TITE OMAHA DAILY BKEt SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1002. SPECIE NOTICES m iiTimii' mlm fear llsrwe) u est bubs ess wrll W lkn oartU U m- fr U arreatlsuc editions waall sVliO aw ar rate ui asuesy esTmoav. La.fr. 1 l-3 a wan Srs-I IsmrrUsm, Is e mr thei-rten. X at tear trm ftrr m tama Me fnrr ike rat twew 1em. Tkeve dtrrUm" awes AAH-trrtlarrw, by restewrlaT -t41 eker eausi km ausewT 4 measel tm m mWrrtl lm erw ( The ram. Jmimi SSrrarse wlU r0rrrt eaa frnmrn ailaHaaj mt Iki kek nlr. SITIATIOSS WASTED. POSITION wsnted ai traveling salesman or collector tn Nebrseka. North Platte territory preferred. Thoroughly under stand operating and handling of gasoline or steam engines, steam threshing ma chines; In fact, anything In farm Imple ment line. Fifteen years' experience and can fjirnlsh best of referenrea as to aohrlety, honesty and Integrity. Stan salary willing to pay. Address, O J. Bee. A-M213-18 TRAVELING salesman wants position with Implement, buggy or windmill firm; ex pert In repairing Implements and wind mills; good reference Address N 27. Bee. A-M249 27 SITUATION wanted, bv housekeeper, for gentleman without chll'loren. Mrs. Bishop, 1412 8. 10th street, 8t. Joseph, Mo. A 278 16 WAITED-MALE HELP. HUSTLING deputies wanted: men or women; splendid contract. The Oarden ra, 416 Bee Bidg. B-27S ivATED, for U. 8. Army, able-bodied un married men between agea of 21 and 3, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officers. Jth and Dodge 8is., Omaha, and post office building, Lincoln, Neb. B D-31 UOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13th 8t. B Altai .WANTED Competent stenographer; man familiar with shipping bustueua preferred. Address, L 67, Bee. B M464 WANTED, reliable person In each district to manage business for old house; salary $18 weekly; expenses advanced; perma nent position; enclose self-addressed en velope. Manager, 342 Caxton bWg., Chi cago. B M2t3 16 , ?RINTER WANTED, single man; state experience and wages wanted. Chronicle, Centervllle, la. B M256 18 sVANTED. experienced cigar salesmen with established trade to sell retail trade direct from factory with established trade on high grade 8eed and Havana and 5-cent clgara in tho following states: Ohio, In diana. Iowa, Illinois. Nebraska, Wiscon sin, Minnesota, Missouri. Cigar Salesman, 28 Newberry Bidg., Detroit, Mich. . B M255 li WANTED, men to learn barber trade. All advantagea until competent without limit to time. Steady practice, expert instruc tions, splendid facilities. Hundreds of graduates to recommend our system. Cnll or write. Moler Barber Collet. 1&'2 Douglas street. B M269 20 4176.00 PER MONTH and traveling expenses paid salesmen on baking powder and ex tracts; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. B LEARN proofreading: situations secured; 115 to $26 weekly. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. B THOUSANDS are successful gaining better salaries and positions studying electricity, mechanical engineering, steam engineer ing, at home by correspondence. Thomas A. Edison endorsea institute. Book, "Can I Become an Electrical Engineer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York. B GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thousands of appointments to be made; examinations In every state; circular 151, giving full particulars aa to positions, salaries, etc., ' sent free. Address National Corres. Insti tute, Washington, D. C." B WANTED Man good appearance to travel, establishing trade In portion Nebraska; 110 weekly and expenses; promotion; ex perience unnecessary; references. Ad dress. E Wlmmer, 358 Dearborn, Chicago. B 321 16 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertls. lng Bureau, Chicago. 522 WEEKLY and all expenses for men with rigs to Introduce' poultry compound; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. B 313 16 WEALTHY mining company, owning valu able gold mines, oners posiuon or re sponsibility to reliable party, selling stock on commission. L. H. Mltchel, President, 810 Stlmson, Los Angeles, Cal B-334 16 COUNO man to travel, $60 month and ex penses, experience unnecessary; send references. Williams Co., Chamber Com., Detroit, Mich. B-297 16 WANTED, good men to sell mining stock for the Thunder Mountain Oold Reef Mining and Development Co.; shares sells at 25 cents, fullv auaranteed bv cold bond certificate; good men can make $100 weekly selling tnis stock. Address by letter to J as. A. Fairfield, Omaha, Neb. B 848 16 IVANTED. a competent man to take charge of and operate electric light and water works plants at Madison, Neb. Address J, C. liorsnam, Madison, ixeb. B-M361 17 WANTED, good, honest boy; excellent vnftncf to learn a soon uumnesa; reier ences required. Address O 17, Bee. B 365 16 XOUNO man travel. $50 month and ex penses; experience unnecessary. Enclose sell-addressed envelope. Manager Per kins, Manhattan Bidg., Chicago, 111. B-305 16 DETECTIVES, every locality, good salary experience unnecessary. International De tactlv. Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B-304 16 WANTED, medicine show performers, aero . bats, musical teams, commedlans; must change lor one week; your money every Saturday night; state lowest salary and all you do. Only ladles and ssntlemen answer. Mock-Sad-Alll'a Congress of novelties, jcnrson, B. D. a 369 IS WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, advertising matter. tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National aov. cureau. i ntcsgo. H 364 16 WANTED Office boy; one who Is bright, active and willing to work; must write gooa nana. Aauress, o , Bee. B-377 16 MECHANICS qualified for sdvsneement. our tree booklet. "Are lour Hands Tied? tells how thousands have doubled or largely increasea tneir earning capacity through our snare time instruction by i man. num in ma iiiiernMonai corre spondsnce Schools. Box littx. ttcrantnn Pa., or call day or evening. Omaha , umee, mi raxion uiock. a Sit 16 DISTRICT MANAGER In each district at salary oi no per week and expenses, pay ' able weekly, to represent large manufac - turtng establishment known to every bunk In the United States. A man of good nanus ana energy requirea. Kxperlv ft . .... I . -...!.. ' 1IW IICV,CIIDI J . , lll MBS . qualifications, to Manager, Dept. K and i. H-370 1 GENTLEMEN or bovs, copv letters at home; nothing to buy; $12 per thousand; paid weekly. Send addressed envelope ' for copv and lnstruitliii.s. United Pen CO., Si Nassau fi.. rscw tora. B-5GS16 ?W ANTED, drivers for railroad work. Hl . Grading company. Tostevln t. snd South ave.. Council Bluffs. B M412 ! WANTED, twenty bright, active boys, 15 to 17 years old. for delivering circulars Ap ply 7 30 Monday morning to Mr. Flook W. R. Bennett co. B ui is WANTED, a young man tn assist about the college fur tuition. Nebraska Busi ness College, Boyd s theater. An oppor tunity. B-M442 18 VlRJBT-i l.ASt4 buahelmus: steadv work: nrat-claas agrs. Mact'arthy Tailoring , Co.. lif tldg. B M440 18 LETTERING and card writing: private Inaaons, $1 ''. evening. Special mall course. 