Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Pavls SHI drugs.
Ptockrt veils carjwts and mil.
Klrgant new Xm;iH rlnit"S Bt KclimWt's.
Ktert watch repairing, lieffert. 40t B'way.
i'nr rnt, moilern six-room house, by W.
X,. Krnoy, Zll Alain strett. . '
f'lxthf'ppin, as many b. you want, leper
ozfii. A. H. lluwf, 3l'l HromlwHy.
lrfiitl i;iy i'" pir ifnt rllxromit on framed
picture. I'. K Alexander Co.. a.(3 b'ay.
St. Alhiin'ft lixlifp, Knlahl of Pythias,
will rotifer tho third rank Monday even
ing. r'or rent, nlenly furnlHhd front room,
reasonable price. Inquire awi North First
Wanted at once, carrier with horse for
route on Th Bee. Apply at the office. No.
10 Pearl alreet.
We are headquarters for 'glass of all
kind. Bee us t.(ure you buy. C. B. faint,
011 and Glana Co.
Ixidt. drill prlr.e Of Hazel ramp, No. 171.
Jblodem Woodmen of America. Finder
i?uvi at 2J4 Went Kroadway.
Mrs. Frank P. Morgan of Pea Monies, a
former reeldcnt of that rlty, la the guest of
Mr. and Mra. H. W. Hinder.
A marriage lleenae waa laatred yeaterday
to Braden Urake, Jr., aifed X2, and Mary
Jane Carroll, aged IX. both or Umana.
There will he a meeting- thla evening of
JUuffM company. No. 27, Uniform Hank,
Knlglita of 1'ythlaa, In St. Alban s hall.
Mra. K. II. Hrently and Mra. J. D. Kelly,
Who have been the gueata of C. C. Hamil
ton and family, left yesterday for their
fcomea In Parla, Tex.
Abe Mnmln post, Ora.nd Army of the
Itepubllo, will meet thla evening at 7 o'clock
itnd at K o'l'loi k will Join tho Woman's Re
lief corpa In an open session.
The Purity Candy Kltrhen, Mfi Broadway,
Will have another big candy sale Saturday,
JJovembor 15. Mutter Hcoteli, angel food
taffy, line chocolates and other pure home
made randlen at lo cents a pound.
Having refurnished my gallery up-to-date
I offer this month 13 photos for II. nO and M
Jihotoa for U.iiO jier dozen. Have your
'hrldtmuH photos taken now. tstlgleman,
eJ and 45 South Main street, upstairs.
A. '.. Muhher, a retired carpenter who
had been boarding Ht the Metropolitan
hotel, died there yesterday afternoon, aged
73 yeara. The body was removed to Cut
ler's undertaking rooms pending the ar
rival of relative from Onawa, la.
Chester F.ghert will havo a hearing be
fore Justice Bryant today on a charge pre
ferred against hint by II. V. O'Netl of at
tempting to rob a farmer In O'Nell'a saloon.
In default of ball placed fit $fno Egbert wae
committed yeaterday to the county Jail.
The Council Wliiffa E1k will hold a ao
clal session next Thuraday. nlsht In place
of the regilur bu,Hl(iY meeting., Dr. J. 11.
Cole, W. B. Cessnui J'aiiuer'"h,nnx-and 11.
J. Nichols iomprW! ; 111 en'mtrilttee ap-
Jiolnted to arrange.; program' jfor the even
nga festivities, : i. ,,. ; , ' ; ,! ,. ... , ..
Mrs. Alice iWls Bodrln.ii, ',nt 'this .city,
who whs recently1 married Ihi Avoca, la., to
A. Rodrlque, tho young man arrested a few
days ago In St. Joseph, -Mo.( and taken to
Hloux City to answer to a charge of for
Iterv, haa instituted suit for divorce. Rod
rlque aerved through the campaign In the
Philippines and for a time was employed
In the business department of a local even
ng paper.
Mra. Emily McClelland yeaterday dla
rnlssed the two suits brought by her In the
district court agiilnat Olsen & Mortoneen,
keepers of the Creston, hourte saloon. She
alleged that they hiid Bold . liquor to her
aon. a minor, und in one suit sought to
recover damages and in the other to en
Join them from selling intoxicating liquors.
