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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1902)
TI1K OMAnA DAILY BEE: SCNDAT. OTEMUEIt 10, 1002. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits Special Accommodations for Out-of-Towti Depositors Sale of Silks in Correct Evening Shades HHJII-CLASS evening silks fr party fjowns in the latest Paris, Lyons ami New York soft flinging silk fabrics, grenadines, silk-embroidered Mousselines, Mexicans, nets, all silk moire, HweinroradeH, new moiie satin rave, new erepe empire, new 43-in. mousseline erepe, peau mignoruiette brilliant, etc. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. f 1 quality satin finished rrepe de ehine AQr 4r-incli Freneb erepe de cbine 1.95 4S different shades VJ7W worth 13.00 22-incb all silk Louiseue brilliant QCr 24-ineb "Bonnet" satine Keine , 1 CQ worth $1.28 OOC worth $250 .. !Mr 27-inob all silk genuine peau de crepe fiOc 4.-inch mousseline crepe (lmporteti) OoC grenadine, for tee on every piece. r A 95c .i ..nh ti !; - worm 24-incli'all silk wbite CQ. 43-in. white and black OR -'2-in. all silk moire L1 hair line stripe grenndines, renaissance (new; regular - Special Selling; of "Bonnet" Black Silks. Our black silk special Bales have been such a grand success we offer Monday many specials, re .ri" hiark I vnn llk tuMt arrived in advance (or the holiday trade. We import these black silks direct with the manufacturers' special guarant Silks warranted for six months or more without breaking. 24 in. "Bonnet" peau de luxe, very soft ami clinging, the latest French weave, especlHlly adapted for evening costumes, every yard worranlpfl worth 11 X flnprifll 24-ineb, "Bonnet" stamped on every piece T9C per yard t :?(-in. "Bonnet" imperial brand raglan taffeta, best in tbe world ,25 lor wear worm l.w. at 22-in. "Bonnet" new peau armure 22-in. "Bonnet" new Fleiir de SOie brilliant, especially adapted for gowns guaranteed not to crack and get Q and shirt waists, this Is an entirely new f QE glossy, worth $1.65. special aI- wear, worth $t.60-speclal vj EXTRA SPECIALS 1IN VfcUYtn:. 27-lneh Boulevard Coat Velvet 1.05 i7nch Boulevard' Coat Velvet'.' blue or Jet black , 871 c worth 11.60. at All silk Lyons Velvet TSC worth 11.25 A 30-Inch all silk (Martina) Lyons Coat Velvet, very fine QE quitlity-worth 3 UO. at " 32-Inch very handsome quality, rich mellow black 2 2s! worth $3.60, at ' PHOENIX niLLS COLORED TAFFETAS Our Phoenix mills Italian finish taffeta Is a special feature of our new enlarged silk department, having added over DO dif ferent new shades from our already large assortment, including II the nnw scarce changeable glace taffeta. We can match any hard shade and will guarantee every yard sold Dy us or this grand taffeta. Samples mailed to dressmakers fj g? out of town special price, a yard A. Jt BEGIN YOUR CHRISTMAS SAVING A Little Home Safe Free to Depositors IWIsTPHf!Lll!JaJlXLlLJLkJJCffnTrrflntinrTsWBHaTTff I 1 J 1 1 1 ill 1 1 i I'M 1 1 laWMIfl J'Bl HI I It 11 1 1 Extraordinary Selling of Dress Goods An importer' of the highest grade dress goods sold us tbe balance of his importations, about 8,000 yards of English Unfinished Worsted, Scotch Cheviots, plain and pebble French Broadcloth, etc., all 54-inch goods, never sold less than $1.50 and up to Cjf 12.50, in dress lengths and skirt lengths, on bargain square at On Bargain Square The latest styles of On Bargain Square We have received Knickerbocker, Monte Carlo, Scotch another shipment of about 3000 yards of Flaked goods, Panama cloths, etc., never those fine French Broadcloths, Amazon, sold lees than $1.25 and up IT Dekin8' GolfinS cl ' o 1 7 finished worsteds, canvass cloths, etc. Xlbl ' 1 fiOr Good8 a11 "tailing from $2 to ROQn ch0,ce"" UVl all colors, your choice Monday.. IVOC Swell Waist Goods-All the latest Fairies Albatross, Fancy Waist- Hn A Cn ings, Mohair, Silk Novelties, French Flannels, 75 and 85o values, aC, 4VC Specials in the Main Dress Goods Department. Creme Bnlliantine 4QC Creme Oatmeal Cloth, 40-inch 39c Creme Yachting Serge; 40-inch 49c Silk Etamine Pastel tints, 44-inch 75c Cheviots, all colors, 42-inch 4QC Burr Etamine, $ 1.00 grade . . . 