1 Cuming at. B Mill 16 WANTKD An enginer to run a heating bMtbl M UMjn Uulsl, 21st snd Chlcaso. 9 B M443 li WASTED MALE HELP. WANTED men of fair education to vtvt towns tn western Iowa and eastern iNe hrasktt to advertise, collect, etc.; no bonk proposition; $ per year and expenses. Adim ss O t. Bee. B 415 16 AI.ESME WASTED. EVERYWHERE, to sell Iambert Type writers. Monroe & Co., nil i. lbtn t-r., Omaha. 4f2 WANTED First class Encyclopedia Brlt- annlca salesmen. Our system requires von to call on Inquiries only. We pay liberal weekly advance, transportation ex penses. Address, American Newspaper Association. 523 New York Life Building, Omaha. Neb. -191-17 WE MUST have more salesmen, apply at once. Oeo. A. Baker ft Co., South Bend, Ind. ENEROETIC salesmen, capable of han dling subagents, to sell the A. n. wiens new dustiest floor sweeper. 25 Cedar St., Milwaukee, Wis. 335 ! TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; no technical knowledge, but active all-round hustler; established, high-rated house. F. R. Jennings, sales manager, SI W. At water. Detroit, Mich. 21 16 CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line: high commissions wun advance of $100.Oft monthly. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. -310 16 SALESMEN to sell Perfumery and toilet articles to dry goods and general mttae. trade. Box lui5, Ht. Louis, Mo. 3S1 16 WANTED, salesmen, by manufacturer of grocer s specialties; give experience tuny. Oood salary to hard workers. Address Box 517, Chicago, III. SALESMEN Cigar salesmen wanted; ex perience unnecessary; .iv per iiiunui aim expenses to start; secure your own terri tory; samples free; enclose stamp. Wayne Cigar Co., Toledo, O. 409 16 WANTED, an energetic traveling salesman to fill vacancy in ixeorasxa; must srari at once. Address Box 608, St. Louis, Mo. 402 16 WANTED at once, experienced traveling salesman for Nebraska. we watjt a salesman, no novice need apply. Box 514, Chicago. 401 lb WANTED, traveling salesmen to sell white dead, active, wideawake men now wirn me are making $05.00 to $150.00 a week commission; good specialty or side line, especially for hardware and drug sales men; superior Inducements to dealers and large commissions paid to obtain good salesmen; no experience necessary; no ex pense money advanced. Address D. T. Weir, St. Louis, Mo. 898 16 SALARY or commission to sell famous flaan burner, an electric ngnt on Kerosene imp; millions In use; sample by mall, 50 cents: Illustrated literature free. Monarch Novelty Co., 815 N. W. Bidg., Minneapolis, Minn. 365 16 WANTED, experienced salesman to repre sent a manufacturer of large lines of overalls, pants, shirts, duck coats, etc., for the territory of Nebraska. Address the Cedar Falls Mfg. Co., Cedar Falls, la. M 413 18 ' WAITED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. C 404 GIRL for general housework. 2603 Pierce street. c ts WANTED, student nurse at South Omaha hospital. C 761 WANTED, good girl for general house work; house now and modern; small family; wages $4 to $6 per week. Apply 418 N. 39th St. C M1S2 WANTED, girl for general housework In smau tamiiy. n a. sua si. c WANTED. Swedish or German girl for general nousework; small family; good wages. Call at 126 8. 37th st. C M24& AN Intelligent, bright woman of Integrity, over 27, to travel; references required. Address O 6, Bee. C M244 IS WANTED, girl for general housework; no launary. a. uoape, aia rso. inn st. C M259 GIRL for general housework st the Creche. C MZY3 1Y" LADIES wsnted to do embroidery and Bat- tenberg at thir nomes; steady work. Chicago Crochet Co.. Chicago, IU. C LEARN proofreading; situations secured; $lft to $26 weekly. Home correspondence School, Philadelphia, C $15 WEEKLY paid ladies to work at home; everything rurnisnea; enclose stamped en velope. J J. 99, Ladles' Ind. Co., 167 Wa bash Ave., Chicago. C LADIES. Dr. Strickland's Monthly Remedy relieves In o honrs, sate and sure: box free. Send stamp for particulars. Crown Chemical Co., Box 93, Milwaukee, Wis. C WANTED Lady to travel In Nebraska; good salary and all expenses to start; position permanent; advancement. If sat isfactory. Send addressed envelope for particulars. F. GUUs, 3tsl Dearborn, Chi cago. C 319 16 MEN and women, ropy letters at home. Highest prices paici; money aovancea weekly. Send addrered envelope for copy and Instructions. Standard Pen Co., 218 Fulton St.. New York. C-316 16 COPYING! letters at home, full or spsre time: mo names to supply or addressing envelopes. Nothing to buy; $15 per thou sand, paid weekly. Send addressed en velope for copy and application blanks. Imperial Co., 128 Liberty St.. New York. C-314-16 ENERGETIC woman to travel and collect In Nebraska; $25 for first 12 days work; $.0 per month and expenses thereafter. Position permanent. Send addressed en velope. Manager McBiody, Star Bidg., Chicago. C 833 16 LADIES, copy letters at home; $20 per 1.000. send stamped envelope tor applica tion. Leslie Novelty Co., Dept. 71, Chi cago. C 827 16 PLAIN writers: home employment; copy ing blanks; rate $ja per l.ow; two stamps for particulars. Occidental Commercial Agency, Desk 23. Chicago. C S2 1 LADIES New home work, making sofa pillows, slippers, etc.; $7 to $15 wsekly; materials furnished; no canvassing; steady work. Bend stamped addressed envelope. New Textile Mfg. Co.. Erie St., Chicago. C 322 16 WANTED, good girl for general house work; good wages, small family. 