The suits were brought shortly after the
nsaault on Clurk Mover In front of the
Oreeton house saloon, which resulted In
Moyer's death.
Aa the grand Jury failed to take cogni
sance of the case the charge against C. P.
flaaty and Henry Hull of assaulting Jacob
Stein with intent to murder was dismissed
yeaterday in police court.- Hasty, however,
was tinea to and costs for assaulting Stein's
partner, a man named Anderson, nut the
fine was remitted on Hasty paying the
costs, which amounted to 17.45. Frank;
Kane, who was with' Hasty and Hall at
the time Stein was assaulted. Is said -to be
the man who struck Stein with the paving
block. Kane has left the city and the
police have been unable to locate htm,
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 251
Child Frightens Thief.
The little daughter of W. H. Busao, a
former member of the police department,
living at 705 South Sixth street, was awak
ened about 5 o'clock yesterday by a thief
who had entered her room. The little
girl, thinking the Intruder was her father,
called out to iim, asking him what be
wanted. The fellow dashed from the room
Into tho dining room adjoining and through
an open window. In his hasty flight the
thief carried the window curtains with him.
Buase, awakened by the noise of the fel
low jumping through the window, seised his
revolver and took one shot at the thief
as he sped towards the alley, but missed
him. Investigation showed that the un
welcome visitor had gained entrance by
climbing on a aaw horse and opening the
dining room window through which he
plunged head foremost In his escape. The
fellow secured a gold hunting case watch
which was on the bureau in the little girl's
Plumbing and heating. Blxby Boa.
Darls sella paints. ,
Guards Havvj Hisrel Game. t
Owing to the rain the Dodge Light
Guards' toot ball team haa been unable to
practice this week, but the soldiers ex
pect nevertheless to sustain their record In
the game this afternoon with Bellevue col
lege. The Bellevue team la said to be
confident of winning and this confidence la
shared by Coach Whipple. Tom Moore,
Bellevue'a left halfback, la said to be a
wonder as a drop goal kicker from the
field and this. It Is said, promises to be a
feature of this afternoon's giftne at
Manawa. The game will be called at S
o'clock and thla will be the ltaeup:
Frltld R. K it,. K Tlmm..
McWkortw R. T. U T Knox
- c- ......... Willi.
C. H: Wlrkh.n.
A. cooiwr
U T.
K. T. Orw
R. K- n.n
- L. K
i. B.
R. H. B
?...,;.U H. B.
4- B HutWford
l 1C B... Mulllck
H. B Ulotrlch
r. a.
f- Richmond
Substitutes: Dodge Light Guards, Law
rence and Williams.
let tbc GOLD DUST twin do your work."
la a woman's bast friend when wish 4v comet
around. It maliss the dothaa sweet an4 clsan.
Takes orly htll the time' and hsJI tna labor Of soap.
Just lollow duactions on pAck&gs.
Chtcaco. Nsw York, Brnton, St Louis,
Makers of OVAL. fAiKY SOAP.
Psr) Bt . CoumMI Tnfr 'Phone T.
Modj Enough to Maet Demands in All
Fundi Except Ona.
Practically All the Appropriation
laed la In KIret Six Months,
While Other Faadi Keep
la Bounds.
City Auditor Evans has Just completed
his report for the first six months of the
fiscal year ending October 15, which shows
the balances In the funds appropriated for
tho maintenance of the several city de
partments for the twelve months. With
the exception o( the streets and alley de
partment, the balances are sufficient to
carry them through to the end of the lineal
year, provided ordinary economy Is exer
cised. - For the police department $14,600 was
appropriated for the year, and of this
amount 17,445.17 has been expended in tho
first six months, leaving $7,064.88 to keep
the department going for the remainder
of the twelve months. Thla, It Is said,
will suffice, unless something unforeseen
happens, when the contingent fund could
probably be drawn upon. The fire depart
ment appropriation la in about the same
condition as that of the police department.
For lis maintenance $17,000 was appro
priated, and of this amount $8,944.67 has
been expended during the first six months,
leaving $8,055.41 to carry the department
through for the balance of the fiscal year.