75c Raindrop Mohair, 44.inch... 59c Kersey for walking skirts, 56-inch . . $1.00 Black Dress Goods. Prunella, Venetian and Satin Twills, for Burr Etamine, $1 grade 69c waists, 3gc Kersey Cloth (for unlined skirts) 20 ounce, Unfinished W orsteds, shrunken, $1.35 grade $1.00 wide, worth tl and $1.25 85c English Doeskin, 60-inches wide, Silk Voile Eolienne, 44-inch. $1.25 $3 grade $1.39 voue ciamine, iwjne diamine and nn French Voile, 44 and. wide, iCr . .. VJZ7, worth $1, at. A Clearance of High Grade Street Hats w&$gtr my $10 Hit Tomorrow at $5 Tomorrow should prove to be a noteworthy day in the y annals of this season's aelllng of street ha ts. On this occasion we will offer at half price about one hundred and seventy-flvs of the highest grade street hats designed In London and New York. All of the newest prevailing material such as beaver, chenille, camel's hair, fur, silk velvet, cloth, etc. Trimmed In the verr smartest styles. Have been sold up to now at $10 while they last $9 Trimmed Beaver Hats at $5 -Two hundred and fifty genuine nap beaver $5 $15 Pattern Hats at $8.45 A vast col lection of the brightest prevailing ideas for the lata fall and winter season. There are Innumerable styles to chooee from. The latest hints from Paris and New York Included with our own superior nroductlons will be found ln this offering, while they last '8.45 hats In black and colors, also fine black and colorea silk velvet hats, elegantly trimmed with fine ostrich plumes, Jet and ornaments we offer on Monday at five dollars. Thene goods cannot be dupli cated elsewhere under $9 Monday $5 $5 Trimmed Hats at $2.50 -Upwards of five hundred trimmed hats of fine quality silk velvets In both black and colors, also other materials artistically draped with all the newest novelty trimmings. These hats are the equal of such aa are still being sold at most stores at So.00, at 2.50 $1.25 Lallea' Black Hats at 55c 100. dozen fine shaggy felt untrlmmed hats In all the close fitting popular walkiug shapes and turbans, suitable for wear for the balance of the season. m mm Sold In most stores at $1.25, pric.....Q Children's Trimmed Hats at $1 Second FUiw und Basement Upwards of two hundred and fifty handsome trimmed hats for children, worth every cent of two dollars and a half, made mostly of shapes in the pretty and popular flop effect, and trimmed with beautiful maralbo. pompoms, chenilles,, etc., (V all colors, at n J $3 Silk Velvet Hats at $ 1 .69 Over 75 dosen silk velvet hats in both black and colors, some are draped prettily over the brims, while some are tucked and shirred the regular price Is $3.00, at . 1.69 Black Ostrich Tips Three In bunch, very fine soft Egyptian, stock of French curl, easily worth 75c bunch 39c Ostrich Plumes Fifty dozen 18-inch black ostrich plumes, Amazon curl also white a f " l.OU $1.50 Bi? Sea Gulls 69c 75c Fine Bi; Pompoms 25c $1.25 Big Black Pigeons 49c 50c Black Feather breasts 19c OsLirh Plumes at $2.95 Twenty-six dosen 21-lnch length black Amazon curl. Egyptaln stock. French dye. f also white easily worth $4, at . Black Birds at 49c One hundred dozen large black Mexican crows, long tails, decidedlv scarce In the market A r the $1.25 kind, sale price Carpets and Rugs at Remarkable Bargains For unprecedented value and genuine bargain giving of absolutely new and fresh goods, this sale has never had a parallel 75c Carpets for 49c a yard. One lot of regular 75c tap psiry Hrusjris carpets in new patterns, in nan 49c $1 Carpet at 65c yard. One lot of genuine U-wire Smith ft Hlgglns Bruseln Carpets, with and without bor- f ders. in floral, geometrical and oriental effects, OOC worth $1.00, at, a yard $1.50 Carpets at 98c yard. All of tbe best grades of Axmlnster and Moquette Carpets in light and