tt Is with great pleasure
that I write to Inform you tnnt i nave
used eight bottles of your Pure Malt
Whiskey. I would not have ben here to
day only for your wonderful medlrlne. I
have used all ktridn of cough syrups and
been under the rare of donor. I have
had three severe attacks of grip and pneu
monia, whlrh have left me with a bad
cough and weak lungs and heart. 1 am 67
years old. It has toned up my eysjem
and stopped the hemorrhages. I cough
but very little. 1 only rrgnt 1 did not know
of your whiskey before. I cnnnot express
what it hua done for me. I beg to remain,
Yours respectfully,
Nashua, N. 11., BcpU Jl, MOi
Dear Sirs: "I picked up one of your cir
culars on a table about a month ago and
read It through. After reading I went
out and bought a bottle of your whiskey,
which helped me right away. I am now
on my fourth bottle, using It for so-called
Incurable consumption, and 1 feel like a
new man. 1 think that If 1 had known
of your whiskey when I was at home In
Chicago I would have never come out here
tor my health. El) HCHL'HAUTH.
lns Market at., Denver, March 1. VM2.
There are thousands of cases Just like
that of Mr. Schubarth and Mrs. Alllng
ton, where the patients thought they had
Incurable consumption until their doctors
Frescrlbed Duffy's I'ure Malt Whiskey.
)uffy'a l'ure Malt Whiskey Is absolutely
pure and possesses more curative power
than all other medicines. It contains no
fuesl oil, so common In other whiskies
and which is a dangerous Ingredient In
whiskey, especially fur the diseased sys
tem, when the poison takes tffect.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey not only
drives out consumption germs and heals
the lungs, but It builds up new tissue and
renovates the entire system. It aids
digestion, stimulates and enriches the
blood, tones up the heart, Invigorates and
builds up the body so that it will throw
off all disease. At the Medical Convention
In Albany one cf the leacflng doctors said
he would rather have Duffy's Pure Mail
Whiskey to cure consumption, caturrh,
asthma and diseases of the throat and
lungs than all the quack medicines in the
world and the doctors present agreed with
him unanimously. Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey is good for old and young. It
hat carried the blessing of health to hun
dreds of thousands of poor sufferers.
Many have tried to imitate it and unre
liable dealers have been known to try to
ell their customers some cheap substi
tute because theie was more profit in the
substitute. Bo we caution our patients to
be careful and see that "Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey" Is on the label and that It is
our own patent bottle, with the name
blown in the bottle. This is the only
way Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is sold.
If offered In bulk or in flaBka It is a fraud.
The genuine at all druggists or grocers
or direct, $1.00 a bottle. It is the only
whiskey recognised by the government as
a medicine. This Is a guarantee.
A valuable medical booklet containing
symptoms and treatment of each disease
and many testimonials will be sent fre
to any reader of The Bee who will write
Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester. N. Y.
Said to HtT Grown Melancholy 0er
Absence of Heir to tba Throne.
Holiday Gaiety
IF you wish an evening
dress or Tuxedo suit
for holiday gaieties, have
your dealer supply you
with one of the K. IN. &
F. make. You can see
how it fits before you
buy. They are tailored
as perfectly as such gar
ments can be made, of
imported full dress
fabrics, silk-lined and
cost about half the usual
Owing to the bad weather of yester
day we will continue our Nc under
wear sale Monday one lav unlv.
Home of the underwear Is worth ti
which you can get Monday for 8o a
suit if we've our slae. tie It In our
south window.
W Am tmr-mim m ft m w mmt
Tuer Maka skirts.
B t ti. . miaietisrt
mm; , iwlMajM. Mrttar, rw7 Wf
taaH.l trMIWMWWtl B,Bl
I M4 4 ...p4 S . fa-
I MM W MAIM W f1 !! M
Call m WIU at ktoan. .
iCP.biuuitk N-4D-S1 iiood til a. Lxaver, Col
Frar Internal strife In taae of Death
of the Present Rnler Dlax
nltarles Hlntlnar at a
(Copyright. 1901. by rress Publishing Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG. Nor. IS. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
The riarfna has been a victim of profound
and growing melancholy since her hope
of becoming a mother again was dashed
two months ago. To add to her despair
a noted physician of Vienna, who has
mads a Studv of her ancestors, has re
ported that for some hundreds of years
the women of her stock have been greatly
In the preponderance; that the mothers
have had families chiefly composed of
daughters. Her woeful countenance ant
her absent-mindedness to the point of
gloomy silence in the company of others
have strengthened the belief In the rumor
that the ctar la seriously thinking of
taking the advice of high church digni
taries to divorce her In order that he may
marry a woman whose children will not
ill be daughters.