The fire and police telegraph department j
has expended $1,411.11 of Its $2,000 appro
priation, leaving but $588.89 to maintain It
during the next six months. This, It Is
said, will be sufficient, as there Is no need
of the purchase of any more new material
until next year. The city engineer's de
partment has a balance in Its favor for
the next six months. Of the $4,000 ap
propriated for this department only $1,984.22
has been expended, leaving $2,015.76 for the
balance of the fiscal year.
The' streets and alleys department Is In a
bankrupt condition, and this condition ia
made evident by the filthy state of the
streets. The street sweeper, after being
provided with a new broom, made a tour
of the downtown streets for two nights,
and was then again relegated to the Junk
pile. Part of the refuse swept Into - the
gutters by the machine was hauled away,
but the greater part of It was permitted
to stand until It was scattered over the
streets again. With the ratn the streets
have now - become veritable seas of mud
and slime, In places several Inches deep,
and no attempt has been made by the
street commissioner, owing to ths lack of
funds, to even have the crossings cleaned.
The superficial sweeping given the street
Is now said to have been simply a waste
of money. For the streets and alley de
partment $8,000 was appropriated, and this
entire amount, with the exception of $737.49,
was expended within the first six months,
according to Auditor Evans' report. For
the remainder of the fiscal year the street
will have to go dirty.
The contingent fund 1 In good shape.
Of the $5,440 appropriated only $1,407.44
has been expended, leaving a balance of
$3,031.66 to help the city out in case of
Davis sell glass.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Hold. $41 Broadway.
Held to Be Dsagtrvu la Addltloa
to Afferdlna; Poor Resnlts
Iss MghttnsT.
The accident to Lamp Trimmer Adams,
who dropped nearly ISO feet when the cable
of the elevator on the electrio light tower
at Eighth street and Broadway broke, and
escaped death or serious fnjury, ha given
fresh Impetus to the agitation to have
the light towers dispensed with. Through
out the olty the consensus of opinion is
that the towers should be taken down and
the lights distributed to the best advan
tage. It is a well known fact that the light
towers are a product of bygone days and
In every town which they once furnished
light have been dlsoarded and replaced
by the aro lamp at street Intersections.
They have always been regarded as a con
stant source of danger and the fall of the
one at Eighth street and Broadway some
few years ago, show that they are apt to
collapse at any moment and without warn
ing. The tower at Fourth street and Broad
way, especially ha always been regarded
as dangerous as in the event of It falling
it could ' not fall to cause much damage
and possible loss of life, owing to its pe
culiar location. The same is true of the
tower at Broadway and Fifth street. From
the talk at the city hall yesterday it Is ex
pected that the matter of taking down
the towers and distributing their light
will come before the council Monday night.
City Electrician Bradley In discussing the
question yesterday said: "If the aldermen
ask my advice I shall certainly recommend
that the towers be abolished. They are
out of date and no matter how well they
are looked after they cannot but be sources
of danger to the public. Constant exami
nation of the guy ropes certainly minimises
this danger as far as possible, but one of
these guy ropes Is apt to give way at any
moment and without any warning and then
the stability of the tower Is endangered.
In the case of the Eighth street tower
It was not a guy rope that broke, the main
column of the tower simply snapped oS
about twelve feet from the ground and
the 150 feet of iron work toppled over.
I believe better lighting results can be
obtained by taking ths lamps now on the
towers and distributing them as ths other
street lights are. The city owns two or
three light towers and In case they should
collapse would be responsible for any dam
age they might cause to property or life.
I say, take down the towers as soon a
Aldermen McDonald and Lovett are. la
favor of taking down the tower and several
others have since ths accident to Adams
stated that they would not oppose dispens
ing with the towers If It can be shown
that just as good lighting results could
be obtained by the distribution of 4he
Exclusive of the lights on the courthouse
dome there are nine electric towers, lo
cated aa follows: Broadway and First
ireci. uroaawy and Fourth street, Broad
way and Eighth street. Oakland avenue
Pierce and Little Frank atreeta. Twelfth
avenue and Sixth street. Seventeenth ave
nue and Third street. Fifth avenue and
Twenty-first street. Avenue B snd Twenty
third street.
of MyaterloasOrlgta.