123 So. 82d Ave. - C-879 18 LADIES to work dollies snd centerpieces at home; all materials furnished; high est prices paid: no canvassing. Send stamped envelops to Ely Novelty Co., Ely Bidg , Chicago. C 897-16 LADIES to do piece work at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $13 weekly: send stamped envelops to Royal Co.. 34 Monro St., Chicago. C 4(4 16 LADIES or girls, copy letters at home: nothing to Luy; $12 per thousand: paid weekly. Send addrestcd envelope for copy and Instructions. United Pen Co., 87 Nassau St., New York. C 368-18 OOOD kitchen girl wanted, $1$ a month and na washing. Its) No. 25th St. C 421 16 WANTED, a woman to do washing at home. Apply a 1341 8. 27th St. C 894 It WANTED, competent girl for general housework: good, wages; no washing. Mrs. R. S. Hall. 2418 Km u m. C-M420 IS WANTED, strong girl for second rook. Call at Deaf snd Dumb Institute. Omaha. C-417 lb FOR REKT Ft RNI9HED ROOMS. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 4t4 $1 PER WEEK 423 8. 18th St.. one block south of court house. E 463 AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge. ROVAL HOTEL, European. 16th ft Chlcsgo. t HANDSOME etesm heated room. 1909 Capl lot Am U Mlu6 ROOM for light housekeeping. l3Vk How srd. E-MiSl-D-l L. M E hauls trunks. Telephone 7W. E-Mtuo THE FARNAM 19th aad Farnam sreta. . Ii-HIII FOR REST Fl RMXHED ROOM. STEAM HEATED roomp, $10 per month. Barker Hotel, 13th and Jones Sts. E-M3 LARGE front room for one or two gentle men or respectable ladies. 625 H. 2th St. E-179-lti DESIRABLE rooms; walking distance; first-class location. 2224 Farnam. E-M210-18 LARGE front rooms, modern. 622 N. 19th st. E-M250 16 I ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 Bo. 11th street. E M271 ONE OR TWO nicely furnished rooms, private famllv. for gentlemen; references required. 215 8. 2!th St. E 363 16 WANTED, gentlemen who can appreciate nice, newly furnished rooms In modem, steamheated house. Call at 1911 Daven port. Phone L-2793. E M378 17 NEATLY furnished rooms, modern, suit able for light housekeeping. 110 S. 25th ave. E M130 17 SOUTH front alcove room, modern. 2!W0 Harney. E M439 22 FURNISHED room, also front parlor. 2019 Harney st. E 445 1 6 CENTRAL, steam heat, furnished room. 220 N. 23d St. E-M444 18 FVRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. MERRIAM, comfortable winter home. Tel S3 F 469 FURNI8HED rooms, with or without board, rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, lfith and Chicago. F 4T0 TWO gentlemen desired. 509 S. 2"th Ave. F-M189 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport, rooms with board, steam heat. F M362 18 FOR REJITINFIRJIISHED ROOMS. FOUR unfurnished rooms, housekeeping. 1916 Farnam street. O M2fi0 16 FOR REIfT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In flrrt-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor. Bee Bidg. 1266 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will he rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office to C. C. Rose water; secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1-261 SPLENDID 8-story bidg., with concreted basement and two skylights in roof. 1207 Howard St- F. D. Wead. 1-221 18 WANTED, tenant to share large offices 09 the ground floor of N. Y. Life Bidg. In surance man preferred. Apply 1301 Doug las St., uprtalrs. 1240 I HAVE half a car shipment household goods to Kansas City, Nov. 24 or 25. Want someone to take half of car for household Soods or a horse. Car costs $25. Address 10, Bee Office, or 297S Dorcas St. 1842 16 AM GOING to Washington and have a good Bchurbert piano to sell cheap; also corner lot, 24th and Templeton, best lot in north part of city. James DeVlne, 4408 North 81st St. . 1341 16 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Apply 12C3 Farnam St. 1-384 IS CENTRAL, grocery, drug, meat market, with fixtures; also fine laundry, with steam heat and power. Tlsard, 220 N. 23d. 1446 AGENTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing agents - In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good in come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 213 1,000 AGENTS wanted to sell desirable old line insurance for the largest company In the world of Its age; no special con tract fakirs or leg pullers need apply. We sell the best contract ever written; good territory and commissions given to good, reliable men. Call on or write to George J. Crane, Superintendent Western Department. 819 First Nat l Bank Bidg., Omaha, Neb. J M 123 D 20 WANTED, manufacturer's agent or sales man for part of the state of Missouri as well as the states of Kansas and Ne braska, to handle a line of goods In use and endorsed by 75 per cent of the manu facturing Interests In the United States, Canada and Great Britain. State refer ences and address. Hank, Corner Sawtell and Woodland Aves., Cleveland. Ohio. J-M991 16 DESIRABLES STORE ROOM. 1815 Howard St., across street from W. R. Bennett Co.'s entrance to barn. Room la In first-class repair and has good, light basement; $50 per month. GEORGE ft COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. J-M272 23 AGENTS, don't work for others; learn a profession in ten days that will pay $10 to $26 per day. Prof. S. A. Weltmcr. Ne vada, Mo. J AGENTS, write now for free sample of wore ana terms; star narness mender; best 25c seller out; we make other quick selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. J LAMP that makes its own gas, costs 1 cent a ra v ' nn nil wlflra l- 1 m n m m vull model free to those wishing to work for us. Eastern uas co., 13U Fulton St., New York. J AGENTS, automatic washers, sell them selves; one agent writes, txniuitea sample to ten women; took ten orders;" tlma required, 45 minutes; profit, over $50; Guaranteed to do washing In 30 minutes; urnlshes Its own power; requires neither labor nor attention; costs less than any other machine; free sample and exclusive territory furnished; $50 week guaranteed; thousands of testimonials. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chlcsgo. J AGENTS WANTED A lady or young man to take orders In their home town for our line of shirt walstlngs. suitings and skirt ings; an elegant line; low prices; big pay to the right party. Address, Shirt Waist Dept., Buckley Shirt Co., 2t23 Olive Street, Bl. LXUIS, HO, J BIG money in mall order business, con ducted by anyone, anywhere; complete plan for stamp. Central Supply Co., iv.ansas cuy, mo. j CIRCULAR distributers wsnted; rash paid; send stamp. American Distributer, Kan sas city, mo. j LAMP that mskes Its own gss. Costs One Cent a day. No oil, wicks, chimneys, fmsll model free to those wlohlng to work for us. Eastern Gas Co., 130 Fulton ., New york. J 818 16 STOP runaways; hitch horses solid In stantly; carry in pocket; sight seller; agents wsnted. Particulars for stamp Pocket Hitching Post Co., Richmond. Ind. J-332 16 ACTIVE person to work at home; $36 paid ror 13 cays trisi; permanent ir satis, factory. Statu religion. Henry Engwall Lakeside Bidg.. Chicago. J AGENTS $30 to $60 weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous name plates, numbers, slsns. readable darkest nlKhts: samples free. Right Supply Co.. Kngle- -wood. 111. J ass 16 WANTED Lady and gentlemen canvass ers: useful household articles; Rood. profitable sellers: no fakea. Dommersnas ft Jsham, 906. Chicago Opera House. Chi cago. J-UiJ-Ul- AGENTS Drop starvation work; here Is a money maker; an inexpensive but satis factory washing machine; quick seller; does better work then any $10 machine; sample. $1: state rights for sale. Tempest Co., rteaper mora, inicago. a - jo- UEM wsnted to tack signs, distribute rtr culars, etc. Ws secure distribution for every section in the country. Good pay. Horn Association, 1193 Broadway, Now York. J 301 16 AGENTS. $f6 weekly and expenses; sample free; greatest money making Invention of the age; automatic vtasuer aura a wssa- lng In w mlnutas wit Bout isuor or atten tlon: cheaper than any other; Indaatrurtl ble: evrvbody buys, agents coining money. Thousands of testimonials. Aulo- ma.Ho Washer Co , ana. w, t.uican. J-JiJO Is AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS, we have a new proposition; ap peal io every intelligent person, Dig com mission: territory snd outnt frep. Write quirk for prtlrulnr. Address 'National l.ttersry Association, 69 Desrhorn Pt , Chicago. J 299 16 SANITARY COOKER, no odor, no steam. practical, durable; salary or liberal com mission to agents. Pease Mfg. Co., Box 90, Cincinnati. Ohio. J AGENTS can make $3 to $5 per day securing subscriptions for popular woman s msga slne. Each number contslna four pages of music, slnne worth sjbscrlption price, 35 cents. Write for terms snd ssmple copy. The Queen of the West, Chlcsgo. J-339 16 WANTED, active sgents everywhere to sell nign-graae ronees, tess, spices, extrscts, baking powders to consumers st whole ssle prices; salarv and commission. Con sumer's Supply House, 819 W. Division St., Chicago. J 358 16 AGENTS for high-grade household hard ware specialty; staple article; it will sen on sight; big money to right party. United States Supply Co., Bullitt Bidg., Philadel phia. Pa. J 363 16 AGENTS wanted, energetic men In every county, experienced witn Dnck macninery or paints preferred; state experience and If there is any brick clay In your locality. Address E. E. Hook. Hudson, Michigan. J-231 16 FREE $500,000 worth of clothing for men ana women. Shoes, beds, carpets, rugs, parlor suits, stoves, dishes, harness, guns, revolvers, watches, rings, cameras, etc. To be given away free to those that will do a little advertising for us. Samples and literature free. National Co-operative Co., B. 41.x Rutland. Vt. J-292 16 WE PAY $22 A WEEK and expenses to men witn rigs to introduce poultry compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J 29 18 OUTFIT free, credit given; cut-price Xmaa dooks, ouc nook, iz'c; ii door. c; ii.w book. 60c. Ferguson. 6053 Fifth St.. Cin cinnati. J M380 17 $32 PER WEEK easy selling memorials. Mew metnod and steady work for agents. Midland Co., 51 G St., Elgin, 111. J-408-16 START mall order business at your home; we feu now; furnish everything required. Credit given. Profits Immense. Particu lars free. Chlcsgo Specialty Co., 134 Van jjuren hi., cnicago, in. j 899 16 WANTED, manager In every city, county, to handle best paying business known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe nix Co., 15 W. 28th St.. New York. J 391 16 WANTED Agents, everywhere, to handle our goods; entirely new proposition; good premiums with every order. John E. Hoam ft Co. tine). Dept. 19, 834 Dear born St., Chicago. J-871 16 WANTED Lady agents wanted for the old established ' Hygeta Corsets and Bklrts. ' the agent's best friend and money maker. For particulars apply to Western Corset Co., Pt. Louis, Mo. J STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511ft Farn. Tela. 1569-M3. 933 VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1196. -4 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED to buy, old lumber. 8. T. Camp. oen. mncK-iu'fl. in Mft jie FOR SALE FIRXITTRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. Z020 New ana seconanana, bought, sold, exchanged. O 471 FOR SALE, furniture of a nicely furnished 6-room cottage. Mw piano, steel range, base burner, sewing machine. 6-hole gas stove, home-made tellies and Jams. Call Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., 1908 Ohio St. O M274 16 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. NEW and secondhand vehicles for sale cheap, it. Frost, inn and Leavenworth. P 172 FOR SALE or trade, thoroughbred whits Arabian stauion, weignt i.iuo pounds, agd 7 years. Ogden Livery, Council Bluffs. P-M235 FOR SALE, a good family horse; price $50. luu a. juin ave. p 393 18 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. NEW and 2d-hand typewriters. 111! Farnam VJ 4,6 FOR SALE, two fresh cow at 2826 Wsb- ster st. VI M247 17 SECONDHAND Remington typewriter. U. p. headquarters, telegrapn department. Q 145 18 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any otner musical instrument , o up. The Wlttmann Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 474 EDISON phonographs, $10, $20 and $30; mouiaea records, ouc eacn or per aos.; new wheels, $15 up; 2dhund, $5 up. Omaha Bicycle Co.. ICth and Chicago Sts. Q 475 FOR SALE, a pair of imported Mexican hairless dogs. Address k s, Bee. Q-M917 FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders. 901 Douglas. Q-M473 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. 479 100 STYLE'., trusses: catalogue free. Shet. man Moconnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha, Q 477 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. 14478 SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collsnder Co.. 407-9 8. 