dark r f effects, very handsome patterns, would be cheap VfOC at $1.50 a yard, all go at Ingrain Carpets 47c a yard. All of the full standard all wool In Krai n carrots that many stores sell for 75c a a mm I yard. We have an exceptionally large range of L ,0 stair, sleeping room and parlor designs, a yard $1.25 Carpets at 89c Somo of the newest and most beautiful carpets ever shown. They are In high piled r f velvets, with and without borders. In halj. stair, ftlJC parlor, dining room and sleeping room patterns .... ' Carpets at 39c a yard. C. C. or cotton chain, ingrain carpets, strictly all wool filling. For wearing quality V. I .. r, .. -... I. u uimi.rUir ti un all wnnl I'll ri ift fit . twice the price. A large range of patterns, tomorrow -' patterns in these tarpets tomorrow at, a yard Great Display and Sale of MacU Up Carpets Made from our accumulation of velvet Wilton and Brussels Carpets, many of them have borders to match and many of them are without borders at less than half usual price. Bring In the measurements of your room and If ws have a size to fit w. guarantee a big and genuine bargain. . Brussels Rugs One lot of 0x12 tapestry Brussels rugs, in beautiful pattern, oriental and parlor designs, QQ better wearing Brussels rugs are not made, tomorrow at, each, ZJ Sample Sale of Stylish Coats and Suits. Two entire sample storks, bought on spot cash basis for 50c on the dollar, from the Teerless Cloak Company and M. Perlstein of Isew York the swellest new ideas in coats. Loose Coats, 45 & 48 inches r ca long, worth up to 150.00, at.. H9 9 -OVJ Loose Coats, 48 Inches 39.00 Loose Coats, 45 and 48 19.00 long, worin up to 93, incites long, worm up at ......... .-f rl I to The Finest Shoes in Omaha. FINE SHOES for Men Women and Children. for People Who Want the Best. (iRANDoFENING NEW WINTER STYLES On Second Floor IN THE New Shoe Dept. SU to 11 pair 114 to 2 pair 37.50 -24.50 New Monte Carlos in novelty ideas, tcoff worth up to $65.00, at Ipy TO ZPOO Loose rionte Carlo coats 2 4. 50 Fine Jlonte Carlos in 12.50 of Zibeline Montagnac . great variety of . . worth up to $49, at, ... 10,(3(3 styles, worth up to $25, 4.o5 Ladies' Sample Suits at Magnetic Prices. We display nearly 100 samples of high grade tailored suits no two of them alike. They were bought at a great sacrifice, so we can afford to put them out at such seemingly impossible prices. Zibeline and Broadcloth Suits, worth 75, at $39 Zibeline Novelty Cloth & Tweeds worth $50,24.50 Swell Cloth Suits in new ideaa, worth $17.50 $8.98 TMllMBSSMSasSBMSSMSSSSSBBBB-as-MMIBSSBBBBSBSaBBSMSOTHSBBBBBSaSBSiaiSaasBSm Attractive Silk Skirt Offers. 511k Skirts Wonderful array of styles and a Oft shapes, manv worth up to $20.00 0"0 12,50 tapes, many worm up Silk Skirts-All odd satnplt-s bought in sample line, worth $25.00 r Great Values in Furs. Black Sable Boas, extra long $1.49 Sable, Opposaum, Cluster Scarf..... 2.98 Isabella, Sable, Fox Long Scarfs, $35.00 down to 7.50 Double Fox Scarfs at : $4.98 to $49.00 Great Values in Blankets for Monday We are selling better blankets for less money than has ever been sold in the city. We offer tliese special inducements for tomorrow. Silver Gray Blankets at $2.98 a pair. Very fine quality of sliver gray extra super soft and fleecy 10-4 site blankets. No mors substantial blanket Is made at $5.00. These ws offer at, a pair 2.98 Government Blankets at $2.98 each, We also place on sal. one case of genuine United States Government blue gray blankets averaging In welKbt over 6 pounds to tbe pair. These are called over-weight and are rejected by the gov- S" f Q ernment as being too heavy. Tomorrow at, each. MtVO At $3.98. One lot of 11x4 sanitary stiver gray, white or tan Blankets O Oft at, a pair 0"0 At $1.50. Our line of cotton Blankets shows the best val ues ever offered. We have them at, a pair, 49c, 4 PA 75c 98c, $1.25 and..l.OU At $4.98. All wool Mis souri make 11x4 Blanket in tan, gray, white or fancy plaid, well