Ths firs department was called yesterday
morning to the residence of Henry Cof
feen at 109 Bcott street. The family was
away sad ths alarm was turned In by
neighbors, who noticed the smoke pouring
from the windows. The blaze was found
to have started In a closet off a bedroom
In which was stowed a quantity of cloth
ing, bedding, books and other articles, all
of which were destroyed. As there had
been no fire In the house for several days,
the origin of the blaie la a mystery. Tho
firemen had to break open the doors to ef
fect an entrance. The building ia owned
by C. A. Coke and the damage to it is esti
mated at about $100, being covered by In
surance. Mr. Coffeen's loss. It la said, ia
also covered by insurance.
Board Decide on Pnrehaae of I.I d Rett
Properly Provided Title la
The establishment of a city isolation hos
pital for female patients is now assured
the Board of County Supervisors having
yeaterday approved of the action of thn
city Board of Health In deciding to pur-
cnaae the Lldgett property for Burn a
purpose. This property was offered to
the city for $1,800 and the supervisors
yeaterday authorized the auditor to draw
a warrant for the purchase price whenever
the county attorney haa decided that, the
title to It Is all right. The cost of the
property will be taxed back on the city.
The board has also decided that It would
take no chances In regard to the care of
smallpox cases throughout the county and
In Instructing the auditor to advertise for
bids from physicians for the pauper practice
ordered that bids be also asked for the
treatment of smallpox rases. Heretofore the
board, having no regular contracts for the
care of such cases, has been compelled
to pay what It considered exorbitant claims
from the physicians or else stand suit in
the courts.
For the last two or three years the con
tract for the building of the county
-bridges has been awarded to C. E. H. Camp
bell of this city without the board ob
taining bids from other contractors. This
led to considerable criticism and yesterday
the auditor waa instmcted to advertise
for bids for such work for the year com
mencing April 6, 1903, when Campbell's
present contract expires. Bids will be re
ceived only from contractors of the state
and no outsiders need apply.
A communication from the city council
directing Supervisor Baker to expend $200
of the road fund collected within the city
limit on the Improvement of Gleaaon ave
nue, was referred to Colonel Baker. The
law provides that the expenditure of the
portion of the county road fund levied
within the municipal limits shall be di
rected by the city council.
Body Awaits Identification.
The body of a 16-year-old boy who died
in St. Bernard's hospital October 27 la
till awaiting Identification at Lunkley'
undertaking rooms. The boy, whose name
I thought to be either Whitney or Wllllts
was brought to the hospital on the evening
of October 17 from a grading camp near
Shelby, on the Great Western, suffering
from acute bronchitis and asthma and was
in a aeml-consclou condition. He died a
few hour after being sdmltted to the hos
pital without regaining consciousness. He
had only been at ths camp few days and
nothing was known about him there, al
though It was thought that he had run
sway from his home In Kansas City. The
boy Is described as having been about 16
year of age, of light complexion, five feet
three Inches In height and weighing 125
pounds. His eyes were light blue or hazel
and his feet were remarkably small for
his weight and his other proportions, fer
he wore a No. 6 shoe.
Special Venire of Jarrmen.
As there ar a number of Jury cases for
trial this term Judge Green of the district
court yeaterday ordered the calling of a
pedal venire to serve on the regular panel.
The regular panel is summoned for next
Monday, but the special venire will not
report until Tuesday. These were drawn
on the special venire: W. S. Cooper. James
Matthai, J. M. Fingler, Charles Nicholson,
George Wise, L. E. Ryan, Peter Raph, Clint
Mercer, H. W. Binder, Henry Bodurtha,
all of Council Bluffs.
The first Jury case assigned for trial Is
that of Chris Peterson against the motor
company In which the plaintiff sues for
$30,000 damages for the loss of both arms
In an accident on the bridge.
Real Estate Transfers.
These trsnsfers were filed yesterday in
the abstract, title and loan office of J. XV.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Benjamin Fremont and wife et al to
dlv of 6, ln 6. Mynster's add. w. d $300
r. J. Hchnorr and wife to John Berthes-
myer, lot 6, block C, Mullln's subdlv.