10th. Q-M580 80 FOR SALE, young heifer cow, one heifer calf. 810 N. 16th. South Omaha. Q-M270 1 NEW Hamilton piano at half price. Ad dress O 9, Bee. , Q-M25S 17 2DHAND scales chsap. Patton, 220 N. 16th. J AJB 10- A FEW beautiful, large, white Angora goat skin rugs. $4 50 esch, at meat market, corner 18th and Leavenworth. Q 251 16 WALL map of Nebraska; all about crops, prices of land, etc., by counties. Chris tian's Land Agency, York, Neb., only 4 cents. Q FOR SALE, fine antique oak. XVI century finish, sideboard, French plate mirror, almost new, cost $58; will take $30. No second hsnd dealer need spply. , Call be tween 9 and 11 o'clock Sunday. 210 So. 4th St. Q-850 16 CASH register, awning, meat racks, cash ier's desk, show case, lard kettle and other articles. Address O 14, Bee. Q-2&J 16 FOR BALE, almost new doubls harness. Apply to Mrs. J. R. Mustek, Douglas DlllCR. I SSI IS CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. Has been In Omaha for five years, snd this fact recommends her to the public. She could not stay so long snd prosper if she wss not thorouahly cpauie. and inas much ss she does stsy. indicates that she is not only capable but aonest. ens in variably alves satisfaction. Parlors of Palmistry. 316 So. 16th. In Gran ite block. 3d floor; take elevator. 8 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, lilt Cass 8L S (80 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15. 8-481 ELKCTHIli I, THE ATM KB) T. 1 MME. SMITH, baths, 11$ N. 16, Id floor. R. 1 GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky., 720 South 18th. T 7M IS MISS Duval, manicuring. 821 8. 16th. ard floor l-Matuir MME. AMES, vapor baths. 124 N. 15th, R T, T-MU D16 I WANTED, horses to winter. CIS t enter St. Tel. Blatk-1121. -48 If PERSONAL. DR. ROY. rhlropodls; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenser block. U 881 V1AVI. Woman's Wnv to Health. Home treatment. Booklet tree. 3l Bee Bllg., Omaha. U 44 GRAMOPHONES and sjpplles. wholessle and retail. Collins llano Co., 1622 Douglas. U 483 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Send for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO.. 932 N. Y. Life Bidg . Omaha. U 4S5 DR. R M. JACKSON, specialist In chronic diseases. 1506 Farnam St. Consultation free. U 843 MME. SMITH, baths, 11$ N. 15, 2d floor, R. 1 U-M15 17 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies bosrded and adopted. Mrs. Garde Is. 2231 Lake.. Tel. Red-ISM U 48. PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; first-class In every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller. 2fi04 Blondo St. 'Phone F-1182. U-M429 N28 BARGAINS, entire stock diamonds, watch es, Jewelry, In paw mortgaged, half price. Diamond Loan Otllce, 14th ft Douglas U M548 N29 WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per week. We repair and sell parts lor any machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 'Phone 18RS. Corner 15th and Harney Sts. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 'Phone B-618. 612 North 24th St., So. Omaha. 'Phone 4.V5. U-626 Dl TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers, U M851 A CHARACTER SKETCH FREE. Particulars and 8-page, Illustrated paper FREE. Address, Nat l Institute of Palm istry, Grand Rapids, Mich. U IT COSTS more to do business In a palace than in a cottage, being located on the second flcor, our rent Is only one-tenth of soma of the palatial stores; we give tho customer the benefit of this saving; $8.00 snd $10,000 hats we sell at $3.95 and $4.95. Pennell, the 2-floor Milliner, 1514 Douglas St.. over the Singer Mfg. Co. IT- SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per manently removed by electricity; consul tation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1618 Douglas. U HANDSOME lady. 28 years, worth $25,000, would marry and assist Intelligent man, worthy of trust; no trtflers. American, 78 LaSalle St., Chicago. U 330 16 HEADQUARTERS for Edison phono graphs and Victor talking machines and records. Nebraska, Cycle Co., Cor. lfith and Harney Sts. U M347 22 ENLARGE YOUR BUST LADIES! 4 to 10 inches at home, with Dr. Conway's Bust Tabloids, at trifling cost; $1,000 for a rase we cannot; those developed in past 16 years prove 'tis permanent. Sealed facta, 4o stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., 16 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. U 803 16 ETSTER8. I will tell you without cost how 1 waa cured at home without drugs; pains in my sides, dyspepsia, nervousness and sleeplessness. Miss, Tenewlfftand, Ellls ton, O. U-888 16 PROSPEROUS butiesa man, worth $60,000, desires a good, true, honest wire. Ad dress, Mr. Otis, First National Bank Bidg., Hammond, Ind. U-407-1G MATRIMONIAL Bachelor maid, worth $90,000, will marry an honorable, true, affectionate man of good habits. Ad dress, Mies Raymond, First National Bank Bidg., Hammond, Ind. U 408 16 TOUR FORTUNE told from cradls to grave; what I tell you comes true; send dims and birth date. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer 704. Chicago. U 408 16 WEALTHY, lonely, kind-hearted gentle man, witn elegant noma, seeks wire to share his home and wealth. Address "Mr. Morgan," 917 Holland Bidg., St. Louis, Mo. U-387 16 I WAS saved from consumption after my case naa Deen pronounced incurable ana hopeless by eminent physicians. If you are suffering from this dread disease and will write me I will glady tell you how It was done at home. My sole object In to be of some benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvin L. Peden, pastor Church of Christ, 144 State St., Glbsonburg, O. U 375-16 B. M. JACKSON, M. D. SPECIALIST. Successfully treats obscure, chronic and nervous diseases. CONSULT ME FREE and confidentially about your ailment in person or by letter. 1505 FARNAM ST., Omaha. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. P. O. Box 352. U 395 16 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before snd during confinement; babies adopted. 