worth $7.00, a pair at.... .4.98 At 25c Special sale of single cotton Blanket, fancy rain bow and jaoquard weaves, suitable lor slumber robes, bath blankets ,25c A BIG BARGAIN CHANCE IN COMFORTERS Comforters that are made of One Silkollne, filled with pure white cotton and hand-knotted, they go at" 98c,$1.25, $1.39, $1.50, $2.50 and $1.98 each. A special feature of our comfort line is an extra large size, band made comforter. We have them made la extra large size. They are hand knotted and made of fine sateens, fine outing flannels and fine cretonnes. -4 flft We offer them at, each lmrO Basement Bargains Tomorrow 100 pieces of plain end fnnry striwrt cotton waist Inns that generally sell for g 15o a yard, we offer them iC tomorrow, at Tomorrow One big table of comforter anl dress prints, the regular 6'2c kind, .jC go at, yard Tomorrow One big table of 3K- Ineh wlile, comforter sateen In hamiwime ..oral patierns, f regular 15c quality, go at, O2C a yard Tomorrow One table of shaker and canton flannel. In be, s Be. "c and 8c qualities, a-f all go at Tomorrow One big table e36 inch wide silkollne, sulta- bl. for comforters, 1 go at yard , .... ' w Tomorrow One table of Ever ett classic gingham remnants, these are the lie in bray ginghams that sell at U'-ji- we mm offer them tomorrow JC In the Yarn Department The best grade of imported zephyr yarn that generally sells at6o a lap we offer tomorrow -f all colors, at, poY lap , Ladies' Underwear Great Early Season Bargains in Winter Weight Undergarments Hisses and Children's Medium Weight Vests, 4 f Pants and ilrawers.tino ribbed, worth 3oc,at Boys' and Girls' Net Wool Underwear, heavy "5EI fleeced Vest.l'anU and Drawer, worth OOo nisses' and Children's Comblna- A CI- Oft tlon Suits, medium & heavy weight tI VCVOC Ladles' Fine and Heavy Ribbed Underwear, a r worth 35c, at IzsC Ladles' Union suits, fine wool, medium and heavy 49c-69c-98c Ladles' Oneida and Florence 5tylesj Combination Suits, buttoned across top, Oft C at 7. Jvc-o9c Ladles' and Children's Qolf Qloves All wool golf gloves, plain and fancy, at $1.50 Kid Gloves at 59c-Huge bargain square filled with high grade kid gloves these are "mended gloves," their imperfections being but slight. We have received an other big shipment and J" t uyt sm..Uk.t-L.t., ! J ffer them at 25cv35o50c Men's Sample Hosiery 250 dozen bluik, tan and fancy colon such as shown in window full seamless, some double sole and spliced heel- worth up 'I f A f- Sue pair THE SECOND RECORD BREAK1NQ WEEK OF THE ' Worlds Greatest Clothing Sale Our Great Sale of the entire wholesale stock of A. Rosenberg, 136 Bleeker St.,N.Y. U Winter Suits at S7.45 Here are suits that are worth just about 50 per cent more than we ask for them. They are very stylish and they are per- feet fitting. We want you to see them yourselves. They were made $ pm to sell from $12 to $15, at j 9cssa S20 Overcoats at S5 andSIO The most popular fabrics are to be found in this line, worth (L-rl jr ...f:o.ANdo$!0..iO 1.50 98c .www s..:..:.' ... . Men's Pants worth ' $3 to $4 at Fancy and Silk Vests, worth $2.50 to $3 at Boys'. Overcoats, worth O QQ $7.50 to $8.50 at i We are Sole age nts la Omaha for I Rogers Peet SCo's Suits and Overcoats. The best ready-to-wear Clothing In America. The clothing 17 CA 4n IS A A that la chosen by the best dressers lleJU IU OU.UU RICH CUT GLASS At One-Half Jewelers' Prices. A great assortment of fine cut class which we offer at Just about half what tbe Jeweler asks. This Is all the Ohio Bowling Green cut glass, which Is so superior to the usual inex pensive cut glass as to make comparison impossible. The glass Is in de sign and general beauty the counterpart of the very highest grade and expensive cut glass. We have PUNCH BOWLS, SUGAR AND CREAM GLASSES, BON BON DISHES, ETC. They are CUT IN SUNBURSTS. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, MOHAWK, AND THET ALL GO AT ONE-HALF JEWELERS' PRICE. SILVERWARE ON SALE nONDAY On sale Monday in our Jew. elry department Wm. A. Rogers Horse Shoe brand spoons, knives and forks, all warranted to be 21 per cent extra silver on nickle silver. Wm. A. Rogers Horse Shoe brand, tlx knives and six forks, 12 pwt., i'r::!' 2.39 Wm. A. Rogers Horse Shoe brand Teaopons, extra plate, for A Or set of six...... Wm. A. Rogers Horse Rhoa brand Table Spoons, extra plate 21 per cent on nickle sil ver, at, for AUo sot of six VOW Exceptional Bargains in Linens Buying our linens from European manufacturers for spot cash and buying in the largest quantities enables us oft times to sell at less than wholesale price. Very special bargains are on sale tomorrow for the first time. 72-inrb finest grade, full bleached, all linen double satin damask, new rQ ... VUl- and very attractive designs, regular $1.50 quality, at, yard $1.25 quality 72-inch full extra One all linen damask elegant goods, at, a yard. bleached 60c quality all linen German bleached table damask. at. yard ::.75c nan silver k 29c Extra heavy 24-Inch German bleached napkins, the kind will give you wear $2 value, at, dosen half that 1.25 75c quality all linen German silver bleached and Irish full bleached table damask. This jot Is a great bargain, at, yard.. S.-.e quality all linen Scotch un bleached table damask, at, yard A lot of very One full bleached dou ble satin damask napkins worth up to $5.00 at, 2 50 50c ch un- 19c When in need of anything in tw Linen line we solicit your patronage Fringed table cloths, Z an? yaros long. In plain wbite and fancy bor der, regular price $125 and $2.00 a'enach:"l::69c-98c 60e atiuares for centers of tables or shams or center table covers, em broidered, some, plain OC ,. mm-Jy $1 hemstitched damask towels with fancy drawn work, 47 Inches long made from the finest dou ble satin damask, at 60c scarfs, hemmed and strictly all linen, go at, esch 59c fringed, 25c white, go at Natural Foot Shape Shoes For Children Hand sowed, fine kid, button and lace. rimit leather and bent shoe making tlmt money can buy. 1 to 6, without crin heel, pair OVW 6 to 8, spring f IE heel, nair Misses' Extension Sole and Real Welt Sole Shoes. 1.39 and 1.75 1.59 and 2.25 Young Ijidlr' Pprlnc Hoel and ltnlf Heel Shoes, ii'i to 6, 11.50, $1.75 $1.9!i. $2.25, $2.50. Extra Special Shoes Second Floor New Dept. Ladies' Custom Shoes Hand WeltJ $ ET fr Hand Turns... D mJJ Two remarkably fine styles of la files' shoes. Graceful shoos the ex treme of elegance, without that dashy display so distasteful In many high priced lines. Distinctly a "gen tlewoman's shoe." One In a dull, mat kid and the other a fine briglil Kid not patent leather. Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoe. I ,V5Gr i,,. Vj Ten Stylet for Patent Leathers cost Men Sfa5.00 and Enamels 5 QQ This Shows Mow the Sole Is Jr wmnWtHl.W IIU " li um.s i"')Wo csi ' . ," 'mI . -txxrm-' - ,r ''mmwwi 'immm B Child's B V Rubbers, 19C !( -k;.. 27c H V rT0 Indies' JQC y Hubbera, ON BARGAIN SQUARE On Sectnd Floor Ladies' Shoes at $1.98 Real welt soles regular price $3 Ladies' Shoes -at $2.50 Welt and turn soles In over 40 different styles, all new, regular price $3.50. Infant's Fancy Soft sole shoes and moccasins. 50c Over 100 new styles Men's Shoes -at- $1.98 Very swell style. Patent enamels heavy soles. Men's Shoes at- $2.50 Real welt sole. The celebrated $ 50 Lazarre shoe cut to $2.50. Men's Warm Shtes 1.50-S3 For freezing weather. In the Basement Ladies' Slippers At 59c In a dozen styles, plain leather and warm lined. Ladies' Warm Shoes At 1.25 In 15 styles. different ! Men's Shoes At 1.59 Good heavy soles snd medium soles, regular $2.50 shoe, on sale at $1.(9. Misses' Shoes At 89c All sizes. ' light or heavy. Men's Work Shtes At 59c Extra heavy. Boys' Shoes At 69c Sizes I to 13. Ladies Shtes At 1.39 All sixes, regular $2.00 and $2.tX shoes. 1 iioston stoui:. .1. 1a. HKAXDKIS & SONS. IIOSTON KTOIli:. J h. ItltANDKIS & SON'S. Boston stoim:. J. J j. HKANDKIS & SONS. BOSTON STOKi: