Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1902, Page 8, Image 32
8 THE ILLUSTRATED HEK. November 10, VMV2. 1,000.00 IN evenlnr. but It will pay you to STICK TO JT A NI TRY TO OET YOUR SHARK OF THE I, OOO.OO. A sample copy of our MAGAZINE WILL ItK SENT FREE to everyone anewtm.g this advertisement. Try to solve this punle. Do not delay. Send your answer In Immediately. Wa positively guarantee that this Missing Parrot can be found. Of course. Ilka all problems, It will require some thought, patience and time. But the reward Is well worth striving for, eapeclally whan wa do not ask you to aend us sny money with vour answer. 1 he golden prises of life are being gained by braina and energy nowsdavs I nrv people and thedmne and idlers are always complaining of bad luck. Now here la a GOLDEN CHANCE lor anyone who will strive haid, and the pleasing part of It Is thai It does not cost you one cent outside ol the letter you send us. Our msgaiine will please you. It delights m to please our feeders. Wa ara continually ciior aw.iv laree sums of money in different contest., as we find It la the very best kind of advertising. Try and Win. If you find the parrot and tend tlie slip with It marked thereon to na at once, but what you will grt the gold f Anyway, sue do not want any Money rent you, and a punle like this is vrry intirittmg As sunn as we receive your answer wa will at once write you and you will hear from ua by return mail. V hope von w ill frv for It. a. wt thatl Wee fee $r,rvnn away anrwav. Do not delay. Write at once Ad.lre,, THE ItOHINHON PUB. CO., 93 NORTH WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK CITY. immm M V- fJ M M . i I -jam- I i;aa ReOMTrWTION APPUIO FOR. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time In The Illustrated Dee. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal price of 11.00. On larger cuts. 6 cents per square Inch. They are all In first-class condition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omaha, Nab. A BUSINESS DISPUTE is easily settled whan accounts are properly kepi. Don't practice false economy by trying to on BLANK BOOKS. We will make you a aet ruled and printca to order at Bu.h a small eost that you can buy the beat. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 4Bf ft. sates ... OMAHA. WEB. GOLD FREE! THE PARROT HAS ESCAPED FROM THE CIG TRY TO FIND HIM Z&.t.W, , who will cut out Ihii picture and mark plainly with pencil or pen the mlsslne bird (If thr)r can find it) MAY SHARK IN THE DIBTRI BUTMW OK 1,()M).(M WHICH WK AKK 11VIN AV IIN HVfc MUMULT PKKMIIMS for doine; a lima arork (or ua. I hia la conical wline both braina and anew count. We are determined to make the name of our charming monthly n-iajrastne a household word, and wa take thle novel plan of ad yerliilnf. Thla and other moat liberal offers are matle to Introduce one of the moat entertaining New York magailnee Into every home of the United States prH AV K DO NOT WANT ONE CENT OF YOUK MONEY. 1 here ia only one cond n, which ehould take leal than one hour of your lime, which wa will write yon ae aoon ae your anawer is received. After you hove fonnd the mioiing nirfnl aten A tl f n sst Anr It mat taka aas amir Any girl can cam a hancl aome, imported French 1I1. nearly two feet tall and many other valuable premiums, as per cata logue, for Belliii(r our jew elry novelties. Tlilttdnll in flrPHRi'H frntn li..fwt r r.w. and is a perfect beauty, has a beautiful turning bimiue head, pearly teeth, long golden hair, natural Hleepinir eyes, jointed body, real slippers, stoi kinfrs, etc., and U only one of the many valuable premiums which we are Riving our n (fonts fur scllinp; our novelties. In order to introduce our novelties in all localities, we have decided to oiler extra inducements to our agents for tlie next 60 days, therefore, amr one wishing to sell our novelties has only to send their full name & address & we will send 20 cards of our novelties, postpaid, sell them at 10 cents per card & return us $2.00 & we will aend (all charges prepuid) A' Beautiful