The czarina la the mother of four chil
dren, all girls. She thought she bad one
more chance of regaining the rnnA wilt
of the Russian people by presenting the
czar with a son this autumn, but she was
doomed to the bitterest disappointment.
People outside of 'his count rv rinnnt
comprehend the eagerness of the Rus
sians for an heir to the throne, as no
woman can reign In Russia while the male
line holds out. One powerful reason for
Wishing a son born to the rear la tn hava
a peaceful succession. It la feared that the
ciar's rather frail brother, now belr pre
sumptive, maynot live long and that If
Nicholas passes away without an heir the
empire may bo rent by strife for throne
between his four uncles.
Pressure from the Church.
So the Russian church authorities, who
have power to divorce, and who suspect
that the ciarlna's enforced conversion to
their so-called orthodox rellrlon waa not
sincere, are said to be pressing the "auto
crat of all the Russians" to put ber
The crarina'a lot la made atlll un.
happier by numerous courtiers whose
enmity she has aroused. Being the daugh
ter of Queen Victoria's favorite daughter.
Alice, she has inherited or acquired a
good many of ber grandmother's Irion.
about propriety and reform. Soon after the
lovely and widely popular Prlnceaa Ayx
of Hesse became Czari na Alexandria
Feodorovna she saw a court lady smoking
In the palace and remarked loud enourh
for the offender to bear that she regarded
a cigarette In a woman's mouth as
offensive as an oath in a mm'. She tor
bade any lady of the court to smoke In
ner presence, although her own slater.
Grand Duchess Serge, smokes like a loco
motive. She further forbade any woman
even to go near her with the smell of to
bacco on her garments. "
The Russian women began spitefully to
call her the "German" and the "English
woman" for in tastes and bablts she la
more English than German, and the men
soon echoed the epithets.
Moreover, many once high officials have
their grievances. That long-time Imposing
court ngure. Prince "Sandy" Dolgoroukl,
was turned out of the position of grand
master of ceremonies by the ciarinn be
cause she regarded his airs and those of
hla peculiar wife as insufferable. The
czarina peremptorily dismissed Ramn
Frederick, an old minister of the court, for
disobeying her order not to telegraph any
thing when the czar waa sick two veara
ago without first letting her see it. The
baron had answered an anxious mnuin
of inquiry from the czar'a mother. Numer
ous other dignitaries trace their downfall
to the czarina, and it la even whlanaraA
that the late Count Muravieff, formerly
foreign minister, complained because aha
blocked a plan he had laid to rob England,
when embarrassed, of command of the Red
ea. It can easily be surmised, therefor
that the czarina is the object tf the re.
venge or powerful personages, and that
their Intrigues alone would make her Ufa
tear Greatly Distressed.
The czar, whose marriage with Prince.
Altx was a real love match, la not onlv
greatly distressed over his cherished wife'a
condition, but is exceedingly anxious about
nis Drotner, the heir presumptive, who is
rapidly falling into incurable consumption.
This disease is breaking out in nearly every
branch of the imperial family. The beau
tiful daugher of Princess DolroraulH the
Czar Alexander'a morganatic wife, ia also
developing consumption. This girl re
cently married a brother of Countess Tnrhv
who lives In England with her morganatic
nusband. the Qrand Duke Michael.
The recent hasty summoning of Prof.
Morsejeavskl, a famous mental aneelnliat.
from St. Petersburg to Lovldta, was at
nrn attributed to the unsatisfactory state
of the czar'a own health. But now It ap
pears that ha was telegraphed for on ac
count of the czarlna'a acute melancholy.
it la gtven out that this is not an unusual
sequel to her cruel dlsaDDolntment of ma.
ternlty, and that tbs hope of an heir to the
imperial nouse had become almost a mania
with her. The czarina Buffered alternate!
from transporta of Joy not leaa painful or
aisquieting tnan the profound melancholy
which follows them, it Is reported. The
case ia a very difficult one. and specialist
here shake their heads over it.
Women Arrested Way fa later.
view British Royalty at
troubling him and suggested a reK. lie
said Theodore mlfht go to Washington for
a week. It Mrs. Rooaevelt desired, Foe at
ones telegraphed the m; ter to let him
come here.
It la denied at the White House that
doctors are accompanying him on the train
and It Is said that no operation of any kind
will be performed. The boy'e coming will
not' Interfere with the president's plans In
aay way. The Federal express, on which he
Is traveling. Is several hours late, having
been fogbound at Jersey City, and Is not
expected here until 12:30 this afternoon.
