Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13
ussissj The Omaha Sunday Bee. -C i PAGES 13 TO 24. MjxA.uxKix'X'y''.Si'yvsSi.iiji' KSTAKLlSHUn JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOItNlNO, XOVKMBEK l(i, 1002. SlNdl.K COIV FIVE CENTS. U Li RM' THE BARGAINS THE GREAT SALE OF THE TV0 WHOLESALE SILK STOCKS OakuSNoted on This Pago ING MONDAY AND EVERY DAY THIS WEEK. fin lit! Ml li!s are Kelrcted fit ranlo!Il and nro intended to impress CUStomelS The EVANS A McWHORTEN. Import. Block of ellko. snd the JAMES B. CRANDELL CO.. silk jobbers. BIO SILK stock. The silks handled by these flrmt are kn own as th best in the market, and further. .. y. a. 41iriii tn1 nf tiimilnr vhIiiph mlinwn in nnr fortv del tart-1 commf nt ' unnecessary. No store la America can offer to you such bargain as the pu rchaae of these two silk stoeks enables u to offer to the people of Omaha and surro undlng country. Ave. challenge any store wiiu nit, iiiourstui. ui Miiiiidi kiiihh , . ., ,n Omaha to offer such values a tboe named below for th! great sale. We desire to thoroughly Impress upon you the fact that this la the greatest aalo of Its kind ev er held, and you cannot by any means afford merits. ''You pet. what you want and save money at Haynen k Uo stay away. Monday morning promptly at s o'clock, sale commences, tlenty of help to serve you and plenty of silks for all. Mail orders rilled. Apents for Rutterick Patterns. Attend the grand sale of men's and boys' clothing. GRAND FURNITURE SALE To stimulate furniture business and secure the bulk of the pre-ThanksglvIng business In dining chairs, tables and furniture of all kinds, we have decided on a grand Thanksgiving cut price sale We offer an Immense variety to select from In newest de aians. highest finish and best selected quality. SUPPLY YOUR COLORED TAFFETA SILKS-from the J. B. Crandell stock fine pure silk, In black. white, navy and nil colors An. regular 60c silk, sale price a. 9 C SUCH BLACK TAFFETA BARGAINS HAPPENS BUT ONCK IN A L1FETIMK. BLCK TAFFKTA, 19-ln. wide . tr worth !.. at WtfW BLACK TAFFKTA. 27-ln. wide- won n i.w, ror BLACK TAFFETA. 27-ln. wide- worth 11.35. at , BLACK TAFFETA. 36-ln. wide- worth 2.00 nt NEEDS IN THIS SALE AND SAVE ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF I BLACK TAFFETA, 45-ln. wid THE USUAL COST. Fine cane seat dining chairs the (1.23 quality. t .' Cane seat rockers, regular $2.00 values, at Center table special sale, at Solid oak 6-plcee parlor suite spring cushions, at Special sale on striking, exquisitely signed anl finished side- f Ac , Couches In best velour covers " gj . at $5.00, $4.75, $4.00 and OiO . A grand assortment of strongest, handsom est and newest Iron beds, at $2.75, $2.00 and Oak extension tables worth $8 sale price 1.65 3.95 75c 1.25 39c worth $2.25. at BLACK TAFFETA, 51-ln. w He- worm i.'.bn. m ROMAN STRIPE LOUISENE real (Inn Imported silk In most beautiful able In thl wonderful lot of evqulslte shade, artual selling price $1.25, QQA during this sale 03G BLAC K AND COLORED MOIRE VE LOURS AND PURE SILK MOIRES from the Evans ft McWhorten stock, bla-.k. white and all colors, In tho all silk and silk and wool moire, actual value $1.M, your choice of entire lot during ft On this snle for only UfG FRENCH SILKS FROM THE JAMES H. CRANDELL STOCK. 27-ln. strle silk for wnlsts or whole costumes, plnM waist silks, elegant printed and brooaile silks, rich nov elty Fleur de sole, the latest taffeta novelty In while, cream anil minis these silks worth up to $2.50 on sale 98C CREPE IK CHINES AND HIGH ART PRINTED TAFFETAS and Shadow !.oul ene 811k from the Evans & McWhorten stock, every shade, every dettigu lmagln- eltks nothing ever seen like It in Oni'ihn silks worth up to l-'.OO, on sale 69C BLACK OR EN A DINKS from the Evans McWhorten stock. 