Imported French DOLL with turningbisquehead, pearly teeth, long golden curls, natural sleeping eyes jointed body, real Blippers, stock. Jugs, etc., and dressed from head to foot. In addition to the Doll we give a lovely Turqnoian llrneelet and a beautiful Gold finished Ring. Understand, this is not a printed cloth or rag doll, or a cheap paper or a plaster of I'aria doll, auch as aome concerns give, but a real sleeping Risque Doll, together with a Bracelet and Ring. Positively these three presents given for Belling only two dollars' worth of novelties. Take notice: we prepay all express and mailing chargea on our premiums. Write today and be sure to aend your FULL name and address. THE BISQUE DOLL CO., Dept. n io Bridgeport. Conn. Whittier's Home In Kant llavrrhlll, Mass., hns n typical tlreplace. lined for cooking and hentlng in the rnrly part of the lust century by both freemen nnd KlaveH. In pioneer days money could not luirrlmse luxurleH In the way of heating or cooking iippli Htii't H Hiich an you can get today. Great stove supply hnuses such us the mt! ha Stove Repair Works, 111 '7 DoiiKlas street, were then un known, anil In fact the modern re pair house was almost unknown until within the last two decades, a place where millions of pounds of repairs are constantly on hand. The mind can scarcely think of the name of a stove, range or furnace that they do not carry repairs for. R.e&d Coburn What Seys. "I'm i, lad to hear of the rAKMKKI citcula wu con won. let in,, areuhlc lo t,e(htr lirowinu tiun, and atanily how you pull to- such a fund inn. valua- each week of inteiest- liialion. ow ble infor ate auifly nmkinn a much more rai'rr woitli than the nionev asked for it." Aamsaj St ait More money is spent for articles by the prominent men and for the handsome and interesting illustrations than by any other farm journal. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER., I an a as u. Omasa, K(s SrnJ .If FRKE SAVri E COFV. WE WANT AG KM) AU NT AT EVEKV PtlSrOFFICE. 6S? If (WW FA 1 1 1 ON THE GRIDIRON TheOreat (lame of Autumn is Herein All Its Lustre and Brutality. DANGER AND DEATH ARE DEFIED Meiinlinir (he Conntry I.nokaj tn anil Wontlrra What AVfinltl llnppcn If the Army Were to Knunsre In I'oot nail. Morn men are Injured playing Joot hnll In a single Reason than were wounded In the Spanish-American war. More Amer ican men lost their lives as a result of this great athletic sport In October and No vember of lnt year than were killed by the Filipinos during the same period. Nevertheless each year finds the foot ball fever more Intense and the college rivalry more keen. TJIK (iK IS lir.lli: TO STAV. Those of us who regret ith cruel brutality and wish It might be refined are slmplv wasting our regret and thanklessly look on and worry. We may as well give in. The tnys are determined to play foot ball. They know of no other form of athletic sport B- fascinating. The best thing for us all Is to accept the situation and make the best of It. Fortunately the life Insurance com panies do not Include foot ball as a pro hibited game or occupation, and Tiirc n w k ic it s HKsi'.itvi: i.ikk Invites every first-class foot ball player In the west to take out a policy of life insur ance. Although there Is some risk in in suring these reckless athletes, they are usually most excellent subjects for Insur ance. Trained athletes, full of life and vigor, their and training make them especially healthful. For this reason it. ii. Hoiiisov, I'.-t i:siii:t Rankers Reserve Life association, invites every foot ball player in the land to com municate with him. Ask for premium rates on our 20-payment Gold Bond life policy. It is Just what a young man needs. Now Is the time to Investigate. A postal card will take the reader full In formatlcn. Address, iKi::ts iii:si:hm: mfk. omuia. PURE MALT la one of the beat an own wbiekiea on the market and ia moat prescribed y fihyeiciana and moat argely need by the men who know what good whiskey la and insist on baring It. It haa been made for over thirty yeara by the famoua Willow Springe Distillery and ia positively guaranteed aa to purity aa well aa noa. . . , eesamg the tin est flavor of any whiskey on the market. You one-tit to try it because If you do you will like It and alwaja uae JU 7 Willow iprinjfs Dl$tly.ihj! to aTTi':i . -f " a mm Fur 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curing Catarrh Th Old-tat Remedy, haa a nationnl n-p-itHtlon and haa mvr htn fniiiHlltii for thv hiittHnt relief and (eHrtuniient cur of (iitarrb, PoMh in the head and th7 ttend;.nt HeaHache and lH-nf ntMi. lie atortta .