1- c. d en
Council Bluffs Real Kstate and "l'm-
provement company to F. J. Day. lot
18, block 9, Mornlngalde add, q. c. d.... lo
Total three tranafera jjso
Five Men Bronarht In, feat None of
the t'anal Gamins; Devices
Are Fonnd.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. 14. (Special Tel
egram.) Mayor Caldwell and Chief of Po
llcs Davenport made the first gambling
raid to be made under the new city gam
bling ordinance today. Aa a result Patsy
Magner. Fred Rodda, John Hopkins. Gus
Brown and Elmer Dunning, five of the moat
noted gamblers In the city, are under ar
rest. A search warrant Issued for the
search of the alleged gambling Joint where
the men were supposed to be holding out
failed to reveal anything. The proposed
raid had been talked about since the night
before and the supposition is that the
gamblers got the "tip." The Information
waa sworn out by Sam Marks, a Jewlnh
auctioneer, who claims he was run up
against a brace faro game and mulcted of
$110. The raid and the new gambling ordt
nanos la the reault of the anti-gambling
crusade In Sioux City, to which the re
publican administration pledged Itself be
fore election.
Oreat Western Will ISot Keep Agree,
anent of Mason City Fort
Dodge Hoads.
FORT DODOB, la.. Nov. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Announcement waa made this
morning by T. D. Healy. legal adviser for
the Great Western railroad, that the rail
road positively would not build shops In
Fort Dodge. In spite of the city ordinance
made out to the Mason City A Fort Dodge
railroad providing that it and Its assign
and lessees should keep the main shops
her forever. The Great Western declare
that the economical operation of the road
will not permit of the retention of the
shops at this point. In lieu of shops It
makes a proposition, at the suggestion of
Fort Dodge business men, to build a $100.
000 combination hotel and depot on condi
tion of being freed from the obligation
contained In ths rlty ordinance. The pro
posal has caused a sensation here and
sentiment 1 divided aa to whether to ac
cept the proposal or insist on a literal In
tsrpretailos of ths ordinance.
Walks Away with Valuable Seal Cloak
While Olerk Looki On.
Officials no Hot Know How to Proceed
In e of Walter K. "tone. Ar
rested In Cleveland on a
Chars; of Blaramr.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Nov. 14. (Special.) The
theft of a $250 sealskin woman's coat was
accomplished at noon today by a stranger
in a bold manner, but with cleverness
The stranger, who was well dressed, went
to a department store and looked over the
cloaks. He picked out one worth $250 and
said he thought his wife would like It, that
she was at a hotel and unable to come to
the store, that he would like to take the
cloak to the hotel and have It tried on
and would like It if the clerk could be sent
along to do the fitting. The program was
carried out. but once at) the hotel the
stranger slipped away from the clerk with
the sealskin on his arm and walked out
through the office and Into the street. It
was all done before the clerk could realize
how the game was being played and the
stranger was out of sight In a minute, for
It waa raining and he turned down an al
ley. The man had no room at the hotel,
but had been there previously Bnd said he
would take a room and that his wife would
come back with him. A description ef the
man was given, but he Is not. known here.
Continuing; the I.evleh Trial.
The trial of Harry Levlch continues in
the district court and Is the center of at
traction In the city. The state's witnesses
today took up the circumstances which sur
rounded the murder and testified to various
circumstances leaving an Indication that
Levlch had planned the murder. Wit
nesses testified that Levioh made sundry
threats against Isaac Flnkelsteln, that on
the night in question he borrowed a re
volver at a saloon, that he was seen near
where the murder was committed, that be
was seen with a negro, etc. There was a
great crowd at the hearing and as the
courtroom Is ln an old business block now
used for a temporary courthouse, the Judgo
moved to one of the lower rooms for
safety, stating that be feared, the walls of
the building would give way under the
strain. This announcement came near nre-
clpitating a panic as the crowd started
to leave the room.
Stone Will Answer for Blgsny.
It is expected that Walter E. Stone of
Cleveland, O., will be brought back to Des
Moines next week to answer to accusations
made against him by Miss Alice Donahue,
who lived with him several months and
claims he Imposed a mock; marriage upon
her. He has been arrested in Detroit,
where he bad gone after marrying a
woman in Canada. The woman he married
there was a Miss Van Wagner and she at
first announced her Intention of accom
panying Stone to De Moines to face the
other woman, but It is learned she will
not come. It Is a question puzzling to the
officials to know what to do with the case,
as they feel that they may not be able to
make any charge against Stone, in court.