44 Inches wide, black lniixrted OrenadlncK. exclusive patterns, onlv one of a kind, rich, nobby stylos. These nllks are worth $J.60, $3 fc A and $4 per yard on sale 1.3 U ino SKIRT PATTERNS of extra heavy 27-Inch wide b'ack Taffeta Silk, each imt tern contains from a o ID yards; the best 27-Inch t affet that money can buy and is extra heavy. 1110 BLACK TAFFETA SKIRT PAT TERN, extra hesvv mul contains 8 yards of 27-Inch Black Taffeta gg tifi.nn BLACK TAFFETA SKIRT PAT TERN, extra hesvv and contains li ysrds of 27-Inch Black Taffeta Q Qg 65c 75c 1.00 1.15 1.35 WAI8T ailk from the Evans & McWhorten stock. 32-INCH PURE SILK BLACK JACK ETVELVET. all sl k taffeta back, actunl value $7.50. on sale. $3.60. NOW IS THE TIME TO SELECT CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Any of these silk patterns will be laid aside until before the holidays by making payment on same. We will fill all mall orders and guarantee to please. YARD WIDE BLACK MOIRE VE LOURS from the J. B. Crandell stock real fine grade for skirts, waists ami rag Ian coats or Jackets, full 34 inches witio nnd ttie regular soiling price Is fJO. on saio 9 0C BLACK PEA IT DE SOIB DRESS SILK FROM THE JAMES B. CRANDELL STOCK. Every yawl warranted pure silk. Every yard warranted to wear. These wonderful bargains In fine black Peau do Sole Is another demonstration of tlin power of the Big Silk Department. gmde, 19 Inches wide, Mo. XI. 25 grade, li inches wide, 7tip. $1.50 grade, ;!;! Inches wlle. We. $1.7R prude, 24 inches wide, $1.1. $T grade, 24 inches wide, $1.2B. FINE BLACK FRENCH OIL BOILED TAFFETAS from the Kvana & McWhorten stock. These nre the finest goods made for suits and dress wear, pure dye, oil boiled and have colored satin edges. $1.75 grade, 21 Inches wide, JKe. $2.00 grade, 23 Inches wide, $1.21. $2 60 grade, 13 Inches wide, $1.45. METALLIC WAIST VELVET, dots and figures, only 60o. HOLLOW CUT CORDUROY WAIST VELVET, aJI colors. 7f.c. PLAID STRIPE and other fancy Vel vet, 9c. Black Silk Face Velvet, 1 .00 grade, 5c Black Silk Face Velvet, $1.25 grade, Mc. Black Silk Face Velvet, $l.Ro grade, 75e. Black Silk Fare Velvet. $1.7R grade, Se. Black Silk Face Velvet, $2.00 grade, 9r. Wi-INCH CLOAKING VELVET. exlr line silk warp, pur. silk pile, worth $o.0u for $2.50. boards at .:i7.60, $15 and. Astonishing Underwear Saio !:!.v)5 The Leading Dress Goods llouso in the West Basement Big Bargain Boom, Hardware, Stove and ilousefurnishings ' Tremendous stocks and unseasonably warm weather cause big bargains la under .wear. MONDAY'S SPECIAL SALE 3 THE GREATEST EVER HELD IN OMAHA. Grandest variety of newest, freshest, best fitting and best made underwear. Every garment made from best selected fabrics In the best styles. Owing to big purchases and the back ward season, prices have been cut one third to half. DO YOUR UNDERWEAR BUY1NO MONDAY. Dr. Warner's straight front corsets for tout figures, sties 22 to 36, at $1.00. New straight front, long hip corsets In all tho standard makes at $1.00 and up. The Nemo Self-Reducing corsets tor tout figures, sizes 20 to 36, at $2.50. Ladles' and misses' lape girdles In white, pink and blue at 49c, worth 75c. One lot of ladles' half wool combination suits In gray and white, finished with silk finish, worth $1.50, at 98c. One lot of full wool Jersey ribbed com bination suits in extra heavy quality and silk finish, regular $2.00 and $2.50 quality, at $1.50. Ladlee' fine Sterling combination suits In Ilk and wool and . crocheted finished in blue and flesh colors, worth $5.00, at $3.50. Children's black half woo) tights. In all sixes. 