-at Hent of H rue II, loimediato relief tuiarantevd. tiuaranteed ptrftxtlv harmleva. Aalc your dealer for it. Hefuwall milwt imte. Price Cft centa. All droggitttn, or by mail potitiiaid. Cirou'ara free. F. C. KEITH, Mfr.). Cleveland, Ohio SarraavNSavtavr.rkara SALESMEN AND AGENTS WANTD. BIC WVACES "or Kmou rr Itun i lvr Mill, s wonderful luv' o llnll ti-sn Vlllrr. J4.0O0 alrraii; aold. I).. maud eonriuous. Krvrrbmly bur.. Ovrr the ktu-hra atuve It furul.h, s iilrolT of dUilUnl, aeraltl. drlu-iou. I'ure Water. Onlr nieit.Kl e tlil aud lr. bllle; preveata trrhni'1, mslarls rrvrrs, cum divwt. Vrtte fur Itooklet, New I'lss, Terms, t Uv I HI h. A.l lrM.. 15 Harrison Bldg., Cincinnati, 0. Harrison Mlg. Co. Doys for sale of all kliuls. Fancy pig cons, Belgian hares ami ferrets. Send 6 cents for catalogue. hANUlS, llux l). ltowers Station. Iterks Co.. I'a. When Writinf to Advertisers Always Mention The Bee. mm I JIfM.X.lfS W AtBSIINc'Nr EQUIPPED WITH Moffett Roller Bearing Axles. BUILT BY P. J. KARBACH & SONS, Carriage and Wagon Makers. "Blue Ribbon" Beer SALES HAVE POtTPT-EP. IS USED IN MORE HOMES THAN IT ANT OTHEU. WHY? RI.UE RIHBON Is healthful. It Is per fectly and fully fermented. It Is not a young beer. It will not cause biliousness. It is stored for months before we market it. Every bottle Is sterilized after being sealed. The highest priced materials are UFed, greatest care in brewing and cleanli ness, our own pure artesian well water. HENCE THE CHEAT SI'CCESS OF HI.l'E 1UBRON. You may not be a Judge, but take our word for it, there Is none better. Try a ease and we for yourselves. Telephone !-". l'rompt delivery. WE A HE Itni.DINO A NEAV BOTTLING DEI'AHTMENT (i EH TWICE ITS FOR MER SIZE-THAT TELLS THE STORY. Storz Brewing Co., OMAHA. NEB. The n n it Dig ruur A Railroad Of the People Operated For the People And Recognized By the People As the standard passenger line of the Central States. 2,500 mile of railway ia Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Kentucky and Michigan Write for folders. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe. lien'l I'asa. A Aaat. Gun'l 1'. Tkt.Agt. & T. A. CINCINNATI. OHIO. 13th and Howard Streets, Omaha. Artistic Stationery We have all the late up-to-date papers, shades, shapes and finishes. Engraved monogram and ad dressed dies. Stamping and illuminating. An elegant box of paper and envelopes to match, stamped or Illuminated with an engraved monogram die, will make a Christmas prsent for a lady which will be appre ciated. Come in and let us talk this over with you and give us your order early. Write for S'Wikx tuvl i stiniKtcx on wrdit'uuj and nct jition inr it (t ion, nunus nutilid free. Wedding Jnr'tutinns, the Intent nt;ilis in p-tper unden'jraeiii'j. MAWHINNEY & RYAN CO., Jewelers and Silversmiths Diamond Merchants Opti lians and Art Stationers. 15th and Douglas Streets, Omaha, Neb. a THE U. S. GOVEKNiinrsi ENDORSES- THE ANGELUS as the Original Piano Player and the public proclaims It the best. Hospe aW Sole Agent - I BETTER ITHINK ABOUT THIS There are engravings and en gravings, but the kind that are really good are the ones we make. J. Manz Engraving Go. CHICAGO: NEW YORK: 1 115.207 Canal St. 2J-25-27 City Hall Place i A The Best Interna tional Dentifrice Kuiua uarn, iiih ureal li ewoet. Pruurvud ud .. l.n - " . - " " . iw urftui iuiv Iwtli. Uvercoiune ull Ui ol,)ectlou. tthle feaiun-e found la posrdttra mid i-fuui. umiveuieui use ana carrr. tt l . At isll druanlela. C. H. STRONG & CO. Chicago, U. 8. As J I I