NEW YORK, Nov. 15. Theodore Roose
velt, Jr., left here last night In charge of
physicians enroute to Washington, says a
World dispatch from Oroton, Mass.
Ho Is said to be suffering from some
trouble with his eyes, which made It de
sirable that he go home at once. No de
tails are obtainable here.
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., passed through
New York early today under the care of
two physicians on the Federal express,
bound for Washington. The conductor In
charge of the car In which the president's
son was berthed said he did not know how
111 the young man was or the cause of his
LONDON. Nov. 15. Sensational trl..
were current at Sandrlngham today regard
ing tne arrest or suspicious individuals in
the neighborhood of the royal residence.
Late last nlrht. It waa aai-trt
disguised aa women were Intercepted by
pouce wnue on ineir way to the house. The
facts are that two women, bullnmi i. k.
lunatics, who wanted to present a petition
to vueen Alexandra, were detained by the
The women detained gave their names
aa Mrs. Annie M. Ovlngton and Sadie
Ovlngton. her daughter.
The mother made a rambling statement
to the effect that she was the victim of a
conspiracy and was being pursued, and
therefore craved the queen'a protection.
She waa taken to the county asylum. The
daughter Is apparently also an Imbecile.
rretlarat'i Son Leaves (irslti, Mmi
for Washington l aser the Cars
of Physicians.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. Theodore
Roosevelt, son of tbs president, is coming
to Washington to spend a week that his
eyes may be given a rest. Mrs. Roosevelt
received a message from the master of the
school at Grolon, Maas , where the boy ia
attending, announcing that hla eyes vers
(Continued from First rare.)
Hoyt, commissioner at Gordon; W. R. Ak
ers. register of the Alliance land office, and
Mrs. Carrie Carrlgan of Clarinria. Ia., and
Blair, Neb., have been summoned to appear
before the grand Jury at Omaha on Novem
ber 17 to testify as to these widows' cases.
Suspends the Kntrlea.
As before stated in these dispatches, tho
secretary of the interior, acting on informa
tion contained In Colonel Mosby'a report.
baa suspended for the purpose of cancella
tion all these widows' entries and he has
what Is believed to be authentic Informa
tion that not one-half of these women are
soldiers' widows, and moreover, thay never
expected to prove up on their claims. In
connection with the alleged fraudulont en
tries. Special Agent W. R. Lesser has been
suspended by the land office and it Is stated
he will be dismissed and his Irregularities
laid before the grand jury. The grand Jury
will be asked to indict him for the use of
fraudulent vouchers uttered to obtain
money from the government. Mr. Lesser
was appointed special agent of the depart
ment about six years ago from Iowa. He
waa assigned to work in the state of Ne
braska with headquarters at North Platte.
Mr. Lesser was suspended November 1 and
since that time his actions have been un
dergoing rigid Investigation. At least one
false voucher has been discovered. Tt ap
pears that while the department believed
him In Nebraska he has really spent much
of the time during the last year at his
home at Tama, la., mailing all official mall
aboard railways trains so the postmark
would not give away his exact whereabouts.
Every agent of the department Is com
pelled to make weekly reports, showing Just
where he has been from day to day and
what he has been doing. It Is asserted
that of the eighty-two days from March
to August 1, which his weekly report3
shows he spent st North Platte. Lesser
in reality was only at headquarters nine
days during that time. The register of
the land office at that place states that
Lesser was really only at headquarters nine
daya and has not been near since July. Mr.
Leaser's reply to this Is that he was travel
ing about Nebraska on official business,
but the postmaster at Tama says be was
at his home in Tama during the lime al
leged to have been at North Platte or traveling.
Another account against Lesser is that
he haa sent in an expense account aver
aging 100 a month, incurred In railroad
travel. It is asserted at the Interior de,
partment that Investigation shows that
even when he did travel he rode on passes.
During all the six yeara Mr. Lesser has
been assigned to Nebraska be has never
even hinted to a cattleman that his fence
should be removed, according to the In
terior department officials. Mr. Lesser is
credited with asserting that Senator Alli
son, who secured his appointment, will
come to his rescue and obtain his reinstate
ment. Aa yet. however. Senator Allison
has not written or spoken a word In be
half of Lesser.
Implicates Leaser.
Colonel Mosby in a letter to Agent Les
ser, suggested that A. B. Todd of Platts-
mouth, Neb., should be indicted for com
plicity with fraudulent wtdowa entries. "Mr.