50c. . , Ladles' extra heavy Egyptian cotton, fleece lined vest and pants, regular 50c, at 25c. ',..:. Ladles' fine eottoQ fleece lined vests and 1.50 BLACK. DRESS fiOODS. Priestley's black $2.50 satln- flnleed Solids, Monday cravenetted satin-flnlshed blacks, regular $3.50 goods, O CO will go for tilWU Lupin's extra heavy black cheviot, the $2.60 grade, will go 50 The $3.60 grade will go for The $5.00 grade will go for drawers and long sleeve corset covers. In Harvard mills brand, at 60c. Ladles' extra heavy fleece lined comblna tlon suits. In white or gray, regular 75c quality, at 60c. Ladles' plain outing flannel gowns, full sixes and extra heavy quality, assorted I Priestley's colors, regular ioc, ai Dire. Ladies' extra heavy fancy outing flannel gowns, plain and assorted colors, regular $1.60 quality, at 88c. Ladles' straight front, long hip coriets, size. 18 to 30, at 49c, worth 75c. 300 dozen men's heavy all wool silk lined shirts and drawers, natural gray and cam el's hair, on sale at 89c. Extra heavy wool fleece lined shirt and drawers In blue, pink and brown mixed. regular $1.00 quality, on .ale at 45c. Men's extra heavy all wool in gray, blue and dark brown shlrta and drawers, regular $2 quality, at $1.25. $3.00 and $3.50 silk and wool underwear In fancy colors, on sale at $1.75. Men's extra heavy Jersey over shirts In blue, brown and black, double-breaated. regular $1.25 quality, at 69c. Men's double back and front shirts In large assortment In dark colors, on sale at 40c. Men's part wool half hose In gray, camels hair, black and blue mixed, regular 23c I 3,000 styles of walstlngs. In all quality, at 12Vic silk, silk and wool, etc., at Men's heavy work gloves and mittens, on ale at 25c and 49c, worth double. Men's extra heavy wool lined work gloves and mittens, regular $1.60, on saio at $1.00. - Over 30,000 styles always to select from. Owing to the lateness of the season nd the heavy stock of dress goods still on hand, we will bo compelled to reduce our stock to at least half Its present size and in order to do this we will make tome of the most sensational prices that were ever given in this town on dress goods. Examine the following Items carefully: 2.50 3.50 Special cuts on Valour's etamlnes and mis trals. COLORED DRESS GOODS. All $160 broadcloths, all colors, at All $2.50 broadcloths, all colors, at All $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 broad cloths, In colors, at All Venetian at the same prices as above. WAIST1SGS. 08c 139 2.49 75c Lansdowne, In all shndes, at Sublime Imitation of Lans downe at 75c and 1.25 98c 50c French flannel. In plain colors, at The finest printed French flannel made, double warp, reinforced, matte "IT to sell at $1.00, only fuC We have now received our new line of Christmas chaltles. These are the finest line of challles that were ever shown In this or acy other city. We Import them direct from Paris; they are made to retail for $1.00 all over. Our price to start them will be.. Everything 4n evening shades for waists and evening dresses, every shade made, and our line of creams and white ex ceeds everything ever found west of Chicago. EXTRA SPECIALS. We will put 60 waist patterns on sale. These are embroidered and appllqued In the finest French foule; prices from $5.00 to $12.50 each; your choice as long as they last, for one entire pattern 75c 98c Flannel Dept. CHILDREN'S DfW" 2 cases. 