The only way he can, be prosecuted will be
to accuse him of bigamy on the claim that
his marriage- in Des Moines wss ln fact a
common law marriage."'
Preparing; the Callows.
The execution of Lewis Brook and Al
bert Phillips will occur at the stste peni
tentiary at Anamosa December 18 if noth
ing Interferes therewith. When B. W. Gar
rett, the governor's secretary, was at Ana
mosa this week he met-. Sheriff Parker of
Buena Vista county, who was there getting
ready for the execution.?- The gallows will
be ready In due time. No Interference from
the governor is expected, but the supreme
court may grant a new trial and prevent the
carrying out of the orders of the lower
History of Fraadnleat Preacher,
A letter has been received here from E. P.
Speer, secretary of the board of mission for
the Presbyterian church, in which he give
a full history of Rev. Marcus George Daniel,
who has been lecturing in Iowa churches
and passing t himself off as a reformed
brigand engaged In missionary work and
raising funds for a school ln Syria. Mr.
Speers shows by bis record that Daniel has
been engaged ln a work of deception for a
number of years; that be became engaged
to a young English woman while he had a
wife and family living and obtained a large
amount of money from the English woman's
brother; that his credentials are unreliable;
that he never wn a brigand and that most
of the stories be tells' are fiction.
Bequests of Mrs.' Callanaa.
The report on the estate of Mrs. Martha
C. Callanan has been submitted by the ex
ecutors of her will through her attorney,
C. A. Dudley. As has been previously stated
Mrs. Callanan's bequests were In excess of
what Is contemplated lh the law, which
stipulate that a husband or wife cannot
leave by will more than one-fourth of his
or her property to corporations during the
lifetime of a spouse. Mrs. Callanan's largest
bequests were $20,000 to the Tuskeges In
stitute and $10,000 to the Home for the
Aged, Des Moines. After all debts were
paid It was found that the balance for dis
tribution was $40,448. The tax ferrets re
duced the sum total materially. The un
divided bequests were very much cut also
by the collateral. The Individual bequests
of $1,000 each to Mrs. C. P. Holmes and to
Mrs. Sarah Whitney of Waterloo were re
duced by the payment of taxe to $950 each,
aas rfc..
the "Kingtof.liotttcd r.'f fererry bottle is
ldjblfcc arvd erry,.CorH la-ptalniy brapdod
''Baa' Wefsir, si 'there cin be no sub sYitirte.
AnhetiserBuschBrewing Assn
, St. Leola. U8. A.
Vrevm el 0 sUek sV'Tsm. AahwaertsAaTwsl. PalsLACr,
Fsoatr Exsst't m'.6, RsQutstts, Mtc.'tol.b and Malt-flrtriiu,
All erslsrs promptly flllea by
GEO. KET30, Manajer Aoheuser-Buscli Branch, Omaha, Neb.
Inheritance tax. Tho sum which goes to the
endowment fund of the Home for the Aged
from Mra. Callanan's estate la $3,206.34, In
atead of the $10,000 named ln the will. The
Tuskegce Institute will receive about double
that amount out of a bequest of $30,000. The
latter Institution when asked If It would
contest the will replied that It would not.
geek to Hold Telegraph Company Rf
sponsible for Forged Signature
to a Telegram.
SIOVX CITY. Ia., Nov. 14. (Special Tel
egram.) Whether or not a telegraph com
pany can be held liable for the conse
quences In tranamlttlng a bogus message
Is a question Involved In a case which Is
to be tried before Judge Shlraa at Fort
Dodge tomorrow. Senator Hubbard of Sioux
City will defend the Western L'nlon In the
case and the firm of Shaw, Sims & Kuchnle
of Denieon, of which the secretary of the
treasury, L. M. Shaw, Is a member, will
represent Schrelver Bros, of Denlson, the
plaintiffs In the rase. E. S. Barnes, now
serving a term In tho penitentiary, forged
the name of the Bank of Brltt to insure
the negotiation of some paper and now
the firm sues for $8,000. Barnes tele
phoned bis messsge to the company. If
Judge Shlraa sustains the contention It
will probably result ln a wholesale order
forbidding tho receipt of messages by tele
graph operators over the telephone.