Lesser," said Colonel Mosby, "refused to
act. I have seen Todd several times at
the Alliance land office in company with
alleged wldowa and was told he came sev
eral hundred miles aa their escort. It is
not thought that he waa actuated by a
sentiment of mere gallantry, or charitable
The cases of negro entries for the bene
fit of Miller and Lelth in Alliance district
and Phelan in the Sidney district, will
also be laid before the grand Jury at Omaha.
Colonel Mosby aays he cannot see any moral
or legal distinction between hiring pre
tended soldiers' widows- to file homestead
appllcatlona for the benefit of cattlemen
and hiring negroes to do the same thing.
ine colonel does not believe fraudulent
and collusive entry Is a legal defense to
a suit to remove a fence, or that one ought
to wait for a decision of the aupreme
court on the question of the right or
wrong of hiring a widow to make such a
claim. President Roosevelt and Secretary
Hitchcock share and agree most heartily
In Colonel Mosby'a views and will uphold
him in all his future work, looking to the
removal or fences in Nebraska or else
where, which may have been UleaaJlv
erected and maintained.
Result af a Head End Collision Be.
ween Freights aa the
WARSAW. Ind.. Nov. 15. A hA.rf-.n
collision between two freight trains on the
Pennsylvania railroad here today resulted
in fatally injuring Fireman Cowell and
badly injuring Engineer Pearson, both of
rort wayne. an una forty head of mtti.
and fifteen horses, besides maiming aa many
more, moat of which will have to be killed.
The other engineer and fireman escaped
serious injury by jumping.
Missouri Board of Arbitration Set.
ties St. Joseph labor
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. 15. The Slate
Board of Arbitration today forced a settle
ment of the strike at the Buell Woolen
Mills, and on Monday all the men, women
and girls who left the plant three weeks
ago will return to work. The employes
gained most of their demands.
Wealthy Farmer of tOorrka Drinks
Carhollo Arid aad U
EUREKA. Kan.. Nov. 15. M. M. Wheeler,
aged 19, a wealthy farmer and stockman,
committed suicide by taking caraolle acid
Farnam '
i i i kunVJr m r "i r i
un sa.e Monaay at one-half less than regular prices. 50 WOMAN'S JACKETS SECUKKI, AT .VV ON THE DOLLAR.
e. iouna a icauinrr jacket manufacturer who had too manv i:wi.-ra
account of the extremely mihl weather. We made him an ot& of Hoe"a "h? o la r tZr is Z re to cTof
Great Bargains in Our Fur Dept
STYLISH CLUSTER SCARFS In American or Siberian marten
brook mink and other atyliah furs
long husky tails, at
prime skins 6 talis prime skins, 6 tails, only ....
STYLISH LONG FUR 30A In best American
marten long, large tails, only
SABLE FOX SCARF Single, very finest quality, 2 large husky
tails sold everywhere for n mm
$15.00-only 57 J)
DOUBLE FOX SCARFS In sable or Isabella blend qiq mr
2 large talla, regular 25 values, for )lOf3
Our stock of fur Jackets, such as near seals, Baltic seals, as
trakhans, krlmmers, beaver, Persian lamba and genuine Alaska
seals is the most complete in tho west. We handle but the
beRt and guarantee you a saving of $5 to $25 on every garment.
Lot 1, 123 Women's 21-inch no7cots made of fine
kerseys, meltons and oxford cheviots have the new slot seams, new sleevo
plain or with cuff, mostly all lined with guaranteed
satin jacket manufactured to sell at $10.00 fif
Lot 2,1(50 Women's 27-inch 13ojz Coats made of
the best quality of American Woolen Co. kersey, in all shades, also oxford
cheviots, all new up-to-date garments, all lined with Skinuer's
guaranteed satin, coats manufactured to sell at $13.50 $Q TCI
Lot 3, 175 Monto Carlo Coats made of fine kerseya,
cheviots and meltons, 2i-iu. long, new correct back, new
sleeve, in guaranteed satin, a regular f 15 jacket
Lot -4, 75 Women's Monto Carlo Coatsi made of fine
cheviots and kerseys, in different up-to-date styles, with ripple cape, col
lars and new turned back, cuff sleeve, all Skinner's satin $ A J C
lined, coats manufactured to sell at $27.50, Sale price lT"i O
Lot 0, GO Woman's Three-fourth Length Coats
nearly all samples, size 30 and only one or two of a kind, they are made of
the finest kerseys, Montanacs and oxford cheviots, lined with the finest
Skinner's satin, coats manufactured to sell at 25 $i A t7 SZ
Lot G, GO Women's High Class Monte Carlo
coats. They are made of kersevs. mecltons and zibelines. in all shades.
a r
very swell, correct ideas, coats manufactured to sell at $2j
Lot 7, 2G Samples Hi&h Class Monte Carlo and
Three-fourth Length Coats There is only one of a kind of these high
class novelties and they are different from anything you will find In
Omaha we bought them at great dicouut and can afford to sell them as
cheap as ordinary garments, prices $22.50, $24.75, SCC ff
$32.50, $39.75, and up to UU.UU
Special for Monday in Our Boys Department
Monday we offer a special lot of boys' reefers, made of blue chinchilla,
velvet collar, sizes 4 to 8 years, at
One lot of reefers, made of a fine grade of
blue chinebjlla,large storm collarS"! Entf
cassimere lining, sizes 8 to 14 yrs.