16-lnch wide, extra neavy Shaker flannel, regular 15c per yard, Mon day 9c. 1 cases extra heavy, wool, skirting nau- nel. gl-ay and dark gray ana pina, per yard 25c..' 1 case 27-lnch, white wool nannei, per yard 15c. 1 case 7-8 Scotch flannel. lancy cnecas and stripes, per yard 29c. Th. mothers pleased and the little one made happy. Two entire manufacturers' stocks of children' hort and long cloaks bought at 50c on the dollar on sale , Mon ay. The most stupendous lot of coat we ever had tne pleasure of showing you. Carefully read the following prices and In justice to yourself see tbia stock. LOT 1 Children' long and1 4 length coats, age to 14, made of heavy frieze, with or without capes, trimmed with braid and satin; new cuffs, storm col lar; a very stylish garment for $1.45. 1 fiT 5 Phllilran'i Inn a lna1ra mafia nf tiaavv U.v.r frioi. .nH wrv. .uh nr without ran..- 5 cases 12-4, 5-lb.. gray, extra soft and heavy, warm, Bervlceable garments, would be cheap downey bed blankets, per pair $1.49, worth Bed Blankets 5 casea full Blze, tan and gray, extra heavy bed blankets, per pair 89c, worth $1.25. at $6.00; sale price, $2.95. LOT 3 Children's extra long cloaks and short Jackets, made of Washington Woolen Mills Kersey, , trimmed with or 8 rows of stitching around edges; ome satin lined throughout, a garment sold in this town for $7.95; on Bale at $4.96. 100 children's sample coata. Including all the novelties of this season, making a most extensive variety at $6.50, $7.50 and $8.90. Max Solomon's Skirts and Brown & Hyman's Walking Skirts The surplus stocks of two of the best known skirt manufacturer In New York City on sale at your very door Monday. The price are mere fraction of the values. As shown In our windows the past week. W. have just exactly 1,735 of these skirt. They come In rainy day and dress skirts trimmed with taffeta band and made of serges, cheviots, homespuns, pebble cheviots, friezes, fancy mixtures. They are .garments worth up to $7; on sale Monday at $1.98. Lot 2300 silk skirts. These are slmt'.ar to what we had in our show window a tew week ago, only better. They are worth up to $15; on sale Monday at $6.98. A remarkable purchase of rainy day skirts; 800 of them from a Chicago concern that wa anxious to sell their entire Hoe of samples. We cannot uae his name, as he ell to other houses In this city. They ar. worth up to $8.00; sale price, $4.98. 76 sample skirts In silks and fin. cloths at $8, $10, $12, $15 and $20. $2.25. 2 cases all-wool gray bed blankets, per pair $2.75. worth $3.50. 3 cases 11-4 all-wool filling, tan ana gray. extra soft wool, worth $4.98, per pair $3.7o. 2 cases white wool, extra fine stock, per pair $1.98, worth $3.00. 2 cases all-wool red -and black piaia Dca blankets, per pair $2.98. worth $3.25. Home-made bed comforters, just like mother used to make, extra large and heavy, extra low prices. Headquarters for cotton bats. 6 extra nice and large cotton bats for 25c. Extra large bats. Each bat 1 nicely papered In one sheet 72 Inches wide, 84 Inches long, snow-white cotton; each roll 60o and 60c. On roll makes a heavy com forter. , Bargains Monday ft m A FEW EXTRA GOOD THINGS FOR MONDAY'S TRADE IN THE WOMEN'S CLOAKS. You may take our word for It, no house In Amer ica will ell 1 cent cheaper. Women's Monte Carlo coats, trimmed with satin and taffeta bands In reds, castors and blues, at only $4.95. Women' Monte Carlo coats, made of best quality Washington mill kersey, lined with guaranteed satin, with coat or high storm collar, for $7.60, Women Monte Carlo coat In seven distinct styles, th. greatest variety of styles shown by any house; this the great leader, known as our $10 coat, mad. of Washington mill kersey, lin.d with Skinner' satin, stlt ched and trimmed equal to any $15 garment In Amerlc a, on sal. at $10. A larg . shipment by express just received. In long cloak and ail tn. novelties, at $12. $15, $1$ and $20. Women's Suit Sale The selling season for women's suit Is about over. Wc find ourselves with about 600 garments still on hand. We are not waiting until January 1 to give vou bartalns. W. will siva them to vou now Lot 1 Women Bulla, about 100 of them, made of La01"' 60c Belts, all wool materials. In serges, homespuns, mixtures and $1.50 Beaded Bags, only .... 