Honse Tumbles Into a Cellar li
Which Six Men Were
CRESTON, Ia., Nov. 14. (Special,) Six
workmen had a miraculous escape from
death yeaterday while engaged in excavat
ing a cellar under the house of County
Clerk Hicks. A. C. Drew and five workmen
had made the excavation and had the house
put up on piles about six Inches above the
ground. In some manner It slipped to the
north and fell Into the hole made for the
cellar, catching all the men underneath.
The houee lacked only about six Inches
of coming to the bottom of the hole and
the men crawled from this unhurt, except
Mr. Drew, who waa caught between the
house and the embankment and slightly
bruised. The house was badly sprung and
many windows broken.
Waterloo to Get New Factories.
WATERLOO, Ia.. Nov. 14. (Special.)
The chamber of commerce has closed
contract with the J. S. Kemp Manufactur
ing company of Newark, N. J., to locate
its factory ln this city. The new firm will
combine with two local firms, the Davis
Gasoline Engine works and the Waterloo
Gasoline Engine company. . In addition to
this three other large factories are booked
for this city, making new Industrie with
a combine capital amounting to $500,000,
and employing 300 skilled workmen. Most
of the men are married, which will swell
the population of this city by several hun
dred. It was a great piece of work on the
part of the local business organization.
Bonuses will be given all the concerns and
the money will be raised by the sale of
lots, platted from land, which will be bought
a mile from the city.
Starting- la on Second Crop.
CRESTON. Ia,. Nov. 14. (Special.) The
weather has been exceedingly warm for
this season of the year and with Its warm
rains has caused many curious freaks of
nature. In Creston garden truck has begun
to make a recent growth, raspberries have
blossomed out and berries formed, wild
flowers peculiar to spring are blooming
again and one man report a few ripe
strawberries of the recent crop. In fact
up till last night when It turned much
colder, the weather has very much resem
bled spring.
Fight May Result Fatally.
SIOUX CITY, Ia., Nov. 14. (Special Tel
egram.)-i-Pearl'Antrlm, a barber, was serl
oualy stabbed In a fight at the home of his
mother on Fourth street early this morn
ing by William Donobue, an employe of
me ludanu Packing company. Donohue
ran a pocklt knife Into him three times,
one of the Juts being Just below the heart.
Antrim's condition is critical and he may
aie. Donohue was arrested and released this
afternoon under $1,000 bonds. The fight
was caused over a matter of room rent.
Fort Dodge Captures Blar Thins;.
FORT DODGE. Ia., Nov. 14. (8peclal Tel
egram.) Fort Dodge Is to be made a main
distributing point for the Barber Asphalt
company, which will erect a plant contain
ing machinery worth not less than $50,000
at this point next spring and will manu
facture crude material and' ship it from
this point. The asphalt company has been
donated a site for a period of twenty
years, free of charge, by the Oleson Land
company of this city.
Preacher Makes Counter Charge,
ONAWA, Ia., Nov. 14. (Speciat Tele
gram.) In the Monona county district court
today motions for a continuance were filed
In the caaes of the 8tate againat Rev. C. B.
McKay, ln which some very sensational al
legations are made against Will and George
Kraft, brothers of Ida and Clara Kraft, and
asking that the caaes be continued until
next term so that witnesses can appear.
Iowa State Xews Notes.
All the Bioux City bakeries have been
merged In one combine and will sell three
loaves for 10 cents.
Creston is to be made the New Jerusalem
of a rellglo-temperance church organised on
the plan of a secret order.
Sioux City has Just been provided with a
city directory population of The fed
eral census of 1900 gives It 83,100.
Country school teachers are so scarce ln
Iowa that ln Webster county alone there
are ten schools which cannot be supplied.
The Department of Agriculture Is Inau
gurating an elaborate system for measuring
the flow of water ln the Iowa rivers, but
the work has no relation to the prohibition
third party ln that state.
liar l&&$t alt,
mportbd Haps,
Pgvfact Ye&st,
Filtered Water,
Tklb tTOBobinetitm makes
1,1 iM-JrssnBSB
brings business profit
through good
Sweet, crlss flakes sf wheat
an 4 xnalL
Fer tKe Ms WKa Works.