ONE LOT BOYS' ItEEFERS made of fine
grade blue chinchilla, large storm collar values, for
lined with the best of farmer $ f C
Boys' Overcoats at $0.50 made of the best
Cambridge cheviots in oxford gray and black
colors, lined with the most durable farmer
satin lining, for boys' ages 8 to 10 years
Guaranteed to be regular $9.00 $fZ
satin, sizes 8 to 14 years, at
Boys' Overcoats at $4.00 made of fine grade
all wool cheviots, in medium and dark gray
and fancy overplaid colore, well made and
weU trimmed, ages front $y Hf
8 to 15, value up to $0.50 T-uVivf
Boys' Knee Pants Suits, $2.50- -made of all
wool cheviots and casslmeres many patterna to choose
from They come in Norfolks, In sizes 4 to 12 years and
two-piece suits alzes 8 to lfi years CJ fy tIZ
13.60 values on sale Saturday for WatUU
Boys' Knee Pants Suits, $4.00 made of the
best of worsteds, chevlota and casslmeres, Including the
new "coronation" cloth the very beBt of workmanship
and trimmings made In Norfolks, sizes 4 to 12 and two-
piece, two and three button double breasted
Jacket suits, actual value 6.50, Saturday
BV. . l0l.
te Thorn l aay -
This Is te esrtlff that tae ULLgftSTRASS DISTlLLISG C0MPAIT
nave this say 4pslt4 sae theusasa sellare (H.OOO.OO) la CaM etth
ul gat aatsarlsea us t pay It te aay eae k elll preve'that thare evsr
ns, r ever Is a arap ef stalskay takes eut ef Utalr sea4.4 taraheuae,
leoatsa rlaht at their Unites Ststes gactstsrss Olatlllsry, So. 23. aib
District ef ttiawurl. I bat 1 set pure, ssserdlng t Unit.
States Oeveraaast lasseettea.
my m
Wa iIm kn Ik kt to Mara ?or aMV to T ' Mala to aar auaaat.
If poa In4 tkal mm aa a 4a luat a wa 4vartta. Wa kava aar Taraa Uundra4 oa faaaly laaaaaAa'
(3 JO Or JO cauamara la taa U.lia atalaa. mbtrm aajM to apaak ar itaa.l Taa eaa aaa oar ahlataa aalV
tkrvaf a aa. aa M ( tall to Ik alalal ar tklraiM aaUra yradad to caana (tract.
MML en
rVJlC lYI LUIlylllt- Msatoma ia aaoauaa rra roaa
Send ns your order for four fall quarts ml ferr-nl4 Rye far (-3.19
express aa-casKi, ana wiwiukbiv, w-, w m y
bottles on twelve, one nfteen-yearold Mye, a oorkaorrw aad a
gold-tipped whukey glass. We make this oscraiojclr to gt yvs.kP
try the good. We alsa have this sank mrmm4 PlM Vmrr mmi.
which we WIN dlaaoae at at $2M pmr fmdo. UMlolhntl
more gallons t one ahitnneat. V afao give mpim WUas. rUa
and corkacrew with Ihtt roods. Alios goads are pmt p la I all
quart boUlet, and seat esjreaa prepaid. K soo4 ar mmi d(m.
lory, retura rtiera at our espeae and we wtU raruaf, Vaar
It 1 almoat impoaaihl. to get pure whiskey Irmm 'yjm
ooda are ihippad direct from Ue Wtiiling Co., which !'
their purl'r son saves aaiddlemaa's proni. tVm are tW fW
Utered Uittillers ia America selhag to ceaMUkMksdWnct Or eau
product of "Our LegtHeref VimlMtryi" otbrnnwkm ya
osly dealers buyias and selling. 5ptN;eVT2"i
aTtOr,ra (raw Aril.. 01 . Oai.. loak. Kt, jr, . Man. as,
Ctok. Waak.. W.a.. Fia-sat call la l-aHT ruru pilili.
79 KcllarstraM Block. KAKSAI OTT, M0L