100 elegant engraved visiting card Get your Xmas order in early. $3.00 Ladles' Neck RuffB ..87c 1.00 2.00 Vashablo Cotton Fabrics Flannelette velvet Kannl, Scotch shirt ing flannel, mercerized walstlngs and new percales. , ALL NEW STYLES JUST RECEIVED. SPECIAL PRICE SALE on all the new fabrics Monday, 500 pieces of the heaviest flannelette, made expressly for dress and waisting purposes, Monday, 10c yard. Walstlngs and Albatross flannel. In an endless assortment of colors and designs. on sale Monday, loc yard. Scotch shirting flannel, with linen warp, a popular shirting and waisting fabric, on sale Monday, 39c. English velour, 38 Inches wide, in black only, guaranteed the best manufactured and actually worth $1.50 yard.. This fabric Is the best value for walstlngs, shirtings and for all purposes a heavy, soft, silky material can be used; sale price Mon day. 75c yard. YAMA MAI Have you received our Ja panese story, telling of the new popular ailk lining fabric? Free for the asking. Dress Trimmings Monday we place on sale a full line of black, white and colored appliques at from one-half to one-third of the regular price. Ladies' New Lace Collars $1.00 lace collars at, each 60o 60c turnover collars at 25c 15c turnover collars at 6c rure linen handkerchiefs 6c $3.00 neck ruffs $2.00 $2.00 neck ruffs $100 Children's Dress Trimmings On sale Monday at lc, 2Hc and 6c yard Read This Letters "Zlon Lace Industries, Zion City, Lake countjr. Illinois, U. 8. A., Oct. 20, 1902. Hayden Bros.. Omaha, Neb: Dear Sirs Yours of Cirtober 15th received, and In re ply will say that we will today forward your shipment of goods, as per under standing in this letter Namely, that you are to have exclusive sale of our product tn Omaha. The lace curtains busi ness In included In this offer. Thanking you for your favor, we remain, yours faithfully. ZION LACE INDUSTRY, Arthur Stevenson, Mgr. R. D. R. M. W. ts?iijjj- J 1.49 rSEixs on Quality will buy an alr-tlght wood heater worth $2.25. A JIT will buy a No. 8 laundry tov. C(Uu worth $4.00. 5 OK will buy a wood alr-tlght, with gajU cast top and bottom lined all the wir uo. with nickel footralls, worth $8.00, ft nP will buy a 15-lncn oan neater OlWW worth $12.00. liWU fine, 17-Inch alr-tlght coal or wood neater worth $20.00. . If! CI EI wl" buy tbe be"t 't0T oa lUlWW earth, extra large, perfectly air tight, very handsome, weighing nearly 300 poudda, for hard or soft coal or wood, worth $23.00. will buy one of the very best double-heating base burners made, 14-Inch firepot, worth $35.00. OfC! will buy a warranted No. 8 cook I JO stove. Vine baker, worth $12.00. Monday in tho Bargain Room Having found ourselves with too many goods, both on our shelves and counters, and stacked up on top of our shelves, we will do compelled to make sensational cuts In this room. Very seldom have such goods been shown at these prices. 10c th r.oo 15c 39c i goods, 25c 49c W OOL DRESS GOODS. 54, 56 and 68-1 ru-h wide extra heavy suit ing that sold in the regular dress goods department as high as $3.50 a yard, wilf he placed on sale in this room at 75c, 59c and We will sell dress goods at 10c, 120, 15c, 19c and 25c that canuot bo obtained in this city for less than three times this price. SILK. 400 silk waist patterns, containing four yards each, which are worth from 75c to $1.00 a yard. We will sell the entire pat terns of four yards, and one CO pattern to a customer, at UwW COTTON DRUSS GOODS. 