2702 So. 18lh st. Mrs. Fisher. Tel. F-3213. U M162 22 ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. lth St., 2d floor. U 437 D15 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, drug stork, clean and in good rnnditlon; best location In town of 3,0u0; would trade it for real estate; I have other business and cannot attend to It. Address O 1, Bee. Y-M213 I AM offering for ssle a fine modern 8 story business block In a Masachusetts city of 66,000. By far the beat building In the city and in the beat location. Stores and offices; hydraulic elevators. A grant Investment opportunity at $226,000. Writs for detailed Information. W. M. Ostrander, North American Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Y-M268 16 I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. No matter where It la; send description and cash price and learn how. I have or can find the business you went to buy. Tell me your requirements. W. M. Os trander. Home Otllce, Suite 1443 North American Bidg., Philadelphia. Offices tn fourteen cities. Y GROCERY Store doing a good business, well located in a good county seat in east ccntrak Nebraaka. Invoice about $2,000. Best of reasons for selling. No trades or discounts. If sold at all must be sold soon. Address O 7, Omaha Bee. Y-M268 16 FOR SALE, drug stock. Best drug town in state; best located ators; E. cent., 6,000 pop.; soda fountain stock and fixtures; in voice about $5,000. Good trade. Satisfac tory reasons. Address No. O 8, Bee. Y-M2U5 16 FOR SALE OR TRADE A fjll line of farm implements and buggies doing a good business In a lively town of S.OoO; a food bargain. Address Lock Box 1181, 'laltsmouih. Neb. Y EAROAIN Half interest In a well estab lished abstract business In northwestern Iowa; good opportunity for a young man; will sell cheap or trade for North Dakota land. C. A. Dodge, Devils Lake, North Dakota. Y- JOR SALE Livery stock In a good town In eastern Nebraska doing a good busi ness. Address M 59, Bee: Y CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located; If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, 312 Bank of Commerce Bidg., Minneapolis, Mlnu. Y- EARN valuable New York suburban lot for light services. Send stamp quickly for deed. Villa Homes, 187 Broadway, Naw York. Y GREAT openings for business of all kinds. New towns sre balng opened on the Chi cago Great Weatern Ry.. Omaha exten sion. Fur particulars address E. B. Ma gill. Mgr. Townslte Dep t., Fort Dodge. la LANE8BORO, Carroll Co., la., on ths Omaha extension, Chicago Great Western Ry.; fine place to locate. Started October 7. growing rapidly. For particulars ad dress E. B MagUl, Mgr. Townaite Dep t., Fort Dodge, la. Y MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN MONEY. A aafe Investment, weekly dividends, sums of $J0 and up received; your money always at your command and all money to your credit ran be withdrawn on demand: we have earned and paid between 6 and 6 per cent each and tvrry week. This Is no gambling, but legitimate business propo sition: best of references throughout the United mates. Write for our booklet, free. Address II. Brolaskl ft Co., suite ui, $58 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. Y WANTED. $3.iOO lo promote greatest dis covery of the sge; $ per mouth guar- ' anteed; half Interest In profits; nu services required. Address O 18, Be office. s JOJ Xf Bl'AINESS CHANCES. A 25 PERCENT INVESTMENT. I offer, subject to prior sale, 1.400 shares of the stock of the Pennsylvania Carpet Company. This compsny is now earning 26 per cent on the rspltal Invested. The plant now occupies i acres at the corner of Fifty-sixth street anil I.snraster avenue, Philadelphia, having 2'.'.fio feet of floor space. Is employing ' people and is now turning out (and selling! $4, nou worth of carpets a day. The business for the past eight years has been as follows: In 1894 the business wss t 63,831 (First year! In 1R5 the business was 181.R19 In 1U the business was ?lt.! In 197 the business was S-'i.ono In 118 the business wss 399.000 In 1K99 the business was tVM.C'O In 1900 the business wss 872.0UO In 1901 the business was I,rt.ui0 t offer these few shares at par (JM0 per share), to be paid for as follows: J 10 per shsre on application, $15 per share on allot ment, f2b per share each 30 days thereafter untlP the total amount Is paid. This Is a very extraordinary opportunity to share In the profits of a large, firmly established corporation, manufacturing a stnpln product, it is in opportunity that you cannot afford to pass by without Inves tigating, If you have $100 or more to Invest where it will be absolutely safe and earn large dividends, pnvable every three months. The next dividend will be paid In December. Make checks, drafts snd money orders fayahle to the Columbia Avenue Trust ompany, Philadelphia, registrar and trans fer agent, and mall them to me, or, If yott wleh further Information. I will be glad to furnish full particulars. Applica tions may be telegraphed st my expense. Write at once for prospectus. W. M. OSTRANDER. North American Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Y -307 16 E. J. ARNOLD ft CO. of St. Louis, Mo., race horse owners and bookmakers, in vite the speculative public to an investi gation of their methods. This is an old and long established concern, amply te sponslble and reliable In all its dealings. A rigid inquiry Into their business will develop a condition unsttalned by any other Investment proposition ever offered for public participation. Subscription to their capital may be made in amounts of $20 and upward, subject to withdrawal In tull on demand. Dividends paid In cash fifty-two times every year. The best pay ing safe investment In the country. Refer ences: Banks, trust companies, commer cial agencies, St. Louis business men snd prominent men everywhere. For full par ticulars address. E. J. Arnold ft Co., 9th and Pine Sts., St. Louis. Ma. Y 2 CENTS CAPITAL Sent us starts you In good business by return mall. Sidney Supply Co.. Dept. X, Kansas City, Mo. Y 296 16 Wall Street Syndicates and Their Profits. Send for our booklet. Mailed free. Tells how to share In the immense profits of these huge combinations. Investments of M and upward earn splendid regulaf In comes In our syndicate operations. Geo. Fellman & Co., Bankers. 