" Tnt the man who works it has no
eqtuil. I gainrd eight ppond In two
mouth. I gem Utt ef eating 'Fores.'
"OSAS.T. Losas.m
Ton will not more then. If 700 dont rouse yourself
now yon will probably continue to put up with the same
Inconveniences for the next six years.
Do they keep your office clean? Your window-? The
halla? The levator? Is the building a Are trap? Have
they an Hevator that runs once aa hour on weok days and
nqt at all nights or on Sundays? Is your office hot in sum
mer and cold in winter? Any other troubles?
The cure for all these ills is an office in
The Bee Building.
R. C. PETERS 6t CO.. Rental Agents.
Ground Floorv
The men who have made the greatest
success in farming, in breeding, in fruit
growing in every branch of agriculture,
are the writers for
Among those whose articles will appear
during the next few months are:
James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture; F. D.
Coburn, Secretary Kansas State Board of Agri
culture; Prof. C. F. Curtiss, Iowa Agricultural
College; B. O. Aylesworth, President Colorado
Agricultural College; Col. F. M. Woods, the
noted live stock auctioneer; Chas. E. Bessey, the
great botanist; John Gosling, the noted beef ex
pert; Frederick W. Taylor, Director of Agricul
ture at St. Louis World's Fair, and many other
well known men, whose ideas are worth dollars
to every progressive farmer and stock raiser.
Writ for free booklet and sample copy. Price, $1.00 per year.
Farnau Bt., Omaha, Neb.
We want ex good ogent at every post office.
U Ory. streaked or BlMched. tt ess b.
restores to an beautiful eotorbr
The Imperial Hair Regenerator
Um aoknowlc4a STANDARD HAIB
oalon km (lnnh i Mil KnnMM It .m
ottuaol bo dntoolMl. Bunyl of Mr oolorod
.Vil tros. OorrMDondeno confidential.
Imperial Chemical .Jo.. 136 W. 21 St.. N. Y.
bum by bherman Ac Mi'Connell Drag Co.,
Oinuha, Neo.
Deputy Stats Tstarroastaa
Food Xnspsotor.
Does and Xnflrtoarjr, ata ana Masaa Cta,
Omaha. Neb. Telephone 63S.
Trsats all forms so?
- IT Tsars fixperisnoa,
IT Years In Crnabs.
His resnarhabts suo
oms haa never beea
equaled and .very
.r brlnss muf flattsr
Ins rsierts of the goos as is ooic, or mm
lief he
has lveru
Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAK WJ
OUT" on lb skin or faos and all eztersai
signs of the disease dlaappear at onoe.
uvtK ao.uoJ zriA'Lrzi
uuwii oiechsraee. SUluture,
Uleet. K.lduey and Bladder Ulsssaes, kit-
Treatment by mU. f. O. toox lei. C-doe
ver iXt A. J4Uk sueet. between JTaxuAia a
wujiiea slreets, VAIAWA, J-.,
Jim Dump at work so fiercely
That e'en the office bey was
j The force, at loss to see tho
So out of sorts, was also cross.
Now sunshine fills the force
with Tim,
For " Force "
" Sunny Jim."
Basdy - to - Berve Cereal
Charter OakSiovesRanseGa
Vi ouiou. U10 growth of the fcalr and
giro it ths lustre sod bnicl&easof lonlb.
When taa balr la (rray or tuftA It
It prevents DandrufX and batr failllng
and keeps Ow scalp clean and healthr.
J. P.
Tboss suffering from weak
nesses which sep the pltaeurcs
of life should take s dollar bot
tleof Juvea FUls. One bottle
will tell s story of marvelous results sue)
create (irufound wonder. This niedlelne ttas
more rejuvenating, vitalising fuaoe than bus
ever been offered, rient by mail in jilain
package ouly 00 receipt of this adv. au) It. 1$
TliU ia 5 worth of niedlelne for one dollar.
Made by lta originators CI. L Hood Co.. pro
srletore Hood's bereeparllla. Lowell. Mesa
has rallied tJ
99 B
(I I 1