36-lnch fleeced lined French flannelette, made to sell at 15c and 19c, we have 200 pieces we will close out on If) A Monday at, a yard IUC We have about 50,000 yards of remnants of this French flannelette. In lengths from 24 to 10 yards. We will place Tf'( them on sale Monday at 1 2W We will place 20,000 of Simpson's black and white and silver gray prints, regular 6Ho goods, at. a yard I.2 We will sell 10c Canton flannel at 28.50 18.95 at everything good, worth up to $11.60; on sale for $8.50. Lot ! -Includes th. suits w. have sold up to $15, In all the new styles; sale ' prlc aow $10. " Lot $ Suits worth up to $22.50, some very good numbers amongst them; will b. closed out at $16.60. Extra Specials for Monday On. hundred doiea wrappers on sale Monday morning, extra heavy flannelettes, at 9c. Children's eiderdown cloak., age. 1 to 5 years, worth $1. for $1. Women's genuine astrakhan capes, lln ed with Skinner's satin, 30 inches long, for $12.50. Grand Ribbon sale Monday, 19c to Worth 20o to 60c a yard. 25c 10c Sheeting and Pillow Casing 9-4 unbleached sheeting, regular price 18c, for 15c yard. 8-4 bleached sheeting, regular price 18c for 15c 9-4 bleached sheeting, regular price 20c, for 17 He 10-4 bleached sheeting, regular price 22c, for 19c. 42-ln. bleached pillow casing, regular price 12HC for 10c. 45-ln. bleached pillow casing, regular price 13Vie, for llc. 81-90 ready-made sheet, bleached, price 60c, for 49c. 81-90 ready made sheets, unbleached, regular price 60c, for 42c. Remnants of table linen and toweling at half price on Monday only. Large shipment of curtain Swisses Just arrived In all tbe new designs and colors. will buy a steel cook, large 18- inch oven, has all the advan tages of a steel range, worth $25.00. Weather strip, per foot, c. Wood knife trays, 9c. 6-lttch atove pipe, 9c. Wood frame wringers, $1.09. 6-inch elbows, 6c. No, 8 copper bottom boiler, 79c. Double- roasting pan, 49c. Coal hods. 15c. 28x28 wood lined stove boards, 69c. Complete cobbler set, 43c. 600 carving sets, up from 49c per set, on ale Monday. : . Thanksgiving Linen Sale Monday will begin our Thanksgiving table linen sale at greatly reduced prices. We can save you 60 per cent by buying now. Don't fail to attend this Bale. Tabla Linen 60-in. turkey red table damask, regular S5c value, Monday only at 19c yard. 6S-in. bleached table damask, regular 35c, for 19c. 64-ln silver bleached damask, regular 65c, for 49c. 72-ln. silver bleached damask, regular $1, for 69c. 60-in. bleached, all linen damask, regu lar 60c, for 42V4c. 72-ln. bleached, all linen damask, regu lar 90c, for 62 He 72-ln. bleached, double satin damaak, regular $1.25, for 98c. 72-ln. bleached, double satin -damask, regular $1.50, for $1.15. Extra heavy mercertied damask, regular i 69c, tor 49c. 10c Shaker flannel at 75c new wool walstlngs 60c all wood challia .. 75c all wool French flannel 1.1 MJ . 75c half bleached all linen damask, at 72-lnch extra heavy all linen bleached dam ask, worth $1.00 a yard, at The nicest mercerized damask made, looks just like the $2.00 linen damask, and hav. never sold for less than 75c anywhere, Monday only NAPKINS TO MATCH. 19c linen towels, Monday 5c 5c 49c faUb 25c 39c ed dam- 59c e, looks nd hav. 49c 10c 19c huckaback towels, Monday Handsome small lunch napkins, worth f0e a dozen, one dozen to a cubtomer, Monday at 100 napkins, all large size, hand some designs, Monday only Stand covers, all colors, handsome goods. made to sell for $1.25. We will sell two to a customer Monday at. IADKRWKAW. sizes Children's sweaters ,ln fancy colors from 3 to 8 years, regular price $1.25, on sale at Children's extra heavy fleece lined and pants at 10c, 15c, 20o and 75c vest 25c Boys' heavy fleeced shirts and drawers. In all sizes, regular 60c quality, IJIJ on sale at mUw Ladles' extra heavy fleece lined evst nnd pants. In gray and ecru, tho reg- J ular 75c quality, on sale at wtf G Lames outing flannel gowns, in stripes ana cnecks, regular $1.00 quality, on aale at Men's and boys' working mittens, at 19c, 25o and Men's extra heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers, in blue and gray, flP. worth up to $1.00, on sale at OuC Boys' part wool sweaters, in maroon and blue, worth 75c, on ?ale at FROM M30 TO 9 O'CLOCK A. M. s We will sell a yard-wido unbleached raus- Ud. fine., heavy goods, worth 6V4C a yard;'1 "'' only 10 yards to,a customer, .,.,., Jin,..,,, at, per yard iai2V FROM 2 TO 2iSO P. M. We . will give one of our old-fashioned stem-winding dress goods sales. In which we almost give goods away. You will find 64, 66 and 68-Inch wide, extra heavy suit ing, worth from $1.50 to $5.00 a yard. You will And etamlnes, velours and mistrals that sell from $1.00 to $3.00, and a lot of goods up to $5.00. Only one pattern to customer at, a yard 49c gloves and 39c 39c 25c Grand UiHIncry Sals Monday we put on sal. some exceptionally pecial values In exquisitely trimmed winter tats at $2.18. $398. $4.S and $7.50. Among these are direct copies of imported pattern hats, representing th. very newest and swellest Parisian and eastern creation. The immense variety will enable you to secure a moat becoming tyle la the height of twshloa and at a most astonishingly low price. See the splendid values la street bats we ar. offering Monday at &Oc, 75c and 8c. These ar. worth from $1 25 te $2 SO. Special sal. en children's head wear Monday. alleys SHIRTS IX BARUAIK ROOM. tpil Job purchase from a local wholesaler in all styles, every one seasonable, all colors, all sliea. They ar worth $1; .a sale Monday in the Bargain Room at lift. V Special Sale 100 gold filled spectacles and eyeglass frames, $3.50 values, at $1.79. 00 alumlnieo spectacle and eyeglas.e., fitted with fine rrystal lenaes, usual price $2.60; aale price; tic. Nickel plated reading glasses, 98c kind, at 4So. No charge for examination. Jewelry Sale We a-ut on special sale a lot of new quad ruple plated sugars and creamer, bon bons, toothpick holders, vases, candle sticks, hair receivers, ash trays, child's cups and saucers, cigar holders, salve Jars aud child's knife, fork and spoons,' which we will put on sale Saturday at, each, 25c. We also have on aale a number of new designs In sterling silver topped salts and peppers, at, per pair, 39c. For a limited time we will sell knives and forks, triple plated coin silver, per set t knives and forks, for $1.48. A flue Una of jewel boxes at 69e. Steel beaded chatelaines, best made, at 49c, 69c. 87c and 8c. Special Sale Sweaters Some prices for Monday: Boys' $1.50 sweaters, fancy colors, all the newest patterns, on sale at 98c. Boys' $2.00 pure worsted sweaters, all tho latest styles, on sale at $1.25. Children's regular $1.60 sweaters. In fancy stripes, best quality, on sale at 98c. Girls' sweaters, ages 3 to 8 years, in pure worsted, red, whlto and royal blue, regular price $2.00; sale price, $1.39. Misses' sweaters, ages 9 to 16, worth $2.60; sals price, $1.75. Men's $1.50 wool sweaters, black, blue and maroon, at 98c. A swell line of men's fine sweaters, all tbe new patterns and styles, at $1.50, $2.00, $3.60 and up. Grand Hat Sale 875 DOZEN MEN'S HATS NOW ON SALE. Better hats and better styles a sale sur passing any and all efforts ever made by us or any other housfe. The season's new est creations and all the correct popular shapes which are so extensively advertised throughout the city at $2.00 and $2.50 will go In this sale at Hayden's at $1 25 and $1.60. Great Gap Sale Monday 300 dozen men's and boy' winter cap, made by the best manufacturers in the country; all tbe new colors and styles; made to sell for 60c, 75c and $1.00 sal price Monday at 25c, 35c and 60c. Hayden's Gandy Our candy is the finest that can be made by the hands of man. . It is all made from the best cane sugar, ws would like all the ladles' to come and sample our candy. We want every lady in Omaha to call and get a sample of ths pure maple sugar and pure maple syrup received direct from the maple sugar camps in Ohio. This I the only way to satisfy yourself of tbe excellent quality of these delicious and wholesome goods. We will be glad to give you free samples. Did I Not Tell You So? That the Importation of Sugar from Cuba was ao heavy that the trust could not keep the price up? lbn. Pure Granulated Hugar 25c Letting Down the Prices on Farinaceous Goods On dried peas, beans, barley, sago, tapioca, hominy, I BiHi a.ii lannacepui gouas. oatmeal, cornmsal, grits Napkins regular 75c, 5-8 size bleached napkins. for 49c. 3-4 size union bleached napkins, regular 1 M,fr,liowfat p' Navy hand olca.d beans Michigan White lima Beans Split peas Kiln dried $1.25, for 69c. S-4 size all linen bleached napkins, regu lar $2.00, for $1.39. u ...n.i. j ...... 1. 1.. m ..... A. pais .. .ilt:t . . . I,.. .. iw.iuB) .1.., . a u n ' , . barley BfO larl $1.60, for $1.00. Hemstitch Table Gloths 8-10 size turkey red, fringed table cloth, regular 85c, Monday for 65c. 8-10 size colored border fringed table cloth, regular $1.50, for Due. 8-4 size all linen fringed table cloth, regular $1.75, for $1.19. 8-10 slzo hemstitched, all linen, beautiful patterns, sold regular at $2.25, Monday only $1.48. 8-10 size hematitched, all linen table cloth, regular price $2.50, Monday special $1.69. .4c 5c 54c 34c 3ic 3C 34c 34c Premium barley Cl-allenje barley Pearl hominy Flake hominy Coarse hominy Granulated hominy ...5c ..54c 34c ...5c ..34c 54c Granulated Kiln Dried O Corn Meal 0 S Fine sago v Wlilte kiln dried corn meal - Farina Hominy Grits Buckwheat flour, per sack Granulated kiln dried corn meal Tapioca flake tapioca OQ 5c 5c ' 3c 50c 5c .......34c New park toma toas, per can Letting Down ths Prices on Canned Goods nit N'w P,olt black- O I -(JSC Wrle. per oan ....OlC New pack black- Jew pack gooM- ni berries, per can U C I 3-lb. cans pump k'.ns, per can .... 84e LTL! r?rn o) fo) I t Evaporated apples very fine Evaporated Michi gan parhea Evaporated Cali fornia reaches Prim. Crawford peac Cholc Letting Down the Prices on Dried Fruit peach. Vvhoi. flour 10c 84c 10c i. Crawford "11 h.s MC K.M.u!r I24c 31c Good Rice, per pound ... Malta Vita, per packag. Hit package ..M IUW IwC per" packag. 1 0 C 19ns English wal- If" nuts, per pound 136 1"2 braz.ll nuta, III. per iKiund IwG 1X! mixed nuts, C. per pound .. IwG Tea and Coffee Fig redurttona in teas before tho djty U taken off. NUT AND ORANGE DALE. 102 sweat orange, fr dozen If iz peanut, 10c r anry new tea riflings, only . (Or Imported gunpow- 0C ler tea, only 036 r Kngllbh breakfasting v sundrled Japan leu Ceylon. Java and Murln Coffee Momiellng, Java and Mocha, t 35c 25c 33c per auart 1 Hallow. an dates, per pound Imperial Java Coffee Family Java and Much. Good drink Cofjaa I5c .Jc 74c 174c 224c lOo.