90-96 Wall Street. New York. Y-316 16 THIS BEATS NEW JERSEY"-Charters procured under South Dakota laws for a few dollars. Write for corporation laws, blanks, bvlaws and forms to Philip Law rence, late assistant secretary of state, Huron, Beadle County, South Dakota. Y 320 16 AGENTS csn make $2,000 to $4,000 the next three months handling newly patented article; absolute necessity; demand enor mous; experience unnecessary; exclusive territory given. Household Novelty Co. (Manufacturers), 1613 Broadway. New York. Y-S18-16 DOUBLE your money In Mexican Invest ment. Dividend paying stock, now 60c. Full particulars, address Bufa M. M. ft 8. Co., Lankershlm Bidg., Los Angeles. Cal. Y-331-16 $5.00 FOR 10 CENT8 Particulars free. Ad dress. Zeno Mall Order Supply Co., Sta tion A. South Bend, Ind. Y 229 16 100 PER CENT annually on small Invest ments, with no chance for loss; the great est opportunity of the age; a postal will bring particulars. Address, Auditor' Dipt., 680 Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. Y 941-16 INVESTORS Ws want mors Investors who will appreciate our safe, sound and hon est proposition of long standing which earns 4 to 6 per cent on the investment each and every week of the year. Divi dends paid Tuesday of each week. The closest investigation will convince you of our character and ability. Unquestionable references on application. Write for our booklet, "When All Has Failed." and do not overlook this unusual opportunity. The Mason-Teller Co.. Suite 615 Dickey Bidg.. Chicago. 111. Y-836 16 BUY May wheat and corn at once: margin It 24c per bushel, which will amply pro tect you, and your money should double within 15 days: do not delay, buy Imme diately; $50 will margin 2,000 bushels; $100 will margaln 4,000 bushels; remit by cash, draft or postal order. Send for our free book, "Modern Safe Methods for Invest ments." Flower ft Co., Brokers, Traders Bidg.. opposite Board of Trade. Chicago. Y-801 16 FOR SALE. SMALL BANK, only one In live eastern Nebraska town, paying prop osition; information confidential. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-428 16 FOR SALE, drug stock and fixtures in good county seat town in northern Ne braska. Address O 18, care Bee. Y-846 21 FOR SALE. We will sell our stock of general mdse., will Invoice about $2,000.00; will sell or rent building, upper story to live in. These are good and easy terms; will explain reasons for selling in first letter. Address O 13, Bee. Y-844 22 $1 EARNED $5.00 DURING OCTOBER. Particulars free. V. B. Co-Operatlve In. vestment Co., 60S 6th Ave., New York. Y 300 16 GREAT PROFITS $26 and upward earned monthly on every $100 Invested; booklet tells how; write for it; legitimately, sound enterprise; weekly dividends; money can be withdrawn any time. Tbeo. Stein ft Co., 60 Broadway. New York. Y 357 16 WOULD you like to earn a handsome weekly tncoms on a moderate investment, with all the privileges of a savings bank? No work or worry. This company is man aged by experienced and successful busi ness men of high standing. Prompt pay ments. Send for free booklet. References. C. W. Davidson ft Co., 61 Broadway, New York. Y-3o4 16 6,023 acres Iron land In the Vermillion Iron Range, Lake and Cook counties, Minn.; numerous sarfacs indications and out drops showing high-grade magnetic, iron; great Investment at its present low price. W M. Ostrander, North American Bidg., Philadelphia, Pa. Y-352 16 DON'T speculats until you have learned our plan for furnishing suthentlc advance Information on the stock and grain mar kets; our clients msking big money dally. Write for particulars and forecast; mailed free. National Market Advisory Co.. 308 40 Dearborn St.. Chicago. V 311 16 SELECT SHOE STOCK. $3,500. only exclu sive In live eastern Nebraska town, pro fitable cash business; rare opportunity. J. H Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-427 16 $10 AND UPWARDS. Earns 6 per cent weekly; safe as a bank Investment; withdrawn on demand; our references are hundreds of best business concerns In Amerlcs. International In vestment Co., Chemical Bidg., St. Louis, Mo. -$ 16 FOUR PER CENT and over earned weekly on Investments of fifty dollars snd up ward In one of ths safest and most profitable modern co-operative racing stables. Endorsed by satisfied customers In all parts of the country. This Is an op portunity to place your idle capital In an established business that will net you areater returns than any form of Invest ment now before the pumic. YoOr money at your command at all times. For full particulars send for free booklet. Demar est ft Co.. 580 Parrott Bidg.. cisco. cai. y-m 1 A GUARANTEED weekly rats of profit on large or small Investments, with esrnlngs paid In cash weekly. Your money subject to wlthdrswal on demand and absolutely safe This plan of Investment la offered by the H. E. Whitman ft Co., Ce-Opera-tlve Stables and cannot be surpassed. Rigid Inquiry and thorough Investigation sollclUjd. Prominent business men and commercial agendas of Ban Francisco en dors? their rean,niUillty and reliability. For full nartlcjlars address H W hit man ft Co.. Callaghan Bidg.. San ran tlsco. Cal. m LIGHT manufacturing business. Profits of bustnea grown beyond present capital; only fiuO to $726 required. Address tJ 19. Beat T 383 IS BISINESS CHANCES. READ THIS LIST, you will find any business you want, tn cllv or towns: 1KITKIJ. prices $350, $o00. $000, $1,300, $1,800. $3. (mo snd $in,fli. RESTAURANTS. $350. $375. $500, $1,000 and $2.2I. CIGAR STORES. $KO. $700, $1,5 $2,900, Up to $7,000; also pool rooms. CONFECTIONERY STORES. $125. $f. o. $1,150 snd $1.9ci; also $1.0i news store. GROCERY STOKES, $4o0, $500, $$im ,ono $1,700. $2.M $3.m. pnrt up. GENERAL MERCHANDISE stores, $1.M0, $3.0"0. $4.oi. $A.i, $.on snd $:.Son. UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, good one. $1.2.10. SHINING STANDS. $.'t00. $0f and $1,200. SHOE STORES, good towns. $3a and 17.500. HARDWARE STORES. $1,500. $3,500. $5,000 and $.('; some also have Implements. STEAM LAUNDtvlKS. $1,600. S2,i. $2,600 and $5,f). LIVERY STOCKS, good business. $500. $1,000. $1,200. up to SJ.0OO. BARBER SHOPS. $200, $500, $.0, and up. BAKERIES. HoO and $, well located. BLACKSMITH SHOPS, $475 and $-' COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS, $1,000, $2,500 and $3,000. DRUG STORKS, $.W, $900, $2,250 and $3,000. SALOONS. $S."A $4oO, $700 and $l,ooo. DAIRY BUSINESS. $900 and $2,000. MILLINERY STORES, $1,600 and $2000. MEAT MARKETS. $500, $1,200 and $3,000. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS, carriage factory, $1,500; basket factory. $1,400; bot tling works. $2,500; cigar factory, $Jo0; wholessle bakerv, $t.500. ROOMING HOUSES, all sites, furniture. $275, $.150. HhW, $700. $MK, $1,000 and up, full of roomers; some have hoarders; best loca tions. LUMBER BUSINESS, good town. $S.SOO. PRINTING OFFICES, $800 and $1,200. FURNITURE STORKS, new and second hand, prices $.V and $7( OFFICE BUSINES8. $"00, $700 and $5,000. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, good one, $1.2f. FLOUR MILL8, $3,000, $6,000, $8,000 and $20,000. TIN SHOP, with established furnace busi ness, $350. HARNESS BUBINES8, good town, $900. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, $2,000. If you want any kind of buamess come and sac me. I can suit you. WILLIAMS, Room 411, McCague Building. Y-897 16 DO YOU want to sell your business. I will pay cash and put In as part payment a modern 8-room house and lot, with fur nace, gas, hot and cold water, bath and closet, grate and mantel, clear title, cosy home, near schools. In best residence part of Omaha; price $3,300; business must be on paying basis and In or within 100 miles of Omaha; groceries or general store pre ferred; write particulars; no agents. Ad dress O 18, Omaha Bee. Y 23$ IS SMALL INVESTORS make big profits. The John J. Ryan Co-Operatlve Investment Co., an old established firm whose relia bility Is unquestioned, pay 6 per cent weekly on investments of $10 and upward. The skeptical don't see how this is pos sible, but the wise, reserve their decision until they receive particulars and are able to investigate for themselves. Paying Of dividends st rate of 6 per cent weekly Is no experiment, but a positive fact. Write for particulars, which will be sent free. John J. Ryan Co-Operatlve Investment Co., N. E. Cor. Fourth and I-ocust, St. Louis. Y 294 16 SAFE Investment, sure profits; an average monthly dividend from $30 to $40 on every $100 invested with us. Writs for particu lars. J. P. Emetick ft Co.. turf commis sioners, 137 Montgomery street, room 42, San Francisco, Cal. Y-2S$ 16 $5.06 ON EVERY $100 invested were our dividends last week; have never made a failure; dividends sent weekly; money withdrawn any time. Trial Investments of $20 taken. A. Harris ft Co.. 81 Acad emy 8clence Building, San Francisco, Cal. Y-287 16 FRUIT, confectionery, stationery and toy store, with soda fountain, for sale in live gold mining town of 8,000 population; clears $300 per month. Will sell st actual cost, about $2,600. C. W. Barker, Lead, 8. li. Y FOR 8ALE. dairy doing cash business: eighty acres pasture; one mile from South Omaha. Address box K, South Omaha Bee office. Y-426 16 BIG MONEY $20 makes $500 by our sure and safe system of truf Investment. One hundred days of racing in New Orleans, and big things to come of. Entirely new and original plan. Expert handicapping, and prices furnished to bookmakers and pool rooms. If you have Idle money, money to invest, money that should be earning money, write tor It quick. Costs you only a postal card. The Co-Operatlve Turf Ase'n.. New Orleans. La. (Incorpo rated). Capital stock, $100,000. T-IOS 16 SEE Ad. Financial page. Invest successfully Tn grain. Everlngham ft Comatock, Com merce Bidg., Chicago. Y 400 16 WHEN you wsnt to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick see J. H. Johnson. 848 N. Y. Life. Y-M505 WANT to buy, sell or trade a business? Go see Wilson, Warnes ft Co., 417 to 419 Paxton block. Y-933 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y 604 FREE, 100 lots, suburbs New York; send stamp for deed, 26 feet, title perfect. Sea side Co.. 187 Broadway, N. Y. . Y CORPORATION charters, South Dakota; ro tax, minimum coat; charters also pro cured In New Jersey or any other state. Send for corporation handbook. National Incorporating company. Pierre. 8. D.. and 76 William St.. New York. Omaha coun sel, Sidney W. Smith, First Nat. Bank Bidg. v Y FREE A 26c card case with 60 cards printed with name and address, for 85c. postpaid. Herbst Office Supply Co., 140 Monroe St., Chicago, III. V AN ENERGETIC man with good business qualifications can secure managerial posi tion with Wisconsin corporation, capital ized for $100,000; must corns well recom mended and be able to take stock In company during term of engagement, from $1,500 to $3,000. asms to be taken up at expiration of agreement. This company Ts composed of the representa tive business men of Milwaukee; salary, 1,800, and liberal commission. Address, Joliti Budge. Secretary, Welle Bid.. Mil waukee. Wis. Y-S8-l INVESTORS Buy ths best. Invest in lead, sine and fluorspar mines that are work ing and producing big results. In Salem and Lola, Ky. Far superior to the Joplln. Mo., district. A small allotment of stock for sale at 60c per share, In order to develop ore faster. This stock hss never been for ssle before, but Is owned by a few. Par value, $1, full paid and non assessable. A great Investment for mak ing money If you buy quick. Write for particulars to Klmer-B. Hanscom. Fiscal Agent, 618 Cuyahoga Building, Cleveland. Ohio. Y-3.4-18 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY Bend $10 at ones to secure, at a special price, 500 shares of stock. 250 each of two absolutely ssfe companies. Pay the remaining $90 In ten months. Stesdy dividend paying Invest ment. Money refunded If not satis factory. Full particulars by mall. Agents wanted. Western Securities Com pany. Henne Bidg., Los Anel,',Cijt. FOR EXCHANGE Strictly clean stock of staple drv goods, ladles' and men s fur nUhlng gboSs, etc. Goods s II practically the same ss when bought from wholessle house snd worth nearer 100 cents on the dollar than any stock listed In the past year Stock now In hands of creditors, with claim of ti.m. whlrh must be paid in caeii Invoice about $11.0u0. Owner will trada equity for good laud and would assume Incumbrance of not more than 83 000 What have you? Charles W. Som ers. 607 Manhattan Bidg., Su Paul, Minn. ' Y 367 16 IF YOU are a good salesman, with estsb lished trade In jobbing business, or an ex perienced buyer and sales manager, have aaved some money end wsnt to loin man with financial experience in stsrttng new jobbing house or buying one alrtady es tablished, write me fully, giving age. ex perience, amount of capital and refer ences. Address O 21. Bee! . Y-434 14 FOR BALK, or trsds. Improved printing and . . . 1 . a. f ...1. ... . V, rln. business. $3.6ou cash, or $2,000 snd Improved farm. Arthur Alexander, sua Pine st.. St. Louis. Y 414 17 $3,000 GROCERY STOCK, ons 6f the best in city, fit to aally sales; in naun ri. pels sale; liberal discount; rare oppor tunity. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN ft PRICK. L 8. N J Bk. Bid. 4 NEB. COLLECTION CO.. $06 N. Y. IJfe. 736 Dl NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 401-40$ N. T. Life blug., attorneys and collectors Overy. where. 48